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Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000400140007-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 25X1X S-E-C-R-F-T NOPORN/CONTINUED CONTROL 25X1 A COUNTRY Italy SUBJECT Evaluations of the PSI Congress the MAS. and PRI, 25X1A DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED by This material contains information wil'eetI the Its- tionai Defense of the United Otates within the mean- ing of the Espionage laws. Title Ig. V.1.C. sea. 7113 and M. the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an uncut adved pereoti Is Prohibited by law. REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. June 1955 NO. OF PAGES 2 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) There are available from the CIA.'Library photocopies of the following three untranslated Italian reports which deal with considerations on and evaluations of the Thirty.-First'National Congress of the Partito Socialista Italian (PSI;, Italian Socialist Party) which was held in Turin from 31 March to 3 April 1955t a,. Attachment A is a two page report received on 21 April; it gives an evaluation of the PSI Congress by the Partito Repubbliceno Italian (PRI; Italian Republican Party). In the opinion of the PRI, three of the most positive indications that the Congress represented some pro.. gross toward the liberation of Italian Socialism from Communism were the acceptance of the Western alliances, the acceptance of the Vanoni Plan as a basis for social democratic policy, and independence from the Communist Party in the electoral. campaign. The FRI.feels, however, that the policy of the PSI citinues to be to the advantage-of the Communists and therefore no opening to the Left0is possible at this time* be, Attachment B is a five-page evaluation-of the PSI Congress by leaders of the Movimento di Autonomic Socialists. (MAS; Movement of'Socialist Autonomy) which was:;'rmceived on 26 April 1955. The MAS leaders be- lieve that the objecti'b ,';,raised by members of the Partito Social- ista Democratico Italiano'(PSDI; Italian Democratic Socialist Party) to the results of the PSI Congress are a clear indication that the PSI did not limit itself to an attempt to set forth a socialist philosophy, as the other leading political parties had expected it to do, It tried, as have other parties t-ri.th no success, to solve the problem of the "democratic alternative"i i.e., the problem of following a socialist policy within the framework of a democratic government. What is needed, claim MAS leaders, is a rapprochement between the militants and the political leadership within the PSI so that the Party can act as a unified group. ~. S-8-C- -T, NOFCRN/CC*'TINUED CONTROL STATE ;r' I ARMY NAVY AIR I XT FBI, AEC (NOTEt Wo.M.glee 400bw..u Mdkeled by "X"i Field didrlbufen by "#"?) Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000400140007-1 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000400140007-1 S.4_C-R..E-T NOFCRN/CONTINUED CONTROL 25X1A o.; Attachment C is a four-page report dated 3 May 1955 and entitled "Considerations on the PSI Congress Held Recently in Turin". It states that PSI leader Pietro Nenni, and PSI Senator Rodolfo Mo- randi clearly gave the Impression at the Congress that they favor the Christian Democratic elements who advocate an'bpening to the Left: They were both opposed to the suggestion made by PSI Deputy and Vice-President of the Chamber of the Deputies., Ferdinando Tar- getti,, to introduce an anti-clerical motion. Photocopies of attachments available from CIA Library. Distribution of Attachmentst OCD State t Loan Return to originating office. LIBRARY SUS CT & AREA CODES s-Oz-O 6/55 (to) 113..141 19M 1.13.91 19M 113.26 19M 113.q 19M S-E_C-B-E-T NOFCRN/CONTINUED CONTROL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000400140007-1