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REGISTRY Approved For ease 2001/05/03 4-00466 100089 ' FILE ~~ .. 2 AUG 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FRO1: Robert W. Canbino Director of Security SUBJBCT: office of Security Significant Activities Week of 26 July - 1 August 1979 (U) REFERENCE: DDA Administrative Instruction No. 74-5 1. This memorandum is for information only. (U) 2. The activities of the Office of Security during the week of 26 July - 1 August 1979 were highlighted by the following items: a. On 27 July, the DCI Area Security Officer and Chief, Overseas Security Support Branch, inspected armored vehicles at the State Departmeeat Kewimgton Garage in conjunction with a review of the DCI's overall protective security program. (C) b. The Safety Branch's Industrial Hygienist and the Fire Protection Specialist visited - 25X1A to survey the new photograph waste treatment facility. Several suggestions relating to both fire prevention and industrial safety, evacuation plans and liaison with the local hospital and fire departments were discussed. (S) The External Activities Branch reviewed 5X1A 5X1A recent novel entitled 25X1A ough 'atest piece o ct on contains an unflattering account of the Agency. EAB found no material of a classified nature. The coordination process is continuing within other Agency components. (U) OS 9 1922 QRIGiNAL CL BY 7 ^ DECL ? REVWON 19 YY 6g YRS BY Approved For Release 2001/05/031 Iff . 84-004661%f~ID8005-9 REASO Approved For ease 2001/05/03 : CSM-00466Fe1000800,00 9 3. Projected Office of Security activity of possible interest at the Directorate level includes: The Office of Legislative Counsel has requested a defensive security briefing for Jon Holstine, staff member of the Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee of the Mouse Foreign Affairs Committee in preparation for a visit to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Soviet Union. The delegation, headed by Congressaan Wolff (D-NY), is also considering stops in Bangkok, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A tentative briefing date of 3 August on Capitol Hill has been set. (U) 25X1A Distribution: Orig & 2 - Adse 1 - D/Security d3- OS Registry 1 - DD/PTOS 1 - DD/PSI 1 - PPG Chrono 25X1A OS/PF,M/PPG 2 August 1 cbt Robert W. Caabino Approved For Release 2001/05/0tRQP84-00466R000100080005-9 Approved For ease 2001/05?03 qIA-RDP84-00466 100080005-9 1 August 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Support Division 25X1A FROM: cting ie Operations Support Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Log (U) 25X1A 1. On 31 July 1979, DCI Security Staff, advised that the DCI is planning a one day trip to Dallas, Texas, on 10 August 1979 in order to address the National Conference of Bar Presidents. The Office has been 25X1A tasked to support the D par y on is trip. (S) 2. The DDCI is also planning a trip to Petersburg, Virginia on 16 August 1979 to address the Rotary Club and 25X1A the 1( Office will be tasked to support the DDCI par y. 3. In addition, the DDCI is planning a speaking trip to Chica o Illinois, on 19 - 21 September 1979 and the 25X1A pop. "W Office has been tasked to support the DDCI 25X1A WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND MfIW3YYfihLd6 R DERIVATIVE CL BY 064537 ^ DECL EJ REVW ON 1 August 1999 .DERIVED FRO A9c5. lb lease 2001/0519ME 84-00466ROOD -9 Approved For Sase 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-004660100080005-9 1 August 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR; Chief, Security Support Division 25X1A FROM: Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Report of Significant Items (30 July - 3 August 1979) (U) 25X1A 1. Headquarters examiner is continuing 25X1A his support of the Industrial Contractor Polygraph Program where he is conducting polygraph 25X1A examinations (S) 25X1A 2. Headquarters examiner returned 25X1A on 1 August from a 25 day TDY to t e West Coast where he conducted (S) DERIVATIVE Cr. pY WAI'NING OTICE ^ ? ; jC :... Ir TELLcSE^;CE SCC~;;CES Ir',_;:; M O METHODS I VCLVED S E C R E T 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080005-9 Approved For Rose 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-00466R(100080005-9 1 AUG 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Support Division STATI NTLFROM : Chief, External Activities Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Report STATINTL 2. The Branch also reviewed recent TATINTL novel entitled His novel contains a not very fla U'L MIT gency. STATINTL 3. On 30 July 1979, Deputy Chief, IP/CFS, visited External Activities Branch to advise that his STATINTLemployee, GS-13, had failed to return to work followin annua "ave. A few hours later, it was STATINTL learned that had been released from a Massachusetts STATINTL hospital. On Saturday, 28 July, was renovating his property when a workman's torch ignite umes created b STATINT previous contractors. The home burned down was dispatched to the hospital as a result o smo e in a ation. Approved For Release 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080005-9 Approved For ease 2001/05/0SAR&84-0046610100080005-9 1 August 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (PUM) 25X1A FROM: Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) SUBJECT: Entries for the DDA Log 26 July - 1 August 1979 (U) 1. A total of eight members of this Office are currently overseas TDY, providing audio countermeasures inspections and performing physical security equipment maintenance. The eight are providing this support in the following areas: (C) 25X1A 2. The Industrial H ienist and the Fire Protection 25X1A Specialist visited to discuss and view the new photo- graphic waste treatment facility. Several suggestions were made for fire safety, safety and health considerations of this facility. These included the addition of a viewing window into the chlorine containment area, security measures, emergency warning devices and communications systems. Also discussed were evacuation plans, emergency plans, contact with local hospitals, fire departments, and emergency rescue teams. (S) WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED SECRET DERIVATIVE CL BY 008217 REVW ON 1 AUG 1999 DERIVED FROM A9c(5.1) Approved For Release 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080005-9 SECRET Approved For Rel* 2001/05/03 : CIA-RDP84-00466R040080005-9 3. On 27 July, C/OSSB accompanied the Security Officer/DCI Area on a visit to the State Department ware- house garage in Newington, Virginia, for an inspection of armored vehicles and discussion of the State vehicle protection program, in connection with the Security Officer/ DCI Area's interest in the program's possible application to the DCI. (C) 4. Audio countermeasures and security support were provided during testimony before congressional committees by the DCI and other Agency officials on 24 and 26 July and 1 August. (U) 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/OtQ,3CIlrP84-00466R000100080005-9 VAI Approved For ease 2001/05/03 CSI -ko 4-00466 100080005-9 31 July 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Education Group 25X1A FROM: ecuri y uca ion Group SUBJECT: Defensive Briefing for Jon D. HOLSTINE 25X1A , Member of Congressional 25X1A 1. On 16 July 1979, Office of Legislative Counsel, requested that the Security Education Group provide a Defensive Briefing for Mr. Jon HOLSTINE staff member of the Asian and Pacific Affairs Sub-Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, in preparation for his visit to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Soviet Union. Mr. HOLSTINE will be a member of a Congressional delegation, headed by Congressman WOLFF, which., aside from visiting Vietnam aid the Soviet Union, presumably will be making stops in Bangkok, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Mr. HOLSTINE holds SI and TIC approvals. (U) 2. A tentative date for the briefin has been set for Friday,.3 August 1979, on Capital Hill. 25X11A CI Officer of the desk, will provide a briefing on 25X1A SEG, will provide a briefin on recautions to observe in 25X1A the Soviet Union. Staff Director, Congressional Staf as reques e to sit in on the briefings. There is a possibility that other members of the Congressional delegation may also want to sit in on, the briefing as well. (C) 25X1A ^ O TI JjTr flARIG N TT E A1. INTEU. 50.1,?CES 6,;; RIVED - AG 7 A9c5. 2 AND ME1HOD S li;V;)LVED Approved For Release 2001/05/03: CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080005-9