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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 STAT Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 w Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 TYIre.mHblcl rle~IaTHbIL1 aBTOMaT MOJ>~YKTOpa 4; EoHCTpyhullsl KpnBom"Ina )~OnycHaeT` nJIaBHOe 113- Meiieniie pa3Dlaxa haMaHn[I IIITaTCJISI 0T 0 RO 26 ylhi. BparueHIle peAyRTopa oeyiuecTBJIaeTcsI OT 3JIeKTp.o- RBnraTe asi 9 npll n0M01111 peMeHHofl nepeRa ii 5: LABORATORY FEEDER WITH HOPPER Model 135-lT The Model 135-IIT Laboratory Feeder with Hopper is designed for feeding equally and, continuously batched portions of friable ma- terials, to be treated in various laboratory apparatus. METHOD OF OPERATION The feeder with the hopper comprises a unit. consisting of a hopper and pendulum- swinging feeder driven, by an electric motor. When the shutter is closed the hopper is filled with the necessary material to be sup- plied. After cutting in the electric motor and open- ing the shutter, the Feeder begins to supply material from the hopper. Feeding adjustment is carried out by changing the width of the slit, by lifting the shutter and changing the eccen- tricity of the pendulum 'feeder. Hopper capa- city is equal to 40 cubic decimeters. DESIGN The unit consists of a welded frame 10 with pyramid-shaped hopper 3 fastened to it, the pendulum ' feeder 1 is installed in. the lower discharge part of the hopper on point 7. The discharge slit of the hopper is adjusted by vertical shutter 8, which is lifted or lowered by a screw device 2. Swinging of the pendulum feeder is carried out through the pivot joint of the connecting rod to crank 6 set on the shaft of worm reducer 4. Crank design allows to smoothly change the throw of the.Feeder swing from O to 26 mm. The reducer is revolved by electric motor 9 through belt drive 5. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 11 .,315 N 450 OCHOBHbIE JAHHbIE EMI 0CTb SyHKepa . .. .. 40 RM3 giicjio KatlaHHH III3TaTeJIil B MHHyTy 50 XoR KpKBOmIila ewrpo) BKraTem, THU . . xarlpH~IceH1Te . . . . M0H HOCTb . 11110110 050pOT0B . . raOapHTHble paoMepbl; nHa . . . . IIIHpliHa . . . BbICOTa Bee yCTax0J KII . . OT 0 AO 26 MM OB`bEM HOCTABI{H 1. llwraTerb c 5yHKepoM . , . . .. 1 UIT. 2. B I TpoRBHraTeJIb . . . . 1 >> 3. PCAyHTOp . 1 4. lIpHBoRHoii peMexi;. SPECIFICATIONS Hopper capacity .................. 40 cubic decimeters Feeder swings per min 50 Crank throw ... . .. From 0 to 26 mm Electric motor; Type .. . .......... YMT-22 Voltage .... ..... 110/220V Output............:., . 55 W Speed .... ........... 2500 r. p. m. Overall dimensions: Length .............. 450 mm Width ........ . 560 mm Height ... .......... . . . . . . 645 mm Weight of the Unit 34 kg SHIPMENT VOLUME 1. Feeder with Hopper ..... 1 piece 2. Electric Motor .....,...,...,. 1 piece 3. Reducer ..........,,... 1 piece .? 1 BHewToprH3AaT. 3aicaa N~ 3537 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 010114 DIE CASTING MACHINE MODEL 511 SMODELL 511 MACHINE A MOULER SOUS PRESSION MO DELE 511 STAT tC HTNOEXPORT Declassif ied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 DIE CASTING MACHINE S P R I t Z G U S S M A S C H I N E MACHINE A MOULEIUOUS PRESSION Modell 511 Modele' 511 Model 511 This universal, horizontal, hydraulic Machine, model 511, is designed for the mass production of die castings of non-ferrous metals and alloys. The Machine is an outfit compri- sing the following three units: a) The Die Casting Machine proper, for the production of die castings; b) The pump, supplying the work- ing fluid under pressure to the machine; c) The hydraulic accumulator. The machine has a cold pressure chamber and is operated from a pump using, as the pressure fluid, either an emulsion composed of a 15 ?/o solution of oil in water or oil, type "Spindle Oil-2". Molten metal or alloy, melted in a special furnace, is poured by hand from a ladle. Cores are inserted and removed and the die castings are 'knocked out automatically. The fini- shed castings are removed by hand. The machine is started by pedal con- trols. The two main assemblies of the machine, the die-closing cylinder and the pressure - casting cylinder are mounted on a common bedplate. The assemblies are connected by two tie rods which resist the stresses appear- ing during die closing and pressure casting. Die waagerechte, hydraulische Uni- versalmaschine Modell 511 dient zur Serienfertigung von gegossenen Ma- sc'hinenteilen aus NE-Metallen and Legierungen. Die Maschine besteht aus drei Ag- gregaten : a) der eigentlichen Spritzgul3- maschine, b) einer Pumpe, die die Betriebs- flu.ssigkeit der Maschine unter Druck zufuhrt, c) einem Akkumulator. Die Druckkammer der Maschine wird durch eine Pumpe mit einer 15-prozentigen Ol-Wasseremulsion oder Spindelol als Betriebsflussigkeit in Bewegun~g gesetzt. Das Einfullen 'des vorher in einem Schmelzofen. geschmolzenen Metalls bzw, Le,gierung, erfolgt von Hand aus. Das Einlegen and Entfernen der Kerne erfol,gt ebenso wie das Aus- sto'i3en des fertigen 'GuBes automa- tisch. Abgehoben wird der Gu13 im Handbetrieb. Zum Anlassen der Ma- schine bedient man sich der FuI3- hebel. Die auf der Grundplatte montierten beiden Hauptsatze der Maschine : der Formschliefzylinder and der PreI3- zylinder sind Burch zwei Ankerspin- deln miteinander verbunden, welche sowohl die Schliel3kraft wie auch die beim Pressen auftretenden Krafte aufnehmen. Cette machine universelle hydrau- lique, du type horizontal, est concue pour le moulage en serie de pieces en alliages et metaux non-ferreux. La machine comprend trois instal- lations: a) la machine proprement dite effec- tuant le moulage sous pression; b) la pompe alimentant la machine en fluide moteur; c) l'accumulateur. Cette machine a chambre froide est actionnee au moyen d'une pompe l'alimentant en emulsion (15?/o d'huile dans 1'eau) ou en huile fluide a tro- ches (type ). Les alliages ou metaux prealable- ment fondus 'dans un four special sont verses manuellement a la cui'l- lere dans le conteneur "de la machine. L'insertion et l'extract'ion des noyaux, ainsi que 1'ejection des pieces moulees se font automatiquement. L'enleve- ment des pieces moulees est effectue manuellement. Le demarrage de la machine se fait par pedales. Les deux organes pri.ncipaux, le cylindre de fermeture du moule et le piston de pression, sont montes sur une plaque de fondation commune. Ces deux organes s.ont relies par deux tetes de barres supportant les reac- tion.s a la fermeture du moule et a 1'application de la pression. I. Die-Closing Cylinder The die-closing cylinder . 2 (see Fig. 1) is fastened to the bedplate 1 through the intermediate upright and is connected by the two tie rods 3 to the guides 4. These tie bars also serve as cylindrical guides for the die holder 5 which travels along the bars. The tie bars resist the pressure deve- loped in the die-closing cylinder when the halves of the dies are closed. The hollow piston 6 is fastened to one side of the die holder, while the moving half of the die is fastened to the other side. In the idle condition, the hollow piston is always in the extreme left-hand position due to the constant pressure in recess "a". This pressure acts on the annular bottom of the hollow piston, forcing it to the extreme left-hand position. The piston disc, separating recess "at" with constant pressure from recess "'B" with working pressure, is fasten- ed on the stationary rod 7 inside the piston. The pressure multiplier 8 is con- nected to the lower part of the die- closing cylinder. When pressure is I. Der Fornlschlle$zyllnder Der Formschlief3zylinder ?2" (siehe Abb. 1) 1st i ber einen Stander an der Grundplatte ?1" befestigt, and Burch zwei Ankerspindeln ,,3"? mit der La- gernabe ,4" verbunden. Die ? Anker- spindeln dienen als Gleitfuhrun;g fur den Formhalter ?5" and nehmen gleichzeitig den" bei geschlossenen Formen entstehenden Prel3druck auf. Der Formhalter ist einerseits mit dem Kolben ?6", andererseits mit der bewe,glichen Prel3formhalfte verbun- den. Bel geoffneten PreBformhalften befin"det sich _ der Kolben . in seiner auBersten linken Lage, inflge des in der Kammer ?a" herrsc'henden Druk- kes, der auf die Ringflache des Zy- linderbodens wirkt. Innerhalb des Tauchkolbens 1st an der ~unbeweglichen Stange ,,7" die Kolbenscheibe befestigt,"die die unter konstantem Druck stehende Kammer ?a" von der Kammer ?B" trennt. Der FormschlieBzylinder ist unten mit dem Druckubersetzer (Mult"ipli- kator) ,;8" verbunden, der beim Pres- sen den Druck der Betrie'bsflii.ssi,gkeit I. Cylindre de fermeture du moule Le cylindre de fermeture du moule 2 (voir Fig. 1) est fixe sur la plaque de fondation I au moyen d'un montant intermed'iaire et connecte par "deux barres 3 avec le guide 4. Ces barges guident le porte-chariot 5 et suppor- tent la pression du cylindre de ferme tune du moule quand les deux demi- moules ;s'assemblent. A une extremite du porte-chariot est fixe le piston 6 et a lautre le demi-moule mobile. Quand le piston ne fonctionne. pa it est maintenu Bans la position extreme gauche par la pression constante qui regne daps la chambre . Cette pression s'exerce sur la surface annulaire du fond du cylindre et tend a l'appliquer a fond vers la gauche. A 1'interieur du piston sur une tige fixe 7 est fixe un disque qui separe la chambre a pression constante de la chambre a pression varia- ble. >. Le multiplicateur 8, prevu au-des- sous du cylindre de fermeture. du Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 applied to the metal inside the die, the pressure multiplier increases the pressure on the moving piston 6. A filling container 9 is fastened above. Fluid is provided by this container (during the piston stroke) for closing the die. The die-closing cylinder operates in the following manner: when the right-hand pedal is depressed, fluid at a pressure of 120 kg per sq. cm enters recess "B" trough the central opening. This fluid overcomes the pressure in recess "a" and moves the hollow piston to the right to close the die. The space behind the moving piston is filled by fluid entering through the non-return valve 10. The latter is closed at the end of the piston stroke by the engagement of the auto- matic valve III (see the hydraulic system diagram). This automatic valve supplies fluid under pressure to recess "6". auf den be weglichen Kolben ?6" ver- grof3ert. Oben befindet sick der Full- behalter ?9", aus dem .('beim Vor- schub 'des Kolbens) die Betriebs- flussigkeit zum Schlief3en der Pref3- form stromt. Der Formschlief3zy11 nder funktio- jniert wie folgt : nach Bedienung des rechten FuBhebels tritt die auf 120 at komprimierte Betriebsflussigkeit lurch die Zentraloffnung in die Kam- mer ?B" em, i berwin+det den Dr.uck im Hohlraum ?a" and schiebt , den Kolben nach rechts, wodurch die PlreBform geschlossen wird. Der hin- ter dem Kolben freiwerdende Raum wind fiber das Ruckschlagventil ?10" mit Betriebsflussigkeit nachgefi.illt. Dieses Ventil wird am Ende des Vor- schubs durch Einschaltung des selbst- tatigen Ventils III (siehe das hydiau- lische Schema) geschlossen, welches seinerseits die komprimierte Betriebs- flussigkeit in den Hohlraum ?C" leitet. moule serf a augmenter au moment du moulage la pression du liquide ? exercee sur le piston mobile 6. Au- dessus se trouve le reservoir 9 ali- mentant en liquide qui sect a la ferme- ture du rnoule pendant la course du piston. Le cylindee de fermeture fonctionne de la fawn suivante: lorsqu'on appuie. sur la pcdale; droite, le liquide est refoule par l'orifice central dans la chambre ?B> sous une pression de 120 at. Surmontant la pression qui rc gne dans la chambre , it presse sur le piston a droite et ferme le moule. L'espace libere par le piston se remplit de liquide venant par la soupape de retenue 1.0 qui se referme par levee en fin de course du clapet automatique III (voir schema hydrau- lique), admettant le liquide sous pres- sion dans la chambre x>>. Les noyaux sont automatiquement inseres dans leurs logements en fin General View of Mashine Gesamtansicht der Maschine Schema de la machine a mouler sous (encircled figures) (umringte Ziffern) pression (chiffres encercles) 1 Section A-B 1 Schnitt A-B 1 Coupe A-B 2 Raising 2 Hub 2 Levee 3 Pressure casting 3 Pressen 3 Injection 4 Max. 315 mm at extreme position of die- -1 315 mm max bei extremes Lage des 315 mm maximum a la position extreme t f closing piston Schlie13kolbens ure erme du piston de 5' To drainage line .5 Zuni AbfluB 5 Depart viers le tuyau de vidange 6 Closing 6 schlief3en 6 Fermeture 7 Moving half of die 7 Bewegliche Formhalfte 7 Demi-moule mobile 8 Stationary half of die 8 Unbewegliche Formhalfte 8 Derni-moule fixe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 At the end of the stroke, before the die halves melt, the cores are auto- matically inserted in their sockets. II. Pressure Casting Device The guides 4 are fastened to the bedplate I through another inter- mediate upright. The tie rods connect the guides to the die-closing cylinder. A double-ended stepped cylinder 11 is fastened to the guides. The raising piston 12 operates in the upper' recess of., the cylinder and is always under a constant pressure. The working pistons 1.3, for pressure casting, is ar- ranged in the lower recess of cylin- der 11. The upper stamp 14, by whose aid the liquid metal is pressure-fed to the die, is fastened to the lower end of piston 13. The pressure casting device operates in the following manner: when the left-hand pedal is depressed, fluid under pressure from the slide-valve distributor (see Hydraulic Control Sy- stem) enters the pressure-casting cy- linder and forces the pressure-casting piston 13 downward against the force of 'the, raising piston. The upper stamp 14 enters the filling sleeve 16, fitted in the body 15. The filling sleeve 16 is preliminarily filled with molten metal. The downward move- ment of the upper stamp 14 forces the lower stamp 17 into its tapered recess. This opens the hole in the pouring mouthpiece 18 and forces the molten metal into the die. The piston 19 of the pressure multiplier begins to operate from the slide-valve distribu- tor in advance of the pressure-casting operation. This increases the pressure in the die-closing cylinder to obtain a largerforce. holding. the halves of the die together during pressure casting. During the pressure-casting opera- tion,. the lower pressing crosspiece 20 engages. the rods 21. Releasing the left-hand pedal, releases the fluid be- hind the pressure-casting piston 13. This allows the raising piston 12, which is always under constant pres- sure, to raise the lower stamp, by the aid of the rods 21 and the lower cross- piece 22. The latter Js connected to the crosspiece of the pressure-casting piston. The lower stamp, in its upward movement, cuts : off the gate runner. with its upper edge. The gate raises to the surface of the filling sleeve from where, it is removed. The right- .hand pedal is then released by throw- .ing back the catch. 7%'is releases the fluid in the die-closing cylinder and the 'pressure in recess "a" forces the Gegen Ende des Vorschubs, bevor die Prel3formhalften sich schliei3en, werden die Kerne autornatisch in die Arbeitslage gebracht. H. Die Prelivorrichtung Die Fi hrungsnabe ?4" ist auf der Grundplatte ?1" i ber einen' Stander befestigt and mittels zwei Ankerspin- deln mit dem Formschliel3zylinder verbunden. Auf -die Fuhrung ist der Doppel- zylinder ?11" festgeschraubt, in des- sen o'berem Hohlraum .sick der Hub- kolben ?12" unter konstantem Druck and in dessen unterem Hohlraum sich der zum Pressen verwendete Arbeits- kolben ?13" befindet. Am unteren Ende tragt der PreBkolben das Ober- gesenk ?14", lurch das das geschmol- zene Metall in -die Form gepreBt wird. Die Pref3vorrichtung funktioniert wie folgt: nach Bedienung des linken FuBhebels stromt die Betriebsfltissig- keit durch den Steuerschieber (siehe Hydraulisches Steuerschema) in den zum Pressen verwendeten Arbeits- zylinder and bewegt ihn enter Ober- windung der Kraft des Hubkolbens abwarts. Das O'bergesenk ?14 schiebt sich dabei in den im Block ?15" be- findlichen Behalter ?16", der vorher mit geschmolzenen Metall beschickt worden ist, driickt auf das Unter- ;gesenk ?17" and schiebt das Ge- senk ?17" in semen konischen S?itz. Hierbei wind das Spritzmundsti ck ?18" freigegeben and -das flussige Me- tall kann in die Form gepreBt wer- den. Kurz vor dem eigentlichen Pref3- vorgang wird caber ein Steuersc'hie.- ber der Multiplikatorkolben ?19" in Bewegung gesetzt, wodurch der Druck im Formschlief3zylinder er.hoht wird, .was ein kraftiges SchlieBen beider Formhalften beim Pressen bewirkt. !Beim Pressen kuppelt sich der un- tere Langstrager ?20" mit den Stan- gen ?21". Das Freigeben bewirkt das Hochheben des Untergesenks mittels Stangen ?21", Br iickenteil ?22", die mit,dem Langstrager -des PreBkolbens verbunden sind. Bei seiner Aufwarts- bewegung schneidet das Untergesenk mit seinem oberen Rand die EingUsse ab. Die Reste der Eingiisse gelangen auf die Oberflache des Ftillzylinders, von wo sie entfernt werden. Dann klinkt man den rechten Fufhebel frei, wodurch die Betriebsflussigkeit aus dem FormschlieBzylinder herausge- lassen wird, so daB der Druck in der Kammer ?a" den Kolben ?B" in Be- wegung setzt. Dieser verschiebt sich nach links, wodurch die Pref3form- halften geoffnet werden. Gleichzeitig druckt die bewegliche Formhalfte de course avant le rapprochement des deux -demi-moules. It. Dispositif d'injection Sur la plaque de .fondation 1 au moyen d'un montant intermediaire est monte le guide 4 connectc par barrel avec le cylindre -de fermeture du moule. Sur ce guide est visse un cylindre ouvert aux deux extre'mites 11. Dans la cavi-t6_ superieure du cylindre est loge: le piston de relevage 12 a pres- sion constante, tandis que d'ans la cavite infcrieure se trouve le piston travaillant mobile 13. L'extrcmite in- ferieure du piston 13 est pourvue du plongeur 14, au moyen duquel le metal fondu est refoule darts le moule. Le fonctionnement du -dispositif d'injection est le suivant: quand on presse sur la pedale gauche, le liquide sous pression passe par le distrbu- teur (voir Systeme -de commande hydraulique) dans le cylindre d'injec- tion et, surmontant la pression du piston de levage 12, force le piston 13 a descendre. Le plongeur 14 entre -daps le conteneur 16 incorpore dans le bloc 15 prealablement rempli de metal fondu. I1 presse sur le plon- geur infcrieur 17 et le force A s'appli- quer sur son siege conique. Il s'ensuit le refoulement du metal dans le moule par l'orifice d'alimentation de la buse 18. Un pee en avance sur l'injection commence a operer le piston du multiplicateur 19 (actionne par le d'istri,buteur). Il augmente la pression dans le cylindre de ferme- ture du moule pour obtenir un ' bon serrage des deux demi-moules au moment de l'injection. Pendant a'injectdon le croisillon inferi,eur 20 entre en prise aver les barres 21. Quand on relache la ped,ale gauche le liquide se trouvant sous le piston 13 s'ecoule le -piston de levage 12 a pression constante fait remonter le plongeur inf erieur au moyen des barres 21 et du pont 22 qui sont reliees avec la traverse du piston d'injection. A sa course ascen- dants le piston-plongeur inferieur tranche avec son bord le jet de coulee qui remonte a la surface du . con- teneur pour en etre ensuite evacue. En poussant le cliquet on libere la pedals droite, ce qui entraine l'echap- pement du liquids hors du cylindre de fermeture du moule. Sous la pression regnant dans la chambre le piston ?B> se meut a gauche et separe les deux demi-.moules. Pendant sa course 'a gauche le moule presse sur 1'ejecteur la piece moulee est automatiquement chassee de 1'em_ preinte. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 4 (emulsion o1' oil) at a pressure of 120 kg per sq, cm. The main assemblies of the pump are (see Fig. 2): the crankcase 1 with three 'horizontal plungers, the valve box 2, change-over valve 3, electric motor and drive 4 and tank 5 1ev holding emulsion or oil. The electric motor drives the crank- shaft 6 of the pump through Vee-belts and the pulley 7 mounted on the end of the crankshaft. The connecting rods 0 are roller bearing mounted on the crank pins of the. crankshaft. The pump has a split crankcase compri? sing the housing 9 and the cover 10 fastened together on studs. The hou- sing is filled with light machine oil which is splashed during operation and lubricates the main and connec- ting rod roller bearings, 'is well as the slide blocks 11. The pump operates in the following manner: he connecting rods, arran- ged at angles of 10? to each other, transmit reciprocating motion to the plungers 12 through the slide blocks. When the plungers move out of the valve 'box, they suck fluid through the suction valves 13 from the tank through pipe 14. On the return stroke the suction valves close and the fluid Die Hauptsatze der Pumpe sind (siehe Abb. 2): das Kurbel.gehause ?1" mit drei waagerechten Plungern; ?das Ventil,gehause ?2"; der Umschalter ?3"; der Elektromotor mit Antrieb ?4"; der Behalter ,;5" fir Emulsion oder ~1. Der Elektro'motor setzt durch einen Keilriemenantrie'b die Exzenterwelle der Pumpe ?6" in .Bewe,gung, an deren einem Ende das Treibrad ?7" and in deren Mitte die Pleuelstangen ,,8" auf Rollenlagern sitzen. Das Pumpen- gehause ?9" mit seinem an ihm fest- geschraubten Deckel ?10" lai3t sick auseinandernehmen. Es ist mit leich- tem Maschinenol gefullt, das wahrend der Arbeit verspritzt wird. un'd die .reichliche Ol'ung der Rollenlager an beiden Enden 'der Welle, der Rollen- lager der Pleuelstangen and die Olung der Kreuzkopfe gewahrleistet. Die Pumpe funktioniert wie fol,gt: clie unter einem Winkel von 120? ver- setzten Pleuelstangen setzen die Plun- ger ?12" in Bewegung. Beim Austritt aus deco Ventilge'hause saugen die Plunger durch die Saugventile ?13" and das Rohr ,;14" die Betriebsflussig- keit aus dem 'Behalter an. Wahrend des Druckhubes schlielen sick die Saugventile and die Betriebsflussig- 0 10 8 1/ l6 {p 2 General and Sectional View of the Pump (encircled figures) 1 Section A-B ' 2 To, the accumulator 3 Foundation 4 From the die casting machine velle 1 avec trois plongeurs horizon- taux, la boite a soupapes 2, le distri- buteur a boisseau 3, le moteur elec- trique avec commande 4 et le reser- voir 5 pour l'cmulsion ou Thuile. Le moteur actionne le vilebrequin cle la pompe 6 a l'aide d'une courroie en coin. Le vilebrequin porte a son bout la poulie 7 et au milieu les bielles 8 montees sur roulements a rouleaux. Le carter est demontable et se compose du corps 9 et du cou- vercle 10 goujonnes ensemble. Le carter est rempli d''huile legere di's- persee par barbota e pendant l'ope- ration et assurant un bon graissage des paliers de butee, des roulements de bielles et des gtissieres 11.' La pompe fonctionne de la faeon suivante: les bielles calees sous 120? communiquent au moyen de pous- soirs un mouvement de va=et-vient a.ux plongeurs 12. A la sortie de la boite a soupapes les plongeurs aspi- rent par les clapets d'aspiration 13 et le tuyau 14 le fluicle qui se trouve clans le reservoir de la pompe. A la course de returr, les clapets d'aspira- tion se referment et le liquide, sous _ la pression exercee par les plongeurs, est refoule a traver,s les clapets de refoulement 15 dan.s le tuyau 16. Le d 1 qSi I1 / Gesamtansicht and Schnitt der Pumpe (umringte Ziffern) 1 Schnitt A-B 2 Zum Akkumulator 3 Grundplatte 4 Aus der Maschine Vue d'ensemble et coupe de la pompe (chiffres encercles) 1 Coupe A-B 2 Depart vers 1'accumulateur 3 Fondation 4 Arrivee de la machine Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 is pumped under pressure through the delivery valves 15 to the pipe 16. Fluid, through this pipe, enters the change-over valve 3. The pump sup- plies pressure fluid to the hydraulic system until the pressure reaches 120 kg per sq. cm. A pressure over 120 kg per sq. em operates the change- over valve to direct the fluid back to the tank. When the pressure in the hydraulic system falls' to a pread- justed value, the pump automatically resumes delivery to the hydraulic system. A test cock is arranged above each suction valve. If the cock is opened and the valve is operating properly, a small stream of fluid will flow out of a hole in the valve box. The change-over valve is adjusted by means of the spring 17. Fluid returning from the machine enters the tank through opening 18. The drain 19 serves to drain the fluid out of the tank when flushing out the latter. The level of the fluid in the tank is checked by a pipe gauge. The tank is filled through an opening, closed by a cover duiing operation. Pump Specifications Pump capacity Electric motor output . Speed . . . . . . . 40 litres per min 10.5 kW 1440 r, p. m. Weight of pump . . . 807 kg IV. Hydraulic Accumulator ~keit gelangt unter 'hohem Druck uber die Ventile ?15" in das Rohr ?16". Das Rohr ?16" ist ii'ber emn Sicherheits- ventil ?3" mit dem Netz verbunden. Das Sicherheitsventil 1st auf 120 at eingestellt. Eine Druckerho'hung lost das Sicherheitsventil aus; and die Pumpe fordert die Betrie'bsflussigkeit in den Behalter, bis sick hochstzuge- lassener Betriebsdruck (120 at) nicht einstellt, wonach die Pumpe automa- tisch wieder auf das Betriebsnetz um- geschaltet wird. Jedes Saugventil ist oben mit einem Kontrollhahn versehen, den man bei gut funktionierendem Saugventil nur aufzudrehen braucht, damit die. Be- t riebsflussigkeit der Offnung des Ventilgehauses entstromt; Das Sicherheitsventil wird Burch Feder ?17" auf den maximal zulassi- gen Druck eingestellt. Die in der Maschine zirkulierende Betriebsfliis- sigkeit sammelt sick uber Offnung ?18" in einem Behalter, der mit einer bffnung ?19" zum Ablassen der Flus- s gkeit versehen 1st. Der Flussigkeits- stand im Behalter wird durch ein in entsprechender Ho'he angebrachtes Olstandsrohr kontrolliert. Die Nach- fullung erfolgt Burch die 'bei norma- lem Betrieb geschlossene Luke. Hauptmale der Pumpe Forderleistung . . . . 40 Ltr/min Leistung des Elektro motors . . . . . 10,5 kW Drehzahl des Elektro- motors . . ... . . 1440 Gewicht der Pumpe . . 807 kg The single-cylinder gas. pressure type hydraulic accumulator has two necks. It is provided with an auto- matic safety valve. The hydraulic accumulator serves to accumulate the working fluid at a pressure 'of 120 kg pei. sq. cm and to supply it uniformly to the machine. The hydraulic accumulator com- prises (see Fig. 3) : the cylinder 1 fastened in the stand 2, valve.3 which serves as a stop valve and a safety valve 5 in case of breakdowns in the supply lines of the outfit. In the' working condition the cylin- der is about half full of fluid at a pressure of 120 kg per sq. cm. The other half is filled with compressed nitrogen which forms an elastic cushion. A pipe from the machine is connected to one side of the accu- mulator valve while a pipe from the other side is connected to the pump.. When there is no demand from the machine, the fluid from the pump opens the safety valve 5 and fills the IV. Der Akkumulator Der Einballon-Druckluftakkumula- tor ist mit zwei Anschlul3flanschen and einem automatischen Sicherheits ventil ausgefU.hrt and client zum Spei- chern der Betriebsflussigkeit unter einem D.ruck von 120 at and dazu, dieselbe gleichmal3ig an die 'Maschine weiterzugeben. Der 'Akkumulator besteht (siehe Abb. 3) aus einern Ballon ?1" im Stan- der ?2", dem als VerschluB funktio nierenden Ventil ,;3" and deYn Sicher heitsventil fur den Fall von Betriebs- storungen im Net.z. Im Betriebszustand ist der Ballon ungefahr zur Halfte mit der auf 120 at komprimierten Flussigkeit gefullt. In der oberen Halfte befindet. sick kom- primierter Stickstoff. als elastisches Kissen. Am Ventil des Akkumulators munden die Rohrleitungen von der Pumpe and der Maschine. Die von der Pumpe kommende Be- triebsflussigkeit offnet, wenn sie nicht von der Maschine verbraucht wird, fluide venant de ce tuyau est admis daps le distributeur 3. Tant que la pression ne depasse pas 120 at, le fluide est refoule par la pompe duns le systeme d'alimentation de la ma- chine. Des que la pression devient superieure, le distributeur entre en jeu, et la pompe refoule le fluide dans le reservoir jusqu'a ce que la pres- sion ?devienne :infcrieure a la limite fixee. Apres quoi la pompe recom- mence automatiquement a debiter lc fluide moteur dans le systeme d'ali mentation de la machine. Au-dessus de chaque clapet d''aspi- ration est prevu un robinet d'epreuve dont on se sert quand on veut s'as- surer du fonctionnement regulier du clapet. Dans cc cas un jet de fluide devra s'echapper de 1'orifice menagf dans la boIte a soupapes. Le distributeur a boisseau se regle par le ressort 17. Le fluide de dccharge est evacue par l'orifice 18. L'orifice 19 sert a vidanger le fluide en cas de lavage du reservoir. Le niveau du fluide dans le reservoir est controle par un tuyau et l'addition du fluide est effectuee par un orifice ferme par un couvercle pendant le fonctionne- ment normal de la pompe. Donnees techniques sur la pompe Debit . . 40 litres/min 0 Puissance du moteur d'entrainement . . . . 10,5 kW Vitesse de rotation du moteur . . . . . . . 1440 tr/min Poids de la pompe . . 807 kg IV. Accumulateur L'accumulateur pneumatique a une bouteille est pourvu de deux orifices et d'une soupape de surete automa- tique. II est destine a accumuler le fluide sous une pression de 120 at, et a le refouler regulierement dans la machine a mouler. Les organes principaux de 1'accu- mulateur sont: la bouteille 1 placee dans le montant 2, le robinet 3 (ser- vant en qualite de robinet d'arret) et la soupape de surete fonctionnant en cas d'avaries dans le systeme d'ali- mentation de la machine a mouler. En etant de travail, la moitie envi- ron de la bouteille est remplie de fluide sous une pression de 120 at, l'autre moitie etant remplie d'azote comprirne. Le robinet de l'accumula_ teur est connecte d'une part a la tuyauterie de la pompe et de 1'autre a la tuyauterie de la machine a mouler. Quand la . machine cesse de con- sommer le liquide refoule par la Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 accumulator cylinder until the pies- sure increases to 120 kg . per sq, em. At large losses of fluid in the hydrau- lie system, the safety valve closes sharply. At small variations in pres- sure in the system, however, the action of the safety valve is damped by the oil dash pot 6 which slows the action of the weighted lever 7 in closing the valve. The valve is also actuated by rod 8 which depresses the valve downward. Under the actions of these forces and the pulsating pres- sure of the pump, valve 5 is kept in a half open position during machine operation. The accumulator is. provided with a high pressure gauge connected with the cylinder through a pipe and a stop valve, Pipe 9 connects the auto- matic valve with the cylinder. 3 Gas Pressure Type Hydraulic Accumulator (encircled figures) 1 From the pump 2 To the machine das Sicherheitsventil ?5" and fiillt den Ballon, bis der Druck 120 at er- reicht. ~Bei grof3en FlQssigkeitsver- lusten im Betrie'bsnetz schlie3t sic'h das Sicherheitsventil sofort, bei klei- neren Druckschwankungen im Netz wird die Bewegung des Sicherheits- ventils durch den Oldampfer ?6" ab- geschwac'ht. Der Dampfer wir;kt auf das Sicherheitsventil fiber den ge- wi.chtbelasteten Hebel ?7". Das Ventil wird ouch von der' Stange ?8" nach t nten gezogen. Unter Einwirkung die- ser Krafte and der pulsierenden Stof3e der Pumpe befindet sick Ventil ?5" wahrend der ganzen Betriebszeit in halb offenem Zustand. Der Akkumulator 1st snit - einem Hochdruckmanometer versehen, der durch~ ein Rohr and ein Verschluf3- ventil mit dem Ballon verbunden 1st, Luf tdruckakkumulator (umringte Ziffern) 1 Zur Maschine 2 Von ..der Pumpe pompe, cc liquids ouvre la soupape de sf'rete 5 et vient remplir la bou-. teille de l'accumulateur jusqu'a la pression de 120 at. Les pertes con- sdhrables en fluide dans le systeme d'alimentation provoquent la forme ture brusque de la soupape. Si les ;fluctuations de la pression restent modcrees, les mouvements de la sou- ape sont amortis par un dash-pot a huile 6 qui ralentit le mouvement du levier avec le golds 7 tendant a refermer la soupape. La soupape est soumise d'autre part a faction de la tige 8 qui tend a 1'appliquer vers le bas. Sous faction de ces forces et des pulsations de la pompe, la soupape 5 reste entrouverte pendant tout le fonctionnement de la machine. L'accumulateur est pourvu d'un manometre 'haute pre ssion relse par Accumulateur d'air. (chiffi?es encercles) 1 Depart vers la machine . 2 Arrivee de la pompe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 it I Hydraulic System Diagram (encircled figures) 1 Gas 2 Fluid 3 Pump of machine 4 Hydraulic accumulator of the machine 5 Constant pressure 120 kg per sq. cm 6 Variable pressure 0-120-336 kg per sq. cm 7 Pressure 120 kg per sq. cm the slide valve distributor II. Here the pressure of the fluid acts on piston 22 which holds slide valve 23 against the lower valve seat, thereby shutting of access of the fluid from recess 24 upward. Valve 26 is closed by the pressure of' the . fluid in chan- nel 25. The ' above_descri'bed position of the units comprising the hydraulic system corresponds to the beginning of , operation on the machine. The remaining pipes of the machine are not under pressure at this time. First Operation - Closing the Die Depressing the pedal, opens valve 18 and closes valve. 27: The fluid raises valve 28, flows' through channel 29, through pipe 30, through' the auto- matic valve III, through pipe 31 and finally enters recess 32. The fluid overcomes the pressure in recess 9 and moves the hollow piston 11 to the right to close the die. The space appearing behind the piston is filled by- fluid from the filling con- Hydraulisches Schema (umringte Ziffern) 1 Gaze 2 Flussigkeit 3 Pumpe 4 Betriebsfliissigkeit Akkumulator 5 Konstantdruck - 120 at 6 Variabler Druck 0-120-336 at 7 Druck - 120 at Rohre ?21" und von da aus in, den Steuerschieber ?II", Dort driickt? die FlUssigkeit auf Kolben ?22", der den Sch eber ?23" an den unteren Ventil- sitz ruckt und die Fliissigkeit aus Kammer ,24" nicht ,Hach' oben : treten ldf3t. Durch den Druck der' Fiussig- keit uber Kanal ?25" ist Ventil ?26W' geschlossen. In ?dieser Lage beginnt die Arbeit der Maschine. Alle andere Rohrleitungen sind in diesem,Moment nicht unter Druck. Erster. Arbeitsgang - das Schlie(3en der Form, Durch Bedienun.g des Fuf3he'bels wird Ventil ?18" geoffnet und Ventil ,,27" gesc'hlossen. Die Fliissigkeit stromt' durch den Kanal ?29",, wdbei sie die Klappe,,28 hebt 'und welter durc'h Rohr ' ,,30" ?und das automati- sche Ventil III zum. Rohr .,,31", um von da ,aus in die Kammer ?32" zu ,gelangen. Unter Uberwindung'.des Drucks in Kammer. ,,9", bewegt die Flussigkeit Kolben ?11" nach rechts zum Schiie- Ben der Form. Der hinter dem Kolben freiwerdende Raurn wind durch Schema de la commande hydraulique (chiffres encercles) 1 Gaz 2 Fluide moteur 3 Ponlpe 4 Accumulateur 5 Pression constante, 120 at 6 Pression variable 0-120-336 at 7 P = 120 at sort 20 maintenu ouvert. Le fluide s'ecoule finalement par le tuyau 21 dans le distributeur a boisseau II. La it presse sur le piston 22 qui applique le boisseau 23 contre le siege de sou- pape inferieur obturant de cette facon l'admission du fluide daps la cavite 24. Le clapet 26 est retenu ferme par 'la pression du fluide Bans le canal 25. La position decrite correspond au debut du travail de la machine. A ce mo- ment les autres tuyauteries ne sont pas sous pression. Premiere operation - fermeture du moule En pressant sur la pedale on ouvre la soupape 18 et on. ferme la sou Pape 27. Soulevant la soupape 28, le liquide passe par le canal 29, le tuyau 30, le robinet-vanne automa- tique III, et s'ecoulant par le tuyau 31 arrive finalement daps la cavite 32. Surmontant la pression qui regne ,dians la cavite 9 le fluide force.- le piston 11 a se d6placer vers la droite et " a former le moule. L'espace libe're pa-r le. piston est alors rempli de. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 tamer 34 through the non-return valve 33. At the end of the stroke of piston 11, the valve 36 is opened by the aid of the cam rod and cam 35. Through valve 36, pressure is transmitted to filling container 34 and non-return valve 33 is closed. This pressure, act- ing on a larger (external) area on the bottom of the piston, increases the pressure between the halves of the die, being added to the pressure in recess 32. The pedal is provided with a catch which retains the described position of the machine units throughout the next operation. Ruckflul3ventil ?33" mit Betriebs- flUssigkeit ails Behalter ?34" nach- gefullt. Nach Vorschub des Kolben.s ?11" wird durch eine Stange und durch Nocken x,35" Ventil ?36" geoffnet, und die Druckflussigkeit gelarigt durch das Rohr in die Kammer des Zylin- ders ?34" und' schliel3t das Riick- schlagventil ,,33". Der erhohte Druck a.uf die Kolbenflache wie auch der Druck . in Kammer ?32" ibezwecken ein kraftiges Schliel3en der beiden Pref3formhalften wahrend des Gie- l3ens. Der FuBhebel w.ird mittels Klinke festgehalten, wodurch die Maschine wahrendi des ganzen nachsten . Ar- beitsganges in der oben beschriebenen Lage fixie.rt wird'. f.lui,de venant de la soupape de re- tenue 33 du reservoir (ou cavite) 34. A la fin de la course du piston 11. la bielle et la came 35 ouvrent la soupape 36 par laquelle la pression est transmise clans la cavitc du cy- lindre 34 ou sous l'effet de cette pres- sion s'ouvre la soupape de retenue 33. De cette fawn la pression commence a s'exercer sur la grande surface du piston et venant s'ajouter a la pres- sion exi.stante dans la cavite 32, assure le serrage intime des deux demi-moules. La pedale est pourvue d'un cliquet qui fixe la machine dans la position indiqutie pendant toute 1'operation suivante. Second Operation - Pressure Casting Depressing the second pedal, opens valve 26 and closes valve 20 allowing fluid to flow through pipe 21 and channel 37 into the drain pipe 46. This allows slide valve 23, which has been held under pressure until this time, to lift and admit fluid through pipe 38, first to the pressure multiplier VIII and then through pipe 39 to the pres- sure-casting cylinder. Due to the difference in cross-section area of the pressure multiplier piston 40 and piston 11, the pressure is increased to 335 kg per sq. cm. This ensures sufficiently contact between she die halves. As the cross-section areas of piston 4 and piston 6 differ, piston 6 overcomes the resistance of piston 4 and des- cends. Stamp 7, fastened to piston 6, enters sleeve 41 and depresses the lower stamp 42, setting it in its ex- treme lower position. Molten metal is now forced, through theopening in mouthpiece 43, into the die. The speed of descent of pressure-casting piston is regulated by screw 44. Third Operation - Separating the Die and Returning the Units to their Initial Position Removing the foot from the second pedal allows it to lift under the action of the . spring. This opens valve 20 and closes valve 26. Fluid, under pres- sure, flows through pipe 21. to the slide-valve distributor and depresses piston 22 and slide valve 23 to their lower position. As a result, pipe 39 is connected to the atmosphere through adjusting screw 45 and the fluid exits, Zweiter Arbeitsgang - clas Pressen Durch Bed'ienung des Fuf3hebels wird Ventil ?26" geoffnet und Ven- til ?20" geschlossen, so daB die Flus- sigkeit durch Rohr ?21 und Kanal ,,37" in das ,Abfluflrohr ?46" gelangt. Dadurch verschiebt sick der standig inter Druck ste'hende Schieber ?23" in seine oberste Lage, und die Fli ssig- keit tritt zunachst durch Rohr ?38" in den Multiplikator VIII unrl dann durch Rohr ,,39" in den Prel3zylinder em. Infolge der Flachendifferenz zwi- schen Kolben ?40" 'des Multiplikators und Kolben ?11`' steigt der Druck auf Kolben ?11" 'bis zu 335 atii. und sichert einen drurchaus festen VerschluB der PreBform. Infolge der Flachendifferenz zwi- schen Kolben ,,4" und Kolben ?6" be- wegt sich Kolben ?6" unter tYber- wind'ung des Druckes abwarts und das in den Korper ,,41" eintretende Gesenk. ?7" druckt auf, Untergesenk ?42", zwingt es in die extrem untere Lage, und durch die nunmehr frei- 1?egende Offnung des. Mundsticks' ?43" wird das geschmolzene Metall in die Form geprel3t. Die Geschwindig- keit des PreBkolbens weird durch Schraube ?44" geregelt. Dritt"ter Arbeitsgang - das dffnen der Form und die Riickkehr der Maschinenelemente in ihre Ausgangsstellung Nach Freisetzung des Ful3hebels wind er durch eine . Feder hoch- gedruckt, wodurch s.ich Ventil ?20" offnet und Ventil ?26" schlieBt. Die Flussigkeit tritt unter Druck durch Rohr ?21" in den Steuerschie'ber, ver- setzt Kolben ?22" und Schieber ,,23" in die untere Lage, wodurch Rohr ,,39" d,'rch die Regulierschraube ?45 ? Seconde operation - moulage sous pression En pressant sur la pedale on fait ouvrir la soupape 26, tandis que la soupape 20 se referme, provoquant ainsi 1'evacuation du fluide par le tuyau 21 et le canal 37 dans le tuyau de vidange 46. Cela permet cle re- monter au boisseau 23 demeurant sous pression et ouvre le passage au liquide par le tuyau 38 dans le mul- tiplicateur VIII. Le liquide 's'en ccoule ensuite par le tuyau 39 dans le cylindre travaillant. Par suite de la difference entre la surface du piston 40 du multiplicateur et celle du piston 11, la pression exer- eee sur le piston 11 s'tileve a 335 at eff., cc qui assure un contact parfait entre les deux demi-moules. Les surfaces du piston 4 et du piston 6 titan,:, inegales, le piston 6 surmonte la pression et descend. Le plongeur 7. entre dans le conteneur 41, presse sur le plongeur inferieur 42, le forcant a fond' en 'bas et refoule par l'orifice ouvert daps la buse 43 le metal fondu dans le moule. La vitesse de descente du cylindee d'injection est reglee au rnoyen de la vis 44. Troisieme operation desserrage des demi-moules et retour des mecanismes en position initiale La pedale liberee remonte sous faction d'un ressort, ouvre la sou- pape 20 et referme la soupape 26. Le fluide sous pression est admis par le tuyau 21 dans le distributeur a boisseau ou i1 abaisse le piston 22 et le boisseau 23 dans leurs positions inferleures. II s'ensuit que le tuyau 39 entre en communication au moyen d'une vs de reglage 45 avec 1'atmo- sphere ambiante et le fluide est Cvacue par le , siege superieur du boisseau dans le tuyau de vidange 46 et dans le reservoir 34. Aussitot le reservoir 0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 g o re ea s a resu .' behind the pressure-casting piston, the der Pumpe zuruclc. raising piston (constantly under prey- Da die Flussigkeit unter dem Pref3- sure) lifts the upper stamp and the ikolben abgeleitet worden ist, kann pressure-casting piston, by aid of the Eder Hubkolben (der sick unter Icon- rods, to their extreme upper position. stantem Druck befindet) mit Hilfe der Simultaneously with the release of Zugstangen das Obergesenk and den fluid from behind the pressure-casting Pref3kalben' bis zum Anschlag auf- piston, pipe 38 is connected to the warts bewegen. drain pipe through the annular clea- In dem Au.gemblick, wo die Fli s- rance in the slide-valve distributor sigkeit unter dern Pref3kolben abge- and the needle 47. This allows the leitet wind, tritt Rohr ?38" durch die pressure-multiplier piston 40 to des- ringforrnige Spalte im Sc'hieber and tend to its initial position. durch Drossel ?47" mit dem Abfluf3- The upward speed of the pressure- rohr in Verbindung, was den Multi- casting piston is regulated by the aid plikatoi;kolben ?40i HaMeTp Taaa B. IC Ie 305'naiiOOJumni7 anaateTp)_B 235' 4i0 flo;94,30 33.33 . 0,22-0,35 IIo,iep nxdxo1anure.. ,,,,,. O 5iu ui 131 rTnnnel 12,4-11, ZIHCJIO -Inena o6opoion nepepuero 1tit~lna~pa; (B 3aBIIeI1Mo0T11 ~OT ycTattonJlenHoro rIcnIla) 5- 375,. ~JIe1rrpol HnraTeJ1I, Tpoxc~aanoroi rolca .' Mol1IHO.CTI, n. RUin'. 0,8'. T a 950.. MilIl O6 y OPOTOT3 B Fa6apiIT Mamm~LI (AJ1nna x mupnna n Bl,1co- Ta) B 4c.4t 2870;c1500 x1540' 1050? ? Bec_II xa , OKOJIO 0,8 950 Speed of the ?fr'ont cylinder (depending on pulley installed, r. pm. Three phase eteetru motor: 275.375 240.375 power, kW 4.8 0.8 speed, r,.'p m 950 950 (hetallframe dimensions (length X szdt11 X height) 2370X1500 \151() 2370v 500X1540 ': ..., Weight in kgapprox." 1050 1050 STAT w ._ Uhhii,I.It1 I 35x, 450 Bo 2,9 3(?34,5.36' U?2-0;35' JI B 28 AND JI B - 32 MODEL HIGH?DRAFT`DRAWING FRAMES The High Draft Drawing Frame is used for processing com- bed laps from the sliver lap machine. The produced slivers are put into coile'r cans.` The frame has a five-cylinder drafting box; the three back cylinders are equipped with rifled metal rolls, the two front cy- linders - with elastic rolls. The top rolls are cleanad of fluff by top clearers. Provision is made for, unloading the elastic rolls by a spe- cial arrangement. The frame is equipped with a stop motion which acts as a . sli~cr breakage before ihe trumpet occurs The frame is dris'en,by an indis'idual electric motor with V-belt drive and push-button control, SPECIFICATIONS JIB-28 IIB-32 ? frames frames Production (theoretical),;lgfhour' . , . up to 36 up to 36 Length, of frbre'to be processed ?. . 251126.29/30 2930-39/40 Number of deliveries 4 4 Staff per one d"elivery, mm 450 450 Diameter of?thecan, mm. 305 305 site ('width >< ma" diameter), bed la C p om mm 235\50 235>r4SO Diameter of the draft cyl"finders, mm 28.24.32- 52 28.36?;; 33.33 34.5.35 Count of tbr. ,1x' er produced Total-'dr'aft , Number of doublurgs 16 Iii 20 1'.4,5-20,5 16 n 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ? BCEC0FO3HOE OBbE,.LJ,MHEHHE E KATN P It 3AKJI F04 IITEJ1 bH bi N MAIIIMH03KCIIOPT CCCp MO CH BA 24b ! 56 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ,gEKATV1P 3AKJ1IOyV1TEfbHibIM MoReriii A3- 16O-W :] eliaTHp 3afiJIICt~HTe mRBfio eTr1 3-160-1.II npelHa3- tila~Ie?H :IH or oHraTeJn HooT em- H mepCTHH}TX, IIOTry- rlIepCTlInNx. IiaMBo rrhm~ix IT CYF 0H}IMX TliaReii BeCO14I OT 0,35 z,o 1,1 i- !nor. nt. Ilpouecc ~exaTllpoBl:II COCTOITT B oeaaf leHIllt Hanp-- e1Inti B Bo:roKHax pa3MRrtlexneM IiX B:Ia;+iHLIb1 uapo~t C rnIcoHofi TeunepaTypotkt. OCTOB llclrllfl}hT COCTOIIT 113 BX paM, CB.H3afitII Mli~y. i!oGOt Hens} IBn ;fMM Ro + yxoM Ir I,o 7I e}:TOpHO3i Tpy~ot. OCHOBHMM patio uM opraBoM HBZFIeTCR nepg-Op IpoBaHHBIi e} aTHpoBoI~4mrf IIfmiHTp, y c.TaHOBneRuNi B IiO;I:fXe 1lc1IIIlIth1. TI,aHb HaMamIBaeTcg Ha Uli IH}i~p rrpiI He3Hajrn- Te:IhHOM HaTfnHeHlrM BMPCTe C 1:loln' aToyMaHiHOlvl no - H iamol. Bc Ie cTBne 6o mmoro IlaereTpa ulr urH pa To rIurrHa BCe\ C~TIOtB HaBnToi Ha Hero THaRn oTHocnTeIhHo neloabrrraFI, U TIiaRb eBo~L-o rnO rTpO}IH3BIBaeTCH IiTHNM napoM IIOHiIRiei HOFO ~,as ie inci. B Bepxnel 4aCT.13 CTaRIIH y l~perIJle}IS1 t[VTVTIFIb1e no rLIe HponmTeiiHBr, Ha }iOTOp}IX cMoHTirpoBan ca Iohza r}o 1e=iHoro Tuna. Ii n IacTnngam I apn' Top :1R perz-ZIIpoBaHrt 1 CHopOCTU caMo};Ta a II HaNaTHU. 3anpaBRa Tofiapa Co cTo a HZTH po mKa na tuuInaJp ocya ecTrnrleTcg =iepea po nrH, apeM3y. pa.c- rlpaBnTe;Ib Ii no orpeBaTe:mHwIi CToa. 3anp.aBl a no-- r: is rsn cnvrrnm ai Ha IIII.-IIIn p rlpo1l3BO i1TCa C uepg)opii- . poBaHHoro Baia no n Iar;filI =Iepea po~-nrH n uo orpeBaTe m- tlxll`t cToa. BwiopHa ToHapa rrpOucx:OT epe3 "Ca1IC}Ii,'Ia n m naHaTHv B py oll, liOTOPH% s H}. TZO ia:eTC 1 Upi peBep- c'npo aImn eHa.TrtpoBo=rBoro nn nrn pa noCpeIICTBOM pO IH- HOBOIt M 't)Tbr. 11p Ifa04 N 1IUIIHbI OCy.II~ CTB:TeH OT 3~iCH- TpO BrlraTe 1n LIepe3 }iOTO O=IHLr! l apllaTop, iIC Br ttHLIII pe yF;TOp H ay 6JaTy1O nepe airy. Maurffna cHa5 eHa po- TaWIt+Fi ibIM BO OHO3IBT B1TI .Bar;yyM-uacoeoM. fHCO?fI- IIeRHbI_1.I R HoTJ1e}iTopHoi Baliyc3I-Tpvoe I I'5I ox~3a rK?enniI 'I R{1HIi.. OCHO8HbLE TE.XH114ECK1IE AHHbIE 'Favogag rnuplrHa .......... , ..... 1640 MM Jina I eTp ze.HaTnponotrnoro wiuTlr t pa . 9100 aLM }1 ai3 o rn an To~iDiHHR C.il0H Ha.BHBHI THana c.. fOaH3Ia .tKC?...... ... ... . mITe rbHOCTb o Horo grrfi is npn pa- 6e;3 IIo H~IaIHn i mTeJmHOcm 'cEworo IuuIa HpH Pa- 1.1C1TC' C no Rara Ho 1........ .... . IpnB ,s? Mau1EKii Cif ."4BG'L c's eHTpr7 IBU a-. Tz?,Ie$i o mef 1Iou nocTIO . ...,.. . B.ahyvI-Haeooe' poTaI11of:bLi .:P'hM 200 :20Q, npoH3Bo raTe.n HOCTIs ..... . Palo~Iee aBIeune 'napa CHopoem HaHaTF H na _neRaTlrpoBo=n bn . Ili~l,r:tlrly~p ....... _ _ .. ... _ ... _ CHopocm BIIoopr UTHamin3+ Mam1urn1 . } Fa6apirrn e pa- \Iep:M 3tarnHn: nnppiUia.. - ? : ? ... nsicora .. 150 MM -0-50 irnn . -3$ MTILH 9 HBT 4,5 M3HH .:y , 5-- a am 25: 30 Mrl fl 50.: 60 M3rHH. "i: , 0 ? Mir 35.25 MM 2360 MM 4500 I~r FINAL DECATIZING MACHINE Mode! A3- 160-W The 3-.160-III Final Decatizing Machine is designed for final finishing of woollen, semi-woollen worsted and card wool fabrics weighing from 0.33 to 1.1 kg per 1 running meter.. The decatizing process consists in relaxation of the fibre tension and softenin.g the fibres with damp steam at high temperature. The Machine has two frainings interconnected by ;a rigid body and a collecting pipe. The main working part of the Machine is a perforated decatizing cylinder which is Instaued on the Machine body. The fabric is spread over the cylinder at a mall tension, together with a cotton grey. Due to the big diameter of the cylinder the thickness of all the fabric layers wound upon it is relati- - eh- small and pettmits free penetration of low pressure damp steam. In, the top part of the Machine framings there are hollow east-iron brackets jot niounting a cradle. t pe plaiter and a plate type regulator for speed control of the plaiter and the batching unit. The fabric is fed to the cylinder from a table or roll through a roller, tension frame.,. expander., and a heating-up table. The grey is guided on to the cylinder from a perforated shaft through a roller and a heating np table. The fabric is taken out with the help of the plaiter or the bat^, ring arrangement. which is switched on at reversing of the rlecatizing cTlinder by mews of roller type clutch. The Mamie is driven from an electric motor through a shoe type regu- lator, a worm reducing gear and a toothed gear. The Machine is equipped wiia a rotary water ring vacuum pttmpconnected to collecting vacuum pipe for fabric cooling. MAIN SPECIFICATIONS Working width ' .. ... 16 0 mm hameter of the decatizing c ti-finder .. 00 M ~-:n mm sickness of fabric, with grey on c vtnder 'One cycle time wbei working without grey.... One cycle time w hen working wi grey 1.60 mm 40-to 5 0 mil 33 to.3j`m n - Two-.electric motor power ...............9 kW Output of to . , - 20O ?00 model WoI..Sin to "^r''l resss'm..e._ ?..J to aJ atm. eii.. . Speed of sprea dung Of the iabric over the cyhsnd 20, 2O.. m,min Speed taken out ~0; i;: r 0 3 aix r of fabric w~.eZ3. being T 7,,,' Overall .d ien. sicn o the 'Macy . ??e : height . . ... . . . . . . Weight of tie Mac. ire - CABLE ADD ESS. MAC IN XP 70 m 5 Sm . 1360 mm 450- kg M O ? J C ? ? 0, T E !1 E f P A~ H bi N A ,tl, P E C MOCK.BA MAWNH03KCIlOPT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 XOJJCTOBbIT*HAJ MAWIPIHA M04EJJ b XB-265 XOnCTOBblTA~I(HaA MdWHHa Mogern X8-165 npeAHd3Ha4eHa qnA npMroTOBneHNA 6onee paaHOMepHbIX XOnCTHKOB qna rpe6H@4eCdHNA nyTeM BbITArHBaHHA N CflO+ceHHR C neHTOCoe,gHHHTenbHON M WHHbI. XOlICTNKOB MawHHd BbIfOnHABT Cnef~ylcj j e onepaL{HH: BbTArr1BaeT napannenbHo wecib xonCTHKOB, Bbpa- 6oTdHHbX Hd neHTOcoe,gHHHTenbHON MawwHe, CKna,gb,BaeT BbITRHYTBIe XonCTHKH B o6Ij k1 XOn- CTHK H HaMaTblaaeT er0 Ha K8TyWKy, ,L,nA fHTaHMA MaWNHbI Cny}KaT WeCTb nap xon- CTOBbIX BanHK08, BbITAK(HON npN6op COCTOHT N3 4eTblpex BbIT5 ~fi??'ii6u'.'B~trsl7~i'U+a~,a.~nS',~aaR ~M rf ~t.~{ ~'a-r;"zJ Ur rl,.T?~y,L~C,L`rl,~u, .?y ..l.?lzp`:A ~J~1; ~?!. 1.,h.:,dwrtafwa,..r,r~"~a4?,+' .....,gNFIXlY~vftK..dr.i'~%1J1~i~fy-r~v~1~,1YM' Jri ~,s +,y.Tn~rxi f~ i 1Mp~:~RP ^rQ~ y~r(SI,I 4'')~SY,'"`'xrt:..7~'.UtAti~~t51Sr'itT~14.Y.'sM61r~M1M~Yi~1wVr~u. Y.~~MYNu~~~MiM.cw4/ f itv 5'2!'d ,A''i~4CdtS7P7ih'r,[+5fld,CtYS'urF'~.rFittB?S,h6YBN'% ~ x+ ~ ,f. YV ~.w'~?~~~ '~ "i~Br &Aw"~1d5.'~u~"'3i`+tbis~:r~.6?":U'au:S~Nr~xr fil ~ >. ~u~i~k,A a ~ ,~~ war'5n" *yJ7 "H J?I~;fS1 1 C*J, 0.x t; Y ~k 4. ?wi ~ ~ .,:i,cr W[N+~ PNirrn ?w'ww'd e :~vr wL~rz~ au 71'.,~ty. B pe3yJ1~TaTe MI1oroxpaTHorD yjtapa H 3IieprFP!HOFO TpeuHSI 3Cl)CI1 0 Ha)KJT i- llylo noBepxl-IOCTb H Me?KJ(y CO6OFI c 3epe1-I C11II- MaIOTCT n,nOJLOBble 06OJIO~lKH, OT6I1BaIOTC5I 60 pOJ(KH H LIaCT1 TIO 3a1)OJLbIHJH, pa3(HBI11OTC51 I{o- M`OtIKH 3eM,JIH H oTJLeJISleTCSI OT Hapy~1 Hasi cxopocTb 6HWeeo- ro 6apa6axa, M/ceK . YKJIOH 6Hge1 Ha 1000 MM pJIH- 1{bI, MM . PaccTofiHHe 6Hyei OT Ha}K- AawHo}{ noBepXHOCTH, MM )IIHaMeTp Ha?KA1gHoI'0 6apa- I5aHa, MM . . . . . . . 1:1a}ICagHa5I noBepXHocm, M2 IloTpe6HaH MOn1HOCTb, JI. C. 17poH3BoAHTeJlhHOCTb BeHTH- JIMTopa, M3/MHH. . L111CJI0 060poTOB BEEITwnhlTOp- Horo BaJIa . Pa3Mepbl npliBOuxoro IIIKH- Ba, MM . Pa3Mep BeHTHJIHTOpHoro uIKH- Ba, MM . IUHpHHa nPHBOAHOro peM- HA, 'MM HoMep IuapHKOnouluHfHHKa r'JnaBHoro BaJla . . . HoMep wapMKonoumHnHHKa BexTHJIHTOpxoro . ra6apHTHJ e pa3Mepbl, MM: j.nNa' IIIHpxxa BbICOTa Bec MaiUHHM, Kr 450X125 0 85X60 100X60 100 11212 11206 I.)ust carried by air and particles separated from the grain settle down dine to dimirlution of the air flow velocity at the entrance into the settiing chamber and dine to change of the air flow ~direction. Settled down waste ins disGharg- ed out of the settling ohaimber by am auger. Clean air flows through the fan, which again forces it into the emery drum through the openings in the side walls of the drum. Thus, the constant volume of air circulating inside the machine has a closed cycle. In order to assure proper insulation of the inner chamber of the emery drum and of the settling chamber from ambio~u~s atmosphere, the loading and discharge pipes are provided with counterweight valves. Lubrication is carried out by grease, grade "T1. 3. SPECIFICATIONS Processed material . . , wheat rye Capacity, kg per how' 2500 1150 Speed, r.p.m.. . . . . . 420 500 Peripheral drum velocity, mlper sec , Grade of beaters per 1000 m m length, mm Distance between beaters an l 15 64 18 emery surface, mm , , . 25 Emery drum diameter, mm . 720 Emery surface, sq. m . . . 2,5 Motor output required, FI.P. 5 6 Fan capacity, cu. in per mi: Fan shaft speed, r.p.m. . . Driving pulley dimensions, 35 1800 mm , . . dia. 450x125 Fan pulley dimensions, mni . dia, 85X60 dia. 100>(6i) Driving belt width, mm .. 100 Main shaft ball bearing, type No. . . . . Fan shaft ball bearing, type No. . . . Overall dimensions, mm: 11212 11206 length 1900 width . . . . 1470 height . . . . . . 1760 Machine weight,kg . . . 1250 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 CEIIAPATOP 3EPHOOLI HCTNTEJIbH bIH MoReJIb 11011-5 HA3HAt1EHHE H I1PHHL.LHIl i PABOTbI MAWHHbI CenapaTop Mo) eJIIi 17017-5 npeJLua3Haue1l JiJIf1 O4HCTKH 3epHa 01' nOCTOpOHHUX nl)UMeCeU Ha MCJ[bHHuaX 11 1{pyl-1o3aBOJLaX. CenapaTop oTJ1;eJI5IeT npuMCCII, oTJII1LIa1ow%HecS1 OT 3ep11a BCJ[HLIuI-[o i n a3po4HuaMULIeCKFIMH CBOH- CTBiIMU Ke 111151 TCJIC}KKII. I. paMe TCJie]KKII IIOJ(nClllelia ulax'ra C J(l3Vh15l Tpanepca MU, CKOJIb- 3S11u1IMU 110 uanpanJISllolunhl, l\ IliilXTd Ilpi1Kp('llJ1Clla KiIOUHa Ma111111IIICTa, KoliclpyKl(IIsl KolOpoil o6ecrle'iiuae'r xopoulylo nIIJUIMOCI'b NI aunlln1CTy no ncex nanpanJlerHIHx, ,EI.Jin yjiynuleHllsl ycjlollllii pa6oiul MaHnnlucTa Ka6lilla cualii- ]KCHa K0HJI,IiUII0He1)OM. 1-Io'u3eCKa KJleu(eu, KoJ101iiI 11 nepxllsls- 'Tpanepca nojlneuleHbl lia KallaTa.r K (5apaOaiiy I'JIaullor0 IIOJ('bdMa a ilpyiIByx-1entocTtib1N EM1cocTh rpe ickePa .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. ,5 M:I lyleBble norca3aTenu KpaHa: HaIiMeHbwuH palLwyc 3aKpyrileHNS1 nyTli . 50 M HaN60nbwHi npeo,noJleBa(MbiH no4'beM nyTrt npw nepe4BHx(eHrtri caMoxo1]oM 6e3 rpyaa. . 0,025 HaH6onbwH1i npeWLoJiesaeMbIH no4beM nyTli npti nepe- /uBH)KeH 1111 caMoxo.n.oM c rpy3OM Ha 1(1)1otce 0,0092 Hau6oJlbwee ,naBneHue Ha xo/I.OBOe IwJteco npu no/tbeMe rpyaa eta KpIol(e .. . ... 16,61 T Haw6wibwee 4aBJlerlile Ha xoJ>oBoe ICOneco 8,5 7 B TpaHCf OpTHOM nOJIO)ICen 1111 . . B noxo4HOM n0J10)KeHNIi IcpaH BfHCblBaeTCS1 B weaIe3H0J.0p0)KHbiH ra6apl'IT A0 ra6apnluble pa3Mepbl KpaHa : n5u.ta I /j,jiuHa B noxO/UHOM COCTOS+Iiww . . 15,0 M . HaH6onbwa1 wrtpwria . . .. . . . .. .. 3.15 M Pauyc, OnNCbIBaeMFII1 XBOCTOBOH 4aCTbIO . Ky3oBa . . . . . . . ... . . 3,09 M flpoAoJibHa 1 6a3a xO,nOBbix tcoJlec . . . . . 2,8 M L1,nI9Ha nJ1aTcD0pMbi XO/IOBON gaCT11 Kpal-la 6,1 h1 no 6y4 epHbiM 6pycbs1M .. . . . . . . PaCCTosJHr>e OT r0nOBK19 penbca JI,o uleHTpa 1 07 M 6ycpepa . . . . . . . . . . . . . PaccTos1Hwe OT ocrl ns1Tbl CTperrbi O OCU 1,1 M BpaweunSI KpaHa . . . . . . . . . . . . 01111CA1NE KOHCTPYKUNN McXauh-i3Mb1 HOBOPOTHOH 4acTH ICpaHa cMOHTupO- BaHbI Ha rlOBOpoTHOH paMe LlenbHocBapHoM KoH- CTpyKwlN. npHBOA Bcex McXaHH3MoB KpaHa OCyweCTBJ1 eTCSI OT ,gBHraTeJiA - ~1113ejIA, yCTaH0BJIeHH0I'O B 3a,gHefi 4aCTN nOBOPOTHON I1JIaTCjJopMbl KpaHa. MAIN SPECIFICATIONS Load lifting capacity of Crane when operating with a lO in boom: With a boom gab from crane swinging axis 3.5 m . 10 t 4,5m . 7t 6.O m. . 5 r 10.0 in . 2.5 t Load lifting capacity of crane when operating with an 18 m boom With a boom gab from crane swinging axis 4 in . 7.5 t 8 in . 3,0 t 11 m . 2.0 r ? ? Power outfit . . . . . . . . . . . . KIM-46 . Diesel engine Power output of Diesel at 835 r, p. in . . . . . . . . . 80 H.P. Crane operating speeds at 835 r. p. m.: Speed of load lifting when operating with a 10 in boom, and threefold boom tackle , 19.5 m per min Speed of load lifting when operating with an 18 in boom, and twofold boom tackle 29.25 m per min Speed of clamshell lifting . . . . .. . 58.5 in per min Speed of turntable swinging . . . . . 3 r. p. m. Self-propelled travel speeds: on first speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 km per hour on second speed . .. . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 km per hour Travel speed in train . . . . . . . . 70 km per hour Time of boom gab change from boom- out to minimum boom gab . . . . . . 45 sec Weight of crane with 10 in boom . . 34.5 t Type of clamshell . .. . . . . . . . . double-line, two-jaw Clamshell capacity . . . . .. . . . . . 1.5 cu. in Grane railway indexes: Minimum radius of railway curve . . . . . . 50 in Maximum grade when travelling self- propelling, without load . . . . . . . . . 0.025 Maximum grade when travelling self- propelling with load on hook . . . . . . 0.0092 Maximum load on running wheel when lifting load on hook . . . . . . . . ... . . 16.61 t Maximum load on running wheel in transport position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 t When travelling, the Crane is inscribed in the . No.0 railway ove all dimension Crane overall dimensions: Full length iM travelling position . . . . . . . 15.0 in Maximum width . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 in Radius circumscribed by body shank section 3.09 m Longitudinal base of running whe~?ls . . . . . 2.8 in Length of Crane running section platform on buffer beams . . . . . . . . . . .. . 6.1 in Distance between rail head and buffer center 1.07 in Distance between footstep axis and crap: swinging axis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 in DESIGN DESCRIPTION The mechanisms of the crane swinging section are mounted an a swinging frame of all=welded construction. All Crane mechanisms are driven by the Diesel engine installed in the rear section of the crane turn= table. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Tlepe) aLla Bpau~euHS1 oT J~BHraTensl K TpaHC- MNCCHOHHOMy Ba.ny ocyluecTBJIBeTC>a nocpeJ~CTBOM uenHoI nepeAa4H c 4eTbIpexpsiiuHoH nTy.no4Ho- ueo1INKOBOw i eni~io. JJenuasl nepejta4a 3a1CnIogeHa B McTaJ1J1H4eCI(HN pameMHbtN IcapTep, npejioxpaHSlloluHN L~en'b OT nona;i.auii i B rtee nbIJIH ii rpa3N, o6ecnevHBaa HaAJIe)KaLL~ee Ka4ecTBo cMa3Icn. OT TpaucMHCCHOHHOro Baila n[JHBOJ1,SITCSI 130 Bpa- uXeHHe I1OBOpOTHbIN MexaH43M, CTpe)IouOJ>,'beMHaSI J1e6e,i ica H nPOMe)KYT04HbIN BaJl. PeBePCHBHOe ycTpoiiCTB0 TpaHCMHCCII OHHOro npe%(Ha3Ha'IeHO Ju1SI o6cJIy)ICNBaHNA Mexa- HH3Ma BpaweHHSI H cTpeJ1onoJ>beMHoH Jie6e/U(H, BCJIeJ>CTBHe 4ero Hc1cJ1lo4aeTcs1 BO3MO)ICHOCTb OJI,HO- BJJeMeHHOrO BpauJleuI1 KpaHa H H3MeueHH5I BbIJ1eTa CTpe.lbi. BKJnoLIeHHe f0130poTHOro MexaHH3Ma ocyw,ecT- BJ1S1eTC 1 1(yJla4ICOBON My4 TON, HaxoJ1c1LL(ei1CS1 Ha BepmIcaJibHOM BaJly nOBOpOTHOFO MexaHH3Ma, a BIuHoLIeHHe CTpeJ1onoAbeMHol4 JIe6eJuKH ocylltecT- BJIBeTC~I nepejtBH>KHOH wecTepHeN, Haxo.iu1Luewcs1 i-ia Bally LIepBAKa. YnpaBJieHHe 3THMH MexaHH3MaMII ocyu~eCT- BJISIeTCSI Ck()NKU,NOI-IHbIMH MycpTaMH peBepca. FIepeJtBH)KHaa weciepHa H IcyJ1a4KoBaS1 Myc Ta C6JIOIcIlpoBaHbI TaK, 4TO npH BICJIIOLIeHHH KyJIaLiKO- BON MycfrTbl nOBOpOTHOFO MexaHH3Ma BbWOJUHTC51 w 3au,enJ1eHNS1 nepeABH)KHaSJ weCTepH i cTpeJlO- nOAbeMHOM JIe6e uwr Ha 6a.na1-iclipax. PeryiiHI~0BKa :3a- 301)013 Me)KJI,y POJIHKaMH 11 noBepXHOCTh10 Ka"rarlii si OCyw,CCTI3nsieTCsT noi3OpOTOM 3KCII,CHTPHKO1101'I OCH 6ailallc ipa. XoaoBo i Waciblo rcpatia CJly)Icw1' cnew1aJlhllas1 )u3yxocHasl nna-rcl)opMa. PaMa X0JIoB011 tIacTH cl3ape- Ha 113 MOuJHbiX 111r3e11JIep11buX 6ajioiC, 110ICPb11'bIX CTanhlibIM pHc4)JIelIbIM nHCTOM. 11l'ITOii Icpyr onol)HO-nOBOpOTHOro yC1'PoiiCTBa Sralcwe nplii3apeLi is J1HCTy paMb1, 1110 co3JI,aeT )IcecT- Icylo MOHOJINTrlylO KOHCTOYKr W10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 no BCEM BOnPOCAM nPNO&PETEHI1 OSOPYAOBAH HFI OBPALLLAIITECb no AAPECYI B/O ?MAWNHO3KCf10PT" MOCKBA, r.200, CMOl1.MCK89-CeHHaI n.n., 32/34 PLEASE ADDRESS ALL ENQUIRIES IN CONNECTION WITH PURCHASING EQUIPM'E'NT TO: V/O "MACHINOEXPC?RT" Smolenskaya-Sennaya Ploshchad, 32/34 MOSCOW. G-200 CABLE ADDRESS: MACHINOEX.PORT Moscow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 150603 ~rRAVELLING ELECTRIC HOISTS (TELPHERS) Model TB 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ? The Model TB Travelling Electric Hoists (telphers) are designed for lifting and handling separate loads in roofed production and store rooms.. Travelling Electric Hoists are used for inter-departmental transportation, for mechani- zation of construction work, in agriculture, and in warehouses. Electric Hoists can also be used for transportation of molten metal in ladles and mixers. Electric Hoists are manufactured in series with 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2; 3 and 5-ton lifting capacity. Hoists of standard design enable 6 m height of load lift. On special order Electric Hoists of 1 and 2-ton lifting capacity are manufactured for 12, 18 and 30 m lifts and those of 3 and 5-ton lifting capacity are manufactured for 10, 20 and 30 m lifts. All Electric Hoists have a hoisting speed of 8 m per min and travel along the monorail with a speed of 30 m per min. Main technical data and overall dimensions Electric Hoists are shown in' tables as well as their weights, the runway profile, output of electrical equipment and other data. Electric Hoists with increased lifts have, due to elongated drum, greater overall dimensions and are suspended not on one but on two trol- leys. The Model TB Electric Hoists of. standard range are designed for three-phase current of 50 c.p.s. and 220/380 V and are rated to operate under medium duty conditions, i. e. at inter- mittent duty not over 25 per cent and when the number of switching-in does not exceed 60 per hr at an ambient temperature not above 35?C. Operation of Electric Hoists under duty con- clitions exceeding the above-mentioned is not to be allowed. Hoisting loads at rope deviations of more than 5 degrees from vertical position, is not advisable. Operation of the Model TB Elec- tric Hoists in explosive atmosphere, as \yell as their use for lifting and transporting people and for handling explosive and inflammable mate- rials is not to be allowed. II. DESCRIPTION OF DESIGN AND OPERATING DIAGRAM OF ELECTRIC HOISTS The Model TB Electric Hoists consist of two main units: hoisting mechanism with hook han- ger for lifting and lowering loads and travel- ing gear for horizontal moving of Electric. Hoists. Travelling Gear The Electric Hoist travels along the mono- rail track on bottom flanges of standard rolled I-beams of various sections only in horizontal direction. The section (number of I-beam) VSESOJUZNOJE OBJEDINENIJE "MAC HINOEXPORT? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ? Operating diagram of travelling trolley of TB-3 and TB-5 Electric Hoist mechanism Gears (positions) Gear couples 11 ? Number of teeth 12 72 18 72 5 -- place of installing the second drive for TB-5 Electric Hoists (TB-3 Electric Hoists are equipped with single- en(l drive) ; (3 - travelling wheels; 7 - electric motor and ? of mechanisms and an increased reserve power of the electric motor, i. e., the Electric Hoist should be selected with the following lifting ca- pacity: when handling 3-ton loads the Electric Hoist should be selected with 5-ton lifting capa- city. In the design of the Electric Hoists of 1, 2, 3 and 5-ton lifting capacity a place is provided for installing a second load brake. The brake has two rotating discs fit on the splined drum mounted. on the reducer shaft. These discs are jammed between .motionless discs with friction linings. The closing of the brake is effected by means of a spring and its opening is carried out with the help of three electromagnets, connected in parallel with the electric motor. At 'a voltage of 220 V the coils of the elec- tromagnets are delta-connected, and at a vol- tage of 340 V they are star-connected. Closing and opening the brake is effected automatically when switching off and switching on the electric motor circuit. The spring force is controlled by means of the central brake screw. Load-brake consists of a thrust disc fixed on the intermediate shaft with the help of a key and of two brake discs loosely fitted on either side of the ratchet wheel and at the gear wheel. The ratchet pawl is on the next reducer shaft and is engaged to the shaft by means of a spring contact. The gear wheel, when moving along the thread to the right or to the left, switches in the coupling of the brake discs or switches them out, releasing the load. The pro- cess of lowering the load takes place by a con- tinuous alternation of opening and closing the brake. The hanger of the Electric Hoist comprises a sheave block which rotates in antifriction bear- ings and a single-horned hook, which swivels also on a thrust ball-bearing. The Electric Hoist is equipped with a lever-type limit switch. The limit. switch serves for automatic switch- ing off of the hoisting mechanism electric motor when the hook reaches its highest position. The limit switch is actuated by means of a swinging clamp against which rests the casing of the hook. Control of all mechanisms of the Electric Hoist is effected by means .of magnetic ,starters, which are floor-controlled by means of starting push-buttons, attached directly to the Electric Hoist. ' ' The current supply is effected from rigid trolleys through sliding collectors or, 'by cable. Hoisting Mechanism The hoisting mechanism comprises a casing, a hoist drum with cable and hook hanger, a reducer, a disc-type electromagnetic brake and an electric motor. The hoisting mechanism is on all types Electric 'Hoists of block design to permit easy replacement of units. The units are assembled on flanges and splined joints. The casing of the hoisting mechanism repre- sents a welded steel cylinder, to the upper part of which the suspended trolleys are attached, and on either side of which are flange coupled: on one side the electric motor, on the other - ? the reducer with disc-type electromagnetic brake. The hoist cable drum is made of gray cast iron. The Electric Hoists oil, 2, 3 and 5-ton lift- ing capacity have drums with turned spiral grooves for the cable. The drum is manufactured with right-hand turned grooves for one fall of cable, i. 'e., in cases when one end of the cable is wound along the drum. The drum is manufactured with right- and left-hand (diagonal) turned grooves at two falls of cable, i. e., when two ends of cable are wound along the drum. The Electric Hoist of 0.25 and 0.5-ton lifting capacity is furnished with smooth drum for multilayer cable winding. The reducer of the hoisting mechanism com- prises four gear couples, which rotate .in anti- friction bearings in an enclosed oil bath. All gears of the reducer are made of high-quality carbon steel~0BbIMF1 'reJIeHfiIiaMH 6e3 3JIeF?TponpHBo) a H Iiepe- MciT aIoTCH IIO MOHUpCJIbCy llpi'i 1l0M01J FI nopnrui3aI-iuci rrrni: TOJr1?aHHn rpy3a .Bpy- IIHyIO. ~ 3JICI?1 ?pU .I "aJIl'I 1) tl y3'0TI0 'b(, NIlI0 C"1'610 ~. I , 2, 3 Ir 5 in o6opyJ>1() 1, 2, 3 Ti 5 in 6apa6aI-i c1IaHeH B111ITOBbIMF1 IfaHaBIcaMFI ) 3TFI RaFiaTa. I3apa6aH H3r0TOBJIHeTCFI C npaB011 Hape3Roi'I pyLlbeB ~JIfI I{aHaTa llpH ouHO1{paTHOM 1IO fl'1CnaCTe, T. e. B're heMa rpy3a H MC aI-TH3M nepeJ(B1r- iKeI1Ii 1 TejiCN(KTi. MexalIH3M IJOJ('beMa rpy3a COCTOIET I13 3JIeKTpo- JU:3rlraTe.1iS1, KOJ[oj1o9110rO TO 1v'103a C fTPHBOJ OM (T' 3J1CKTI)ori1J)poTOJIKa1CJI5T, 3aKPbITOro uHJIITl-1- Jq)HrlecKOr'o peJyK'ro1)a, italfa'rlroi'o 6a j) a6ar-Ia Ir orpaHi1 u4Te1! 1 BbECOTb[ foJ('beMa. Mexaii13ivr rlepe;~BI1}Ke1r1rST TeJlexiKir COCTOJIT 113 3JIeKTpoJJBHCaTCJI51, KOJIOJXOIIHOro TOpM03a, BepTliKa,llbrroro 3aKpblToro I~J1J(I1IIJ1pFItlecltoro pe- F i'e- I:on E lectric Travelling Cranes serve for Lifting and transporting various l d oa s loth along and across the building. The cranes are designed either for average or heavy duty operation. The crane conSists of a metal structure, a trol- ley, and a crane travel gear. The welded metal structure of the crane con- prises two main and two end girders of bOX section, two platforms (an operating and a trolley one) and hand railings whicli, at the same time, serve as?auxiliary girder beams. The crane trolley tra- vels on the upper chord of the i1 ain girders. On the welded trolley frame are mounted a load-lifting set and a trolley travel gear. The load-lifting set comprises an electric motor, a shoe brake operated by an electrical hydro-pusher drive, enclosed-type cylindrical red uctor, a rope dl?uin and a lifting height 1 inviter, The trolley travel gear consists of an electric motor, a shoe brake, a vertical cylindrical enclo- J1yK'1'01)a Ii 4e'i'L)IPCx XOJXOBblx KO.)) CC, 111)11LICM J11Ta 1'1' ')JICI('rpOl'H) p(Yi'oJiKIl(Iifl, 311(p1)1'rOFO ILTTi[H'ilJt- 1)i1)1('CltorO peJ&yl{'rOpfl 11 'tiCTbll)CX xoJJ,oRhlx. K0,11(c, 113 KOTOI)1)1X J1jI S1B)l51IOTCH BCJ(yl1 i[MI1. I)eJtyKTOp MexaifH3Ma pacrToJlolltei-I ? B Cepej1I1IEe npoJIe'1'a Kpaita n COeJ~Hlleli C 13ej(y1TXHMl1 KOJ1ecaMll 'rpaNC- MIiCCIIe11. f IOiU3OJI, 3JiCKTpO )i1eprltlr K Kpa[Ey ocyii. eCrB- .1 l('rCfl a pII [IoMOl1.~i1 'I'pO,f1JleiiIibIX HpOBOJ>,OR IrpO'1'S1Hy'rb1x BJtO,iIb iIyTir Kp1Ha. IIOJIBOJ.( 3.11eI(Tp0- )1repuit r K MCXaiII13MaM 'I'CJICiKK1i OCyl1)e- C'r13JISIe1'CSI 1TPIr IlOMol.llid 'l'poJiiieiillbiX npoBojlo13, 1)acr1OJION{el?[IibiX Iia 'rpoJl.ile111011 11JIOLI)aJ(1(e 'CP l -ra. ~Kpaiibr MOry'r (b1Tb O60py;joBaiTb[ )JICKTp0- J(13HraTeJIHMr1 Kajt Tpex(i)a3I-Toro, TaK H HOCTOSTII? IIOCO TOKa pa311HtIHOrO liar[pSl1KCI[HSt, yllpa3JlelarJe Mexa1-tll3MaMH KI)aHa OCy11~eCTI3- JI51eTCSI 113 Ka6uifbl MawHE-iHCTa. B cJlytlac yc'ra- I10I3KH Kpalla B FOpH~IeM uexe, Ka6HHa cHad- ?Kae'rcSE yci'aHOBK0ff JJJ[s[ 1(01-1JX4uHOHHPoI3aJ-EII T 1303J1,yxa. sed-type reductor, and four truck wheels, two of which are driving ones. The crane travel tear is located on the working platform and comprises an electric motor, a shoe brake operate([ by an electrical hydro-pusher, a cylindrical enclosed-type reductor> and four truck wheels, two of which are driving ones. The reductor of the travel gear is located in the middle of the crane span and is connected with the driving. wheels by a transmission. The crane current supply is effected by means of trolley lines drawn.along the crane track. The current supply of the trolley travel gear is effected by means of trolley lines run on the trolley plat- form of the crane. The cranes can be equipped both with three- phase electric motors and with D. C. electric ITlotors of various voltages. The crane control is effected from the operator's cabin. In case of installing the crane in a hot shop the cabin is equipped with an air condition- ing arrangement. s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ~'EJIECI'A~II61N1 AJ PEC. MOCKBA MALukIIIO3KCUOPT CABLE ADDRESS, MACIIINOEXPOR'I' MOSCOW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Pe~llum i)a(So'I'LI 'I's-;xejjllsl(l Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Ilpojle'1' IS .11 I I 14 17 20 23 26 29 32. ' _ '' ' I Nflh1J 11C I(1.ICe J llal)l,' 1)C' 6olteC ~OJIP,C 10 40 ( 80 20 7,0 7,5 4,2 8,9 10,1 10,7 11,5 I2,2 7,6 8,1 4,8 120 9,5 10,7 11,3 12,1 12,8 SPECIFICATIONS i)uiy cyclc Span in metres 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 ~TEXHH~IECKAj XAPAKTEPHCTHKA CKopoc'rl, nepejl)mKelnlfl ~- lf'fh n .!/I(UH Ilanjlenue 6orle poC C ca Eco Ilo u I!/.I!!JH - - Ifa IlOulfpallonGlll lice 'reJle}I(Ifll n llh BeC Itpllua 061WfU !I OCJI4C n /)! ,Il 'rej,C'I'I 20 J 40 7,0 7,5 8.2 8.9 10.1 10.7 11.5 12.2 7.6 8.1 00 (.5 9.5 10.7 11.3 12.1 12.8 3,O 3x1 13.6 15.'I 18.1 20.8 25.O 28.0 31.2 33.3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Lifting Speed I 'T'rolley travel in speed in metres/min, n etres/min. Crane travel I ,Maximum 4vl)eel speed in load in tons metres/min. 11,6 16,4 19, I 21,8 26,0 29,0 32,2 34,3 illaxi')ul n total weight of Crane in tons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 T IBi A TYPE A.C. GASOLINE ELECTRIC POWER s,q, PLANTS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 BEH3O3JIEI{TPII'-IECIU'IE AIPEFATbI I1EPEMEITIHOFO TOFCA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 4 iceT bEti3O3J1EKTPftJECKHE ACPEFAmI HEPEMEIjIjOf O TOKA ~~na A&4 l~ICIJG,nwCHwt o~~[Ia~~)a3lr~)r1) (A G-4 -O/23O) 11 '1'pex(j)a3Ju)10 T?Ilc/~c1111e . , 3a)1(Iu 1[f Ile , lJeC 5e3 MFICJI1, fC2 , I npanTllilllNfl (P0lCC)ly'rIC~l,l;'01C 'I'EXHH4ECKHE 4A1-IHbIE AFPEFA'!'A TECHNICAL DATA OF THE PLANT 'I 1W I lfl)ll)s) Clnlc, a 1'yl)e i'ol(age, V A 6.1-1'/230 231) t1G 4 02;;0 230 (5 nBCi IIj)(1 pe1KII MC 1)a6o'rhl * 1(0 1 E I C I I 'I' ~M0lII,IiOC'i'il (cos Power faclor, (cos T) 1'011 a Currclll, i\ 0,8-1 0,8-1 21,8-17,5 LIi1CT0)'lI, 2I~ l'reglIcllcy, C. I). S. ~o 50 ij 3000 0e113n11 C 01I'flul011hIM 'Ill CJIo\1 0(1 370 I11)IIJIyJ(11're:II,IfOe 1103fIyIIIIIOe 0'I' ~1nI'HCTO 800 f'a(3aplrrlll,1C pas?lepw The overa(I (Ii1He119ioiis (Jl1111ii, III 11pItFl fl, HhiCOTa, ,41:11 .41,41 ,4r,4l. IC11~111, widlll, IILigh1, 111111 111111 111111 Y,JI,2 KclpCiu)palop II NH '1(' r 111)ez'ra lCI'I I hill l3ec, 1;a We ig ill, kg 1075 560 870 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 2 15 50 ? ? U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ? A. C. TYPE A B4 GASOLINE ELECTRIC POWER l)csitins sitele-phase (AG-4-p /23(J) and three-phase current APf'u TI ON The plaII(s ca be LISe(1 as a 1'e,~,I-\e ()V in rurrcu( Source in iI1(IllslrS, s(.ain tion, (Itiricul(ure ,. , huil(ill~~, con1171t117ica- II1O(lil'al Itlstallatl(!ls 1U111)JI/In~ X-ra 7 1 ~II1(I ot'ller T1)e Lllants (~an 1>c 17oul7fc(11i~1arrl(IIS, etc. an(1 they ca11 opera Ie ((tiring ~I LI uci~ hotly Tlie plan Ls are desio. ~ Iuovcr11e11t. I!1. of asyncJ11'()170tIS 1r1et0rsl of~l( t- 1`1(. (l OircOW(~C't1' ('0sta1rj_ 1 11Ie17suraI)Ie With the Power f o L:lle ge The plants are hr(tc(~te(1 1r01n ov?17eta(o1. short circ(lils Without using (Ilo`I(ls ~IUII The plal7Ls niainLaiil the 1 Ofses. II(a Uuracy of ~L: 4 % at variations of, tvILII (II1 ac- a) 101(1 from 110-Ina(1 up to rated cu l)) p0Wer factor (cos 1 11 u1 t, c) spee(1 u) to 4 o ~) from 1 up t() !).8; uarall(ceC( l~. S G crls ~~ _ poWCr 4 h1j\t -i~5 0.8) at con~IiluOUS (ltlty. 1'V~ aL The plants arc available witii an e Ur Without it upon request. 17closure The plants are available with a heat' o Vi(`aCCO177I~)11SIIir7g t1le 11lanL sLarting L Cl (I- raLUre,s Up to - (j? C Upon rcgtlest, b tIt 11pc- `` Att Ill ambient lemilera(urc up 10 -1- 50? yiflfl j( elevation aboti'e sea ICVeI t.ip (o iCO in or a(~au We i n tcnlpcl'~tii tip to -i-35? C and aL an clcvati0n (IbovrC se t level up (0 1000 m, DRIVING ENGINE Alo(lcl , l'ype . I'oyvcr, h,p, Number of cylinders Speed r,ll.m Fuel , Fuel Consttrnp(ion, Llibrica(i(>n sys(ciii Coolitig Igni(ioil ? . . rirbtnrctfor, four-cycle Cn iie .s 300f1 gas Olinc \Yi(11 a 66 oc(cllle I1Ut lje' gni.h.p. per 11011r Weight ~ri(hout oil, hg 370 Co(nbllle(1 Ti1C CilglnC 1.5 rr , ., , ~,uaI~ln(ce(1 for. 800 hour opcra(ion. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 111(? e17gille x'117(1 cr ~ ?, 11ICaI1S r,CI1C1 Ito1' nrc cOtlple(I 1)y of a flange af(1 elastic 01111 11701I11t(`(l Oil shock aI)sO1'bers 111 1 ?, , (,11ey al 'e Lhe wet(Ic(I fran1 shaken into the worm conveyer, the latter being used for distribution of cement into the cor- responding hopper compartment. All the mechanisms of sections over the hopper are controlled at one place by the operator at the control panel. The hose of the swinging funnel is automati- cally stopped opposite the given hopper com- partment. The mechanisms, inter-connected by the flow diagram are electrically interlocked. The indicator level device shows the amount of material in the hopper compartments and signals when the given compartment is filled. The section over the hopper is common for both sections. The batching premise, where the batching devices, control panel and water tanks are installed, is located on the third story of the P1aiit. All batching devices are completely automa- tic. All devices have remote control at the control panel. Automatic weight batching comprises an inlet hopper having inlet and outlet gates actuated by pneumatic cylinders. Electric-air valves control are arranged on the control panel. Every section of the Plant with two Concrete Mixers each of 1 200 litres capacity has one weight batching device for cement, one---for water, one - for the sulphite-alcohol mix and two-for aggregates. After batching the dry concrete ingredients pass into the loading funnel and, further, into the concrete mixer. The loading funnel and Concrete Mixer are located on the second story in the concrete-mixing room. The slide valve of the loading funnel is ac- tuated by a pneumatic cylinder, which serves for directing the dry mix into the needed Concrete Mixer. After hatching water flows into the needed Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Concrete Mixer by switching of ping cocks, the control of which is interlocked with the fullnl slide valve. The Concrete Mixer discharge chute is driven by a pneumatic cylinder. Control of pnetlrnatie cylinder operation is co17lpletely automatic, as an electrical master- controller is used for cutting in the licede(l electrical-air valves. Electric control of all gears for mixing (except the discharge concrete hopper) is ar- rangecl at the control batching panel. The mixed concrete is unloaded into the discharge hoppers. Every hopper is equipped with a roller gate which may be ol)enecl and closed by two plleumcltic actuated by electric-air valves. Concrete is unloaded from the hopper into transport facilities for transportation to the place of work. Tile pneum~ltlc drive is the main part of automatic Concrete Plant control. It consists of a pneumatic cylinder and an electrical-air valve. The I)nctullatic cylinder is the working organ and is widely used for the valves, gates and gate valves for mOVillg them from one position in to another. The pneumatic cylinder is control- led by an electrical-air cock by the use of automatic devices at the control panel. The Concrete Plant is equipped with a pipe- line, heating system, sewerage system as well as suction and delivery ventilation systems. These Plants are of scctionaI design, allow- ing them to be installed at new sites during short time when construction is completed. A single-section Concrete Plant. having two Concrete Mixers of 1 200 litres capacity, Model C-243-1 differs from two-section plant. The first has only one tower and the quantity of equip- ment is smaller l.)y two times; the outer wall at the stair side of the Concrete Plant is hoarded by panels. The panels for boarding the Plant and gal- lery are made of asbestos cement sheets on a metal or wooden framework with heat insula- tion of mineral wool. Fig. General view of one-section Concrete Plant. Fig. General view of two-section Concrete Plant. Fig. Version of two-section Concrete Plant with mechanical cement handling: 1. Belt conveyer; 2. Swinging funnel with drive; 3. Loading branch pipe; 4. Loading conveyer; 5. Worth conveyer front cement warehouse; G. Chute from worn conveyer to elevator; 7. Belt elevator; 8. fwo-hose chute with slide valve; 9. Worm conveyer with driven gate valve; 10. Worm conveyer wit!t driven gate valve; I1. Hopper compartment for cement; 12. Device for destruction of compact arches inside of cement hopper; 13. 1lopper compartment for sand; 11. 1-Iopper compartment for small-size crushed rock; 15. flopher compartment for medium-sire crushed rock; 16. Hopper coniparlment for large-size crushed rock; 17. Connection branches to batching devices; 18. Automatic batching device for cement; 19. Automatic batching device for aggregates; n'0. Automatic batching device for mix; 21, Automatic water batching tank; 22. Water tanks; 23. Charging funnel with slide valve; 21. Tilting Concrete Mixer; 25. Distributing hopper with gate; 26. Air re- ceiver with lw-pass valve; 27. Control 1)ilnel of section over hopper; 28. Control panel of batching section; 29. Aggregate level indicator; 30. Cement level indicator. Fig. Version of two-section Concrete Plant with pneumatic cement handling: I. Belt conveyer; 2. Swinging funnel with drive; 3. Loading branch pipe; 4. Loading conveyer; 5. Cement air line; 6. Two-way switch; 7. Fan; 8. Pipe from fan to filter; 9. Filter; 10. Chute from filter to worm conveyer; 11. Wornt conveyer with driven gate valve; 12. Hopper compartment for cement; 13. Device for destruction of compact 'trcltes inside of cement hopper; 14. Hopper compartment for sand; 15. I-Topper compartment for small-size crushed rock; 16 1-lopper corn nartnien I for medium-crushed rock; 17. hopper compartment for large-sire crushed rock; 18. Connection branches tO batching devices; 19. Automatic batching device for cement; 20. Automatic hatching device for aggregates; 21. Automatic hatching device for mix; 22. Water tank; ?3. Automatic water hatching device; 24. Charging funnel with slide valve; 25. Tilling Concrete Mixer; 26. Distributing hopper with gate; 27. Air receiver with by-pass valve; 28. Control panel of section over hopper; 29. Control panel of hatching section; 30. Aggregate level indicator; 31. Cement level indicator. Fig. Version of one-section Concrete Plant with mechanical cement handling: 1. Belt conveyer; 2. Swinging funnel with drive; 3. Loading branch pipe; i. 1Vnrnt conveyer from cement warehouse; 5. Chute from the worm conveyer to elevator; G. Belt elevator; 7. Chute from elevator to worm conveyer; 8. Worm conveyer with ch?iven gate valve; 9. 1-Iopper conipartnient for cement; 10. Device for destruction of compact arches inside of cement hopper; ii. Hopper compart- ment for sand; 12. Hopper compartment for small-size crushed rock; 13. Hopper compartment for medium-size crushed rock; 14. 1-Popper compartment for large-size crushed rock; 15. Connection branches to hatching devices; 16. Automatic hatching device for cement; 17. Automatic batching device for aggregates; 18. Automatic batching device for mix; 19. Automatic water hatching tank; 20. Water tanks; 21. Charging funnel with slide valve; 22. Tilting Concrete Mixer; 23, Distributing hopper with gate; 24. Air receiver with by-pass valve for 7 to 3.5 kg per sq. cm; 25. Control panel of section over hopper; 26, Control panel of hatching section; 2'7, Aggregate level indicator; 28. Cement level indicator. Fig. Version of one-section Concrete Plant with pneumatic cement handling: L Belt conveyer; 2. Swinging funnel with drive; 3. Loading branch pipe; 4. Cement air line; 5. Two-way switcher; G. Fan; 7. Piping fl'om fan to 'filter; 8. Filter; 9. Chute from filter- to worm conveyer; 10. Worm conveyei' with clriven gate valve; 11. 1-lopper compartment for cement; 12. Device for destruction of compact' arches inside of cement hopper; ? 13. Hopper compartment for sand; 1=1. I-lopper compartment for small-size crushed rock; 15. 1-lopper compartment for medium-size crushed rock, 10. Hopper compartment for large-size crushed rock; 17. Connection branches to batching devices; 18. Automatic batching device for cement; 19. Automatic hatching device for aggregates; 20. Automatic hatching device for mix; ' 21. Water tanks; 22. Automatic water batching device; 23. Charging funnel with slide valve; 24. Tilting Concrete nvlixer; 25. Distributing hopper with gate; 26. Air-receiver with by-pass valve; 27. Control panel of section over hopper; 28. Control panel of batching section; 29. Aggregate level indicator; 30. Cement level indicator. Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 w II. SPECIFICATIONS OF ONE- AND TWO-SECTION CONCRETE PLANT -I ; i ,\ludcl C-1:l-I one?see1 uii Itern No, IJnll Ii; tile ~cn~cnt Iianct - lin with I)neii- inntic CLrnent handling Model 0-243.2 Iwo-section wills nu with oneu, elm nical iii,iiic cement cement It~ind handling ling Production of Plant concrete for sale Capacity her year cii. ill 120,000 120,000 ; 210,00() 240,000 Method of production \vitll eleelro-prleurnatic control for handling, batcllin g and discharge of rtlixed concrete Plant duly: entire year a) n rtlhel' of \vorkillg days per veal' h) ntulll)er of shifts per day c) (Itll'ation of shift Production personnel: a) Industrial \vol'lltton, the hopper compartment and destructs the which stops cement. formed compact cement arch. Fig. 9. Pneumatic Cylinder The pneumatic cvlinder is the working of switching the valve, gate valve, gate, etc. organ, which directly -carries out the operation from one position to another. Fig. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 I) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 SPECIFICATIONS Diameter of cylinder . . . . . . . . . 100 mm Stroke of stem . . . . . . . . . . . .210 iiii? Working pressure . . . . . . . . . . . 7 kg per Overall dimensions: length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 mm width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 mm sq. cm \Vei gh't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6 kg 10. Batching Device for Aggregates (Sand and Crushed Rock) The set consists of the following batching devices: two-size for sand and large-size crushed rock (, 1'1-1 200), two-size for small and medium- size crushed rock (,U,kI-1 200), bitching devices for cement (,II,LI,-1 200), for water (,LT,B-1 200) and for sulphite-alcohol mix (, ,BC-1 200) . Fig. J ? Item Grade of No hatching . device 1 J_(I'I-1. 200 2 J~I4-1 200 ! 3 i J~U-1 200 4 'AB-1 200 .5 ! j1,BC-I 200 The set of batching devices for [he Concrete Plants having Concrete Mixers with 1 200 litres capacity consists of five atiton-iatic scale batch- ing devices for weighing concrete ingredients: sand, small-size, medium-size and large-size crushed rock, cement, water and sulphite-al- cobol mix. The batching device for sand and large-size crushed rock is of the same design as for small- size and medium-size crushed rock. They differ only by arrangement of inlet gates for sand and crushed rock. The weighing cycle for every batching device is 60 seconds. The aggregates are weighed automatically. Switching on consists of opening the inlet gates or valves and emptying of weighing buckets being operated by the operator from the control panel by means of an electric-air control system. All gates and valves are opened and closed by pneumatic cylinders. The gates are fixed in closed position by means of pneumatic cylinders at a pressure of 3.5 kg per sq. cm. Every batching device weighing box for water, cement and mix has two scales, the weighing batching devices having four (two for each size), which allows to prepare two concrete grades. All batching devices have dial scales, which are used for checking the correct weight and for convenient observation. They also re- gister the nUnlber of batches. All batching devices are balanced; the weight box is suspended on the loaded leverage, the box containing the weighed material. The loading leverage is connected by inter- mediate levers with the scales located in a special weighing box. The scales for weighing the needed batch of the material are set by means of movable weights. Two scales make it possible to prepare two concrete grades without re-adjustment of the scales. The dial plates, indicators with dial scales and round dial are simultaneously connected with the load-lifting levers for checking and observatloit Besides the scale levers the auxiliary lever is installed in the weighing boxes being connected with two mercury contacts. When one of the contacts closes the large flow of material. is automatically stopped and the scales continue to work only for small addition of material.. When the second contact closes material is automatically stopped completely. Fig. Flow diagram of batching device. SPECIFICATIONS OF BATCHING DEVICES Maximum Error \veighed Overall Dead dimensions weight of Alaximiml weight load, of one kg pipe, kg in % of max. lord inater101 length width hatching I height device, kg 1 200 600 ?2 Sand, large-size rock 12 850 1 625 1 2 450 1 450 (40 - 120 mm) 1 200 600 ?2 Small-size crushed rock (5 ? 20 mm) Medium-size crushed rock 2 850 1 625 2450 ! 1 450 (20 - 40 mm) 300 300 1.5 Cement 2 375 1 090 2 510 1200 2 ?1 Water 1 500 1 220 3 265 1 000 200 00 12 ?1 Sulphite-alcohol mix 830 1150 2510 415 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 11. Batching Device for Cement Fig. Flow diagram of cement batching device. 12. Water Batching Device Fig. Flow diagram of water batching device. 13. Water Tanks with. Pipe-lines The water tanks with pile-lines ensure batching device. In winter time they are filled normal pressure and water supply into the with warm water. Fig. Diagram 14, Distributing Hopper for Concrete with Shutter The shutter with a rubber belt avoids drip- ping of the concrete mix from the hopper and also prevents wedging of material between the Fig. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity of hopper . . . . . . . . 2 cu.m Gate , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sector Gate drive , , . . . . . , . . . . , pneumatic 15. Model C-302 Tilting Concrete Mixer of 1200litres Capacity In the given type of Concrete Mixer mixing lime, concrete mix discharging, and drum tilting are automatically controlled by means of an Fig. SPECIFICATIONS 1. Rated capacity of charged mixing drum . . . . . . . . . . . ..1200 litres 2. Speed of mixing drum . . . . . 17 r.p.m. 3. Maximum tilting angle . . , . , 550 4. Electric motor: output . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 kW speed . . . . . . . .. .. ...980 r.p.m. of pipe-lines. hopper walls and shutter, which usually takes place with common gates. Overall dimensions: width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1640 mm length . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2150 mm height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 050 mm Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735 kg electric master-controller installed in the batch- ing section. 5. Overall dimensions: length . . . . . . . . . . . 3 725 mm width . . . . . . . . . . . 2 730 mm height . . . . . . . . 2 526 mm 6. Weight of tilting part , . '. . 3 050 kg 7. Total weight of Concrete Mixer . . . 3 945 kg 16. Charging Funnel with Slide Valve The charging funnel with slide valve is designed for passing batched dry mixes-into one or the other Concrete Mixer. It is controlled at the control panel. Fig. General view of Concrete Plant. VI. COMPLETE DELIVERY SET Delivered equipment included in the automatic 1200, litres capacity (version with 'mechanical sectional concrete mixing plant of one or two cement transportations sections each with two Concrete Mixers of . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012111101: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012111101: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 )",nine of equ,ii)utcnt 5. Worm conveyer from concrete warehouse .. ? ? ? ? ? Including: model AO-51-4 electric motor, output 4?5 kW, speed (n) 1440 r.p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . model PM-350 reducer ? . . . . . ? ? . ? ? ? . ? ? 6. Belt elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unlt1 Including: model AO-52-6 electric motor; output 4.5 kW ! Ditto 7. 'Two-hose chute with slide valve Including: pneumatic cylinder with (Ha, 100, stroke 210 mm . terminal switch I unit Ditto, Ditto Ditto f) i tto Ditto Qua tttlly Pot two-section plant Ditto 1 8. Worm conveyer with driven gate valve:. . . ? ? ? ? ? ? Including: model AO-41-4 electric motor; output 1.7 kW nioclel P-3 reducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pneumatic cylinder, dia? 100, mm, stroke 210 mm . . ? . electric-air valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . terminal switch. 9. \-Vorm conveyer with driven gate valve . . . . . ? . ? Including: model AO-41-4 electric motor; output 1.7 kW model P-3 reducer pneumatic cylinder dia.-100, mm, sti;oke 210 mni ? electric-air valve terminal switch 10. Device for destruction of compact arches in cement hopper (pneumatic) Including: electric-air valve 11. Connecting branch pipes to bitching device 12. Automatic cement batching device' . . . ? 13. Automatic aggregate batching device 14. Automatic mix batching; device 15. Automatic water batching device . . 16. Water tank with pipe-lines . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 17. Charging funnel with slide valve . . . . i Including: pneumatic cylinder, dia. 100 mm, stroke 210 mm electric-air valve terminal switch 18. Tilting Concrete Mixer . . . . . . Including: electric-ajr valve . . . . . terminal switch I Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Set Units Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 2 4 2' 2 2 \VcI hI of uIIC 0011 1 028 125 588 598 30 1 264 1 300 1 300 415 1 400 954 (303 3 945 10. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Qitan lily lot' one section 1)1Iat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Nan'e of equipment 19. Distributing hopper with gate Including: pneumatic cylinder, (Ii a. 100, stroke 400 nlm electric-air valve 20. Air-receiver with by-pass valve 7 V. 3.5 atm. . . . . . . . 21. Level indicator for aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . including: mercury contacts 22. Level indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for cement . U nits Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 1)itto I)itto (lueu-tity for two section p l -u't 11. STEEL STRUCTURES Sectional steel structure of Concrete Mixing Phint and inclined gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I'ons - Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto - Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto -- lil. PNEUMATIC CONTROL .1. Steel gas pipe, dia. 1'/'" . . . . . . . . . . . . Running I 100 iiieieis Ditto 30 2. Steel gas pipe, dia. 1" 3. Steel gas pipe, dia. :3J.," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Ditto 150 4. Steel gas pipe, dia. 'l" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 150 ~ Units 5 5. Three-way valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Quanuty for nue-section plant Weight of one unit 735 118 13 30 32.1 24.0 96.2 1.58 1.84 i 20 I 2.42 70 i 1.63 30 I )125 5 -- 10 - I 8. Three-way valve 'J,_" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 5 5 9. Four-way valve 1" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 3 3 10. Four-way valve :-/.," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ditto j 3 3 11. Coupling 1'/" X :1/4" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 5 --- 12. Coupling. aJ ? X '/? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ditto 5 5 . - 13. Coupling 1" X :1/4' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 5 14. Gusset angle 1'/;" . . . . . . . . . ; Ditto 5 - Ditto 20 - 15. Coupling 11/4" Ditto .i6. Coupling 1 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ; . . 10 5 I Ditto 40 15 ~ " l 1 /4. . . . . . . . . . . - ? - 19. Lock nut 1 20. Lock nut 1" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 10 5 i 21. Locknu .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .I Ditto 40 15 t . . . . . . . . i .Ditto 40 10 22 Lock nut .'/ . . . . 23. Rubberized fabric hose, inner dia. 13 Running 100 40 Meters 24. Nipple . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Units 40 30 25. Collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Ditto 755 ~ i I 26. Cut-off valve 1 ' /.," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 1 - 27. Cut-off valve :v '' . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto 3 1 n Ditto 28 12 ~ 28. Electric-air valve . . . . . . . . . . li Ditto 75 45 29. Screw .M-4-12 . ' . . i Ditto 75 45 I 30. Nut M4 III . . . . . . . . ... . . . . , 'In version with, pneumatic transportation of 2. Worm conveyer from cement warehouse one- and two-section plant the following equip 3. Worm conveyer ment is not included in the specification.: .4. Two-hose chute with slide valve 1; Belt elevator The following equipment is added: Ditto 5 6. Three-way valve ~V.," i 7. Three-way valve ~/4 X'.." . . . . . . . . . i Ditto 15 . . ing 17. Coup Ditto 40 10 18. Coupling '/^" , . . . . . . . . . . 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Name of equip men I 1. Double pole switcher 2. Fan, dia. 1600 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Filter 4 Worm c ith d i l e I . onveyer w r ven gate va v j I Inclu(Iing; model AO-32-4 electric motor; output I kW; speed n =1410 r.p.n~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric rioter; reducer P-3; transmission ratio i =- 20.52, 114, nssenlbly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U nit (ilwntity nn' Iwo section l)tialltity IUI' one-seetion \veigllt (~I uric 111111 plant nlnt Units 2 1 -- Ditto 4 2 704 Ditto 2 1 Ditto 2 1 480 Ditto 1 27 Ditto 1 40 Vnes1 torgizdat. Order No. 012QO 1903 . .. .fir, ..r yK7=n !m!r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 220705 7? ifi HEKOBbIH TPAHCDOPTEP WORM CONVEYER STATI 8 C E C . H 0 E W H E H C C.F K Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 I ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 WORM CONVEYER Model CM-141 Worm conveyer model CM~141 is used for conveying cement from the hopper to the batching device in the process of manufacture of asbestos slate articles. In addition the worm conveyer may also be used for production of other building materials and for conveying various loose materials. The worm conveyer model CM~141 is a continuously acting machine operating as a screw rotating in an enclosed stationary, chute. The screw is driven by an electric motor through a speed reducer. The worm conveyer is provided with a charging hopper having a gate. The gate provides means for controlling charging and discharging of the hopper and for cleaning the hand hole covered with a lid. SPECIFICATIONS Output, t per hr . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.5 Conveying length, mm . . . . . . . . . 1700 Area of charging opening, mm . . ? . . . 400X800 Diameter of' discharge opening, mm . . . 300 Worm shaft speed, r. p. m. , ? 30, Diameter of worm, mm . . . . . . 304 Pitch of worm, mm . . ? . . . . . . '. ? . 240 Electric motor: type . . . . . . . . . . . . . AO-41.6 capacity, kW . . . . . . . . , 1 speed, r. p. m.............. 930 Overall dimensions, mm:' length . . . . . . . . . . 3940 width . . . . . 717 height . , . . . . . . 822 Weight, Isg . 965 COMPLETE DELIVERY SET 1. Worm 300 mm dia . . . . . ? ? . . ? . . 1 pc. 2. Electric motor . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . 1 pc. 3. Speed reducer. . . . . . ? ? . . . . i pc. 4: Electrical equipment: a) Conduit box . . . . . . . ? . . ? . 1 pc. b) Magnetic starter . ' . . . . ? i pc. c) Control button station . . . . . 2 pcs. d) 6A fuse . . . . . ? . . ? ? ? ? . 5 pcs. e) Terminal switch . . . . 1 pc. f) Terminals for control wiring . . . . . 6 pcs. 5. Tools . . 1 set 6. Spare parts: a) Upper bushing CM-141-02.2-03a.. . . . , i pc. b) Lower bushing CM-141-02.2-02a . . . lpc. c) Upper bushing CM-141-05.2-03 . . . 1 pc. d) Lower bushing CM-141-05-2-02 . . . . 1 pc. BIicmToprI 3J~aT. 3a7 BHraTeJtsl) . . . . . . . 4400 iic~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 iE -fi- - 1150 Sao -I-i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 IIO BCEM BOIIPOCAM IIPHOBPETEHHSI OBOPYJ~OBAHHSI OBPAIIIAHTECb HO AJ~PECY : BOO ?MAIIIIHOiKC.IOPT" MOCKBA, ['-200 CMoneHcKa9-CeHHan nn., 32/34 PLEASE ADDRESS ALL. ENQUIRIES IN CONNECTION WITH PURCHASING EQUIPMENT TO i VSO "MACHINOEXPORT" Smolenskaya-Sennaya Ploshchad, 32/34 MOSCOW, 0-200 STAT TEnErPA~HbiVi A,LIPEC: OCKBA MAWWHO3KCflOPT CABLE ADDRESS: MACHINO EXPORT MOSCOW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 U JjPOBHJIKA MOJ1OTKOBA~ MORenb C-218 btOJIOTISOBi4SI )1pO6HJIlca MO)W71II C-218 npo)&I1a3lra'IOIIa )~Jtn upo- 6JIeHilsi xpyilic tx ii binrlfsiX MaTCp11ll'IOii: IcaMOHfOI'O yJVliT, KaMolllioil COJIH, MOJIa, 1'HI1Cil, TOl1O'IHO1'O IU IltKa, i iipiiIP1I101'0 6061, 1fBSC1IOB, CWIHTpbI, 6YP', a TalcSice lt3Bec'r(lHIca H )lpy1'l1X MaJloa6pa3}IB1IbIX Ma'repnaJIOB C 11pOj)( IOM Hpo'IIIOCTlt 111)11 (ltTnhl 1000 iC /Cr$t2 It C B2Ia?KHoeTh1o, IIpH ICOTOp0J1 He ]11)OHCXO14'P 3aMa3bl13al!He 1cOJIOC11a- IcOBLIx pCH1OTOIC. IIpn CHSITbiX Ic07IOC111U t1X MOJIo'1'I;o13an 1)0611JI1Ca C-218 MO)1fiO'r npuMeufTbc i )IJ15I ~Ipo6Jielllili MaTepnaJEOB C noBbluIei1HOil i is ic- Hocrrbto. 1'13bte3Ib'Ie11I1O MaTepna ton ocylueCTBJ1$IC1'C,n 'IaCTbIMH yuapaNM' MOJIOTICOB (6uJI), HIapnlipllO I1OJ1BCII1OIIH1r1X if 61,loTponpaluaIOllleMYCH pOTOpy 1)o611.i.r;11. IIpH 131)aluelnnl POTO1)a KyC1cIt Ma'repliaJia, Ileilpe- pbIBHO 11oaBaoMhTe '1ep03 3a. py30YHy10 BOi)OnKy, y)1,apaMll MOJIOT- 1 OB pa36HBalOTCn li 0T61)acb1BaIoTls1 Ha 1JJ111'rbi, ruo )>onoJHIHTeJIhHo H3Membga!OTcn. OIcoII'Ia'rwibHoo I13Me2IIy'1euHo MaTopmuJa npoi1CxO~wr Ha 1(o- JIOC11HICOBO1 1 pel le'rRe, HMeiolileIl 3aaopbl-nle:nt Meacly I;OJIocHHKaMl, 'repe3 I;oTOpb1O ocynieCTBJISIOTCH BL1rpy31a 13Me.Ib'ICHHOrO, MaTe- pHaJla. i oH1Tpy KiUi! Ro31OCH11lcOB H03BO31s1CT n3MCHBTb pa3Mep IILOJI11 ' ble~icl~y KOJIOCHIIicaMIt. Jjp0611JIIca oTJu1l1aeTCa BLIC01c01f cTeuenb1() I13MeJIb 1CHJ4 MaTe- p11aJla, onpeueJisleMOil pa3MepaMIi HIeJIH Me rciiy 1;oJ1ocII1IKaMn. J1p06ii n a COCTOHT 113 CTaJIhHoro pa3'beMHOro i{opnyea c pacno- JIo1ceHHbIM B HeM Ha usyx pOJ11IHOBbIX oltopax poTOpobi. Ha pOTopo Hacan eHI.>I c'ra ILHbIo uHCK11, B HOTopbIX Ha InaplnpHbIX OCIX IIO)We- menbl MOJIOTHH. T opnyc JIpo611Jnt1 BHyTpf (~)yTepoBau CMCHHLIMH 6poHer3MMn rLIHTaMH. B Iwpnyce npeuycMOTpeH Jno1c u.isi ocMoTpa, peuonra iI uJISI CMCHbI HJIHT, MOJIOTI{OB IUJI1I ICOJIOCHIIKOB. upo6HJlica cHa(5 KCHa IHI IBOM IIJisi Hpl1Bo)>a OT 3J1ewrpouBHra Tea nocpeIJCTBOM peMeHHO>f Ilepeua'IIL OCHOBHbIE AAHHbIE ,. IIpoH3Bou 1TeJIbxo0Tb, i . &aC . ? ? ...... . . . . . un 15 MaxcHMaJ1b11bIl pa3Mep 3a1'pyaHaeMoro MarepnaJla, ..4t,4 .. 6100 00 l1uaMeTp poTOPa, .,4t.M ..... ? .... ........ ? 50 rTHcato o6opoTOB poropa, o6/. tux ? .. ? ... ' . 1250 14 MoluHocm unm'areJla, xem 1450 q1c ro o6oporOlJ uBliraTeJls1, a6/.Muss ....... .. . . 1`a6apHTHbie paamepbl, .n s : w ma .................. . . 1055 mHpuna .. ... . 1020 BMCOTa ........................ 1122 Bee po6HmCH 6e3 3JIe1Tp0uBHraTens1, ?CZ ............ 1185 OB'BEM IIOCTABKN 1. J1po6H2IKa MOJIOTKOBas1 B c6opo c 3J1elrTpo~BnrareJleM -1 lrobmJI. -- 1 2. Pebiem npope3HHexnb111 85 X 9 X 5000 - HAMMER CRUSHER Model C-218 The Model C-218 Hammer Crusher is designed for breaking brittle and eoft materials such as coal, rock salt, chalk, gypsum, boiler slag, broken brick, alum, saltpeter, borax, as well as lime- stone and. other semi-abradants possessing an ultimate crushing strength of 1,000 k Icmz and with a moisture content that does not clog the grate. The Model C-2181-Iammer Crusher may be used for breaking material with a higher moisture content by removing the grate of the machine. The material is crushed by repeated impact of the hammers (flails), which are socket-suspended from the rapidly revolving crusher axle. The material is continually fed through a funnel, then broken by the revolving flails and thrown against the breaker plate, aiding the process of crushing. The final fine sorting and unloading of the material is done through a narrow-slotted grate. Grate design allows to regulate the distance between the slots. The crusher consists of a steel split frame containing an axle mounted on two roller bearings, on which steel discs are fastened; on these the hammers are suspended by socketed shafts. The frame is lined within with removeable armour-plates. The housing is furnished with a hand hole for inspection, repair or replacement of the plates, hammers or grate. The Crusher is supplied with a pulley for a belt transmission from the electric motor. SPECIFICATIONS Crushing capacity, cu. m per hr ............. up to 15 Maximum size of lumps that the machine can handle; mm 100 Diameter of axle, mm .................... 600 Axle speed, rp. m. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? " " ..... 1,250 Motor output, kW ...................... 14 Motor speed, r. p. m ................ ? ..... 1,450 Overall dimensions, mm: length .............. ..... 1,055 width ... ........ ....... 1,020 height ................ .... 1,122 Weight of Crusher without electric motor, kg ....... 1,185 IDELIWERY SET 1. Hammer Crusher assembled with electric motor .... 1 set 2. Transmission belt rubberized 85 X 9 X 5,000 ...... 1 ps. BneurropraagaT. 3aua3 N4 01489 WA e w w 1 ^ ? ? STAT 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 0 L Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 CHANNELING MACHINE Model CM-428 The Model C M..428 Channeling Machine is des igned for undercutting of the eroded zone of marble and marble-like limestones, and for pre- liminary works in quarries, as well as hr an cutting blocks directly from the stone massif, with strength of stone from 200 to 1800 kg per sq. cm. The cutting tool of the Machine 'circular alloy with cutters, having soldered carbide-tungsten y plates. Depth of cut is 1025 mm and its width is 34- 36 mm at a mill diameter of 1380 mm. I. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINE OPERATION Operation diagram of baring works by means of CM-428 Machine and drilling blasting works The Machine may fulfil the following operations, 1. Undercutting of the eroded zone of marble (when horizontal mill works). 2. Trench cutting (when vertical mill works). 3. Cross cutting of the bench (when vertical mill works). 4. Undercutting of the bench by means of hori- zontal mill. r 5. Separation of the block from the massif (ver- tical mill). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 KAMHEPE3HMI HAWMHA Mapenn CM-428 KaMHepe3Ha i MaWHHa MoAenH CM-428 npeAHa3? Ha'IeHa 4JI>a n0Ape3KH BbIBeTpeHHON 3OHbI MpaMopa H MpaMOPOBHAHbIX H3BecTH IKOB, AJIA fPOH3BOACTBa noA- roToBHTenbHblx p86OT B Kapbepax, a TaKme Any Ao? 6b14H 6n0KOB HenocpeACTBeHHO H3 KaMeHHoro MaCCIlBa, C npeAenoM npONHOCTH KdMHA OT 200 AO 1800 Kr/cMZ. Pemyu ii HHCTPYMBHT MaWHHbI KOJIbueBaA cDpe3a c pe3I4aMH, HAnaAHHbIMH nnaCTHHaMH Kap6HAo-BOnb? c~paaMOBOro cnJlaea. fl pH AHaMeTpe CIJpe3bl 1380 MM rny6HHd npofHna cocTaBj IeT 1025 MM H WHpHHa 34-36 MM. I. 0f I'ICAHI'IE PABOTbl MAWIlHbl I IpHHu,NnH8nbHaS1 CXEMa BCKpbIWHbI% pa6QT C npHMeHeHHeM Ma- WHHbI C M ?428 H 6ypoB3pbIBHbtx pa6or MawHHa MO?K T BbinonH5lTb cj1eAyK)l1~He pa6oTbl: 1. IloApe3Ky BbIBeTpeHH041 3OHbI MpaMopa (npH pa6oTe ropH3OHTanbHOh c1pe3oN). 2. flpoxoAKy TpaHWeN (npH pa6oTe BepTHKanbHoH 4 pe3oH). 3. nonepe'-IHylo pa3pe3Ky ycTyna (nprs pa6oTe Bep- THKanbH0H c pe3oN). 4. I IOApe3Ky ycTyna rOpH3OHTaJIbHOH 4Dpe3OH. 5. QTAeneHHe 6noKa OT MaccHBa (BepTHKanbHON 4Dpe3ol7)., ^ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012111/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 I ~kfl //////////////,~///////1 rte- lM -' I IpHHUNnMa.nbHa1 cxe a pa6oT I ' 125(65 Photoelectric cell with absor- ber, mm . ... . 135 65> (dins lc seas des aiguilles (I'une montre), In vitesse de rotation de l'aFternateur < 125 X 80 mm. Le poids est inferieur a 2 kg. MAGASINAGE ET DELHI. DE GARANTIE Les appareils doivent titre emmagasines dans des locaux fermes, a des temperatures de fair ambiant comprises entre + 10 et + 35? C et une humidite relative comprise entre 30 et 80%. L'air des locaux ne dolt pas contenir cl impu- retes nocives pouvant provoquer la corrosion. Lors du magasinage et du transport l'appareil doit titre place en etui. On dolt proteger les appareils contre les secousses et les chocs. La precision d'indlcations declel'ap pare l depend de la proprete des surf aces jonction des paquets du transformateur ; on doit periodi- quement essuyer ces surfaces avec un chiffon doux. Le delai de garantie de l'appareil. pour les conditions normales de fonctionnement et de magasinage est de 18 mois a dater de l expedi- tion par l'usine. Pieces faisarit p'artie de la livraison 1. Une pince ampcremetrigUe type 1130. 2. Un etui type 1130 pour le magasinage et le transport de cette derniere. , 3. Un certificat dc garantie. U P S S MOSCOU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 TYPE I~30 CURRENT-MEASURING PINCERS APPLICATION, PRINCIPLE OF :OPERATION Type L]30 current-measuring pincers are portable multirange detector instruments design- cd for measuring current without breaking the circuit and voltage in low-voltage 50 Hz circuits (up to 600 V) at ambient temperatures from -15 to H- 35? C and a relative humidity up to 80%. Accuracy class of the' instrurnent is 2.5. Operation of current-measuring pincers is based on the following principle: the current is measured by means of a 'current transformer whose secondary winding is connected to the measuring circuit,- while the' bus or wire carrying the current to y be measured serves as the trans- former primar.y winding: :' The measuring circuit ?is so arranged that not only current but voltage too can be measured. When the current to, be measured flows through the bus embraced by a split magnetic core, an alternating magnetic flux is produced in the core which induces an emf. in the second- ary winding located on the magnetic core. The secondary winding is connected to a resistance used as a shunt. Voltage drop across this shunt is measured by a detector millivoltmeter. The number of shunting resistances is equal to the number of measurement ranges. The instrument has five current measurement ranges: 15 A; 30 A; 75 A; 300 A; 600 A, and one voltage measurement range - 600 V. Changing-over of measurement ranges is accomplished by a lever switch. The measurement error of the current-measur- ing pincers is 4% of the given measurement range at any position of the instrument. When the instrument is in a horizontal posi- tion, the error does not exceed 2.5%. The instrument is capable of withstanding a short-time overload 1.5 times exceeding the rated value of the given measurement range. Size of the instrument is not more than 390>< 125 X 80 mm. Weight is not greater than 2 kgs. STORAGE AND GUARANTEE The 'instrument should be stored indoors at ambient temperatures from -1-10 to +350 C and a relative humidity from 30 to 80%. The air should be "free from harmful materials causing corrosion; When storing or carrying, place the instru- ment in the case. The instrument should be protected . from knocks and jolts. Accuracy of the instrument depends on the cleanliness of the joints of the transformer Printed in the Soviet Union EDINENIE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 packages. It is necessary, therefore, to whipe the joints with soft cloth. The instrument is guaranteed for 18 months provided it has been stored and operated under normal conditions. SHIPPING COMPLEMENT The instrument comes complete as follows: 1. Type. L130 current-measuring pincers. 2. Type L30 case for storing and carrying the instrument. 3. Certificate of quality. . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 URS S MOSCo U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 PINCE AMPER EMETRIQUE TYPE L~30 DESTINATION, PRINCIPE DE FONCTIONNEMENT Les pincer. aniperemetriques type 1130 sont portatives, plusieurs sensibilites, i redresseur sec. Ces appareils sort destines a mesurer l'inten- site cl'un courant sans rupture clu circuit et a la mesure de la tension a 50 IIz clans Iles circuits a basso tension (600 V max.), a des temperatures de l'air ambiant comprises entre -- 15 et + 35?C et une llumidite relative de 80% rnax. Les appareils type L1,30 sort do la classe de precision de 2,5. La mesure du courant a l'aide de la pince type U30 se fait par l'intermediaire d'un trans- formateur de courant, dont l'enroulement secon- daire est branche au schema de mesure. Une barre ou un cable parcourus par le courant a mesurer jouent lc role d.c l'enroulernent primaire du transformateur. Le schema do mesure permet de mesurer la tension ainsi quc le courant. Le courant alternatif i mesurer en parcourant lc conducteur entoure de circuit magnetique en deux pieces y cree un. flux magnetique alternatif MAGASINAGE ET DELAI DE GARANTIE ?.Les appareils doivent titre enimagasines dins des beaux fermes,' a des temperatures de l'air ambiant comprises entre ? 10 et -I- 35? C et une humiditc relative comprise entre 30 et 80% L'~iir des beaux ne doit pas contenir d'impu- retes nocives pouvant provoquer la corrosion. Lors du magasinage et du transport l'appareil dolt titre place en etui.. On dolt proteger les appareiis centre les secousses et les chocs. La precision d'indications de l'appareil depend de la p_roprete des surfaces de jonction des paquets du transformateur ; on dolt periodi- dui induit unc clans I'enroulement secon- daire place stir Ic circuit magnetigtie. L'enroulement secondaire. est branche sur une resistance, jouant le role d'un shunt ; la chute de la tension aux bornes do cc dernier est mesurec a I'aide d'un millivoltmetre a redres- seur sec. Le nombre do resistances do shuntage est egal a celui de limites de mesure. L'appareil a cinq limites de mesure de courant: 15A; 30A; 75A; 300 A et 600A; ct une limite de mesure de la tension : 600 V. La commutation de limites de mesure se fait a l'aide d'un commutateur a manette. L'erreur de mesure des appareils 130 est egale a 4% de la limite de mesure donnee, l'appareil etant place dans n'importe quelle position. L'appareil etant place en position horizontale, l'erreur de mesure est inferieure a 2,5%? L'appareil acimet Une surintensite de courte duree, superieure de 1,5 fois au courant nominal pour la limite donnee. Les cotes d'encombrement sont inferieures a 390>< 125X 80 . mm. Le poids est inferieur a 2 kg. cluem.ent essuyer ces surfaces avec un chiffon cioux. Le delai de garantie de l'appareil pour les conditions norma,les de fonctionnement ct de magasinage. est de 18 mois a dater de l'expedi- tion par l'usine. Pieces, faisant partie de la livraison 1. Une pince arnperemetrique type 1130. .2. Un etui type 130 pour le magasinage'et le transport de cette derniere. 3. Un. certif icat de garantie. Edite en U.R.S.S. U.R S S M O S C'O U Ill Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 TYPE U30 CURRENT-MEASURING PINCERS APPLICATION, PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Type U30 current-measuring pincers are portable multirange detector instruments design- ed for measuring current without breaking the circuit and voltage in low-voltage 50 Hz circuits (up to 600 V), at ambient temperatures from -15 to + 35? C' and a relative humidity Up .to 80%. Accuracy class of the- instrument is 2.5. Operation of current-measuring pincers is based on. the following principle: the current is measured ' by means of a 'current transformer whose secondary winding*-is connected to the measuring circuit,. while 'the bus or wire carrying the current' to be measured serves as the trans- former primary..winding: The measuring arranged that not only current "but voltage too can be measured. When the* current to, be measured flows through the bus embraced by a split magnetic core, an alternating. magnetic flux is produced in the core which induces an emf. in the second- ary winding located on 'the magnetic core. The instrument-should be stored indoors at ambient temperatures from -1-10 to '--1-35?C and a relative humidity from 30 to 80%. The air should be free from harmful materials causing corrosion. When storing. or carrying. place the instru- ment in the case. The instrument should be protected from knocks and jolts. Accuracy of the instrument depends on the cleanliness of the . joints, of the transformer VSES.S0YOUZN.0`I E. The secondary winding is connected to a resistance used as a shunt. Voltage drop across this shunt is measured by a detector millivoltmeter. The, number of shunting resistances is equal to the number of measurement ranges. The instrument has five current measurement ranges: 15 A; 30 A; 75 A; 300 A; 600 A, and one voltage measurement range - 600 V.. Changing-over of measurement ranges is accomplished by a lever switch. The measurement error of the current-measur- ing pincers is 4% of the given measurement range at any position of the instrument, When the instrument is in a horizontal posi- tion, the error does not exceed 2.5%. The instrument is capable of withstanding a short-time overload 1.5 times exceeding the rated value of the given measurement range. Size of the instrument is not more than 390 X 125 X 80 mm. Weight is not greater than 2 kgs. packages. It is necessary, therefore, to wllipe the joints with soft cloth. The instrument is guaranteed for 18 months provided it has been stored and operated under normal conditions. SHIPPING COMPLEMENT The instrument comes complete as follows: 1. Type U30 current-measuring pincers. 2. Type 130 case for storing and carrying the instrument. 3. Certificate of quality. Printed in the Soviet Union 08 I ED IN EN lE M 0 S C 0 U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 ]KILOVOLTMETRE. ELECTROSTATIQUE .A TROTS SENSIPILITES TYPE C100 DESTINATION ET PRINCIPE DE FONCTIONNEMENT Les kilovoltrnetres clectrostatiques type C 100, transportables, ~i trois sensibilites, sort clestines a la mesure de la haute' tension dans les circuits ~i courant continu et a courant alternatif de 50 1-Iz a 0,5 MHz. Ces appareils peuvent titre utilises i des temperatures de fair ambiant comprises entre -I- 10 et -I- 35?C et une humidite relative de 800/s maximum. Le principe de fonctionnement de l'appareil est base sur l'utilisation de l'interaction des elec- trodes placees clans un champ electrostatique. L'electrode mobile est fixee sur des his cle sus- pension qui creent le couple antagonists lors de sa deviation. Le miroir do l'indicateur lumineux qui renvoie le rayon lumineux incident a travers un systeme optique sur l'echelle dc l'appareil est solidaire de la partie mobile. CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES Le kilovoltmetre type C100 est un appareil a trois sensibilites, a limites superieures de me- sure de 25=50 et 75 kV. La capacite d'entree.du kilovoltmetre C100 ne depasse pas 18 pR La Ire- quence de resonance est supcrieure ou egale ~ 150 MHz. Le changement de la sensibilite de l'appareil est realise par vole du deplacement de l'electrode fixe clans Tune des trois positions prevues dans l'appareil et par la m.isc` de l'echelle cor- respondante a la sensibilite choisie. L'erreur de mesure de l'appareil daps la partie utile de l'echelle est inferieure ou au plus egale a ? 1,5% de la limite supcrieure de mesure, les conditions suivantes etant realisees: l'appareil est place en position horizontale la temperature ex- terieure est normale ; les champs eleclrostatigttes exterieurs sont nuls.. Le temps cl'amortissement de 1'equipage mo- bile est inferieur ou au plus egal a 6 sec. Le kilovoltmetre C100 petit supporter pendant 5 mn une tension egale ~i 120% de la tension no- minale et 5 impulsions a une tension cgale '1 150% de Ia nominale d'une duree de 0,5% sec chacune, separees par des intervalles de 15 sec. Le kilovoltmetre C100 pout supporter pendant 1 mn tine tension d'epreuve de la rigidite dielec.- trique appliquee entre le circuit de mesure et l'embase de l'appareil mist a la tare, le circuit cl'alimentation du dispositif d'eclairage etant rac- corcle a l'embase ; la valour de la tension d'epreuve est de 51 kV pour la limits de mesure de 25 kV, de 101 kV pour la limite de mesure do 50 kV et de 151 kV pour la limite cis mesa:-e clc 75 kV. La resistance do l'isolement clu circuit elec- trique cle l'appareil par rapport a l'embase mtse a la terre est supcrieure ou egale a 1010 pour une temperature ambiante comprise entre -I- 15 et -I- 25? C et une humidite relative do 80% maxi- mum. CONSTRUCTION L'appareil comprend trois parties: l'embase, l'electrode mobile avec son mecanlsme de me- sure et l'electrode fixe. L'electrode a mecanisme do mesure est fixee sur l'embase dans une posi- tion determinee a 1'aide d'une plaquette a ressort et d'une goupille do verrouillage prevue stir l'em- base. L'electrode fixe pout occuper suivant la sens'- bilite choisie Tune des trois positions deterrni- nees par l'emplacement dans l'embase des gou- pilles de verrouillage. L'appareil est dote de trois echelles qui pett- vent titre mises en place suivant la limite de me- VSESSOYOUZNO~IE GB IED IN ENFE MOSCOU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Sure choisie ~i 1'aide cl'une manette placce stir la surface exterieure de l'clectrocle. L'appareil est dote cl'un dispositif do remise t zero do l'illclicateur lumineux. Le dispositif d'eclairage est place dans l'em- I.)se de 1'appareil. On utilise pour 1'eclairage tune ampoule ~l incandescence de 6 V et 1,25 A. L'ali- mentation du clispositif d'eclairage est effectuCe l partir du reseau courant alternatif cle 127 ou 220 V. par 1'intermcdiaire d'un transformateur en- castre clans 1'embase de l'appareil ou ~i partir cl'un reseau de 6 V. Le passage cl'une tension de l'alimentation Lt l'autre est effectuc a l'aide d'un commutateur a fiches dispose stir 1a paroi latcrale cle l'embase. Les electrodes et 1'embase sont dotees chacune d'une borne connectee electriquement a leers masses. La borne placee stir 1'embase est designee Terre > (? 3eMJtst?) . Potir son transport 1'appareil petit titre cle- m.onte et toutes les pieces qui en font partir pla- cees dins un etui. Les pieces suivantes font partie do la livraison Apparcil type C1'00 Conducteur d'alimentation du d'eclairage de l'indicateur Etui 1 dispositif Ainpoules de rechange do G V, 1,25 A Fils do suspension de rechange Description et mode d'emploi .1 1 3 . ~3 . 1 exempla ire Les cotes d'encombrement de l'appareil sont indicluees stir la figure. Poids de l'appareil : 30 kg environ. Poids de l'ensemble clans son etui : 50 kg environ. N~ 914 MOSCOU Edite en U.R.S.S. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 VSESSOYOUZNOIE OB I ED I N .E N I E. 600 - Cotes d'encombrement de 1'appareil CONDITIONS D'UTILISATION, D'EMMAGASINAGE ET DELAI DE GARANTIE L'electrode a mecanisme de mesure et 1'em- base son.t mises a la terre. Les parties metalli- clues sous tension ainsi que celles mises a la terre tie doivent pas se trouver a une distance in- ferieure a 1 m des electrodes' de 1'appareil branchc. Les pieces en materiel isolant ne doi- vent pas se trouver Li une distance inferieure L 0,5 m des electrodes. Les appareils type C100 cloivent titre entre- poses clans des locaux fermes et secs, a une tem- perature de I'air ambiant comprise entre -f 10 et + 35? C et uric humidite relative de 80% maxi- mum. L'air du local ne doit pas contenir des im- puretes nocives pouvant provoquer la corrosion. Le delai de garantie cle l'appareil dans des conditions normales d'utilisation et clc magasi- nage est de dix-huit mois Li partir de l'expedition par 1'usine. ed Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 r ~E ; ,p, Fx Declassified in Part - Sanitized 7 !,1 .ry !> < 4'!r N;? ?T 1 'N. ?tm; ", , wf r , - r Y-^H tic '( ?. y1en,T;:n:' n aryc. 1 1"M4 ,, 'Y 1Y+r..r P ("F i .~IF, ~'h , ,n t?d!rt,l ,i ..a i?! ... }'7 (D S ' ~, Jr. '.~t.t .'}? `r^t1 dT!' t! i ~ . b~' t~, ^'1, d"iP" 9, id,n : , r )~7P sh ) 4r ti f~. ?I ,i: r .. a~? `Kula, I':. ) 4, t,'}, t2 I ~ , ~ ~ 1 UP r s y3 ,,,;. ~ 1 ~!yP~>f. `f :"1 r ~!.:~y 1, ~ ~ ?,' r?1 !'~' s t "l"+~'~ 1 d ~ ~ ~ 4 I ? r K P + 1j '' ~ A XfrM.~OiM TC7pF~li~~ iFYl4,i',6~'lM!7PIIM1tl 1FM'~51!trMRM't, C9,7 1' . k 1 ~l M ,Il' n,..,, fn'( I 1 P.S"n ~' Y '1 ??nn yl f,.f ' y? 1 r =11.u? r 1,C MNd~'r"~N, ,Fd"Llkytt/~IRd~JV1Pt~i'h!WJn'>d~lq1?rtAtl'Ift~t,'N!ti?VkNd~a{bi~dAd}dsNt~~t9,ltt~+~r,+.h~+w)n~~tix,w+,t,~tu;u'.n,JR#,~rtrZJiU;.r+rwiy~,Vy PEREVOLTOHMMETRE TYPE L151 STAT S w r. r i F r i y. a u y, ~ ) . -r rJ r - r IIIN r. bd? ,!. :1S' y~~v !. i' '4f", ~~ 1. '.~ ~'' .t3 1 1' .NA`nll. pu, }i' ~I, ~Ik4 n~~ I 7: 1 ~~. 1 7 1; ~ + , V ~ ,/ 1 7~: 1 ,vY' ,r~ ,4~. J :~, i, !~ 1".r Yr ,~::.`,V,,# ,Y: ,: C'~VA~i:,, l? .aT~~%' ti ~i? ~?~ ,~1t ,l.~ '~t 1 1':~ HC', ?A?' h ' ~i ~ ?~`t'4 ~ .r r.~ ~ .~ rFp~ >~i,,~, 4 9 `~' 1, t, ,tn FJ. a , ~ yl ~~ 11~ ,! 1 i K) -!' ~. t4q,,~ r' ,, ~'a1 ,~ t e .,, ~,n {r ;?~ ~ t, "I~!?'1^3 Vin'. ~ rJv r r `~y}i J~ vM .7, ' ,: ~.~ fr! i } ,'~ ~ . ` ~' 1' : ~ .,,~ t ~~ '~ W n ~y~al 5 `J :' .I .?~ nyy M :':~ } a: 1 F .i. '~j, .J J. ,^tl ~~, r ,4f . ~~ R,.i?r r r ~ J a. , ,.1,~." :}}.} ,~ ~ ~i ,j ) d, I P i ? ;!' ~~~, ~#' 'p~`~', y~ ,'v. JJft~ K 1,,t ~,. ~'.!qt1", r!1,~l.y.t ttyy~! }~j .A t .~ t ~ r ~,~, ~~+.{. . i 1'S M Asr~ I#Y~,. t~ t,nh ,.I..L , ,P , l,' 1 ,J! , 4 ~ t b ' ((yuj~~II`` ~ ~ rihl (((Cyy~' , ~,46 r ~ . ~~ ~ rn ! , R t ro?~`,, ~ ' , ~+ ~? . i ~~"..~ ~ , d?x}~}~'ai,'. '~.ti~4 . 1; J;~", ,t,4.lA j , .~~~?, {.7t~ r ~ .q ,. v' r '~ a..,,, W e''th",~, Firy~ j t S ~t ~'~' .~~ ~ J >, ~ ~~ ?J+.) P ? .W~PI '4a ?b, .i, h i r7, ,,. , ~ ?.. trl. fi ~ , i~.h rp~! +t"#; ~t `~ 't ~ '~~'~ 'p ~ 1 ~ ~e . I ? M ; t . ~~ ~ ~ >; `7 .tL + ~ ' 4i ~ ,, # i~~~ ,'~,r.. dt ! ~ P,'.,P?P ' 4 , .~ , ".{, . V~ ~:. ~, ~, ~ ,,r,.r~t p~r?'k r., ~r, ~( 5,~y ; ; ~ Ott z, ~~-a ,~~ b, ~ , t ~t?: ~,, ~ ,1~,.>~ r~r 4~ : r ,rr:rh!~ . t5 ,. i. r ,r?. ~b~" ~ ~ ~I~ ~ 4Y !1 1 q S,~1 ! Y ,~ "~tt~ ~ ~~? . :ta .~ rt. ~ ,( . ; ~- Fr ~. ~r?tr ~~t? v4~~ i ~?t !~~~y~p r~ d t . 'I c V ) 1 NO ?'l,::aFr.,'j7R:ltt_nc!h7p!'!Su^!uey~?!g;',',!`+ctwy~+rnr:~n,'Y."S:!p3.Ma_tB}9'CFA`~?MiLfi~kwfl~T.!!ytelXi4%f'/R491n~' '6.."'4r9.riOMNSew~ar~amtu^144ST.^21IR134?3~,r~?s1"~!~P1?Y"LLYN'+ I E Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 AMPERE VOLTOHMMETRE DESTINATION L'arnperevoltohmmetre portatif, i'1 p1usieurs sensibilites, type U51 est l.ln appareil universel a cadre mobile et aimant fire et a redresseurs secs, destine a la mesure de l'intensite dlc coLl- rant et a cello de la tension clans les circuits a courant continu et alternatif a une frequence de -45 a 10 000 Hz, ainsi qu'a In niesure des resis- tances en courant continu. L'appareil pout titre utilise, a des tempera- tures d'air ambiant comprises entre zero et 10? C et tine humidite relative de 80% maximum. L'antperevoltohmmetre II,51 Est l'appareil Ic PILls perfectionne et Ic talus precis parmi les ap- pareils universels de ce type fabriques en U.R.S.S. a ce jour. Cet appareil est Ic mieux ap- propric aux mesures de courants faibles en ra- diotecltnique et en technique, ainsi que daps thus les cas ou on desire obtenir une precision CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES 1. Li'niites de mesures L'appareil est a 38 limites de rnesure. La va leur superieure de ces limites est indiguCe au tableau 1. La partie utile de l'echelle gradupe est egale a 100% du maximum de l'echelle pour les mesures de courants et de tensions contilzlis. La plage utile de l'echclle commence a 16,7 de la limite superieure de mesure pour les ten lion et courant alternatifs. La partie utile de l'echelle lors des mesures de resistances commence a 1 % de Ia limite su; perieure de mesure. Les limites superieures de mesure de 6 A et de 30 A. en courant alternatif sort obtenues en branchant l'appareil a urn transformateur de cou- rant exterieur type P1501. Le courant nominal secondaire du, transfor- mateur de courant type P1501 est egal a 15 mA. Les limites superieures de mesure de 7,5 kV en courant continu et 6 kV en courant alter- natif sont obtenues en branchant l'appareil a des diviseurs de tension exterieurs de types P516 gt P515 respectivement. TYPE 15.1 de mesure relativement elevee avec une grande gamme de courants de valeurs et de nature dif- 'ferente. L'appareil 1151 possede tin grand nombre de limites dle mesure, tout er: rtant d'un emploi trey Si111p1e. Les conducteurs de raccerdement joints rl l'appareil sort pourvus d'url jeu de cosses et de sondes interchangeables permettant d'effectuer des mesures daps les endroits ICs moms accessi- 1)les des scllemas compligues et des appareils. La faibic consonlmation propre die l'appareil permet d'effectuer les mesures sans troubles d'une fa~on notable le regime du circuit a me- sul-er. L'amperevoltohmmetre type L1,51 est livre en etui special avec un jeu d'accessoires necessai- res. Le courant nominal du diviseur de tension de 6 kV en courant alternatif est do 0,512 mA et le courant nominal du diviseur. de tension de 7,5 kV a cour-ant continu est de 51,2 A. Tableau 1 Courant Tension Resistance en continu alternatif continue alterna- courant continu live 75 1~A - 3 V 3 V 3 k Q 300 ?A - 7,5 V 7,5 V 300 k2 3mA 3mA 15 V 15V 3 M Q 15 m A 15 m A 3') V 30 V 30 M 30 m A 30 m A 75 V 75 V 150 m A 150 m A 150 V 150 V 1; 5 A 11,5 A 300 V 300 V 15 A .15 A 600 V 600 V 6A 7,5 kV. 6 kV uQ A 06lEDINEN 1E M~.QU 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 2. Precision L'appareil appartient a des classes de prcci- Sion diff'erentes pour les grandeurs et des natures do courant differentes mesurees. La classe de precision de l'appareil cst de 1,0 en courant continu et cle 1,5 en courant alter- natif. 3. Consommation propre de l'appareil Les chutes do tension aux bornes de l'appa- rcil pour los valeurs nominales des courants mesures, le courant do deviation totale lors des mesures cle la tension et le courant maximum de decharge de la batterie incorporec dans 1'ap- pareil lors des mesures des resistances sont in- diques at.i. tableau 2. Tableau 2 - f Chute de tension a I Courant de deviation Courant maxi- Liniite de I courant nominal totale mum des ele mesure courant courant al- courant courant al- 111ents secs in corpores continu ternatif continu ternatif 75N.A 0,1 V - 300 i ~. A 0,2 V - 3 mA 0,2V l v 15 mA 0,2V 1 V 30 mA 0,2V 1V 150 mA 0,22 V 1 V 1,5 A 0,22 V 0,4 V 15 V 0,22 V 0,1 V 3 V, 600 V 50 ii. A 0,5 m A 7,5 kV 51,2 p. A 6 kV 0,512 mA 3k 50 m A 300 k 0,5 mA 3 M s? 0,65 mA 30 M Q - 65p.A ~ 4. Autres caracteristiques de. 1'appareil 1. Les is daps les indications de l'appa- i eil ne depasserit pas son erreur de mesure propre. 2. Le temps d'amortissement de 1'equipage mobile de l'appareil est inferieur a 4 s. 3. L'isolement entre tour les circuits electri- ques et la masse de l'appareil satisfait a un essai de rigidite dielectrique a une tension d'epreuve de 2 kV pratiquement sinusoidale, 50 Hz appliquee pendant une minute. L'isolement des enroulements . primaire et secondaire clu transformateur entre eux et par rapport a sa masse satisfait egalement a 1',essai de rigidite dielectrique a une tension de 2 kV, 50 Hz appli- quee pendant une minute. 4. L'isolement des circuits electriques du di- viseur de tension exterieur par rapport a 1,a masse do cc dernier satisfait a un essai de rigi- dite dielectrique a une tension pratiquement sinu- soidale, d'une frequence de 50 Hz, egale au dou ble de la valour nominale plus 1 kV,, c'est-a-dire I a 13 kV et 16 kV respectivement, appliquee pendant ut~ A 5. En cours de transport l'appareil emballe peut supporter un sejour de six heures a tine temperature de -+- 60? C et de six heures a une temperature de -40? C, ainsi qu'uri sejour de sit heures dans l'air dont 1'humidite relative est de 95 + 3% pour tine temperature de +20? 5?C. 5. Encombrement et poids Encomhrement de l'appareil : 180>( 260>( X 130 mm. Poids dei'aapareil : 3.,5 kg environ. Poids de 1'appareil en etui avec toutes ies pieces complementaires : 6,5 kg environ: Poids du transformateur de courant : 0,5 kg environ. Poids du diviseur de tension exterieur, con- d tcteurs de raccordenlent compris : 0,25 kg en- viron. O DINE NI +r , V5ESSOYOUZNQ MO SC OU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 CONSTRUCTION DE L'APPAREIL Le dispositif do mesi.tre de I'appareil est un L'appareil et les pieces compl~iuelltaires rnicroampcremctre a cadre mobile eta aimant, soul foul'nis clans Lin etui metallique a couver- .1 n ranii i'hnitr Le courant alternatif est redresse par des re dresseurs secs au germanium. Lors do la mesure cles resistances be cadre de l'appareil -est parcouru par un courant fourni par Ulie batterie (['elements secs incorpores dons 1'appareii. Certa ins elements cle l'apparoil sont com- i11Uns pour les mesures des courants do gran- deurs et cle natLlre diffcrentes. D'autres elements sont mis en circuit par branchement do l'appareil hour la mestlre des grandeurs et de natures de courant differenles. Ce branclicmcnt so fait a l'aide do deux colllnlutatours. On utilise tin shunt u.niversel a huil grad ins comprenant hurt resistances, afin c'obtenir huit sensibilites lors des mesures cl'intenslte en cou- rant contlnu. Lors des mesures do tension les limites de niesure sont portees a 600 V inclusivcmcnt par branchement des resistances aciclitionnelles in corporecs, do grandcurs necessaires. La graduation de l'appareil comporte quatre chelles dotees d'un miroir pour Veviter lcs or- reurs de parallaxe. - ~~61 1 Fs~l ~/ Cotes d'encombrcmerlt d'ampr rcvoltolunmetrc type 1.1,51 MATERIEL FAISANT PARTIE DE LA LIVRAISON Le materiel suivant fait partie de' la fourni- ture d'un appareil: un anlperevoltobmmetre type I151; guatre batteries incorporees d'elenients secs, type KBC-X-0,55 ou KBC-JI -0,50, . tin element sec incoi'pore type 1IKC-Y-3, deux cordons de raccordement.. d'un metro de longueur mLlniS do cosSCS, deux cosses plates interchangoables, deux pinces de raccordement interchangea- blcs, type ?crococlile?, deux .sondes interchangeables, un clivise.ur clc tension extcrieLlr, type P515, pour G kV ca, un dlvlseur Clc tension exterieu", type P516, pour 7,5 kV cc, till transformateur , do courant type I'501 pour los freguences de 45 a 1000 11z, it 0 et 30 V, tug etui pour l'appareil . ct les accessoires complementaires, . tine description et une notice cl'util isation, los donnees technigLleS de l'app.areil. MAGASINAGE DE L'APPAREIL Les appareils doivcnt etre .emmagasines en liumiditc relative do 30% maximum. L'air no etuis dabs des beaux fernies a une temperature doit pas comporter des iirlhuretcs nodves pou- d'air comprise entre -1- 10? et + 35? C et une vant provoquer des corrosions. Ns 921 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 TYPE L[20 U'R S MOSCO.U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 AMPERE VOLTOHMMETRE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 o a 10, 0 a 100 kQ par Lin. clement do la batte- rie KBC, BAC-80 o_u cDBC ; pour la limits de mc- sure de 0 a 1 M " par Ic branchement comple- mentaire cl'une batterie KBC ou de trois ele- ments connectes en serie de la batteric I3AC-80. L'erreur propre de l'appareil est inferieure a ---? - 4,0% pour toutes les grandeurs a mesurer et toutes les limites de mesure. Cette erreur est exprirnee lors de la mesure du courant et de la tension en pour-cents du maximum de l'cchelle des indices dlc Ia limite de mesure correspon- dante. L'erreur propre de I'appareil lors des mesu- res de la resistance est exprimce en pour-cents de la longueur de la pantie utile de l'echelle. N o t e. La longueur utile de I'echelle "k" est comprise entre les divisions de 0,5 et 2. Celle de l'echelle "-'V" est la partie de l'echelle se trouvant a droite de la division "6". L'erreur complementaire pour les nlesur es courant alternatif, provoquce par des variations de la temperature de l'air ambiant comprises entre -i- 10 et H- 35? C est egale ou infenieure a 4 pour-cents de la limite superieul?e de mesure par 10? C d'ecart par rapport a la temperature nor male (+20?C). L'erreur. complcmentaire do l'appareil pour les mesures a courant alternatif, provoquee par des variations de :la fregtielice do 50 a 5000 Hz, est.egale ou inferieure a 2%, pour les limites de mesure do 7,5 a 30 V et a 4% pour la limite de mesure de 150. V. Pour la limite do mesure de 600 V l'erreur n'est pas superieure a 4%, lors des variations de la frequence entre 50 et 500 Hz. Les erreurs sort expnimees en pour-cents cle la limite .surerieure de mesure. L'isolernent de l'appareil satisfait a I'Cpreuve de. r.igiclite dielectrique a la tension de 2 kV c.a.. 50 Hz. VSESSOYOUZNO1E OB I ED I N EN I E S MOSCOU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 AMPERE VOJLTOHMMETRE TYPE I12O DESTINATION L'amperevoltohmmetre est uri apparcil com- bine destine a mesurer la tension et l'intensitC du courant continu, la tension dtl courant alter- natif et les resistances en courant continu. L'appareil peat Care utilise logs des repara- tions d'appareillage radiotechnique, ainsi que clans la pratique des amateurs de T.S.F. L'appareil fonct.ionne nornlalement clans les concliticns suivantes 1. L'appareil dolt titre place en position hori- zontale. 2. Les temperatures die I'air ambiant doivent ctre egales a H- 20 ? 50 C. 3. La tension cloit titre pratiquement sillusoi- dale, d'une frCquence de 50 Hz. Les limites die mesure de l'appareil sont 0 a 300 A, 0 a 3, Oa 30, 0 a 300, 0 a 750 mA pour l'intensitC du courant continu 0a1,5;0a6 0a30;0a120,0a600.V pour la tension continue; 0 a 7,5; 0 a 30; 0 a 150; 0 a 600 V pour. la tension alternative o a 1;0a 100a 100K;0a1 M?pour la resistance en courant continu. La resistance d'entree dc l'appareil est Cgale a 10 000 ~2 /Vapour toutes les limites de mesure de la tension c.c. et a 2000 ' /V pour toutes les limites do mesure de la tension c.a. La chute die tension Bans I'appareil est in- ferieure ou egale a 0,6 V pour toutes les limi- tes de mesure du courant continu. L'alimentation des circuits de l'ohmmetre est rcalisee : -pour les limites de mesure de 0 a 1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 11 CONSTRUCTION Un naicroamperemetre est encastre clans I'appareil en qualite clu mesul'etlr. Le courant do deviation totale clc l'aiguille dui microampere- metre est egale a 85 ,'. A. Pour elargir les limi- ter clc mesure de l'appareil on utilise tut jell clc shunts et cle resistances aclditioiineles, place clans lc bonier do l'appareil. Le redressement du cou- rant alternatif se fait p~lr dies redresseurs oxvdure clc cuivre. V Le cadran du ITlesurelir est pourvu cle trots echelles graduces a savoir do l'cchclle des re- sistances indiquee par le signe " ", clc cello Iles [elisions en courant. alternatif marquee pair lc signe "V~" et cello des intensites et Iles ten- sions en courant continu, portant le signs "V; A-? L'appareil est dote d'un commutateur cle la nature des mesures a effectuer, done les posi- tions sort marquees par les signes "-", " J " Pour la remise de 1'ohmmctre au zero Tors des variations do la tension de sources d'alimen- tations do ? 20%, l'appareil est pourvu cl'uri rheostat done la manette est marquee "Zero de l'ohmmetre" Des mancttes ct cluinze douilles do contacts a fiches sont places stir la platine de l'appareil. La douille marquee par le signe "'f" (aste- risque) est commune, clestince au branchement du circuit de mesure guelque que soit la nature de cette dcrnierc. Chacune des autres clouilles correspond a la limite do mesure cleterniinee do.nt la designation figure pres de cette douille. Elle ne doit titre Ns 917 utiliscc que pour la limile de mesure correspon- d ante, Le mesurcur cst dote cl'un dispositif do remise a zero do l'aiguille do l'appareil hors tension. Les sources cl'alimentation sort places clans une chambre speciale et accessibles du cote ar- riere de l'appareil. L'appareil est place clans tin bonier en ma- tiere plastique. Le poids de 1'appareil est inferieur a 1,3 kg. Son e.ncombrement est inferieur a 208 i< 213 75 mm. MATERIEL FAISANT P?ARTIE DE LA LIVRAISON L'ensemble do l'appareii comprend Un amperevoltohmmetre type U20. Un conducteur a eralbouts de coulcur noi:e. Un conducteur a embouts de couleur brune. Deux bowies demontables. line description. Les donnees techniques generales. Une batterie KBC. Un element de la batterie KBC on I3AC-80 pour 1,5 V ou une batterie ABC-0,25 pour 1,5 V. Une bone d'emballage. DELAI DE GARANTIE Le clelai de garantie des appareils dans des coi,clitions normales d'utilisation et do magasi- nage est do 18 mois a partir d~ la date d'elpe clition par l'usine. Edite en U. R. S. S. Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 15 c.'est sa falblc COlls0177171~1ti0I1 do puissance. _ Les appareils soffit executes a trois et a qua- Ire sensibilites, suivant lc tableau. Une petite lamps a incandescence de 6,3 V, N 0,28 A est utilisee comme source d'eclairage. Le changement de seiisibilites est realise par un comniutateur rotatif. La commutation du circuit d'eclairage pour de differentes tensions est executee a l'aide d'un commutateur a fiches. L'appareil est pourvu d'un cordon avee une Cotes (l'encoml)rement du voltmetre type A523 fiche pour le branchement au circuit d'eclairage. DONNEES TECHNIQUES PRINCIPALES caux fermcs, a des temperatures do pair amoiant comprises entre 10 et -I- 35? C et tine hunlidite relative do 80% maximum. La particularite c~ racteristique de l'appareil .30002 x1011 cans ' 50 Hz et Bans des circuits a courant continu. , Les appareils doivent. ctre utilises dans des lo- 194 251 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 VVLTMLrl RL DL` LA VLASSE 0,5, TYPE x,523. DESTINATION Les voltmClres electrodynamigtles, blindes, portatifs, de la classe 0,5, a indicatcur lumineux, type J1,523 sont destines la mesure do la ten - id s circuits ~t courant alternatif do Designation de l'appareil Limites de mesure supe- rieures, V Resistance nominale sui- I vant les limites de me- sure Courant de deviation to- tale, mA Classe de precision Temps d'amortissement, sec Enconibrement, mm Poids de l'appareil, kg I Ji523/l a trois sensibilites 1,5 40Q 37,5 1132 7,5 2832 JJ523/2 a quatre sensibilites 10602 7 ec /r ,an...i.. i.,.r+' '?'w+'.Tr:: w:,..6, 7%..M S,.'.+nar. 1C 22 - 196 30 60002 0,5 infericur ~i 6 232 X 289 X,172 inFerieur a 6 60 12k2 75 A523/3 a quatre sensibilites 25k 150 50k2 3 ? A 300 100kQ 600 200k2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 PONTS DE MESURE A COURANT CONTINU TYPE MMB I. DESTINATION Les pouts de nlesure type MMB, de faible en- combrement, sont destines a la mesure de re- sistances en courant continu suivant lc schema du pone do Wheatston. Les appareils sort destines a titre utilises dans des beaux formes et sont livres en deux variantes a) du type MMB pouvant fonctionner a des temperatures do fair ambiant comprises entre -1--10 et -1-35? C et une humidite. rela- tive de 80% maximum,; b) dtr type MMB-T pouvant fonctionner a des temperatures do fair ambiant comprises entre +4 et -1-50? C et une humidite rela- tive do 95 ? 3% maximum (execution tro- picale). II. CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES PRINCIPALES Limites de mesure. A 1'aide du poet MMB on pout mesurer les resistances en courant continu clans ]es limites do 0,05 a 50000 2 . Ces limites sort reparties en cinq plates :. de 0,05 a 5 ; de 0,5 ~i 50; de 5 a 500; do 50 a 5 000 et de 500 a 50 000 ~2 Erreur de mesure. Pour les mesures en posi- tion milieu do l'echelle clu rheostat a Iii (repere 5) l'erreur est infcrieure ou egale a ? 201o de deux cotes de cette position jusqu'aux reperes 2 et 20 l'erreur reste infCrieure a ? 5% ; dins les parties de l'echelle l'errcur est infCrieur ou egale a ? 15 %. - 7V4 919 Alimentation du circuit de mesure du pont est assuree par une pile seche type KBC-0,35 a une tension de 4, 5 V ou par une autre source de courant continu cle meme tension. Indicateur de la position d'equilibre du pout. On utilise comme indicateur un galvanometre do zero gradue 10--0-10, a aiguille. III. CONSTRUCTION L'appareil est livre clans un boitier en ma- tiere plastique. Une chambre destinee a recevoir la pile seche est prcvue au fond do l'appareil.. Les, bornes pour lc branchement do la resistance Iu mesurer, le galvanometre do zero, be comniu- tdteur des pl ages de mesure et la manette du rheostat a fil a limbo gradue sont places sur la platine superieure de 1'appareil. La lecture de la grandeur mesuree se fait par multiplicationdtr ;releve sur l'echelle du rheostat a Iii par lc chiffre indique par le commutateur des plages de mesure, correspondant a la posi- tion zero do 1'aiguille du galvanometre. IV. MAGASINAGE ET DELAI DE GARANTIE Les appareils doivent titre emmagasines clans des beaux propres et secs. L'air du local ne doit pas contenir des impuretes nocives pouvant pro- voquer la corrosion. Le clelai de garantie des appareils est c(c 18 mois a' partir do la date do 1'expedition par l'USilie. Edite en U.R.S.S. -Il Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap proved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R001 300090902-2 RESSORTS ET FILS D'ATTACHE. ET DE SUSPENSION POUR LES APPAREILS DE. MESLJRE STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 SPRINGS, SUPPORT WIRES AND SUSPENSIONS FOR METERS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/01: CIA-RDP81-01043R001300090002-2 1 ESSORTS ET FILS D'ATTACI-IE ET DE SU POUR LES APPAREILS DE ME Les ressorts et les fils d'attaciie et de suspen- sion ont des proprietcs elastiques eleves, unc grande stabilite et des caracteristiques tres va- riees. Ceei perrnet de les utiliser clans les appa- reils ; de laboratoire precis et ultra-sensibles, comme clans les appareils portatifs ou cle tableau, fonctionnant dans des conditions d'exploitatioil les plus diverses. Les ressorts se font avec des couples compris entre 1 et 2500 mgcm/90?. Its sont fabriques en bronze a l'etain et au zinc, dont la reststi- vite - p est egale a 0,087 ohm mm2/rn et le module d'clasticite normale f)- 12 000 kg/mm. Leurs propriet'es elastiques sont tres elevees ; la deformation residuelle apres 2 heures de tor- sion sous dens efforts de 1500 kg/mm2 est infe- rieure a 0,1 %. Les Ills d'attache et de suspension sont en bronze au beryllium, en bronze phosphoretise a l';tain, en bronze a l 'etain et au zinc et en alliage a base de platine. Les Ills de suspension se font a couple de 0,01 a 0,5 mgcni/90? par. 100 mm de longueur. Les fits d'attache ont des couples compris en- tre 0,02 et 10 mgcm/90 par 100 mm. SPENSION SURE tes caracteristiques princihales des fils d'at- lachc sont incliquees att tableau ci-dessous Materiau {lei < 1755 mm J. Number of comber boards holes 4460 1b. Pitch of cylinder holes 4 mm 1.1. Overall dimensions of the Machine: depth . . . . 1027 mm width . . . . . . . . . . 1130 mm height (two-cylinder machine) . 1350 mm 12. Weight. of the Machine 500 kg ?