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( 1DJeclassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ,.Q V 1V11%-P- . J r-- - . V. 24 Apr 85 NORTH AFRICA "S~i t ~ LIBYA Agreement To Strengthen Ties With Sudan Signed LD231759 Tripoli Voice ojGreater Arab Homeland in Arabic 1715 GMT 23 Apr 85 [Text] At noon today at the Palace of the People the minutes of an agreement to strengthen and develop bilateral relations between the two fraternal peoples in Libya and Sudan was signed. The minutes of the agreement call for restoring relations, exchanging bilateral visits at all levels, linking the two countries with regular direct air routes, strengthening bilateral cooperation in all fields and at various levels, and setting up joint committees. The minutes of the agreement stressed the importance of bilateral action for the sake of realizing the aims of relations in the service of the two fraternal peoples. The minutes of the agreement were signed by Dr `Ali 'Abd al-Salam al-Turayki, secretary of the Popular Committee of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison and by Staff Brig Fadlallah Burmah Nasir, member of the Sudanese Transitional Military Council. Communique Issued LD241450 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1400 GMT 24 Apr 85 [Text] Tripoli, 24 Apr (JANA) - A communique was issued today in both Tripoli and Khartoum about the resumption of fraternal relations between Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah and the Democratic Republic of Sudan. The follow- ing is the text of the communique: Proceeding from the bonds of the pan-Arab affiliation of the two fraternal peoples of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahir- iyah and the Democratic Republic of Sudan; and out of their conviction in Arab unity as an objective and a destiny; and emphasizing the need to confront all the challenges and the dangers of imperialism and Zionism which are aimed at the present and the future of the Arab Nation, the two sides have agreed to resume fraternal relations between the two countries and activate cooperation between them in various fields in a manner that will serve national and pan-Arab aspirations and objectives. Jallud Meets With Sudanese Government Officials LD231914 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 1715 GMT 23 Apr 85 [Text] Staff Major `Abd al-Salam Ahmad Jallud at noon today met with Staff Brigadier Fadlallah Burmah Nasir and Staff Brigadier Faris `Abdallah Husni, members of the Sudanese Transitional Military Council. Strengthening bilateral relations between the two fraternal people and opening up new horizons for these relations were discussed. The meeting was attended by the secretary of the Popular Committee of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison and Lieutenant Colonel Isma'il al-Hajj Yusuf, and Brother 'Abd al-Majid Bashir al-Ahmadi, the former Sudanese ambassador to the Jamahiriyah attended on the Sudanese side. Sudanese Delegation Departs LD240922 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 0700 GMT 24 Apr 85 [Text] Tripoli, 24 Apr (JANA) - Staff Brigadier 'Abdallah Burmah Nasir and Staff Brigadier [as received] Faris `Abdallah Hasan, members of the Transitional Military Council in Sudan and their accompanying delegation this morning left Tripoli at the end of their visit to Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahir- iyah, during which they had talks and contacts concerning the consolidation of bilateral relations in all fields between the two fraternal peoples in libya and Sudan. They were seen off at Tripoli International Airport by Brigadier Abu Bakr Jabir Yunis, commander in chief of the Arab Libyan Armed Forces, and a number of officers from the Libyan Armed Forces. Al-Qadhdhafi Addresses Students, Teachers 15 Apr LD211821 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic 1816 GMT 15 Apr 85 [Speech by Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, chief of state of the Social- ist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah, to the masses of secon- dary schools and teachers of training colleges in Nalut, Yafran, and Jadu on 14 April; place not given - recorded] [Text) This meeting comes at a time when you are celebrating the anniversary of the 7 April students' revolution which fur- thered the Al Fatih revolution and brought the students into the popular revolution. It furthered the popular revolution and affirmed the meanings announced 7 April at Al Fatih University. [chants] High morale, rejoicing, and vitality have been the result of the students' revolution. This vitality you are living through proves your happiness. Happiness cannot be achieved except through freedom and this happiness proves that we are free men. One cannot be a free man except when all material and moral shackles are destroyed. It indeed appears that some moral and material shackles have been broken in Libya, which set the masses, students, workers, soldiers, officials, and manual workers and professionals free and made them feel happy. As we were passing through the various areas yesterday we noticed high morale, rejoicing and positive reaction to life and with national, pan-Arab, and international events, in every vil- lage we passed through. All this proves that there is happiness, and happiness cannot be achieved until the people are free. Freedom cannot be achieved until the material and moral shackles and fetters are broken. Thus, the revolution continues. It will engage more of the forces fighting for freedom so that all shackles will be destroyed and complete equality secured for the new generation, both male and female, the generation that should indeed by the generation of wrath. [chants] Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? The present generation is indeed the generation of wrath. We must be angry at all of the harmful legacies, harmful to life in this land, be it political, economic, or social life. Our forefathers, Arab forefathers, came to this land over 10,000. years ago in successive waves of immigration, the last such waves taking place after the advent of Islam. The first waves of immi- gration were in the days of Ham and Shem and the dispute between them. Our forefathers owned this land through their long possession. They seized it and built it up for thousands of years. Intensive strifes have been continuing since that time and continue to the present in an effort to control this land, vanquish its people, enslave them, make them serfs, and use them to serve foreigners. This conflict has been going on since the days of the Romans and their arrival in the Arab land, when they attempted to turn it into a land belonging to Rome. Then came the Greeks, and Byzan- tines, who were followed by the modern colonialists; the Italians, French, and British. Finally there were the capitalist, imperialist colonialism led by the United States. I want you to understand that the struggle over this land, which your forefathers owned for thousands of years, still continues and has not ended. You might say that the Roman rule has ended and the Roman Empire no longer exists and consequently there is no struggle. Italy in 1911 carried the flags of Rome of 200 BC. The aggression and the conflict will continue until we have sover- eignty over our land. It is inevitable, indeed you should not be at all surprised, that after dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of years, we will find ourself facing Rome again, the United States again, the Romans, the Byzantines but in a new form, so that they might attain their ultimate objective of annihilating the Arab nation, take control of this strategic area that extends from the ocean to the Gulf. In order to dominate this region, we observe them using all types of weapons whether they be cultural, political, economic, or psychological. So, do not say that the Americans only come at us with missiles and aircraft, or that the Israelis only come at us with tanks and bulldozers, or that the Romans, Byzantines, Knights of Malta, and Greeks came at us with ships and guns or that Italy succeeded in colonizing us with only warships, guns, and Eritrean battalions in 1911. Not at all. To get to this place and across it to Fazzan, Al-Kufrah, and Tabisti, Italy used all types of weapons: ships, guns, camels, machineguns, and aircraft. It used all of these. In addition to all of these, Italy used other weapons as well. Yusuf Khraybish and the other traitors like him at Jabal al-Akhdar Mountain, Fazzan, Sidra, Al-Jabal al- Gharbi were all parts of the weapons employed by the Italian colonialists to occupy the land of your forefathers and enslave you. The same thing continues. Khraybish and other traitors... [chants drown Al-Qadhdhafi's voice,,forcing him to pause] The learned mufti of the Libyan land, Idris Sanusi, who was the king of the Libyan kingdom, all of them are like Khraybish, were weapons the enemy used to fulfill a single objective; namely, the colonialist objective which it [the colonial power] seeks. It does not care who it is... [Al-Qadhdhafi interrupted, asked the person who interrupted him to speak; the person spoke some indistinct sentences regarding the Armed Forces; Al-Qhadhdhafi said yes; slogans] What this brother has said is correct. Islam is a call in the mosques, Islam is education, Islam is ethics, and we do not accept any other Islam except the Islam of the Koran that contains neither sects nor factions, neither parties nor deceit. If someone comes to you directing a party in the name of Islam, he is an imposter no different from Musaylamah al-Kadhdhab [an early deserter from Islam following Muhammad the Prophet's death] who formed a party in Yemen in the name of Islam for the purpose of liquidating the Islamic call. The messenger [Prophet Muhammad] fought him [Al-Qadhdhafi did not correct himself] and those who came after the prophet fought him until he was eliminated. [shouts] Some imposter may come to you intending to form a party with the aim of handing this country over to America, and will tell you that this is done in the name of Islam. There are no political parties in Islam nor are there any parties at all. Islam is a universal call bigger than any party, bigger than any political organization. Islam does not approve working in the dark, clan- destine cells and asassinations. This is a method America encour- ages in order to eliminate Islam. [shouts] It is especially you, the new generation that someone will try to make a fool of. [shouts] He will try to exploit Islam, saying to himself: Ah! Well, by God those people at the mountain are religious and true Muslims, they observe their prayers. Those I can now laugh at and exploit and form a party in the name of Islam so that it [the party] will lead me to power. You must be vigilant towards every teacher, male or female, male schools or female schools. If someone presents Islam to you in the form of a party or in the form of clandestine action, this one is first of all, belittling you and considering you a fool whom he can deceive... [interrupted with shouts] The one who presents Islam to you in the form of political action, first judges you to be stupid [words indistinct]. He then harms Islam itself to which you are attached. The one who prays and fasts, who is pursuing religion in the correct way, is set upon by a gang like the gang of the Muslim Brothers, the reactionary, dirty... [chants], No! No!, Do not interrupt me. Let me finish, they set a criminal gang upon him and he then finds himself involved in a party, a secret leaflet, a bomb in the dark, a knife. All right, this is a crime in itself: One prays, a youth who is observing his religion in the correct manner. This is enough, thanks be to God. This man does not need another person. Why do you go and find him? The criminal Muslim Brothers gang, whose headquarters is now in America and which is under the supervision of a CIA officer, and its budget, which is part of American intelligence, is attached to secret action abroad. In other words, this is part of the American intelligence's secret activity which is hostile to the anti-American peoples desiring liberation and occupy their place on earth like this people. Imagine the method, if I call upon people to follow God and, indeed, to practice Islam one who is righteous and prays, thanks be to God does not need me. But if we find a deviant, if we teach him religion we do so openly using a mega- phone. But what does it mean if we whisper in his ear and ask to speak to him alone? It means that we believe he is simple-minded, that I have another purpose other than to thank God. Islam is not secretive. All over the world the call God is great and there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet is heard Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 V. 24 Apr 85 on top of the minaret 5 times a day. See what the Muslim Brothers do. They distribute themselves at the mosques. This is a police action, the action of gangs, Mafia, the action of thieves. They distribute themselves among the mosques and say if you find a religious one, recruit him. Thus, they do not teach religion, you, the religious, exploit our religion, believe us to be fools, and turn us into a political party that fights for you so that you once again become rulers. They ruled in Sudan. This was its finish. The first day they ruled in Sudan they imprisoned 8,000 women, they and Numayri, 8,000 women and with them about 5,000 children. They imprisoned them in animals' stables because they did not have anywhere to put them. Why? They said they deviated from religion? What did they do?. They said they sold banned things. One sells a local brew, one trades. What is important is that they told them this is against Islam. All right, they told them, give us a trade, gives us honest work instead of the local brew we sold and which you said was banned. Bring us industry, agriculture, knitting, weaving. Hundreds of children died in this stable. Why did Numayri fall? Because Sudan became unbearable after it was governed by the Muslim Brothers. The whole people preferred to die rather than be governed by the Muslim Brothers. Thousands of children with their mothers were imprisoned in the stable. They imprisoned a woman with her child: How will she provide for him? For two hours a day on the radio he whips, cuts off hands, and legs. All of this because the doctors told him not to drink alcohol anymore. So he banned all of Sudanese but not because of his righteousness. This is the result. See the farce of the regime, reactionary in the name of Islam [words indistinct]. Twenty million Sudanese, a people of twenty million disap- peared. [chants of Numayri is a coward] After the scandal of Sudan, there is no longer an excuse for the Muslim Brothers to present themselves as possible ruler of any country. There is no longer an excuse after their farce in Sudan which hastened Numayri's fall. The Muslim Brothers for years have been working secretly in order to govern a country. They said when we rule, we unite Islam and raise the word of God. All right, they had the opportunity of ruling Sudan. You saw the result. Take the sale of bread. One who was hungry passed by [words indistinct] and stole a loaf of bread. Why was he hungry while the other had [words indistinct] selling bread at an exorbitant price, and one is hungry, and the wheat and the barley belongs to the Sudanese, and the injustice, oppression, exploitation, and the unjust and oppressive laws made one rich and one poor. It is the right of the poor to take it piece by piece. The first time the Muslim Brothers seek out those who sell the local bread and who steal a loaf of bread and who do not have a beard and who have grown their nails. All this in this age in which nations race in space. There is now the star wars program. You hear of star wars, using lasers against missiles. The Russians, brothers,, and the Americans, they are not [words indistinct], or demons, or angels who came from heaven. They are nations like us. They have no secret other than they strive to unite themselves and have become great nations which now control the stars. They are now photographing us from space without us being able to see them. At a time when nations are racing to control the stars and searching for medicine to eliminate cancer, prolong life, and ? a eliminate all diseases from which man suffers, and in which turn [words indistinct] the'wall, the stones into cloth, they turn them into cloth, in which they turn oil into silk, the world now revolves around scientific research centers, laboratories and institutions. In this age the Muslim Brothers fight and they walk around with bombs, like you saw same time last year, assassinations, rifles and with mines and bullets. When they come to rule do they seek, as we have said, the one who has grown his nails, one who goes around selling the local bread, a woman who did not know how to bring up her child or who had left her husband [words indistinct], one driving at night, one who is hungry who took a loaf of bread? Where do we stand in relation to this? Do we lack one who is going around selling the local bread? Let them sell an ocean of the local bread but at the same time [words indistinct]. Who has this mandate? One comes to talk to you about Islam while he is not a prophet. If Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah appeared alive and I became certain that he is alive, I would listen to him because he is a prophet sent by God to follow the path. Call thou to the way of they Lord with wisdom and' good admonition, and dispute with them in the better way [from the Koran], not with bombs. If Muhammad comes [words indistinct] Mecca and its surroundings, I will listen to his words. But when this or that man comes and he wants to make me reenter Islam, they are men and we are men. We shall not listen to them. Never listen to someone who comes to talk to you, you the new generation, the new youth [words indistinct]. We will not be able to build a civilization or defeat America or liberate Palestine or even,make a [words indistinct] or any profession or trade with which to enter the age. If you the new generation listen to humbug and fairy tales, one comes to you and instead of talking to you about the atom, the electron, and space, he comes to talk to you about the local bread, the severing of hands, the severing of legs. There are courts, there are laws. When one steals when he is not in need, when the wealth is distributed, when authority, weapons, and wealth are in the hands of the people, and houses distributed equitably, and there is equality in agriculture, industry, weapons, and social opportunity, and one comes and attacks another and steals from him because he has lost his mind, because he has a mental illness, we treat him. Within this treatment, there is a law which cuts off his hand or leg in the court. But when an imposter comes to youth like these who are learning about star wars and about the laser and how to use it in agriculture, medicine, industry and communications, and war, and learn how to turn the soil into gold, how to extract 1000 derivatives from oil - in Japan, they extract protein from oil. You extract crude oil; they take it in Japan and they extract from it protein, meat. Many people do not know what protein is. They extract meat from oil. The state whose youth spends 24 hours in the factories, not reading yellow books. What did Al-Suyutti say and what did Ibn Taymiyyih say and what did Hasan al-Banna say? This is an empty [words indistinct] who takes a story, a yellow book to read and pass time. To laugh about it and walk on. Religion to the religious man. "Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam''for your religion." These are God's words from the tongue of the Prophet. We shall not listen to another, to an imposter, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? Musaylamah the Liar, once again. Sujah once again, the Priestess once again, Kusaylah once again. No longer will a lbn Jahl emerge, Ibn `Umayyah. No longer will another come up and start to dupe us with these verses. Who is his prophet? The one who still talks to you about Islam in this manner is a nonbeliever, an imposter, another Musaylamah. Brothers, only one person was entrusted with the task of spreading Islam: the Prophet. The prophet left us a book. God told him: Tell the people today I have completed your religion for you, have bestowed my favor and have accepted that Islam shall be your religion. The prophet said this and died. He was followed by caliphs, creeds and other things. All these are worldly, secular, man-made and political matters, a struggle for power. The Prophet had no deputy. Had he had a deputy he would have said my deputy shall be Abu Bakr, `Umar, `Ali or Mukhtar or so and so. The Prophet was no president of a republic so that he would have a vice president. [preceding sentence in English] He was no king so that he would entrust things after him to his crown prince. The Prophet was the carrier of a message. He conveyed it and died. After that, everyone of us is responsible by himself for this message: The right is clear and the wrong is clear. Nobody shall be held responsible for the burden of the others. It does not concern me if my son has sins. On doomsday, they shall not come to the imam of the mosque and tell him to be responsible for the sins of a person in his village who had committed sins. On doomsday, nobody shall recognize him as imam. The Muslims all shall be considered equal. Using religion as a means for power, it is a quest for domination over the others, it is a quest for power. If they cannot attain it politically, they try to attain it through spiritual domination. Listen: When a charlatan comes and talks to you about religion and tries to make you to follow him, do not listen. Religion is yours too, it is not his alone. Anyone of you can read Arabic and consequently can read the Koran. Islam, briefly, consists of 5 religious orders: To testify that there is God. Once you say this, you have joined the faith. Then to perform prayers, to observe the fast, to perform the pilgrimage if you can, and to offer alms, if you can. Why cannot we know these things. Even our grandmother knows them. It does not need charlatans, Muslim Brotherhood members or anyone of their ilk. Who does not know the 5 pillars of Islam. Even those who do not know Arabic, those in the remotest parts of the world, in the Philippines, know them. But for someone to come to force you to believe that doomsday shall come or shall not come, he has no right to do so. It does not concern him. God will bring me to account. They asked Moses about the early centuries, he replied only God knows. Listen: If some one comes to talk to you about religion in this manner, do not follow him or let him dominate you. Such a man would be a sick man. He could not dominate you politically or economically, or make you serfs and slaves in his farm, or servants in his house or workers in his palace and buildings, or put yourselves under his mercy while he sat like a tyrant, or become a king or a president over you, so he tries to compensate for all that by seeking to enslave people by spiritual means. He is like a magician or a trickster who deceives people. You, the new youth and new generations, you must understand. If some one comes to talk to you and to teach Islam and to criticize the society, tell him: You had better know yourself first before you come to talk. Then you came up with a party, the students should tell such a person, a Muslim Brotherhood. We will then be like someone going around selling local brew such as happened in Khartoum at a time when we are in an age of space and star wars. That is a false charlatan. Such,a'man tries to numb our minds and so we must hate him. Even, if religion has become like this, then we must hate it. There are some reactionary Arab countries where every act of profanity and every act of exploitation is considered part of Islam. The most profane people exist in such countries. If Islam let an oil amir possess 10 palaces,. 10 planes, and caches of gold and diamonds while we have none in our country, then we would abandon Islam. -By God almighty, some atheists came to me. I asked them: Why did you renege on Islam. They replied: Because everything they attribute to Islam: The palaces are in accordance with Islam, capitalism is of Islam, contracts of Islam, dealing with America is of Islam. The imam in Arab reactionary coun- tries delivers a sermon on which he urges cooperation with America and talks about dealing with Jewish-owned banks urging them to place their money in them. If you have money, we are not servants. God did not say that we should become slaves. I am addressing the new generation, the generation of anger. Eliminate anyone who tries to take you for a fool, anyone who comes to talk to you in the name of the Islamic Liberation Party. [chants] Anyone who wants to explain religious matters to us, or who believes this matter was part of religion and we need it, we tell him come into the mosque. Let him say what he wants in the mosque. He does not need to create cells or take one aside to talk to him under cover of darkness or at secret rendezvous or take him home and enter from the back door. Not at all. Come to the mosque and talk: 0 Muslims, offer alms, 0 Muslims pray, 0 Muslims do not abandon prayers, fast for to fast is better for you. This talk has nothing to do with parties, with rules, with dom- ination or with America. You want to talk about religion, you will have difficulty. Even in the street, come here to the street and talk and say: Pray, offer alms, do good, believe in God. By God, nobody will molest you. All will listen to you. As for education, everyone wants to educate his children and himself and to learn about Islamic morals. But it is not Islam if you come to me and start setting up a political party headed by a chairman, Political. Bureau, Central Committee, officer in charge of military matters, and someone else in charge of propa- ganda. Islam is not political bureaus, distribution of posts, and a regime like in Sudan. [Words indistinct] this is absurd. What the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Liberation Party and the rightwing Islamic groups are doing is false. I see that it will lead to one thing: People will shy away from religion. They will reject religion. This is what has made so many people stop believing in religion. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? A long time ago an Indian military man had his bed next to.mine in a dormitory which was housing hundreds of military men from all parts of the world. This was in 1966. 1 said to him: You happen to be my neighbor. I asked him where he was from and so on, and in the end I asked him what his faith was. He said: I have no religion. I said: How can you have no religion? He said: I am from India. And India makes one stop believing in religion. I asked him why. He said: It is all knives, swords, and nails round the clock; someone is eating fire while saying that this is religion and this is God or (the image thereof). Then there are those who attack one another, in the process destroying a mosque or temple, fighting in the streets, throwing stones, reading palms, saying tomorrow you will die and be reborn as a calf. How absurd can you get? He added: I am an intelligent man. Do you expect me to get involved in this strife between this Muslim faction and that Sikh faction and that Buddhist group, and the Jews, Christians, and Catholics? He said: These problems made me reject religion. I am not prepared to fight anyone or have anyone fight me: Go and attack the temples of other factions. All these problems: This is wrong and this is right. He said: For this reason I gave up religion and became an atheist. If god exists, I have an excuse. On judgment day 1 will tell him I was not able to get involved in these problems; I was not sure whether these people were right or wrong. If he does not exist, he said, at least I have rid myself of the world's problems. I have told you about the trivialities of the Muslim Brotherhoods and the Liberation Party, the Islamic Liberation Party - A]- Nabhani - which Britain created in 1948 in a partnership between British intelligence and the Israelis. They felt that setting up an Islamic liberation party would stop the Muslims from rising up in a jihad. A jihad was not permitted, for fear that someone might emerge and unite all the Muslims. It was not permitted for someone to come along and unite the Muslims from Indonesia to Casablanca. We cannot even unite Lebanon. We cannot create a single state in Lebanon. We can not even unite the Arab nation. No. They thought that he would arise to create unity from Indonesia to Casablanca, and that it would then be up to him whether or note to declare a jihad. It means that we are to sit and watch Palestine be occupied and the the Israelis make nuclear missiles and atomic bombs and keep on battering us, and we are to say nothing while we receive these blows to our heads. The Islamic Liberation Party says: You must not say anything. You must not wage a jihad, because it is not the right time for waging a jihad. These absurd talks by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Liberation Party set up by Al-Nabhani - tool of British intelli- gence and the Israelis - I said that these trivial talks make people stop believing in Islam. Is Islam to progress via U.S. intelligence? There are Libyans who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They fled to the United States. Who is responsible for them? It is an American intelligence officer. American intelligence is their faith. Someone comes to talk to you about Islam while he is obeying U.S. intelligence - can we accept this sort of Islam? The institutions'of the party of Al-Nabhani - agent of British and Israeli intelligence - are enslaving people and robbing them of their money to use in building palaces, companies, gold markets. These are private ownership, which Islam says You must have nothing to do with. Imagine: Even after the revolution, the Green Book, after edu- cation, enlightenment, deliverance, and true liberation, it turns out that the contractors, merchants, brokers, and all those engaged in usury - something that is forbidden - those who used to make vast profits from interest payments, have come out and said that usury is lawful. How? They have said: The company is ours; we own it. The palaces are also our property. All this land which we have divided up for developments is our property. We say how can it be your property? When your mother gave birth to you, did she also give birth to this land, so that it becomes your property? Did she give birth to all these buildings as well? Did she also give birth to these companies? Is it not a fact that you obtain them through injustice and unlawful gains, great usury, through contracts, competition, brokerage, through deception in the name of Islam, saying that this is your livelihood? How is it your livelihood? It will be your livelihood the day we divide the wealth of the country up into equal shares, when everyone takes his share and we live as equals, like we here are now, and there is no master or slave, no employer and worker, no government apart from the people - no government making laws for its own benefit and the benefit of its cronies and agents, making deals like other governments in the world do and like governments in the previous era used to do. Everyone gets his share through his toil and sweat. This is his property. Today you work to get a house worth 20,000 dinars; you receive 15,000 as a loan, and the remaining 5,000 are saved up from the work you do without exploiting others. You work to pay off this 15,000-dinar loan. This house can properly be considered a sacred property. It is your right to die for it. [as heard] And if a road or project encroaches on it, you must receive just compensation. However, consider the case where someone has a false claim on land created by God, for example, by having it registered in his name when he was a minister or deputy; when a road is to pass through it he claims compensation, saying: The Libyan people must compensate me because the road of the Libyan people will pass through my land. We say: Is this your land or the land of the Libyan people? Brothers, it is a source of amazement how in the defunct regime every day a minister, contractor, or merchant would be stabbed to death; this shows that we were not enlightened. People can be deceived, and in fact unaware people can be led by an imposter to the abyss and made fools of. It is possible for a Musaylamah al-Kadhdhab [contem- porary of the Prophet Muhammad] or a Khraybish [considered an early 20th-century collaborator with the Italians] or an Abu al-Isa`d al-`Alam [Libyan mufti appointed by the Italians] or a Idris Sanusi to come, or a Sujah or Al-Kahinah, and make mockery of them. If the people are ignorant, it is possible in fact to deceive them. How could you clap your hands under the defunct regime, believing that this country was independent, when we had to expel [words indistinct] five U.S. bases? And 20,000 Italians owned the land and whoever lived on it. The day the revolution began we flew from Benghazi to (Al-Baydha) to Abraq in a plane. The crew began talking with Malta. I asked: What have we got to do with Malta? We were the leadership of new revolution. Why are you talking to Malta? We were the leadership of new revolution. Why are you talking to Malta? We found out that Libyan airspace was under the control of Malta. I looked at the map and found out that up to (Tebissi) was written: limits of Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? Maltese airspace. It was, then, an airport named Valetta which directed and controlled aircraft overflying, all of Libya. And to direct them, the control center was in Malta; you can imagine! If you wanted to land at Tripoli Airport you had to talk with Malta, and it would tell you whether or not you could land. It was Maltese, and in fact British, as they left Malta only a few years after the revolution in Libya. You were saying that we were independent. And you applauded when ldris al-Sanusi came along and believed all of his lies. Now the stray dogs abroad [words indistinct] intending to return to these trivialities. This means that we are still stupid, for them to harbor the ambition to bring back all of previously existing falsehood and lies. [as heard] Nothing is left except for. the Muslim Brotherhood and the agents and contractors to return. He who considers his stomach his homeland, let him go to the Israelis. There are Libyans collaborating with the Israelis in the occupied territories. Let them fall into the abyss. We do not want them. However, if they talk about us we will slaughter them. This is the homeland for those who live here. [as heard] He who lives here lives on land that belonged to his ancestors. [shouts from audience] I come back to what I was saying: Those who live on this land are the descendants of those who came and settled here thousands of years ago. As for the mercenaries - (Sfraqis), (BenKatt'o), (Dabbus), (Shakrin). Someone called (Shakrin),,someone called (Ekes), someone called (Sefarakis), and someone called (Maf- rakis). [laughter] Are you laughing at these names? These are the names of people who have told me that they will liberate Libya. You will liberate Libya? How nice you are! How good you are! Libya, which has taken care of you, provided you with a living, and made your families rich, enabling you to rule the Libyans for decades with your money. You were driving big Mercedes and Chevrolets and running over our sons in the streets. You used to wave your money in front of policemen and government officials; you forced us to keep silent. How often they ran over us in their cars, the Mercedes, the Chevrolets and Cadillacs! These families took our land and divided it up. Who did that? Sefarakis, who was in Crete. They used to say while abroad: We cooperate with American and the Israelis. They were with Al-Sadat and Nuo' yri - one of them was beheaded, and the other lost his tai' slaughter] They said we would cooperate with them. [ap ?:ause, laughter] How good they were to reward us in this way, to ornspire against us! Do not conspire if Libya is not to your if, g. You must have known that Libya would revert to its ov. ners. But now that it has returned you do You only want to be the rulers over Libya. You want the highrise buildings, the buildings, the contracts, the companies, and the banks, while we - the, owners of the land in which our forefathers are buried and ",r which our forefathers fought and died, generation after gene: , on, always deprived - now Libya is not to your liking because it hay returned to its owners. [as'heard] All right, if Libya is not to you. liking, go to Crete. You have no right to conspire against Libya and reward it with evil. ldris al-Sanussi, in whose era you were running the country, is buried here; dig him up, dig up his grave and bury yourself with him. He was your master. We have evicted the Italians. Badossa - the Jew who used to be ruler in Benghazi - the deputies of Libya selected a rich Jew [words indistinct]. When you used to go to his shop you were asked: Where do you come from? Auguri. [greetings in Italian] NORTH AFRICA Who were the (Awageers)? (B'nali)? (Binali) was the one who adopted Badossa, telling him: You are one of the Binali family. Why should the Binali family be above oth.r families? Why should the (Awageers) be above others? They did so because the Jew was rich. They thought the world would not change. They thought that Badossa would be ruler of Benghazi. He who did not go to Badossa's shop and bow before him used to experience hell. I used to be an officer in Benghazi and used to see the people, and stop to see the humiliation. He who did not pay homage to the Badossa shop and seek Badossa's blessings never felt that he had entered the town of Benghazi. There were people who wanted to die because of the scandals they used to accept and the humiliation they used to suffer. Instead of resisting, they were humiliating themselves. We seized the opportunity in 1967 when the war broke out between 'Abd al-Nasir and the Israelis, and Badossa's shop was burnt - it was burnt by a free man. Badossa fled. Badossa and Seferakis will not be on this lane, they do not own it; neither do Shakrin nor Ekes. The land belongs to you. Do not accept the Muslim Brotherhood or the Islamic Liberation Party on this land. Do not agree to be led by anyone from anywhere. You have the free will. You decide your own destiny. Before God, each one of you is responsible for himself. There is no responsibility before a party. No person shall ask the Muslim Brothers to sit as judges over this people. On the day of judgment, each person shall be responsible for himself and shall have to account for his own deeds. On Judgement Day we shall bring him to the open book [quotation from the Koran]. You read your own book. They would not even bring the imam behind whom you pray to give an account for your deeds. They would not say: Imam, please come forward and testify about this person who used to pray with you. The angels are here; they stand and watch your actions. They record everything! They do not need imams or a party or anything else! I who runs a party should declare that he is run;iing a party a bringing others to task for the sake of the 1t,,:al brew and ~ ii . ;ie sake of chopping the hands of the people t, and spre.,.gig trivialities and charlatanism! [as heard] Regre:,ably, we find them even now, after the revolution and the era c .nlightenwent., as you learned when you discovered them last year at this time. They are living among you and practicing their charlatar., You should have discovered them earlier ind slaughtered tr_n, if there were a male or female teacher living among you nd practicing L. rlatanism, laughing .; . you 'his is your land, :. : you know that it is the and of your forcfathiers. No one can take it from you. Do not let them take it away from you. Among the weapons which the enemy used in order to seize this land from you were the following: [no weapons listed]. The Romans came - - I spoke about this last year and I shall repeat it here; God siting, I shall not need to talk about it again - the Romans -,,id the Greeks came and said that ' inhabi- tants of this mou. tin are Berbers, from Libya to the ntains in Morocco and Algeria. Vb iybe these people were 'irferent races. They said: No they . , s Berb, -s! This is the fi ;Isific tion - to call all of hem Berbers. What did they ; ; n by th's term? [sentence ind 'I As we;nhabited the mo!?...ain or the valley or tht. ?rab i . lea, how r, it came it.. , 6. ieral use. However, they had a reason for this terminology. The ' omans Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 41 ? wanted to portray before the world then, as America now claims, that Libya is a country of terrorism, and that we and the Palestinians are terrorists. Exactly this, so that the world will be convinced that it has a duty to punish them and strike at them,. and that the occupation of Libya is one of the duties of the civilized countries. In the end it is colonialism. They have lost Libya, as we have expelled them; and they want to return. How? They produce every pretext. The Romans devised them before the world of that time - at the time there were the Greeks on the one side and Carthage on the other - and claimed that the Berbers were oppressing the people of North Africa, killing them and plundering their farmlands and homes. They said these are Berbers and that they deserve punishment. Why? They said that they were uprooting trees, setting farmlands ablaze, destroying houses and slaughtering animals. Actually, our ancestors of the mountains were originally in the valley, but they fled to the mountain when the Romans came; then they started their attacks, their scorched-earth policy. We applied the scorched- earth policy against them. We attacked the farmlands which they confiscated from us and burned them, killed their animals, and destroyed their houses. This holy struggle of your ancestors was in the eyes of the Romans a barbaric action. Berber and Ber- berism [spoken in English] means barbarianism in their language. They gave us that name. When you read history books, historians say that the propaganda spread by the Romans and the Greeks and naming the people of this region in North Africa, the mountain people, Berbers, has after thousands of years obscured the true history. It was propaganda which created a problem in the historical research. Had they not made that propaganda it would have been very easy to know the origin of this people, their language, and so forth. We had forgotten about it, then the Italians came in 1911. Imagine, after 2,200 [as heard] years the Romans returned under the name of Italians. They said that they wanted to recover Rome's properties and Libya was part of those properties, Libya was the fourth coast of Italy. They brought the old Italian flag. Well, this is colonialism. What they had planted 2,000 years ago they found again. They used in 1911 the propaganda spread by their ancestors 2,000 years ago and called us Berber. What Berber? Oh, yes. They said Arabs and Berber were separate people. We are all an Arab nation from the Gulf to the ocean and this is the homeland of our ancestors and the ancestors of our ancestors. They said: No, we are seeking the Berber. What do you want them for, we said. We want to defend them, they said. You tired Italians, you come from abroad to defend the Berber - better for you to defend your country and your oppressed race. They insisted that they wanted to defend the Berber. They brought someone with a weak personality who offered them the sword and recited a poem, the full moon has appeared to us from among the clouds, and another called Yusuf al-Alim whom they appointed mufti of the Libyan country. Libyans have been accus- tomed to hearing his ruling concerning religion, he who raised Mussolini to his shoulders and recited the poem: Thanks are a must for us and for whomever prays to God, you are the commis- sioner and your orders are obeyed. [AI-Qadhdhafi laughs sarcas- tically] Imagine. [Words indistinct] then the circle was Khraybish, lsaad al-Alim and Mussolini photographed on horses. However, this was n7ot the entire picture. There appear persons such as Askar and Sama al-Baruni and other martyrs for whom we'have erected memorial statues in this place and other places. They declared that the Italians intended to infilterate between us, claiming the existence of both Berbers and Arabs. Those Italians were infidels and colonialists. If it 'were a matter of religion they were against us and if it were colonialism, this is actually,our homeland. The martyrs started resisting. They [the Italians] failed because they brought in Idris Sanusi and others. They did not stop at. recruiting agents. They incited the Arabs against each other;. some claiming to be Arabs and some to be Berbers. If you find today in 1985 anyone who says to some one he is an Arab and to someone else that he is a Berber, he is implementing Mussolini's orders,. Whose bones have worn out. And he is the slave of Balbo and Graziani and a dummy and a parrot with no patriotism and an agent to colonialism and an enemy to this land. If one still says that this one is an Arab and that is a Berber, this is what colonialism is seeking. We are all Arabs from the grandfather of our grandfathers. We are all Arabs, back through our great-great grandfathers. [chants] The Romans and the Greeks called them Berber, those who were the original Arabs in North Africa, the original Arabs without whom Islam would not have"come to North Africa, because the Arabs who brought Islam came in the first steps of their great- great-great grandfathers who came 10,000 years before them to this land. When the foreigners call you Berber, they cut you off 'your roots. All right,'Berber, and where is our country? Where did we come from? No, you are Berbers and that is that. This land was covered with ice and then came the rain age and then the dry age. Tell us, how did life begin in North Africa? How did people originate here? Did they sprout from the ground like grass? This cannot be. All the nations of the world know their origin: But the Berbers were told, you are Berber and that's it. They will cut us off from our roots, brothers. If we are only Berbers, to which nation do we belong? Where did we come from? ;They said, no, here in North Africa you are a Berber and keep quiet. No, we will not keep quiet. We are looking for our roots, [words indistinct] orphans who do not know our origin. We searched for and we know our origin. [chants; applause] The difference is very small. You saw the Israelis and the Americans in Lebanon, where there are two bodies, they isolated the Druze, isolated the Shi'ites isolated the Sunnis, isolated the Christians, and isolated the Muslims. This is the, colonialist principle of divide and rule, so that they can triumph and then slaughter them all. Colonialism, when it finds the chance, divides a single nation in everyway it can. [chants] The problem is very simple. The difference between these people who can live in Jadu and in a nearby area let us suppose it is (AI-Haraf) or (Al-Majabrah) or AI-Ruhaybat - the difference between them is very, very small. Those who are in Jadu are Arabs who came a very long time ago and settled here. These Arabs came after Islam and settled here. The period between the arrival of the Arabs some 10,000 years ago in Jadu Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 0 ? and the arrival of Arabs some 1,000 years ago in (Al-Rujban) has created the difference between them. Now you are here in Jadu. If some Libyans come here bringing their sheep because there is no grass in their own places - say, at AI-Zintan, Yafran, or Nalut, or (Jifarah), or in Surt - and they came to feed their sheep, will you say that they are strangers and have harassed you? I have lived with you and saw that even when a person passes by your land to feed his sheep you start to complain and say that he is taking your grass. I have seen friction. Once a fight took place between Misratah and Zlitin over the border - what is Misratah and Zlitin? They are one region. Their interest is one. A fight breaks out even between two bedouin tents next to each other: the first had settled first on that land and the second came later. The first will play host to the second at the beginning but will say: No, do not live with us. You are Arabs who resemble those Arabs who were present prior to Islam. Then Arabs came to your land and brought with them Islam. They said: Why all these new migrations? You forgot that between you and them there are 5,000 or 10,000 years! This is not important but the important thing is the humiliation at the hands of the Romans, the Greeks, the Italians, the European colonialists, brothers, such as the Romans, the Greeks, the Ital- ians, the French, and now the Americans - they are all inter- ested in something called Berbers and Arabs. They want to bring out a language, race, and origin - out of the sky. If you go along with this plan then you support the plan of the enemies, and it is inevitable that you should be opposed. You - the new generation, the generation of anger - should be angry over this historic insult leveled at you by the Europeans, who call you Berbers. You are not Berbers! You are not Berbers! The barbarics [Al-Qadhdhafi plays on the words "Berber" and "bar- baric"] are the Roman invaders, the French invaders, the Italian invaders, the Greek invaders, the American invaders. You have a glorified past. America is 200 years old. You are 10,000 years old. You were the ones who built the Ma'rib Dam. You were the ones mentioned in the Koran. Irm of the columns which has no place like it anywhere and Thamud who brought the rocks to the valley - they brought the rocks to build the Ma'rib Dam. They had no equal except the pharoah - who built the pyramids, as the Koran said. The Romans, the Greeks, the Italians, the French, and the Americans tell you that you have come from'Ad, Thamud, the Amaliqah, Himyar, the Ma'aniyin, and the Saba'is - no, no; you built Petra; you built Tadmur and Irm of the columns and built the Ma'rib Dam. No, no; they want to deprive you of this glory. They said: You have come from Europe, and not from there [the Arabian Peninsula]. When Europe was covered by ice there was an era of rain throughout North Africa and an era of drought in the Arabian Peninsula. Where do people come from? Europe was a block of ice. The fourth ice age is well known. Because there was a drought in the Arabian Peninsula and rain in North Africa and ice in Europe - logically speaking, where do people come from? The people marched from the region stricken by drought to the region where there was rain. Then the ice retreated from Europe. Rain fell and the sun came out. The people advanced on Europe from Asia and North Africa. Proof of this is those who settled the Iberian Peninsula - which is Spain and Portugal, they call it the Iberian Peninsula - which is regarded as being the area which made progress in Europe and had civilization. Why? Because it was the area nearest to North Africa, which saw rain and saw the sun came out. The people advanced on it. If it had civilization, then this is due to us - we, the people of North Africa - the Arabs who came from the Arabian Peninsula to the Fertile Crescent, to Syria, and then to Egypt and to North Africa, and after the ice retreated from Europe we advanced on the Iberian Peninsula and built it. The inhabitants of the Canary Islands - which are being disputed between Africa and Spain - are Himyarites. A few years ago I met in Algiers the man in charge of the liberation movement of the Canary Islands. He speaks a language similar to that spoken in the mountains. I said to him: What dialect is this? He said: We are Himyarites. [preceding word pronounced in English] He said: Our origin is Himyarites. That is to say they have descended from Himyar. He did not say Berbers. This is because they [European and American colonialists] look for such a division in the Arab homeland; they distinguished between Arabs and Berbers here. They left that part [the Canary Islands] because they are islands and the word Berbers is not known there. I asked him: Where do you come from? He replied: We are Himyarites. I said: How? He replied: We are from the people who descended from Himyar who came from the east. This is actually true; the inhabitants of the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula and even Crete originally descended from those who advanced from North Africa and the Arab east on these islands. If I had a blackboard, I would explain this to you in more detail, so that those who cannot read could understand. This went on until the migrations of the [words indistinct] and Aryan tribes who advanced from Asia to Turkey - Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula - which comprises Bulgaria, Hungary, and so forth - then the Slavs reached Hungary. The people of Europe originated from Asia. There was an advance from North Africa on the Mediterranean; whenever the ice retreated, the people advanced behind it. At the same time there was an advance from Asia directly on Europe across Anatolia. Why were there so many migrations to Europe? Because the people of North Africa were no longer able to infiltrate into Europe as there were no more vacuums - the theory of the vacuum we spoke about. There was no longer a vacuum in Euroe. Now we see that the people of Spain, the Canary Islands, Crete, and Malta originate from the Semite race and Arabs - the old Arabs. The dialect you speak here is Jadu or Morocco or in the Kabyli region in Algeria, is the same dialect and the same letters that exist in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The Barun we have in the mountains here was called Barun after the Barun which exists in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. There is a Jabal al-Akhdar in the southern part of the Arabian Penin- sula - in Muscat. When the old Arabs came from the Jabal al-Akhdar in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula they called this mountain Jabal al-Akhdar. Barun is Barun; Yafran is Yafran; how many Yafrans are there in the Arab homeland? There is more than one Yafran, and not only this, there is a [name Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? of place indistinct] in Mauritania and also in the Arabian Penin- sula. The Arabs followed this pattern; they named these places. The evidence is not only verbal. The experts on antiquities who study prehistoric antiquities and the anthropologists [preceding word in English] show you by categorical evidence, diagrams, letters, and the tombs they unearth which date back to 10,000 years. The tombs speak, they tell you who is buried in them, where they came from. They unearth a tomb in Libya and a tomb in Morocco and a tomb in Syria - then they know that these tombs belong to a people who belong to the same race. When you unearth a tomb which has three rocks it means that it belonged to a woman. It also means that the woman was Muslim. Is that correct? If you went - let us suppose - after 5,000 or 10,000 years to Britain and you unearthed a tomb having three rocks, you unearthed one in Libya having three rocks, and if there is a tomb in Iraq which has three rocks - what do these tombs tell you? If a Muslim woman dies in Britain, she is buried in the Islamic cemetery there. These tombs show that they belong to Muslim women, that the dead had one religion. Exactly. The tombs, paintings, writings, sculpture, the way of life - all this the Arabs left behind even in North Africa, all have shown the starting points of these migrations. When you discover ruins in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, or in North Africa, these ruins show that the people who reached Libya and Morocco came via this path. When they covered this path they did not use vehicles or air- planes. They traversed this route over 200 or 300 years or even 1,000 years before reaching North Africa. They died on the way and had children and lived and settled in places and then contin- ued. In the same way, today you see a convoy of cars or tractors going from here to (Al-Garyat) or Shuwayrif or Jufrah, and you join them. You see them transporting with them, for example, a camel, and drinking red or green tea - these are the same sort of individuals. As far as scientists are concerned, this is what happened in the migration of the Arabs to this place - Jadu - and to Morocco from the Arabian Peninsula. The antiquities clearly show the route the migrants took. The Greek [name indistinct] who is well known and is called the father of history said that new things came from Libya. This is true; new things did come from Libya. He saw that Libya had influence in Africa and Europe because the Arab migrations continued until they reached North Africa. Libya was not the Libya we know today. All of North Africa was called Libya. Perhaps they called all of Africa, Libya. When they reached North Africa, they had nowhere to go. They gathered here, some of them returned to Egypt, and some crossed the Mediterranean. He saw everything new coming from Libya. He went to Africa and saw Libyan antiquities; he came to Egypt and saw that it had been subjected to [word indistinct] invasions - these are well known; they were Libyans. He went to the Medi- terranean, Iberia, the Canary Islands - he saw Libyan antiqui- ties and the aftermath of Libyan invasions. He saw agriculture, bronze and copper industries, horses, chariots, the cultivation of olives - he saw all these which the Libyans brought with them. Everything new was Libyan, as he discovered. He said new things came from Libya. All right, where did the Libyans come from? The Libyans are the Arabs who migrated from the Arabian Peninsula when the latter suffered drought. Where would they head when the Ara- bian Peninsula was stricken by drought? The nearest place where water can be found. Where was that? Iraq was the place. In Iraq a civilization was built between the two rivers. When the land became too crowded the people migrated to Syria. When the region was filled with people the latter were compelled to migrate - they heard of the Jordan River and the Nile - they went to those places. When the land became too crowded in Egypt and on the Nile, problems occurred, and this led to the people continuing their search by going forward. When they left the Arabian Peninsula they found rivers in Iraq, and when they left Iraq they found a river in Syria, and when they left Syria they found a river in Jordan, and when they left Jordan they found a river in Egypt - they believed, therefore, that as long as they continued their advance they would find a river. That is how they came to Libya, North Africa, Morocco - in search of new land and rivers. Let us see what history says. I cited here only a summary. History says that migrations from the east to North Africa began right from the day the dispute began between Ham and Shem, the sons of Noah. They quarrelled with each other and their descendants quarrelled among themselves and then began to migrate to North Africa - from that time. After that, from the time of King Mena - who united Egypt; the king with the two crowns. When King Mena controlled Egypt he evicted the tribes that had come from the Arab East to Libya - they formed the people of North Africa. Hamurabi whom you have heard about - who could have been a prophet himself for his well-known laws - he established an empire in Iraq and evicted the Hauranis. Hauran is in Syria; the Hauranis came to Syria and colonized it; Hauran is a region that still exists in Syria. You must have heard of Akram al-Haurani who was vice-president to Jamal `Abd al-Nasir - the Haurnais were evicted by Hamurabi; this is not a fairy tale: this is a fact. After their eviction they came to Syria and Palestine. In Pal- estine, what happened to them'? By all this I want to show you how the inhabitants of North Africa have come to be here. The Koran said so; who can deny the Koran [video shows Al-Qadhdhafi turning to one of his aides] Bring a Koran which you have with you. Saul and Goliath are mentioned in the Koran. After the evication of the Hauranis by Hamurabi, and Syria was crowded with them - here have a look [video shows Al-Qadhdhafi pointing to Koran] - they came to Palestine. What happened to them in Syria and Palestine? This is only one of the migrations; some migrations took 10,000 years to reach North Africa. We said that Hamurabi evicted the Hauranis and they gathered in large numbers in both Syria and Palestine. In Palestine they encountered another problem. Every time a problem occurred the human race moved from East to West until they reached North Africa. [video shows Al-Qadhdhafi reading from the Koran] And when Saul went forth with the hosts he said: God will try you with a river - which is the River Jordan; whosoever drinks of it is not of me but he who tastes it not, he is of me, saving him who scoops up with his hand. But they drank of it except a few of them - the Hebrews, that is the Jews. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 0 ? V. 24 Apr 85 Q 10 There is a place called Ayn Goliath. The words of the Koran can be seen and are embodied in the history books. We read you this in order to show that the Koran is not a fairy tale. The Koran is not about a local brew to be traded or about people [words indistinct] like the Muslim Brothers. The Koran is about science, antiquities, history, and a belief in God. The Jews - the Hebrews - when they discovered-the River Jordan they drank from it - contrary to what their prophet Saul told them to do, except a few of them who did not drink. When Saul crossed the River Jordan with those who believed with him they said: We have no power today against Goliath and his hosts. [preceding sentence from the Koran] You are Goliath and his hosts. Had not God driven your people to migrate forward and assign David over them so that he may kill Goliath and so that they may continue to drive over them so that he may kill Goliath and so that they may continue to drive each other and continue with the migration to Egypt and to North Africa, then the land in which these people were, which is too small to accomodate them, would have become corrupt. But God was bounteous to them. Naturally the Koran does not mean to address this verse to [words indistinct] who seek to dominate you in the interest of American and on its behalf. This is the way we interpret the Koran. Of course they consider us atheists. This is because we interpret the Koran in the way God meant it to be. The Arabs, whom they now call Berbers and who have come from the Arabian Peninsula to the Fertile Crescent and on to to Syria and Palestine, when they arrived in Palestine at the River Jordan - I told you they left the Arabian Peninsula and discovered the Tigris and the Euphrates and then they discovered the River Jordan and then they discovered the Nile - they believed that whenever they went westward they would come across a river; the Hebrews, the Jews, when they crossed the River Jordan - the party which did not want to drink from the river, they came across your forefathers - who were strong and brave, ruled by Goliath, King Goliath, who was their commander; they said to him: We cannot overcome Goliath and his soldiers., They said to the Jewish King Saul: See how the conflict between you and the Jews goes back to that time.:From the days of Saul and Goliath - this is recorded in the Koran. They said: We cannot overcome Goliath and his soldiers. The believers say that a party small in number can overcome a party bigger in number with God's permission. They said: If we are patient we. can overcome them. In actual fact those who did not drink from the river were believers with David, King David, the prophet David. So when they went forth against Goliath and his hosts they said: Our Lord, pour out upon us patience and make firm our feet and give us aid against the people of the unbelievers. [Koranic verse] This is because at that time the Arabs, your forefathers who came from the Arabian Peninsula to this area, were unbelievers: There was no Islam at that time. They were regarded as infidels. They used to worship the sun, etc. But the Jews at that time had prophets and were believers. A company of believers came face to face with a company of infidels. They defeated them with God's permission. David slew Goliath. God gave him kingship and wisdom. He taught as he willed. This means that David - the king of the Jews - the prophet whose star has six points and is now used by the Israelis - the Israelis are challenging you with the Star of David because David, their forefather, slew Goliath, your forefather - they challenge with the star which used to be the symbol of David. Let us look at the Koran. Had it not been for the fact that God drove back Goliath and his men the area of Syria and Palestine would not have been sufficient for the people and would then be corrupted. Then the people become corrupt and lived on each other. This is, because the arable areas were then limited as there was no machinery of tractors and there was no space as is the case now. They used to dig using pick axes and hands. That would not have been sufficient. Had God not checked people by means of other people, the land would have become corrupt. [Koranic verse] We have heard this verse but we did not know what it meant, even in the case of the Berber. It has a meaning. It involves the words Arab and Berber. Whence did the Berber come? This is the origin of our forefathers: After the march from Syria to Palestine and the story of Talut and Goliath, and the Fertile Crescent area became full, as we have already said, the people moved toward Gafsa, which in history had what was called the Gafsa civilization. All the world's learned men call it the Gafsa civilization. It is a symbol of the Arabs who came from the Arabian Peninsula and the Fertile Crescent and developed North Africa and created a civilization the traces of which still exist at Gafsa. Thus, it was called the Gafsa civilization. In Egypt, they say that they have discovered at Tell al-Amarinah some ancient sites of extreme importance to history. So these discoveries were named after that place - Tell al-Amarinah. In the 7th century B.C., i.e. 9,000 years ago [as heard], a change took place in the climate of North Africa. It became barren. There followed raids from it on Egypt. [Words indistinct] and some crossed from North Africa, as I have told you, into Iberia, Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands, Crete, and Malta. Drought spread in North Africa. Europe at the time was covered with ice. There were no people there. Thus nobody could have come from Europe to North Africa. It is impossible. The migration was constantly from east to west. Perhaps a geography student could draw a map of the places we are talking about. Draw a map of Anatolia, the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Fertile Cres- cent. Anyone reading geography can draw such a map. Call him, let him draw a map for us even if it is not an accurate map. There is no need to draw the natural features. The change that took place 7,000 years before Christ forced the people of North Africa to march to Europe. They were the ones that went to Europe and not the reverse. But the colonialists, the sons of bitches, tell you that the Europeans came to North Africa and that they were the Berbers. They want to show that sover- eignty belongs to them, power belongs to them and that they are the ones that always invade. It is we who marched on them from North Africa to Europe and taught them the bronze industry. Africa was living in the Bronze Age when Europe was still in the Stone Age. Europe was exper- iencing the ice age while North Africa was experiencing rain and the Arabian Peninsula was a drought area. People migrate from areas of drought to rainy areas. When the ice receded, people moved from the area of rain to the new areas. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? No ratio,jal person can believe that a migration could have taken place from Europe to North Africa and to the Arab countries. In fact, all people came originally from Asia. The Red Indians, who inhabited America before the Americans, came originally from India. The blacks came from Africa. The white man came to America only 200 years ago. He came from Europe in an extension of these migration waves which reached even America. [Voices unintelligible as though the students are trying to correct some of the facts of which he is talking] That is what history says. The Akkadians were in Syria. [further unintelligble interrup- tions] A number of people who came from the Arabian Peninsula and the Fertile Crescent became sick. They came to Egypt in the days of the 5th dynasty, and to North Africa. In the year 2300 or 2200 B.C., disturbances took place in the Middle East. There were political troubles, fires. The scientists have discovered the traces of the fires. They also discovered that there were troubles and fires in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the Fertile Crescent, and even in Turkey. There were revolutions and there were fires in that century. They led to the flight of the people there to North Africa. The Caledonian Kingdom collapsed 2,000 years before Christ at the hands of the Persians. The people found themselves forced under pressure from the Persians to flee from the Fertile Crescent and the Arabian Peninusla and from Syria to North Africa. In the year 1500 or 1300, the Hittites destroyed the civilization that existed in Mesapotamia in Iraq and in northern Syria. People fled and some of them arrived in Egypt. These were called the Hyksos. Those who have read history would know who the Hyksos were. The Hyksos exodus took place after the Hittites destroyed their kingdom, and thereupon its people migrated to Egypt. The Egyptians opposed them and war ensued. When about 10,000 years ago, the Ma'rib Dam collapsed, drought followed in the Arabian Peninsula. It is the drought about which the Koran talks. It did not say that God withdrew the fruits and gave them dates instead. It was a serious drought. Springs and rivers dried up. The Koran relates all this. The Koran says this was a punishment for the people who failed to believe in God. It was precisely that age, the age of drought that made people migrate from the drought areas in Saudi Arabia and passed along these routes forming the migration waves I have already spoken to you about. These migration waves came from the Arabian Peninsula to North Africa and Libya and the Mediterranean islands. Here is the Fertile Crescent, here is Syria, here is Egypt, here is Libya, here is Morocco, and so on. When migrations moved from this place, other waves marched on Europe directly. When our forefathers went to Europe, they found it full of people. This clearly explains from whence the migration came and the antiquities and all history books show where the people of North Africa came. Before these migration waves, that is, about 14,000 years ago or before history, there lived a man whose origin is unknown. He was born everywhere. He might have had the form of a monkey, or any other animal which resembles man. He might have been man. If they tell you that your origins were from North Africa, that amounts to an insult, as though they are telling us that we are monkeys and evolved locally until we became human beings. It is a great insult to say that the Berber came from North Africa. First, to say that they came from Europe is a historical fallacy. There were no people at the time in Europe to come to North Africa. People moved from North Africa to Europe, and from Asia to Europe, and from Europe they went to America. The Red Indians went from India to America. The blacks went from Africa to' America. If there were people in North Africa before us they became extinct and we have nothing to do with them. They could have been human beings like us or they could have been monkeys and they could have been even a developed human being. We have nothing to do with them. Such people are extinct. They were of no known origin. But you who are living now, your origins go back 10,000 years or less. You came from well-known migration waves. It is the biggest insult to describe you as Berbers. We were Berbers in the eyes of the Romans, the Italians, and the Greeks who colonized North Africa and we resisted them, just as we do now; and the Americans and the Israelis call us terrorists. Yes, to them we are terrorists-We terrify them. But we are not terrorists. We are people with a civilization. We resist and fight for the sake of freedom. Likewise; we were Berbers to the Romans. But we are the people of the Mar'ib Dam and other ancient civilizations. We are the ones who established the Bronze Age in North Africa when Europe was still living in the Stone Age. We taught them agriculture. We taught them how to cultivate olives, the olives which Spain now sells. Where did Spain get the olives from? Did it get them from Iceland? The olives came to Spain from here, from the Arab countries and from North Africa. We brought the olives and taught them how to grow them. The same thing applies to oranges.'Let us refer to'Las Palmas [as heard] and Majorca. I went there once to attend a conference of the socialists. It has palm trees: Where from did the palm trees come from? The Arabs brought the palm trees and planted them there. So, in the age of the Jamahiriyah and the domination of the masses and the days of face-to-face challenge to America the superpower, to come and tell me that this or that person was a Berber and an Aryan proves that he is an agent of America. He is backward and ignorant. He understands nothing about history and knows, nothing about this origins at all. This is great. [applause] Listen, young people, I came specially to talk to you. I have gathered you from Nalut to Jad and [words indistinct]. Listen. You men and women are the new generation. What your forefathers told you was only reactionary talk. They talked to you about Berbers and Arabs. You must never listen to such talk at all. You are living in an age when it is no longer important what your father or grandfather said. You are living in the age of star wars, lasers and space. You are living in the age of electrons and atoms. You are living in an age when you should no longer listen' to what your father or grandfather say in this respect. Respect them and kiss their hands and show sympathy to them and serve them and spend your money on them, but do not listen to their political views [Chants: We shall not abandon our principles even if all the world becomes our enemy] Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? i Listen: Someone, perhaps from areas near to us here, might come and tell you that you are an Arab and that others are Berbers. Anyone who tells you this, whether he is your father, grandfather, or brother is an enemy to you: He is an agent of imperialism who comes bragging saying: I am an Arab, while they are Berbers. If America were to hear this man, it would give him a salary and tell him to report to the CIA: The Americans would like to see one who says I am an Arab and the other is a Berber. They believe in divide and rule. The Americans say: Thank God you are convinced that you are an Arab and others are Berbers. Thank God, we have found one who will defend the propaganda of the Romans, the Italians, the French, and the Americans on our behalf. You have become parrots who repeat what is said by the imperialist trumpets. You have become trumpets for imperial- ism. Brothers, when France occupied Algeria and North Africa and Tunisia and Morocco, it made it a point to divide the Arabs of North Africa [words indistinct] France comes to say: This is wrong. You'do not have this glory and this history. Do not listen to such hollow talk even if it leads to division and rift between father and son. This would mark a new historic and genuine turn in this new generation. Never listen to such talk. Furthermore, why should you learn a tribal language'? Some people in Algeria came and said that they should teach tribal language. Let me continue to expound on this point. In the Kabili region, they said we teach Kabili. I wish someone would come to them and say: Well, teach Kabili. Withdraw the Arabic books and the English books and. the French books. Here are the elementary and secondary schools and the university in the Kabili regions; let them be run in your own language. What would happen to them then? They would become ignorant. They would revert back to the Stone Age. They brought them a recorder but they could not operate it. It would be like someone coming to us and saying: Let us learn the language of the Himyar tribes, the language of Himyar, or the language of the Quraysh tribe of the pre-Islamic period. This is a reactionary and very silly call. What have I to do with the ancient language of Quraysh of the pre-Islamic period? It no longer helps us to earn our subsistence. What do I want from that language? One might specialize in it so that he may be able to translate the antiquities for us. Well, that is all right. Let him specialize in it and let him read the Himyar language and the hieroglyphics and ancient Arab languages and dialects. But for a whole nation or an entire'region to come to say: Teach us the ancient and worn out language! [Words indistinct] comes from Nalut or Jad and say: The Berber dialect is my language, thank you! We say to him: Well, we will no longer exert any efforts and will not assign an Arab teacher or an Arab book. In less than 10 years, these people will become isolated from the rest of the world. They will not be able to understand the broadcasts. means that the Arabic word for electron no longer exists. Thus the Arabic language is in danger. They talk to you about laser rays. They use the Arabic word for rays, which is Asi'ah. But I have no Arabic word for laser. They called it laser. You say nylon. You ask what is your suit made of? It is made of nylon. The word nylon is not an Arab word. He who produced the chemical material called it nylon. We have no Arabic word for it. There is fear for the Arabic language. You say television. The word television consists of tele, which means far, and vision, which means sight. Thus in Arabic it would be the Arabic words for seeing from far. Everyone says television, but I and I alone came out with the Arabic word `Idha`at Mar'iyah. This means that the Arabic language is in danger. It has been replaced by this new word, television. They say radio, telephone, television. Telephone means talking from far. Televi- sion means seeing from far. Thus our language is getting lost and is being replaced by the European language of the manufacturer of these apparatus. Microphone is another word. We can call it Mukabbir al-Sawt: phone means voice. In this way we are losing the Arabic language. The English language has replaced the Indian language and so it is in danger. The Urdu language in Pakistan is also in danger. The Chinese are afraid for their language. We are afraid for the Arabic language. The Jews are afraid for their Hebrew language. They are afraid that it might be replaced by English or French or American terminology. The Americans began to shorten and abbreviate words. Night is no longer written night but nite. The English write colour with "our" but the Americans say the "u" is superfluous and "or" is enough. So they write color. As you see there is a race. We are afraid. They write "on" and "off." What shall we write in their place: Udkhul and Iftah. Abbreviations are beginning to overwhelm us and attack us. We are afraid that the Arabic language might get lost, let' alone someone coming to ask us to teach the Kabili language. What a backward mentality! What. are they going to do with the Kabili language. You cannot read a book or a newspaper with it and-you do not see it written on a car or an airplane. You are the new generation. Listen, you constitute a real historic turning point in the history of this nation. You are the angry generation. You will unify the Arab Maghreb, the Arab nation, and liberate Palestine and defeat America. [applause; chants] Yes, you are the angry generation and you constitute an historical turning point in the life of North Africa and the Arab nation. If you destroy this myth which lived for nearly 2,000 years you will have proved that you are the descendants and the sons of those great Arabs who built the Ma'rib Dam and who built Irm' with the lofty pillars and who made a journey lasting 10,000 years until they reached North Africa and passed on the Bronze Age civilization to Europe and passed on agriculture to Europe. You are afraid that the Arabic language will disappear and that the English language will take its place. Are you aware or not of this danger? The Arabic language is now being threatened by other living languages, in which the laser and the electrons are made. When you speak now, you say electron. Electronic is not an Arab word. Those who have heard it, imposed it on us. This This talk is addressed to you, the young generation; the talk is addressed to the Qabayil in Algeria and to those who still believe that they are Berbers in Morocco, where certain people appointed themselves as political figures to lead the people, to unite ithem, and to be their leaders. These people who call themselves leaders gather some people and call them Berbers. So the leader calls Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? himself a leader of the Berbers. I am the leader of the Berbers. The Berbers are really Arabs. They .have been living in that kingdom and enjoying equal rights with their other brothers, who came before.and after Islam. Forget it! But he says: No, I want them to be Berbers so that i can become a leader. He asks: Where are the rights of the Berbers? But they are living as people with equal rights and as one nation divided into regions and provinces. They have elec- tions and they live together for good or bad. They live together on a equal footing whether they came before or after Islam. These people emerged in order to impose themselves as leaders. You ask one them: Whom do you lead? And he says: I am leading the Arabs. Another says: I am a leader of the Berbers. Another says: I am leader of those in the valley. And another says: I am a leader of those in the mountains. [`Awlad al-Kalb] came to us in our land in North Africa and chased us to these mountains and called us Berbers. This (?hallu- cination) must be erased. There are no more Berbers. Do not listen to your grandmother or your mother's language. If your grandmother or your mother wanted to teach you Berber lan- guage, do not listen to her, close your ears. [cheers] The first call now is for defeating the culture of the colonialists and the scheme of the colonialists. This is the first call: You believers start with yourselves, the first thing is to start with ourselves. The words which you heard today from me; the books which you read; the star wars; the laser; the electrons and the atom, neither your mothers nor your grandparents read them or knew about them. Therefore, do not use their ideas about politics and history. If I used my father's ideas, I would not have made the revolution, I would have served ldris Al-Sanusi. For the sake of these leaderships they have done exactly what the Palestinian resistance did. They created 100 fronts for us so that there will be 100 leaders. Each leader has a front. He brings three or four people together and calls them a front. He calls it a front so that he can be a leader. If there is no front how can he become a leader? How can one become a leader of people when there are no people to lead? What people? He comes and says: Call them Berbers. These words are addressed to all of them. But we should begin from Libya - the state of the masses. All the resources, the power, and the final word are in the hands of the people. In the hands of the people, in the hands of the masses. If you begin from here, from Jadu and the other areas from which you hail, and if you, from this date, destroy this disgraceful myth which still follows us after over 2,000 years - the story which says: This one is Berber and that one is Arab - if you destroy this myth you would have a will which is stronger than that of the Romans. And you will for the first time triumph over the Romans. The Romans triumphed over Carthage 2,000 years ago. They destroyed it and plowed it flat. [Words indistinct] when you come after 2,000 years and say: To hell .with the Romans and Rome! Who told us that you are Berbers and Arabs? No, we are one great and glorious nation. We are the sons of Himyar, the Amalikites, Mu'anites, Sabaeans, Nabateans, Chaldeans, the Canaanites - we, the Arabs will thus have avenged ourselves after 2,000 years. You will have thus triumphed over Rome which divided us and said that you are Berbers. There will be a generation which will erase the word Berber. It is they who are barbarians, they are the savages who came to our soil to live on our land. Yes, this new generation must erase the shame which has followed us and our history. We should burn all the books which call us Berbers in the same way as we should burn all the newspapers and the books which call us terrorists. They call the PLO the organization of the Palestinian terrorists. Terrorist. The Palestinian fighter who fights for his land, they call him a terrorist. Al-Qadhdhafi is a terrorist. Libya is the country of terrorism. They call the country of freedom a country of terrorism. We fight for the liberation of our country and for uniting it. We do not aspire to invade Europe or America. We only want to live free on our land and to raise our heads and voices. We are determining our destinies on our land. They said no to us, you are terrorists. The Romans, the. sons of bitches The girl university student, who is carrying a rifle, is disowned by her family because she wants to join the revolutionary guard and she is carrying a rifle. Her family said no, a girl should not carry a rifle. That is it, her family lives in one place, and she lives with her brother or with someone else. Another girl student, her family said you should get married, no revolution and no rifle. She married the revolution. You should not want to get married, you should want the revolution and the cause. She was disowned by her family. Another student, his family disowned him. He lives [words indistinct] they said you serve us, you have nothing to do with the revolution. A conflict between a revolutionary genera- tion and a reactionary generation. There is no people. My father is a reactionary, your father is a reactionary. This does not mean that you insult him. "And out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord, bestow on them thy mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." "But if they strive to make thee join in worship with me thing of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not." [quotations from Koran] This is as if your father tries to make you disbelieve science, history, and that the Berber are the original Arabs who built the Mar'ib Dam, and whom Europe wants to deprive from this great glory and from this long historic exhaustive journey during which we cultivated the Fertile Crescent, Syria and North Africa, and we even benefited Europe. They want to show that we did not benefit them. We are [words indistinct] and coming from Europe. If your parents say to you that you are Berber, then they deprive you of this great glory. Never allow them to do so. [cheers] Listen. I told you that your father, my father or anybody else could be a reactionary or could have never read history. The tribes fought each other for water. (?Jadu and Rijbal) were fighting each other about whether you are an Arab or a Berber. This is a folly. There are ignorant backward people; but we kiss their hands and wish them well and give them money, but we should not listen to what they say on history, politics, or the future. If they say something beneficial we listen, and if they say something reactionary we ignore it. There should be a resistance between this new generation and the old generation who still says I am an Arab and those are not. lam talking about both parties. The pre-Islam Arabs, for instance in Badr, your parents told you you are an Arab, and those in (Mislata) are Berber. Do not listen to these words. They are reactionary and folly. Tell them no, they are Arabs more than us. They are Arabs who came here 10,000 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? is years ago. We were the last to come. We came after Islam. [Words indistinct] but these are the original Arabs who con- quered North Africa before us. In Jadu, someone comes to you and say you are Berber, and that one in (Rijban) is an Arab. Reactionary folly. Even that language should end. It should only be read by those who want to read historic monuments. There should be a special study of it in the university. [cheers] The language. The language which does not give us water we do not want it. [sentence as heard] All the living nations have their old languages. They do not read them. Only the scientists read them. Do you know that in English, the word you, in the old books, in their old language, what is it in their old language? It is not like this in their old language. Yes, yes. Thee, thee, t-h-e-e. Some- thing like this. [A]-Qadhdhafi is shown writing the word). Did you ever read thee in an English newspaper or book, or even in an English university did you see the work thee, t-h-e-e. This means you. Cross it out. Write you, y-o-u. Tomorrow they might decide that you is not y-o-u, but only "u". Only one word [words indistinct] instead of thee, see how it developed. Thee, t-h-e-e- in the old English means you, the modern English language it is you, y-o-u. The Americans write it as only one letter "u." They said since it is you why should we write the additional letters? Write u only and it means you. Who is still reading thee? [cheers] Unfortunately, look at France, the mortal enemy, how did it ruin Algeria? It occupied Algeria for 130 years. France incited some people, a year or 2 ago, to demonstrate demanding the tribal language. If someone goes to Algeria and says: You want the tribal language; here is it. In 5 of 10 years they demonstrate and call for abolishing the tribal language and ask to be taught the living language of the human beings which is living now. Brothers, every nation has its old language. In this time, we cannot say let us read the old languages. They should be read only by scientists. The English have an old language. The Italians have an old language. The Chinese have an old language. The language of the Chinese is drawing. If he wants a sky, he draws a sky, clouds, and stars. For a human being he draws a human being. If he wants to write about a cow, he draws a cow. The Chinese language has developed. It is not drawing any more. It is letters. Letters, but they are symbols for the.original drawings. . t is impossible in China now that someone comes and says teach me the old Chinese language of Confucius in which he wrote his message, and draw me the cow again, and for the human being draw a human being, and if they want 10 people they draw 10 people. This is ridiculous. The Chinese now are transforming their language into a Latin language. Here we come and say we have 10 persons in the mountain, or some tribes, who want to learn their old language! What is this re;.-?ionary call which was planted by colonialism? What would we do with this language? We are in the space age. If we have spare time, should we read these old things? We know something about it. It isan Arabic language. The letters Ghin, Qaf, Ha', Dha', and Kha' are in this language as they are in Arabic. That is it then; it has an Arabic origin. A similar one could be found in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. In the excavations and monuments it can be found; the scientists can go and read it. As for you, if your mother makes you read it, then your mother is a reactionary and feeds you the milk of colonialism and feeds you poison, and makes you a backward person. You must learn Arabic and insist on it so that you do not lose it and replace it with American language. Then we construct a teachers college, a women's teachers college. I did not find a college for electronics or laser or electricity or atoms or petroleum, or for repairing spare parts or for repairing cars or for building houses. Male teachers, female teachers, male teachers, female teachers. What is this? Male teachers are important. We need them. And the female teachers. But to make all this mountain male teachers and female teachers. [sentence as heard] By God, this seems to be a conspiracy by the defunct era, and it seems that it is even implemented during the era of the revolution against this region. We want to study the unir- rigated agriculture and industry. The mountain has no water, neither ground water nor rain water. The rains fall in Ghiryani and (?Qawasim). There is no ground water and there are no heavy rains. What is our future? Our future should be industrial. Everyone should be professional, and have an industry. Let us say that in the mountain you can make a radio set. That is it, it is not necessary to be a farmer. It is not necessary to have farmlands and grazing land. We might not find them. The majority of these colleges in front of me should be made into technical colleges and schools. They should graduate skilled workers who know the times. Should we remain backward [words indistinct]? The Romans evicted us from the coast and put is in this [words indistinct]. Should we remain evicted here or what? No, do not grow like [words indistinct] of the mountain. Do not marry from the mountain. This is a world for the elderly. You are the new generation. This should be a critical matter. This is a revolutionary issue. As for the elderly, I was told a story yesterday. A good honest girl wanted to marry someone who is not from the mountain: They forced her to enter an institute for women offenders. The institute for women offenders psychologically harmed her and hurt her family. Although she is honest, they sent her to'the institute for women offenders on the pretext that she is a delin- quent. Why? Because she wanted to marry someone not from the mountain. What is this? Half of your sons, who study abroad, are married to American girls. No one from the backward countries studies abroad and does not bring with him a European woman, similar to [words indistinct]. Nevertheless, you forbid us. This is not right. It is wrong. It is wrong. Listen. Sons should be able to marry any Arab girl. You are Arabs. My daughters could marry any Arab. There are laws and Shari'a. Is not your Shari'a the Koran? Does the Koran say that a girl from Jadu cannot marry a boy from (?Rijbanu)? The Koran did not say this. Therefore, she is free. [The audience cheers and someone says jokingly: "It is there.") No it is not. What? In the Koran? 1's it there that a girl from Jadu does not marry a boy from (?Rijban)? Wrong. She is free. She is free and he is free. Their parents present the matter to them when they find that t'lcy suit each other, whether he is from (?Rijban), Badr, (?Fissa or (?Tam- zin). What is this folly? [cheers] These are the cries of the new generation. These are the cries' of progress, liberati? ;. and freedom. Anything else is reactionary, backwardness, isolation, death, annihilation, deterioration, and collapse. [cheers] Brothers, you arc uniting the Arab nation. Cannot we unite Rijban and Jadu? We say a girl cannot marry Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? a boy from there. How is that? In what age do we live? Is it not a disgrace to send our daughters to the institute for women offenders? It is a disgrace. Which of the two is a disgrace? A girl from Jadu marries a boy from Rijban, or a girl from Jadu to be put in an institute for women offenders? The disgrace is to put her in the institute for women offenders. What is this? What is this mentality? A boy from Jadu marries a girl from Al-Jawsh, marries a girl from Tripoli, marries a girl from Fizzan, marries a girl from anywhere, who stops him? [cheers] The liberation, freedom, and the Jamahiri regime, in which the masses rule, does not begin with slogans and words written on walls. Our life must change at home, in the street, in every town, village, and oasis. Material and moral changes should take place. What would be the morale of the people if we say that this is a Berber and this is an Arab? This will lower the morale in front of America, in front of Israel, and in front of the reactionaries, even in front of nature. We tend together, harvest together, and build together. How can you tell me that we are two races here, while you arc originally one race? Where is the scientist, and let him come and challenge me, the scientist who can prove that the population of Wayfran and the population of Nalut are Berber, and the population of Al-Jawsh are Arabs. Where is this scien- tist? Let him come up so that everybody can see him. Brothers, if the dirt we carry is still there, I hope that we will purify ourselves from them and clean ourselves from them. We should get rid of them even with fire. What is reactionary? Neighbors. One nation. The enemy is near them. The reaction- ary, imperialist and Zionist enemy is at your borders. They do not marry from each other! They do not understand the language of each other! They intentionally do this! On the contrary, anything that divides you, you should tread on it. You say to me: We will fight colonialism and we heard the call, then the first thing to fight is the issue of Arabs and Berber. History says Arabs. Against America we are Arabs, an Arab nation, even if our origin is Yam Yam. If we live between the ocean and the Gulf, then this is the Arab homeland about which America wrote that the Arab homeland must be destroyed and torn. [cheers] If they came after Islam and said we are Arabs and you are Berber, then they are ignorant and backward and by God they only serve colonialism. God bless them, they are still raising the flag of Rome and they defend the Roman propaganda and administer the Roman poisons to us. The Romans ended 2,000 years ago. They said Arabs and Berber. Today, even after the Romans finished, someone comes and says I am an Arab and you are a Berber. He thinks that he is supporting the Arabs, but he is harming them because he deprives the Arabs of unity and spreads the enemy's propaganda. When France established an institute for teaching the language of the Berbers, the old Arabic language, was this for the benefit of the Arabs? It was to harm you. It was for its own benefit as a colonialist country who divides you. Whoever says these are Arabs and those are Berbers is a backward reactionary. He serves America, serves the Israelis and serves Roman colonialism and French colonialism. If you say that I am a Berber, I am not an Arab. All right, deprive yourself this glory. A Berber [words indistinct] but we told you that history says no, you turn your head. France says yes, but history says no. All right, if you want France, all right. We call him a hireling. Whatever Rome says, whatever France says, and whatever Q 15 NORTH AFRICA America says I will do. In this case your position is clear and we know how to deal with you when you are an agent among us. History and truth say you are Arabs, but France said you are not Arabs; Rome said you are not Arabs and now America says that you are not Arabs. Then you follow the enemy. Then we are terrorists. Palestine is not Palestine; it is Israel. There are no Palestinian people, there is an Israeli people. Continue all the colonialist sayings. Whoever says Berber, means that he says Israel and does not say Palestine. He says the Palestinian terrorist organization, and does not say the PLO. He does not say Mu'am- mar, the leader of the revolution, he says the No I international terrorist. This is what America says. [cheers] This division is nothing to do with Islam, and is not in our favor at all. Even the sects. I swear I never used to hear about it, even the sects. I do not know Malik sect or others. The prophet does not recognise Malik or Hanbal or Sunni or Shiite. The Koran condemns them and considers their followers as unbelievers. Probably (some of us belong to) a sect. The Koran says do not divide your religion. Bring the Koran and put it in front of us. Look [words indistinct]. It shows you what God says about the Abadi; Hanbali and Malki sects. They came after the prophet. Who recognizes them? Their claims are false. They are political parties like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Liberation Party. What have they to do with us? There is no sects in Islam, and there is no Shiite. This is blasphemy and reactionarism. Colonialism increased these things in order that you do not resist it. Colonialism fragments Islam and fragments Arabism in order to weaken us in front of it. It teaches us Berber language so that we leave the Arabic, and leave Islam and struggle. That is what colonialism wants. These are the reactionary sayings. Repeat what the colonialists say (?as a whole). Say Berber and Arab; Berber language and Arabic language and say more. Say Israel and the people of Israel and the Palestinian terrorism and Libya is the country of terror- ism and the Arabs have no right to unity. Those who repeat these things should continue, and go and marry Americans, while the Rijban and (?Fissatu) cannot marry each other. Look at the heresy. Marry the Americans and do not marry each other. Is this reasonable, brothers? This is absurd. One can go and marry an American girl, but cannot marry an Arab girl from here. You are all Arabs and closer to each other than the Americans. The doctor told me that I am sick and suffer from diabetes in Zuwarah. Why? He said that they keep exclusively to themselves and said that a girl from Zuwarah cannot marry a boy except from Zuwarah, and a boy from Zuwarah cannot marry a girl except from Zuwarah. The inherited diseases do not leave these towns. They are riddled with diseases. Zuwarah is a mere point among these towns. How can we say that the people of Zuwarah may only marry among themselves? How about the others? Are they nonbelievers, devils, or demons? What kind of mentality accepts this folly? If the Libyans marry Americans and Europeans and bring them among us, and you say all right, God bless you, how come that a boy from Zuwarah cannot marry a girl from AI-Zawiyah? Great! What does God say about the sects? About the Abadi and Malik? We do not recognize any of them. We recognize only the Koran. What does he say: "Be not like those who are divided amongst Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? V. 24 Apr 85 Q 16 themselves and fall into disputations after receiving clear signs: for them is a dreadful penalty." [quotation from the Koran] For anyone who follows the sects of Malik, Taghi, Hanbal, Shari, Shi'ite, or Sunni, there would be a dreadful penalty. These sects were created after the Prophet, after the death of the Prophet. If he is present, he would have slaughtered their creators. Someone says an Abadi sect. What does an Abadi sect have to do with us? We do not care what Hanbal, Malik, or Abadi say. We know how to clean for prayers and how to pray and how to fast and how to perform pilgrimage according to the Koran, and that is all. "As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least." [quotation from the Koran] The Prophet said that of those who divide their religion and break up into sects, have nothing to do with them. This means that the followers of a sect have nothing to do with the Prophet. This is what God said: "But people have cut off their affair [of unity] between them into sects: Each party rejoices in that which is with itself." [quotation from the Koran] God criticizes them and promises them hell. Who are they? They created parties within Islam. "Stand fast in religion and make no divisions therein." [quotation from Koran] God ordered to stand fast in religion and make no divisions. How can you divide into Abadi sect and Malik sect? We do not recognize Abadis, Maliks, or any such sect. These are attempts and efforts whose place is the old yellow books. Can anybody pray according to the sect of Hanbal or Malik? What exactly did Hanbal or Shari say? By God, we do not know what he said. We would have to read books, which would fill a tent in order to know what they said. Malik was carrying his books on the back of a donkey. Who can read a donkey's back load of books? Malik's books are a full load for a donkey's back. We have to read them all in order to understand the Malik sect. What does this have to do with us? The Koran is one book, and Malik wrote a donkey's load of books. What is this Malik, whose sect was touring on a donkey's back? His books cannot be moved except by a donkey. There were no cars that time. [words indistinct] cart or [words indistinct] to drag them. We have nothing to do with the shams of Malik. The Koran is one book, and Malik wrote 100 books. Are we following God or Malik? These are political parties. This is the [words indistinct] of the Koran. What have the yellow books of the [word indistinct] sect to do with me? If he says the sect of Malik, the yellow books of Malik, do not read them. How did we benefit from them? In Lebanon, Israel is dividing us. They say today we shell the Shi'ites. The second day they hit the Sunnis, the Shi'ites will not (?interfere), they are hitting the Sunnis. The following day they hit the Druze. We are hitting the Druze, and not the Sunnis. Parties or sects, this is reactionary and divisive. People lead people. Now the leader is the people. The president is the people. The imam is the people. God on the Libyan soil is the Libyan people, and God is in heaven. But if one wants to lead the people, he says I lead the mountain and I lead the valley. I lead the Berbers. I lead the Mahamids. For the sake of leadership, the Mahamids fight with the mountain people. Say these are Arabs and these are Berbers and fight each other. The Shiites and the Sunnis fight each other. The colonialists laugh and hit us one after another. [words indistinct]. Anyone who wants to lead can lead himself. Here, the people are the leader. If one comes and brings books, what do you call them [words indistinct] and brings the yellow books and brings charms, to teach the people and to teach them their religion and to create a party, they make him holy and kiss his hands. Libya in the past had one king. Now the Libyan people, every person has a crown on his head. Mu'ammar [words indistinct] every Libyan is Mu'ammar. Every Libyan is the leader of the revolution. We are in the age of masses. The state of masses. The age of liberation. Do not you use the name Yakhluf here in the mountain? The name which begins with the letter Ya! This strange name which begins with Ya! Yashfin; Yusuf; Yakhluf; Ya'qub, and Yahya. I will tell you the secret. I will tell you the reason. The grandmother of the Arabs, what is her name? Ya'mur. Did you read her name, Ya'rub? Her sons' names are Yaghmur, Yakhluf, Yahya, and Yusuf. Those who insist until now on the names which begin with "Ya" are the pure Arabs who have never changed. This did not happen except with those whom they call the Berbers This means that the Berbers are the original Arabs. [cheers] This is the second time to say this in this place about the issue of sects. You are the new generation. Stay away from these empty words. You are the new generation. I f a teacher comes to you and says according to the sect of Malik, the sect of Hanbal, or the sect of [word indistinct], then this is a quack and yellow books. These are very backward things. Even Ghazali [one of the major Islamic thinkers] said that the spirit over the tomb is like the sun on the horizon. What kind of lies are these? Who told him? How could Ghazali discover that the spirit is like this? The Koran does not say this. He wrote this himself. If we follow the [words indistinct], we will not know how to pray, how to fast, or how to perform pilgrim- mage. We will fight even on the pilgrimage, one tours from the right and one tours from the left [touring the Ka'bah], and we collide with each other. Read only the Koran. If a teacher comes to you and says we will teach you the sect of [words indistinct], then he is a reactionary. What is the sect of [words indistinct]? This is the state of the masses. It is not the control of one tribe by another tribe, or part on a valley or a person on a group. A party, front, tribe, individual, a family, an individual with a sec,t or individual with a party can never be in control. All these things, which I mentioned, obstruct the freedom and humanity of man. This is the age of masses. Libya is the state of the masses and the cornerstone of the age of masses. In this country we must struggle until the achievement of complete equality between the valley and the mountain; between a big tribe and a small tribe; between a teacher and a lecturer and between someone who was in the Red Palace and someone who tends sheep. If there is no equality, let the struggle continue. The struggle will end with the estab- lishment of one united liberated advanced nation. Brothers we have huge resources. We have people, we have land, and we have rivers and seas; we control a strategic area. We will liberate it and unite it so that we can raise our heads in front of the Americans. America rampages the world because it is 50 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? countries united in one country. Because they are 200 million united in one country. Why is the Soviet Union a super power? Fifteen countries, different even in language, race, and origin. They are the ones who have Berbers and Arabs. [passage indis- tinct] They formed one country. Now they invade the outer space. They have intercontinental missiles. They are filling the seas with ships and fleets. Everyone of them produces wheat and food enough to flood the Mediterranean. We are 100 million Arabs from the ocean to the Gulf, the same population as Nigeria. We have resources. In the future we will be 200 million, 300 million, 400 million, 500 million. This increasing number of the future must be in one nation, one people, one ideology, one book. Therefore, we must fight those who create parties and create fronts and create leaderships and create sects, and those who divide us. tribes and in Maghreb can hear. Let them hear. Let them hear the free people. The people who knew their history and their way. The people who announce to the Arab nation the liberation and freedom. As the poet said: Millions woke up from their sleep and went to look for their history after they lost their way and their history was lost. It is true we went to look for our hsitory after we were lost and our history was lost. Now we go back to look for our history. Forward, forward; the struggle continues. Joint Military Talks With Spain Begin in Rabat LD231136 Madrid Domestic Service in Spanish 2200 GMT 22 Apr 85 Anyone who says my tribe is better than this tribe is a reactionary and enemy whom we should all fight and destroy. The one who ways I am an Arab and this is a Berber, is an enemy and reactionary whom we should all fight. The one who says I am Berber and this is an Arab is an enemy, reactionary, and Berber whom we should all fight. The one who ways I am better than this and I will not marry from this family is a reactionary. This is the age of freedom and liberation. At least this will be achieved in Libya so that the world can learn from you. What can you to the world if you say that we have these two villages and they cannot marry each other? Can you say that this is the state of the masses and equality and final liberation, while you kill liberties, and the citizen cannot choose a partner for his life. The woman cannot choose her partner, and the man cannot choose his partner. They would say what is this oppression; repression and injustice. It should never happen. By God, it is shameful. Where did you get this from? Where does the Koran say you should not marry each other? There is a big tribe who controls a small tribe. You say this is the state of liberation. They say these are called Arabs and those are called Berbers. The Arabs are controlling the Berbers. Where is the liberation then, and where are the freedom and equality you talk about? If an Arab is oppressing a pre-Islam Arab, who is called Berber, then this hits the Jamahiriyah, hits the revolution and hits all the immortal values for which we struggle. Are we playing and joking? I am very sorry that they are insulting you as the insulted you in the past [words indistinct]. They divided you so that they could become leaders, and show themselves to the Italians and the Turks as leaders who are followed by people who are fighting among themselves. Then [words indistinct] the Muslim Brotherhood or someone with reactionary yellow books aspires to control you. Where is the science, light, electrons and laser? You are the youth, the rest of your families heard and they are reasonable and can probably understand more, but leave them alone. As for you the youth, you would be committing a greater sin, worse than AI-Sadat's crime if you believe these lies. The language, the Arabs, the Berbers. This is not suitable. These are Arabs and those are Berbers; this is the right Islamic party; this is the Daghi sect and this is the sect of Malik. [Words indistinct] You cannot use these follies. These must end. A historic liber ation must begin. A real liberation. Freedom. Complete equality. [cheers] Today we raise our voices so that our brothers in the [Text] Secretary of State for Defense Eduardo Serra is on an official visit to Morocco to negotiate exchanges whose financing could be related to the fishing agreement. Isabel Garcia Gil reports: Secretary of State for Defense Eduardo Serra today held a long working session with his opposite number Gen Achahbar and senior Moroccan military officials. Eduardo Serra and his inter- locutors studied the possibilities for the sale of Spanish arma- ments to Morocco which is interested in purchasing patrol boats for its Navy among other things. The principal problem is that of financing which would be solved with part of the credits provided for in the fishing agreement. The Spanish and Moroccan officials also looked at ways of developing new joint exercises of expanding them to the Army. Indeed, today some joint naval exercises began in Cartagena in which two Spanish corvettes and three Moroccan vessels are taking part. They will all arrive in the Moroccan port of Casa- blanca on Friday. Spanish Warships Sought LD231513 Kuwait KUNA in Arabic 1312 GMT 23 Apr 85 [Excerpts] Rabat, 23 April (KUNA) - Spanish Secretary of State for Defense Eduardo Serra continues his official visit to Morocco which he began yesterday, holding military talks with Moroccan officials concerning Morocco's desire to purchase modern Spanish arms in accordance with the wide-scale arma- ment policy announced by King Hassan II recently. Spanish sources told the KUNA correspondent that Morocco has expressed the desire to purchase Spanish warships to modernize the Moroccan Navy. Morocco already has 5 Spanish-made destroyers which constitute the backbone of the Moroccan Navy. The sources added that Spain has agreed in principle to supply Morocco with all its arms needs, but the problem facing both sides was the financial difficulties Morocco has been facing in completing the deal. The secretary general of the opposition leftist Socialist Progres- sive Party, `Ali Yatta, has disclosed that Spain has officially pledged to return Ceuta and Melilla to their lawful owners, Morocco, whenever Spain succeeds in regaining Gibraltar. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7 ? ? V. 24 Apr 85 Q 18 Yatta told the KUNA correspondent in Rabat that Spanish monarch, King Juan Carlos has officially made this pledge to King Hassan I I and has also conveyed it to leaders of the Spanish political parties. If what Yatta said proves to be true, it will represent a positive change in the attitude of Spain. Yatta, however, did not give any details on the subject, confining himself to asserting that the pledge has actually been made. The [Spanish] rightist parties strongly oppose the return of the two cities to Morocco and call for preparation to defend them by force if necessary. Diplomatic observers here believe that King Juan Carlos' pledge to King Hassan 11 forced Morocco not to raise the matter at present. Siwar al-Dhahab Decrees New Appointments 24 Apr JN241117 Khartoum SUNA in Arabic 1015 GMT 24 Apr 85 [Text] Khartoum, 24 Apr (SUNA) - Chairman of the TMC 'Abd al-Rahman Siwar al-Dhahab issued Decree No 33 for the Hegira year 1405 [1985] yesterday, appointing a secretary gen- eral, an under secretary, and two directors at the General Secre- tariat of the Presidency of the Republic in accordance with Decree No 22 regarding the reorganization of the General Sec- retariat of the Presidency of the Republic, the People's Palace. The decree appoints the following: Secretary General - Major General Ahmad ldris Ahmad; Under Secretary - Staff Brigadier General 'Abd al- Rahman Sa'id; Deputy Under Secretary and Director of Decisions and the Follow-Up Administration - Brigadier General 'Abd a]- Mun'im Zayn al-'Abidin Muhammad; Assistant Under Secretary -'Abd al-Jalil Muhammad al-Hasan; Director of Legislation and Legal Affairs General Administration - Brigadier General Ahmad Mahmud Hasan; Director of Financial and Administrative Affairs - Colonel Haydar Babakr al-Mushrif; Acting Director of Political and Economic Affairs Administration - Mustafa 'Ali Arbab; Acting Director of the General Administration for State Protocol - Nabil Murad 'Uthman. The decree stipulated that these military officials will work on a secondment basis which will expire at the end of the transitional period, and that the secretary general will consult with each administration regarding the appointment of their assistants. SPLA Radio Expresses `Respect' for New Premier EA231842 (Clandestine) Radio of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army in English 1300 GMT 23 Apr 85 [Station commentary] [Text] Numayri, who has ruled the Sudan for more than 15 years has been overthrown, or, to put it appropriately, has under the pressure of strikes and demonstrations by professional bodies and students transferred power to his erstwhile minister of war. From our viewpoint little has changed except that now Sudan has a new, respected and patriotic citizen Dr Al-Jazuli Daf`allah. But who is just working under the big brothers headed by General Siwar al-Dhahab. At any rate the exit of Ja'far Numayri has given room for some views which would have been impossible to be made public if Numayri was still in control. Before we get down to business I must state that it is morally unacceptable to attack a weak and a defenseless person like Numayri. This would amount to an act of a soldier shooting an enemy soldier who has surrendered. However, this does not mean that if there is a person or a body to bring Numayri and his ministers to account for their public performance one would raise objections. That in fact should be encouraged, though that is not the point here. Numayri used to tell the public that he would die defending his dictatorial regime which he always called Al-Thawrah, meaning revolution. This has not happened. Instead he has asked to be allowed to return and live as a private citizen. Local Sudanese are saying Al-Dunya Ma Dawwamah, which means nothing is permanent, and that is applicable here. 'Umar Muhammad al-Tayyib, Numayri's first vice president, was fond of projecting the image of one who really cared for public interest and welfare. However AL-SAHAFAH daily has revealed that in 'umar's farm there were 32 pickups and 3 bulletproof Mercedes. Well, I have no comment to make about this. There was one citizen who ruled the south on behalf of Numayri and who let loose his agents in the south to make it impossible even to hold intellectual discussions. The accusation always was that anyone who discussed short- comings of the May system and the High Executive Council in Juba were enemies of the security and stability. That man and his supporters have all gone but both the south and the whole country still tick. Citizens killed during demonstrations were described during Numayri's time as traitors. The media in Khartoum now calls them martyrs. The leader of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army-Sudanese People's Liberation Move- ment [SPLA-SPLM] in the name of the workers of Equatoria. Numayri's media used to distribute such insults. Now what do the media in Khartoum these days say about SPLA-SPLM and its leader Colonel Dr John Garang? Let us now have extracts from the recent issues of Khartoum's papers. AL-SAHAFAH, in one of its recent issues carried an article by Mustafah Ibrahim Abba, who wrote, and I quote, the SPLM is firmly rooted in the soil of this country, meaning it is an integral part of the Sudanese nation. Another issue of AL-SAHAFAH daily published on the 11th of April carried a statement from the group of national forces, the working alliance of different politi- cal organizations and professions, had this to say about SPLA- SPLM and its leader: "The forces commend the vanguard role played by the SPLM in toppling the May regime". The forces further added that it, that is the group of national forces for national salvation, appeals to munadic John Garang and the SPLM to contribute towards the group effort and so forth. For Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400013-7