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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for : CIA-RDP92-0042.0R000300060006-0 - Ikraorall a PL-611a 1,-ILLEGIR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Ct. ? . ? k? ' t Namable Reynced Dlattasherger, GPO, Weektngtea 25, D. C. Office shell be treestenmed to the Camara Intelligente Agency without reimburameent therefor. A list of mash midpoint ins been jointly prepared end is attached bareto as Annex D. 4. Au other priating itawe In the plant shish has been mewed the Govenesent Printing Office ihaLl be trensferzbed to the Central Intelligence Agency mad the GentraLl. Intelligence mew 'tali Madam the Onvernnent Printing Office in the anouut representing the cost to the Ooveniment Printing Offiee lees depreciation to January 1, 1957. A list of each equipment shoring the reimbursement pries of eaah piece of equipment bas been jointly prepared end is attacked hereto as Annex C. e. All supplies, replacement parts, ste. (except those banished by the Central Intelligence Agency), led& the plant ney have on hand or on order as of the effective date of the transfer shall be acquired by the Central Intelligence Agency at a prise representing cost to the Govern. sent Printing ()fries. f. The Central Intelligence Agency shall provide classified printing at oast to the Atomic Energy Commission, the State Department, and any other agency which heretofore has used the sUbjeet plant for olessified printing to the extant that such service may have been previously furnished by the Government Printing Office. 7he Atomic Inergy Commission and the State Department have been apprised et this proposed transfer and have interposed no objection thereto. The subject printing plant shall not perform erry unolaesified printing for the Central Intallifence Avow or for any *taw Government Agency, accept upon waiver issued by the Oeverement Printing Office, while operating in its present bastion. When the plant is merged with the Central Intellisenoe Agency's facilities in a singe location no unclassified printing shall be perfonmed by this printing plant +=opt that type of printing *doh would normally be produced in a Government duplicating Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 (s 40 Regmed Illatherhemars 010. ileoldngtes 2S, D. C. estir allpearei la the skint the eggertnni Inas. to those tkoilOTIONA Prinking Ogles g. Cesetrea.intellionnio =core effer ? tarring so oni beawaing eigilopews or the Oentrol Za. belLigenee igessr. h. The ihneenvent *Waft Oftlee shill retain es Ito roils as Ito afigasswes then=leoleet- IN not to treat* to the Ositral 2r7? amp% tint poronead at the rolls of the =amitt eibinistretime oented 11.6 M by WO Mating Oft*411 Stelnav7_ itlfir4 or reenzited sub. oniamot to that dote l'or Erman, enetionnt to the pent, OM net too nosorIed the optima of menining on the roils of the Goverament Printing Offloe. Prior to the *Meths tote of tt4o tiesofer lioneneent Matta; Mime mei the Central Wein. gime Meow Ohell jeintily prepare lilt of personnel 4ealbring to trend* to the Central reilaill4086 agdear? I. the Central astelligenee Agony obeli be y. -. Dar ehtelning persewed manse these Govonennt Mattis ethos afgalaa 100 wir idiot sat to trenoter to ad bosom eLIO of the Central IntoLligeneeisq.ihereer, the ftieninwift Printing Oak* ?1211 en royaltAtIen ter the Central Saw:, dietail Dar period not to mimed six end at their provailing aelezzt oadh ponmenel es war be revival until zwaseement garooend ow he re - *rated* *leered, erg entered on del,. 3. Uim ihe effee4Iiie data at oda Woofer the *watoal Aglow obell hmee esteinebte over- sting o,trol the printing plea. k. The *mad zataltsgam Steam shell be haw Comiation elearease of Cattail reareatbil? l'orr agreement with the Atoulo letollipene Mew peroonnel asolgned to tio the Atonic harm Candielonto elamilllod printing re - !erred to In peregmh I. above. The Central Intelligens* Is macious to amours the tayamotor of this p1M fU with tit. least possible isb- ocatvoidanoo to oassormod. To thio ad, I aware Ton that 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? 1-- Ibnorable Espiond Illattedbarpr, WO, liaskington OD D. C. vs viii sooperate vith the emstener eganalas and the Government Printing (Moe to the tallest extent. This taellity will there- fore be available to the Government Printing Office for printing highly olassitied work for which your in plant nay not be equipped. Further, this Agway intends to continue to rely on the Government Printing Wiese for its enalessified printing and for paper end supplies used in oar printing realities. N Allen W. Dulles Attaolesentes Annexes I, I, and Originated hys Concurs iirecier et Distributions 0 & 1 - Addressee *la 1. sa 1 - off nia) vla DWI via 2 - - 1- DA lisitlfia OTIPSW Concur: Director CU &opt 50 CONCUR: NOV 9 1956 (signed) H. Cates Lloyd STAT N. Gates Lloyd InGthig Deputy Director (SuPPgrt) (signed) Laurence R. Houston General Counsel SUM 1311410410/01Pitejaabb Acting Comptroller 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 STAT STATi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? 411 United States Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20401 October 18, 1984 STAT Office of Personnel/PMCD/CNCP Branch STAT Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear STAT In response to a STAT telephone request from on October 169 19849 the following information is provided regarding the 1984 wage increases for GPO's bargaining unit employees. The wage increase for June 189 1984, was based on the percentage increase in the CPI-W for March 1983 to March 1984 with a cap of 5 percent. In February 1984, the Bureau of Labor Statistics corrected the 1983 CPI-W figures, which had been incorrectly reported. On the basis of the revised 1983 CPI-W, the wage increase due blue collar employees for June 18, 1983, should have been 1.85 percent, not the 1.64 percent which they received. Using the corrected CPI-W figures, the wage increase for June 18, 1984, was 4.62 percent of the revised base rate from June 1983 to June 1984. The revision by the BLS resulted in the June 1983 to June 1984 rates being approximately 3 cents less than they should have been for most of the crafts. In order to correct this inadvertent pay rate, a one-time lump sum back paycheck was issued to bargaining unit employees. The lump sum amounts were predicated on the loss of 2, 3, or 4 cents, depending on the craft, times 2,080 hours plus 12 percent for loss in estimated overtime earnings. The base lump sum rates were as follows: Compositors and Related Crafts $62.40 Oftset Strippers and Platemaker Strippers 62.40 Bookbinders 62.40 Cylinder and Offset Pressmen 62.40 Offset Photographers 83.20 Printing Plant Workers 41.60 Journeyman Bindery Workers 41.60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? ? 2 With the addition of the 12 percent premium for estimated overtime, the amounts were as follows: Compositors and Related Crafts $69.89 Offset Strippers and Platemaker Strippers 69.89 Bookbinders 69.89 Cylinder and Offset Pressmen 69.89 Offset Photographers 93.19 Printing Plant Workers 46.60 Journeyman Bindery Workers 46.60 The affected employees received lump sum checks in the amounts indicated above, minus appropriate deductions. Employees who left their positions or the GPO between June 18, 1983 and June 18, 1984, were paid the appropriate pro rata amount of back pay due to their former craft upon written request. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact me at 275-2654. Sincerely, BETTY HAUGEN Chief, Position Management Branch Enclosure: Wage Change Notices Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 IMO 1110410 COU N CIL OF uiv A HINGTOZ4' May 30, 1984 To: GPO Union Members From: Joint Bargaining Committee of GPO Unions Subject: 1984-85 Wage Increase The Joint Bargaining Committee met with management today arid cane to an agree- ment on the June 18, 1984 wage increase. A problem arose due to the fact that the Bureau of Labor Statistics readjusted their original figure sometime after January 1983. This readjustment increased the percentage rate for the June 18, 1983 increase from 1.64% to 1.85%. Management agreed to compute the June 18, 1984, rate at the higher base. For JBW's and PPW's the base would increase 2 cents; Offset Photographers 4 cents; and Compositors and all other JBC employees 3 cents. The percentage rate will be 4.62 of the higher base rather than 4.7% of the lower base. Management also agreed to issue separate back pay checks. This back pay will be computed kt 2,080 hours plus an average overtime rate worked in the JBC bargaining units of 8%. For JBW's and PPW's the check will be 46.60; for Offset Photographers 93019 and Compositors and all other JBC employees 69.89. Minus taxes and retirement deductions. The increase due June 18, 1984 are as follows: Compositors Offset Strippers & Plate Strippers T:0r6.2 Bookbinders 15.79 Cylinder Pressmen 16.62 Offset Pressmen ........ ............ ...... ......... 16.62 Offset Photographers ............ 17.00 Bindery Workers 10.12 Printing Plant Worker 9.20 With appropriate differentials. There will be a special claim form or anyone that has left the bargaining units or retired between June 1983 and June 1984, for back pay. Ue find this settlement to be fair and equitable to both pasties involved. Fraternally, Government Printing Office 0 N. Capitol & H Streets 0 Washington, D.C. 20401 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? OUTING PM10 11%nULTD) li'lLn-lf SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM EXTENSION NO. Chief, PMCD 1016 Ames DATE 21 January 1983 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1 . Director, OTS 212 South . 22 JAN 7983 3. C/PMCD 1016 Ames 0 )1iLi . PaCLA( TA...a> 5. ?14 /3 M o.... A.,,.....-ti.,.. . ,s--- I,..-- -.------ . '/' . . f-,,-,-% - ess .-)-? ---Na. --,'r -;,' An-Z.,-1 ? 10. 1 1 . 12. 13. 14. 15. ? FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 STAT STAT TAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ?"? 111 4110 2 1 JAN 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Technical Service FROM: Chief, Position Management and Compensation Division SUBJECT: Computation of Graphic Arts (GA) Wage Schedule Rates 1. The purpose of this memorandum is to request your approval of the attached Graphic Arts (GA) Wage Rate Compu- tation Schedule,, 2. When coordinating revisions to the Graphic Arts (GA) Wage Schedules, the Position Management and Compensation Divi- sion has encountered instances where our method of computing wage rates differs from that used by the Office of Technical Service. In order to ensure accuracy and consistency when coordinating future revisions, I have attached for your review and approval, a copy of the GA Wage Rate Computation Schedule that has been agreed to by of the Graphics and Authentication Once approved, the schedule will serve as the official guide for computing future GA wage rate changes. Division/OTS. 3. Please contact me or on extension if you have any questions regarding this matter. Attachment? ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT SCHDL GAA 1111 GAB GAC GAD GAE GR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release i012/t9a2ii.aA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 GRAPHICS ARTS WAGE SCHEDULE (GA) Usually 1 year between steps; proficiency determined by supervisor 1/ 2/ 2-3 4 5 A? B E F TITLE JNYMN PRO-1 PRO-2 PRO-3 PRO-4 DCH DCH DCH DCH DCH CH CH CH CH CH 01 Letter Pressman GPO 100 3% 3% 3% 3% 02 Offset Pressman GPO 100 03 Offset Letter Press GAA-02/5 x 105% + 3% Pro steps 04 Pressman-I GAA-03/3 x 105% 05 Offset Press Appren 55% 60% 70% 80% 90% of GAA 02/1 (No D/CH or Ch rates for GAA-05) 01 02 Document Finish Spec Doc Fin Sp-Off Press GPA-05, 100% + 3% steps (Journeyman Rate taken from Agency Government Printing (GP) Schedule) 105% of GAB 01/5 + 3% steps 03 04 Illustrator-Appren Illustrator 55% 60% 70% 80% 90% of GAB-04/1 NO SUPERVISORY RATES FOR GAB-03 GRE-OS 100% + 3% steps 05 06 07 Illustrator-Val Offset Photographer Photoengraver GAB-04/5 x 105% plus 3% steps (only 2 additional steps) GPE-05 100% plus 3% steps (Journeyman Rate taken from Agency Government Printing (GP) Schedule) SAME AS GAB-06 08 Photoengr-Off Photo GAB-06/5 x 105% plus two 3% steps 01 Compositor GPB-05 100% plus 3% steps 02 Comp-Platen Pressman GAC-01/5 x 105% plus 3% steps (2) 01 Reprd Tech-DS BE&P Picture Engraver (Bank Note) plus two 3% steps 02 Reprd Tech-DSW GAD-01/3 x 105% plus two 3% steps 03 Reprd Tech-P BE&P Picture Engraver (Bank Note) plus two 3% steps 04 Reprd Tech-PG GAD-03/3 x 105% plus two 3% steps 01 Third Hand 55% 60% 70% 80% 90% of GAE-02/1 02 Back Tender 3/* 03 Beaterman 04 Beaterman/Asst Form GAE 03/5 x 105% + two 3% steps 05 Machine Tender SAME AS GAA-02 ACROSS THE BOARD 06 Paper Maker SAME AS GAA-03 ACROSS THE BOARD 1/ Proficiency Rates are each 3% higher than the 2/ Rate A through J are established on the basis see formula next page. 2/ GAE 02/1 & GAE 03/1 are 82% of GAE 05/1; then next lower rate of two constants, 3% steps 2 through 5 ADMINISTRA NTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 AUMINIbT11>ye'.A.INTtENAL, UbE ONLY Differential: 15% Included in pay change notice from GPO. Supervisory differentials for Chief and Deputy Chief are constants determined by the percentages as noted below times the average of the sum of the following rates: GAA-02/3; GAB-01/3; G1B4O4/1; G1B-06/1; GAB-07/1 and GAC-01/2. 1410Chief - 20% of constructed average. D Ch 8% of constructed average. For all rates: Cents are rounded up if .005 or highere down if .004 or lower, ignore any digit past the third decimal place. APPROVED: lehiefe PosY(iion Mgmt. & Compensation Division 1.) Director at Technical Service 2 ADMINISTRATIVE- RNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 zc? - Utz: A-t frvLe...4r 4,44.e;7 1_71_64 a44. t-/- 41e /Z, Z-ce) Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060005-0