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Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2014
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Publication Date: 
August 10, 1957
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;TAT__ ? --ea ? _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19 CIA-RDP68-00046R000200240081-3 AND TIMES FIERA! ,L) ? adford's Show Is Charlie's,' Tool By Marie McNair. , THE FINAL party gun in almclst a month long series of celebrations was fired yesteftlay at the Officers Club at Fort McNair.. It Was the retiring chairman of the _',Joint Chiefs of , ? staff, :Adm. Arthur ?W. Radford, and IMrs. R a d - ford's party to honor the . Mrs. McNair ' ncoming JCS ? Chairman, Air Force Gen. Nathan Twining, and Mrs: Twining. .'General Twining will step into ?Admiral Bedford's shoes next Thursday. The Army, Navy and Air Force joined ,hands yestert day to bid farewell to an out- standing officer who the day ) before had been awarded a Gold Star bY President Eisenhower in lieu of a fourth Distinguished Serv- ice Medal, and to welcome the new Chief, a man of equal distinction in service to 'his country. But it was "E ngine Charlie" Wilson, retiring Secretary of Defense, who got the most attention. Mrs. Wilson, he said, is coming back from ' Michigan on Monday, and when Mrs. Wade ?;1-1aislip heard this she said, "Maybe she will havgAiiine, to .plaY. some 'Bo- livia ' On the serious side, When Mr. Wilson. was asked by Mrs. Richard Hark ness what was one of the mOst pleasing. aspects of his job, - he replied, "I have one sat- isfaction. -The 'folks' have' understood me, whereas the press didiSt.': There's,- another birthday party in Ole ..offinvfor ,Sec- retary Wilson. On Septem- ber .17--4iie-Department 'of. 'Defense rvq).1 be 10 years -U old, an the ?'Wilsons .Will celebrate lt; with a party for the new Secretary of Defense McElroy, all for- mer Secretaries .of Defense, the pre's'et ..and' all former Deputy beretaries of De- ?? tense, Plus present and for- mer Chain-nen, of Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Marine -Band in its scarlet jacke Vs played throughout' the ' afternoon for the several hundred guests largely from the military. -? There were not more than a half dozen Ambas- sadors, even less from the Congress. Secretary of the Navy, Thomas S. Gates Jr., Under' Secretary -of ? the Navy and Mrs. William B. Franke, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Mrs. Donald Quarles and Chief of Staff,. USAF, Gen., Thomas D. White and Md: White were -among the service's upper echelons. . Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Walter ' Robertson :came. Saw Gen.. and Mrs. Ging Bradley, Under Secre- ?tar? of the Treasury and :Mrs. Randolph Burgess, As- sistant Secretary of Defense and Mrs. Murray Snyder, Max Rabb. from the White House, 'Assistant ' Secretary' of De- fense and Mrs.. Wilfred Mc- Neil,., Gen. and Mrs. ChirleSAP: Cabell,Zeic4 Adm. TOer . Wool- dridge; former Ambassador. and Mrs. Myron Cowen and down from Ppiladelphia the Racifords' good friends, Bob and Betty Sherrod. ..TOPRiDGE VISITORS: Perle Mesta, Signora Au- gusto Rosso and?George Wil- liams Will all meet in New York on Sunday to go to- gether to Camp Topridge in the Adirondacks to be guests for a fortnight of Mrs. Mer- riweather Post. COUNTRY PART!: Col. and Mrs. William S. -Cullbertson who are at their farm at Charmian, Pa. for the summer, will entertain at luncheon on Sunday the new Argentine Ambassador , an Senora de Yadaroia and their two daughters. Am- bassador and Senora de Yadarola will entertain at dinner Monday evening as ' a 'farewell to the Military ? Attache of the Argentine Embassy, Col. Ernesto Taqu- , ini? and Senora de Taquini who are going to Canada where Colonel Taquini is tb be Military Advisor on Spe- cial Mission. , nna-Inecifiarl in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19 CIA-RDP68-00046R000200240081-3