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March 14, 1986
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S-E: T[. PI N14' . `'.VANJ DAI, ~ .DF!, 01 -A-,DM? United states senate
Chi: Ec- N[VADA n.. eRAD.11 NEM APSE,
February 20, 1986
The Honorable William J. Casey
Director of Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Bill:
8 6 - 060 3
w;'b -0435
We have received the enclosed letter from Senator Kennedy
requesting the assistance of the Select Committee in clarifying
the role of the Chilean government in organizing demonstrations
against him during his visit to Chile on January 15-16. We have
been informed that Senator Kennedy was briefed on intelligence
reports on this matter just prior to his arrival in Santiago, and
also that the Senator, his staff and others have publicly alleged
that the Chilean government had a role in organizing the demon-
strations and have described in some detail the nature of
government involvement.
Senator Kennedy has requested that the Committee study this
matter and report to the Senate on the role of the Chilean
government. Senator Kennedy would like some part of the Committee's
conclusions in this matter to be made public. At the outset, we
propose to begin by requesting copies of all intelligence reports
pertaining to this matter produced by the CIA or other U.S.
intelligence agencies. If it becomes necessary, we would also
appreciate your support in arranging briefings of Committee staff
to obtain any further background information that may be relevant.
The State Department has apparently been unwilling to endorse
Senator Kennedy's allegations concerning the role of the Chilean
government, in part because intelligence sources and methods
might be revealed by acknowledging U.S. government information in
this area. We would like to have your opinion on whether it
would be possible for the U.S. government to make a statement
about the fact, nature and extent of Chilean government involvement
without jeopardizing U.S. intelligence sources. (It appears that
considerable information has already been made public about this
affair, including through Chilean press reports.)
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The Honorable William J. Casey
February 20, 1986
Page Two
As Senator Durenberger stated in the Congressional Record on
January 30 (copy attached), it is extremely important that the causes
of the demonstrations in Chile be determined and responsibility for
them established. The Senate and the rest of the U.S. government must
take very seriously the threat to one of our elected representatives
created by a government which had permitted his visit and provided
assurances as to his safety.
Thank you for your atte pion to this matter.
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CDAAMD P, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000500600045-0
'cn .b ziafa* Zmais
February 10, 1986
Senator Dave Durenberger
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate
I am writing to request the assistance of your
Committee on a matter of importance to me personally
but also of some importance to the United States Senate
as an institution.
The purpose of this letter is respectfully to re-
quest the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, after
reviewing the available information, to report to the
Senate about the Chilean Government's responsibility for
and involvement in the planning and organizing of demon-
strations that occurred in Santiago, Chile at the time
of my trip to that country on January 15-16, 1986.
If it is necessary to classify this report, I
would be grateful if the Committee would also issue an
unclassified summary of conclusions reporting the degree
of the involvement of the Chilean Government -- if any --
in organizing these demonstrations.
Thank you for your help on this.
Edward M. Kennedy
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ae in the location of the closed
re Committee on Energy and Natural
at 10 a.m. The hearing wW take place
In room SH-219 of the Senate Hart
Office Building in Washington. DC.
The purpose of the hea_rirg is to re-
eeive a briefing with respect to negoti-
ations on Micronesian status..
For further Information. please con-
tact Jim Betrne at (202) 224-2560
str)CONO[rr'rsf 031 ST1ATM1C AND TffiATD
Mr. DANPORTH. Mr. President. I
ask unanimous consent that the Sub-
committee on Strategic and Theater
Nuclear Forces, of the Committee on
Armed Services be authorized to meet
during the session of the Senate on
Thursday. January 30. 1988. in order
to conduct a hearing on antitactical
ballistic missile defenses.
out objection, It is so ordered.
ssLscT Coat -ru ON rNTt1.LIGOICr
Mr. DANFORTH_ Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Select
Committee on Intelligence be author-
ized to meet during the session of the
Senate on Thursday. January 30, 1988,
in closed executive session, in order to
receive an intelligence briefing.
out objection. It is so ordered.
Mr. DANFORTH. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Sub-
committee on Public Lands, Reserved
Water, and Resource Conservation of
the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources be authorized to meet
during the session of the Senate on
Thursday, January 30. to hold a hear.
ft on Senate Joint Resolution 221
and House companion House Joint
Resolution 382, to authorize the con-
tinued use of certain lands within the
Sequoia National Park by portions of
an existing hydroelectric project and
H.R. 3851, to amend section 901 of the
Alaska National Interest Lands Con-
servation Act.
out objection, it Is so ordered.
Mr. DANFORTH. Mr..Pr'esident, I
ask unanimous consent that the Com-
mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and
Forestry be authorized to meet during
the session of the Senate on Thursday,
January 30, 1986, in order to receive
testimony on the Farmers Home Ad-
ministration loan servicing regulations
and a General Accounting Office
report on FmHA's farm loan portfolio.
out objection, it Is so ordered.
or Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP90B01390R000500600045-0~0 ye6
? Mr. DURENBERGE R Mr. Presi-
dent, the Chilean, Human Rights Com.
mission as founded in 197E by Dr.
Jaime Castillo and other prominent
Chileans from various fields seeking a
secular human rights organization to
monitor violations of human rights
and to work to restore the rights guar-
anteed in the international human
rights treaties that Chile has signed.
Since Its founding, and despite the
many obstacles placed in Its path by
Chile's military government, the Com-
mission's accomplishments have been
impressive. The Commission has estab-
lished a network of human rights or-
ganizations throughout Chile. With
the support of these regionel group..
the Commission monitors the status of
human rights and publishes monthly
informational bulletins. The Commis-
sion is one of the most highly respect-
ed organizations in Chile and has been
accepted as an affiliate of several lead-
ing international human rights organi-
zations, such as: the International
Commission of Jurists, Geneva; the
International Federation of Human
Rights, Paris; and the International
League for Human Rights. New York-
The Commission's President, Dr.
Castillo, served as Minister of Justice
in the Christian Democratic govern-
ment of President Eduardo Frei in the
late 1960's and early 1970's. Maximo
Pacheco Gomez, the Commission's
Vice President since 1978, was the
Minister of Education in President
Frei's government and served as the
dean of the faculty of law at the Uni-
versity of Chile In Santiago.
Since last August, it appears that
the government of President Augusto
Pinochet has intensified Its pressure
against the Commission and its affW-
ates. In August. Chilean police tempo-
rarily detained Dr. Castillo for reading
a proclamation that reminded Chil-
eans of their obligation and right to
uphold basic human rights. More than
20 others associated with the Commis-
sion were arrested at the same time.
On November 29. the Commission's
national offices in Santiago were
raided, ransacked, and its documents
were confiscated by armed plain-
clothesmen. One Commission employ-
ee was beaten so severely that she re-
quired hospitalization. This attack
preceded by one week the visit to
Chile by the United Nations Special
Rapporteur on Chile, Prof. Fernando
Vollo of Costa Rica. This attack was
just one of more than a dozen similar
incidents In 1985 of plainclothemen at-
tacking Chilean human rights defend-
ers and ransacking their offices.
On January 15. Senator Kart- y
visited Chile to meet with representa-
tives of the democratic opposition and
Chilean human rights organizations.
Upon his arrival at Santiago, he was
confronted by a violent demonstration
by members of the lndeper>dert
Democratic Union, a pro-Pinochet
group. Chilean police did not act to re-
strain the demonstrators and Senator
Kn-xtrT was forced to leave the air.
port by helicopter. At the same time.
three of the Com-'niss;or. s leadfn
were approaching the s. rport and sere
themselves attacked by UDI demon
strators. Their car was damaged and
Dr. Castillo was injured. Once again
Chilean police stood aside and did
nothing while the attack was under.
way. It now appears that high-ranking
officials of the Chilean Goverent
were actively engaged in the planning
and the Implementation of this dem-
onstration. If this is true, President
Pinochet's government owes Senator
Kx nrmT an apology and should con-
duct a thorough investigation into this
Most recently, Dr. Pacheco, and his
family have again been the targets of
harassment. At noon on January 18,
Dr. Pacheco's maid, Rosa Espinoza
Baeza, was abducted by plainclothes-
men and driven to a remote location
on the outskirts of Santiago. She was
held and interrogated by her kidnap-
pers for 14 hours, when she was re-
turned to the center of Santiago on
the morning of January 19. During
Ms Espinoza's interrogation, her kid-
nappers' questioning focused on Dr.
Pacheco's contacts in the United
States and on the January 15 visit of
Senator KzsnemT to Chile. It is my
hope that the Pinochet government
will cease its attacks against the Chile-
an Human Rights Comm'ton and
that it will allow the Commission to
conduct its important humanitarian
Mr. President, I ask that two articles
on the Chilean Human Rights Com-
mission as well as two summaries of
attacks on the Commission be printed
in the Rzcortn.
The material follows:
PaoTtsT HixDCR5 KmwmmT rig Cxiis
(By Lydia Chavez)
SANTIAOo, CHILI, Jan. 15.-Senator
Edward M. Kennedy, arrinng here today on
a tour of South America. was forced to leave
the airport by police helicopter after dozens
of pro-Government demonstrators blocked a
Some of the protesters wore life preserv-
ers and carried photographs of Mary Jo Ko-
pechne. who died in the Senator's 1969
automobile accident at Chappaquiddick.
The demonstration was organized by the In-
dependent Democratic Union. a party that
supports the military Government.
The police, generally fierce with crowds,
did little to hinder the protest.
The airport protesters were greatly out-
numbered elsewhere by people who warmly
welcomed Mr. Kennedy.
In a second incident later in the day, the
Massachusetts Democrat's car was struck by
a stone and eggs as he left a rehabilitation
center alter a tour. Jamie Castillo. the presi-
dent of the Chilean Human Rights Commis-
sion- was Injured slightly when a stone
smashed the window of his car.
President Augusto Plnochet has refused
to meet with the Senator, calling him a
.'enemy" of the people because of his spon.
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