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A roved For Release 2011/08/17 :CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030036-3 ~-wrier 1;;,; ski:
CotrmissionPr oft ,lpp Statistics dull ---?-""~~1~ the ph?i;c ,if~i:o I
Chal,77siti(, 1'~illiani ~it,X ~cs X. W. ALhrclon..__7ry~r ~++,;t~inrton f'o,t 1
Sliiski:i talks with ~? ca.ii,~(,~~' iC
~~~~e~'S ~t~
L~ d
ught:ers?in?lau' ai
l ~ ~ ~~" ~ '' ,~ is scheduled t.o lea
~, ~~ ~? ~~~~~,~ ~~Ck day aa,d drive to .
~~ an Air Force: jet ~
~" `?'~ ~ (~ 't S111i0itS IS
* ~~,l~t g land On
~? 7 ~~~. Geor is coast: Pa
By Timothy S. Robinson
Washington Post 9ta(t writer - ingtotf and had 'given his assent to ~? Force plane was
? ITT' prcposals for covert support to `TABS: Ffont A1. jVhite House.
The Justice Department yesterday anti-Allende newspapers as well as
charged the former Latin American ~ A 14IcGraw-Hill curve o The family full}
the hiring of radio and television leaders released Thursda ~ Plantat.ioii
public relations director for the Inter- "Pro a~ Y f business ,owned '.
national Telephone and Telegraph p aandists favoring other can.- that com anie S showed Z'Vashin~ton socialit
didates. p are planning to boost Reynolds tobacco fo
Corp. with holding back information According to reports of the Senate 13 pe tteent i
from a Senate subcommittee. g n plant and equipment by .Carter will conker:
.hearings, the. anti-Allende tion is factor 1977, which, infla- for the cost of the st
The criminal charges were filed in television campaign was proposedaby ~ out, turns into a real CIn1Y a couple of
L'.S. District Court against Harold V. Hendrix and another ITT operative, increase of 6 per cenl:. There was no
Flendrix, a former Pulitzer Robert Berrellez, real increase in capital s e pang Carter to the r
prize-win- 1976. p nding in but he will take ~s~ii:
Wing newsman who now lives. in lYIi- Hendrix, 54, could ~ of briefin
ami. He allegedly withheld the inform- one year in prison and fined $1,000 for But it will take time fo g books
ation ft?om_a Senate subcommittee in- the char r business transition staff on
spending plans to translate into an ganization, the natl.
,,es filed yesterday, A former actual increase in and, than es he niighf m~
vestigating ITT's activitiesagainst the reporter for the Miami News, Kansas
Salvador Allende government in Chile .City Star and the Seri that the production g
therefore,, employment, which means
Pps-Howard jobs picture is .Carter will -stay
and the company's relatignship with Newspaper Alliance, he won a Pu_ lv ?to get. better and. could ~e Probab v r~~tuh iii lie
the Central Intelligence Agency there. litzer unlike,
prize .in 1963 in Itiliami for sto- in the next few
t worse
Informed sources said Hendri
1? t,
ties o
d ,
e Soviet missile buildup in Administration j Y m' , Thursda
? agreed to .plead guilty to the misde?~ : Cuba. ~ pro actions that the Powell '
meanor charges, which probably will unemployment rate would fall to 7 per ~ Gorier had plannec
be transferred to federal. court in lYIi- ~ cent by the end of the tion night t:o spend c
ami for disposition
~ - F1O~' to b
ey ;.
e cut of the
in jVashiu to
E. David Rosen of iVliami, refused to ~arrl question. g n befor
e]'? ~~na~ge Sen. t~L'iIliarn Proxmire tion Jana 7.Q but said
comment bn the case. ~ _ ' `who chaired y, (D-~Vis.j, he changed. his mind
Other sources. familiar .with. `Ire i,ri f . ' ? ~ ~ Yesterda s Joint ? '~
`~ ~ nomic Committee ' "CO? most, of the tnue in P
~-estigation said the Justice Depart ' ~~om ~t{~ll~~tQ~t-t the labor ? nearing, ;voted that Cat?t?t said other
meat has been examining market conditions were no
~, the tests ~ ti ~ better in. October than tFiey were at had generally kekt
ntonY of several .~ritnesses before the ~ the beginning of the
Senate Subcommittee on: Multma ~Q,~~'~?~ Year.. -from Washington befo:
~~ at ` The .layoff rate -has been rising w lion; and aides in
tional Corporations, including that of, ~ steadil
iTT Chairman Harold Geneen 'and " Y since mi.d-summer, anted to avoid i.he aF
y NORFOL ., Va., Nov. 5 _ number of industries thatand the ~ tablishing a govertime
1'orn-er CIA Director- R.ichasd M,,;,., :Navy said today it will cosP)about ,-increased hiring report
Helms. b has been declinin creating confusion or
- .4.federal ~ $400,000 . to repair damage sustained in recent mont:hs.' , g - for President: Ford.
Brand jury also has been by the aircraft carrier John F. Ken- The unemployment rate is based on '
hearin evidence concerning the testi- Wady in a collision. Se t . a; curve
mony of 'same of the witnesses in ad? destroyer Bordeion`ziofith o~ oth the Y .af. 47,000. households each
dition to Hendrix, according to one The Bordelon^ was? re~drted. earlia~ _ month apdr. is define N (~ '
d; as .the percent ~ `~~ Le~3 ~~I1?iF
dttstice attorney. to have- been heavily damaged'~tf the. ode of tha labor force actively seektirg' r' T
Hend.r.ix testified. before the cull- collision during refueling employment but. uiiable to find it ~ Ovel`~Le~'~I.
committee on March 21, 1973, as it was -but this was the first confirmation .The lab~o0 force is the sum of those t~
hearing ailed ~ ivho have'' bs and those actively seek- KALAhtr~100, Ir7ich
bations that ITT had in? that damage to the carrier also ~ was mg them. '
tevfered in the 1970 Chilean.presiden: "substantial." There are about 87.8 million ^`~ federal judge t.oda
tial campaign. ? , .. persons wi?h jobs and 7.ti.m.illion look- state to pay the A'.A.At
The criminal charges filed against ~ mg for work. $350,000 in legal fees i
A spokesman for Atlantic Fleet Na- The Labor llepartme?t also surveys
IendriX claim that he withheld from val Forces here said the Kennedy will- employer tng a Kalamazoo schc
e committee the fact that he ex- , be repaired while she is tied u Payrolls-a more accurate tion case. -
hanged information with CIA em- N?rfolk, her home port. Pin ~ but less comprehensive measure. The The \'AACP filed su.
loyees in Santiago and el
The fl
sewhere. :.
alamazoo P,oard of Ir
p is scheduled to arrive
The char es said- here next week. The Kennedy is the bar. of _
,ob as in Sept:embera 79.5imi! state .superintendent c
g he withheld the in-~'-. lion. After adjusting fem.. +,,e'~...__, ,.. tF....-t,_-
ormation in anSwertno ....e..~:..__ YanHUarA ?c ....__,_ _
---?-- =?=~s +lu,n cwo major NATO ex- crease in industr y ~~~' ? siigttt in- "`anon in August, 19;
? The source or sources. of certain ercises in northern European waters. Excepti for marriedymen
-Kalamazoo board vote<
:ems of information that ap
peared in
and heads.
e dese~ ? e
e day after the Collision the ?f households, every Cate or.
memorandum or memoranda pre- 1~'avy said the Kennedy incurred two bt ebation plan ;
'? er had a hiQ g S of work- up in May, 1871?
grad by him for his superiors at ITT; 8-foot splits in bher 'unemployment rate The NAACP
Ouse in October thar_ in Septembe
? His knowledge that?the CIA
a 4-foot
r, j
occa- .
he case in the U S
near a ref e1.inQ
black unemployment rate rose to 13.5 Decembers 1974, resulting
ovally exchanged information with- dama a to winches and a s tonsonand
per cent from .12.7 per cent and the gation in all grades of
~presentatives of multinational. cor- gun platform extending fron the side
teen-age rate- rose from 18.6 per c
gyrations on their activities in fo
No i
ent pupil Kalamazoo school
untrIes. to 19 per cent.
njuries were reported aboard the
carrier, and she continued normal op- The average duration of unernploy- . rea had gear-, the civil i
? His conversations with
e erations at the time. ritent remained the same at 15
thin the United States emboss op
ment wlth
ntiago .and their connection to the. in ohthe Royal 1Va ~VeQI's' while the number of
Y contrast, limped working part time because the ecould over some legal fees,
a? vY shipyard at De- 'not find full-time work rose to 3.5 mil- order by U.S. District C
~ CIA official publicly testified. be- vonport, England, and .sat out the lion from
e rite committee in 1973 that he NATO exercise, makin 3.3 million in Se tember. Noel Fox does not, affect
g only the re- p ment.
i met with 2TT officiate ;,, ,x,....L pa~~ needed to return to C;harie~+,... ~ - '
;~~,~ ,y~f~ .Approved For Release 2011/08/17 :CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030036-3