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n' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: JA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 ' , Evaluation .8 3TAT STAT ck Copy Center klarch 1. General An evaluation was made of the material reproduced by the Quick Copy Center to determine: a. What use is made of the copies reproduced b. If there is a real need for these copies c. If there is a more effective way to obtain copies The evaluation wad made during the week of NOvember 13..19, 1962 , typical week with a representative workloa4. 1963- The establishment of the Quick Copy Center eliminated 22 copying machines. However, 30 machines at 26 individual stations remain in use. Findings A. Number of copies made by Bureau. 2,060 copies were made exclustve of work done for Bureau of Chief Postal Inspector. Reproduction breakdown by bureaus and of ices as fol1ows: Bureau of Finance ? 401 Bureau of Facilities 214 Office of Research and Bureau of Personnel 188 Engineering 327 Postmaster General 149 Bureau of Operations 303 Deputy Postmaster General 105 Office of General Counsel 272 Bureau of Transportation 101 B. Need for copies and number of copy jobs. hbst copies consisted of two or more for each it reproduced with an average of over four pages each Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : riA_pnp7n_nn911R001000150001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: IA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 ii? ? ? -2 - 11.96 of 10G 1. Other than addreeeee needed information copy of material received. 53 2. File copy needed 52 a. more than one case covered original returned - Congress onal Mai c, original belonged to another office d. damaged by coffee (1); reading copy ( ) 3. Individual copy for divisioo directoro branch head, section chief 43 4. Project information 37 5. General information or precedent 27 6. To postmaster, regional director, etc. for report, ? receipt, comment, or action to be taken. (Facilities ? uses this a lot to obtain receipts for blanket ship- ments) 24 7. Each participant at conference or ou committee (regional controllers conference* plant maintenance engineers, etc.) 20 8. Statement for distribution at hearing or in court 18 9. Information copy for others than listed on copy distri- bution 13 10. Information copy to each regionsd office or Federal Reserve Bank 18 11. Furnished another government agency 12 12. To industry (principally concerning projects or claims) 11 13. Background information for other in section 11 14. Incufficient copies typed for addresses or file 12 15. Clearance copies 10 16. For Headquarters diecussion, report or investiga on 12 17. Form letter, unauthorized form or worksheet 9 18. Official personnel folder of individual named 2 19. Form 186 /oat; copy made to continue clearance 2 20. Advance copy for approval of bureau officials 2 21. Changed mind and did not distribute 7 22. Personal whim 2 23. Tracer copy 1 In at /east seven instances an original only of a memo was typed, then 15 or more copies run on the Xerox 914 machine. There were 15 occasions of typing insufficient copies. More copies than needed were run for 11 persons. Facilities put "10" in the wrong fill-in box and got 80 more copies than needed. Same distinct lack of need, or doubtful areas uncovered, were for example: 1. An additional copy of a weekly report made by a division while sufficient copies were available at the source .p Office el the Assistant Postmaster General. !,14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : .1A-RnPM-00211 R001000150001-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: JA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 STAT 2, Copies were"made of 137 replieo to an inquiry to ilaeilitatE4. preparation of bueeaula reply to each one and then.apparent/Y . not used. - 3, A pencil original was prepared and then copied instead of typing with sufficient carbon copies, 4. A job consisting of 14 pages was mialaid in the division and rerun. Much of the copy work is due to the trend at Headquarters of doing things by project, committee, or by coordinators. More people need copies to be informed. C. Internal Operation Clerks using the center are not familiar with Headquarters Circular dated April 24, 1962, Headquarters quick 'Copy Service Center. There is little or no instruction on the individual machines. These machines vary from time to time as eew models or experimental ones are introduced. Employees do not know which machine in the most efficient for their particular needs. Machine utilization is seldom up to a normally expected standard. This is due to machine shutdown for mechanical reaaons which is caused by machine malfunction, or incorrect operation by the employee. Machines are often out of paper or mats are lacking. While refills are made, tha multilith or a Xerox 914 ie out of operation. The constant variations in adjustments of the machines by persons running their own copies produces a waste of paper and time. Roughly, for every good copy run, one goes in the waste basket, doubling the cost per copy. Conclusions A. There is not a real need for ten percent of the copies reproduced which repreeeets a minimum of $2600 annually in man hours and materials. For example: 1. The addressee often furnishes unsolicited to others an information or alibi copy which is not needed. 2. The original copy could circulate more often for the infor- mation of others and then be filed in a central file for further use of all. This also reduces the volume of duplicate filing material. 3. The originator, by better p1amtLn, can provide sufficient copies at the source. 41. 4. There is a certain amount of waste that can be eliminated by simply being more careful, such a0 jobs rerun because first Iin mi&lnid_ AnA nrelprm clarotantity lawittan feyr Immynnor mmemntA. ? " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: riA_pnp7n_nn711R001000150001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 1A-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 ? STAT STAT 4 H. The extent to which each bureau or office uses the Quick Copy Center is not particularly aigaificant in view of the fact that in addition to this center, there are 30 machines at 26 individual stations at Headquarters. IV.eeeommendaeions The following recommendations provide e more effective way of obtaining necessary copies. A Issue the attached Headquarters Circulsr instructing personnel to plan correspondence and typed material so that sufficient copies, up to the capacity of the typewriter, are prepared at the source. This Circular to include the fact that "copies" are creating additional records and files. Cooperation of all must be stressed to hold the copies to a 'need to know" basis. The originator of the material, whether et Headquarters or in the field, know the required number of copies so they can be prepared at the source. The originator must prepare a mat for reproduction 04 the bkatilith if 15 or more copies are to be reproduced, in accordance with the procedures and operating rules for the Copy Center; pee C and D, Headquarters Circular B. Distribute Headquarters Circular at the Quick Copy Center and to each employee using facilities of the Quick Copy Center with instructions to read and learn. C. Quick Copy Center employees instruct employees using the Center on the proper operation of each machine. If using employee does not show a satisfactory degree of proficiency, request the bureau or office to send another employee who can learn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : r.IA-RnP70-00211 R001000150001-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 R Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 ? Declassified in ? . ; ? Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP70-06211R001000150001-5 #924 #813 ??r. ? *: ? 'OFFICE MACKIES RENTED )1a1OX MCKIM 36. each now rented (Includes 4 each in PSD) Basic rental $25.00.:per.month plus .035 per copy Cost. illinimUm of 2,000 copies per month ResUlts in' monthly minimum of $95.00 each... 16 each now rented ,(Includes 1 each. in PSD) Basis rental .$10.00 per month plus .045 per copy cost Minimum 'of 800 copies-per month Results in monthly minimum of $46.00 each. ? ?.??????, neclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 ' DUPLICATING AND COPYING MACHINES' (3610) Nomenclature _Duplicating Machine Offset Process Multigraph -.duplicating Machine Spirit Process .Duplicating tfachine Stencil Process ,..---Printing and Heat Developing %chine ? The.rrao.f_ax Printing and Wet Developing Machine (Autostat) (Verifax) Printing and Dry Developing?Machina (Ozalid)? Photocopying - Processing Machine (Photocopier - Electrostat) Photoco? pying and. Processing Machine Photostat Reproduction Machine Xerox Copyflow Model #1 Xerox Copy low Model #2 Quantity Dollar Value 59 234./554.70 40,911.64' 72 71.571.06 221 72,191.60 47 13,081.00 24 42 TOTALS???????????44?4?444.04?4 571 53,957.24 35,812,50 .112.792.00 105,000.00 118,000.00 :,857,851.74 k Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP70-00211R001000150001-5