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Document Release Date: 
March 12, 2001
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1979
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PDF icon CIA-RDP84-00466R000100070007-8.pdf147.92 KB
~~ _ .i~?pproved For Release 200/12 :CIA-RDP 00010 ~~ 1 ~ I~AR 199 MEI~[ORl4NDt7M hOR: Deput7- Dirleaor for -Administration FROM: Rabcrt 1~. Gambino Dirv~tsr of Se~uri,ty .~F fanr^ "+l .. ~iB.1ECT: Office o Se~~y Snificant Aeti ie Keek of ~ March 1379 (!~~ R8}~HRLNCH: DDA Administrative InstruetiQn Ito. 74-5 1. This ^sNrsranciirir if for ii~formatiari only. (U) 2. The aetivitiea of the Office of Security during the creek of >s - 1~ hlarcb 1979 :~~~hted by the folloxing hews 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1A d discussed a eauest and technical tra~.nin tc ~`-!~______ rs,__~_~ (4S) NRC seturit insgectorsp glf~ately forty-five approvals for this traitnf,ng are rec~~vedriite xouid be expected that tmis training xould be presented during the 1979-80 tine frame. (U) (s) 25X1A 25X1A ~x~~ ~v~l~ ~ ?~~~:~ :~v ~ /9 ft!~A~;~1R? ~~o_ ~ 3 c C3 -.~~ 9 D~7-35 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 :CIA- P84-004668000100070007-8 cR~r. aeaignpr~ ?zu~.~ tx~re ia. the csse of.:.~a b; A Headquarters Po~.Tgraph~' ~xir~aiaor ~recoAtly _ completed a special mission of interest to th~? ne wxs spe4irxcal~y commended by the for his fine professional xor an s sx~cGess in obtaining significant addissions from the subject of the case. (S) c.., On 13 March a representative from the Division of Saf?guards, Nuclear Regulatory n~...._~ --a __ ...~,,.. - - - - Approved For Relea~2001/07/12 : ~~4-00466R000~070007-8 d? ~ 13 March txo repreaentativea of the Office attended a ueeting rith representatir~$ of the ?ethnical Serriees Division, Office of Security, Depaartm?a~t of State, and the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment and Research and Deralopment Co~uaand to finalize action for printing copies ~ - `2 . - _ _ . - - - of 3 recent teat wade of 5X1A ~~._s~_ ~.___ ____,__ terrorist training saterial rill be made available t? r~s~rbers of the DCI Security Co~uittee. (S1 3. Projected Offic? of Security activity of possible interest at the Dtrectt~arate level includes: 25X1 C 25X1A Distribution: Orig ~ 2 - Adse 1 -~D/Security Q - OS Registry 1 - PPG Chrono 25X1A OS/PAM/PPG/ cbt ].5 March 19 Approved For Release 2001/07/12: ~~4-00466R000100070007-8 TT ``' Approved For Relea~001/07/12: C ~8~4~00466R000~70007-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Policy and Plans Group 25X1A FROM: Deputy Director of Security (PSI) SUBJECT: Weekly Log 25X1 C 2. Office of Securit assistance has.a ain been re ue~.ted -by 25X1A 25X1A e"~,to prove e wo gents or 25X1A 25X1C ctor support in the case o a e ector. (S) 3. On 12 March 1979, the Director of Central Tntelligence returned from his trip to Mississippi and Florida. The DCI/Security Staff stated that the trip went very smoothly and without incident. (C) 25X1A 5 Head uarters 25X1A . q 25X1A - departed 5 Marc or an exten e~_ TDY to t e West Coast acrd South. Amexica where the 25X1A are scheduled to provide ~ (S) 25X1A 6. F~Ieadquarters special mission of in eyes o ie completed a 25X1A and the 25X1A l d d was sped ica ly commen e 25X1A or his fine professional. work and his 25X1A a significant Subject of the case. (S) from the 25X1C 25X1A ~~iiC316VAp. M~~ elf ~ 017 5 l 9 ~, ~'`~~~~ March~..~~Q... Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-00466R~~~~~ ~~ 3 c 3 HHB 7 0 - ! 3(~ BYNO fi YRS..BY --. 7 R~A'~47N Approved For Relea.2001/07/~~(?1~14DP84-00466R000~070007-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (PFM) 25X1A FROM: eputy erector o Security (PTOS) SUBJECT: Entries for the DD/A Log 8 - 14 March 1979 (U) 1. On 8 and 14 March, security support was provided for the DCI and the Comptroller during their testimony be- fore the House Appropriations Committee. On 13 March, security support was provided for Agency SALT representatives during testimony before the House Defense Subcommittee. (U) specialis s an one wo-man personne .pro ec xon eam were operating in Africa during the reporting period. (C) 3. A representative from the Nuclear Re ulatory Com- mission visited the on 13 MarQ~~1 The Commission is c ring reques ing e enter to pro- vide training for 45 NRC security inspectors during 1979 and 19 80 . (U) 4. At the request of the Domes representative of the Office visited 25X1A 25X1A in order to provide gui ance on access cov- en ance persona. security. (U) 5. On 13 March, two representatives of the Office attended a meeting with representatives of the Technical Serva.ces Division, Office of Security, Department of State, and the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment and Research ~ e~, Development Command to finalize actin for pxinti ~ eo , tape, motion picture, and slide c: "of ~lx~~es~i~d of. device . ~opies 3~f this ma is i e made available to members of the DCI Security Committee. (S) DERIVATIVE CL BY OD $ 2~~ -~_~ WARMNG N4TIC~ D-~D~C>r [~ R~vVV ot~ 14Mar99 ~~~~~ds~~le se 2001/07/12 : J~ 1 04~~~~~d~ A9 c (5.1) AN ~ETnQpS VP~U;:)~VED v 1 Approved For Rele 2001/07/1 CiA--RDP84-00466R000~070007-8 6. Two thousand five hundred copies of safety litera- ture, "Safe Worker" and "good and Drug Tntexactions," were made available to Agency employees at 18 buildings in the Headquarters area (U) 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07QI~~DP84-004668000100070007-8