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May 3, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 (914 ~~7iraaG ~iizaer~ Vkte .iF~ WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1980 WASHINGTON, D.C. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 ~lzite 5'~ use ,/lswa~rtrorL RALPH HARRIS, Reuters President ROBERT C. PIERPOINT, CBS News Vice President EDGAR A. POE, New Orleans Times-Picayune Treasurer CLIFFORD EVANS, RKO General Broadcasting Secretary CTa/dOc70UP.fYZO-t`S/ THOMAS M. DEFRANK, Newsweek EDWARD J. WALSH, Washington Post DON IRWIN, Los Angeles Times JOHN OSBORNE, New Republic WESLEY G. PIPPERT, United Press International JUDY WOODRUFF, NBC News GARNETT D. HORNER Chairman JEREMIAH O'LEARY FRANK CORMIER ALDO B. BECKMAN HELEN THOMAS PAUL F. HEALY SYBIL GRAVES (In addition to Officers and Board of Governors) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Before Dinner, THE MARINE DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS During Dinner, THE SAMMY SHREIBER ORCHESTRA (AFM) ~iiecco, As usual, there would be no entertainment tonight but for the help of several old and new friends. We are especially indebted to: MR. STEPHEN A. BAFFERY, Producer, Preservation Hall Jazz Band. MR. HAL DAVID, President, and MR. Louis E. WEBER, Assis- tant to the President, of the American Society of Composers, Au- thors and Publishers. MR. VICTOR FUENTEALBA, President of the American Federa- tion of Musicians. THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS, for temporarily waiving MR. JOEL MARGOLIS to coach our team. We also gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the Performer's Unions through THEATRE AUTHORITY, of which MR. HAROLD M. HOFFMAN is President. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 The White House Correspondents' Association welcomes President and Mrs.Carter to an evening of zest and joy. *** RIGHTEOUS and CLASSIC JAZZ *** STARRING THE PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND of New Orleans Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 *** CREAM OF ALMOND SOUP *** Clement Colombet BREAST OF CHICKEN CORDON BLEU Chablis GREEN BEANS PROVENCALE BABY BELGIAN CARROTS RISSOLEES POTATOES SPINACH SALAD MUSTARD DRESSING FROZEN RASPBERRY SOUFFLE LEMON SAUCE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Head Table Ralph Harris President of the Association The President of the United States Mr. Pierpoint The First Lady Mr. DeFrank The Attorney General Mr. Irwin The Secretary of Labor Mr. Pippert Mr. Powell Mr. Maberly Ms. Woodruff Mr. Beckman Mr. O'Leary Mr. Oberdorfer Mr. Fialka On Mr. Harris' left Mr. Poe The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Evans The Secretary of Commerce Mr. Walsh The Secretary of Education Mr. Marks Mr. David Mr. Horner Mr. Knighton Mr. Healy Ms. Thomas Mr. Van Riper Mr. Anthan Mr. Houston Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Members and Guests * * * A Aaron, David L., Deputy Assistant to the President ................ 115 Aber, William, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Philadelphia ....... 83 Abrams, Nancy, Miami, Fla . .................................... 40 Abramson, Rudy, Los Angeles Times ............................ 98 Abruzzese, Leo, Chilton Publications ............................ 124 Adams, George, Washington, D.C . .............................. 109 Adams, Richard C., Groton, Conn . .............................. 21 Adams, William C., Bartlesville, Okla ............................. 80 Agnew, Bruce A., McGraw-Hill .................................. 89 Ajemian, Robert, Time Bureau Chief ............................. 55 Albert, Leo, Prentice-Hall International ........................... 128 Alcaly, Dr. Roger, Council on Wage and Price Stability ............. 129 Alexander, Andrew, Cox Newspapers ............................ 78 Alhegelan, Sheikh Faisal, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia ............ 88 Alloway, Don, Department of HUD .............................. 166 Anawaty, Amy, Washington, D.C ................................. 129 Anawaty, William A., Department of the Treasury ................. 129 Anderson, Christopher P., Associate Editor, People ................ 118 Anderson, John, Representative from Illinois ...................... 10 Anderson, Keke, Bethesda, Md .................................. 10 Andrews, David, Deputy General Counsel, HEW .................. 208 Andrews, Peter C., Buffalo Courier-Express ...................... 68 Anson, John, Minister (Economic), British Embassy ............... 62 Anthan, Ann, Washington, D.C . ................................. 202 Anthan, George, Des Moines Register ...........................Head Apple, James T., Administrative Assistant to Rep. Buchanan ....... 106 Archibald, Fred, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ...................... 20 Armstrong, John, ABC News ................................... 127 Aronson, Bernie, Deputy Assistant to the President ................ 136 Ashburn, Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, American Machinist ........... 135 August, Lissa, Time ........................................... 153 Averill, John, Los Angeles Times ................................ 209 Avery, Patricia A., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 206 B Bacon, Donald C., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 146 Bader, William, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staff ......... 90 Baffery, Stephen A., Producer, Preservation Hall Jazz Band ........ 26 Bain, Brian, Reuters ........................................... 47 Baker, Howard H. Jr., Senator from Tennessee ................... 81 Baker, Merri I., Staff Assistant, Senate Press Gallery .............. 207 Baldwin, Bill, Hollywood, Calif ................................... 28 Bandy, Leland A., Columbia (S.C.) State ......................... 29 Banker, Paul A., Baltimore Sun ................................. 14 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Banville, Anne, Washington, D.C ................................. 69 Barberi, Jan, Staff of Sen. S. I. Hayakawa ........................ 116 Barbour, William, President, Chilton Publications .................. 106 Bario, Patricia, The White House ................................ 5 Barnett, David L., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 142 Barnum, Thomas, Office of the Secretary of Commerce ............ 130 Barr, Robert A., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 138 Barrett, Laurence I., Time ...................................... 55 Barry, Charles, Cleveland, Ohio ................................. 84 Barry, Effie, Washington, D.C .................................... 52 Barry, Mayor Marion Jr., Washington, D.C . ....................... 52 Barth, Ilene, Senior Editor, Viewpoints, Newsday .................. 96 Baruch, Dr. Jordan J., Assistant Secretary of Commerce ........... 30 Baruch, Dr. Rhoda, Washington, D.C ............................. 30 Bass, Avanel, Washington, D.C .................................. 39 Baucus, Max, Senator from Montana ............................ 133 Baudhuin, Michael D., Washington, D.C . ......................... 61 Bay, Rick, Publisher/Editor, Automotive Marketing ................. 152 Beasley, Mary, Department of the Treasury ....................... 41 Beaty, Jonathan, Time ......................................... 87 Beaudet, Gene, Editor-in-Chief, Iron Age ......................... 108 Beaudette, Richard, Newhouse News Service .................... 41 Beaver, Howard J., Reading, Pa ................................. 108 Beckler, Richard, Washington, D.C ............................... 58 Beckman, Aldo, Chicago Tribune ...............................Head Beckner, Steven, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ..................... 20 Behr, Edward A., Wall Street Journal ............................ 35 Behr, Peter, The Washington Post ............................... 80 Bell, John, Consumer Product Safety Commission ................ 76 Beltz, William A., President, BNA ................................ 65 Bender, Judy, Newsday ........................................ 94 Benjamin, Burton, Vice President, CBS News, New York ........... 4 Bennett, Frank, Department of State ............................. 226 Bentley, James L., Cox Newspapers ............................. 66 Beranek, Leo L., Boston Broadcasters ........................... 30 Bernhardt, Gene, House Democratic Policy and Steering Comtte.... 205 Bernstein, Carl, ABC News ..................................... 101 Berrett, Scott E., Independent Television News Association ........ 155 Berry, John M., The Washington Post ............................ 95 Bessie, Michael, Senior Vice President, Harper & Row ............ 64 Beury, Diane, Washington, D.C .................................. 9 Beury, Tom, Washington, D.C . .................................. 9 Bingham, Eula, Assistant Secretary of Labor, OSHA ............... 89 Birely, William C., Ashton, Md ................................... 109 Black, Gary Jr., Baltimore Sun .................................. 14 Black, Ira, Editor-in-Chief, Automotive Industries .................. 106 Blacklow, William, Administrative Assistant to Rep. Toby Moffet ..... 43 Blackwill, Robert, National Security Council Staff .................. 79 Blair, Charles, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co . ................... 83 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Blanchard, Capt. Ralph, USN, Department of Defense ............. 32 Blamphin, John, Director, HEW News Division .................... 141 Blaylock, William, Time ........................................ 153 Block, Samuel, Washington, D.C ................................. 30 Bloom, Paul, Special Counsel, Department of Energy .............. 37 Blum, Charles, Ontario, Canada ................................. 152 Boccardi, Louis D., Associated Press, New York .................. 42 Bodian, Helen, Washington, D.C ................................. 129 Bohn, E. William, Cox Broadcasting Corp., Atlanta ................ 116 Bohn, Mrs. E. William, Atlanta, Ga ............................... 116 Bolte, Gisela, Time ............................................ 85 Bondurant, Amy, Senate Commerce Committee Staff .............. 76 Bookbinder, Bernie, Senior Editor/Projects, Newsday .............. 96 Born, Roscoe, Barron's ........................................ 162 Boslough, John, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 136 Bostrom, Dr. Carl 0., The Johns Hopkins University ............... 119 Boucher, Robert, Publisher, Motor Age .......................... 150 Bowdler, William G., Assistant Secretary of State ................. 105 Bowers, Carolyn, Product Safety Letter .......................... 76 Bowers, Edwin, Chilton Publications ............................. 106 Boyd, Alan S., Washington, D.C . ................................ 146 Boykin, Kathy, Washington, D.C . ................................ 73 Boyle, William, Sumter, S.C ..................................... 25 Boyne, Walter, Washington, D.C ................................. 204 Boynton, Homer, Federal Bureau of Investigation ................. 6 Bray, Thomas, Wall Street Journal, New York, N.Y ................. 37 Brazaitis, Thomas J., The Cleveland Plain Dealer ................. 82 Brazda, Jerome F., McGraw-Hill Washington Health Letters ........ 139 Brechner, Dan, Mutual Broadcasting System ..................... 69 Breeden, Robert L., Assistant Editor, National Geographic ......... 63 Breen, William, ABC News ..................................... 127 Brement, Marshall, National Security Council Staff ................ 113 Brew, Douglas, Time .......................................... 151 Brewer, Norm, Gannett News Service ........................... 15 Brick, Cary R., Office of Rep. Robert C. McEwen ................. 30 Brief, Ken, Assistant Managing Editor, Newsday .................. 94 Brilliant, Andrew, Entertainment and Sports Network ............... 128 Brimberg, Judith, Denver Post .................................. 123 Brink, William J., New York Daily News .......................... 48 Brogan, Patrick, London Times ................................. 62 Broomfield, William S., Representative from Michigan ............. 154 Brown, L. Dean, President, The Middle East Institute .............. 62 Brown, Ron, Kennedy-for-President Campaign .................... 138 Brown, Terry, Chicago Tribune .................................. 38 Brown, Tyrone, FCC Commissioner ............................. 31 Brulet, Denis, Agence France-Presse ............................ 71 Brulet, Genevieve, Washington, D.C .............................. 71 Brzezinski, Dr. Zbigniew, Assistant to the President ............... 101 Buc, Nancy, Chief Counsel, FDA ................................ 112 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Buchanan, Dr. George C., Washington, D.C ....................... 54 Budd, Donald A., Vice President, Mutual Broadcasting System ..... 74 Buell, William, Radio Free Europe ............................... 123 Burke, Judith E., The Cleveland Plain Dealer ..................... 82 Burke, Thomas E., Washington, D.C . ............................ 204 Burke, Vincent C. Jr., Washington, D.C . .......................... 54 Burns, Arthur F, American Enterprise Institute .................... 51 Burns, Creighton, The Melbourne Age ........................... 226 Burr, Tim, Consumer Information Center ......................... 156 Burt, Richard, The New York Times ............................. 79 Butler, Landon, Deputy Assistant to the President ................. 51 Buzenberg, Bill, National Public Radio ........................... 230 Byrne, Patricia, White House Press Office ........................ 22 C Cable, Bill, The White House ................................... 58 Caddell, Patrick, Public Opinion Analyst .......................... 86 Cafritz, Buffy, Board Member, Ford's Theater ..................... 131 Cahan, Vicky, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 89 Cahill, Jerome, New York Daily News ............................ 48 Calhoun, Robert, Vice-Mayor of Alexandria ....................... 22 Callahan, Anne, Time .......................................... 143 Calvin, Roy, Bethesda, Md ...................................... 56 Campbell, Don, Gannett News Service ........................... 33 Campbell, Kathryn, Owosso, Mich . .............................. 121 Campbell, Col. Richard, Editor, Argus Press ...................... 121 Cannon, James M., Adm. Assistant to Senate Majority Leader ...... 130 Cardwell, Nancy, Wall Street Journal ............................ 145 Carlson, Alver, Reuters ........................................ 3 Carlson, C. A. Jr., Coatesville, Pa ................................ 108 Carlson, Katherine, Washington, D.C ............................. 226 Carnes, Wilson, Alexandria, Va .................................. 124 Carp, Bert, White House Domestic Council Staff .................. 4 Carpenter, Elizabeth S., Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Education .... 61 Carpenter, Jo A.S., The White House ............................ 7 Carper, Jean, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co ..................... 83 Carr, Oliver T. Jr., Washington, D.C . ............................. 54 Carroll, Philip J., Houston, Texas ................................ 148 Carson, Michael, McGraw-Hill Washington Health Letters .......... 139 Carswell, Robert, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury ............... 113 Carter, Chip, The White House ................................. 42 Carter, Hodding, Assistant Secretary of State ..................... 87 Carter, Jimmy, The President of the United States ................Head Carter, Rosalynn, The First Lady ................................Head Cary, James, Copley News Service ............................. 61 Casey, Carol, Washington, D.C .................................. 94 Casey, Martha, Environmental Protection Agency ................. 150 Casey, William J., Washington, D.C .............................. 100 Cash, Francis W., Washington, D.C . ............................. 204 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Cater, Douglas, Senior Fellow, Aspen Institute .................... 60 Cattani, Richard, Christian Science Monitor ....................... 126 Cederberg, Elford, Alexandria ................................... 121 Chai Zemin, Ambassador of The Peoples Republic of China ....... 60 Chanin, Michael H., Deputy Assistant to the President ............. 8 Chapman, Duane, Chicago, III ................................... 123 Chasen, Robert E., U.S. Commissioner of Customs ............... 34 Cheek, Jim, Department of State ................................ 44 Chell, Gretchen, Washington, D.C ................................ 73 Cheltenham, Gwen, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co ............... 83 Cheney, Richard B., Representative from Wyoming ............... 52 Cheshire, Herbert W., McGraw-Hill .............................. 91 Chew, Ralph H., New York, N.Y . ................................ 34 Childs, Marquis, St. Louis Post-Dispatch ......................... 99 Chilton, W. E. III, Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette ..................... 229 Christopher, Warren, Deputy Secretary of State ................... 115 Churchman, Deborah, The Washington Post ...................... 156 Churchville, Victoria, Washington, D.C ............................ 41 Cimons, Marlene, Los Angeles Times ............................ 98 Cincotta, Bart, Union, N.J ....................................... 124 Civiletti, Benjamin R., The Attorney General ......................Head Clanton, David, Federal Trade Commissioner ..................... 7 Clark, Blake, Reader's Digest (Ret.) ............................. 39 Clark, Ed, Washington, D.C . .................................... 206 Clark, Evert B., McGraw-Hill .................................... 53 Clark, John W., Arlington, Va .................................... 56 Clark, Ralph, Washington, D.C . ................................. 61 Cleary, James, National Sales Director, ASCAP .................. 23 Cleary, Timothy, Chairman, OSHA Review Commission ........... 75 Clephas, Vince, New York, N.Y ................................. 49 Clifford, Garry, People ......................................... 118 Cliff, Eleanor, Newsweek ....................................... 58 Cline, Dr. Ray S., Georgetown University ......................... 62 Cloud, Stanley, The Washington Star ............................ 151 Clough, Susan, Secretary to the President ....................... 46 Coakley, Michael, Chicago Tribune .............................. 10 Cobey, Dr. James C., Washington, D.C ........................... 225 Cobey, W.W., University Park, Md . .............................. 227 Cobun, Peter, Newhouse News Service .......................... 43 Cochran, Thad, Senator from Mississippi ......................... 11 Cocke, Erle Jr., Washington, D.C . ............................... 130 Coffey, Raymond, Chicago Tribune .............................. 40 Cohen, Barbara, National Public Radio .......................... 228 Cohen, Edward, White House Office of Consumer Affairs .......... 152 Cohen, Robert, Newhouse News Service ........................ 41 Cohn, Howard, McGraw-Hill .................................... 135 Coldwell, Capt. Thomas, Department of the Navy ................. 41 Coleman, Fred, Newsweek ..................................... 58 Coleman, Jeff J., Tuscaloosa, Ala . .............................. 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Coleman, Les, RKO Radio Network ............................. 71 Colley, W. Raymond, Deputy House Clerk ........................ 205 Collins, Cardiss, Representative from Illinois ...................... 12 Collins, Chris, Gannett News Service ............................ 15 Collins, Faith, Assistant Press Secretary to Mrs. Carter ............ 42 Collins, Gerald W., Washington, D.C . ............................ 222 Collins, Helen A., Washington, D.C ............................... 222 Colloff, Roger, Vice President, CBS News, New York .............. 4 Comiez, Maynard, Department of the Treasury .................... 145 Conable, Barber, Representative from New York .................. 85 Conlon, Richard, Democratic Study Group ....................... 154 Connelly, Joan, Time .......................................... 143 Conner, James, Teaneck, N.J ................................... 150 Connor, Charles K., Charleston Daily Mail ........................ 90 Conte, Christopher, Wall Street Journal .......................... 145 Cook, Bill, Newsweek .......................................... 58 Cookson, Clive, London Times .................................. 62 Cooley, John, Christian Science Monitor ......................... 126 Coomaraswamy, Punch, Ambassador of Singapore ............... 142 Cooper, Richard, Los Angeles Times ............................ 132 Copeland, Ingrid, New York Daily News .......................... 48 Corcoran, Tom, Publisher, Iron Age ............................. 108 Corddry, Charles W., Baltimore Sun ............................. 36 Cormier, Frank, Associated Press ............................... 42 Cornell, Mark, Washington, D.C .................................. 21 Corns, John, Washington, D.C ................................... 204 Cosgrove, John, Washington, D.C . .............................. 130 Cossette, Richard, Minneapolis, Minn . ........................... 122 Costello, John, Nation's Business ............................... 34 Costello, Paul, The White House ................................ 46 Costello, Paul W., Washington, D.C . ............................. 104 Counts, J. Curtis, Washington, D.C ............................... 124 Courage, Ray, Washington, D.C . ................................ 155 Crangle, Joe, Deputy Campaign Manager for Sen. Kennedy ........ 18 Cranston, Alan, Senator from California .......................... 6 Cranston, Mary Kate, McGraw-Hill ............................... 157 Crawford, Casey, Healthcare Publications ........................ 25 Crawford-Mason, Clare, People ................................. 118 Crock, Stan, Wall Street Journal ................................ 145 Cromley, Allan W., Daily Oklahoman & Times ..................... 210 Cronin, Daniel A. Jr., Smaller Business Association of New England 120 Cronin, Donald J., Washington, D.C .............................. 1 Cronopulos, John, ABC Network ................................ 127 Cross, Mercer, Los Angeles Times .............................. 132 Crout, Dr. Richard, Director, Bureau of Drugs, FDA ................ 112 Cuadra, Carlos, Santa Monica, Calif . ............................ 65 Cunningham, Morris, Memphis Commercial Appeal ................ 225 Curley, John J., General Manager, Gannett News Service ......... 33 Curtis, Charles B., Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Comm.... 89 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Curwood, Steve, National Public Radio .......................... 230 Cuthbert, Mike, WRC Radio .................................... 64 Cutler, Lloyd N., Counsel to the President ........................ 115 Cutrona, Brig. Gen. Joseph F.H., Washington, D.C ................. 222 Cyrus, Franz, Press Counselor, Embassy of Austria ............... 154 D Dade, Malcolm, Carter/Mondale Committee ...................... 103 Dagdigian, Haig, Chilton Publications, Philadelphia ................ 124 d'Agostino, Frank A., Washington, D.C . .......................... 155 Dale, Billy, White House Transportation Office .................... 70 Daley, James, Washington, D.C . ................................ 29 Darley, Richard J., Assistant Editor, National Geographic .......... 63 David, Anne, Author, New York ................................. 24 David, Hal, President, ASCAP ..................................Head Davidson, Ralph, Time ......................................... 85 Davis, Elwood, Washington, D.C ................................. 109 Davis, Karen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of HEW ................ 139 Davis, Sid, NBC News ......................................... 86 Davis, Spencer, Senate Intelligence Committee Staff .............. 210 Davis, William, White House Press Room ........................ 26 Deane, J. Russell, Washington, D.C .............................. 152 Dear, David R., Dear Publications & Radio ....................... 100 Dear, Julie E., U.S.News & World Report ........................ 208 Deardourff, John, Washington, D.C ............................... 56 Deaver, Mike, Los Angeles, Calif . ............................... 55 Dedmon, Jonathan, Newhouse News Service ..................... 41 Deer, Donald M., Washington, D.C ............................... 223 DeFontaine, Ed, Associated Press Radio ......................... 8 DeFrank, Thomas M., Newsweek ...............................Head DeGraff, Jacques, New York, N.Y ................................ 85 Degler, Stanley E., Executive Editor, BNA ........................ 65 Delaplaine, George B. Jr., Publisher, Frederick (Md.) News-Post .... 20 deMatteo, William L., Alexandria, Va ............................. 2 Demchuk, Tania 0., Washington, D.C . ........................... 208 Demma, Charles, Washington, D.C . ............................. 72 Demma, Dora, Washington, D.C ................................. 72 Denman, Tom, Washington, D.C ................................. 148 Dennis, Frank, Washington, D.C ................................. 39 Denniston, Elizabeth C., National Alliance of Business ............. 210 Denniston, Lyle, Washington Star ............................... 210 Derian, Patricia, Assistant Secretary of State ..................... 151 De St. Jorre, John, New York Correspondent, The London Observer 64 DeVore, Jack R. Jr., Office of Senator Bentsen ................... 138 DiBona, Charles, Washington, D.C ............................... 5 Dickey, Gerald, Leawood, Kans . ................................ 152 Diggs, J. Frank, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 156 Dillman, Audrey, NBC .......................................... 9 Dillman, Grant, United Press International ........................ 9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Dionne, Joseph L., Exec. VP for Operations, McGraw-Hill .......... 51 Dishon, Coleen, Chicago Tribune ................................ 38 DiTullio, A. P., Chicago, III . ..................................... 34 Dixon, Ymelda, The Washington Star ............................ 227 Doan, Michael F, U.S.News & World Report ..................... 144 Doane, Donald P., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 206 Doar, Mary Gael, White House Press Advance ................... 70 Dolan, Barbara, Time .......................................... 151 Dolan, Michael, Devices & Diagnostics Letter ..................... 112 Domenici, Pete, Senator from New Mexico ....................... 39 Donahue, Marilyn, House Housing Subcommittee Staff ............ 12 Donaldson, Sam, ABC News ................................... 127 Donegan, Gorman, Washington, D.C ............................. 54 Donlon, Sean, Ambassador of Ireland ........................... 40 Donner, Al, Sacramento Union .................................. 110 Donnelly, Sharon, Newsday .................................... 94 Donohue, Tom, AFL-CIO ....................................... 145 Donovan, Hedley, The White House ............................. 6 Doty, Dick, Mutual Braodcasting System ......................... 74 Dougherty, Al Jr., Federal Trade Commission ..................... 67 Douglas, Cathy, Washington, D.C ................................ 228 Dowling, Robert J., McGraw-Hill ................................. 91 Drake, Bruce, New York Daily News ............................. 48 Drayne, Richard, Kennedy-for-President Hdq ...................... 154 Dreylinger, John, White House Transportation Office .............. 70 Drummond, Roscoe, Columnist, Los Angeles Times Syndicate ..... 99 Drummond, William, National Public Radio ....................... 230 Dubrow, Marsha, Reuters ...................................... 45 Duffey, Joseph, Chmn., National Endowment for the Humanities .... 79 Duggan, Ervin S., Department of State ........................... 8 Duncan, Richard, Time ......................................... 87 Dunlap, Wallace, Vice President, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.... 83 Dunn, Mary, Washington, D.C ................................... 73 Dunn, Michael, Washington, D.C ................................. 73 Dunn, Robert H., Deputy Appointments Secretary to the President .. 93 Dunn, William G., Publisher, U.S.News & World Report ............ 56 Dunsmore, Barrie, ABC News .................................. 127 Dutton, Frederick G., Washington, D.C . .......................... 209 Dwyer, Cornelius, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ..................... 20 Dwyer, Paula, McGraw-Hill Washington Health Letters ............. 139 Dynes, Charles E., Washington, D.C . ............................ 146 E Eason, Henry, Cox Newspapers ................................ 78 Eastham, Thomas, San Francisco Examiner ...................... 32 Eaton, Alvin R., The Johns Hopkins University .................... 119 Eaton, Bill, Los Angeles Times .................................. 132 Ebinger, Dr. Charles K., Georgetown University ................... 163 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Eckstrom, Paul, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 56 Ede], Edwin E., Washington, D.C . ............................... 223 Edsall, Thomas B., Baltimore Sun ............................... 14 Edwards, Anne, White House Press Advance Office ............... 70 Ehrlich, C. J., Washington, D.C .................................. 204 Eidenberg, Eugene, Deputy Assistant to the President ............. 113 Eisele, Albert, Press Secretary to the Vice President .............. 114 Eizenstat, Stuart, Assistant to the President ...................... 95 Eldridge, Charles, Director of News Operations, MBS .............. 114 Elekdag, Sukru, Ambassador of Turkey .......................... 34 Elfving, Susanne, The White House ............................. 92 Elliott, George, Embassy of Canada ............................. 30 Ellis, Harry B., Christian Science Monitor ......................... 126 Ellis, Patricia, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ........................ 221 Elsaser, Glen, Chicago Tribune ................................. 38 Embrey, George A., The Columbus Dispatch ..................... 19 Emory, Alan S., Watertown Daily Times .......................... 30 Engel, Gertrude, Liberty News International ...................... 155 Engel, Margaret, Des Moines Register ........................... 202 Engelhard, Sophie, Washington, D.C ............................. 97 English, James, Senate Appropriations Committee Staff ........... 223 Engman, Lewis, Washington, D.C ................................ 112 Epstein, Sidney, Executive Editor, The Washington Star ........... 44 Evans, Clifford, RKO General Broadcasting ......................Head Evans, John R., Securities & Exchange Commissioner ............ 35 Evans, Ruth W., Washington, D.C ................................ 49 F Faber, William, President, WFLA, Tampa ......................... 128 Fagan, Paul, Chief Economist, ASCAP .......................... 24 Falk, Jacqueline, Washington, D.C ............................... 66 Fanning, John, Chairman, National Labor Relations Board ......... 77 Faraone, Frank, Washington, D.C ................................ 210 Farney, Dennis, Wall Street Journal ............................. 37 Farrell, Robert E., McGraw-Hill .................................. 51 Feine, Paul, The Washington Post ............................... 80 Feldbaum, Carl, Washington, D.C ................................ 94 Feldman, Trude, Trans-Features ................................ 155 Fentress, Simmons, Time ...................................... 55 Fernstrom, Meredith, Department of Commerce ................... 150 Fialka, John J., Washington Star ................................Head Fichenberg, Robert, Newhouse News Service .................... 5 Finney, John W., News Editor, The New York Times ............... 105 Fish, Mello G., Deputy Senate Sergeant-at-Arms .................. 205 Fishbein, Gershon W., Environews .............................. 39 Fishel, Robert 0., New York, N.Y . ............................... 49 Fisher, Mary Jane, The National Underwriter ..................... 25 Fitzmaurice, Frank, National Public Radio ........................ 228 Fitzwater, Marlin, Environmental Protection Agency ............... 39 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table Flanagan, Daniel, Washington, D.C . ............................. 223 Flannigan, Thomas E., La Mesa, Calif ............................ 156 Flaumenhaft, Carrol, Time/Life Books ............................ 128 Flieger, Howard W., U.S.News & World Report (Ret.) .............. 54 Flora, Whitt, The Columbus Dispatch ............................ 19 Foley, Rosemary, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report .................... 221 Foley, Thomas J., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 154 Folger, John Clifford, Washington, D.C . .......................... 54 Foltz, Charles S. Jr., U.S.News & World Report ................... 88 Forte, Gene, Washington, D.C ................................... 23 Foryst, Carole A., Washington, D.C . ............................. 223 Foster, Richard, Des Moines Register ........................... 202 Fouhy, Edward, Vice President, CBS News ...................... 4 Fox, Sylvan, Assistant Managing Editor, Newsday ................. 96 Fowler, Wyche, Representative from Georgia ..................... 78 Fox, Arthur J. Jr., Editor-in-Chief, Engineering News-Record ........ 91 Frailey, Fred W., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 146 France, Boyd, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 53 Francis, Les, Carter/Mondale Presidential Committee .............. 136 Franklin, Mary Beth, United Press International ................... 73 Franklin-Trout, Jo, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report .................... 221 Fraser, Edie, Washington, D.C ................................... 27 Frawley, Thomas J., Cox Brosdcasting Corp ...................... 116 Frederick, Donald J., National Geographic News Service ........... 63 Frederick, Richard, Rockville, Md ................................ 109 Freeman, Audrey, New York, N.Y ............................... 146 Freeman, S. David, Director, Tennessee Valley Authority ........... 224 Frey, Andrew, Deputy Solicitor General .......................... 35 Friedersdorf, Max L., Vice Chairman, Federal Election Commission . 100 Friedheim, Jerry W., President, ANPA ............................ 130 Friedman, Stephen, Securities & Exchange Commissioner ......... 145 Friedrich, Emily, Time .......................................... 57 Friendly, Al, The White House .................................. 6 Fritchey, Clayton, Columnist .................................... 96 Fritschler, A. Lee, Chairman, Postal Rate Commission ............. 135 Fritz, Sara J., U.S.News & World Report ......................... 148 Fromm, Joseph, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 90 Fromm, Martin, Kansas City, Mo ................................. 150 Fruhling, Larry, Des Moines Register ............................ 202 Fuller, Jack, Chicago Tribune ................................... 12 Furgurson, Cassie T., Time ..................................... 151 Furgurson, Ernest B., Baltimore Sun ............................. 14 Furtado, Donald, Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce ............ 147 G Gage, Larry S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of HEW ............... 67 Galley, Phil, The Washington Star ............................... 44 Gall, C. Peter, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 51 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Gallagher, Brian, Nyack (N.J.) Journal-News ..................... 16 Gancie, Joseph J., Washington, D.C . ............................ 155 Gancie, Vincent, WMDV-TV, Salisbury, Md . ...................... 155 Gannon, Frank, Adm. Assistant to Sen. Heinz .................... 29 Gant, Mary, Department of Energy .............................. 10 Garland, Susan, Newhouse News Service ........................ 41 Garnitz, Richard, Department of Commerce ...................... 34 Gart, Murray J., Editor, The Washington Star ..................... 6 Gartner, Michael, Des Moines Register .......................... 202 Gaskins, Darius W. Jr., Chairman, Interstate Commerce Comm. .... 137 Gautrat, Eliane, Washington, D.C ................................ 71 Gautrat, Patrick, Press Counselor, French Embassy ............... 71 Geller, Kenneth S., Deputy Solicitor General ...................... 107 Gemma, John, General Services Administration ................... 84 Gerrard, Constance, The White House ........................... 44 Gershen, Dr. Ada, Chevy Chase, Md ............................. 166 Gershen, Marty, Department of the Navy ......................... 166 Gerstenzang, James, Associated Press .......................... 8 Gertz, Jack A., Washington, D.C ................................. 61 Gest, Ted, U.S.News & World Report ............................ 136 Giaimo, Robert N., Representative from Connecticut .............. 48 Giannini, Valerio, Director of White House Operations ............. 42 Gibson, John R., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 140 Gibson, Robert G., Arlington, Va ................................. 140 Giffin, Dr. Herbert M., Washington, D.C ........................... 1 Gifford, Gladys, Boston, Mass ................................... 229 Gifford, K. Dun, Boston, Mass ................................... 229 Giglio, William P., Senior Vice President, McGraw-Hill ............. 89 Gill, Kathleen Doyle, Managing Editor, BNA Pension Reporter ...... 77 Gilmore, Jim, Gilmore Broadcasting Co ........................... 31 Gilston, Samuel, Washington Drug Letter ......................... 112 Gingras, Angele deT., Spur Magazine ............................ 60 Ginsbach, Pam, BNA Daily Report for Executives ................. 75 Girard, Penny, Los Angeles Times .............................. 132 Glass, Andrew J., Cox Newspapers ............................. 66 Glines, Carl, Chilton Publications, Philadelphia .................... 124 Gokhale, Ashok, Charge d'Affaires, Indian Embassy ............... 64 Goldstein, Stephen, Arlington, Va ................................ 80 Gombos, Z., Liberty Publishing Co ............................... 99 Gong, Edmund, Miami, Fla ...................................... 4 Gonzales, Donald J., Vice President, Colonial Williamsburg ........ 9 Goodell, Charles E., Senator from New York ..................... 68 Goodfellow, Scott, NBC News .................................. 102 Goodwin, Charles D., White House Media Liaison Office ........... 19 Gordon, Marcy, The Oil Daily ................................... 163 Gordon, Matthew, Washington, D.C .............................. 225 Gordon, Meryl, Gannett News Service ........................... 16 Gordon, Michael R., National Journal ............................ 225 Gorey, Hays, Time ............................................ 143 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Goyan, Jere E., Commissioner, FDA ............................ 135 Graham, Barbara, Office of U.S. Trade Representative ............ 47 Graham, Donald, Publisher, The Washington Post ................ 95 Graham, Roberta, Nation's Business ............................ 120 Gramley, Lyle, Member, Council of Economic Advisers ............ 16 Granum, Rex, Deputy White House Press Secretary .............. 74 Graves, Sybil M., Arlington, Va .................................. 206 Gray, Frank E., Modern Railroads Rail Transit .................... 223 Gray, Robert, Director, Agricultural Lands Study .................. 202 Green, Robert, Reuters ........................................ 45 Greenberger, Robert, Wall Street Journal ........................ 147 Greene, Edward F, Securities & Exchange Commission ........... 137 Greene, John, Baltimore, Md .................................... 124 Greener, William I. III, Wilmette, III ............................... 208 Greenfield, David, Charleston Daily Mail ......................... 138 Greenhouse, Linda, The New York Times ........................ 107 Greenspan, Dr. Alan S., New York, N.Y ........................... 140 Greenwald, John D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce ..... 129 Greenwald, Maria-Teresa, Washington, D.C ....................... 129 Gregg, Sandra, Medical World News ............................ 141 Gregory, Bettina, ABC News .................................... 101 Gregory, Neal, Committee on House Administration ............... 144 Gribbroek, Eugene C., Gannett News Service .................... 33 Griffith, Patricia, Toledo Blade ................................... 29 Griffith, Winthrop, House Judiciary Committee Staff ............... 29 Groer, Anne, Orlando Sentinel Star .............................. 40 Groody, Bill, Mutual Broadcasting System ........................ 114 Gross, Richard, Consumer Product Safety Commission ............ 76 Grove, Noel, Editorial Staff, National Geographic .................. 63 Grover, Ronald G., McGraw-Hill ................................. 89 Grubbs, William, Chicago, III . ................................... 123 Grumbly, Thomas, Department of Agriculture ..................... 76 Gudauskas, George E., Washington, D.C ......................... 166 Guidry, Vernon A., Baltimore Sun ............................... 14 Gutman, Roy, Reuters ......................................... 3 H Hackler, Loyd, Washington, D.C . ................................ 33 Hadley, Richard, Washington Drug Letter ........................ 112 Hakki, Mohamed I., Embassy of Egypt ........................... 49 Hale, Ellen, Tucson (Ariz.) Citizen ............................... 15 Hales, Linda A., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 166 Hall, Robert T., Department of Commerce ........................ 108 Haller, Ellis M., U.S.News & World Report ........................ 146 Halterman, William J., Allied Press International ................... 161 Hamilton, David, Assistant Managing Editor, Newsday ............. 134 Hamilton, Pat, Washington, D.C . ................................ 90 Hamilton, Stanley W., Washington, D.C ........................... 106 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Hampton, Geraldyne S., West Chester, Pa ........................ 2 Hampton, Jeffrey S., West Chester, Pa ........................... 28 Hampton, Robert E., West Chester, Pa ........................... 2 Handler, Philip, President, National Academy of Science ........... 136 Hanfling, Robert, Deputy Undersecretary of Energy ............... 153 Hanley, James M., Representative from New York ................ 43 Hanley, Mary D., White House Press Advance Office .............. 19 Hanley, Rita, New York, N.Y . ................................... 43 Hannifin, Jerry, Time ........................................... 153 Hannon, Thomas, Executive Producer, WJLA-TV News ............ 41 Hansen, James, Washington, D.C ................................ 121 Hansen, LeRoy J., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 142 Hansen, Dr. Shirley Bushaw, Department of Energy ............... 121 Hanson, James S., Washington, D.C ............................. 121 Hanson, Vice Adm. Thor, Director of Staff, JCS ......... i ......... 57 Hardnett, Carolyn, Chicago Tribune .............................. -12-? Hardy, Harry H., Washington, D.C . .............................. 19 Harms, John, The U.S.News Washington Letter ................... 166 Harris, Don V. Jr., Washington, D.C . ............................. 54 Harris, Ena R., Bethesda, Md . .................................. 47 Harris, John, Hearst Newspapers ............................... 32 Harris, Ralph, Reuters .........................................Head Harris, Robert, Council on Environmental Quality .................. 224 Harris, Stephen, U.S. Chamber of Commerce .................... 47 Harrison, Elizabeth, House Commerce Committee Staff ............ 76 Harrison, William H., The Washington Star (Ret.) .................. 21 Hart, Peter D., National Pollster, Washington, D.C . ................ 126 Hart, Dr. Robert W., Johns Hopkins University .................... 119 Hartnett, John, Washington, D.C ................................. 210 Hasson, Judith, Washington, D.C . ............................... 41 Hastings, Larry G., Department of Energy ........................ 161 Hatch, Orrin G., Senator from Utah .............................. 100 Hathaway, Hope, Allied Press International ....................... 161 Hayman, Col. Arley A. Jr., Myrtle Beach, S.C . .................... 2 Hayman, Frances, Myrtle Beach, S.C . ........................... 2 Hayward, Admiral Thomas B., Chief of Naval Operations .......... 91 Healy, Monica, Special Assistant to Sen. Mathias ................. 50 Healy, Patrick B., Washington, D.C ............................... 27 Healy, Paul F, New York Daily News (Ret.) ......................Head Hedges, Roger, Gannett News Service .......................... 15 Heflin, Howell, Senator from Alabama ........................... 43 Hertel, Cecil, Representative from Hawaii ........................ 31 Heimann, John G., Comptroller of the Currency ................... 68 Hellston, Frank, Finnish Embassy Press Office ................... 123 Helms, Jesse A., Senator from North Carolina .................... 130 Hemphill, Rodney, Assoc. Prod., Preservation Hall Jazz Band ...... 26 Hencke, Paul G., The U.S.News Washington Letter ............... 138 Henderson, Marc T., Associate White House Press Secretary ...... 66 Henderson, Nelson, Central Intelligence Agency .................. 6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Hennessy, James, Glenview, III .................................. 122 Henninger, Daniel, Wall Street Journal, New York ................. 13 Henry, Alan P., Boston Herald American ......................... 21 Henry, Ed, Money ............................................. 153 Henry, John C., The Washington Star (Ret.) ...................... 21 Henze, Paul, National Security Council Staff ...................... 142 Hergen, James G., Department of Justice ........................ 148 Hermes, Dr. Peter, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany 88 Hershman, Robert, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ................... 221 Hertzberg, Hendrik, White House Speech Writer .................. 102 Herzog, Ann-Elizabeth, Boston, Mass ............................ 104 Herzog, Jim, Scripps-Howard Newspapers ....................... 59 Hessler, Curtis A., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury ............. 53 Hetu, Herbert, Central Intelligence Agency ....................... 90 Hickman, William D. Jr., McGraw-Hill ............................ 91 Higgins, Thomas, Washington, D.C . ............................. 202 Hillman, Bill, President, AFTRA ................................. 28 Hinton, Becky McRae, Champaign, III ............................ 78 Hitz, Frederick P., Legislative Counsel, CIA ....................... 137 Hively, Pete, NBC News ....................................... 102 Hjort, Howard, Department of Agriculture ......................... 45 Hobelmann, Alfred, Silver Spring, Md . ........................... 109 Hobgood, William, Assistant Secretary of Labor ................... 148 Hochstetter, Leo D., "Gunaydin", Istanbul ........................ 34 Hocker, Chris, Washington, D.C . ................................ 206 Hodges, Luther H. Jr., Deputy Secretary of Commerce ............ 53 Hodges, Paula Dawson, Chilton Publications ..................... 106 Hoffman, Frank Nordy, Senate Sergeant-at-Arms ................. 61 Hoffman, Harold M., President, Theatre Authority ................. 28 Hoffman, Miriam, New York, N.Y ................................. 28 Hoiles, William M., Washington, D.C . ............................ 116 Holden, Anthony, London Observer .............................. 64 Holden, Constance, Science .................................... 224 Holman, Carl, Washington, D.C .................................. 52 Holmes, Edith, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 135 Holmes, Peter, The Columbus Dispatch .......................... 19 Holton, Jim, NBC News ........................................ 102 Hommel, Sue, Gannett Co., Inc . ................................ 16 Honigberg, Jerry, Press Assistant to Sen. Metzenbaum ............ 19 Hoose, Monica, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ...................... 221 Hopcraft, David L., Managing Editor, The Cleveland Plain Dealer ... 82 Hope, Anthony J., Washington, D.C .............................. 100 Hormats, Robert, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative .............. 53 Horner, Garnett D., Washington Star (Ret.) .......................Head Hornig, Roberta, The Washington Star ........................... 44 Hornik, Richard, Time .......................................... 153 Horowitz, Dr. Lawrence, Staff Director, Senate Health Subcommittee 139 Horton, Bob, Reuters .......................................... 3 Hosenball, Mark, Fairchild News Service ......................... 97 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 House, Karen E., Wall Street Journal ............................ 37 Houston, Paul, Chairman, Standing Committee of Correspondents ..Head Hovey, Graham, The New York Times ........................... 105 Howard, Con, Embassy of Ireland ............................... 12 Howard, Robert, Legislative Assistant to Rep. Dingell .............. 106 Howell, Grant W., Royal Oak, Mich . ............................. 154 Howes, John A., Panax Newspapers ............................ 110 Hoyt, Mary, Press Secretary to Mrs. Carter ....................... 9 Hudoba, Michael, Hume, Va . ................................... 117 Hudson, Richard, Wall Street Journal ............................ 147 Hufstedler, Shirley, Secretary of Education .......................Head Hughes, Robert H., Columbus, Ohio ............................. 2 Hughes, Virginia, Columbus, Ohio ............................... 2 Hume, Ellen, Los Angeles Times ................................ 92 Hunt, Albert R., Wall Street Journal .........................`.... 13 Hunter, Marjorie, The New York Times ........................... 107 Hunter, Robert E., Washington, D.C .............................. 1 Hurley, Webb, Chicago, III . ..................................... 123 Huron, Douglas B., Associate Counsel to the President ............ 98 Hutchison, Thomas, Washington, D.C . ........................... 65 Hyde, Henry, Representative from Illinois ........................ 38 Hymes, Val, Westinghouse Broadcating Co ....................... 83 I Ibson, Ralph, Veterans Administration ........................... 96 Ignatius, David, Wall Street Journal .............................. 11 Ikenberry, Ken, The Washington Star ............................ 6 Illsley, Thayer V., Assistant Supt., House Press Gallery ............ 207 Ingersoll, Bruce, Chicago Sun-Times ............................ 115 Ingram, Tim, House Government Information Committee Staff ...... 123 Insolia, Anthony, Editor, Newsday ............................... 94 Irving, Susan, The President's Economic Council Staff ............. 86 Irwin, Donald, Los Angeles Times ...............................Head Irwin, Polly, Washington, D.C .................................... 92 Isaacs, Maxine, Deputy Press Secretary to the Vice President ...... 93 Isaacson, Walter, Time ......................................... 87 J Jackman, Francis P., New York Daily News ....................... 50 Jackson, Brooks, Wall Street Journal ............................ 147 Jackson, Henry, Senator from Washington ....................... 11 Jackson, E. R. Edward, Time ................................... 151 Jackson, Rev. Jesse, Chicago, ill ................................ 138 Jackson, Robert, Los Angeles Times ............................ 98 Jackson, Stuart E., McGraw-Hill ................................. 137 Jaffe, Sam, News Service International .......................... 69 Jaffe, Sandra, Asst. Mgr., Preservation Hall Jazz Band ............ 26 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Jaques, Milton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette .......................... 29 Jarman, Claude, Washington, D.C . .............................. 117 Jaroslovsky, Rich, Wall Street Journal ........................... 37 Jasinowski, Jerry J., Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Policy ... 144 Jellinek, Steven D., Environmental Protection Agency .............. 135 Jenckes, Joseph S., Washington, D.C ............................ 25 Jenckes, Linda, Washington, D.C ................................ 25 Jenkins, John, BNA Daily Report for Executives .................. 67 Jenkins, Ray, The White House ................................. 92 Jennings, Joseph, Chilton Publications, Philadelphia ............... 124 Jernberg, Dale L., Washington, D.C .............................. 130 Jewell, David, Department of Commerce ......................... 101 Jobe, Capt. Eugene V., MC, USN (Ret.) .......................... 21 Johnson, Charles W., Deputy House Parliamentarian .............. 132 Johnson, Kathleen, Oilgram News ............................... 157 Johnson, Livingston M., Fairfax, Va .............................. 66 Johnson, Mal, Cox Broadcasting Corp ............................ 116 Johnson, Michael R., Director, World News, McGraw-Hill ........... 91 Johnson, U. Alexis, Washington, D.C ............................. 88 Johnston, James H., Washington, D.C ............................ 123 Jonas, Norman N., McGraw-Hill ................................. 53 Jones, Anita L., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 54 Jones, Anne P., FCC Commissioner ............................. 17 Jones, David, National Editor, The New York Times ............... 105 Jones, Sidney, Washington, D.C ................................. 52 Jones, Dr. Thomas L., Chevy Chase, Md ......................... 138 Jones, William, Managing Editor, Chicago Tribune ................ 12 Jorpeland, Elaine, Washington, D.C .............................. 146 Judge, Bernard, Assistant Managing Editor, Chicago Tribune ....... 40 Jwaideh, Nizar, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 88 K Kagonowich, Gar, Senate Appropriations Committee Staff .......... 144 Kane, Frank R., Toledo Blade ................................... 29 Kane, Judge Max, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ........ 49 Kanter, Larry, Federal Trade Commission ........................ 122 Kantor, Seth, Cox Newspapers ................................. 78 Kaplan, Donald, Department of Justice ........................... 157 Kaplow, Herb, ABC News ...................................... 125 Kappel, Martha M., Washington, D.C ............................. 222 Karasik, Dan, COMSAT ........................................ 206 Karayn, Jim, President, WHYY, Philadelphia ...................... 69 Karnes, Rebecca R., Editor, BNA Pension Reporter ............... 77 Karr, Albert R., Wall Street Journal .............................. 145 Kassebaum, Nancy, Senator from Kansas ........................ 37 Kau, Randall, Exec. Assistant to Secretary of the Treasury ......... 13 Kaul, Donald, Des Moines Register .............................. 202 Keat, James S., Baltimore Sun .................................. 36 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Keenan, S. Joseph, Staff Assistant, Senate Press Gallery .......... 207 Keene, David, George Bush-for-President Campaign .............. 134 Keker, Samuel J., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 138 Kelley, Alan, Bowdoinham, Me . ................................. 90 Kelly, Harry, The Washington Star ............................... 6 Kelly, Rear Admiral Thomas J., USN (Ret.) ....................... 60 Kelly, Virginia W., Kelly News Service ............................ 60 Kelly, William B., Director General of GATT ...................... 3 Kemp, Jack, Representative from New York ...................... 13 Kempster, Norm, Los Angeles Times ............................ 209 Kennedy, Harold R., U.S.News & World Report ................... 156 Kern, Arthur, Vice President, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. ...... 83 Key, Jack, Senate Investigation Subcommittee Staff ............... 98 Kidner, John, Federal Times .................................... 60 Kildee, Dale, Representative from Michigan ....................... 7 Kilian, Michael D., Chicago Tribune .............................. 22 Kilian, Pamela Reeves, United Press International ................ 22 Killpatrick, Amy, Alexandria, Va .................................. 156 Killpatrick, James C., U.S.News & World Report .................. 156 Kilpatrick, Carroll, The Washington Post (Ret.) .................... 93 Kimmitt, J. Stanley, Secretary of the Senate ...................... 209 King, Dr. Arnold, Great Neck, N.Y ............................... 90 King, James B., National Transportation Safety Board ............. 120 King, Kathleen, White House Press Office ........................ 19 King, Lyndel, Director, U. of Mich., Art Gallery .................... 62 King, Seth, The New York Times ................................ 107 King, Susan, Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission .... 76 Kingman, R. T., Washington, D.C . ............................... 210 Kingsbury-Smith, Joseph, National Editor, Hearst Newspapers ...... 32 Kipling, Bogdan, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ...................... 20 Kirk, Paul, Political Adviser to Sen. Kennedy ...................... 78 Kirkland, Lane, President, AFL-CIO .............................. 51 Kivlan, Terence, Newhouse News Service ........................ 43 Klay, Andor, Liberty Publishing Syndicate ........................ 99 Kleiman, Mary Temple, New York, N.Y . .......................... 117 Kleiman, Robert, The New York Times ........................... 117 Klein, Margaret, Reuters ....................................... 3 Kleman, Richard, Association of American Publishers ............. 128 Klurfeld, James, Deputy Bureau Chief, Newsday .................. 96 Klutznick, Philip M., The Secretary of Commerce .................Head Knap, Ted, Scripps-Howard Newspapers ......................... 59 Knapp, Burke, World Bank ..................................... 210 Knight, H. Stuart, Director, U.S. Secret Service ................... 46 Knighton, William H.Y. Jr., Baltimore Sun (Ret.) .................. Head Knowles, Marjorie Fine, Department of Labor Inspector General .... 84 Knowles, Ralph, Washington, D.C ................................ 84 Koch, Chris, National Public Radio .............................. 230 Koeffler, Carla, The Washington Post ............................ 27 Koizumi, Luci Switzer, McGraw-Hill Washington Health Letters ...... 139 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Kominus, Nicholas, Washington, D.C ............................. 27 Kominus, Trudy, Washington Agricultural Record .................. 27 Korman, Bernard, General Counsel, ASCAP ...................... 24 Korologos, Tom C., Washington, D.C ............................. 22 Kovach, Bill, Bureau Chief, The New York Times .................. 81 Kovel, Terry, Beachwood, Ohio ................................. 154 Kramer, Orin, White House Domestic Policy Staff ................. 79 Kramer, Robert, Chilton Publications ............................. 124 Krause, Dr. Richard, National Institutes of Health .................. 141 Kreuzburg, Day, Washington, D.C ................................ 72 Kreuzburg, Diane, Washington, D.C .............................. 72 Kriss, Ron, Time .............................................. 57 Krulwich, Andrew, Consumer Product Safety Commission .......... 76 Krulwich, Robert, National Public Radio .......................... 230 Kucherov, Alex, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 154 Kurtz, Jerome, Commissioner of Internal Revenue ................ 13 L Lachica, Eduardo, Asian Wall Street Journal ...................... 145 Lacy, Ben, NBC News ......................................... 102 Laitin, Joseph, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury ................ 89 LaLand, Allison, Washington, D.C ................................ 39 Lallande, Ann, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 135 Lanctot, Ed, Chicago, III . ....................................... 114 Lanctot, Tom, Chicago, III ....................................... 114 Landau, Jacob C., Newhouse News Service ...................... 5 Landauer, Jerry, Wall Street Journal ............................. 13 Lane, John, Vice President, CBS News, New York ................ 46 Lane, John, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co . ..................... 83 Lang, John S., U.S.News & World Report ........................ 136 Langdon, Dolly, People ........................................ 118 Lanz, Trudi, The White House .................................. 57 Lastelic, Joseph A., Kansas City Star & Times .................... 68 Lawrence, George, Washington, D.C ............................. 127 LeCerf, Barry, Managing Editor, Iron Age ........................ 108 Lee, Jim, NBC News .......................................... 86 Lee, Robert E., FCC Commissioner ............................. 17 Lefko, Leonard, National Security Council Staff ................... 9 LeHane, Joanna, Washington, D.C ............................... 122 Lehman, Bruce, Washington, D.C ................................ 24 Lehner, Urban, Wall Street Journal .............................. 37 Lehrer, Jim, Associate Editor, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report .......... 221 Leibach, Dale W., White House Press Office ...................... 22 Leiser, Ernest, CBS News, New York ............................ 46 Lenhart, Harry A., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 148 Leonard, Mary, The Detroit News ............................... 103 Leopold, Evelyn, Reuters ....................................... 45 LeRoy, David, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ........................ 20 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Lesueur, Lawrence E., Voice of America ......................... 99 Leubsdorf, Carl P., Baltimore Sun ............................... 36 Levin-Epstein, Michael, Managing Editor, Federal Controls, BNA .... 77 Levine, Irving R., NBC News ................................... 86 Levine, Julian, Washington, D.C . ................................ 204 Levine, Richard J., Wall Street Journal ........................... 13 Lewis, George, NBC News ..................................... 102 Lewis, Gretchen, Washington, D.C ............................... 92 Lewis, Kathleen, New York Daily News .......................... 50 Lewis, Nancy S., Cox Newspapers .............................. 66 Lewis, Randolph B., White House Press Assistant ................ 92 Lewis, Robert, Newhouse News Service ......................... 7 Lewthwaite, Gilbert A., Baltimore Sun ............................ 36 Uchtwardt, Richard D., Executive Director, FCC ................... 31 Lierman, Terry, Senate Appropriations Committee ................. 139 Lifvendahl, Harold R., General Manager, Chicago Tribune .......... 40 Lilley, William III, Vice President, CBS, Inc., Washington ........... 46 Lilllie, Helen, Glasgow Herald ................................... 60 Lindsay, Powell, Scripps-Howard Newspapers .................... 59 Linowitz, Sol, President's Rep. to Middle East Negotiations ......... 127 Lippa, Si, Women's Wear Daily ................................. 97 Little, John, Washington, D.C .................................... 56 Litvack, Sanford, Assistant Attorney General ...................... 97 Livingston, Charles, National Highway Traffic Safety Adm. ......... 122 Livingston, Robert L., Representative from Louisiana .............. 110 Lloyd, Jim, Representative from California ........................ 153 Llewellyn, J. Bruce, Washington, D.C ............................. 156 Lockett, Edward B., Silver Spring, Md ............................ 109 Logan, John A., Washington, D.C ................................ 227 Loggins, Kirk, Nashville Tennessean ............................. 33 Long, Richard, Washington, D.C ................................. 128 Looney, Janet, Gannett News Service ........................... 33 Lough, Stephen, Chicago Tribune ............................... 38 Louviere, Vernon, Nation's Business ............................. 120 Love, Edgar, Washington, D.C ................................... 72 Love, Marie, Washington, D.C ................................... 72 Lovelace, Dr. Alan, Deputy Administrator, NASA .................. 116 Lowe, James, Scripps-Howard Broadcasting ...................... 84 Lowell, Abby, Special Assistant to the Attorney General ............ 36 Lubick, Donald, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury ............... 67 Lublin, Joann, Wall Street Journal ............................... 145 Lukash, Rear Adm. William M., Physician to the President ......... 42 Lumpkin, Beth, The White House ............................... 49 Lumsden, G. Quincy, Deputy Director, Arabian Peninsular Aff....... 88 Lund, Donald H., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 148 Lund, Wendell, Washington, D.C ................................. 121 Lunn, Robert, Washington, D.C .................................. 69 Lusty, Raymond, Albuquerque, N.M .............................. 80 Lutjen, George P., Newsletter Publishing Center, McGraw-Hill ...... 139 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Lutjen, Lynn, Engineering News-Record .......................... 141 Lutz, Theodore C., Administrator, UMTA ......................... 68 Lynch, Bill, NBC News ......................................... 102 Lynch, David E., Buffalo Courier-Express ........................ 68 Lynch, Mark, ACLU ............................................ 94 Lynch, Scott, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Baltimore ........... 83 Lyon, Carl, Washington, D.C . ................................... 223 Mc McAleer, Charles A., The Washington Star ....................... 119 McArdle, Walter F., Silver Spring, Md ............................. 54 McCaslin, Camilla, The White House ............................ 57 McCarthy, Abigail, Commonweal Magazine Columnist ............. 225 McCarthy, Eugene, Washington, D.C ............................. 12 McClendon, Sarah, Inter-Continental Press Syndicate ............. 84 McCree, Wade, Solicitor General ................................ 143 McCrohon, Maxwell, Editor, Chicago Tribune ..................... 10 McCune, Patti, Department of Labor ............................. 16 McCutcheon, John, Editor, Editorial Page, Chicago Tribune ........ 40 McDonald, Alonzo L., White House Staff Director ................. 91 McDonald, Michael, U.S.News & World Report .................... 166 McGannon, Donald H., Westinghouse Broadcasting ............... 31 McGeary, Johanna, Time ....................................... 151 McGhee, Roy L., Supt., Senate Periodical Press Gallery ........... 207 McGilvray, Robert D., Wall Street Journal ........................ 37 McGrory, Mary, The Washington Star ............................ 44 McGuinness, Jean, Chicago Tribune ............................. 10 McGuire, Raymond L., Washington, D.C .......................... 25 McGurn, Barrett, Supreme Court Information Officer ............... 49 McHenry, Donald, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N . .................. 38 Mcllwain, Bill, The Washington Star ............................. 6 McIntosh, Toby, BNA Daily Report for Executives ................. 67 McIntyre, James T. Jr., Director, Office of Management and Budget . 66 McKee, Robert C. Jr., WPRW ................................... 109 McMann, Ron, Washington, D.C ................................. 18 McManus, Jason, Time ........................................ 55 McManus, William J., Washington, D.C ........................... 130 McMaster, Helen M., Cox Newspapers ........................... 66 McMeel, John, Universal Press Syndicate ........................ 44 McMillan, C.W., Washington, D.C . ............................... 69 McNamara, Thomas E., Department of State ..................... 58 McNevin, Katherine, Time ...................................... 143 McOmber, Dale R., Office of Management and Budget ............ 67 McPhee, Katherine M., Assistant Supt., House Press Gallery ....... 207 McQuillan, Laurence, United Press International .................. 9 McSweeney, John P., White House Transportation Office .......... 70 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 M Table Maberly, Desmond, Reuters Managing Editor, North America ......Head MacDonald, Roderick H., Boston, Mass . ......................... 104 MacDonald, Ronald, Washington & Lee University ................ 133 MacLaury, Bruce K., President, Brookings Institution .............. 126 Maclean, John, Chicago Tribune ................................ 38 MacNeil, Neil, Time ............................................ 85 Madigan, Edward R., Representative from Illinois ................. 110 Madison, Alfreda L., Black Media, Inc ............................ 99 Magnuson, Warren, Senator from Washington .................... 17 Mahe, Eddie Jr., Political Consultant ............................. 103 Maher, Robert W., The White House ............................. 146 Mahoney, Fabia Harris, Bureau of National Affairs ................ 47 Mahoney, Dr. John F, Westfield, N.J ............................. 47 Mahoney, John F. Jr., Sidwell Friends School ..................... 47 Mahoney, Rita, Westfield, N.J . .................................. 47 Mallick, Earl, Washington, D.C ................................... 108 Malmgren, Harald B., Washington, D.C ........................... 148 Manatos, Mike, Washington, D.C . ............................... 23 Mankiewicz, Frank, President, National Public Radio .............. 228 Mann, Jim, Los Angeles Times ................................. 98 Manning, Col. D.R., Washington, D.C ............................. 121 Manning, Robert L., The White House Transportation Director ...... 114 Marashian, Onnic, Editor-in-Chief, Oilgram News .................. 89 Marcus, Daniel, General Counsel, Dept. of Agriculture ............. 147 Marcy, Carl, Washington, D.C . .................................. 105 Margain, Hugo, Ambassador of Mexico .......................... 227 Margolis, Jan, Washington, D.C .................................. 72 Margolis, Joel, Washington Redskins ............................ 72 Margolis, Jonathan, Chicago Tribune ............................ 10 Mark, Ross, London Daily Express .............................. 226 Marks, Gerald, ASCAP Board of Directors ........................ 24 Marks, Leonard, WHCA Attorney ...............................Head Marks, Paul, Managing Director, ASCAP ......................... 24 Marris, Robin, World Bank ...................................... 64 Marro, Anthony, Bureau Chief, Newsday ......................... 94 Marschall, A. R., General Services Administration ................. 91 Marsh, Charmayne, Dallas Morning News ........................ 226 Marsh, Jerry, WMDV-TV, Salisbury, Md . ......................... 155 Marsh, John O. Jr., Washington, D.C ............................. 100 Marshall, Eliot, Science ........................................ 224 Marshall, Ray, Secretary of Labor ...............................Head Martin, Wilbur, Department of Transportation ..................... 120 Martinson, Ronald L., Assistant Senate Sergeant-at-Arms .......... 205 Marwick, Charles, Medical World News .......................... 141 Mashek, John W., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 56 Matsui, Robert T., Representative from California ................. 110 Matthews, Curt, Baltimore Sun .................................. 36 Matthews, Mary W., Friends of the National Zoo .................. 47 May, Barry, Reuters ........................................... 45 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Maynes, William, Assistant Secretary of State .................... 132 Meagher, James, Barron's ...................................... 162 Meany, Don, NBC News ....................................... 86 Means, Marianne, King Features Syndicate ...................... 18 Means, Paul, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ......................... 20 Mears, Walter R., Associated Press ............................. 8 Mechling, Thomas, New York, N.Y ............................... 69 Merick, Wendell S., U.S.News & World Report .................... 88 Merry, Robert W., Wall Street Journal ............................ 13 Messinger, Curtis, Comptroller, ASCAP .......................... 24 Metcalf, Sharon, White House Press Office ....................... 136 Meyers, Roy C., Press Secretary to Sen. Metzenbaum ............ 19 Migdail, Carl J., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 142 Miles, John G., Associate Editor, BNA ........................... 65 Miller, Annette, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ....................... 221 Miller, G. William, Secretary of the Treasury ......................Head Miller, Judith, The New York Times .............................. 79 Miller, Loye W., Newhouse News Service ........................ 5 Miller, Melody, Office of Senator Kennedy ........................ 48 Miller, Michael V., Washington, D.C . ............................. 117 Miller, Norman C., The Wall Street Journal ....................... 11 Miller, Penny, Vice President Mondale's Staff ..................... 5 Miller, Reid G., Associated Press ................................ 42 Miller, Robert L., Office of the Alaska Governor ................... 161 Miller, Sarah, McGraw-Hill ...................................... 89 Miller, William G., Senate Intelligence Committee Staff ............. 142 Mills, Mona, Newhouse News Service ........................... 43 Mills, Thomas, Executive Editor, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ........ 20 Millstone, Marilyn, Izaak Walton League .......................... 134 Mitchell, Jack, Washington Merry-Go-Round ...................... 133 Mitchell, Maurice, National Public Radio .......................... 228 Moakley, Joe, Representative from Massachusetts ................ 104 Moakley, Thomas F, Vice Chmn., Federal Maritime Commission .... 104 Moe, Richard, Office of the Vice President ....................... 11 Moffet, Barbara S., National Geographic News Service ............ 63 Moffett, Anne, Time ............................................ 87 Mollenhoff, Clark R., Washington Merry-Go-Round ................ 133 Molotsky, Irvin, The New York Times ............................ 105 Molpus, David, National Public Radio ............................ 230 Mongan, Dr. James, White House Domestic Council ............... 141 Monihan, Peggy, Director, Wash. Office, State of Michigan ......... 7 Monroe, Bill, NBC News ....................................... 86 Moore, Bob Stahly, Mutual Broadcasting System .................. 74 Moore, Powell, Washington, D.C ................................. 163 Moore, Randell E., Washington, D.C . ............................ 208 Moore, Thomas, Chicago Sun-Times ............................ 113 Moose, Richard, Assistant Secretary of State ..................... 3 Moran, Tom, Managing Editor, Fairchild News Service ............. 97 Morgan, Elva, Assistant to the Secretary of State ................. 153 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Morgret, Charles 0., Washington, D.C ............................ 225 Morris, Julian, Washington, D.C .................................. 152 Morris, Peal, Chicago Tribune ................................... 12 Morrison, Edward, Federal Trade Commission .................... 132 Morrissey, William P., Boston, Mass .............................. 104 Moscaritolo, Patrick, Massachusetts Port Authority, Boston ......... 104 Moser, Penny Ward, Life ....................................... 151 Moskowitz, Daniel B., McGraw-Hill .............................. 135 Moss, Beverly, Washington, D.C ................................. 166 Moss, Ellison, Baltimore News American ......................... 119 Mossberg, Walter, Wall Street Journal ........................... 35 Moxley, Dr. John III, Assistant Secretary of Defense ............... 141 Mower, Bernard M., Daily Labor Report, BNA ..................... 77 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, Senator from New York ................. 87 Mullane, William P. Jr., New York, N.Y ............................ 25 Munroe, Mary Norris, Virgin Islands Daily News ................... 227 Munroe, Patrick, Prentice-Hall .................................. 225 Murphy, Betty Southard, Washington, D.C . ....................... 100 Murphy, Adm. Daniel J., Deputy Under Secretary of Defense ....... 32 Murphy, John M., U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service .................... 156 Murphy, Robert, ABC News .................................... 127 Murray, D. Michael, Washington, D.C ............................. 125 Murray, Fred, Washington, D.C .................................. 72 Murray, Ruth, Washington, D.C .................................. 72 Murray, Samuel H., Washington, D.C ............................. 138 Murray, Vera, Carter/Mondale Committee Staff .................... 18 Muscatine, Allison, The Washington Star ......................... 6 Myers, Lisa, The Washington Star ............................... 6 Nader, Ralph, Consumer Activist ................................ 131 Nagy, David, Reuters .......................................... 45 Nail, Dawson, Television Digest ................................. 111 Nance, Bonnie E., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 52 Nard, Jack, Pittsburgh, Pa . ..................................... 133 Nash, Laura, BNA Daily Report for Executives .................... 67 Neal, Jean, Press Secretary to Rep. Derrick ...................... 29 Neal, Peyton R., Associate Editor, BNA .......................... 65 Neal, Roy, Legislative Assistant to Rep. Gore ..................... 98 Neal, Steven, Chicago Tribune .................................. 12 Needham, Harold W., Assistant Senate Sergeant-at-Arms ......... 205 Neikirk, William, Chicago Tribune ................................ 10 Nelson, Bryce, Los Angeles Times .............................. 132 Nelson, Jack, Los Angeles Times ............................... 92 Nelson, Lars-Erik, New York Daily News ......................... 48 Nenneman, Richard, Philadelphia, Pa ............................ 140 Nerlinger, John, Chicago, Ill ..................................... 150 Nettles, Kathryn, Cox Broadcasting Corp . ........................ 116 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Neuman, Robert, Deputy Chairman, Democratic National Comtte.... 93 Newman, Bud, Cox Newspapers ................................ 78 Newman, Theodore R. Jr., Chief Judge, D.C. Court of Appeals ..... 135 Newsom, David D., Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs ..... 115 Newsom, Jean, Washington, D.C . ............................... 115 Nichols, J. Hugh, Howard County Executive ...................... 119 NiDecker, John, Washington, D.C ................................ 23 Nixon, Charles, A.F.T. Bureau, Department of the Treasury ......... 69 Norwood, Janet, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics ......... 75 Nover, Naomi, Nover News Service ............................. 99 Novitch, Dr. Mark, Deputy Commissioner, FDA .................... 112 0 Oakar, Mary Rose, Representative from Ohio ..................... 82 Oberdorfer, Don, The Washington Post ..........................Head O'Brien, Cyril J., The Trentonian ................................ 119 O'Brien, Francis G., New York, N.Y. ............................. 49 O'Brien, Tom, Vice President, MBS .............................. 114 O'Brien, William J., Interstate Commerce Commission ............. 222 Ochiltree, Thomas H., Panax Newspapers ....................... 110 O'Connell, William B., Chicago, III . .............................. 144 O'Connor, Rita, Washington, D.C . ............................... 30 Oden, Henry, Wall Street Journal ................................ 35 Odom, Col. William, National Security Council Staff ............... 113 Odor, Virginia M., McGraw-Hill .................................. 89 O'Donnell, Kirk, Office of House Speaker ........................ 14 O'Donnell, Larry, Wall Street Journal, New York ................... 11 Ogden, Christopher, Time ...................................... 55 Ohkawara, Yoshio, Ambassador of Japan ........................ 142 O'Leary, Jeremiah, The Washington Star ........................Head Olson, Lynne, Baltimore Sun ................................... 14 O'Mara, Richard, Baltimore Sun ................................. 14 Omenn, Gil, Office of Management and Budget ................... 224 Oneglia, Stewart, Department of Justice ......................... 77 O'Neill, William J., National Geographic News Service ............. 63 Onek, Joseph, Deputy Council to the President ................... 142 Orben, Robert, Arlington, Va . ................................... 52 Ooms, Van Dorn, Assistant Director, OMB ....................... 53 Oppenheimer, Joe, Washington, D.C ............................. 161 O'Rourke, Robert, Washington, D.C .............................. 19 Osborne, Burl, Associated Press, New York ...................... 8 Osnos, Peter, National Editor, The Washington Post ............... 93 Oster, Patrick, Chicago Sun-Times .............................. 115 Ostrow, Ron, Los Angeles Times ................................ 98 Ostrowidzki, Victor, Hearst Newspapers .......................... 18 O'Toole, Thomas, Washington Post .............................. 119 Oulouhojian, Simon, Upper Darby, Pa ............................ 122 Ourisman, Mandell J., Chevy Chase, Md . ........................ 227 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Packard, Joan Bingham, Washington, D.C . ....................... 229 Padilla-Vidaurre, Oscar, LaHora, Guatemala ...................... 71 Padrutt, Bert N., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 166 Page, Susan, Newsday ........................................ 134 Pakenham, Michael, First Secretary, British Embassy .............. 64 Palmour, Claire T., Washington, D.C . ............................ 104 Palmer, John, NBC News ...................................... 86 Parker, Judy, Administrative Assistant to Sen. Levin ............... 9 Parker, Terri, Department of Labor .............................. 9 Parkinson, Nicholas, Ambassador of Australia .................... 10 Parkinson, Roger, Publisher, Buffalo Courier-Express .............. 68 Parsons, Glenn H., Washington, D.C ............................. 117 Paschke, Karl Th., Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany ... 88 Patterson, Donald H., Baltimore Sun ............................. 36 Patterson, Floyd, New Paltz, N.Y . ............................... 49 Patterson, Kathleen, Kansas City Star & Times ................... 68 Pattie, Joseph Dalton, Vice President, Traffic World ............... 222 Paul, Laurence, Des Moines Register ............................ 202 Pawliszewski, Stanislaw, Embassy, Polish People's Republic ....... 90 Payne, Seth T., McGraw-Hill .................................... 91 Peabody, Robert, Washington, D.C . ............................. 108 Pearl, Rebecca, BNA Daily Report for Executives ................. 67 Pedersen, Wesley N., Washington, D.C ........................... 161 Peek, Linda, Press Secretary, Carter/Mondale Committee .......... 58 Peale, Douglas T., WPRW ...................................... 109 Penner, Dr. Rudolph G., Washington, D.C ......................... 140 Percy, Charles H., Senator from Illinois .......................... 52 Perez, H. Hugo, El Imparcial .................................... 99 Perry, Gregory J., Chicago, III ................................... 21 Perry, James, Wall Street Journal ............................... 11 Persina, Ellen Masin, Canadian Television Network ................ 226 Pertschuk, Michael, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission ......... 97 Peters, Beth, Washington, D.C . ................................. 229 Peters, Charles, Editor, Washington Monthly ...................... 229 Petersen, Robert E., Asst. Supt., Senate Press Gallery ............ 207 Peterson, Eric, Republican National Committee ................... 123 Peterson, Esther, Special Assistant to the President ............... 131 Peterson, John, The Detroit News ............................... 103 Pettitt, Tom, NBC News ........................................ 86 Peyton, R. Neal, Associate Editor, BNA .......................... 65 Philion, Norman, Washington, D.C . .............................. 204 Philipps, Peter, McGraw-Hill .................................... 137 Phillips, Eva J., Department of Energy ........................... 161 Phlegar, Ben F., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 154 Pickering, Thomas, Assistant Secretary of State .................. 224 Piechowiak, Cynthia, Fairchild News Service ..................... 131 Pierpoint, Pat, Bethesda, Md .................................... 4 Pierpoint, Robert C., CBS News ................................Head Pike, David F., U.S.News & World Report ........................ 144 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Pike, Otis, Columnist, Newsday ................................. 94 Pine, Art, The Washington Post ................................. 95 Pines, Wayne, Associate Commissioner, FDA .................... 76 Pinkley, Virgil, Inter-Continental Press Syndicate .................. 84 Pippert, Wesley G., United Press International ....................Head Pitts, William R. Jr., Office of the House Minority Whip ............. 205 Plunkett, John, Baltimore Sun ................................... 36 Poats, Rutherford M., Office of National Security Council ........... 88 Poe, Edgar A., New Orleans Times-Picayune ....................Head Poe, Edgar A. Jr., McLean, Va . ................................. 1 Poe, Michael L., McLean, Va .................................... 1 Pohl, Michael J., Director of White House Press Advance .......... 70 Pollard, David E., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 136 Pollin, Abe, Washington, D.C .................................... 125 Pollock, Michael A., McGraw-Hill ................................ 137 Pollock, Richard, Washington, D.C ............................... 85 Poole, W. Daniel, Washington Star .............................. 44 Pope, W. Stuart, ASCAP Board of Directors ...................... 24 Posner, Michael, Reuters ....................................... 3 Powell, Joseph L. Jr., Press Secretary to the President ............Head Powell, Nan, Washington, D.C ................................... 8 Pratt, Lee, Washington, D.C ..................................... 127 Prendergast, Catherine, Press Secretary to Sen. Glenn ............ 78 Pressler, Larry, Senator from South Dakota ...................... 227 Preston, Susan, Newhouse News Service ........................ 7 Prettyman, E. Barrett, Washington, D.C ........................... 5 Prina, L. Edgar, Copley News Service ........................... 61 Proulx, Francine, Radio-TV Correspondents Assoc . ............... 116 Proven, Donn, Glenview, III . .................................... 122 Pryor, Rob, Washington, D.C .................................... 69 Purks, Jim, Assistant White House Press Secretary ............... 16 Putzel, Michael, Associated Press ............................... 8 a Quann, Harold E., Washington, D.C .............................. 47 Quello, James H., FCC Commissioner ........................... 31 R Radcliffe, Robert C., National Geographic News Service ........... 63 Rafshoon, Eden, Washington, D.C . .............................. 143 Rafshoon, Gerald, Washington, D.C .............................. 55 Ragsdale, John N. III, Washington, D.C ........................... 222 Rahall, Nick J., Representative from West Virginia ................ 24 Rainie, Harrison, New York Daily News .......................... 50 Randal, Judith, New York Daily News ............................ 50 Randall, Don, Washington, D.C .................................. 122 Randolph, Eleanor, Los Angeles Times .......................... 92 Rapp, Lt. Col. Paul, Washington, D.C . ........................... 61 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Rasky, Susan, BNA Daily Report for Executives .................. 67 Rather, Dan, CBS News, New York ............................. 4 Rattner, Steven, The New York Times ........................... 107 Rauch, Ru, Time .............................................. 143 Rault, Bonnie, New Orleans, La . ................................ 43 Rault, Joseph M. Jr., New Orleans, La . .......................... 1 Ray, Terry, ABC News ......................................... 101 Raymond, Alan G., White House Office of Media Liaison ........... 117 Recio, Maria, McGraw-Hill ...................................... 135 Reed, Stanley Foster, Publisher, Information for Industry ........... 100 Reeder, Donald L., U.S.News & World Report .................... 136 Reedy, George E., Marquette School of Journalism ............... 61 Regeimbal, Neil, Chilton Publications ............................ 106 Regula, Ralph, Representative from Ohio ........................ 82 Reilly, Gerard D., Retired Chief Judge, D.C. Court of Appeals ...... 21 Reiner, Steven, National Public Radio ........................... 230 Reinsch, J. Leonard, Atlanta, Ga . ............................... 17 Rennert, Diane, Association of American Publishers ............... 128 Reynolds, Barbara, Chicago, Tribune ............................ 12 Reynolds, James, Washington Agricultural Record ................ 27 Rhein, Reginald W. Jr., Medical World News ...................... 141 Richardson, Elliot, Ambassador-at-Large ......................... 97 Richey, Allen, Austin, Tex ....................................... 122 Richey, B.J., Newhouse News Service ........................... 43 Richmond, Betty, Bethesda, Md . ................................ 2 Richmond, Dr. Carl H., Bethesda, Md . ........................... 2 Riggs, Jack, Assistant to Rep. Phil Sharp ........................ 15 Ringle, William, Gannett News Service ........................... 33 Rippeteau, Jane, Engineering News Record ...................... 53 Risser, James, Des Moines Register ............................ 202 Robbins, John Duff, Rockville, Md . .............................. 109 Roberson, Peggy, Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser .................. 84 Roberts, Cokie, National Public Radio ........................... 228 Roberts, J.W., Staff of Rep. Norman Lent ........................ 116 Roberts, Ronald, Adm. Aide to Rep. Gradison .................... 59 Robinson, Peg, Chicago Tribune ................................ 70 Robinson, Richard, Bartlesville, Okla ............................. 80 Robinson, Stephen, Life ........................................ 143 Rodgers, George, Mutual Broadcasting System ................... 74 Rodgers, Walter, Associated Press Radio ........................ 8 Rodriguez, Paul, BNA Daily Report for Executives ................ 75 Rogers, Warren, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ...................... 20 Rohner, Mark, Gannett News Service ............................ 15 Romano, Lois, Fairchild News Service ........................... 131 Romensky, Moussia, Washington, D.C . .......................... 71 Romensky, Serge, Agence France-Presse ....................... 71 Rood, Michael, Washington, D.C ................................. 5 Rosen, Evan M., New York, N.Y ................................. 117 Rosen, Gerald R., Executive Editor, Dun's Review ................ 117 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Rosenak, Janice M., Senate Commerce Committee Staff .......... 223 Rosenstein, Jay, The American Banker .......................... 73 Rosenthal, A.M., Executive Editor, The New York Times ........... 81 Rosenthal, Benjamin, Representative from New York .............. 134 Ross, Earl, Washington, D.C . ................................... 29 Ross, Sherwood, Washington, D.C ............................... 84 Rostenkowski, Dan, Representative from Illinois .................. 113 Roth, Charles, Muskegon, Mich . ................................ 150 Roth, Robert, Philadelphia Bulletin .............................. 20 Rousmaniere, James A. Jr., Baltimore Sun ....................... 14 Rowen, Hobart, The Washington Post ........................... 95 Rubenstein, Martin, President, Mutual Broadcasting System ........ 74 Rushford, Greg, Washington Merry-Go-Round .................... 133 Russ, Ernest J., Deputy House Doorkeeper ...................... 205 Russell, Bruce, Reuters ........................................ 3 Russell, Criss, The Washington Star ............................. 143 Russell, Eugene, Assistant Secretary of HUD ..................... 147 Ryan, Richard, The Detroit News ................................ 103 S Sabin, Charles, New York, N.Y . ................................. 17 Sacher, Steven J., General Counsel, Senate Labor Committee ..... 77 Saddler, Jeanne, Time ......................................... 85 Safire, William, New York Times ................................ 34 Sama, Anita, Gannett News Service ............................. 16 Sampson, Paul, Chief, National Geographic Society News Service .. 63 Samuels, Annette J., White House Office of Media Liaison ......... 209 Sand, Thomas, Department of Agriculture ........................ 107 Sanders, Howard, Vice President, WYCB ........................ 99 Sann, Robert, New York, N.Y .................................... 206 Sanoff, Alvin P., U.S.News & World Report ....................... 206 Santini, Maureen, Associated Press ............................. 42 Saunders, Harold H., Assistant Secretary of State ................. 142 Saunders, Irene, London Daily Telegraph ........................ 80 Sauvain, Terrence E., Senate Appropriations Committee Staff ...... 205 Savchenko, Gennady, Soviet Embassy .......................... 96 Sawhill, John C., Deputy Secretary of Energy ..................... 89 Scally, William, Reuters ........................................ 3 Schappi, John V., Associate Editor, BNA ......................... 77 Scheer, Julian, Washington, D.C ................................. 125 Scheibel, Kenneth, Washington Bureau News .................... 27 Scheibel, Kenneth M. Jr., Washington, D.C ........................ 27 Scheleen, Joseph C., Editor, Traffic World ........................ 222 Schellhardt, Timothy, Wall Street Journal ......................... 11 Scherschel, Patricia M., U.S.News & World Report ................ 140 Schindehette, Susan, Time ..................................... 57 Schlesinger, James R., Georgetown University ................... 51 Schlickeisen, Rodger 0., Office of Management and Budget ....... 144 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Schmick, William, Gannett News Service ......................... 15 Schmid, Sharon, Wall Street Journal ............................. 13 Schmitt, Harrison H., Senator from New Mexico ................... 78 Schoeni, Patricia S., Health Care Financing Adm., HEW ........... 25 Scholl, Theodore H., Counselor to the Secretary of Commerce ..... 30 Schorr, Burt, Wall Street Journal ................................ 35 Schorr, Daniel, Cable News Network ............................ 34 Schram, Martin, The Washington Post ........................... 93 Schubert, Richard, Bethlehem, Pa . .............................. 108 Schuker, Jill A., Press Counselor, U.N . .......................... 38 Schulz, Dr. Alvin G., Johns Hopkins University .................... 119 Schulz, Ralph R., Senior Vice President (Editorial) McGraw-Hill ..... 53 Schuster, Gary, The Detroit News ............................... 103 Schwab, Priscilla, Nation's Business ............................. 120 Schwadel, Francine, American University ........................ 16 Schwartz, Frances, Washington, D.C ............................. 125 Schwartz, Lloyd, Fairchild News Service ......................... 131 Schwartz, Lou, Managing Editor, Newsday ....................... 134 Schwartz, Maralee, The Washington Post ........................ 93 Schwartz, Ronald, The Food & Drug Letter ....................... 112 Schwartz, Stuart, ABC News ................................... 125 Schweiker, Richard, Senator from Pennsylvania .................. 5 Scott, S. William, Vice President, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. .. 83 Scott-Kinzer, Nora, Industrial College of the Armed Forces ......... 208 Scouten, Rex, The White House Chief Usher ..................... 42 Scow, William, Administrative Aide to Rep. Ashley ................ 29 Scowcroft, Brent, Lt. Gen. (Ret.), Washington, D.C ................. 40 Seib, Gerald, Wall Street Journal ................................ 35 Seidman, Herta, Assistant Secretary of Commerce ................ 85 Seidman, Sam, Washington, D.C . ............................... 85 Selfridge, Barbara, Office of Management and Budget ............. 139 Semple, Robert Jr., Foreign Editor, The New YorkTimes ........... 79 Sevareid, Eric, CBS News ...................................... 46 Sewell, Leslie, National Public Radio ............................ 228 Shaddix, Bille, Chief, White House Photo Office ................... 209 Shafer, Ronald, Wall Street Journal .............................. 147 Shaffer, Joan, Washington, D.C .................................. 99 Shalala, Donna, Assistant Secretary of HUD ...................... 105 Shannon, Elaine, Newsweek .................................... 58 Shapiro, Irving, Wilmington, Del . ................................ 95 Share, Ken, Vice President, Fairchild Publications ................. 129 Sharp, Jonathan, Reuters ...................................... 45 Shattuck, Louis A., Smaller Business Assn. of New England ....... 120 Shaw, Jane S., McGraw-Hill .................................... 137 Shaw, Peter L., Hyattsville, Md .................................. 222 Shaw, Ray, Wall Street Journal, New York ....................... 11 Shea, Edward J., Southern Regional Exec. Director, ASCAP ....... 23 Sheets, Kenneth R., U.S.News & World Report ................... 148 Shekitoff, Emily, The White House .............................. 226 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Table Sheldon, Courtney A., U.S.News & World Report ................. 52 Shem, Story, Department of State ............................... 48 Shenefield, John H., Acting Associate Attorney General ............ 113 Shepard, Rear Adm. C. Tazewell, USN (Ret.) ..................... 227 Shepherd, Andrea, Cox Broadcasting Corp . ...................... 116 Shepley, James, Time, Inc ...................................... 44 Sherry, Karen, Director of Public Relations, ASCAP ............... 23 Sherwood, Carlton, Gannett News Service ....................... 15 Shields, Carolyn, The White House .............................. 66 Shields, Eileen, Time .......................................... 87 Shipley, Carl L., Washington, D.C ................................ 227 Shirk, Martha, St. Louis Post-Dispatch ........................... 155 Shoup, Richard, Washington, D.C ................................ 223 Shouse, Mrs. Jouett, Wolf Trap Farm Park ....................... 60 Shreiber, Joseph, Washington, D.C . ............................. 26 Shreiber, Martin, Washington, D.C . .............................. 26 Shreiber, Patsy, Washington, D.C ................................ 26 Shreiber, Rose, Washington, D.C ................................ 26 Shreiber, Susan, Washington, D.C ............................... 26 Shulman, Marshall, Department of State ...... ................... 115 Shumway, Barbara, The Oil Daily ............................... 163 Shumway, DeVan, Editor & Publisher, The Oil Daily ............... 163 Sick, Capt. Gary, National Security Council Staff .................. 58 Siddon, Arthur, Chicago Tribune ................................ 38 Sider, Don, Time .............................................. 57 Sidey, Hugh, Time ............................................. 57 Siemer, Dianne, Special Asst. to Secretary of Energy .............. 35 Silberman, Peter, Assistant M.E., The Washington Post ............ 95 Silbey, Frank, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Staff ............... 133 Silbey, Irene, Assistant to Senator Baucus ....................... 133 Silver, Louis, U.S.News & World Report .......................... 144 Simmons, Edward B., New Bedford Standard (Ret.) ............... 21 Simon, Paul, Representative from Illinois ......................... 156 Simonetti, Gilbert, Washington, D.C .............................. 67 Simons, Diane, Washington, D.C . ............................... 92 Simonsen, Nancy, Washington Financial Reports ................. 73 Simonson, Nancy, BNA Daily Report for Executives ............... 75 Simpson, Carole, NBC News ................................... 86 Simpson, Gene W, Exec. VP, McGraw-Hill Publications ............ 51 Simpson, Peggy, Boston Herald-American ....................... 18 Sims, Joseph, Federal Reserve Board ........................... 140 Sims, Williams, Washington, D.C . ............................... 17 Sirica, John J., Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for D.C. .......... 100 Sirotek, Robert, Elmhurst, III . ................................... 150 Slade, Jim, Mutual Broadcasting System ......................... 74 Smallen, David, Newhouse News Service ........................ 7 Smith, Drucilla, Senate Govt. Operations Cmtte. Staff ............. 84 Smith, Hedrick L., The New York Times .......................... 107 Smith, James, Washington, D.C . ................................ 132 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Smith, Janet, White House Press Advance Office ................. 66 Smith, J. Gordon, Bethesda, Md ................................. 109 Smith, Philip W., Newhouse News Service ....................... 41 Smith, Priscilla, Gannett News Service ........................... 16 Smith, R. Jeffrey, Science ...................................... 224 Smith, Richard B., Washington, D.C .............................. 207 Smith, Terence, The New York Times ............................ 81 Smith, Timothy G., General Counsel, Carter/Mondale Committee ... 93 Smith, William B., Washington, D.C . ............................. 25 Snider, Dr. Edwin W, Associate Secretary, National Geographic .... 63 Snodgrass, Charles A., Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ........ 113 Snyder, Robert H., National Editor, The Cleveland Plain Dealer ..... 82 Snyder, Sharon, Federal Election Commission .................... 81 Solarz, Stephen J., Representative from New York ................ 93 Solomon, Gerry, NBC News .................................... 102 Solomon, Hyman, Toronto Financial Post ......................... 80 Solomon, Mack, Wall Street Journal, New York ................... 147 Southerland, Daniel, Christian Science Monitor ................... 126 Spear, Joe, Washington Merry-Go-Round ........................ 133 Sperling, Godfrey Jr., Christian Science Monitor ................... 126 Speth, J. Gustave, Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality .... 137 Spiers, Ronald, Department of State ............................. 209 Spievack, Edwin B., Washington, D.C . ........................... 128 Spivack, Miranda, Newhouse News Service ...................... 43 Sporkin, Stanley, SEC Enforcement Director ...................... 75 Squires, James D., Editor, Orlando Sentinel Star .................. 40 Srodes, James L., London Daily Telegraph ....................... 80 Staats, Deborah, Fortune ....................................... 153 Stacks, John, Time ............................................ 87 Stahl, Lesley, CBS News ....................................... 4 Starr, Frank, Baltimore Sun ..................................... 36 Stearns, Jessie, Stearns News Service .......................... 39 Steele, John, Time ............................................ 85 Steinbrenner, Mel, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla . .................... 152 Steinhilber, August W, National School Boards Association ........ 77 Stephenson, Stanley, Editor, Motor Age .......................... 122 Stern, Linda, American Metal Market ............................ 129 Sterne, Joseph R.L., Baltimore Sun ............................. 36 Stevenson, Matthew, Editor, Harper's Magazine, New York ......... 64 Stevenson, Michael C., Washington, D.C . ........................ 56 Stevenson, Robert L., Department of Justice ..................... 50 Steward, Donald E.J., Department of State ....................... 208 Stewart, John D., Chief Executive Officer, BNA ................... 65 Still, John S., News Director, WLVS, Memphis .................... 28 Stillman, Don, Detroit, Mich ..................................... 229 Stock, Ann, The Vice President's Press Office .................... 8 Stockmeyer, Steve, National Republican Cong. Committee ......... 7 Stokes, Louis, Representative from Ohio ......................... 82 Stone, Emerson, Vice President, CBS Radio, New York ........... 46 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Stone, James M., Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Comm.... 137 Stone, Marvin L., Editor, U.S.News & World Report ............... 90 Strippoli, Sandra, Washington, D.C ............................... 27 Strout, Richard L., Christian Science Monitor ..................... 126 Stuart, Gordan, The White House ............................... 4 Stuart, Peter, Christian Science Monitor .......................... 126 Suchocki, Carl, Washington, D.C ................................. 80 Sullivan, Gael M., Special Assistant to the President .............. 227 Sultan, Prince Bandar Bin, Saudi Arabia ......................... 44 Sun, Marjorie, Science ......................................... 224 Suro, Roberto, Time ........................................... 87 Sutherland, John P., U.S.News & World Report ................... 154 Sward, Robert, Vice President, Chilton Publications ............... 106 Swardson, Anne E., McGraw-Hill ................................ 137 Sweet, John H., President, U.S.News & World Report ............. 54 Swit, David, Washington Business Information .................... 76 Swoboda, Frank, The Washington Post .......................... 95 Syron, Richard, Department of the Treasury ...................... 45 Szigethy, Neil, Managing Editor, Automotive Industries ............ 106 Taishoff, Lawrence B., Broadcasting Magazine .................... 31 Taishoff, Sol, Broadcasting Magazine Chairman & Editor ........... 17 Tanzer, Lester, Managing Editor, U.S.News & World Report ........ 52 Tarnoff, Peter, Department of State .............................. 48 Tarr-Whalen, Linda, Deputy Assistant to the President ............. 42 Taylor, Hal, Fairchild News Service .............................. 97 Taylor, Hobert, Washington, D.C ................................. 116 Taylor, Kelly, Elmira (N.Y.) Star Gazette .......................... 33 Taylor, Robert, Wall Street Journal .............................. 147 Taylor, Ronald A., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 208 Taylor, Trey, Washington, D.C ................................... 56 Taylor, Walter, Washington Star ................................. 44 Teare, Jacqueline K., Newhouse News Service ................... 7 Teare, John, Gannett News Service ............................. 15 Teeter, Robert, Detroit, Mich . ................................... 56 Teeters, Nancy H., Governor, Federal Reserve Board ............. 140 Tennant, Harry L., Modern Railroads Rail Transit .................. 223 terHorst, J.F., The Detroit News ................................. 103 terHorst, Louise Roth, Universal Press Syndicate ................. 103 Thatcher, Paul R., Minneapolis, Minn . ........................... 229 Thomas, Evan, Time ........................................... 143 Thomas, Helen, United Press International .......................Head Thomas, Susan, Nashville Tennessean .......................... 33 Thomas, Valarie, The Washington Post .......................... 93 Thomasson, Dan, Scripps-Howard Newspapers ................... 59 Thompson, Alan, Scripps-Howard Newspapers ................... 59 Thompson, Marilyn Berry, Washington Office, State of New Jersey.. 7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Thompson, Robert E., Bureau Chief, Hearst Newspapers .......... 18 Thomson, Ron, Reuters ........................................ 45 Thornton, Jeannye, U.S.News & World Report .................... 138 Thornton, Lee, CBS News ...................................... 46 Thorslund, Tovah, Washington, D.C .............................. 148 Tierney, Mary, Massachusetts Port Authority, Boston .............. 104 Timlin, Eileen C., Administrative Assistant to Rep. Addabo ......... 5 Tolchin, Martin, The New York Times ............................ 105 Toohey, William, Washington, D.C . .............................. 204 Topping, Seymour, Managing Editor, The New York Times ......... 81 Totenberg, Nina, National Public Radio .......................... 228 Toth, Bob, Los Angeles Times .................................. 209 Townsend, Claudia, Associate White House Press Secretary ....... 224 Trachtenberg, J.A., Women's Wear Daily ......................... 131 Trafford, Abigail, U.S.News & World Report ....................... 144 Trainor, George, Detroit, Mich ................................... 40 Trantum, Thomas, Interstate Commerce Commissioner ............ 145 Treat, John E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy .............. 58 Trelawney, Edward E. 111, Chester, Pa ............................ 73 Trewhitt, Henry L., Baltimore Sun ............................... 14 Trimble, Jeff, Washington, D.C ................................... 140 Tropin, Mitchell, BNA Daily Report for Executives ................. 75 Troup, Stuart, Day National Editor, Newsday ..................... 96 Trowbridge, Alexander, President, National Assn. of Manufacturers . 100 Tsien-Mo, Huang, Embassy of People's Republic of China ......... 97 Tufty, Esther Van Wagoner, Tufty News Service .................. 121 Tuohey, John J., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 166 Turner, Douglas L., Exec. Editor, Buffalo Courier-Express .......... 68 Turza, Peter H., Special Counsel to Sen. Javits ................... 77 Twohoey, John, Chicago Tribune ................................ 10 U Udwin, Jerry, Westinghouse Broadcasting Cc ..................... 83 Umstead, William L., New York Daily News ....................... 50 Ungar, Sanford, National Public Radio ........................... 228 Vahlberg, Vivian, Daily Oklahoma & Times ....................... 210 Valeo, Francis R., Washington, D.C .............................. 23 Van Deerlin, Lionel, Representative from California ................ 17 VandeLinde, Dr. V. David, Johns Hopkins University ............... 119 Vander Jagt, Guy, Representative from Michigan .................. 126 van der Linden, Frank, Sacramento Union ........................ 110 van Horn, Charles R., Washington, D.C ........................... 222 Vanik, Charles A., Representative from Ohio ..................... 82 Van Riper, Frank, New York Daily News .........................Head Van Wagoner, Pat, Birmingham, Mich ............................ 121 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Van Wyck, Terrance, Washington, D.C . .......................... 161 Vecchione, Al, Exec. Producer, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ........ 221 Vernetti, Michael, Press Secretary to Sen. Cannon ................ 124 Vest, George, Assistant Secretary of State ....................... 37 Vickroy, John, White House Transportation Office ................. 70 Vicini, James, Reuters ......................................... 3 Vogl, Frank, London Times ..................................... 62 Voinovich, George V., Mayor of Cleveland ........................ 82 Volcker, Paul A., Chairman, Federal Reserve Board ............... 95 Volner, Ian D., Washington, D.C . ................................ 128 Volpe, Michael, The White House ............................... 73 Volz, Joseph, New York Daily News ............................. 50 von Rothkirch, Dr. Edward, Washington, D.C ...................... 161 Voorde, Frances, The White House .............................. 59 Wachtel, Lynn, New York, N.Y ................................... 104 Wade, Alan, Washington, D.C . .................................. 73 Wagley, John R., Chairman, Bingham Prize ...................... 229 Wagner, Paul, Washington, D.C . ................................ 49 Wagner, Pickard E., Washington, D.C . ........................... 117 Walczak, Lee, McGraw-Hill ..................................... 51 Waldman, Myron, Newsday ..................................... 134 Walker, Patricia, Editor, American Metal Market ................... 129 Wallace, David, Reuters ........................................ 45 Wallach, John, Hearst Newspapers .............................. 32 Wallich, Henry C., Governor, Federal Reserve System ............. 91 Walsh, Edward J., The Washington Post .........................Head Walsh, Larry, White House Press Advance ....................... 70 Walsh, Sharon W., U.S.News & World Report ..................... 208 Warder, Nancy, Federal Trade Commission ...................... 152 Warnecke, Nancy, Nashville Tennessean ......................... 16 Warner, Harland W., Washington, D.C ............................ 161 Warren, Albert, Television Digest ................................ 111 Warren, Ellen, Chicago Sun-Times .............................. 113 Warren, Lucian, Frederick (Md.) News-Post ...................... 20 Warren, Paul, Television Digest ................................ 111 Washburn, Abbott, FCC Commissioner .......................... 31 Wasilewski, Vincent T., National Association of Broadcasters ....... 17 Waters, David, Washington, D.C ................................. 97 Watson, Bob, Time ............................................ 221 Watson, George, Cable News Network ........................... 34 Watson, Jack H. Jr., Assistant to the President .................... 46 Wafters, Susan, Fairchild Publications ........................... 131 Weaver, Warren, The New York Times ........................... 81 Webb, Reiter, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative ............. 131 Weber, Louis E., Assistant to the President, ASCAP ............... 24 Webster, Drue, Washington, D.C ................................. 113 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Webster, William H., Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ...... 113 Weidenbaum, Murray, Washington University, St. Louis ............ 95 Weimer, Dr. Arthur, Washington, D.C ............................. 146 Weiner, Ron, Southfield, Mich ................................... 150 Weinraub, Bernard, The New York Times ........................ 79 Weisman, Steven, The New York Times ......................... 79 Weiss, S. Ariel, Democratic Policy Committee Staff ................ 107 Weiss, Leonard, Senate Energy Subcommittee Staff Director ....... 128 Welch, Maj. Gen. Jasper, National Security Council Staff ........... 90 Wells, Dick, Whittier, Calif ....................................... 152 Wells, Jane, Deputy Asst. Secretary of State ..................... 88 Wen-Zhong, Zhou, Embassy of Peoples Republic of China ......... 60 Wermiel, Steven, Wall Street Journal ............................ 35 Werner, Dan, The MacNeil/Lehrer Report ........................ 221 Wertheimer, Linda, National Public Radio ........................ 228 West, Benjamin C., Superintendent, House Press Gallery .......... 205 West, Dick S., United Press International ......................... 207 West, Donald, Broadcasting Magazine ........................... 17 West, Paul, Dallas Times Herald ................................ 224 Westin, Sandra, The Smithsonian Institution ...................... 50 Westlein, Patricia R., Associate Editor, BNA ...................... 65 Weston, John, Counselor, British Embassy ....................... 64 Westwood, Helen, ABC News ................................... 101 Wetzler, James, Joint Committee on Taxation Economist ........... 13 Wexler, Anne, Assistant to the President ......................... 79 Wheat, Warren, Gannett News Service .......................... 15 Whedon, Peggy, ABC News .................................... 127 Whelan, James R., Editorial Director, Panax Newspapers .......... 110 Whelan, Pamela, Washington, D.C ............................... 110 Whitcombe, David, Broadcasting Magazine ....................... 31 White, Gordon E., Deseret News ................................ 22 White, Peter T., National Geographic ............................. 63 Widmyer, Scott, Deputy Press Secretary, Carter/Mondale Campaign 33 Wieck, Paul R., Albuquerque Journal ............................ 39 Wieghart, James, New York Daily News ......................... 48 Wiener, Leonard, U.S.News & World Report ...................... 144 Wierzynski, Gregory, Time ..................................... 151 Wiesner, Dr. Jerome, President, MIT ............................ 136 Wightman, Richard, Fairchild News Service ...................... 131 Wildstrom, Stephen H., McGraw-Hill ............................. 53 Wiley, Michael, Muncie, Ind ..................................... 152 Wilkins, Bryan, MIS Weekly ..................................... 129 Wille, Lois, Chicago Sun-Times ................................. 115 Wille, Wayne, Chicago, III ....................................... 115 Williams, Harold, Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission .... 87 Wilson, D. Ray, Publisher, Daily Courier-News .................... 130 Wilson, Gary L., Washington, D.C ................................ 204 Wilson, Marilyn, The U.S.News Washington Letter ................ 146 Wimmer, Carolyn G., White House Office of Media Liaison ......... 209 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Winchester, Simon, London Daily Mail ........................... 64 Wingo, Hal, News Editor, People ................................ 118 Wingo, Walter S., U.S.News & World Report ...................... 140 Wise, Phil, The President's Appointments Secretary ............... 86 Wolf, Justin R., Washington, D.C ................................. 21 Wolfe, Shelia, City Editor, Chicago Tribune ....................... 38 Wolfe, Dr. Sidney, Director, Health Research Group ............... 112 Womack, Don C., Superintendent, Senate Press Gallery ........... 205 Woo, William F., St. Louis Post-Dispatch ......................... 155 Wood, Catherine, Newsday ..................................... 134 Woodruff, Judy, NBC News ....................................Head Woods, Warren, Washington, D.C ................................ 130 Woodson, Dorsey W., Editor-in-Chief, Medical World News ......... 141 Wright, Gary, White House Transportation Office .................. 70 Wynhausen, Elisabeth, Australian Consolidated Press ............. 62 Wynn, William, President, UFCW Union .......................... 37 Wyrick, Bob, Newsday ......................................... 134 Y Yeo, Edwin H. III, Financial Adviser, City of Chicago ............... 62 Yeo, Mrs. Edwin H. III, Vice President, N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank.. 62 Yost, Nicholas, Council on Environmental Quality ................. 94 Young, Lewis H., Editor-in-Chief, Business Week .................. 51 Young, Roger S., Public Affairs Director, FBI ..................... 98 Young, W. Patterson, Editor, Safety Journal ...................... 30 Youngblood, Capt. Curtis T., Arlington, Va . ....................... 1 Younkins, Betsy, Washington, D.C . .............................. 208 Zafra, Victor, Bureau of Medical Devices, FDA .................... 112 Zagoria, Sam, Consumer Product Safety Commissioner ........... 49 Zain, Azraai, Ambassador of Malaysia ........................... 142 Zeidenberg, Leonard, Broadcasting Magazine ..................... 31 Zelnick, Robert, ABC News ..................................... 125 Zempel, Lynn, Washington, D.C . ................................ 150 Zengerle, Joseph, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ............ 79 Zengerle, Lynda, Washington, D.C ............................... 98 Zimmerman, Richard G., The Cleveland Plain Dealer .............. 82 Zorthian, Barry, Pres., Wash.-Baltimore Regional Assn ............. 57 Zurkowski, Paul, Washington, D.C . .............................. 65 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 1 Dr. Herbert M. Giffin Jeff J. Coleman Joseph M. Rault, Jr. Michael L. Poe Robert E. Hunter Capt. Curtis T. Youngblood Edgar A. Poe, Jr. Donald J. Cronin Table 4 Pat Pierpoint Lesley Stahl Gordan Stuart Bert Carp Edward Fouhy Dan Rather Burton Benjamin Roger Colloff Edmund Gong Table 2 William L. deMatteo Dr. Carl H. Richmond Betty Richmond Robert H. Hughes Virginia Hughes Col. Arley A. Hayman, Jr. Frances Hayman Robert E. Hampton Geraldyne S. Hampton Table 3 Bruce Russell Margaret Klein William B. Kelly James Vicini Roy Gutman Bob Horton William Scally Michael Posner Alver Carlson Richard Moose Table 5 Robert G. Fichenberg Patricia Bario Charles DiBona Eileen C. Timlin Jacob C. Landau E. Barrett Prettyman Michael Rood Sen. Richard Schweiker Loye W. Miller Penny Miller Table 6 Murray Gart Hedley Donovan Lisa Myers Sen. Alan Cranston Nelson Henderson Allison Muscatine Homer Boynton Al Friendly Harry Kelly Bill Mcilwain Ken Ikenberry Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 7 Jacqueline K. Teare Peggy Monihan Susan Preston Rep. Dale Kildee Robert Lewis David Clanton Marilyn Berry Thompson David Smallen Jo A. S. Carpenter Steve Stockmeyer Table 10 Maxwell McCrohon Amb. Nicholas Parkinson Rep. John Anderson Keke Anderson William Neikirk John Twohey Jonathan Margolis Michael Coakley Jean McGuinness Mary Gant Table 8 Michael H. Chanin Ed DeFontaine Ervin S. Duggan Walter R. Mears Burl Osborne James Gerstenzang Nan Powell Michael Putzel Walter Rodgers Ann Stock Table 9 Grant Dillman Audrey Dillman Mary Hoyt Leonard Lefko Laurence McQuillan Judy Parker Terri Parker Tom Beury Diane Beury Donald J. Gonzales Table 11 Norman C. Miller Larry O'Donnell James Perry Thad Cochran Timothy Schellhardt Richard Moe David Ignatius Sen. Henry Jackson Ray Shaw Table 12 Barbara Reynolds Rep. Cardiss Collins William Jones Eugene McCarthy Steven Neal Con Howard Carolyn Hardnett Jack Fuller Marilyn Donahue Peal Morris Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 13 Robert W. Merry James Wetzler Sharon Schmid Daniel Henninger Richard J. Levine Randall Kau Jerry Landauer Jerome Kurtz Albert R. Hunt Rep. Jack Kemp Table 16 Brian Gallagher Nancy Warnecke Meryl Gordon Lyle Gramley Sue Hommel Patti McCune Jim Purks Anita Sama Francine Schwadel Priscilla Smith Table 14 Gary Black, Jr. Henry L. Trewhitt Vernon A. Guidry Richard O'Mara Kirk O'Donnell Thomas S. Edsall Lynne Olson James A. Rousmaniere, Jr. Paul A. Banker Ernest B. Furgurson Table 15 William Schmick Norm Brewer Chris Collins Roger Hedges Jack Riggs Mark Rohner Carlton Sherwood John Teare Warren Wheat Ellen Hale Table 17 Sol Taishoff Sen. Warren Magnuson Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin Robert E. Lee Anne P. Jones Vincent T. Wasilewski J. Leonard Reinsch Williams Sims Charles Sabin Donald West Table 18 Robert E.Thompson Victor Ostrowidzki Marianne Means Joe Crangle Vera Murray Ron McMann Peggy Simpson Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 19 George A. Embrey Whitt Flora Peter Holmes Harry H. Hardy Robert O'Rourke Roy C. Meyers Jerry J. Honigberg Kathleen King Mary D. Hanley Charles D. Goodwin Table 22 Gordon E. White Robert Calhoun Tom C. Korologos Dale W. Leibach Patricia Byrne Michael D. Kilian Pamela Reeves Kilian Table 20 George B. Delaplaine, Jr. Thomas Mills Fred Archibald Lucian Warren Bogdan Kipling Steven Beckner Cornelius Dwyer David LeRoy Warren Rogers Paul Means Robert Roth Table 21 John C. Henry Alan P. Henry Richard C. Adams Edward B. Simmons Mark Cornell William H. Harrison Capt. Eugene V. Jobe Gregory J. Perry Gerard D. Reilly Justin R. Wolf Table 23 Edward J. Shea Francis R. Valeo John NiDecker James Cleary Karen Sherry Mike Manatos Gene Forte Table 24 Paul Marks Curtis Messinger Bernard Korman Gerald Marks W. Stuart Pope Bruce Lehman Rep. Nick J. Rahall Paul Fagan Anne David Louis E. Weber Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 25 Casey Crawford Linda Jenckes Joseph S.Jenckes Patricia S. Schoeni Mary Jane Fisher William P. Mullane, Jr. William B. Smith Raymond L. McGuire William Boyle Table 26 Rose Shreiber Martin Shreiber Patsy Shreiber Joseph Shreiber Susan Shreiber Stephen A. Baffery Rodney Hemphill Sandra Jaffe William Davis Table 27 Kenneth M. Scheibel Kenneth M. Scheibel, Jr. Carla Koeffler Nicholas Kominus Trudy Kominus James Reynolds Patrick B. Healy Sandra Strippoli Edie Fraser Table 28 Harold M. Hoffman Miriam Hoffman Bill Hillman Bill Baldwin Jeffrey S. Hampton John S. Still Table 29 Milton Q. Jaques Frank R. Kane Frank Gannon Patricia Griffith Winthrop Griffith James Daley Earl Ross William Scow Leland A. Bandy Jean Neal Table 30 Dr. Jordan Baruch Dr. Rhoda Baruch Rita O'Connor Theodore H. Scholl W. Patterson Young Leo L. Beranek Samuel Block Alan S. Emory George Elliott Cary R. Brick Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 31 Lawrence B. Taishoff Rep. Cecil Heftel James H. Quello Abbott Washburn Tyrone Brown Richard D. Lichtwardt David Whitcombe Leonard Zeidenberg Jim Gilmore Donald H. McGannon Table 34 John Costello Robert E. Chasen Leo D. Hochstetter A. P. DiTullio Ralph H. Chew Richard Garnitz Daniel Schorr George Watson William Safire Amb. Sukru Elekdag Table 32 Joseph Kingsbury-Smith John Harris Adm. Daniel J. Murphy John Wallach Thomas Eastham Capt. Ralph Blanchard Table 33 John J. Curley Don Campbell Eugene C. Gribbroek Loyd Hackler Kirk Loggins Janet Looney William Ringle Kelly Taylor Susan Thomas Scott Widmyer Table 35 Henry Oden Walter Mossberg Dianne Siemer Gerald Seib Burt Schorr John R. Evans Steven Wermiel Andrew Frey Edward A. Behr Table 36 Donald H. Patterson Abby Lowell Charles W. Corddry James S. Keat Curt Matthews Frank Starr Carl P. Leubsdorf Joseph R. L. Sterne John Plunkett Gilbert A. Lewthwaite Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 37 Robert D. McGilvray Karen E. House George Vest Dennis Farney Sen. Nancy Kassebaum Urban Lehner William Wynn Rich Jaroslovsky Paul Bloom Thomas Bray Table 38 Amb. Donald McHenry Jill A. Schuker John Maclean Glen Elsaser Stephen Lough Coleen Dishon Terry Brown Shelia Wolfe Rep. Henry Hyde Arthur Siddon Table 39 Paul R. Wieck Sen. Pete Domenici Allison LaLand Gershon W. Fishbein Marlin Fitzwater Blake Clark Frank Dennis Avenal Bass Jessie Stearns Table 40 Harold R. Lifvendahl Sean Donlon Bernard Judge George Trainor James D. Squires Nancy Abrams John McCutcheon Raymond Coffey Anne Groer Brent Scowcroft Table 41 Richard Beaudette Mary Beasley Robert Cohen Judith Hasson Susan Garland Thomas Hannon Jonathan Dedmon Victoria Churchville Philip W. Smith Capt. Thomas Coldwell Table 42 Louis D. Boccardi Faith Collins Frank Cormier Valerio Giannini Reid G. Miller Maureen Santini Rex Scouten Linda Tarr-Whalen Chip Carter Rear. Adm. William M. Lukash Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 43 B. J. Richey Mona Mills Terence Kivlan Rep. James M. Hanley Rita Hanley Miranda Spivack William Blacklow Peter Cobun Sen. Howell Heflin Bonnie Rault Table 46 Lee Thornton Paul Costello H. Stuart Knight Jack H. Watson Susan Clough William Lilley III Emerson Stone John Lane Ernest Leiser Eric Sevareid Table 44 James Shepley Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Roberta Hornig Walter Taylor Jim Cheek Sidney Epstein Phil Gailey Constance Gerrard Mary McGrory Dan Poole John McMeel Table 45 Ron Thomson David Wallace Jonathan Sharp Barry May David Nagy Evelyn Leopold Marsha Dubrow Robert Green Richard Syron Howard Hjort Table 47 Ena R. Harris John F. Mahoney, Jr. Fabia Harris Mahoney Stephen Harris Mary W. Matthews Brian Bain Barbara Graham Harold E. Quann Dr. John F. Mahoney Rita Mahoney Table 48 James Wieghart Story Shem William J. Brink Rep. Robert N. Giaimo Jerome Cahill Melody Miller Bruce Drake Ingrid Copeland Peter Tarnoff Lars-Erik Nelson Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 49 Ruth W. Evans Beth Lumpkin Vince Clephas Robert O. Fishel Mohamed I. Hakki Judge Max Kane Barrett McGurn Floyd Patterson Paul Wagner Sam Zagoria Francis G. O'Brien Table 50 Francis P. Jackman Sandra Westin Judith Randal Robert L. Stevenson Joseph Volz William L. Umstead Harrison Rainie Kathleen Lewis Monica Healy Table 51 Joseph L. Dionne Lane Kirkland C. Peter Gall Landon Butler Lee Walczak Gene W. Simpson Robert E. Farrell James R. Schlesinger Lewis H. Young Arthur F. Burns Table 52 Lester Tanzer Robert Orben Rep. Richard B. Cheney Bonnie E. Nance Effie Barry Mayor Marion Barry, Jr. Carl Holman Courtney A. Sheldon Sen. Charles Percy Sidney Jones Table 53 Ralph R. Schulz Jane Rippeteau Boyd France Robert Hormats Stephen H. Wildstrom Curtis A. Hessler Norman N. Jonas Van Dorn Ooms Evert B. Clark Luther H. Hodges, Jr. Table 54 John H. Sweet Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Gorman Donegan John Clifford Folger Howard Flieger Walter F. McArdle George C. Buchanan, M.D. Don V. Harris, Jr. Anita L. Jones Vincent C. Burke, Jr. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 55 Robert Ajemian Mike Deaver Christopher Ogden Jason McManus Gerald Rafshoon Simmons Fentress Laurence I. Barrett Table 58 Richard Beckler Elaine Shannon John E. Treat Bill Cook Thomas E. McNamara Fred Coleman Linda Peek Bill Cable Eleanor Clift Capt. Gary Sick Table 56 William G. Dunn John Little John W. Clark Roy Calvin Paul Eckstrom Michael C. Stevenson John W. Mashek Robert Teeter John Deardourff Trey Taylor Table 57 Don Sider Vice Adm. Thor Hanson Emily Friedrich Barry Zorthian Camilla McCaslin Trudi Lanz Hugh Sidey Susan Schindehette Ron Kriss Table 59 Ted Knap Frances Voorde Jim Herzog Ronald Roberts Dan Thomasson Powell Lindsay Alan Thompson Table 60 Amb. Chai Zemin Zhou Wen-Zhong Angele deT. Gingras John Kidner Helen Lilllie Virginia W. Kelly Rear Adm. Thomas J. Kelly, USN (Ret. Douglas Cater Mrs. Jouett Shouse Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 61 Jack A. Gertz Frank Nordy Hoffman Elizabeth S. Carpenter Michael D. Baudhuin George E. Reedy L. Edgar Prina James Cary Lt. Col. Paul Rapp Ralph Clark Table 62 Patrick Brogan Frank Vogl Clive Cookson Elisabeth Wynhausen L. Dean Brown Dr. Ray S. Cline Edwin H. Yeo III Mrs. Edwin H. Yeo III Lyndel King John Anson Table 63 Paul Sampson Robert L. Breeden Dr. Edwin W. Snider Noel Grove Richard J. Darley Peter T. White Donald J. Frederick Robert C. Radcliffe William J. O'Neil Barbara S. Moffet Table 64 Anthony Holden Simon Winchester Michael Pakenham John Weston Mike Cuthbert Robin Marris Matthew Stevenson Michael Bessie Ashok Gokhale John De St. Jorre Table 65 John D. Stewart William A. Beltz Stanley E. Degler Paul Zurkowski Peyton R. Neal Carlos Cuadra Patricia R. Westlein John G. Miles Thomas Hutchison Table 66 James L. Bentley Jacqueline Falk Andrew J. Glass Livingston M. Johnson Nancy S. Lewis James T. McIntyre, Jr. Helen M. McMaster Carolyn Shields Marc T. Henderson Janet Smith Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 67 Rebecca Pearl Susan Rasky Toby McIntosh Laura Nash John Jenkins Larry S. Gage Dale R. McOmber Al Dougherty, Jr. Donald Lubick Gilbert Simonetti Table 70 John Vickroy John P. McSweeney John Dreylinger Gary Wright Billy Dale Michael J. Pohl Larry Walsh Mary Gael Doar Anne Edwards Peg Robinson Table 68 Peter C. Andrews David E. Lynch Roger Parkinson Douglas L. Turner Sen. Charles E. Goodell John G. Heimann Theodore C. Lutz Kathleen Patterson Joseph A. Lastelic Table 69 Dan Brechner Anne Banville C. W. McMillan Thomas Mechling Rob Pryor Sam Jaffe Charles Nixon Jim Karayn Robert Lunn Table 71 Patrick Gautrat Eliane Gautrat Serge Romensky Moussia Romensky Denis Brulet Genevieve Brulet Les Coleman Oscar Padilla-Vidaurre Table 72 Joel Margolis Jan Margolis Charles Demma Dora Demma Edgar Love Marie Love Ruth Murray Fred Murray Diane Kreuzburg Day Kreuzburg Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 73 Mary Beth Franklin Michael Volpe Kathy Boykin Mary Dunn Jay Rosenstein Gretchen Chell Nancy Simonsen Edward E. Trelawney III Alan Wade Michael Dunn Table 74 Martin Rubenstein Rex Granum Bob Stahly Moore Donald A. Budd George Rodgers Jim Slade Dick Doty Table 75 Mitchell Tropin Pam Ginsbach Nancy Simonson Paul Rodriguez Stanley Sporkin Janet Norwood Timothy Cleary Table 76 David Swit John Bell Amy Bondurant Carolyn Bowers Richard Gross Thomas Grumbly Elizabeth Harrison Susan King Andrew Krulwich Wayne Pines Table 77 John V. Schappi Kathleen Doyle Gill Bernard H. Mower Michael Levin-Epstein Rebecca R. Karnes John Fanning Steven J. Sacher Stewart Oneglia Peter H. Turza August W. Steinhilber Table 78 Andrew Alexander Henry Eason Rep. Wyche Fowler Becky McRae Hinton Seth Kantor Bud Newman Catherine Prendergast Sen. Harrison H. Schmitt Paul Kirk Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 79 Robert Blackwill Richard Burt Joseph Duffey Orin Kramer Judith Miller Robert Semple, Jr. Bernard Weinraub Steven Weisman Anne Wexler Joseph Zengerle Table 82 Thomas J., Brazaitis Richard G. Zimmerman Judith E. Burke Mayor George V. Voinovich Rep. Charles A. Vanik Rep. Mary Rose Oakar Rep. Louis Stokes Rep. Ralph Regula David L. Hopcraft Robert H. Snyder Table 80 James L. Srodes Irene Saunders Peter Behr Paul Feine Stephen Goldstein William C. Adams Richard Robinson Raymond Lusty Hyman Solomon Carl Suchocki Table 81 Sen. Howard Baker, Jr. Bill Kovach A. M. Rosenthal Sharon Snyder Terence Smith Seymour Topping Warren Weaver Table 83 William Aber Jerry Udwin Charles Blair Jean Carper Gwen Cheltenham Wallace Dunlap Val Hymes Arthur Kern John Lane Scott Lynch S. William Scott Table 84 Sarah McClendon John Gemma Ralph Knowles Marjorie Fine Knowles James Lowe Charles Barry Virgil Pinkley Sherwood Ross Peggy Roberson Drucilla Smith Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 85 Gisela Bolte Herta Seidman Sam Seidman Jeanne Saddler Jacques DeGraff John Steele Ralph Davidson Neil MacNeil Barber Conable Richard Pollock Table 88 Charles S. Foltz, Jr. G. Quincy Lumsden Amb. Peter Hermes U. Alexis Johnson Karl Th. Paschke Nizar Jwaideh Amb. Faisal Alhegelan Jane Wells Wendell S. Merick Rutherford M. Poats Table 86 John Palmer Susan Irving Sid Davis Patrick Caddell Phil Wise Tom Pettitt Jim Lee Carole Simpson Don Meaney Irving R. Levine Bill Monroe Table 87 Jonathan Beaty Harold Williams Eileen Shields Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Richard Duncan Hodding Carter Roberto Suro Anne Moffett Walter Isaacson John Stacks Table 89 Bruce A. Agnew Vicky Cahan Eula Bingham Ronald G. Grover Charles B. Curtis Virginia M. Odor Onnic Marashian John C. Sawhill Sarah Miller Joseph Laitin William P. Giglio Table 90 Marvin L. Stone Charles K. Connor Dr. Arnold King Stanislaw Pawliszewski Joseph Fromm Herbert Hetu Maj. Gen. Jasper Welch William Bader Pat Hamilton Alan Kelley Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 91 Herbert W. Cheshire Alonzo L. McDonald Robert J. Dowling Henry C. Wallich Michael R. Johnson Admiral Thomas B. Hayward Seth T. Payne William D. Hickman, Jr. A. R. Marschall Arthur J. Fox, Jr. Table 94 Anthony Marro Anthony Insolia Sharon Donnelly Mark Lynch Otis Pike Ken Brief Judy Bender Nicholas Yost Carl Feldbaum Carol Casey Table 92 Jack Nelson Diane Simons Ellen Hume Susanne Elfving Eleanor Randolph Randolph B. Lewis Ray Jenkins Polly Irwin Gretchen Lewis Table 93 Robert H. Dunn Maxine Isaacs Robert Neuman Timothy G. Smith Peter Osnos Martin Schram Maralee Schwartz Valarie Thomas Carroll Kilpatrick Rep. Stephen J. Solarz Table 95 Paul A. Volcker Irving Shapiro Peter Silberman Art Pine John M. Berry Frank Swoboda Hobart Rowen Donald Graham Stuart Eizenstat Murray Weidenbaum Table 96 James Klurfeld Gennady Savchenko Ralph Ibson Sylvan Fox Bernie Bookbinder Clayton Fritchey Stuart Troup Ilene Barth Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 97 Tom Moran Sophie Engelhard Michael Pertschuk Hal Taylor Sanford Litvack Mark Hosenball Si Lippa Amb. Elliot Richardson Susan Watters Huang Tsien-Mo Table 98 Ron Ostrow Roger S. Young Robert Jackson Jack Key Marlene Cimons Lynda Zengerle Rudy Abramson Roy Neal Jim Mann Douglas B. Huron Table 99 H. Hugo Perez Andor C. Klay Z. Gombos Naomi Nover Joan Shaffer Alfreda L. Madison Howard Sanders Marquis Childs Roscoe Drummond Lawrence E. Lesueur Table 100 David R. Dear William J. Casey Max Friedersdorf Sen. Orrin G. Hatch Anthony J. Hope John O. Marsh, Jr. Betty Southard Murphy Stanley Foster Reed Judge John J. Sirica Alexander Trowbridge Table 101 Carl Bernstein Bettina Gregory Terry Ray Helen Westwood David Jewell Zbigniew Brzezinski Table 102 Bill Lynch Hendrick Hertzberg Jim Holton Pete Hively Ben Lacy Scott Goodfellow Gerry Solomon George Lewis Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 103 J. F. terHorst Malcolm Dade Mary Leonard Eddie Mahe, Jr. John Peterson Richard Ryan Gary Schuster Louise Roth terHorst Table 106 Neil Regeimbal William Barbour Robert Sward Edwin Bowers James T. Apple Paula Dawson Hodges Neil Szigethy Stanley W. Hamilton Ira Black Robert Howard Table 104 Lynn Wachtel Ann-Elizabeth Herzog Rep. Joe Moakley Thomas F. Moakley Patrick Moscaritolo William P. Morrissey Roderick H. MacDonald Mary Tierney Paul W. Costello Claire T. Palmour Table 105 William G. Bowdler John W. Finney Graham Hovey David Jones Carl Marcy Irvin Molotsky Donna Shalala Martin Tolchin Table 107 Kenneth S. Geller Linda Greenhouse Marjorie Hunter Seth King Thomas Sand Hedrick L. Smith S. Ariel Weiss Steven Rattner Table 108 Gene Beaudet Tom Corcoran Howard Beaver, Jr. Robert Peabody C. A. Carlson, Jr. Richard Schubert Earl Mallick Barry LeCerf Robert T. Hall Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 109 Edward B. Lockett J. Gordon Smith George Adams Elwood Davis William C. Birely Richard Frederick John Duff Robbins Alfred Hobelmann Robert C. McKee, Jr. Douglas T. Peele Table 110 James R. Whelan John A. Howes Al Donner Frank van der Linden Rep. Robert L. Livingston Rep. Edward R. Madigan Rep. Robert T. Matsui Pamela Whelan Thomas H. Ochiltree Table 111 Albert Warren Paul Warren Dawson Nail Table 112 Nancy Buc Dr. Richard Crout Michael Dolan Lewis Engman Samuel Gilston Richard Hadley Dr. Mark Novitch Ronald Schwartz Dr. Sidney Wolfe Victor Zafra Table 113 William H. Webster Ellen Warren John H. Shenefield Robert Carswell Thomas Moore Charles A. Snodgrass Col. William Odom Eugene Eidenberg Drue Webster Marshall Brement Rep. Dan Rostenkowski Table 114 Tom O'Brien Albert Eisele Charles Eldridge Robert L. Manning Ed Lanctot Bill Groody Tom Lanctot Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 115 Patrick Oster Lloyd N. Cutler Warren Christopher Lois Wille David L. Aaron Wayne Wille Marshall Shulman Bruce Ingersoll David D. Newsom Jean Newsom Table 118 Hal Wingo Christopher P. Anderson Garry Clifford Clare Crawford-Mason Dolly Langdon Table 116 Thomas J. Frawley Mal Johnson Kathryn Nettles Andrea Shepherd William M. Hoiles Dr. Alan Lovelace E. William Bohn Mrs. E. William Bohn J. W. Roberts Hobart Taylor Jan Barbed Francine Proulx Table 117 Robert Kleiman Mary Temple Kleiman Michael V. Miller Glenn H. Parsons Claude Jarman Gerald R. Rosen Evan M. Rosen Pickard E. Wagner Michael Hudoba Alan G. Raymond Table 119 Dr. Carl O. Bostrom Dr. Alvin G. Schulz Alvin R. Eaton Dr. Robert W. Hart Dr. V. David VandeLinde J. Hugh Nichols Cyril J. O'Brien Ellison Moss Thomas O'Toole Charles A. McAleer Table 120 Vernon Louviere Priscilla Schwab James B. King Wilbur Martin Roberta Graham Daniel A. Cronin, Jr. Louis A. Shattuck Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 121 Esther Van Wagoner Tufty Pat Van Wagoner Elford Cederberg Col. Richard Campbell Kathryn Campbell James S. Hanson Wendell Lund James Hansen Dr. Shirley Bushaw Hansen Col D. R. Manning Table 122 Richard Cossette James Hennessy Larry Kanter Joanna LeHane Charles Livingston Simon Oulouhojian Donn Proven Don Randall Allen Richey Stanley Stephenson Table 123 Judith Brimberg Eric Peterson James H. Johnston Duane Chapman William Grubbs Webb Hurley Tim Ingram Frank Hellston William Buell Table 124 Leo Abruzzese Michael Vernetti J. Curtis Counts Carl Glines Joseph Jennings John Greene Haig Dagdigian Robert Kramer Wilson Carnes Bart Cincotta Table 125 Robert Zelnick Stuart Schwartz Frances Schwartz Herb Kaplow D. Michael Murray Abe Pollin Julian Scheer Table 126 Godfrey Sperling, Jr. Harry B. Ellis Richard L. Strout Richard Cattani John Cooley Daniel Southerland Peter Stuart Rep. Guy Vander Jagt Bruce K. MacLaury Peter D. Hart Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 127 Robert Murphy Sam Donaldson Barrie Dunsmore John Armstrong William Breen George Lawrence John Cronopulos Lee Pratt Peggy Whedon Sol Linowitz Table 130 Thomas Barnum James Cannon Erle Cocke, Jr. John Cosgrove Jerry W. Friedheim Sen. Jesse Helms Dale L. Jernberg William J. McManus D. Ray Wilson Warren Woods Table 128 Leo Albert Carrol Flaumenhaft Leonard Weiss Diane Rennert Andrew Brilliant Richard Kiernan Richard Long William Faber Edwin B. Spievack Ian D. Volner Table 129 Dr. Roger Alcaly Helen Bodian William A. Anawaty Amy Anawaty Linda Stern John D. Greenwald Maria-Teresa Greenwald Patricia Walker Ken Share Bryan Wilkins Table 131 David Waters Lois Romano Ralph Nader Buffy Cafritz Reiter Webb Richard Wightman Esther Peterson Lloyd Schwartz J. A. Trachtenberg Cynthia Piechowiak Table 132 Bill Eaton Richard Cooper Edward Morrison Bryce Nelson William Maynes Penny Girard James Smith Mercer Cross Charles W. Johnson Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 133 Clark R. Mollenhoff Greg Rushford Frank Silbey Sen. Max Baucus Irene Silbey Jack Nard Joe Spear Ronald MacDonald Jack Mitchell Table 134 Myron Waldman David Keene Bob Wyrick Catherine Wood Marilyn Millstone David Hamilton Susan Page Benjamin Rosenthal Lou Schwartz Table 135 Anderson Ashburn A. Lee Fritschler Edith Holmes Howard Cohn Maria Recio Jere E. Goyan Ann Lallande Steven D. Jellinek Daniel B. Moskowitz Theodore R. Newman, Jr. Table 136 Donald Reeder John S. Lang Bernie Aronson Sharon Metcalf Ted Gest Les Francis David E. Pollard Dr. Jerome Wiesner John Boslough Philip Handler Table 137 Peter Philipps Edward F Greene Michael A. Pollock James M. Stone J. Gustave Speth Jane S. Shaw Frederick P. Hitz Stuart E. Jackson Anne E. Swardson Darius W. Gaskins, Jr. Table 138 Samuel J. Keker Dr. Thomas L. Jones Robert A. Barr Jack R. DeVore, Jr. Jeannye Thornton Rev. Jesse Jackson Ron Brown Paul G. Hencke Samuel H. Murray David Greenfield Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 139 Jerome F. Brazda Terry Lierman Karen Davis Luci Switzer Koizumi Dr. Lawrence Horowitz Paula Dwyer Michael Carson Barbara Selfridge George P. Lutjen Table 142 LeRoy Hansen Amb. Punch Coomaraswamy Amb. Yoshio Ohkawara Amb. Zain Azraai Carl J. Migdail Harold H. Saunders Paul Henze David L. Barnett William G. Miller Joseph Onek Table 140 John R. Gibson Richard Nenneman Robert G. Gibson Walter S. Wingo Dr. Alan S. Greenspan Dr. Rudolph G. Penner Patricia M. Scherschel Nancy H. Teeters Joseph Sims Jeff Trimble Table 141 Dorsey W. Woodson Reginald W. Rhein, Jr. Dr. James Mongan Charles Marwick Dr. Richard Krause Sandra Gregg Dr. John Moxley III Lynn Lutjen John Blamphin Table 143 Evan Thomas Wade McCree Hays Gorey Joan Connelly Anne Callahan Ru Rauch Eden Rafshoon Katherine McNevin Stephen Robinson Criss Russell Table 144 Leonard Wiener William B. O'Connell Michael F. Doan Jerry Jasinowski David F. Pike Rodger O. Schlickeisen Louis Silver Neal Gregory Gar Kagonowich Abigail Trafford Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 145 Nancy Cardwell Stan Crock Stephen Friedman Albert R. Karr Thomas Trantum Christopher Conte Maynard Comiez Joann Lublin Tom Donohue Eduardo Lachica Table 146 Ellis M. Haller Charles E. Dynes Dr. Arthur Weimer Elaine Jorpeland Marilyn Wilson Fred W. Frailey Alan S. Boyd Donald C. Bacon Robert W. Maher Audrey Freeman Table 147 Richard Hudson Daniel Marcus Brooks Jackson Eugene Russell Ronald Shafer Mack Solomon Robert Greenberger Donald Furtado Robert Taylor Table 148 Kenneth R. Sheets Philip J. Carroll Tom Denman Tovah Thorslund Sara J. Fritz William Hobgood Donald H. Lund James G. Hergen Harry A. Lenhart Harald B. Malmgren Table 150 John Nerlinger Martin Fromm Robert Sirotek James Conner Ron Weiner Charles Roth Martha Casey Meredith Fernstrom Robert Boucher Lynn Zempel Table 151 Penny Ward Moser Gregory Wierzynski Patricia Derian E. R. Edward Jackson Cassie T. Furgurson Stanley Cloud Johanna McGeary Barbara Dolan Douglas Brew Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 152 Julian Morris Charles Blum J. Russell Deane Mel Steinbrenner Gerald Dickey Edward Cohen Michael Wiley Dick Wells Nancy Warder Rick Bay Table 155 Martha Shirk William F. Woo Joseph J. Gancie Frank A. d'Agostino Scott E. Berrett Jerry Marsh Vincent Gancie Trude Feldman Ray Courage Gertrude Engel Table 153 Jerry Hannifin Richard Hornik Lissa August Rep. Jim Lloyd Ed Henry Deborah Staats William Blaylock Elva Morgan Robert Hanfling Table 154 Ben F. Phlegar Rep. William S. Broomfield Grant W. Howell Alex Kucherov Franz Cyrus Thomas J. Foley Richard Conlon Richard Drayne John P. Sutherland Terry Kovel Table 156 James C. Killpatrick Rep. Paul Simon J. Bruce Llewellyn Amy Killpatrick J. Frank Diggs Thomas E. Flannigan Deborah Churchman Harold R. Kennedy John M. Murphy Tim Burr Table 157 Kathleen Johnson Donald Kaplan Mary Kate Cranston Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 161 Hope Hathaway Dr. Edward von Rothkirch Terrance Van Wyck Larry G. Hastings Eva J. Phillips Joe Oppenheimer Harland W. Warner Wesley N. Pedersen Robert L. Miller William J. Halterman Table 162 Roscoe Born James Meagher Table 163 DeVan Shumway Barbara Shumway Powell Moore Marcy Gordon Dr. Charles K. Ebinger Table 166 John J. Tuohey Michael McDonald John Harms Linda A. Hales Dr. Ada Gershen Don Alloway Marty Gershen George E. Gudauskas Bert N. Padrutt Beverly Moss Table 202 Ann Anthan James Risser Donald Kaul Margaret Engel Larry Fruhling Richard Foster Thomas Higgins Laurence Paul Michael Gartner Robert Gray Table 204 John J. Corns Thomas E. Burke William Toohey Norman Philion Walter Boyne Julian Levine Francis W. Cash C. J. Ehrlich Gary L. Wilson Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 205 Don C. Womack Benjamin C. West Mello G. Fish Ronald L. Martinson Harold W. Needham Terrence E. Sauvain W. Raymond Colley Ernest J. Russ William R. Pitts, Jr. Gene Bernhardt Table 208 Ronald A. Taylor David Andrews Julie E. Dear Tania 0. Demchuk Betsy Younkins Sharon W. Walsh Donald E. J. Steward Randell E. Moore Nora Scott-Kinzer William I. Greener III Table 206 Patricia A. Avery Ed Clark Chris Hocker Alvin P. Sanoff Robert Sann Donald P. Doane Dan Karasik Sybil M. Graves Table 207 Thayer V. Illsley Robert E. Petersen Katherine M. McPhee Merri I. Baker S. Joseph Keenan Roy L. McGhee Richard B. Smith Dick S. West Table 209 Norm Kempster Frederick G. Dutton John Averill J. Stanley Kimmitt Bob Toth Ronald Spiers Annette J. Samuels Carolyn G. Wimmer Billie Shaddix Table 210 Allan W. Cromley Vivian Vahlberg R. T. Kingman Frank Faraone John Hartnett Lyle Denniston Elizabeth C. Denniston Spencer Davis Burke Knapp Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 221 Jim Lehrer Al Vecchione Jo Franklin-Trout Dan Werner Rosemary Foley Patricia Ellis Robert Hershman Annette Miller Monica Hoose Bob Watson Table 224 R. Jeffrey Smith Marjorie Sun Constance Holden Eliot Marshall Gil Omenn Robert Harris Thomas Pickering S. David Freeman Paul West Claudia Townsend Table 222 William J. O'Brien Martha M. Kappel Charles R. van Horn Gerald W. Collins Helen A. Collins Brig. Gen. Joseph F H. Cutrona Peter L. Shaw Joseph C. Scheleen John N. Ragsdale III Joseph Delton Pattie Table 223 Harry L. Tennant Carole A. Foryst Edwin E. Edel James English Donald M. Deer Carl Lyon Richard Shoup Daniel Flanagan Frank E. Gray Janice M. Rosenak Table 225 Patrick Munroe Matthew Gordon Michael R. Gordon Dr. James C. Cobey Abigail McCarthy Morris Cunningham Charles O. Morgret Table 226 Ross Mark Charmayne Marsh Creighton Burns Ellen Masin Persina Emily Shekitoff Frank Bennett Katherine Carlson Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Table 227 Mary Norris Munroe Ymelda Dixon Amb. Hugo Margain W. W. Cobey John A. Logan Mandell J. Ourisman Sen. Larry Pressler Rear Adm. C. Tazewell Shepard Gael M. Sullivan Carl L. Shipley Table 229 Joan Bingham Packard John R. Wagley K. Dun Gifford Gladys Gifford W. E. Chilton III Paul R. Thatcher Don Stillman Charles Peters Beth Peters Table 228 Leslie Sewell Linda Wertheimer Nina Totenberg Cokie Roberts Sanford Ungar Frank Fitzmaurice Frank Mankiewicz Barbara Cohen Maurice Mitchell Cathy Douglas Table 230 Steven Reiner William Drummond Robert Krulwich Bill Buzenberg David Molpus Steve Curwood Chris Koch Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 ~~~,1`/`C/yhll/? I/.7 ~ ~/~?Pt -16OUIVNI Originated in 1972 as one prize, there now are two awards - a $500 first prize and a $250 second prize - for excellence in Presidential news coverage under deadline pressure in the tradition of the late Merriman Smith, United Press International White House Correspondent. These awards - $1000 first prize and $500 second prize - have been presented annually since 1944. Entries are not limited to any one field. The only standard is excellence in the tradition of Raymond Clapper, Scripps-Howard correspondent who died in a 1944 plane crash while serving as a war correspondent in the Pacific. for' nth %a i /~Zerrur~ huh A $1000 prize for newspaper or magazine reporting that investigates and analyzes situations of national significance in the Washington political community, this award has been presented each year since 1967 in memory of journalist Robert Worth Bingham. awret , d o-tart Jjtot~ial ~ `6Lta l'v Two prizes - $500 to a news correspondent and $250 to a television or radio analyst - are being awarded this year for the first time. The awards honor the late Washington bureau chief of the Denver Post; syndicated columnist; associate editor of the Washington Post; and associate editor of the Buffalo Evening News. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7 AMERICAN PRINTING COMPANY WASHINGTON, D.C. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180075-7