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lAN'TON4NIU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3 -IRMAN MM NVNN, GEORGIA TED {TEVENS. ALASKA CARL {,sMll, IF:CIMSAN WIll1AM { COHEN. MAINE JIM {A{{Etl TENNESSEE WARREN {. RUDMAN, DAVID MYOR, ARKANSAS NEW NAMVS HIRE OFORGE J. MITCHELL. MAINE JOHN NEIN2. -ENNSYlVAN1A JEFF {INGAMWI, MEW MEKICO IAUI S. TRI{lE. JK, VIRGINIA LEONARD WEIb {. {TAfi DIRECTOR JO ANNE {MNNART, MINORITY {TAEf DIRECTOR ~tnite~ ~tate~ senate GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SENATE PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS WASHINGTON, OC 20610-8260 ELEANORE J. HILL CHIEF COUNSEL DANIEL F. RIN2El. CHIEF COUNSEL TO THE MINORTY ~1lECilfll~~ 87-2359X June 16, 1987 The Honorable William H. Webster Director Central Intelligence Agency Building, CIA Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Judge Webster: OS R.EOI3~Y I 1 s ~uN ~s>~7 R Initially, I would like to take this opportunity again to congratulate you on your confirmation as Director and express my confidence in and support for your task ahead. As part of that function, I am writing to you concerning a written request I made on May 7th, to you, in your former capacity as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I am attaching a copy of that letter for your review, since Deputy Assistant Director Dan Hadway has recently informed my staff that the FBI is not authorized to disclose the CIA document referred to in my previous letter. As a result, I am requesting that the Agency provide the Subcommittee with that document, as referenced in the attached letter. I would appreciate your earliest attention to this matter as well as your support for the Subcommittee's review of the important issue of defector handling. At this time, I would also like to extend to you the opportunity to discuss this matter at our hearings now planned for early Fall. In addition, I would also appreciate a further briefing for my staff on the reforms that the Agency has initiated in defector handling, as well as any recommendations that your agency can offer for Congressional assistance. Your staff can contact John F. Sopko, Deputy Chief Counsel of the Subcommittee, who has been working on this issue for me. IAWTON CHILE b. RORIDA WILLIAM V. ROTN. JK.. CARL IEVIN. MKNIGAN DELAWARE JIM bASSER. TENNES bfE T[D tT[VENb. ALASKA DAVID -RYOR. ARKANSAS WIIUAM { YONIM, MAINE GEORGE J. MITCHELL, MAINE WARREN {. RUDMAN, NEW NAMtbHIRE -AUl {. TIII{LE. JA., VIRGINIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3 In conclusion, once again I want to wish you the best of luck in your new position. I look forward to the continued spirit of cooperation and trust that stands as one of the lasting contributions of your tenure as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. S ~ erely, Nunn Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3 JU Nn ~. urnn, unw, tnA~n YAN iUlCU N.FIIT FF iAM NVNN. CEOAGU, l:IW11MAN uwTONCNe.a.n~--- -----...... ---? -- ------ i::M NVNN.OE011G1~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3 M'w ~AN\ IMN.'MKNIGAN ~na.~n, .. ccmcn, MII11N[ Mwwn emus, swNroA wmuAM T. NDM J.. JAM tAtfyA TENNEEYE'[ WAr111EN i. IIUOMAN, CAh [MN. YiCNIGAN DAVID -IIT01t M[ANSAt NEW NAMrtNlllE ~~ t1t*hE~ ~*A*b~ ~bin Atb 1M sAft[a TENN[LL[E GIOAGI J. MITCNEIL M4NE JOHN NUN2, ~ENNSTLVANIA T OAViD -RY04 MRANEAi JEI~ iWGAMAAt NEW MWCO -AUl f. TFIt\L h. V111G UONA11p W[Ilt. tTAir DIAECTOII JD ANN! DAMINART, Mu+0111TT iTArr 0111ECTON COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SENATE PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS WASHINGTON. DC 20510-8260 May 7, 1987 The Honorable William H. Webster Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 9th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Room ? 176 Washington, D.C. 20535 DEUwAUE TED iTMNf. A[AEKA WRl1AM i. CDNEN. MAIt1E WA1111EN i. NUDMAN, NEW NAM-tNt11E VANI !. TIYKE, JII. VUWMA aEANOIU J. Nlll, cNnr t:DUNta DAwu r. NNZEI, GNIEr E:ouESa TO THE YINDMT Dear Judge Webster: As you are aware, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is conducting an in-depth review of the Government's handling of Soviet and East-Bloc defectors. In that capacity, Deputy Chief Counsel John F. Sopko recently arranged an interview through your Congressional Liaison office with Deputy Assistant Director Thomas E. DuHadway on February 3r 1987. Mr. Sopko, of my staff, has informed me that the interview with Mr. DuHadway was .very informative and that both he and Special Agent Schenck. of your Congressional Liaison staff were most helpful. During the course of that interview, reference was made to the existence of a classified "secret" document that is relevant to the Subcommittee's investigation: I would therefore appreciate your providing a copy of this document a titled: "Thy U.S. Defector Program, DCID X4/1 -- effective 28.1a~ ups 84," to our Subcommittee for its use in its current investigation of the government's defector program. The document will be maintained in a secured container as has been the practice of the Subcommittee since its inception. Access to such a docul:nent will be limited to only those staff who are properly cleared and have a need to review the material contained therein. Your earliest consideration of this matter would be greatly appreciated. The Subcommittee staff has discussed the substance of this request with Deputy Assistant Director DuHadway and Special Agent Schenck. Deputy Chief Counsel John F. Sopko can answer any questions concerning this matter at 22~t-3721. Sincerely, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP89B01356R000400670019-3