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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 CONFIDENTIAL September 4, 1958 I C-' Y In our recent conversations, you requested an explanation of the comments contained in the patent and royalty report dated April 18, 1958, on the patentability of the device conceived under Task Order No. A, Work Order No. IX. I have talked with Our Patent Section on this matter and they indicated that the constant-temperature-environment device conceived was the type of device that could be the subject of a patent. We have no knowledge of an existing device, publication, or patent that would bar the issuance of a patent on such a device. As was indicated in the letter of April 18, no effort has been made from a patent standpoint to uncover such information. Our Patent Section has indicated that it is common practice to survey the patent literature before filing an application, in an effort to determine the novelty of the discovery in question. You may want to have your patent people do this. If you have any questions with regard to the above, please let us know. IDE -77r II - Iy)ft I I - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 C"A Lit CONFIDENTIAL i Icy' 0~ L 0 n4a.~a wn Lca~cA n ~I _ P ,,,~,, _v ,.A ,A~A, to -Ono q , S.1,11,1 Pi ' ~I~V do,_1 _ -j-PMA -M UAL(-A - ., . ? .. .,0 .? F 'III- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 coNFiDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 MATERIALS & METHODS MANUAL No. 113 This is another in a series of comprehensive articles on engineering materials and their, processing. Each is complete in itself. These special sections provide the reader with use ful data on characteristics of mate rials or fabricated parts and on their processing and applications. by Kenneth Rose, Midwestern Editor, Materials & Methods In the last'decade, a new group of materials has emerged from the laboratories to become part of our everyday lives. They are the silicon-base polymers, and they may be found in a multitude of industrial and consumer products rang- ing from aircraft gaskets to auto polishes. This manual describes the significant properties and the most important current applications of the "silicones", including- Silicone Fluids E Silicone Resins and Compounds ? Silicone Rubbers Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 The element carbon has al- ways been unique in chemistry in that it has been possible to build from it an infinite num- ber of compounds by substitu- tion and joining reactions. The chemistry of the complex car- bon compounds is called or- ganic chemistry. Recent de- velopments now make it possi- ble to duplicate this chemistry to some extent with the ele- ment silicon which, like carbon, is tetravalent. Polymerized compounds of some complexity, based upon a silicon-oxygen linkage, have been developed, and these organosilicon com- ^ THE TERM "SILICONES" is a convenient designation for a di- verse group of chemical com- pounds having a silicon-oxygen linkage somewhat analogous to pounds are known as silicones. Although the chemistry of organosilicon compounds is more than a hundred years old, the production of commer- cial silicones only began dur- ing World War II with the for- mation of the Dow Corning Corp. as a jointly owned op- eration of Dow Chemical Co. and Corning Glass Works in 1943. All production at that time was channeled into mili- tary uses, but at the end of the war fluid silicones became generally available to industry. By 1945, both Dow Corning and General Electric Co. an- nounced the development of silicone rubbers, and in the fol- lowing year General Electric opened-its own silicone-produc- ing plant. In 1949, Plaskon, then a division of Libby- Owens-Ford Glass Co., started to use silicone-alkyd resins in paints. About that same time, Linde Air Products Co., a di- vision of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., began pilot plant production of silicones. Dow. Corning, General Electric and Linde Air Products are the three producers of primary silicones in the United States today. the carbon linkage in organic compounds. Addition of organic side-chains often produces a ma- terial that is actually more or- ganic than inorganic. Also, many Significant Major Current Type Forms Properties Applications FLUIDS Pure liquid or water Wide range of viscosities, Dampingfluids, hydraulic ("oils") emulsion. good heat stability, high fluids, dielectric fluids, flash points, low volatil- water-repellents, mold ity, low freezing points, release agents, lubricants, good dielectric proper- antifoam agents, polishes ties, wide useful temper- or cleaners, immersion ature ranges, good water baths. repellency, chemical in- ertness. COMPOUNDS Fluid thickened with Same as above. Do not Lubricants, sealants, ("greases") filler. soften and flow readily at packing impregnations, elevated temperatures. vibration dampers, mold release agents, antifoam agents, rust preventives. RESINS Solid in solvent solution Good heat stability, good Molded parts, electrical or sometimes in water dielectric properties, good insulation impregnations, emulsion. Formulated water repellency, chemi- electrical insulating lami- (often with fillers and/or cal inertness, good re- nates, water-repellents, organic materials) for sistance to weathering heat- and chemical-re- molding, laminating, coat- and ozone. sistant coatings, mold ing or foaming. release agents, foamed core structures. RUBBERS Solid gums, or com- Retention of useful Gaskets, electrical insula- pounds containing fillers, strength and flexibility tion. Fabric coatings and vulcanizing agents and over long period at high impregnations for both additives. Rubber com- and low temperature ex- electrical and mechanical pounds may be (1) solid tremes, chemical inert- applications, including and formulated for mold- ness, relatively good oil gaskets, mats, belting, ing, extruding, calender- resistance, good dielec- hose, sleeving, dia- ing or sponging, (2) tric properties, good re- phragms. Sealing, calk- in form of paste, or (3) in sistance to weathering ing and potting com- solvent dispersion. Also and ozone. pounds. plain or reinforced sheet, tubing and extruded shapes. of the commercial silicones are formulated by mixing them with silica, soaps and other fillers. Thus, the properties of materials called "silicones" may vary over a wide range. In general, how- ever, silicones are chosen for their: 1. Resistance to deterioration at elevated temperatures. Many types can withstand tempera- tures of 500 F or higher for pro- longed periods with little loss of important properties. 2. Maintenance of properties at low temperatures. Silicone resins and rubbers retain flexi- bility at low temperatures that cause other resins and rubbers to become brittle and useless. Silicone fluids show little change in viscosity in going from ordi- nary temperatures to low tem- peratures. 3. Long life. Silicones not only stand up better than organic materials under extreme tem- peratures, but also last longer than organic materials at inter- mediate temperatures. 4. Chemical inertness. Incom- patibility with many chemicals is important in mold release applications, defoaming, etc. 5. Excellent resistance to de- terioration during prolonged out- door exposure. Resistance to the effects of sunlight and oxidation Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 U is important in paints, insula- tion on electric wire, etc. 6. Good water repellency. Sili- cone fluids and resins are used on both organic and inorganic materials where water repellency is desired. Water repellency is also important in connection with other properties such as dielectric strength. Of even greater importance than any single property is the unique combination of proper- ties. No other fluids have the combination of good oxidation resistance, low vapor pressure, low freezing point, good heat stability and flat.viscosity curve that makes silicone fluids out- standing for aircraft instru- ments. No other resins or rub- bers have the combination of good dielectric strength, good arc resistance, good heat stabil- ity, outstanding resistance to ozone and weathering, and good low temperature properties that make silicone resins and rubbers excellent insulation for electrical conductors. Principal disadvantages of the silicones are high cost, incom- patibility with many other sub- stances, some processing difficul- ties and, in the rubbers, rela- tively poor strength and extensi bility. Also, silicones will burn, and they are adversely affected Silicone Fluids and Compounds The silicone fluids or "oils" are clear liquids having excellent stability at elevated tempera- tures, low freezing or "pour" points, a wide range of viscosi- ties from about 0.65 to higher than 1,000,000 centistokes, and only small change in viscosity through a wide temperature range. They have an oily feel, but conventional types have little lubricating ability and must be used as lubricants only with caution. They are nontoxic and have little chemical reactivity, yet they are effective as addi- tives even in very small amounts. They are colorless, or nearly so. Silicone fluids may be classi- fied in two composition groups : the dimethyl silicones, and sili- cones other than dimethyl. The first group has two methyl groups for each silicon atom. In the second group some of the methyl radicals are replaced by another organic radical-some- times ethyl but usually phenyl. The phenyl types are stable at higher temperatures and have slightly better lubricity than the dimethyl silicone fluids. Silicone fluids are used as bulk fluids, as films, and as additives to other materials. Although high in price;" the .. amount -re- quired in many applications is so small that overall cost is often lower than that of less expen- sive materials. In addition, of course, silicone fluids often make possible economical designs that would otherwise be impossible. Dimethyl silicones The dimethyl silicone fluids are known commercially as Dow mum Hot immersion bath for accelerated aging tests on magnesium at Dow Chemical Co. utilizes high-phenyl silicone fluid. The silicone bath has oper- ated continuously for three years and has provided a net saving, since the previous inexpensive hydrocarbon oil bath had to be replaced each month. (Dow Corning Corp.) 0 by many petroleum compounds, particularly the aromatic hydro- carbons used in aviation fuel. Resistance to straight-chain hy- drocarbon oils is good, however. Chemical classification of the silicones is difficult. In this arti- cle chemical nomenclature has been largely omitted, and the silicones have been somewhat arbitrarily classified according to their physical state. Hence, five groups are distinguished: fluids, greases and other compounds, resins, rubbers, and specialties. Such a classification is common in the industry and provides a fairly convenient basis for con- sidering specific applications. Corning "200 Fluids", General Electric SF-96 and Viscasil ser- ies, and Linde L-series. These materials can be specified by means of the commercial desig- nation, together with the desired viscosity. Significant properties are summarized below : Heat stability-Stable for long periods at 300 F if in contact Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 with air, and at 400 F if pro- tected from air. At 475 F in air, viscosity shows considerable in- crease within 12 hr, and fluid is converted into, or coated with, tough rubbery gel within 48 hr (addition of antioxidant retards gel formation). Heat in the absence of oxygen breaks down fluid into polymers of lower molecular weight (slowly at 475 F, and rapidly above 650 F). Boiling point-Lowest viscos- ity fluids boil in the 275 to 350 F range. Fluids with viscosity above 50 cs. are practically un- boilable even at reduced pres- sures. Heated strongly long enough they decompose without boiling, but the lower-viscosity decomposition products may boil. Freezing ("pour") point-Most dimethyl silicone fluids retain useful fluidity at temperatures no lower than -40 F, but some low-viscosity fluids are useful at temperatures of -100 F and lower. Viscosity-temperature-Change in viscosity over wide tempera- ture range is much less than for petroleum oils. For example, over the temperature range from -50 to 300 F, the viscosity of a 100-cs. fluid varies from 1000 to 25 cs. The change is small enough so that the normal vis- cosity index is not applicable and a new viscosity-temperature co- efficient has been established. Viscosity breakdown-Good re- sistance to viscosity breakdown during prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures. No meas- urable shear breakdown in fluids having viscosity less than about 1000 cs. Higher-viscosity fluids show small drop in viscosity un- der shear, but original viscosity is reestablished when shear ceases. Maximum of 10% drop in viscosity reported for 16-hr exposure. Water resistance-Insoluble in water but not impermeable to water vapor. Solvent resistance-Insoluble in vegetable oils. Low viscosity fluids are somewhat more soluble in other organic solvents than higher viscosity fluids. See ac- companying list. DAMPING FLUID. High-vis- cosity fluid, together with fly- wheel mechanism, absorbs tor- sional vibration energy of crank in diesel and automotive engines. Drop of high-viscosity fluid on pivot or spindle bear- ings minimizes flutter of indi- cating needle in automotive and aircraft instruments. HYDRAULIC FLUID subject to considerable temperature fluctuations, as in aircraft in- struments and controls. Such applications have been limited because of certain lubrication difficulties encountered in con- ventional designs and because of incompatibility of the fluid with rubber seals. However, special rubber compounds have been developed for gaskets in prolonged contact with silicone fluids. DIELECTRIC FLUID for transformers. Relatively non- inflammable fluid with low vapor pressure makes it un- necessary to keep transformers outdoors for safety. WATER-REPELLENT FILM for wood, rubber, glass, ce- ramics, and other solid sur- faces. One familiar method of application: impregnated paper or "lens tissue" for cleaning spectacles. However, a much higher degree of water repellency is provided by sili- cone resins. Fluids also blended or compounded with organic resin in water-repellent film for fabrics or leather. Silicone- modified organic resin, when cured, imparts smooth, resilient "hand" to fabrics and increases their tear and abrasion resist- ance. MOLD RELEASE AGENT applied by wiping or spraying. Widely used for long-lasting release film on automotive tire molds. Also used for glass molding, plastics molding, shell molding and die casting, es- pecially of zinc parts that are not to be painted. Often applied most economically as water emulsion. Silicone fluids elimi- nate smoke and fumes result- ing from carbonization of older petroleum-type parting agents. LUBRICANT for plastics and sometimes rubber parts. Lubri- cant for metals where rolling friction is involved. Lubricant for certain metallic combina- tions where sliding friction is involved. Light to moderate loads only. Example: parking meters. Also used for impreg- nation of porous bronze bear- ings. Cutting fluid for machin- ing plastics. ANTIFOAM AGENT in proc- essing of petroleum oils, tars, hydraulic fluids, syrups, latex coatings, paper pulp slurries and adhesives. Often used in automotive crankcase oil to reduce foaming caused by other common additives. Not applic- able to solvents for silicones. Some silicone antifoam agents contain a few percent of a specially purified fine silica. LUBRICATING FILM ON GLASS. Reduces self-abrasion of woven or unwoven fibers so cloth or mat can withstand repeated flattening without de- struction. On glass bottles, inside coating reduces cracking due to impacts during filling and allows contents to be re- leased more readily. Outside coating reduces scratching caused by contact with other bottles. Glass bottle coatings applied simultaneously by va- porizing fluid in oven. ADDITIVE FOR RUBBER. Incorporated by special tech- niques into rubber, especially butadiene-styrene and chloro- prene synthetics, silicone fluid improves abrasion resistance, weather resistance and stabil- ity at slightly elevated tem- peratures. POLISH OR CLEANER for automobiles, furniture, win- dows. Often combined with waxes. ADDITIVE FOR PAINT in amounts of about 0.2%. Re- duces pigment-floating tenden- cy, aids gloss retention, acts as antiflooding agent, and reduces orange peel. SPRINGS that utilize the com- pressibility o si icon uids. 112 MATERIALS & METHODS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 SOME SOLVENTS FOR (SILICONE FLUIDS Amyl acetate Kerosene Benzene Methylene chloride Carbon tetrachloride Mineral spirits Chloroform Naphtha Cyclohexane Toluene Ethylene dichloride Trichloroethylene Gasoline Turpentine Hexyl ether Xylene PARTIAL SOLVENTS* Acetone Ethyl alcohol Butyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol Dioxane Orthodichlorobenzene * Partial solvents only for silicone oils having viscosity in 10-50 centipoises range. Chemical resistance-General- ly inert to dilute aqueous solu- tions of acids and alkalies, par- affin hydrocarbons. Strong re- agents such as solid ferric or aluminum chloride cause increase in viscosity and finally gel for- mation. Slowly destroyed by concentrated sulfuric or phos- phoric acid. Slowly oxidized by concentrated nitric acid at ele- vated temperatures. Decomposed by gaseous hydrochloric acid or chlorine. Effect on materials-Do not / react with plastics, lacquers and / other organic coatings Fluids . of low viscosity and low molecu- lar weight are reported to cause slight leaching of plasticizer and some shrinkage in rubber sub- jected to prolonged immersion. Noncorrosive to metals. Pro- longed contact with steel, alu- minum, tin zinc, cadmium or silver has no a ec on fluids. Prolonged contact with lead or tellurium at 400 F seems to in- crease viscosity, and prolonged contact with copper or selenium seems to decrease viscosity slightly. Flammability-Can be ignited, but will not support combustion alone. Dielectric properties - Vary with viscosity. Dielectric con- stant varies from about 2.2 to 2.8, and is little affected by change in temperature or fre- quency. Power factor, also little affected by temperature, remains low for frequencies up to 100 mc., then rises sharply. Volume resistivity is approximately 1014 ohm-cm, and is nearly constant up to about 400 F. Dielectric strength at 10 mils has been re- ported as 250 to 300 v per mil, and at 100 mils on the order of 500 v per mil. However, values as high as 35 to 40 kv have also been reported for thoroughly- dried fluids at a 100-mil gap. Lubricating properties-Good for rolling friction. For sliding friction, lubricating ability of dimethyl fluids varies widely wth materials involved. Generally not suitable for steel on steel, though some light-load applications have been successful. Not suitable for steel shaft in graphite bearing. Apparently satisfactory for zinc- plated, chromium-plated, bronze or cadmium-plated (at light loads) shaft in steel bearing and for steel shaft in babbitt, silver or nylon bearing. Also suitable for plastics and rubber bearing combinations. Compressibility-Low-viscosity fluids more compressible than mineral oils, glycerin and similar fluids. Compressibility decreases with increase in viscosity. Other silicone fluids The most important advantages of phenyl-containing or diethyl silicone fluids, compared to the more common dimethyl fluids, are greater heat stability and a broader useful temperature range. Some of these fluids have a freezing or "pour" point as low as -95 F combined with a flash point of 550 F. As the accom- COMPRESSIBILITY OF SILICONE FLUIDS Compressibility Type of Fluid (Kinematic Viscosity, cs.) Under 7100 psi Under 35,000 psi Under 284,000 psi Under 568,000 psi 0.65 6.3 16.3 Freezes - 2.0 4.9 14.3 31.5 36.9 100 4.5 12.7 28.6 34.0 1000 4.6 12.7 28.2 33.5 USES OF OTHER SILICONE FLUIDS HOT IMMERSION BATH. Examples : sterilizing fluid for dental instruments that does not cause rusting and does not smoke when hot; laboratory constant temperature bath; calibration bath. A similar use: heat exchange fluid. LUBRICANT FOR METALS over wider temperature range than possible with dimethtyl silicone fluids. Suitable for roll- ing friction and, for certain metallic combinations, sliding friction. Light loads only. Ex- amples: permanent lubrication of electric clocks, electric razors, scientific equipment. One new fluid appears suitable for steel-on-steel sliding fric- tion applications, heretofore not possible with silicones. WATER-REPELLENT FILM FOR FABRICS. Fluid and resin combined in coating ma- terial that must be set with heat-a few minutes at 300 F or less than a minute at higher temperatures. Used for fab- rics; also for paper used for protection or interleaving of asphalt packaging, pressure- sensitive tapes, partially cured rubber, etc. DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 . Methyl silicone oil Low-phenyl silicone oil Medium-phenyl silicone oil High-phenyl silicone oil 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature, F Useful temperature ranges for silicone fluids. KAMM Relay made by Heinemann Elec- tric Co. utilizes silicone fluid as damping medium. (General Electric Co.) Car polish is one of many prod- ucts that have been improved by silicone fluids. (Linde Air Products Co.) panying chart indicates, many are suitable for continuous use at temperatures up to 500 F. Some can be used at higher tem- peratures for short periods or where a brief service life is acceptable. For example, high- phenyl fluids have been used at 700 F where relubrication of bearings was possible. Addition of an antioxidant increases serv- ice life, although the antioxidant itself is eventually destroyed at high temperatures. Variation of viscosity with temperature is generally greater in phenyl-containing fluids, par- ticularly in the high-phenyl fluids, than in the dimethyl fluids, but this variation is never as large as in petroleum oils. Phenyl-containing fluids are also much more compatible with or- ganic materials than are dime- thyl fluids and, consequently, are not nearly so suitable as mold release agents or as lubricants for plastics. They are also less useful as polishes. Because of the greater heat stability and broader useful tem- perature range, phenyl-contain- ing fluids are sometimes pre- ferred to dimethyl fluids as lub- ricants despite a steeper temper- ature-viscosity curve. In addi- tion, a phenyl-containing fluid recently announced appears to be suitable for the common lubrica- tion problem of steel-on-steel sliding friction, a type of appli- cation for which neither dime- thyl nor phenyl-containing sili- cone fluids have previously been satisfactory. The new fluid is reported to have a useful tem- perature range from -100 to 500 F and a flatter viscosity curve than most phenyl-containing fluids. It can also be compounded as a grease. Silicone compounds Silicone compounds or "greases" are made by thicken- ing silicone fluids by means of small filler additions. Common fillers are specially purified fine synthetic silica, natural silicates in the form of diatomaceous earth, lithium soap and carbon black. Both dimethyl and phenyl- containing fluids are used in compounds. Useful temperature ranges for silicone compounds. are similar to those for the corresponding silicone fluids. Compounds differ from the fluids in that they can be made so that they do not flow readily at temperatures up to 375-400 F. Like the fluids, they have good dielectric strength, low volatility, chemical inertness, and surface properties useful in lubrication and defoaming. Springs utilizing silicone fluids were developed by the Hydra Spring Div. of Wales-Strippit Corp. for use in heavy-duty punches and machine tools. They have almost 10% compressibility at 20,000 psi, and about the same capacity as a conventional spring 12 times as large and five times as heavy. (Dow Corning Corp.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 USES OF SILICONE COMPOUNDS (Greases) LUBRICANT. Dimethyl types used especially for intermittent motion in high-temperature steam or corrosive environ- ments. Examples: pipe line valves, stopcocks. LUBRICANT FOR METALS. Low-phenyl and some dimethyl types used especially in low temperature environments, also over broad temperature ranges and at high temperatures. Ex- amples: motor bearings, ball bearings carrying light to mod- erate loads, time clocks, radar tuning devices, electricity me- ters and microphone switches. LUBRICANT FOR METALS. Medium-phenyl types suitable for especially wide variety of uses, including high tempera- ture-high speed applications, contact with corrosive liquids or atmospheres. LUBRICANT FOR METALS. High-phenyl types, compound- Silicone Resins Silicone resins make the unique combination of proper- ties characteristic of the silicone family available to the broad field known as "plastics." What is more important thus far, sili- cone resins, along with the com- mercial development of glass fibers and fabrics, have made possible the advent of Class H electrical insulation, capable of long life at continuous operating temperatures much higher than are possible with Class A or B insulation. The most important proper- ties of silicone resins are good heat stability, good dielectric properties, good water repel- lancy, chemical inertness and good resistance to weathering and ozone. Since the resins are often filled, reinforced, blended or combined with other materials, the properties of structures made from silicone resins may depend a great deal on the properties of the other materials and on their FEBRUARY, 1955 ed with carbon black, particu- larly suitable for high tem- perature-low speed applica- tions. Can withstand 500 F continuously, up to 1000 F for short periods. Examples: bear- ings in furnace cars, oven doors and oven conveyors. SEALANT for spark plugs, switches, terminals and other electrical connections in high- flying military aircraft, X-ray equipment, etc. Prevents mois- ture absorption, corrosion, co- rona discharge. Also sealant for vacuum and distillation equipment. PACKING IMPREGNATION to lengthen life of packing in pumps handling corrosive chem- icals. VIBRATION DAMPER. Ex- ample: phonograph pick-up. MOLD RELEASE AGENT Even though more costly, com- pound sometimes preferred to compatibility with the silicone resins. Generally, silicone resins can be classified as molding resins, laminating resins, coating res- ins and foaming resins. The resins themselves are ordinarily supplied as solvent solutions or water emulsions. Like the sili- cone fluids and compounds, they are high in cost and are used only for special applications not otherwise feasible or where im- provement in performance is sufficient to justify the addi- tional materials cost. Molding resins Most thermosetting organic moldings, such as the phenolics, are not suitable for continuous exposure to temperatures much above 300 F. Silicone moldings, therefore, are used primarily in the 300-500 F temperature range that is out of reach for the organics. A silicone molding compound fluid. Similar uses: prevents glue and resin from sticking to press platens in manufacture of plywood; prevents plastics packaging film from sticking to heating irons or heat-sealing equipment. ANTIFOAM AGENT used in bottling soft drinks and chem- icals, cooking varnishes, con- centrating sugar, loading tank cars with latex or tar, etc. RUST PREVENTIVE. New compound designed for protec- tion of ferrous artillery com- ponents during long storage is expected to be useful for deli- cate instruments that might be adversely affected by ordinary rust preventives. LUBRICANT FOR RUBBER. New compound has been devel- oped for automotive door weatherstrips, hood bumpers and other parts made of rubber. 212 300 400 500 Hottest Spot Temoeroture,F Life expectancy of Class A, B and H (silicones) insulation for various "hottest spot" temperatures. (Dow Corning Corp.) is usually made by mixing filler with a toluene or xylene solution of the silicone resin, flashing off the solvent under a par- tial vacuum, drying the mixture (about 10 min at 225 F) and III- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 it I II I I _ - II I I I .._ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 breaking it up. Fillers are always used. Because most applications involve high temperatures, fillers are limited to heat-stable mate- rials such as silica, glass, asbes- tos and mica. Of these, glass is most common. At present, the cost of a sili- cone molding may vary consider- ably depending on the source of materials. Some compounds re- quire extremely long post-cures for optimum properties. A post- cure cycle for such compounds is given in the accompanying box which outlines a typical molding cycle. Other new compounds, however, require only a 2-hr post- cure at 300-400 F for optimum properties and are usually not post-cured at all unless a high TYPICAL MOLDING CYCLE FOR GLASS- FILLED SILICONE RESIN Molding temp 300-350 F Molding pressure 1000-15,000 Curing time in mold 10-30 min Mold shrinkage 0.1-0.8% Postcure (oven) 16 hr at 200 F 2hrat260F 2 hr at 300 F 2 hr at 350 F 2 hr at 400 F 0.1% TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASS-FILLED SILICONE MOLDINGS Specific Gravity 1.7-2.0 Tensile Strength 2000-6000 psi Water Absorp, 24 hr 0.2-0.9% Max Temp for Contin- uous Exposure 450-570 Heat Distortion Temp 500-930 F Dielectric Strength at 60 cycles/sec Dielectric Constant: 100-300 volts/mil 60 cycles/sec 3.2-5.0 1 megacycle/sec 3.2-5.0 Power Factor: 60 cycles/sec 0.002-0.007 1 megacycle/sec 0.002-0.007 Volume Resistivity 1013 ohm-cm heat distortion temperature is needed. Such compounds, with molding cycles approaching those for phenolics, seem likely to broaden the industrial appli- cations for silicone moldings. Typical properties of a glass- filled silicone molding are shown in the accompanying table. Laminating resins Silicone laminates cost more than organic thermosetting lam- inates, and they are not as strong as the organic laminates at ordinary temperatures. How- ever, the strength of most or- ganic laminates drops off rapidly above 300 F, whereas silicone laminates retain most of their strength at temperatures up to 500 F and above. Like silicone moldings, there- fore, silicone laminates are con- fined primarily to applications involving continuous exposure to temperatures in the 300-500 F range or brief exposures to higher temperatures. They are widely used for Class H electri- cal insulation. Glass cloth is the most common reinforcement, al- though asbestos and mica are also used. Silicone laminates and molded laminates are made by proced- ures similar to those used for organic laminates. Typical lam- inating procedures and some prop- erties of a typical laminate are given in accompanying boxes. One peculiar advantage of sil- icone laminates as electrical in- sulation in certain applications is the electrically insulating ash that remains even when the in- sulation has been completely burned. For example, the Navy found that armored cable might continue to function after a se- vere local fire, thus allowing a TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED SILICONE- GLASS LAMINATES Tensile strength 35-45,000 psi Water absorp, 24 hr 0.05-0.7% Dielectric str, % in. 360-420 v/mil Power factor, 100 me 0.003 ship to return to base for re- pairs under its own power. Coating resins Silicone and modified silicone resins are widely used in paints, as nonadhesive films, and as water-repellent films. Silicone coatings alone are serviceable at temperatures up to about 500 F. Aluminum-pig- mented modified-silicone coatings can be used at 1000 F and for short periods as high as 1500 F. At such temperatures, the sili- cone film no longer exists as such but the pigmented paint continues to provide protection against oxi- dation. In "modified" paints, silicone resins are combined with organic resins, primarily alkyd resins. The resins may be combined merely by blending or by copoly- merization. Silicone additions, generally of 25% or more, im- prove the heat stability, gloss re- tention, non-yellowing properties and water repellency of conven- tional alkyd paints. Even a 5-10% addition improves weather resist- ance. Silicone-alkyd paints have top service temperatures about TYPICAL LAMINATING PROCEDURE FOR SILICONE-GLASS CLOTH 1. Remove any organic sizing from glass cloth by heat-clean- ing. 4 2. Immerse cloth in solvent solu- tion of silicone laminating resin. 3. Air-dry impregnated cloth about 30 min. 4. Further dry impregnated cloth 5-10 min at about 225 F. 5. Lay up (or wind) impregnated sheets to form sheet, rod, tube, moldings, etc. HIGH-PRESSURE: 6. Cure laminate 14 hr at 350 F under 900 psi, and cool 30 min under pressure. 7. Heat 15 hr at 200 F. 8. Raise temperature to 375 F through 8 hr, and heat 16 hr at 375 F. 9. Heat 4 hr at 480 F, and cool. LOW-PRESSURE : 6. Cure laminate at 350 F under contact pressure for 15-60 min, depending on section thickness, and cool. 7. Heat 16 hr at 200 F. 8. Raise temperature to 480 F through 4 hr, and heat 80-150 hr at 480 F. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 0 Net contact heater made by Pre-Fab Co. for melting 5-gal drums of plastisol has nylon-re- inforced glass cord insulation impregnated with silicone resin varnish. Device was originally de- veloped to keep high altitude aerial cameras and control mechanisms operative in sub-zero environments. (Dow Corning Corp.) Electric motor emerges from dip tank en route to baking oven where silicone resin varnish will be cured. Overall silicone coating is final step in rewinding motor with Class H insulation. (Linde Air Products Co.) 100 F lower than those for sili- cone films alone. However, the modified silicone films are more easily applied and quicker drying than the straight silicones. Silicone and modified silicone paints are applied preferably by spraying. Roller coating and especially brushing are not gen- erally recommended. Optimum properties are obtained by an elevated temperature cure. Straight silicone coatings may d ES OF SILICONE RES N& f l ? iNAtTE. nrimari1y .for. useeiin`,>: th'e 300 500 F~ range. special!-3 MA spacers and bar er sheets+m ry transor--mere, and ftg electric mechanical supports VIP Y 4 .. .ms st+...~,:~s glass, asbestosi'or a mica glass cloth ,sandwich increasI~per- missible 3operating tempera-' tares and therebymake possi- ble smaller, lighter transform- e s anmotorsffor given out put It hasp ben !estimated that although '-a',.,1: motor costs about 75% more than a~Class A or B mo- 'A 0 tor~ofthe same 'size, fits +cost based *,on dollars ,pert horse 11 powerloutput aboutt the same orj, ometimes less. , : SILICONE P NAT OR lVA~R' on electric motors, circuit chas- sis. Aluminum-pigmented mod- ified-silicone paints especially suitable for use in the 300-500 F range and for brief ex- ,,posures to temperatures as iaa igiw as 1500;=F..' Examples: andn furna#ces, steam ,pipes, ex- hausr Wines .~ ands steriliziing n yellowny Beaters no hide: aament : 'Modified-silicone enamel also use,'d aspwire` insulio , eResults+ of oneiaeries,~of, tssrw indicated thatiriduction m t rs. wound with silicone-coated wire had and operating at 325-366P the "same life` expectancy as similar motors, wound' with Class A insulation andoperat- ing at about 190 F. HEAT-RESISTANT. 'MOIkD ING utilizing,+glass, asbestos or" 1 cw t`t'; l "fit ~' xy ' diatomaceous earth filler Ex- amples : switch 'parts, "brush' ring holders in ele'ctr'i'c}motors, coil forms. tr sheen Expected annlications: cores'n of "high-?temp,erature.w_struAc"-z, cures. MOLDER+E{LEASEAGENgT solution Es `eci3 11"'~ 4 p~ y - effectiveG with metal patterns ; m. shell moldings process ' ht? iei ,+ x-. on bake y pans Vlasts for weeks, ehminatingfost fiof mater and labor rcquir d to grease" pan}before, each'bake and pro vidin net sa~tn~ng despite nn ? I P1 11 goods from' pan' much easier. WxATER=RREPE fCOANG for mnry and? that ? is` permeae tto ter' vapor and thus' reduces' con- densation of moisture inside walls. WETTING AGENT. Exam- pies., Coatuig'for alumma'gr`its yep. I ' 4t i. to improvebonding in resm- bon~p grindngwheels ''Sizing' for "glasscloth+~to~impioveadP' ~` hesiontopolyesterresms in low pr(ess~ure~la mates S+PE;C AL ,A?PPLICIWTrI(O chemical-resistant lectncam- su anon for glass radiant heat Se sulat one ipata e ng jpli~mrj- ,Unrdt~ctedi ;aluminum etched away+ by caustic soda leav- ing silicone insulated aluminum A+D~DI~TdIV~EF~ORPIGMENT 'Ij s, Ito impro a dispersion paint 'STABLE MOLD N ,110.0 VI= ganic PU15Dt+base dwon1fo1 resin.': Now under.'development. ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 0 ffiffillill Electric motor-How silicone fluids, greases, resins and rubbers increase its efficiency. (General Electric Co.) be cured in about 1 hr at 480 F or 4 hr at 400 F. Lower tem- peratures can be. used for the modified silicones. Silicone and modified silicone paints are often cured automatically in service. Silicone resin release films may be applied from either solvent solution or water emulsion and cured by baking. They are used for semi-permanent release appli- cations, as on bakery pans. Resin solutions or emulsions for water repellency applications contain about 5% or less solids as applied and are used on non-flex- ible surfaces. Films for masonry and concrete generally cure at ordinary temperatures. Foaming resins Foamable silicone resins, anal- ogous to the foamable organic resins, are available for the pro- duction of low-density parts. Silicone Rubbers Like the other silicones, sili- cone rubbers have an exception- ally broad useful temperature range compared with organic ma- terials. Silicone rubbers not only supplemented the resins in cre- ating Class H electrical insula- tion for use at high operating temperatures but, at the other extreme, provided the first prac- tical answer to gasketing prob- lems in high-altitude military aircraft subject to prolonged sub- zero temperatures. Whereas other heat-resistant synthetic rubbers have poor low temperature prop- erties, silicone rubbers make it possible to obtain good properties at both ends of the temperature scale in a single material. Some of these silicone resins can be foamed in place and can therefore be used to form low- density cores in relatively inac- cessible cavities. Other resins cannot be foamed in place but can be used to make prefoamed blocks and sheets which can be formed with woodworking tools. Both types of silicone foams are produced by application of heat at temperatures in the 260-360 Fil range. Foamed silicone structures can be produced in densities ranging from 6 to 24 lb per cu ft. They are reported to show virtually no dimensional change after 20 hr exposure at 700 F, and less than 2% weight loss after 220 hr at 570 F. Pre- fo a in e d structures generally have somewhat better strength than foamed-in-place structures at elevated temperatures. How- ever, foamed-in-place structures made from one resin retain good compressive strength at temper- atures as high as 500-600 F. Moisture absorption of foamed structures after exposure in air at 96% relative humidity for 7 days has been reported as less than 0.05%. Foamed silicones are nonflammable. For some time, silicone resin formulations for foaming in place were available only as two separate components that had to be mixed properly at time of use. Recently, however, a pre- mixed powder has been made available. Shapes made from one of these resins can be post- formed considerably when heat- ed to about 200 F. Properties The range of properties offered by silicone rubbers is indicated by the accompanying tables adapted from AMS and ASTM specifica- tions. These and other signifi- cant properties are summarized briefly below : Heat stability-Maintain prop- erties indefinitely at about 300 F. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Type Propertyb 3301B (General purpose) 3302B (General ' purpose) 3303C (General purpose) 3304B (Low com- pression set) 3305C (Low com- pression set) Hardness, durometer "A" Tensile Strength (min) psi 40 f 5 50 t 5 60 f 5 70 f 5 00 80 f 5 500 , Elongation (min),% 500 250 500 200 400 100 5 60 60 Tear Resistance (min), lb/in. 55 35 35 25 25 Oil Resistance: after 70 hr in Change in Durometer "A" Hardness No. ASTM Oil No. I at 350 F Reduction in Tensile Stren th (max) -15 to +5 50 -15 to +5 40 -10 to +5 20 -10 to +5 20 -10 to +5 10 g , % (ASTM D471-51T)? Reduction in Elongation (max), % 50 20 20 20 10 Change in Volume, % 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 Dry Heat Resistance: after 24 hr Change in Durometer "A" Hardness No. 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 at 450 F (ASTM D573-48)d Reduction in Tensile Strength (max), % 15 10 10 10 10 Reduction in Elongation (max), % 25 25 25 25 25 Compression Set: compressed Percent of Original Deflection (max) 22hr at 350 F (ASTM D395 49T 72? 72t 60t 30' 36' , Method B) Percent of Original Thickness (max) Method 29? 22t 18t 86 9' Temperature Brittleness (ASTM D736-46T) Pass 5 hr at Pass 5 hr at Pass 5 hr at Pass 5 hr at Pass 5 hr at -85 F -85 F -70 F -70 F -70 F ? Adapted from Aeronautical Materials Specifications copyrighted 195 by Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. b Other requirements: satisfactory resistance to weathering, corrosion. ? Other requirements: no decomposition, no tackiness. s Other requirements: no surface hardening, no cracking or checking when bent flat (90? on 8t radius for 8806C). ??t. ?. Compressed to 60%, 70% and 75% of original thickness, respectively. At 400 F, hardness increases gradually and elongation de- creases. Tensile strength may drop or increase slightly, depend- ing on the particular material. Changes are rather sharp dur- ing first 20 days at temperature, then level off, indicating reten- tion of useful residual proper- ties. At 480 F the same changes occur, but the initial changes are greater. Subjected to excessive heat in air, silicone rubbers be- come hard and dry and eventu- ally decompose as brittle mate- rials. Heated in the absence of air, however, they become soft. Low temperature flexibility- Ordinarily retain flexibility down to -70 F, and materials formu- lated especially for low tempera- ture service can be used at -130 F or slightly below. Since low tem- perature flexibility is obtained by slight change in basic compo- sition, not by addition of a plasticizer, low-temperature rub- bers retain good elevated tem- perature properties. In ordinary silicone rubbers, hardness starts ASTM STANDARDS FOR SILICONE RUBBERS? Grade Specification TA 505 TA 604 TA 704 TA 805 BASIC REQUIREMENTS Durometer Hardness No. Tensile Strength (min), psi 50 f 5 500 60 f 5 400 70 f 5 400 80 f 5 500 Ultimate Elongation (min), % 200 100 75 50 Change in Durometer Hardness No. (max) +20 +20 +15 +15 Heat aged 70 hr at 450 F JChange in Tensile Strength (max), % -30 -30 -25 -25 Change in Ultimate Elongation (max), % -40 -50 -40 -40 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Suffix B Compression set after 70 hr at 300 F (max), % 50b 40b 40b 40b Change in Tensile Strength (max), % Suffix E, (70 hr at 300 F Change in Ultimate Elongation (max), % -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 in ASTM Oil No. 1) Change in Durometer Hardness No. (max) -15 -15 -15 -15 Change in Volume, % Suffix Es (70 hr at 300 F Change in Durometer Hardness No. (max) 0 to +20 -30 0 to +20 -35 0 to +20 -40 0 to +20 -45 in ASTM Oil No. 3) Change in Volume, % +60 +60 +60 +60 Suffix F2 (5 hr at -65 F) Suffix L (168 hr in water R in Durometer Hardness No. (max) Pass -10? Pass -10 Pass -10 Pass -10 at 158 F) JChange in Volume, % ange +100 +10 +10 +10 ? Adapted from table on "Physical Requirements of Synthetic Rubber Compounds, Type T, Class TA, Temperature Resistant" in ASTM D786-6$aT (Rubber and Synthetic Rubber Compounds for Automotive and Aeronautical Applications). b Lower values can be obtained with sacrifice of tensile strength and elongation. ? These values can be met with sacrifice of tensile strength and elongation. r,i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 1 1 L 1 :11 i ... J u ...... __ Call 1 , 1_ . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP78-03642A000700100011-1 Type Property Low Compres- sion Set (Class 300) General Purpose (Class 400) Extreme Low Temp (Class 500) Hardness, Shore A durometer 50-80 50-90 40480b Tear strength, lb/in. 30-50 50-75 50-75b Tensile strength, psi 570-750 570-800' 700-840b Elongation, % 175-100 370-70' 350-906 Compression set after 22 hr at 300 F, % 20-7 50-60 50-80 Brittle temp, (ASTM D 736, 5-hr soak), F -80 to -65 -90 to -80 below -130 to -120 Stiffness temp, (ASTM D 797, 24-hr soak, modulus = 10,000 psi), F -50 to -45 -60 to -45 below -120 to -110 Increase in durometer hardness no. after 70 hr at 450 F (heat stability) 6-5 6-3 5-3 Increase in volume after 70 hr in ASTM Oil No. I at 300 F (oil resistance), % 8-5 9-6 9-7 Increase in volume after 70 hr in water at 212 F (water absorption), % high to