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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP 15 APR 86 1th Mem, office symbol, room number, ftlIdl/IS? AlmwY/P080 L EXO/EDA Initials *fell#\P i .,A? Date 15.rn L ADDA Nk15taPit & DDA & DA/PLANS la 45 fu & DDA REGISTRY iketion File Note and Return 111pproval For Clearance Per Conversation ils Requested For Correction Pfel*ly ItsPlY Circulate For Your Infounation See Me pommy,* investipte Signature Coordination Justify REMARKS D/PAO HAS ACTION; D/os PECEIVED A COPY. DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurnincts, disposals, clearances, and similar actions FROM (Name, org. symbol, Agency/Post) Room No.?Bidg. Phone No. 1041-102 OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) ProserlImml_W OSA NM (41 crip 101-11.201 1983 -421- 529/320 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI x 2 DDCI-D X X 3 EXDM 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 0 .DA X 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OLL 14 D/PAO X 15 D/PERS 16 VC/NIC 17 C/SECOM X 18 D/Security X 19 ES X 20 21 22 SUSPENSE pr 86 Dote Remarks To 14: Please have requested draft statement prepared for DCI review. 14 April 86 Dote Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2011/11/17 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 12 April 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Public Affairs FROM: SUBJECT: Leaks Executive Registry 86- 1575 Director of Central Intelligence 1. I ran into Kay Graham at dinner last night. She thought our presentation on leaks went very well with the editors. She pointed out that Simons and I were really talking about different things, he about tearing down secrecy which covers up corruption and mismanagement and I about secrecy to protect lives and vital interests. In the discussion/that wasn't brought out as clearly as it might have been. The two of us talked past each other. 2. In this editorial in USA TODAY they decry overclassification in which there is probably room for improvement. They also again try to turn the whole issue on being entitled "to know what our federal government is doing just as we deserve to know how much the school board will pay teachers or whether the city council will raise taxes." That's true, but has nothing to do with protecting lives and national interests. 3. It seems to me we should get a coherent response drafted and use it to respond to editorial comment like this. William J. Casey Attachment: Page 10A, 11 April 1986 USA TODAY SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8 ?FRIDAY,APAII, 1 1 1986 ? USA TODAY "USA TODAY hopes to Serve ass forum for better understanding and unity to help maks IN USA truly net.... ?Aar H. Neuharth e Chairman arid Forbid t USA TCMAYen. Sept 16. 1162 JOhn C. Ouinn John Weer EditoriSlirilerrector OPINION The Debate: THE USA'S Today's SECRETS canal as an many alivetti dam treludee at wet wise rot reeks es epereree repast% an Iry real Seat to at Naomi warty. an owning saw horn Made Wand, ovar owes am Maas asccosin. and as Cava ol Cara& ha none ban acmes P. USA Too many secrets are real security risk The White House," President Raman aye "is the leaki- est place Tr ever been In." The president wasn't talking about the White House roof. Ii his speech to newspaper editors this week. he deplored a Walt most editors love ? the disclosure of information He rid it's ouch a series problem that planning for U.S. ven- ires of Ubya was limited to a "few people.- ' CIA Director William Casey went further. He said the . ? publication of secrets has destroyed intelligence sources and cost taxpayers "millions and even billions of dollars." . Leeks are nothing new. After all, George Washington . e..? keret the news that the British would surrender at York. - lure to a Philadelphia newspaper. Today, It, no secret that our government keeps tar too may secrets. There are nearly 20 million government re - COMO that are drilled, and 4 earn government employ. . ea have clearances to see award Information. ft's ludicrous to think 40 people can keep a secret How CM 4 million? If they were seeing It for the Orst time, some bureaucrats would dray the Coestitution. Carder some of the "secrets" the media have reported ikaugh the years EA report that the space shuttle carried a spy setelifte. . * The Pentagon complained about the leak, but an Air Force rectal aid later little wee reported that me not already diblie Inforrnalion. ? The Watersate scandal. Without leaks. the public would never have known the extent of White House Involve- ,. rent le the burglary and the subsequent cover-up. 011ie publication of the Pentagon Papers, The rvern dient claimed printing the leaked detelb of how we rt Into the Vide= Wer would endanger US. lives. Courts dis , , red. and the knowledge we pined may have saved lives i '' lored of harming us, most asciatures help US better aro , UMW what government is up to. We are entitled to know ' rad our federal government is doing Just as we deserve to .:11rntrw how much the school board will pay teachers or ? ildiellier the city council wUl raise Wee There are those who cry that Journalists are unpatriotic. They calm reporters would lariat national security for a '- hot story. That's ammo if Journalists frequently withhold be dangerous or irresponsi- ,lieritherlorairlon it would ,n bee to rover it. Even CIA Director Cary admits Met . Tee real disclosurac that have. damage,1 nur national se ...Unity have not come from the media. No. those disclosures corns from quislings and traitors ? the Johnny Walkers , and the other oda ? who sold secrets to the Soviets Sure, sometimes leaks embartri public servant& And gap or he Because we live ?, Mew caused a bureaucratic ? ? la freedom, not under the thumb of a totalitarian state, our edsalocracy is maw. And to. great degree, our freedom on much we knowou about r government deceeie how White House leaks. Built would bee mistake to l's QUOTELINES was not intended to make it im- "The First Amendment possible for ths executive to function or to protect Me se- curity of the Undid States." ? Erwin Griswold. former US. Solicitor General "Many secrecy later are pie On 00CUMentS 001 10 do- led a true secret, but to avoid a true embarrassment Or 10 Carer up a cost overrun, or an abuse ot power, or to sone carom, or to avoid public scrutiny, or out of habit." ? Howard Simons, former editor, The Washington Post "Loose lips sink ships." ? World War It slogan "Without enlightenment start pares and information aturt government dernooracy simply would not work." ? Henry Steele Commager. historian Pt Nee Siewir. USA TODAY JUDY MARKEY Guest columnist Remember, you read it here first! WILMETTE, III. ? The press may be occasionally piny of jeopardizing national security, but I tell you that is nothing ? nothing ? com- pared to what children can do when it coma to Jeopardizing family security. No secret, no piece of Infor- mation is sacrosanct when We little people with the big mouths reside In your house- hold. Generally, there are two main topics we do not want our kids discussing with anyone outside of the family ? money and sex. Conversation about ei- ther of these le considered by am. normalty ne,trntl, a/utt to be nothing lea than betrayal. Just like the par children make thew sorts of inquiries partly out of curiosity and part. ly because they actually feel they have a right to know. WILLIAM J. CASEY Guest columnist Therefore they ask: "Mommy, how much money do we have?" And though we consider our- selves open, modern parents our response is inevitably something nice and murky like, "Olt we have more than SIO and ler than $1 million" Like Caspar Weinberger, we hedge this way In the Interests of security. Everyone knows you can't be too defensive when it comes to money. One straight answer, and It's only a matter of time WI the kid shoots of his mouth to little Johnny Farquart who will p hoer and tell Mr. and Ka, Pereleseeta/ 00,t 111111111. standing Visa bill uf 0032.47, a second mortgage spine the house. and owe $4.397 on the Volvo, which, when tallied against your assets, means you're worth about $67,341.23 Judy Markey is a columnist for News Anintca Syndicate. ? not Including the Allstate poud Klds never make mistakes when II coma to spilling the a- nimist secrets Conversely, a kid in alma( always wrong when It comes to, getting the sexual Into right. That's why, In the interede of faintly security. its always better to stonewall on these mallets, U he asks you how of- ten you make love, ask him bow often he thinks you do. He will look at himself, and , as brother, count It up, and Ray. "twice." . Just 1104/ )0, 110,01, slid s.1) right. Thal, what my par- ents told my brother and me. Don't worry Mom. I wool tells:won.. Your secret Is ale with me. Help keep the USA's vital secrets WASHINGTON ? Our cam- ninon their spies, rowers:1i- try has spent billions of dollars eis. and satellites are working to develop methods of collect. 24 hours a day to uncover. Ins information required to as- In recent yeah, publication is. missiles and Other weriP of classified informatial by the via aimed al us, to develop et- media au destroyed or earl. fective measures to protect our ously damaged intellbsence citizens and installations sources of the hired vIdue, around the world from terror- Our agents, our relationalps Las, and to relit our diplomat& with friendly intelligence and Good intelligence sources security services around the are critical to our rcurity. Se world, our photographic and crecy and confidentiality are electronic capabilities, the In essential. For that reason, we formation we set from canton- must restrict the circulation of Mations ? all of this ham been Information shout haw andby the publication of where we collect intelligence clida= Information. ? and air the reports and.' Tina lime and thee again. sesenente bred on that Ines* has enabled those hare to us pnce 11 they might reveal Or to avoid has invereenti le compromise our sourer and conceal and otherwise deny in method& former* critical to (All de. The Kra sad other herr lame and le deprive IS Of NI intender"' services open/ W. Mary in error our 0?01M lions eace year In their afar from terrorist attack. to acquire this information. We do riot w in UntIl the Publication of this restricted press from prang information Informanon hands our *dyer. the public needs and should series on a silver planer rim- have I believe were All work. The views of William J. Ca- sey, director of central Medi- sena, are adapted front rse marks to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. PETER B. GEMMA JR. An opposing slow Unpatriotic media risk national security PROVIDENCE, R.I. ? I know, I know. It's ennui pre tirade ? even boring ? to reed of a conservative's yearn- ing for the pod old days. Sure- ly, however, when it coma to media handling of national se- curity Issues. Journalletic stan- dards used to be higher. Tm only 35, but I can't re- member a precedent ? nor think ode rationalization ? for ABCs inviting that Soviet corn monist commentator to rebut our president And I'm not a USAmotiono-wrong reaction ary, but someone needs loamy that sipilicent segments of the media have lad all respectful. patriotic restraint. Potriotion In the same sentence as runes media? When's the last time you sow that combination? Consider the worldwide ter- raid war against us. Every kook. thug and revolutionary movement on the planet seems to have instant &car to credi- bility and celebrity by rerun Mg verbally or worse, our country and especially our In- nocent civilians. Remember the scandalous coverage of the Pentagon Pa- pas? The miscarry expose Mtone of the space shuttles was carrying a military satel- lite payload? Or the endirs discurion of the caliber and range of ammunition we might provide to the freedom tightens In Nicaragua? I Just don't think newsworthy. Of come, I didn't believe The New York Times needed to detall our Merle-wean military fires- ERWIN KNOLL Guest columnist Peter B. Gemma Jr. is o con servative activist and tree. lance writer. ence in exact troop counts. air- plane/missile ranges1 gun cali- bers, and support lines While Khadafy kicks us around, the Soviets bully de - armless Afghans into submis- Son. and the Sandinistas sub- vert freedom In Central Ameri- ca. Our preaS people play the role of neutral observers Have they no patriotic instincts, Sure, the public has come to expect that a free press will de- liver eccurate, reliable news without undue iniluence from left or VII. good or bad But we also wemt our news deity. ered by red people, who hurt feel angry, and who can edge. date the pride and patriousm of the real middle class That's why the gangsters who hold our innocents as hoe tages don't deserve a "fair hearing and why Mad-Dog tawdry needs to be needled, and why those who leak infor- mation to fuel the Ire of specu. tenon should be discounted as sources for legitimate news And I'm real tired of Imelda Marcos' shoecounts, of Louts Farralthan's spewIngs, and of the voter analyses of Mayor' elect Clint Eadvdood's support- ers. That's cheap and easy "news." Poor Lowell Thomas must be turning In his grave Cynical, superficial, and in- sensitive to patriotic national security intereds are charges the media mud take seriously What's already public cannot be a secret MADISON, Wis. ? A scholar who reclean In modern Chi- nese history tells me that many of the racial Chinese publica- tions he ides as source materi- als are more readily available In this country than In the Pen- - del Republic. litria, those Chinese docu- ,,wridacirculate bray in pudic and university libraries Hui in Peking they are denied to for. errs ? and to Chinese citi- zens who don't hold high rank In the Communist Party. Such deerive and 'natio nal secrecy is what we expect of regimes we call authoritar- ian Or totalitarian. Our Severn meat wouldn't practice such tuft censorship, would it? It would. Ii 1971, when the Nixon &d- eclaration tried to prevent The Washington Post, The New Yore Tunes, and other useupers from publishing the Pearson Papers, Justice Department lawyers awed behhid closed courtroom Pots that publIcatioa would have devastating conesperee for "national security. The goveriunent cited 10 "rads" which. If brought to tight, would rendt in the death of men still airing In Viet- nam. disrupt relations with our allies, and strengthen the ene mks of freedom throughout the world. The curb were un paraded Sea rural the do pew to be pidritelltig, It harmed Mal ropey sae of Moor eoperniffelli Pre. vionally lariM pitialitted ? la some care MOW Of Oder pan before Use Pentagoo Pip pm ware canard. In Ire, Mien Ow Car* as- inintetralke tried to prevent The Progressive from publish' lag en Ilrelle strut the H. Mg for the am* goal, main- Mining this as the bed and mad free country In the world. lathe peat lye years, I have been pealed by the nsadinde of many Journalists and editors to Carefully consider some times withholding publication of information which could jeopardize national interwar or, more frequently, stony la a manner which mmte the NMI. NS KO leillpirsonuteagiVirti ik Is in reeeplie the pawned for dt 11M OWNS SIi= le be minter* Al we rest MS light al Use prom go getltsr urn faidiell news, I hope the par will re. red our duly to imp lea IS tima lesithriare rends Erwin Knoll is editor of The Progressive magazine kerb. such Mr officials ss the secretary of state, seratory of defense, and secretary of ener. gy swore that the article con tinned "secrets" vital to "na. howl security.' In tact they v_islerallopegirmaItiOn &neigh! an. By the time an embarrassed Justice Department dropped Its case six months later, It had been disclosed that am so. called secrets were lo be found In encyclopedias and [arbor& available in any school library ? and In a Russian Journal called Soviet Physics that's cir- culated freely in the West, In 1965, when the Reagan administration tried to Impose secrecy on the military mission of s space shuttle flight. The Washington Post pointed out that details of the intsion had already been revealed in con- peronal testimony by admin- istration witnesses. What's more, the "secrete" were com- mon wale in the bars around Cape Canaveral. Despite these and many oth- er instances of foolish or fraud- ulent secrecy claims, moot of the prem remains remarkably eager to acquiesce in censor- ship whenever the government rolls out its vague, all-purpose claim of "nether security." in Ike case of the space 1501114. for wird ?min ?r, af4114.1 loiter on networir, leered to swam inferPaori teal WU eerily retainable Illeth the government's tem Oen escrecy and 1ne RAMS media', sargernses to raaPerol? defy rather seabed Use chines. purr VOICES FROM ACROSS THE USA/ Do you think media disclosures compromise national security? ~ST 01111.104 50 Weldor OINK Ra. nen are lots of MM. KW pt printed that shouldn't be pried ? Marled roma lea amid not be poidideet Aar eaullitary mea I row : lhat mil dialogue. am me de' campromire our =Pon& inarity. The media mode Wee mere rostrata. They strebtal publish everylkialt they as pi their hands oa. CINDY ZELL, 22 Student Venice Calif. If anything. newspapers don't do enough to inform the public. They tell us what they want IS to know. Sure. mast Of what we hear and reed is pron ably true, but there are many =I'd like to see the 4 mere reepereihnity ellieLM- ; name were eery in VW . ?????? 1101 OW what terry 17.7", Amid be printed JIM LWOW& 38 Company manager Houston. Texas On the whole, I think report ems and editors do a pod bob reporting the awe Sure. are Ian ocaritral 11.1 MISS ea editor meld have male mere Ileerelgoe sr betlelluSkte bat I'm genre* wim the atediaTreira esuppla fee arid armillepere lels=1184 al previdleg L JOAN KATSARAJOS, 63 Miter haw Junollon. Vt Whit organs me lire res. er Misr materiel is ping let Sometime. It woe mie is wonionS kr Si mow ? For II in IMWe SI WALTER KERR, 57 Attorney Shaker Heights, Ohio As long r it's not Oddly classified laferensiles, it giant be gildisla to Si puma CU58.0110 SHARMA% 58 Engraver klyetwale. Md. I'm a retired military man one I otrordgy believe that ear. *NM materiels 45 not SI ellem SANDI DAVISSON, 48 Secretary kithvaukee. Ms. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/17: CIA-RDP88G01332R000100120046-8