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n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/20: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200080059-6 l'IL ITV 1 %.? MI% I? ? ? ? I Circ.: e. 372,583 S. 247,755 Front Page Edit Other Page Page Date: 5EP 8;0952 _ The Lyons Den By Leonard Lyons--,--- . ? -e 1 ? ,s? , , . Paul Hoffman is leaving the. Eisenhower campaign quarters and returning to his Pasadena home. He opposes the terms- of the General's reconciliation with the Taft and Dirksen groups and the effect it will have on independent voters. .. Gen. MacArthur would make a campaign speech if asked to do so, by Eisenhower. .41e feels Dewey is the barrier to this . . . The 'Big-Fish-Who-Got-Away,'" , referred to by Judge Samuiel Leibowitz last week?in pronmurjag sentence in the police-boolsie tieup=still is high on the municipal payroll. .He will be named, in the Grand Jury's presentment which -..., ? will be released after Labor Day. , Gypsy Rose Lee'S-idne-night stands through Europe have netted her over Iralf -a million 'dollars. . She's On her -way hOme with the loot now ? . . The Charles Chaplins will be'iri Ni.4Y. this week. To help promote his new film, "Limelighr Chaplin has approved women's page interviews with his wife; , for the'-'first time since their marriage . . . Sen. Ferguson camp N. -Vast night for Senate subcommittee ,hearings on Communist influence in our schools. The first Witness at the Foley Sq. hearings 0111 be an ex-Red teacher :. . At his Copa opening Joe E..I.esriraised a drink and proposed a toast to Sir Cedric Hardwieke: =To the ?Em- pire." Hardwickeq.esponded: "To the Empire." Thenhorse nlay9r Lewis continued: "Yes, to Empire and Hialeah, Saratog'etand? Tropical Park." - Beatdsley Ruml, head of -the finance committee, for Steven-, All son's ' calupaign; went to Springfield to present th Und-raising program, he wrote. Col. Jack Aryey and the ot Stevenson mentors told him it Was a fine. program,,:,,but . would require six months of work?and there are only eight weeks of campaigning left. . . On the fiiiiittlinick tot. N. Y. guild wrote his' solution of ' the problem of jammilirAikitioriths' wOrk into eight weeks: "Six months?that's 25 weeks plus* vacation. Twenty-five weeks, at ?40 hours a week?that's 1,000 work-hours. -Rove makelt a; 125 wak- i hours per week, for eight weeks, that's 1,064 hour' All we have i to do, therefore, is work about 18 hours each day, for eight weeks, thus producing 1,000 work-hours or the equivalent of six, months , work." .. , . President Truman's plans, after leaving the White House, in- clude a flight around the world, first crossing the Pacific to Japan, ' then the Near East?and Israel, where he'll spend the Passover , holidays at Kfar Truman, the kibbutz named in his honor . ' Katharine Cornell's tour in "The Constant Wife" will open at y Ford's Theater in Baltimore Oct. 13. She'll visit 75 cities .before ending the tour in the spring ... A hat check girl Who worked at t the Alibi Club is the-latest'one to blow-a whistle at Mickey Jelke ? . . . The "For Sale" sin on .Millrose Island in the East River has .. been moved. The city will convert it into a playground. Robert Capa, the cameraman who covered the wars in Spain, . China and Europe, now is president of a cooperative company of , , cameramen Who work out of Paris under their corporate name, .1 ? Magnum. They're all top men and therefore have - peculiarities 1 . . . Capa prefeis his colleagUento have no attaehments, ,so that ' they can be d'ffe, fulfill uSaignments .at any hour iii any place , , of the worlds' He recently aaVgned ;One ofibis associate :St to do a , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ICIA-RDP68-00046R000200080059-6 ';0647.-- ? ------ ,: STAT ,,gentaif.ate.r..Begiallooidiniammeceived a memo requesting a daY , off for one of his aides, Capt. Ken Gininger of Prentice-Hall: The memo explained that Capt. Gininger wanted the day off so that he could be married. Gen. Smith's replying memo was: "Does he have to do it on our time?" . . . Jose Ferrer, who produced and directed,"Stalag 17" in N. Y., sent for one of the authors to join him in 'Paris and make revisions, of the play for the London run ... One of?.Marilyn Monroe's friends who heard of Joe DiMaggio's boast that :Marilyn is a good cook, , sampled the cooking of the dazzling blond, who served the dishes herself. "If you're a man, and not blindfolded, Marilyn can cook," was the report: "But if yotere,blindfolded, or a woinanshe can't." ? The "Magic Carpet to ? Mecca" project," the transporting of , Moslem pilgrims bOiAmerican Air Force. planes in the Middle East,' won immeasurable good will for the nation. The request forzthe use of the planes cane front the State Dept. to the Secre- ttiry Of?Defente. ,The /equest 'arrived late in the afternoon, and' chanced to be placed on the 'desk of Asst. Secretary of Defense Anna Rosenberg , When. Mrs. Rosenberg was appointed to her poSt,.strenuous oppcisition, to her was voiced by the Arah?League' . . Mrs: 'Rosenbergytead the 'request for the Magic Carpet to Mecca, and 1.50iiinutes she. had Secretary Finletterls proval of the pi-ojed4;-4..-t(i; ,Roberta,Peters,,and"her.ex-htisband, Robert -Merrill, will both sing inr"Rigoletto"'? at'*_?,Met, Merrill 's first opera of the new season . inciaentally,wears ;gold ckiff-links?with an un- usual design,-.-the,proscenium arch ut the They were Made 13 the- ,yvho ,once- wa$ jeweler He just mittee IS ?no, reopen it ,s,pon#itha. of "Seeds" TxeSsi),A. Rep. Donal ja. oni?rpoti Un-American ATti,vi ? 'tor Heifetz McCarran Com.' ith the, Owen Lattimore ease, and may vir Witness .'. VietOr',Lasky, co-author cai wedding-gift jest, Week from; 1$$;.of-rthe...heaAingsiof 'the ll omrnittee. The ?love-happy. groom dei serves an Oscar4far the Y1/4)ayhe`beamed: "Just what We wanted." Only an ili&ss?which proved fatal eVei could Mike Gertrh Lawrence'!ifi1,04 performance To her friend, Constance pouter, fell the task:inf understudying her anirgiSing on in tier - place in "ftre'sKing And I"--adifficult 1? hecaiRe the star was a unique one ant*.'none could4ring 1-43 a perfornfirdeelhe quality she gave it ... Moss Hart once auditioned an actress who claimed, " h.?," 1Vric rawrence in "Susan and God.' 'I know @ 50-Yr 2014/03/20 : you were an understudy in'Susan and God,' you must've been understudying for God." _