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CLASSIFICATIONfirdic115/barTnoL u.s. 1FFICIAT3 0111LY Declassified in Part - Sanitized CopyApp I Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 INFORMATION REPORT 1/40ONFIDEN COUNTRY Czechoslovakia ? CD NO. DATE DISTR. 15 MAY 50 50X1 SUBJECT Production of Storage Batteries by Prazska NO. OF PAGES 3 Akumulatorka, National Corporation ? PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIREC (LISTED BELOW) 50X1 -HUM DATE OF SUPPLEMENT TO INFO. REPORT NO. ' 41-4:2-? cwt.-a-Xi:wit:ill -#. ? ? 1915 00201111107 COR WIN IXTORDAT10114PTECTIVI2 THE NATIONAL onrost 07thT UNITED OTITIS 017102 TWO 0622120 OP tIlt 20111011AGI AC' CC O. s.c.. 21 ACV $2. U ?011111/21). 112 1IA/3001111100 02 1111 ITMLILTICTI 09 ITT COLITTOTO 10 LOT 11111011111 TO At1 IMIAOTOOLITID 1.211200 IC POS 1110111M ST in. 1110201)11CTION DT Tais nn is 120111111TID. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM 1. The Ceske Lips factory was established in 1944 as a branch of the Sonnenschein factory in Berlin. From the end of the war until the end of January 19414 it was under national administration; later, it was nationalized and joined to Dateria, a national corporation which is headed by Ing. Polivka, director, and has its seat in Slany at the former Palaba factory. (Pala, the owner of RaLabat was irrerisoned for collaborating with the Germane during the war Bateria united all Czech production oi storage batteries except those made by the firms of Lorene and Saint, Vera, and th50X1-HUM Ilvobodove Bros., all in Prague, ani Sloinilana in Tynan. Those latter firt50X1-HUM have ransined under private ownership but they probably will be liquidated. 2. As of 1 January 1950, the .factories engaged in the production of dry batteries and their comnonents have continued under Bateria, but the storage battery factories have been formed into a now national corporation known as Prazeka Akumulntorka, with its headquarters at Made Boloslav. These storage battery factories are as follows: a. Main factory at Banda Boleslav, which produces automobile batteries of all sizes, motorcycle batteries, plates for repairing batteries, and station batteries for telephones, post offices, emergency lighting, etc. This factory produces 20 percent of the Czech mr-ply of alkaline (steel- nickel) batteries. b. Elks firm at Usti nad /atom; headed by Frantisek Krejcik. This factory produces small telephone batteries, radio batteries, and .parts for auto- mobile batteries. Former Sonnenschein firm at Ceske Lipa; the head position is note vacant. It produced 10,400 batteries having a rating of 105 ampere hours and 4,800 batteries of 150 ampere hours. In addition, it produced 2,500,000 plates for the Made Boleslav factory and 1,000,000 plates for use in repair work. d. Acta at Radotin, headed by Ambrcv. Thin factory produces traction batteries for electrically-run vehicles and train batteries for illumination. It also produces 20 percent of the Czech supply of alkaline batteries (the Dire factory produces the remaining 60 percent). CLASSIFICATION /ft) 'efttniefl 1 OFFICIALn ONLY STATE NAVY NSRB DhEIBN- ? ARMY I AIR FBI * I I This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release-2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 /CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY. CMITTZAL L1TELLIGMICE AGENCY -2- ? e. Varta battery repair shop in Prague, headed by Ant: Blazek. f. Repair shop and engineering office in Brno, headed by Bulleek. 3. Prnzska Alrunulatorke belongs to the "Automobile and Aircraftindustry", of which the general director is one Horak. The director of Prazeka Akunula- torka is Antonin Klapste, and the technical leader is Frantisek Nalivka. ? Other officials are Srb, the factory economist; Jaroslav Wolf, the factory planner- and Salavec, the social and "competition" secretary. Vaclav Steelier, a Communist, is the cadre man and the real ruler of the factory. 4. For the year 1950 the Prazska Akunulatorka was allowed a budget of 360,000,000 crowns to cover production costs of ampere hours, Of this sum the Ndada Boleslav factory was allotted 180,000,000 crowns, Elise about 560000,000, Ceske Lipa 83,000,000 and Asta the remainder. 5. From 5 to 10 percent of yearly production of storage batteries goes to the military. Factories producing automobiles and airplanes, especially the Skoda, Let-sick? savody, and Avla Cakovice factories, take about 40 percent of produc- tion. About 20 percent goes to other national corporations, and about 25-30 percent, which is for civilian use, is distributed through Metotechna, a na- tional corporation in Prague which has united all automobile commodities. 6. In December 1949, the Plzen Skoda Works received about 600 batteries which had a rating of 105 ampere hours and were intended for heavy artillery. The Mili- tary acceptance commission took over these batteries and sent them to various places in Czechoslovakia. For example, about one hundred each went to Olomouc for transport of heavy artillery, to Hradec, to Nilovice (for tanks), to Bratis- lava, and to like places. In the near Altura, Skoda was to acquire about another hundred batteries, evidently for the same uees. Tho Ceske Lipa factory is the only one in Czechoslovakia producing this type of battery, Which is designed for new Skoda products such as traction equipment for heavy artillery or tanks. These tanks are probably of German origin, since the Germans left much material in the Skoda factory after the war. p . . 7. /n 1949 the Ceske Lips factory delivered about 250 batteries to military units at Now Jicin, where an air force unit and a motor vehicle battalion are sta- tioned. Another delivery is to be made here sometime in 1950. Also in 1949, about 1,000 of these batteries were sent to themotor vehicle battalion and arsenal (AZ-1) at Prelatic, to be used for rebuilt vehicles of both Czech and foreign make. 8. The most important material used in the production of storage batteries is pure smelting lead. Prazska Akumulatorka needs about 2,003 tons of lead a year, but it is unable to obtain pure lead from Czech sources.v.,Before the war lead was imported from Belgium, Canada, and Germany. After 1945, it was procured also from Yugoslavia and to a small extent from Poland. In 1949, nearly all of the lead used in the production of storage batteries was Im- ported from Austria From the lead received from Western Germany, only the Ceske Lipa factory obtained an alloca- tion.--about 200 tons during 19 9 a _ lthe transaction was nanalea try the transport company Metranoit in Bratislava. 9. Tho lead now at the dispenal.of Ptazska Akumulatorka is sufficient for the production of storage batteries during the first half of 1950. A shortage /CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUN 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 SEC ObONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INCLLIGENCE AGENCY -3- of lead causes a real bottleneck in production, and quality is seriously threatened if lead cannot be acquired from the West. Such a situation could seriously affect the economic life of Czechoslovakia. The lifetime of a battery manufactured with lead of good quality is four years, while the lifetime of a ;battery made with Czech lead is two to three months. The USSR does not supply. Czechoslovakia with any lead.. 10. Another handicap to production is the lack of lead powder of good qnnlity. . From 1946 to 1949, lead powder was obtained from Austria through barter ar- rangements, but these arrangements ware forbidden in 1950 by the Ministry for Foreign Trade. To make up for prohibited imports, a new mill for lead powder is to be established at the ore and graphite mines in Pribram, and the mill is expected to produce about 1,000 tons. Another 1,000 tons are to be produced at the Mlada Doleslav storage battery factory, assuming it will have on hand a sufficient quantity of soft blast lead. The remaining 300 - 400 tons are to be furnished by the company (sic) for chemical and smelting production. This plant produces a very poor quality of lead pow- der. The quality of lead powder depends on the quality of thesoft:blast lead used, and if the latter is inferior, tbe batteries have a short life. 11. All factories of Prazska Akumplatorka suffer from a lack of workers, es- pecially responsible ones. The morale of workers is low because of the system of paying workers in accordance with the "state wages catalogue" which means more work at lesser pay. 12. Nearly 80 percent of the personnel of the Ceska Lipa factory belongs to the Commdnist Party. The majority of those workers who am not members are either juveniles or.harriod Oilmen? Real supporters of the party do not number more than 20 percent, however. Although it cannot be said that terrorism is practiced in this factory, the Communist Party and the cadre commisSion re- quixe that all personnel participate nearly every day in the various meetings, in classes on Communist ideology, in labor brigades, etc., so that nearly all the free tine of workers is taken over by the party. 13. ROH, the compulsory and uniform trade union, is completely under the influence of the Communist Party. 14. A workers' militia has been formed only in the main Made Boleslav factory, and it is compnsed of four men equipped with pistols. 15. Production at the end of the Five Year Plan (1953) is to be increased in pro- portion to 1948 production by nearly 40 percent. The production described in this report represents nearly 110 per cent of production since 1948. SEC CONTROL: U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800310007-5 50X1