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O A D J Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-214 Reportage on 7 Oct Celebration of Italian Expulsion Al-Qndhdhaf Speohs et Rally LD071840 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic 1620 GMT 7 Oct 86 [Speech by Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi at rally in Surt to mark 16th anniversary of expulsion of Italians from Libya; date not given - live or recorded] [Text] Brothers: Today, as we celebrate the 16th anniversaryof the destruction and elimination of the Italian colonialist's traces after the revolution, we feel that we are still the target of the same colonialism and from the same source. The enemy is still planning and dreaming to subjugate our country, to confiscate our inde- pendence as well as to exploit our resources for its own benefit. Colonialism had, however, thought it would triumph over the Libyan people and that it had succeeded in fulfilling its aims to settle in Libya as well as to annex the Libyan coast to Italy to become a fourth coast, as the Italians used to say. The arrival of the Italians on the Libyan shore did not take place easily, as the world knows. The Italians went through colossal difficulties that they, themselves, had not foreseen. It was an abortive war for Italy. Brothers, Italy, as well as America and the whole world, should know today that this anniversary we are celebrating today is the anniversary of the elimination of the traces of Italian colonialism from Libyan soil. This aggression took place in 1911 and was carried out by a state that at that time was regarded as a big power, namely Italy. It formerly possessed fleets and formidable military might as well as an air force. It used to ride at the crest of the wave of colonialism in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, the colonial tide was the dominating one. The map of the world used to be changed in view of this tide to be colored according to the ambitions and nationality of the colonialist. Italy used to believe that, with its military power and by riding atop the wave of the European colonial march toward the Third World, and compared with the poverty of the Libyan people at that time and the the Libyan people's shortage of weapons, ammunition and equipment, and owing to the treason committed by Turkey in abandoning Libya at the Treaty of Ouchy in 1912 - all those factors worked in favor of colonialism. Italy also used to believe that reaching Libya, and in occupying and annexing it so that the Libyan coast would become the fourth coast of Italy, could be achieved quite easily only by a sea trip. But what happened? Decades of torture and blood; decades of killing and heavy losses were inflicted by Italian colonialism so that it could realize its ambition. The sea trip was turned into death and Hell and gruelling war. That went on for about a quarter of a century. For a quarter of a century, the poor and unarmed Libyan people, whose power could not be compared with the power of Italy at that time, fought the warships. They fought an enemy that had artillery. They fought that enemy with rifles, and sometimes with daggers. Finally, our fathers and forefathers realized great glory in every part of Libyan territory. - 5PCCc ESQI In every bit of Libyan territory there are memorials in honor of the battles fought by our fathers and forefathers. Finally, we wrote - our forefathers and ancestors wrote - in the line of great glory, there are commemorative statues all over Libya to commemorate the battles of our fathers and forefathers. [break in transmission for few seconds] After that, the Libyan people won. (slogans, chanting) After all this, Italy was defeated and the Libyan people recovered their freedom, not because of World War II, nor because of its alliance with Britain. Yes, the Libyans allied themselves with Britain during World War II against the Axis states. And Libya provided services that Britain and Germany are now denying. They are rewarding the Libyans for their services with harm, which proves the baseness of British and German morality. They did not reward the Libyan people with goodness, they rewarded it with aggression and harm and by allying themselves with the United States against us until now. The Libyan people allied themselves with Britain against the Axis states. They provided the Allies very important services, but the Allies to whom we gave these facilities and assistance have tuned into a colonizer and replaced Italy. What is more, they plotted with Italy itself and handed over all of Tripoli Province to Italy. The Allies shared Barqa and Jazzan. The British forces occupied all Libyan territories: land, sea, and air. Libya became a British colony after World War II. We all know that the independence, particularly after the revolution and when this era was exposed, was a masked independence. The colonial agents, the king, his ministers, his senior ministers and deputies were brokers for the colonizer and subservient minions of the colonizer; they were lackies. The Libyan people are inno- cent of all those who served after the masked independence under the forged royal flag, because they harmed the Libyan people. If we carry out research, we will find that they do not belong to the pure Libyan Arab people, but belong to non-Arab families. They are families of foreign tramps who came to sell their homeland with their stomach. They left their homelands and settled in Libya. From these despicable families they: came prime ministers at the time of the king until the rise of the revolution. There also came a number of ministers and deputies, as well as all the middle men, traders, contractors and all the dogs of the old era, all the foxes of the old era, all the despicable people, middlemen, cowards and traitors of the old era, the followers and agents of colonialism who we curse at every chance, and which history and heaven curse. On this occasion, 0 brothers, on this occasion we wish to declare that everyone who collaborated during the royal era and betrayed this people, and everyone who betrayed and offered services to the Italian colonialists, we must expose them and uncover their past. We must expose their families and children and register them in a black book. This is so that they will be in the hands of the Libyan people and so that that these families and their children will be at the mercy of the Libyan people who will do with them as they please. O brothers, we say that the Libyan people have regained their independence and freedom - however, not by allying itself with the Axis or Allies. However, Libya remained colonized, and its Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 V land occupied until the rise of the revolution in the dawn of September 1969. On that day we snatched our independence and freedom, not by alliance with Britain, France, the Allies or others, but in alliance with ourselves. By the sons of Libya and through their free will, independence and freedom was regained, dignity was achieved and once again pride returned to the great Libyan people. Pride on the Libyan land returned to the Libyan people alone. This was achieved in the dawn of September 1969 and not by alliance with the Allies, not by foreign assistance or help, not by action with a foreign source, and not with the help of U.S. intelligence or any other foreign entity. The revolution was achieved by the free unionist officers and their brave soldiers. This was done by our will, planning, and courage as well as our readiness to shoulder our responsibilities and our prepardness to sacrifice in order to regain the independence of our country and the dignity of our people. Brothers, we must remember that Italy did not leave Libya during World War II. It left Libya following the Al-Fatih revolution of 1969. Italy was still then controlling whatever territories it wished to control. When we undertook the rev- olution, Tripoli was still colonized by Italy and was dependent on Rome for everything. Even the Libyans, who the Italian colonists proposed to take seats in the Libyan parliament, used to defend the right of the Italians to colonize Libya when speaking before Libya's Representative Assembly as well as before the Libyan Senate, which existed on the eve of the revolution. We remember very well those despicable people who were mem- bers of the Representative Assembly and Senate, who used to defend Italy's presence in Libya and used to work toward con- necting Tripoli to Italy. The proof of this was that all communi- cations, maritime cables, telephones, postal services, airlines, sea links, and commerce, as well as all other dealings, were connected to Rome. Italy was colonizing those who themselves were colo- nizing Libya and thereby it connected this colony with its capital. This was the situation when the revolution took place and even now it is still difficult to cut off the thousands of maritime cables connecting Libya to Italy, the colonial power. However, we are seriously thinking of cutting them off. We do not want ourselves connected with the capitals of colonialism nor do we want to be connected with Europe at all. It is Europe that needs us, we do not need it. We are still going through a stage of development, during which we do not need Europe's complications and its complicated industrial and electronic industries. Europe is the one that needs us. We are thinking seriously of cutting off all communications that colonialism has established with our capi- tal. Among these means are maritime cables, thousands of which connect Libya with Rome. Libya no longer has any interests in Rome. We did not triumph against Italian colonialism and expel it by allying ourselves in World War II with the Allies, the Allies who reneged on this alliance. We have expelled it with revolution. Although Italy colonized this people when it was poor and unarmed, with time, this people, thanks to the revolution of its sons, was able to expel the Italians and send them back across the Mediterranean on the same ships they came on to colonize Libya. They were expelled to Italy on the same ships on which they came. This, brothers, means that peoples, however weak, lp small, or poor they may be, will win in the end against their colonizers, those coveting them, and against the tyrants. Brothers... [cheers and chanting of slogans] Brothers, today we learn this lesson from history because today we are before a colonial power to which we are absolutely unmatched. This power wants to colonize this land. It wants to occupy this coast once again. But by observing this day and recalling the colonialism that we defeated on this day, remembering how we triumph, we are celebrating, singing, dancing, challenging, and chanting because we are free. We say that we have achieved this freedom though our will and through revolution. We are prepared to resort to such will once again. Brothers, we are now called upon to face new aggression and new colonialist ambitions in our country. At this time we must rise, men and women, and be ready to face this aggression. Brothers; we must now undertake serious work in order to strengthen the defensive capabilities of the Libyan people to face the new ambitions. We must, brothers, head toward the coast in order to mine it, to fortify it, to militarize it, and to train for fighting over it as well as to defend it. We must, brothers, go from (Ras al-Jadir) to Tubruq; men and women must be mobilized through the battalions of the armed people and plant strategic mines along all Libyan shores as well as erecting defensive forticiations along these shores; we must arm all the towns and turn them into armed fortifications; we must train for the defense of these shores. We must not allow the United States, Italy, or any other power to gain a foothold on Libyan shores. We must, brothers, erect defensive lines and battle lines deep within, line after line. We must erect more trenches, fortifications, and barbed wires; plant more mines; and train ourselves to use arms, own weapons, and turn every house into a trench, every building into an armed fortification, and every town into a barrack. Brothers, thousands of people have begun working on the coast. During the coming days we expect that thousands and thousands of armed people will join in - each one within the framework of the military unit that trained him. Units of the armed people will occupy their sectors along the coast and they will defend these positions and die in defense of them. We have to prevent the enemy from setting his foot on this free coast - this free land - this land over which the banners of freedom and dignity of the free Arab citizen wave, the banners of the Jamahiriyah - the revolution of the masses which has decided that it will never be defeated and will defend this free land to the last Libyan man and woman. [audience cheers] When we say that we have to sing, dance, and fight, this, brothers, does not mean that Libya's military force or armed force is so powerful that it makes us overly confident, that we can sing and dance. I want to explain the meaning of this expression, so that no one can say - as some have - how could U.S. aircraft reach Tripoli or Bab al-Aziziyah? No one has said that they did not reach Tripoli or Bab al-Aziziyah. These aircraft may even reach Moscow. Their arrival at Tripoli or Bab al-Aziziyah is not important. This is because any air defenses in the world are estimated to take out 30 percent of an attacking force, and therefore it is inevitable that the rest will arrive at their targets. Despite the fact that those aircraft dropped their laser-guided bombs while they were over the sea and not over Bab al-Aziziyah Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 V - but the important thing is the confrontation - whether the raiding aircraft reached their targets or not is not the issue; the issue is what we should do ourselves: Do we submit? Do we surrender? Do we fear? Do we flee? Or do we stand our ground, fight and challenge, and decide to die? This is the important thing. Therefore, when I say to you, we must dance, sing, and fight, this does not mean that the enemy will not reach us, and that his power will not overcome us, and we can dance, sing, and fight. Therefore, we are singing, dancing, and fighting because we are safe from the power of the enemy. I am telling you that anyone who has [changes thought] We... [changes thought] [audience chants slogans] Let me explain this by saying: Anybody who possesses a great power might not need to sing, dance, or chant slogans because his power compensates for this, but anybody who faces a strong and powerful enemy such as we are now facing - the United States and NATO - there is no comparison between this force and our force; therefore, we need to sing, chant, dance, and fight because in doing so we compensate for any lack in our military power while confronting this enormous international force, and we compensate for the smallness of our population in confronting this force's army. This is our source of strength in the battle because if we do not sing, dance, and fight, or if we only fight, this means that we are afraid of this force and we have not used our effectiveness against it, or it has damaged us and paralyzed our ability to confront it and there is nothing before us but fighting and the sounds of the gun, the machine gun, and the tank. This force - the gun, the machine gun, and the tank - in reality does not meet the U.S. force of NATO force which is confronting the Warsaw Pact and the whole socialist community and the big Soviet Union; but the one who sings, dances, fights, and chants slogans is the one who challenges; he is the brave one; he is the one who is not concerned that his force is small and the enemy's force is large; he is not concerned that, afterward, the enemy will annihilate him, kill him, or defeat him; this does not concern him. What concerns him is to shout the challenge. The proof of this is that he shows contempt, defies, resists, and fights; he sings, dances, chants, and fights. This is what we must do in the coming days. We must prepare ourselves to sing, chant, dance, and fight the great power, the power that has no compari- son with us. But at the same time we must understand... [changes thought] It must not be understood from this that there is no possibility of victory. On the contrary; I gave as a first example the fact that we finally triumphed over Italy which was then a great power, as America is now. Despite all that Italy did, it failed to liquidate this people. The Libyan people is still free and its population is now bigger. It still sings and celebrates. It still challenges Italy and those who are behind Italy. The United States is like the Italy of that time. Even if the United States comes, even if it occupies this land, in the end we will triumph over it because this is our land, our right. We are more brave than the United States. Our soldiers are more courageous than U.S. soldiers, and our people is more brave than Q 3 NORTH AFRICA the people of the United States because our people is authentic while the U.S. people is a bastard people, without glory, without glory, history or past. It is not linked by a national or religious unity. No matter what is said about us now we need to seek help in our authenticity, our nationhood, our Arab character, our civilization and our deeprooted glory, because all this represents ammunition in the battle to confront a power that does not possess this ammunition, this authenticity. We are the ones who possess ideals, the courage passed on by history. We are the teachers of the world. We taught the world about civilization in the Middle Ages. We are the ones who possess the eternal missions. We are the builders of civilization. All this is ammunition that makes us realize that whatever the power of the United States, we will triumph over it in the end, because we have authenticity, greatness, and great glory. History is witness to our heroic deeds and sacrifices. Even if we are not at this moment at the same military level as they are, we know that in the end we will triumph, given this authenticity, this greatness, this deep-rooted glory, our right to our land, and with the decision we have made to die. Brothers, we must prepare ourselves, only prepare ourselves. We do not want to declare war, or to say that we have to prepare for attack, or what we should prepare for war. We must prepare ourselves for defense, and we must be determined to smash aggression. We must resolve on this land, on this coast, that if an aggression is launched on this coast it will inevitably be destroyed and that we will inevitably trample American flags as we trampled the flags of Italy which were made of silk [cheers and applause] - as our fathers and forefathers trampled the flag of Rome which was made of silk - they trampled that flag with their bare feet. [cheers and applause] If the United States wants to set its dirty feet on this pure coast, we tell it today, and it must listen, that its feet will be burned. We announce to the United States that we have decided to transform the Libyan coast into embers - into Hell. If the United States wants to occupy Libyan towns then it should know that during the coming days these towns will be transformed into fortresses of mighty, stubborn resistance. They will not be like the Arab towns that were invaded by the Israelis. There will be no women with their hands raised up high to shield themselves from the enemy's bayonets. They will not cry. They will not be afraid. There will be women who will raise their arms holding their rifles and machine guns. There will be women firing guns. There will be no crying, but resistance, fire and defiance! The United States should know that Libyan towns are different from the Arab towns and should realize that these towns are more developed than the towns of Vietnam used to be, and that the Libyan coast will be more developed than the Vietnamese coast was. The United States should know that it will be facing a real problem from the Libyan coast. In this event, cowardly America will resort to the long stick of the coward, and this does not frighten us. No matter how long his stick may become a coward does not frighten anyone. Peoples are not afraid of a coward no matter how long his stick may be. The long stick of the coward Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 W does not frighten us. If the United States strikes with its long stick, we will then use our special means, which are not aircraft carriers nor intercontinental missiles. We will then have the right to actually practice terrorism against the United States and against the U.S. presence everywhere. We have not practiced anything of the kind in the past. We were continuously opposed to terrorism and have condemned terrorism in the past. We are revolutionaries. We are fighters for the sake of our freedom and dignity, and defend our borders only. However, if the United States commits aggression, bypasses its limits and humiliates the Arab people represented by the Arab nation, the Libyan people, then we will open a new page in the confrontation with the United States. We will then turn into real terrorists. We will then declare that we are terrorists and will practice any kind of terror on the United States. We will terrorize the citizens of the United States and terrorize the U.S. presence everywhere. We will then have the right before the world, before the United Nations and before the Security Council to practice terrorism against the enemy who wants to bypass all limits, shows disdain of all international norms and laws, and wants to humiliate peaceful peoples and encroach upon them. The first stage, brothers, is to declare with firmness, courage, and challenge that we will fight over the Libyan soil with bravery. We will fight over Libyan soil without respite, and we will deny the enemy the chance to put his foot on this coast. As for America, by God, if we had aircraft carriers and intercontinental missles, we would not hesitate to respond to it and strike its capital and its streets. We retain this right forever. However, today we are a small people that does not possess aircraft carriers or intercontinental missiles. We possess our right to defend our country. We have to become prepared, in the first stage, to fortify Libya and turn it into a fortress. We must make it impossible for the United States to put its dirty feet on this pure soil. The first thing we should do is not chant. Chants are not for now, they are for the time of work and struggle. The first thing we should do is to divide the coastline into sectors where units of the militarized people will be sent. These units will carry out the fortification of these sectors, and they will be prepared to die for it. We declare before the world that we are prepared to fight, and we will raise large placards saying: 0 Americans! We are waiting for you, and so are the fish. We will say that when we have fortified this coastline, when we have planted large strategic minefields, built strong fortifications and armed the cities - then we will be prepared to sing, dance, and fight, and say: We are waiting for them, and so are the fish. Brothers, the second stage will be when we are certain that the United States is prepared to continue with its encroachment, its tyranny, its unjustified aggression that is aimed at the homeland of the Jamahiriyah as well as at subjugating the Arab nation. If the United States continues in this manner, the second stage will be, after the mining, the planning for and the militarization of the Libyan shore as well as preparing it to be turned into a hell - fighting firmly over it with men and women. The second stage will be what I have already committed myself to before the world; what I had repeated in front of the Nonaligned Movement, before the representatives of more than 100 countries in Zimbabwe: I will leave Libyan soil and begin forming the international army that will finish off the U.S. empire not only in other parts of the 49 Q4 I NORTH AFRffCA world but in its own territory. The fighting will continue year after year until the empire of evil, aggression, the new fascist crusade, is finished off. Brothers, I can assure you that the only thing that frightens this arrogant empire and this new Satan is the international army, because it knows that its end will be the emergence of this phenomenon, the emergence of this interna- tional army, which I have committed myself to form and lead when things reach a head. The United States, its National Security Council, and its analysts, know, however, the exact meaning of these words. This army is not the resistance army of Vietnam that put an end to the U.S. presence on Vietnamese land. It was not Libya that put an end to the U.S. presence, bases and allies on Libyan soil; it was not the resistance of Lebanon that liquidated the U.S. presence - the soldiers of its Navy and its ships - from Lebanese territory, from Lebanese beaches. This army will turn the whole world into a Vietnam; this army will turn the whole world into a Lebanon. This army will be in every part of the world, every U.S. presence will be a target, civilian or military, because the aim is to put an end to the United States as a colonizing empire that threatens the people, threatens peace, threatens mankind. The Soviet Union is afraid of confronting the United States because it fears a world world - that the United States might not be defeated by the Soviet Union. If any country, on its own, cannot defeat the United States, the conclusion then is that we, mankind, must defeat the Devil. The conclusion is, out of neces- sity, that an international army will be established to put an end, on behalf of the Soviet Union, Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, South Africa, on behalf of all peoples confronting this obstinate enemy - on their behalf the interna- tional army will uproot this evil. The aircraft carriers cannot confront the international army; intercontinental missiles cannot hunt one single squadron of the international army. The international army will not finish until the end of the world. It will be in every street, every forest, every shop, every house, every office, every plane, every ship. When time comes and the international army is established, the United States will be finished. It will be eradicated as an empire from the world. The United States might be pushed toward this end because of its satanic policies that only serve Zionism. When we said that Reagan is Israel's rabid dog, this is because Reagan has no job but to use the United States to guarantee Israeli presence on Arab land. He does nto want to limit the battle between Arabs and Israelis, he does not want to limit the battle between Palestinians and Israelis, he does not want to adopt neutrality, he does not want respect for himself as a major power, he does not want to work for peace - he wants to use the force of the gigantic United States to confirm the Israeli presence on Arab land. He is pushed by hatred for the Arabs, he is pushed by feelings of anti-Semitism which run deep in his blood - feelings against the Arab Semitic nation. He is pushed by the crusading spirit: He hates Islam, he hates the Arabs, he hates the East; he seeks to destroy, he seeks to kill. His method is to terrorize us, to destroy us - his direct military intervention against any position that might represent a danger, in the future, against the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 ? W Israeli presence. Therefore, Reagan has deserved this adjective; that is, he is Israel's rabid dog because he acts insanely. Like a rabid dog, he does not think before acting. When he attacks children with aircraft - attacks houses with aircraft, attacks streets in Tripoli and Banghazi with aircraft - even Hitler did not behave like that. Hitler was a war criminal, but he was not mad. This one is a war criminal and mad too; he works in Israel's interest. He is a mere dog of Israel. He wanted to avenge the Rome and Vienna operations - those were oper- ations against the Israelis, carried out by the Palestinians against the Israelis. What has that dog got to do with those operations? He decided to avenge the Rome and Vienna operations in the interest of his masters - the Israelis. We want to point out to the American people themselves that such a policy leads to the abyss and danger of confrontation with the Arab nation and to the seeking of revenge [by the Arabs] against everything which is American. If I form an international army I swear that I will take revenge against everything which is American, and every American will pay the price. But there is still an opportunity before the Americans. We do not care about life. We let their bombs drop on our heads and destroy our houses over our heads and therefore we no longer covet life. To hell with life and to hell with those who care about it and those who try to preserve it. And to hell with the United States. When we take revenge we do not think about life at all; we think only about revenge. [applause, cheers] Q S NORTH AIFIRI[CA - they say this is the plan, and every day the radios of Iraq and Egypt and the U.S. and Western radios talk about it, and it was published in the papers. They say that such things do exist, that the Libyan people are looking for food, clothing. They say that every Libyan is doubting his Libyan compatriot. They say that every Libyan is saying: Other Libyans are no longer with me as they look for food and clothing and want the United States. These are lies, as every Libyan knows what the other Libyans are doing. But when a Libyan hears such things on the radio he begins to believe that other Libyans have abandoned resistance, confronta- tion, dignity, and freedom - every Libyan doubts other Libyans look at this plan! The plan says: We [the United States] tried assassination but that did not materialize; we tried to attack the military but that did not work; our aircraft have failed; our challenges have failed; the reactionary Arab regimes have failed while the revolution continues. We pinned our hopes on Numayri, and he has been toppled; we pinned our hopes on AI-Sadat, and he has failed. We pinned our hopes on the shah of Iran, and he has been toppled; we pinned our hopes on Haile Selassie, and he has failed; and so on and so forth - the rest of names on the list will eventually fall - the names of their lackeys around us on this or that side - their days are numbered. They [the United States] said that there was no alternative but to resort to lies - imagine, the president of the most powerful state, saying that they should resort to lies - he signed and endorsed this. He said: We resort to lies and say that Al-Qadhdhafi is facing a problem and that the Libyan people are facing a problem, and that the United States would attack and that we would strike at such and such a place. He is now facing a scandal similar to Watergate, which Nixon had to face. Now it has become apparent that all the talk you have heard on the radio and which was repeated by the Americans - it has become apparent now that the national security adviser of U.S. President Reagan prepared a plan which he outlined in a 3-page memorandum submitted to Reagan on 14 August, which Reagan signed - and they believe that it will remain secret. That memorandum said that we [the U.S.] should create a campaign of lies and misleading statements and launch it in the Western, U.S. and Arab media. You have heard this campaign on Egyptian radio and the radios of the rest of the lackeys around us, and you have heard it on London radio and the Voice of America, and you have seen it in the U.S. papers, and the Iraqi media was entrusted with broadcasting this plan - now they have been exposed. The 3-page plan that was signed by Reagan stated that we [the U.S.] should lie - create a plan of lies - against Libya and against Al-Qadhdhafi and say that Al-Qadhdhafi is facing opposition and that Al-Qadhdhafi's col- leagues have turned against him, and that the Libyan people are demanding rice, flour, chocolates, and underwear which Al- Qadhdhafi has failed to provide, and that the Libyan people are attacking Al-Qadhdhafi and his revolution, and that they side with the United States for the sake of obtaining these goods. They say let Al-Qadhdhafi silence the Libyan people. They say that the Libyan people have begun to hate Al-Qadhdhafi, hate the revolution, hate dignity, freedom, and Arab unity and also Palestine, and love the United States. Why? Because money has become scarce or because there is a shortage of clothing. Let the Libyan people - they say - doubt. Al-Qadhdhafi has chal- lenged us with the Libyan people, saying that the Libyan people - men and women - will fight on water and bread because they do not care about life and do not care about sweets or clothing I have told you from the very first day that you will be subjected to psychological warfare and asked you not to believe what you hear from London radio or the Voice of America, or what you read in the Western papers, or what you hear from the reaction- ary Arab radios. I have told you that they will try to sow doubt in your hearts and make you doubt your own capability. We are well, our country is well, and we are brave. It is they who face an adverse situation because they have been defeated - defeated, crushed, disgraced, and lost before the world on all levels - politically, economically, and militarily. This despite their might and strength. Lately they have resorted to psychologi- cal warfare. Now there is a scandal in the United States. If there were a vital force in the United States that could salvage the U.S. reputation and save it from the mistakes of Reagan and his Zionist secretary of state and all his gang it would put them all on trial. This scandal is even dirtier than Watergate. The whole world is talking about this scandal in which Reagan is involved. Reagan has misled the American people and deliberately fed them false reports about Libya. You heard them allege after their failed aggression that fighting broke out with mutineering forces in Bab al-'Aziziyah. They [not further specified] brought a journalist from the Grand Hotel after he had sent a news dispatch; they brought him to Bab al-'Aziziyah and told him to have a look. Do you see any fighting in Bab al-'Aziziyah? Is there anything, they asked him. He said: I had my orders. That is the United States, the intelligence, not the U.S. intelligence. [sen- tence as heard] This is Reagan and his gang. Even U.S. intelligence opposes such falsehoods. The United States is no longer credible before the world. It is not believed Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 even by its own people because of resorting to this method. The U.S. Government had charged this journalist with disseminating reports of this kind. I often heard them saying that Al-Qadhdhafi - didn't they say it to you; I was in Bab al-'aziziyah when they said it - Al-Qadhdhafi had gone to Yemen. Certainly you heard it in London [as heard]. We laughed at this report. We are here and we resist them and yet they claim that Al-Qadhdhafi has arrived in Yemen. They said that Al-Qadhdhafi's plane was seen in Greece or somewhere. Al-Shahhati, or someone from the People's Bureau for Foreign Liason, went to Greece. They said Al-Qadhdhafi is over Greece. They want to raise doubts in you. If AI-Qadhdhafi has gone to Yemen or to Greece it means that you are finished. But the fact is that I am among you. This was what had prompted me to address you on the radio and to dismiss their falsehoods. I, we, do not escape - they are the ones who escape. We fight to the end. This is not our character, nor is it that of our fathers and forefathers. [words indistinct drowned in cheers] This is not the first time Reagan has lied to the U.S. people and deceived them. We would like to remind you once again of what [changes thought] Reagan announced years ago that there was a squad that Al-Qadhdhafi sent to the United States in order to kill Reagan. Up to now the entire world wonders about the fate of this squad and its whereabouts. We now tell the American people to ask Reagan and to question the vile devils once again and ask them: where is the squad that you said years ago that Al-Qadhdhafi had sent to kill you? Where is this information? When he says that Libya is a terrorist and has carried out a terrorist action, it comes within the same plan, lies, deception, and fabrications. Even though Britain has prohibited Libyan airline flights, we are very happy that there are no more journeys to Britain. What would we want there? What is our interest in Britain to make us want to go there? We have gotten rid of it and its products. It is Britain that will be blockaded and it is Britain that has isolated itself. We have a future and the masses and the peoples are with us. It is these peoples that are going to triumph, and they are the ones that are going to lose and regret it one day when regrets will not do any good. This action that has been carried out by Britain is in reality not surprising because Britain is a crusader state. It is just like the United States - a state that has a historical hatred for the Arabs. It is Britain that implanted the Zionist entity on Arab land. It is the one responsible for this historical crime. Britain is now a state that is very anti-Arab people, and very anti-Arab nation. It is just like the United States and has now become a mere follower, a follower of the United States and has lost any respect and balance. So when the British government decided to stop the flights of the Libyan airlines, it became clear that the British paper Newsline had uncovered this scandal. The paper said that this was carried out according to a decision issued by a British court in a case based on what the agents of the defunct royal regime in Libya said - agents, who work for the British police amid uncertain circumstances. It added that Thatcher's decision to ban the Libyan airlines flights is based on imperialist hypocrisy that spans decades. Even while the flights of the Libyan airlines were banned, the government closes its eyes to the fact that many a airlines smuggle arms for regimes that are pro-imperialist, such as South Africa, Israel, Indonesia, and Chile. This British paper revealed that the decision of Britain to ban Libyan airlines flights is based on the report of a Libyan spy who works for the British police and is an agent of the defunct royal era. The paper ridicules the British Government, which adopts this decision based on this trivial foundation. Obviously, this is Britain's hatred for the Libyan people and for the Arab nation. In reality, these countries have become morally debased, morally backward. They have manipulated the situation through a cru- sading spirit and hatred. Therefore, we should be aware of them and prepare ourselves to confront them because they are moti- vated by hatred. They seek to annihilate the Arabs, annihilate the Semites, annihilate Islam and destroy the complete founda- tion. These countries do not want the Middle East to wake up and become industrialized, to become electronic or to invade space. Now they are talking about the emergence of Islam, the emergence of pan-Arabism, the emergence of the Middle East. Imagine, therefore, that there are no justifications, the stories of airlines, the stories of explosives, terrorism - this is all lies. The essential motivation is a crusading hatred on the part of the imperialist capitalist in Western Europe and the United States, a rooted hatred against the Middle East. This is what makes us, the Arabs, the non-Arabs, the Chinese, and others, compelled to establish one front against this danger which is aimed against the entire Middle East. If Islam is the target, all Islamic peoples should form one front, if pan-Arabism is the target, the Arab nation should form one front. If the Middle East is the target all the East should form one wall of resistance against this enemy. The matter is now up to Italy. I am not now talking to the president of state or republic, no flattery and no diplomacy. First of all, Italy knows that relations of friendship exist between our countries: Their companies are cashing in billions, Italian diplomatic-level, attitudes toward Arab matters are very good, even the Italian intelligence services are embarrassed about the Zionist and U.S. interference in Italy's affairs. There are friends on the official level; I am talking about the official level. We, as Arabs, have friends [word indis- tinct, while the Italian people is crushed, it is exploited, it is enslaved by the capitalist institutions, by the United States. The Italian people and the Italian youth consider their country a colony since World War II. The people consider themselves a U.S. colony. One day we will see a new Garibaldi, not to [word indistinct] Italy, but this time to liberate Italy from U.S. bases. We will then be their base of support for the Italian youth and people to liberate Italy from U.S. dominance. Italy now represents a real danger against you brothers, Italy is now [words indistinct]. Italy is now the base of U.S. official terrorism, the state that is sheltering the U.S. 6th Fleet. The fleet departs from Italy to destroy our houses and cities, this, the state's enemy number one. I am not interested in flattery or any interests between our countries if this hides the real dangers represented and manifested by Italy. Italy of the year 1911, Italy of the year 1986, Italy of 1986 is the same Italy of 1911. Grasiani's campaign which departed in 1911 is the same Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 W V one being launched now in 1986. We are not children, we can compare 1911 with 1986. Italy must understand that it is taking a hostile attitude toward the Libyan people. Italy is still a colonialist state. It shelters U.S. bases aimed against the Libyan people. The agreement between Italy and the United States, along with NATO, is not aimed against the Libyan people, it is aimed against the Warsaw Pact. The Italian people should judge its successive governments and should, tell them that the U.S. bases in Italy are basically not aimed against the Libyan people but against the Warsaw Pact. U.S. forces in Italy are there to oppose the Warsaw Pact. It was out of fear of communism, fear of the Warsaw Pact, of the Soviet Union, and in the interests of defending the West that Italy accepted joining NATO and establishing U.S. bases on its land. But now these bases have become a source of aggression against the Libyan people. This means that Italy has accepted these bases of aggression against the Libyan people. Italy is indebted-to us because of the black colonial era. The Libyan people demands revenge. Italy took thousands of Libyans prisoner, men and women, and transferred them to Italy. Where are they? We are now asking for them. Where, even, are their tombs? And their children, their descendants? Italy had destroyed our land, which is still planted with mines. Let it come and remove these mines. After having refused to disavow the ugly crime, Italy refused to show the film "Umar al-Mukhtar." Italy has now refused to show the film "Umar al-Mukhtar" because Italy is sympathetic to the fascist era. The film "Umar al-Mukhtar" exposes fascism and Italian pre-fascist colonialism. Italy has sympathy and so is accused of being fascist, colonialist. Why should it not show the film "Umar al- Mukhtar?" Let the Italian people hear this. Why does it not compensate the Libyan people? Why did Adenauer compensate the Israelis for the Nazi era? Is this because the West is allying itself with the Israelis against the Arabs? Or is it because of an alliance of the Christians with the Jews against Islam? If the European states perpetrated crimes against these peoples and must then pay compensations, why, did West Germany compensate, during the Adenauer era, the Israelis for what Hitler and Nazi Germany did to the Israelis? This is a precedent we stand by. Italy must therefore compensate us for the fascist and colonial eras. As long as Italy does not do this, [words indistinct]. We will never accept that U.S. forces move from Italy- for aggression against our country. If U.S. forces move from Italy against our country, then Italy will be considered to be the number 1 aggressor state, and we would then direct all military acts of violence against it. Let Italy understand: We will attack any land from where forces hostile to us move, if we can do this. Italy is to blame for the destruction it inflicted on our country and the price of colonialism must be paid so that it may not be repeated. Yes, a price must be paid for colonialism so that it may not be repeated - so that it may not be repeated again in the world. If Italy fails to take positive positions on these two grave points: making its country a base for U.S. forces for aggression against Libya, and its obduracy in not paying compensation for the losses and damage it inflicted during the colonial period, I tell you the Libyans who have suffered - all the Libyans have suffered from Italian colonialism; every Libyan family has suf- fered from Italian colonialism: he who has not been killed by Italy was killed by Italian mines. The Libyans must be ready to exact revenge, individually and in groups, not on behalf of the Libyan state - no, never - but on behalf of every family, every individual: Anyone whose grandfather had been taken prisoner by the Italians must look for an Italian and take him prisoner until they tell him where the body of his grandfather is, and he is entitled to this before the world [chanting]. Libyans would then be permitted to exact revenge on anything Italian. This means that we will enter a very bad stage in relations across the Mediterranean. Unless Italy gives up its intransigence and proves that it has renounced the fascist and colonialist era [words indistinct] the Libyan people, and unless it puts an end to military aggression from its territory against Libyan territory - unless Italy does so then it has not yet disavowed the fascist era and colonialist Italy, and we would therefore regard it as still being the (?fasict) Italy. If the European countries are allied with Italy and wish to defend it, then the European countries must understand this fact - to convince Italy to compensate the Libyan people for the losses it incurred so that colonialism will not [words indistinct] once again. Colonialism must pay the price so that it will not recur in the world. The European countries, before participating with Italy in defense or in aggression or in defending.Italy, must realize the facts of the situation in Italy - namely, that the U.S. bases on Italian territory are now being used for aggression against the Libyan people, threatening its independence, and terrorizing it. If the European countries agree that Italy can be used by U.S. forces and bases in order to terrorize and destroy the Libyan people if they accept this, then they must bear the responsibility. They will all be regarded as being responsible. For our part, we can also deal with them in our own way. But to say that they defend Italy without knowing is wrong; they must understand the reason. They must understand why we attack Italy,when we do so. We attack it because it has turned its land into a base for aggression. Italy must be ashamed of its aggression against Libya in 1911, its [words indistinct] the Libyans, its occupation of their land, and its intransigence over paying com- pensations. After doing all that it committed another aggression this century. It receives U.S. aircraft carriers and the 6th Fleet and allows them to be refueled, to be ready, and to carry out exercises as well as to carry out landing maneuvers on the Sicilian coast so that they will be able to make landings on the Libyan coasts. Italy is now a base of aggression. Italy must understand this; [words indistinct] the common interests between us. There are no common interests. Our interest is that they should respect us, adopt a neutral stand, [words indistinct] we are not in need of their electronics - to hell with it;. we are not in need of ther technology - to hell with it. [words indistinct] no aviation, no navy, no tourism, no [word indistinct] no rice, and no shit on their face. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 The European countries that reduced the staffs of the Libyan people's bureaus and banned arms sales to Libya are unjust; they are unjust governments that mislead their people and world opinion. No European country has a justification to take any steps against Libya. Libya is 100 percent wronged; Libya has been persecuted; they attacked it and tried to humiliate it and terrorize it. This is a terrorist action committed by Western Europe. Western Europe is hypocritical; it speaks to the United States with one voice and to us with another. I do not care for diplomatic language. I [words indistinct] before 'its peoples and its masses and our own masses. Hypocritical Western Europe took measures against Libya, such as the reduction of the Libyan people's bureaus. Britain banned the airlines; sales of arms to Libya have been banned. Why is this? What is the reason? No European country has any evidence against Libya. Why do they take such measures? We reject these measures on the grounds that they are unjust and a kind of collective official terrorism against this people. We (?mention) Western Europe [words indistinct] they say, let us cooperate with you. [words indistinct] we are not in need of them. Otherwise they should say and declare that we are under U.S. terror, and so we are compelled to apply these sanctions [words indistinct] in the United Nations. Unless they admit this we tell them: produce any evidence against Libya and then we would allow you to take these mea- sures against this small nation. Look at this collective official terror. Western Europe adopts unjust measures without justification. We are not aware of the events of which they are talking; we do not know anything about them. We, too, ask for evidence of these events, and we say: Who blew up the night club? Who blew up the U.S. airplane? Who attacked... [changes thought] even the Palestinians who attacked Rome and Vienna... [changes thought] we do not know'to which ?Palestinian organization they belong. We, know that some Palestinian organizations or some sons of Sabra and Shatila exacted revenge themselves on the Israelis. We do not know who undertook these operations. How can they punish us, not knowing who the culprit is. Well, if a Libyan undertook this act then let them show him to the world and try him. If it transpired that such a Libyan were an official sent out by the Libyan state then the Libyan state would assume its responsibility. If we undertake an action we assume responsibility for it. If we were to engage in terrorism we would declare so and we would announce any act of terrorism. But we have not undertaken this so far. This would be undertaken by the internationalist army if they were to continue their high- handedness and their attempts to humiliate us. Let the foreign and Western ambassadors hear and report to their governments. Every European state ought to show the world any evidence it holds justifying any measure against Libya; otherwise such a measure would be considered unjust. Libya would then be able to take an unjust measure and not be held accountable for it. We could close any embassy and expell any ambassador. Why? According to our whims. They have done these things whimsically. Why did you do these things? They say: Well, it 0 was a whim. Well, we too can expell ambassadors; we can take away their cars; we can prevent them from walking in the streets. Why? Well, it was a whim, we could say. You also have taken measures against our country without any justification, whimsi- cally. On the other hand, you could say: The United States has ordered us to do this; Libya has been wronged, and it was the United States that ordered us to do this. In this case we would consider you U.S. colonies, and we would ally ourselves with you to struggle against the United States. We told them: We are for any international action against terrorism. Libya is a state against terrorism, ready to contribute with the states of the world to fighting terrorism. If they consider Palestinian action terrorism, well then, resolve the Palestinian question. If the action of black Americans is terrorism, well then, resolve the problem of black Americans. resolve the question of the dispersed nation of American Indians; resolve the problem of the Kurds, the Kurdish nation; resolve the problems of the African peoples, South Africa, Namibia; hands off the Lebanese people, the Lebanese land. Well, we sit down and discuss these issues. What is the cause of terrorism? They are the ones who have the Red Brigades, the Basques, the thing in Germany - I do not know what it is called; they' have the Irish Army, the Red Army; they have Direct Action; all these organizations exist among them. They are the ones who (?created) terrorism. We are people struggling for independence. Libya is defending its independence, the unity and honor of the Arab nation; Palestine is defending its freedom and independence; a people which. wants to recover its farms and homes taken by the Israelis with the help of the West. Iran is defending itself. The African people are defending their freedom. The blacks are defending their right to their land in South Africa and in Southwest Africa. Is this terrorism? These are struggling people. They are the ones who commit terrorism. The Europeans are the ones 'who commit terrorism, and they are the ones who sponsor the Arab terrorist organizations among us., There are anti-Syrian terrorist organizations in West Germany, ? France, and Italy. These countries sponsor anti-Syrian terrorist organizations, and these terrorists hasten to condemn Syria. They murder the innocent. A bus full of passengers - they blow it up. A bus full of military college students - they blow it up. A factory - they blow it up. A military barracks - they blow it up. Where does terrorism come from? It comes from. Europe. Europe [words indistinct] terrorism. Europe sponsors the Muslim Brotherhood, sponsors the CIA agents who are the Muslim Brotherhood, and sponsors all those who escape and run away, who were part of the royal and fascist eras toppled in the arab homeland. These people - they are not people. They are states that are obstinate and need someone to make them understand, otherwise they need a knock on the head [words indistinct]. Western Europe. They sponsor terrorism against us, then they say to us, you are terrorists! There are Libyan terrorists in West Germany, in Italy, in Britain, and in the United States. The ones you caught in the apartment building and slaughtered, were they not trained in the United States [terrorist caught in Tripoli last year and executed]? Did they not bring explosives from the United States? Is that not terrorism? They want us to keep quiet about their Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 4P V scandals and crimes. We are not afraid of them. Raspberry to them. Add to that, the fact that we are not the police. Those who pretend to combat terrorism, let them combat terrorism. The peoples will gain their independence. Their borders should be respected; their waters should be respected. The Gulf of Sidra is part of Libya, not part of the United States. This is an injustice, an aggression. What do they think after 100 countries recognized the Gulf of Sidra as being part of Libya. [words indistinct] the United Nations recognized that the Gulf of Sidra is part of Libya. They are still committing aggression against it, and they say it is an international gulf. They combat terrorism! The whole world combats terrorism, and we are with it. As for Libya, it is not responsible for the lives of Americans. We are not international police, and we are not an insurance company. If Reagan, Thatcher, or any such dog dies, we are not an insurance company with which the lives of the Americans or English are insured. (?They think), if Reagan dies, then Libya should pay the price. If Libya is an insurance com- pany that insures the lives of Americans, then they should come to us, and then we will pay the price when one of them dies. If they fall on their heads, why should Libya pay the price? Is Libya an insurance company for U.S. aircraft? They think that if the United States wants to protect its aircraft, then this would require an agreement with Libyan intelligence. All right; Let them make an agreement with Libyan intelligence. If Libyan intelligence agrees to become responsible for protecting U.S. aircraft - but' there is no agreement specifying that Libya protects U.S. aircraft or the U.S. interests, or U.S. embassies. This is an injustice. These are very feeble justifications. This is a crusade and an aggression against the Arab nation, Islam, and the East. This is neocolonialism and imperialism, and an attempt to control the oil deposits and the Bab al-Mandeb Straits, the Hormuz straits, the Suez Canal, and Gibraltar - the entire region, and it moves gradually toward the Soviet Union to destroy it. The Soviet Union is the one who pays the price at the end. If the United States vanquishes us and the other peoples, the ultimate target is the Soviet Union. Therefore, it is in the interest of the Soviet Union to defend the frontlines, because there is a mutual enemy crawling toward the Soviet Union. Before the revolution, when the United States occupied the Libyan coast and established five military bases there, that was not against Libya, because Libya was in the hands of the United States, but that was aimed at using the position of Libya against the Soviet Union. Now the United States wants to return again to Libya in order to use it against the Soviet Union. Because of this the struggle between us and the Soviet Union is a joint struggle against the United States. We are extremely sorry that the leader of the Soviet Union is still relying on Hitler number two, and wants to meet with him. We condemn this meeting. In the name of all the peoples who fight against imperialism, we declare that this meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan will lead to nothing, that it is a meeting that will fail even before it is held. Even before this meeting is held we are convinced that it will be a failure whose price will be paid by the peoples friendly to the Soviet Union. This meeting is aimed at hurting the credibility of the Soviet Union, and making the friends of the Soviet Union, and friends of friends of the Soviet Union, doubt the credibility of the Soviet Union. We say to our friend the Soviet Union that imperialism is conspiring against you and against your friends. Something might happen to Libya and then be attributed to this meeting, so that we will interpret the aggression againstus, if it happens again, to be the result of the meeting in Iceland, as when the aggression took place against us and imperialism gave us the impression that the aggression against Libya last April was because of the summit. [Al-Qadhdhafi] In Geneva between Gorbachev and Reagan. We know that Gorbachev does not plot against his friends, and that he is an honest friend of the Arabs - the Soviet Union is an honest friend of the Arabs. However, imperialism wants to involve Gorbachev because he harbors good intentions toward peace. Imperialism wants to exploit this and transform it into a weak point in the Soviet Union and in Gorbachev himself. As a matter of fact, the ordinary citizen how has a question mark before him about the credibility of the friends of the Arabs, not because these friends are not honest in their friendship but because imperialism has conspired agianst the Soviet Union and created doubts about the Soviet Union among the friends of the Soviet Union. We condemn the upcoming meeting. And because Gorbachev is a man of peace he should not shake hands with the war criminal and child-killer, the rabid dog of Israel, the enemy of peoples, the enemy of humanity, the enemy of peace - Reagan, the warmon- ger. It is not becoming for anyone to shake hands with Hitler, Hitler number two. When Gorbachev shakes hands with Reagan he is shaking hands with Hitler. This is the view of the peoples, the view of the revolutionaries in the world, the view of the universal and international front, the view of the revolutionary pan-Arab forces, the view of the liberation forces throughout the world, the view that I am expressing now about the coming summit. We declare profound regret that Gorbachev accepts to meet Hitler, the child-killer and war criminal. We also declare beforehand that this meeting will not produce anything but harm to the credibility of the Soviet Union, more skepticism in the Soviet Union, more plotting against the Soviet Union, and more schism between the Soviet Union and its friends. It will be another gain for imperialism in its plotting against the Soviet Union and the cause of liberation in the world. We salute the European peoples and even the U.S. people because these peoples are on our side. They have staged demonstrations against their governments. They look up to the Green Book and to the final liberation. We will defeat imperialism with its new generations of men and women; with this generation, which is seeking to liberate itself from imperialist establishments, from capitalist establishments. The youth of Italy and the Italian people are with us. The U.S. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 W 4P Q 10 NORTH AFRICA youth and the U.S. people are with us; the white, the black, and the red. The peoples of Western Europe are all with us. Every day you read the letters addressed to me from the citizens of all these countries. We will defeat them with their own citizens. These peoples are with us. We will defeat them by our theory and by the fundamental solutions that we put forward. We will defeat them by our thoughts. At that time their weapons will become mere rusted iron. We invade the minds, and if they invade our land, we invade their thoughts, we enlighten their thoughts. We wash the thoughts of their youth and rid them of the rot of capitalism. Those who support me in the United States now amount to more than those who support Reagan. The European peoples support us and do not support their governments. The Italian people support (?their government), support our stands. They write on the walls: We support Al-Qadhdhafi, we support Libya, we want Al-Qadhdhafi as leader, we want Jamahiriyah, we want a revolution like the Libyan revolution. The Italians write these sentences on the walls in their streets. [chants] We want the West European governments to [word indistinct] the government of Greece, the government of Malta and the government of Austria. These governments are Western, and some are members of NATO, like Greece, but all are govern- ments that stem from the people, from the masses, which express the interest of their masses. They have established good strong relations with us and the Arabs, and now Greece has priority, Malta has priority, and Austria has priority. As to the rest, they are all on the black list until they review all their shameful terrorist stands against the Libyan people. Dear brothers, we do not stop at applauding and cheering, and forget what we have said. What I have said today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow turns into action, turns to sweat and could at times of need, turn into blood. [words indistinct] We stand here with only the sea behind us. As the Jordanians say: There is no going from this place, after this line, there is nowhere to go. Now we stand with nothing behind us but the [words indistinct]. In front of us is the water and behind us is the land. We intentionally celebrated this anniversary of the elimination of the traces of Italian colonialism in the city of Surt, on the shore of Surt city, because this has significance. First, this place is the heart of Libya. This is also a place that Italy stepped on and wanted to [words indistinct] of Libya. But all the Libyans, from the west, the east and the south, gathered in Al-Qardhabiyah and destroyed the campaign of [name indistinct] which formerly split Libya into two parts, and tried to destroy Libya totally. They used to believe that 1915 was the year of decisive victory, because they massed their force in Surt and staged a huge campaign southward in order to split Libya into two. But the Libyans were the ones who (?foiled) the campaign at Al-Qardhabiyah in 1915 and destroyed this campaign. The Italians fled and drowned in the sea and they began to run to [words indistinct] on their feet out of fear. And the ones who felt fear threw themselves into the sea and died. We took their cannons in Al-Qardhabiyah and their vehicles and weapons as the spoils of war because all Libyans were united in this battle. This was the battle of national unity, the battle of Al- Qardhabiyah, a decisive war that Italy knows very well. It is recorded in history with letters of light and fire, with blood, the blood of our fathers and grandfathers. We are here in Surt marking this anniversary in order to recall the picture of Italian colonialism that has begun to renew itself in 1986, because the same military campaigns that set out from Italy to this place are now setting out in the name of the U.S. 6th Fleet and want to reach this place once again. But now we must fortify this place. If in the past we destroyed aggression in Al-Qardhabiyah, the next time we will destroy them on the beach. We will even deprive them of reaching this place. Forward! The struggle continues until victory. [cheering and applause] AI-Qadhdhafi, Jallud Attend Celebrations LD071936 Tripoli JANA in English 1836 GMT 7 Oct 86 [Text] The Gulf of Sidra, Safar 3, JAMAHIRIYAH NEWS AGENCY - The leader of the revolution, the leader of victory and defiance attended this evening the massive people's celebra- tions (?here at) the Gulf of Sidra - the gulf of victory and defiance - to commemorate the 16th. anniversary of the eviction of the remnants of the Italian colonialism from the Libyan Arab land. This big people's exhibition was attended by Staff Major 'abd al-Salam Ahmad Jallud. On the arrival of the leader of the revolution to the place of the celebration, the masses joined solidly with him loudly chanting 'long live the Great Al Fatih revolution' which had liberated the will of the Libyan Arab people from all its chains and made it head towards building, construciton and establish the new civilization of the Arab land which it cleared from U.S. and British military bases and smashed for ever the feeble thrones of the abolished era. Masses Celebrate Anniversary LD072318 Tripoli JANA in English 1635 GMT 7 Oct 86 [Text] Tripoli, Safar 3, al Tomor 7, JAMAHIRIYAH NEWS AGENCY - The masses of the basic people's congress and the international congress have placed in Tripoli this morning a wreath of flowers at the historical monument of the martyrs in Al-Hani battle. This comes in the midst of the people's celebra- tions in the 16th revenge feast on the occasion of expelling the remnants of the invading italians. On this occasion a massive people's celebration has been conduc- ted in which groups of art school have participated in addition to the buds, cubs and arms of the Great Al-Fatih Revolution together with the groups. of people's arts in Tripoli. The combatants laid a wreath of flowers at the above monument to commemorate this battle of jihad (holy war) conducted by the Libyan Arab people against the invading Italians. Also, they recited the chapter of Al-Fateha from the Holy Koran to bless the souls of the martyrs. Meanwhile, the assembled masses chanted in support of the Great Al-Fatih Revolution which has scored a victory expelling the remnants of the invading Italians from the Libyan Arab soil. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2 ? W The masses of the basic people's congress in the municipality branch of Ain Zalah [name as received] in Tripoli have celebrated in this feast placing a wreath of flowers at the historical monu- ment of Ain Zalah martyrs. The speakers have stressed the greatness of this occasion made immortal by our forefathers baptizing it with their blood while repulsing the Italians, the invaders. In their chants, the masses have reiterated their resolve the repulse all schemes and conspiracies that are directed against the people's power and their revolutionary choices. They stress that they are on the standby to defend the civilized gains brought about by Great Al-Fatih Revolution. JANA Lauds Anniversary LD071910 Tripoli JANA in English 1748 GMT 7 Oct 86 [Text] Tripoli, Safar 3, Al Tomor 7, JAMAHIRIYAH NEWS AGENCY - The Basic People's Congresses, national and inter- national congresses on the land of the Great Al Fatih together with all the free people of the world celebrate today - Tuesday - the 16th anniversary of the revenge feast of expelling the remnants of the fascist Italian invaders from the Libyan Arab soil thanks to the Great Al Fatih revolution which liberated the will of the homeland from all its chains amongst which were the remnants of the fascist invaders who used to form a fifth column. Their existence symbolised the brutal ugly crimes and massacres the invaders committed during their colonial occupation of Arab Libya since al Tomor Month - October 1911. JANA's editor greeted this anniversary by confirming that the revenge feast embodies the victory of the Libyan Arab People's will and determination, which was freed by the Great Al Fatih which smashed the thrones of the abolished monarchy era. That monarchy that laid its sympathies with remnants of the invader and had enabled them to continue their colonial role and rob the wealths of the people, looting its resources, controlling its des- tinies and sucking its sources of its well being. Q11 NORTH AFRICA He added: "Our Libyan Arab people had scored on the 7th of al Tomor - October 1970 another victory in the battles for liberty the Great Al Fatih Revolution had fought under the leadership of the revolutionary thinker Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi who crowned the struggle of the forefathers and ancestors by unleashing the revolution and consolidating the freedom of the Libyan Arab people, by confirming its liberty, Arabism and religion after it had offered caravans of martyrs and had suffered bitter hardships, need and abject poverty under invaders' despo- tism and the might of the reactionary authority and its tyranny and treachery". He said: "The 7th al Tomor - October - will remain one of the decisive immortal days in the history of nations' struggle that was embodied by the will of the Libyan Arab people as a bright victory thanks to the revolution and its leader who always stress the greatness of sacrifices our people offered for the sake of liberty". He confirmed: "On this day we are inspired by our past struggle to make, from our material and moral strength, our aspired future. We will increase our insistance and determination to combat our enemies - imperialists, Zionists, racists, agent reactionaries until the final victory is ours and the pan-Arab unity is established". He said that the Libyan Arab people, which courageously had confronted the invaders and had defeated the forces of the most viscious fascist imperialist power on the face of the earth then, today continues its confrontation and challenge the most for- midable imperialist forces on the face of the earth inflicting on it material and moral defeats and at the same time it continues its revolutionary role in instigating the peoples of the world to destroy the American empire of evil which aims at the freedom of mankind by setting a broad front that includes all the forces of liberation to confront a U.S. imperialist front and who ever goes around its orbit. KUNA Reports Protest to UN Over U.S. `Interference' LD072051 Kuwait KUNA in English 1904 GMT 7 Oct 86 In a commentary today, he said: "Our people's celebrations with the free people of the world of this anniversary has deep meanings in reminding nations that the Italian invasion of Libya and the imposition of direct colonial rule on its Arab people for 35 years was a barbarous savage invasion. This people fought a bitter struggle and offered more than half of its enemy successive caravans of martyrs and will never forget those dark years of despotism, tyranny and the catastrophic destructive sabotage inflicted by the Italian invaders which regretable secrets still draw the attention of historians, research and documentation centres, authors and journalists". "People's masses in Libya and in the Arab homeland will never forgive or forget the 700,000 martyrs who were brutally executed on the hands of the invaders in the concentration camps because they had risen to defend their country, the honour of their dignity, religion, language, inheritence, culture and their nation's his- tory". [Text] United Nations, Oct 7 (KUNA) - Libya urged the U.N. secretary-general, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Tuesday to fully assume his responsibilities to establish peace and security in the Mediterranean region. In a letter addressed to the U.N. chief the Libyan permanent representative to the U.N., 'Ali al-Turayki, accused the U.S. of intervening in the internal affairs of Libya, endeavouring to disrupt its stability and security and escalating tension in the Mediterranean region. "Your assumption of the responsibilities placed on you by the Charter has become more imperative and urgent than at any time in the past," he said. Al-Turayki said it has become clear from the statements of the U.S. Administration that it has misled world public opinion through the use of the American press for the purpose of attaining its goals of committing military aggression against Libya. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410062-2