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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 28, 1986
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/28: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200180001-5 LOGNOTE -- Chief, Operations Group, 28 October 1986 1. C/Ops today met with C/ESG, C/ADD, and ADD staffers to review planning for field bureau modernization. C/Ops reiterated his full support for bureau automation and commo upgrades, but stressed the need to be fully involved in the planning. C/ESG agreed and advised that current plans for the bureaus fall into three basic categories: 1) LCAB automation; 2) commo line upgrades; and 3) possible AFS Headquarters commo software upgrades. The need for this latter item will be reviewed after the commo upgrade proposal has been defined. LCAB/Automation: Planning now is to place LEC in a position to complete the Vienna LAN by early CY-87, respond to ad hoc operational requirements in a way that would be compatible with the LCAB design, and, in FY-87, install LCAB systems in one or more of the Far East bureaus. C/Ops is in agreement with this general schedule and has supplied ADD with a prioritized list of bureaus scheduled for automation. In this context, LEC is subcontracting with CRW for continued development of existing BACH software with a view toward incorporating BACH into LCAB planning. Installation of a small LAN in Key West falls under the heading of an ad hoc operational requirement to provide the necessary hardware and software to support the commo upgrade now underway (see attached). Commo Line Upgrades: ADD/ is preparing a paper for C/ESG and C/Ops review listing the range of commo alternatives for each bureau and Headquarters. This paper will address such issues as eliminating Autodin, providing commercial alternatives, increasing baud rates, and identifying alternatives to current switching centers. C/ESG noted that these proposals are unfunded items for which he would expect to use some modernization and some base money. The hardware for the commo upgrades would, for the most part, be the same hardware to be used for automation. Other possible costs would be higher phone bills in some cases and the possible need to lease some dedicated lines. No decisions will be made on any of this until the ADD paper is completed in early December. A discussion was then held on what policy to follow regarding bureau automation initiatives and hardware procurement before LEC completes the LCAB design. It was decided that new initiatives by bureaus will be discouraged, bureaus will be kept fully informed on modernization planning, and ADD will continue to upgrade BACH and provide BACH support to the bureaus. The problem of Cologne Unit teletyping was also raised, although Cologne is not included in the current LCAB planning. ADD will look into solutions for this. It was also agreed that London Bureau was not an "LCAB" bureau although it will be included in the LEC proposal. A requirements analysis at London will have to be done early in the program. (cc: D/FBIS, C/EFIPS, C/ESG, C/DRD, C/ADD, C/ComCtr, bureau chiefs) WI co, IS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/28: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200180001-5 STAT STAT MODEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/28: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200180001-5 COMMO PC/XT COMOUT PC DUAL FLOPPY MONITOR/EDITOR KEY WEST CONFIGURATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/28: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200180001-5 PC DUAL FLOPPY