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April 20, 1964
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400014-8
APR 2 0 1964
CIAP, with the seven mem-I
bers? under Sam' de Santa-
Chang? i g ile Seen_
maria chosen for geographic
representation, will take up
t h e Alliance's considerable
? political tasks.
For It Alliane.e. s to, the $20,9004year positions of Technology.
? ?
? Best. known
maining is Pi,!?'
Rodan,, a Bril? eliizen ,and
author. He ane of the Nine
holds another job simultane-
ously, as professor of econom-
ics at 1VIassachusetts Institute
Accordingly, ----- appointees
Committee of me
on the Committee of Nine are
i Other memebrs are Brazil-
expected to be more techni-
an Romulo Almeida, Argen
'cally than politically oriented. tine Ernesto Malaccorto and
A nominating committee
dr a wn from hemispheric
agencies is expected to meet
this month after resolving the
By Lewis H. Diuguid question of the role of CIAP
Slott Renorter ,in selecting . the new genera-
Five of the "Nine Wise I Part of the reason for the tion of Wise Men.
Men" of the Allian for exodus from the Committee, Those leaving besides Saez
seems to be just the lure of include:
I Progress have left, or 'soon other positions, coupled. with ? Manuel Noriega Morales,
will do so:
' the fact that the three-yearlalready returned to his native
Among them is Raul ,Saez, commitment is now over two-,Guatemala to head a technical
He is an economist
i'orked closely with
coordinator of the group more thirds met. . !institute.
formally known as the Com-1- But the changing structure who has
f th A li n 1 a la ed its:
can, was 'one of many hemiSr; .Part, according to sources , ? ....,...
lace isp y
mittee of Nine. Saez, a Chil-I e
Cuban Felipe Pazos, all econ-
omists and all as far as. is
known planning to stay at
least through Dec. 31:, ?,
Author Perloff?asked if he
thought the Alliance aug-
mented by Still another com-
mittee, ,could achieve the lofty
goals of planned economic
,rowth?posed several condi-
:dons based on the intent of
the participants and said, "At
,least now it has a chance." He
!added that he intends to do a
;lot of writing about his Inter-
'i ai5PV'""0American experiences.
pheric leaders mentioned for:
the chairmanship of t h e
newly-formed Comite Inter-'!
americana de la Alianza para
el Progreso ?
? ? ?
Carlos Sanz de Santamaria strong mandate allowing theii!
close to? the Nine.. Founders
of the Alliance recall a ? b0.11
bitterly that originally thel
Nine were ,to have been the
"Latinizing" agent, with a
of Colombia was given ti" virtually to cut off fund ?s from,
.CIAP job. Formation 'of that
committee, an attempt to. nations laggard in reforms.
"Latinize" the Alliance, is one, The United States reluctant-,
. of many factors in the depar- ly bought the multilateral ap-I.
Jure of the five Wise Men. proach, but Argentina, Mexico
The Alliance charter signed' and Brazil figured they could
' three years ago provided for, do better by dealing directly
the panel of nine experts who with the main source of funds, I
?would evaluate the national the United States. The result' Central America's
? plans to be submitted by the was a comprorpise t h a t
Latin American nations as Sheared off much of the Nine's ? Harvey S. Perloff, author
and educator in the field of
blueprints of economic and power. .
Still, the Nine proved vigor- -economic planning and the
. social developments.
Opinions of the. experts ous not only in criticizing sub- only U.S. national among the
would largely determine the mitted national plans but in Nine. He has agreed to serve
amount of foreign aid the na- calling for changes in the out his term ending Dec. 31
tions would receive. Nine ex-Al'? . . if needed before returning to
United Press. International
Morales Perloff
. . ?leaving Alliance
perts, some with international
reputations, were chosen for
three-year terms beginning in
;. January, 1962.
T h e original coordinator
was Raul Prebisch. Other
commitments soon forced his
resignation. He is now head
of the U.N. Conference on
Trade and Development in
anc .
of Nine suggested the study the job he left two years ago,
program director for the pri-
that .resulted in formation of
CIAP:- . vate research foundation here,
Resources for the Future.
Gradually Argentina and
Mexico have swung toward. ? Jorge Grieve, an engineer
the position of the smaller' who was -a Peruvian delegate
countries and the planners un- to the Punta del Este confer-
til with CIAP, a multilateral, ence that set up the Alliance.
direction of the Alliance May I ? Hernando Agudelo- Villa,
be possible. Advocates of this Columbian lawyer and ?econo-
Geneva. Saez, Prebisch's re- .approach, including the Nine, Mist who like many of the
' placement, will leave by Julyj:say the Latins.may be sternerl Nine has also held important
to return 'SD the directorship enforcers . of reform among
, political appointments.
of Chile's big government-themselves than the United
. owned electrical industry., 'States could be.
1 But even if this power po-
tential is realized it will rest
in CIAP, with the Nine ex-
pected to evolve into a techni-
cal adjunct.
I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400014-8