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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 7649 Dynatech Court Springfield. Virginia 22153 Address replies to P C Box 2786 Spnngfleid Virginia 22152 Telephone (703) 569-8010 TWX 710-831-0333 MCI ALE CLIENT: SUBMITTAL DATE: SUBMITTAL NUMBER: SPEC. SECTION: EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: STATUS: C.Q.C. REPRESENTATIVE: General Services Administration CIA Headquarters Expansion Bid Package 3 - Powerhouse Modifications October 22, 1985 VENDOR: Potanac Water & Waste Systems, Inc. O&M Manual: Hot Zeolite Return Condensate Softener System Approved for submittal as clarified Brian J. Fleming VARIATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 1. This operation and maintenance manual submittal applies to the hot zeolite return condensate softener system as described in Specification Section 15616, Paragraph 17. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 ir,nRATIN I10'~'d'd3~T~'d'dO1@TS i~ P, CIA BID PKG. SUBMITTAL RESUBMITTAL Lo` POTOMAC WATER WASTE SYSTEMS, INC. 262'WF4EATOkPLAZA BUILDING NOR4 ~X/-HEATQj+I-=;?k~3.,#~I+~t~ ;:Z@!~Q2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 /01' WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Prepared for C. I. A. (POWER HOUSE) __ Langley, VA Date Octoher, 1985 Job No. Vt7- 9 4 3 Contract No. GS-11B-1.9067 4 4 Potomac Water & Waste Systems.. Inc. 202 Wheaton Plaza, Bldg, N Wheaton, MD 20902-14965 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS AQUA-MATIC CONTROLLER Model 1606-2C STAGERS Model 481-11 Print 48A-1184 (Dwg. E-48-123) Bulletin 48/51-682 AQUA-MATIC DIAPHRAGM VALVES Bulletin 8000-1182 4 BADGER TURBO METER, 2" Meter Bulletin MT-4702 Meter O&M Manual IOM-003-07 AR Register Head Bulletin IAR-3011 AR Register Head O&M Manual IOM-024-06 FISCHER & PORTER RATE-OF-FLOW INDICATOR Series 71K1020 Instruction Bulletin 71K1020-C, Rev. 2 Parts List 71K1020-C Reference Drawings: Layout -- 943-1P, Rev. A Internal Details -- 943-2P 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS These units, water softeners operating on the sodium cycle, are used to remove calcium and magnesium hardness from the returning condensate. Such hardness enters into the return system generally from unexpected leaks involving a city water source. The degree of hardness in the con- densate is a matter of how many leaks are producing these undesirable contaminants in the boiler feeder cycle. Ncm- ally a well maintenance system should only show hardness of a few parts per million (ppm), certainly less than 10 PPM- The ability of each softener to remove hardness is a function of how much is in the condensate to begin with and how many cubic feet of water softening resin is available in each unit. Based on data available in the job specifica- tions, the expected operating data is as follows: Each 84" dia. unit 4 Service Run: Normal flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . 450 gpm Length between regenerations (assuming 10 ppm hardness in raw water) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 gal. Expected pressure drop . . . . . . . . 15 psi max. Expected operating temperature . . . . 1.800 F max. It is expected that only one unit need be on line at the known flow rate with the other in stand-by. Since it may be several days before the on-line unit exhausts, the build up in pressure drop should be monitored. Even though the hardness is still being removed, it is suggested that a P of 12-15 psi be the indication that it is time to reaen.--- erate. The off-line unit should be secured manually until such time as it is needed on line. For flow rates up to 450 gpm, having only one unit on line will provide a better_ sus- pended particle removal (iron and other products of corro- sion in the condensate.) At this rate the resin bed is sufficiently compressed to provide its best filtering action. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Regeneration (Using ambient temperature city water) Step 1 Backwash: 200 gpm for 12-15 minutes Step 2 Brine step: Salt required . . . . 1,170 lbs. or 470, gal of saturated brine solution Dilution water . . . . 470 gallons Diluted brine . . . . 47 gpm for 20 min. Step 3 Slow rinse . . . . . . . 23 gpm for 3{ miii. Step 4 Fast rinse . . . . . . .230 gpm for 12 min. 4 Operating Notes 1. Before each regeneration is initiated, the operator must be sure that the brine measuring tank is full. The required draw-down to produce the 470 gal. of brine is 50". The actual brine draw is on an ad.-- justable timed basis with 20 minutes being the ex- pected setting. 2. As a unit comes off line (assuming only one in serv- ice at a time), it should be secured via the effluent gate valve being closed. A card or sign should be. hung on the valve to show its closed position, The regeneration should not be done until just prior to its expected return to service. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Alk Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 O?OO 000O PILOT CONTROL STYLE I IIOTCIED STYLE It NOTCHIS, STYLE III BUTTERFLY 10 SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STAGER - STANDARD II I STAGER SERFS 48-0 48-1 48-4 48-3 48-11 48-12 48-8-3 48-8-4 1.8 (0 2J 87 APPROX. SERIES 480 MANUAL STAGER TOTAL POS. SOFTENER FLIER SOFTENER SOFTEIER FLTER 48-0-6 480 ASSEMBLY 148-AE) -DRAIN PORT 1/8-27 N.P.T. CHART PORTS VENTED AT CAM POSITION (TEMPLATE A (SERVICE) B - D E F PART NO. 3-4 g_4 3-4 48-CM 48-CM 6-1 48-CM 48-CM 48-CM 48-CM CAM CAM PART NO. STYLE 48-OHM I 48-GEM I 48-B~Cr580 r -_ DIAL PART NO. 48-EHM f48{EM j 488-EFM 48-EBM-4 1 48-EBM-5 NSU AT OR SWITCH ACTUATOR CAM 1 6WRCN 1s RD. NB. Auclwr scREw (z-sB x 1 NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECRIED. 1. DIMENSIONS AM NOMINAL. INCH MILLIMETER Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 ITEMI DESCRIPTION 'PART NO. QTY. MD. MACHINE SCREW (8 PLATE BAC '02 X 7/8) SC 8-0078 ; 5 STEMPLATE SEE CHART 1 B :O-RINGER. _--. - _ OR8-010 1 9 BONNET 1....46-8 / O STRAINER ASSEMBLY__. ___+ 48-O 1 J 11PILOT CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 124 CABLE CLAMP F 13 }RD HD MACHINE SCREW (8-32 8 1/4) ILSCB-OOB7 1 41 17 MOUNTING PLATE AMA 1 {8-BB ~.. N.S. MOUNTING PLATE GASKET 1 OR 12 48-m_ t 18 STAND OFF 48-KA2 18 NSIKATOR 51-R 20 SWITCH ACTUATOR ] 510-AU i '~2I CAM SEE CHART 1 . 22 DIAL 115 TSO HZ 5- 23 /-M MOT01 230 t 60 NZ 61-MA Z/ NZ. 61-MB 24 VOLT 60 N2. 51-MC 2~LOGKWASIIER (10. OF WAS-0003 2 25,8D ND 25 R. . MACIYIE SCREW (6-32 % 3/0i SCS-0070 1 4 D SERFS 48 MOTORI2ED STAGER 0(1) SWITCH 1/ SWTCM _._,_ _ 31g.-0 2 a 18 INSI LATOR T--- 20 SWRCN ACTUATOR 21 CAM SERIES 480 MANUAL STAGER 30 SELECTOR PLATE 400.4 I 31 FLAT ID. MACNeE SCREW 18-32 X 3/4) 00"INI0 1 2 (SELECTOR KNOB _ _-. _._ 4N O 1 _. REPAIR PARTS KITS - FOR STANDARD OILY r - TINTERNAL PARTS FROM 48-AE INCLUDES ITEM NOS. 3 T1MU 8 MOTOR - CAM - DOLL PARTS 48, MA INCLUDES ITEM S. 16(2),18,21,22,23,24, & 25 48-SA SWITCH PARTS INCLUDES ITEM NOS. 14,(W17H WIRES ATTACHED) 19, S; 48-RA INCLUDES KITS "AA, 48-MA, & 4W-BA SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STAGER AND SERIES 480 MANUAL STAGER STAGGER POSITION FUNCTION PORTS VENTED 1 BACKWASH 4 3&4 2 BRIE AND SLOW RINSE 5 SAO 3 FAST NIBS 1 Gal 4 SERVICE 1 A 2 11 99S 18 18 17 14 G 1 AUXIURY ewMCN NOTES 0. { Rim 1. WIOI OIEEEE IIOT01117m BT"M WITH EITa 01E OS TWO (TWO E MAXBwN) ADX{IARY swom"m mew. IN WNW STAGER PosmoN{{) SIGNAL N REQUIRED 12. ROTARY {TWTON (OPTION X) CANNOT N Ir -8TA DARD W9-M DIAGRAM (1) AUXILIARY SWRCW WIRING DIAGRAM Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 APPROX. O 8$,_58 4 STANDARD PROGRAM FOR SERIES 48-0, 48-3, AND 480-0 C.W. R~OATION 5/18 (.312) 8IA_ SEE NOTE 8 (4) MOUNTING HOLES T !F 28 d, 1.188 ~__ 30 FOR: - I STAGER (3 POSITION FILTER) OMIT POSITION 2 4 STAGER (2 POSITION FILTER) OMIT POSITIONS 2 A 3 SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STAGER - ROTARY SWITCH - 1 JPILOT CONTROL A84lBLY (SEE E 48-122) 48-AE 1 2 CABLE CLAMP - _ 4319-U 1 3 RD. M. MACHINE SCREW (8-32 % 1; 4)_ -_. -- SCS-0081 1 4 SWITCH 319-P 5 RD. HD. MACHINE SCREW (2-56 % 1, 2) SCZ-0088 2 6 FLAT HD. MACHINE SCREW (5-32 % 3/8) SCS-0105 6 7 MOUNTING PLATE FOR NEMA 1 48-BC I OFF - ~ _-~48-KA 2 S AND r9 INSULATOR - --- 51-R 1 10 SWITCH ACTUATOR 510-AU i _ 11 CAM SEE CHART 1 12 fNLL ON E-48-122 1 15 MOTOR 230 VOLT 50 HZ. 319-KX 1 24 VOLT 50 HZ. 319-BX 16 LOCKWASHER (10. 6) WAS-0003 2 17 RD. HD. MACHINE SCREW X 3/SI __ 1 SCS-0070 2 SERES 481 MOTORIZED VALVE 18 ENCLOSURE 19 FL. HD. MACH. SCR. (10-32 X 1/4) F20 STAGER 21 MOUNTING PLATE 22 MOUNTING PLATE GASKET 23 HEX HD. MACH. SCR. (10-32 X Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 INCH MILLIMETER 4B XC 11-.V ouT 80 HZ. 51-MX FOR EMA 4 OR 4. STAGERS WITH INVERTED PROGRAM ARE AVAILABLE. S. CONTROL PRESSURE TO THE STAGED CAMSB EITHER HYDRAULIC OR PNEUMATIC AND MUST BE WITHIN 10% OF WE SYSTEM PRESSURE; NOT TO EXCEED 100 P.SJ. (5.8 ATM.). 6. FOR PROGRAMS OTHER THAN SHOWN, COMELY FACTORY. 8. NEMA 12 ENCLOSURE HAS (1) CLAMP AND MESA, 4 ENCLOSURE HAS (3) CLAMPS. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL. 2. MODEL 48-3 STAGER SUPPLED WIRMETTTERFLY CAM (4 POSITIONS ONLY): FOR USE WITH SHIFT OUTPUT TYPE TIER. (SEE CHART ON E-48-122) 3. ALL OTHER MOTORIZED STAGERS SIPPIEO WITH NOTCHED CASK FOR USE WITH PULSE OUTPUT TYPE Tom. (BEE CHART ON E-48-1221 7. ALL STAGERS CAN BE MANUALLY ADVANCED BY NOTATING TIE DIAL IN DIRECTION SHOWN. E-48-123 SERIES 48 (OPTION X) AND 4h SERIES 481 MOTORIM STA40 '0* i. a a s Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 4 Diaphragm Valves ^ Lowest pressure loss. Y pattern permits higher flows at lower pressure loss than any comparable valve. ^ Positive control. Separate flow and control chambers permit positive closing without springs; and only nominal cost for spring assist opening for low pressure and self draining considerations. ^ Cost effective. Both initially and in lifetime maintenance. ^ Extended diaphragm life. Separate chamber protects diaphragm from flow stream; allows replacement without disrupting service. Pre-formed, stress relieved diaphragm minimizes fatigue:, maximizes valve responsiveness and diaphragm lifetime. ^ Durable. Cast iron, brass, bronze, stainless steel, and engineering thermoplastic components. Average maintenance free life of 5 years. ^ Design/Application engineering service. ^ Optional seal and diaphragm materials for special applications. ^ Handles liquids or gases. ^ Adaptable to a variety of control devices. ^ Optional adjustable flow rate control. ^ Optional spring assist. ^ Optional position indication. Metal Body Valves Series 421 through 429 Body and cap of cast iron or brass. Pre-formed, stress relieved diaphragm of Buna N on Nylon for long life. Stainless steel and brass internal parts. Pipe sizes of 3/4" through 3" threaded (N.P.T. or B.S.P.); 3" through 6" flange drilled in accordance with ASA 16.1, Class 125, or B.S. 4504 (ISO/R 2084). Operating specifications: Pressure-Standard 125 psi (8.5 Atm.) rating. (300 psi available). Temperature- Maximum 150?F (65?C); optional 250?F (120?C). PRINCIPLES OF ERATION Drip-Tight Closing: Closure is obtained by directing line pressure or equivalent Independent pressure into the upper chamber. This pressure on the large diaphragm area causes the valve disc to seal against the seat. Plastic Body Valves Series 520 through 526 Designed for de-ionized water, corrosive liquids or gases, caustics and acids (Not applicable for aromatic hydrocarbons). Body and cap molded of 30% glass reinforced engineering thermoplastic resin. Diaphragm is Buna N on Nylon and static seals are ethylene' propylene. Viton and Butyl seal options available. Line fluid never contacts a corrodable surface. Pipe sizes range from 3/8" to 3" with optional fittings-threaded, solvent bond, or flanges. Operating specifications: Pressure-Maximum 125 psi (8.5 Atm.). Temperature 32?F to 140?F (0? to 60?C). Full Open Operation: When closing pressure, in upper chamber, is relieved by venting the pilot line, the valve opens, positively, by line pressure on the disc. Pnn'ed n U S A Bully.,, HCir. .. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Isolated Bonnet Valves Series 4421 through 4429 Designed for high temperature applications that might cause accelerated deterioration of diaphragm in standard valve. Isolated bonnet prevents heat from reaching diaphragm. Any leakage that may occur is quickly obvious around dynamic seal. Line fluid cannot contaminate pneumatic/hydraulic control because diaphragm is not accessible to fluid carrying chamber of valve. Optional indicator on valve stem permits positive, direct reading of valve position. Also, includes all the options and features of standard "Y" pattern valves; and available in same sizes and construction as standard "Y" pattern valves. Operating specifications: Pressure-Standard 125 psi (8.5 Atm.) (300 psi available). Temperature-Maximum 300?F (148?C). (Consult factory for higher temperature applications). Note: Chart applies to all metal diaphragm valves illustrated in this catalog: Series 421-429; Series 4421-4429; Series 3500; and Series 3000. Cv = Flowrate (G.P.M.) of water at 60?F (15.5?C) at 1 P.S.I. pressure drop. Liters per minute = G.P.M. x 3.78. Flowrates - mete1 diaphragm valves -CONTINUOUS FLTW 2: FEET PER SLCOND ,' i ---INTERMITTENT F_OW 30 FEET pER T ?CONC i, i D AM 3000 VALVE WITH 'REMOTE CONTROL Model 348LC Level Control For mounting float actuated pilot remote from diaphragm valve. Control fluid is delivered to and from the diaphragm chambers through ports P1 and P2 of the pilot. Up and down positions of the float determine which port is pressurized, and which port is vented. May be used with either metal or plastic valves. DIMENSIONS 1100 TED BO NNET VALVES Size Ends Series As AF Bs BF CS CF as BF Cs CF D E F 3/ -1 SCRD 421 In. 3.68 4.25 3.75 5.62 4.62 2.75 4 4421 mm. 94 108 82 140 115 70 11 11 SCRD 424 In. 4.75 5.37 4 7.62 6.25 3.50 /4- /2 4424 mm. 120 136 101 190 160 89 2 SCRD 425 In. 6.62 7.25 5.37 9.37 7.50 4.87 4425 mm. 168 184 136 240 190 123 2 2 SCRD 426 In. 7.37 8 5.75 10.5 8.25 6.25 ;2 4426 mm. 187 203 146 265 210 155 3 S SCRD 427-S In. 9 9.75 6.75 12.25 9.25 7.25 - 4427-S mm. 228 247 171 310 235 184 3 F FLGD 427-F In. 10.62 10.75 7 13.00 10.75 7.25 6 0.75 - 4427-F mm. 270 273 178 330 275 184 160 18 4 F FLGD 428-F In. 11.75 14.75 10 18.00 13.75 8.75 7.5 0.75 - 4428-F mm. 298 375 254 455 350 222 180 18 6 F FLGD 429-F In. 17 19 13.50 25 18.50 15.75 9.5 0.87 4429-F mm. 431 482 343 635 470 402 240 20 B.S.P. threads optional on series 421 thru 427, and 4421 through 4427. European flanges optional on series 427 thru 429. and 4427 through 4429. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Series 3500 SOLENOID-CONTROLLED Series 3000 FLOAT-CONTROLLED 4 Series AM-3500 (Energize to open) Series AM-3510 (Energize to close) Equipped with solenoid for control by timer, flow meter, pressure or temperature sensor, liquid level or manual switch. Specify "independent pressure" if a separate source of control fluid is used. Ideal for automated, continuous process systems. 2'" 57 MM.a TRAVEL Float provides accurate control of liquid levels in constant cycling reservoir wit lout surge or shock Positive open or closed positions--not affected by mina changes in liquid levels. Rem Dte float mounting Note: Diaphragm valve and float actuator assembly may be remote from each other. See illustration of Model 348LC Level Control on preceeding page. 5" DIA. 127 MM. j 4 SERIES 3500 SERIES 3000 SIZE SERIES DIM. A B C D E SIZE A B C D E F? 3/4"-1 421 In. 3.75 4.37 3.25 5.12 4.12 7.20 6.50 1.70 3.00 3.68 29 mm. 95 111 82.5 130 105 1.82 165 43.1 76.1 93 735 W 11/4"-11/2" 424 In. 4.75 5.00 3.50 6.00 5.00 11/ ? 11/ ? 8.29 7.81 4.20 1.75 4.75 28 mm. 121 127 89 152 127 4 2 210 198 107 44.4 120 711 W 2" 425 In. 6.62 6.75 4.12 8.25 6.37 2" 9.29 8.37 5.20 2.69 6.62 27 mm. 168 171 105 209 162 236 212 145 68.2 168 686 N U 2"-21/2" 426 In. 7.37 7.25 4.25 9.00 6.75 2? 21 /2 9.87 9.56 5.20 3.06 7.37 26 mm. 187 184 108 229 171 250 243 145 77.6 187 660 3"S 427 In. 9.12 8.50 4.50 10.75 7.75 3?S 10.8 10.56 6.20 3.62 9 25 mm. 231 216 114 273 197 274 268 157 91.8 228 635 3" F 427-F In. 10.62 8.50 4.50 11.75 8.00 3" F 11.6 10.56 6.20 3.75 10.62 25 W mm. 270 216 114 298 203 294 268 157 95.1 270 635 Z 4" F 428-F In. 11.75 10.75 6.47 15.75 11.00 4? F 12.8 13.81 6.20 4.50 11.75 22 Q mm. 298 273 164 400 279 325 350 157 114 298 659 ILL 6" F 429-F In. 17.00 15.75 7.87 20.00 14.50 6? F 10.9 16.94 8.81 7.25 17 37 mm. 432 400 200 508 368 278 430 223 184 432 940 Solenoid Specifications Standard AC voltages: 115, 230-50 or 60 Hz. Consult factory for other Enclosures: General-purpose NEMA 1 normally supplied. Explosion- voltages. proof and water-tight (NEMA 4, 7 & 9) available, add 1.25" Power consumption: 9.4 watts ac. Volt amperes: 16 holding, 25 `Float Rods are 18 inches (457mm) long sections. Valves up to 4" sizE' inrush. are supplied with two sections. 6' valves are supplied with 3 sections Coil: Class "B" molded, continuous duty. High temperature coils available on request. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Series 520-Szb solenoid (Jperatect valve oll!VA FLOW RATE (GPM) Molded of 30% glass reinforced engineering thermoplastic resin. Line fluid never contacts corrodable surface. Series 5500 Isolated Bonnet Valves also available. Series AM-4500 (Energize to open) Series AM-4510 (Energize to close) Series 520-526 equipped with solenoid for control by timer, flow meter, pressure or temperature sensor, liquid level or manual switch. Ideal for automated, continuous process systems. Specify "independent pressure" on purchase order if a separate source of control fluid is used. SOLENOID SPECIFICATIONS: Standard AC Voltages: 115, 230-50 or 60 Hz. Consult factory for other voltages. Power Consumption: 9 watts AC. Volt amperes: 15.6 holding, 24.6 inrush. Coil: Class "B" molded, continuous duty. Enclosures: General purpose NEMA 1 only. SIZE %"-1/z" 3/4"_1" 1%"-2" 21/2"-3" SERIES 520 521 524 526 CV 1 5.5 16 48 130 2 7.7 22.6 63 183 3 9.5 27.6 83 225 4 11 32 96 260 5 12.3 36 107 290 6 13.4 39.2 117 320 7 14.5 42.1 127 345 8 15.5 42.2 135 365 9 16.5 48 144 390 10 17.4 50.5 151 410 15 21.3 62 185 504 SIZE MISS END CONNECTION '~. A A B? C D E F G H 3/e 520 Ring Nut )n z; '.93 2. = 1.25 1.0 5.87 4.12 mm 89.8 31.7 25.4 149 105 In. 4.5 4.08 1.62 2 75 6 52 5 12 3/4'-1" 521 Ring Nut . . . . mm. 114.3 103 41.1 69.7 166 130 In. 7.75 5.06 2.28 1 0 7 62 6 25 11/4-'1%_ 524 Ring Nut . . . mm. 136.8, 128,4 58 25.4 193.5 159 524F Flange In. 9.56 5. 2.28 3.00 7.62 6.25 7.0 mm. 242.8 128.4 58 76.0 193.5 159 177 Female In. 10.5 5.06 2.28 7.62 6 25 2" 524W . Socket Weld mm. 266.7 128:4 58 193.5 159 Male in. 10 5 5. 2.28 7 62 6 25 524WA . . . Socket Weld Mm. 266.7 128.4 58 193.5 159 526F Flange in. 11.5 7.31 3.12 3.50 9.62 7.87 8.37 21/ " Ihm. 292.1 1 7 79.2 89.0 244 200 212 2 Female In. 15.0 7.31 3.12 9 62 7 87 526W Socket Weld mm. 381 185.7 79.2 . 244 . 200 3 256F Flange In. 12.0 7. 3.12 3.75 .50 9.62 7.87 8.62 mm. 304.8 185.7 79.2 95.0 12.7 244 200 218 Adaptor Dimensions I E VALVE 0IMEN. LENGTH LOCATION DIA. WIDTH SERIES UNIT A B C D 6 520 INCHE 225 0.50 0.730 0.115 0.14 MM. 57 12.7 18.5 2.92 3.73 521 INCHES 3.00 0.50 1.200 0.115 0.179 MM. 76 12.7 30.4 2.92 4.54 524 INCH 4.00 0.875 1.800 0.115 .20 0 MM. 101 22.2 45.7 2.92 5a t 4v"441zn~ Remote Float Control Direct mounting of float control on plastic SUPPLY P2 valves is not recommended. Use Model 348 LC Level Control for remote mounting. See illustration on page 2 of this catalog. AquaMatic, Inc., 2412 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61103-3991 ^ 815/964-9421 ^ Cable "Aqua Matic"-Telex 257-355 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 N m 4 4 0 A stager is, essentially, a rotary pilot valve with multiple ports through which control fluid is directed, thereby operating diaphragm valves installed in a process system. AquaMatic stagers are constructed of durable, non-corroding, self-lubricating material for long, maintenance free life. They are available in three basic designs: Series 48 with six ports; Series 51 with eight ports; and Series 58 with sixteen ports (see separate bulletin). Stagers may be manually operated or driven by an electric motor that is operated through an adjustable timer. If, for any reason a motor driven stager is manually indexed, it must be re-synchronized with the timer. As an optional feature, stagers can be equipped with an electrical switch to energize display lights, or initiate ancillary equipment. Consult factory for details. The stager functions by opening and closing its ports, singly or in combination, in a sequence that fits the needs of the system. The "positions" in the sequence correspond to the number of "stages" in the process. The ports that are opened when the stager is in any given position allow pressurized fluid to flow to and operate some diaphragm valves, while venting other valves-allowing them to return to their normal positions. AquaMatic stagers can use either hydraulic or pneumatic control fluid. Process fluid, if pressurized, and not damaging to internal parts of the stager or diaphragm valve, may be drawn from the main line to the inlet of the stager. Otherwise, an independent source of control fluid is required. The pressure of the control fluid must be equal to or greater than the line pressure of the system. AquaMatic stagers provide the versatility needed to control complex water treatment systems, or the simplicity of a two valve operation. The system's diaphragm valves are operated by hydraulic or pneumatic pressure (control fluid). Continuous electrical power is not required to maintain the positions of the valves such as in a solenoid operated system. Consequently, the danger of disrupting the process is minimized. Specifications Series 48 and Series 51 Maximum pressure Maximum temperature Power port size Inlet, drain ports Electrical supply 100 psi (6.8 Atm.) 150?F (65?C) 1/8' 1/8" 120Vac/6OHz 230Vac/50Hz Electrical enclosures: Standard - NEMA, Type 1 6" x 6" x 4" Optional-NEMA, Type 12 6" x 6" x 4" (Indoor, watertight) Optional - NEMA, Type 4 (Outdoor- watertight) 6" x 6" x 4" WHEN ORDERING, specify stager model, valve programming requirements, electrical specifications, and type of enclosure. 2412 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61101 ^ 815/964-9421 ^ Cable "Aqua-Matic"-Telex 257-355 m N Printed in U S A - 1 48/51-682 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003 4 STAGERS Typical Circuit Applications for Series 48 and Series 51 Stagers Piping fitted with AquaMatic diaphragm valves which are operated by pressurized control fluid from stager pilot. 1/4" O.D. flexible tubing connects stager ports to diaphragm valves. When water is turbid, or contains high iron content, a cartridge filter should be placed ahead of stager inlet port. Tables show which valves are open at each stager position. STAGER POSITION SOFTENER FUNCTION VALVES OPEN 4 SERVICE 1,2 1 BACKWASH 3, 4, (2A) 2 BRINE 5, 6, (2A) 3 FAST RINSE 6, 1, (2A) STAGER POSITION SOFTENER FUNCTION VALVES OPEN 1 BACKWASH 3, 4, (2A) 2 BRINE 5, 6, 7, (2A) 3 SLOW RINSE 5, 6, (2A) 4 FAST RINSE 1, 6, (2A) 5 BRINE REFILL 1, 2, 8, (2A) 0 SERVICE 1,2 'Note: Valve 2A is optional; provides raw water service during regeneration. SERIES 48 STAGER D EJECTOR Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 IL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Turbo Meter With Pneumatic Batching Register BadgerMeter,Inc. Industrial Products Division 4545 W. Brown Deer Road, P.O. Box 23099 Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 355-0400 SIZES 2" T COM.IPACT LIGHT+I WEIG O? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 MAGNETIC DRIVE TURBO METERS... HIGH ACCURACY OVER BROAD FLOW RANGE Badger's magnetic drive turbo meters provide industrial processors with higher accuracy over a broader flow range than traditional turbine meters with vertical rotors. Accuracy of the turbo meter can be maintained within ? 11/2 % over the meter's entire flow range-not just at one point. Repeatability is within 1/2 of 1 %. The straight-through flow design makes it possible to operate the turbo at a higher continuous flow than a comparable turbine. In addition, the low flow range on most models is extended about 50% below the minimum for vertical-rotor turbines. Because of the magnetic drive design, Badger turbo meters also help to reduce maintenance problems. There are no gears in the flow stream, no packing glands to cause leaks. Badger turbo meters are offered in four different housing materials for measuring liquids up to 250?F. They can handle a wide variety of chemical solutions, paper coating materials, oils, water and food ingredients. WIDE FLOW RANGE METERING CAPABILITY FLOW RANGE-G.P.M.* MAXIMUM METER SIZE MINIMUM MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS FLOW 2" 8 160 160 399 10 350 350 4" 25 1000 1000 6f! 40 2000 2000 *Consult your Badger representative about accuracy performance above and below flow rates shown. Badger's turbo meter, with straight-through flow design, is equipped with straightening vanes and a nose cone at the inlet side. These minimize the swirling effect of upstream piping. Liquid flowing through the meter tube strikes the blades of a rotor, causing the rotor to turn. By means of a magnetic coup- ling, this motion is transferred to a vertical spindle and then to gears in the meter's register. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 LONG-WEARING The rotor bearing, rotor spindle and endstone in the Badger turbo meter are made of a ceramic material developed especially for this appli- cation. Because of their hardness, the ceramic parts provide long-life service, even if the meter is run continously at maximum flow. ROTOR TO ENDST ~~. BACN ENDSTONE (CERA'AIC) a COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT... EASY TO INSTALL Badger turbo meters are easy to install and service because of their compact size and light weight. A 3" turbo meter, for example, weighs just 40 pounds compared with more than 300 pounds for a vertical-rotor turbine. The laying length is only 12". AUTOMATIC RESET REGISTER WIDE CHOICE OF REGISTERS AND ACCESSORIES TOTALIZING RESET SIGNAL MANUAL REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER QQQQ ELECTRIC BATCH REGISTER I --- --- ------- - ----1-------L-------- ELECTRIC CONTACTING REGISTER MODEL 258 (ADJUSTABLE) TOTALIZING REGISTER 01 am 2",3",4" OR 6" TURBO METER MODELS MS-ER-1 AND MS-El PULSE TRANSMITTER MODEL EPT-2 ~ - - - TRANSMITTER r I C!IF MODEL EPU MODEL RBC-210 PROCESSOR REMOTE BATCH CONTROLLER Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 SERVICE WITHOUT REMOVAL FROM LINE For easy servicing, the rotor and head assem- bly in the turbo meter can be removed without disconnecting the me- ter from the line. Just loosen the head bolts on top of the housing and lift out the entire assembly. ON-SITE CALIBRATION A convenient bypass valve, for precise cali- bration, is built into the bronze and cast iron housings of 2" and 3" meters. Simply remove the locking nut and turn the valve with a screw- driver to adjust flow. Choice of Registra- tion in Gallons. Cubic Feet, Pounds, Metric Units, etc PNEUMATIC BATCH REGISTER Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 MATERIALS ADDITIONAL ACCESSORY INFORMATION ......... ................................ Cast Iron ........................................ Cast Steel Cast Bronze Rotor and Nose Cone, 2" through 6" .................. Ryton Kynar Rotor Bearing, Spindle and Endstone ................ Ceramic Magnet .......................................... Ceramic Straightening Vanes .......................... 316 Stainless Register Base ................................... Aluminum Bypass Valve .............. 316 Stainless-2" and 3" Meters Head Gasket .................... Nonasbestos/Nitrile Binder .............. Nonasbestos/Chloroprene Binder ..................... Asbestos/Special Binder "O" Ring and Tetraseal .............. EPR, Buna N or Viton A Badger turbo meters operate with less pressure loss than turbines with vertical rotors. The pressure loss curves on adjoining chart were cali- brated without a strainer ahead of the meter. Since many different strainers can be applied, industrial processors should be aware that system pressure drop could result. Specify turbo meter size (flow range) and type of housing material (for compatibility with liquid). When ordering meter with register, specify model of reg- ister and unit of measure. If BRE or BRP batch register is required, specify dial capacity. When ordering meter with pulse transmitter, specify pulse/unit of measure. Please also list RBC-210 remote batch controller, electric con- tacting or totalizing/reset reg- ister or electronic transmis- sion system if required. BRE BRP MR AR SR TR EC-A RBC MS-ER1 MS-E1 EPT& EPU DESCRIPTION BULLETIN NO. Batch Register, Electric; IBR-3010 Batch Register, Pneumatic IBR-3010 Batch Register, Manua' IBR-3010 Automatic Reset Register IAR-3011 Signal Register IAR-301 1 Totalizing Reset Register ITR-3012 Electric Contacting Register REC-5009 Remote Batch Controller IRC-3009 Pulse Transmitter XP-601 1 Pulse Transmitter XP-6008 Electronic Transmission System IEP-3013 INDUSTRIAL TURBO METER PRESSURE LOSS CHART RATE OF FLOW IN GALLONS PER MINUTE 4 6 8 100 2 4 10 0 " " 3 4" s 2 6" SPECIFICATIONS 2" 3" 4" 6" Accuracy - Entire Flow Range............ ? 1.5% ? 1.5% ? 1.5% ? 1.5% Repeatability - Constant Flow and Temperature .......................... ? 0.5% ? 0.5% ? 0.5% ? 0.5% Head Loss - Maximum Flow (PSI) ......... 4.5 6 5.5 5.5 Maximum Operating Temperature (?F)...... 250 250 250 250 Maximum Operating Pressure (PSI)......... 150 Std. 150 Std. 150 Std. 150 Std. 300 Opt. 300 Opt. 300 Opt. 300 Opt. Approx. Weight (Lbs.) with 150 PSI Conn. (Depends on Meter Material Selected).... 30-40 40-50 60-75 100-125 Laying Length (Inches) .................... 10 12 14 18 Height - w/o Register (Inches) ............ 8 9 10 12 Connection Flanges ...................... Round Round Round Round Badger warrants meters and parts manufactured by it and supplied hereunder to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1B months from date of shipment or 12 months from date of installation, whichever period shall be shorter- If within such period any meters or parts shall be proved to Seller's satisfaction to be defective such meters or parts shall be repaired or replaced at Seller's option Seller's obligation hereunder shall be limited to such repair and replacement and shall be coo- ditloned upon Seller's receiving written notice of any alleged defect w'thln 10 days after its discovery and at Seller's option, return of such meters or parts to Seller fo.b its factory THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHAT- SOEVER INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) OF MER- CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Badger shall not be liable for any detects attributable to acts or omissions of others after shipment, nor any consequential, ircidental or contingent damage whatsoever Equipment sold by Badger Meter. Inc is not n'ended for use in connection wi'h any nuclear facility or activity unless covered by a spec,flc quotation where tie conditions of such usage will be detailed If equipment ~s used in a nuclear facility or activi'y w'thout a supporting quotation, Badger Meter disclaims all liability for any damage, injury or cor- tammation, and the buyer shall indemnify and hoed Badger Meter, its officer, agents employees. successors, assigns and customers whether direct or indirec', ham ess from and against any and a 1 losses, damages or expenses of whatever fo'rr or nature (including alto'neys' fees and oche' costs of defending anv action) which tiey or any of them, may sustain or lieu', whether as a result of breach of con'ract, warranty, tor' (including negligence) strict liab qty or o'her tneories of law. by'eason of such use Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 M-003-07 INSTALLATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL BADGER INDUSTRIAL TURBO METERS J BadgerMeter,InC. Industrial Products Division 4545 W. Brown Deer Road, P.O. Box 23099, Milwaukee, WI 53223 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Changes or additions to the original edition of this manual will be covered by a "CHANGE NOTICE" sup- plied with the manual. The change notice will explain any differences between the turbo meter received and the meters described in this manual. PREFACE CHANGES IN THE MANUAL This manual contains information concerning the in- stallation, operation and maintenance of Badger mag- netic drive turbo meters. To ensure efficient operation of the meters, the instructions given in this manual should be thoroughly read and understood. Retain the manual in a location where it is readily available for reference. Badger's industrial turbo meters, available in sizes from 2" through 6", utilize a straight-through flow design to provide high accuracy over a broad flow range. Meter housings are offered in four different materials for measuring chemical solutions, water and other liquids at temperatures up to 2500 F. The meters are designed for use with a variety of meter-mounted accessories such as registers or pulse transmitters. Basic components of the turbo meter consist of the housing, meter operating head, rotor assembly, straight- ening vanes and register base. In addition, the 2" and 3" sizes have an adjustable bypass valve for on- site calibration. In the operation of a turbo meter, liquid flows through the straightening vanes and nose cone at the inlet side of the meter so that the swirling effect of upstream piping is minimized. The liquid then strikes the blades of a rotor, causing the rotor to turn. By means of a magnetic coupling, the rotor's motion is transferred to a vertical spindle and then to gears in the meter's register or pulse transmitter. The mag- netic drive eliminates the need for packing glands and minimizes the number of parts that come in contact with the liquid being metered. Each complete revolution of the rotor is directly pro- portional to a specific volume of liquid. The volume measured with each revolution increases with the size of the meter. Tables 1-1 provide a summary of configuration and specification data pertaining to Badger's turbo meters for industrial applications. As indicated in the tables, there are four standard meter sizes - 2", 3", 4" and 6". In addition, each meter size is available with four different housing materials - 316 stainless steel, cast iron, cast steel and cast bronze. The differences between the meter sizes are character- ized by the flow range, head loss, laying length and weight. The differences between configurations are characterized by the flange connections, accessories and the type of housing material that is compatible with the liquid to be metered. When reviewing the specifications, it is important to note that all flow data is based on water or liquid with the same specific gravity and viscosity as water at ambient temperature. The size and configuration of the turbo meter selected for use in a liquid metering application is determined, primarily, by the flow and physical characteristics of the liquid to be metered, i.e., rate of flow, operating pressure, temperature, viscosity and chemical com- position of the liquid. These meters can, for example, handle a variety of chemical solutions, paper coating materials, oils, water and food ingredients. NOTE When ordering a turbo meter, it is important that the type of housing material will be compatible with the liquid or chemical solu- tion to be metered. In addition, the rotor magnet must be compatible with the type of transmitter selected. For applications relative to a specific liquid, refer to Badger's Application Note AN-10. If you have ques- tions, contact your local Badger Meter representative or the Industrial Products Division, Badger Meter, Inc. (address on title page). Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 44 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 SERVICE NOTE Number 16 SCOPE: This service note provides instructions for removing and installing the gear train assembly with magnet located in the register base of 2" through 6" industrial turbo meters. PURPOSE: The gear train assembly can be removed and replaced without removing the turbo meter from the line and the register base from the operating head assembly. Two gear train assemblies are used with industrial turbo meters. To find out what the gear train ratio is, count the number of spindles (gear and pinions) that protrude through the five mounting holes provided in the top plate of the gear train assembly. If there are only three spindles, the gear ratio is 366:1 and if there are five spindles, the gear ratio is 1200:1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REMOVING THE GEAR TRAIN ASSEMBLY WITH MAGNET 1. Remove the register, transmitter or adapter mounted on the register base. A screwdriver, pliers or small box wrench can be used to remove the mounting bolts (or screws) securing the accessory to the base. 2. To remove the gear train from the register base of molded plastic, use a small screwdriver and loosen three screws and special washers located on the top plate of the gear train assembly. 3. Turn each washer until the flat edge frees the washer from the groove on the inside wall. SPECIAL WASHER GROOVE IN WALL Turbo meters with an aluminum register base have a clip-type retainer ring to secure (or lock) the gear train assembly in the base. Use a small screwdriver to release the retainer ring from the groove in the wall adjacent to the top plate of the gear train assembly. GROOVE IN WALL Release the retainer ring from the groove to free the gear train assembly from the base. 4. Grip the change gear spindle and lift to remove the gear train assembly with magnet from the register base. 5. Remove the accessory change gear or coupling from the gear train spindle. Before removing, note the location of the change gear (or coupling) on the spindle so that it can be reinstalled in the same location. NOTE A flat surface is provided at the top of the spindle of the change gear assembly so that the setscrew in the change gear or coupling can be properly seated and tightened to the spindle. 6. Gear train assemblies are packaged with the magnet and spindle assembly disassembled from the gear train assembly. Before assembling. carefully check the spindle for minute burrs on the threaded end of the spindle. If there are burrs, use a crocus cloth and care- fully remove them from the spindle. This will prevent damage to the surface of the jewel bearing when Turn each washer to free it from the groove on the inside wall. Badger Meter, inc. Industrial Products Division 4545 W. Brown Deer Road, P.0 Box 23099, Milwaukee. WI 53223 89 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 inserting the magnet spindle through the jewel-bushing in the bottom plate of the gear train assembly. An "E" ring should be mounted on the spindle. If missing, remove the "E" ring from the replacement spindle and snap it into the grooved collar near the threaded end of the spindle. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING THE GEAR TRAIN ASSEMBLY WITH MAGNET 1. Align the gear train assembly with magnet so that the magnet and spindle can be easily lowered into the shaft of the register base. TOP PLATE ft SPINDLE MOUNTING HOLES Lu_ Installing the magnet spindle assembly to the gear train assembly. LNOTE On 366:1 and 1200:1 gear train assemblies, the magnet and spindle assembly (P/N 56780-002) is installed by removing the threaded gear (P/N 30229-000) from the spindle. Using a needle-nose pliers, grip the gear on the side and hold it on top of and at the center of the jewel bushing located in the bottom plate of the gear train assembly. Insert the threaded end of the spindle through the bushing and into the threaded gear. Turn the spindle to tighten it to the gear. 2. Rotate the gear train assembly until it seats into each boss provided at the base. This configuration aligns the three special washers on the top plate of the gear train with the shoulder extensions on the inside wall. With the aluminum register base. the gear train assembly seats in three recessions in the register base. These recessions align with three gear train posts that support the top and bottom plate of the gear train assembly. 3. Loosen the three screws and special washers on the top plate. Using a screwdriver, turn each washer until the round edge locks under the shoulder extension. Tighten each screw which secures the gear train assembly in the register base The retainer ring secures the gear train assembly in the aluminum register base. With the gear train properly seated in the base. insert the retainer ring in the groove provided in the wall. The groove is adjacent to the top plate of the gea, train assembly. 4. Reinstall the change gear or coupling on the gear train spindle. Align the setscrew in the gear or coupling with the fiat surface on the spindle and tighten. 5. Mate the change gear or coupling to the register or transmitter and install the accessory on the register base. 6. Reinstall the accessory mounting bolts (or screws) and tighten. 7. Test operate the meter to check the accuracy of the register or transmitter with the replacement gear train assembly. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 CONFIGURATIONS METER CONNEC- DIMENSIONS (INCHES) MAX. OPERATING MAX. OPER. HOUSING MATERIAL: 316 Stainless, Cast Iron, Cast Steel & Cast Bronze HEAD LOSS AT MAX. SIZE TION FLANGES A B C D E (WIDTH) PRESSURE(PSI) TEMP. (OF) NORMAL FLOW RANGE(GPM) MAX. CONT. FLOW(GPM) FLOW (PSI) 2" Round 10 2 8 23/4 6 150 Std. - 300 Opt. 250 8 - 160 160 4.5 3" Round 12 3 9 31/2 71/2 150 Std. - 300 Opt. 250 10 - 350 350 6.0 4" Round 14 4 10 41/4 9 150 Std. - 300 Opt. 250 25 - 1000 1000 5.5 6" Round 18 6 12 51/4 11 150 Std. 300 Opt. 250 40 - 2000 2000 5.5 ROUND FLANGE METER WEIGHT - POUNDS (Approx.) METER HOUSING CONNECTION 2" 3" 4" 6" MATERIAL 150 psi 300 psi 150 psi 300 psi 150 psi 300 psi 150 psi 300 psi 150 psi 300 psi 316STAINLESS R.F. R.F. 40 50 50 65 60 80 115 145 CAST IRON F.F. R.F. 30 36 40 52 70 90 100 130 CAST STEEL R.F. R.F. 40 50 50 65 60 80 115 145 CAST BRONZE F. F. F. F. 30 36 40 52 1 75 95 125 160 APPROX. HEIGHT (Inches) ACCESSORY MODEL 2" 3" 4" 6" EPT-2 12'/,e 13'/,e 14'/,6 16'/,8 Pulse Transmitter MS-ER1 13'/1e 14'/, e 15'/16 173/,6 Low Profile Register 258 9"/,e 10'/,8 12'h 15% BRE, BRP, Series 76 Registers AR, MR, 16'/2 17% 20'/,8 221/2 SR&TR * Read-o-Matic ROM 570 13'/,8 14'/,6 15/,6 17'/18 Electric Contacting EC-A 11'/,8 11 "/,e 14'/4 16% Register, Adjustable COMPONENT PARTS MATERIAL Housing .......................... 316 Stainless .......................... Cast Iron .......................... Cast Steel .......................... Cast Bronze Rotor ............................. Kynar ............................. Ryton Nose Cone ........................ Kynar Rotor Bearing, Spindle and Endstone ....................... Ceramic Magnet (2-Pole and 4-Pole) ......... Ceramic Operating Head ................... 316 Stainless Straightening Vanes ............... 316 Stainless Register Base ..................... Aluminum Bypass Valve ..................... 316 Stainless (2" and 3" meters) Operating Head Gasket............ Asbestos/ Special Binder ....... Nonasbestos Nit rile, Chloroprene Binder "0" Ring and Tetraseal ............ EPR ............ BunaN ............ Viton A Tables 1-1. Configuration and Specification Data for 2" through 6" Turbo Meters Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 AUTOMATIC RESET MANUAL RESET SIGNAL ELECTRIC REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER MODEL AR MODEL MR MODEL SR MODELBRE-1 MODEL BRE-2 T P un1Ve COUPLING + METER CHANGE GEAR PNEUMATIC REGISTER MODEL BRP-1 MODEL BRP-2 TOTALIZING REGISTER MODEL 258 MODEL 2630 SERIES S ujl PULSE INPUT RECEIVERS LOAD PACK (OPTIONAL) MODEL RBC REMOTE BATCH CONTROLLER MODEL EPL PROCESSOR TOTALIZING RESET REGISTER MODELTR ELECTRIC CONTACTING REGISTER, ADJUSTABLE MODEL EC-A MODEL MS-ER1 PULSE TRANSMITTER W/LOCAL REGISTER MODEL MS-El PULSE TRANSMITTER METER &TRANSMITTER CHANGE GEARS Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 it A meter-mounted and driven accessory device such as a register or pulse transmitter must be used with Badger turbo meters to obtain a visual and/or signal output that is directly proportional to the volume of liquid flowing through the meter. Figure 1-1 illustrates the many meter-accessory combinations available. Figure 1-2 indicates the remote instruments and con- trols that are available. When using the EPU proces- sor, the meter is furnished with an EPT-2 transmitter and the Kynar or Ryton rotor has a four-pole magnet. For detailed information (such as function, dial capaci- ties, unit of measure, pulse rates, etc.) regarding any of the accessories shown, contact your local Badger Meter representative or the Industrial Products Divi- s ion of Badger Meter, Inc. SECTION 11 INSTALLATION To avoid damage in transit, Badger turbo meters are shipped to the customer in special shipping containers. Upon receipt of the order, perform the fol lowing unpack- ing and inspection procedures: I NOTE If damage to a shipping container is evident upon receipt of a meter, request the carrier to be present when the meter is unpacked. a. Carefully open the shipping container following instructions that may be marked on the container. Remove all cushioning material surrounding the meter and carefully lift the meter from the container. Retain the container and all packing material for possible use in reshipment or storage. b. Visually inspect the meter and applicable accessory device for any physical damage such as scratches, loose or broken parts or other signs of damage that may have occurred during shipment. I NOTE If damage is found, request an inspection by the carrier's agent within 48 hours of delivery. Then file a claim with the carrier. A claim for equipment damaged in transit is the responsi- bi I ity of the customer. The procedures for installing Badger turbo meters are essentially the same for all meter sizes. Any special instructions required for the installation and/or elec- trical connection of meter-mounted or free-standing accessory devices such as registers, pulse transmit- ters, valves and remote batch controllers will be pro- vided as a supplement to this manual. a. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. Before proceeding with the installation, read the instructions given in the following paragraphs to become familiar with the requirements and procedures involved. NOTE Badger's 2" through 6" industrial turbo meters are designed for operation in HORI- ZONTAL piping arrangements. 1. Verify that the operating temperature range of the meter is compatible with the temperature range of the liquid to be metered. These meters can be used to meter both cold and hot liquids up to 250 degrees fahrenheit. 2. Ensure that the flow range of the meter coincides with the flow rate of the liquid to be metered. Refer to Tables 1-1 in Section I of this manual for the applicable meter flow range specifica- tion data. I CAUTION The life of the turbo meter will be impaired if operated at flow rates higher than specified. 3. If solid material is present in the liquid to be metered, a strainer must be installed in the facility piping upstream of the meter. The 2", 3" and 4" meters require a strainer with `,46" diameter holes and the 6" meter requires a strainer with 18" diameter holes, 4. Avoid locating the meter in close quarters. Allow sufficient space to permit access for cleaning and maintenance. 5. To permit periodic cleanout of the meter and to provide a convenient means of stopping fluid flow during maintenance, it is recommended that a flushing system be incorporated into the facility piping arrangement (see Figure 2-1). b. INSTALLING THE METER. Badger turbo meters are designed for horizontal, in-line installation. The overall dimensions (including laying lengths) of each of the meter sizes are given in Tables 1-1 in Section I of this manual. After reviewing the applicable dimensional requirements, proceed as fol lows: Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 1. Measure the overall length of the meter with the gaskets attached to the inlet and outlet flange connections of the turbo meter. 2. Provide proper gap length in the facility piping. 3. Install the meter in the pipeline making sure that the flow arrow on the meter housing is in proper relation to the direction of liquid flow. 4. Install and tighten the flange connection bolts. 5. To relieve possible strain on the piping due to the weight of 4" and 6" turbo meters, it is recommended that a meter support be installed under the meter housing. Complete the following checks to ensure that the meter is properly installed and operational. a. Slowly open the upstream valve to apply liquid pressure to the meter and check the flange con- nections for possible leaks. Retighten the flange bolts as required. b. Perform a functional test of the turbo meter using the adjustment and calibration procedure given in Section IV, Paragraph 4-4 of this manual. SECTION III OPERATION The instructions for operating Badger turbo meters depend on the meter-accessory combination employed and the type of flow control devices used in the facil- ity piping. In general, operation of the meter can be either manually controlled or accessory controlled. Manual operation applies to metering applications em- ploying hand-operated valves or other manually- activated, flow-regulating devices that are not func- tionally controlled by a meter accessory device. Accessory controlled operation is used in metering applications involving meter accessories that provide an electronic, electrical or pneumatic signal to acti- vate and/or deactivate a valve or other type of flow control device. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 10 I CAUTION Regardless of the operating procedure used, the valves or devices controlling the flow of liquid through the turbo meter must always be opened and closed slowly to prevent shock loads that may damage the meter's rotor assembly. a. MANUAL OPERATION. Instructions for the manual operation of a turbo meter are limited to the fol- lowing start and stop procedures. The procedures are intended for use in simple metering applica- tions where the flow of liquid through the meter is controlled by hand-operated valves located in the facility piping upstream and downstream of the meter. 1. Slowly open the upstream valve and apply liquid to the meter. 2. Slowly open the downstream valve to initiate metering. 3. Adjust the downstream valve so that the rate of flow does not exceed the maximum continuous flow rate specification of the meter (Refer to Tables 1-1 in Section I of this manual for the applicable flow rate specification data). NOTE On meters equipped with an accessory device providing a totalizing indicator, the rate of flow can be quickly checked by timing the number of gallons registered through the meter in one minute. 4. To stop metering, slowly close the downstream valve, then close the upstream valve. b. ACCESSORY CONTROLLED OPERATION. The step- by-step operating procedures used in accessory controlled metering applications are dependent on the specific function of the meter-accessory em- ployed and its electrical or pneumatic interconnec- tion with the flow control device or devices. Refer to the IOM manuals covering the applicable acces- sories for specific operating instructions (included as a supplement to this manual when required.) If the turbo meter is to be shut down for an extended period of time, it is recommended that the measuring .chamber be thoroughly flushed to prevent the settling out of undissolved solids or the accumulation of corrosive deposits. I This section contains information for servicing and maintaining Badger turbo meters. The information con- sists of preventive maintenance, calibration and serv- ice instructions. Exploded views, a parts list and other illustrations are provided as a supplement to the text. The tools and equipment recommended for use in serv- icing and maintaining turbo meters are listed in Table 4-1. With the exception of a special change gear mesh gage and a calibration test tank, the tools required are the usual compliment of standard hand tools used by plumbers and mechanics. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Tool Kit ..................... Std. Mechanics Tools Truarc Right-Angle Pliers .... PIN 1549 Change Gear Mesh Gage .... Badger PIN 21747 Test Tank ................... Calibrated Volume The purpose of preventive maintenance for turbo meters is to ensure efficient operation and long life by de- tecting and correcting any defects before damage or failure occurs to the meter. Preventive maintenance consists of periodic inspection and cleaning pro- cedures.The procedures should be performed at regular intervals and any defects discovered should be cor- rected before attempting further operation of the meter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 1. Visually inspect the turbo meter and meter- mounted accessory for missing hardware, loose connections, broken or scratched register lens, damaged wiring or any other signs of wear or deterioration. Repair or replace components as required. 2. Verify that the meter operates at the proper flow rate and pressure. A loss in pressure, coupled with the resulting decrease in flow rate, may indicate the screen in the upstream pipeline is clogged with material and requires cleaning. 1. Clean all dust, dirt, grease, moisture or other foreign material from the exterior of the meter and meter-mounted accessory. Use a dry clean- ing solvent or volatile mineral spirits to remove grease or oil. After cleaning, rinse with water and dry thoroughly. 2. If the facility piping arrangement includes a flushing system (See Figure 2-1 ), shut off liquid flow to the meter and flush the interior of the meter with clean water or other appropriate cleaning fluid to remove any buildup of internal deposits or corrosion. Accuracy of Badger turbo meters is tested at the fac- tory with water. However, since these meters will be used to measure a wide variety of liquids that could vary in viscosity, it may be necessary to recalibrate a meter under operating conditions using the actual liquid. The following instructions are provided to assist the customer in performing an on-site calibra- tion check and adjustment. 1. Place a test tank of known volume at the output of the meter. 2. Operate the meter until the test tank is filled to a calibrated level. Since the accuracy of the meter may vary slightly with the flow rate, make a test run at the actual flow rate used in the operation. 3. Record the quantity indicated on the meter- mounted accessory. 4. Repeat the test three times and take the average of the readings. 5. Perform the following calculations to determine percent of accuracy of the meter-accessory combination: Qty. Indicated on Accessory x 100 = Meter Accuracy Actual Quantity in Test Tank 95 Gal Ions 100 Ga l Ions x 100 = 950/c accuracy In this example the meter-mounted accessory is slow and must be speeded up by a change gear correction. 104 Gallons? ~nn_ ~nno; In this example the meter-mounted accessory is fast and must be slowed down by a change gear correction. b. CHANGE GEAR CORRECTIONS. If the accuracy test of a turbo meter-accessory combination indi- cates that an adjustment is required, proceed as follows: 1. Remove the accessory from the register base on the turbo meter. To remove the change gears from the spindles on the register and the regis- ter base, loosen the setscrew on the hub of the change gears. Both the C.D. dimension (in decimal inches) and the number of teeth are stamped on each gear. 2. Calculate the ratio of existing change gears as fol lows: Ratio - No. of Teeth on Register Change Gear No. of Teeth on Meter Register Base 3. Calculate the new change gear ratio required by multiplying the ratio of existing change gears by percent-of-meter accuracy determined in section 4-4a. Existing Change Gear Ratio - 42 Teeth 976 43 Teet h Meter Accuracy = 95% 95 Corrected Change Gear Ratio = .976 x 10 0 .927 4, Select a combination of new change gears that match the corrected change gear ratio. If stocked change gears are not available, submit order for change gears to your nearest Badger Meter representative or the Industrial Products Divi- sion of Badger Meter, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 When ordering, give the serial number of the turbo meter which is stamped on the outlet flange of the meter. Specify the meter size and accessory device employed along with the number of teeth and diameter on existing change gears. Specify the corrected change gear ratio. 5. Install the corrected change gears on the regis- ter base and register spindles taking care that the correct change gears are assembled to the appropriate spindles (See Figure 4-1). Assemble the register to the register base on the meter. Refer to section 4-7a for instructions covering the proper method of installing and meshing change gears. On meters with 76 Series regis- ters, provision for change gear adjustment is built into the registers. See the applicable register IOM manua I for reca I ibrati ng instructions. TURBO METER OPERATING HEAD ASSEMBLY Figure 4.1. Change Gear Location Register Base and Register Assembly NOTE For instructions on removing and installing the gear train assembly in the new and old-style register bases, request Service Note 16. The Service Note explains and illustrates the dif- ference between these two register bases. Badger's 2" and 3" turbo meters with bronze and cast iron housings are equipped with a bypass valve for "minor" calibration adjustment in the field. Test the meter's accuracy to determine if recalibration is required. If the meter is out of calibration, proceed as follows: CALIBRATE METER WITHOUT REMOVING FROM LINE BYPASS VALVE ON SIDE OF HOUSING TURN VALVE WITH SCREWDRIVER TO ADJUST FLOW 1. Remove the bypass cover nut with a wrench. 2. Using a wide-bladed screwdriver, loosen the bypass valve lock ring. 3. Adjust the bypass valve with a screwdriver in the following manner (See Figure 4-2): a. To INCREASE registration, turn the slot in the valve perpendicular to the axis of the meter (line of flow). This will restrict the amount of volume flowing through the bypass and increase flow through the metering chamber. b. To DECREASE registration, turn the slot in the valve parallel to the axis of the meter. This will increase liquid volume through the bypass and decrease flow through the meter- ing chamber. I NOTE The total range of the bypass adjustment occurs within a 90 degree or quarter turn of the valve from the parallel, inline position to the perpendicular position, or vice versa. The total range of adjustment is about four percent. Tested and calibrated at the factory, the bypass valve will be set at about 450 from the full "open" or "closed" position. This setting will allow for a ?2% adjustment to recalibrate the meter in the field. 4. With the valve turned to the desired bypass setting, tighten the valve lock ring. 5. Install and tighten the bypass valve cover nut. 6. Retest the meter to confirm the accuracy of the bypass adjustment. If the meter is still out of calibration, repeat the procedure outlined above. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Badger turbo meters can be serviced without removing the meters from the system. A typical service (See Figure 2-1) is equipped with drain and piping valves. To inspect or replace component parts of the head assembly, close the upstream and downstream valves. If the installation is equipped with an inlet and drain valve for flushing the meter, open the drain valve to relieve pressure from within the meter. However, if the meter piping is not equipped with a drain valve, proceed as fol lows to relieve pressure within the meter: 1 . Do not remove the register base from the oper- ating head assembly. The entire head assembly must be removed as a complete unit (See Figure 4-3). 2. Loosen each of the head bolts about one and one-half turns. Do not remove the bolts com- pletely. 3. If the gasket-seal between the meter head and the housing is not leaking at this time, pry the head assembly loose with a screwdriver. To accomplish this, insert the screwdriver from the outlet side of the head assembly where the head and housing join together. I CAUTION Exercise precaution to make certain that fluid does not spray from the meter. The liquid spray could contact electrical equipment and create an electrical hazard. 4. Allow the meter to drain and relieve internal pressure. 5. When pressure is relieved, remove the head bolts and shift the head assembly toward the outlet-end of the meter to release the head-to- housing seal. Then lift the entire head assembly from the housing and, at the same time, tilt the operating head up to prevent the rotor from falling off the rotor spindle. N F OTE Rotors made of Kynar or Ryton are furnished with two-pole and four-pole magnets depend- ing on the type of application. Rotors with four-pole magnets are used with Badger's EPT-2 transmitter and EPU processor (elec- tronic transmission system). 6. When the operating head has been removed, lift the rotor out of the rotor cage and set it aside. Remove the head gasket. NOTE HEAD GASKET METER HOUSING Figure 4-3. Turbo Meters Serviced Without Removal from the Line A dummy cover plate is available to close the meter in the line and continue service while the operating head assembly is being inspected or parts are being replaced. 7. To remove the register base from the head assembly, loosen the seal screw on the base with a screwdriver. Rotate the base 45 degrees in either direction to release it from the bayonet lockdetents on the head assembly. 8. The register base retaining ring is accessible through the rotor cage in the head assembly. With a Truarc right-angle pliers #1549, expand and remove the register retaining ring on the extension tube. When this is accomplished, the register base can be removed from the head assembly. 9. To reinstall or replace the register base, repeat the procedure above in reverse making sure that the retaining ring has been reinstalled on the extension tube. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 The head unit has a gasket bonded to the periphery of the rotor cage. Depending on the chemical solution to be metered, the gasket will be made of EPR,Buna N orViton A material. Reinserting the head assembly into the meter housing correctly will require com- pressing the gasket slightly. This is done by tilting the top of the register base on the head toward the inlet side of the meter. The meter head has a pilot diameter machined into the cage at the gasket face. This pilot diameter must extend through the housing gasket inner diameter and into the housing bore. After lowering the head assembly into the housing, move the entire head assembly straight to- ward the inlet side of the meter. The pilot diameter must snap into the bore of the hous- ing to provide a tight seal. 10. With the head gasket aligned and the head assembly properly positioned in the housing, reinstall and tighten the head bolts (between 90-180 in.-Ibs. of torque). 11. Close the flushing system drain valve. Open the upstream valve partially, then open the downstream valve slightly which will purge any air from the service line. Then open both valves completely. For periodic inspection or when operation of the turbo meter indicates a need for servicing, refer to the fol- lowing paragraphs for instructions covering the re- moval, inspection and installation of service parts and assemblies. Refer to the illustrated parts list in Sec- tion V of this manual for part numbers of replaceable components and the correct ordering information. Any service or repair procedures that apply to a meter- mounted or free-standing accessory are provided in the IOM instruction manual pertaining to that device (also provided as a supplement to this manual.) If satis- factory repair cannot be made, contact the Industrial Products Division of Badger Meter, Inc. 1. Replacing the change gear on the register base spindle requires no gage to properly mesh this gear with the register change gear. A shoulder- stop is built into the spindle at the proper gear height thus eliminating gear adjustment. 2. The change gear in the register should be in- stalled with the aid of a Badger change gear mesh gage (P/N 21747) to ensure proper gear mesh.The procedure is as follows: GEAR MESH GAGE P/N 21747 METER-MOUNTED ACCESSORY 67 / FIXED GEAR POSITION - REGISTER BASE GAGE NOT REQUIRED Figure 4-4. Replacing Turbo Meter Change Gears Register Base and Register (or Accessory) (a) Place the bottom of the register on the top edge of the gage (See Figure 4-4). (b) Adjust the change gear on the register spin- dle so that it rests against the "top" of the slot in the gage. Holding the change gear in this position, tighten the setscrew in the hub of the change gear. I NOTE Install the change gears on the spindles with the hub of the gears in the "UP" position. (c) Carefully install the register on the base making sure that the gears fully mesh. In- stall and tighten the register seal screws. CAUTION Take care not to bend the spindles when installing the gears or reassembling the register to the register base. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 The location and identification of assemblies and parts comprising the 2", 3", 4" and 6" turbo meters are shown on the exploded view illustration. Each assembly or part shown is identified by an index num- ber that is cross-referenced to an associated parts list. a. Specify the turbo meter size. b. Specify the type of meter housing material (for compatibility with fluid). c. Type of meter-mounted accessory: (1) With register, specify the model of register and unit of measure plus the dial capacity. (2) With pulse transmitter, specify the model of unit and pulse/unit of measure. The parts list consists of the service assemblies and parts that are shown in the exploded illustration. The Iist provides the following information: a. ITEM NUMBER b. NAME OF PART c. PART NUMBER Order replaceable parts through your local Badger Meter sales representative or directly from Industrial Sales Section of the Flow Products Division, Badger Meter, Inc. When placing an order, provide the following in- formation: (3) With free-standing accessory such as a remote batch controller, specify the model and the number of stages. If an EPU processor, specify the options desired. d. Complete description of the assembly or parts required. e. Part number of the item as indicated in the parts Iist. f. Quantity of parts required. A purchase order number plus exact return and billing address. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Figure 4.5. Typical Badger Turbo Meter/Accessory Combinations Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 13 NOTE: Select items 16, 21, 22 and 32 to be compatible with metered fluid. Item 21 - four-pole rotors used with EPT-2 transmitter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 PARTS LIST i ITEM NO. NAME OF PART 2" PART NUMBER 3" PART NUMBER 4" PART NUMBER 6" PART NUMBER 1 Hood Assembly, Register ............................... 58234-00200 58234-00200 58234-00200 58234-00200 2 Gasket, Register Cover ................................. 58404-00100 58404-00100 58404-00100 58404-00100 3 Register Assy., Specify Meter Size & Registration Regd... 21228-00000 21228-00000 21228-00000 21228.00000 4 Screw, Cover to Register Base .......................... 55046-25100 55046-25100 55046-25100 55046-25100 5 Lockwasher ........................................... 55293-01000 55293-01000 55293-01000 55293-01000 6 Change Gear, Register (Specify no. of teeth and dia.) ..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Change Gear, Register Base (Spec. no. of teeth and dia.) .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Setscrew, Change Gear ................................. 1065-00000 1065-00000 1065-00000 1065-00000 9 Tetraseal .............................................. 22559-03400 22559-03400 22559-03400 22559-03400 10 Register Base Assembly, 3662/3:1 ....................... 56786-00100 56786-00100 56786-00200 56786-00300 10 Register Base Assembly, 1200:1 ......................... 56786-00400 56786-00400 56786-00500 56786-00600 11 Register Base, Only ........................... 56785-00100 56785-00100 56785-00200 56785-00300 12 Gear Train Assembly w/Magnet, 3662/3:1 ................. 56782-00100 56782-00100 56782-00200 56782-00300 12 Gear Train Assembly w/Magnet, 1200:1 .................. 56782-00400 56782-00400 56782-00500 56782-00600 13 Ring, Gear Train Assy. Retaining ........................ 1013-00000 1013-00000 1013-00000 1013-00000 14 Retaining Ring, Register Base (316 S.S.) ................. 22886-01200 22886-01200 22886-01200 22886-01200 *14 Retaining Ring, Register Base (Bronze) .................. 22886-01300 22886-01300 22886-01300 22886-01300 *15 Spacer, Register Base .................................. 57337-00100 57337-00100 57337-00100 57337-00100 *16 * "O" Ring, Register Base, Buna N ........................ 55300-11000 55300-11000 55300-11000 55300-11000 16 "O" Ring, Register Base, EPR ........................... 31132-04600 31132-04600 31132-04600 31132-04600 *16 "O" Ring, Register Base, Viton A ........................ 31132-04500 31132-04500 31132-04500 31132-04500 17 Bolt, Hex. Head ........................................ 55030-16600 55030-16600 55031-11600 55031-11600 18 Head Only ............................................. 57312.00100 57312-00100 57282-00100 57287-00100 19 Nut, Hex., Rotor Spindle ................................ 55006-03500 55006-03500 55007-02800 55007-02800 20 Lockwasher, Rotor Spindle ............................. 55274-00800 55274-00800 55274-01100 55274-01100 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 2-Pole (Buna N Seal) ............. 56998.00500 56998-00600 56998-00700 56998-00800 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 2-Pole (EPR Seal) ................ 56998-01300 56998-01400 56998-01500 56998-01600 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 2-Pole (Viton Seal) ............... 56998.00900 56998-01000 56998-01100 56998-01200 21 Rotor & Spindle, Ryton, 2-Pole (Buna N Seal) ............. 56998.03400 56998-03500 56998-03600 56998-03700 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 4-Pole (Buna N Seal) ............. 56998-02000 56998-02100 56998-02200 56998-02300 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 4-Pole (EPR Seal) ................ 56998-02800 56998-02900 56998-03000 1 56998-03100 21 Rotor & Spindle, Kynar, 4-Pole (Viton Seal) ............... 56998-02400 56998-02500 56998-02600 56998-02700 21 Rotor & Spindle, Ryton, 4-Pole (Buna N Seal) ............. 56998-04600 56998-04700 56998-04800 56998-04900 *22 Tetraseal, Head, Buna N ................................ 22559-04300 22559-04300 22559-04400 22559-04500 *22 Tetraseal, Head, EPR ................................... 22559-04700 22559-04700 22559-04800 22559-04900 *22 Tetraseal, Head, Viton A ................................ 22559-05000 22559-05000 22559-05100 22559-05200 23 Nose Cone ............................................ 57341-00300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *24 Gasket, Head, Asbestos/Spec. Binder (Viton Seal only) ... 34899-00200 34899-00200 56331-00200 56327-00200 *24 Gasket, Head, Nonasbestos for Buna N Seal only ........ 34899-00300 34899-00300 56331-00300 56327-00300 *24 Gasket, Head, Nonasbestos for EPR Seal only ........... 34899-00400 34899-00400 56331-00400 56327-00400 25 Housing, Bronze, 150# Flange ........................... 56079-00100 34841-00100 5/280-00100 57288-00100 25 Housing, Bronze, 300# Flange ........................... 56079-00200 34841-00200 57280-00200 57288-00200 25 Housing, Cast Iron, 125# Flange ......................... 56079-00400 34841-00300 57280-00300 57288-00300 25 Housing, Cast Iron, 250# Flange ......................... 56079-00500 34841-00400 57280-00400 57288-00400 25 Housing, Cast Steel, 150# Flange ........................ 57640-00100 34841-00500 57280-00900 57288-00900 25 Housing, Cast Steel, 300# Flange ........................ 57640-00200 34841-00600 57280-01000 57288-01000 25 Housing, 316 Stainless, 150# Flange ..................... 57640-00300 34841-00700 57280-01100 57288-01100 25 Housing, 316 Stainless, 300# Flange ..................... 57640-00400 34841-00800 57280-01200 57288-01200 26 Retaining Ring, Straightening Vane ..................... 34900-00200 34900-00100 34900-00300 34900-00400 27 Straightening Vane Assembly, Complete ................ - - - - - - - 34880-00200 56340-00300 56340-00400 28 Straightening Vane ..................................... 56082-00100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - 29 Straightening Vane ..................................... 56083-00100 - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Straightening Vane ..................................... 56084-00100 --- . --- - - - - - - - ------- 31 Cover Nut, Bypass Valve ................................ 34870-00200 34870-00200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "32 "O" Ring, Bypass Valve, Buna N ......................... 55300-02200 55300-02200 - - - - - - - . . *32 "O" Ring, Bypass Valve, EPR ........................... 31132-04300 31132-04300 - - - - - - - - - *32 "O" Ring, Bypass Valve, Viton A ......................... 31132-04400 31132-04400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 Lock Ring, Bypass Valve ................................ 34897.00200 34897-00200 - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 Valve, Bypass .......................................... 34869.00200 34869-00200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dummy Cover (Not Shown) ............................. 56813-00100 56813-00100 56814-00100 56815-00100 Gasket, Dummy Cover (Not Shown) ...................... 57646.00100 57646-00100 57647-00100 57648-00100 35 Industrial Head Assembly, Complete, Specify Fluid ...... 57381-00000 57381-00000 57381-00000 57381-00000 Service Note: For 2" and 3" turbo meters, "shims" are provided with the rotor spindle. It is important to reinstall shims when servicing rotor and spindle assembly. `Recommended spare parts. Rotors with 4-pole magnets used only with EPT-2 transmitters. NOTE: When ordering parts, give part numbers, name of parts model and size of meter. For prices, refer to Repair Parts Price List PPL-903. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 WARRANTY Badger warrants meters and parts manufactured by it and supplied hereunder to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 18 months from date of shipment or 12 months from date of installation, whichever period shall be shorter. If within such period any meters or parts shall be proved to Seller's satisfaction to be defective, such meters or parts shall be repaired or replaced at Seller's option. Seller's obligation hereunder shall be limited to such repair and replacement and shall be conditioned upon Seller's receiving written notice of any alleged defect within 10 days after its discovery and, at Seller's option, return of such meters or parts to Seller f.o.b. its factory. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WAR- RANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Badger shall not be liable for any defects attributable to acts or omissions of others after shipment, nor any consequen- tial, incidental or contingent damage whatsoever. NUCLEAR DISCLAIMER Equipment sold by Badger Meter, Inc. is not intended for use in connection with any nuclear facility or activity unless covered by a specific quotation where the conditions of such usage will be detailed. If equipment is used in a nuclear facility or activity without a supporting quotation, Badger Meter disclaims all liability for any damage, injury or contamination, and the buyer shall indemnify and hold Badger Meter, its officers, agents, employees, successors, assigns and customers, whether direct or indirect, harmless from and against any and all losses, damages or expenses of whatever form or nature (including attorneys' fees and other costs of defending any action) which they, or any of them, may sustain or incur, whether as a result of breach of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or other theories of law, by reason of such use. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 BADGER 1 SERIES 76 METER REGISTERS For Water Conditioning 4 MODEL AR Automatic Reset Register Register Models AR and SR are used to measure pre- determined quantities of liquid and then transmit a signal which activates other equipment. Their widest application is in water conditioning systems. The principal difference between the two registers is that Model AR resets itself automatically for each water conditioning cycle, whereas the SR is reset with a register knob. The AR register is equipped with a nickel-plated reset pointer and a red sweep pointer which moves counter- clockwise from the preset position. When the red pointer reaches zero, a trip cam closes a signal switch and a motor switch. The signal is used to start tank regeneration, while the motor resets the pointers at their original position. With the SR register, the red pointer is used to preset small quantities and the nickel pointer for larger amounts. When both pointers reach zero, a double- throw switch is actuated. This switch can be connected to an electrical circuit to operate a warning bell or alarm, a pump, valve or other equipment. MODEL SR Signal Register Models AR and SR are part of the Series 76 line of inter- changeable meter registers for use on Badger's industrial-type meters. Three other Series 76 registers, used primarily for liquid batching, are described in Bulletin IBR-3010. AR AND SR REGISTER SPECIFICATIONS PHYSICAL Housing: Glass-filled polycarbonate- NEMA4 Internal Plates: Brass Gears: Brass or Thermoplastic Shafts: 303 Stainless Steel Register Size: 71/2 " width, 8'/e" height, 634" depth Dial Size: 53/4" Totalizer: Six-digit, non-reset ELECTRICAL Contact Rating: 7 amps at 115 VAC AR register available for 24 VAC, 115 VAC, and 230 VAC BadgerMeter,Inc. Industrial Products Division 4545 West Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 OPERATION OF AR REGISTER OPERATION OF SR REGISTER The register is preset by loosening two screws in the pointer hub and moving the pointers to the desired posi- tion. This setting is then "locked in" by retightening the hub screws. (For detailed instructions, see Installation Manual IOM-024.) As liquid is metered, the red sweep pointer moves counterclockwise. At the zero reading, a cam on the pointer shaft closes the signal and reset motor switches. The reset motor drives the nickel-plated reset pointer counterclockwise until it also reaches zero. The nickel pointer "picks up" the red pointer and carries it back to the original preset position. The motor switch opens, the motor stops, and the signal to external equipment is terminated. The register is now ready for the next metering cycle. For installations with more than one water conditioning tank, the AR can be supplied with a built-in relay which can be wired into the control circuit in accordance with the recommendations of the water conditioner manufacturer. Both Pointers In Preset Position Nickel Pointer Also Moves to Zero Red Pointer Rotates to Zero Both Pointers Return to Preset To preset Model SR, push in the knob on the front of the register and turn it counterclockwise until the pointers reach the desired setting. The nickel-plated inner pointer will move one graduation for each complete revolution of the red outer pointer. Release the knob and the register will be ready for the metering cycle. As liquid is metered, the pointers will rotate toward zero. When they reach zero position, a built-in cam closes the signal switch. In a typical installation, the signal is used to operate an alarm or light so the opera- tor knows that a tank needs regeneration. When regeneration is completed, the operator resets the register to the desired quantity. 0 6 0 2 ~ DIAL CAPACITIES c FOR AR AND c c SR REGISTERS D - B ,~ A A A A--~I AR REGISTERS 518" Disc 314" Disc 1" Disc 1Y2" Disc 2" Disc 2" Turbine 3" Turbine 4" Turbine 2" Turbo 3" Turbo 4" Turbo 6" Turbo 100 x x x 200 x x x 500 x x x 1,000 2,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 5,000 x x x x x x x x x x 10.000 x x x x x x x x x x 20,000 x x x x x x x x x x 50,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 100,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 200,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 500,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1,000,000 x x x x x x x x x 2,000,000 x x x x x x x x x 5,000,000 x x x x x x x x x 10,000,000 x x Basic AR register dials in gallons. Metric dials in litres up to 50,000. Dials 100,000 and above are in equivalent M3. SR REGISTERS Inner Pointer Outer Pointer 3,000 100 x x x x x x x x x x 30,000 1,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 300,000 10,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 3,000,000 100,000 x x x x x x x x x Basic SR dials in gallons. Metric dials in litres up to 30,000. Dials 300,000 and above are in equivalent M3. DIMENSIONS (In Inches) fl, 14 16 18-3/8 2,-1/8 15-1 /4 24 10 14 B 7-1 /2 9 10-3/4 12-5/8 15-1 /4 co 15-1 /16 15-7/16 16-7/8 18-7/16 20-1/16 28-15/16 35-1 /2 35-7/8 16-7/8 17-1 /8 20-1/16 22-1 /2 D 1-3/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-5/8 3-7/16 8-1 /16 12-3/4 13-5/16 2-3/4 3-1 /2 4-1 /4 5-1 /4 Max. Depth 6-1/2 6-3/4 7-1/8 9-1/2 12-9/16 8-1/8 12-1 /2 12-3/4 6-13/16 7-1 /2 9 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 MODEL AR WIRING DIAGRAMS AR With Relay AR Less Relay MODEL SR WIRING DIAGRAM Badger warrants meters and parts manufactured by it and supplied hereunder to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 18 months from date of shipment or 12 months from date of installation, whichever period shall be shorter. It within such period any meters or parts shall be proved to Seller's satisfaction to be defective, such meters or parts shall be repaired or replaced at Seller's option. Seller's obligation hereunder shall be limited to such repair and replacement and shall be conditioned upon Seller's receiving written notice of any alleged defect within 10 days after its discovery and, at Seller's option, return of such meters or parts to Seller f.o.b. its factory. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLU- SIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WAR- RANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) OF MERCHANTABIL- ITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Badger shall not be liable for any defects attributable to acts or omissions of others after shipment, nor any consequential, incidental or contin- gent damage whatsoever. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 INSTALLATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 0 MODELS AR AND SR METER REGISTERS BadgerMeter,Inc. Industrial Products Division 4545 West Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 SCOPE OF THE MANUAL This manual provides information pertaining to the in- stallation, operation and maintenance of Badger Series 76, Models AR and SR Meter Registers. Before attempting installation, operation or maintenance, read the instructions presented to become familiar with the procedures involved. Retain the manual in a readily accessible location for future reference. CHANGES IN THE MANUAL Changes or additions to the manual are covered by a ''CHANGE NOTICE'' form that is supplied with the manual when applicable. The ''CHANGE NOTICE'will explain any differences between the register received and the registers covered in this manual. Table 1-1. Technical Specifications DRIVE ............................................. Mechanical 2-pin direct coupling (Adapter must be used for magnetic drive meters) MOUNTING ........................................ 4 holes equidistant on 3.665 in. diameter circle DIMENSIONS Height ........................................... 8-7/8 in. Width ........................................... 7-1/2 in. Depth ........................................... 7-1/2 in. SR 6-3/4 in. AR WEIGHT ........................................... 8 lbs. DIAL Diameter ........................................ 5-3/4 in. Display .......................................... White on black TOTALIZER COUNTER Type ............................................ Non-resettable Display .......................................... Six-digit (to 999,999) Numerals ........................................ 5/32 in. high - white on black ENCLOSURE Type ............................................ Moistureproof and dustproof Housing and base ................................ NEMA-4, foam molded polycarbonate, glass filled Bezel ............................................ Clear polycarbonate MODEL AR - AUTOMATIC REGISTER Accuracy and repeatability ........................ Signal within ? 2% of dial capacity Pointers ......................................... Two, nickel-plated outer reset and red inner reading Switch and relay contact rating ..................... 7 amps, 125-250 vac Motor and relay (one of the ratings listed) ............ 24 vac, 60 Hz, 20 rph 110 vac, 60 Hz, 20 rph 110 vac, 60 Hz, 4 rph 220 vac, 50 Hz, 20 rph MODEL SR - SIGNAL REGISTER Accuracy and repeatability ........................ Signal within ? 1 % of outer circle Pointers ......................................... Two, nickel-plated inner and red outer Contact rating .................................... 7 amps, 110 or 220 vac, 1 /8 hp at 110 vac, 114 hp at 220 vac, 1/2 amp at 125 vdc, 1/4 amp at 250 vdc Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 AR Register SR Register Figure 1-1. 0 Section I GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Badger Model AR Automatic Reset Register and Model SR Signal Register are designed primarily to control the regeneration cycle of water softeners. (See Figure 1-1.) Models AR and SR employ electrical switching to provide the signal for external control, and both are equipped with a 6-digit non-reset totalizer. The basic configuration and mounting of the instruments is the same. The registers are available in a wide range of dial capacities and units of mea- surement. The Model AR is an automatic reset unit for repetition of the same preset metered cycle. The instrument may be preset to any quantity within the dial capacity by positioning the nickel-plated outer reset pointer. The housing must be removed to preset. The red pointer indicates the amount of liquid remaining to be delivered. At the end of a cycle when the red delivery pointer reaches zero, the motor-driven reset pointer is turned one complete revolution to return the red pointer to the preset point in readiness for the next cycle. End of cycle and reset switching are cam actuated. The AR can be automatically reset any time prior to the completion of the cycle by an external momentary contact. The Model SR is a manual preset register with two pointers. The pointers are preset with the control knob on the front of the unit. When both pointers reach zero, the internal cam-actuated microswitch closes to provide the control signal. External electrical connections are made to the rear of the instrument. The housings are easily removed for internal access required for wiring, gear changes, settings and adjustments. 1-2. INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATIONS The Model AR is available with an internal relay for use in multiple register systems. The relay may be connected into the control circuit to lock out one register reset motor until a second register regeneration cycle is completed. 1-3. APPLICATIONS The Model AR and SR Registers are well suited for control of industrial water softener installations, whether single manual regeneration or multiple automatic regeneration. All Series 76 registers can be used interchangeably on Badger disc, oscillating piston, turbine, turbo and propeller meters, both mechanical and magnetic drive. These registers are ideal replacements for older similar registers. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Section II INSTALLATION 2.1. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION The Model Series 76 Registers are shipped to the customer in a special shipping container to avoid damage during transit. Upon receipt of the instrument, perform the following unpacking and inspection procedures: T NOTE If damage to the shipping container is evi- dent upon receipt of the instrument, request a representative of the carrier to be present when the instrument is unpacked. a. Carefully open the shipping container, following any instructions that may be marked on the container. Remove all cushioning material surrounding the instrument and carefully lift the instrument from the container. Retain the container and all cushioning material for possible use in storage or reshipment. b. Check the contents of the shipping container against the packing list to verify that all equipment has been received. c. Visually inspect the instrument for physical damage such as dents, scratches, loose or broken parts or any other signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. 1. Remove the existing register if meter is so equipped. 2. Check the mounting holes on meter. Re-drill to 17/64 inch to accept 1/4 inch screws if necessary. 3. Check the position and alignment of pin drive coupling. Surface A must be 3/32" to 1/8" below Surface B (See Figure 2-1). Be sure to tighten the set screw after adjustment. 4. Place the square section gasket in the mounting set. 5. Align the drive holes in the base of register with the drive coupling pins as closely as possible. Carefully position the register on the meter mount or magnetic drive adapter so the drive pins engage. Rotate the register to align the mounting holes and position the register as desired. 6. Install 1/4-20 mounting screws to secure the register. b. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. All electrical (power and signal) connections to a register are made to a terminal strip located inside the instrument enclosure. Remove the four housing cover screws in the base and lift off the cover to gain access. Caution must be exercised in cover removal to avoid bending the pointers. When the screws are removed, lift the cover in a slightly forward motion. It is recommended that flexible conduit be used for a distance of at least 2 feet from the register to allow access to the meter. NOTE If damage is found, request an inspection by the carrier's agent within 48 hours of deliv- ery. Then file a claim with the carrier. A claim for equipment damaged in transit is the re- sponsibility of the customer. Installation of the register in areas of high temperature or severe vibration should be avoided. When used on oscillating piston meters, turbine meters and SOT meters with flow temperatures over 140?F, use finned mounting adapter to dissipate heat. Use P/N 31278-1 for oscillating piston meters and P/N 31728 for SOT and turbine meters. a. MOUNTING THE REGISTER. (See Figure 2-1.) The register mount will fit a 3/4 inch hood base. The instrument is mounted with four or two 1/4-20 screws. The mounting holes on existing meters may have to be drilled to 17/64 inch dia. to accept the 1 /4 inch screws. Figure 2-1. Register Mounting Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 4 RELAY 1 COIL SIGNAL SW . RELAY CONTAACTS FRT. ~ >~ I Fx- l L_ RD -h BR HIJ 0 0 0 0 POWER Figure 2.2. Internal Wiring Diagram - Model AR with Relay 00000000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEW AR 1 2 3 4 5 6 0000 - 0 +Q OLD EA-L (6 to 24V) 0000 NEW SR 1 2 3 4 The basic internal wiring diagrams are shown in Figures 2-2 thru 2-4. If additional information or assistance is required to make a specific installation, contact Badger Meter, Inc., Flow Products Division, Industrial Sales Department, or the local representative. Make sure that all wiring to the instrument (both power and signal) conforms with the local electrical code. Section III OPERATION 3-1. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS a. CONTROL KNOB. The single control knob for Register SR is used to preset the desired flow quantity as indicated by the pointers. Pushing the knob in and turning counterclockwise moves the pointers to the desired batch quantity.The inner pointer moves one graduation for each O SIGNAL SW. FRT. POWER JL Figure 2-3. Internal Wiring Diagram - Model AR less Relay 2.3. PERFORMANCE CHECK Although the registers are factory adjusted for switch actuation and pointer alignment, it is advisable to check the operation of a register before actual use. For AR registers the reset pointer is set at 50 per cent of the scale. The user may require a different operating point. Complete adjustment and test information is given in Section V. 2-4. REGISTER REPLACEMENT Model AR and SR registers can be used to replace Model ARC, EA-H and EA-L registers. The necessary wiring changes are shown in Figure 2-5. complete revolution of the outer pointer. b. DIALS. The 5-3/4 inch dial is calibrated in units of measure marked on the dial face. The small test circle is marked with 10 divisions. One revolution of the test circle pointer is equivalent to one digit change on the lowest (right side) position of the totalizer. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 3-2. OPERATING PROCEDURE - SR REGISTER At the end of a flow cycle the pointers will both be at zero. To preset the unit, proceed as follows: a. Push in the control knob which will engage the coupling on the preset shaft with the register gear train. b. Turn the knob counterclockwise to the desired quan- tity as indicated by the pointers. Release the knob. Spring tension will return the knob to the out position. c. The register will start when flow starts and continue to indicate the remaining quantity until the pointers reach zero at the end of the cycle. At this time the signal switch opens or closes to operate external alarms or functions. The pointers move counterclockwise during operation. d. After regeneration preset the register as described above. 3-3. OPERATING PROCEDURE - AR REGISTER To preset the register, remove housing cover and proceed as follows: a. Rotate the reset pointer until it picks up the red pointer and continue until the switch arm drops into the notch in the motor cam. b. Loosen two screws in the reset pointer hub and posi- tion both pointers to the desired preset quantity. Be sure the motor cam remains stationary during pointer positioning. c. Tighten the reset pointer hub screws. d. Run the register through one cycle to check preset. The instrument must stop with both pointers at the preset position. 3-4. OPERATOR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE If the register does not start or stops prematurely, check the power source. If the power source checks out, the regis- ter may require adjustment. Refer to troubleshooting data and adjustment procedures in Section V. If a register fails to stop at zero, turn off the power to the instrument. Investigate the cause of malfunction (Section V). Section IV PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 4-1. GENERAL Whenever there is liquid flow, the movement of the meter's measuring element is coupled to the register and transferred to the indicating pointers and totalizer through a gear train. The exact makeup of the gear train is determined by the dial capacity, unit of measure and meter application. Each instrument incorporates a set of change gears which allows some variation in overall gear train ratio to compen- sate for differences in liquids and conditions. In an automatic system the end of cycle or zero point signal is used to start the regeneration cycle. The switch is cam actuated off the pointer shaft(s). The actuation of the switch(es) and position of the pointer(s) are adjustable to permit exact correlation between the pointers and switch action. 4-2. MODEL SR A coupling is mounted on the control knob shaft. With the knob in, the coupling engages the gear train and allows the pointers to be moved when the knob is rotated. Initially with the register at zero, the signal switch is on the low part of the pointer cams. In this position the signal switch (normally open contacts) is open. When the pointers are moved off zero to preset, the cams rotate so that the signal switch is on the high part of the cams and the signal switch (normally open contacts) is closed. When flow starts, the register continues to run toward zero until both pointer cams reach the initial position to reverse the switch mode. 4.3. MODEL AR (See Figure 4.1) The Model AR employs two tandem cams to actuate the signal switch and reset motor switch. The front signal cam is mounted on the delivery (red) pointer shaft; the rear motor switch on the reset motor-pointer shaft. Both cams contact the common pivoting switch arm which actuates the switches. Each switch is mounted independently on adjustable brackets to allow separate adjustment. The switch arm is latched or unlatched by a spring-loaded pawl as controlled by the cams. Figure 4.1. Model AR Switch Mechanism Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 At the end of the preset cycle, the switch arm is at rest in the notch or low point of the motor cam. Both the reset motor switch and signal switch are open. The pawl is con- tacting the outer edge of the switch arm as shown in Figure 4-1. When flow starts, the red pointer and signal cam are driven around until the high point of the signal cam moves the switch arm to close the switches at zero. This allows the pawl to engage the notch in the switch arm to lock the switches in close position. The reset motor is energized through the motor switch and drives the reset pointer and reset motor cam. The signal switch closure is used to start the regeneration cycle either directly or through a relay and external circuitry provided by the water conditioning equip- ment manufacturer. The motor cam continues to rotate and the reset pointer picks up the red delivery pointer to return to the preset position. As the cam nears the end of its full revolution, the pin on the motor cam pushes the pawl out to unlatch the switch arm but the switch arm is on the high part of the motor cam so the switches remain closed. When the notch in the motor cam reaches the switch arm, the arm drops into the notch and opens the switches. This stops the reset motor and interrupts the regeneration signal. The register is now ready for another cycle. Section V MAINTENANCE A 5.1. GENERAL This section of the manual provides information pertaining to maintenance of the registers. The information consists of preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and corrective maintenance procedures. NOTE Maintenance of the registers requires ade- quate test equipment as well as personnel experienced in the checkout and repair of electro-mechanical equipment. 5.2. MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT The test equipment and tools required for checkout and maintenance of the registers are listed below. Besides those items listed, the only other maintenance equipment required is the usual complement of hand tools used by service technicians. 5-3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE The purpose of preventive maintenance for the registers is to ensure efficient, trouble-free operation and to discover and correct conditions that can result in damage or instrument failure. Perform the following preventive mainte- nance procedures on a routine basis. a. CLEANING. Clean all dust, dirt, moisture or grease from the front panel and housing of the instrument. Use a clean cloth dampened with detergent and water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth. b. INSPECTION. Visually inspect the instrument for breaks, cuts, wear or deterioration in the power intercon- necting wiring and signal wiring. Replace any defective wiring. NOTE The operator should always note any erratic indications and unusual noises. These are cause for instrument checkout. c. LUBRICATION. Apply a soft grease such as Lubriplate sparingly to the following points every 6 months. 1. Drive bevel gears. 2. Reset shaft (SR only). 5-4. TROUBLESHOOTING Should a register fail to operate properly, the first step in troubleshooting the instrument is to try to localize the mal- function to a component. The trouble symptoms listed in the troubleshooting chart, Tables 5-1 and 5-2, will aid in deter- mining and locating the difficulty. The chart lists possible troubles, probable causes and remedies. Use the wiring diagrams in Section II as a further aid in isolating the fault. 5.5. ADJUSTMENTS - MODEL SR a. SIGNAL SWITCH, SECOND STAGE Use a test light or an ohmmeter with the power off. Connect to the common and normally-open signal switch terminals. See Figure 5-1. 1. Loosen the switch bracket locking screw slightly with an offset screwdriver. 2. With an Allen wrench, loosen the setscrew in the high-speed cam. 3. By hand, rotate the high-speed cam to position the switch roller in the drop-off zone of the cam. 4. Rotate the low-speed cam (by hand) to position the switch roller in the center of the drop-off zone of this cam. 5. Rotate the high-speed cam until the switch roller is on the drop-off point of the cam. Tighten the setscrew in the high-speed cam. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 9. Recheck operation. b. POINTER POSITION. At the end of a metering cycle with the signal switch closed, the red pointer must be on zero. If necessary, loosen the screw on the hub and reposi- tion pointer. Tighten screw after adjustment. 5.6. ADJUSTMENTS - MODEL AR a. SWITCH ARM PAWL. The pawl may require adjust- ment if the switch arm does not latch. 1. Set the pawl spring tension as shown in Figure 5-2, View A. 2. Bend the pawl tab to obtain latch clearance as shown in Figure 5-2, Views B and C. 3. Rotate the reset pointer so it picks up the red pointer and continues until the switch arm drops into the notch in the motor (rear) cam. 4. Rotate the red pointer (and cam) and observe latching of the switch arm by the pawl. As the high point of the signal cam passes the switch arm, the pawl must engage the notch of the switch arm and latch the arm. (See Figure 5-2, View B.) The switch arm must remain latched when the high point of signal cam is past the switch arm. b. SIGNAL AND MOTOR SWITCHES. (See Figure 5-3.) 1. Slightly loosen three switch mounting arm locking screws. 2. Rotate the register drive if necessary to set the high part of the motor cam (rear) on the switch arm. 3. Back off both adjusting screws so that the signal and motor switches are open (normally-open contacts). 4. Advance the motor switch (rear) adjusting screw until the motor switch closes. Then advance the adjusting screw 1-1/3 turns for proper overtravel. 5. Advance the signal switch (front) adjusting screw until the signal switch closes. Then advance the adjusting screw 1 turn for proper overtravel. 6. Tighten the switch mounting bracket locking screws. .005 MIN. WHEN CAM IS AT ITS HIGHEST POINT .025 (ABOUT HALF THE THICKNESS OF THE TAB) Figure 5.1. Signal Switch Adjustment (Positioning Roller on Cams) 6. Slowly advance the adjusting screw while slowly turning the register's reset knob to rotate the high-speed cam until only one signal is received during two revolutions of the high-speed cam past the trip point. NOTE To obtain proper cam adjustment, carefully observe the movement of the switch roller. When the high-speed cam completes one revolution before shut-off, the switch roller must lower into the drop-off zone of the low- speed cam to activate an electrical signal. 7. Tighten the switch bracket locking screw. 8. Recheck cam adjustments by rotating the cams (turn the reset knob) until drop-off points are aligned. The switch roller must be positioned in the center of the low- speed drop-off zone. TO INSURE PROPER SPRING FORCE, PUSH BEND THIS TAB PAWL ASSEMBLY TO MAKE /~UNTIL IT TOUCHES ADJUSTMENTS \~(!/ POST, THEN RELEASE AS SHOWN R \\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 A c. DELIVERY POINTER (RED). 1. Rotate the reset pointer counterclockwise until the switch arm drops into the notch in the motor cam. 2. Rotate the red delivery pointer counterclockwise until the motor (rear) switch closes. With this cam position the red pointer should be at zero on the dial. If it is not, remove reset pointer and hub. Loosen the pointer lock screw, set the pointer on zero and tighten the lock screw. Do not move the signal cam during pointer position adjust- ment. Replace reset pointer and adjust to preset position. d. PRESETTING. Refer to paragraph 3-3. 5-7. CHANGE GEARS Due to differences in fluid viscosity, specific gravity, temperature, et cetera, the register may not be indicating the correct flow quantity. If this occurs, proceed as follows: a. Determine the exact register reading for the corres- ponding quantity of product delivered. Measure quantity exactly. b. Check the number of teeth on the driven and driver change gears on the rear of the gear plate (See Figure 5-4). The gears are stamped with the number of teeth. Figure 5-4. Change Gears c. Notify the Flow Products Division of Badger Meter of the data in a and b above. Badger Meter engineering will advise you of required changes to be made. d. To adjust or interchange the gears, loosen the lock screw and pivot the driven gear away. Replace the change gears if required. Align the gear teeth and setscrews. Swing the driven gear until it meshes with the driver gear and tighten the lock screw. NOTE Be sure gear teeth mesh fully without any tightness. 5-8. PERFORMANCE CHECK - MODEL AR To test for proper actuation and relay operation (if so equipped), perform an operational performance check. A set of test lights should be used. Different color lamps with corresponding color test leads are suggested for simplicity. Connect the power source per unit rating with an external switch to the terminals as shown on the applicable wiring diagram in Section II. The external power switch must be open. a. MODEL AR WITH RELAY (Normally-Open) 1. Connect test lights to the terminal strip as follows: Test Light No. 1 - to terminals 2 and 3 Test Light No. 2 - to terminals 4 and 6 Test Light No. 3 - to terminals 5 and 6 Test Light No. 4 - to terminal 3 and the normally- closed terminal of the reset motor switch (rear switch - unconnected terminal). 2. Rotate the pointers to the preset position where the switch arm drops into the notch of motor cam. 3. Turn on the power. As the power is turned on the test lights No. 3 and No. 4 must light up. 4. Turn the red pointer counterclockwise to a posi- tion close to zero on the dial. 5. Slowly advance the red pointer further by rotating the register drive shaft. As the red pointer reaches zero the test light No. 4 will go out and the reset motor will start. Do not rotate any further. 6. The motor will turn the motor cam and raise the switch arm until it rides on the O.D. of the motor cam. This will close the front or signal switch and energize the relay. Test light No. 3 will go out and test lights No. 1 and No. 2 will light simultaneously. Test light No. 4 must go out when the red pointer indicates zero on the dial and before test light No. 3 goes out. 7. The reset pointer (nickel-plated) will pick up the delivery pointer (red) and reset it to the preset position and turn the motor off. This completes the cycle and the test. b. MODEL AR LESS RELAY (Normally-Open Signal Switch). Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 1. Connect test lights to the terminal strip as follows: Test Light No. 1 - to terminals 1 and 2 Test Light No. 2 - to terminal 1 and the normally- closed terminal of the reset motor switch (rear switch - unconnected terminal). 2. Rotate the pointers to the preset position where the switch arm drops into the notch of motor cam. 3. Turn on the power. As the power is turned on the test light No. 2 must light up. 4. Turn the red pointer counterclockwise to a position close to zero on the dial. 5. Slowly advance the red pointer further by rotating the register drive shaft. As the red pointer reaches zero the test light No. 2 will go out and the reset motor will start. Do not rotate any further. 6. The motor will turn the motor cam and raise the switch arm until it rides on the O.D. of the switch cam. This will close the front or signal switch and test light No. 1 will light up. Test light No. 2 must go out when the red pointer indicates zero on the dial and before the test light No. 1 lights up. 7. The reset pointer (nickel-plated) will pick up the delivery pointer (red) and reset it to the preset position and turn the motor off. This completes the cycle and the test. 5.9. PARTS REPLACEMENT Normal parts replacement includes the microswitches, relay, and possibly gears or cams which are worn. Mounting of these parts is shown in the exploded views in Section VI. Refer to Section VI for parts replacement listings and ordering information. Table 5-1. Model AR Troubleshooting Chart Since the AR register is usually a part of a larger control system not supplied by Badger Meter, Inc., it is necessary that the system is checked to be sure it is installed properly and wired in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations before changing any adjustments or troubleshooting is done on the AR register. POSSIBLE TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Pointers do not return to proper 1. Loose reset pointer screws. 1. Re-adjust preset and tighten preset. screws. 2. Malfunctioning or faulty motor 2. Check switch actuation and switch. mounting. Adjust if required. Replace if defective. Register does not stop at zero. 1. Loose delivery pointer screw. 1. Re-adjust position of pointer. Register does not stop. 1. Malfunctioning or faulty signal 1. Check switch actuation and switch. mounting. Adjust if required. Refer to para. 5-6 a. Register does not reset. 1. Malfunctioning motor switch. 1. Check switch actuation. Re- adjust if required. Refer to para. 5-6 a. 2. Faulty motor switch. 2. Check operation of switch. Replace if defective. 3. Loose motor cam. 3. Secure motor cam. Re-adjust. 4. Broken pawl spring. 4. Replace spring and adjust pawl. 5. Faulty reset motor. 5. Replace motor. Delivery pointer does not 1. Loose gear. 1. Check setscrews in gears for move. looseness. Tighten. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Table 5-2. Model SR Troubleshooting Chart I POSSIBLE TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Switch does not close or open. 1. Malfunctioning or faulty signal 1. Check switch actuation and switch. mounting. Adjust if required. Re- place if defective. Register pointer(s) do not move. 1. Loose gear. 1. Check setscrews on gears for looseness. Tighten. For other malfunctions of the system check external equipment as recommended by the manufacturer. Section VI ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST j 6.1. PART LOCATION ILLUSTRATIONS The location and identification of the assemblies and parts comprising Models AR and SR are shown on the exploded view illustrations. Each assembly or part shown on the illustrations is identified by an index number that is cross-referenced to an associated parts list. 6-2. PARTS LISTS 6-3. ORDERING INFORMATION Order replaceable parts for applicable register through the local Badger Meter Sales Representative or directly from the Industrial Sales Department, Flow Products Division of Badger Meter, Inc. (address on title page). When placing an order, provide the following information: a. Complete name plate data. b. Dial capacity and number of fixed digits behind the totalizer. The parts lists consist of columnar lists of the assemblies c. Complete description of the assembly or parts and parts that are shown in the part location illustrations and required. provide the following information for each item listed. d. Part number of the item as indicated in the parts list a. b. FIGURE AND INDEX NUMBER. PART NUMBER. e. f. . Quantity of parts required. A purchase order number and exact return and billing c. DESCRIPTION. Model Part No. Manufactured by Badger Meter, Inc. Milwaukee,Wisconsin address. Spec. data Model Part No. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 10 7 13 12 / 11 / 14 // 17 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 FIG. 6.1 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 56599-00300 Dial - 100 Gal. Capacity 1 56599-00400 Dial - 200 Gal. Capacity 1 56599-00500 Dial - 500 Gal. Capacity 2 56948-00100 Delivery Pointer Hub Assy. 3 24349-00000 Delivery Pointer 4 20454-00000 Lockwasher#3 5 55090-08600 Pan Head Screw - 3-48 x 3116 6 56949-00100 Preset Pointer Assembly 7 21451-00000 Set Screw - 4-48 x 1 /8 8 30089-00000 Preset Pointer Hub 9 30090-00000 Pointer Retainer Plate 10 33319-00000 Pointer 11 31820-00000 Pan Head Screw - 2-32 x 5/16 12 55293-00300 Lockwasher 13 21700-00000 Spacer Post 14 56678-00300 Front Plate Assembly 15 55109-16700 Round Head Screw - 6-32 x 3 16 55294-00700 Lockwasher#6 17 31820-00400 Flat Head Screw - 2-32 x 3/8 18 56664-00100 Terminal Mounting Bracket 19 31898-00800 Marker Strip, 8-Term. AR wlRelay 19 31898-00900 Marker Strip, 6-Term. AR less/Relay 20 22800-01800 Terminal Strip, 8-Term. AR w/Relay 20 22800-01700 Terminal Strip, 6-Term. AR less/Relay 21 55090-17200 Pan Head Screw - 6-32 x 1/2 22 56630-00100 Spindle and Cam Assembly 23 56950-00100 Totalizer Assembly 24 56600-00500 1000 Capacity Label x 10 24 56600-00500 2000 Capacity Label x 10 24 56600-00500 5000 Capacity Label x 10 24 56600-00600 10M Capacity Label x 100 24 56600-00600 20M Capacity Label x 100 24 56600-00600 50M Capacity Label x 100 24 56600-00700 100M Capacity Label x 1000 24 56600-00700 200M Capacity Label x 1000 24 56600-00700 300M Capacity Label x 1000 24 56600-00800 100OM Capacity Label x 10,000 24 56600-00800 2000M Capacity Label x 10,000 24 56600-00800 5000M Capacity Label x 10,000 24 56600-00900 10,000M Capacity Label x 100M 25 56600-00200 Label - Liters 25 56600-00300 Label - M3 25 56600-01400 Label - Imp. Gallons 25 56600-01000 100 Test Circle Label - 00 25 56600-01100 1000 Test Circle Label - 000 26 56600-01500 .1 Test Circle Label - x .1 26 56600-01600 Blank Label 27 55109-08600 Round Head Screw - 3-48 x 3/16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 nn '39 I R Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 33 4 13 22 12 24 \\ \ A I / 7 in 11. ~m G 11 JK-J-1 1 z 1 8 - \ m 32 V / 97 6 (Gearing Details Shown on Page 14) 30\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 FIG. 6.2 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION FIG. 6.2 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 56679-00300 Back Plate Assembly 32 22562-01300 Flat Washer 2 20454-00000 Lockwasher No. 3 33 55292-00500 Lock Washer No. 4 Int. Teeth 3 55090-08600 Rd. Head Screw - 3-48 x 3/16 34 56656-00100 Post, Pivot Switch Arm 4 24579-00100 Insulation 35 24580-00100 Switch Arm 5 55089-12600 Pan Head Screw - 4-40 x 1-318 36 55230-16500 Set Screw No. 6-32 x 1/8 6 55089-12200 Pan Head Screw - 4-40 x 7/8 37 24336-00000 Motor Cam Assembly 7 56639-00100 Switch Retaining Plate 38 56660-00100 Clutch and Gear Assembly 8 55283-00700 Lockwasher No. 6 39 56648-00100 Shaft, Delivery Pointer 9 55002-03400 Hex Nut No. 6 40 56652-00100 Spindle No. 7 - Preset Pointer 10 23983-02800 Spacer 41 20398-00000 Miter Gear 11 55270-00500 Lockwasher 42 56634-00100 Drive Spindle 12 55046-11400 Pan Head Screw- 4-40 x 1/4 43 55230-16500 Set Screw No. 6-32 x 1/8 13 24335-00000 Motor - 110 V, 60 Hz., 20 rph 44 56649-00100 Input Spindle 13 24335-00100 Motor - 24 V, 60 Hz., 20 rph 45 56670-00100 Gear and Pinion Assy. Style A & B 13 24335-00200 Motor - 220 V. 50 Hz., 20 rph 46 56960-00400 Gear & Spindle Assy. Style A,B,C, & D 13 24335-00300 Motor - 110 V. 60 Hz., 4 rph 47 56959-00500 Gear & Spindle Assy. Style A 14 55109-11300 Rd. Head Screw - 4-40 x 3/16 48 56670-00500 Style A Gear and Hub Assembly *15 1065-00000 Set Screw 49 56676-00100 Style A Gear and Pinion Assy. *16 32652-00000 Change Gear - Spec. No. Teeth 50 56955-00100 Style A Gear & Spindle Assy. *17 56966-00100 AR Relay w/Wire Harness, 110 V 51 22562-01200 Flat Washer 17 56966-00200 AR Relay w/Wire Harness, 220 V 52 34780-00100 Gear - 20 Teeth 17 56966-00300 AR Relay w/Wire Harness, 24 V 53 55230-11300 Set Screw - 4-40 x 3/16 17 513841-00100 Wire Harness, AR less Relay 54 56564-00100 Housing 18 56867-00100 Adjusting Plate 55 22559-01600 Tetraseal 19 56673-00100 Change Gear Spindle Assy. 56 56563-00100 Lens and Bezel 20 31239-00100 Spacer - .109 Long 57 55068-27400 Flat Head Screw - 114-20 x 3/8 *21 24574-00100 Switch 58 22559-04200 Tetraseal 22 56654-00100 Switch Adj. Bracket - Short 59 56750-00100 Base 23 56655-00100 Switch Adj. Bracket - Long 60 55030-11800 Hex Capscrew - 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 24 55046-12300 Fil. Head Screw - 4-40 x 5/8 61 55109-19700 Round Head Screw - 8-32 x 3/8 25 55002-03200 Hex Nut - 4-40 62 55294-00800 Lockwasher No. 8 26 55089-11800 Pan Head Screw - 4-40 x 1/2 63 56646-00200 Coupling - Upper 27 22602-00900 Spring 64 56646-00300 OP Meters Coupling - Lower 28 56736-00100 Switch Adjustment Bracket 64 56646-00100 Other Meters Coupling - Lower 29 24334-00000 Spring 65 21451-00000 Set Screw - 4-48 x 1/8 30 24333-00000 Pawl Pivot Post 66 22562-00900 Flat Washer (Gear Spacer) 31 24330-00000 Pawl and Hub Assembly 67 56691-00100 Bushing It Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 For gear reductions, see table 6-1 66 Style B 22000:1 or 11000:1 Style H 11:1 Style E 220:1 or 110:1 Figure 6.2. (Continued) Model AR Gearing Style G 22:1 ( 3 ) _ `50 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 l14 FIG. 6.2 ITEM NO . PART NO. DESCRIPTION 45 56670-00100 Style A & B Gear & Pinion Assy. 45 56670-00100 Style C Gear & Pinion Assy. (5500:1) 45 56670-00700 Style C Gear & Pinion Assy. (2200:1) 45 56670-00700 Style D Gear & Pinion Assembly 46 56960-00400 Style A,B,C, & D Gear & Spindle Assy. 46 56960-00600 Style E & F Gear and Spindle Assembly 46 56960-00300 Style G & H Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56959-00500 Style A Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56960-00100 Style B Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56957-00400 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. (5500:1) 47 56957-00500 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. (2200:1) 47 56958-00100 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. (1100:1) 47 56958-00200 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. (550:1) 47 56957-00100 Style E Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56958-00600 Style F Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56960-00200 Style G Gear and Spindle Assembly 47 56957-00200 Style H Gear and Spindle Assembly 48 56670-00500 Style A Gear and Hub Assembly 49 56676-00100 Style A Gear and Pinion Assembly 49 56670-00100 Style B Gear Pinion Assy. (22000:1) 49 56670-00400 Style B Gear & Pinion Assy. (11000:1) 49 56670-00600 Style C Gear & Pinion Assy. (5500:1) 49 56676-00100 Style C Gear & Pinion Assy. (2200:1) 49 56670-00600 Style E Gear & Pinion Assy. (220:1) 49 56676-00100 Style E Gear & Pinion Assy. (110:1) 49 56670-00400 Style G Gear and Pinion Assembly 49 56670-00600 Style H Gear and Pinion Assembly 50 56955-00100 Style A Gear & Spindle Assembly 50 56956-00200 Style B Gear & Spindle Assy. (22000:1) 50 56956-00300 Style B Gear & Spindle Assy. (11000:1) 50 56955-00200 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. (5500:1) 50 56955-00300 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. (2200:1) 50 56956-00400 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. (1100:1) 50 56956-00500 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. (550:1) 50 56955-00400 Style E Gear & Spindle Assy. (220:1) 50 56955-00500 Style E Gear & Spindle Assy. (110:1) 50 56956-00400 Style F Gear and Spindle Assembly 50 56956-00100 Style G Gear and Spindle Assembly 50 56955-00600 Style H Gear and Spindle Assembly Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 21 ---A 22/"'3T X36 a 6--16 .z 24 / "1 z / Z W-29 7 ~7 / x--26 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 it 4 FIG. 6.3 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 55090-08600 Pan Head Screw - 3-48 x 3/16 2 20454-00000 Lockwasher No. 3 3 22859-00000 Outer Pointer 4 21451-00000 Set Screw - 4-48 x 1 /8 5 22860-00000 Outer Pointer Hub 6 22859-00100 Inner Pointer 7 56962-00100 Inner Pointer Hub Assembly 8 33319-00000 Test Circle Pointer 9 31820-00000 Pan Head Screw - 2-32 x 5/16 10 55293-00300 Lockwasher No. 2 11 56599-00100 Dial 12 56600-00500 30,000 Capacity Label x 10 12 56600-00600 300,000 Capacity Label x 100 12 56600-00700 3,000,000 Cap. Label x 1000 13 56600-00200 Label - Liters 13 56600-01400 Label - Imp. Gallons 13 56600-00300 Label - M3 14 56600-01000 100 Test Circle Label - 00 14 56600-01100 1000 Test Circle Label - 000 14 56600-01500 .1 Test Circle Label - x .1 14 56600-01600 Blank Label 15 55090-11500 Pan Head Screw - 4-40 x 5/16 16 56844-00100 Wiring Harness 17 55109-17500 Round Head Screw - 6-32 x 3/4 18 55002-03400 Hex Nut - 6-32 19 55294-00700 Lockwasher No. 6 *20 24574-00500 Signal Switch 21 56872-00100 Insulation 22 55046-12300 Fil. Head Screw - 4-40 x 5/8 23 56734-00100 Switch Adjusting Bracket 24 22562-00100 Flat Washer 25 21700-00000 Spacer Poe t 26 22602-02500 Spring 27 55002-03200 Hex Nut - 4-40 28 55291-00500 Lockwasher No. 4 29 56736-00100 Switch Adjusting Bracket 30 56664-00100 Terminal Mounting Bracket 31 22800-01400 Terminal Strip - 4 Term. 32 31898-01000 Marker Strip - 4 Term. 33 55090-17200 Pan Head Screw - 6-32 x 1/2 34 56678-00100 Front Plate Assembly 35 55109-17700 Round Head Screw - 6-32 x 1 36 55291-00500 Lockwasher No. 4 37 55089-11400 Pan Head Screw - 4-40 x 1 /4 38 55109-16700 Round Head Screw - 6-32 x 3/16 39 56630-00100 Cam Spindle Assembly 40 56950-00100 Totalizer Assembly 41 34780-00100 Gear - 20 Teeth 42 55230-11300 Set Screw - 4-40 x 3/16 43 31820-00400 Flat Head Screw - 2-32 x 3/8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 For gear reductions, see table 6-1 1000:1 Style A 20 r-, . I , \ 10 21 ( " 15 , " - 13 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 FIG. 6.4 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 56679-00100 Back Plate Assembly *2 1065-00000 Set Screw - 4-48 3 32652-00000 Change Gear - Spec. No. Teeth 4 55109-11300 Round Head Screw - 4-40 x 3/16 5 55283-00500 Lockwasher No. 4 6 56867-00100 Adjusting Plate Assembly 7 22570-00300 "E" Ring 8 56673-00100 Change Gear Spindle Assembly 9 26459-03000 Drive Pinion - 30 Teeth 10 55230-11300 Set Screw -4-40 x 3/16 11 56708-00100 Spacer 12 56720-00100 Gear Cluster - 50 Teeth 13 56711-00100 Spindle 14 56955-00700 Style A Gear & Spindle Assy. 14 56956-00400 Style B Gear & Spindle Assy. 14 56956-00600 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. 14 56955-00800 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. 15 56960-00500 Style A Gear & Spindle Assy. 15 56958-00400 Style B Gear & Spindle Assy. 15 56958-00500 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. 15 56959-00100 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. 16 56959-00300 Style A Gear & Spindle Assy. 16 56959-00300 Style B Gear & Spindle Assy. 16 56959-00400 Style C Gear & Spindle Assy. 16 56959-00200 Style D Gear & Spindle Assy. 17 56710-00100 Gear & Hub Assy. - 60 Teeth 18 56649-00100 Input Spindle 19 55230-16500 Set Screw -6-32 x 1 /8 20 20398-00000 Miter Gear 21 56634-00100 Drive Spindle 22 56706-00200 Gear & Cam Assy. - 77 Teeth 23 56705-00600 Clutch Spindle Assy., Style A, B & C 23 56705-00700 Clutch Spindle Assy., Style D 24 56957-00300 Spindle Assembly 25 56958-00300 Spindle Assembly 26 55234-11100 Set Screw-4-48 x 1 /8 27 56961-00100 Reset Spindle 28 56787-00100 Reset Knob Spindle Assembly 29 22877-00400 "V" Ring *30 22562-02300 Flat Washer 31 56751-00100 Retaining Ring 32 22602-02400 Spring *33 55230-19400 Set Screw-8-32 x 3/16 *34 24399-00000 Control (Preset) Knob Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Table 6-1. Gear Reduction Versus Dial Capacities METER REGISTER DIAL REDUCTION SIZE TEST CIRCLE CAPACITY RATIO 10 100 11:1 10 200 22:1 10 500 55:1 5/8" 10 1,000 110:1 10 2,000 220:1 Through 10 5,000 550:1 10 10,000 1,100:1 1 " 10 20,000 2,200:1 10 50,000 5,500:1 10 100,000 11,000:1 10 200,000 22,000:1 10 500,000 55,000:1 100 1,000 11:1 100 2,000 22:1 100 5,000 55:1 1-1/2" 100 10,000 110:1 100 20,000 220:1 Through 100 50,000 550:1 100 100,000 1,100:1 3" 100 200,000 2,200:1 100 500,000 5,500:1 100 1,000,000 11,000:1 100 2,000,000 22,000:1 100 5,000,000 55,000:1 1,000 50,000 55:1 1,000 100,000 110:1 4" 1,000 200,000 220:1 1,000 500,000 550:1 and 1,000 1,000,000 1,100:1 1,000 2,000,000 2,200:1 Over 1,000 5,000,000 5,500:1 1,000 10,000,000 11,000:1 METER REGISTER OUTER INNER REDUCTION SIZE TEST CIRCLE CIRCLE CIRCLE RATIO 5/8" 10 100 3,000 10:1 Through 10 1,000 30,000 100:1 1 " 10 10,000 300,000 1,000:1 1-112" 100 100 3,000 1:1 Through 100 1,000 30,000 10:1 3" 100 10,000 300,000 100:1 100 100,000 3,000,000 1,000:1 4" 1,000 1,000 30,000 1:1 and 1,000 10,000 300,000 10:1 Above 1,000 100,000 3,000,000 100:1 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 is WARRANTY I 4 Badger warrants meters and parts manufactured by it and supplied hereunder to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 18 months from date of shipment or 12 months from date of installation, whichever period shall be shorter. If within such period any meters or parts shall be proved to Seller's satisfaction to be defective, such meters or parts shall be repaired or replaced at Seller's option. Seller's obligation hereunder shall be limited to such repair and replacement and shall be conditioned upon Seller's receiving written notice of any alleged defect within 10 days after its discovery and, at Seller's option, return of such meters or parts to Seller f.o.b. its factory. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES (EXCEPT OF TITLE) OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Badger shall not be liable for any defects attributable to acts or omissions of others after shipment, nor any conse- quential, incidental or contingent damage whatsoever. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 711K1020-C Revision 2 INSTRUCTION BULLETIN for SERIES 71 K1020 FLOW INDICATORS Design Level C 4 Mog"""""""'" Declassified 'and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 It is imperative that the following precau- tionary measures be observed in order to minimize, arid hopefully eliminate, the pos- sibility of operator injury. 1 Glass meter tubes have been designed to operate up to maximum design working pressures listed herein. This is not to be construed as a certifi- cation that the tubes will not break at any pressure. Inherent material limitations can result in tube breakage due to conditions beyond our control. Fur exarnpi ,; glass is a brittle material which may break upon impact or if subjected to thermal shock; glass is notch sensitive- in that scratches, nicks or cranks may result in breakuco, when pressurized; ncorrect installation or faulty operating methods can cause tube breakaype regardless of operating] pressure. 2) Glass meter tubes are, riot recommended fur either hot or strong alkalies, fluorine, hydroflounc acid steam or water ovt'r 200?F (93`C). Glass meter tubs-,s should i ,t: periodically inspected for signs of wear. Erosion, stress cracks, nicks or deep scratches provide early warning for tube replacement. With certain fluids, the glass may erode evenly so wear is not visibly noticeablta. If wear is suspected, the tube should be replaced iris order to eliminate this potential cause of meter tubs; break(ige. 3) It is important that all materials of construe icon be compatible with the service to which the meter is applied. It is especially important that "0" ring ina- terial be compatible with the process fluid. Glass meter tube breakage can occur in those meters using an "O" ring as an internal seal if the improper mate rial is used. Refer to F&P Co. Catalog 10A102 s, Rota meter Selection Guide, material selection. 4) The Meter should never be subjected to excces sive vibration. 5) Remove pressure from the Flow Indicator I.,-_- fore attempting to remove the meter tube. 6) Be sure the set screws that serve to lock the meter end fittings in place are secure. This stroui i no checked before the Flow Indicator is put into se:r:: o-' or returned to service after maintenance. Loose "r:rf fittings may result in glass meter tube br(-akage. 7) The glass meter tube should be periodically inspected and replaced if cracked, ni(,ked, scratched or worn. 8) Do not operate the Flow Indicator without the operator protection shield in place. To do so may result in operator bodily injury. MODEL NUMBERING Refer to the F&P data sheet or the meter data tag for the model A = Buna N number of the equipment furnished. The model number breakdown B = Butyl is as follows: C = Viton r f t letter si d b l L tt 71 Engineering File Reference; T K 10 2 0 A A y; gne y ac o er as : e Design Leve XX changes when some part is no longer interchangeable. i i l D Chemical Dispenser Auxiliary Equipment Inpact Type Flowrate Indicator 9 E gn es ? A = Orig na ? B = Ball Float changed to Black Glass, Range Orifice changed to accommodate , Momentary Reading nation: Fixed Data n Desi i D G float. ? C = Added Operator Protection Shield, " Discussed g es g Bushing mount option and 10 in this t i i es h 16" Bulletin Capacity pe s . p z ru t e FP, Note Pipe Size inche s 1.1/2 8 80 Return tube has four 2 10 135 scales. Purchase a Service Pipe 15 195 -1 service clamp or Clamp Bushing 197 er the i e bushin 30 , g p p p 4 520 actual pipe size. Pipe 5 820 bushing cannot be _ 6 1200 used for 1-1/2" T 2100 pipe. 3300 4600 t d C on inue 14 5600 N t ex 16 Column 71 K 102 A A XX F--"0" Ring Material T f I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 GENERAL The Fischer & Porter Series 71K1020 Fl"w Indi- cator is an impact type meter that requires -.rely one connection to the pipe line. As shown on the cover, the meter may be attached to the pipe line by way of a service clamp or a bushing that is welded into the line. The pipe line may be horizontal, vertical or sloped; however, the meter must be in a true vertical postion as illustrated. The liquid flow may be from either direction; a single adjustment makes the meter compatible with the direction of flow. Flow through the meter is normally shut-off as continuous indica- tion of flow is not required. The flow of liquid through the meter is controlled by a spring loaded shut-off valve. When the knob on the front of the meter is pushed in, the meter is in service and the flow rate of liquid flowing through the pipe line can be read. To read the meter, observe the horizontal center line of the ball float on the tube scale. Upon release of the knob, the fluid flow is shut-off to maintain meter cleanliness. With the flow shut-off, the meter can be partially disassembled to clean the meter and scale tubes as well as the range orifice. NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE PROVIDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. tj 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES AND (mm). 3. ALL DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURING TOLERANCE OF ?1/8(3) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. MOUNT METER ON HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL OR SLOPED RUN OF PIPE. CAN BE ADJUSTED FCR FLOA NEITHER DIRECTION.METER MUST BE VERTICAL. SERVICE CLAMP FURNISHED BY CUSTOMER UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MUST MEASURE I-7/16(36)FROM SADDLE NOMINAL - 1 ;I THD. 13) f%f 4 FRONT VIEW 116 (40) I/2NPT---- '' i 2.1 4 (70) Do not operate the flow indicator without - the operator protection shield in place. Op- eration of the meter without the operator protection shield may result in operator bodily injury. When the knob is pushed in, the flow of liquid tc be measured enters the hole in the impact tube and flows through the tube towards the meter. As the liquid enters the meter it flows upwards throuchh, a range orifice into a Tri-Flat'" variable area flown eter tube where it positions a ball float to indicate the flow rate. The liquid spills over the top of the meter tube into a return flow path enclosed by the scale tube. The downward flow is then directed thrcuc,ii passages in the inlet and shut-off valve assernh!y and returned to the pipe line. INSTALLATION 1. General The Flow Indicator is designed for a -Maximum working pressure of 175 psig (1.21 MPa). Meter scales and range orifices are sized for use with nom- inal size schedule 40 ANSI pipe, unless oth,erwi, specified. Select a mounting location in the pipe. ltr:/ BUSHING FURNISHED BY CUSTOMER UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. DISTANCE FROM TA-,E OF BUSHING TO PIPE 00 MUST BE AS INDICATED 1-1/2' PIPE=I.7/16' (36) 12' THRU 16' PIPE=1' (25) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 where at least 10 straight pipe diameters uptrearrl of the meter are available if at all possible; for an in sialiation in 1-1/2" pipe, 20 pipe diameters is pre ferred. Items that create flow pattern disturbance, such as valves and elbows, should be avoided. The installation may be made in a vertical, hori- zontal or sloped run of pipe; however, the meter must be vertical and plumb. Flow may be in either direction through the pipe. When the main pipeline is drained, liquid is trapped in the Flow Indicator. If subject to freezing temperature, the meter tube can be broken. Drain the liquid from the meter tube by removing the drain and vent screws and pushing in the reading knob. II. Service Clamp Mounted Drill a 1/2" (13rnm) hole horizontally through the center of the pipe, as indicated in Figure 1. Attach the eervice clamp (opti(nal accessory, Lt extra cost) to the pipe line, being certain that the tapped hole in t'ie clamp is centered over the hole in the pipe. As shown in Figure 2, the -lamp has a gasket that most be included between the pipe and the clamp. After the service clamp is attached to the pipe line, back off the meter gland nut and remove the adaptor hushing from the impact tube. Assemble the adaptor bushing to the service clamp using pipe dope or,i sealing tape on this joint to prevent leakage. Mount the meter and while holding it in a vertical positiot tighten the gland nut securely. Make certain that the impact tube is not being forced against the edge of the hole that was drilled into the pipe. FIGURE 2 METHOD OF MOUNTING WITH SERVICE CLAMP FIGURE 3 METHOD OF MOUNTING WITH BUSHING III. Bushing Mounted Drill a hole horizontally in the pipe line to suit the bushing as indicated in Figure 1. Position the bush- ing (optional accessory, at extra cost) over the drilled hole and weld in place as shown in Figure 3. It is sug- gested that a piece of 1/2" pipe be threaded into the bushing while it is being welded so that the horizontal alignment can be checked. Check that the dimension given from the face of the bushing '-o the pipe OD is correct. After the bushing is in place, back off the meter gland nut and remove the adaptor bushing from the impact tube. Assembly the adaptor bushing to the bushing using pipe dope or a sealing tape on this joint to prevent leakage. Mount the meter and while holding it in a vertical position, tighten the gland nut securely. PLACING IN OPERATION During the following procedure, the scale tube will be turned to the scale that matches the pipe size. The polycarbonate operator protection shield should not be removed for this procedure. Each meter can be used on four pipe line sizes. The meter has a scale tube (with four separate scales) which surrounds the metering tube. This scale tube must be turned to the proper position either before or after the meter is installed. To adjust the position of the scale tube a 3/32" hex key wrench and a 3/8" open end wrench are used. The insert on Figure 5 shows the location and procedure for turning the scale tube. Adjust the impact tube as discussed in the follow- ing steps. INTO PIP? L!ME- GASKET VERVICE CLAMP WITH I/2 NPT TAPPING Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070003-5 4 1) Using the 1/16" hex key wrench t.ruvid"d, loosen the set screw in the 'Push to R