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May 7, 1959
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040123-9 STANDARD FORM NO. 64 - :ter' Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO :Chief, Language and Area School FROM :Deputy Chief, Area Training suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report DATE: 7 May 1959 A. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS None B. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. As a result of my recent experience with the "Saturday Special" AAO briefing and the lessons drawn from our de- velopmental PEA offering, I am exploring means of im- proving the content and administration of the AAO program. 2. A conference with interested WE personnel, including Bob (DC/WE), led to the follow- ing conclusions: 1) The subject "Living Conditions" will be handled at the appropriate country desk in WE rather than in our AAO; 2) Attendance at the closing sessions dealing with locational orientation and travel, as well as films and slides concerned with these subjects, will be o-ntional for employees; 3) We will add a follow-up of introduction to the AA problem, which will discuss cues for successful adjustment to everyday living in the foreign community, as well as a full session on the foreign society (going beyond individual behavior and attitudes to social patterns and institutions); and 4) Professionals in WE do not need a follow-up (classified) session, such as we have done successful) on inter-cultural cues for operating effectively in the particular country. 3. WH had previously advised me that it also recognizes its responsibility to provide the briefing on living conditions. These briefings must be -to-date and must be ecific on I I see no alternative but to leave this acti- vity where it can be most efficiently handled, except for ecial effort an make the briefings a burden for the DDP s p desks. Both WE and WH are committed to include non-DDP personnel in their desk briefings, and I am committed to furnish support with briefing reminder sheets and hand-out materials as appropriate. 25 YEAR RE-REVIE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040123-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040123-9 4. Continuance of the Saturday schedule is in question. While I had 16 dependents on 18 April, WE sent only one of these. Furthermore, the AA~ with no "Saturday Special" scheduled, has drawn 10 dependents during the week, an un- precedented number. The Saturday schedule will be given careful consideration, in consultation with all divisions concerned, before it is resumed in the fall. 5. The ten-week course RS - Southeast Asia was completed on 7 May by nine of the ten students registered. Ten others came ersonal re- t er-p in from time to time as auditors, The in language teachers from FSI assisted, who were o questioned uby coun- the class on such subjects as how the people tries should be contacted by Americans, how Americans should act, and what they thought of the Americans they had ob- served in their countries. The guest lecturers were selected from the staffs of State, Labor, Interior, Army, Federal Reserve Board, ICA,and OCB, who are daily handling various phases of Southeast Asian political, economic and inter- national relations, mineral development, communications and telecommunications, etc. Our own desk officers covering Southeast Asian countries supplemented with discussions of the activities of the Communist parties in these countries. 6. An AAO-Southeast Asia offering is scheduled for 11 - 15 May, with a minimum tentative registration of seven. Seven other interested persons left for their overseas assignments during the week beginning 5 May. Earlier scheduling of this course next spring (in March) should avoid this unfortunate situation. 7? Enrollment for RS Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland (CEP), starting on the 12th, is unexpectedly high, considering that it has been restricted to CIA personnel at EE's request. Of the 15 students registered, 7 are DDP, 4 - ORR, 2 -00, and 1 each from Gra hics and PIC. The commitments of C/EE (Critchfield) and C/SR to speak on the first day of the course should see us off to a good start. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040123-9