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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 1 April 1986 DDA 86-0636 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services Director of Logistics Director of Personnel Director of Security Director of Training and Education Executive Officer to the DDA SUBJECT: DA New Communications Services, FY1988 through FY1992 REFERENCES: A. DD/A 85-3990/1, dated 21 November 1985, Same Subject B. OC-1016-85, dated 30 October 1985, Same Subject 1. Attached are the cost estimates for new communications services which your office identified for domestic activities. The costing figures are submitted for use in preparing the Directorate of Administration (DA) FY1988 through FY1992 budget. 2. The 1988 Program and Budget Call Instructions require that a TAB 13 (Communications Services-New Requirements) be submitted with your Office 1988 Program submission. Requests for communications services in FY1986 and FY1987 and which are currently funded in the FY1986 and FY1987 budgets are to be reflected in TAB 13. Services requested in FY1988 should be reflected in TAB 13 if funding is provided in your base level or an ongoing program and/or if your office has an approved :iew initiative entering the 1988 program. Communication services due in FY1989 and beyond should be considered for funding when your 1989 Program is formulated, circa January 1987. In essence, only reflect those requirements in TAB 13 for which funds are included in the 1986, 1987 and 1988 office budgets. Naturally, communication services requirements which are not included in the budget become unfunded. Please ensure this memorandum is brought to the attention of your Plans and Budget personnel as soon as possible. 3. The Office of Communications (OC) will continue to track FY1988 through FY1992 New Communications Services for both OC and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) through the bud et process for D1 nning purposes. Please direct any questions to IC-MPS, secure cc: D/OIT D/OC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88GO1332R001001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 ORIGI rDA/Plans:jall I (1 April 1986) DISTRIBUTION: Original - D/OIS w/atts 1 - D/OL w/atts 1 - D/OP w/atts 1 - D/OS w/atts 1 - D/OTE w/atts 1 - D/OIT w/o acts 1 - C/oc /c acts 1 - DDA Subject w/atts 1 - DDA Chrono w/o atts 1 - EXO/Chrono w/o atts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Iq Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE Ot7L't OIS 85-582 5 December 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: DA Management Staff FROM: SUBJECT: Director ot information Services New Communications Services Requirements FY 1988 Through FY 1992 REFERENCES: A. DDA memo dtd 21 Nov 85, Same Subject (DDA 85-3990/1) B. OIS memo dtd 5 Dec 84, Subj: New Communications Services Requirements FY 1987 Through FY 1991 (0IS 84-620) This memorandum responds to the request in reference A for the identification of new communications services for the five year period of FY 1988 through FY 1992. As discussed with a member of the DA Management Staff, the three OIS requirements provided last year in reference B remain the same except as provided in the following: 1. Local Area Network (LAN): The initial testing associated with the Information Management for Office Automation initiative is now scheduled for FY 88 instead of 87. FOC is scheduled for FY 89. Based on the assumption OIS would be relocated to the new building, OC stated in their memorandum of 10 January 1985 (OC-3201) that the LAN would be provided at no cost to OIS. Since that time, however, we have received word that the point of relocation for OIS is undetermined. 2. High Bandwidth Fiber Optics: OC also stated in their 10 January memorandum that this communication capability for the Officially Released Information System (ORIS) would be provided at no cost to OIS. Again, this was based on the assumption OIS would be relocated to the new building. Because of the high costs associated with fiber optics, ORIS as an Agency-wide system may be impractical for the foreseeable future should OIS be relocated to an outlying building. In that event, this requirement may be dropped or severely curtailed. 3. Communications Between Headquarters and the Agency Archives and Records Center: No change. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 2 1 NOV 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Finance Director of Information Services Director of Logistics Director of Medical Services Director of Personnel Director of Security Director of Training and Education FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: New Communications Services Requirements FY 1988 through FY 1992 1ft The annual request from the Director of Communications (D/00) for requirements for new communications services is attached. Please follow the instructions in the memorandum and submit your requirements to the DA/Management Staff by 6 December 1985. If there are any questions please cal at the number provided in 0C's memorandum. Harry E. Fitzwate cc: D/OC 0/OIT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY erector of Information Services S December 1984 btEIl0RAND(AI FOR: DA Management Staff FROM: SUBJECT: New Communications Services Requirements FY 1987 Through FY 1991 REFERENCE: DDA memorandum dated 23 Nov 84, same subject (DDA 84-3183/3) As requested in the reference, attached are OIS's requirements for new or enhanced communications services for FY87 through FY 91. Three require- ments are identified. Attachments 3 Requirements FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332R001001170015-6 Rte. NUDTER: OIS/FY87-1 OFFICE RANK: 1 of 1 OFFICE: Office of Information Services TITLE: Information Management for Office Automation COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE FOR: New Initiative. REQUIRBM4T: A local area network (LAN) will be deeded to support an office automation (OA) application in OIS. By FY89 a minimum of p[] devices are expected to be on the LAN. JUSTIFICATION: Rapidly increasing technical capabilities, increasing availability, and decreasing prices indicate that OA will proliferate in the Agency over the next several years. An OA application in OIS will be used to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to prepare OIS to handle OA applications. Specifically, the OA application in OIS will be used to develop, test, and establish information management standards and procedures that in turn will form the basis of an Agency-wide OA information management program. An additional objective is to reduce storage space. TIDE REQUIREMENT: Initial testing is currently scheduled for FY87. IOC is scheduled for FY89. IMPACT OF LACK OF SERVICE ON OTHER PROGRAMS: (1) Legal and administrative mistakes in other OA applications would be inevitable. (2) OIS office auditing programs would be hampered because OIS personnel would not have the necessary expertise to provide realistic appraisals of where office automation should be applied and where it should not. (3) The file structuring inherent in the OA application is a necessary precursor to the "knowledged-based front-end records disposition system" being considered for inclusion in DS&T's Research and Development Program. (4) The OA application would serve as a first step in a longer-range effort to reduce reliance on paper as a long-term storage medium at Headquarters and the Agency Archives and Records Center. Office: OI agement Staff, 1206 Ames Telephone: CONTACT: Name: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332R001001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REQ. NU fBER: OIS/FY90-1 OFFICE RANK: 1 of 2 )LA OFFICE: Office of Information Services o 15 2-4-7 TITLE: Officially Released Information System (ORIS) ca4u ? - REFERENCES: A. OIS memorandum dated 25 Sep 1984 C VXA titled Automated System to Record CIA Information Released to the Public (OIS 84-449) B. OC memorandum dated 19 Oct 1984, same subject (OC 0911-84) COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE FOR: New Initiative. REQUIRB STr: Per Reference B, a high bandwidth fiber optics telecommunications capability is needed to support ORIS, an Agency-wide, on-line system that will capture and display the texts of material released to the public on a terminal or special screen. ORIS w F7 ill need to accommodate approximately 46 gigabytes of information and users by 1995. JUSTIFICATION: ORIS is needed to enable the Agency to get a handle on CIA information placed in the public domain; that is, to give officials throughout the Agency the capability to readily determine what CIA information has been officially released and the circumstances of the release. ORIS will replace at least two existing automated systems. TIME REQUIREMENT: Initial testing of ORIS -is currently scheduled for FY90. IOC is scheduled for FY91. IMPACT OF LACK OF SERVICE ON OTHER PROGRAMS: The DST is now in the position of not knowing the extent to which individual projects have been publicly acknowledged, let alone the circumstances, and the DI has a similar problem with its day-to-day review of information under the FOIA. The DO is in the best position with its PICDOC system, but PICDOC does not provide the texts of releases and, consequently, retrieving such texts is a time consuming and unwieldy process. The DA's DECAL system, while it does capture released texts on film, is not designed for Agency-wide use and, because of the increasing volume of material it must hold, will need to upgraded or replaced within the next few years if ORIS is not developed. CONTACT: Name: Office: 0115/ plans and Management Staff, 1206 Ames Telephone: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6 REQ. NU-fER: OIS/FY90- 2 OFFICE RANK: 2 of 2 OFFICE: Office of Information Services TITLE: Communications Between Headquarters and AARC C%tMICATIONS SERVICE FOR: Enhancement to existing capability. REQUIREMENT: A gradually improved communications capability between Headquarters and the Agency Archives and Records Center (AARC) will be required throughout the 1990s. The enhanced capability is needed to support the projected growth in the electronic transfer and retrieval of documents and other data that will be held in digitized form at both locations. JUSTIFICATION: Because of national security considerations most Agency permanent (to be kept forever) records will not be transferred from the AARC to the National Archives and Records Administration until they are at least 50 years old, and some of the. more sensitive records will probably be maintained by the Agency for 100 years or more. Given the space and resource constraints forecast for the future at both Headquarters and the AARC, there appears little alternative to gradually moving away from the storage and retrieval procedures used today toward the increased use of electronic storage and retrieval. As this occurs, the communications capabilities between Headquarters and the AARC will need to be progressively enhanced. TIME REQUIRR4wr: As stated, 1990 and beyond. IMPACT OF LACK OF SERVICE ON OTTER PROGRAMS: Time-consuming and labor- intensive alternatives will be used that will negatively impact on a wide range of information management programs. CONTACT: Name: Office Telephone- : Pl anc nnri un..,., went Staff, 1206 Ames Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01001170015-6