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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1987
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r /1 y I _.I `ENlRGY AND Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 'Whoa prams crenate stLec, w0AMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON 1991 JUL -1 Ana: 5b, 1987 %X.t,~ Dear Colleague: I will soon be introducing the enclosed bill, which would require that any U.S. government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola be openly acknowledged and publicly debated. The bill is identical to legislation that Senators Mathias, Leahy, and I submitted last year. But the need for it is now more urgent than ever. This bill would set forth a procedure by which open acknowledgement and public debate on the entire question of U.S. policy toward Angola could take. place. In order to provide paramilitary support to Angolan insurgents, the President would have to determine that it is important to the national security and request the House and Senate to approve his request. Support could be provided only if the Congress approved it through a joint resolution, which could be appended to other legislation. This bill neither prohibits nor endorses U.S. assistance tc insurgent forces in AnEcla. It simply enr.ures that tLi, important issue for U.S. policy in southern Africa would receive the comprehensive public consideration it deserves. Over the next days and months, the Senate will be presented with various legislative initiatives that would further involve us in Angola. We should not be voting on these bills and amendments in a vacuum before we have defined our objectives in Angola, the costs, risks, and benefits of such involvement, and the degree of Congressional and public support. As we noted last year, the Senate still has not decided whether or not the US should actively take sides in the Angola conflict. Nor has it made clear what our aims should be if we do. What & our aims in Angola? Should we take sides in the Angolan civil war? Does assistance to UNITA serve U.S. interests in promoting national reconciliation and peaceful change toward democracy in the region? How should the U.S. deal with the MPLA in Luanda, a regime we have not recognized over the last decade? What about U.S. business in Angola? What are Soviet and Cuban interests in Angola? To the extent that they seek to impose a military solution to the problems of the region, how can they best be countered? These are but some of the questions that deserve thoughtful and thorough debate. 731 MAR' BUILDING I.O. BOX 1720 I GREENTREE CENTRE SUITE 303 We.SNiNGt0N DC 20510 UNION. NJ 07083 ROUTE 73 (202) 224-3224 (201) 688-0960 MARLTON. NJ 08053 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 Dear Colleague Page Twc I invite you to consider cosponsoring this bill in order to stimulate the open and considered debate that our policy Susan orGina inDespres or dicate your detailscontact toward Angola eforsfurtherPlease Johnson (x4-32d24) interest in becoming a cosponsor. Sincerely, / L- Bill Bradley Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 BRADLEY S. (Nn. --1111 1...11 ma..l hI, . n.r.l.l 11.0.. pwrl.Lv1 for Um d?Ir, uuu.- Ler, and reference of bill.) IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES jJoi.nL ly Introduced the following bill; which was read twice and refe>leecVto the Conunitleo on _?_ _ __._ Foreign Relations and the Select Committee on Intelligence. A BILL To require that any United States Government support for 111 i I i.t.a ry or paramilitary operations in Angola be openly acknowledged and publicly debated. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DECLARA'T'ION TIIA'C ANY SUPPORT FOR MILITARY OR PAI:A- MII.ITAItY OPERATIONS IN ANGOLA SHOULD -11M, OVENLY ACKNOWLEDGED AND PUBLICLY DEBATED. The Congress finds that the United States Government should support military or paramilitary operations in Angola only if the provision of that support is the openly acknowledged policy of the United States. It is, therefore, the sense of the Congress that the United States Government should not provide any such support until the President has publicly informed the Congress and the American people that United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola is important to the national security and the Congress has approved such support. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 Al~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 SECTION 2. ENSURING TI?IAT SUPPORT IS OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGED. (a) ANY SUPPORT MUST BE OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGED.-During fiscal years 1986 and 1987, a department, agency or other instrumentality of the United States Covcrnmcnt may ulml igaty or expend funds-- (1) to conduct, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Angola, or (2) to provide any financial, immaterial, or other assistance, directly or indirectly, to any group engaged in military or paramilitary operations in Angola, only if the use of funds for that purpose is the openly ucknowlcdgcd policy of the United States Government, as determined in accordance with subsection (b). (b) PIZLSIUI:NT1AL ItliQUI:ST AND CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.- In order to ensure that any United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola is openly acknowledged, funds may be used for the purposes described in subsection (a) only if-- (1) the' President determines that United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola is important to the national security and submits to the Speaker of the Mouse of Representative and the President of the Senate a request that the Congress approve openly acknowledged United States Government support for those operations; and (2) the Congress enacts a joint resolution approving United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola. Any such support may be provided only to the extent permitted by that joint resolution. (c) INTERPRETATION OF LIMITATION.--Nothing in this section should be construed to prohibit the obligation or expenditure of funds for-- (1) United States diplomatic activities; (2) activities of the United States Armed Forccs which are reported to the Congress pursuant to section 4(a) of the War Powers Resolution; or Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90MOO004ROO0800040030-3 (3) assistance provided through the United Nations Iligh Commissioner for Refugees or the lntcrnili.uii;j I Committee of.the Red Cross. (d) RLLATIONSII I P WITII OTIIUR LAWS.-The redo i remeis t s o l' this section may not be waived under the authority of any other provision of law. This section supercedes any provisions of law which might otherwise be construed to allow funds to be used for the purposes described in subsection (a). Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP90M00004R000800040030-3