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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1954
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"-'I OVERSEAS WEEKLY NOV 28. 195h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08 CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240017-4 WHO PICKS REPORTERS TO TELL CIA STORY? column by Westbrook Pegler Re Richard and Gladys Harkness and their story about the CIA -advise?tadas-orpro:r !(Naguib and Nasser!) when the time seemed ripe for a palace' lcoup, and they indicated bow suchl devious matters were best ar- ranged." ? So, for any people naive enough' , to think that the phrase "free, 'world" means countries where the, .people choose _their own govern- ments are DOW informed how the! CIA choose governments for other' !countries, being specialists in "pal-1 lace coups" and "how such devious matters were best arranged"! In the same spirit of boastful,' admissions of how CIO overthrows! and sets up new governments the. authors write: . "A pother - influenced triumph was the ? successful over- throw, in Iran on the sunnocr of 1953, of old, Mossadegh and the return .to power of this country's. friend, Shah Mohammed Biza Pah- levi." For any Americans who shudder at the thought of having that homo- cidal king of Iran as their."frighd" we hasten to?eiplain that when the authoi' p19k1 of '"this Country's friend" they mean that the Shah took his' country's oil and gave it over to Standard Oil of New jer-11 sey and Anglo-Iranian Oil. And finally the authors also showi that it was CIA which sparked thel overthrow of the recognized re- gime .in Guatemala, that we fur-11 nished the arms and leadership, from outside Guatemala for the in- vasion which put the junta head- ed by dictator Castillo in power.' And for any who might think that there are any limits to the spon-: sorship of force and violence in other countries by CIA, the author' quotes a speech by Senator Mike! "That CIA liad subsidized al Mansfield of Montana: Nazi-type organization in West Germany which had marked lead., ers of the Social Democratic politi.1 cal party for liquidation . . . that CIA was maintaining the tatterde- Ari,ftlion .remains of a Nationalist Chinese' Army in Burma, despite Burmese; protests to the United Nations. * , SO ARROGANT -are these sup. jot bars of this organized iutctfer- ence, into the affairs of' other toun? tries that they taunt theThaily, Worker for not. knowTng even a small part of how much interfer- ence abroad is actually being or- ganized by our government. 1 "Grasping at a wisp of evidence,", the Harlmesses ,write, "the Com-i munist newspaper ' lie New York- ) Daily yo4er Asiti, 4- out for at- tack- a 11.06000,17100 Wind voted by Congress in the Mutual Security, Act of 1951." This fund was to be used to arm "selected persons" and organize "military formations" to; overthrOW government's with which' we maintain 'diplomatic relations.' I So the,14rie?seS'in the Sateve- izost giVe'us-iiOt a Wisp of evidence, but bushels of evidence that sub- version, force and violence, and the overthrow of governments which 1 dpn't meet Standard Oil specifica- tions is the reitular business of our gbvenupent through the agency headed by Allen Dulles. And still tbe Administration in Washington has the gall to term lany effort by peasants in some co- lonial country to get ownership of the land they till as proof -that it is the Soviet Vnion -whi('h is sub-' ? 1 . verting foreigcountries1 )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: A-RDP74-00297R000601240017-4 120.