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COUNTRY Albania SUB JECT 113111.MAIMII Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27 : CIA-RDP80-00809A0100500440189-2 I U.S. cc Offic ials Only NFTVIvIk!mr., CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Elementary Education/Example of 7-Vjecare Break!) Nadia, Shkoder the Shkolla THIS 00CuldENT CONTAIN, IhrOAMATION AIrECTINO TS& NATIONAL O(1155( I , Or THE 4NITA0 IS. silo.. THE lllll MG OP TIT .I IS, SEPTIONS TIT AND TAA. Or THE u.S. COO,. Al AUCNOtl. ITS T. 001.11$TI0M Oh SIC. LATIN.. Or ITS CONITIMTS TO O. .[CII/T .v AN IAA T110.1rID 01520k II Pmmi T. r IT1 ro. ??? ? m , ? THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR.30 NO. OF PAGES NO, OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. the .Shkolla TAjecare Branke koala Wank? Nadia 7-Year Elementary School), Shkoder. ce....milCulsorEdu?nemet "The Albanian Kj Popullor (People's Assembly) passed a law in 1946 vhereby all children, male and female, vho have reached the age of seven must attend elementary school. School Year "The school year parte (tremujore runs from i. beptember to 31 May. It is divided into three jut Tremujore - 1 September through 25 November, follow9d by flftre days' leave for all pupils. 2nd Tremujore - 1 December throui 25 February, followed by five days' leave for all pupils. : 3rd Tremujore - lblarch through 3 May, followed by the summer vacation. "Registration for the new school year takes place 1501 August. The diploma : from the previous year must be preeented. The registration fee of 20 lek per child. canno/i. be applie toward the price of textbooks. U.S. Of iclalle Only CONF DENT1AL AIR ,Thls report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director fir the Office of Colleztion and Dissemination, CIA. 50)(1 -HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 COHFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 5. "At the end of each tremujore, all elementary school teachera of a region" must attend a special meeting at the Sek Arsimit - Komitati Ekz K P Rrethit- Shkoder (Education Section of the People's Board of that region), which has offices on Rr Hasaalliza in Shkoder. The teaching results are analyzed and improvements recommeaded. 6. "The official aeho,)1 holidays fall on: 8 November Anniversary of the Partis Punes Shcliprise (Albanian Lab Party) (the CP of the country). 29 November Anniversary of the Liberation of Albania 25 December - Christmas 1 January - New Year's 11 January - National Holiday of the Albanian People's RepUblic 23 February - Red Army Day 25 April. - Easter 2riOt stated whether this holiday fleriblil I May Labor Day Shkolla 7-V_jecare Prank? Huila Shkoder 7. "The Branko Kadia 7-Year Elementary School in Shkoder is located on Br Hoz* (formerly Rn Kiraj), Lagja Hattan Riza. It has occupied a former private house since 1946. 8. "Teaching personnsl in autumn .l952 ? (a) Won Pali - Director. Enver (b) Zef Mieda - Teacher of Class i. , ? 1 (z) Zia Kukuqani - Teacher of Claes?JI. (4) Khrevat.Kuktutani - Teacher of Class III i ? 9. "The School had 131 pupils in 1952. They were divided as. follow:- Class I - 25 pupils Class II - 28 punils - 40 pupils Claes IV - 38 pupils 10. "The.,thool hourc for the first three Ciabr,e1; are Monday through Saturday: 8 AM to 12f30 PM. The hours for Class 11 are five hcarz a da:,, four days a'week plus four hours on each of themther:tWO days) 4Q 28 hours a weak. Weekly Curriculum 11. 'Class I: Class II: Abetare (The Alphabet) - 6 hours Arithmetik (Arithmetic) - 6 " Ushtrimg Tfolucit (Conversation) - 4 "hours Vizatim Laraving) . - 4 hours ?-'-GjYaiiitstikleyinnastics) 7 1 hour . ? Kange (11nging) - 1 hour Bukurshk= (Writing) - 4 hours Kandla (Reeding) 6 hours Aithmetik 6 CONFIDEMTIAL/W OVFICIAL:!, ONLY 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 1 1 "Oleos II continued: CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Bukursb,krisi :;,,.!n-4.teurs H Vizatin! . !;-? '2. ". Kange ! - Pune Uore!(crafts). .2 hours. Gjymnastik - 1 hour sIll:'Kendim - 6 hours Arithmetik - 6 4 Diktat (Dictation). - 2' hours Bukurshkriin . - 4, " Shkrim Copesh (irensnription),- Thatim - 1 hour Kange - 1 hour Abmmastik n lAulur , Ksuidim * . . 6.toura. Arithmetik - 6 " Hiatori (History) - 3 " GJPgrat4-. , ?Main Natyre (ilature]. Science) - 2 . Diktat - 2 hours Bukurshicrin: .3. ? ? Vitetim . - 1 hour Knnge - 1 " Gjymeastik 1 " Tf4tbsoks and School Supplies 112. "Texpmaks ad school.suppliee!.are.ftupplied to the Shkolla 7-Vjecare Branko Kedie by the Libreria Popullore (People's Library), Br Rust Nalte, Shkoder. At theheginning of the school year. the Director filets a request?wite./. e: Arsimit.etthe People-'s Hoard of _Shkoder. The .body.issues.extattheri-r zationfQr the.Directqr to 001/04% the necesaary textbooks and school eupplies 1 at the Libreria Popullore. A teacher collects them. When school opens the tehchers hand out.these:books and supplieci.for, which ha I, 1 EiChpupil is entitled to a full .set of books for 'his clams year. slus.vi copybookex six arithmetic. cepyb000kel two drawing books, two pencils, one 1 eraser, ink, penholder and nibs. A pupil may buy freely at the Libreria 1 Popul,bare,,without authorization, any. other, supplies he MaY.needr:The ! telia7tb040 iesued.mey behewor secondhand. At thp end,:of.a sohOolymer pupils Are roquirsd to hand in, without reimbursement, all'tssZbooka.they were isaued for that year. 13. "Prices:. 1 Class, I : Abetere'textbook - 10 lek Arithmetik textbook- 10 " (The prices of school Vizatim copybook 5 supplies are the some Fletore,copybook 3 " for all classes) Kalem (pencil) 15 " each Game .(eraser) 5 '.' each ;. 3 hours I 1101tre ? , el s' III: Class, IV: i !!! .!, I ! ?Kendim. textbook ! 15.1.ek. Arithmetik textbook- 10 " Kendim textbook - 20 lek Arithmptik textbook- 20 ' Kendim textbookb -40 lek Arithmatik textbook- 20 .-" Hieterti.seditHdok. 2g Gjografi textboOk - 20 Neimlatyre text . 26;16uvsLiweCls. I 1Zowninations ! 14. "Onk' y the pupils in Class IV are examined at the end of the year. The GUREIDINTILLAMQ2L..0X1," 50X1-HUM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/27 CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2 commesTIAL OFFICIALS -4- OBLY . I , examinations last 20 May through 5 June.- 'The Sek Arsimit of the region appoints a special examining commission consisting of: , . 1 , , Three elementary schoolteachers from anotner school in the regioni, Director of the school concerned; 1! Teacher of Class IV of the school. Administration 15. "At the Shkolla 7-Vjecare Branko.Khdia a EiAgajtpAmika (Teachers' Board), consisting of the teachers and the director, meets once& Month to discuss the results of each pupil and the performance of each teacher. Autokritik (Self-criticiam)is encouraged. lath teacher has a Pian-Konspekt , , (Work Plan) which must be followed. ; 1 1 , 1 . ' . "A Xahilli Prinder(Parents' Board) meets every month after the teachers' meeting. The beard consists ofsix-parents of pupils in the school and the school director. ?7 The Parents' Board checks on the pupils' records and attendance and helps the school, materially. It does not supply firewood to this particular school; that la supplied by the Sok Arsimit of the regional People's Board. 17. "The minutes Of the monthly meetings of both beards are recorded in * Proces.Verbal and signed by .all participante. T originals are fo#arded to the'SekArsiMit'of-theregional People's Board. 1 The carbons are kept in the echool files, for.periodinepectien by education inepectorm,frevtbe Sek Arsimit. - 1 . "Olt ultimate administrative authority reatit with the Sek.Arsiedi-ofLthe Executive Committee of the pepple's Board.. the region.; The PerailegOse .(Director). of the. Education Section !orShkoderin11952.wee Ham& 11441bA. .fsmale gymnasium teacher. 1 Teachers' ' , r 19. "AccordiigTto a 1949 deciaion of the Kuvendi POpiellor, elementary,aohnol- teachers must perform the work assigned to them by the Sek Arsimit of the People's Board to which they are responsible. Apart from thelstraight teaching, each teacher must study the Soviet method of pedagogics. That method-proceeds from the general to the specific; more prociselylfrom the large Soviet pattern to the local Albanian example Each school has a textbook -on Soviet pedagogics. Those elementary schoolteachers who have not completed. the special two-year course on this method of teaching must stand examination at the end of two consecutive school years before a special board at the Sek Arsimit of their People's Board, 20. "Teachers must compile daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly Plan Konspekt I (Work Plans). 21. "Every teacher is ,entitled to two months' paid leave per year, durie/ the glummer. ? 22. ."Teachere are Paid a. monthly gra4ri of 3400-5000 lea. Pay day fells on the let and the 16th of the month. The money is paid by the SekArsimit ' of the responsible People's Board", ? coarmarzuftai 01727sTALS CeUX 50X1 -HUM 50X1-H UM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM in Dar!. - aniti7ed CODV Approved for Release 2013/03/27 CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440189-2