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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1967
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STAT A NIT T-MIZALID ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/20: CIA-RDP73-00475R000402470002-9 oirK "1,57 f-1f 7 .4 (iti 771 0 77 . ? 'II r7 .777) zZ.; r7 r: " 101 (_2% 7.1. JI) ufQ.,',::/'sL../ ? \ LI ? . .LL - 'Rivers, are such Southern stal- le:y Drew Pearson and jack Zala.'erson It will be vociferously de- nied, but some of the South's ? .right have either overlooked most vocal opponents of civil or sanctioned under-the-table CIA aid to help Negro voting registration and militant civil ? rights groups. The CIA money was fun- neled through private founda- tions right under the nose of the Central Intelligence Watchdog Committee headed by Sen. Dick Russell, Georgia Democrat, and Rep. 'Mendel Rivers, the South Carolina Democrat. Both have made speeches denouncing the civil rights movement. Yet they permitted CIA funds to go to civil rights groups in the same 'manner that CIA money went to student groups. The disclosure emphasizes ;the importance of the drive led by Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn.), and Sen.. William IFulbright (D-Ark.), to put .1 !members of the Senate !Foreign Relations Committee ;on the CIA Watchdog group, now composed solely of mem- ber from the :douse and Sen- ?ate Armed Services, Commit- . ?:tee. This drive was defeated 'last fall when Russell emphati- cally proclaimed that his com- mittee knew what CIA Was .doing. Obviously it didn't.' ? . 'On the Watchdog Commit- tee, in addition to Russell and ????, warts as John Stennis ,(D- Miss.), Sam' Ervin (D-N.C.), and Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.): together with ? 0.? C. Fish- er (Tex.), Elliott Hagan (Ga.), and Alton Lennon (N.C.) ? all Democrats. CIA's Secret Channels :rhe main conduit for CIA money to help the Negro voter registration drive was the Southern Regional Council, which received $60,000 of CIA funds in 1963. The money was channeled through . the New World .Foundation.. - In 1962, $6000 of CIA funds went to the Southern Regional Council through the Aaron E. Norman Fund. In ?1.96, the Georgia Council on ". Human Relations also got $2600 of CIA money from the Norman Fund. The National Student Asso- ciation, which received mas- sive contributions of CIA money, was also encouraged by the CIA to push vofer reg- istration drives in the South:: Justification for using 'CIA funds was to quiet disastrous foreign publicity caused by civil rights violence. ? ? The Norman. Fund, inciden- tally; has ? also contributed to CORE's scholarship and edh- cational fur,d, ' the ' Lawyers' Defense Com- mittee,. and the League 'for In- dustrial Democracy, ,a11-...vigor7 ous advocatet. ,,Note:. Furicl officials 'deny any knowledge of CIA finan- cial ties; nevertheless ? they are a fact One Man-One Vote . A drive to head off the first Federal Constitutional Con- vention in U.S. history has been started in legislatures which hitherto voted for such a convention, The drive is led by Illinois State Sen. Paul Simon of Troy, Ill., home state of a man who has chiefly sponsored the convention, Sen. Everett Dirksen, who wants to nullify the Supreme Court's one man-one vote rul- ing. Though Dirksen's home leg- islature passed a resolution fa- voring a? Constitutional Con- vention in order to overturn the Supreme Court, the Illi- nois legislature has now found that the Supreme Court was right and that the equalization of representation in the legis- lature ?has worked for . Illi- nois's general benefit. It has also, incidentally, ? increased Republican representation, having given more votes to the suburbs around Chicago than to sparsely populated downstate Illinois. Despite this, Dirksen helped to sneak', resolutions through 32 state legislatures favoring the conventien. Never before in the 180-year history of the United States has the Nation ever held . a convention to change the Constitution; nor has it come,Ahis close.::OnlY 9 gt"'"Al it ;r.Y k.via ? two 'more states are needed to it get 'the required number of legislatures on record. ' This is why Sen. Simon, .a-f ..? member of the Illinois legisla-:, ture, which has already?votecl:; for the convention, has intro-4: duced a resolution to "rescind'.. the previous action." He has also written to the majority: and minority leaders of every.:: House and Senate in the 50' states urging similar action, In his letter, Sep. Simon points.; out how easy. it is for state, legislatures to go or....recore, for a Constitutional Conven- tion. ? "There is no statutory? framework for a Federal.: Constitut ional convention." Sen. Simon wrote his fellow, : legislators. "There is somP.: niestion whether such a Con?,. vention can be limited to one; ? '' tonic. This means that a Con-. Rtitutional Convention could ? result in a fundamental chal-4 lenge to our basic freedoms. *, "Under area representation; in the past half century. gross: lnequalities in representation; became part of the American' scene," writes Sen. Simon. ? Nr.vada, 8 per cent of the pop-.., controlled one housi.' Tif the legislature; in Cali- ; fornia,... one district hae. S,038,771 /voters and anothe:. Sistrict 14,204.: Are we seriouol %bout wanting to ?returni. Such a system?". ?? .. ? ? ? . . , 1067,,aen-mcclur? sy.ncuoice; me,: ? :,?ls Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/20: CIA-RDP73-00475R000402470002-9