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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 FORM No. 51.61 ;_>'~-"",.1C`P ~D MAY 1949 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I ACQUIRED Press ,~ur;~^~aries THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 31 AND S2 AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. __ use as backkround material. T",_^:7o are cent to you for retention. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The accompanying Polish press summaries are being sent to you for poF:siblo STAT LASS_IFICATION DISTRIBUTION 22 1949 STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 A iGL O-A ERICAN P ,?"SS SUMMARY Warsaw, Poland. STAT Monday, October 10, 1949? Steven D.Zagorski, Editor.. Note: Translations appearing herein are We as accurately as possible but are not necessarily literal. SEC` I0?~ A .DOMESTIC POWFh OF USSR CONSTITUTES ASSU IANCF OF POLISH INDEPENDENCE. OPENING CF POLISH-SOVIET FRIsNDSHIP CONSOLIDATION MONTH IN WARSAW. Domestic despatch Polish Scaviet Friendship Consolidation Month opened in Warsaw with a concert, which took place in the Polish State Theater on October 9. Sejm Marshal Kowalski and Ministers: Woiski_, Radlaiewicz, Swiat- kowski, Skrzesnewski, Dybowski, Podelworny, Spychalski and Rzymow- ski, as well as representatives of'the Polish Army, political par- ,ties and' trade unions ,were present at the concert, which was also attended b- members of the dipolonatic corps, headed by their dean, USSR Am'3assador Le.bie'diev. On ch; occasson. of the opening of Polish-.Soviet Friendship Consolidation Month, opening cei emr..?:nies were held on October 9 all over the country. The meetings were a spontaneouG manifesta- tion of Polish friendship for the USSR.. Ord tee first Sunday of Polish-Soviet Friendship Consolidation Mbntb the inhabitants of Warsaw were given an opoortunit7 to be- come acquainted with the works of Soviet musicians, poats9 and writers. Zycie 11arszawy, #2799 October 10 and others, 107 lines-excerpts MEMORIAL OF GRATITTTOF TO SOVIET ARMY fiC BE ERECTED IN WLOCLAWEK. Domestic despatch Plans for a Gratitude Memorial, which will be raised in Plac Wol nosci (Libeity Square) in Wloclawek, will be exhibited curing Polish-Soviet Friendship Month. Prizes will be awarded for the best plans. The Wloclawek Gratitude l"lemofi al will be. erected from voluntary contributions of the worker class. Trybuna Ludv, x219, Oct. 10 an.l others,i4 lines-verbatim NUMEROUS CHURCHES : tEBUI LT IN S I I.-S1A FROM MIN S TRY OF CTILTU IE AND ART FUN'S. 0 Domestic despatch In the ?urn ent year, due to funds from -tqe Ministry of Culture and Art, work is being carried out bn the reconstruction of histo- rical ch rch s in Silesia Province. best Soviet ilrs were sciown, performances b~ Warsaw artists were given in 6 parks of the city. In Warsaw cinemas, which .sore filled to capacity on Sunday, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 The total number of historical churc :es which Are darlaged uring the ? a it war ani rcbuil t from Ministry of Culture and Art funds during the years frorn 1945,to 1948 3 n Silesia Prrvffince, amounts to some 200. Zycie >W!arszawv, #279, October 10 and others, 35 lines-excerpts WORK PLAN OF PEASA1' T SELF-171P ASSCCIATION Fit 1950. LXTF1 SIVL CULTCRAL Ii D SOCIAL AC' IVI'y'Y. Domestic despatch .A conf'cr::nce devoted to discussion of directives for the Pea- sant Self-- le1p Assaciatior, plan for 1950 was held _n the Warsaw headquarters of th_ As:;ociatior. In 1950,principal emph?sis will be laid on further activation of work in village Councils of the Peasant Self-felv Assoc _?tion. The directives for the clan provide for ar, increase in member- ship to two million men days for familiarizing himself with the contents of the anpesl and for filing a written reply in the meantime, where- upon he shall submit the documents to the Minister of Public Admi- nistration. 4. The decree of the Minister of Public Administration shall be issued in agreement with the anoropriate minister. CHAPTER 1 Principles for compensation. Art. 27. The duty of compensating shall be incumbent upon the person on whose motion the expropriation has been ~ronounce~. Art. 28. 1. The compensation shall embrace the loss caused by expropriation arid shall be calculated according to norms based upon average prices current during the three years proceding the filing of the motion for expropriation. The increment of real estate value resulting from nubile investments effected after September 1939 shall not be taken into account in fixing the compensatioh. 2. The rate of appraisal for various kinrIs of real estate and substantive rights in respedt of expropriated real estate shall be established by an order of the Council of Ministers issued in agree- ment with the Council of State. Art. 29. 1. Compensation shall not be payable for buildings and installations erected without the required permission of appro- priate authorities, nor for newly constructed buildings and esta- blished plantations and new installations or improvements, where the manner of their execution, time of their origin and other cir- cumstances male it possible to establish that they have been effected for the~nurpose of gaining a higher compensation. 2. In a case provlced for in the preceding clause, the expro- priated party may dismantle and remove such installations at his own expense before the estate is actually taken over by the expropriating; party or at a later date.provided they are still- present on the estate. Art. 30. 1. Should the expropriated estate be a farmstead or gardening establishment, a handicraft workshop or the expropriated pr.rt7's only plot of land containing a house for one of two families, the expropriating party shall be required to offer another estate in compensotion, situptad, as far as possible, in the same locality or in another of the same or similar character. 2. The v':lue of the estate offered in exchange should correspond as near ~s possible, In veluc to the r:sta trr subject to kxpropriation. Thr hal~!nce of the compensation to make uo the full value due to the e propriatjd party, shell be paid according to principles established Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -9- in article 31. Principles for liquidating the balance of the value of an estate ,ffercd_ in exchange, whenever the.'. value. r,f that estate exceeds' the, -amount'nf compensctipn, shall be ? established by order of the Council of" Ministers, 3. The'-payment rf indemnity in cash (AArt;31) in cases mentioned'in Item I may-be_made solel at the request of the expropriated party submitted, to the Provincial- Governor nr when expropriated nartyrefuses to accept anther estate in exchange which, iri the Governor's oninion, coforms to the nr!wisior..s of. tem 4. If th.e expropriating party does pmt own any real estatez'which could be offered, as indemnity for the expropriated real'estatei as mentioned in Item 1, the obligation to furnish compensatory real estate falls on the State Trasur?y or local- government. The Council of Ministers will by order, issued in agreement with. the. State Council, establish the principles for furnishing' compensatory real estate, the 'rinciples for settling accounts and the procedure to be followed by the appropriate authorities in this matter, An order by the Council of Ministers will establish the,princinles and cases in which the rights and restrictions applying to the exr,ronriated real estate may be tranferred to the real estate offered in exchange, for. the former. Article 31 1. Indemnity expressed in money will be paid In cash, 2. Detailed instructions'for payment procedure will be contained in the Council of Ministers' order, Article 32, The appropriate Ministers in agreement with Ministers of Reegnstruction'end of Finanee, are authorized to dispose-nf real estate, belonging to the_State, on'the exchange ba'sis- mentioned` in Lrticles 7, 20 and 30, CHI-PTEP 5 Establishing the amount of indemnitye Anti e33 '--(I) Either of the two"i~rties may submit to the Pi'ovirc al.` Governor, immedi tely after the expiry-of the periods .'mentioned in Art:.19; a request to establish'the amount of indemnity. (2) If such'reque'st is submitted prior to the hearings, .the Provincial Governor may order.hearings*concerning both expropriation and indemnity. (3) 'he -provisions of Article 22 are appropriately applicable. Article i+. (1) Luring hearings both sides may conclude an 'a'greement concerning the amount of indemnity on principles stipulated in Article 28, -provided the per;;ons who have substantive "rights to the real estate agree to this. (2) The text of the agreement will be entered in the record and is subject to the Provincial Governor's approval, The .agreement has legal validity of_An agreement concluded in a Court co. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -10_ Article 35 At the hearings, if the exnropri^ting party and the persons, "4who hrve substantive rights to the expropriated real estate, agree to leave the said rights on the real estate, in spite of its exprorri^tion, the above mentioned persons will be excluded from further procedure and the value of their preserved rights will ue appropriately taken into consideration when aomjuting indemnity. Article 36 (1) At the ororosal of either party, experts may be consulted concerning the amount of indemnity due iri accordance with Art. 2P. (2) The rrccedure for summoning experts will. be established by the Ministers of Reconstruction, of Public Administration and of Finance, t.t ticle 37 (1) The decision concerning indemnity will be taken by the Provincial Governor on the b,-sis of results of the hearings. (2) the delivery of and the atpeel against the decision amncerning indemnity will be effected in accordance with :?rt.26, items 1 to 3. (3) The Minister of Public Administr^tion will make a final derision concerning indemnity on the basis of the nrope al submitted by the Indemnity Commission for expro- printed real estate. The composition, organization 'and course of procedure of the Cor-zission will be established by an order of the Louncil.of Ministers at the nronosal of the Minister of Public administration, Article 8 (1) Sums due from the expropriated party to the Land and and for capital.investment debts, which are mortgaged on the expr'rriaated real estate will by deducted from the indemnity paidQ The income tax due from the indemnity will also be deducted. All deducted sums will be paid to the appropriate instititions, (2) If the .2xpronricted nerty does not Produce proof that persons, not mentioned in Item 1, who have rights (to the real estatri) stinuleted in the register 'or in the submitted documents. hnto agreed that the indemnity can be acid to the expropriated party in full, the exprcnriating party will deposit the indemnity, after deducting from it the sums mentioned in Item l-, with a k'ourt of Law, which will distribute the sum in cccrdance with the low concerning compulsory cc.lection of amounts due, CHAPTER 6 Execution and results of exnroprintion Article 19 (1) The decision concerning expropriation transfers the title of cwnexsship of real estate to the exprorriating narty on the day when the pronos2l for expronriation is made. The dec1 ion forms a ba si:: for entering the ownership title in the land register. (2) When entering the decision in the register or in the documents submitted, all titles contained in the register are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -11- annulled except those titles which are agreed upon by the expro- priating party, by persons possessing these titles and by persons whose titles are to'be preserved, in accordance with the decision concerning expropriation. (3) The expropriating party does not enter into agreements, con- cluded by the expropriated party concerning the expropriated real estate, unless the expropriating party consented to enter into these agreements. If the results of expropriation concern the exe- cutor of the plan, who has an agreement with the expropriated party, the refusal to enter into agreement requires the consent of the superior organ of the executor of the plan. (4-) The provisions of Article 18 of the decree dated December 21, 1945, concerning the nubile administration of premises and the control of premises (Journal of Laws of the Polish Republic No. 4, item 27) apply to persons living in expropriated real estate. Part T Penal provisions Articles 40. (1) Whoever disturbs survey work by authorised persons or does not admit them to places mentioned in the permit, or hampers them in carrying on the work mentioned. in.the permit, is liable to imprisonment for a period up to one month or to a fine of 50,000 zl. (2) Whoever removes or destroys completed survey work is liable to imprisonment up to three months or a fine of 150,000 zi. Whoever, contrary to a Provincial Governor's decision, disturbs the taking over of real estate by the party. who applied for expropriation, is liable .to imprisonment up to three months, or to a fine of 150,000 zlotys. (3) The County Administrative organs are authorised. to decide these matters. Part V Final end, teltincrary provisions Article 41. (1) ?xpropriation, started before the entry into force of the present dec:ree, will be continued., if the real estate is still indispensable for the fulfilment of national economic plans, on the basis of provisions of the present decree concerning the decision of expropriation and. the establishment of and procedure for payment of indemnity.. (2) The provisions of Art. 5 and 6 are appropriately applicable. Article 42. Provisions of Article 37 of the decree of April 2, 1946, concerning the development of national territory (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 109) are annulled. - Article 43. The execution of the present decree is entrusted to the Chairman of the State Economic Planning Commission, to the Minister of Public Administration and to other Ministers. Article 44. The?present decree enters into force on the day of its publication., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -12- B.Bicrut, Prasir3ent of the Polish Republic T.Cyrankiewicz, Presi'ent of the Council of. Ministers &l.Zawadzki, Vice-Pres ident of the Ccuncil of Ministers &.Korzycki, Vice-Pres ident of the Council of finisters H.Minc, Vice-Pres ident of the Council of Ministers and Chairman -,f the State Ecqnomic Planning Commission W. Rzynowski, Minister Barnnowski W . , Minister M.Zymierski, Marshal of Poland, Minister of National Defense Z." odzelewski, Minister -:f Foreign Affairs Wl.Wolski, Minister of Public Administration St.Radkiewicz, Minister of Public Security K. Dabrowski, Minister of Finance H.Swiatkowski, Minister of Justice St.Skrzeszewski, Miniatcr of Education P.Nieszporek, Minister cf Mihing and kettle Power K.Zemajtis, Chief of the Ministry of Heavy Industry F.Stawinskj, Ministcr of Light Industry B.Ruminski, Minister of Lgricultural and Food Industry T. Dietrich, Minister of -Domestic Trade T.Gede, Minister of Foreign Trade J. Deb-Kociol, Ministor ' of agriculture and Agricultural Reform K.Rusirtel-., Minister of Labor and Social Welfare S.Dyhowski, Minister of Calturc and Art A.Rapacka, Minister of Shipping B,Pode,3wi.rny, Minister of Forestry J.Rtobanowski, Minister of Cor'. un1e:at1.on W.Szymancwski Minister of Posts aw "Tclegrap _s ?T.Nichejra M1.r._s ter of health M.Spyehalski, Minister of Reconstruction Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/ ANGLn-AME tICAN P7 ESS SUHM~.RY Warsaw Poland Saturday, eptember 10,1949 Steven D.Zagorski, Editor Note! Translations ajpearing herein are made as accurately as'possible but are not necessarily literal, ******,*********:~.******************* *** "***)r** SECTION A DOMESTIC POPE'S LETTER TO D HOPS AYD Domestic Desnetch HIS ACCUSATIONS 1_: E Br SELESS. VIEWS OF PRACTICING CATHOLICS ABOUT "RELIGIOUS FEPSECUTIONS." The Pope's letter to Polish Bishops states, inter alin, that sick people in hospitals are refused religious comfort-0 In reference to this a ?an of the Sister 'of Charity, errployed in the municipal hospital in Bydgoszcz, states: "This accusation is comoietely urrong, Sick people are not forbidden to exercise religious practices, there is a chapel in the hospital and a pried Games to every ?atient whr wants to see him. I am, therernre, indignant that the Pope made such baseless accusations." _K^towice.. "The yJork .rs Tribune" nublishcs a declaration by W,Jerzyk iwicz, ~hairmrn of the Polish 1"lerchants Assncitti^n, wio writes: "I-never encountered any cbstec'as in the exercise of religious rrr.ctices -nJ I have never nr.ticed any attacks against freedom of religious opinion. I am also surprised by the Pope's statement -chat the expansion of activities of i-i titutions a,xder the care of nuns and priests has been stormed. I know that the r ctivitics of 'Caritas ` , of which I -,.m a member, continue to develop. I 'firmly declare that the Pope's letter and the ccusr'tiwns con+ained therein are not confirmed in the da.1ly religious life of nr^cticing C,rtholics, to whom ,l belong myself." Zycic Warszawy #249, Sept.10.1949 and. others (77 lines) excerpts WORKERS CONTbEMN TITO'S T3EPCHEROUS ICLICY Domestic 1espatch are being held in r_xny towns of Poland."The Soviet Note", write the Poznan railway workers, "hos tern the mask from the by-oocriti.cel trerche'rous policy of the Yugoslav Government. The gited facts prove the treason committed by the Tito regime." Workers of Torun Municipal Council stated that the Tito Uovernment and the ler-_der,; of Yugoslav Communist Party h~ v-: betrayed. the interests of the working mrsses, Tre VUgoslav Government declrration concerning the alleged "building t7 agents, further testimony was supplied by witnesses. The public as well s the defendant, F"thsr Hoszycki, were shaken by the evidence of :Kaminski-Sztenaurrwa, mother of en organist in Cur Lady's "hunch in Pabienice, Kaminski, murdered in a concentr-tion ce p. _ An elderly wonnn, dressod in black, appeared tefcrF the Court. bhe described the treacherous role of the defendant, Frther Ho:zycki, who h:-d rbused her son's ccnfidcnce, skilfully obtained information thrt he used to listen to radio br',:Yxperts Poet in Berlin Jcrrman miners recocnize the Odra-Nysa frontior Who nee.is the air lift R3ticning system to be bclishcd in Soviet zone in 11150 Crush of Reut.;r's cntcrorise Under the lining - war crir:inals Max Reiman at liberty On the path t power First issue of the monthly "Blick nach 2olen" Western Germany to trade with eastern Europe Fisler appointe,' number cf the Socialist Union German party lea tership 1 11 1 15 2 6 2 1.1 2 i3 4 5 6 8 7 8 9 11 12 12 13 13 13 3 13 11 13 15 16 19 19 t 19 19 r 19 11 19 19 1U 20 1 20 21 jr i:. 21 li 23 f 23 ci 25 26 ~ 26 1 27 5 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 In the name of "Lttanti.c Culture" 27 . 9 The truth be=,hinc dismantling policy in Bizonia 27 14 ,ensic,ns for 1 1tleri_an solllliers 2 2 Gangster methods of 4rerican ia?tellig(n.ce in Western Germany 3 5 Hitleri:_ans as managers of German press agencies 28 5 Difficult economic situ.a i_(cn in Westcrn Germany 28 8 ngs f. rom the 5RD 29 Greeti 2 . Berlin Ey)isccpel C-)-.ria's organ on Vatican's policy 29 5 End of the "Berlin venture" 29 6 Thomas Mann recei.v threatening letters 29 6 A we?pcn of German reaction in the aT?roaching Elections 30 4 singlo-Saxo_;n.s abelisa the airlift 6 Gen?rel '.cencmic Coma -:.ittee 1pronosE?s negotirtions 30 Intenled release of slitlerian criminals 30 l.- GRAIN Establishments, Polish, one year activity of 6 9 GRFECE Now Gr -ek G~;vcrnrnent 1 5 Stubbcrn fighting in Greece ends in victory ftr the Democrats Violent fighting in Gr 6 Greek fascists attacking frcn YnEcsiavia 8 t` New crime committed by Athens gevernrt:ent 9 i6 Baseless territorial clairis of Greece prevented agreement with Bulgaria 11 c Terr on sm r : ve lac by the "Bloo 9 book" of Greek Democrats 11 J nation Ad'ress to the Greek 12 , Bloody fighting in Mscedonia 12 16 sentences in Greece 13 Strike a table 13 12 I,Anlometic manoeuvres cf -she athens Gcvernraent 13 13 Greek royalist trot-is attack from YugoslLwtria 13 1~3 Chil:iren art toar; from democratic Greece in Poland. 13 1-+ . Piomidis unable to settle wage problem 16 6 Greek children 'in the Lazi.enki rte. 16 1.2 Greek democratic army's activities 18 lt+ i to-Tsal aaris' ;alliance 18 1.5 The US supply t' e ^t;:acns army with pe son gas 23 7 `nglo-Saxons prepare,) now offensive in Greece 25 5 ?'error anpiied by courts in Greece 25 9 Kaudis threatened death 25 16 For the children of t? ightiop Greece 26 2 Further provocations c~f Greet fascists 2 7 5 Increased activi_tie cf Greek ,iomccrP-,tic army 2 13 New death scnte.nce.s in Greece 28 6 Greek gcverrarent clerks on strike n, ain 28 14 Crammos is the fascists' ;'rave 30 R'E L ,NDg protests against the occupation cf 13 iF New war bases to be cconstri ct 7 in Greenland ' 26 10 G,,ILT v,IaL,D the Grun.wa1 1 tradition 16 15 GT ~ rLC1(1 state of emergency in 23 9 -IL i DRdvAUT, fa:!ine' in 3 15 LL'TH 0r -a ization, Tn;`or1 g a nrc~v s Pclish proposals 3 NGL Lx "SID - Dutch colonial army is committing atrocities 8 15 Ferment in the Latch &.r-v 11 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 DZ'-P;iG:E "Down with ft scist prong an_la" 13 2 ~ Unsuccessful atti:rrpt to crop + e national. rasoorves 16 4 Mars-311 21ar tor'ec?oing etch eccnc y 19 14 Police terror in ;ir:sterrian 20 4 Belgia*~- Sutct iS .greea:F:r 21 l3 Mass mcetin_g I .n. .in,ster.le . 27 kG KGI?G is, n3 7 afka on the :Pcb h- ri?n Co" ittee on Econo::ic cooperation 6 7 Hungary star's export cch at PZPR "r;rars w~ confcrf ace 16 fend of Warsaw jZx'R conference 6 1 Discussion on secon i clay of Warsaw ?Z 'R cot-if erence 6 11 New officers of the Warsaw P~ZP'R Ccmmi ctee 7 1 First provincial confc;rence, cf ~srsaw -ZPn organiz-~tion 3 1 President Bierut's spy e;ch at the First Warsaw. ~?Z! R confe. once 11 2 Provincial r Zr'R coif a"rF:nc ; 12 2 Debates of the First ?ZPR conference of the Warsaw province 12 14 The }'ZPR organization fully consolidated 15 13 Speech by ..Dcnut~r-Premier Diane at the first provincial party conference in Warsaw 16 7 RA T-he 0 tower highest in the world 21 J voice of 1.Jarsaw sc finds frog: the iighest aerial mast 25 i.. RAIJWAY$, Polish St ,te Rai--ways' (PKSP) 6-yesr plan 13 New railway line opened in Lower Silesia 18 7 ;TIC - Berl ren tri- t e s return home 30 )LU Pis on increased watchfulness 19 15 NI ratified. agreement with Poland 12 6 P6Ti-sh-Ruumanian agreement. Ratific,, tion of 23 A la. Kravtchen c- arrest of Vitianu in Berne l . I .A Rumanian pa-,-per writes about the ratification of friendship treaty With Poland 3.6 3 Rumanian press on. 2o12n's econchic successes 20 v Rum. a Sian. Government delegation in 7re gue 20 7 Rumanian press on mel..iaevel methods of the Pope 23 3 A delegation of Rumanian pdasants has visited the USSR 23 Rumanian cultural delegation has left for Moscow 30 3* IJM -sixty sixth meeti:zg of the Se jm 2 6 C.r.osin.g of the Se jm spring session 4 ~. proceedings in Seim Committees 4 :a ~~ P1~11~N~S fte_port from the coast 1 6 Christening of "Zew Morza" 1 7 sic:- s from the Sea-coat 2 10 Maritime rate lead1 rg into the world (6-year plan) 7 9 Collision of S.S "Panna W odna" and yacht "Gen.Zarus1_i" 8 2 Wreck "Aleksendr&' ?.iftaj. New success of the GAL salvage team 8 16 S ca and sea coast 9 3 The raising of the "L e&i'l has started 9 6 Over two thousan,~ tons of river shipments 12 6 The first Polish trawler takes shape on the slipway 12 13 "Mamut" 'r. edges the Wladjrslawowo port 1 7 Molestf ng of S.,S. Sobies ;i in N w York 15 5 Record loading and u.nload:ir g of M.S. "Jutlandia" in Gdynia 15 7 29000th. shi;i arriving in Szczecin 19 7 Record. -achieves during the loading of the K.S. "Jutland" 23 15 The Polish float to increase to 630,000 IT 25 7 Production plan of the Gdynia shipyard to be fulfilled by November 30 2 5 9 Pro,ress in marxti} : econo-my 2, 8 First cargoes of iron cry: from countrieso' people's "emocraey 27 9. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -1k- SH 1 PPI IBC DAY-PAGE The' 3ratory" crcw -'ecor tc i 28 1 Sinking of coastal vuGsel on the Gdynia-Rel route 28 1 3.9 vessels will opt-rate, on 1'olish ,~atLrways 28 8 the loss of ,S 43, " .nn^" in-restigated 29 2 SOVIET UNIT; Vishinsky's st. t, rre:nt ccncurning s=aris CF =1 session 1 100,000 -.enbcrs of the '~:"o1i^h-Sovi `t Society in Warsaw 1 Polish peasar..ts visiting farms in USSR 1 1'1) Polish pe sar_.ts' icleg33tions returnel to Kiev 4 6 The 'elegation of r olish ncasants ha ire left the Ukraine 5 5 elegatic.n of 395 t : sarlts returns froze Soviet Ukraine 6 2 'Partieiants in the excuroinn to Soviet Ukraine give their impressioas 7 National m oet .ng of 'olish- oviet Friendshin association 8 1 All;-Union cons er :nca of P,-,ace Supporters 8 5 Delegation of Rtuaarian ~: easants in Kharkow 9 Popularization of clucati n among young workmen in the USSR .9 8 Soviet air fcrcc l .a ling in the world 11 4- Sovi~wt Mastic art exhibition in Krakow 11- Vishinsky's rF. c,action in honor o-L' Czechoslovak 1elegstion 11 8 Izviestia's jubile;E ]r2 1 USSR Armbassa r in Bu1a est presents his credentials 12 1 , Soviet-Korno:.n a -reeinont on eccnonic ant cultural cooperation 13 14 USSR cement specioli3ts in i'olan1 1? I+ i5 Sovi~t miners magnificent effort 1 July 25 - Snvi;:t Navy 'ny 15 Conference c-.f USCR iefen,-4ers of peace to be hcl on august 25.15 Prav'?a on the a-titentic Fact 15 71 On the eve of Soviet Hvia tion Day 15 1.6 New Polish-Soviet Friendship Society Leadership 16 3 Imposing revi(. w of Soviet air farce 18 Soviet aviation 'ay 19 11 Congratulations fcrr USSR air force 19 1= -,uur youth in a Soviet 1blkho~z 19 ? 6 oviet lain , ;ballet coming to Warsaw 20 3te1in rcceiv-. s the British i'imbassador to Moscow 20 S --ol.ish-Sovi~. t coopera ticn in teohnolo-)gy 20 732 schools for artists in Soviet Russia 20 16 Soviet cress commc nts on the East-West Highway 21 'i Soviet Meat:: to the Italian Government 21 6 The worl3's first aerc;:ian 21 Soviet writers and newspaper men arrive in Warsaw 23 1 Generaliasir.no 3talin's dishes to the polish nation 23 5 Marshal Rokosvovsky's wire t- remier Cyrankicwicz 23 5 Literaturnaia Gazicta on --olish Liberation Day 23 Marshal Rokossovski leaves 'vtArsaw 25 Message to the Coi:RIanler--in -Chief of the Soviet Navy 25 3 60-person Sovi .IY-PAGE x--Klan 7. 12 Snyder expected in London 8 3 American press confirm3 the failure of Marshall Plan 8 5 US reactionaries' , discriminatory nla.ns for Americans of Slav origin 9 5 The Secretary of the Slav Congress arrested 9 5 Protests against ratification of the Atlantic Pact 9 6 Truman's advisers in favour of the devaluation of the pound 9 7 When corilp?etition is useful 9 15 Trial of twelve communist leaders in. the U.S. 11 3 Washington makes reserves of. strategic raw materials Ii 6 Colonial aeOpetites of American imperialists 11 8 American agents' activities in Indonesia 11 1.1 Gen.Howley to be recaller 11 U.S. contemplates transfer of 2,500,0-T0 persons from Europe 11 l3 Snyder in Paris 11 Why does the American government not try the Gubitshev case 12 New Ku-Klux-Klan brutalities 12 c Reduction of Marshall funds 12 Snyder's dangerous travels 13 .U.S. loan for Franco 13 Decline of ;production and shortage of buyers' ' markets 13 Snyder on inspection in Msrsh:all countries 14 Reduction of the Marshall Plan 14 Two eminent American senators op-}ose the ratification of the Atlantic Pact 14 Americans prevent the return of 150 ,000 Soviet children 15. Marshall aid countri.es faced with a U.S. ultimatum 15 American steal workers to go on strike 15 Wallace sharply criticizes Truman's report ' 15 Davis exposes hypocrisy of American "de rlocracy" 16 New York conference on July 16 and 17 devoted to defence of menaced rights and freedom 16 Admiral Connoly's efusions 16 -, American "superior culture" 16 6 American fliers obliged to rend "Main Kampf" 16 14 The film forgery did not succeed 16 15 American guests in Poland 18 1 U.S. Senate on Atlantic Pact 18 9 General Bradle 's foolish talk 18 16 y Protest against do nortation of progressive foreigners from the U.S. 19 10 JIew York conference in defence of civic rights 20 Fspionage mania in the country of the dollar 20 U.S. refuse to give data on atomic production to England 20 Negroes will not be a tool in the hands of imperialists 20 lty The Atlantic pact in the, U.S. Senate 21 10 U.S. Senate ratif :es Atlantic Pact after tumultuous debate 23 U.S. economic depression 25 8 Breakdown of negodintions between U.S. and Mexico 25 9 Americans withhold State Treasure 25 9 A record? of irnmprglity 25 14 Truman lays before Congress his program for arming Western Europe 26 2 Liberal help for Germany at the expense of Poland 26 14- The ideology of candidaat(s for "rulers of the world" 26 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -18- U ITED STATE Ji Y-PAGE Tardy regrets 27 12 Taft on Truroa n' s programme 28 3 Man eaters 28 9 U.30. troops a g i_nst the workers 28 14- U.S. Negroes terrorized 29 3 Tales and reality (. r?ericryn farmteers) 29 16 American coal flooding Western Europe 30 7 Strong opposition against Truman's progr:im 30 10 VACfTIOI_{S - 1?,!J00 stu?onts will sn? nd summer vacat.ons in health resorts 6 9 Miners from nine countries will spend vacatiorSat Zakopane 12 1?.. VATICAN The Holy Father welco:es ~i Worl:l Health Organization deiegrtion 14 1S The Pope sre arcs in German to Germans 19 if The Pope ac:~r. asses the Germans 20 10' Voice of the Vatican 21 Th-t _agrressi.on will also be repulsed 28 l:, In whose intert:;st? 29 1? :T-NAM - Frtench troops shoot at unarmed vietnarr pe'tsants 23 W WARSAW - reconstructicn of the c pital of Poland 25 2 If if tt 26 1' f- WO~ in foundries 13 1 1-7 WOItI:T_FS A weaver annointe! director 8 2,000, 000,00() zl. for inn roving worker class' living conditions in Warsaw province 14 1'- 44- worker chief manager of the PA.FAWhG 14 1'r R. tionalizer an ;oi ntci director of production 26 YOUTH Youth from all Luro-op to -)articinate in the reconstruction of Warsaw 5 11 "olish Youth :ssocif tion delegation of 650 membors trill attend the World Youth Fc-stival 19 2 k festive meeting of young people in Warsaw 27 if YUGO.SLAVI=; Mass ar~?ests of communists by Tito's gang of trotzk rites -1 3 Prague manifestation against Tito 1 11 Yugoslav emigres in the Soviet Union 2 9 Tito's clique forces school boys to spy on each othtr if 10: A. year of conf '.rma tion if 12 Yugoslav diplomat a spy 5 9 Tito sells Yugoslavia =own the river 5 10 Tito diversionist activity in Czechoslovakia 5 14 Poland suspen is futt re 1-1iverics to Yugoslavia 7 8 Catastrophic Economic situation in Yugoslavia 8 9 U S. and Britain interested in Yugoslavia 9 Forg;rs of history 9 12 Fconorrfe.c rnara loxes of Titoism 9 12 The faithful vassal of im-)erialism 11 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -19- VIA Y?JGOSL: DAY-P[ GE , ipDeal of Yugoslav political emigres in Poland ' 1.4 2 cy Titt serves enemies of ;Pace and der ocra 14 6 Selling out Yugoslavia 14 1.1 The out-stretched hand 16 13 Tito's imperialistic career 18 11 Tito-Tsaldaris alliance 18 5 Tito draws Yugoslavia into Marshall Plan 19 6 His master's voice 21 12 .Anglo-.Firleri&an agents rule in Yugoslavia 23 9 Tito cooperates with the monarcho-fascist Greek Army 23 10 Note frorr the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry to the Soviet Government 25 6 Tito clique competes with Greek fascists 25 1( Yugoslav emigres' lettar to Polish Cras?.caent 27 1 Provocative policy of the renegades 27 11 Soviet Government's protest note to Yugoslavia 28 Tito's clique transforms Yugoslavia into an imperialist colony 28 1 The catastrophic path of Tito's policy 30 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 ANGLO-AMERICAN PRESS SUMMARY Warsaw, Poland August 31,19+9 Steven D.Zagorski, Editor Note: accurately as possiblehbutiare rnt)tt necessarily literal. N e: Subscribers desiring try continue to receive the Summary in September are reminded to send in their subscription fee not later than neon of Thursday September 1 194' ************************* ************* The e very ge duration of such e rccital, w r pp -P sonrtss or one scherzo and - ccoiding to a fantasia, barcarole or one of the ballads, (2) one nocturne, (3) two me.zurkes, (4) two etudes, and (5) one of the nclonaises. 11 ith rc riate DOMESTIC STAT ENTLRI Domestic Despatch OF FOREMOST CHOPIN PIANIST Warsaw (PAP) A press conference Mn the subject of the forthcoming International Chopin Contest in Warsaw took place on August 27 at the office of the Chopin Year executive committee. Culture conference was attended by W.Snkerski, Vice-Minister of and Art.... The Fourth International Chopin Contest will start on September 15 and cf~.ntinue until October 15, 1949. t will be held in the State Philharmonic Hall (the "Roma" Hall),-11 About 70 candidates from 16 or untriefr have entered their na~rnes as oartici,pparts in the contest. These countries are: the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, 4ulgaric Austria:, Brazil, France, England, Mexico, the United States, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Uruguay and Yugoslavia. As regards Polish pianists, arproximately 10 of them, distinguished in the elimination contest, and one residing ebreoaad, will take part in the contest. They are all pianists of an age ranging from 16 t,~ 32 who have completed higher musical studies and practiced as artists (in accordance with the rules of the- contest). The contest will be divided into three stages. At the 'prelirinary stage the contestants will play several compositions Cemprl~edin the contest program. The basic stage of the contest will bee' its second stage,, at which the pianists will be called upon to perform t-r program consisting of: (1) one of Chopin's th ninnist' s eioise - Sx' T I ON A 70 CANDIDATES FROM 16 COUNTRIES r NG CONTEST FOR TITLE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -2- int;rmi sions, will be rproxim tcly one hour4 The following prizes Pre to be a ? crded: First prize. of the President of the Polish Republic, 500,000 zloty:.: Second prize, of the President of the Cnunoil of Ministers, - 40C , 000 zl,'tys ; Third prize of the Minister of Culture and Art, - 300,000 zlotys; Fourth prize, of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, -300,000 zlotys; rifth prize of Uhouin Year Executive Committee, 2 D ,000 ,zlotys ; Sixth prize, of the Mayer of 4t rsaw, - 25(!1000 zlotys; Seventh prize, of the Art aid Culture Workers' Trade Union - 75,OOO zlotys; The prize of the Palish Composers' Union, to be awarded to the best Polish -oiaanist, will consist of 200,fOO zlotys. The prize of the Frederic Chopin Institute,, to be ryarded to the youngest contestant in the third stage, will consist Cf 15 ;000 zlotys. Gl,,,s 1.1itlkonolski ff238 August 31, 1949 (93 lines) Excerpts TRACING OF LOST PE-SONS Domestic Despatch In connection with letters received by the Polish Consulat~:- Generaj. In the United Stites concerning the tracing of lost persons, the Chief Council of the Polish Red Cross rdvises that anplicftions for trrcing persons in the United States should be addressed on Dpropricte forms to the Polish =led Cross Information and Trccing bureau, 14, Mokotnwskr Street. Forms on postcards may be obtained at the n-rrest branch of the Polish Red Cress. ^ck of required inforT^ v.ion concerning the lost person makes tracing impossible. Henceforth no letters concerning tracing should be sent to the Polish Con$ulrte-General in the United States. Rzecznosp.~iita #239 August.31, 1949 only (21 lines) Verbatim POLISH DELEGrITION WILL TAKE PI.RT - IN CZECH0SL(1VP.K JURISTS' CONVENTION. Domestic Despatch The first i ationel ocnvention of Czechoslovak Jurists after the war, with rar-tlc1prtion of more than 1,700 d3lecates from all carts of the Republic, will be held in Pr guy from September 23 to 25. Nary rerresentatives of the Internrtional Democratic Jurists ^ sscci r. t.nn will take pr.rt in the Convention. People's Derr+r_ retie Countries and the Soviet. Union will b3 represented by many del ~s , A Polish delegation of three-pc-sons will attend the Ccrivenlion-, Rzecznosoolita #239 August 31, and others (14 lin~s) Verbatim Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 ..3_ DEVISED BY RES-CTIO1'PRY ELEMENTS Domestic Despatch ONE MORE "Mlle' CLE tt "Trybuna nobctnicza" of !.ugust 30 carries a news item about a now "miracle", this time at Osia Gbra near Linn:+_ca (County of Kolbuszowa). We are quoting this. item verbatim herouncaer. a r esu t Of rubbing discnsed parts of their bodies with the muck', r4eighborin _, hos?~itals and eight persons, who died a tragic c'eat'ti C -is end skir_ c?.iseuses. Close on a score of people are lying Ott s phylactic r^eeures. ` The analysis of the "miraculous" water nro'r~;d that it was swerrning with germs of tuberculosis, trachoma, erysij'cl: to take c-r re of the sick people and, subsequently to order nro-- popu'lation, which` is reco'rning increasingly aware of the trr gia ro- sul s of f'h Osia Gors enterprise the local authorities were fnx -F the'populatior of Kolbuszowy county censures the organizers'of the `""miraclMM' at Osir Gorn and calls for the most severe nondlties to be of"1 { cted upon them At the demand of the loci Recently the choice of "Miracle" orgnizers fell on Osia Gera near Linnica,(County of Kol'buszowa) where, in a dark well the ~4-year-old and mentally ?ack , rd Aniela Tecza has allegediy had a vision of the Holy irgin. she further course of the cam +aign proceeded :according to methods already tried out in Lublin; the news, disseminated at lightning speed, drew p'ilgrims' parties from the neighboring boroughs and. counties of the Province of Rze.szow as well as from adjacent rrrovinces where simple-minced r:ilgrims were assembled by the same people who had organized. similar mess excursions to Lublin. Sick people and cripples were flecking to the well, - people, many of whom ~.. suffering froth skin dise^ses, washed their wounds with water fro_,r1 the well and drank the dirty water. As was to be expected, these doings, defying the most primitive hygiene, resulted in almost .a score of pedt)le falling severely ill. Local speculators also ,sproada rumor" to the effect that the Holy Virgin had, appeared on splinter Of a barked tree. The same -speculators strinppd ?thoo 'bark from ycunU trees and sold the "miraculous " splinters at 2On .Zlotys e- eh:. t.. Indignant with this rEjvnl tines inn.irlont which hec arrived in Bremen, is its Note the Polj.sh 'ove'nment o he fate of these chi_1 ens rareted from their families. Ball; on ?e in f,n in such a vile 8na. dis- gusting way. Every wooc of its statement is F. lie.:,. Rerlizing that its att:itul-e of earitulrtion concerning dlovenisn Caririthir. is hopeless e that it will not be nossible to conce-:1 from public or,inion - rrdel's lett.:r, in which the Yuggos].av Government rencun_ceO Slovenian Carinthic the Yugoslav Government tat ,s recourse to a third version of sunders. It asserts thn,t Soviet representatives have forced the Yugoslav Government into agreement with Western powers concerning Yugoslav territorial claims against Austria and that the Yugoslav Government "w.^s willing to grant concessions in that -natter solely because they were (era-need by the Soviet Government..." The YuF:.oslavia 'Jovernment maliciously defames t o Soviet Gover-i;.:ont and its representatives when It alleges b ir. t they- exe~cised rrossu_re on the Yugoslav Government to rer_l)unce Yugoslav terrlter1:1 claims.,. The Yugoslav Government, in its note of August .20, lemends Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 t 5- th~.t the Soviet Government show special respect, and even affection, for the Yugoslav Government, that that respect and love. should be expressed in boviet Motes to' the Yugoslav Government, that these Notes should not contain anything which-might damage the prestige of the Yugoslav Government or offend. it. the Yugoslav Government asserts that this is required by "international custom". The boviet Government must state that the Yugoslav Government is demanding something which is impossible, It is generally known that t?^e Yugoslav Government has deserted from the camp of socialism and democracy to the camp of imperialism and. fascism. It must be stated that Soviet people do not respect deserters. The Soviet people class the Yugoslav Government in the catcgo7 of malicious, not accidental deserters. We-hope that the Yugoslav Government will understand that it cannot count on affability and still less on respect of the boviet Government. Moscow, August 29, 1949. Tryhuna Ludu #239 August 31, and others (988 lines) Excerpts. INTENSIFIED ANTI-POLISH.PROPAGA.NDA following German Bishops Conference. Rabid Pole-hater ar=pointed as "Bishop for expelled Germans". Berlin (Fr(-.m our own correspondent) Last Saturday R ev.Go,bbel, a "Clerical adviser", when addressing a, meeting of 6'alegaates of a youth organization of expelled Germans, known as the "association of Youth expelled from the East", held in Recklinghausen (Westrhalia), said inter alia:- "Youth expe32od from. Germany's Eastern provinces, together with nil German youth, will one day proceed from the West to the . Enst to restore the latter to Germany" Lt the German bishops' Uonference in Fulcla Rev.Prelate Hartz was appoin.tcd ".0 .shop for expelled Germans.". Rev.Dr'.Franz Hertz was living in Berlin from 1921 to 1930 as a Pvrish priest. It that time he was friendly with the nresent Pope then Cardinal Pacei.li, Nuncio to the German Gaverrui: t, In 1931 RevA~relate Hartz was appointed Apostolic Vicar in Pila an headed the Vicarage adjoining our then Western frontier. The Vicarage ws called "Grenzmark Posen and Westpreussen" (Frontier taend- Poznan and West Prussia). In that capacity Prelate Dr.Hartz became knoim as a violent Germanizer and rersecutor of everything' Pclish. Zycie Warszawy August 31, 191+9 #239 only (56 lines) Excerpts ATTACK ON AUDIENCE AT ROBESON'S CONCERT Foreign Despatch New York (PAP) The brutal attack by fascist hooligans or, the audience at` Paul obeson's concert in Peekskill has aroused tremendous in- dignation in American progressive circles. The Uongress for Defence of Civil Rights in the United States announced its intention to send 'delegation 'so President Truman in order to demand the punishment of the fascist bandits. 'articular indi- gntion was caused by the cynical statement made by the Peekskill police, which said that it did not make any arrests "because no comnlaints were lodged by anyone." (16 lines) Verbatim Rzecznnsrolita #239 August' 31, 1949. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -6- TITO SELLS HIS COUNTRY FOH DOLL RS Foreign Despatch Washington (Telepress) The International Bank in Weshingt^n h; s begin rffici?lly approached by the Yugoslav Govern.:.ent for a Man f :25,000,000 for Yugosl? via . Yugoslbvin would repay the loan by supply of strategic materials. Yu~es 1JIMINOW t nterrri tionryl Bank. whit as been in a f ov 4 meek. rercrtred to t.AJashin_ coZ or the Tim clicue's wy ? n =ss t ^ ccc. t r 1l the to :,s of t iee 1c n. It was also revortvd on iugust 30 th^t the Yugoslav Government wt s cond act; ng . negotir tions in Wshing on for purcha sG of 6 "Liberty" ships. The competent American cuthorities agrecd in. principle tq supply these ships to Tito. "The "wr shington Star" reports that Tito' s Government hr s a fund of 530,000,000 tt its dis:1s;l in Portugal, exclusively ee rmapked hr the m r inten:nce of~ agents and r gitF crs in People's democracies. Zycie Warszcwy ugust 31, _1949 X239 and others (:'6 lines) Verbatil **********:********** * **=*******'** ** *******.k*************: BRIEFING O:F Ci AI:ZA2N 1R.IwD SECWT1RI IS IN COu NTY LND EC ONOMI C TOWNSHIP r - ':, Doriestie Desua.tch RE ON TEUC`. I 1 U? THE h:URAL STRUCTURE, PRINCIPLL WK OF PEASLNT SELF-HELP ASSOCIATION Katowice. In ord;to sum up tha results of the lrst six months' etivity and \ to testab? ish work rules for the fut ye, the Provincial Lerd3rrhiT of the Peasant Self-Help Association organized a briefing of county Chcirmcn, township Chrirmen and Secret.-ries of this ssoci^tion, which took place yesterday in tho Trrde Union House of Culture in A towice. A representative of the Cent: rl Leadership of the Persant Self-Help : psociation, citizeness Mrocaek, renresentativcs of rolitical parties and of Frcvincinl Au thrrities, attended. Since Myll, i,e4, since the creation of the telf-Help Village, Sup.: rvisvey Office, 17 production cnoreral Ives, mainly in rrevicu.ly selected self-help villages and 27 3bunders' commIctees were created, despite strong opa.'sitinrt of rich per sants. L'urin ; the second six_ months of the year the Provincial Po sap t Self-Halo Pssocia tiOn w411 continue its w-rk, aimed at tr?pasf' r w :ion of tho rural structure. Each member of the Pes son , Self-?"M ssocj.ation Mould be a member of a eocagrr. tive. Nev tr6duc tlon cooperatives will be organized but Q e rrinc{ ple of stor,tane-i.t r 1 to be absolutely maintained. Wreedy existing prodqc `icn c oopera tIv :Fs will be given brood support Dziennik Zt=ch )d :i k233, august 30, only (126 links) Excerpts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -CAN: DIAN SE~ME,N CANNOT RETURN HOME Fcrcign Despatch London (PAP) Seventy CCnadi,,n seamen, who had participated in a strike supported by London dockers, cannot return to their country .because all Ccntdian Steamship Lines refused to transport them to Canada, thus taking revenge on them for their strike. On August 29 the Canadian seamen gathered in front of the building f the Canadian representation in London, in an attempt to see the Canadian High Commissioner, who refused to receive them. Thereupon, the seamen placed themselves on the stairway leading to the High Commissioner's office and declared that they will not move until their demand for rep triation is granted. Rzeczpospolita. x`##239 August 31, 1949 only (22 lines) Verbatim TOWN TRADE TEAMS WILL LIVE L":_DVICE TO RURAL Domestic Despatch COOPERJ?TIVES , Ictivity aimed at cooperation between towns and rural districts is to spread into new fields, particula"rly into rural trade, which at present h, s a nwtwork,of about 17,000 ,retail sale centers. Teams of the best workers in nationalized city trade, most enlightened from the ideological point of view, will give sdvice and real hclp to workers in rural cooperatives. The help will -pply mainly to methods for correct book-keeping and :atatements of coounts. the selection of proper assortments of goods in vill,ges, the distribution of goods which are most in demand improvement of service, etc. Kur: jer Codzionny #239 August 31, and others (52 lines) Excerpts DUTCH GOVERNMENT FAILED TO ISSUE VISAS TO POLISH DELEGATES TO EVC (DUTCH TRADE UNIONS l:SSOCI.F TION) CONGRESS. Domestic Despatch On August 11 the Polish Central Trade Union council received an invitation to attend the Congress of the Trade Unions' Association (EVC)" in Holland, to be held in that country from August 31 to September 3. Tl-io Dutch Trade Unions' ! ssociatiln is a member of the v'Jorld Federation of Trade Unions. On August 22 the Central Trade Union.Council asked the Dutch Legation in VTarsaw for visas for -rynski end Gallus, the Polish delegates to the Congress. no h ust 10 the Dutch Legation stated that it hed reel ,from its Government concerning the issue of visas to 1, sh dc>legete The Dutch authorities' attitude prevented the Polish delegates from attending the- ongress.. view of the imnossib lity of sending a de? gig tionz T u he followin r tele, ~am tO the Cep tal "Tra e Union ouncil nt " the Convaress? "our delegates are unable to attend your Second Con gross because of the failure to receive Dutch visas. On 1:half of the 3,500,,DOb Polish trade unionists, we send you our hearty proletarian greetings and wish you success in the fight for a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -7- Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -8- better life, for unity r nd trade union rights, for your country's independence and for l=sting mace throughout the, world" Zycie Warszawy August 31, 1949 #239 only (27 lines) Verbatim YOUTH PRODTTCTION COOPERATIVES WILL CHLNGE THE A &SPECT OF F UBIESZOW COUNTY Domestic Dc:patch (From. our own corr;;s r,ondent) Hrubieszo~wr, In ;ugust4 It was in hpril 1948 that organization of Youth Production Cooperetiv s was bogun In Hrubieszow county, The Central Agricultural Organization, in conjunction with the County Cooperative Farms ;:ssociEtion (PZGS), established six Youth Coopt;,ratives on falloc:s covered with high grass, Un- cultivated since 1941+, which had formerly belongtd to land- holders one Ukrainian farmers. Production Cocnuritives were established in Boratyn, Szychowice and Clchoburz, each of them cultivating several hundreds hectares of l[ nd. (67 lines) Excerx~ts Gaz to Ludowa #205 August 30, 1949 only BETTER BRt J'D FOR "BETTf" CUSTOMERS Foreign De soateh Paris (P:P) The quality of bra ad bek, d in F: ris has sudc'enly deteriorat:--d in August, the daily "Ce Soir" exr)-Pins that inferior quality flour was used for the baking of bread in i'igust because well-to-do Parisians are -,way on vacation. Rzeczrosoalita 1,239 hugust 31, 1949 only (8 lin(s) Verbatim IN SEPTEMBER 7,000 PE:SONS DAILY WILL 14ORK IN MtJTh NOW Domestic Despatch Within the framework of the social work carnnr ign in September, 7,000 -ersons daily will be emrloyed in the "Murarsow C" area (in Warsaw) en removing bricks and clearing the ground in an area covering 29 hectares, They wi 1 work from' P.M. to 8 P.M. Their work will be directed by bror cast crclers. The result of the work of teams will be noted on four special blackboards. A campaign to nut city- districts in order and to construct social welfare buildings ill. also be initiated. Rzecznospolita, rr239, August 31, only, 1/ lines-verbatim INC3ELSING INTERIM IN SZCZECIN POINT Domestic Despatch The fact that two modern general ergo warehouses have been constructed and opened to ocean tr-tie has caused increased interest in Szczecin sort on the part of numerous domestic and foreign irnnort and exrort organizations, Numerous letters of inquiry concerning arty ort,- afnd exrort *-irobl e-as are being rddressed to the Szczecin Maritime ur eu. Since the Bureau is able to furnish favorable answers, it is to be ex;)ectect thr t Szczecin tort general cargo traffic will increase subs tantlr:lly. (15 lines) Verbatim Dzienniic ha:ltycki #237 J ugust 29, 1949 only, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415ROO3800070001-1 9 SECTION B WHO PREPARED THE DISASTER In Hitler's European time-table, Poland's turn came in 1939. Beck (pre+-war Polish Foreign Minister), however continued his policy in spite of facts and attempted a renewal of good relations with Hitler, then deciding in favor of an alliance with Great Britain, an unreal alliance, giving no guarantees in case of attack. In the name of joint anti-Soviet plans, the Polish government, until the last moment, rejected all the alliances proposed by Soviet Russia as well ^s offers of assistance.. Then came the September (1939) tragedy. It was no tragedy for the traitors, who abandoned their country or remained in. order to continue their colichoration with Hitler in the secret undergrcun, but it was a tragedy for the nation which fell a helpless victim to the occupant. then it became c7-ear to all who wanted to see, that there was no return to the Poland created by Beck, by the National Radical Camp (ONR) and by the treacherous "Section Two." The slogans of the worker movement became vivid facts in the fight against the occupant of partisans and of the "Kosciuszko" detacbm.nt They became the facts from which a new Poland arose,) free of fascist and imperialist war plans but linked to the camp of peac: and socialism, (216 lines) Excerpts - Rzeczpospolita #238 i?ugust 30, 1949 and oth(_-. ONLY" PEPS ANT SELF-HPLP"TOWNSHIP COOPERI;TIVES WILL PURCHASE .,GRAIN THIS YEAR. Domestic Despatch A Press Conference took place on Monday Pugust 29, on the premises of the Contra. Agricultural Agency lor "Pec sant Self-Help" Cooperatives. Pt the Conference, Mierzwinski, the Vice-Minister of Domestic Trade and representatives of "Peasant Self-Help" cooperatives gave detailed information to journalists concerning this year's grain purchasing organization. In accordnnee with the decisions of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers this year's grain purchasing campaign will be conducted on the following basis,:- 1. Only "Peasant Self-Help" cooperatives will have the right to purchase grain from farmers. 2. Fixed prices will be paid, assuring profitable production to farmers. .30 township cooperative purchasing centers will only accept .grain conf'orm.nn to officially established standards. This will rule out an. arbitrary appraisal of grain, unfavourable to the farmer gridjrill facilitate the placing of healthy and unifmrm grain on tie market, PURCHASING CENTERS ARE FORBIDDEN TO PURCHASE GRAIN in which dampness exceeds l?/o, nor grain from which deductions for dampness 8nd low specific gravity exceed 7%. The grain purchasing organization provides great facilities for farmers this year. above all, the number of purchasing centers increased from 1,585 last y-sr - to 2?803 this year, Dzlennik Lu owy August 30, 1949 #236 and others (134 lines) Excerpts. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415ROO3800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 PU.f3LISHING I CTIVITY OF MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Domestic Despatch Warsaw, August 28 (Pr.P) The publishing activity of the Ministry of Justice comprises the texts of regulations in force as well as a lai-ge-scale campaign for popularization of the law. Many texts of regulations, concerning recent changes in legislation and covering various branches of law, were issued this year. Especially important Fre the recently published: "Summary of orders concerning labour law" (two volumes), ""he penal code", The Uniform Code of Penal Proc durc", "Housing reguletions", etc. Within the recent nr st, ten popular parnhlets were issued concerning th do orEanizatiolis will be allocated 3,950,000,000 zlotys worth of produce* fhe financial plan of the Feesant Self-Help Central Agri- cultural Co-operaative Organization for 1949 shows what a powerful factor the per-sant co-operative movement is in socialized trade in rural . districts. It has almost entirely liberates' the peasant from speculators by introducing fixed profitz~ble prices into village markets, by assuring the farmers a steady flow gf cash and by making r~lanned use of products, produced by them. onsequently, the growth of socialized trade in rural districts deserves special attention, Gazeta Handlowa #11 Sept,? only (240 lines) Excerpts THANKS TO CF1E/TION OF TEAMS, COQ L MINE PRODUCTIVITY INCREASING Domestic Despatch Labour competition teams, initiated by the Central Leadership of the-Miners' Trade Union, can boast of many positive achieve- ments, despite their recent establishments, There a?e 11+- teams, numbering 209 people, in the "WWWIECZOR.EK" coal mine. heir achievements are as follows: Pilek's team is at present exceeding the norm- by 34% as compared with only 84% of the norm before formation of the team, `1i''he team of Maksymilian bynczaak has exceeded the norm by 98.24% whereas previously it only reached 88% of the norm with difficulty, Andrzej Piwowar's team has exceeded the norm by 8.8870 compared with 84% of the norm previously.- The 1-obrek" coal mine has three teams numbering 56 people. thanks to their work, coal extra , ction exceeded the norm by 32%. Three teams,, employed in the 111iW)EK" coal mine were able to increase their productivity, from the previous average of 73% of the norm up to 6% in excess of target. In the "SOSNOWIEC" coal mine one team exceeded the norm by 61% as comma red with the former 8%. Polska Zbrojna #246 September 8 and others (56 lines) Excerpts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -8- MORE WHEAT AND MQRE WHITE .BREAD SE4,_DED AREA IS TO BE INC TEASED romestic Despatch BY 300 000 HA , INTERVIEW WITH J.DAB-?KOCIOE, MINISTER OP AGRICULTURE. _Deb-Kociox, the Minister of Agriculture granted an interview to a PAP (Polish Fress Pgency) representative, in which he discussed the or-blems of this year's autumn sowing. campaign. He said, inter alias- 'Autumn sowings will cover an area of 6,150,000 ha., which is nearly 300,000 rrore than last year. We have provided farmers with 39,000 tons of the best seed and with 6b5,00n tons of fertilizers.and fertilizing lime, We plan to su mly 250,000 tons of this lime to.farmers in 1950 and about 1,000,000 tons in 19550 "Stag assistance to farmers is extensive. ?hort term. LOANS for the nurch=se -)f aitificial fertilizers and sowing seed, for Dioughing and for renting agricultural machinery will amount to 1,260,000,000 zi. in this year's autumn campaign., "At. present we have about 3 ,COO township machinery centers and nearly 4,000 village branches. Sowing in all State farms is complete?y mechanized.. . "The sowing of various nlants should. be c#mnleted between September 15 and October 10, denenc'ing on the hart of the country. "We are steadily trying to increase the seeded area for ;Aunts for industrial purposes and for pasture plants. We shall sow more rare ; barley and vetch." Zycie !i^rs7Fwy Sept.8 and others #247 (84 lines) Excerpts MODERN AGRICULTURAL COMBINES Domestic Despatch The Zdz renko Gor rnment Estates Center in Hrubiesznw County, including the -states of HoriDbrrw,.Onolska, Starngard and Ulwoww:k, received two self-propelled combines of Soviet production. They 're The, first agricultural machi:res of that type. In the mrst we receiv~,d combines which could function only with the helof.tractors. Rzeczoosoelita -#2&.7 Scpt.8,1949 and ethers (10 lines) Verbatim POLISH GLs SS\;'ARE FC'R CHIN: AND SIAM Domestic Desna tch The Mineral Industry hr s recentl7, received important foreign orders, inc?.iding orders fora supply of windcw glass to China and leis year's plan for export of mineral troducts is being executed very successfully. Luring the first seven.months of 1949 50.8% cf the volume of. planned export was effected. This is 37,2; more than last year's cxoort of mineral products within the same period of time, Rzecznos -clito #247, Eept.8.1949 only (13 lines) Verbatim HUNGJ+RIAN DELEGfTION CALLS ON MINISTER OF SHIPi-ING. Domestic Despatch The Minister of Shipping, Itizen Adam Rapti cki on Seot;7 received theiHungarian',YicenM4nister of Communication,-G.Keradi who was accompanied by Director K'vacs end the-.%Conm3ercIal Attache of the Legation, A.Si"Ics. ?izecznosrolita X1247 7ert.E.1949 and ethers Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02: CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 _9- ES T.B GERHP D EISLER'S LRTICLE ON THE OD1A AND NYSA FRONTIER ..Article An article by Gerhard Eisler, outlining the principles =of the democratic bloc'. s programme was published in "Neues Deutchland" of August 21e The article lays special stress on the relation of the bloc'to the matter of the Odra and Nysa.frontier. The greatest part of the article i1 devoted to the above T roblem. We read there-the following: he principles of the democratic bloc refer, in clear and r comprehensive language, to our relation to Poland. They make it a. national duty for every progressive German to oppose all elements which de3ire to use the new frontier between Poland and Germany as a means for causing hatred.between nations and another war. - "Duty, towards one's .nation: '.this is not an easy but a very serious duty, which should permeate all our activity. It is a duty 'requiring moral courage and Dolitical judgment to conquer our old unfortunate megalomania as a THerrenvolk' in relation to the Poles, wherever and in whatever form it appears. It requires disconti.nuaitce of eowardly silence in the matter of the Polish--German frontier. "Duty towards one's nationL This means that all parties ar.e ready to organize a fight to mAke German:, aware that the Polish German frontier is.p frontier of peace, that the Polish-German frontier is a, problem of the whole nation. That knowledge, should reach every village and every home. "All our assurances about our friendship towards Soviet. Russia, towards people'.s democracies and other peace-loving nations will remain mere words if we do not conduct a consistent .fight for understanding, that'the new German-Polish frontier the frontier of peace. "Can anybody be so silly as to believe friendship possible between Germany and the ma gnificent forcesF of world peace, under the leadersrii-r of toviet Russia, if we tolerate on our territory support of w^r t. g a inst polish people's democra cy, or if we rassively allow, such incitement? "Isn't it high time for all of us to understand at last that American imperialists and. their vassals offer us as carrots to a donkey,-revision of the Polish-German frontier, n order to more easily drive us, by means of the American trucheon, Into another war against'all reace - loving nctions of the world? The encouraging glances with which they attempt to incite us" against the Poles and by means of which they--ant us to demand a revision of the rew.frontier, can be comrared to the warm ,glances, of Chicago slaughter-house owners, at oxen brought into the abattoir. In:-the next, few .days.., for the tenth time the anniversary of. the . cursed .day, ar. rives, When Hitler, by his march against Poland'began- the march towards Germany's catastr oPhp. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -10- "There should not be a single ruin in Germany on th't clay without the inscrintiont 'The corner-stone under this ruin was laid by Hitler on September 1, 1939, when he began the war against Poland' . "The princinles announced'on August 19 require us, esnecially on the tentl- anniversary of the war started by Hitler, to make the whole community realize, more clearly aand more intelligibly than heretofore, the necessity for frienc'ship with Russia and with new olrne and to accept the new palish-Germen frontier as a frontier of peace." Swl t i Polska #33 Sent-l,(106 lines) and others Verbatim IT IS OUR P1nT ZIOTIC DUTY TO FIGHT FOR PEACE. SPEECH BY ' CTOR KULCZYNSKI AT TPE MERGER CONGRESS OF ASSOOI!_TIONS OF FIGHTERS FOR FREEDOM E.ND DEMOCR1 CY. Domestic Despatch On the first day of the Merger Congress of Associations of 1'ightors for Freedom and Democracy, on which we report separately, the Vice-Chairman of the 'hief Council of the Democratic Party, the Rectnr of the University and Polytechnic in Wroclaw, Stanislaw Kulczynski delivered the following speech: "Veterans of the last world war, who fought on Western fronts, used to tell the following story: An American soldier who, through his own thoughtlessness had destroyed an army car, was fined t.LO by his commander. The same soldier, when he sent the receipt for the paid fine to an automobile concern in the United States, received an amount of $15 from the concern, as a premium for destruction of the automobile,' Can you imagine better, shorter, more lucid and instructive evidence of the contradictions and decay which afflict monopolist Amorican capitalism, than this short story of an American premium paid to a soldier for destruction rf an American car,-used'for the defense of his own American country? This short anecdote from military life illustrates, better than complicated economic deductions, the true, cynic' attitude of great capital towards wiir and the destruction in- flicted by war. Degenerating monopolistic capital is interested in destruction of-its ow?n oroduction. Ar in caused by the war, which means disastor for a working mfraimisery a:nc des~air, is a' source of good business for monopolistic capitals The short story of the American fine and premium for the destruction of an automobile is a true image of the processes now taking plyce on an European scale. During the inter-war period, Hitler's ,rermany was armed by Ang1o-American c^uitalim. Yesterday's enemi>s, who had junk millions of tons in ships, destroyed dozens of -vinglisb towns, killed hundreds of thousands of Anglo-American sailors and workers razed vast regions of French, English and Dutch lands now r-dvance to the rank of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -11- Angle-Saxon allies, because their own country's destruction is being rebuilt not only by the German proletariat but also with the help of great-capital, which is drawing lucrative profits from this process. Each enlightened worker in England, Americas Germany and Japan clearly sees thet 'the Soviet Union, Poland and People's .Democ rttic countries are faithfully supporting the attacked peoples as well as freedom and democracy. Capitalistic monopolists see in ,hem their enemies, who have deprived capitalishi of the fruits of victory. The struggle for peace and social liberation, for our nation, --re tanta.nount to the struggle for independence, Every- one who, by-intentional or unintentional sabotage or oppos;.tion hinders social and-structural reforms, for whom his own future and that of the nation are linked not with peace but with war, not with Socialism but with capitalism, that man.is a traits not only to the cause of his class but to the holy cause of national independence as well. No one has stronger title to raise the banner of national unity in the struggle for peace ,democracy and independence than the United Association of Combatants for independence and National Liberation, Kur~er Codzienny #241 Sept,2 and others (373 lines) Excerpts NEW POLITICAL MOVE OF PIUS XII Lead Editorial The voice of secular acme has been heard again; anew Le?- ranc.e was made by the Pope as a politician who, for the sake of a political struggle, in support of his favorite political campt hes.-nnt hesitated. to He accusations which clearly conflict-with the truth. die did not hesitate to publish a letter which distorts facts, Pius XII consciously deviates from the truth, intentiorall.y tries to misguide world. public opinion, deliberately attempts to scow anxiety and discnd in our nation, Recently; as is generally known. the.. People's Government (of Poland) has repeatedly taken-the initiative in-the matter of mutual rciaticrls between State and Church and has created a broad pat?o_m., which makes lasting solution of that mattes possil'Ie.,; n overwhelming majority of the people and a,- steadily ncreasing number of priests from various pars oi't,. th,e ;co',,u cry' have declared themselves against- instigation of religious quarrels and for estzblishment of relations between the; State and ' the t'hurch on the basis created by the Polish unvernmeat, And just at that moment Pius XII, who has behind him along diplomatic and political career, is publishing the E bove mentioned letter, The letter, addressed to the Polish Episcopate, is not compatible with we!_1--known t-cts. this being :;o, can the addressee,thePolishEpiscopate, maintain silence in thi -matter? Rzeczpospolita #245, Sept.6,1949 and-others (128 1"ines) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -12- VOICE OF NEN'DI)CITY hND H :TRED Lead Editorial Reuter's Lgency hr s published the text of a letter addressed by the Pope to Polish bishops, what violent hatred of Poland and of Poles is shown by the man wh a ssrrled the name of Pius XII. In his letter he resorted toy rguments which every child in Poland knows to be false. When end by whom was religion ever persecuted in People's Poland? On the contrary,, does rk-0t the Government decree guy rantee full freedom of religious belief and practice? Hundreds of thousands of members of Polish Catholic tssociations w{ll. tell the Pope that this is not true and that they i.nted by the Czechoslovak Government. The draft of the laws concerning financial. anpropri.ations for the Church; stipulates that tha State will, cover the personal expenses of eccie iastics of ell cr :F;ds and church associations and also the overhead. ex: enses,. connected with -11-h-, T,,erfor.mance of 4 religious s ~~vicc' y of the O:i~-1'ch ?nd Church ussocic tions, Sohool3 in3 titutes ant'. ecc,1_osiar tical serriineries will be me: ntaincd frcn. ;)i o1ic fuz-,al enc the property of the Church and of Church assoc ations w, :il pass entirely under the control if the State, Rscczpospol to ;r2'(')., Octcber 8, 1.949 and othc,rs (47 lines) Excerpts. ESTABLISKMENT OF GERMAN DEMCC 'TIC REPUBLIC. '0 TO GROTEWOuL PREMIER OF GCVE11_-111M ENT WILL ?SL:T IN BERLIN, -PARLIAMENT CONSISTS OF TWO CiT, MBERS AFPEAL TO BIG FOUJR, Foreign Despatch Berlin (Polish Press ~.g`ilcy} An extraordi'ciry se sicn of the German People': Council took place in Berlin on F_ i-'a;i at noon, The Chairman of the ~_'oanci.l William Heck.; read the text of a px,)clam tion to Gerritans ; which contains the nr'incipal postulates concern`_ng, f?aturoo Germany. A German Democratic Renub1ic h~ s been established in tY~E canaital of Germariy, in Berl- n, in accordance with the. proposals of the manifesto, '.inanimov.sly accepted by the Council The German People' s Lour ci.l has been transformed into a ?provosi.ofiel` Peop:le1 s P~%ll3-arnt nc (Volkskamner) which., at i.ts first meeting., a pointed tYhe' Chairman of` the Groan Socialist Unity party s Otto Grotewohl to the ;)csi t_'- or: of Premier and entrusted him with the Mussi ~n of establishin' the Government of the 1 fert?blicr It has been c? ecide? tie t parliament will consist of the Feople.1 s Chamber (Volk s.am ^e r) -3n, of the Chamber of Lands (Leeuderkarnmer), Zycie tjWar_szawy #277 Oct, 8 and others, (281 lines) Exccr,lta Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 S CRE'I G N :: Y, H f,ri'7 t" fF,14,11 GUDEflILN, C"SEAT ED IN ' :STERN GERM , FQ~ :'U_t 'O:iE OF OLITICAL ZE' T ORISN4 Geneva (Telepres3) Foreign Despatch All urittc of the Swiss IntE-l'! ioenee Service were brought into action a wick a _o, This wns cause' by ~;trcn5 Pressure on the inert of the US. T_eFet.t ;n Li Lerne, em r_ding the fir~.irF. cf -'ocuments, kn-:wn under the- r ystc-rlnvs name of 110p :ration ihoenix" , Which tkrere lost togc=ther with the U.S. courier carrying them to Switzcrlancl. A rcorc? ln,: to news which nrri?ec' in Geneva, the American Amrassa0cr in P,=-rts. Bruc,~ , mlrec a sharp pr DtE st to the French Government, concerning ~hl.s my.tte.L - He anncur.cee th +t in case the cr)u:,,icr, who-^se every trrde wr s lose after his c:epar;,ure from Prris is not founw'., he will -'dienarse the entire French cabinet` . I`ermancn? e'r" lc ces : f the U.N. Sccial 1Econo:m'.c Co'aneil in Geneve received u,; geiit in qi.i2Its ft- :.m their governments. The tenor of these i'o p Irie3 incicrtcs thrt 'uhlic crinir'n has an inkling,, of the cr7,ntents of this document crncErning an elaborate American ",1an for "..,Lice to : -i-L'V?" in c:_,untries ern r ~ ;E-a by the Atlantic ?act, It np-)eors from t,-ails known at present thrt Americana gents in Euronc are k >**~F =r>y ak.k * c>? - rt** 7k ****** * ***** =**** * * ** *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 .- - FOREIGN - KCREAN PEOFLE' S RE+'UBLIC ENTERED INTO DIPLOMATIC FtELtJIONS WITH M A0-TSE-TUNG GOVERNMENT- Foreign Desnateh Moscow (PLF) Is the TASS Agency re^nrts from Penian, the Foreign Minister of the Korean Pe'ple's Rerublic has sent a telegram to the Foreign Minister of the Chinese ?eorle' Re"uhlic, Chu-En-iai, announcing the Korean Gnvernment's decision to enter into diplomatic relations with the Chinese People's Rerublic and to exchange diplomatic re'resentativesc Trybuna L?a u #27 ', October .7 and others (49 lines) Excerpts SESSION OF GERWN PEOPLE'S COUNCIL. TWO ITEMS ON l.GENDA0 Foreign Despatch Berl'n (relish Press Agency) The agenda of the German Peoples Council in Berlin for Friday October 7 will c onto in the following tw.i Items: (1) Publication of a Mlanifesto of the German Democratic Front,.. (2) renouncement of attitade towards the present political situc-tion and the steps which should be taken in connection with the aboive. Zycte i.JarszCwy #2x16 Uct.7 and lpthers (51 lines) Excerpts, *******-**,********************************~*****************? CONSUM TION OF D1.IRY :'RODUCTS GROWING. Domestic Despatch A conference has taken nlaace of the Presidium of the Supervisory Council, of the Dairy rcducts' and. Egg Cooperatives' Central L ency. One of the ruroosos of the conference was to ana- lyze the -'resent state of thy: biry r_rcducts market, The conference'stctblished. the t the increase in wages, effected in the beginnin?? of this year, ha.s Increased the rurchasing rower of workk rs and thf secret b:.llot, in fvvoj of a pacific policy and at mass man'tcstations and vblic mer?tion of the Catholic clergy 'repi'retion of tho six--,r-r ;plan, is mcbiii Cing all its members and its social and rnolitical bases for realisation of the Man's to fulfilment of the three--year ;plan an' is par-Gicipat_s_ng in the Congress declares teat the De' nccrati.c Party, which contributed i i On the basis of c?irectivos for the six-year -Ian, the Second tasks V the future builders of 's~:;cialism in Poland, cxi the latest achievements f scicncc and. on a scientific world ^utl.-ok, The Congress arrc:ai.; to all toachers any? educational The Congress joyfully welcomes the now school program, based In order to a ssurE u `mrc rictE legal aid, and to make it (a) to r?u:rf;e the bar in th_i nearest future of elements isolation system of ir~pris.:nm nt and recommend replacing it with ren1P ced by work carried out while at liberty. in doncera,tic acdministraatic,n of lusti.ce, it is necessary:. aVailable to workers and in or"-7.c r to rrske cf the bor. a real factor do not perform their work in a sr. eially useful manner Y cs t Lle to the system c f P :opie s Poland and of ir_?'_ividudls who (b) to accelerate the rcfor-n of the bar by basing its nrofessi cn^1 a ti vity cn ~7.ri.nci ..l, s of team workE. The Second Congress of t-:!aa, i o r.ocra tic Party considers that, w 1to this the ,resee,t; dualism -_n admir.istrC tion, exercised cr one h.ar a. by Goveernment rdt in.ts era rive organs 8r_c1 on the other hero by local 9oVer?nrnont organs ch,.uld be liquidated? Thy. members _:f_ Ne t az al. ~~un~~ i:~ show 0,, be elected Kurjer Codzienny 7 273, Oct~~''.er + only (1635 lines) Excerpts cf , ro?kmen, ne, stints and. wcr i ng Tnte, ii.gentsia , In conneotion in individual c istricts, both. lei i.si eti-ve ar.c executive, to the t aticnal Councils as a e;;resea;atlva,s of workers, i,e, the masses v-h ile con3_.ste -4;T rtal:i s?n the -rinci ole of com l ;te democratisation of the matey it is necessary to transfer power Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 UNCAPTIONEC LEI-D EDITORIAL Lriac' Editorial The ctjmp of world re: ce, Frour.,,! round the Soviet Union, today constitutes a tre;rcneous forc_i, which her pers the criminal attennts of internatiorr1 i^tn:.rial_isr: ena effectively counter= cts the intrigues of wormonrers. 0,Lr fz.irce3 are growing and con-? solic'.ati tg nnri we becor;c atroitgc r every month. Recent weeks brought oonsidereble suocfsses tc the *,.eace camp. Thus tl,e Chinese notion rf four hundred rrz fifty million. h, -s proclaimed its People's Rerublic on? !^ined the r nns of fighters for *.teCce. The myth abccut the AAncricarn, rtr,mii monopoi has crashed anc the n iicy of r Lotni c bi ckria it has suffered a heavy defeat. But this rlr...s n^t me,ir th, t the enemy has renr.unced the ~t.uggle anc' Is ready tc? ca--itul at& . Just the opposite is the case, be stronger the bl:.)ws struck at the: cr: ?:n of, re,-- cttcn and imverial:?sri, the- s' arro' hoc mes the struggle anc' more infamous the mcthods used by the enoknic s of pace The treache- rous Tito clique and its gereI s r the Rcjk tyre were to pave : the v y for the ereriy t- the rear of the peace carnn, to weaken the unity -f p ~rile t s mncrncies an, to undermine their alliance with thy: 8-vies Uni-n, Thanks to the vigilance of People s Government an' of w-r _r r"rtic s ; those elan. were frustrates' a t tie ri _ht t:r:e.. tut the naed for increased vigilance still. exists, because t!n; er.erry will not renoance the struggle s l^nE as he he's a s ncle tru*nt) card in his ha-ad. The Polish nC ti ?n, united in an effort for reconstruction of the c-)unary '.n f r c~.nstructi_n of the fo.-ouud~atie-ens for socialism, is indisseelubiy linked with the pence came. In the strug;le fr>r hence n nr 'ress, the Polish- ref->n?,e's messes are ^rchin^ in f:. eternal a111ance w:ttn the soviet Unions the c-untri ;s ,f peo--i;le's e'er- ~crrcy end' with neople's masses of the world, On Oct:'ber 2 the will for the 5tru:;ale will be c'emmorstrat,_:c? hrcugh:.ut ''.,land . (174 lines) Excerpts Tryhuna ~uR'u #273 Octr2 r.n(l, -theis 'P0 J JD ANT) PEOPLE'S CHIN." Article The P:lish GovernmeiiW has r z c' Unizeci the Central Government of the Peo p: et s Chinese e?'ul1ic ana has d?eci'--C to enter into di,)j-.ornati{f rel-tions with i.t Sir iltaneously the Poiisn Uovernment consic'ers dip .Lnnatic rc: -ati_n3 with the Canton Government as non--existecit. Do?vc:lonments in Chinn are obviously r s' nsibl for hoth these .'=. eisions, The in'ustrious and peaec -lcvt.ng Chinese nr tion, living on vast area:' of Eastorn Asia, has struck a terrible blow to imperialists ale' w,r mon ors. 1+759CO0,000 Chinese have Joined the ranks ?-4f the worl' 4em-cr^tic and rr- press:ive front,. The programme of the Political C~crau? tati've Conference states that "the Chinese People's Republic stnn's toryetner with all peace and r'rcedcm-loving c:1untries. with the Soviet Union, the pect-,.t ;'s dem' !craci.es sec? the c' resseC nations and that it j,ins the into:: nnti(:~nal r-o-cue carpe, in ,n)xrder to set up a joint front e n;.nst mrerI j11 tic aggression in defense of world. peace" These are also the goals of P-lisn democratic policty, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 The great power of tho stroig world peace front consists of its unity E)n~ internal cnnnsolic'ation;, Polish diplomatic relations with People's cV,ina are only a pr oliminary step in closer economic an,:! cultural cooperation between the two nations, which will help to lay sound foundations for building peace and a better future for all mankind. Trybuna Ludu #274, October 5 an others (80 lines) Excerpts WE SHALL NOT TOLET:ATE TITOIST DIVERSIONISTS Editorial, In the note of September 8y 1949 to the Yugoslav Government, the. Polish Government stataad thn t official representatives nf the Yugoslav C ovc:rnnien c 1-7,-riving in our country unc er the pretext of representing the, inter ,sts cf their government, carry on espionage activity and. 'r-I.iversicn connected with the work of the fascist lundergrcun''. O'icr action is unfrien' 1y towards the Polish State and nation an" was considered by the Polish Government as constituting violation of the treaty of friendship and aid bet?,Teen. the Polish G- vernrnent and the Yugoslav Federativa People r s Republic. No wonder tnnt; under these circumstances, the Polish dovrernment La a sac-.n' note acdc: resser to the Yugoslav Government states thEat it does not consic'er itself bound by the Agreement of fri endshin and aid of Mar 3h 18, 1946. Taking,. into conside- ration that es'-)ionage any. r'iversionaary activity= of Moist agents on the territory of Poland is taking: nls ce under the protection of the Yugosle Embassy in the Polish Government in Warsaw, .omaanded the immediate departure from Polish territory of a certain number of the Emb- ssy? s emnl: yees Polish oni_ni-gin will wolc:me, with a rnroval, the decision of the Polish Covernment, as it previously acce,)tocl with satisfaction, a similar Ceci i n --.,f the Soviet Government? We shall not tolerate sniesy rirovnncateurS, c'iversionists and agents of imr:Ynerielisin on the territory f our R:publict> We shall not to'.era to dtversicnists who spread c(-)nfu..%inn,. selling information about our industry to warmong ors, enrleevcftring to reduce our war potential and. to weaken our deefensive strer.g h. A strong wall will be built between us nnc the nest of Ti.toi_st snakes, between us and the centre of trea>,s',n and diversion, between us and agencies of Angle Americcn imperialism, 1 etween us and the enemies of the worker m.c.ve7ner.t,, between us and the Traitors to democracy and* peace. By intensified. vigilance we shall bloek the Wy for the enemies of ;-ur ,_e,plet s social structure and for the Enemies of our in'epen'cnce, Polska Zbro jna #259 Oct.l and others (55 lines) Excerpts WE SHALL STOP THE TTEI PTS OF I~JfRMONGE'?.S Editorial Today the nations of the whole ,,,lobe celebrate International Peace Day. Strop v- voices a f rr1-11-inns of people, demanding the end of im' eriatioti.: warmon-;ers' nloots, will be heardl in all warts of the world, Nrtinns hei decided to force peace uTt-)n the world? Tn0 t unbr eakab? e decision of hundreds of millions of necrlo in the whole world, surnorted by the indomitable will ti d ' c emocra s of the nations of Soviet Union and of pe op1 e countries, are creating a groat ewer of the world's peace camp. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 It is su' o tcd by the bl )cOy nn uny'._A 3Ing fight cf the neorle of Greece, Chino, IndonCsia, Viet-N- m, Burma, Maipya against is cr ;otewskn q .tem $76 at Nos.35 t61 ql snow cze StrQet T a c s ro tea' n'..n t ;~"tio ~~ n2m finister of Punic tzm nistr'ntion Instrucl,icn of thu M Y r item. X77 - l t o sn if'yin' which -u ic authoritiCs are emrowerec Este 1jish the`_ to ct t o U an order has oeen r f'us by a l a,I gover,iment ontor')rise or by .an. enterprise under s territorial. local overnmont unions s man^gement. gtructiens the 111 ter ^ f. eavy Tndus ry: tee 878 'Item 79 amp ncir_ the instruction of` the Min ster ofndist~?y and e of M rch 2011948 establishing the Central Smelting Industry ~ ,'Imin:strtion, {n on:terDrise named: concerning the e. t ?~lish n6nt of t'1 nt-nrl' e for ' Uon.struetion of Heavy Industry Plants.", 0 concerning; the talon over of State ewnec E:nterrrises: ntccrp?rise for Construction of Ix~d. gtr, u Construction, I;I nd.zstral Fur~ia c~an. "c:u,zc'r Construction rterrrise"" by the Entcrbrise for `Construction of envy Ind airy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Instructions of the Mii.istcr of Light Inau~try. Item 881 - concerning the sty Y.ishment of an enterprise named: "St;-etc; ',ivr,dy-nac'e-arments Manuf2cturing Estab? ishment,;' 0 Item 882 - amending the instruction of the Ministcr of Industry cnc Trrde of June 19, 1948, E-s`rblishing a CentrEl Garme;it Indust:, kdmInIstration, Item 883 - co:1cernin ? th : est4 ..1shuert of a str tc- a re anted Aapir_istr~t;cr. ~i thf, enter'-rise: "Nowina" Soap Factory In Tarnow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 ANGLC-A jRICA: PRESS SUMMARY Warsaw., Poland Thursday, October 6,1949 Steven DZarorski Editor. Notes Translations appearing herein are rade as accurately as possible but are not necessarily literal. DOMESTIC WARS ''14 TEACHERS CONDEMN THE INCITING OF YOUTH AGAINST PEOPLE'S POLA:.J1). Domestic Despatch. On October t+, a conference of headmasters and heads of Warsaai schools on the subject of teaching methods took place in the .audito-'ium of the Polish Teachers' Association. A teacher of long s taming, C.~tizeness Kasrerkiewicz, took part in the discussion,, he fa;,iliarizcd the assembled members of the conference with the contents of Primate Wysszyns'.i`' s letter to catechists and teachers of religioni,> The letter tries to suggest that there .is a discord between the youth and teachers and that tea ;hers are "co_.pt!liod' to give lectures on theories. incompvtible with their Jdeol~;gY,~ The lctt, i fvr''her states that the youth "is sinking into an abyss of In rtta and sluggishness"; it implies ,that youth has no ideology of its own and classifies youth into believers and the unbeli.evi ng. Citizei oss -asperkiewicz no -_nted out the groundlessness of these absurd accusations and stated that letters of this kind demoralize the youth and constitute a hindrance in the performance of -school duties,, The filial resolution, approved by nroicnged applause, reads, inter alias. "We declare that -inclt?ng th< youth against People's Poland will be yet rminedly opposed by all Polish teachers. We shall do everything within cur to deny all lies and to ex, obe all r ctivl.t es heas'tile to Polenu, rgar iless of who is their Derpe- trator We shall educate young Teople who are under our care, in the spirit (,f true love fog o r Noi~lcland and teach them how to Serve Poland best, We call on all patriotic teachers of religion to support our ?attitud&' ~. .Trybuna Ludu #?75, ?ctober? 6 (116 lines) Excerpts POLISH 1~rONEN IN DEFENSE OF A GREEK WOMAN DEMOCRAT, SENTENCED TO DEATH. Domestic Despatch Ketty Zevgos a prominent leader of tht G*eek democratic women's moierrent. w, s ;sentenced to death for a second. timv by the fascist Greek Government. The first sentence of death was annulled STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070061-1 v -2_ dt:e,to an en-;r1-'tic- nrctFst of the working masses. The sentence of death in rased on Ket,. y Zevgos hr is roused indignation -among democratic women through r?ut the world. The million and a half women-members of the Polis':i Woments League have joined in that rrotest, The Chief Coanci'. of the 4or.cn's -Lergue addressed, on beh,:lf of nll members of tre L rgae, the following message to the Athens Government and tc the In+,,.rnCt:1.onal Committ?e for aid to Fighting Greece in Paris. ''W^, r'cmba >rs of the Polish omen's League, expressou.r gre Pf:P re:o 'f-sen#;ative, in which he Outlined the activities r~f alrc rd;; organized Into--rnetional Associations of ?rade Unions (Sections of the World Federation of Trade Union.:) Fe ted th~Mosition an-l of the pl- ce 3 of resldenca of its mt:mbers,as also of the ade'rass of the iremisc s )roposel for the seat of the association. The aforesaid ruling sha i also imply the duty ,to notify changes in corditii~ns r forred to in article 12, points 1, 2, 5 and 6, as well as chE. ngcs in the compost. i cn of the board and (or) in the ad- dre=ss of the associat! on. In the event of an association be ..ig di.solvc d, ..ts latest bo~.rd shall be r ~ qt?irc to a:)^rize the authorities of this fact ' ithin 2 WO. elks fr.-)m the r soiuti on Trrovidti.ng f the dissolution being adopted. article 14. Th, arthori ies shy-11, by a decision showing a equate mo ives, forbid tic fciind ng of an ssociation whose oxistc;ace would be inecrrnatible with thz law or right become a menace to sccurit?', rence or nubile orT'E:r. Article 1r5. The direct sure vis .., authority -"ay direct an asso- cia:tion's board to furnish it with, a copy of i record of a meeting or with the suhst>c:c- tive .y, in writ=.ng. It may ?-?lso iasnect, on the us_cciatio1i1s prc- mises, th? reoor-s, books and documents kept thereat = n1 _aake notes an, tr nscrit:ts of, an excerrts from, the said japf rs, is also to 3ircct the tcaro to oroiuce these pavers for examination nt a strictly szal,:cit ie 9 time. Thy: boars sh:^li bL rEequ1 'ed to keen an up to ~ate list of the association's mc:r~b4rs,snetiifying their names an n tionality,and to submit 'into from thn t 14s U, to the author;tie;,, on the Ln tttr's remand. Article 16. Should an associ.ation's activities it-,fringe bindin legal nrovisicns or the association's authorizef con-piss of activities or m.o?e of proce litre, or she ..id an association lltog4ther fail to com- ply with the .. rr s stipule ti ng its 1? ;a1 existence, or should the said association prove a menace to security, ne.y ce or nu tic or-.er, - the lir. ct su-crvising author: ty may, - depPn.?ing upon circumstances - by a "ecisicn showing a.leeua te: motiv;s either nd iinistc:r ant admonition or dem-_n ? abstention from ncticed irregularities, ani,nnrtic'ilarly, rescissi n of in.n rrLissiblc resolutions within a -'esignated a?ega:te period u%der pain of sus' ersion d JIssolution of th ; association, or may summarily suspend t",G association's activities and subsequently ?issolve the association. The decision concerning the iissolutior may imr-_ ?if, (ly b' brought into effect. In tie (scut of an association not being dissclver< within 2 months from thy. susn-":nsi^n of its activit -s, the said susr'ersion shall be- come null nni v(.1 J. Article 17. Snould an association referred to in -.rticle 1? embark in a criminal co rse, or shol.ild its aetlviti? s en.lang;-r sceirity, tact cc: or -;rah? is or "er, the county general ^ .i'r,.nis tr,-lion authorities ^:+a z-, cnnendcnt uron circux,stances, ,lerr.an>ri sons a-- - d con centre t ion camps in Greer-e. He Dointed out thnt,, eort:,ary to hypzcrlticrrl statements made by the {:reek d eteg^te r t a meeting of the "3t lkrsn_ Commission" , Demonatencs Gecrgiu, a distirguished trr:de union ler der, hnd been shot near Athens on 3rtu:.?day, "What ster.: does the Bilk?n Medtt tion Commission rrotose to te'.te in conne% tion with that atrocious crime?" asked the Polish delegate,. Minister Mc nu lski, the TJkrpinicn delegrte, fully supported Dr.Suchy' c question and emphasized that scores of people are shot c; v ;r, day is Greece. He also pointed oat that political prisoners in Greece -:re inhundr_ly to: turgid. Oc_,f .t{.ors prevailing in Greece cE,nee tr.&tib;~ oam:s do.not differ':?rcm nrectises used in Oswiecim an_a buchernrald; Were executions in Greece to continue, the mediation commission would become an institution shielding the activity of Greek -fascists, 'What does the Iedintion ('ommissioi propose to do in this si tuition? We demand a reply to this quostioi said Manuilski, The Ch^irmrn of the Committee, Pearson, evaded giving a reply and poi need out tnt t for "rea stns of procedure" he was unable to 7?llow a discussion on that subject. Dr,Suchy took the floor gain and emrh= sized that the lives of innocent people were involved end that in a case like this "reasons of procedure" caf.nct be used as -,n excuse. (130 Lines) Excerpts Polska Zorojna fr273 Oct, 5 and others. 'ESOLUTION OF AF`J RICAN TRADE UNION CONFERENCE TO CONVOKE US --USSR CONFERENCE FOR SETTLEMENT OF DIVERGEN Cqg . Foi,eign Dt:sp etch No-w (fork (PAP) The two-?ddy conference. of Tpade Unions concerning defense of peace ir which r cnresEntatlves of American workers from 27 Stags have taken pa, rt, was concluded in Chicago on Sunday, The participants in the conference decided to send a message to President Truman and to rightist leaders of the American Fedcrrr tion of Lrbor (i FL) and of the Ccngrcss of Industrial Organizations (CI)), with an appeal to revise their present tLitude in the "cold wrr" and to strive for a peaceful under- standing with the Sovi t Union, the con c;rence pnsscd a program containing six de;n,.nds. (1) to convoke a: conf'ereicc of representatives of the United States and of the Soviet Union for the ouipose of ending the "cold war" and of settling divergenc,s-by peaceful mean'; (2) Consent of the Ul.ited States to establishment of inter- nr tional U.N, control over atomic energy and to a ban on the use Of a tomic weapons; (3) Consent cif the Ameri cal - Governmez.t to disarmament in order to free the American people from the barden of military expend: tore s; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 (4) U;0S , Government action concerning the defense of ti 7de union rights, the rights of Negroes and other minorities; (5) Creation of a fund-for reconstruction of world economy through the intermediary of the U.N. (6) Cessation of economic blockade of the Soviet Union, of peopie's democratic countries and of New China. the participants in the conference unanimously condemned_ the 'rightist leadership of yrneri'_can trade unions for their sunno?t of the "cold war". A permanent Committee of American tr-le unions in defense of peace was cree:ted, A,resolution was passed asking for broad : t suprort of the Committee's action. Kurjer Codzio nny #274, Uct.5 only (4,7 lines),Verbatim .CZECHOSLOVA 'IA ,RUMANIA AND HUNGARY RECOGNIZE PEOPLE'S CHINA. Foreign Despatch The;Czechoslovak Government has unanimously accepted the prnnosnl to immediately enter into diplomatic relations with the Chinese People's Republic, which represents 'the true will of the p?ople,. he. Government accided to break czff diplomatic relations-with the Kuomintang Gov>r-nment, which has actually lost all authority in the country, Buda c t roust:press _genc The Telegraph Agency reports that the Hungarian Minister of Forel? n Affairs,, .Gyula Kalla y, sent a telegram on Tuesday, in the name of his Gcve,?iament- to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of People's China, CinisExiai in which he announces esta lIlshment of diplomatic relations.. Buchar st (Polish Press Anencv) On October 3 the Minister of reign Affairs of tho Rumanian People's Republic, Anna Pauker, scent a telegram to t he Chinese People's Renutlic reading as follows: After having examined the proposal contained in the telegram of. Oct.1 from the Central Chinese People's Government, the Government of the Ri .anian People's Revubliq has dcc1dce' to eater into diplomatic relations with the Chinese People's Republic. Rzeczpospolita #274, 0rto5 and others (34 lines.) Verha"ttm AMERICAN COURT DECISION IN PIRYNSKI' S CASE New York (PAP) Foreign Despatch The American Court of Appeal has overruled the decision of a lower Court of Justice recognizing as '',moderate" the bail of $25,000 imposed on the Secr. etaa,y of the Congress of American Si,avs, Plrynsk' who has been detained for nierly three months on Ellis rslandQ fhe New York Court was instructed to re- examine Pl_rynski's case. -the Court of Appeal also rejected the decisior'of the Federal Prosecutor to the effect that release of Pirynski would endanger public securitya In connection with Piryn3ki's detention, the Coup stated that the immigrrtion authorities have arplied "extra, ,rdinary procedure" in the case of the Wtoincd Mon. The American' Committee for c'efeiise of pErsons of foreign extraction stated that the decision of the Court of Appeal constitutes P. important victory over the United States Department of Juatiee. Kurjer Codzienny #274, !ct,5 and others (27 lines) Verbatim Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 G.FRMi-N PE'S M ,SSES AGREE WiT?e SOVIET UNICN1S L.TTITUDE TO ' RDS G'Ri~ATNY. Foreign Despatch Berle. In connection with the Soviet note to the united St^tt,s, Great Zc-it,in ar(' France, the ?r ?.iticcl Buren u of the German Unity Pert,, (SED) has -ublic:hel a stt-tement in which it draws r ttenticn t the Coviow+ Upton' s. efforts to solve the Gc~r:man issue in the spirit of the " o lfscd.am a grecment , The SEI) political Bureau ,'eclares fill support for the attituc e of the USSR townrus Germany -?nd points out to t it 13 fully in :accordance with the desiderata of the Ger:non worhin m^ssez.6 From 311 t r' s of the enstern occupation zone in Germ ny resolutions z?re streainirig in passes. by mFss meetings of wnrkers uhc 'ema=nd that an ?r 11- Gernn government be set u 's soon l oosslble with its sr.=.t in Berlin, These re6` iutio-)ns e,>>i=ha size that the Govern-mint of tha: separatist r"?iest German state" is incapable of rear sentirg the inter(-:ts o' the Gerr an notion and th, t it has come 4 at- existence contrary *.-) the Pots('am agreements pclsk Lbrc:ina #273 October 5 and others (40 lines} Excerpts ***** k******* ***.*?k***** **********! **** ******c***-*********?*** ECONOM1 .-CHIEVEMENTS OF POLISH COOPEf~;?TTVE 31.50( BET AIL STORES , 600 ?1OLESALE 'ORE'S A ND 8,000 PRODUCTION PLn,NTS. Domestic Desnstch On October 4 the plenary session of the Chief Cooperative ~'cuncil in Wcrsr.w dis~.vssed the results of c'-oc.perr Live plans for this yerr onc_ the tasks fi~cjnt- h , ooperr:tive movement on the, eve of the six-yeot pl n. he C'?.airman cf th(: Central Cooperative Associ-tI'n, Professor Lange, quoted intEresting figurers in his speech cr.ncerr 1rg the )cveloprie_ t of the Polish cooperative movement. , 9.267 cocr'::rative societies throut_hcut Poland (on Sept .1) ccnducto,^ 31,5 :' retail stores (a?0proxim tely 6,000 more than on Jsnuory 1) anproximntely 600 wholesale stores and approximately 8, 'D Of) nr )c'uct c.n v str bli shments. ,ne number of members 3xceees 4.9CO ,OO0, an increase of 60C,000 since 'the beginntug of the year. Toownsbip rooper~ tiacs have 1,900,000 members and urban consumer coonera~tivcs 1y8CO,000, Every-,ther villai:.e now h..s a eocpe- rative store. Tproximataly 14,000 coopers tive stores exist in towns, of which 11,000 ni-e groceries. More than w4,000 purchasing centr-s in rural areas still have .:onsVerable shortcomings. They hive inac1e u:;.te contact with peasants an,l in s-,m,~ cases, insufficiei equipment,, ;'Lie rurchf se plan for the first six non ;hs was exceeded by cocperati,es by 7%6 Transactions amountod to approxim: tely 73,OC01,O0M1,C00 zlotys, of which three-fourths were effected by township c_.operr'tivas, 58% of thy. an et lan? *orrm?rchan~i'_se tram ~ocUrc..s In the who- sale anal reel trade and in nurohnses, grotti?ing to 9~4 000 OOO,GOO( zlc: tys , during the first s,x months of "his year, was fulfilled . Thr nph the network of their retail storey town hip cooperatives h--ve supplied goods valued at IC1,000,000,OCC z1 otj(M to villages. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 The ;network of cooperatives for collective feeling (40O establishments) has increased six fold this year,, he index of employment in cooperative stores has increased by 25j o during the first six months, their transactions increased by 641 and their rroduction by 31+% y Kur jer Codzi onny #274, Oct,,5 aid others (117 lines) Excerpts NEW MERCHANT VESSELS ARE BEING LT.:ILT IN POLISH SHIPYARDS Domesti.r~ Despatch the ways ,vacated in Polish -hip-yards by the launching of 6 c o-sslvee, who are close to exploiters and who often make use of the religious sentiments of the faithful for material objectives of their owrm. Rev,,Edrnund Keminski, the parish priest of Sierakowiee -.)crisp in K-:rtuzy county is such a priest. He lives with his sister on 70 (seventy) hectares of land rrrd has on his instate two cows, two horses, in addition to Digs ? nd other liv :sto-k. i> mad end three permanent workers: citizens jlotka. Ga;seek and Cza, a, who are iurdened with large families, do the work on the priest a farm. This would be nothing but n testimonir 1 of an exceptionally favours ble material situation of the Sicrakow parish priest - if he did not exploit his emnloyees_. Since they were employed (in 19+5) thu workers salary h?s been 700 zlotys monthly plus a hundredweight of rye, a small quantity of peat for ;fuel, and a small piece of land for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -1,- potato ranting, Nothing more his was to cover living and clot'::in x oases for a family >f five and, in the c ,sc of citi,,en lot~lu, for n fwily of __.even. The remaining part of the income of the 70 hectare farm covered the neods of the Siorak~, wise priest and his sister. One might think that in .such a financial. situation ev.Kaminski would pay his toyes TJromptly, -bat it is not so. f ev,i aminski delays greatly in payment of government taxies His influence on the faithful is a characteristic supplr:merit to the silhouette of this typical representative of the rFactiona- r~~ tort of the clergy. Wien his -neighbour, rIev,,Bysiron see:;=;d an i_mngin-,ry tale that j by heavens grace" , one of the oa:ri- shi.onors had turned into a p-4-,g for insulting Rev.3ystron, Pev.Yamirnski was th,`. fir:' Who, with greatest eegerneSS j spoke about that "-,iraculeus" event to everybody end found some naive people who ltLtened to him., On 14ay 1 .he end ,avaured. to disrapt a workers' festival by intentional manceuvering of huL-day services.. His endeavours, of course, failed.., but his bad will specks clearly of his attitude tow'ard the camp of progress and dcmocrecy, These fa c-ua , apart from his wall-known ine?l i ation for a ni-ce].y laid table and a ful~_ glass of wire, give the rActurV of a pri t who is very reserved in relation to small farm-owners and who keens very far from them, who stultifies them, who awploits them and who spends his best hours in playing cards with such rich men in the vill lee, ac merchant Kiedrowski, Master Jankowski and. Chemist Y?-ncinkI!ivjic=z, The workers' class end the masses of poor and m.udium-rsize farm-cwn :rs are conducting a severe class struggle against all forms of ;xpln,itnti~.~~n of one man by another ~ In that stm~u ,?l the weapon of the people's masses is constantly growing enli.ght,_xnment,, which distinguishE:a between matters of faith and egotistical and >nti-social interests of that part of. the clergy which is greedy of earthly riches and unfrienc,',ly towards People's Polf nd "hat is why E very exploiter even if in a cr^ssock, can expect to meet general eondemnr tion, and will :_o isolated from the life of the community, building a better future by their decant work. Dziennik Baltycki #121661 Sept. 27 only (130 lines) Verbatim ~'bCOND ?"AVOCRcITTC P A:t1Y CO1GRESS, STriT I ` "'S Y FO .FIG GJfS ,S AT Domestic despatch. "It is a r;r:;at pleasure and an honor for me to be in Polani. I feel very humble in this country whore people living and iced suffered. so much 'to lEf eat and destroy fascism. Elmer Benson" "The flaw ring of Polish culture after as many ye _trs of oppres- t be o sion and strug! le is great insnir?ation. I em most '".apriy hore as the guest of the Democratic Party. Clark roromen"e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 WE S1 ixLL RUST Lr: DING PARTY C MES. (Article by K. uyzynska, Manager of Ventral PZPR School in Lodz.) The tasks of a party school cannot be li;cited to inculcating basic principle?s of Marxism-Leninism upon stul,~nts and to improving their minds with a certain amount of general knowledge. .kncthcr immensely important - and frequently underrated - task of party schools consists of party-line training of the stu- dents. This type of school must, even mcre strongly than hereto- 'fore, link pupils with the Party; it must strengthen their sense of diseinline, sharper, their vigilance enhance their militancy, - in short, it should secure, for the Party, cadres of people lea ?ing the way in everything. In adajtion to the above, the *tarty schools should raise a type of pcliti cal worker, eraetician able to apply his gaine3 know-- le:ge in every Jay work and for whom theory is a key for solving 'efinite ,problIS. Not o:,ly must such orogram be most closely connected with current tasks of cur party, but students of the course shod 1, on their part, live the Party's daily life. This is why nracti_cal work in the field plays an immensely im- portant part in the life of a party school. Each seminar (compo- sing at the same time a party group) Is associated with :Definite basic org nizations, part in their activities helps in or- banizing fiord training, attends meetings... ! First and foremost stands the problem of moulding a Marxist outlook u on life anon.' studens, and this is wily M-rxist-Leninist theory is regar as the most important subject in the curriculum? 4 series of lectures hos been introduce" on t e rcl-itical economy of s~cialisrr, and Instruction in dialectic and historical materia- lis:r has bee., consi -.nobly exti nder'. The r.istory of .11-Union (Soa Viet) Communist P 2r. ty of Bolsheviks will s,_.rve students as a pat- te.~n for Bf the .rincinles of Marxism-Len.Lnisr.n. Stu- ,',go Tents will athrough a course of universal.and Polish history, ta~`ht inie light of hisbrical Materialism and with special re- ference to the history Of the labor mov-Mcnt. .Next in I portancc is the raising the intellectual and cultural level r car;.g students. The curriculum, provides for instruction in such s-iibjects as physc3 and biology, a working kaiawledge of both being indi,.$nerrsable for the comprehension of :lialactic materialism. Irish.'uction in history will be supplenentek' by lectures on history oof liters turE.e an?i by talks on art for the purpose of extcncding the students t scone of interests. It being also necessary to acquaint students with current pro- blems of political and economic life the progrerr, of instruction on Contcmporrry (Modern? gland provides for purely pr- ctical pro- t;lems ; so th?, t a school grade- te, on becoming a p-:rty field worker, :should be =ble to familiarize himself -'ith pro''uction plans, to analyze the, bale.:,,-ice-shet:t of a commercial euterpr.I. e, to be familia:: frith legislative enactments, etc, .. . We trust that joint effort of students and of the whole collec= tiv-- body cf the schoccls' staffs will enable us tej accomplish the - .'if fic-.lt and responsible task set forth before us by the Party. ? Try-bunn Ludu, #270, October 1, 1949 only, 273 line. s-excerpts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 ANGL()-AWT1ICr0+y PRESS SUMMARY Warsaw, -eland 5.&&y October 3 , 1949 , e_. Z to Steven.Zagorski, Editrr Note: Translations appearing herein are made as accurately as passible but arc not necessarily literal.. SECTION A IMPOSTNG PEOPLE t S MANIF'EST'iTION IN WARSAW. GREAT MP,,jTINCS ALL OVER COUNTRY Article DO ME '.':I C 150.,000 people, youtr,, and adults, wrrkers and intelligentsia, Harty inerube.-.s and nt:;n---,member. s . all smiling cheerfully, marched towards Victory Square yes t.el'day. Placards, carried from all Harts -f the cit-, had twa inscrittions: "Defending peace, Are defend the liv::s and happiness of our children' I The otter was: "Long live the Polish working- class, the leading force in th? fight for peace." On platfr ms stood representatives of the government, hcaided by Vice-.Premier Korzycki, and members of the Centi'91 C.-mmittee of the P,> ish United i1 r ier Party, as V-.11 as reprasentatives of the Polish A:T?my, of Pnlitlcal, soci?' and youth organizations, Thu .Polish. Committee of Fe :ce Dezend c- s was represented by Vice- Chairman Adam R.apacki, Delegates from the Democratic Party's -Ccciigres, were also 'present. Large delegations of foreign youth. members of the Conference of Yo r,E Peace Dufen.dors, also particip< ted in the manifestat-.on. Thee- >Jtere .elc atec from: the Soviet Ur)lon-Alexancier SL.elepin, Iniii.u-V ._tna 2ako ra, Iran - Ekbatani, F. ance- Smoukovich, democratic Gerrn.any ;de1lxsanil, T,e ee^h was Trade by riin ster fapacki, ehc> saidl: "All may 1 ~ ~.. . on (;f imper1 a'.1sts should be dispersed., This was achiNeel iri fa':i the 3-)vlet- s :rushed the naive faith in the American a t >mi c br. mb n,n-poly. "The, 13x1 groat hnpe '7f trar--mongers is in the disintegration. of peace r , which they ha,re t:+?;_td to undermine through an interne tionaJ_ cnnspiracy of Titoist provocateurs ai.d the recent Va tsc n u ti.micd a~tions ;, "Our strength and our unity must be vigilantly guarded. All saboteurs, Spies and imperialistic agencs must.. be destr'*.yc=d, "In Western Germen r, international cartital is equ: t ing, German fascists with r ?r.is, just as .it did twenty years ago5 directing them eastward," Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 The next to speak was Alexai. ",:r Szelepin, Secretary is the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Youth Crganization (Komsom'l): "Nations of the world w'_11 remain undisturbed for the peace camp is headed b' the greatest fighter-t? peace, democracy and the happiness of all nations - Jozcph St alin." Zydie Werszawy #272, Sept-3 and ethers excerpts (287 lines) RESOLUTIONS APPROVED AT MASS MEETING IN ?LAC Z .YYCIESTWA (VICTORY :)QUAKE, WARSAW ON OCT.2 Domestic Depatch We are an implacable farce in the struggle against American imperialists and against men selling the Independence of their own countries f r Mcrsnall shot:-els. We are an unshaken force in the struggle t g3inst men fomenting revengeful and revisionist eiements iaGermary and inciting them against Poland. We are a merciless force in the struggle against men who a'e trying to loosen the ties between our peopl3 and the Peoples Gr verrment, against all a gents and aubvertrars of the Tito one Rank:)-, is type, against all ~advoeates of the interests of war hyenas wnich are tbirrting for blood and conquests: We solemnly promise to put increasing efrort into our work, to be vigil7int, to combf sah=+tage, to unmask saboteurs and enemies! we rromise to spare no effort 'c strengthen PrJar_.d's defenses3 In our unity, in ?,ur w^rk and in our struggle we arc Infiex ble ,3efeiid? rs of pence, lines) E-Kccrpts Polska Zbrojna x#27l Oc'--,.3 and ot..iers. NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF YOUNG PATRIOTS IN WARSAW Domestic Despatch Hundreds of young representatives fr'm all parts of the country attendl-..d the Ngticnal Ccnforence Ef Young Petric,tsi~, Delegations r?f the heroic Komsomol (6aviet Comnntiist Youth OrganIzati?-in) and of Rumanian Czeenoslovak, Hungarten Itclian. Indian, Malayan, Argentine, irani.an, French and. Free 6e-?man Youth were greeted by lor.b and c-,rd.ia1 applause. After the playing of the National Anthem by a you+ h orchestra, the conference was opened .,y the Chairman of the Chief Cr*urcli of the Prli:h Youth Association, Stolen:Ignar. The first speech was delivcred. on behalf c" the 'olivh ' ,rmmittee of Peace Defenders, by Ninist~.r R~ packi who s a.ld, inter ilia; ''To be a patriot means to be faithful to the p(.: ee camp and to stand inflexibly at the side of the S vict Uni^n. To be a patriot means to str er_gthen the security nn future .-)f the Fatherland, to strengthen the newer cif the peace camp--" On behalf of the World Federation of Dem"cratic Youth, Frances Damois, Vice-President of the Federnticn and leader 'f the democratic: movemenc of American youtih, c-1nveyed warm and militant ?roetisugs. Alexandei Sholepin, Secret-ry -f the Komsomol Central Commit-:ce, `conveyed the greeds of the Leninist- -Stalinist-many millions strong, -d on behalf of heroic Soviet yoou-,;h, flc ?:4 itllned the rccction? y plans of imperialists, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 cats: stropi is r s~:lts ~f the i'1^rsh.a.ll Plan and the sire 1 ~s the Atlantic Pact, Citizen Mat,,-in, ('hairman of the Chief Cruncil of the Polish Youth Aserciation, sty=+- ed regretfully that twenty young ir,ic'sts, dele,g .tes to the conference, could. not take p ~.: t in it be ca u:se they were fnrtidden to do sn by their superior Church authorities,, Rzeczpcspolita#271 Uct.2 and others (211 line) E:~cerpts. POLISH ATHLETIC I6FET ON INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY Domestic D;_~snatch c59000 ntcrsons, assembled in the Polish Armor S ilium, to k t~rt in a solemin meeting of Po1i3h aathl..etes ~,hicn to'-ok piece r?'n Intk rnation,al football m ,'.ch between Poland and. Bulgaria. After a parade, the nco of Polish field athletics; Stawczyk, de? ivercd n speech r-i behalf of all Polish athletes. He said that wrrIt,-no :.i , student , peasants ~:nd. remembers of the Intelligentsia desire to contribute to the struggle for peace by raising the. physical fitness of the natiinn. ;;? strenuous daily effort to oror^rte rhysica 1 cultic: e and a high ideclagica.l'' level in Polish sports, by striving for health, ph;,;sicajl fitness and general devele;pment of youth and of the working masses, we "hall strengthen PeoplC' s Poland, a powerful link in the world peace camp, ;tame snail strengthen `the t; s of friendship with athletes of the great Srv Jet Union ,.ind of people's demo ratic countries,., who fight f_:r our common ideals: progress and peace. "Polish ethl.tes Fully appreciate the tremendous im.nortnnca. of our fr.,t e nc.l alliance with the. Soviet Union anL with the countries of n.Fople's deniocrncy in the struggle for a lasting neacc and for stabilization Of our i_nd.epondence and of pnl nil Security . -hall fight energetically raga.in$t all symptoms of natic- nalism in our xa nks, aga-1.n1st all attempts to, spread :imperialist rror aganda, all tendenci S to weaken ow ideological un Ity with the =ovi t Union and with people's d.cmocxatic countries, which are marching with as on the snrio r th.!' Trybuna Ludu #2729 Oct,3 r~r.d others (120 lines) Excerpts MILLIONS OP WORKERS IN POLAND DEMONSTRATED liNDUR SLOGAN OF STRUGGLE FOR PEiXE. Domestic Despatch k In. r l provincial and county towns9 tnwnahips and villages throughout Poland, thousands cf people mant.fested their infl xible will tip fight for per-ce and solidarity with the mighty world peace t4amr.,, herded by the invincible Soviet Union, Towns and villages were decorated with banners, flags and postLrs0 DF monstrators, ca rr. ied' pic cures f:f President Bi erut, Ger_erali ss 1mo Stalin and leaders of People's 'hina, Italy, France and of the trmorc.ing manses. In many toks (231 600 ccries) , ',Pra sa wo j skowa" (11ilitary Press)) 23 bo 3ks (217,00? copies) . As regards the subjects olessic literature (esrecially fiction) are in first place 112- books); then comes nolitical litcratu,,E. (77 books) . ThE section of neturrl and mathematieal science contains 21+ bo.>ks tnd applied science (engineerin?, industry, agriculture, etc.) - 16 books, Zycie Wc=r,zawy #271 anc' :-them Oct ).2 (22 lines) Verbatim BANDIT "BURY" SENTENCED TO DEATH Domestic Despatch Recently, the trial rook ola ce in bialystok of terrorist - bang icaders of the Nr-ticnt:l Military Association: Romuald Rejs, alias "Bury" , ani Casimir Chrmielewski, alir:s "Fekiti"- They were charged with many robberies ? murcdf:rs and arson, They verc'i_c;t wr s a death sentence for '"Bury' and life imps=son- ir, nt for ' Beki:a" The defendants deliberately act-.d to thv detriment of the Polish motion and state, endeavouring to overthrew the e1:-suing rcgi iEee Drie;xnik Ludowy #269 Sept?2 only Verbatim (21 lines) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/02 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800070001-1 -7- R:i ~SULTS CF SF'PTE+'~Br, v~TAP~SAW RFCONSTRUCTIO`T CAI`~4 AIGP?. Ci TRAL ?SARK 11 CF C;jL`iUTR TO BE Cl A I+'L. Domestic despatch The September Warsaw r3constr'-ction campaign, carried out on the ini-Liative of the Execu4ive C,-mmittee of the Polish United. Worker Party, with the partinipaat on of Warsaw Municipal and. Pre- cinct Reconstruction Corim.i ttees, National Councils, trade unions and local committees, was undertaken by the population spontaneous- ly. Principal work was carried out in the Murenow section of Warsaw by 180,000 persons altr}~,ethnr. In other plaoes9 70,000 persons were .er_Eployed. The tots