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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 ON PAGE ivt:W TUrcr` i11ic3 mnur,LLI1L 22 February 1987 TAIMETL QADDAFI J By Se moW M l$ Lt -f EIGHTEEN AMERICAN WARPLANES SET out from Lakenheath Air Base in England last April 14 to begin a 14-hour, 5,400-mile round-trip flight to Tripoli, Libya. It is now clear that nine of those Air Force F-111's had an unprecedented peacetime mission. Their tar- gets: Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and his family. The mission, aut oriz by the White House, was to be the culmination of a five-year clandestine effort by the Reagan Administration to eliminate Qaddafi, who had been described a few days earlier by the President as the "mad dog of the Middle East." Since early 1981, the Central Intelligence Agency had been encouraging and abetting Libyan exile groups and foreign governments, especially those of Egypt and France, in their efforts to stage a coup d'etat - and kill, if necessary - the bi- zarre Libyan strongman. But Qaddafi, with his repeated threats to President Reagan and support of international ter- rorism, survived every confrontation and in the spring of 1986 continued to be solidly in control of Libya's 3 million citi- zens. Now the supersonic Air Force F-111's were ordered to accomplish what the C.I.A. could not. That the assassination of Qaddafi was the primary goal of the Libyan bombing is a conclusion reached after three months of interviews with more than 70 current and former officials in the White House, the State Department. the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the Pentagon. These sources, a number of whom were closely involved in the planning of the Tripoli raid, agreed to talk only if their names were not used. Many of them, however, cor- roborated key information. The interviews depict a White House decision-making process that by early last year was relying on internal manipulation and deceit to shield true policy from the professionals in the State Department and the Pentagon. The interviews also led to these findings: ? The attempt last April on Qaddafi's life was plotted by a small group of military and civilian officials in the National Security Council. These officials, aware of the political risks, operated with enormous care. A back channel was set up to limit information to a few inside the Government; similar steps had been taken the year before to shield the equally sensitive secret talks and arms dealings with Iran. ^ Much of the secret planning for the Iran and Libyan operations took place simultaneously, so that the Administra- tion was pursuing the elimination of one Middle East source of terrorism while it was trading arms with another. The two missions involved the same people, including John M. Poindex- ter, then the national security adviser, and Oliver L. North, the N.S.C.'s deputy director for political-military affairs. Seymour M. Hersh is working on a book on the Reagan Ad- ministration's foreign policy for Random House. ^ There was widespread concern and anger inside the Na- tional Security Agency over the Administration's handling of the Libyan messages intercepted immediately after the April 5 terrorist bombing of a West Berlin discotheque. The White House's reliance on these messages as "irrefutable" evi- dence that Libya was behind that bombing was immediately challenged by some allies, most notably West Germany. Some N.S.A. experts now express similar doubts because the normal intelligence channels for translating and interpreting such mes- sages were purposely bypassed. As of this month, the N.S.A.'s North African specialists had still not been shown these inter- cepts. ^ William J. Cahen Director of Central Intelligence, personally served as the intelligence officer for a secret task force on Libya set up in mid-1981, and he provided intelli- gence that could not be confirmed by his subordinates. Some task force members suspected that much of Casey's informa- tion, linking Qaddafi to alleged "hit teams" that were said to be targeting President Reagan and other senior White House aides, was fabricated by him. President Reagan's direct involvement in the intrigue against Qaddafi - as in the Iran-contra crisis - is difficult to assess. The President is known to have relied heavily on Casey's intelligence and was a strong supporter of covert ac- tion against Qaddafi. But Mr. Reagan initially resisted when the National Security Council staff began urging the bombing of Libya in early 1986. Some former N.S.C. staff members ac- knowledge that they and their colleagues used stratagems to win the President over to their planning. THE PLANNERS FOR THE LIBYAN RAID AVOIDED the more formal White House Situation Room, where such meetings might be noticed by other staffers, and met instead in the office of former Navy Capt. Rodney B. McDaniel, the N.S.C.'s executive secretary. The small ad hoc group, for- mally known as the Crisis Pre-planning Group, included Army Lieut. Gen. John H. Moellering of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Michael H. Armacost, Under Secretary of State for political affairs, and Richard L. Armitage, Assistant Secre- tary of Defense for international security affairs. Most of the planning documents and option papers on the bombing were assigned to a small subcommittee headed by North; this com- mittee included Howard J. Teicher, the N.S.C.'s Near East specialist, and Capt. James R. Stark of the Navy, who was as- signed to the N.S.C.'s office of political-military affairs. For North, a Marine lieutenant colonel who had emerged by early 1985 as the ranking National Security Council opera- tive on terrorism, the Libyan raid was a chance to begin a new phase in the American counterterrorism struggle - the direct use of military force. He had served as a member of Vice President Bush's Task Force on Combating Terrorism, whose report - made public last February - presciently summarized the pros and cons of the mission: "Use of our well-trained and capable military forces offers an excellent chance of success if a military option can be im- plemented. Successful employment, however, depends on timely and refined intelligence and prompt positioning of forces. Counterterrorism missions are high-risk/high-gain operations which can have a severe negative impact on U.S. prestige if they fail." CoflhfluiI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 At the time of the attack on Libya, North, Poindexter and Teicher had been deeply involved in the Administration's se- cret arms dealings with Iran for nearly a year; they also knew that funds from those dealings were being funneled from a Swiss bank account controlled by North to the Admin- istration-backed contras fighting against the Sandinista Gov- ernment in Nicaragua. North has told associates that only he and a few colleagues worked on the targeting of Qaddafi and that they left no writ- ten record. " 'There was no executive order to kill and no ad- ministrative directive to go after Qaddafi' " one former N.S.C. official quotes North as saying. "They've covered their tracks beautifully." EVEN THE OFFICIAL BOMBING ORDERS supplied by the White House to the Pentagon did not cite as targets the tent where Qaddafi worked or his family home. Instead, North has told colleagues, the stated targets were the command-and-control center and admin- istrative buildings of El-Azziziya Barracks in Tripoli, none of which were struck by bombs, as well as the military side of the Tripoli airport and a com- mando training site in the nearby port city of Sidi Bilal, which were hit by the other nine F-111's. Also mistakenly hit by one F-111 assigned to attack the barracks was a heavily popu- lated residential area of Tripoli near the French Embassy. The shielded orders explain a series of strong denials after the bombing, especially by State Department officials, when it became clear that Qaddafi's personal quarters had been a primary target. That, too, was part of the White House or- chestration, officials acknowledge. One well-informed Air Force intelligence officer says, "There's no question they were looking for Qaddafi. It was briefed that way. They were going to kill him." An Air Force pilot involved in highly classified special operations acknowl- edges that "the assassination was the big thing." Senior Air Force officers confidently predicted prior to the raid that the nine aircraft assigned to the special mission had a 95 percent "P.K." - probable kill. Each of the nine F-111's carried four 2,000-pound bombs. The young pilots and weap- ons-systems officers, who sit side-by-side in the cockpit, were provided with reconnaissance photographs separately de- picting, according to one Air Force intelligence officer, "where Qaddafi was and where his family was." The mission was the first combat assignment for most of the fliers. Qaddafi's home and his camouflaged Bedouin tent, where he often worked throughout the night, were inside the grounds of El-Azziziya. The notion of targeting Qaddafi's family, according to an involved N.S.C. aide, originated with several senior C.I.A. officers, who claimed that in Bedouin culture Qaddafi would be diminished as a leader if he could not protect his home. One aide recalls a C.I.A. briefing in which it was argued that "if you really get at Qaddafi's house - and by extension, his family - you've destroyed an impor- tant connection for the people in terms of loyalty." In charge of the mission was Col. Sam W. Westbrook 3d, a Rhodes scholar and 1963 Air Force Academy graduate who was subsequently promoted to brigadier general and reassigned in September to the prestigious post of Com- mandant of Cadets at the Academy. A special biography made available to recruiting officers for the Academy in- cludes a typewritten adden- dum stating that Westbrook led the Libya raid and caution- ing that he "is not cleared to address this subject under any circumstances." Israeli intelligence, North has told associates, pin- pointed Qaddafi's exact loca- tion during the long night of April 14, as the Air Force jets, bucking strong head- winds, flew around France, Portugal and Spain to the Mediterranean. The last fix on Qaddafi's location came at 11:15 P.M., Libyan time, two hours and 45 minutes before the first bombs fell. He was still at work in his tent. In the hours following the raid, Qaddafi's status was not known, but inside the White House there was excitement, one N.S.C. staff aide recalls, upon initial reports that he had not been heard from. Teicher reacted to the belief that Qaddafi had been killed by excitedly telling col- leagues: "I'll buy everybody Force officer says: "The fact is, they got into the exact tar- get areas they had planned. It was an ironic set of circum- stances that prevented Qad- dafi from being killed. It was just an accident, a bad day." The officer is referring to the fact that the laser-guidance systems on four of the nine F-ill's attacking Qaddafi's quarters malfunctioned prior to the attack. The pilots had to abort the mission before reaching the target, thus eliminating at least 16 more bombs that could have been dropped. The high-technology system that was to insure Qaddafi's death may have spared his life. The C.I.A. already knew how difficult a target Qaddafi could be. In late 1981, accord- ing to a senior Government lunch, and not at the Ex- I official, after Libyan forces change," an inexpensive Fri- returned from Chad, Qaddafi day night staff hangout. promoted the commander of Shortly afterward, a C.I.A. operative in Tripoli informed the agency that the Libyan leader had survived but was his successful invasion to general and invited him to his desert headquarters. On the jeep ride the new general , said to be shaken by the I bombing and the injuries to pulled out a revolver and his family. All eof Qadda- fired point-blank at Qaddafi. fi's children, eight i well as his The C.LA. knew of the plot in advance, the official says, wife, Safiya, were hospital- but was unable to learn for ized, suffering from shock several days that the officer and various injuries. His 15- I had missed and been shot to month-old adopted daughter, death by the Colonel's se- Hana, died several hours after the raid. Poststrike infrared intelli- gence photographs showed that the bombs, guided by the F-111's sophisticated on- board laser system, left a line of craters that went past both Qaddafi's two-story stucco house and his tent. Newsmen reported that the bombs had damaged his tent and the por- ticoed family home. The Air Force viewed Qad- dafi's survival as a fluke. Two senior officers separately compare his escape with Hit- ler's in the assassination at- tempt led by Count Claus von Stauftenberg in 1944, and a four-star general, after de- scribing in an interview the tight bomb pattern near Qad- dafi's tent, says resignedly, "He must have been in the head." Another well-informed Air curity guard, believed to be an East German. After the attempt, Qaddafi was not seen publicly for 40 days. FTER THE RAID ON Tripoli, any sugges- tion that the United States had specifically tar- geted Qaddafi and his family was brushed aside by senior Administration officials, who emphasized that the Govern- ment had no specific knowl- edge of Qaddafi's where- abouts that night. Secretary of State George P. Shultz told newsmen, "We are not trying to go after Qad- dafi as such, although we think he is a ruler that is bet- ter out of his country." One of the Air Force's goals, he said, was to "hit directly" at the guard around Qaddafi. At a closed budget hearing before the House Appropria- tions defense subcommittee GOAt1 W Ck Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 six days after the raid, Sec- retary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger was ques- tioned about the Air Force targeting by Democratic Representative Norman D. Dicks of Washington. "Mr. Secretary, you are a lawyer," Dicks said, according to a subsequently released manu- script. "Can you characterize this in any other way than an attempt to eliminate a for- eign leader?" "Oh, yes, Mr. Dicks, we sure can," Weinberger re- sponded "His living quarters is a loose term. This is a com- mand-and-control building. His living quarters vary from night to night. He never spends two nights in the same place. His actual living quar- ters are a big Bedouin sort of tent. We are not targeting him individually." When questioned for this article, Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said through a spokesman that there had been what he termed "some loose talk" during planning sessions about "getting" Qaddafi, but, he went on, such targeting was "never part of the plan." The spokesman added, "There was a lot of bantering at these meetings," but Crowe and his aides "did not take the bravado seriously." A Congressional aide who participated in classified briefings on the raid says he understood all along that the denials of Administration of- ficials of any assassination plans were pro forma. "I found myself feeling some- what ambivalent," he re- called, because of the Air Force's target - "you know, 'Scum of the earth.' " A senior American foreign service officer on assignment in the Middle East at the time of the raid recalls having few illusions: "As abhorrent as we find that kind of mission, the Arabs don't. The first word I got was, 'You screwed it up again.' We missed." Only one F-111 was re- ported missing during the at- tack and the overall opera- tion was subsequently de- scribed by Weinberger as a complete success.. In private, however, there was acute disappointment in the White House and Penta- gon, military officials say, be- cause five of the nine F-11 I's had failed to engage their tar- get - besides the four mal- functioning guidance sys- tems, human error aboard another F-111 resulted in the bombing of the residential area, killing more than 100 people. There was criticism from abroad, but the attack was strongly supported by the American public and Con- gress. A New York Times/ CBS poll, taken the day after the raid, showed that 77 per- cent of those queried ap- proved, although many voiced fear that it would lead to further terrorism. One reason for the wide- spread support was a collec- tive sense of revenge: the White House had repeatedly said prior to the attack that it had intercepted a series of communications, said to be "irrefutable" and a "smoking gun," which seemed to di- rectly link Libya to the April 5 bombing of the La Belle dis- cotheque in West Berlin, in which an American service- man was killed and at least 50 others injured. There were also nearly 200 civilian casu- alties, including one death. ANY IN THE IN- telligence com- munity believe that the Reagan Administration's obsession with Libya began shortly after the President's inauguration in 1981, and re- mained a constant preoccu- pation. Director of Central Intelli- gence Casey and Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. took office prepared to move against Qaddafi, who had been utilizing a number of former C.I.A. operatives, most notably Edwin Wil- son and Fran . T,~ernil-~o help set up terrorist training camps. There were other reasons for American concern. Qad- dafi was relentlessly anti-Is- rael, supported the most ex- treme factions in Syria and opposed the more moderate regimes of Jordan's King Hussein and Egypt's Anwar el-Sadat. There also were re- ports early in 1981 that Libya was attempting to become a nuclear power, and Qaddafi's often-stated ambition to set up a new federation of Arab and Moslem states in North Africa alarmed policy makers, especially after his successful invasion early in the year of Chad. One of the areas seized by Libyan forces was believed to be rich in ura- nium. Qaddafi was further viewed as having close ties to the Soviet Union, a point re- peatedly driven home in a 15- minute color movie that was prepared by the C.I.A. in 1981 for the President and key White House officials. It was clear early in the Adminis- tration, one former White House aide recalls, that the best way to get the Presi- dent's attention was through visual means. The movie, which substituted for a writ- ten psychological profile of Qaddafi, the aide says, was meant "to show the nature of the beast. If you saw it, there's little doubt that he had to go." Libya became a dominant topic of the Administration's secret delibera- tions on C.I.A. covert action. At senior staff meetings, one participant later recalled, Haig repeatedly referred to Qaddafi as a "cancer to be cut out." In mid-1981, Haig put William P. Clark, the Deputy Secretary of State, in charge of a secret task force to look into the Qaddafi issue. The initial goal of the small group, which included a representative from the Department of Energy, was to evaluate economic sanctions, such as an embargo on Libyan oil purchases. Libya was then supplying about 10 percent of total American imports of crude oil, and an estimated 2,000 American citizens lived in Libya. Such planning was hampered by the fact that Libyan crude oil was of high quality and much in demand. Clark, whose confir- mation hearings had been marked by controversy over his lack of knowl- edge about foreign affairs, turned to Robert C. (Bud) McFarlane, then the State Department counselor, for help. One immediate step, taken early in 1981, was to encourage Egypt and other moderate Arab states to con- tinue their longstanding plotting against Qaddafi. In May, the State Department ordered the closing of the Libyan diplomatic mission in Washington and gave Libyan diplo- mats five days to leave the country. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 .r3 la. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 There were reports in American newspapers, leaked by Government officials, suggesting that Libyan op- position to Qaddafi was growing and citing the defection of Mohammed Magaryef, a former Libyan Auditor General living in exile in London who would become the focal point of American, French and Egyptian ef- forts over the next four years to over- throw Qaddafi. In August 1981, President Reagan approved a series of naval war games inside the so-called "line of death" - the 120-mile limit claimed by Libya in the Gulf of Sidra. As ex- pected, the Libyan Air Force rose to the bait and Navy jets shot down two SU-22 warplanes about 60 miles off the Libyan coast. Libya accused the United States of "international terrorism." According to an account later provided to the columnist Jack Anderson, an enraged Qaddafi, in a telephone call to Ethio- pian leader Lieut. Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam after the planes were shot down, threatened to assassinate President Reagan. One former Cabinet-level official, who served in a national security position in 1981, recalls that there was no question that the "only thing to do with Qaddafi was kill him. He belonged dead." However, White House and C.I.A. planning throughout much of 1981 was hampered, the for- mer official says, by President Car- ter's 1978 executive order against as- sassinations. "The thought was to get a third party," the former official said - such as Egypt's President Sadat, who some in the White House believed was within a few days of moving against Qaddafi when he was assassinated on Oct. 6,1981. On Oct. 7, Magaryef and other exiles formed a National Front for the Salvation of Libya, based in London, "to rid Libya and the world of the scourge of Qad- daft's regime." In the weeks following Sadat's death, newspapers and television re- ported a barrage of Qaddafi death threats to Reagan and senior Admin- istration officials. Secret Service pro- tection was ordered for the Presi- dent's three top aides, Edwin Meese 3d, James A. Baker 3d and Michael K. Deaver, and security for senior Cabi- net members, including Haig and Weinberger, was increased Haig, at a news conference, told newsmen: "We do have repeated reports coming to us from reliable sources that Mr. Qaddafi has been funding, sponsor- ing, training, harboring terrorist ,groups, who conduct activities against the lives of American diplo- mats." There were further reports that five Libyan-trained terrorists had ar- rived in the United States to assassi- nate the President and some of his aides. Mr. Reagan publicly endorsed those reports. We have the evidence and he knows it," he told newsmen, referring to Qaddafi. ACCORDING TO KEY sources, there was little doubt inside Clark's task force about who was responsible for the spate of anti-Qaddafi leaks - the C.I.A., with the support of the Presi- dent, Haig and Clark. "This item stuck in my craw," one involved offi- cial recalls. "We came out with this big terrorist threat to the U.S. Gov- ernment. The whole thing was a com- plete fabrication." Casey began traveling regularly to the State Department to attend policy meetings of the Clark group. He was accompanied at first by his deputy, Vice Adm. Bobby R. Inman, a long- time intelligence officer who had served as director of the National Se- curity Agency in the Carter Adminis- tration. According to one participant, Casey claimed to have reports and inter- cepts directly linking Qaddafi to ter- rorist activities. "I listened to Casey's pitch and it was going for broke," the participant recalls. "'We're going to take care of Qaddafi.' Everyone was very careful - no one uttered the word assassination - but the mes- sage was clear. 'This matter has to be resolved."' If Casey's intelligence was correct, the participant recalls, it threatened the day-to-day ability of American of- ficials to travel internationally. Inman attended only one meeting, at which he said little. The participant, experienced in in- telligence matters, was struck by In- man's sudden disappearance and the lack of specificity in Casey's presen- tations. Privately, Inman confirmed to a task force member that there was no further specific intelligence on the Libyan "death threats." A trip to N.S.A. headquarters was arranged for the member, there was nothing in the raw intercepts other than "broad mouthings" by Qaddafi, the official recalls. During this time, the Amer- ican intelligence community consistently reported that Iran and its religious leader- ship were far more involved than Libya in international terrorism. Qaddafi was known to have brutally mur- dered former Libyan offi- cials, but he was not known to have acted on his many threats against Western political leaders. An intelli- gence official who has had di- rect access to communica- tions intelligence reports says, "The stuff I saw did not make a substantial case that we had a threat. There was nothing to cause us to react as we have, saying Qaddafi is public enemy No. 1." - Inman soon resigned from the C.I.A. and Casey contin- ued to handle the intelligence briefings to Clark on Libyan terrorism. Some task force members were convinced that Clark's aides, including McFarlane and Michael A Ledeen then a State art- efti"nt onsultant, were leak- ing Casey's reports. One task force official eventually con- cluded that Casey was in ef- fect running an operation in- side the American Govern- ment: "He was feeding the disinformation into the [intel- ligencel system so it would be seen as separate, inde- pendent reports" and taken seriously by other Govern- ment agencies. There were reprisals planned if Qaddafi did strike. By the early 1980's, the Navy had completed elaborate con- tingency plans for the mining of Libyan harbors, and sub- marines bearing the mines were dispatched to the Medi- terranean during training ex- ercises. In late 1981, a White House official was sent to Lajes Air Base in the Azores, one N.S.C. aide recalls, to in- sure that it was secure in case an air raid against Libya was ordered. "When Haig was talking about the hit team," the aide recalled, "we were ready to bomb." None of Qaddafi's alleged threats materialized. i PAM- 11111d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 I N JANUARY 1982, Clark succeeded Richard V. Allen as national se- curity adviser and quickly named McFarlane as a depu- ty. McFarlane brought in Donald R. Fortier from the State Department's policy planning staff. The two had worked together on defense issues as Congressional aides in the last days of the Carter Administration. Later, Howard Teicher, an- other McFarlane protege from the State Department, joined the staff. North, who had come to the White House on a temporary basis in the summer of 1981, was kept on. He would establish a close working relationship with McFarlane. "He accompa- nied McFarlane to meetings with the President and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 1 that other N.S.C. staffers rtici ate in" one a M UAMMAR EL-QAD- dafi again became an obsession in Washington after the June 1985 hijacking of an Athens- to-Rome Trans World Air- lines flight by a group of Lebanese Shiite Moslems. One Navy diver on board was killed and 39 other Amer- icans were held hostage for 17 days. There was no evi- dence linking the hijacking to Libya, but within the Reagan Administration feelings ran high that action must be taken, and striking against Iran and Syria wouldn't do. By July, the N.S.C. was se- cretly involved in conversa. tions with Israeli officials over the possibility of trading American arms to Iran for hostages. And any attempt to target Syria would be strongly resisted by the Pen- tagon. Syria's superb antiair- craft defenses had shot down would not v r an American Navy tighter recall's former colleagues plane in 1983 and one naviga- Arter a year and a lman Jr., had been captured. Clark, who had d a poor rela- tionship with Nancy Reagan He was later released to the and the men who ran the Rev. Jesse Jackson, one of White House staff, resigned. the President's most severe The President picked McFar- critics. lane as his successor, and The target was obvious. In McFarlane named Fortier July, McFarlane opened a and Vice Adm. John Poindex- high-level Pre policy ter as deputy assistants. meeting with the Fortier was given the author- by declaring that diplomatic ity to delve into any N.S.C. ac- and economic pressure had tivity, including covert ac- failed to curb Qaddafi's sup- tion. port for terrorism and much A critical step occurred in stronger measures had to be early 1984 when, after a taken. series of political defeats on During the late summer ntra-aid issue in Con- and early fall, there was co h 1984 C.I.A. assessment con- cluding that it would be possi- ble to call on "disaffected ele- ments" in the Libyan mili- tary who could be "spurred to assassination attempts or to cooperate with the exiles against Qaddafi." United States officials knew of at least two major French operations to assassi- nate or overthrow Qaddafi in 1984, both directed by the Di- rection de la Security Exter- ieure, the French counter- part of the C.I.A. According to a participant, officials at the National Security Agency monitored cable traffic from C.I.A. headquarters to its sta- tion in Paris authorizing the sharing of highly sensitive in- telligence, including satellite photographs and communi- cations intercepts, in support of the operations. Teams of Libyan exiles were armed with Israeli and other third- party weaponry, brought to the Sudan for combat train- ing and infiltrated through Tunisia into Libya. Neither plot succeeded, al- though one, in May 1984, re- sulted in a pitched battle with Qaddafi loyalists near El-Az- ziziya Barracks. Libya later reported that 15 members of the exile group had been slain. Qaddafi emerged unscathed. THE SECRET WHITE House planning escalated dramatically after terrorist bombings in airports in Vienna and Rome on Dec. 27, 1985, killed 20 people, five of them Americans. Within days, the N.S.C.'s Crisis Pre-planning Group authorized contingency mili- tary planning that included possible B-52 bomber strikes on Libya from the United States, as well as F-111 at- tacks from England. Predict- ably, Qaddafi responded to published reports of Amer- ican plans by warning that his nation would "harass American citizens in their own streets" if the bombers came. e t gress, President Reagan au- a series of White House thorized McFarlane, one aide meetings on Libya, under the recalls, to get the contras supervision of Poindexter funded "in any way you can." and Fortier. The two even North subsequently wrote an made a secret visit to Egypt internal memorandum out- to coordinate possible joint lining the shape of much of military operations against the future N.S.C. activities, Qaddafi. calling for White House-led By October, the President fund-raising efforts in the pri- had formally authorized yet vate community and among another C.I.A. covert opera- foreign governments. Mean- tion to oust Qaddafi. But, ac- while, Fortier, relying on raw cording to a report in The intelligence, was beginning to Washington Post, the Admin- argue that the Administra- istration was forced to have tion could make some policy Secretary of State Shultz ap- moves toward Iran. The pear in secret before the , N.S.C. staff began to go House Select Committee on operational. Intelligence in order to pre- vent a rare committee veto of the action. Committee mem- bers were said to have been concerned over a top-secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 "Mbmd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 ~= the l..i.A. nau ivuaiw o --e ...6 w .,.vr .... Libyan connection to the air- resist a military response pending a of the N.S.A., whose field stations ring port attacks, although the Is- "smoking gun" - some evidence link- the globe; but beefed-up coverage raelis publicly blamed them ing Qaddafi to the airport bombings. was deemed necessary. Interception on a Palestinian terrorist fac- Another of Mr. Reagan's concerns stations in England, Italy and Cyprus, tion led by Abu Nidal. A State was that an attack on Libya must ap- among others, were ordered to moni- Department special report, pear to be a just response. The Joint tor and record all communications made public early in 1986, Chiefs were known to be reluctant to out of Libya. In the N.S.A. this is was unable to cite any direct use force as a response to terrorism, known as "cast-iron" coverage. A connection between Libya and had been resisting White House high-priority special category and the airport incident. The staff entreaties to move a third air- (SPECAT) clearance was set up for sole link was that three of the craft carrier into the Mediterranean the traffic, denying most N.S.A. inter- passports used by the terror- to buttress the two already on patrol. ception stations access to the Libyan ists in Vienna had been The Joint Chiefs had claimed that at intelligence. A special procedure for traced to Libya. One had been least three carriers and their strike immediately funneling the intercepts lost in Libya by a Tunisian la- force would be needed if Libya re- to the White House was established. borer eight years earlier and sponded to a bombing with its 500 A third American aircraft carrier two had been seized by fighter aircraft. Adding a third car- arrived in the Mediterranean in mid- Libyan officials from Tuni- rier to the task force, the Joint Chiefs March, and the three carriers and sians as they were expelled in explained, would disrupt the schedule their 30-ship escort were sent on an mid-1985. of leaves for seamen and pilots. One "exercise" into the Gulf of Sidra. It One involved White House White House aide recalls a tense was the largest penetration by the aide believes that the basic meeting in which Richard Armitage American fleet into the Libyan- decision to use military force of the Defense Department declared, claimed waters. was made at a high-level Na- "Cancel the leaves," only to have the I One involved N.S.C. aide acknowl- tional Security Planning Joint Chiefs insist that three carriers edges that Poindexter, who had suc- Group meeting on Jan. 6, could not be on station until March. ceeded McFarlane as national se- 1986, in the emotional after- curity adviser, and Fortier had deter- math of the airport bomb- SPEAKING AT THE NA- mined that the Navy should respond ings. All of the key Adminis- tional Defense University at to any loss of American life in the ex- tration officials attended, in- Fort McNair in Washington on ercise by bombing five targets in cluding the President, Shultz, Jan. 15, George Shultz argued that the Libya. As the Navy task force sailed Weinberger, Casey and Poin- United States had a legal right to use toward Libya, the aide remembers, dexter. military force against states that he overheard Fortier and General Reviewing his notes of the support terrorism. Under interna- Moellering, the Joint Chiefs' delegate Jan. 6 meeting, a White tional law, he claimed, "a nation at- to the Crisis Pre-planning Group, dis- House aide recalls that a tacked by terrorists is permitted to agree on tactics during a meeting in decision was made to pro- use force to prevent or pre-empt fu- the N.S.C. crisis center. Fortier, the voke Qaddafi by again send- ture attacks, to seize terrorists or to aide says, asked the general to outline ing the Navy and its war- rescue its citizens, when no other the Navy's rules of engagement in planes on patrol in the Gulf of means is available." case Libya responded. "Proportional- Sidra. Any Libyan response Shultz's statement was part of a ity," the general said. would be seized upon to jus- carefully constructed scenario. In "They should be disproportionate," tify bombing. subsequent weeks, one White House the aide heard Fortier sharply re- According to this N.S.C. official recalls, State Department spond. aide, there was talk, inspired lawyers began to prepare an exten- On March 25 and 26, the Sixth Fleet by a memorandum written by North, sive legal paper arguing, in part, that attacked four Libyan ships, destroy- Teicher and Stark, of using one of the "in the context of military action ing two of them. Navy aircraft also Navy's most accurate weapons, the what normally would be considered conducted two raids against a radar Tomahawk missile, to attack targets murder is not." site on the Libyan coast. There were in Libya. Libyan air defenses, the Two days after Shultz's speech, the no American casualties and no White House had been told, were ex- President signed a secret executive Libyan counterattack. The White cellent and would probably shoot order calling for contacts with Iran House, pressing the advan- down some American aircraft. The and waiving regulations blocking tage, warned Qaddafi that Tomahawk, a submarine-launched arms shipments there. Casey was in- any Libyan forces venturing cruise missile with a range of 500 structed not to inform Congress, as more than 12 miles from miles, is accurate at that distance to the law provided, because of "se- shore - the international within one hundred feet of a target. curity risks." The White House was limit recognized by the The next day, Jan. 7, the President, careening down two dangerous paths. United States - were subject declaring that there was "irrefuta- to attack. ble" evidence of Qaddafi's role in the ARLY IN 1986, INTELLI- Qaddafi's failure to rise to airport attacks, announced economic Egence sources said, the Na- the bait frustrated the N.S.C. sanctions against Libya, including a tional Reconnaissance Office, staff. One senior State De- ban on direct import and export the secret group responsible for the partment official acknowl- trade. The idea, advocated by Forti- procurement and deployment of edges, "Everybody wanted to er, was "to get economic sanctions America's intelligence and spy satel- beat the hell out of Libya." In- out of the way so the next time they lites, was ordered to move a signals stead, the fleet was with- could do more," one involved White intelligence satellite (SIGINT) from drawn after three days in the House aide recalls. President Rea- its orbit over Poland to North Africa, Gulf of Sidra, two days gan, the aide adds, may not have been where it could carefully monitor earlier than planned. fully aware that he was being boxed Libyan communications. in by an N.S.C. staff that wanted ac- tion. "We were making an end run on the President," the aide says. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0402820006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 The basic question for N.S.C. aides remained: how to convince the reluctant Presi- dent that bombing was essen- tial. In late March, the N.S.A. intercepted a message from Tripoli to Libyan agents in East Berlin, Paris, Belgrade, Geneva Rome and Madrid The inevitable leaks came within hours. One State De- partment intelligence officer recalls, upon seeing the inter- cepts, "It was too good. I knew it would leak." On April 7, Richard R. Burt, the Ambassador to West Ger- There was nothing in any of them specifically linking Qaddafi to the La Belle bomb- ing. What is more, the disco- theque was known as a hang- out for black soldiers, and the Libyans had never been known to target blacks or other minorities. The normal procedure for SPECAT intelligence traffic from Libya is that it be pro- cessed and evaluated by the G-6 group at N.S.A. headquar- ters at Fort Meade, Md., be- fore being relayed elsewhere. But the La Belle traffic was never forwarded to G-6. As of this month, the April 4 and 5 Libyan intercepts had not been seen by any of the G-6 experts on North Africa and the Middle East. ,,The G-6 section branch and division chiefs didn't know why it was taken from them," says an N.S.A official. "They were bureaucratically cut out and so they screamed and yelled." Another experienced N.S.A. analyst notes: "There is no doubt that if you send raw data to the White House, that constitutes misuse because there's nobody there who's capable of interpreting it." N.S.A. officials had no choice if the White House asked for the intercepts, he says, but adds, "You screw it up every time when you do it - and especially when the raw traf- fic is translated into English from a language such as Ara- bic, that's not commonly known." ordering them "to prepare to ' Libyans to the La Belle carry out the plan." Shortly bombing. Interviewed on the I before 8 P.M. on April 4, "Today" show, Burt said, Washington time (April 5 in I "There is very, very clear Germany), the La Belle disco in West Berlin was blown up. Fourteen hours later, the men in the White House had Berlin repeatedly told news- their "smoking gun." men that they knew of no evi- B Y 10 A.M. ON SATUR- day, April 5, the N.S.A. had intercepted, decod- ed, translated from Arabic and forwarded to the White House a cable from the Libyan People's Bureau in East Berlin to Tripoli stating, in essence, according to N.S.C. and State Department officials, that "We have something planned that will make you happy." A few hours later, a second mes- sage from East Berlin to Tripoli came across the top- secret computer terminals in the N.S.C. providing the exact time of the La Belle bombing and reporting that "an event occurred. You will be pleased with the result." The messages were rushed to the California White House, where the President was spending Easter. The decision to bomb was made that afternoon, one former White House official recalls: "The same people who wanted to have a show of force in late March could now do it in the context of terror- ism." The President would no many, publicly linked the evidence that there is Libyan involvement." Yet police officials in West dence linking Libya to the dis- cotheque bombing. One week after the attack, Manfred Ganschow, chief of the anti- terrorist police in Berlin, was quoted as having "rejected the assumption that suspi- cion is concentrated on Libyan culprits." Christian Lochte, president of the Hamburg office of the Protection of the Constitu- tion, a domestic intelligence unit, told a television inter- viewer five days after the bombing, "It is a fact that we do not have any hard evi- dence, let alone proof, to show the blame might unequivo- cally be placed on Libya. True, I cannot rule out that Libya, in some way, is re- sponsible for the attack. But I must say that such hasty blame, regarding the two dreadful attacks at the end of the year on the Vienna and Rome airports, for which Libya had immediately been made responsible, did not prove to be correct." A senior official in Bonn, in- terviewed last month for this article, said that the West German Government contin- Yet another analyst points out that Qaddafi was known to have used personal couriers in the past - and not radio or telephone communi- cation - in his many assas- sinations and assassination attempts. A senior State Department official who was involved in the White House delibera- tions on the Libyan bombing insists that he and his col- leagues were satisfied with the handling of the intercepts. "There was nothing to sug- gest that it was not handled in good faith," he says. "The in- tercepts did not say La Belle disco was bombed. They never identified the site. But there was a history that the Libyans were going to mount an operation in Europe." longer be, as one aide put it, ued to be "very critical and "the inhibitor." skeptical" of the American By Monday, Teicher had intelligence linking Libya to prepared a discussion paper I the La Belle bombing. The for a talk at a high-level United States, he said, which meeting on the proposed has extremely close intelli- bombing; one key element, a gence ties with West Germa- firsthand source recalls, was ny, had made a tape of its in- a proposal that the intercepts tercepts available to German should be declassified and intelligence, with no change I made public in a Presidential , in Bonn's attitude. speech. The idea, the White House official adds, was to I again "make an end run on the President" and prevent any second thoughts. Some White House officials had immediate doubts that the case against Libya was clear-cut. The messages had been delivered by the N.S.A. to the White House, as direct- ed, without any analysis. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 T HERE WAS AN AT- mosphere of cynicism and disarray within the National Security Council as it prepared to bomb Libya while supplying arms to Iran. Poindexter was being hailed in Newsweek as "a cool war- rior" who "steadies the N.S.C." But privately, some security council officials say, he was feeling overwhelmed, and would soon be telling close associates that he wanted a transfer to the Na- tional Security Agency. By April, some N.S.C. insiders, and reportedly the President, knew that William Casey had started undergoing radiation treatment for prostate can- cer; his illness was not made public until December. Don- ald Fortier also was ex- tremely ill. He would die of liver cancer in August. In the weeks preceding April 14, Oliver North has told associates, he became extremely active in the Libyan planning. The Joint Chiefs had decided on a two- pronged aerial attack, involv- ing Navy units in the Mediter- ranean and the F-ill's from England. But none of the mili- tary planners wanted to see American airmen shot down and paraded around Libya; and there was concern that the Navy's A-6 bombers would be vulnerable to an- tiaircraft fire. The F-ill's not only flew much faster - they would hit the target going 9 miles a minute - but also had far superior electronic defense mechanisms to ward off enemy missiles. The round-trip from Eng- land to Libya, over France, would be about seven hours, well within the F-111's limits. Admiral Crowe and the Joint Chiefs agreed that the F-ill's would play the lead role in the attack, buttressed by 12 Navy A-6's, which were assigned to bomb an airfield and military barracks 400 miles east of Tripoli. But North has told col- leagues that he had doubts about the Air Force's mis- sion, and they were height- ened when the French refused to permit the F-111 overflight. The Air Force was now confronted with a diffi- cult assignment against the strong headwinds of the Bay of Biscay. According to an account given to colleagues, North, just prior to the bombing, made a series of suggestions at a high-level meeting at- tended by the President, Poindexter, Crowe and Gen. Charles A. Gabriel, the Air Force Chief of Staff. With the approval of Casey, North had already interceded with the Israelis to increase the intel- ligence available before the mission. Now he argued for using a covert Navy SEAL team, which would surface on the beach near Qaddafi's tent and residence and set up a laser beam that could guide the American bombs directly to the main targets. The at- tacking planes could then launch their bombs offshore - out of range of Libyan an- tiaircraft missiles - and be just as effective. The SEAL team, apparently at North's direction, had already been deployed to the Middle East.. But, North told colleagues, Crowe said no - that no one wanted to put Americans at risk. North reportedly then raised the issue of using the Air Force's most-advanced fighter-bomber, the superse- cret Stealth, said to be capa- ble of avoiding enemy radar. The aircraft would be perfect to attack Qaddafi's personal quarters and tent; it could be ferried to the huge American naval base at Rota, Spain, and attack from there. Admi- ral Crowe again said no, ex- plaining that the Stealth tech- nology was too valuable to risk. North told colleagues that he persisted in seeking alter- natives, raising the possibil- ity of attacking the Qaddafi quarters with a convention- ally armed Tomahawk cruise missile fired from a subma- rine. Admiral Crowe, the re- port goes, responded that there were too few conven- tionally armed Tomahawks in the arsenal. North has claimed that he then raised the possibility of supplement- ing the bombing by mining and quarantining the har- bors, saying he wanted "a far more sophisticated scenario to cover up the fact that the target was going to be an as- sassination." The President sided with the Joint Chiefs Chairman, North told colleagues. At the close of the meeting, with the President out of hearing, North related, Crowe walked up to him, and nose to nose warned: "Young man, you'd better watch your step." Through an aide, Crowe denies the encounter, saying that he "did not recall any discussion on substantive matters that he ever had" with North. "Nor does he re- call any meetings with North except as a back-bench note taker" at White House meet- ings, the aide said. Further- more, Crowe was quoted by an aide as saying, "He doesn't recall North having any input at all in the April raid." N A NATIONALLY I televised speech on April 14, President Reagan said the intelligence linking Libya to the La Belle bombing "is direct, it is precise, it is ir- refutable. We have solid evi- dence about other attacks Qaddafi has planned." He de- scribed the Tripoli raid as a "series of strikes against the headquarters, terrorist fa- cilities and military assets that support Muammar Qad- dafi's subversive activities." The President added "We Americans are slow to anger. We always seek peaceful ave- nues before resorting to the use of force, and we did. We tried quiet diplomacy, public condemnation, economic sanctions and demonstra- tions of military force - and none succeeded." According to one involved N.S.C. official, there was other language prepared for the President - a few para- graphs bracketed into the text in case the White House could confirm that Qaddafi had been killed. The message would echo an analysis pre- pared by Abraham D. Sofaer, the State Department legal adviser, claiming that the United States had the legal right "to strike back to pre- vent future attacks." The kill- ing of Qaddafi, under that doctrine, was not retaliation nor was it in any way a crime. But Qaddafi was not killed, and a White House official re- counts an elaborate briefing a day or so after the raid at which the Air Force's failure conftwd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3 to accomplish its mission was obvious. "The Navy people were at ease, confident," the aide recalls. "All had worked perfectly." The Navy's two main targets had been accu- rately attacked, with no loss. "The poor Air Force guy," re- calls the aide. "He was defen- sive and polite. Talked about how the White House kept on changing signals." The intelligence satellite that had been moved from Poland was ordered to re- main over Libya, in the hope that the bombing would rally those military men opposed to Qaddafi and spark a revolt. .,They honestly thought Qad- dafi would fall or be over- thrown,' one National Se- curity Agency official says, referring to the N.S.C, "and so they kept the bird up there." There was no coup d'etat - and there was one intelli- gence satellite missing over Eastern Europe in late April, when an explosion rocked one of the reactors at the Soviet nuclear power plant in Cher- nobyl, in the Ukraine. After another bureaucratic battle inside the intelligence com- munity, one N.S.A. official re- calls, the satellite was re- turned to its normal orbit above Poland, as the United States tried to unravel the ex- tent of damage to the nuclear power plant and the scope of the fallout threat to Western Europe. The White House's two- track policy toward Libya and Iran continued. In May, McFarlane, accompanied by North and Teicher, among others, traveled to Teheran bearing arms. A few weeks later, Poindexter routinely approved a proposal, strongly supported by Casey and Shultz, calling for an- other disinformation opera- tion against Libya in the hopes of provoking Qaddafi. The C.I.A. triggered the re- newed planning, one insider recalls, by reporting once again that "Qaddafi was on the ropes." In September, there was a second visit by American of- ficials to Iran, and continued arms trading. Within a month the policy - and the National Security Council - began to come apart. By early Novem- ber, the Iran scandal was on the front pages. Its major casualty was the credibility of a popular President. In the wake of that scandal, Oliver North would emerge in the public's perception as a unique and extraordinary player inside the National Se- curity Council, a hard-charg- ing risk-taker who was differ- ent from his colleagues. It is now apparent that North was but one of many at work in the White House who believed in force, stealth and opera- tions behind the back of the citizenry and the Congress. He was not an aberration, but part of a White House team whose full scope of opera- tions has yet to be unraveled. North, along with Poindex- ter, Teicher and others, have left the Government. The much-reviled Colonel Qad- dafi remains in power. ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402820006-3