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April 4, 1986
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DDA 86-0675
4 April 1986
2 A11
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence / Q )
FROM: Richard J. Kerr
Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT: Weekly Report for Period Ending 4 April 1986
1. The Office of Personnel ((P) reports that the individualized 'Personal
Statement of Benefits' distributed last week has been an overwhelming success
with Agency employees. The telephones have been lighting up all week with
calls from employees expressing their appreciation for the personalized
information provided in the statements. A comment often received has been
that the individuals really had no idea of the extent of their coverages and
that the individual attention is indeed something special.
2. The total number of applicants in process is at an all-time high,
today compared tc[=at this same time last year. The flow of new
Officer/Technical applicant files also is up this year by 44% ~~ compared
to ~ thropah the end of ch 1985. In addition, Officer/Technical EOD's
are up by 20$- With 26 weeks remaining in the fiscal year,
the number of EOD's required to reach ceiling is L_1 less than what was
required at the same point in FY 1985.
3. During this past week, 142 additional responses to the 16 March
Washington Post ad aimed at teachers were received, bringing the total
received to date to 280. Several Agency components have contacted OP to
express interest in reviewing appropriate candidates for possible sponsorship
for the Career Training Program or as DO direct hires, and to provide more
specific guidance concerning their criteria and requirements. A similar ad
targeted at the legal profession will appear in the 7 April issue of The Legal
4. The October experiment in the Southwest with 300 radio spot
announcements as a recruiting device was not productive. These ads, narrated
in both Spanish and English, did produce 290 responses, but only four
candidates were considered qualified for employment. Two of the four dropped
out in the security/medical processing leaving two active cases, not much of a
return on an investment of $19K and much recruiter time.
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5. A Federal court ruled that the SES pay cap during fiscal years 1980,
1981 and part of 1982 was improperly set at the EP-5 level ($50,112.50) when
it should have been set at the EP-4 level ($52,750). Because this pay cap
affected SIS officers during those years, the DCI approved extending this
back-payment entitlement to affected Agency SIS officers. OP has been working
closely with the office of Finance (OF) to effect these back-payments as
rapidly as possible, and as a result, the back-payments were paid to most
on-duty SIS officers in their 28 March pay checks. This fast implementation
is an excellent example of our being administratively ahead of other Federal
agencies. The Office of Personnel Management will not be giving the back
payments to on-duty SES officers until mid- to late-April.
6. The Office of Medical Services (OMS) completed a study at the request
of NE Division that was a review of casualty rates (specifically the
killed-to-wounded ratio) in modern combat. The results will be used to assist
in the determination of probable Soviet attrition rates in Afghanistan.
9. OF received a memorandum from the Department of the Army, indicating
that a review of billings to the Agency for equipment and sources had recently
been completed. DOA and the Military District of Washington Finance Office
jointly audited these records and indicated that billings are paid promptly
and outstanding items are at the 'lowest level ever (representing less than 1
day's business).'
10. As a result of the Libyan terrorist threat throughout the world, the
Office of Security (OS) has been placed on Alert Condition Yellow, the
heightened security precaution designed to augment current procedures.
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11. OS has been requested by the Department of State (DOS) to participate
in their Security Support Team (SST) effort. The SST is a reactivation of the
Emergency Response Team (ERT) originally designed to respond to crisis
situations overseas. The SST is preparing for a possible overseas emergency
as a result of the Libyan threat. OS has designated a primary and alternate
officer to participate in this program. A Memorandum of Understanding is
being prepared for signature by the two agencies to facilitate proper planning
and to permit a quick departure from CONUS.
12. Representatives from OS participated in an emergency meeting of the
Overseas Security Policy Group at DOS on 27 March. The meeting provided an
update on the Libyan threat to overseas diplomatic installations and
personnel. Additional discussions included procedures implemented by the
Diplomatic Security Service to counter the threat.
14. Personnel from the office of Information Technology (OIT) and the OS
met with the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) to brief on the various
types of available communications equipment. WHCA wishes to upgrade
communications services between WHCA and the Agency, as well as WHCA and the
Department of State. WHCA will be presenting a proposal to the Agency.
15. The Office of Training and Education (OTE) hosted managers and
instructors of secretarial training from the National Security Agency (NSA),
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Foreign Service Institute
(PSI) at Headquarters on 26 March. Each agency briefed on its own secretarial
training program. There were several items of interest. Both NSA's and FSI's
courses are college accredited. The shorthand issue is a problem common to
all three agencies, and there is a great disparity in clerical hiring grades
among the agencies. The day-long meeting proved so mutually beneficial that
participants agreed to hold periodic meetings to exchange information. The
PSI will host the next meeting.
16. The Soviet Realities Institute's Soviet Military Policy and Programs
series opened at the Headquarters Building on 28 March, with 24
directorate-selected students enrolled. Course director Howard Stoertz,
former NIO for Strategic Forces, described the three major issues the course
will examine: Soviet military doctrine and postwar performance; strategy and
capabilities in different areas; and current issues such as denial and
deception, the space program, and arms control policy. After a discussion of
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recent developments--as reflected in the Defense Department's publication
entitled Soviet Military Power--the session ended with a lively exchange on
Soviet power projection in the Third World. The next meeting of the course
will be on 4 April.
17. The Office of Logistics (OL) used its new six-color press to produce
an embellished reprint of 'Washington's Best Employers.' The highly
complimentary article appeared in the February 1986 issue of The Washingtonian
magazine. At the request of OP, OL is producing 5,000 copies of a two-page
brochure that begins with the February cover from The Washingtonian, is
followed by the cover from the Agency's Professional Career Appointment
brochure, and concludes with the reprinted article. This high-quality
publication will epitomize the Agency's endeavor toward excellence.
18. OL representatives briefed transportation specialists from the staffs
of Congressman Frank Wolf, Senator John Warner, and Senator Paul Trible on
planned roadway improvements for Routes 123 and 193. The briefings were well
received with each congressional staffer agreeing that the Agency was doing
everything within reason to accommodate concerns expressed by nearby
residents. All were invited to attend the next meeting of the Agency's
Traffic Advisory Committee now scheduled for 14 April. Formal notifications
for this meeting have been mailed.
is ar q.jKerr
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pj:4 April 86
1 - Ea. DA OD
I - DDA Subj
1 - EO Subj
1 - OCA
(via AIM/Wang)
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