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March 20, 1979
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030097-6 am- > d.m.2 c G I? m s ~ `? o a a e$x mom. m o... p? A ... Zia a: ~ a m c e?o ~ ego IM-Flao e~ e3 i ~mer EO ~'iK fy,ry~A AArii ~lD ~? a' io c H E H io ~=. {~ Hey' - M MW ~L O is a -Now CCf! $ e* Odd ~~ N~ SA o d p o w w .* w 5-v 1w I 44 5 ow y y ."t . -d 0-4 PF C 0 = A ' K W N ' ' . C m ep m w yy ~ eP o - 6 o a ~ mu~a~ 5SfDPx cc M .ooh pw iv w ,Ea, b ng C, ~~ ~a `a 5' ~' aoa p~f y ep g o e is y p~' ~~oew?a a oa~+ aw Alb' O Cs :+ O p 1 03 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030097-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09TOO207ROO1000030097-6 Monday, March 20,1978 THE WASHINGTON POST Attorney General to Tell Of Decision in. ITT probe ITT, From Al bargaining, as there was in the Helms meat prosecutors tried to prepare case. cases against Helms and the ITT offs- Attorneys for the ITT officials cials that would withstand defense could not be reached for comment. motions for access to secret CIA docu- ments, Justice Department officials said. In November 1976, Harold V. Hen. drix, former ITT public relations di- rector in Latin America, pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of withholding information from the Senate subcommittee during his testi- mony. Bell declined to comment on what, his decision would be except to say the dispositions "might not all be the " same. Others familiar with deliberations in the investigation, however, said the potential case against Gerrity ap. pears stronger than that against Gen. een. In his March 22, 1973, testimony, Gerrity told the subcommittee that a proposed $1 million ITT ff o er to the Court papers filed at the time of his CIA in 1970 was to promote agricul. plea show that he had told the CIA he ? ture and housing in Chile, not -to would be giving false testimony to the block Allende's election. Members of Senate. The papers also show he has the subcommittee were openly skepti- been cooperating with prosecutors in cal of that explanation at the time. the further investigations. Geneen testified on April 2, 1973, It could not, be learned precisely that he had twic ff e d STANSFIELD TURNER, ... told Bell of security Concerns had given at least $300,000 to support Allende's opponents. In his testimony, Geneen said, "Nor did ITT contribute money to any per- son or to any agency of any govern- ment to block the election of Al- lende." o ere funds to the He also testified that "ITT did not have U.S. what criminal char es govern ment used a b g i een recommended i remaining Allende that he said the CIA declined. take any steps to block the election of n the hile ....Allende as president of cases, or whether there has been plea It was disclosed in 1975 that ITT CSalvador 11 , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030097-6 1 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030097-6 Ia-e7fo%~-+-.r I-9P, / f 77 This Week's white House, Capitol I~ill Agendas following: d,' soilie' of the major ac- tivities of this week's agenda for the . WMte House and Capitol Hill. WHITE HOUSE `reside'nt Carter will have an in- ign' issues ranging from his en- package to the Middle East, the Vftatna Canal, Africa and disarma- llt. '!}e President has been meeting Aast 'daily with legislators in an rt to, push his energy package Virbugh Congress in a form similar to the one he submitted. Carter prob- MLy will continue his personal ef- itests this week, % The President has two bills on'his dik awaiting signature: legislation ,1W would provide a $1.06-an-hour in- gject. The latter is believed to face am uncertain fate. ? M: Negotiations are continuing. both 0011cly and through diplomatic chan- nels on attempts to get the Middle 1lst peace talks resumed in Geneva. The problem blocking resumption of the talks centers on whether or not Members of the Palestine Liberation Otganization will be admitted as par- tiiefpants. State Department officials have expressed confidence the talks would resume in December. On anoth- er Middle East front, administration ?fficials will be meeting this week With the Saudi Arabian foreign min- 1 er, Prince Saud, during his private ',Washington visit. The troubles in South Africa are ,Beating up to such,a degree th# the ,United States has said it is ''deeply *sturbed by the actions" and would ..white minority-led nation. The results of Panama's referendum qp the Panama Canal treats should. .1* on Carter's desk today. American and Soviet otiators,,~ are continuing work on a, aeer'et agree ment on the future of disarmament talks between the two superpowers. While Carter monitors 'world ,affairs at home, his Treasury Secretary will be making personal'.contact with for- eign officials. W. Michael Blumenthal departed Saturday on a two-week trip toineet finance ministers of seven Middle East and European nations. Last Wednesday, While Blumenthal is stressing the dollar's stability abroad, Carter will be watching several home front eco- nomic indicators. The Commerce De- partment issues reports on durable goods and manufacturers shipments, export-import trade, balance of pay- ments, housing vacancies and com- posite indexes of leading indicators. The Bureau of Labor Statistics will report on productivity and costs in business and manufacturing and labor turnover in manufacturing and major collective bargaining settlements. Treasury issues its monthly biletin on average yields of long-term bonds. Carter also will be conferring dur- ing the week with Attorney Geheral Griffin Bell on the fate of former CIA Director Richard Helms. Bell has said he has reached a decision on whether to prosecute Helms in con- nection with congressional testimony the former spy chief gave regarding possible CIA i-volvement in the over- throw of Chiles Allende government. CAPITOL HILL An October adjournment does not seem likely for the legislators. Senate Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd (W. Va.) has said he feels the Senate could dispose of all pending bills ex- cept conference reports on or before Nov. 5. If energy legislation and other bills do not reach th ",floor by that date, Byrd said, he w' limit sessions to every third day and allow conferees to work without being interrupted by quorum calls and roll call votes. Byrd said he had discussed that plan with House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill who "seemed to think well of it,". indicating. the House may adopt a similar sche4ule. Neither chamber meets today in ob- servance of Veterans Day. The Senate takes up the energy bill. Tuesday and posslbly* the agriculture disaster pay- ments bi1L. The tax bill sent to the Senate Fri- day is vastly different from President Carter's request. The bill contains no tax Increases as Carter wanted and $40 billion over eight years in tax credits and incentives to induce con- servation and production of energy. House-Senate conferees meet'today to continue their work on the energy conservation bill. It Is the first of four non-tax bills the 17-member con- ference committee will work on while awaiting energy tax changes and wrap up, work on the President's energy program. On Tuesday, the House continues on the supplemental appropriations bill and seven bills under suspension, including matters concerning the sex- ual exploitation of minors, prisoner exchange treaties, tax treatment ex- tensions and urban mass transporta- tion revision. The appropriations bill includes money for the Clinch River nuclear breeder reactor, which Carter often has said he doesn't favor. The House beat back an effort to resurrect the B-1 bomber in the gill, but will take n the appropriation this week: On Wednesday, the 'House pected. to complete action on Social S eurity fh apce amend4 for 1977, and on Thuzaday and Fdy take -up the uniform bankruptcy! radio-TV coverage of the House? Outer Continental Shelf Lands In committee sessions, two ite special interest to Carter. will organization plan-both on Tu tee is briefed on Soviet ICBM11 en Tuesday, and on Wednesday two House International Relations sub- committees consider U.S.-Soviet rela- tions and the establishment of an African development foundation. United Press International Save $47.90 on set DAY NLY. VETERANS DAY, OUTSTANDING VALUE by the makers of SEALY POSTURPEDIC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030097-6