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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Directorate of MASTER 6 Intelligence CUPY WT G ! E OuT OR MARK ON Terrorism Review 22 December 1983 - Se GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 copy464 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret )Terrorism 1 Perspective-A Resurgence of Turkish Terrorism: Not If, But When IOGI 3 Highlights Iranian Terrorism: Prospects for Expanding the Anti-US "Jihad" OGI 13 The Philippines: Anti-US Terrorist Threat Still Low OGI Director, Instability and Insurgency Center, Office of Global Issues, Comments and queries regarding this publication may be directed to the Deputy 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Review 21 December 1983 A growing body of information-elaborated elsewhere in this issue-indicates that Turkey may be on the verge of a resurgence in terrorism. The key questions remain whether-and when-terrorism might again become a critical problem for Turkey and how this might affect and be affected by the transition to a multiparty democratic system. Against a backdrop of wide disparity between economic "haves" and "have hots," terrorism flourished in Turkey in the 1970s. When the Turkish military seized control of the government in September 1980, it acted to put a stop to rampant ter- rorism, then claiming more than 20 lives a day, and to forestall full-scale civil war. As part of its martial law regime, the leadership imposed a series of stringent counterterrorist measures that effectively reduced domestic terrorist activity. Now, however, as the country is moving gradually toward civilian rule, it is clear that terrorism has not been eradicated and may, in fact, be on the increase. At least until 19 March 1984, while martial law restrictions remain in place, the regime probably will be able to keep leftwing terrorist violence in check. Moreover, since the military is likely to continue to play a behind-the-scenes role in Turkish politics, it will make every effort to ensure that martial law restrictions remain in effect, at least during the early stages of the transitional period. But will the terrorists seek to strike as soon as martial law is lifted, perhaps seeing this period -as the most vulnerable for a fragile civilian government? We believe that is less likely than the resumption of leftist. terrorism-possibly on a large scale-further down the road. Terrorists probably recognize that, should terrorist activity rapidly escalate, the government might quickly reimpose martial law, particularly if Turkey were not yet fully weaned from military control. Such a move would damage leftists' efforts to rebuild and stymie their plans for the post- martial-law era. We therefore believe that leftist groups probably will opt to wait until the transition from military rule to a multiparty democratic system is further along be- fore embarking on major operations. Leftist terrorists are then likely to become dangerously active, exploiting the weaknesses of a democratic system where they have greater operational mobility and freer access to the resources their operations -equine. Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Should we see a resurgence of Turkish terrorism, official and private US interests there would be at risk. Leftist terrorists abhor the close links between the United States and the Turkish military regime. Moreover, elements of terrorist organiza- tions with histories of anti-US violence remain at large in various regions of the country, and they have proved themselves capable of violence, even under the strictures of martial law. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Highlights Guatemala: Increased Threat to US Interests. The terrorist threat to US personnel and installations in Guatemala has risen to an extremely high level at the same time that Guatemala's ability to thwart terrorist attacks has significantly declined. Preventing such operations will now be more difficult, however, because of a decision by the Guatemalan 25X1 Government to reapportion security responsibilities, which has resulted in a total standdown of operational activity by AGSAEMP, the country's most effective and El Salvador: Heightened Risk to US Personnel. During the past months, the threat to official US personnel in El Salvador from both the left and the right has escalated because of heightened guerrilla military activity; the creation of a new, more militant guerrilla group; and increasing anti-American sentiment among the forces of the ultraright in reaction to strong US Government pressure to curb death squad activity. A new and even more aggressive guerrilla organization, the Revolutionary Worker's Movement, has emerged as a spinoff of the Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), which claimed responsibility for the murder of US adviser Lieutenant Commander Schaufelberger. The creation of a more aggressive group drawing from FPL ranks suggests that the extreme left may more actively target US personnel. Salvadoran death squads also have been increasingly active and are disturbed by US criticism, which has received extensive coverage in the 25X1 Key Indicators United Kingdom: IRA Terrorist Offensive Under Way. The bombing of Harrods - 25X1 department store on 16 December appears to have initiated the IRA's Christmas campaign in London. wave of bombings poses a serious threat to US individuals. Although the IRA does not intentionally target US interests, an indiscriminate Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Kuwait: Islamic Jihad Strikes Again. On 12 December in Kuwait, six,large bombs exploded at various US, French, and Kuwaiti Government installations, causing numerous casualties and considerable damage. The explosives-laden truck that crashed through the main gate at the US Embassy and blew up on the compound killed five and injured nine at last count. The similarities in the method of operation to previous terrorist suicide bombings in Beirut, coupled with a claim of credit by the Islamic Jihad, left little doubt that radical Shias, inspired by and perhaps deployed by the Iranian Government, were responsible. These bombings, may portend a proliferation of Iranian terrorist operations outside the areas (mainly in Lebanon) to which they have largely been limited to date. Significant Developments West Germany: Government Bans Neo-Nazi Organization. The Federal Interior Ministry has outlawed the radical rightwing organization "Action Front of National Socialists" (ANS), which is headed by Michael Kuehnen. ANS is considered by the government to be the major neo-Nazi organization. West Germany: Bomb Plot Thwarted. West German security officials arrested four suspected terrorists preparing for a bombing campaign against US and NATO bases. Two of the four have been described as members of the Red Army Faction. The suspects were seized after police raided a house full of bomb-making equipment and documents indicating their targets. Secret 4 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Iranian Terrorism: Prospects for Expanding the Anti-US "Jihad" Iran is expanding its war of terrorism against the United States. Tehran may be p anning a new rouna o anti-US terrorist attacks, focusing on the Persian Gulf and in some European capitals where Iran already has assets in place: ? The recent bombings in Kuwait-which we are almost certain were at the hands of Iranian agents-were probably the opening gun in this new wave of terror. ? The US Embassy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reports that the Iranian Ambassador in Abu Dhabi made an explicit threat against US targets in the Persian Gulf area and the rest of the world to the royal court only two days before the bombings in Kuwait. The ease with which the extensive and well-coordinat- ed series of bombings was carried out in Kuwait-a country whose security service is probably as good as any in the Persian Gulf-points to the vulnerability of US facilities in that region. Many of the Gulf coun- tries such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (in the eastern province) have large Shia populations, providing pools from which Iran can recruit-or already has recruit- ed-assets. While Bahrain and the UAE-which has considerable trade and transportation ties to Iran- 25X1 might be the most vulnerable countries, extensive dhow traffic and the largely unguarded coastlines make nearly all of the Persian Gulf countries suscepti- ble to terrorist infiltration. US establishments in countries with large Iranian student populations-as in Pakistan-could also be threatened. In Baghdad as well, Iranian-supported Iraqi Shia terrorists, who have carried out a number of devastating car bomb- ings during the past couple of years, could direct their activity against US facilities or personnel. The strength and credibility of the purported threat in Iranian operatives also have been used to harass anti- Khomeini activists in West Germany, while Austrian police in Vienna recently arrested four members of the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain, a radical group that has received extensive paramilitary training from Iran and had attempted a coup against the Bahraini Government in December 1981. A man- ual entitled "Handbook for Terrorists" reportedly was found among the belongings of one of those arrested. Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Kuwait: The Case Against Tehran We believe that the selection of targets in the Kuwaiti bombings-US, French, and Kuwaiti-and the use of the name "Islamic Jihad, " indicating the radical Muslim orientation of the claimants, leave little doubt that Tehran was behind the bombings. With little specific information to indicate that Islamic Jihad is a distinct, organized terrorist group, we believe that its name more likely is a cover used by Iran for its terrorist operations, whether employing local Shias in Lebanon or locally recruited agents of other nationalities, as was the case in Kuwait: ? The driver of the truck killed in the bombing was a member of a dissident Iraqi Shia group supported by Iran and owned at least seven of the nine vehicles used for the car bombs. Surrogates provide Iran with an excellent means for creating the illusion that an independent, international organization is at work against US interests. In this manner, Tehran is able to mask its involvement while Iranian diplomatic or intelligence personnel, working through their embassies, oversee local agents and coordinate the terrorist attacks. Tehran employed a similar tactic in February 1983 when Iranian students in Pakistan, under the direction of the Iranian consul general, carried out a series of anti-French bombings for which Iraqi Shia dissidents subsequently claimed credit. A combination of factors may have been responsible for the timing and location of the recent bombings. The threat of Iraqi attacks against Iranian oil export facilities may have triggered a decision to illustrate graphically that Tehran will extract a price from France and Kuwait for their continued military and financial assistance to Baghdad. The US Embassy may well have been a target of opportunity. In addition, if the reported Syrian fear of US reprisals for. Iranian-sponsored terrorism is true, Tehran may be under some pressure to launch attacks from areas that would not be connected to Damascus. There is a considerable possibility that Tehran may decide to turn assets against US facilities in those countries. The relatively open environment of West- ern Europe also would enable Iran to fairly easily infiltrate specially trained terrorists for selective oper- ations. An additional danger to US interests is posed by the fact that spectacular terrorist operations such as the Kuwaiti attacks occasionally generate imitative ac- tions by those with real or imagined grievances. Verbal threats are the most common, and, in fact, the day after the Kuwaiti incident a caller to a news agency in Barcelona, Spain, claiming to represent Islamic Jihad, warned of attacks on US embassies in Europe. Self-styled radical individuals or groups also could be incited to actually initiate an attack, although this threat probably will diminish as publicity about the Kuwait operation begins to recede. This type of danger is greatest in those countries that have large expatriate worker or student populations who compli- cate host government security efforts. Such is the case in Spain. An additional concern is that the excitement generated by successful operations enhances the abili- ty of a state such as Iran to portray itself as at the forefront of an international campaign against "American imperialism," to expand its contacts with radically oriented elements of overseas Islamic com- munities, and possibly to recruit in-place assets for future terrorist operations. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Evidence Points to Leftist Terrorism in Turkey's Future The Turkish Government's severe counterterrorist measures imposed three years ago following the mili- tary takeover have significantly reduced but not eradicated terrorism in Turkey. sufficient manpower and resources probably still exist-both within and outside Turkey-to generate a resurgence of high-level terrorist activity: ? According to US military reporting, five explosives caches were discovered in Istanbul this year- presumably hidden by leftist groups prior to the military takeover. Others may remain undiscovered, although exposure to the elements could have ren- dered them ineffective. ? Recent arrests of terrorists, in which Turkish securi- ty forces confiscated impressive arrays of equipment and ammunition, have convinced authorities that terrorists have attempted to reorganize. ? Many Turkish leftist terrorist leaders remain at large, some within Turkey, but most elsewhere- notably in the Middle East. ? Increasing numbers of imprisoned terrorists and supporters will be released from jail over the next couple of years-in part to alleviate overcrowded conditions. Exposure to the thinking of hardcore terrorists may well encourage some supporters pre- viously less inclined toward the use of violence to alter their position. ? According to US military reporting, Turkish terror- ists who escaped following the military takeover 25X1 have in the interim received training and support in Syria, Libya, and elsewhere in the Middle East. ' 25X1 They will return to Turkey with enhanced combat ? According to a 1983 study published by the Prime Minister's office, more than 2,000 leftist terrorists still are being sought. The study claims that 20 Turkish terrorist organizations have been "com- pletely mopped up," while another 25 are either "laying low" or continuing to operate. All of the groups identified by Turkish authorities as having continued to use violence are leftist: the Marxist- Leninist Armed Propaganda Unit (MLAPU), the Revolutionary Left (Dev Sol), and the Turkish Communist Party/Marxist Leninist Partisans (TKP/ML Partizan). 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 There are indications that activity by leftist terrorist groups is on the rise: 25X1 ? Militants of the Turkish Revolutionary Commu- 25X1 nists' Union (TIKB)-an offshoot of the Turkish People's Liberation Army-committed a burglary 25X1 in September, presumably to obtain funds to finance their operations. Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Of particular concern is the possibility that several of these groups could pool their resources, enabling them to commit acts beyond the scone of any individual group. Although we be ieve an imme late resurgence of terrorism is unlikely, in the long run the government's fears may well be justified. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 aecrei The Philippines: Anti-US Terrorist Threat Still Low Although the evidence grows that recent political and economic developments in the Philippines reflect an increasing threat to continued political stability, we see little indication that US interests will be the target of groups opposed to Marcos. At present, the main Philippine opposition groups appear to believe that attacking the United States would not advance their cause and might even be counterproductive. It is possible, however, that a radical splinter group will blame the United States for propping up Marcos and decide to attack either official or private US facilities. The popular view that the regime was responsible for the death of Benigno Aquino in August 1983 has weakened Marcos's base of support, alienated the urban middle class, and ended the political apathy of the elite. The political situation, by damaging interna- tional confidence in the Philippines, has precipitated a financial crisis that will result in higher unemploy- ment and inflation rates. In addition, Marcos's health problems are adding to the public's loss of confidence and impairing his ability to handle the domestic crisis. Marcos's increasing unpopularity and close identifica- tion with the United States, however, have not trans- lated into acts of violence against US interests in the Philippines. Since the beginning of 1983, the US Government has been the target of two terrorist attacks (one sniping attack and one bomb that was defused) along with four threatening hoaxes. This is significantly fewer than the 1980 high of 25 incidents, indicating that anti-US terrorism in the Philippines has declined to its customary low level-a remarkabl low level, considering the extensive US presence At present, most Filipinos-including non-Commu- nist opponents of the Marcos regime-apparently view the United States as a friend. Anti-American sentiment, however, has grown somewhat since the Aquino assassination. Many Filipinos, moreover, will blame the United States if Marcos refuses to make the major political reforms demanded by his moderate opponents. We believe anti-US sentiment is unlikely in the near term to lead to a significant terrorist threat to US interests there. We believe that the moderate political opposition-represented primarily by the United Na- tionalist Democratic Opposition-fears that attacks against US installations or businesses could cause a backlash, turning Philippine public opinion against the perpetrators, causing it to lose rather than gain public sympathy. Moreover, the moderates suspect that an attack on US interests could lead to an influx of US weapons and material that might be used against all opposition groups. At this time, only a few opposition groups can be considered a threat to US interests. They may be loosely categorized as Comunists, non-Communist socialists, and Muslim separatists. The New Peoples Army (NPA), the military wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), poses the greatest potential threat to US interests. This widespread insurgent group is the only Philippine opposition group with both the military capability and the organization to mount a major anti-US campaign. We doubt it will do so, however, because its leaders probably believe that such action might lead the United States to increase its counterinsurgency aid to the Marcos regime. 25X1 I 25X1 The People's Liberation Movement (PLM) also poses a potential threat, although it has yet to target US 25X1 interests. A splinter group of the CPP, it broke with the party several years ago as a result of the party's emphasis on a rural strategy. The PLM believes that Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Major Areas of Insurgent Activity Communist operational area Communist expansion area Muslim operational area Muslim expansion area - Selected province boundary South China Sea D/ BABUYAN ISLANDS Philippine Sea PuNu Kaiak&ong Indonesia Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret it is essential to carry the military struggle to the cities, especially Manila. To date, its urban guerrillas have concentrated on killing police officers in the Manila metropolitan area. The Social Democrats, adherents of a political move- ment designed to provide a Christian socialist alterna- tive to the atheistic CPP, were responsible for most of the terrorist activity in 1980 for which credit was claimed. Two splinter groups were involved: ? The Light-a-Fire Movement. Its tactic was setting fires in hotels and other public buildings. Most of its members have been arrested or are in hiding. ? The April 6 Liberation Movement. This group used explosives rather than incendiary devices and timed their bombs to explode when the likelihood of injuring people was slight. Both Philippine and foreign interests have been targeted. The arrest of many members of the Social Democrats has kept the group relatively inactive lately. A new splinter group that claims to have ties to the April 6 Liberation Movement has emerged, however, and may resume terrorist activities. Calling itself the Brotherhood for Filipino Liberation, it recently warned foreign embassies in Manila that they might be targets of an impending bombing campaign. The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a Muslim separatist insurgent group, has occasionally attacked US concerns in the southern Philippine region where its guerrillas-the Bangsa Moro Army-operate. Because they are concentrated in rural areas in which there is little US presence, they are only a minor threat. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 secret Type of Victim of International Terrorist Incidents, February-November 1983 a Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Total 59 77 82 59 66 71 60 56 86 93 Government officials 3 4 5 8 10 10 4 2 2 2 Diplomats 33 36 40 28 25 33 37 36 46 49 Military 2 11 13 8 4 10 2 8 25 16 Business 9 8 7 9 8 7 8 4 9 14 Private parties, tourists, missionaries, and students 8 7 10 2 16 6 6 4 4 9 Geographic Distribution of International Terrorist Incidents, February-November 1983 a Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul. Aug Sep Oct Nov Total 59, 77 82 59 66 71 60 56 86 93 North America 5 5 6 11 2 6 3 4 0 6 Latin America 10 18 20 12 19 20 15 11 27 21 Western Europe 26 33 20 18 20 15 21 18 36 36 USSR/Eastern Europe 1 3 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 Sub-Saharan Africa 3 4 5 4 8 2 5 0 2 5 Middle East and North Africa 6 12 23 8 16 21 11 14 11 16 Asia/other 8 2 8 5 1 5 4 8 10 8 a Figures for the most recent months are subject to change as additional data are received. Deaths and Injuries Due to International Terrorist Attacks Figures for the most recent months are subject to change as additional data are received. Bombing of US Marine Hqs. and French post in Beirut killed 296 and wounded 84. Car bomb in Pretoria, S.A. killed 18, wounded 217. Bombing of US Embassy in Lebanon killed 57, wounded 120. Bombing of Gulf Air Boeing 737 in UAE desert killing 111. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Chronology information has been received. This chronology includes significant events, incidents, and trends in international terrorism. It provides commentary on their background, importance, and wider implications. It does not treat events listed in previous editions of the chronology unless new 16 November 1983 France: Sentencing of Direct Action Leader In Paris, Frederic Oriach, the leader of the leftist group Direct Action, was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in criminal gang activities. Direct Action claimed credit for several attacks against Jewish facilities during 25 November 1983 1 December 1983 3 December 1983 West Germany: Rightwing Terrorists Convicted Friedhelm Busse, the leader of the outlawed Workers' Party, and four other defendants were sentenced to prison terms for various crimes. All were involved in a shootout with police in Munich in 1982. Greece: Greek Army Officer's Car Bombed News sources report the bombing of a Greek Army officer's privately owned automobile outside his Athens residence. The vehicle was completely destroyed. No group has claimed responsibility. West Germany: Attempted Assassination of Croatian Extremist An unidentified individual attempted to assassinate Luka Kraljevic in Unterthuerheim-the second attempt on his life in the past 16 months. Kraljevic is one of the key leaders of the Croatian Revolutionary Movement Ndjamena. The communique did not indicate why Zaire had been targeted. claimed responsibility for the 28 November attack on the Zairian Embassy in Chad: Attack on Zairian Embassy Claimed The Organization for the Liberation of Chad From Imperialism and Fascism has Thailand: Explosion at Israeli Embassy 25X1 A bomb damaged the outer wall of the Israeli Embassy compound in Bangkok. While no one has taken credit for the attack, police investigation has indicated that the blast was the work of local pro-Iranian elements. 25X1 19 Secret GI TR 83-026 22 December 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Early December 1983 Turkey: Security Forces Capture 19 Dev Vol Members In a series of operations carried out by martial law forces in and around Izmir since early November, Turkish authorities captured 19 members of the Dev Yol (Revolutionary Way) organization. The security forces found four pistols, banned publications, and organization documents in the suspects' homes. Peru: New Emergency Zone Commander Maj. Gen. Adrian Huaman, commander of the 18th Armored Division, was named to replace Maj. Gen. Clemente Noel as chief of the political-military command in the Emergency Zone, effective 1 January. Huaman, a Quechua.- speaking native of Abancay, plans a multifaceted approach to the Sendero Luminoso (SL) problem. 4 December 1983 Northern Ireland: Two IRA Guerrillas Killed in Counterterrorist Operation Two Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) guerrillas were killed-and a third is believed to have been wounded-by security forces when they failed .to halt when challenged by police. The PIRA said in a later statement that the two men were in the area to inspect a secret arms cache near Coalisland in County Tyrone, southwest of Belfast. The counterterrorist operation by the Special Air Service (SAS)-an unconventional warfare unit of the British Army-was part of increased security measures demanded by Protestants after the attack on the Protestant Church in Darkly in which three died and seven were injured. 6 December 1983 Turkey: Arrest of Dev Vol Militants In Ankara, police have arrested 25 members of the leftist Dev Vol (Revolutionary Way) organization and five smugglers supplying the group with weapons. Ammunition and weapons were seized during the operation that evolved from police surveillance of three members of the terrorist group who traveled to Ankara to revive their organization. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Portugal: Bombings Claimed by FP-25 In Lisbon, the leftist guerrilla group Popular Forces of 25 April (FP-25) has claimed credit for 24 small bombs that exploded during the night of 6 December, injuring one person and causing minor damage. Pamphlets left at the scene claimed the bombings were to protest delays in the payment of salaries to thousands of industrial workers. Israel: Jerusalem Bus Bombing The PLO news agency in Tripoli, Lebanon, took credit for the bombing of a civilian bus in Jerusalem that killed four and wounded 46. A PLO spokesman later expressed regret, saying the intended target was to have been a military vehicle. PLO rebels in Damascus subsequently claimed credit and said the attack demonstrated the growing capabilities of their militants. 7 December 1983 Guatemala: Terrorists Attack Police Terrorists attacked -five police checkpoints located on various roads leading out of Guatemala City; one policeman was killed and six others were wounded. The Revolutionary Organization of the People in Arms claimed responsibility for the attacks. France: Explosion at Commodity Exchange In Paris, an early morning explosion damaged the Commodity Exchange. To date no group has claimed credit for the attack and police have no leads regarding the Spain: Bombings in Basque Country In Bilbao, three bombs exploded outside banks causing serious damage and injuring 11 people. Although no group has claimed credit for the attacks, we believe the Basque terrorist group Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) was responsible since factions of this organization have carried out many bomb attacks against banks that refuse to pay "revolutionary taxes." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 France: Attempted Assassination of Armenian Militant In Paris, the head of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Armenia- Democratic Front (PMLA-DF) was wounded in an assassination attempt that may have been conducted by supporters of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), the terrorist group that carried out the Orly Airport bombing in July., The PMLA-DF's leader had been critical of ASALA's indiscriminate use of violence and had been the target of a previous assassination attempt in March 1983, also believed to have been the work of ASALA. Colombia: Jaime Betancur Released President Betancur's brother, Jaime Betancur, who was kidnaped on 22 November by individuals claiming to be members of the National Liberation Army (ELN), was released unharmed. No ransom was paid, and, despite ELN communiques to the contrary, President Betancur denies that the Colombian Government negotiated for his brother's release. Mozambique: Bomb Explodes in Maputo A dawn explosion in a Maputo residential area destroyed a house and injured two South African refugees. While the local press has implied the explosion was the work of the South African Security Forces, the possibility remains that the victims may have been African National Congress members, who set off the bomb accidentally. South Africa: Explosion in Johannesburg The African National Congress has claimed credit for the bomb explosion that damaged the Johannesburg Commissioner's Courts of the Department of Cooperation and Development. 8 December 1983 Northern Ireland: IRA Assassination of Politician In Belfast, two IRA guerrillas shot and killed Edgar Graham, the legal and security spokesman for the Official Unionists-the province's largest party representing the Protestant majority in Northern Ireland. Both attackers escaped on foot after the attack. Graham-a strong law and order advocate-had been told that he was at the top of an IRA "hit list" but he had refused a police bodyguard. His killing may cause the demise of the Provincial Parliamentary Assembly-set up to work out a new power-sharing system between the Protestant majority and the Catholic minority. Greece: Bomb Threat Against Hellenic American Union The Hellenic American Union (HAU) received a bomb threat, but a search of the premises failed to turn up any explosives. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret 9 December 1983 Northern Ireland: Bombs Damage Five Buildings In Newry, explosions damaged five buildings but caused no personal injuries. Bomb disposal experts defused several more devices in a sixth building. No group claimed responsibility for the attack, but Irish guerrillas are believed responsible. Guatemala: Bombing Campaign in Guatemala City Terrorists planted six bombs in Guatemala City: five detonated, the other was disarmed. Only one casualty resulted, and there was no property damage. We believe the attacks were designed to mar the 9 December National Air Force Day celebration and to demonstrate that the guerrillas are able to operate with impunity,in the capital. 10 December 1983 Greece: Bomb Laboratory Discovered An Iranian student of Kurdish origin, whom Greek police believe is a member of the "Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran," was seriously injured when a bomb he was making exploded in his hands. Police investigation revealed that the student had made the bomb in his Thessaloniki apartment, which had a reasonably well- equipped laboratory. Three more explosive devices were found on the premises. Police do not know the intended targets, but are investigating possible links between the student and Greek extremist organizations. 12 December 1983 Kuwait: Terrorist Bombings Six bombs exploded in Kuwait targeted against US, French, and Kuwaiti interests. The US Embassy was severely damaged when a vehicle crashed the main gate and exploded inside the compound. Also bombed were the French Embassy, the Kuwait airport, a residential complex, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity and Water, and the Shusybah industrial complex. Only the US Embassy was a suicide attack; the others involved timed explosives. A caller claiming to represent the Islamic Jihad-actually a cover term for Iranian terrorist operations-took credit for the blasts. Italy: Brief on "Bulgarian Connection" Submitted to Prosecutor Investigating Magistrate Ilario Martella has completed his investigation of the possible Bulgarian links to the 1981 Papal assassination attempt and submitted his brief to the public prosecutor. US Embassy reporting comments that for Judge Martella to have brought the case this far implies that he has a solid body of evidence. Spain: Bomb Threat on Airliner An Iberia airliner made an emergency landing at Madrid's airport after a caller warned of a bomb on board. No bomb was found. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 United Kingdom: Royal Artillery Barracks Bombed In London, four soldiers and a bystander were injured when a bomb exploded outside the barracks. Although two groups-the Scottish National Liberation Army and the IRA-claimed responsibility for the attack, British security officials believe the IRA was responsible. The barracks have been the target of IRA attacks twice before. South Africa: Second Explosion in a Week No one has yet claimed responsibility for the explosion of a limpet mine at the Department of Community Development in Johannesburg. No one was injured, but there was extensive damage. The bombing was similar to the 7 December attack in Johannesburg claimed by the African National Congress. Taiwan: Authorities Break Bombing Case The Ministry of Justice has announced that it has solved the April bombing of the Central Daily News and the United Daily News offices. The authorities have made one arrest and have alleged that the World United Formosans for Independence, a US-based group, was responsible. 13 December 1983 Belgium: Rightwing Terrorism In Brussels, one foreigner was killed and three others wounded when a masked gunman opened fire in a private club. An anonymous caller to the Belgian News Agency claimed responsibility on behalf of a "Belgian National Liberation Front"-a group that we have not seen before. The caller stated that "an action has been carried out against immigrants." Guatemala: Guerrillas Attack Salvadoran Embassy The militant Organization of the People in Arms (ORPA) claimed responsibility for a grenade attack against the Salvadoran Embassy in Guatemala City that caused no casualties but some property damage. This is the fourth attack against the Embassy since December 1980 and demonstrates continued Guatemalan guerrilla support for their Salvadoran counterparts. 14 December 1983 Chile: Bombings Black Out Central Chile Unidentified terrorists placed bombs at three high-tension electrical towers in Santiago, plunging 90 percent of the city into darkness. At about the same time, bombs exploded at electrical towers located in about 10 other Chilean cities. Thus far in December, local newspapers have reported at least 33 separate bombing attacks in Chile, the majority in Santiago. In almost all cases, damage was slight and no injuries occurred. No group has claimed responsibility for the recent bombing campaign. United Kingdom: Attempted IRA Bombing In London, police safely defused a bomb planted on a busy London street. Police suspect the IRA was responsible for the attempted bombing, given the similarity between this device and other IRA terrorist bombs. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret 15 December 1983 Spain: ETA Claims Assassination In Tolosa, ETA has claimed credit for the killing of a prominent industrialist who was kidnaped from his home for not paying "revolutionary taxes." Spain: Attack on Spanish Police Patrol In San Sebastian, a Spanish policeman was killed and a second seriously wounded when several gunmen opened fire on a police patrol. The gunmen escaped in a stolen police car. No group has claimed credit for the attack, which we suspect was carried out by ETA/M. Italy: Court Petition To Release Antonov Lawyers for Sergei Ivanov Antonov, the Bulgarian accused of complicity in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, petitioned the court to release their client on provisional liberty-a form of bail-because of his "grave health problems," according to the Italian news agency. Last month, Antonov's lawyers filed a petition to have their client freed from prison on grounds of lack of evidence. While the court has not ruled on that request, it had rejected two previous petitions. Mid-December 1983 Italy: Additional Arrests of Red Brigades (BR) Members With the recent arrests of four more individuals in connection with the activities of a Florence-based BR group known as the Umberto Caltabiani Brigade, police have now captured eight of the 11 identified members of the cell-named after a young terrorist implicated in the kidnaping of US Gen. James Dozier and killed in a shootout with police in May 1982. Italian police had arrested four cell members in early November. 16 December 1983 Spain: Bombings at Military Installation In Navarre Province, ETA claimed responsibility for placing several bombs at the Bardenas Reales firing range. Two bombs detonated-wounding three airmen and causing extensive damage-while a third device was defused by the Spanish Civil Guard. The local press reported that a soldier guarding the gate apparently helped ETA commandos to enter the base and place the devices. The soldier then fled with the terrorists, taking two rifles and ammunition. Ireland: Kidnap Victim Freed In Ballinamore, police freed supermarket executive Don Tidey unharmed 22 days after he was kidnaped by IRA guerrillas and held for $7 million ransom. An Irish soldier and a policeman were killed in a gun battle after the rescue. All of the guerrillas escaped. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 United Kingdom: IRA Bombing of Harrods Department Store In London, the IRA claimed responsibility for a large car bomb which killed five people-including one American-and wounded 91 others. The device, concealed in a car parked behind London's famous department store,. was detonated when police-alerted by a telephone tip-approached the car. In a late communique, the IRA apologized for the civilian casualties and promised no further attacks against civilian targets. 17 December 1983 Northern Ireland: IRA Bombings Continue In Belfast, a bomb exploded near the city gates moments before a security patrol would have opened the gates for early morning access to the town. The blast caused severe damage to the gates but injured no one. Although no group has yet claimed credit for the attack, we assume IRA guerrillas were responsible for the attempt against British security forces. 18 December 1983 Spain: Bombing Injures Police Officer In Lasarte, a Spanish police officer lost his leg in a powerful bomb blast that destroyed his car. Although no group claimed credit for the attack, we believe that ETA/M is responsible. Spain: Bombings Continue in Basque Country In Bilbao, a bomb exploded outside a local bank, causing extensive damage but no injuries. A second device exploded at a bank in Pamplona, causing heavy damage but no injuries. Although no group claimed credit for the attacks, we believe a faction of ETA-attempting to extort "revolutionary taxes"-was responsible. F Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5 Secret Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/20: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100320001-5