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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 3, 1966
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3TAT . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000102140002-8 ALHAMBRA, CALIF. POST-ADVOCATE ? E-14,688 VAR 3 taS ..,OnlyliessIderit Changes ? C Continues. Leftist Policy'%:-.1 , . . ; .:,. .., From .the actions taken at a recent ? Yorty, many Democrat legislators and 1 f convention in Bakersfield, it Is appar-. ? constitutional officers. .4 ent that 'the California Democratic ' Their absence was further evidence life .. colosil,,has chanieritrsidelirtifft of the deep fragmentation and divi- , - nOt- its philosophy or approach. .,.'sions among the Democrat Party in i Under the leadership of Simon Cas-:' California. The polarization of Dem- ady the CDC was an irresponsible, far- ; ocrat philosophy is much more severe -; . ; left organization. Mr. Casaday simply:. than differences among Republicans. ? ) 1 `. reflected the views of CDC In his,, The governor's attendance and ac- ; ,. spceches, although somewhat intem7' ceptance of CDC support is a strange) :perately. ,:.'- twist of illogic..' The new president, Gerald Hill, ac- ' The governor said in Bakersfield : ? ? cording to Gov. Edmund G. Brown, ,that he supports the President's policy ' "may be more liberal, but he will be - ? in Viet Nam ? and was booed as a ; , more discreet." The CDC was hardly"' result. 'The CDC does not 'support the ; discreet at Bakersfield. . President. .Yet the governor will ac- Resolutions passed by the group ask...cept the CDC support although the:, . for de-escalation of the U.S. commit- group does not represent his philoso- ; . 1 .ment in Viet Nam, seek U.S. recogni- ? phy or conclusions on Viet Nam. tion of the Communist Viet Cong and ?,' Equally difficult to understand is the -, . further appeasement, including cessa- ' governor's failure to censure the CDC: tion of U.S. search-and-kill operations -delegates who booed the President and:! and a retreat to coastal enclaves. ? vice president. He would have been. I ;:, ? Other resolutions opposed use of among the first to criticize any Repub- 1 braceros on California farms, asked licans who acted in' a similar distaste-A for a reduction of foreign military aid, ful manner. _ .1 were against U.S. intervention in 'our, In the sense that victory is the goal ..1 f?.. hemisphere to protect .our interests,? th fof politics, e governor is playing ac-:,; and-,urged?ft coll.greUiglial-inquir*...lcording to rules of the game. From-the) the Central inteiligence,..4gency. standpqint of forthrightness,. howeVer . ? '7 nIt-will be recallenliarthe' governor only he can determine if he 'can accept pressed for the resignation of Mr. :support at: any price.' i.,,:a :.:,i:,;.:' .: !,',,..:::..::,,-../ ' '?;- Casady last year for advocating some , . -':,':-.!:?'-.1,..,ilik?.4,..44,,,,c-? ----Aidig,i.azawijo .,,. : of these same viewpoints about Viet:: ? ; Nam. i . l? The views are admittedly irresponsi- ble and leave a bad taste. The distaste was clearly shown by many, of the ? state Democrat leaders who avoided! , (the convention. ? ? % ? ? ?? 1: .Among those who pOintiy reftiSeci to :. ., . I-'attend were. Assembly, "Speaker Jesse; I Unruh,. :Los, Angeles '*.Mayor Samuel,,, ? ..,. :z.,..:%.,;.:...i.LiwtilL;6.6.1 ?...:4.4tAii.aia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102140002-8