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Approved For Release 2003/10/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO10800180003-9 EC1tLhT/COJIT d.0i, U .i,J. ON P' CIALS ONLY 3L CU RT: `` IN= vrLdAT ION 25X1A German Democratic Republic 25X1X/ILHLM FLORIN STEEL AND ROLLING HILL, Ir:11u3 .S~:iF b pp; German; 25X1A This document consists of three reports on the Wilhelm Florin Steel and holing Mill, Hennigsdorf, formerly known as the Het ni sU. %='f oClael and Rolling gill. zz~ 1. Monthly report of the Hennigsdorf 16iii "'or September 1951, mate25X1 10 October 1951. Production figures are given for Siemens-Martin steel (17,940 tons), elec- tric steel (510 tons), VI-ingots (15,100 tors), electric steel ingots (325 tons), steel castings (1,078 tons), steel rollers (190 trre), semifinished goods for other plants (4,785 tons), steel bars (11,230 tons), wire rods (1,125 tons), cast iron (1,065 tons), and non- ferrous metal castings (14.5 tons). The decrease in production is partly ot.e to the new collective agreements, which are to the disadvantage of the workers. Furthe3r_iore, material shortages have grown worse be- cause of the stoppage of import deliveries. In short supply are: Steel iron, n.ckel, chrome, wire cable, various kinds of pipe, steel seo.tions, etc. Producers of the above ontioned materials can hardly produce enough to sati .fy reparations and export demands. The Soviet Control Commission has placed the highest 1 iority on the production of turbine steel, the formula for which is kept secret. xpe: is G 1i :ve that this type of steel is used as basic material in the production of jet fighters. The report gives information on the slow progress of installation completions, difficulties i operation, and some miscellaneous information. 25X1X 2. dabtd 23 October 1951, of a report on the Hennigs- dorf 14111, giving information on the progrt- ss of work on the plant's installations. E.g., two rolling mills far structural steel saceions were installed in the buildings adjacent to the old power plant. The machinery ano. =quicent for these rolling Mills were supplied by the Brandenburg Steel and Rolling Mill. Steel of 37.11 quality is produced, exclusively for reparation deliveries. Complete crane `arsstallations for the rolling mills, with the ex- ception of two chargine cranes, were suppi.-.erg. by the Ardelt Plant, Lberswalde. including construction and assembly workers, the nurnr:er of employees at the plant was 7,408 on 10 October 1951. Four Siemens-Martin furnaces with a capacity of 40 tons daily each are in operation. A hardening installation is being set up. The plant is flooded with orders for crankshaft and turbine blade steel. At preaent, steel deliveries are made by truck to Magdeburg-Buckau. 25X1X 3. of the 1952 Inve 3tment Program of the Hennigsdorf Aillo4ated 15 October 1951. Investment items are listed k'or- the steel mill, the rolling mill, and auxi- liary installations. Investments are give,--- by value, and are broken down for construction work, installations, equipment, plans, in7r-;ntory, and tools. The bulk of investments are planned for the rolling mill. 25X1A The foreign language document or a micro :ilm of it F--] is available from CIA Librar32,5X1X RETURN U A LIBRARY 1 April 1952 25X1A 25X1 A O cR T/CONTROJ., a. U . OH'FIC IALS ONLY Approved For Release 2003/10/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO10800180003-9