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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ExpejneUtal Locomotives by F. Ya. Slavgor?odskiy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 F. Yap SZAVGQRQDSKT~C STATE RAI;WAY TRANSPORT PRESS NOSCOW, 191.9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 This book gives a comprehensiVe description of the most interesting experimental locomotives that have been built or designed during the past two decades in the USSR and abroad. The book is addressed to engineer, technical and practical workers in the locomotive field. Technical Editors P. A. Khitrov Typesetting commenced 14 February ).919 Proafsheets initialed for printing July 1919 Format 60 x 90 1/16 d. 1. EDITORS: P. A. Gurskiy, S. V. Salenko W ZhU1Z 1135'1 Printing order 29~ A06192 3000-copy edition - First Printing Shop of TRAN"ZhEDDORIZDAT, MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~'R~FACF From the vary first days o~ public railroads down to the end acomatlve in all countries of the o;C the past Centuxy, the steam 1 world was the only type o~ railroad motive equipment' During that down to our own times, it has under eriod and the following period, p in design and proportions (weight, power, gone substantial changes ~ m locomotive has lost all resemblonce speedy etc) The modern stew e the Stephenson to the first locomotives like the ~herepanov typ, though the pxinc~?Ple oi' construction It Lo Como t~.on,t , ~~ Ro cket" , etc, al? , has remained unchanged. the resent Century, the monopoly During the ftxst years of p e to an end. A more modem and. more o ~ the steam to comot~ve cam than the steam locomotive appeared on the efficient locomotive th xeat- omotive+ This was without doubt the g scene the electric lac in taken in the field oi' technical progress eat forward stride ever ,xoading ? train traction throughout the entire history ai rai7 decac~ee, transport machine construction gained Dux a.ng wo , t other mayor victory A locomotive form was created that in yet an a, tractive properties yielded but 1 ttle to the electric locomotive. d e sled, to the internal as the reader must have alrea y We refer, er~.od of lbw five. During the relatively short p combustion lacomo 20 yeaa^s, the internal combustion to comotiVe has gained. a very both in the USSR and in other considerable degree. of acceptance countries ~,panon in railroad txansparta- an~.c, d its relative part in passenger service, is growing rapidly tion, especially and stead.i~.y~ .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 0 e steam locomotive still continues in its preM N?verthe7,ess th wide/ employed farm off' railroad moti~-~e dominant role, and is the most ~' and most other countries o the worid? power in use in the USSR the fact that locomotive construction This is mainly due to has also achieved brilliant results durN technology, for its pant, ins this same period in improving the design o the standard types s ecisely because oe this that the steam oe steam locomotive. It ~ A able up to now, to compete successfully locomotive has always been , and internal combustion lacomotives with both electric I I s l that the steam locomotive complete y Hut does thi p y ~ a~ modem railway operation and that satisfies all the requ,isements today there are no longer any problems off' steam traction? Even in its most upMto~date design the steam By no means/ lo motive has still not freed itself of the essential shortcomings i i that will be discussed in their proper place in this book and which the highly developed transport of today is less than ever inM dined to resign itself. ~5. elr for this reason that scientific and tec o~ It is precis 3 s a -.---..r. -, -~ . of the steam locomotive and also towards towards further improvement ... F . the creation of fundamentally new types and designs of steam and other locomotives. It is hard to overestimate the results of this work, decades. Thousands a:~ steam loci especially during the past two is constantly and energetically working been and stir. a h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 and the other countries of the wand lagical thinking in the USSR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~ r?Y8d (t0 ?n? nixed or structura~~y '~ motives have. been mailer or drawn, many ~Isns o~ dr?ds of deems aV? been anoth?~'~ a many huri electric, ink,?rna~ combu8ti0n various n?w typ?s ~ steam, electric, locomc~tiVSS sf motis) have exper ^ steam-turban?, ~ ' . ~ asturbiri? 1,0co have oft6n deviated ~ trial 0perati0ns een bui~.t and tested in b standard locomOti?~ exists ri from the bs,sically in desig These eced Y~ese resti~l.ts have not been accidental. The to prepare served teCrr-ol?gy of transport has ' course of developmen e ast labor of th creative rolonged and steadf xs, fOr thorn, as has the p designers and inv'ento s engineers, technicians, thought of schalar ~ before the October j The transport techn 010 of ouXb country resentata.ves after it, and its best rep and eapeCially Revolution., of St ics one of the foremost and pr event generations occup s~ The outstand pose .. positions in this respect among the other countxie ent and ience and technalogy in the developm ing pos~.t~0n ?f ?~ sc in rolling stock, main M technical improvements i rea7.ixation of many established today' definitely tenance Qf Ways, operation etc, is ~ known examples re"" b only a few generali,y Let us illustrate thi s Y zu oon. on and locomotive constc r txain trace. ~;atto erheated steam in loco- 'r perental work on the use of SUP k; vin t effective method o f ~pro the trac motive ~ ! s ~w this, the mas ve ... Wad ~ k . _. and.. thermal performance of a locamati first initiate at expernta~. loco , ,,Y' untrYy and it was here: Russia ._ . , ._ _.,. d in England j our ca earn appeared before they di es usifl Superheated St mot~.v the United States' or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 motives have been modernied or structurally improved (to one decree or another), many hundreds o,t designs have been drawn, many dens of experimental locomotives of various new types (steam, e3.eotric, eamuturbine, gas turbine locomoUYes) have internal combustion, st trial operation, and have often deviated been built and tested in basically in design from the existing standard iocomotives. These results have not been accidental. The entire p~ieceding course of development of.' transport technology has served to prepare for he prolonged and steadfast labor of thC~ creative them, as has ~ thought of scholars, engineer, technicians, designers and, inventora. The transport technologry of our country before the October p,evolutian, and especially after it, and its best repregentativos o:C pist and resent generations, occupies one of the x'oremost positions in this respect among the other countries The outstandM :i.ng position of our science and technology in the development and realization of many technical improvements in rolling stock. main- tenance of ways, operation, etc, is definitely established today. Let us illustrate this by only a few generai:l.Y known examples re- lating to train traction and locomotive mconstructionh Experimental work on the use of superheated steam in loco- the most effective method of improving the trac- motives -- this, e of a locomotive w00 Was first initiated tive and thermal perfQrmanc in our country, and it was here, in Russia, that experimental loco- motives using superheated stern appeared. before they did in England er or the United States. Declassified n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized ? method ?~ ?xud o~ the traot~.vs charas~er- '~?rimental st~' ~ Th ation?'y conditions was e steam 1ocOmOti' unc1$ ' st istics o~ th developed by B~~,~$ ~ and was borrowed from us uss~.an traction apeO al ? nat locomotive,~testin~ ~.abox'a ra~,1roade, while a statio_ ry by foreign e er A. P. bore din a~ the K a v set up by the Russian engt'- dry was a~ the 8o's o~ the past cents a as early as the beginn rail shop had such a labaraw tury, at a tuna when not a singly other Country tory? m locomotive built in 1912 by the Lugansk t ea E s The Series t reliaba.l,y .~. tiv e of its day in its economy, plant was the best locomo air, as compared of operation, and simplicity of maintenance and rep in use an ~uxopean and series of locomotives then to all other American railways' a acities and talent. o~ the repre" All this speaks fox the c p alogy in the Meld o~ train es of Russia transport tecY~n sentativ env~.ronment and, under the musty' and suerocati ng traction ven Russia they were able' to overcome Conditions aprerevolutionary and the s ed railway bureaucracy to luggishness of.' the dignif i of nam gy g Russian transport technolo? The es advance the cause o , .ists of the prerevolutionary ECia3 such scientists and. traction sp ~ A? N ? A P. 'Boradin, N. Ye. Zhukovsk~.y, period. as N ? P ? petxov, ~orgatten in the be 1' ,te and others, will not Yep No ~ Krylov, be Chronicles o: our transportation. 'n the postrevolutionary period, As fox our achievements ~, c abroad. not alone in the USSR but ~?~a these are very well known,. It will be enough if we pot ~. ? in this place to these models of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 Soviet locomotive canstruotion which are unsurpassed thrQUhout all of: ~uropex the and IS steam locomotives; to the powerful FD main fins internal combustion locomotives that we built and put into service when they stir existed neither in Europe or America; to the rapidly introduced series construction of electric locomotives of firstclass design, and ticularly to the powerful twa~voltage motives and motorcar sections, First in the world. electric Zorn Generalb.y ? known, too, are the roles played and services ren scientists and highly qualified traction specialists dared by Soviet and internal combustion to comotive men) . It would (steam, ele ctric to refer to them all by name here, for we have many be impossible them. S. P. Syromyatnikov, D. A. Shtange, N, I. hundreds of Belokons, N I. Kartashev, 0. N. Isaakyan, K. A. Shishkin, Ya? M. Gakkel , A. . Shelest, V. F? Yegorchenko, V. B? Medelt, P. V. N Yakobson, L. S. Lebedyanskiy, A. A. Poydo, A. A. Chirkov, I. V. P it in, P. K. Konakov, L. M. Mayzel, B. D. Podshivalov, A. M? Babichkov, A. M. SlomYanskiy, P. A. Crurskiy -~ these are only a few of those whom I directly recall. All of them, each in their own field, together with, and on a parity with, the other Soviet trac- I have not named, have placed, and still continue tion specialists to place, their creative powers and abilities at the service of the progress of our transport technolo~Y in the train-traction field, and of the cause of improving the existing locomotive, and crewing new and more perfected ones. such forces, and of so intensively Disposing as we do of research institutes and enterprises both in ramified a system of the transport system and that of the transport industry, we Declassified n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 e prerequisites for o'eating, ,tiring the next few years, possess all h even more efficient and perfected locomotives both of standard models and of radically new types and designee But as we solve this problem, we would be guilty of the eros- sest error if we were to neglect and leave without proper appY' a cia- Lion the creative energies of the collective, many thousands strong, and technical workers, inventors and practical of our engineering traction specialists who are scattered over all the huge railway USSR. Armed with knowledge and rich in productive system of the experience, they as well can and do make their own essential con? tribution to this cause. It is only necessary to `assure conditions under which this collective shal1 at all times be abreast of the of their own national transport technology in the accomplishments field of experimental locomotive construction, and of the accomp- lishments of foreign technology in that respect as well. This goal can be attained by the regular exposition of technical inf orrra tion circle of readers, and consequently in popular addressed to a wide form, in the shape of appropriate magaZifle articles, pamphlets and. ~books. tiara does appear in the USSR, however, it When such inf o rma stemati2ed form, scattered among various is as a general rule in unsy journals, otten either over the head f this circle of readers or, ~? on the contra~^y, undulY oversimplified, and thus in either case,.. ... this collective of engineering and techw useless. In consequence .. umbers no few talented inventors, is deprived nical workers, which n e in track of the rapid development of of the possibility of ke p g s ield and as a reult its member remain passive, ?~echnalogy in this ~' ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 rsraquisites Ior creating, during the next few years, possess all the p erected locomotives both o standard models even more eif icient and p and o;t: radically new types and designs. But as we solve this problem, we would be guilty o the gros- east error i neglect and leave without proper app' ecia. Lion the we creative were to energies of the collective, many thousands strong, . and technical workers, inventor$ and pr actical 01' our engineering scattered over all the huge railway traction specialists who are system of the USSR. Armed with knowledge and rich in. oductive experience, they as well can and do make their own essential con. this cause. It is only necessary to assure conditions tribution to this collective shall at all times be abreast of the under which accomplishments of their own national transport technology' in the ield of experimental locomotive construction, and of the accomp- ~ lishments o~ foreign technology in that respect as well. This goal can be attained the regular exposition of technical informa tion by addressed to a wide circle of readers, and Consequently in popular !Form, in the shape of appropriate ma~aZine articles, pamphlets and, ' books, When such information does appear in the USSR, how ever, it ' uns stematiied dorm, s cattered--among var~:aus is as a general rule in ~' W. journal ver the head t'ca~r4le a~ readers or, s, often either o _~? on the contrary, unduly oversimplified, and thus in either case this collective of engineering and tech- useless In consequence nits/ workers, which numbers no few talented inventors, is deprived track of the. rapid deve]~opment of of the poss~.b~lity of keeping technology' in this fields and as a reult its member remain passive, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 at best, find themselves in the position of "inventors" of ors thin&s that have long stnee been invented. In writing this book the author aimed to Liii in, to some alight extent, this gap in our technical railway literature. In conclusion it still remains for me to say a few words on of this book and the form in which it is set forth. the substance To mirror all the achievements of modern transport technology (at home and abroad) in the construction of experimental locomotives would mean describing scores if not hundreds of modernized, improved design. and radically new types and designs of locomotives, both those actually built and those still on the drawing" boards. I Such an objective involved peculiar difficulties. It became ; either to increase the volume of the book many necessary to choose times over, or to confine oneself for each separate object to only handbook character, shorn of the necessary detail and short data of elucidation. The first alternative would hardly have been expedient, , given the original specialized purpose of the book. And to adopt the second alternative would turn the book into a peculiar, dry-as- dust, official reference book and would not at all have made it a repository of the effective technical information of which we were spakirig. was therefore left no choice. but to reject both alterna- I and choose instead the middle road of illustrating these tives accampl only by single examples of greatest demonstrative ~.shments a force. r~ :, ,.,... ,. ;~-i E, . ~, e.. v rqr e!,';: .i. .?. , ~. I ,:,. ,i ? ., '~..~.; , ,., ,. .~, .. d'.i: i S{, iy .t: ';y'; ! L i ~ v ")4. .~,. .. +~ ! Is .I:a,.a A o. ! :r. ~ i ~q '~ tr :?:'.I. irk 4?, r i i ;Ipf ,d .{ r. : r ' 'e _ r. , ,r t ,: ~. .. :,.c.~ k ,d, ,.,vJ V. Il ,!;. I ..,,.,,,. :..,.:,a r .: :.: ?. . ~.; ?r, -,. :, ; : II I. r.l,: br ?Ir .~~., . . s'I .sh:al ;c^ I u .r. ? ?p ( ! ~ ~a d v c ;7,' lel 9 11 e ': ~ ~a': I :., , ... ,r ppe'~~~WIiT9 il~Af~l Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 .a w J~ V...yF F. 19. lavgorodskiy a re included oily exp?r,thnental ~.vcontp- Thta book has th?r?~o for ox racioally' novel trpea. As tivea oi' cnoa^e or leas ortgin~l el' been moda~^n~.~~ ad, or ~mpxoved hoar locomotives which have mer Y de x80) ~ only a Lew USSR examp~.e8 in design (in gxes,te~r or lesser ghave been des cribed by way o1 exeepons In spits o~ this etforc?d restriction in stop?,r,.the reader to become acquainted with all the new will nevertheless be enabled in expeximerital locomotive eonstruc.. ideas and cuxrent tendencies filled to me that this book has fulf Linn, and. eonsequen'tly it seems its specific purpose. one more remark should be made Finally in this book to elucidate a good It has not proved possabl~a ~ ~. ber o~ major pz'oj eels carried out in the USSR on the des~.gn and num M men t ~ or the new, high.. effi ci ency 1oco expex~antal study of equip motives of original design. r.M r Y:, t t } I, tr ~ ?{ , r r. s 1 " i . ; r R J ('? a' r L,h r j .1 ,..;. ,. ,...q: r ? ~,. ... ,.u , r , ... I. :f . . :: r ? . r, r .y i !r' t ,} tv'pp yy 1 .r..l 'I I 1 4 I i r I r:' 1 n r a I Declassified in Part- Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 1 l`" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 iNT1~ODUCTION aordi multiplicitY ~.n the t~8 and d48i~s o~ The ext.- actually cons trusted or maxe~.~' design?d the experimental ~.ocomvtives a untries of during the past ona and a half or two decades in many c0 th world, ina7.udtng our own USSR, y es~~ a ~. ~'tendenci it by any means depend on the persana chanca, nor noes It is based on mot~,aos of prv~vundlY or anQ designar or thc~ next acomat~.ver~ p racter~ Any onp off: these ~ xacticaand ut~.l.itar~.an eha ~ om ~.etely ,ants of the solution o the problem o~ c p is one of the vat nand r.,~,s,lly eliminating certain of khe shortcomings in des~g or pa locomo~t~,ve ty~ s. aracteristies of the existng operating ch s th e mo a~t subs ~tanti~ of the steam loromota.ve that It is these shortcomings. Much en spoken of these shoxtcoma.ngg, is o~'t A nals ~ n d the t ten about them in books ar~I jo~ much . ~.s often Wz' it fete e~,imination pas w aturally arises; is thee' comp question very n of this type of ~.acomow sable in the process oS further jprovement oS S still to be ~ollawed? basic principle o its design five if the es that a complete].Y def i_ It goes without saying, of cod's this que5- swer can hardly be given t nice positive or negative tion? The is that the only statement that does seem has period that e o:E the very protracted per during the ente coots guns before xtrue of the last three or ?~. and this is paxticula.Y rovemen~k,s- ~p st fruitful of all in four decades,. which have been ma _ in doing this. of design -- it has not been possible to succeed i current tsndencies in the c?n- is accounts tan for the. th plainly ves to abandon the orthodox ~ .~- ~ocomoti fox struction o exper~monta iCa~,~ new forms of design Stephenson pattern and seek out xad Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 locomotive. To a certain extent as well, analogous ten- the steam dencies are observed in experimental construction o internal coin- bustion and electric locomotives. experimentalu-locomotive construction is proceeding Current mainly along t11e f ollowing pathS Improvement of the tractive and thermal performance oaf the the temperature of the superheated steam locamo tiVe by creasing utilization of the heat of the exhaust steam and steam, by 11~ Ximum the feedwater and the air drawn into the fire gases for preheating box, by various improvements an the exhaust nozzle or its replace-' efficient exhaust fan, by various modifications in ment by the more engine itself, and of the boiler, and the design of the locomotive other improvements, without encroaching on the by agood number of principle of locomotive design as a whole, as represented by the standard to coma tive that exists at the present day. Attainment of better tractive thermal properties and opera.. t].ng characteristics of locomotives by the use of new types of and also by introducing variations in the design boa.le rs and engines of their individual components. Production of ha.ghwpressure steam locomotives and use of high superheat temperatures. .~ ._ ~ .._ ~ vain turbine or a combination of steam Employment of the steam turbine and steam engine for tractive purposes, for steam at low or or without condensation, and using electric or high pressure, with hydraulic transmission. ?10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 locomotive. To a certain extent' as well, analogous ten- the etesrn dencies are observed in experimental construction o internal corn'- bustion and electric 1ocomotiYe9: Current experimenta1-10c0m0tive construction 3.s proceeding mainiy along the following paths the tractive and thermal performance of the Improvement of steam locomotive by increasing the temperature of the superheated utilization of the heat of the exhaust steam and steam,. by maximum gases for preheating the feedwater and the air drawn into the fire- box, by various improvements in 'the exhaust nozzle or its replace- ment by the more efficient exhaust fan, by various modifications in the design of the locomotive engine itself, and of the boiler, and by a goad number of other improvements, without encroaching on the principle of locomotive design as a whole, as represented by the that exists at the present day standard locomotive of better tractive thermal properties and opera- ~tang Attainment characteristics of locomotives by the use of new types of and also by introducing variations in the design boilers and engines of their individual components. Production of high?pressure steam locomotives and use of high superheat temperatures. tear>t turbineOr a combinat~Oteam Employment of the turbine and steam engine for tractive purposes, for steam at low or . high pressure, with or without condensation, and using electric or hydraulic transmission. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: IA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 'ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 daptation of existing locomotives to operate on gaseous ~ and oons tru~tion o new gash generator or gas" fuelor the design holder locomotives. on of internal combustion locomotive design by Simpliftcati intermediate links in the power transmission system, eliminating their wsight, first cost and operating cost. and also by reducing turbine as the tractive engine, using Employment of. the gas electric or hydraulic drive. Design and construction of electric locomotives with trans at industrial frequefC' (~O cycles) to formers to take current simplify the etationa installations and reduce their coat. rY' the material descriptive of the individual 1ocomo ' All of tives or plans fox them that have appeared during the 'ast two dec- ades, have been arranged by us into Parts in roughly the above sequence. $o as to make it easier for the reader to evaluate critically deli n and operating characteristics of any the accomplishments in g one of the experimental locomotives described, each Part begins with under the heading t, General. information", a short introduction r and the practical meaning of, devia-' explaining the motivations fo , ' nd a Lion from the old standards and norms of the transition to the new. ..w,,,.... .-.rr -../" .. ..... - 11 in locomotive cons tructa.an Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 -1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 AMR' ONE MOD RNIZEA STEAM L0001!4T v s q~N1 RkL TNT'~RMATxQN o Amot~.ve Cqrgtxuctton dispos a8 The mqd?rn teChnAlo~Y Of a wade xange of methods and means ,for improv~nf~ to vary'in~ of hatacterts't~.ce of the ex~.et~.ng extends, the txactave~tharma,l c ? .Chase 1.ves ~ The most of f ir,~.ene of standard types of steam locomo ~ are Increasing tha superheat temperatures Praheaein~ the f eedwaier; preheaei~ the air delivered to the firebox; . ton of pu1veri~ed.c0al burning; Introduce no Lzle by exhaust f ans ~,ep~ cin~; the exhaust The 'on of a locomoeive by any of I e ampro vement . o r mo derni z ate. termed thermal moderniz a't~.on, and may these methods is customar~.1Y Lance, with trees results ~ Thus, for ins yield very cons~derab~.~ con under certain increasing the superheat meYY respect to fuel economy, ~ ercent~ feedwater el cansumptian as much as ly p conditions' reduce fu atin.~ by up to as g?1Q percent, air prepe preheating by as much 2q percent, an exhaust fan ver3.zed-coal frin~ ~ up t0 g Cent, pul t and even more., than that. by up.. to ,~ perceri ~ It i ply ~a~ic?~n ,. o:~ ...a~eee~ .. ... is entirely obv3.ous that the ap it is called' multiple methods of modernization as a unit, or as modernization more of a to cgmoeive, onfir~ d by t s. This statement has already been c noticeable resin 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 practical ex erlence. A locomotive of the E aeries that had undergone multiple modernization showed an average fuel saving ire 19l~2 test operat the USSR, amounting to 20 percent. On the ~,on, in basis o~ this experience it was eaiculated that the capital expense our entire locomotive stock in this way would be of modem iNing repaid by the fuel savings in about ha1f a year. The question very naturally arises$ why are so effective modernizing locomotives not used on a large scale? methods of are various reasons, both technical and economic, for There this. Ii the first place, the modernization of the entire locomo- five stack would require the expenditure of urge sums and the cones sumption of much metal, labor power, etc. In the second p:a ce any form of such modernization would ~ involve complication (often a very serious one) in the design of the locomotive as a whole, which would be a very serious drawback conditions of railway service; and under certain under the specific this disadvantage might wipe out.all of the gains from conditions the use of the modernization in question. the faults of design and the imperfections of compo- Finally nents of the equipment is a substantial factor that operates to re- Lard such modernization rr whether such faults and imperfections concern the f eedwater heaters, air preheaters, steam superheaters or smoke-suction instal)a tion connected with such modernization. discussed in their proper place, but at this Such faults will be out that the creative thought of the time we may merely paint 13" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: IA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 eke for, and w.1i undoubt?d.y d?911ax and inVentor rnuat seas on~~sex ~ 6'im~.nating them. When they do, the f~~d~ methoc~e of vvercom~ and rob ect to ~eff~.ciency' locomotive with reap~?sm o ~ pr?duc~n~ a highproblem tract,vs effort p?r of fuel corsurned will thereby be completely unit solved. on of the various rnoderni~sd ceed to the descr'1 i we ro ref o~'e p ~, the essential nature and let us consider very brief Y locomotives, ormance, on a locomotiv?s of eac acticaL rrr: aniZ~ of the perf tYto pr aced methods of modernization~ of the above enumer The raising the&uperheat t ? emperatuxe by the installation of st racta.sed towards the end tube superheater was the fir p of a fire the last centu~' . ~ ex t to the application of the compound prim of th roving the, thermal ciple, it was the most effective method of p effic Y The consumption of fuel in modern locomotives with ienc ~ on erheated stun is about 74 percent that of locomotives runn~,ng sup saturated steam. ' ificant an eCanamy is explained first by the ~ act that So sa,gn contains a unit of steam by weight let us say a kilogram), each erheated state that of heat (in calories) in the sup lger amount the thermal process the .same 1~it of saturated steam, and, secondly, ine cylinders is accomp eng e work done by steam) in the itself (th briefly what is meant onomicahlY? Let us explain l,ished more eC ad amics there is a very' to the f first law of therm card between heat hat is termed an equivalent, definite relation, or w re the heat, the k, 1 kcal ? = 127 kg ? The mo and me chana.c al wv r , ical work. This means that nse uence, will be the mechan more, in co ~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 a unit by w? eased steam (a k~,lo~ram) is able to per weight o;~ euperl~ form more work than a kilogram of saturated steam. also acquires other va~.uable In addittori to this steam being superheatedy namely, as its properties in the process o while its s ecific voluma continually increases temperature rises p first that ducti'iW falls. In practice thiS means its thermal con each stroke of the piston uses up less steam by weight, and secondly . re between the steam grid the cylthder that the losses by h?_exchan~ nimum while when saturated. or only walls are reduced to a mi , cent is used these losses amount to 20 per slightly superheated steam f total engine heat output. aar 30 percent o additional fuel must be used to increase It is true that some ,. superheat tezaperatuxe, but this expenditure is more than made up by the advantage gained through the more economical march of the thermal. ' ne cylinders under these conditions. process in the enga. For this reason it is obvious that increase in the superheat tem erature a.s a substantial condition for the further improvement p of a l,ocamota,ve. It must be kept in mind in the the/ efficiency eat steam that the utilization of high"superh in this connection, tha because of lves serious di;~ficulties, mainly (aver LOO degrees) inva temperatures on metals and lubricants the injurious action of high ? r duallJ y being overcome, and the tempera 'these difficultires are ~,ra will 'ble employment of superheated steam , tore limits for the poses, be assume d, considerably widen. it must Our Soviet locomotive construction industy has already reistered notable achievements in the field of high temperature g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Thus we have the FD and 2'3"2 locomotives with superheated steam. which assures for instance a superheat of the L-40 superheater, of highly superheated steam cannot, 43p LO degxee:3. The prabl ~ 1 ~ however , be considered comp1 etely solved The point i s tha t the superheat temperature in fire?tube superheaters varies with the deM , gxee of forcing, increasing at high forcing and falling at low forcing. of the variant solutions to the problem of obtaining One high and yet stable superheat is the uae of the so-called chamber superheater. This idea was born in our country. As early as 1916 attempts were made at the suggestion of Pokrzhevnitskiy) to design such a superheater and put it into practical operation. Fifteen years afterwards in 1931), the problem again occupied the atten- t ion engineer I. V. Pirin, who proposed his own de- sign of a chamber superheater. The fundamental and valuable idea about this superheater is than assures high superheat of the steam independently of the it degree of forcing of the boiler. r&eS Ef locomotives (described in this In 193 ~ one of the ,.~ Part) was equipped with this superheater. Tests of the locomotive the fuel economy attributable to the high superheat showed that amounted to i~-17 degrees. er heating on the locomotive. The idea of using the ~'eedwat heat of the exhaust steam to preheat feed water on the locomotive is almost a hundred years old... Put only during the last two decades has it been ;successfully u 'b to actice? The practical meaning ~,n of feedwater heating on the locomotive is as follows. .~ 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 I Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 hag a ~~empexatu1's of ~,0~~~ dAgrs~s Ths ?escawatar u~ua1~,y ax, the avoxa~p) a5 it enters the Uoi1ar . Be f axe it UQgins to torn heat (fuel.) must be consumed to jnto steams a. cartAix~ amount of t wh~.ch steam is generated at the brine it up to the temperature a g~ ~~ ~ is not haxd to understand tha give pr~;ssuxe in thQ Uc~.ler ? T ?. this the heat of the e~ water is preheated by usingi let us says ' smok~s~~ack h usua~.),y enters the Est steam from the cylinders (whit ha,t at a s) to the temperatur? of around ~ ~,~0 degree tan pera,ture of la~~ 9~ degrees (it is exp1ained on page ?~ why preheating beyond this ex ed.ent)~ $a-~a~ kcnl. of hest per temperature is practica~.ly a.n p kilogram of its weight can be saved. The economy of fuel (in percent) through the use of feedwatex he it calcu~.a.ted, by the appraxi.ma.tc heating on a locomotive may be eas ~' formula, )PP,,3 .~.w Here tk tr i 2 5^~ ~yy~?Hn?wnw+.wrM.w"w"W'u~lwwlN~ ~' L1.1 is the temperatuz of the heated water as it enters the , e borer; its heat content in calories is taken for simpli- city as equal to itS temperature in degrees; is the temperature of the water in the tenders which may and its heat COI1tGnt to be taken as equal to la degrees, 14 kcal per kilagram; saturated steam in the boilera is the heat content of the which may on the average be taken as 6kcal/kg3 -17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 tsd stearfl, whim may be at CAnt?~1t Q~ 6UpQr~IQ~ in i ~ the ' k o ~1/k ~ ~ tak?n on the aVera c~ to ecUal ?4 Lion of steam by the QdmtGS~ Qt~'0kQ Q~ bn is the consp, the pi~rten whichording to the d : 0,02 ~ pa~c k locamativas) amounts to practice (on 5q of f'eedwate ' deiiVQred' ' on ues in the formula ~ we obtains ~st~,tu,tin~ : lq~ sot the above val,? po02 (6~~ "9~? ~. x " s for the amount o foal avinf;~ 190 ~ water on the lacamo~-iva o this, the heating; of In aadt~,an ~ thud of m~.xtvre with the waste steam also assures by the socalled ma , of this steam into wat?x1 by the condensation a Certain Qconomy of water. ik~;wise helps to lengtY~en .n , on the locomotive ~' Feedwater heat ~' the useul life of the boiler, mainly because ture fluctuations which a, It e~.iminates the sharp temper It ~,s fad into a bailer and thus elim avoidable when cold water, meta~.3 are un - in the traordiriary' streSSPS set up inates the attendant eti plates beeau~3e air C;s the rusting of the It rer3uc the carbon dioxide din a am the water along with is eliminated fr Olen"t~e m,a?~iXl~) ~ feedwater heater that uSG5 w The cos of boiler maintenanc and repair is also cans~.der t e, e in the orr~a,tlon of scat . by feedwate~' heating, since ably reduced p hardY~esS~formin~ salts the b being oiler is reduced (the temporary . edwater heater a considerable extent in the fe of reCipitated out to ~.nerease th elent turn makes it possible to itself) y which in the runs between boiler washin~s~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The exhaust steam infector is sti11 the mo8t prevalent method of ?eedwater heating. It is fairly simple in design and is fairly compact, and the economic ef'feot of its use is also relatively Might -~ 3 - 3, percent fuel economy. In operating practice throughout the world today there are vary many different systems urged to heat the feedwater on locomo- tives. They may be divided into three main groups (1) steam feedwater heaters that use the heat of the exhaust steam; (2) gas feedwater heatE,rs, that use the heat of the combusw Lion gases; (3) combination feedwater heaters that simultaneously use the heat from both gases and exhaust steam. Systems of the second and third groups are nowhere in use today, on account of their complicated design and bulkiness. Systems of the first group are widely employed. They may be subdivided, according to the type of heat exchanger used, into the following two groups (1) surface or contact water-heaters; (2) mixing water-heaters. In surface water heaters, the heat is transmitted from steam to water through the walls of the pipe, while in mixing water-heaters the feedwater is heated by having exhaust steam mixed with it. The following are surface heaters: The Soviet "Borets" feedwater heater -19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~~NV ~i~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 reseux'? Kay1' -i'onan' e [ Quai1ie-Ponanei The French law p r heater (the exhaust steam Pram the hea't~?xchsn~?r apen-tYpe feedwate char ed directlY into the atmosphere) being dls The German hi.gh.pressure Kropp feedwater heater (the water in the at-exchanger being maintained at boiler pressure); he , The American c1osed"tY1 E1esCOMCoi'fin feedwater heater, from the heat exchanger being returned to the (with the condensate boiler). The mixing water heaters include The Soviet "KrasniY Putilovets" feedwater heaters and TsT NKPS of the Koloma plant; The American 4orthingt0n and Wilson feedwater heaters, . the British {'.C feedwater heater, and the Czechoslovak "DabegACF In this three systems of f'eedwater heating are described; this part, the openwtype mixing heater (the TsT system of the NKPS), the Worthington closed.?tYpe heater (since this system is incorporated in ?ies Em locomotives coming on our lines), and the Italian a few sex Franco locomotive, as an original type of locomotive with a combina- tion f eedwater heater. The preheating of air on the locomotive. The combustion in the f,a,rebox is essent a chemical reaction between the burning ~.~:ally components of the fuel and the oxygen of the air. If combustion is to proceed, with maximum intensitY, a certain amount of air must be ,l introducod into the firebox. If this air, however, is cold, i takes up a certain amount of heat (obtained as a result of the com- r to heat it (the air) up to the combustion tempera'-' bustian) in orde tabn and thus ich of course increases total fuel ccrosurp turc, w~h reduces boiler efficiency. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 This was the origin of the idea of preheating the air by usin the heat oi' the exhaust steam or that of the combustion gases. In the former case the object is achieved by the insta11atiof of ectiorlal radiators ~ribwtype) (resembling the cooling condenser t s tubas on locomotives with steam condensation) by means of which the air calf be preheated to 60 - $0 degrees Centigrade and L M percent of fuel saved as a result. In the latter cases the air is pre" heated, as shown by experiments, to 110 - 130 degrees Centigrade and fuel. consumption consequently reduced by 6 10 percent. In the USSR for test purposes, a certain number of locomo- tives series Su) have been equipped with air'preheating instalia- tions using steam, and a certain number (series E and Su( with heaters using combustion gases. Pulverized-coal firing. Puiveri.zed"coal firing of locomo? tives is an extremely effective measure both from the technical and national economic points of view. The technical and economic advantages of pulverized'-coal firing have been sufficiently confirmed by the experience in sta- tionary thermal electric power stations. At the present time the design of powerful stationary installations is mostly based on the firing of pulverized coal. Pulverized"'coai firing consists essentially in blowing coal, reduced to the finest powder, through special devices (forced-draft fans) into the firebox, where it arrives in a state of suspension, is mixed with air and is completely consumed. As a result the losses Pram to combustion, unburned fuel, etc, inevitably associated incomple Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 with the f ix ink of 1unp coal, are c anpl?taly absent. Thin iocpm?M tiv? boiler efficiency for coal firing reaches 7 ' $Q percent (i.e. the same lev?ls as that for oil-f irin , boilers) as a~ainst the usual ~ 60 6~ percent when firing l,p coals Besides this, fixing a a.aca" M motive boiler with pulverized coal also assures a series of other very substantial advantages; it implifies to a minimum the regulation of the pro-' s ceases in the firebox; it eliminates sparks from the smokestack; it reduces the time for getting up steam to a minimum (about an hour as compared to 2.! to 30 hours for ordifl I7 coal i ing) and this operation requires no firewood; f it makes it possible to burn low-grade fuels (brown coals, shales, etc) and culm at high efficiency'' The sav om pulverized-coal firing may reach l! ' saving of fuel fr 20 percent. locomotives~.with pulverized coal date back Attempts to fire r number of countries (Sweden, Great Britain, ~'~ for half a century, Ina W Mal Holland, etc) individual locomotives r- United States, Germany, Y~ were experimentally remodeled, but the results of their trial opera r ~ mainly an account of the imperfections tiara proved unsat~.sf ~,cto y, lveriZed~coal firing; systems as a whale. u th e p in the design of zed~caal f ira.ng of locomotives started In the USSR the pulveri ~.et the first months o So v accu thane Cancerned l~.torally during to pY during the first coal-fired locomotive were made power. Vests of the .~ trouble in period l92awl92~, but it proved unsuccessful. The main Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 an an this 1acamptive wa8 th? c1pin~ the a eratiarn cf thQ in~ta11at~, F of:' the tubes by Cinc18r~, involviniryterru,ptian of cambu~ion. , In 1930 the experiments an ir~ng 1ocomative3 with pu1vari~ed corL1 were resumed, at f irst under laboratory conditions, snd then, of series Eu 7o1~8Q and FU 20,.1400, in from 19314 on, in 1.acamatives actual service. The da~ignirtg of individual coa1PU1V instal" series of locomotives was based on the lations are the and FD results of these experiments. The first experimental locomotivo of the Eu series wa,s equipped Cor this purpose in 193$ The Voronezh accardi,ng to the plans fax the NTZZhT /ant was subaequently equipped p . C for pulverized~caal firing (which is de~ ~,ocomota.vs of sera.e~ FD fared scribed in this Fart), while in 191~0 the fiat pulveri~edMcoaJ. m was turned out by the Voroshilovgrad FD locomotive of this syste .. plant. Four other FD locomotives and 2!~ Em locomotives were also coal, It is evident from a simple enuy equipped to fire pul~ierized . ~ of research that work on pulverized-coal. merata,on of the obi ec is r firing for locomotives was carried out in the USSR on an eupec9.a11y ' this respect we ].eft the other Gauntries large scale, and that in erru ted all the work in this field, but far behind, us. The war int p it is now being resumed with renewed vigor. Forced fandraft? The nozzle draft now used in world opera- ? dur~.n the first years of the re,ilroads' tiny practice originated ~ al accomplishment is the automatic re~',u7-a- existence. Its pr~.nc' ~.p . tiorl of the draft as forcing increases the draft, also a.ncreaS es , assuring the proper comhustiarl regime and conversely, thereby The principle of the nozzle exhaust system is that the exhaust steam from the engine cylinders passesthrnugh~he nozzle into the 23 w Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 a c?x'tain amount off' vacuum (rare- smokestack and in this way craate? -lion in the smokebox, which help S to develop a dt'af t through the lac ) boiler. also possesses a number of sub- The exhaust npxZlei however, stantial faults. It builds up a certain nount of back pressure in the engine the ewer developed by the engine and cylinders, thereby redu,cir1g tho p the economy of locomotive operation consequently also reducing ~ wuniform (pulsating) draft through ~~ is xespons? ~.ble f or a non I the pulsation depending on c1.yindex' the boilex, with the frequency of exhaust-frequency, or in other words on locomotive speed; as a reuult the suction of air into the firebox is interrupted during the ixiter~ and it is as though the process of val between two exhaust strokes, c e~~ . This has an unfavorable effect an ombustion itself were suspend the intensity of oambust~.an and consequently an the generation of steam in'. the boiler as well. As the vacuum in the a smokebox is increased, it draws out an fuel thereby still more reducing the increasing amount of unburned , economy of boiler operation (bailer efficiency)' ~, of these faults. Moreover, since it The fan exhaust is free is more powerful and more uniform, it assures more complete combus? coal and allows getting up 'bailer pressure Lion even of low grade , far more rapidly, making longer runs, between firebox cleanings pos~ Su locomotives, equipped with exhaust Bible . ~x,periments with the when boiler pressure accidentally fads, it Fans, have spawn that wh can be brought back to the norm much more quickly than when using Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 tha exhaust nozzle, It must, however, ba pointed out that the exhaust f are instal u and SQ non-condensing; locomotives are ~ lation~ with which same a 'the ar of substantial deect~ as well. equipped suffers from a numb rinci al one of these is the rapid and uneven wear on the vanes a~ ~ p articles o~ fan caused by the impact of solid p the smokE3-exhaua on the quay with the draft. Depending unburned fuel carried along itheir eonfigura~ the material from which the vanes are made, ity of the useful life of the vanes are the bind of fuel used, etc tion, and this is reduced `'~ OQD kilometers of running limited to to 12,000_15,Q00 kilometers by the use of coal with admixture of fine Cementation' and weld-seaming buildup of the vanes did anthracites not lengthen their uefui life. signed by Comrade Krasil~na.kov (of the smake~exhaust wheels de raved more durable. i ask locomotive depot( without side disc, p the Cn 0 steam condensation locomotives was Their useful ll.f e on the S aced r since they were of high power, they cre almost double. Howeve , a vacuum in the smokebox In 12 percent higher than the ordinary tian? wheels, resulting in higher fuel consume a of lighter design proposed by Comrade y The smoke..exha,ust wheel msk Petropavlovsk railroad) likewise Savinov (of the depot of the 0 but in contrast to Comrade assured fang service of the vanes, id not produce a proper vacuum in the smoke ~ras' i~.~nikov~s wheel. it d ~ volume of draft air. I box and therefore could not assure the necessary and the design had to be tl boiler power was impaired, Consequen y ..` given up? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 I that the use oi' smoke-e Chauat wheels of It moat be noted excellent results on non?eond?ns~n~ lighter construe lion gave locomotives both in tenth of service and ?u31 economy. Hps a smoke "exhaust f an making )4, 000 revo- ~.des these faults, a considere,bla increase in the temperature lut~.ans per minute caLti~es ..r of the oil in the bearings. As a result the oia,~ which is sometimes brought up to the boiling point, loses its lubricant properties in turn contribu tiny to wear on the bearings Thera have been cases in which such wear of the smoke exhaust Lan has been accompanied by serious accidents VE WITH CHAMBER SUPERHEATED (USSR) THE E~ LDCOMOTx (The rebu;Llding of the series E locomotives and installa- tion of the chamber superheater system of I. V. Finn was ~ carried out at the Dnepropetrovsk ocomotiVe repair 1ant in l93) The basic, , and essential distinction between this locomotive and ordinary locomotives is its superheating system. Stearn is usually superheated in locomotive boilers by means of superheaters located inside the flues. It is far from being an easy task to m eratures in such superheaters Usually reach higher superheat to p be increased (while increasing superheater r boiler diameter must ~~.a ic-~~a:ng.~-he'~esIgn af surf aCe), and this in turn result s the boiler, increasing its weight, etc. w 26- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 Moreov?r there arc certain aonditilons under which hi4h grade - superheats in fire tub? superheaters fail to give the thermal eff i iency counted on from the increase in superheat. This is because c a flue superheater, being located in a stream moving parallel to bath evaporative and superheat surfaces requires higher temperatures of the uses inside the tube if high superheat temperatures are to be obtained. However, under these conditions the exhaust uses are dischargad into the atmosphere at high temperatures, thus reducing; boiler efficiency. The essential fault of the flue superheater is likewise the dependence of the superheat temperature on boiler for' sing; at high forcing it is increased, and conversely. The chamber superheater of I. ~ ? Pirin assures, as we shall see presently, a more rational solution from the technical and ecoN nomic point of view, of the problem of increasing the superheat temperature. Its fundamental distinction from the widely employed flue superheaters is in that it is located apart from the boiler, namely beneath the boiler barrel, and syrmnetricallY with respect to the longitudinal axis of the locomotive, as shown by Figures 1 and 2. ..27 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150P12-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 t off' two tubc~ of pocu1iar Loan end cr'or " The ~l~~mbcr~ eon i a r~, i~ ~ral~c work covcrod by ~hAOb~~,rox~ panc~~ sect ~~?na o~ ~ In and ausondar~ by choir ends unr~or Inc boi1c~;?. ~ millimeters thick ~n ~' ? ~. ~ o~ two kinds are arr~n~ad in a daC~ .~n~ ~L the QbAX'a A~,8m~~1'~9 ~~1~~Q ) order (1+iGuxc 2) t pexk~c~rai tubcc a~,an the irr wails 0the ~.~ c1rnn1bt;r and central or intsrn~L tub. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 % Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The betwecr~ trhemsa1"e ~ thrA n1gh tl~eir re t' ~ pcctive co11cctvrs r~~~ 1a1 and cxterna1. ~'he lat~i;er in 'urfl ss .~,~~~- era conr~evt?d betWQen tnccM5?1vcs by stems ducts. the chamber supcrheat;nr by means atac,rn is superheated in v wh~.eh are da.vt.ded into two st~xcams, one the hot f ~.re~~ox ~,asve, ;: a the sues and the other ,intro the super^. ~ of' which is ~:~reC~ted ln? s~rea1n5 are c~..scharged into the atmos? heater ch~ihcrg~ Loth ga, ,. their r the f'orrncr through thy, rear pherc after giving up its on s trear) smokestack,, and the latter throw~.h smokebox and ~~ ~ (front) stack. the wo rka ng owl l r7la,nne x' ; ~ Lh o Cl C1e; occurs irx trhe f oliowl n?3 . through the inside valve of the ate i'rom the boiler .ler passes 5 i rat round of the peripheral peripheral. cal.lector, makea its ...h a. slight degree of superheat to the ehements and is returned wit ~~ then passes through the internal ao].M perispheral. cal].Getor~ x . and of the inside elements and i5 deM l,ectar, makes its second ro t' ' ers through the supErhea?ted stcarll ~va,l.~rc0 l.iv~e;c~ed to the c f.L~.nc ~ work in the cyiinders, the steam is d~ ?vtided after It ' has done its one of which is directed into the rear exhaust ~.nto two strearrls, nozzle and the other jnto the front one, producing tr.e appropriate draft in each of the smokeboxes. 't'here is va.cuwtt, i ~ e ~ boiler dx ~ front and rear exhaust nozzles by which the a damper between the between the two nozzles cars be re gulaged d~.str~.bution of steam .si~~ion of the damper detcrrr~.nes the from the cab. This or that p ~ okebox of the superheater and eansequent..y degree of vacuum in the sm . of distribution of the gas stream and the de- also the caefficient gree of superheat, -3O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~acamo~~,ve~ n oi tine sexiQS and EP A Veer majcr remod?1t th4 ins't11an of the chamber eras requtxpd in aonnf~en with a u~.tant very su~astc~rat~a~, changes in ~h yupc~~hsa,ters and. t1ua res, ~ha . and wai h~~ pa,r~azne~ers a~ the ~,ocamQ'~~,ve s thexma~,~ff,Lclaney a,n ~ od almost 700 m~,~,,~rnP~axa to instal the boilers had to be ra? ~,s the in cansnc~ucncc: the longituclirial axis o;~ supc;rheatex ~~ub4s, and a hey, h~; of 3600 m~.la,~.mai~exs shave the boiler was now located at ~ f was lawexed. by ~SO mi:L1imeters and railhead level. The fixebo s increased to 322 from 19~ before the the number off' fixcMtube .. ~ ,:na7. sr~okebax was installed to serve the r. emode;La.n~;- An adds t~.o ? maximum tita?lizata.an of the heat transfer su,pc:rhea.tex~ To secure the cylinder diameter was increased from 63a mti1l,imeter, s to 710 millimeters wha. .:1.e keeping .~ the original piston stroke of 711.6 ' ameter of the common valve was increased mi~.la.me'Lcrs, and. the c~a. from 305 to 37S millimccters. The instaLl.a~a.on of the chamber superheater increased the . total weight of the he locomotive from 33 to :LO3.3 tons, and the adhesive weight from 77 to 91.3 tons; accordingly the modulus of trac La.vc e farce was increased from 26770 to 31000 kilograms; , weight of the locomotive with tender, and the total calculated together with water and coal supple-es was increased from 13 to wa. 160 tons. 've E is shown by Figure An ou'~sid,c view of the locomotive f 3? with chamber superheater was given a thermal The locomo ~a,ve efJ:iciency test an the test track of the Railway 't'ransportation Re search Institute. The e tests comprised two stages; (1) study of .. 31 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 1?cornat4T`v iari'orrna'ree at thrp~ d~~'fer?nt poisttOns of tho re~uM a e 1atox damper sQ -ths.t the d? ~S'QA of suia?rhAat could be astablished ns of the stream, as well as the inf iu'' at vous distri,bUti,o rhaa~ on heat cornsumacI per unit of power; ence of the ci?ga.ee o~ sula? ier anal superheater so as to doterrni.ne the (2) study o~ the boi. 0ffic;Lerncy of the Former and the therrria1 properties of thFa latter. the detai;Ld rnateria,l (both fIgures and graphic) obtained e from these tests was published at the time and the interested sts ~ to i,t for all detatls. (Cf. N. S. aedov and reader may gofer tat y i Cana. ~Darovoza kkarnnerr n efr, tea. m A. S. nurav, Tte Sul ............ I. V. Pirin RCSU1ts oi' the tests on a iocomotive with the super's V. Pirin], T1~ANSGhE'LDO1I, 1)39.) heater of 1. Figure 3, Outside view of Lacomo ti ye IL . PHOT 0) ? based on the analysis of this mater:Lai reduce in The conclus7,anr ~ lag general to the ? following ; )4~O degrees 500 degrees of superheat is entirely attainable in ,:the chamber superheater, regardless of the degree of foxc~. 'rxg such temperatures are more advantageous , than the 360 degreel 330 degrees ordinarily emplayed~ and the fuel saving to be expected from the use of the chamber superheater amounts roughly to l~ percent~i7 percent as compared. to fuel con- ~' swnpt:Lon on Eand Er locomotives. Together with this, however, the Pirin chamber superheater showed also revealed a number of substantial defects in design, p and as a result the locomotive E 127 was completely unable to an f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 normal, oporatin conditions aftoxthe tests. Thus caporate undor f'ox' instance, the steam eo11eataxs buret at the places where they had been wa1.dd to the int~ ?ariox o1amente off' the superheater, t.he p became ttburncdt" and lost steam from thetr threads, suc- conic plugs tion from the outer air was observed in the superheater eharnbax at the points of union botween th? split details oi' the cagi.n1, ~~nd there was a systematic weakening of the attachment off' the cylinders to the frame, a?s a result of which the cylinder bolts were snappecl off, with subsequent cracking of the en[ine block, etc ? This defect, however, had nothing to do with the instal."' l.at; Of the Pir:i.n superheater but was caused by weakness in '~.on of the; const'ru.rtion of the underframe at` the EF locomo'ti.ve- The strength of the :latter proved all the more inadequate after instal- lation of the Firin superheater, since the thickness of the loco" ra was considerably increased in connection therewith.) moi,ivc, In 19L.6 . V. PirLn worked out an improved variant in the design of the chamber superheater for the series L locomotive. In the near future a number of such experimental locomotives will be built and subjected to the appropriate tests. ' W.tY details whatever on the design of this ~ going into any c variant of the chamber?superheater locomotive, we confine ourselves la here to presenting a i'ew data, published at the time in our liter- ature, to give the reader some opportunity of getting an idea, w though in the most general terms o.f this very interesting OCO- p4p~'~ '. motive. 3300 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ake1eton dt ram o the new oharnber superheater fo11ows 'the that cif the old one, but the ohanes in the design of lts individual ~ datrLi18, introducad to eltmi,nate v.11 to faults noted, are very ooi able , The boiler was also modi.fod in certain respects, as a si,dsr result of which it weight and dimenston ware considerably reduced, its thermal character Utics were substantiaily improved. while The eiernents in the new Stearn superheater are arranged some" 'what ~t cU.ff'erentiY along the cross section than in the preceding de- sign; acid their number is also difi erent, They have two turns, which assures greater flexibility and consequently avoids the pO;3s1bi1ttY of the steam collectors snapping off. The exhaust nozzle instal'1.eti.on has also been modernized, and in its operation the maintenance of constant back pressure in the nozzle (at given cute-off bind speed) is assured, regardless of bhe magnitude of the g;~is stream branching off to the chamber. The plans and the calculations performed on them show that the series L locomotive of type 1w5?0, with the new Firin super- heater, has a higher thermL1 efficiency than the series J,.oco" motive th the ordinary fire-tube type of superheater. The w ' ~. saving of fuel, according to the power developed, ranges from :l2 percent to 30 percent. f .r 'tr i~"~S~EEJJYYr f97 t l h ti LOCOMOTIVES WITH ITT MPS SYSTEM MIXER FATER HEATER ('USSR) A skeleton diagram of the feed water heater on the TsT MPS system is shown in Figure ll., while Figure shows the arrangement of all the equipment and mechanisms on the locomotive. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~'ecd wader heatar ey~tam cpn- a bie equl,pme~~ Th v -l~aa~or~ (Jet 1~Aa~~xchan~er -, a rniX~.nf cham~Ar, eja~toar n,va '~~n~ o e~ect0~' ~pp~,rat1l~, an tuxbine pup ( a turbine opara xar~.:i,n Figure L) by a deep par~ The Lander U divide~ (dia~ . , ~ one ccid~w~ter c~orlrpart- O parts or ccrnpaXtmcn ?~~,~~~;i,on ~n.. ~o pasal a hp~tMwa~l;?r comes ~.n 2/ of the tender volume an rnt~nt OX~ oacupY ? ~r th',QGin turn is ~u~b ~~~t,rl,n~t pGoccupy~.rl~ the xErna:lna.r~f~ ~ ed b rho pc,rt;~?~~on 21 aria the ,1.ter 22 into two clean e~~ r r`hi.v~.d y or ~'~.it~ared hat water 11c~.d.ng m~l.x~i.xlf chamber anc~ a cha.nber a about 1 cubic meters h ( ~. ` eolvM~ 1 --' ! c: q Wtff . L J e t A'9 I sf, f c 4?M Q ctJ,4ffev r s'T' Ml'a'eedwater~heatin7 system an L. iagraan o Fjgure iocamcttve, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 . ~qpp?d w Th? rnln ahemb?x U ad ~,n the n~e~' ~~~ axhermpm?ox p1?? a~,er e ~ampo~a~u~,a a~ ,the w the wa,~ex~lgvel d e ~ho ar~~~,n?ma~ to observ ~,Y~ wh~.cY~ anab~,?~ In OQ''B. the ~nw mo'ta,ve is rur~n'~,~Za 4 open When the loco a~.C~n opexa't?s as follows. sGa1~. rh th? .,he cyl~.nders pa,eses ~,Y1xau~a e ex}laus t steam f'xp~n L , x5 the ~,h ~,n~l 1.~~ Pax of a.enLe a,rid the: ball ooupl ca }~~.~pe s 1, 2 , rh ;~p?~ and pax t o f' a.~ steamwntixers) throw ~ e.eC.tox,whEa~texs C 11'Yae ~unoun't of ,,~te n .,e~QCtoxs 8 hxough ptpe ' end enters i;hc; ioxca. ~ ., , ~, ~;ctars, respccta?ve1Y, to ester sm r, oe7's and foxca.n, ~,he ata e,~ter In QG~ ez~.ttltye and level off:' t w e consetluen~ly also the ~,emp w The water-level dral)s manually by the valve 15 . hen he is re~;~?ated . , sets 'the val.Ve so that ~' fnstanCe, 'the en~a.71c;rnan in Q(rk;~ ar f, ncreased, thus e jJectors :Ls a .the pumpin~ ~-noxeasa.n?; en'tex.i.n~ ~ s'team the for.c.Lnc and co nve x sel;Y, when 'the ~ ~f3 'to QG~, e , of wate~~ (yarn Q s..v n 0GB drops below normal, the v r .tempexature o f, 'the wa,te a. ' ~,n'to the s e amMm~.xe x's f s to Increase to flow o s team is se't sa as a feed water con~;~,nually ur;i.n~; ~th,e px~ocess af' p~'eYt,eai,a.rlt ~ he e the preheat of the water C r~ rh heatex-ejectaxs, wha.1 7.xCLlla'te5 ~,hxo ~ 'or ~,he xes.san 'tha't a~t a h:Lg mus.t nab exceed 9~ degrees her tempere... , f ~, and the no ~mal funs ,. he turbine pump s'lr?Ps worka.n~a ~~~ure khan th~.s ~ tio~lng The p1~r~~ose a f, the filter ystem is 'thus disturbed o~ the sY the ~,en der. e oil that gets into It in 22 a. s .to f xee the wa~~ex f corn th w ravitY thxou~~h the water rYYe ho~t water f;r'om OC~B flows by g e i~ ~ ~.0, '~h thy: rubber hose 2~ to the ply ca ok ~ ~~ the pipe ~~ arld. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 12-1 n c lvere it through the pipe 26 and tha feadwatex valve pump the 27 to the toiler. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 earn exhauate in the tuxbiiae pump is conducted through The St haustMsteam main. The exhaust steam from the pipe ii into the ox nductsd to the same maim throuCh pipe 13, turbogenerator 12 is co the bypass 9 is iristailed on pipe 3, It is 'controlled from the cab b the drive 39 and serves to open and cloe the exhaust by b1ee& r from the engine cylinders. The valve l4, is in$ta.11ed on the exhaust e 13 and serves to shut off the turbine drive when pipe the turbogenerator is not running. The 3w.1nch bypass valve 36 is installed in the deep corn- artrnent 20, and is used to release water as it collects on the A tender. The contro:L rod for the valve is brough'L t,o the outside of the tender. qT I ~'ItM N~~w~1V ,? npMMM~+M-wMwl-4YMW w~iMIW MWNIMMRI~~MmMRYNMMM IKII~ ~" 11~MWIW fUMIbIEpR511 ~IIIWIw' 6 1 MWMMMNpIMA}~INMFAItlipNp4YlMIMMWW4~A,~y+, Figure . Arrangement of j'eecawater~heatin equipment and, mechanisms on Series E Locomotive 37 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 rav?nt the ?ree,in of the turbtna pump and the pipes, To p ; fil pip0 32 is provided. It has the valve 33, conM e c~,rcu7~t~,on trolled from tha cab, When the pump stops deiiverin water, the the cireu,lation pips by opanin the valve, thus engl,naman cuts in connacting a.t into the 'turbine duct system, and than stats the f. turb which starts to pump water thIrouh the dosed sysM un ~.nc~ Ptip~ tem. The turbine pumI) i s started by the drive Li. Be ne pump there are also two Friedman RS' ii s ~,des the turbo. i i.rljectars. The right in,jeetor 28 is always 'turned on and aspirates water from 0XU, while the left injector 31 remains as a reserve. for use in the time when the water heater installation is being gotten under control. In case of need (for instance if the tur bine um~ should go out of action) it is then connected up by th,e p 1 flexible hose 25 and the turbine duct 2. To pr ^event suction of the water from the tender into the engine cylinders (which may happen while runniri.g with closed throttle when a vacuum is built up in the exhaust steam pipe), a safety air-valve is installed near the bypass If the pres~ sure in the turbine duct for exhaust steam should drop, the safety valve will open and admit the outside air. The ball coupling Z~, which consists of three joints, asM the free displacement of the pipes, and consequently their cures safety, in the event of a mutual displacement of locomotive acid tender during travel. The live-steam mixer 19 is provided for heating the feed water while the locomotive is standing (and there is thus no . f. : ,! ,iii Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0 00398000200150012-1 ,. r f ,~ 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Qxha1u3t s~aam)~ This ix r is fed from the blacder line through the 'tuxbirre duct the bal couplirU 17 and th4 tuxbino duct 18. i6, t ' h The type 1MTH turbir~ purnp consists of thra? principal parts th s z1e, the xotor and the reguiator. Tha latter stops stator ox no the tuxbina autaraat i~.' if the px'escrilaed number of xevo1utIon5 ~,ca a~ ceccled. At 6000 rpm the turbine develops (63O0~6~UO zprn) is ex HP, can pump 3l-t6 tons of feed water per hour at 9 def;rees water temperature and develops a pressure head of 19,1 atmosphereS. water heater likewise assures the;rrnal treatment of The feed the waiver in UGB, which constitutes its advantage. Together with this, howevor, the system also hs`s its faul=ts. Here are the most substantial of them: While the steam engine is running at low cut'off's, the ex' haust steam is unable to overcOfe the hydraulic resistance of the turbine duct for exhaust steam or the hydrostatic pressure in the pipe that conducts the steam to the forcing ejector. In copse quenee the water is not heated and the boiler is not supplied with the necessary amount oi' preheated feed water. If the normal temperature in 0013 (93 degrees-9 degrees) is exceedEd. (which is far from being out of the question when manual regulation is used, especiai:Ly at high forced draft) it involves 'ng without the operation of the turbine pump, which means dis- do:>r turbing he normal functioning of the system.. The feed water in OGB must first be preheated to a certain temperature by live steam before the system starts to operate, which considerably lowers the operating economy of the system. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150P12-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 d the inatalion a whale Thv din is camp~.laa~ed an bulky and very heaNy? s,red ~`o~ a ~un~ arid also 'When the 1acopio~,~.ve U bQ~.n~ P~'?P and a~~ten.'~'ive and c~ua7,i:~ied txaatM ex way, inta~.la~~,an recau~rxes ~ ~. a ohs '~, ets it, d~.s'~uxbance , a~ i`~~ norm a m?nt and service, and unlss ~, ~ opE;ratton is inevitable The 1-'11N turbine pump is unreliable and unecanam:lca~' in opoxal;lon, and a.s f'requc:ntly out of catranission? ?ons thc: preheatin~ o:~' ieedwater by open" e,1.:1. these reas wide" For tender, by the TsT system, did not receive type m~.x~.n~ in the ~ ~ ~ ~'eedw At the present time other systems of spread acceptance. xin -pr'ehea,tin~ are being considered and, tried out? water m 1 g rEI~TCFAT:C~iG SYSTEM (USSF~) ,., Nx~.Zhl LOCOMOTT~S WITH ~ , -~ A111~ ecanot~izex) consists of a welded The air ~preho~~ter (air ~ shell of the same dien1eter as the smoke box? The shell has two is filled with lengths of fi re Mtube s ? ~,rat~.r~~s and ' ~. bank of tubes is as~~ened by ba~.~~s to The shell with its b a front of the ~'a,rebax, and eansti'~ut;es the special flange on the . The arr~~n~emenr off' the e,ir~pxe~ natural prolongation thereof. U lacamat~,ve is shown in Figure 6. her~,tex on a series ~ Jer is V~-OWed by a normal :Front The ~'xont of the ecanom' ~. plate t At the bottom of the drum, between (with a small l . pox ) ront sate, there is a special bunker the front tube plate the ~' p for ca.ndexs, whtch is provided under the removable damper. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: IA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 s.-...- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 d the a whole '~hn daet~n t~ comp~.icafi~ed an bulky and very heavy. ~ ?paxed ~'or a run, end sl.o When the ~.ocamo't~,v? ~,s beirt p ~.. ~res a~~~tar~.t,iva and que,l.if ~ed traa er way, th~,ns~ta~,lat~.on reclu~ and 111 ~,~~ d~.s'tuxbc~nae of ~,~~ no21mal e ent and service, and un~.ose ~,`~ ~At , operation U inevjtabie: unreliable and uneconomical in ale i.TN turbil1e pUlnP ~. operation, and is frec4uently out of corW1s5ion$ s the preheatxnE of feedwater by open" For all these reason wide"" e:r by the TsT system, did not receivs tend, type m;Lxirt~ in the , ~ r :~' ~.'eedw At the present tame other system, o spread acceptance. water mZxing-px'ehee.t;~.n~ are be.rng considered and, tried out. ',GOCOMO'f'TS WITH 111E Nx],Zhl AI1pyE1iEAl? SYSTEM (USSR) con"a.s of a welded ., 'ts r . reheater (air economizer) the a~. 1' as the smoke box. The shelf. has two shell. of the ante di ameter gratings ' s filled with lengths. 0f' fire tugratings and a. ank of tubes is fastened by bol.Us to The shell with its b es a front of" the firebox, and const~.tut the special flange on the thereof, rf'he arxiangement off' the airMprew natural prolongation u ocom0tive 9.s shown in Figure 6. heater on a ser:~.es,..~,. l .- 'The ' front of the economizer is closed by e, narmal.:Cront At the bottom of the drum, between late (with a smell part) p ., rora~t l,dtey there is a special bunker the franc tube plate the f p rovided under the removable camper, for c:lnrlers, is ~ p It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 sure the possibi1it-Y of repairtrig the ?it'tinis, and e and tubes, the bank 'i a1so fastened to spo- o;f: rQpl,ac.l,ng el,ema C to be opened in manner similar o ,hat ~.~~ ~,A?~~ that a1,~.AW it Lrt which the front plates opened. The sheil has a slot on top to admit the outside air into he economizer. A second siot is provided on. the bottom to conM k the air duct h the hermetically closed ash-b'ox, ne c The smokebox is dividCd, into two 'parts, a lower and an upper, by a removable diaphragm. The foreeel-draft noie leads into the upper part of the smokebox. The diaphragrfl has a valve th rou~.,gh which (if necessary) part oi' the gases may be diverted to the smokebox without passing through the air 'preheater bank. in The save valve permits inspection of the noazle syphon, siic1 bhe steam exhaust pipes with closed air.preheater. A manhole is provided for inspecting the smokebox with the air pp reheater bank closed, and also to affor'cl entrance to the smokebox during washirig-oUb. ~j'he blow-Offs of the air pr'eheater bank and of the boiler barrel are performed by means of two steam soot'-blowers located in the first chamber of the smokebox. They are placed symmetrically with respect, to th two sides of the smokebox and are installed in such a wa y as to allow the nozzle to be turned through a full 360 degrees. Besides the movable soot-blowers in the upper ejection chamber, is also fixed jet for blowing off the horizontal part of the there diaphragm. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R 000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Figure 6. Scheme of NIIZhT air_prehea,ting system on. Series S LocomotiVe The airpreheater operates as f oliows. The uses emerging _f~b.~_* .e .. bo-re directed through the first (upper) --''xm di:~-e,r bar red, ~, f b~ ? s ~-chamber of the smokebox into the lower part o the bank of tube and after passage t s turn into the 1'o aid chamber through the tube ss, of en pass through the tubes of the upper part the bank. They then are discharged into the atmosphere through the of the bank and ejection chamber. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R 000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~ owinc to tine ra duc?~ pr5sUr~ in bhp p~atsid~ 8i~' i~ $uOka , banks a ;LntA the uppor s1;iw`~, bathes ~~,~?bax, s.~rd~cts s,nd tu the the 'bubes, and passes through the sower the exterria:L sv,r~aca~ of silt into the atr"dUct and then into tine ash parr. n char%-,c?~er~,st~,cs of the alr~pre' Table 1 gives the desk heater for 1ocor~otiVeau and E. TABLE l Locomotive su Em ar-ieter of air..prehcater ba ~ in mm ~ 1,73 ],,ala . ~l/1a.6 Diameter of preheater tubes in mm 51/L6 Number of preheater tubes boo 7~0 620 Distance between tube plates in mm 1 loa Heating surface (air) in sq. rrt ll>.b 7a-b CrossM$ection of gas (tube)Part in sq. m U.L98 U.b:l,y Mean air cross~sectio.n in sq. m 0,398 0,179 , . k 3, 392 2, 316 g Weight of bar~.k in 12Z Tota1 weights of insbaiLai0n in kg 3,63 . 2, G I The ins'tal.lat of the air..preheater thus increases the ~.an _ -.._ f ~ by about L ions, and that of total weight of the su locomotive . . the Em by about 3 tons. During 19L0, su and Em locomotives equipped with this air- prehea'ter were given thermal tests an a testing rack. The results were published at that time. (Cf. ~?a,r ovaznoye --- of then sts ? te ...1i3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 va or~ncye Kh,o2yaistva [The Locomotive and Car world], 1941, No 1, pp. 649. Theref ore we shall limit aur9e1vea here to giving a few figs urea that eharacteri e the operation of tho air~preheaters, and also give generaiiZ?d conclusions. The degree of preheat of tho air in the economiZGr, which is an index of the compietene35 of utilization of the heat in the exhaust gases ranges from 100 degrees to 170 degrees for Su loco motive, and from ll6 degrees to 190 degrees Centigrade for the Em. The corresponding reduction of the heat loss from the exhaust gases is 5 iO percent and 942 percent respectively. The use of the airwpreheater assures more efficient firebox combustion even with lower coeffi.cients of excess air. Heat losses in the refuse at heat output of the grate of the order of 2y X00 local/sq.m per hour, for various mixtures, range from 3.lil percent to 8.76 percent as against 3. b to 11.32 percent for locomotives without air preheating. Thus air preheating improves the ''termal process in the firebox not only by recuperating the heat of the flue gases but also by modifying the firebox process itself. Depending on the kind of coal mixture burned, the fuel saving at the forced combustion rate of 0 kg/sq.m per hour was 12 to ll. percent for the 5u locomotive, and l~ percent for the Em. I The average fuel saving through heat recuperation and in creased firebox efficiency amount to 11-12 percent when air prew heated to 100-170 degrees was introduced into the firebox. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA RDP82 000398000200150012 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~ avano~ ~ xeha~~hydx'au~.'c xo~ n ~~he real us1 sav, ~ s ~ s ~h one a~ ;h~`. ~' rho xsesonpx t e~Qr~ a ~.oss ~ l~owav'A ~ ~ sod by ~l~a ~n,~~xo~t w~ ~ts ' , o tx~c~ '~ s ncxe don ths d? sal.s~snC? a~ i,h~ ?hs sYp~,em~ upon ? ~~l,n~ e~u,?ment tnto ? ta~1 xQS~,atance o the a~.x hoa ~;he a,ue of the ~, o . ~.1e; ~ foxa~,n~~ n y ex~ex~.~ b?s aho by gxos o~ rho ba . ' ~ d a~.~, hss oux to ~z'ehc S,tex (ges an six ~ ~h0 ment ~o x'ange from B Yin o~ 'wader k m per Z hoax 100 ~ of wa,tex with ~ mue~ be incxea5ed to the e% US'~ no2Z,1e ac ~.~;Y of the cad ~~h1.e ~.ncr'ease ms,~. Uc ,1 xesa,s'~anceS y these a ddi1ons ?. n, But phis ~,~x'oduCes o'vex'came Cxo~swcec L~,o ~ xeduc~n6 turn re acha.eved by l.~.nders, and ?Gh~s tn sure in the cy eed ba ck ~ xes aces . ~o esu~.tJs in a cer?~aa.n xe.. ~.ncrea d en~~?ne ~~owex, A~.~' ~r'ehEat;t.n?; a J.~ ~' conomY ,che,,soreduCes~c e c;s.1- ~em~exa~u.xe , whs. c~uc't1on of eupc,xh of enine opexatian' ' ?~he eXhauel~ nos~~e the regUtxed CB1?a0Y off ~ de~exm~na.n~ w .L~ate no~'r.].e a~~eron hen the the ~'S,c;~oxe that f'ac~.:l.? r'he.~ are that however, Lh ~akeri ~,n~~o accot~n~ ~.S ~~,ehes;~ed s,x'e also the ?~ube at a f~.xebo~, air nomi~ex 'paes ~.nto es ~ec;xtiaxed ~,n~;o the eco air Y~reYieata.that . the has shout. le than in ~oco7riaiVee wj ? etx 'lower ~em~e xa Buz de ~xee s)~ and ~,h ees as a atnsL 3 o~~ seed .~ .~he~z ~,ncxe rough~,Y i6 _2O0 deg I' thexefo'e iower ion accoun of ca,~a?w ~ ~he neceeed,x'y .ume of s ecif~?c grava.l~~r) , and consequently the vat p educed Besides this ~.also ~' ciby of he r~a~lo a . is likewise reduced an e,ccoun off the increase as ~~o be eeC~ ~ bo ~,o ca mo ~i~re s wa. LYLau ? r ef~.,c~:ericy ~ ~han a. ~ of ~.~e ue~. mue~ be burned ~a genera be the same smou~n sic f ?n us?~ no~.e~ ne less f waxk, into he exha ?? asseS~ after do1r~g i stoam ~ha~ ~ _)4_ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R00020P15P012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 1l~1-us tha required noz~1e capacity' is determifed in ?bho 1ae't arnal,ysis by tha xela iora betwe?n the valu? o.l.' the xasiebaflea that ?the incr?aee its boiler e~i'icieneYo o:f: th.e has -~:Lx txEtct, and that of the chan rQ tn the specific vo1Um? oC tie uses xa M ~ :i,n r of theix^ tprillaexature at the r~ozl.p-. sul,t~,r~~; ~ xom the lowea^ ~ Specia,1. tQ;3ta made on 1,0C0rfOtjVE & 2O776 with various st?ablished that a reduction off' si.~oe of exhs.ust noZZl,es e e crossMsec'tian area ws,s required to increase ?)erco nt in noz zl noz.zl.4 capacity by 10 percent at ;Coxced draft ,t'lael corisurnptJ.on of ~U lti;/rn2-hour, hich reduction resulted, in i,Li; percent :toss w while tha increa;ac in fuel consuIflP'tiof, at of locomotive power, equal to como ve power, after allowtnfor bo L1er efi'iCLer~cYy t~. did not exceed 2.1 percent. Thus a fuel saving of about 9-10 percent is possible by .. ~ehcatin. This system of c~ir preheatir1;, however, usin~ a~.r ~~x from defaul'i'~s, of which the most substantial. is also not free are as follows, The - hors. ~ontal position of the tubes of the bank re- su1.t:4? easy cueposition of cinders and unless timely meats in ~ reheater clogs up rapidly; the prescribed luxes are taken the p devices 1:ox c1eafing steam superiors [SUPER' E J for blowing off -? are not efficient enough to prevent clogging, since they and demand constant attention. and handling from ~'un,c`t:~on poo~ly , the detriment of their primary duties; the locomotive crew, to result of clogging is to increase the hydraulic re~ the direct gas-air tract, which at a certain level the si,stance of the djscha,rge noZ~le becomes unable to overcome, anal the locomotive Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 7 Is y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ttruns out of ; bcsidas th0jndex3 are the primarY reasor no~^ma.l opc~ra'tton of an atr px'ehas,tax, fo~^ disturbance aV the a ~ to 'thc ~,n].at~,on; ~th.a mass~v and a~,so of frequ~nt sus angled on the ~,oops and. front bank off' the a~,x~prahes,tex .Le p x and makes it very nconvenient to opafl part of the rnokeba o aratl.on o~'~ton xec~u~.r~.ng the usc~ or c~,ose 'the smok~:box~ this p of a hack or aver a ho1sttn t crane; the ma~,n Load of the a'irw the front axle, which 1s already over preheatcx is placed Ofl :Loaded even without th.t.s extra weight, thus causing hot journals ,~ and uneven wea,xon the tires, For these cracks in the spy ~,.ngs , ater design has not gained wide reasons this drat t"ec.x pzehe acceptance. THE PULVERIZED COALwFIRED FD LOCOMOTIVE (USSR) s w L7 ~ red by the Voronezh ocomotiv~e repair :,ant ac uip~ (~q cording to NIIZYT plans.) i3efare taking r up the equipment and installations on this ].ocomat essential fe~~tures of pulverized coal firing will ~.ve, the ea~. be briefly together iwith the practical meaning of its briefly explained, introduction on lacamotives in general. of combustion proceeds most intensively when the process a sufficient quan.t:~.~ty of atrnaspheric oxygen. is conducted to thq surface of each particle of the burning material. when 1 kg of coal in lwnp form is burned, for example, the area of its surface 2 tact with the oxygen of the air is about 0 ?01 m coming in con is converted into pulverized coals If the same ~.urnp~ however, then the total surface axea, of the separate particles artounts to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 .,i., i... ) rv. L:r *I u ....e a..x it a. .. wYn...i n_. : yT-... laek ALd*.Yl.v. @ 3ias.t.* N .t 4etl about X04 m2, is O,QQO times c xeat as to the lump of coal. tt is therei'are easy to and?rstand haw much more f avorablo the cones ons are for bur+nin pulvericd coal. Moreover, the pulvcr.lzed coal is fed t?cther with air wh;lch is cars?`ui1y injxcd with it. The ratio between th.e volume off' each coal particle and its share of tha air is about 1 :lpn, or in other words about IQQ cubic maters of air are delivered to the firebox, on the average, for every cubic meter of pulverized coal delivered to it. Thus what tors the firebox is realiy air saturated with pulverized coal, en The air entering the firebox under forced draft, together with the pulverized coal, is customarily known as primary airy while that entering by moans of the exhaust'?n.ozzle of exhaust blower draft is called secondary air. Since pulverized coal burns in a state of suspension (in air), the locomotive boiler gate becomes superfluous, and the ashpit is used for additional firebox volume. ,\jsriz ed C!oA( ~'; ,'M+a n 5 tt3 tr MAM?Ic 0041 Figure 7. Relationship between boiler efficiency and boiler forcing, expressed in normal steam.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA RDP82 000398000200150012 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 cntai r6So u'ch tto the pu1vorizd&'COA1 firing Tho e~q)?x'im of locomat eraa conducted in the USSt and abroad, testifcs ~,ve bo~,l Qf the thcxmal pros?sa. Whp the boil.?x is to thra graati aconamy handled praparly equivalent to that of an oiler snc is its eff~,e:i, ~' fired boiler, fl O matter what the quality of the coal from which the pulverized uol has ben prepared. This is very raphica11y f illus of Figure. 7 which shows the relation" ~',xa,ted by the diagram boiler efficiC:ncy and derec of forced draft, ship between expressed in normal steam Z, for series F~ bailers respectively kn firing pulverin sed coal axed stoker coal of the identical. grade (mark o), The flexibility and ease of control ofthe combustion in the firebox accorda.nF~ to the unount of steam required, is a rist~.c and extremely valuable feature of puiverized"coal chara.cte firing. long stanciinwith the fires out in the firebox, steam can be raised to normal pressure in the boiler .nsid,e of a few minutec. In case of need the combustion in the firebox can be stopped in a moment. The principal equipment for preparing pulverizer) coal on 1. the locomotive is located on the tender and consists of: a coal pulverizing mill; a coal. conveyor with, trough, cruher and reducer; a stoker steam engine with a winch Csharnirniy vale for turning the conveyor; a puiverized~COal. bunker with two conveyers; a stoker steam engine with drives for turning the pulverized"' coal conveyors; b.9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Ill Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 I: ksM.h' z 7.Fw T . j , ....ti:. ,,,:mss V^ ~. o. CQr ~cedflt~ ~tr to the t~n.bi,ra cyetem; a tux~bi,n~ blower a $i duct wj'th _ Carbiu'etor h?ad that oonneCta the .he suc~'~,on?i,r~~et connect~~~ branch of fi,xc~hoX ~,nsta~,l,~t~,~awith ~ i;hQ fan; pul,vex i hrpu h the edMcoal ckucts that conrnsct 'the tLl t ~vd?co~~,l? m~l.f~.r~r~ 11ra~ o~ c~~^'ra~~re't;o1~ with btiast fans and the ~~ul,vEri , the f orcadwdrraf t j J.,.ets; f a1^ f eedi.n ~ thc, mi;l., turbino f'an and steam n supply pip? s donkey en1ine with teamo 0) conai$ts of two parts, a lower part 'In The rni.l1. (Figure hich the carl is ground, arid an upper part, where the ready pul.w w ve seIparated from the unground pieces of coal. r~.2ed coal. :Ls The m? acts a5 follows. `ri'he coal entering; the lower part mill of the ? ?:l. 1. through the inlet connecting branch l4, falls on the m a. steam jet 7 , is taken up ?n, u'. by a highwve;>.0c7.W je't of, superheated steam arid carried upwards to the steam diffuser . erlent 'thx'oiig kl the dif'fUSCr the lumps of coal In thea.r rnov ? de wi th e a ch o ther and are broken up? On leaving the dif M coll.:~ fuser they move forward. and encounter in their path the baffle strike with great force and are converted plate 3, which they partly ' to dust and partly to ftneiy-divided coal. After str? late the stream of cool ,Eragmen'ts and ~.k~.n~,r , the p " the steam makes a sharp 90 degree turn and then moves pe,.~al.l.cl to 'the walls of the mill houing. In the course baffle plate towards of "ream of coal and steam is traversed by the its motion the stream hat mixture of gas and air issuifl from the gas~air line 9, which ~~ H Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 takes up the Finished eoa1Mdust and ;dine grains and carrtes them down wL h i.t, while the stream of core, and ste un eonea anoo mare to the aa, In its further journoy upwards through the duets of separator 1, the velocity o.t' the strewn continueiiy fats an account of the increasing sectional area of tIze passage. M a result the larger pt rtic1es o: coal continue to ,sottle and thus leave the stream. on ?t3 arr'i.vai at the upper part of the separator, the stream is directed inside the separator :funnel where it passes between the rotating vanes (by which the direction of the dust- air stream is changed) an.d the eoa1-dust outlet connecting-branch of the rrLi.].l. During this course the velocity of the stream is sharply reduced on account of the larger area of 'the passage, while centifugai forces are also generated by the stream being directed by the vanes along tangents to the circurn.C'erence. Thus the final separation of the finished coal-dust from the incornp1ete1y ground coal particles is effected; the finished coal-dust fue:L ?s directed together with the gas-air stream into the bunker or firebox, while the incompletely ground particles settle out on the bottom o,f the separator funnel and enter the steam et again. The fineness of grind is adjusted by changing the position of the vanes. CSee following page for Figure 8] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 A- M. Figure n, Coalpulveri~inE mill for Fl) Locomotive. Mbaffle plate; L~.stokex inlet connect l~Separatox; 2-body of nu~.l7., 3 .~, . 6-tre,~ for cleaning mill; 7-steam jet; ink branch; .steam d,~~~'usex, z . _gaswaix pipe la..protectiv'o riet~~in h ? 8-ran a.n1G', conrlcc~,~, ~.r~~:, b~s,no , for coarse coal.-dint; 13_bracket and sup- 11_rnanhole; l2-return hose ~,~.. porting for separator vanes; porti.ng guide pipe for separator, G lug of delivery part; 16~de1ivery part of mill; 17-1u~ fox lifting ' on to rli,txibuting box of mu~.ticyclone mi~.l.; w,~lan~e of connec~~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 To quality off' thQ mi11i,n also dapende on the motsture content of the coal, The drier the coals, the better th@ milling will be, and the hi he r ~ri1i be the productivity off' the mill, For this reason the heat from the asMair rnixtura and from the steam is used 1' or dryln out the produet duri,n ; he rinrling. Accordin to expei'imerital data about BOO kg of steam are wed fox milling ono ton of coal. The puiverizec1 coal bunkr;r (Figure 1) serves to store the supplies of pulverized coal, requirad to keep up the first during; standing, for getting up steam in a cold low comotiVE and for use when the mi11 is out of order. The amount of pulverized coal in the bunker is enough or the normal oper~ ation of ?t}le botler for 1 hour without being replenished .from the mill. The bunker is of welded metal, rectangular ir1 Shape, and divided into two pockets on the bottom, Two troughs fastened to the bottom are corlne;ctod by connecting branches to the dustwrriixi.ng boxes or carburetors. Each trough has a pulverized 'coal conveyor to feed the fuel to the carburetors. Under the bunker, beneath the fuel conveyors, air-jets connected with the main air-reservoir are installed. These jets serve to break up accumulations of pulverized coal that may form beneath the conveyors,'.. There are two inspection hatches in the upper roof of the bunker, and also a large manhole, all of them wither hermetically closing corers. Special devices called cyclone fans or rnulticyclo.nes are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 in~~~i1pd on the roof of the bunkar, They serve to renrlove the pul" verized coal from the as air s o it from the miii, and thus to a,uro a constant suPp1y of pu1ve c'tzed coal to the bunker. The ss multicyclonee ordinarily catch from 75 percent to 80 percent of all in the stream, while the renmifing l5-2 percent i z the coal dust carried with the air into the fir?ebox, ai float ind:icators are provided to show the amount Spcci The inside walls of the bunker and of of coal?dust :in the bunker. ducts are built without having any projections whatever, the fuel continued stoppage. or obstr'uctiorls at any point in the 5jrice long flow of the fuel may result in its spontaneous combustion. ulveri2ed'coai conveyor's are lighter than those used for The p ' ary coal. They are driven from the donkey engine by one .n arda, ction-drive 7 and two conical reducers 10 and ia.. cylindrical reds The conveyors are started and stopped by the lever 16. For normal operation of the pulverhizedNcoa1 firebox, firstly, combustion must be completely finished by the time the gases arrive the tubular part of the bailer, and, in the second place, the in temperature of the gases at the tube plate must be lower than the melting paint of ash. Unless it is, molten cinder deposits will form an the tube plate and the caps of the 'superheater elements, (See following pages for Figures 9 and 10] In order ar t0 reduce the rate of heat liberation as much as possible, the volume of the firebox is made as large as possible usually at the expense of the ashpan by removing the grates. Even Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001 5001 2-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 with u~.verizedM:~ueJ. ducts or ~'D Figure 9? Bunker ., ~i~h p ., Locomotive Lrliul.ticyclone; ~?safe~~y Safey valve; 3.manhoi.e; ? ~.-b1,~er, ?-small valve . , c ~)u~. w ~ e handles; B~valve han.c~1r s ) , ~ ~ , ~ W~stribu~~ion box; ~ valy ~ mill , J.2~~~~rbo l speCt~an trap of m ~., ,ri~ed~.~'uel duct; 14..mill; l_n .s Of vc. ling of pu1veriZeduct, ~ b ower; :L3~ba:1.:1, coup . ue],~'et of pu~.vera.ZedWIue duct w compene~tor, ~ball coupling Mer head, 19-bail coupling fuelje~ or burner; 18_gas_mix holder, 1.7_ ~n~ ; w~. coupling ~ on tcndcr 2l e ~ ~ hof ga.s _mi~.er head an locoma t~,v 2pbal ulvexi~ed_fuel duct a.ndle of test rod; 22 deed of p ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 F ure 10. . Drive Cor pulveriZed-fuel worm conveyor on pD Locomokive -fue1Nconu1eyor; a-guide tube of fue3.-C0f~ l~bunker ; ~-rear beax~.n~~~ 3 ~;6wdonkey engine; 7wC-~inr1x'~.ca:l red,uCer; veyer; sw~'eed of ~ .~ue~,~c.uc , B -fuel C7.U,Ct ~ 9 ~Clu. ~Ch, ; 10Wconical reducer; ll-shaft ; 12?c1ut,ch; 13~ ' cal reducer; l~w~aos~ of shift ,t'rant~ bearing of fuelwCOn~'e;rer, ll.~~.con~. ~ lng lever; l6~engaging lever of fuel~conveyr clutrch; 17 wclUtch of , fucl cov'eyor; i-sa'ety stop Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 t.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 when tU is done, however, tha heat iiberr t?d in fiho iocArnotiVQ 'i.ro1ao.~ x rechas 1.2 to 1. nitilion kcal/r per hour (as a ainst the 1 2QQOG0~ OBO00 in the station u'i boiler) which creates Certain u~ua J J difficulties. To safoguar'd the wails of the ashpit and operating f trebox ?rame from the action of high temperatures, they are lined ,h firebrick. The secondary air is i.n'traduced into the firebox wi k through a hatch in the front wail of the ashparl. In the rear wall of the ashpan beneath the fuel'-jets, there is a second valve for incd,uction of air. Two vents are provided in the bottom of the ashpit for the removal of ash and cinder. Under the firebox frame, over the fuel jets, is the gas` mixing cap through which the gases are drawn from the firebox to heat the air that enters the m. The arrangera.ent of the firebox is shown in Figure 11. The fuel- jets are located at the rear corners of the ~shpit, under the firebox frame, arld send their jets of fuel obliquely to intersect at about the center of the part of the firebox under the fire arch. A turbo blower fan serves to feed the system with air and is located under the floor of the cab. r'he number of revolutions per minute is regulated by changing the steam pressure by a valve in the cab. Its capacit;r,.sr up to 10000 m3 per hour. i - F lure 12 is a schematic representation of the whole pul- verized-coal firing system. The operating cycle proceeds in the following sequence. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~n a + r ' U N -l o c;i S?i U H r i N '~ r~ C l.J z 0 n ..C rn i-l U hl,) H ~d C ir'1 > 4,.i -p cti 4? vi 4.:) 0 ' '~ tl rG I `-' p.~ Co C.) Cu y ? r U I~ bLJ rd U tl i' nj + +' I .) I V1 ? ~r ~I h i{ N U rC c~ 'd b() C\ ?~ N ctl H H a~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 I S i\ ~ lAsia~` [ of fuel duct; of stoker ? 17-guide ) Figure 12. Inst~11aG rn ~ 'lQn of , -~l i~erizee-cGal etu~.~:m..,.t on series FD Locomotive. ~ ~~ .. 1-jet for tulverized coal; c. KGs- i head, ; 3-ball cowling nixe~r . of ? 6-telescopic joint of gas fuel duct, j ~ L -bail coupling of gas duct; duct : 7 -turbo-blower; -telescopic joint 8-steam mil l ? ?- tear jet of rill; distributor head; ^ ~~a ? 1 i ? Tr ] e ? 1 _ru vel i Led-coal bunker ; 13-safety ., ~ coal to :tli.ll 15-reducer 1 \~cer~ of stoker; i F-Garda shaft ~ ~ ^ ~ ~-?nLCer for ,ke r engine for stoker ~ 19-conical l$dQl,.,.~ - 10- valve ? -stoker to deliver tllte for ardan shaft of stoker; ~' -e-r -or, reducer; 21-clutch for ~,. ? 20-cylindrical ~ Duel ?on ~ z , Q 2 fuel ccn~fe 22-donkey engine for reel conveyors; 23-reversing ~Tcrs: r 2L-feeder of fuel-duct; 25-reversing valve of c;r ueltt here means ,EriZed coalJ] . oTL.z. ~-a1Z_ J l -cofl e =or donkey engine; 7al : t,e for f ~ae_ ., ~ stoker engine; 26- uel conveyor donkey ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Grote : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 From the tandsr, ooh. is delivered to th? mill b~r the ;stoker (conveyer) 8. In the 1fli11 it is simu1tanoousi/ dried out and ground. lho finished fuel, together with air acrd steam, is conducted from the mill through the tuba duct into the mu1ticyc1one, where the puiv?rp i ed coal is separated from the air. The former f'aliEi into the bunker, while the coaidust?fG? air is drawn up thrcugh the inner tube of the mul'ticycione and is led off through the fuel duct to the fuel"jets. In the course of this movement the air encounters on its path the pulverized coal delivered from the bunker by the conveyer, and carries that coal through the fuel-jets into the firebox. 1'he air conducted into the mill, to dry out the coal, is preheated by means of the hot gases drawn from the firebox, which are mixed in the gas mixing ca,p with air arriving through the damper from the outside atmosphere. The temperature of the gas.' air mixture is regulated by using the airwdampero The control system consists of four valves installed in the cab, by means of which steam is admitted to the mill, the turbine blower fan, and the donkey engines for driving the coal and pulverized"coal conveyors. One of the faults of the installation is the necessity of limiting the temperature of the gas mixture to Soo degrees Centi- grade since increase beyond that point involves danger to the operation of the fan through which this mixture passes, while a higher temperature (L5o OO degrees Centigrade) is required for handling coal with higher moisture content. Besides this, the existence of a partial vacuum between the firebox and the suction -6o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 a caxta~n ~moW~ ?~ pxc~w oonneotin bxanoh, wh~1e the in1A`~ n 1~xanch o the :fan aid t e tween the de~,iv4x;~ cor~ect~ eur? be mt~l~ee d d f'u~a1t (pxesauxe craata by the air delivexe by the ian) bunker and oints and seams of the rail, it necessaxy to have a~,1 j u oaldue~ ~ u~.~.Y packed ~.d~.f~?s~.on o c ],vpr~.a~ed~caal duct caref is to be avoidcde ~ completely e1itfl by the new The se shox l,eom.tn~~ ~ are leme T~i~~ure ].3) pxopo~ed by ~ gineex sYganlco~r. Its basic t rate the n ~sG~ the T'1) :l.ocoma~~:~Ve :~s g ~;f f erence Pram tha.'~ installed on d. state under a ma.li, bunker, cyclone and most o the fuel ducts op e pas sib~.lity o~ dust da.f M e1.i.mi.nat:r.n~ ~, tial vacuums thereby th p~ r the tuxbi.ne fan in the This is accomplished by plecin fusa.ano cab and .'et connecting branch to the fuel and connecting; ~.ts suc'~~,an a.nl T'he cranes The verY cannecinr branches of the Cy ducts f ,tom the de~..~ ~ in arc ,h air, et canz~ecting branch (fox drawirl preser>.ce of an inlet d cyclones) fan directly and avoids the bunker sxt which enters the ~~ ~a:i.x min tare at the fan to 60 reduces the 'temperature of the go.a t tem~ exa~tures runn~.n~ u~~ to 00 de~~~'e~,sN70 degrees, as aga~.rrs ~ `T'hanl~s to the incIea,sc in the tern~~era~ degrees before the rn~.lJ.o ~:er the 'r rnixture i?t becomes passible to trc,n.s tore o~ the ~~.s-a:~ ~ blower anon on the exhaust steam from the turbine f ons mill to oiler the new scheme is as follows The The working cycle in gas-air ~.), at a ~temperatuxe rniflg up to mixtu~~e enters the ml an after the coal has been dried out d 60c) de free s ~ In the mill, the cooled down to l00wl20 degrees. From warmed, the. m~,xture . is :r.:ll the ).dust ~uel~ ure then proceeds, together with the coal rn' ~.~. ~ 6i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 to the cyclone, where the fuel dust is seperated from theasQS, Fr?m the cyclone the coa1dust~free air i,s drawn by the blower frn and is mixod with pupa air conducted into that Lan 'bhr'ouh a spe" cial inlet connecting, branch, as a result of which the temperature of the a;tr is lowered to 60 dcgreos before it enters the blower fan. Thence the air is forced thmugh the pipe duct where it takes up on its way the coal.'dust fuel delivered by the conveyers and blows that fuel through the fuel jets into the firebox, An experimental check of the scheme has confirmed its su~ periority. Steam in a cold locomotive is rased by using pulverized coal, To put the turbine blower fan and the donkey engines into operation, and also to start the syphone when get brig up ste un, a supply of steam from an independent source (such as another locomotive, a stationary boiler, otc), is required. The mill is started only after the firebox has been well heated by the operation of the `fuel-jet on the finished coaldust fuel in the bunker. Although considerable achievements have already been regis tered in the field of practical utilizatiori of pulverized coal. for firing locomotives, this problem is still far from being solved. The existing systems of pulverized coal firing, besides requiring complicated and bulky equipment and installations, do not even assure fuel savings, as has been shown by operating ex~ m perience with the series E and FIJ locomotives. As a general rule, 62 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~ ue1 dint is c~~te~l the ~~~~~ ta 'ihc~ cy'c.~Axio, whQrQ ~,he ~~M ~f'x'sa air U drawn by to bioWOV ~'xom '~kle cyclona the ao~:i,du ~p conclue into that fan throu~l' a spew end ~.~ mi.xod with burp air . a~'atux'e sr aGY~ as a rr~su~.t of which the o1 in~.e'~ conr~eabr,n a blower ~,d to 60 degrcaac before it enters the of the stir ~.~ lawex ~ it ~a,ke ~ forced through the pipe duct where fan, Thence the air ~, ~ Q oaf,?du,t fuel deltver'ed by the eonveYr's and up an it a way the c blows that fuel, through thG fuel, jets 'into the f'ircbaxo hoclc of thy: scheme has corC ;I.r'rned its suw An exj)ex.L me nt al c pcriori"Y. by usi1~ ~~;uiveri.~cd S 'mil in a ca:l.d locon`a?Liv~; is n ~ raised b:l.ower' i'arl snd ,~}1~~ donkey cr~ginES ~.n'ta coals ~~'o pu~L the turbine to start the syphot~ie when getting up ste~n, pperatioil, arid also ~ ~ an i.ndcperiderLti source Ouch as another a, su:pfal~I of steam from tat.onaz'Y holler, etc), is required. locomotive, a S ~3 d onl after the firebox has been well '~.'Yle ma,l1. ~. . s ~~.rt,e y ..the fuea.~jet on the finished coaldust heated by frhe opera~a.on of fuel in the bunker, though considcrs.blo achievemes have already been reds.. - Al utiliZe,tiar~ of pulverized coal for terec~ in the fi~;l., o:f practical f;LYa.ng locomotives, this problem is still far from being solved. ,,.`. --.- t ' n r systems of 'pulverized coal firing, besides The cx ~.s .. d bulk equ:a?pmen.t and installations, do ,req~~zira.ng campla.cated an y l savings, as has been shown by operating ex- not raven assure due m FD locomotives. As a general rule riertce with the sera.es E and ? -.62 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ;;? ft. U s ~ FLEpu' sYetem of ~a~~~.ver'ized?coal rr of Engineer Tey ankav ~ ~ . ~.i~e:Lesco~ic re 1.3a echoLe -erw ,.:t.xn..~. .~ rebox ~ 2.?g~,S mixer, lie ~.d; 3-airdam~~; l~ba~.n ' ~.. ~ n' ~L1. 'La CyCa.Cr1E;S; ii1.; ~w uc::l..~riuc, from r i ~oin?~ or gr~s-a~.r duct; -rn cfuc?~ f'or' p'u].vrr'i7~ed. ezod caa1. bunir.er; 7_cyc~Lone; 8pu1v coal ,nc, ].1. ~tur'bo ~b:l.u~~o ~'; ~. 2 pre s sti~r'E . 1.0 ~ ~, ~~.~' inic~ conr~e;c~n.~~,Cl, 'ain~ of ~ue,. rl ~c~u t 'a,'red coal; 3..bai1?te1e5c0 p~.c j O1 duck for ~~~var to :~ .rcbox; f'ron~ valve for ~?dmjLtng sir iLfuei jet; M .or c,,ve f'o~ ~,dmi~air air ' to ,i~~?.n~; air to firebox; 17 ro~.r v re~~urn~ E c.C~ y jssion pipe for miil; 19_conveyor for f'irc~box; l~Mee~m c,dm coal; ~. ~2~,?r'GC~l1C;eT I'C)r COdl Cconveyor. jng 2(~wco~J. canveJo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aroved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 a~.X'~ and 'thus intaxru~a?Lc~d r~axn~~~. these 10eamatjvas ofAn neadad rep nc~n~ many u ns. As a r sul pro udice grew up may?ulal~~ o:~ txa~a, cafirrl~ in enarals which ?raLtian workea,fs,inst pu1vcriz they cr~ns:~dered an ineftc;ten~ and unpror'sin mcthod, his o course is riot true, The resca.rch work which has been lane on sys~ams of pulM bhat the p~iaductiv~.tY off' the mil'1 vGr izedMcoal. fs,r ink; has shown ~, excc;od 2000 kg/hour, while 3~00~ an the FD l.ocamo'~~.ve does na , , ~ ~ ?~ :r1 r~e d coal are re chi ir(; d; and wa, th this the )4.000 kg/hour of pu~,ve ta:i,ncci. was very poor, and tIie overcoraaumpM quality of the fuei ob t.vf; reaches as much as 1(70 ~~ercent ~.o~~ of fuel on ~~h~. a lo eoma :Cul de~ ?b The main reason for this is the ufSueces~; above the norm. snecial.l.y on the FD locornotives) s sign o:C ?~he atea.m~air null (c ~ ~l~hemselvcs that serve to inject the and likewise o:~ the {ue.L het a, .~ firebox of the boiler. . Unsk~,llful handM lrwfuel. m~.xture .crl~o ~he ' Ve crews ~~1,so ~,>;~aya a, riot una.mporta~nt lint; of the m~.ll by lvcon~ata. part in the deteriora~lon of 1toperation It has likewise been established that the mill ' respects than that an the ~'D models locoma'~1ve 1, better in are successful design of the jet and This is explained by them t' v?tY of this mill, when properly regulated, ejector. The produ,c ~. .l the normal operation of the bailer rL`hus is 5uff~.c:~en~ to supply steam ressure of 13,9 atmospheres before the for ~.nstance, with a p . e .b "' 7 p k g/ha~~r a~' pulveri~aed coal, while at ~, ~~ produce s up to ~r es orll kg/hour, wklich of Course is 7 atrnaspherns it pr~oduc only i26 su1'f'ic ent. very far from being . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA _ _ RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Other f ac fors that rn.li,tate to thQ ci1,s+ dvantse of tho pu vcrl Zed . 'uel firing cyetem are the re1ati ve1,y high cc t off' prowl part;, trr nsportt1 ,ra l storing pulverizQU coal,, and also the neccJs$ity for strict observation of the f'ety conditions pre ? scribed by the reuiations, sinc3o wader certain conditions sponw taneou;3 combustion or even. explosion may occur in pu1verizQd coal., In v:Lew o.~ all that has been prcrentcd above, it is not hard to understand why pulverized-coal;iring, down to the present time, has not emerged from th,e /tage of experimentation either in the U3Sor abroad. TI1E Ekm LOCOMOTIVE (USSR) (The plans for the rnodernira Lion of two Series Em /acomotives by a combined (complex) scheme (whence the designation Ekm) were worked out and performed by the Locomotive 1)epartnlent of the I?MIIT, headed by Acaderrdci.sn S, P. S,yromyatnikov. One of these locomotives Ekm 7O7 .-32?~was tested under operating; conditions on the Tomsk Railway in 1912?1.9L3.) ) Some types of locomotive mocierriization, when performed separately, on a non-combined basis, have only a very slight effect cn ~i f'he? thermal. efficiency of the locomotive as a whop: may be improved, it is only to a very i.risignificant extent, It has been established, for instance, that feedwater and draft air preheating result in a fairly perceptible reduction of the super- heat temperature. Thus the plus suns from this really very use- ful measure are to a certain extent cancelled out by the minus signs from the reduction of the superheat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 nor U the dire c t r3 U1 This ~hQ nAme 1ao:~1ar. ~read?Yaio1a~ ~* P. ~i thex~mai balance in .the n~ the nAr17 , ~,ntroducti?~l A~' ~,'?Ad t?t i 'thU way. the ~~rroynya'tn~.kov ep1 e ur~1 ~,ncz'easG~ ,not~.vothex thte beg q wetex heat~.n~ on a ~,oco .1 atG d ' ~~~t s~.nce the. tampara ~. weight o the stoamQner tie amatiu~t by , ~rent~?Y tl~e 'the~m~rl ~ bo~.ler, or to put it d~.1' M ?t~~~^o reg~.me in '~11 s c1 gu~erhee'1~er e;te7n' ts, rp the e gas stream that bathes tY1 (say ' work of d each l~r1i't 0s`tea~n by weight min a c~uanta.ter Lively unc;han~e ~ ..s a smaa.ler share o~ h~a't fox' 01x,0 cr.~nsecll~cnta.y rec,~? ~.vo a kil fa ~, ~'al~.;a and the su~)C r11e co rdirng. Y superheat, r l~,cabl~~ to the n oxte n`' the s acne thesis IS app To a certai prehe ,~, he (thermal) effect of the ge,ses True, t~1 ~~tin Y, of draft air. t air hot to the :~a.xebax, is cc>nsa,clerablincreased by the de1ive1 ;Y of but, :h draft air by made on ~,ocomo'tivos are. as has been sho~rxl y , ., .~ ~ ~'l.r~:oe'~ en~~ir.ea.y 'traxls~erred ~-~ .,hea`ti.rig, the add:a.ta.one;l. heat ~.;~ ~, ~>rc, boiler to eating the surface of he ?iX'e it s1 . T e the ~ Flo the .t'u.~e of the ? re of the gases as they emerge iri tempez artu boiler ~i~~le increased, name~.y', by on~.boiler is therefore rel,~,~.vely' li some ~ .. ~, '0 degreea ;~a:Ct air is T''"ehe~aLacl by ~ ~p?~~ degrees when the d the su~ cr~ weight of the steam i n th And it ?ol],ows that each unit by ? ril a small accession of heats hewer likewise receives oY In his ,f elcl ~cs,demician ?heoreticai studtes in this f , , ' measures to ~~re~. n'ts out the riecssity for taking ~yr0mya'tkov poi with the vent lowering of the degree of superheat simultafE;ou5Zy' feedwater and draft air. intraduct~.on of preheatl.ng Locomotive Department of ,in au'L from this. p0s~.~,ion, the Mart g of two series ~m to c orna ti~'e s by IT eri'orrnod the madcrnizatbon MEMI p - 66 ,.n .:..... .: .. .:. . ,: ,.: ?.,,I ,.,.. :;:. !. 1. ( i I rt c,-:-, ~ Y I C t ,~ .C,irtltl qS ,.,~ . .. , :,, . 'ie( 1t l r ,..,1 f ,?.,.'.I r , 1 ..i l,. . . ..,... '.~... ,,.. ,;: :. ::.,';:,d fiF, t, ' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30. CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ? t r rlt' ;' ;'? ; I^ `r Fc tr? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 b nir~kin~ appropriate jnrprAVements in the mu1tipia methQc~, i.e fire-tube ~uperh?ata~, pe,ra11e1 with the ineta1iati0fl cad' ?ad?wator ~ ~ s s~~ems. The locomotives so ~~adexxll~ed e,n~l. draft .'.air prehcatln~ ~' e;iven thQ c1esi nation Skin. Q wet comotives (Ekm 707 ~Lo) was equipped with One of these ~.o a Clraft air preheat ?in ,nsl~a~.] ,a~ion of ~~he NxxZh'~ system, but a with certain variations in design. Particularly, to reduce the hydraulic resistance and promote unif orm distribution of the gas' , ntire crossMsecLi.on in the air~a.nbako and. air~. air stream over the e ' wise in the gas deflection chamber, ?rnd.t1 outlet boxes, and iike directing vanes are installed. The presence of Pla ,,,ndtl' vanes, an improved gas-air tract, a more rational 'c-circular) layout, and the proper dispo~ 'trational (rklombl siti.on of the tubes assured the possibility of obtaining from the the equivalent of the thermal effect from a typical installation ~,h. ~' draft-air te.., in spite of the reduction in the number of ,~~rel~~,a tubes (to 120 instead of 7G.0)? n the proper thermal balance in the boiler, the To obtain ~ .~ superhea d in 146 fire-'tubes, instead of superheater was pl~n .ce s a r motives Under these conditions only 71 fire .tubes ~~. e s lo co could be placed in the tube plate (instead of 1L7 in the series locomotive Vim). ._.~ r fire -tubes are arranged in six vertical rows (Figure ~hc mpossibility of placing the usual type of ~,)~ In view of the ' ~. six~row collector in the smokebox of this locomotive (since its cb.rnensa. .ons are too great), ?t), the cnllecfot is filled in three chambers i to to scheme shown in Figure 1. and. four roans according rg 67 M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 I+~aw+rh+pJn~wrrnSex~ ~Ih4ririwp.Jr+~ww ~ww~NIw~wAlJ~ww~.w aAIOYMWNMF~PA1tlFJtMJW1'gJrrtura'.".:?+ IJNiMMwwlwlwM' e~'u~ pp-,MgMyIJMn~'AMA';+1d~91NgVYiMMIt wwwNw/wwwrYw~lsghw.lwr ~4~w ypy~IYMNAMVN46UIMgNIA1MJ iYigIhY11M4.y4 Ar~14r14AWNMbN111SN) ~MMPJlJMM01~~A'MJIJIWI ThHWt1NNJt -r Figure 11.x, Usual arrangement of superheater clernents in boiler flues. Figure 1. ~ Modified scheme of conducting steam to superheater elegy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA RDP82 00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 bAtwaan. 'bhU suporhcatpr and the oxdl,nary The dt~iexance sl e~ep , , h~.~ the ~'GUxwaoursa, ~two~revera~ kind cons~.'~~a in ~~~e ~a.cia~ menus a~'e doub1ed and p;l,s.cQd not in a stnie ftre Mtube , but DAWN central chamber of t,he eo11cc`>;ar replace a cecui;ive1Y i.t1 two. the the euei;amaz'Y two .reversai aiemen,ta r the reversed 7,00ps of The reduced arid ii. rhtOfad constz1uation off' the draft-air Ea above none theiess kept the srlartcomin.g$ in- ~areheatar described -~ which wer@ ii std in 'their place during our here~L in that dgsi~;n ~ description of this type of air..heater. . ~ ' ~ ' r~ 1 the locomotive Ekm 707-32, For this reason, in mode7.na.r~. ~~ from the enumerated faults, was worked out. s, new desa.,gn, free ~. The dr ~ , r preheater consists (Figure 16 and 17 of ~~,f ta:~. ~ ~ aced in a niche of the smokebox, The na.chc:s Four separate ba~.l~cs iii are made of bajler-plate 10 miilmeters thick and are set up by he smokebox ~ra~.l au~tanous~.y for ' cut irito we;1.~.i.nf; to an opening this purpose. The banks consist of ien ,ths of fire-tubes arranged ver- ticaliy end welded into honeyCO1~tb~tyPe sections. The tubes terM in 1~ockets of 3 mi1.;limcter sheet iron, which zni.na~te above and below ' ~. as stream from the air stream- The ---. are intended to separate the a casinn and the bank"s~is~l~en~.ed and faai;ened tubes are surroilnded by ~, the flanges a~ this caging. The niches to the r>.iche by means of bunkers in which cinders collect. The two air- ternate in w~.tJ,e duct s k join a single sleevG at the front of the boiler, which ?O fl sleeve conducts the preheated drat-air x is divided into two parts by a baffle ta the e.shpit. The smokebo plate. 6g - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 e ase s erorn the ~ irQtuba s pass dox the ba~fle plate Th ~' nw;ndowt~ 'a.n the 1owex pp.~~t o~ the and, thraUgh the opn.neg, or ass through the has pocltets, whence they p smokebox, and then enter the banks, and r banks. They then rise above thQ tubooff' all you rt o~ the ,G',rabox the Upper gs pockets into the pa ernerge thxau~h th ar?c~d th rou~l1 the e whence thoy are disch iat, above the ba~e P fact that the has to the atmosphere. 't'hanks to the smolces'~ack :fin lcets or the jet makes an abrupt turn as it enters the lower poc ; the ca.nclers sett:l.e out bes a considerable percanbae of ~ bank to ~ and fail. into the bunkers. 'des through the up,~ner pockets The air th'aw~~ i'xarn the s:~ passes down between the tubes , and enters the a:i.r duct thrau~ the Lower au' pac;kes, whence it go e s to tlie aelnpit p km ~is moved backwards an The boiler in 'J.ocan~ota.ve E 7O732 lighten the Fraby 37~ ~-~.lime'Lcrs. r1'hi.s rna,d,e it possible to nd da,s'~~.bute the boiler weight the load are the forward axles a in turn more uni~'o~'jY on all the axles. Movie; back the boiler i for ?r,he smakebox, thereby making cnnM assured a greater 'ength ..he air heater bank possible and also Venient placement of l, the o~^da,naxY assure the ~.nteYchar~reab~.~.i.ty of rna,lcinE it poss~.ble to Schmidt type of superheater with the sixwrow collector'. welded cc,r~struction o~ channels The superheater box is of we' .~ r slab ~~ m~1:.met~xsthick. and fire tubes and n.s mounted on a _ it an a'ter element tubes are attached to Six rows off' ,,upcrhe Ryazantsev cones. 70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Figure 16, MEMIIT'wsy'stem air-preheater on E' locomotive 707-32 (side view) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA RDP82 000398000200150012 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 .. ~ m ].ocamo~~.ve 707 32 Figure 17 . MLMIIT..sys Lem a,ir_preheater on (front view) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ..he bask bvi1er d~.mens~.ans or 8 ~al~?W'I.n~ ab~e ~ .vas ~ Th off' compax~.san, phase A~ the ;a,AOOmv t~. ve Ekm 7Q732, ands or puxj'asQs series 1m ~.oCarnattvQ. TAk3LL 2 ...,,.,-,----?..~.- Lo Ekm 707-32 Name of Elements Em ~...__ ,_ _w*___. ~ Area of grate R, in sq. m 1804 eating sur:Cace of firebox Ism in Sq m 18,08 I 7.39 7 ~ 39 Volume of firebox Vm in cubic m ., 1~7 x ~~6/51 be s n d.d, 17 2 ~ l~a~ yl Number and cd,ame~Ler of f~..~etu , d, J , ~.3 3 32 x 1~~~1 33 . G ' ex' and di.ame~te~~ of flue, nf, d~ L6 x 12~/ Numb Eva,pora~1ve water surface of firetubes, Ind in 5q? m 11~.6 ,, 44 ~ 9~ b~,, ~0 Same for flues, Ii f in sq. m loyal arabive heatbing surface of 'vap ~.950~~ boiler, Kl< in sg? m 160.La1G in sq. m 86.L 60,0 ~~E:rlt:ng surface of superheat, Tl r surface of boiler and super' Total hea~:~n~ 2L4b.94 heater, H in 5q? m 1M:l.ame heating surface of firetubea, Ind a.n sq? m. L7.40 10.70 es u to beginnin of superheater Same for flu p 6.27 Hf in sg, 9.01 ~~~ m, ,pane for firetubes in region of superheater, ~2-19 7.02 Nt1f in sq. m 73 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The mocicrni~ed .,:~,ve E 7O732 was ~~,vpn a raid ~~t ~,ocomot c1u1~~,1'~:. ,~9)2 ~11Y1d ~.9L3 W~,'tY~ dy~lAmAm ~~~ar_~er ?perati,rt~x con~iti.or~s l.o and with vs,~r~~ t~'al,ns on th? cap's Un sec?ti.ons of vain pro ~p~ oc?inc~?ti.vQ Em 726M7Q was ~;i,van petal r~oms~ ~,ail,way~ '~ha aor..~es i tests for the purpose of eornpari.son. A detailed sna1.yais olL the results of these tests has barn . sled may learn all the details from it, published, and thous intei^e -- ( See ~~ Kornpl.el(snc~~ja moderrii,s.tsi~Ta_1 5ovr..roen.YYe rl'ransGtctiorrs o1' MEMII ,~...........-.~ .~ ? -? Ine r11bi,ned rnoderna.Zrli;i.an and iriadern, me tho,cis metody rasc;hel,a, parovaZOV tCa r,x,anca~zh~~l.dari,Zds.t, 1gl.i~~, Jubilee Issue.) of l.ocoinotive c~~l.cul.,t.>ron] .,~ ~n mind nd that this iOCOrflOiVe was bested It muse here be borne i ,. ? dwe.ter heater (out of order) anci that the ~~i'th an inoperative fee not be brought up to the proper level. superhelt temper~~,tt~~re could l no The tests showed that the modernized locomotive was not only ~ ate but had al. 7o accjuirc;d a number ox' what more econom? ~.Cel. to oaeY in a certain sense, new propertics, namely: were he most dvant ..a sous utiliZatioi~ 01' the locomotive (rli.niM t s.~, wlay " wy ~.thin the limits mits of higher forcing morn ordinate of the cup ) lay than the ordinary onc;s; The economy of operation of the moderrliwed locomotive is more stable w, limits of a wide range . n~' train s~~e~d~?~xps within the li the ordinary ones; These properties possess a very important practical meaning canditions, since they assure more complete under current operating tractive resources possessed by the locomotive, utili~ati.an of the and at the same time they do not reduce its thermal economy, as is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 sua11Y the case with the st tr ctard types of 1oOO1Uoti.ves. u It rrlus t be rerembernd however that this iocomotive was not arimontai study on the test track cif the TsNTI of subjeatcd to exp ~tk~ MPS, and t hat, accordifl{ iY, the accuracy of all the above data e on its r?ul.t,i.ng results has not boan verified. At the present time s tine is now being tested on the te,3t track we have just this locomo mentioned. CoMOi'IVE 1...o i'TT~TNC PULVERIZED COAL h'ROM A cEP~TRAL 5T'A- Lo TIONARY PLANT (Constructed in 1936) (GERMANY) Figure 18 shows the equipment scheme of this locomotive' while Figure 19 gives a general, view of it. The pulverized coal is drawn into a welded metal bunker, set up on the tender, through three upper ports with covers flush with the sides. Two troughs with the conveyors 1 are attached to the lower part of the bunker, and are used for delivering fuel to the firebox. The troughs end in front in the inlet connecting branch 2, into which the conveyor runs, thereby eliminating; the chance of losing fuel from the bunker. At a certain distance from its bottom the lower part of the trough is surrounded by a, second wall so as to form the crescent shaped air~passage. 3? In the first part of the trough the passage traverses the annular section la. which surrounds the conveyor of the inlet eonN necting branch, and terminates in a. flange to connect with the fuel duct running to the fuel-jet 6. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 nnectad in the reru' by the tuba *ctuct 7 The a~,xM)~as;~k~~e icQ ~ h oaf th? b:lawer :~ar~ ~~ which ~.~ to the d?~~.:l,very cor?rnactbrurLa .~ r arc) leads from the turb;l,z~e , ~J,ver~,zc~d ~,nstal,J,ed on ~tr~c water tsnl, so lead 1'rorn the same turbine (throufh the verM coal conveyors al tical shaft > arid the xeducer with conJ,eai gear)e e A HP stesra . ~ me locomotives to drive the conveyor. rl~rre ena.ne is used on ,~o clutches with :lever actuatiol1, so that each conveyor shafts have conveyor can be started or ]topped according to conditions, J$ ~ it :rotates the co ~ nve Yor' Worm talces hold of the )Du,lverized coal , . from the bunlc ? livers it to the annular section through the ex and de. inlet conriectirig branch in the f rorLt of the trough. Air i'ront the blower fan 1s forced through the annular section with a velocity o f 30 m/ se c taking up the pulverized' coal delivered by the cants vEyors and , blowing It t through the fuel-ietinto the irebox. a. E ?4 r 'c: ., , 1 i : u,mM_4,4 Figure equipment of German locomotive firing pulveri~zcd ~,~~ Scheme of c q. coal prepared at central stationary installation. The amaltnt o J: fuel delivered to the firebox is regulated either by changing the speed of' the conveyors or 'by turning one of' them on or eft'. Together with its advantage (with respect to simplicity of equipment and ease of ~ servicin ')s the firing of pu1veriZ d coal. preM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Aroved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 r ._r~ I hwWa t I , L Nrym~ i+~ ~A, y ..3:LwitlYWI1MMA1~~~'P111WYMw.:WkA - --- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 ai;~,on also has very substant,a1 9hoxteomins s at a cerltra1 Figure 7,9. Senerai view of GerrAf 1ocomo'~iv0 f:Lring ~ p~v?ri~ed coal prepared at central, stationary 1nst91 l,ation ~PHQTO1 'the l.ocornotivo cnn be operated only on railway ,sections having stationary coai .puiveri~ing jnstaUati.ons 3 large rg? capital, oxpenditurCS a,xG required to equip pu1verizieng plants at the depots, and large amounts of electric power G~re used in grinding, amaunti ',ng an the average to 30-3a lash pr tan of coal.; the bulky pu 1,vcriZecl~coa:l bunker on the tender reduces the supply of waber that can be carried in the tank; ~* the comCal.exir,y of the operations involved, i.n loading the pul.vGr:Lred col into the bunker and the resul.tan't increase of loco'- r motive standi.n; time for taking on fuel. ecisel.Y for these reasons that all our efforts in It '.$ pr' ~ ~ the expex:>.mcantai work in the USSR have been concentrated, on in'- cavidual. coal.~pul.veriZion the locomotive. SA MIXING FFEDNATER H EA':~FR (UNITED STATES) THE WORTHINGTON 'lh principal equipment of this system of feedwater heating onsiete (see diagram of Figure 20) of the mixing chamber. 3, the c hot-water piston pump 12 and the cold-water turbine pump 22, operated by live steam. - 7 7 M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 T'ha rixi,n eharnber des directly eonnected with the steamm chests o the cYtinders through the return valve chant 1. These valves a 5UX^a aupp1y to rOp1aca thtt from the steam supply pipe if the delj,very o; exh~iust steam should be cut off or the pres"u sure be jnsu1Ticient. The jnstaiiab1.on operates as ?oi1ows when the locomotive is rurining with open throttle. r Cold water from the tender is drawn by the turbine pump through the pipe duct 21 and is forced through the pipe-d,uct 17 and the atomizing valve 7 into the charbc;r 3. The water in spray form is heated instantaneously on contact with the exhaust steam inducted into the chamber, and the gases so released arc dis-' charged into the atmosphere through the air-verit 6. Tk1e temporary hardness salts are precipi't'ated out and rernalri in chamber 3. The operation of the turbine pump is controlled automatically by the float 2. Where the water level rises above normal, the float displaces the valve, thus closing the admission port of the pipe duct that supplies steam to the turbine pump, and the latter stops. The exhaust steam from the turbine paases into the atmos~ phere through the pipe duct 19. The heated feedwater from the mixing; chamber enters the pipe-duct 10 and is pumped by the pump 12 through the pipe duct 9 and the return valve 2a into the boiler. As the pump operates, the water-level in the chamber will continually drop, and the float with it, When it peaches a predetermined limit, the float actuates a lever to open the valve, which again admits steam to the turbine pump, and the pump starts to pump in water again. 78 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001500 12-1 ' ~~ Ct ~~ ~~An with ~~" The mixing chambcr ~ I ~ burn v~,a.v~a ~, off' Which the numbers an ~. d1. memixturmixture ar1s A~' stAe c1e~.~;~ermi.~r~c~ne re by the deliv'erY capactty, prevent the pos- ~ are ~' atQarn cylindcre ? They are mach of si.ble ?tcees$ of water into the rustles steel. and are surfE,cc grounds The I1oat 1s made off' red copper and the other dctai1s of tke float mechetiism, of bronze and steel. The oil gaining ng entrance with the exhaust steam and ae w 1,1. ~ of the water splashes out through the cumul.ating on the surface socalked annular aperture for the discharge of air. Thi.,s takes . p1~i,ce a sharp a reduction of presSure in, the chsmber when moments Of s is closcc~ When the level of bhe water instant:l,y the regulating valve ~. ~ rises owing; to energetic boiling. C~- Figure 20Scheme of orthington system of feedw&ter heating. 79 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 I~ ~1~1'? (. ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 de Qsi'~ed can tYa e wa~,~,e a~ ~~hA 'lgA~' A~ Ail i~9~~n ~A ~.~ wh?rr all the waV?~ hay been eatin rur'acv durtf poxio the bp~lar h ,~ ~~ is being washed out), boi1e' (for irastanee when err~~~ied from the uror raco1WnencYs bhe use of hot wader wttYa GauStrit+ eodu. the mangy ark , , ~thc~ dare s sure lubr;i.ccabor the ti 1e, x' , and the setbin a ~'ar wasY7i-~g ou , o~ oil. e ard pump for rninimum c~elivex' o ~ the stearsure :rises to tho rotted l evel. Thanks to ti're sliht thernmi capacity o~: the b41c:r, steam is brought up to of rattg riondition in 1 minu? ?;s a 'ter firing (20 atmospheres with a superheat temperature of: 380 degrees), and after standing for a few hours the boiler only takes -v minutes for this operatioxti. The open?ation o:C the boiler is made comp/.te1y automatic by means o?' three contr,.~1s; A pressure control, which acts on the delivery o?' fuel to the chamber. End thus assures a constant pressure oi' steam (ai'ter the superheater) re,ardiess of engine load; a combustion mixture control, which acts on the speed with which thr~ turbo-compcc'c]ssor runs and thus assures the proper ratio between the quantity of fuel and that of the air entering the a water4eve1 control, w~lich acts an the Feed valve and thus assures the proper amount of water in the system. ~A Jx I sr 1 I r: j~91 f { I I r , ( I ' S I h i} i r i I , n:daiii a,_os, r ?. , y4Y 7 i I in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 burner; motor; 11 feed pump3 19 primary ra.7Lters; pump; 17 n 21 airM~uelwmixture control; 20 prepeaters and secandarY ~i1ter~ . e u~ ent, 22 1ubr~.cating oil cooler g 23 condensor for auxiliarY q pmalve? 26 returnM~l.ow apparatus; 2L ~,r.?prehater; 2~ regulating ~' ~ 8 gas turbine; 9 compressor; 10 starting eared transmission; 13 first stage 12g 16 duel 1~ circu~.s,tirlg pump3 11~ second stage deed pump, u?hi.cant pump; 18 starting motor; 1 2'7 blow"'of cock. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 FIGURE 31 lox steam~generatin~ Installation Scheme of Ve tubes, 3 Wa?~er..separator; 2 evapora?~~.ng s ated?steam collector, 6 Cue1?oil ~ superhe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 yQ1ta' o~n Ut~c~X 4Ily\ N. / PQ''~ Q~- P-N'~I` 11 FIGU ' 32 lox boiler and off' carLVention~. boiler of ~f?iaiency curves of Ve standard type Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 FiODIiE frame view from right e~.de) on 1ocomotVe ~r ~ Bo~..ailx installation [photoa air compressor; 14 suction chamber 1 boa.~er; . 2 tae turbine; ~ M d?a.i.v~ring compressed air to combus o~ compressor; ~ air duct for ? dev1,ce Lox' in'~roducing phosphate; tion chamber; b mud cocks, 7 ~ uient; 9 economizer 10 start~nr 8 condenser for auxiiiarY ?q ~ .~ ~.smss~.on pa.pes; 12 re~u~.ata.n6 mech~l~ , motor for compressor, ll adm~. , 1~ bxa~c .n~ compressox'; ~y sand box; 13 co~.un~n Of revers~,n~ lever; ~ ib smokestack. FIGURE 314. Outside view of l0co1flot1ve w .th Ve1ox boiler [photo) 1~9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 . FIGURE 3 Inside view of engineroom on locomotive with Velox boiler I photo) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The installation is mounted in the center of the locomotive body. On the sides thou ne axe corridors affording easy and convenient access to all parts and details of the locomotive power plant. FIGUR 36 Cab (in front of locomotive) [photo] 1 l throttle lever, ? 2 electric drive for reverser; 3 horn; 4 repeaters of signal indications JM ----.--_--FIGURE 37 Water.-tube marine type boiler installed on . experimental locomotive C photo] 1 . o Declassified in Part- Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 STAT ralataal,n~r1 ('~'()rr1 ~tand toataa ~nc ~ , ., ,~, ~;~ ~ ~ ouXwc~ off;' t sdX~i. rrY a,~,J,J~ the ~,rrra~~ c'aFh~fa~'~n '~i~ M ,, , , ., ,ravta roa ash' Sqar~ raQt~x ~d a 1;~eflovil,tth1 Gl.;l.pk~h~.1dY ~'~a1l~a.l.I1ra .I,.r; olll ~o 1'? tani paLL' 1'roUXt i,'u.U, load, ' f,r~ain th dia 'aTl~ 'U~ ~.'i ,Lc;:Lefc,y A~ w ' ~..l,a. he c;;c' oil ilcz,..(' load, o.~'cl:~.rxy uca,l. , lat,~.i..l the l~acl:lurrr .f'ul. v:L:i. i.~~ Uu~~na~. Ins bead, ' a 86 ~c~t1c;cnl'~ G7n~1 :I. ~e,rc;~el~t~ .f'ul.;l load faar'cori'~. Wilet~ v~~;;l.uc~~,a .l.'o~:+ 'lra c~j;'j,'a.ca.cncy c~~~' ~,cJY l: ~i+a~ . , ., ~ a~~itie e:l.'a'ic.nC;t. or the standard ''h~ ~;a.~~~~oc~;~ol.,n~; bo:i.lcr+, ur~rlirrE:; coal are 30 pc,l:'C~31 ~'fl11 tarp pereerlt, but whaza f'llL a Ga.~ncy' cu:r.'we ~~:Lrrta;~ ~~ co .nc~.c~~c~ w:r.'~~l .~. k~>tar'zlt~c~ , hca~ae:,rF;,r,' , the a~' ~'~'~~ a. must, however', 'bca lJOrxle In mind that the ardi.r7L~r,y bai:l.a~' do not accuzabely' rG~ the c:'ua''v'a, laG o. JJ to tl'lc~ U:i.o. lao~.t ~. .~r;' '~'l~a point ' is '~, tea l~ the c '.orl ~.; iinc;t" :(.`ia:i.cncy, :~. . e. a,(:tr.r dn.c1Uc" Vciaa~ b().l.c;z' curvo;a give t11 :l.1xl ~~1~~ d~~.l: ~o~ for ' ~~}~ll~ boiler, while r hc~ c'~1az'~.,Y C~an~;~lrlGC~ ~,i..1 )rtiav~.dirl~~~ , ~L ~ ~,rlc:>.uri,e '~'r~~s hr.~7:''L othe >~~ra..~.r:r,. ao the cup+vc;s fb~' ~t~iia u~d.:> >lat! as fateLT'il la'ri~r' ', r~r r.~ .ti~lo on~xi ne: cry1.~.nc~cr's is cants ~v7'eoh,~~~, .~hc ~~c~ ~~~: e~,.~u~ a a. r~ s?yca.ei'aU:ly 1a1~o:c' wi't'h a ValoX boa.l.E~r than in t11a o:rdinaz'y ;Loc;olllot~, ' ~,b:l. a ~ ocomo~~a.vC wa.'~~1 ~~~~~ V'elox I~aa.:lax' IS to ' r 111C;a11S '~Llc1'l; i1 ~. and tills ,, ,~ , , owaa~ ~r:i.'~k~ the s~~rno s'~~ln c;onsu~nl?an as ~.c~+ral.op ~. l~:.l.~;fxe;x useful ~ :. '~~o~~ ~.ns`,r~ncc, the back p:~'essure in the an a;r~'~xla~ry lacar~no.~~. vo. ,C ,.al opc .? .an. in the United States, a IL-uune ~.ocomotive with 10atm. pressure electric drive, and ;poo HP, was pint into t Although all these locomotives, both high and ~, low pressure, possessed relatively high tractive?thermal qualities not a single one of them went into series production. The reason for this was their complex design and the resulting high f' high first cost and. their Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 . CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012 -1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 1 higher operating costs well. Thus dosi ner and inventors ware confronted by the task of simp1i4yin the stea turbine locomotive so as to bring it within the range oi' the possible and make it able to compete with th~a ateain locomotive in first cost and in operating cost. In practice this implied the need for going over to the mechanical drive. But there were serious obstFacles oi' purely constructional character on this road. The basic obstacle was the lack of such mechanical connections (clutches and reversing mechanisms) as could satisfy all the requirements of operation (reliability, i'lexi'. bility and ecoraomy oi' operation) in transmitting such large amount oi' power from the turbine shaft to the driving wheel,so During the last few years research and experimental work aimed at solving this difi'icult problem has been conducted at in" tensif ied tempos both in the USSR and abroad. The results of this work have been very considerable, and the construction oi' powerful locomotives with mechanical drive has now become entirely possible. It must be emphasized in this connection that the use of the mechanical (geared) drive plays an especially important role in its application to the steam turbine locomotive. Besides the simpl"fica~ Lion of the locomotive that we have mentioned, it also allows solving a number of othe _ ,d ~u 'y. s~ipu t"aft'cotrtioriai problems. Let us briefly explain what is meant. As is generally known, the power of a turbine in steam turbine locomotives is usually limited by the stearn-generating; capacity of the tiler. With a geared drive, the diameter of the drivers may be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 . -T . ... ,.v .. made of minimum propOrtiofs, aMd this means that it is Aossib1e to install a boiler of 1 rge dimensiorns (diameter) on the locomotive and correspondingly to increase the grata area, since this per mits shortening the wheelbase (with the reduction in wheel diametcr). Undar such conditions the turbine can be supplied with steam with- out intensively forcing the boiler even at maximum loads. This in turn facilitates the solution of the problem of boiler draft, cuts to a minimum the losses from incomplete combustion (losses from escape of unburned fuel) and in the final result increases the thermal ?fficieney of the locomotive. It follows from all this that a considerably greater power can be put into the geared steam-turbine locomotive than into the steam locomotive or rliotor locomotive, in a single unit, other things being equal. Beginning in 1936, experimental geared steam-turbine loco-? motives of OOOW6900 SIP per single unit were constructed in a number of countries (Sweden, Great Britain, France) United States), while plans have just been completed (in the; United States for a such locomotive of even greater power (9000 HP). In the following pages three high~pressurE steam turbine locomotives and five low-pressure with geared or electric drives, are described., as the most interesting xn their constructional formulation. HIGH PRESSUrL~STEAM TURBI1E LOCOMOTIVE WITI1 UNAFLOW BOILED, (USSR) (The plans Cfirst variant) were drawn in 193 by LOKOMOTIVPRO- YEKT. There are two other variants: (1) a thermal scheme without Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 the intorraediate superheater, with introduction of regneration and r?duction of pressure to 80 atm.; and (2) a tbermal scheme with two closed circuits at different presRures). This is a steamturbine locomotive of passenger type The wheel formula was choson with the idea of assuring, firstly, the proper tractive force to haul heavy passenger trains (900 tons and secondly of maintaining speedy up to 120 kilometers per hour. The boiler is of unaflow type, with forced circulation, Work- ing pressure of 110 atm., superheat LSO degrees, and is placed (Figure 67) at the back o' the locomotive. The heat accumulator and the fTO?up of pumps are placed behind the boiler. The prime movers consist of two steam turbines, one high and one low pressure. The turbines are interlocked by a clutch with a reducing gear, and are located in the front of the locomotive. The torque is transmitted from the turbine shaft to the wheels by means of a reducing gear and a gear shaft. An oil-cooler Ior cooling the lubricant in the reducing gear and the power aggregates is located in a special casing beneath the crowns The cooling is by air forced by fans. The condenser consists of two barrels and is located between the turbine and the boiler. tJ ~ '.. The cab in the front part of the locomotive, thus giving the engineman a good view of the track and signals. The four-axle tender carries an oil supply of 10 cubic meters and a water supply of 5 cubic meters, which serves to replace the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 leakage Frorn the heat accumulator. A reverse cooling system (o r TN1 ~iHOLoLIL' NIK) is also installed on the tender. It consists o? 3 sections and a ?an drive with four TsAGI fans. The reverse cooler cools the circulating water o1 the condenser, which is cix~ culated by a pump-group installed on the locomotive, The thertrial scheme (first variant) is shown in Figure 68. The working cycle of the locomotive installation proceeds as follows. The fuel (oil) is delivered/ by the pump 1 From the reservoir 2 to the atomizer Jet 3. The pump 1 is interlocked through a reducer (to synchronize fuel and water delivery) with the wager-pump U., which delivers water into the boiler coil ~. In its passage through the radiation coil, the water is heated and evaporated, while the steam in the last coils is already supcr'? heated to a certain extent. The steam then enters the convection superheater 6, and is delivered through the pressure regulator 7, at a pressure of 110 atm. and a temperature of L5O degrees, to the working network, whence the main mass of it is directed to the high- pressure turbine f3, while some part of it is directed to the heat accumulator 10, after first passing through the reducer, 90 [See Figure 67 on next page) In the high-pressure turbine the steam expands to 2 atm. and is then conducted through the steam pipe 11 to the intermediate superheater 12 and thence through the steam pipe 13 to the low- pressure turbine lL; in the latter it expands to 0.2 atm. and then enters the condenser is, whence it goes in the form of condensate to the reservoir 16 and again to the pump 1~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 General view of a steam urbin' 11th Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 IM., ,. iIYIN.~ , . i Fi GURE 68 Thermal scheme of high prersure?steam turbine locomotive (first variant) The accumulator 10 serves to equalize the load on the turbine and also to prepare the condensate necessary to replace the natural leakage I From the accumulator, the steam is directed into the interw Mediate superheater 12 and then through the distributing column 17 into the auxiliary rechanisms (the circulation pump 18, the feedwat ~ er puanp 14, the turbine exhauster 19, the turbine fans of the reverse cooler 20, the steam air ejector 21, the special condensate pump 22 , etc!) The steam exhausted from all these mechanisms likewise enters the condenser, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The condenser 15 is cooled by water pumped by the pump 18. The boated water enters the sections of the reverse eos~denser 23, where it circulates through ribbed tubes cooled by the an 2L. The rroiidcxcsate pump 22 eervea to pump a certain amount of sprayed and cooled condensate through the exhaust connecting branch, which is necessary for increasing the rate of stcam generation during the period of operation at peak (starting from rest, and ace?leration). Pwnp 29 delivers the water to feed the accumulator 10 from the tender 28. The gas-operated rotation airipreheater assures the preheating of the air that enters the firebox. T1ie thermal efficiency of the turbine installation, determined by the J-.S diagram, is 0.396. The relative efficiency of both turbines is taken 0.75; the boiler of f'ieiency * 0.75; the efficiency of the reducer and the moving mechanism M 0.9; the service ef'f'iciency (con sidering consumption for service needs to be 15%) 0.85. Thus the overall efficiency of.the stemm.turbine locomotive at the drawbar is: = 0.396 x 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.9 x 0.85 - 0.17=17%. According to preliminary calculations, this steam-turbine 1ocoM motive is able to develop up to 1000 HP at the drawbar. Its conslunpta.on in terms of standard fuel amounts to 530 kg/HP- hour as compared to 1,300 kg/HP-hour for the 1S locorflotive, or thereof, while the water consumption of the former is only 3`o that of the latter a 9a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30: CIA-RDP82-00039 8000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The unit weight oi` the locomotive (per HP) ig 68 that of the ;ta iooor(otivo. The dynamic eo?ffiei?nt is 1.1 against 1,6 for the IS locomotive. The total weight of the locomotive ,s 1O tons, and together with the tender, 238 tons. The high degree of balance, owing to the presence of the gear shaft, as well as the relatively light axle load (20w21 tons) retake it possible to use the locomotive on lines with relatively weak superstructure. HI(: P1 E~SSUF L CONDENSING STi AM-TURBO ELECTItIC LOCOMOTIVL, SOO HP, (UNITED STATES) (Built in 1938 ) This locomotive was put into trial operation for four years on one of the roads of the United States. In 1913 it was dismantled as unacceptable for series construction in view of the complexity of its construction. The following excerpts from the report of the Railroad Comm mittee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers will give some idea of the tractive and operating characteristics of this loco motive. tiThe steam-turbine locomotive ran about 160,000 kilometers and performed work on freight and passenger traffic equivalent to 212 million ton-kilometers. It, hauled 0 regular heavy long-distance passenger express trains, 1i3 trains, L. test trains and L special trains. L9 passenger Declassified in Part - SanitizedCo Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 pY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 tr^a?ns out o1 the 0 were h,u1ed with a total saving off' 28 hours and 17 minutes as against the scheduled running time, while one train was late, but not owing to locomotive trouble, With boiler generating capacity of' 2O,1~Q0 kg of steam per hour, pressure lO5,5 atmospheres, superheat temperature 482 degrees) and 1 atmosphere back pressure, each turbine developed 311OO H or ~ 6200 HP together, The wait fuel consumption at full load was 12 /HPMhou,r, , The boiler furnished 13 kg of steam per kg of fuel conswried. All the equipment on the locomotive, as well as the electric braking system, functioned in a n-anncr giving complete sansf'action. The trial operation showed that the construction of an air- cooled locomotive.Mtype coridenser would be entirely possible even with a higher vacuum, and that the turbine, as a prime mover in locomotives with high pressure and steam condensation, meets all opex'ating requirementsU The concluding section of the report states that tithe cons- truction and trial operation of the high.-pressure steam.-turbine locomotive yielded rich experience and expc;rimenb J m7teria.1 for designing a locomotive of this type, simpler in construction and the "same time more economical, in operation. ~t It follows that this locomotive is of a certain interest, both theoretical and practical. The locomotive consists of two completely identical sections, one of which is shown in Figure 69. Each develops OO H?. The cab is at one end, and the sections may be used either se aratel or ' p y in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 The principal equipment of each section consists of': a 2,500 H? turbogenerator with 6 traction motors; a steam boiler with working pressure of 105.E atm. and. super. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 their dual Lorm, In the latter case the locornotivo i.s controlled frorn a single cab by the mule.-unit system. The whole fairly complicated ensemble of equipment, devices and apparatus bears the clearly expres,ed traits of modern station- ary power plant technology, as is graphically portrayed by the scherrre of Figux'e 70. To effect maximum econoriy of space and weight, the designers and builders have extensively drawn on the experience in the instal. lation of the most modern power plants on ocean-going ships. Each section is of truck type, with two three.axie rnotor- trucks and two two-axle supporting trucks. The trucks are ar? ranged so as to obtain sufficient free space for the 'Isunken'I UTOPLLENOY installation of the boiler in the central part of the locoar>otive. The body construction rests on footstep bearings, thanks to which the locomotive fume itself takes up all shocks and tensile stresses. To asaur'e smooth running at high speeds, a special cons- truction of limiting devices is provided between the motor trucks and the body, , and L .kewi.se between the motor and supporting trucks. The braking is combined; electrical and pneumatic. Trte driving and supporting wheel-pairs are equipped with clip brakes having two pairs of brake-shoes for each driving wheel. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 heat temperature of 9A degi ee; 0t('p\i FIGURE 69 One of the,sections of the high pressure steam-turbine loCO- motive (in beck of baggage car) a set of auxiliary equipment driven by the steam turbine; an air-cooled condenser with turbo-fans. The main D. C. generator is driven by a 10s1 reduction drive from the main turbine. It is cooled by a fan; in summer the heated air is let out through the roof, while in winter it is used to heat the machine room and cabo A 220-volt three-phase alternator, driven from the main shaft of the turbine through an elastic disc clutch, is used to run the motors that drive the fans for cooling the traction motors, the air- conditioning equipment in the cars, etca Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 v 0*44 I1 7yAMM'~YM~ WMM 1WMMMIM Fx QUlt1{a 70 Scheme of rangc1nent for equipment of high pressure steam- E.. turbine locortiotiv. 1?6, traction motors; 7-'main enerator s; 9 J altE rnators; ,. ?~ ' unit; 12 braking; rheostat; 1~3~ co~nta.ctors; 10 ~ cxca.tex, l].y chaz a.n~a ~ ~ ,. ?,ry, 121 cooling blowc~^ for 'trac't~.on motors; ~.(~> ll~a stora~;c b~.tl,E boiler; 181 rna,an preSEUI turb ?ne; 19, low prc$Sure turbizie; , high andt,n$, of the handle of the ~naa.n cont ~ , . rs stop running and the delivery, off' oa.1. the c,o~'f cc position, the r~~otQ is interrupted. As w his description, the driving of this be seen from t . essentially, to the manipulation of two locomotive reduces deem, Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012-1 ~ww" " :: ,;~, ~,,. ,~;,;, Declassified in Part-Sanitized Con Ayye~ roved for Release 2012J03/30 .CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 ;;,,;~ 1~ ~ r, P ;~ ,~1 ,,, r ~l~ ;;?'l~r~ L`r~r ;~ ~ ~~,'i "~;J~ ,r~~'~, #~~~ nl'~, e..~,r t.. b,. ,ntr ,. :rf..; ,.:? :. ..,~..:,,i? r...,.b~s .. ., I .,...k. ,__.__.__ _.__. _._.. _... _py ..Np ___... ......_. .. _..._.. _....._. _.. ..__. ... ._. . . .. ....taS, I.,.. E,... :n ~...~.. ia~.,,u ........l. r. ef.. JTn ,..r..: ir. .,. ~a..i..: ,,.,n ,.~,:.rr.:,rx:.?, ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~~~~>li ~~~ Q1~~:G1i~1~'~ ~'~'1~1~.~' ~.N~~ ~1a~~~'rN~' ~F :~N~~~1~N~ ~QM~CJ~~~'T~N ~Q~'QM~'~'~V ~'~ Geners,l. ~:n~'ormation 't'he modern in~~e~~nal. combustion ~,oconlot~,ve represents a machine nlor, e per:~ec'~ed tl~~a~n thc~ s'L?e~srn locamal;a.ve 1'rozn 'the '~echn~.ca1- economic and aperai;a.n~; po~.nts o~? v~iew~ Lui, it, 'Loa, is .not ~'rao Pram ,~'aul.ts, a:~' which tl~le I1105'l; es~ent~.a1. is 'lal~le a:~~stence off' a special. ,aupp~l?emen'~ar'y aascrnbly, 'Ll1e s o~call.ed tran,~mission, For w~~a'~ is this ciri.ve needed on ~;he internal. combustion l.c~cornotiv'?, ancl, wlly a.s i.t uncle;sirabl.e'? The prime mover off" the internal. combustion locomotive, tl~e ~iesc~l engine, is 'the most economical. o:C al:l heat~en~,incas, but lacks the wog^k;i.ng char, actcr:i.stics necessary under the cand~.~~ions of locamotive service ~ 'l~hus, :Cor instance, ~.t cannot be ,started I under a load, and, tl~iis mes.ns that 'l;he lliesel internal combustion ~,, locomotive is nat by a.tsel.i' able, witi~out sup.i~l.e1nen~;ary equipment, t~ s~La.rt maving a trs,~.n ,fram rest and accelerate it to the requ~.red speed Alma~'~ throughout its entire .range ai' speed (irl revolutions) the lliesel engine. dPVe"lops a torque that is con5~;ant , (in ms,gnitude), ~. . which likewise--:Cai~.s to nlee?~ the practical needs o:E railroad operation. ~'ar these rdca.sons an intermediate link muse be inter paced be~L?ween engine sina~'t and. drivers, 'l'h.s link is the .trans- ml.ssi.an~ ar. drive. In itself' the drive, whether electricals hyc~raua.ic or mechanical, e7~) rt 4 i 4 k:;l a ,Sa^ i ia'.' l1 ~~{r ; ~,~f _+!1~r,. s ,,, , ~ , ~ L,~ , , ~ ,,, ~ , ., . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 r ~ ~fi ~ ~, ~ u?' ~r, ? , ~ ~ F' `'r ~ :'"'a ~~ "~+~''?~" _~ __ _ _ _._ _ _ _. _ _.. t~ I~f~l.. .a.~ e ~. ~ I _ v..,F i.l J. i i .. !i. _ _. ~In{ Lrf G.I f I fi .r,., ,L. ,t,. r!i. t(~`., 1,~.tiJ~~~uiU i:.h _~,... ~ a _ ~ ,, ~(, r~,rl t,;~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 ~r ~~in~1 a~ ~~~~~n~~orr~~r a~ t;h~ ravQ~,v,~~~.orr~ ~r~c3 ra~a~~~an~~ ~ ~QCU~~ ~~~ o~~'~.c~,oncy, ~~ke 'r?,ha'~ o ~' ~'1~, ~ran~ ~'orrae~s, ~,~ the ~orc~ua, ~.nd ~ . ~ ~'or ~,n~~~ano~, ~~h~ ?;~'fi'~,c~,~ncy' a~ ~n ~~,~c~r~oa~ ~?~w~y~ ~.c~ss ~h~~~n un;i.~y~ ~ n ~ ~' '~hu~ of ~ hy'drau~,~,c dr~.va, ~ ~ ~,, ~ha~~ a ~' ~ dr,~~,ve :~s abou a, p ~n other w?z~ds, a~ ~~.~, the pawcr devalap?d machana,ca~. dxiv?, a~~ ~,s l,a^re~r~.av~b~.y' ~os'~, in the f~.ra~ ca3e~, ~.'~ by an en~a,ne share oncl case ~.~ parcen~, and ~,n ~ha ~~hi~d C~a~ 1~ percent, in the sec ~ r~e~rcon~ti, ' ~tian ~0 1~h~.a, any' drive considerab~.y camp].ica~-es ~~he In adds. ~ ~~~e in~~?rna~. cambu~a~ta,vn locomo'~ive and a.ncreases ~i.'~s de~~.?,,n o . , ~~ ~ ~, ? ~ ~?~ and a ers,?t~,n~ cash ~ ~~ or ins~~cnce, '~ha e~,ec tx~ic waa,;k~~, lax ~~ cos ~ p weirh~ increase of some 2~ percanl;, and an incre~tiso ' dr~.ve ~.riva~,v~s a ~ ~'~, ~urQ s f az~ the of 33 percent :~,n fa.rs~t cas~~ The corrc~~ondin~ ~. ~, ercen~ rospec~tively, wrii~e hydrau~,ic dra.vo are 1.U leer cen'~ and 20 p `; ,; ercerl?~ and :L~ percen'L~ ',4j for ~~he rnechanica~. drive Choy' are :1.2 p .~ ?Ls ~-o e~.im~.nat~e this 'in~~er.~mpda.e.i~e 1.inlc en'~irely and 't'he ef.Cor .. dra.ve are ?Ll~.px~e.f.ore en'~ire1.y ne,iJura~.~ '1'liis ?~o cffec~ a cl~.rec~ ~r~.n;~ma.t~'tin~ the ?~arc~ue ~.irec~~~.y frar'I~ ~Y~~p~.i.lae ~a ~uheels, wau].d mee.n as :i.s done w~.~l~h The I,c~atn :l.oromn~~.ve~ ~~he USS~~, ~,he; ~~,~i.:lraad ~~';rsnUl~or'r,a'r,ion ~,e~;ee.rch :Cna~;i~,u~e In ~' u~ a ~reo,?~ ex~pex~~.men?Le.1, ~ro~ec?~ .f'ar ~t~e study of ~;hc: has ce.~ x~.ed, a r,.> wa.th ~h~ ~~urpasa of u5in~; .?L fa~.~ ~lhn internal, D~.esel.~en~y~.ne cyc.~a, 1 '.ve with d~.rect drive, or, as thc~ present par~l.ance - . combus?~~.on lacorlaata ? ~ e ink?rnal cambL~stic~n :~oeoxrio~t~.ve ~ ~?:lans have rune, 'rhe cl~.rec1~ dr~.v _ . ~' r ari . ind~. typeu and- designs of such ~.acnmo~~vee i e,l,rpe.dy been dawn ~o A number of pl,a.ris far c~irectMclrive in~;erns,:L combus~~~.on so been dawn abroad, and t;he ~.acamot`i~v'es bui:L~ l,ocomot~.ves have a~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 'here are two me?thoda of conrlectin~; tht? online with the aocor~l~n~~,y (thc~ ~~u~,a~~ ~r~~crna~, pombu~t~on ~ooor~~Q~~v~, th? ~ns,~~,dc~ ~rr~Qrrla~, cornbus~~.r~rr ~,ocorr~a~:GvQ, tha Hu~nbo~,c~~M~~~,t~ ~n~srna~. corabusti,ran ~.acranot~,v~, etc~~) ~ but no~~ one o~ thorn i~ton~ ~r~~o sc~r~~.s~ p~oducr~~,an, 'rhus~ ~ha d~.rectMact~n~ :i,n~~ernal cornbur~ Lion ~.occar~otivQ has s~.i;l.a. not c~mcrr~~ed ./'ram thc~ s~l~a~;e off' ~a;l.ann~.n~ and a~:paximenta~. study a~ inda.v-i.dual e~:pori,mental spc~cimen,~ ~u?~ ~~he: ver}r idea of ~~~ae "c~~.rac?L dr:ivel~ daas naad e~.~~bora~ ta.on e,nd rc~:fi'a.nemon~G, since 7.t is frequant~.y idant~.:~ie~d with vas^laua systems of rnechani.caa. dri~re; and inc~.de~rltally we s}~~~~.~., enurne~~ate the conr~titiansthat such ~ drive must rneet~ wheels ~~hat may be considered rl,a.r~~ect da~iveC: ~,, ~.'he cy].inde~lrys are ar.~ran~;ed ~~~f; the sides of ,~ he locomotive ~'reme, and their piwtans are connected with the dri~vin~~ wht=els by means of a connectin~;~rod-crank mechani~~m, ,simi.lar ~La what ~.s used, far exsanpa.e, on the steam lacorrtata.va, 2 ~ '~.'h? cylinders are arranged hora.~ontal~.y ar vert~..cally an the ~.ocomative frame, and their pistons arc connected w9.th the a~cles by means a,f. cannectin~ rode, acting ~Lhrou~;h a hear sha,:~t (~.n ~' ?~he case of hara,~ontal cyl~.nder s,rran~;emcnt, thrau~;h a s;cn~;la ~E~air r,. o.~ cyl7.ndr7.cal dears, a.nd 7.n the case of ~rc~rtical cylinder arran~e~ I ment, thrau~;h one paa.r of ron~ica:~aears and one. pair of cylindrical gears ), with thr~ dear r~tia of ~t;he system beir~~; either unity. or some other constan~L qu,an?~ity, 'I'hus~ with any m~thad a~ ~~direct" connection, ~,he torque of 3g'' : k ~ ~ I rr'~~F '~ ~ r 1'~~ i ~ 'rs.', a w G ~ ~j::'.rSr ~r. i;.'x ':.;.Ih ~ "; 1 f.i- ~:i i''.' :f?., ~ -.- !r'ur '; :,~:Y, ,'; r: ~ a~ ",!;C !I' ` '.~ ,".!,S ~ ~ .: ;;:;1 1 f;7~: i,, i ~ t ~,i v t i ~ ,; iii I .. ... ,i~ .~ ~7,~~, , ~ 1 ~ , . ~ r t~. ;'~ ,a, ~ ~,~~ ,, , ~F, ,,, ~ , Declassified in Part -.Sanitized Co A roved for Reease 2012J03/30 _ '~`~ ~ ~'' ~ ~ py pp :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 P cvn~tan~ rat~,? ~~a ~hc ~~ vz~~u4 c~ ~;h~ tk~s an~,~.n~ w~.:1.~. ~~way~ have ~ e~lt a machan~.cs,7. r~~~iva ~,~ may have di.~~'sr dx:~v~,n~ wY~cc~~.s, wY~a,~,c w~.~l~ er off' ~ta~?sa ai; da.~,'~'gran~ r, s~~,mcs o~ rat:~os, acccarr~~,n~ 1a? ~hc numb :l.ac~asno~~~.va vpara~t:~on~ ~~ at moat ba mai; by an ~a~daa~. ci~,xer~, ar:~v? ~~l~s rs~u~.ratrlen~~ ~h duce ~.n subs~~a1Ce dawn tc~ 'the ~a~,~,owtn~, re ,: ~?r:~S note excaecla.n~; 3 ~ ~ pert?n~L, ~.n ~Lha (~) rn:t.n.l.n~d~. loge ~1~.r~ e~,c~ments 'be~~ween ?n~;ine and dra.vers; coui ~; eed ~:or supplomen~Lai;'Y power ac~u~.pment to (~) abaence off' any ri tin r cand7.ta.on under f:u~,l :Load, ~ ~e.~ on br,~n~ the ~~.ese.l ,.n~~o opEra ~~ r r 1, ettin under, w~~y, oar in r?unn~.n~; up ~1..~.~,h startins~ Pram rest and ~ ~ grades a~~ law spend, o oration a~t mediurl~ and high speeds a~' (3) economy off' ~7~.csel ,~ ?~ ocorr~ot~.ve; while, when ~l,he 1~iesc;'1 rune on the a.ni~e~i^n4L1 cornbu.st~.c~n ~. u~L . ressux~e charge or art,~~'~.c~.~~:~ ~,~;n~.tinn ~~he normal cycle (~e.~ witho p n:~' o er~ation of ~Lhi.s loc;arnotive should o:C the m:~xture), the econnmy A rn o ~f.' a Die sal opc;r~~~tin~ ~r~~.th other d~^i~ve not be less than the ecnna Y sys~Y,eats, nstitute tYlc~ starting; p?~.nt t'or tY~e ~~'Y>ese cnndita.ans sY~auld co ? an var~.an~r~ a~ thc~ clirect~dr^vs internal eve.1.ua'~i an a ~' thc~ mere ~s a ~ y cornbustian locnrnntive nt taslt that likewise can~'ronts inferno./ camw A very ~.mpar ~a r' ors builders anti inventors is incress~-n~' bustian locntnat~.ve ea~~~a.ne , .. ~ta.ve ar in other words reducing the unit power o:E this Lype o;~ ~-acoma , e~c~lain the necessity and practice,. ^i;s unit weight, 'L~'~ us brn.e.~ly ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~rn~~~~a~L~an~ a~' ~~h~,d~ '~'l~e ~x~ac~~,va ,f'or'ce v;~' a ],QCc~mQ~~,v~3, wha~her rao~ar or seam, ~,s ~,~,m~.~~ad~ a~L speeds be~;~.nnin a~ ~~ - l~Q lc~.].or~e~er~s and h:I.~ho~j~ r~o ~,c~nE;c~r by the adhesi,v~e wc~a,~h~, bud by ~l~e power ~,~ ~,s ab~.a ~a deva~.a~~ wJ,~~l1 ~E~ae ~~,ven propo~~~~b~,cans of ~~he bode ~? and of ~ha s~oam en~.~rae(,ln s~r~aarR ~.ac,omp~~ivaa) o.r of the Uiosal~cn~;inQ (~.n ~.n~4srna~. car~laus~.i,or~ ~.ocorno~~ivos) ~ Under ~11e contPrllpor~~:r~y condi~~,ons, how avQr, w~.~h the s~e4~c~y incxaasc~ in ~Lhe wei~;h~ and speed off' ~rairrs, ~hca ~.nadcaqual~r~ power oi:~ ~L?he locama~tive ~throu~;hau~~ ~;hc: range of m?c~a.um and l~iir;h speod.s is a subs~an~;~ial shv,r~,corain~;~ Zn ordor ~a emer~p groin ~~hi5 s ,~~ua~I,arr, x.~L a,,~ necess,a,rsf ~o ~;~ive the locamo~ti~va as riifh a pawer~ as is possib:lo, or in o~~hea~~ ~wor~r~;, to .n~a~cill an i~r laoilcrs of ~;rea~er capacity, snore pa~uer:~'ul prima and secondai^y rflpVers, (?~c ~ ~3ut such a mothod of ~.ncz^eas~.n~; power implies ~.n prac~a.cc ~'ur~Lher increase in ~rhe weight and clec,r~ances o~ the ~.acomo~~i~ve, which would be moat ob~ee~ti.onable under the spocii'ic canr~.itiartis a:[' ~~a~il~ , rae,d service. It mush; also be borne in mind that even wi~t;hoi~t tr~iis ~.nerea~,:e the total wei~h~L of the e.~.stin~ standard ~~ypc~s a~` locomotives i~ :far prer~~ar, as ~, ~;ene~~~al rule, than ~~he we7.~;ht use:~'ully employed ~'ar the adhesion a:E wheels to track unc~.or ~Lhe ~ivcn we7.~rr~~ norms a;~' the train b?in~ hau:~edA Far example, only 1~3 eons off' the total weight af' tie ~~~ ~.or,arnotiv? (13y mans) is applied ~to the dr~,~ving afcles ~ 'l~hi5 means that 32 tons, ar ~~ percent a~' tl~e wei~,llt off' the locomotive, consttu~~es a peculiar :Car~rn a:~ ballast, which produces, month a:~ter month ane~ year after year, ~, cex~~~ain amaun~ of unnecessary "~~an-lciloi~neters" , Such "bal:l.ast" amaurlts to about 3`r percent in the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Su ~,ocoma~~v~, tv a~A~~t I~~C} laercan~L ~r~ thF; T~ ~acarnot~.v?, anti sa one Na:r axv intaxna~ evmbuct~ian 1oco~nat~.vcs w:~tl~ ~'xo~ a~-1_v~ ~xee from this ~a~.;i,as~~ Fu~~tYaex ~~hari that, svan ~.nta~~n~~. co~nbusti~an ~,acc~~n~:~~~~,v?~ w:~~~h wei~h~~ wYaal.~y dis~~x~.i~utad on the c~x~,v~,n~ ax~.es are ~'ar i'xc~rn ~'u;~iy ut:i~.~.~:1n;; ~~hat wa~.~ht undax~ t~1c~ actus~~. apox~,ta.n~ cond~.tions ~ 2'~~~c~ i'a17.owin~ exarap~.c~ w .1~. i,~.~l.us~~r~~ts ~~k~is paa.nt ~ ~'hQ ~ntarnc,l carrr ~ha.n~ 2 ~3 tans ~ ?~ ' ameters long with a ~?~ percent ~~rade without Cl~;ar stretch ~~ ~~~ ' af:' 1~~G tb.7-s locomotive was experimentally a pusher en~a.n?~ vura.n~ all er tax encl. a brs.kin~ locama~ti.Ve. 'i'he results. tented wa.th a dynamotnet Darnels at the.t time (See Gla~er's were published i.n the German ~ en ~.~~~. ~va~.wne 1G9, No ll) ? An~~al , ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~'ha c~we~ ?e~u^pr~en~ ?~ ~~he ~,Qeorno~;~v? cons~,st~ ?~': a 6-cy~,^ndA~ ~~??sel engine; ~, sin~;~.ewsta~A ~a~,~~~?n compx~assor; an air~prehar~ter; a coQlor; x:t:~ia~^ ~ equ^~a~nent (~'ar~s, a;~r b~.ower ~'or. rho boil.s~' off' au ~ ,~ 6~.t~.nr ~~ seam, ~'ur~~. s.n~l lubricant p~~raps~ generator, the traa.n h ~ ~' etc). diesel, en.ine is a ~'our?cycle MAN wa.th rrrax?irnum speed o~ Th o , ~ evelo l.n a su c~taa.nec~. u,se;~'ul power o~ jUU4 ~~1~ a ncl s~aart- 1~~0 ~ darn d p .. ~ 1200 ~1~. Cyl.inr~e~~ dia~nater is l~yU mill;irneters; t.~mo Ltsc~.ul power of ,t ? C ? c") mill.:i.rneter ~ The unit as a wYlol.e (en~;^r~e and p;~ston atrokc~ 1a.2. compressor.) i.s shown a.n Figure 98. ' s~ton cam ressor, with cylinder diamc;ter 610 x 3~U The p~, p .. , s i.5 rnountc'.d on a Common base plate wi.t}~ the motor, 7;he m~..lJ..~ rnoter , base late :i.s bolted onto the locomotive ~'rsmeo 'the compressor p ~? ~ ~ ~ von b the en~;i.r~e thi^augh two cranks, apposed at l~0 p7.sLori ~.~ cir.>+ y o:f,' a eran,ksl~~~f'~~ ~'iture 9~ gives a general. view o~ the c3,eprees, compressor. '1'l~e com resscax a.s one off' tha most im~aortant elernenta o~ p ant. ~:t ~.s the economy oi.' its operation that the lacorno'~~.ve power ~. termines the operating economy (e:E'ficiency) o:~' the loco . ~,n :fac. ~ de It was therefore necessary to reduce the power mota.ve as a wha~.e~ it to the lawes't poss`ibJ?e level, which could be achieved. can~umed by ~, b ave. , intensive caol.in off' the cylinders only ~' ~'Y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ,~ e ~, ~~~~c~ mc~~ox and co~n~~?c~ax mpun~~d on ~'~. fur ~ common base p~a~es [ghat?~ F;~~uxa 9~~ Coiner?~~or ~~hoto~ ~,in ;~ s~Alrla w?re ~~,~,n~~oc~t wa~eg~~acket~ '1.'hrea variant coo ~ ~' e ~,ston ancl, t:~.na~ly, coo].:ln~ by c~~r~ct w?~ber oilwcaol.~.n~ o.C th ~ ~ in~oc~t;:lan into ~~h? cy].ind?r. 'the rc~sence of a su~:~a.clant amoun~~ o~ he~~t ;Ln :Cn va.ew o~ ~ ..,, ~ to r. ehc;at the cor~pre,sed ?~r, i~t; wa4~ dUC~,ded 'thC3 GX.haUS'~ r;,aaBS ~ ' ~ re ~n th? do~ly?ry va~lva should nat ?x- ~L}1~~?t thc3 maxa.rlil~rn ~e~71p?r~~~u s Under ~,hese can~.~~-ores ~assuan?Ln~ pa].y~~'op~c coed ZUO doges . `?U t1Un ?~o "t~,uu0 Ca]. ~aez~ hour 'read to bo wa.t}drawn compress:r.on}, r ~ ~ er off' cao].ed cy].a.nder~ sur,~'ace ~ ~xperj.ence ~Erom each square rn.t ?~ ~Lwa nle~Lhods off' coo].in(; ~}lE] 'tiam~era'Lure showed ~~hr~?L w~.~Lh ~~h? f.'~.rs . ~ rsed a3.r exce9ds the rated value a~ a pawcr as low as of ?Lhe coml~re~ ? ~~,rc~foro der.,~.ded to use ~~Yie ~Lhird rno?~hod o:(: coalw 1~0a I~~~ I~~ was i,hr ~.n~. n?ti?~ a~' we,ter in~jec?~ecl ~.s ra, rle~].:i.~;~.r~lG emaunt ..b The qua y ? a~' ~,he we;i ~h?r af' ~~he a~:r ~e~.n~ com~.ressed; the alaou~ 2 - .,~ ~erren~ ? a ~.s ins~~an~ancoue:ly convar~~ed 'La 5tc~cun, and i1:5 cansurftpM wato~ ?~hu at :~u].]. aver arnoun~Ls ~ o ~ ~ a m~ der hour, L~. an ~ r, ors ~Uhat thr, ~injec~?~.on a~' water ~,n?~o the cylinders zhe ~e r~ ~a.n the metal' and ~.n a.n~ensa.ve de~asi~;ion wou:Ld rasul~L ~.n rust ~ rus?La~~~.ans ~n ?Uhc cy].~,ndor' wa]:1~ pra~red unM o~ :unpur. ~t~e s and ~.nc ~usti~ied. ,.. ,., :. , :,. , .,: :., ., ,. a w,: ,i U + nd.: ... 1 ,..,.:., .; ,,.{,, ,.,,,. + - :4...::~, ;,ill+.~) `GI ~ R j i.,itl ~ i 7~ ~ ;+',% t' p i~ 1..,;~ ~ V ':~a:f,~~'r r ~! tt~ :;Pi (t ( 1j 7 , ~ ~A@ !~: r ;. p ~ . ? ~ C ~,_~ ~ , ;I, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 :~:,;F ~ ~ R~.~ , , F+.~ ~ -,:~~ , ~4> ~,~~'~~~~~,{f ~ , "~''~?"+w,~ d ~+;h~~3 ~~1~~~ ~~~a,t,. ~~ '., nor. .. ,~,.d, ! ;~.' 7? ntPi c'.. _._ __ _ ___ _ __ ____ ___ _. __ __.. ..:, ~d~v L~~:!+9. t,,f~ef~ e, J.:..au1~...v~ ~n4 ,r~~S~.~~,, ~i ot1,,...iAV,h,n41~Y~~74~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ?~~,~ Q~' wQxk~,r~~a ~l~e Comp~~essor W~,'~~lQU~~~ coa~,~n ~'he poss~,b~.. y Y1 ~ase~ Whe~'6 Wad?~ ~,~ ~,AC~~,n(~~ e~c~) w~tis a~,so (for ~.ns'~ance, ~ wed the poss~.b~,~,i~y n~ runn~,n~ the ~na~~l~a~ s~~ud~,ed~ ~~per~,men~L sha i ver much reduced e~'t~~,c~,?ncya ~'ar abau~ half' an elan, ~Lha~~~h a~ Y }. t,~r Ica ~~~ m~.nu'~es w~.'~1~ou~ coc~l~.n~ 1~he cy~,a~ndAr~ ha . w a~Q com ressor w~.~i;h rnax~mum possibl? campress~.an A s~.n~le s~~ ~ p ,~~m b ~ maname'~er a^ea~ ~n~} 7Ps used f'or ~Lhe purpose o ~~ ~hQ air ~0 7 ~ Y ~?;t~rn ofi' the power assc~irib~.y as s .,r~;:~le as p,oaaa.bla o i maka.n,~ the de ~ z,~ ,, . ~ ~ a~ wha.ch the worlcin~ a:~r on~ers ~ha 1,ocoma~~.Ve '1'hs ~.n~.~,a,a:l. pras,~ura s ;from 6 ~ ~ a~n a~ l~.00 rpm ~o ~ atm at ~~.0 rpm cyl:~nders thus range ble for ~,he rela~t1~'ely large di.mensl.ons off' 'Lhe ~..: wh.>,.ch was response. ~.n~t?rnal combu~~ Sian es ondi.n~;ly laver e~'~'~c~-ency a~' ~htis cyle.nders and the Corr p ~t'.ve b compare.san w'.~h 'tho canven~.ana]. models locomo y ~~h? out u~~ o;~ 'the compressor a~~ 100 rpm 7 aim pressul^e p ' hem ~ora~~ure ~corraspondin~ ~a abau~ ~~~ k~ off' and 20~ degrees a;~r ~ o:~' mixture ~aa.r and wader) Cpel^ hours e.n~oc~tad wa~~er} a.s l~3 ~~ ehea~'~er is arranged parallel '~a the ~i.eselwcamw the ae.r pr , .~ a~' pubes thrau~h ~~ e,ch ~ha exhaust pr?ssor and cons~s~s o~ a 5ysta~n ~ 've u their head ~ta the compressed air ~Lha~ bathes uses pass and ~~ p ~Gho auger sur~'aca o:~ the ~uhes ? ~Lhra~~~le va~.ve o~ the Schmid'~~Wa~ner system ..s 1~ usua;l ' rM rehea~~er and cyle.~nder, On ~~ho side o~ 'the placed between a~, p the wa~er~~ank~ ~,rwcyle.nders and s~ora~e ba~~ery en~neraam ~an~ay e ual'.~e the laado In add.~~e.ony wader and Fuel are placed so as ~,o ~. the sa.des off' both ends a:~ ~h~ lacomat'.ve hanks are also arranged an brica~e.n al:L and wader an the s'.des '.n :game, w;~~h Gaolers ~'or lu ~ ~'ran~ ,~ ~ . }tip; pc~r H!a-haiLr; e,nd ?~he curve ~'~ : ~'(v) is p1.o~~;ad ~'rorn da?~a o:E the ?~r:~~,:1 oC~erata.on, !~s w:1.1:1 be seen From the d:La.~r~m~a, s,~l~ a speed off' ,~~ 1rn~/}lour and .Lndica~;ed power a~' ].jJ00 H~', the trac?t.ve :Car^cc; F~ is ~,L~aU k~ for bo~~l1 locar7~ota.~res; ?the i'uel cansump~~a.on l~ f'or^ ~t}1e internal, cam bust.~.on locomo~l~ive is 2l.'j ~~ kg/haur ~ 2,1.75,000 Cal/hour; ?the ua1:~~1, fuel.~consumpt~.on H t :~'o~~ the ~.nterna:l combustian 1.acomotive is 0, 21.75 k~; per H!'-hour and O~~i.~6 lc~ per HP-hour :F.or the steam locamo?tl.ve, the thermal. e~'~`;icleney ~~~ ~~ ,with respc;ct to the indicated power, is ~~ per, cant ~'or thr~ a.x~~~err~al, combustiarr l,ocomo?Li.ve and 9.5 percent :Car. thc3 ateanl ~.ocamotivo ~?~ wa.1.l. also be seen From ?~he diagram ?Lha?L ?~he econom~~ a:~ open^a?~~.on ~'a:l,~.s a:E'r rnox~~ shar~pl.y a?~ 1.owor and ha.ghar^ speeds, :Cor .th~~ ~:1~G~rna1. rombustic~r~ ~l.ocomo~tive than :for thr~ ateam l.ocamative, '.L'hus, :Cor instancy;, at speeds o.f l.0 and ~0 ~m/Yiour, tho thermal. e:C~' ciency~ of ?~l~e ~,n~ern~~l combust~.on 1.ocoma~~ivc, w:~~~h rasped ?~o ?~he .ndirated powear, 'amounts respect~.vel.y 22 ~1~. perc,ent anal 25.7 percent, while the unlit Fuel. consumption is 0,22 and 0,21~~. }~~ per ~Il~Whaur r~e~pectivel.~~ . Under ox~dina.r~~ operating conditions the e~';~icienc~ a~' the l:nternal. combustinr~ l.ncomoti?ve s,t nail., even under the mas?~' :~avor? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~b~,? o~ox~a~?~~,n~ xa~,mA, d?~~ n?~ ~~cQ~d ~~ ~ ~~, po~c~~?G~ moth?n s~~b~t~lnt:ka~, ~ho~tcAm~,~~p; A.~' th;t.~~ ~.ocamot~.va ~.~ the oons~,cle~~ab~ca v~,kaxr~t~,on, as~aectia~,~.y at h~~k~ ~p~~d~a wh~.ch ~a~u1,t~ From the pr, r~ aanca off' the unha;lsrncAd rn~as~e~ 01' the dr~.v~,n~ pl?char~~,~m off' the cor~pra~sor~ ~n ~,zplara~,sa.n~ tha mar~.ts ara,d shortcora~.n~s o.f' th~.s locomo~~vc~~ tha cond~tt.tans ~'or. w~ha.ch a.t way des~.~.nc~cl and constructed must be I~~;pt a.n m:i.nd~ '1'ha tochir~alo~~` a~' ~Lht~t poi^~a~1 way not, ae h~~ah:1y develop?d 7.r1 ~l,I~e GiASa.~~na.n~; a~' pawor a.ns~l~a~.].a~~~.ans (en~;a.nps, cornM Iarcassora, etc) as that a~" ~lhe I;~resant day. ~~~ must be assurrlc~d th~~t the cues L~;n rznd, canstrucr~:i.on o~ a. s;i.m~elax~ typo off' 1occ~moti,v'e urr,der. contemporary conda.~~a.ons could y~.el.d mare ~"avarable result~~ than those ab~Gs.ined in ~~h:~s cawe~ I~~}ZLC'C-;Dl~a'~ 1N',1'LI~NAL CQMT~t1S'1rCON I;,(7~~OMQ'1'J:V ~ , ':I'Y>~,I~a 2 ?"~ -2 (C~1+FiJ~:~1Y ) ( I3u~.lt in 1.~3~) ~'a.~~,'ttre 1()~ ~~.vec~ ~l,I~le scheme o~ thio ~.ntez~lzal combu.s~t,~.on ~.oca- mat~,v~e wi.tk~ the corresponrii.n~; d?s~.~n~t.~iorsa off' tl~:te r~~,u~.pmcr~~L and ~. a~~par~a~~us, The main en~;~.nc .i.e ;~-cyl~.nder, twawcyc:~e, doub:l.e-acta.n~~ As may he seen :From the ~.:l.:l.ustration, the arrangement o:~ the cyl~.r~Iers .i.s analo?~aus to ~r~hat an tl7.e engine of d stun loeomot~~.ve~ ~'he extreme cylinder's act an the second drivin~~ axle, while the middle cy~.inder w- an inclined one -~- acts an the first ca~anksha~'~,. ~,'he mal~.mum rawer de~velaped by the locamativ~e at ;~~0 rpm of ~~he en~i,~e, caz~respandin~ to a speed a~' J.~.U Ian/hour, is ~., 2U~ HP+ '~'hc stre~~sc~,s in the cannectin~-tads, cr~osshes:ds, ax:lres azld ~aurna~.s I ~ :'+r ,' n 1 "r? r , i-.;?? fo- ~ , ~a~, ;ik:a ~ ;1:,~ i,~ i ' ~ ~;; t ."'i ,;; ', :r + ~ ar ,,,.. ,E,r f.a ^~:,0 ., ,. ~-d, ~,-? ,: ,....i: ~,., ^. ` ~?~I` r rr f'~ I `;~,,i 't;, I'`;'q rt or^6~.i `Yi l1S.~It. ~~. ,u.-.,,, .: .. a . ,,,t,?i,~~+.... ?s6>nr;a4 of ?,7.~ts,~.n rnornc~nt thca ~resuure af.' this a~i.r in the cy~.i.nder~~ becarnes su~':fa.ciant to avercarna the fatal r ea~.starice a:f the: locaM mature anr3 train, ~.nd the ~~rain beg:iris to rnovc; 'ram the instant t1~a~l~ the ~~rc,in s?~arts to move, ~Lh~; lawM pressure ~'ue~. pumps ar:~e actuated and b ;gin to de~,iver fuel. through the carr~~spand~.ng vaJ.ves in the cy~.inder-heeds; thus the c;y:~.~.nders are s~.owly ~'i~.J.ed with f~ine~.y-~cix.vided ~'ue~., whicl~,s ~,gr~.ted by can- ~~ct with a spiral, heated by the p~.ss~,ge a:f ~n e~.ectr?1c current Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ,...~, ti I~ ~K.r. IA W~NM?WMMMJYNWNYNNAMM~~M'MMYIW WMYM~MW~YlMNM191MlVNNIfIIF{~{~~'F~I`~W~911WYi MMNIWIMNMMMN~M~~ ~~~. uro ~.~~. ~chEmc~ off' Humbo:Ld.~-v~.e~l,z d.~.rec~-dr~;ve in~LE~rnal ~; combus~l~,~.ar~ locamo~~.ve -- com :res~or ? C W- ~enerr~,tor; A -W aux~.l~.~:~1^y J~7.esel e11~;~.ne, ~ p ~ ~ ~- rle,ssure~~'eec~ blower; ~ ..w aux~.liarly~ pressure-Feed blower; p N.- main ressure-:Geed blower; G -- Cali^dan shai'~; I~ -a di~~r. ?~.bu~:~on ~' p ,, . ~ ,~ .... fual ~ ump; K -w C07rl~r~S50f~ ~,~.r lubrics,~~ir~~ s~s~tem; _- razor n,i~;,lan; 1~ .... d~.st,r:ibu~or panel; I~ -?- d~.s~r:lbutar box;. ~ ape p a, ri d~.rec~~~.on a~' pressure-Feed aa.r; P -W sander; valve ~'ar v ~ ~ w- ,duel ~~,~; ~, -- .:Crone and back ooolers; S -- compressed a-.i.r cyl~.nclers; '~ Declassified ~y~gMWIMNI.MNN~ ~y,~A1MI~WIM n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012- elec~~ic bl~wers;'U w~ coolant wa,~~er pumps;` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 'sx ~ such ~ s?~~,r~, car~monc~n wl,~~~ a ~?w ~,~;n~,~~.ar~s c~~ ~~~e ~~~n~~ ~, . and cam Tess?~ a~x, prooaec~s ~.n a maa'~n?r ana~,o~ous m~l.~c~urP o~ ~u~~ p ~Gax~ ?~~' ~ xec~pxoca~~~n~ s~~~n ;~ooamo'L~,v~e w~,~;l~ nm~a~~~.on I,n ~o ~hQ ~ ~^~~ anal aMsux~~s uff"~f,c~er~`~ ~xac~i~r~ ~'orca ~'or Any pos~.~~,c~n ;~u~,~l. ~e a o:~ ~;he dank; a~~~er ~l~~e a.ocamo~~.vc~ ryas s?~ar~~acl~ ~o move,, ~he~ ?n~~~.rlem~~,n ? ,~d? uses ~~hc~ d~.s~~~~~,l~u~~.n~~~ ~~pchana.sm, ?Lhus ~,a.m7,~~in~ ~ha ~,c3rni5s~an xor ~ ,.~ l~ ?;~1essed aa.r and ~hc~reby abvia~in,E~' ~~he possa.l~i:l, icy off' s;l.~.d~.n~;, o.C ca a s'.~rlul~aneoixs-ly ~,he en~a.neman moves ?Ghc~ ~hi,~a~~l.a, and ~.n 'phis way reducos the ~Lhro`~1~1in a~' the compr~sseci airy ',I,'he caura~La.an a~' 'the ~.ntake, wti9.ch a?~ 1'~.:rs'1~ z.s re~,;u7.a~ed b ?L?he "s1~ar?~ ink; Luc]." 1.e ver (since the re~uJ,a~~:i.n~ f'ue1. pumps are y ' ?h~ ~.n a a;~i~l,ion to as5u7^e ?~he prape~~ pr, essur. e ?ra cause the st,.l.~..l na p a~.ves ~~a ~'unc?L?.i.nn under ?Lhe nai^r~a]. Ua.e~~e:L cyc7.,e~, ar~aunts tea as v. 1OC) cle rasa a.f' crank an~l.e and ~;hus corrc?;s~,ands ~;o the mucYl e,s ~; ' ' ?~he aclm~.ss7.on used in ~^era.praca?~~.n~; s~oam en~;iraes, Ouch a ~~.m e a ~ ~' a:C en~'irle apera~~ian ,~s ca~.~ed addil~~.ana:L ar ex?~erna~. ~"eed. i eE,n.me c~ r r ' s E,ed increases and ~,rac?tivc :~"a~~ce acc;ardn~;~,y de~ Aa ~,ra~.n p Ines the ad~lii~ional ~'eecl, is e.l~~o ~;radual:ly reducecJ,, and 'ram a C~., , rrtamen?~ an ~~he; ~va~.v~es be~irl ?~a ~'unc~iar~, 'thus assuring ~~he ce;r?~a~.n ~ . ~ ?? ?~ co'mbua~,~.an m~.xture ~ The ~~,~~riva~l off' t;Yais tnarnen?t is ~.n~7ec~~.nn a~ Lhc .masked by a s~.i~h~~, calnra'~ic~n. off` the e~,kiaus~ ~;ases~ su ~~,emen?~a~'y deed ?L?hus ~.aa?Ls From, zero speed the re~7.me o.~ p~ d ~~~r?~her acCe~.pra?~~.an ai' The ~.occ~mat~.v'e speed up ~0 70 km/hour, a,n ?~Yien, fakes p~.ace an ?~he narma~. ~ieae~. c~'cle~ ~' ~`i urn x,03 eery c~.earJ.y' i~.:i.us~r~,~es, ~raph~.ca~,~.y~ ~'he d~~~z am a ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 5~'AR~iN Q fh~911~ /4C48I Gam' ~r~ wo~kin~, nder adm~.~s.i.c~n and c,o~~~~~~ond:~n~; 1+~, ~t~c Z~~~ ~'~oC~s~ o.~ Gy~.~. r ade ~d ~''~Tl" ~ L1 ~ ~ ~ t'rr~m xea~, accr~~.~~~'a'L~.on, xunn~.n~; 7 dia~'~'am ~a~~ ~ta~~,~.n~, n~.n~ nn ~,~vc~~. ~~rac~) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 wa ~~c~~,~~r~~~an ~~~ ~~~vo1 ~r+~v'~~ ~~ ~,av~~ ~L~^~ck Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~,h~ man~,~u~,at;~,or~~ ~,nvo~.ved ,1,n dx~-v~,n~ ~~h~~ ~,ri~ax~n~~ ~v~n- ax~ vet' ~~.m~~,e~ Tn ~erre~'a~ ~~?y x~~anlb~,~ bu~t~Qn :I.ocorr7ot~.vo y' ,, ttin ~taam ~.ocomot~.va ~ r~'ho a~x ~l?~xo~~~:1,a va~va dx~,vin~; a ~~~~~~r,oca d~ ~-o the thxo~~~.e o~ tl~e 1a~,~~?r~ wh~.~.e '~h~ a~' the ~'o~mex coxxe~~aor~ .., c~~.ns,7. d~~ ;~acemc~n~~ off' ~Gho care ~Lha'r, xe~u:~atA~ ~hc~; d~~~^~,~a;ran ~.or~~~. ~u ~ .. ' ~ ~ dni~~s ion to t}~e cy7.:~ndar~ o~ ~~hc~ :~'vr~7~e~^ aoxrc~s~aond~ (~n ~~.me~) o.F aa.r a k>,:1.~'~~a.n ~ off' the ~osit~.or~ o:~' ~~e valve ~;aar o!' tk1~ ~,attax~ to the ~ adda.t~.ona1, cantrols are the two :fi'ue~. 1r;var~s ~o~~ ~~~~ r~a~-~ ~~Ze only ~.'ced and ~uppl~mcn~a~^y ~'e~d~ ~~he o ~~xat ink contra~.s and apparatus c~xv corlccnt~'atod, :~n A17. 1 ,~~ a mat~;ex of. fact, dr..v~n~; thu ;~ocor~,ot~.ve reduc?~ down thr cab, ro e~^ sh:~~'ts of.' tl~le ~'ue:l. Levers ~'or aupp:lernentary ~~o r~ir,7?~e:ly mak.~n~; ?the p ~ and main :iced, ~~ ~.s ~,n1~ax^na~. coml~~us'~a.or~ 7.vcvmv~L~.ve :~s des.~~.ed ~'oz~ hau].:~n~ lh ' Tts total we~.;~ht is E3U ~~ans, off' w~~.ch 36 tans Fast, ~..~.~,ri ~ i,ra~.ns ^ ~ sed on the dri~vin~ ax1.c;s ~ W.th a wllee]. f'oxmu:l.a oi' 2-2M2, a~ e .>.rnpa ,'.. ~' d:Ln~r ua:L~.ties are cnt~.re].y Ldenta.cal. ~'or forward and bacltw .~. ~s x ~. ~ cl ~ ?~ion whi~.e t~~.e en~ineman is assured oi' load. v~i~~lb:lity in ~rard rr o , directions as ~~he ~enera:~ va.ow (~'~.~;ure lOl~) shows `~,'he lco th ~ ,r ~ ~ ~ U mil;l.me'~er~5 .en th a:~' the ~.ocomat~.Ve bet~woen bu~~ni a a.s l~~ ~~ ~ ~ ' te~~ .s ~. 7~U m~.~.:~.~.meters. ~'ata~. wl~ee~. 'k~asa i;~ 10,7~U vr~,ver d.~ame ~ ' ' r~ ter5 ri id w1~ee~. base 2,00 rai~.:l.im.ete~~s~ ~'~ae~. sup~~:l.y ~.s m~.:1.1.~.r e , ~ .~._~~ons `~_~ P~~.xa.muan speed is l:lU krri~hour {' re lU~~. ~~-race dxive internal. cnmbustian Locomotive hau~.ing a ~'~. ~u 2~~-ton p~,ssenp~er train [pheto~ ~'i~ux~s lad and,l.~b dive d.~.a~a^r~ms characteri~in~ the mean ressure ~.n the. cyl:inder~5 and ?~hp l:ocomota.?ve power, ~.nd~.cated p Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 xa ~~ad ~d naxma~,~~~ wh~.~,a ~'~,~ura ~.Q~ ~~va~ opaz~~~:~n~ w~1.~~ pr~~~u x ~hA ~,n~a~'n~~, aamr~u~'~~an ~,QaorYlq`~~.V?, ~ha cuxvQ~ a;~ ~xaa~ra~,va ~axa~ ~o ' pan ~?a^ a ~~~e~ra locrama'~;1v? afi~' ~p:r~,s~ and,. ~'ax purpp~e~ ~~' aampax~ , ?;~ ~~~. ~ar~~, a~ wY~~,ah ~~ ~ar~~ ~s ~~npo~ed ~-a '~a;l'~h a ~c~~t~~ wa~,~h~ on fi~hc~ clx~.v~n ax ~e~ o ~~~ s~~~~ ~a~ ~' I~~~~"~'"ti~r~ ~~ , S' ~~~ '~ ~l lC~ h ~ ~ , (~ +~ ra 1.~~'~ dean ind.ca'~o~' ~~~;r?e~~uY~o :~n cy~.ind~~r~~ ~".r. ~u ~ . C an exam:~rla~~.an a~' ~hea? d.~.a~;rams that i~he ~~~ w~.~.~ be ,~eorx up, corn~~ue~a.on locomo'~~.ve ~.e more e~'~'~.Gien'~ 'khan direc'~ ac'~n.n~~ internal ' e ~in r~ean ~,nd~.ca~tcad pree;~ur~e, ~.rr power and in the s?teem lacoma~~.v, ' ~~~.c ~ no~;w~.~ths~tanc~a.n~ the ron,~a.dera~le advan~ta~e ~Lrac~t.ive charac~e.r, ~.s ~ , ~i.rl wea.~h~t and the r;orr, e~panc~.n~ paver off' i'~~ paver of the la~t~er ~ _ ~ .. _.~ equ~.prnen~t w :~'~.re~t ~~hree ~ee,rs o~ ~tr~.al a~e~~a~tian, ~L?h~.a ~.nw ~Llr~.n~ ~,hG ' vo oavared over I~d,d~0 k3.lometere, ~,~i, a~U ~;ernal. cam~ue~~.an lar,ama`ti w:~~h regular ~tra~.n~, proc~,u~~;n~ a ~tntal l~~.lome~tcr5 0:~ ~th~.s d7.s~ance, off' ~~~ m~.l~,~.an ~tonWk'a.lome`ter~r ae9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- ~~ ~ ~~~'~ .~ ~~ ~ G ~~~~ W t"~, 1~r~~ xsu C~~ ~ t~~ y ~?'c j~~~ ~~ u r~ !~ ~`~'~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ,~,,;~, ~,r ~, ss ~, ~~ w -~~l~rlo~~(,~fi ~~"-I~r~ ~i RV~M~Iw ~'~~~"d ~ry W M W M1~~ wIhMMW Mw W~MYyM/M ~ NMM'M~MY W MM ~? ,. ~' .nd~ica~ed po'wc~r ~1i.?th anti, ~ra.~l~ou~ forced teed 1~~.~;urc~ 7.OG. Cuxves o~ r~,a ?Lost the rc~:l .ab;ili~~ o:C ~,?~s aper~a~~a.on, ma~.n1?y' dur .r~~ ? r , , , r .. E~ locamo~G~.ve was used ~a hrau1. pc~sserrrer ~Lraa.ns we~.~;hi.np~ sl,ari~~.n~~~ ~h ns on ~, sc~c~~a.on ~~() ~l[~.~.arne~~ers ~~.on?;, wi'~h siJops on the avere,~a ~G~ to `' ~'~.ome~~erse ~~' we om~.'~ :Cram canai.dexa~Lion ~var~.caus ~~roub~,e c,vea, y 5 k~-- . . ~ ed u during ?I,he a.n~.?~~.a:l? per~.od (~'or in5~l,anac~ w~.~;h ?~he ~ha~, cropp p ' ~ b:l.ower overlre:l~~ed b?a~:~a.n~;s, ~;~;r ~ ), wh~.ch wat~ prornp~~~~.y ~u'Lz a:i.r y ~ ~ ~~h:i.s ~.n~c~:rna:l. cambus~'ian 1,acomo~~~Ve in ~;enera:~ ~sured rctn~,cl.~.ecl, F~r,~a~~in a.nd~.cas ?~han the abo~veMmen~~.c~ned ~~,5 s~teem lacamo~ h~.~hc~r. op ~ .... -~ ~ th~.~ usua:L~.y sarvnd ~Lheso ~~raa.nw ~ ~'hus, .(~.'ar examp:Le, ?~he can ? ~,lva ? ' n of head per un~.t of work .was ?~ percent ~he,?~ a~' ~~he stoam sumi~ ~~.o ..: ve "1'he .Cued. supply car~r~wed by the ~,nterna~. combustion ~.ocamo 1~~. t~i.ve b~ we .,;h'~ (a~.J.a~rin~; ~'o~~ ~.ts un~,t hear, va~.~xe) was anl,~' iaaamo . ~' . ~ ~ erried by the steam ~,orarnat~.ver the total. ~0 percent a.C ~ha C Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 w~~, - h~ Q~ su~~~~,as (~'ua~,, wa~~~1, ~ubx~.canl~s, ~ ~~) an ~ha ~n~a~~na~ m s~~.can ~,QCOri~p~~~ve was an7,~~ ~ ~c~~snt ~Y~a~ a~~ ~thc e~et~m ,I.O~QM cp bu mot~.v?~ '~'hQ cru~.sa,n rad~.us off' tha ~.ntc~~r~al. coinbust~,c~n ~.cacomc~~t~.v~ wi~thou~t re:~ue~,~.n ax ~tak~.n~ on ~a~a.ta~~, was 1.~OG) lt~~p~ncl;er~s~ , ~~1~'~1:~~~J~;~, CgMI3~J~T:~Q'N 'C~Q~~GMt~`~'x~V'L W:c'1'I~ ~U~])~VT1~~D I'~W~~ TIVS'~'A~,~l;~l~'1~:~GN (i~~~~~s) (~r~sz~'~1~ ~~~~~~~~~ ) 'rho ~aubstantal d~.s'~i.nct~.on between tha.s 1.occamo~L? eve ant;/ the canvan'~Lg11J~. t~?s CaZ1uLStuy ~~.r,'s~t~.~r, .r1, ~l~Y~e i.ns~ta7.:la~L~.on on ~.~ o~ a numbor off' h~,~;h~s~e?d en~:i.nes w~.th un~.t wee. ~ht a~ l~M~ ltd/III', :I.nM stead off' ono a~^ twa 1.o~r~spe?d en~;lrle off,' great powea1, and seeorlc3.~.;y i.n the 1~se tiahcrever possa.bl.e o:~ atutn~.num {~s structural materLal. in pl.a~ee o:~ a.ron and steel ',Clxe ~:a:L~.ow~.n~; '1'7,ble 'l ~;~.ves the ca~.cu:l~ated data character~.7,~.n~ the we~.~ht off' th~~ ~.r~d7.vidua~. eJ.ernen'I~s off' th~.s :~ocamot~.ve, and :~'or cam ar~.son the co~''rasz)aYld~.nE; f.'~.ures~ :for a convents.ana~. mode. o:i~ p ~.nterna]. cam~)ustiar~ ~.ocomotive o:C' equi.~v~alent powor~ ~es~.d,es the recluc't~.an ~.n 'un.it wc~a.~ht o:~ thy' ~.acoma't~?ve, wriicl~ accarr.?:i.n~; to the' data o:C the tab:l.e arnaun~ts 'to ~6 percent, the c~ubw d~.va.s~ion a~' the paw~r plant results in a eons~.d.erab:l.e number oaf other advantages, wh~.ch are vex~,~ substant~.al, in 'thy desa.~nc;r's opin~.on~ the smaller cyl~.nder d.:i.ameter' ~;i`~es h~.~her. en~~.ne sped 'than ~.n the lame en~~~.nes ~'ar the sine speed off' p~.s~tan ~t~avel; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 }h~~.~k!~'~1~'B~YYe.`k~Y~l'9~I~la~1'~.~'EV~v~nW7i~'G~41 ~~did~ ~T~S'~~'i~j~~i~~~~~~n~~il~~i~l~Nl~~~~4f~;~d! Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 Com~~~'a'~~,va ;Ua~~t~ ~~~~~a~ 7 ~n~~~na~ Com~~~~~o~~ 'Loc4mo~~,v~~ Sri ~u~d.~v'~.c~ac~ ~?~v~.n~~ ~,n W~~,~J~'~ ~ranv~n~~~,on,a~, W~, ~n ~~,an~ ~e~~,p~n~ Fow~~^ P~.an~~ ~o~wc;~ a.n k~k' ~2p ~.:1~~ 3G Nurn~c~r o~ ~n~,.na c~:l.:~ndor~ 9~ 2l~ ~a'o~al, cn,~~.no w?~~;h~L ~.n ?Lons Uni'~ ~n~a.~~~ wo~~;ht in ~~? ;1,~ , 0~ 1.~, 6u ~o~ ~~~~ ~'a tia]. wa ~h~ p:~' o:l~c~~rica~. drj V~ ~n ~On5 Unit wo~.~;1,~~L off' ~;~QC~1;r, ~,c;a1 dr, i~r~? irl ~k~ ~~~' l~l~ , ~r'o~r,aa. weal?t~L off,' mt;chana.ca 2~r2 2~,~ equ:~~moni~ in. Boris Un~.'~ wee. ~;}7~ o:E nl~ chan~ cad. ~gti~~.prn~n~ a.n k~ err NP 0~1~her econan~y ~.n we~.~h~r, in .Long ~~~o~~a~. ~w~a.~h~L ~.n eons woi.~h'~ der I~I~ .ri lc~, Un~.~ ~o~~re~~ a~ r~,a.l w~.th c:~~'ic'icricy o~ d~a.vc ~ ~.8~, i,n ~Il~ ~a ~" 'ion l.46~ `~ ~1.41~ ~ ~ x,0,6 x.2,7 27 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 c4ns~eda~~b~.~ ~A~n~ ;fin ~xg~ ~~ ~t~~;~nn~, s9,r~aa ~hc ~~na~~ d~men~~,g~as a~' ~~1~~ ~r~~~tna ~~a ~edu~~d ~,n ~ha s~~~a p~^o~~Q~?t~,can ~s cy1~,r~c~er diamr~tax; ~'ar e~r~~a~,a, dour ~ioss:l, ~n~~l,ngs each a~' ~~f~ ~1' ~aat~a up an:~y ha~,~' thQ sp~c? rac~u~.red ~'or ajle ~.QDQM~IP er~~~.no ~;r~d wo,~.~h~~ on~.y ha~.~' as much; the thermal. ~.ca~cl an the s~ar;~'aces sup^raund;ln~ ~?Gha canibus~~.an spaca ~.s rad,ucad in sma~,1. en~;l.n~s by F~1.inoat hs,~,~', wl~~.ch malcas ~.~; eas:i.ar ~L?a saYl.vca th~a prole.?~n of car~;yln~~ o~'~' the oxc~ss heat; the ra.~;~.c~i,~ty o;l' at~tachra~nt anu ~th? stabi1.ity o~ sn~a1,~. motors is ap:(?,~ox~~~ate~.y c,ioub~.cd, tharllcs to which vibratian and vara,ous types o:~' de:C'ariaati,on i~a consa.c,i,c~rs,ka:~y d.~n.i.r~.i~shed; the ecanol~iy~ of 7.ocam.o~ta.ve op?ra:i,ion 'i.s ~.ncr, eased J;,'y the exx.st~nce a~' sevc~ra~, rno~tors, `since individual u~~ii~Ls can be turned orz and. o~'~: Gticr~ordiri~ to 'the wei.~;ht o:E 'the t;rain~ tl~c pi~ofx.le o:C 'the run, etc; and similarly the relabili.~ty off' a.ocoma~tive apera~tion a.s increased, s~.nce e+ren if half' the en~i,nos should fail (which ~.~, r~~ost unlikQJ.y) thca train could still be hauled thouUh at reduced speed 'to the nearest roundhouse; the ~.ow wee. ~ht and sma:~:1, dimen,~ ions a~' 'the pa:r~ts and de~tai].s a~' the power equipment ~'acilita~,es~the;~ir replacement at roundhaus?s or under way; and it is even possible 'to make meditun repairs during train travel ~'he charactGris'tic curees off' ~tract~.ve .C"orc'e ~'ar the internal combustion locomotive with subdivided powc~.r plank are almost identical with 'those of the convent:i.onal internal combustion locomotive (da.a Tara o:C Fi~urn l0~), in spite o:~ th~~.r substantial d~.~'f'~rence ~.n absolute wei ~ht, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 l ~ ~ ~~,~~ r~ d~, KM/~ a ~~ ~d !t'~1~ ~~~~ ~l{i,ur~ ].0~3~ Cur~vss a~` ba,].anc.Ln~ spaod,s o:f' mo~torlocomot.i.ve with subrl~.v~.d~d pa~aer p;~cnt, anc~ a convon~:~ona1, a.n~orna:L cambusi~ion 1.ocomo~L~.vc, ti~ra.~~I1 ~0~~-~,on ~tra:i.n is ~~ ~ail~. by aeen From th? d:i.a~rarn ~ha~L ~~ha balancing speeds off' ~Lhe .n~i~~~^na~. Cnmbus~~~.on ~.orama~~.vcas under cn~rtpati~~.san, hau:l.in~ a g00~~Gon ~~rain ovQr a 1,evel track, ~,ra l~6 and "160 lan/hour respect~.ve~.y; ate an 0,,~ porcen~~ ;radn, 10"T and ll0 lun/hour rpspect~,vely; an a one percent grade, "r~ s,nd 78 km hour; on a ~,~ / ,~ peg cen~~~ grade, ~6 and ~'8 km/haur ~ . '~'h:i.s ~.n~Lernc,l comUus~~~.~on lacomc~~~.ve also possesses ~ubstan~tial adv~,n~~a~os ~.n ~"uel econ~otn;~ as well, has?d on a loa~cl ~'ac~or under ordnar~r oper~,~~~.n,~ cand~~,ans off' 60 percc~n~ :far 1;he ~.n~;arnal cambus~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~~~ 1.ACca?c~~~~vrr Y~~ul.~~~ ~r~~~~, ~~~ ~Oqq l~~ux~ a~ o~~x~~:~~n ~ yp~.~, ~~c~ r~q~;i,~~~~~ ~~~~,m~a~a ~~~ ~r~u~~ ~'u~~, ~~v~n~~ ~~ ~~q ~o~~~ ~ri~ ~Y1~ r~u~,~. ~uY,~~,c~~~~n~wa~.1 ~~v~r~~ ~~ ~~~ ~an~ ~'~? Q~~~.m>t~~~c~ coal off' ~Y~~,s ~,~~t~~r~~~, cAml~u~~~,on ~.~camo~~:l,v? ;ins a~~~,2~q c~,~~~,~.a~~ ~~~~,~~~ ~gq,gqq ~,ta:ly~.~x~ ~p~ a c~nv~n~a,~n~~. ~,n~~~a~~1, comUu~~~,o~ :I.AC~mA~~,vc~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 PART SEVEN aAa~TURBTNE LOCOMOTIVES c~ENE INFORMATION The uti~.~.~at~.on of the ~vexy~ latest eng~ne~ the gaa turbine taraation en ~.ne~ opens up wade prospects in locoma~ive bui~.d~ as a g ing~ Thrs use of the term "latest" with respect to this engine is ' Th4 invention and the idea~f the practical use a little arbitxary. ~ of the as turb~.ne dates back as far as the end of the lPth century. g However all efforts to construct this engine sa as to make it suitable for practical use remained futile until a few years ago? T fficienc of the gas turbines that were constructed during this he e Y ton period was zero in a number of casES and sometimes was even g ne ative which means in other words that the turbine consumed more g ~ energ than it yielded at ~;ts shaft. Only during the contemporary Y ' e of the logical development, mainly in the field of matellurgy stag ' anon has this problem been at last successfully solrred. and avi ~ The first 3700 HP gas tuxb3.ne was built and installed in a power station of ox~e of the Swiss steel mills in 1933? The very favor able xesults of the operation of this installation stimulated the '"..~ _. an of its sphere of application, including that of, , ~'t~rt"her expand ~~.~ .. . train tra,ctian~ .. ~-~ One of the substantial advantages of the gas turbine rnrer all n fade is its extreme simplicity of design,.. A other engines know y , otor with vanes a combustion chamber, andan air compressor ?? r these are all ids essential elements. '~h~re are na regulating .team turbine the single valve in the carrbust~.an val~resi as in the s 3 and in case of the ..need to st~~ the turbine ~.n ~ aham~her is used y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 _. _ _ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 is r~ ated by varying the amount of fuss er~rgency~ Turbine speed de7.ivored to the combustion chambero ' on which the turbine sate is that the produots ThQ principle from 340 to X600 percent of erases airs ex- af combustions containing bins causing the rotor to rotat~i and era then panel within the tur ~ outside air? The power delivered to the shaft (~,'1,gC~argBd '~'l,t0 the en the total power. developed bsr the is equal to the differenc~a betwe d b the compressors The compressor is ~ turbine and the power use y a deli which has been very recently developed on axial types of ~ rimental investigation of the separate elements the basis of the expo ntd In facts the creation of this h~~h"effic" of aviation equipme , was one of the main cand,iticm.s for the rapid prog~ ienay compressor construetia1 al improvement of the gas turbinoo Tess and nc of the turbine varies directly with the tem- ~he efficie y ar in ath~r wards with the capac~~tY perature of the warping gees ~ of the compressor; let us explain what a.s meant. acit of the compressor is increased (and, the power ,~s the cap y ntl aL;~o increased) mare air e~nt~srs to cansumed by it is conseque y as as a result of which 'the temperature of the gas coal off the g y se uentl the eff~.ciency of the turba~ne is also is reduced and con q Y thus far instances with a gee temperature reduced and vice versa. ~ turbine effic~.encY is about 1B percent' bu.t at a ,, of ~l~p degrees the s it ir~reases to 22, perc~anto Wither .gas temperature of 6~o degree ature and thus ale a of the efficiency) is a increase in the temper ( ince it le~ to rapid: wear on the turw in practices inadvisable' s n where long serv~.ce of the v~nes~ is a ~ec~ bins vanes. ~ ~n aviatia _~ and fuel s eying ~ t ezaperatures of the ondary consideration to weight . ., s are ~?lo~rable as h3,gh as 100 b~.ne ineta~.lsti ~. .working gee. in fur , d~~gr~e~ a ~ ,, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~ Data b? used fi,o ~.nareaaa the Ther? era Ya~rloue dev~.cea ~ha an far ~,nstanc~~ ~,egeneratoxs, nc of a turbine ~,~'~allat~ ~ eff ~,cie y cQO1 the air sucked in by' the oubl~.ng of the oampr?sa?rs to the d compres9or, etas bins has a large number of a traatlon engine, the gas tur ~s combua- ine both steam and internal advantages over the piston eng ~ feed wator nor water cooling These advantages are s ne~.ther r ce tian~ sees (sin moke and soot in the exhaust g is required. There is nos Lion chain er is complete)3 the consume combustion of the gas in the g e is a i nif ~. cant (since the turbin the lubricants is entirely ~~ P ~. of uid fue ~ si le unit}; a lorrNgrade liq mec~,aniam that rotates as a ~ to run bane can easily be converted fuel oils can be used; the tur ufactured gas, and iry~he future n roducex gas, natural gas or o p roblem is now ~, ~ the form of duet (this p also to burn solid fue the United States) ? veto ed in Switzerland and in being experimentaJ.ly de p ive built in Switzerland in The first gas turbine locomot ~ ra.od of tr~.al operations and ~, successfua,ly passed a ~~year pe ~.~~ ~ ~'rencYl railroads re ular sei~rice on one of t~ the present time is in g s locomotiYe was built it has It must be said that since thi. ' es attention. ~n various country , d an extraordinary amount of attracts _haYe been drawno man plang,,fa;?~. ~~ch locomotives . includ3~ng the US51~i ... Y.. _..~.,... ad been construo"" ?~turb~.ne assemblies have alre y The exper~.mental gas ui merit and apparatus for its em~ to ether with the aur~iliary eq p ne ted, g a lar a amount of work is being o to eY~t ors locomotivesy and g ti. titian. p ~ erimentaL roves g of labor~to~'' and teet.~stand exp in the f ie].d electa'ic drive: and only in iso. Mist of the plus provide c~aulic drive used l;ated instances is the ~" 'i~r .1~~~4Y~fnl 4~~~I;A~7~1 ~~`r"~ ~,:~~ ~~ Pr~iF~ r~~~~, y'! J~P~.f{i~!l4hlrii~~'ii rx+~ wS~h~Y! ~,~{ ~4`dt /a~ IA ~!?d 'a~l)IYi 4dg ~Vr'?4~ f~'l~'!~~'~ ~- ~ i ~ ? r Sr9 r:4 ~ ~ 6~~; 1 ~ a4~ t `I t k ! ~ i+ V r ! ~r *Mt ~ f {~ L ~ {I?~'~' P ~~ ~+a a~ 8 r? Vii, {~1~ r ~~' ~~ ~aa~'~at r~~ 4 +~f`~ ~ Ya aG~c I II~tId~ o I ~ ~ T ~ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~+ ~ , r I ~N,, I 1 ~i r it~"lr~. ~k` 1 .?~ ? ?li ~,P ti +h fi~ ra~'~ p ~ hi k;~q '~~~~ ~fu rkl ~~~~ ~ i ~ ~ I >r f ~ P~~"~n1~~~,7v~~~ ~~I, +m~~ ~+~ 4,(~li~~~it~hl~llif~~i':~~ t 1'~a}~~Y~~`a~y~ ~~~~itilh'it~?~m?k'~t~Ya~~ir'e"n~r~f~V:~"k`. ~4I~1~{">ft~~if~F4~l,f'~' r9~; >~rY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Th~.e preferenc? for the ?~.?atric driv? is mainly beaausn ~.ts techn~.que has bean entirely mastered in 1~ong yQare of operat- i~ag practice in a~.1 countx~.es of th? warld~ and ~~ is very reliab~.a ~:n operation. It must be assumed that in tha future the paritiari of the ~sleatxic drive wild. be still mare eonsolidated~ We have here in mind the possibility of the uee Hof AG for electric transmisaion~ T oint is that the turbine o erateas at a speed that is 6 to 20 he p p timer as high as that of a Diese]~~ which assures a high starting tarque~ and that ~ha turbine does not stall on over~,aad~ and itr power throughout a very consiclerabl of the speed range xemains constant. The ex~.stencc~ of such alaaracteristics creator favorable conditions for the use of AC drives..:,This m~;ans in practice that ~.t w~.ll be poss~.ble to reduce the we~ht and tort of the entire asw sembly of equipment for electric transmission, as wall as to improve; the quality of. that tran~missian itself~o 200 HP GASwTU~BOELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE (SW.CTZEC~?~,ND) (Bu~.l~~ in l9l~l ) F~,gure 109 gives a general view of the locomotive w}aile Fig.. tyre 11O gives the scheme of arrangement for the power equ~.pment and apparatus So as ?to make ~.t poss~.ble more eas~.ly to expla~.n the pz~~.nc~.ple under t~rha.ch this equipment acts, let us follow the very simple man~,pulat~.ans off' the eng~.nemrcn from the .moment when he preM pares th~.a loc~omot~.~re to lea~re the station w~,th a tra~.,n~ First of all he starts flee auxil~.ary Diesel generator (which I,s nob shown on the r~,agram~~ and which ~.s 3.ntended to bring the turbogenerator up to the speed at wha.ch the compressor ~.s able to del:~ver suff~,ca,ent a:~r to the corr~~ion chambero For this about I~ .minutes 3.s requix~d; he then ~gn~.tes the mi~tur~ by us~.ng ~n elecw t~~^~~~ ~~,~~~ 9~~ i1: 1 4d r ~s,yi ~~~a '~ ri it ~ i J' ~ r { ,~~~~~:.. ~~~ I ~ ,~ 1~~10 . irk ( ~~ t` ~ ~ 1 u.-~~ ~~~it }?{slji :'r, i a i ~~~ I,.~ ~.r1.~}fi ~S,~N ~~~E~ti ,i ui [[Ci i ~~~ M ~`I r~r ~ j ~~ .+i i~~ t r I is t~~ t r ~S~_~? I P., ~ t.. 13~i.. ,Y,; < ~ ,x"^~' ~ ~~,i'' "? '. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 ~~~;r ~~'~~~ "~s ~~~~~~~' ~~ ~,~'~~"; ^~"~~ ',~P~E ,r ~;- ~Ci~1~.1,..1~~ ,~,. ... .. .. .~ i. ~, u..7cJ~.,,. ~ ,.~, _.. _.. _._... ........ _.. ._. ... ... ._..__. _._.. ....__.. ... ._ _. .... ... ... .. ___.._ 7.i ~},, _..a ..?iede. .. ,~. e..a xn ,.., I.~ . ]~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 o~ the xaadb?d) and ~,n thi8 way ~o maintain ~~~ can~-inuw unavaness ~,th the hydraul~.c c7~utch and the dx~.v~.ng ous e~,aeti,a Bann?atian nnect~.c~n must ~~.sa be ~1ast~a when the loaomc~t~ve ax~.e ~ The d~.sco re~.a,tive position o f the dr~v~.ng shaft and xounds a curve s fax the as a xesul~ of the shifting of the trucks the dr~,v~.ng a~.es changes nce an the xadius a~ the curves The universal in a certain depends uch an ~erlastici~-y to the driving shaf'~ up ,point ~.s able to assure s mnm d~e~xee a~ ~:ta d:~sp~,ac~me~~t ~1~ degress) Frith xes~ td the ~ ~.on itudinal axis of ~~he loaomat;~ve, in other words, pact to the ~ t re ran a of a ctr~.an of the devices that limit thraughaurt the en i, ~ trucks when xaund~.n~; curves of m~,n3.mum radiuso the turning of the However the existing type of Carden ~aints~ as has been rimant are unable to transmit pxoperly so great a showx- by exile ~ ~t the entixe speed ranges A spec~.al design of pawe~` throughou universal Saint had to be worked out for`' ~tha.s puI'pa5eo T 1,s a~.nt the saMcallw d universal ~oint~ is a strengtY~w h ~ , variant of the design of the wa1~. kna~rn Hendix faint shown seed an Figure 1~~~ e erience 'with the use of tY~~.s 'type of faint fax trans? The xp cars of straaml~.ned type testifies to its x~,ssian in t ralley motor Thus far instance Hend~.x universal ~o~.nts high mer~.ts in operat 3,an. ~ ~ lul]ricated after running 130'00 to 1h0y00Q are usually inspected and w liarit consists in the fact that the .trans ka.lameters ~ Tts pecu ., ~' . ? takes lace through ,the fear steel bal~.s', and ma.s lion of ~ he farce p as ~.s usually the case w~.th ordinary Carte net through the spakcs~ the uniformity of the ~transmssa.on of the den ~aint~~ This assures ~, valut~.on o f ~h~ wheels at any pa~ition and any' fonce duffing a full re eed a~' the driv3.ng and dxiven sh~ftsa sp !11 I~~ f P ~~~. N j N ~ fi ~~~{'ll C~'1 ~~i 1~r 1 d~~~9~~~~~~~~r~~11~~ ~ ~. rlrl r l~i C .'?p !~. 17~1l r ri r~ rr lnr i~~Sri ;V)r~7N 1~,: rr~iti Kr YM.~r1 R?~hiyl f~l AFnkvYl .n rv - '~If p f'r~ {~ Ja~.Crr ~~r,!,..~. ,. ?'.~n ~i! ~,~v}~ j~~hr11,,,,r:r+~IS( lr'.~ r{d ~l..i,'I+~~'r~~ fy~l~~jw7~~~~~rj'pYq?H;~r~iNYlri~~tFS$Crll'li~~~;i~rr;+r~v~t~~i~C~+~~i1~r~!fl}L'~.e'~iea~~W~inlYlt~:~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 lased in ~ cas~.n~ mad? o~ a sp?~" the universal ~A~,n~ ie ana e? the paasibili'~Y ?~ ~Lhe ion wh~.ch ?n~~.~'?iY slimin~t ia]. composi~ ~ the ~,eaka~e o~ ~~ 1.ubrieant s e entra~oe o~ du?~ and dix~ or ~ dix ~a~,nt~ Upper pa~'b aaw F~,guxe 12~o Univarea~. on ower park di~~ssp~~,~de semb~.ed~ 1 [ photos ~, y and is entixe~.y distr~,bu~ ht a~ the ~.aaomabive ie 9 The wei g brad-ive trucked The msx,imu~n gbart~.ng t?d aver the 2 3?axle ~ivin~ ien~- a~ h an Qnt~x'e~.y assur?d coef~:~c roe is lti~Q00 ki~?o~rams wig 4 ;~o eed ~~.s 19 motive, a~ Oc-22a Tho ratod sp ~xi.ctian~ f0z' bho ].oCa assume beams o~ power ab raid ~ tars per hou,r~ the weight in kl~.ome is 36 lc~.la~;~'ams per Hp s s~,on of ~~.ciencY o? D~9~, , ming a tranamS. ?1 in relation to the weights d the corresponding power at ray. ~ an is z7 ~7 ~~ tone United States) tPl.ans ) ~ Sw~R~xNE L4COM4'~ZV~ ~ pU~,V~RIZED~COA~M~x~~'U ~ develapmenb~ the design and n in th? present stage o~ ~.~~ eve ~, s~burba.ne locomabive make it a rating aharacte~'~.stics a~ the ga s acts ape team lacamative~ and in cerba~.n re e8riaus competitor of the s ads where this stun lacarnative,aa rrell~ On ra o~ the internal coml~u atin practice! sively intra~ced intaopen g ~a,chinQ has been eaten d of ~,e~. its serious abstac'l$ .~~? the k3.n there is' how~e'~ex' one ~a~t off' designers and inVentars 'xhernce camps the ns:~ural e~ w uses ulverixed coal` move ~,a sal,~d ~uei~ namQly, p to cc~n~rext ,~~s loco y ~ first s~-ghts graved ~.n roblem~ w~?ch seems simple a , '~h~.s p ~ ~ .~ and d~.~'~icult~ and until very re ,act to be excepd~.nglY Complex ~ ~.ete in raet~.ce ha~re ended in comp . tl all , a~mp~s ta` solve it ~ p, ac~n Y ~ai~.u~ea iv Fr f~(~r rttyl f{ji {,~, ~! .d~'f ~~n~~~~Cr~~iu4~~~~~ry1i'~iFC+t~14~ ~i~p~~y~slY h'af:h 'i 6.r: ~, ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~~ Declassified rvs..._~~.::~.~~~'~.~,~..1r.t. ~r..~. .~~..~;: a~, ~ g 1~;'~tr?~u~~~,.y1nu7?I~s~sd~s:d.. ~ru. n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 d~.~~fioulty o~ tl~,is prob~om cons~.st?dx ~,n The complexity and orkin out a d?sign for thA oquipmen~ and the ~,rst plaoe~ in w ~ veri~e the Qoa~, and used it ~ whisk, would bs aaM m?chanla~ to pub, aranoe dlmensians~ weight and ma~hod o~ opers~ aep'~aUle (in its cl? on locvmotivc~s~ and in the second place in Lion) for installation of comhustion of the pulverized coal in the improving the process o as to makQ combustion absolutely complete aombustian ohamber~ s a id ands in the third pls cep in aehievi~ cones and exceedingly' r p , as entering the turbines would be free from ditlons under which g consisting of m~,nute particles of ashy since abxas'~.ve material ~ wear and consequent destruct~.on of th? tur~ these res~~~.t in rapid matter of facts has been, ~~p to now the bane vanes, w11~.ch~ as a rsion of gas?turbines to pulverized Coale main obstacle to the conve rablem so fax as maY be fudged ~,t the present time this p ~ ial has been on the whale already solvedo by the pub~.ished mater ~ bo eneratar lacomot~.v'e insta~.J.ation with ,fin experimental gay tur g d feed~.ng equipment and mechanisms (Figure all the pulvex'izing an its arrangement) was asss~mbled~ and in DeM l2b gives a diagram of c d in o sration in 'the laboratory' of Johns cember 191~5~ it was plc e p the United States ), a the yeas lcn g lab- . I~apkina Un~.~Cersity (in ~ onn~~.rmed 'the correctness of the designers' oratory tests have calculations, and the locomotive assEmbly as a assumpt~.ons and d to satisfy all the demands of opexation~,, whole has prove a~?tuxbogenerator, since it ~m~.tting the. descr3.pt~.an of the g d~.fferen~ from the aan~rentional madels~ is in no way substant~.ally .~, r~.nciple off, a few data of .the construction and p we shall here give ~' coal and fuel feed and of the pul~reT?. of the ma~.n elements ?f the .zed f~.~l preparatian~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 worm oonveyar to used the coal ig o~ The o oaf. conveyor ~ The natruated $o that the coal ~~ taken f raan a special type f ~~ is eo th of the cpal bunker on th? ~?ndex, thus EM along the ent~,re leng n o~ dead (immob~li~ed) xones~ which ~ lim~,nating the f armatio a,owor~.ng o~ the leval of the coal pile turn results in th? uniform . of ooal de~.~~.very is regulat?d by varying in .the bun~Cero Tho rate the s aed of the motar that drives the aonveyoro P red b the conveyor is dried during its Pas"' The Coal delive Y introduction of hot exhaust gas into sage along the conveyor by the the coal passes. Special cleaning plat?s the chute along which ,om tho turns of the oonveyor lumps of are provid9d to remove ~~ iron that accidentally get into the coalm it enters the "coal atomizer"~ The grind3.ng crushers Befare canoe ors into a special cxush~.ng mills the coal passes fram the ~' the se crate lumps of cos]. ig reduced to means of which the size of P tht~ meshes of a s~,eve, usua~.ly ~ per linear a value smaller than of fact the r~ slai~g mill transforms the centimeter. As a matter ~, I r mass with grains the., size of those of Braun coal ~.nta a powdery , ~~ and is de].iVered rains. After this, the coal i~ again d~!' Gaffes g 've reservoirs Thence it is delivered by to the so.called dela~ rY ulverized coal conveyor to the "caal ato~ the help of a special p che~?tically spawn in Figure 127. mizer~' ~ 1Arhich ~.s s ~~ coal aw der that enters the atoN The ~~coal e~tami~er~ The P is? sub ectdd to the. action of cam~? m~,zing reserva~:r (Figure 1?7) ~ atmas hexes) w'h~.ch ~.s delivered from above. pressed air (~ to 7 P mete~^s per secand~ xn this way,. the .with a velocity of ~5 to 3n s of the coal pa~~ielee with air tr,wha~ge" (filling uP) of the pare coal maaGture proceeds further through . is. acvompl~.shedw The., charged ~S~ for I duI ' a, l I+ ~, i~a 17~~0~ aeht~~IC;'~ftt ?4:t;~~~;i)~ ItN~ .,'4~~t nl.3 fi~ ~hya t I~ ~~ ~~~ ~i rr~a~~+~~ ~Yi~i.alr~~ ~ u f I $~~i~yps,I~ ~ ~3 I~ I~ ~~ t~' I ~ ~, '~'i l } ~ ~ ~~ ,i r + ~ pp q ~~ a ~ iYk1V~y!(r" ` 9{Ii {~P ~ I~Fp~~'~~+~8r'J.~~{ tr ~pC,r~F~~ du~~^~{~pt~ j ~'. t t, P~'~ ~~ ~V~~~~bN~ 1~V ~~t ~~~?~~I ~r~`~Ga~~ ry V T. Jq , d f d 9 ~'tI } ~~ 1 I~'..t 1 ~ ~ c ! k ~ ~ I ~d~5 '~~~~'' ~ , , . --:r r r z ~. : } 'A' JI 4 P 71 , I V fi, W- I t l 2! ~I;7'ii.~,.~P tC~ G 1.~~f~P1}~,ro r "'~g~t p~,lF~~~y',.~~~~.h ~ V'f d~a ~IG,I I GV 6~iE,~~ t r} I ~.~'~ li~~!4 -.Ati, I~~S ~~ ~t t~'~Y r'e . ~` .r ~''I ~4 f ~ ~'''r~'+~f I; t '(r'? , ~'k ~, ~ ~~ r! ~~ ~1 ~`,' ~;~I ~~'~~r' } 7h~nl;hlt,>?}U' e'.' ~~ I ~u~,tt?41rtr~~~1rP~v:,~u 'ti",! ,k,, ~N.''; 714:af~~ p;l,i f1F ~ :r})~ ~~ y,l Pi~rk I`~1'~~v, j,t~~~;r ~.}rod ~ ~y~~, . , ?'~' ~3 , ;, ~ v,Ny ~; ~ ' II ~ a ; F ~, ~~ ~ :... ~ rv E' ~' I 1~ '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~}~ r, ~ 1 C~ r 7. ~a~ h~ kvtr ~ ,,,t?,., r'.~:ti.ttrsk~Irt.~'r,Ir,..":?r., It(~,cz y~ ppjMl~~p p~Y ~. y' ~ ~ 1 ~F ~ q~~F pp ~ a ~ I te ~? ~(t ..~`y.rvnt-f P v )( .1~ ~ r e ~ ` /^ 1 ' ~' 0 ,'(IA~~.M is jr~ y ~. G~- t ~ a G' ,t ~ " { ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ l r ~ ~ ~ # ~ i 4 ~~ ? kt r ~ . . , ~ , ',~~~ h, . ,r.i ;~_ lJfs ,... i~e;~rf ~'~~! NpV ~~ikd;'k 81e~j 1.a$b'~Q?f~r'~:t~i?~Y~ 4r"h'M'~r~iUl, lYa Ilz"YAi7~~~`z5~~ tr ~."t~?!:l .t~i 5~ilr r '.llu I : ~lit Y~Yd ~ A ~ +~ iteQ , 4~ V FV ~(~'uI~.C i:,~)! i , lp m ~d,~ ,:r.. ~tt?h" ~?r .~ II t, at Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 the aons~ricted ar~,fiae of the atom~~7~er~ When the. aoal~air m~.ac~ tare issues from the orifice, the pz~easure to wh~,ch it ~s sub~eat? ed fa11s shat ly which results in the release of air from the p ~ pores of the coal particlesa As a resl~lt mil~,ivns of peculiar ex~ losions following eaoli other uninterrupteci1.y~ are praduced~ and p i transform the coal powder into the finest coal. dusty the a~maunt of air xe aired far th~.s operation is 1 kilogram for each kilogram of opal powder. Tho atozni~ed coal is reduced to a finenesa at which ~0 perms cent of the dust will pace a sieve w~.th 8A meshes per linear cenw timstero ~y adding a spec~.al device to the atoi~.~ers kno~m as the '+cyclonizer" the fineness of the +~gr~.nd" may be ~.ncreased to the sta a at wh~.ch 80 percent of the dust passes a s:~eve with 134 mesh- es per linear centimeter- The power used i~n preparing the coal dust amount; to about percent of the power developed by the turb~.ne~ The combustion chamber, The combustion charnber~ schemat~? ically represented an Figure ~.?.8, ~.s cor~tructed sa that the stream of coal dust entera.ng it maintaa.ns a whi.rl~,ng rotary mat~.on far the entire tamp until combusta.an is complet~d~ and 3.s sa.mu~.taneous~y enetrated by the a;~r enter3.ng the chamber through. tangential. ad- P mission o~?ificesA and ~rhich then /.eaves the chamber through~a cen~ w tTal exhaust autleta al. force th ~particl.es of coal d~~st Owl,ng to their centrifug 9 to fl towards the s3.des (towards the walls of the chamber tub) tend ~' ;,.~ at the same time as the a3.r jet apposes ~h~.~~ force. xn cansequence~ the burning part3.cles of cr~al, dust .axe carr~.ed together with the. a~.r through the central a~drn~.ssion~perture~ a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 air ar ~tvam vntvx~ at ~ va~oaity of ~6w3C~ m~~aa Caa1~ ~raund to maximum ni~o a~ ra ran ?~ Pram S mash ~e dv1~,v~ xvd by warm ~ Fro ssu a'~n ~ ~o ? aA~7Y~ya~` ~'rQlri pr~l~A~d~"A rAQBrM VA's ~" '~0 ~,'~AlA~~ Q x Owing to rapid fad 1 ~,n p~vln~av arushad oat~1 ~,~ aanvpxtsd 2OA f mast dust, SAf passing a ma t~h sia~'e Laboratory studies of the combust~.on process ~.n the chamM ter of th:~s system sho~~ed that the l~.beration o~ l~~;at in the space of the chamber reaches ~~~ million k~.lacalories and l~~,gher per cum tic meter, whi~,e the appl~.cat'Zon of pressure in the chamber con~? siderably shortens the duration of ,the combustion the rate of combu~tian of coal dust o~ the finest passible gr~.nd is almost e ~~al to that of oil ~.n the tuxbines which are used today as het q motors an airplanes. the gas filter. Nomatter how perfect the combustion a~' the coal dust ma . be the gas entering the turbine ~.s stall not free y mast m3,nute fl ing particles of ashy wh~.ah as has alxeady From the . Y oted above act ~,n a ver~-' h~armfu~. manner nm thc; metal of the. ; been n ~ ,~. ~lectro~micra~cop~d~ study of the coal dust ~stab~? turb~.ne vane, C t2ie ~'~. ~, dust ~par~iclcs are spher~.ca~. in shape. and fished that. y ~ ? ' A. Thv high valaaity ?f the aoa~,Mai~r mixtura as ~.~ issues fra~ti the burnQr is Qonvvrtc~d into heat, axing to aons triotion of th.v stoam, and ~~h~.s hA0.'~ dries out ~Fha coal dust 'L?o a mai.sturv aantaz~?~ under' ~ /~ Figure 127 o Scheme and pr~,nc~.ple off' operation of coal atomizero ~rnsaura A.36 s,t,na ~~~~J a ~~s a~m~nn xrz,~~`~~`~r~lt'r~"i?~~ ' ~~ ~ {~ "'"~6~~Sti~if ~ir4?~it~y},i``~lf"~I ~4Wfl-~~~N'~ ft4.Y3, t~ ~_.1~ _ d J ~t ~FY~t~~~'N S4i~l~P .9f~,i;~ii Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 rox~.mately ~,0 m~,aronso (The miaxan is that th?ir diameter ~,a apP andth of a m~llimeter~~ e~al to a thous ed that ~~he partic~.?s of ash of d~.ameter ~~ ales eetabl~sh ~ a very insign~.fiaant sffeat upon the smaller than ~ microns exer aan in practise bs considered harmlesao metal of thc~ vanes ~ and thy' to filter the bars before it enters the xt was therefore neaesgaxy s as would retain all part~,c~.eg of ash turbines using such filer larger than ~ microns in diameter' Declassified Combustion chambers ly pu].ver3.~ed coal.; ? bulwner; ~t a,3.r far combust~.on; ~ ~ far ~ ~ ~.gn~.t er, 3 9 ? inter~.ar of body made of coa].~.ng; 6, spiral f same, 7 s _ ? ~ ur~.f~.ed air for turba.ne; l0~ ex~ rustlers steel, q~ P ban steel; llf mixing ,zone; 12, Airo~ terns/ bady of car under 1~.2 atmospheres pr~s~ure heat tek f alter, ~.~ a a~,r r de tees w~,th suspended p~rtic~.~s of ed to ,6 ~n to 7bo g ~ h ~, e3 eatar f nr flying asha~ fly~.ng as ; ~a g;~~f ~ ~",f~l`r,3 pit) . ,,~ ~,r, ~~~rk' ~q~.~~~Pt~'d~,ya,~~u~,'a 4~r ~r~~ , s~s~ ~~~;7~ ~f ~.C"~~ ~~,. ,~,'~J~ ~~~r~,~ g~, , ;fi=a~ ~;~ r o s p~~~u r ar~~,t;~ ~f.~Y`~~q G,~,I,+~tw a~~1 ~I N~I r.i,1.~19~,?r~k~~44Yt.~~~~~kflP'f;4~A~'s1a'Vfi~d~~v~~~%~~~;~~~'C.~7~Vh~24VX~d^~~f~r~kTill~~af~~~~~Ytffi~lrli~ll~ll~~a 4t~kr~r,~, h7~ti~~~lYe~i~~~~~1~~7~~~~t1~1TIW~~{'~~~~ti~; t1~rs~~. n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_2012J03/30_: CIA_RDP82-000398000200150012-1 _~~;~,~l~r p~ ~ ~~,~~ ~~~ ~,,~y~, ,~~~,ttpn~~( h ~ ~i~s ~~ 2~ ~a~~, ~"(f1F~'I Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 F re ~.2~s Airatek filtero li pur~.fipd air; 2s un~ ~~ it or as; 3s unpurifiad air or gas; Icy the purified a g onducted out on tap; ~~ th? part~.cics of flY" air is c ing ash settle to the bottom. tar was used as a filtero This films ~n ,A,irol,ek type separa the i~merican Firm Airotek during 'the ter was desa.gned and built by in air lane engines operating in the ,~fric~- war for cleaning the air p ~1 !~ ~~'~, ons~ Fi re 129 gives a schematic of the Air an theater of opera~i ~ otek separatoro I, of the operation of this filter established Laboratory tests retain all o? the particles suspended in the that it actually does l0 macrons and about 80 parcent of those of air of diameter over s The principle on which the ,p,irotek sep~ diameter under ~ m~aron o ' ~,~ a~) passing through tha tube of the axator works is that the. a ~g ove vertically with an immense veloc~tys separators ig caused to m ash articles are huxled by the action of the thanks to which the p wally of the tubes, from which they centrifugal fo roes aga3.nst the ~,h~ou h the d~,scharge opaningd ~w descend and are then removed g b ~,h~ he~~ of th~.s' ~ipaxator abort 9~` perw. per3.ments hake spawn that y ? ~, , , ~ ` '; 7i 1'.!f ~. I Y ~~ t ~ M t a}h N a t ~~ I, xy k+{I~ ~~: ~~~7~~ r"~.~ fdB~~~da Cy~f'~Tp ~~ pk~ ~a ~ ~ ~~~~ i'~i~~~v~!~~i~ ~ ~ ~ n si 3 r i.~11?~'. tip, a .'~a ~~~,i~l'~Ff~?,'Eill~,?d ~.~,~,~:; ~1~~~~4~~,. ri ~. rpl iF .~i~ ~7~ i.~~l ~ `,riflf~J~l ~~~.4~i~ ~'~~~l~hn,~ S.1~t ~ ~ fi !. ~~L d^, .l, ~l~f. ILA ,ii, u.:l }~t~ff d0., ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 d ~rcm the ass, wh~,1e the r?~ the ash partic~os aro r?mcvs icallY sent of ar? pract the moat minute in ai~o, mmaining ~ p?rcent, b?ing harmless for the mstsl~ e n instatilation (f~i~ter ba ~ ono show thst a separati ~ ~a~.culsti from ~~p to 3~o kiloM OQO ~1F gss~turb'ine w~~1 remove ~,ery) fox a ~~ gt the present Limo tic~.es per hour from the gasp grams o : ash p~' ~ ?tu~y o~ the passibility is Acing an experiments the laboratory a instead of the sand wh'S,c ash fox sanc~.'ng th? rail of using this ositiVe, it will tha results tuxn out to be p is usually used xf repaying the lo~ still more the process of p be possible to simplify ill also free the the round houses, and thie w camative f or s run' a~ tans of sand. ss dead weight o~ about ~ 1,ocomotiv'e from an eXCe to operate an either pul~ ine as also being designed ,~ turb Ice at possibly to use the al ar fuel oil? 'Shia will ~ veri7ed co coal faring ail and those ~arang same locarnatave on lines control for the gaa~turbine stem of the development of a sy r coord~.nation automatacally assure the grope lacomotave: that would he andavadual~ elements of ataon an the operat~.on of ~' and synchrony ~,t roblems and has atil as one of the mast dif fic p r the power p~.ant, bey of sections of the above en comp~.etely solved; and a num not be its 'She calculata~~s made ne ca~,ttee as now warkang an swtuxbin~ mentia ~ ,,,oy..,? ~"'~.?.',' ve im xovement show that t~e ga,M the committee an ~.acomota p , ~ ~~~"~ t of ~ by ha~..,~ opera~~~g cos faring pulvera~ed coals 5 locamat3~ve, ~, X00 ki].ome~-er nnang d~.etance of l~ ~ y cents per kilometer, over a ru ~.nable for this locoma~ives as is a parently entirely offs wh~,ch P the canventaanal type of l~ aentg.,per ka~,ometer far... comp~'ed with ower f ~nr .the laaomot~.ve of ~quavalent p as~senger Diesel.-~electx3.c p acme annum. `runo Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 e P~,RT ETq~NT ~TNG1aE-P~'15E NORMA~~P'~EQUENCY E~~CT~xC T~OCOMQTTV~~ Gen?ra~. information The use of electric energy to draw trains has bean one of the most outstanding aahi?vements of transport techno~,o~y in the entire history off' the railroad. It ~,s hard to imagine how the manifo;l.d prob~.ems of transpor~? Cation cou~,d be sowed at the present time if we did, not have suoh effective means of traction as the electric locomotive and the e~.ec~ trio motor-carp xn any case it wou~.d be impassible without ahem to solve these problem~~ in complete confoi^m~.ty with present-day econ- amic~ technicalwoperating~ sanitary and hygienic and other demands and with the interests of traffic safety especial~,y in the suburW ban areas of ~pital c~.tirs~ metropolitan, ~.ndustria].~ and, ~.arge ec~ onomic and, administrative agglomeratians~ as well as on section s with extensive m3.ning operations, transNshipmentsy or tunne~.s. xn spite of the fact that the electrification of tha rai~,w roads in some countries of Western Europe and America commenced as ear~.y as the first years of the present century the Tsar~,st gov~ ernrnent undertook na real action in this directa.an dawn to 1917y iee.~ up to the. very end of ~.ts ru~.e~ ands as is commonly knawn~ did not ~~~canstrurt a single k~.J.ometer of electrif~.ed lines The country Likewise lacked the ~ci~ntific and technical base, as . we~.~:'~~~ as the argani.~ati,ona~. and productive base, wh~.ch could have been used-after the revolution' as a starting paint,fQr the convers? 5 ion of even a few railroad sectia~s and lines to electric tract~.onp The period of foreign mil~,tary ~.ntervention and of the ;~~~ear Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ?~ ~evo~.u'~ia~, which w~~ tMe~ ~~~' war that ~oltiowr~d t~h? aatob r oiv'il the d?~~xua di~~io~t yeaxa o~ liquidating carded by the. supxamelY ~ onad by ~~' e im erialist and civil wax, poe P five conaequenoes of th p oad alea~ ctical xeelixation o~ the rail' most a full. decade the pra ~ ae l~~Q~ ~y n decided in advanas, ae eaxl~ txi fication that had bee ivied sea, in lg~q was the first eleatx Lenin~s Gq~O plan' Onl'Y in xeg,w n 18 kilometare long, placed on fxom Moscow to M,ytishcY~i , ti ~ unt of special and historically aom ular operatian4 Thus, on acco ' need the electrification o~ Gated conditions ~ aux country conume pli 1 ds almas~~ 3 whale decades late. its xail~ oa e Soviet state began to realize but the tempo with which th as, such that already today thexe axa its electrification program w hind us in the length cf their rei n countries that are far be mangy' fo g ,?ew figures to chaxaateri~e tra.fied rail7'oad ~.ines? Here are a else ctxified railroads in the USSR d amics of growth of the ea.e the yn of electrified lines; in 1933 In 1g32 we had 62 kilometers lometers; in 1935 1833 kiJ.ometers, 1 kilometsx~s; in 193~~ 3r~a ki q 3~ , in 1938, 16g ameters; in 193r~~ 163 kilometers, in 1936, 1220 kit ' ometsrs; in 1910' 1900 kilometers kal awn further progress in this di~ The Second world war slowed d M halt it ~ Thus we had 2~q1~~ kilome rectian, but d3.d not can~l~;telY this eriod amounted to 111.E 1Q ~' i.e~s the growth during p 'del"~ b~ , ~J 9 l~ilomsbexs: . _.. .,.... , .~ :...r M .~ ..~ roads is pxocceding, and will But the electrification of our w om arahl~' faster pace dv~^~.ng the Axes continue to proceed, at an,~.nc p nown the Taw an the Fi~re..~ear ~twar period. ~s is commonly' k , ent po;~ rovides d ans~,an of the National ~conamy' ~ Plan of Recon~t~c"~~0n ~ p ~~i[~i~P YWFM,1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 for the eleotrifiaatian of ~3~~ kiiomaters of rai~~road ~.inas~ Thin tha USaR Will hav? ~~8b3 ki~.ometers of el~atxifi?d rail- road lines in 19~0~ and wi1~ ba f~.rst in the world in length of such ~,ines~ What is represented by th? Ialectrie lacamot~,v? ~~ a rai7.road engine and what is the reason for its high effiaiancy7 The fundamental. difference between the electric ~.oeomotive and alb, other existing l oaomotives is that the en?rgy that moves it is received Exam outraid~e, from great regional ther~lal ar hydra- elactric power stations xt is thus free from th? heavy bu~.ky pawer equipment, that requires care and svrvioing~ and must be car?~ ried by all other locomatives~ 'the equipment of the electric locomotive consists prirrlarily of electric traction mo~tars, auxiliary motars~ electric and pne~ matic apparatus, and the ri~chanical part ~underframe and body). xts power is determ~.ned by the number and power of the electric motors 9,nstalled in it, and an important caxisequence results~'rom this facts the maximum pawer permitted by the adhesion conditions, without ex- ceeding .the clearance .dimensions and the aJ.lowable axleM~,oad~ may easily be installed in an electric locomo~.ve, w~~.ch is in practice unattainable for all ether types of locomotives Fuxth~r~no~~;~,, when, electric locomotives are used, sectional traction (distribution of electrics t~~rough the train] may. easily be arranged (for hauling , heavy trains on lines with severe profiles) and operated From a single dab under what ~.s called, the ~'multi~unit system' o It mush be borne in mind that the tractive qualities n~ an elec~riclocamotive cannot be dir~c~ly compaxed with those of nthe~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 acmotivas ov?n of equivalent paw?r~ without allawir~g for ~h? la ties of the operating aharaataristias of eaoh~ specif is peauliari as atharwise erroneous results will in?vitably be obtained? A he r0ci roasting steam locomotive, for ins~~anoe, is able to T p v to its full power only at one definite pa~.nt of the speed range. da e p below this point it is no langex^ able dully to pt speeds above and utilize its tractive resources. Mareover~ it can only consume as steam ae it can praduca with a given capacity (steam-~gena~'at? much f the boi],ers~ Canaequently, na matter at what speed ins capacity} o steam locomotive is travelling, its power i'rom the bailers al~ the re~na~.ns unahanged~ while its power at rail is always changing ways th the efficiency at which it is operating during each given inw wl terval of time. wh~.le it is true that the power of the steam locomotive may f necessa (by roughly 2~ to 3Q percent aver 'the ra~ be incr?ased i rY' ted ewer}~ by going over to the regime of intensified steam gen~ p Lion forcing the bailer} and se~.ectian of the appropriate stage era ( issian (cutoff) of the engine cylinders, still such a regime of adm is not stable, reliable or permanents primarily because there are n .factors that play a role a.n this case; fuel quality, conditw ma y n ins the qualifications of enginemen~ assist ion of bailer and e g : t stoker their skill and their understanding of how to hand~.e an , ~ ta. Precisely fox~._thi.s....reason it may happen that, the Locomotive, a ,_.,. W locomotive ~~xuns out of steam" are :the track, especial],y where the the grads are steep.. The matar~locomoti~re is euen less adapted to handle over~? it hay a mecha~~ical drive or an electrical ~ne? The , loads ~ ~rhether of its land are str~,ctl~ ddfined by ~.t~ rated engi>~e lim~.tatians pn~rer, 3 33 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ve is subptant~,a~.~Y drew ct tha e~,$ctric locomot~? ~~, thib rape - and to ro'm the eteam ~,0camot~?Ye~ and to ~,ts ,vantage ~ ~ as an t~.nguishad~ irstly~ it h ~locomot~.va as wel~+ F o~ extent Exam the motox ad o~ ~ e].ectxiG ~ the spe texiat~.c; in othex woxdss automatic chaxac ~,n ~? th? pulL exerted ~tic~,],y vaxied accord ~ ~,ocam~,tive ie auto owar that it can dev?].oP n eri,ad~ Sscand]?y~ the P duri~ each give P fat the ble limits a.f overh?ating ],~,~?ted only by tho a],lowa source is he available power o~ ~~ oxs but '~~' at ail by ~ rdl traction mot ~ 'phi ~'~ ractiee is not limited. ti the enex~"~ wh~eh in P are ab]~e genexa ~ ca s~c~?ty~ a considerable therms]. P which pas sass the motors d even ],00 percent (de ],aad of ~4 to 7n percent an to stand an over in the a ~~. ciency o~ the reduction p ~n on duration)! without any the steam Pend ~ .,to that which o acme's ~'t ctric locomotives s~,milax eie orY~ing on high cut.a~~s ~o~~ci.ng the baiter and w locomotive, where ], in, the tha~~~l of f is ienc~' ~ a sharp f a~. campan~e~ is ac ~,litie s a ~ an electric ; ' the tractive ~ U;~ua]-iy in eva].ua~t].ng an de~'e~op y in aver that it c ccount is taken o~ tY~ P i f iocamatiVe~ a ~~ ra,tiona without averhea ~ s a eration and, in l??hour ope cnYatinuau P mit (l4~ degrees). the motors be~land the li z tric ].ocamotive, more espec" these features o~ the elec ceed~ ,, .Ail - are of e x . , o eration~W~th overloads, a1.1 its adaptabii~ty to ~? ., ~. ~' -~'~ s plain this again ~by way ., ~' ortance~ Let u in ly great Practicai"~ ~.~ a ~ ~' ? ~ s i~:camative with othersp of c ampar ~g thy. eam of internai combustion mining the paw~x of a st " In d,et~r exationy ~nder given donditione o~ op oaomot~,ve :being des~gn~d~ '~ e~,c) i ~; unsf track pro~il~r ~,~ ,rains,,speed ant ~' (weight norms of rom the Est diffidul~~ or ~,n -.the last ar~aiy sis y ~ - one starts Duty orris ~u~'fic~~nt powex ~adc + ~ ~,n ,,other: w , is ca].ied '~h~ ru~.i~g ~ as it - _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 ~~ rcar~n the steepest brads ~ at the g~,van spead~ ~,~ provided to ov? c ens titute (in tct al length } only a ne glig? But since such grad?s in co arison to the total length of the lane or ible quantity mA ~ the loaomv~iVe nest be given a certain amti rvuty ~ it f ollaw s the a Wer ~ hat i s very little utilixed~ Tn practice punt of "reserve po ermal sfficiency~ or in oth?r words rew this implies reduoing its th that is a~.ready lour (eig?s with the steam low ducing an efficiency camotive}~ ire/ different with the electric locow The situation is ent y ore need fox such a 'reserve" power here since motive Ther~+ is nv m ads tables by virtue of its overload capacity this locomotive is p d routes with the mos~- diverse track profilesa to work on lines an e ear ratio can also be .changed so as to devM ,end besides this th g wer at the expense of train speed (if the slop maximum possible po increased due to the limitations placed on trac- latter cannot be ,f~ lh ve force by the adhesive weight of the tra3.n ~ Y~ ti ,~ r of the electric lo~ ~oreaver, the simplicity of the design ,. i h reliability of operation of all the eq~~ip" camot~.vey and the h g don it result ~.n a high availability factor a amM ment ~,r~st~.le ~ cent. This means that of every 100 hours of ounting to 9798 per 2 to 3 hours are required far light and med? its operations only . e i menty etc while this factor is~ about ium repairsy ~,nspectiana ~ p to ercent far the steam lacamotive ~~. y w .. _... ...~, that the el e ctrl c loc ox~ativ a is capable of It ~s thus cle ~' , of work than a steam locomotive of perform~.ng a far greater amount has been c on~'a.z?med by experiment and ~pera~ing the same powers as dal sections c~~ nur railroad system' practices Thus, on the nd~.vi aces ~~~ and given 3 steam locomoti~'es~ one electric ~.ocomotive rep]. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ,~ all ~~~ mex~.ts and advan~ag~s~ the e~.so~tr~c but ~x~ spina v ~?am 7.acvmot~.ve~ the ~nterna~. aombue'~~ can a~;~1~ nat d~.sp~.ace the s otk~rlacomvtivss of the future (seam ~ur- ion locomat~v?i andthe ne ~,ocamot~.ves, etc) .,w and apparently. binp 1,acoraativesa gaswturbi nov~r wi11~ c traction is a conamica~,1~' ~ust~fi~,ed The paint is tha~~ el~actri in sines and sections with great d?nsity of pas" on~.y vn ~.a,nes, ma traffic and especia~.7.y where 'the route pra~i~.e senger and freight ~ ~, other lines the steam and internal, combustion is difficu~.t~ 4n al more economical. traction This is oxplained locomo~,ives can furnish by the f o~.lowing reasons. railw lines usually take 3MphasE current from ale ctri.f ied ~ an blic transmission ~iries~ This energy is trans- the highwtensi pu hi h voltage to working voltage) at tracts formed (stepped dawn from g ' located slang the electrified lines, and is then Lion substat~.ans sin ~le- base AC according to the current system converted to DC ar g p ' this form is conducted through the contact system a.n us e) ~ and a.n to the electric locomotives. ~~ acessin "and "transportation" of energy result ~n Such pr g lasin energy, .and requires the installation of expenw considerably g substations, coYd%act wires, etc with ,save transformer~canverter their maa.ntenance, repair and servicing subsequent high expenee for ous that the limits of the tech~,cal~econamic adw Zt is obvi traction of trains can be extended only vantageousness of electric ? ' fication and costwreductian; of the whop; complex by max~.mum s ~.mpl~. ,c ' ne,r installations and eq~uipment9 an ~ ~ passible even eW of stat~a y ' Lion of individual. elements in it? liming Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 The s~,mp~.?a~ way of solving this problems for instar~oo~ would be given by the ?lectr~,ficatian of the ra~,lroads on the bas~.s of general ~Itandard ~-phase ourren~. Tn ~h~.s aaQe the ~rao~lon sube~a- tions would be nath~.ng but peculiar transform?r k~,osks set up along the lines Such a system was adopted in Ttaly~ for ex~mpla~ from the very beginning of e~.ectric traction (in 190~)~ But ~.~ was not generally adopted, and apparently has no such prospects for the fu- tuxe~ The point is that this system has a number of disadvantages of which the mast substantial are the ?ollos~.ngs the 3-phase contact system is expensive to build and opQrate~ requiring two contact w~.res; current collection is unsatisfactory, even at the relative? ly low volt ages in the contact ware that are possib~ under thin sysy tem (about l0 kilovo],ts); mod, finally .the an~uriaus influence of traction currents an telegraph and te],ephone lines and an STsB ~pre- sumably automatic block signal system] The system of electrifa.cation with single phase current of rEduced frequency appears mare rations]. than the 3-phase system. if the electrified lines are supplied by special pager stations, this system likewise does not require conversion of the energy Be? sides this a,t is passible to increase the voltage in the contact ~ri,re even more Ito 1~ to 22 kilovolts } which in tuz^n alJ.c~r s spac3,t~g the traction substations furthez? apart C7a kilometers or mare)i and at the same time, to reduce the doss-section of the contact ware' as la,ttl~ as to 100 square mil~.imeters far asingle-track line. Ali. this as a whole results in considerably reducing the cost of the stationary installations. This system has been adapted in many coun- tries of Europe and America This system,.. however, a~,sa ,has its disad~rantages, of which Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- But this systems as weir ha8 aubst~ the most stations ~~ it is supplied by the power a aountry~ ergY system ~ the ~~ once uent need for convert~g d b the pubic, w~.th the. c q c~ retun use ~ the rate n 14~ h,ase at law?r ~requen~'~ phase curxent to si ~ p at in most cases it stem drops sharply so th qn investment in '~~ s sy ~, s wid?ly aocepted kilovo~?t ~C system ghat cannot compete with the 3 both in the USSR and abroad. ndis table merits with of DC e].eatri:Eicatian has ~. ~ The system ~ era.. w ~ version and f rom the tractive op res ect to ecanomy of energy con p its fau~.ts~ The tional viewpoints for heavy c spit ai investment tantial of them is the need most subs f traction substations ev ery bear o the constx'uction of a large num and in of Freight traffic rs on lines with high densi~9 20 kil.amete with a heavy oontact system C osel spaced than that) and even more cl y ~0 squ~'e millimeters a feeder l~.ne reaching ~ the crow swsection of is in the DC sy's'" a of eliminating these Paul and aver) The only w y ossible~ the voltage used at auld be to increases as much as p tem w low vo~.tage as ever even such a relatively present. Up to now9 haw rom the stage of experimentaw olts has still not emerged f M b kilov xdl in the manufacture of trac fficulties are prima y The di tivn? j d arc?arxesters fox this vol ages ~; auxiliary motors an Lion motors ~. effective method of ~' there still is another vet'' ~~ Finally .~ .... ~- .. over ~a pinglawphase blem? ,'his is by chan~g ng solving tYi~.s pro uency~ The studies made at one o f industrial (normal) freq. ~- ~a current ~! icat ~,on of the ,Acad.a~~' o f Sci ~, a team on trs,nsport electrif ~~ t3.me by grin appraximat~ relations .between ~ ~ the folly g '' enaes USSR establ~.shed ~Lrnent in ~, single phase (iq"' ital roves the ama~unts xequix~d fox cap volts t~ms4 d ~ ~C ~QUq volt and 6~Ona ~ v. uerrcy~ ~y~~cm ~ ~ ,', ` du,~~riaL freq Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 rsnce with the unity c~ tha any tial i s tho interne Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~ tha cap~.ta1 ~.nvestman~ for a AC X000 va~.t system ~s ~ aken as x,00 pareent~ then fox a b400 vo~,t DC system ~.~ w~].~, be 8~ p?r- cent, and far s~.nglo-phase current at industrial frequency ~~ wll~ be 7~ peraent~ Use of non-ferroua metals ~.n instal~at~.on of the 2 1,attex~ systems wi1~. bA 60 percent and ~0 paraent, respectively, of that for the f~.rst~ The following 2 variant s of so~.ving the problem of the si n? g18~phase industriatiw~'requency system, both in tho USSR and abroad, have been nateds ~a) singlo?phase eleotric ~,ocomatives with commutator motors; fib) electric loaomatives with rotary converters s single- phase to DC, and singly?phase to 3apha9eo The first of theseis undoubtedly of most intc~rest~ It allows the electric locomotive to have the simp~.ast design, sinan na ean? vertnr unit is required besides this' its traction characteristics like that of the DC electric laaomative, is of the series form, which best meets operating requirementso Jut th3.s variant, at .east for the presents is also the ma~~t difficu~.t far practica~,~~~~.~~~a~ian~' `T`he ~poin~ is that ~,C commuta? / ~ ' 4 , tar motorshav?su~stantia]. faults, namely: difficult cand~t;~ons of commutation, due to th? saMaalled transformer voltage (the voltage induced in the sections of the armature windings, supported, at the moment o.f commu~atian~ by the brushes and interfering with proper commutation, a special.;l.y at the instant o~ starting) which ~s of considerable magni~~ude~ acid the laW power.. factor (cos nn start? Eng. For this reason the power of caah motor mint be rec~ucr~d, in other words, :the number of the motors must be increased, and conse~ quent~.y .the des~.gn of the e~.ectric locomat~.ve complicated and its ~re~igh~ incrcasQd~ r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 deve~ap a s~,ng~a-phase anmmu~ator-mom Tn the USS~i w?rk to tra~.n serv~.aa his b?~n going An for mae~inf~ the requiremen'~s o ~ r nv time, Prof easor G~B~ Bened~,~C~ sines before the war. thus' at o tor~motor of spcoia?, oar~truation~ of the MITT proposed a comnuit~a ~in coriYent~,onal mota~'s of this type ~ fr?e of the faults inherent cAnM the MET ~,n turn proposed using the. Engineer Z.M? ~hi;~diner of er- but feeding it during the starting p vc~ntional cammutator~-motor, tin eed equal to p~2 Qf the lwhaux ra g iod and untiti reaching a sp uld o erate a~iliary unit; thus the motor wo p with ~C f x'om a special t ~,f.. he in ut c~~x xent duxing the period mos at zero frequen~r oft p s most Cation ~ when 'the pea er factor i ficult w~.th respect to comma s,vorablc. roved single phase coYru?tatox~moW Abroad din Germany) an imP hes and au~ciliarY commutation windw tor, hava,ng special. bui~.t?up bras hor of ~~he proposal claims that the ins has been proposed. The out g ~ arl~ing vol~ ' oss~,ble to incxease the transformer sp w~,~ndings make ~t p t nothing about crease the power of the motor Hu Cage and thus 'to in hed and ap" Lion of this motor has been public the practical uti~.a,~a Cal stage. a net et emerged from the e~cperitr~n paren~lY it too h s Y ' ntal single phase ~4..cYcle electric ~, sing~.e four?ax].e expera.me .but was bui~.t in Germany zn 1936 locomotive w~,th cammutataxMmotors u later, it did net go into series ~'or reasons wha.ch wall be tak~an p prodv~c~ion~o..... . le~ hasewtriphase electric la~ Using the second variant a sing p Xan do system was built in l~'2~ in Hungary o comotive on the so~c~.led was ere,tian proved sa favarab~.e t~~t it The results of t~; trial op nd in l 0 kilometer section an Chia,sYstem, a decided to electrify a 9 ' n ~rrrent into regular operation. 193 .this sect~.o Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 he USSR ~n ~~3~i t~ "~"namo~~ plant ~.meni ~~M~ X;~ov~ In ~ ~ anstxuc~-~,on of ern expex~.men'~al e~gle~phase-DG el~ aomplotod th? c th mgxcux arc rest~.~iex and grid con'~ro7.a Dur~ ectran ~.acQmatlve w~. ~' ' ad twa such ~,ocamatives wexe a~,so pxoduced ing about the same para. i r with ona single~phasa?txa.ph+~se mod?~. on the aoM in Germany, tag ethe called Punga~Sornan sys ~m? howevQr be borner in mind that tlae converter e1M ~t must9 ~ ? ot~.ve is by' na means a novelty in laaomot~.ve construc~? ectra.c locam It in Gerrna~~y) as early as 1901 as an eXpc~ri.ment~ ta.an~ One was bud. ? ~ hase-DC model of 6~0 HP, and equipped with a mator- It was a s ~.ngle p rter but it was a very imperfeat~ uneconom~.c~1. and generator conve , e n ine ~ xn 1911 a more powerful (1600 HP ) law?-e~~~.a~-ency converter g omotive on the same princ~.ple, of mare improved design, electric loc his was of type 2"$~ ~' B0 "~~ with voltage was bu~.lt, (in France) ~ ~ of 12 ~Cilovolts, and frequency off' 2~ cyclesa .hale-~C e~.ectric lacama~? Over ten mat orp generat ar s~.ngle p I ' ~F, in different aa~r~tries during the years that fol- t~.ve s were bua.l f, and 2~~ ~~~ from ll to22 ka.lovalts, and were 16 2~3 $ lowed 'they ranged i re also a few mercury-arcwrect~.fier models ane in cycle. Where we of ive osit~.ve results, and the the Un3.ted States, wh.~.ch d~.d n g p I ~~ others ~ which ran, :gin ~~.rope) a ~~ ? and in the following periods aver ~0 s~.nw Beg~.nning in 191 ase electric 1,ocomotives were bu~:lt (in the United gle.ph~seMtriph s chranaus and asynchronous phaserra~verterse Thy 1 w~,th yn States), Op to 100 HP~ we~.ghed 130 to X36 tons, exerted a traces ranged from ~ ~i ~] o ~ 0 000 to ~0, 000 kilograYns, and oZ~erated an a voltage y five farce ~ ~ 1 contact w~.re, of l~ to 22 ;k~.lovoltsm ~.~~~~; at the construct3.on of such, motor~].ocamot~,ves and t~ie~.r ~.nt~a~ 'the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 howevor, solve the prob~.em of inM duction into serv~,oe rid note eld of s~,ectric gain tract~.on~ I~pre, as oreasin~ tha econQm~c yi ueno in the contact sy$tema in~;erM pxpvious~.y, the reduced freq y h~.~e who~.? enemy systam of the Gauntry, ~' fared with the un~.ty of the was required where the electrified cost7.y conversion of the enemy` , o it Cl usOd power stations Then, to , ~.inea were powered by publi y anon in the design of the electric involved a Considerable Complic tk~ single phase, commutator~eyst?m, locamotivr~, in comparison t0 ~ the ' on a uipment. As a matter of f ac ~, if it was to carry can~vera~ ~ co motive s o ~ th ese typs s and designs transition to mo~or~generatar la t to adapt the locomotive as well as was dic tatad only by the s;~ f or conditions far the given electriw ossible to the specific operating p ore simply to evade .the dif f icu:ltles Pied section, or, to put it m la,c~.n r them with the more rational caused by commutator-motors by Yep ~ DC or triphase motors. ste td~ard this transition to thy; mare The first practical p at normal or industrial frequencies rational s ~. ngle ~?pha s e system d in a f ew other a ountr ie s ~ ~~ungary ~ was taken by use in the USSR, an the e~p erim~; nt al loc amativ'es We have Germany) by the construction of already ~ntionedo ..,......., 'vcs are described below: the merc,~ury~arc~ _ ., . ~~~hree such la camot~. taM Live built in the USSR and the commu~ rectifier electric locomo 9 built in and the phase~convarter locomotive tar-motor locomotive Germanyo ~c~R~a ~aca~o~~v~ tUS~R) ~ aw . YcMs~NGr~.p~,s~ sac ~ w 0 traction motors of the serW he ticks and .the type APE ~~ T ere u sad w~,thout mod~.fic anon in conM ies SM e~,ectr~.c lacomatiVe w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~n.~ee.~ ~~ai~ ~x e~.m~anta~. ~ocamo~t~v?~ of which ~'igu;~? 1~0 ~~.ves s~ruo~ing p a w~7.7. b~ seen from this pho~tograph~ thc~ body ie a general view A anti deal to pexm~,t ins~ta~.lati?r~ ?f tha rath?r bulky ar~d of speai ~, compliaatad equipment+ 1 ~'~,guro 130 aenere~a. view of ~ yela s~.ngleMphaae DC mercury~ara rectifier locomotiveo (Photo The principal equipment consists of t two trolleys with brac?~t ingulmtors; oil switch; transformer unity main and auxiliar~y~ ~~.osed in a com~? man tank; -anode. rectifier of usual ~3M20 type used at traction subw l2 stations; sn-aothing choke; six DC traction rnotors~ The auxi.i.iary equipmm~.r;~,~Ya~~~ cvx~^G~~~l~ ~.n?~U ~ha i~;e:~^aury. a~~c x~c;~~~.~~i.ex (w1>.a.cl?a. ~aulaa?~a.c~n c~~e~~G~ un~'~vor~~:~e cQi?icl~~k~ lU~lu ~'ax ~17~ c011'1'illt.na.c~.~ion off' ~uhr ~x~c~c~a.on z~~.o~toxs~, ~1^ia spcc~.a~. ~-a~c~.~.lcc~ smooi~h~rit~ ck~iol~~a l3 ~.~ ~ara~r~.c;`ec~. Thy e:xca.~~~c~,.nn winclirrE,~~ a:f ~~l?l~ rilo'~C1'1^ ta,1^C ~hun~~cd, ~'c~r ~~h~ ~~1TlC ~~UZ'pOaC~ ~y ~Lh~ ahmiC xc~~ti;~a.ncc ~~, r, ~~ II .'4 a Ske~.a~ai~ d~.'~.~rarn off' c;xrc~ait~s n~ ~awa~~ ~q,~.~.~mar~~ cr:C r~Er c~u~y~~.xa ;r~cc~~.:~~.er ~~.c~c~r~.c ~.os;omc~~~.va, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ? ~ p~' ~;l~o ~.voomo'~~.v~ p~occ~eds a.n two st~,~aa, ~L~ ~1~~ ~,~,~~~~~~ ~~ o~ t~~v?1, tho output 1c~ds front ~,h~ ~GC~n~sx~y tha ~',~.3 ~'~+ ~t~k~ ?~ ~ ~ ex c~a~.~.vc,r or~~.y 7~a v, oti~ }~~,~.~ cad ~~~ho usual. w:~nd:~n o~ the ~,r?~ns,~ox in ,r, cux~ -ax~a r~r'~~.~:~ex~ ~ 'fin the second sta~'e, 'the ~vo~.t a ~;e, to '~hc r~1 r y r ~ ,;~~.ed by tY~c outer :~ead~a a~' th~.s wa.nd,~.n~;. ~'h~ ~'u.1.~, va7.~aa~e a,s sups, ~ sw~.tchea ovcx~ thr; '~ran~,f vxinax 7.eads ~ but an~.y coarse rc~ ,swl.~ch ~ ,..: the; va~.ta~e~ snd Corlaer~uent~.y a~.ao o~ tkie 1.ocama'L~Ve f,~uJ,ai~a.on a~ ' ~ ~~ ~'?'e ~tcd b ~~ha.s ;~wa.tchs.n~ ~ Th,e siraao?r,x~ v~~r~.atan o~ ?~hr: spe,rc~, as o1,.~ c Y mot~.ve s eed) ~.s hanc~,er~, w:itha.n the lirna.ts of va1.t~~E (end ~.oca P . ,.. ~ , ' s; tc;rtr,c,c~ ~ra.c~ 1^r~~u1~,t~.on, wh~.ch cansa,sts ei7M c;ach s?~a~,e, by wh~~~ a. scnta.ally off' the ~o~.lowin~; ? .,., ode off' the 7~ecta.~'a.c~r hss a ~x^:i.d ~~k~.a.ch a.s elec~rical:ly ~sch sn the a ec~.a.~,, so~ca~.le~ ~rid~~>rnarG~.~or 1.~. Thl~s ?the cannecte~ to p ke t uYtder a ne~at:t,~ve voltak,e (po'rent~a~.} ~~a.d a.s Ga11t1n11~JU5~.y p ue a~' tha.s potEnta.al ~.:~ entirely adeyua,te to prevent passs.~e 'The val. 1 ' ~ ' current From anacte to cathode, ar, as they say, to o:C the x ect7.~~.ed t~b~.ack~l the a,nade .~ ex~iod~.c pu~,scs se,tLrrsted. trsns~'orrr~er) and is there canvcrted ~.nto p ~: ?vc~ oten'~ial a~air~st ?~he ~r~.d,~ ~'hus at certa~.n :'~ns'~ants oi' pa5.~ta. p ' s the negative grid-potential and th.e pasit~ive potential neutra~.~.z~e ,~~ or in athcr wards creates the proper can~.~-bons uunblaelcu the spode, . ~ e rectifier azlodes, 'These ins~~ants, or, as they far ~.~n;~t~n~ th ' itian bases, depend on the po s9.tion of 'the are cs~.led, the ;~~ p phase x~egul.ator e ~, r ~.~:~crna.tin~, va~.t~.~;e dcla.vered fxan7 the ~hs.ae~xe~l~.l.ator the ' tl~rn au er .t11pp5~ed on the ne~,s.t~.va ~ra.d patEntiaJ.~ 'Tl?.t~.s ~ti ~s a.n p ~~ sses throubYa the so~ca:~led peal, trans~'arn>ex^ (a stran~:ly va~.ta~e pa .. ~ , , , ~. u ~ ~ .. ,:, , . , ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,u~ :,: ~. .. I,,, ~:... .L... i. ~:..1,., ,.. ~:... ,..:.;.: a,~.~,: .,~.,.,:~ .:..i ,.,. ~. ,. ~,:. .. ,, ..C:~'~ ~ t ~ `.:i is-4s iii ~ i dil 0.,. ~F:i~.ia 1. f?~..n.i ? ,,.., .. ~. i i ~I,,.f,; ~.:. ~ I.. ,:,~. ?~ i G .~,., ,. ,..~ .. .... ::,,,..1 i ., ' . :,,. ,., 1 ii .1..: ! ~' I~~~y. ~i la '.~/ Ei ~ f. .5,,,. 'n:,'~:, ..~,., ~ 1,,, +:,..y ,,,~q., a... ~,,...~.~ ~.., ;;~~ . i. ~:.;.... ~?., :( "'.~' ~~. ~,:~,i~ !,o~wi ~ i.:, i ~ ;:~ ~ I{, 7~ytiti i r~~..( i r:-;; h(r~al(?,.al`~~'7d.,;."~,. q i~~~. C'i ~! 1' , ~. I' t ',.'i I ~ p '` ?'e' i~i% ~ ~ ~7 r! ! ~ ~y(~r it ~ ~ ~;, ~t ~~i iar ~;r t ~k. if~? (iry~T P!; ~~,~r ~,~~~,~ ,~~; ,:; r, ,.;, :~,., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 .;,,,: r ,> - ;, ~,., ,,y ,, + ~ ~i,, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 : ,. Q~~,t~~?can off' ,~~a ~o~.l~~' hand~~ ~c ch~r~.~c ~hc p '~~ ,~~~.n~a ~hA c;~an~~ an tk~~ ~,~,r~a '~9x GA~I~ 1~~~~~1@z~ off' ah?~''~ ~ha~c xo~ulatox, tl~? op~xa " of a~~~adc a" ~,~ ~ll~~ f rc~m ~1~c ;~~,~' wYl~,ch ~~ri~ p~~rt~.cul~~' rau~ thc~~~c~'o~'c d~~' 3 cnd of tha half ~ cy'ale r and c~ :natant of ~,~n~.~~.on to ~he~ the mo~ox~~ ? ~ o~,se the vol'~~a~e apps-~,vd ~a smoothly ~,ncr"casc; ox c~.ccx dez stood that "~ ax:~mum . 1:t w:~~.l b e x' e ad~.ly' un ~'r~~om ~Gxo up to them , s~h,ax'~a?n~; xheae~e'~a ? does away' witY~ tl~e n?ed fox s ~x~d re~ulr~ta.on sse-~ that axe a.ne:v'i'~able when 5 clama.nate;a the starta,n?~ to end ~hti~ one ie used.. \ ~ t0 c~llathGr (fax r ~ son tr~~sa.ta.on f rori~~ ane stake ~'he a~ ~.rp J a,r cti~'a.r~~' passGS ovex ~'rorn the Lance ~'r, om ~ tc~ 11., when the re ine ~ ~ , elim~.nated tee:" lead5~ are also cnta.~cly intermediate ~,cad.s to thc~ 011 e motor tcx~minala this case the valta~e at th by ~z,id re~ulata.an~ xn .,,r . displaced since a~n a,].ternat~n~ volt~,~~~c~ ,. ~ ns v,nchanUed at '~~U ~~ '.d a.~e z cmaa. ~ l~.ed to the rxa ~ > of the half ~.periocl~y taa.J.l bE app to thc; ~r~iddle fra;duallY Go ~~rill be estal~la.shed~ ~~' r the re~uJ.ata.0n ankle of ~ a.rov.r~d ?~o l~Ga ~ the aha,se~rF;~T~zlatox" contrallcr t~arn'in}~ the handle o~ ~ ?~he erodes ~ or e of ralan~s the burn n~wt~.m the ope7~atox' thexe~y p ~ e a ~? ., -" ~r~a,al f'~^ccluency, tra.~~he,uc asyrxchranaus mo~~ors ~'ecl b~~~ spJ.~.t-~ph~~so r;onvcrte~^s, drive this c~c~uipmr:nt. 'The split-phase canvert~.r is a synchronaus ms,chine with twa stator ~~~.nd~.n~;s, separatc,d by a phase ankle of q0a. (one of th.ESe is called the motor winrlin~ and is connected on ?.20 V to the auxil~ iary tra,nsforr>~e.~~, ~praducin~ a puls~~tin~ cL~rr~ent of wh,s.ch the i nvcrse (appouite) eoraponent is quenched by the ~la.mpz.n~; caa.l of the revolving . .?~... ~ .~ afar,.. ,.-The other, or generator, winding, is c annectecJ.__~.~. one .end- to __, ..... the intermediate lca.d. of the orator w~.ndin~;, while the rote,tive f'a.eld, ~.. e. the synchronous component of the pu,lsatin~'c~ux~rent, indices in that ~enex~ator winding an ~.~~1.~. tk~at, scads ,the vol~a~e in the rriotox^ winding by ~Oa. Appropriate r;hoice of the .coils in the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~n~~xa,~to~ w~,r~~;~n~ a~~ ~~ the ~~~ara darts A~ the ~~ata~~ w~.~a~~n~a pro~~t~e~ tY~a x~esu7.t tha~L thQ and ~.~ads cad tk~e rr~c~~ar w~,n~~r~~~ ~oxn~ ~ syr~~e~r~,o system w~.th tl~e Necor~d. ~eac~ o~ ~Me ~cn?xa~~ax w~nc~~,n~ Qn~.~ undex norma~.7.y? conriec~ed ~,oAC~ (blc~wexs and purr~ps) T11e staxt~xi~; toxc~uG fax t1~e s~a~.~,~~~hase cpnver~ter~,s ob~~~,~ neck b rann6cta,n~ :fit w;~th the moto~^ wz,nr~.a~r~~ tl~xou~,h ~ c;holce co~.1.~ and Y ti1~ ~~h thc; ~enc~ratox w ~nd~.n~ thxou~;h an gh~r~a.,cx~c; s~ stance ~ ~t the same ta.rr~n, to accel.cr~atr starting,, the s~a:l.a.t~~.-hase convex~t~cx? a.s turalad lti;r the contra, fEncra~Lor, wha.ch ~5 mounted an ~;k1e sa~nG shs~~t9 with the ~cnez^a~Lox~ opera~Led r~s a moor by a s~ox~~~,o ba~~e~~1y~ ~1~ ~1~1.s co:-1ba.n~~.d method off' sta~~t~.n~; the 5~a~.xtMpha~,e convextf~r, as wc].~. as itr.; txensa.ta.on~ and ths,t o~ the control. t;~er~cr~~~ox^, to t~~e ri~r,~~~~ha,1 rr,~ime off' opcrat .on, a.s e;~'f ec~Lecl by con.p~.ctc:ly autoar~atic means a~'ter the prover ~iuttan is pressed Tkie aux~.lie,r~;y~ tr~ana~~ormer ~.ilcewa.se ~'erds the pr~.~r~ery wa.nc~in~;s 0:1.' the t~~arla~'orz~~cx :E'or exc~.tat~.on, and sul~~pJ. .cs cur:r.^c;r>~l; ~'or a.~;na.tin thy: rnercury~c~rc rec;ti~~.ers anc~ the mEr~r.;ury ,L~wrtps, A~,1 tk~e ~.netruments ghat ~.nd`~.e~~te; current, vo~,te.~e and poti~ler a.n the ha.~~l~va~.~~ar~: ca.rcuit and the trac;tor~ r~~ato~?~s, tha cand~.ta.on off' the ~cracuwn ~~.n 'L?ho tr~c:rcllry~~trc rect~.~:a.e~~, ctc,l, ~.re mounted, ~~n patze~.s ~.n thy; c~.b ,:.~, S~.rnpii~'~.ed d,i~.~rams o:~ air. ~w~.'~er cool~.n~ system ~'ar mprcury~ arc rect~~'~.e~ e~.eatr~c ~.ocomat~.ve, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 r~'ho morouxy~are roc~~,~'~.~r ~~ coca~od tay ?~l~o 1~~~~a ~~~' a c~o~o~ a~rwcoa~~,n~ c,:l~~cl~.a~~.~an sy~~~m, off' wh~,oh a s~.an~a;l~f'~od d~a.~~r~m is shown lay ~';~~uxa ~.~~ ~ ';L'h?1~ sys~Qm ac~a in ~h~ ~01.~,ow~.r~~ way; The wa'~e~r hoa'Gad I~n rho ~acl.c~ off' rho rrlar~cuxy~a~~c xocti~'~,ax~ 6 ;l.s c~o~.~,v~;rac~ by ~~hs ccn~r~.~'u~;~~. ~urn~s 7. and ~ ~Q ~thc rad~.a~or sys~e;m ~, ~hrou;h which air ~a.s b7,own by a !:'any Thy wa.`l'rcr ~hEn rF?_ burns ~~o ~,r~a r~:~,~tz.~'~,cr ~ Tk.~e ~l~~c.r,nc~wrcr~ul.a~~a.n~'~ v~~~.vo ~a wh:}.ch au~a~ n~1Gl'~ica,1.J.y in~r~nsa.;f,a.~;s ar d~a.m~.ri~,.shes ~~xe; de~.].ve~~~,y. 01' w~~'~~;x~ ka~~~s ~~ha 'L~mpcx~a~Gure of 1;hc body a~' ~hc x~ccta.~'a,cz1 consi~a.n~~ To ~a~.vc ~,hc sys~c'~u av~:rl.oa,d cry}~~:;ca.ty, i'~s 'thc:xc~~a1, ca.pac~.'ty ma,y be ar~i.~'~.c; al.l~r xnc~ressad by incax~par,~~in~ ~hc r~aarvc w~1~E~r-~;a,a:alcs ~, ~'hc r?crc9u~^y pump a~' ~thE rec~a.~~~.Er a.s ~coa~.ed by a s~~ecial sys'~o7'(1 using; a sxn,~l]. co~'r~~~?cs so~:~ cao~.a.r~ p~.a.n~ off' ?00 kca~.~h,aur capa,c~.~y. Thy; to'~a,l dower af` '~ha a1~:~~.ia.ry ~~~achin~;a is ~.OU 1fV~~ ~tho br~~akdawn caps, ci.~,~~ off' 'Lhe a~.1 ~~a:i.'trh a.s ~.~(~U~U ~~S~.V~~ r.~he pr:i.nai~~a.1. ~~ropor~a.a~~s af. '~l~e J.oramo~ive~ az~c a.s :Cn1.l.aws: U~hce~. ~:armu].a 0~~~~.3~?U '~a'~a.:l and adhesive wea.~;h~ x..32 ions ~xa.a load 2~ 'fans ~r~hec~. diametc r 1~22~ ~'~ Dne;~houa.~ ~aawcr ~~~~ I~-rr Other-hauz? ~rac~.~.vU. ~~'~'orw~ .. J.)~2d0 k~ f~~ k~ hour N~a,:r~.mum sued Pl.an'~ 'r.cs~s showed. sd~~.S:~a,Ct,n~^y a~~ra~ian a~' a,~.~. ma,~.n a,l~.d ~a.uxa.J.:i.a.ry ec~u~.pmen~ ~ Subsaqurn~ ~es~w can ~h.e tes'~ ~ra.ck c~~' 'the l~,owevcz^; clisc~.ased. a, nur?ber off: ~au~.'~s, es}~ecia,~.~.y ~.n ~l~c caal3.n{~ ., y~~ C4'N,, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ?~~,? '~',f Cr1J~~ a.33 C.. ~,r:Le~ hasc ~O~c;y'cl.e e'1ec.~~~'ac; a.ocor~~a?~ ~vo w:Ie~h corranu~a'L' ar rl~a~a~' ~~ ' ~ a.er ~~,c1cMl'l~~,sh~.ng, etc. ~^~o~k '~c~ cl~.rrl~.na~e off' ~LY~~~.c r~l,crou~'y~a,.~c recta.. ~ sc de~'~;c~~, 7 is ~;t~.,~.:1. unr~.er way' at prescnt. ' ~~he ,r ~~ .~~,~J~-~~~~~~~ ~.~ w ~ , ~~LC~~,~~~~~~ 1.~aca~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~:~~~ ~,pwGYCLL ~~ O (', ~0~~'11~'~~x~~l'a~i ~~~~rnL~~ ~ '~~~~~) (~3u~.lt in X936) . n ? ? ' ~vc Waco designed, ~oI' usE~ qn, the ~iU ~a.enw '~'1?~a.s e~.ec~a~~.c localrtat~. ? :ice ,tianal].~ clif':f'ic~~].t ,~~rof.i~?e~ (c~ur~v~es tk~ai Ra~.].way, w~a.ch r1as an e ~ 21.i.(~ m axed grades a5 stee as ~ , ~i~) ~ and ~,t,5 a~' ra,d;~v.s dawn to n with that off' the Cerr?an aingle~,pha,sc des 1.~,~~n has muC~l ~.n comma ~. ~ on xeduccd. ~'regU.ency' (;~.6 2~~ c~rcl.es), elec'r~r~.c ~.ocornata.ves runn~.n~, ^' ,~ x.33 is a, gen~:ra~. view of ~:'~. ~ :>rgu~ ~h twoMa~~J.c '~rucl~s is_ driven key' twa coxra~ such aX~~ o~ ba ,. r, ~>r ~ r~~Itr~~~,~p,' rr~~1~ ~'~.4~g/J4~~~'?~~~~~~G?r~y~~!~~g{ ~~ ~~nt"IP "Illn~t-,~(~+I~~~~r".r~~fl;~'iaY';1'tiYR~ ,. ?(;~~,r i4 ~i d~~~ ~~'..~ ~ r y i ar r r Vr ~~ ~ ?~ ~h lti m Ar i ~~r. ~ d iPrFl r{Hl }~~~y:. ,, '' , ~ `'~ ~ ~,I,;pl ' ~~ ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 ;: , , ~ ~r ~~ ' ' ~~ . ,; ,~~~ rr .,: S_.._ .~:. ~, ., r u' ,~. .__ .:_~ .,... __.. _.... _. _._ _ __._ ~__.. _.. __. _.. _. _ _._ -_---. .. .._. .__._ _. .._ .. _.._ .__. l.~l .. r. ... ~~.. ,. ,. f_~ :!:'bl. .h. r.??~l?ry.4. V'6~%R.. ~. ,~u :I. tE~~a, ~~Fati i, `~~~~A Y~ 1 R ~ ~ Tc. ~ 6~ ~ i f~~; 1 ~'r, ~' ~ ~ ~ . a~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 r~ut~~-c~~wmat~~~~ ~.x~~r~:~~c~, ~~ w~,~.~, ~~ ~~ran ~x~aan ~~~.~,ur~ ~~~? c~~ ~Qt~ ~~,~~Y~ v!' ~ ~~~.~ ~~' c~x~,v~~a ~~~ ~~~f~ r~`~,m; ~ coa^x~s~ap~dir~~r to ?n~~ a~" ~ia;c~n~m 1aGAr~tot~vo ~~~~~~ ~ c~u~~~~a~~~ ~~~r~n~;t~~ a.~~~o A, vo~.tar;~ 2~u V' ~~n~ ~ow~r :~~G~,~x ~?~~~' tlm~c~ 1f1ptQ~' ~GVG~.4~~~a ~ ona~haux~ ~aawax~ off, ?~,~ I~4+1 ~-n~1 a ~'p17t~.nuQU~ ~Qwa.r (~?~ tea ~~ana r~'p,tn ~ 3 a~' 2?'~ k~a, ~~'~GU~J?~ ~' ].31~ Whoc~7. axla ~ra.t~l two r~ota~~ ~, +'~~u~~e 13~ ~. ] a ~x~a.z~h a:~ ~rha ~owrr d~ve~.o;~~er~ b~ alb n~~otors 01' the :lacurnotiva, as a ~unct9,an a;C ~.ocomo'~a..Tra S~eccl, As hay a~.~~aady baen pointed out a.~t the ap~~'a~.r~.a~~c; ~l~~,co, the ;~u,nc~carn~,ntaL di~'f.'icr~.ty in u~an~; ~a~c~'r~.e ~iri~.;~.c~-ph~.se corn- muta'~or~irtota:r~ far' 1.acamati~vG txaatia~n is 'the e:~i~t~nce a~' a 1~?i.~h t~a.ns~'axmex vol.tae, .'heir ,~oc~~zency i~ '~llrco t .men th4~t a~' x'ec~vCer1~- ' ~ a].e~7 r>latar'S. ~:reCjuCX1G~" ~.a.~ ~~~7 C;~' 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 20U ]CW 200Q it~oo 1606 11.400 1200 100 pqU 6oU 1~0U ~~02~ :30 l~0 5~ 60 ?o ~U 4~ ~pecd km f houx ~~'~; GU'~i,L ~.3~ ~ -c rc7.G u~.r~~~:l.e?-phase e].ec'tz~a~c lacorllo~t~.'v'e, Pawex^ c~~.~,~x~.m ~ or ~~ ~ ? r~tn~r and. ~;e~'t .nrr u~'~dF;x ~aa~'3 2 ~ ane-hour ~, pawcr at s~La ~. ~. ~~ , load ],.a.ma?~ ; a,. 22~ ~ (rllcr~.raum vol'ta.~rc power; ~ ~ con'L~.nu~~tia.s ~~owcx, r ~. ~r, ~eec'cr; b~ 2~~~ ~ (9~n~o of rn~x,i,mu~n under load, a~ ?q KU' in con~tar, j.c~].~.n~, Va~.~t~~~',C1' - s a~ryk~,n~; cond.~.t~,ans (on the cammut~.~ax '~o assuxe the sale p ? ~ the ma nc~~t~.c ~'~.u:~ off' 1~Yae m~~.n pole; c~~' a. se~finents~ ~,~, s?ta~~~.n~,, ~ ~,uea . ~ ~ e xeduced ~to abo~~~?t a ~k~ird off: ~.'~~ usual ors ~a~?c;~~Cle 7Cla~,a1 11~uSt b ,, ~? ~r ~~17E~ number o,~ pa~.es a,nd. subs~tan~tie.l~.~ ~"o~ '],'hj.S 7'CC~l1:l.xCS :LnCxgd~~,n? ? erm~n.a~.s ~ 1;n burn ?th~.s reduc~a.on r.1uc~.n the va~,;ta~e a~ 'the motor ~ ' ' ~.ncr. cas~:n~; curti~eri~t s?tren~~th, bu't ?th.s off' ~~le val~tae rc,sul~s ~.n r As ~ x~~u~.?t 'bd~h w~a.~;h~t and: rec.~~ires len~'then~.n~ the commu~e,~o ? n~o?ta~~ axc cox~.~ ~.dere~a~.y ~rlcres:sed., d~.mens~.ans a~ the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 X7.1, ~l~c~~~ ccr~N;~d~r~~~,on~a ~~,kar~ ~?~~~'Gho~y made i~ a~c~c~~~~r~ ~~a d~.~~~~~bu~o ~~l~e; p7.annccl powcx Qvc~~ oi~h~ 7.14w~p~~ ano~Ar~~, w~,'~h ~uCCQ aa~.v8 ~.nc~.u~a.on Q~' ~wr~ rrto~l;~a~~s a.ri eaoh t~raup~ ~'ho ~'a~.7.ow~,n~; '~~,b~e ~,0 g~,v'Q~ ~ ~cw comp~x~.~~,ve ~'~,guxe~ ~'or two raa~l;ax~; 7.)"~.M~ao7.o ~U cyc7.c r~~Q~ox, ar~~l ~~~he 8~~~o~.e 7,6,b~~ cyc7.o ~ex~~,~;s pxadl~ce~l rlio'L?a~~ em~a:l~ayed on ~~l'ia~? xexr~an Ra:~7.ways~ Tndice,s 7,l~wpo~.e ~UWca~~,e ~-l~o~.e 7,b,6~a-cycle mo~~ox arlo~r,ax Conl~inuaus powex xa~in; ~,n l~W ~ 227 ~~~~ i~.p,m, (coxxespandin; 'Go "lU`/ oJ:" raaxir~~u~~n spccd) 1,~1~0 ].~?fiU ~'a~re;x pcx pa~.e ~ ~.n '1~'W 1b ~ 2 ~3 , ~. ^~e~.~;ht wa.~tih ~;c~~a~~ ~~~a.ve and pxo~tc~c,~~ive c;a,sin~; ~ lcg 2300 ~~~~U ~~L is c~,ea~~ fxora ~ha,s de,ts, '~ha~~ the ~,ggxem~t.~e wei~~hi~ a~' ~11e eight motors f'ox the ~0-cyc~.e s~.ngle_plisse e].ec~xic loramo~a,ve is more than ~U;~ h~.gl~rr than that a~' ~r~hc i'our rrtotors off' a~mas~, equiy v~,~.~nt total po'wer' ~'ox the ~.b.bb~cycl.e moc~e~.~ `~lae toxau~ is txansmit'~ed ~'xara the sha~'~~ ~o~' earh motor to ~~,he coxxespantling driving axle by means off:' a sm~.l ~oai^wwheo~. a'~M Cached to ~Lhe rrta~ox shy, and a la~xge ~;ax-whec~. stamped iri~o the e~.on aced, hub a~' the driving wheel. 'the laxg~ wheel. h~.s ~~ ~feeth g and is en~agecl with ~~~~a smal~.er whe~~.s~ -each with ~.~ tc~cthe rhos ';N~ r to ,t~'' ~Vf1~?!~i~ ?,~1 { 1 ' ~".:,{ }I ~r~1,'AVtil~~n a re~If ~ 1~i~ lei i I R~~ ~~f~, fl,~~ Mti ti ~4~,7~}f 4, f~ia .cryy~ ii P~,~~i~ta}~rf}'4i(~y~fy, Ii~.U~,;y~ey b]y~~,"i k~"vt~t,~r%+ ?~l4 Adr ,~,X,q ~,~,y 61i'i ~.1~116AT+..'il. IU,~V, .r.,.N,!l~r ,t ~. ~.af~74,1i .,`.ai~Sd ~9fio~~~Ur..~.~+. ,. ~ ~~la ~ o;r~mcr Sri ~ . wct ~ ~ r~~; ur~a.t ar~d the .. y ? .. n ~a~'o~'mcx s, ynca.udin~a; tl~e oxl p ,. ~. ~a~~r l ~,t Le,a. Lr~, r ry ~~~'or .~hc ,~~~mo ~o~,~,x~ ~~.~C~ ~,: ~ ,,,~n ~~r~a,ns:~'ormpr, wc~.~;h~ 7,70 1~~~;~ ~u~a.la.~~ ,r ~~~ f ollowc that 3~~0~~ ls~; ,.,, ~~~ woL~.c~ ~rci~',h a~~out a1.~00 lc. 1~7 2U ~~V~.) ~ 7.rfh~l~ d,.re savoy nn the tx~.lls~'ormEx~ of we ~~ ~'lGt~~~ 13.7 ' 'fir arrsf orm~x 3'57 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~1 c~l?m swa.~~c,z~la.a~~, meCpl~;~n~.srr.; ar~l au;c:~~.a,~~rly ~~x^anal"raxrner; a .arec~.sian re,~u,1.ator with va~ta~c da.~vidcx~; Z a cur.^en~twbx~c;a~cer xe~.ayanc3 :['a~.~~l curxen~t~?breakc~~~5, a re~~ex?aex~~ a bx~a,l~in~ a~witch Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~he cam sw~.tch~.n~ mechan~.srn cons:i.sts a~' l~ st.~~ewcr~,m swa.tcthas, ,~ r 7 ,p1 ~'axY ~GY~e v~~J.~~~e cla.v~a.dax', tTtaa cwa.tches ~'cax~ aantraJ. one e~.r,~.te~ ~.,w_tc, ~~nd ~Lhx^ee swa.tchos ~'aa^ ~Lhe coa:l.:i.n~t?-sy~~om b~.atrre:~~5e cu~rcnt, ,~~.~. a~' these sw?i.trhes axle ac~tuateci by cs.m?da.sc;s at~klacY~ed to :i. ;a~, shaf,t :I.acatE;cl ~n the m~.~ld7..e a~' the c~>xn mecha,ri~.sr~~, thct vex ~ c ~'he bus bsxs a.r~c~ canrxacted at the ands u v wx.tYL tYte Gux'~'GntW ~.n ~w a~' the a~~~~~~,~~Y tx~ans;~a~~mer~ ~ 'the cv~rant ~5. cdnW. d~.v~.d.Ln~ w~.ry:c~. ~, .. r hus tray ~~~x~erxse ~~ ~~~~ w~a.~kl~ a~ tl~c~ s~.~~~~~eM~l~~sc~ ~~a~~~~~~ c~~;~.v~ c~~' xr~a~i7~a~, ~'~~~u~enay an ~ccaurarG a~ tl~e r~~A~car~ ;~s ~~m~s~ ~.a I~ar~ rle:~. cc~~a errs~t~d by the ~.~~~~o~~?~ ?f '~.~~s tx9arrs~'axmex ~.ns~~~~M cn~~.r y ~ k~G vQ~ts,~e ac~raduatt~d to r~he ~t~ry~~c;+k,~.or~ ~rc~r~ox~~, ~nc~ t1~clrAb~-' s,:l,; o ~.nr~ the s~ cad a~ tk~e ;J.~acomotivc, ~x~a ~~e~,~u~.a~~:c~ ~~Y ~LYie trac~~a.ve ~px cc ,~ c hey a~' ~, me c;b~a,r~a.ca].J.y !~c~anfl sy~sr~ena a~' Y~xec~.s~.an ~~e~~u:~s,'~~an, aka ~ ha.ckl ~,s ~ ~.n the rna:i.n, ~.denta.ca~ war~,Y~ tY~:at used, on Garman san~,~.c~ w , . r ~ x~educcd~frac~ucr~cy e~ecta~a,c ~.acornata,v~ra, arrd ~?nc~.uc1c~s; Yaha,sc the stag.or~ary_..~on'~,.~c'~s?_.~~' t~:~e s~ra~:;~~;~~~~,~ch~;~...~~x~~ cannec:~r~cl_ ..,,.r ,.,.:.,,..r.M .....,? .., ~..~ I ~ tl~.e to s oi' the ~ra.n tx~s,ns:('arrner .(see ca.xcl~~t d~a.a?rxarn ax' ]~'~:~uxc o p ble cant7.cts ~,rc corlrLactec~: ~,a the caxz~esporld~.n~; x.36}, wh~.le tare mava bus b~xs. r, f .~!RwiN}r4 yhgg 4-,:~~;1, At1 ,,'i }'4ilryy{vl f ",. s~~n;a irk{ z...."i~.,y'r ~t,5~rr `..iii~t{!ti ~,~p'r~Ir 1, ~It.~:.~r~~ y ~1, ;~ ?isx 4!1~,;i^~k ,fie, y4{`n. i..,rlsLt~y ~L,t.F f:' tY f?, !;(i!tJ?~'rr lJl''u { ~ ..j~~'.,t., y.y), Il~..uln;! ,r kl yl 1. d fr~Y~ ~;,~ll.? !t. t~.Ei>f ~?r^,I I~'1' f v,'!Vt' `~:Rf211"rlpl?~r~~ f~~1~r"3!t~~,. t~~{t r..tfl. Yl ilOh i~~ "~^,a?~+~~7.1~': a,y~ ~ f~JrJ'):y( 1 Z~;r;~L~ ,~: ,I,~,~} ~fi. 1tf~,li~tP~ S7C,~I~1ik,~5r('4 ?~II:. ~1~1,,,~,~, ,1~t i ~ Itpt'?.,~a,~r, `'h V,'1(t'r'. ~'"~;y o ~''! :!~ ,~.hl6Wy',i 91h r~4.,~rrd f~ ar 91.U~:i},^gr Ij, l.,~i~r.dlf,.r~:~, ~~, dC?,u?~ r~~ s~'~U:( ~'~ Yil' ~;.a;s ~ ,~$,!i,~~"l,~ ~lti;~ . i.cr 4,~h~'f~~EGji~ yt~: 1,,~4 iyi(Y. ;r .~o-~d ly~;~ru ~~. ~+j~~a~,+, ~X Sn u~,~y~,! Fs a~ 1:r'q~, ~et!~~ 1'a, 11 ~~~ ~ iR,{ rt. of rid C. ,~ ti ~ ! f Y t r;a1yii~ 1 ~~: ~ ~~ , Mi~~Y.t I q ~, Jr~'k, 1~4 IIr &~ ; ~ ~' , , . Itr. f~ hW,". ~4 r r G t. a dl k ~ t' z ~" ~` ,, t.~ ,~~ : 1 f ~.l,i. {~~ ~ ,, !~~ ,tj . A. g} ; , A~ h ~c 1+j~~ j~rJ~lt'1'.':~~rl' 4 !'t ~,,t,?!',~~,' t?iY'.. ~I ~1 ''si "~ ,'i~ "t ~ir~ y, ~m#~ ~' 91 ~E ~'h,~l;t ~P h~ , ;~d : ~ ~ ~i'lia~ .~ +'~~. ~iifft~6 y~ ~! ~1 `!1 ~,, ra y, rl ~ril,~rr ~F , 'r, 4 ~~/f) r : .,1 l~f~, /~4 , t .'~. d~ a ~ ~I t ,{ ;t y,~t } . C;' ~r ~~; , r ' t t I FV+I $ ~ t! ,!~, J1 t s7 V If(;1 F+,Z'~"~ 7 6 rq sCl~ , 1~ i t "'l~I~fi`~t ~ V ~~v I I~ly rt ! y ~` ~F ~ S gg11~1 1 ~~ :Ir I I ' ~1~ ~t~G ~~~f' ~~ rl~~ ~ , .E':~A t~ ~~ ~r ~ d ~ J ^ r 111 ~ EJ II . dTo-Nrv~4dt~,i~+ ~tt,afxllir ~r ~~~~~1lCI jl'~w,,dli}FV41~jr~r4.~i' h m1X' D!~1 ~~ Y~aP~fi~. ~l~dnW~r~t~1 Si 'thatt~ ~'i 44I ~ '~~ws I ~p ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ , ~ F , , r , , ,I ~, ( r: r JB ; r + ,ir;{;',.,. r r ~n , ,'c . ~~ ~ I ,Ir fP~ + e+~d'I >v , w~ ?,~ t ;~y+! ~, t!~ Ih r., r, ~"~,,l~,' : f9 :d?G~`st+a ~V 1 "Y";P, i ,}4, !. d;,:, olr"~I , i~ $$ .. r~,~~~~,,~, V r-I'+ yu~ .,II.!i~rr,~, ~ N 'w Mu}1 ~,I~oi+fir ~ ?` ?al~~ ~Y~ ,~,. , C1r%f t~ ~ ~'~8:,,~1~ IIII~Y:1~(I~M4+;111g7F~'~'~"u~~+ b'r~ t~4 1d! rlnj,yN, k dl, ? r E I t ..n; r 1 r }~,~~ ' ~~ t k:!7~t,'i~ !t~~ GIr7 '~il { i .Y~`, ?r,l'$r ; E tmti f 'idle ~~ ~+ ;~~ ~~'d Y ~,,' a u ~"d 1 t !Yl li K , y;~93CYR~$~+pr+;I;S~~;+~i,;~frhl~aiM1r !;E~:q+~i':~at~'~ic~n the c~.r nand af'~: (in ce~se a;f need~~ and, is ac{;u,~.ted by ~ a~ec7.~. ma~~ax~Mr o p~ncumatic relay. ti e~~scr a:L~.ows th,e dircc'r7.o1~ off' the current ire "the t:~ ~~1e rev . ' ~,n~~s a:~ the tractar matars to be chan.~ed~ thereby G~.~a~1aZ1 W.Lnd ~, ,~ 're;ctyarl a:f l.acarr~ot~.ve tr~.ve~.o '.l~L~,rna.n~; the ha~~,d1e chan~in; the d~ . ~, ~~ ^ SWi~;GhCa aver ~'ouz? corzl;acts ~.n the ~xCj.tstion'cirw a~.- ~,he....xevc,r,~e~ , .._ ......,_.._. __,_...__...__w.._i ....W . .._ .... ~~ .the traction motars~ A cy~.indc;r o~'~~ca~~~r~;ssed a x wa. cu~.~s o~ , ' M cantrolled valves is pravided for ec'~uetin~; the tWa electr~-c~,lly . a^evcxis~;~^~ rekin ~~ switch serves to swi~',ch the traction r~otora ovex ~,he b ~ ' , e,ctior.~ regime to that n:~ bralc~.n~ .and is ~,~.l~ew~.sc~ ~'s`om the ~roxk~.n~ (tr' ~ "' ~~'~ ; ~" Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000200150012- ,. " ,~ , ~~ ~~Y pp Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~.c?~u~i~~~ pnauun~~~J.c~]?ly, ~ha pr~cies x~ca~;a~,a?~~an off' the va~,?~~~~~e de~~.vea^od ?~a ~h~ n~a?~~x~ ~.~ ~'~'ec;~;ed a.u?~amat~,cal~.y w11~,~,e the c~pcr~?to~ ~s fi~u~n~,r~~ ?~l~e h~nd~ wl~ee7, off' ?the can~ro~.~.er b;; ~,~Qa~ 1.~ e, wh~,~a ha ~.~ sh~~'~;~.n~ ~'x~Am onrJ ~aoe~.'t~.a~~ ~a ~no~hr~r~ .>~ux~~?n~. ~h~.s per~.od, :~~.xst~.y, ~11Q s?~a~?M sw~.?tch in 'the motax aa,rcu~.t a~' ?~hQ ~,awer ?Lap a~' ?~ha ms?I~n ?~~a.n~~ former' ~.s apenEC~, s,xid it than maker con?~sc?t with ?the ~'a~.1.awir~~~ tap w:tth l~i~;hea~ va~.tar;e, Second~.y, the yake off' tYlo prE~Gision reP~ula?~ar ~r~al~Ns~s a ~'u:1,7. '~u~^n snd ~,?~s ra.xban bxushas ~~uaaa,ss~.vcl.y make can~',~,c?~ with ?the cailec?tar p~.a?tes, ?tlaus ~rs,duaJ.~?y :I.eadin~ o~~,?t the x'csir'tance a~' 'the va~.ta~;e d7.vi.dc,r~ ,~.s a resul.t, tl?~e vol'Ls,~re at the: tGrn~a.nals ~~,~ the e,~:ci'ts.?tion w~.nda.n~ s off' 'l~he alixi~,iary ?tr'ans~'ormc~r a.s ~~radua],l.y incrca~sec~, causa.n~; a smaatr~ ~v'olta;:;e rise a~' 36 V a.?t the terminals a~' the traction rr;otarti~ (during Eac}.~ ~Lurn of.' t,rie can?traller wheca.), Gorrtact is e~~.ch 'time made a.nd broken at the carrespandin;f s?ta.~G switches at the ~.n~tant when the caz'bari bi^ushes slida ovEx 'tie bz'os.d plates of the co].lec~~or', At 'the ~':i,nal (11~?th) spc-;od ,stake, ?the vol'ta~e a't the ?terminals of the rratar groups i,~ ~1~,a ~r (at ~a l~V in the contact conductor, and idla.n~;), Wh~;n th.e can?Lx^a~.lsx wheel. a.s turned in ~;he appo,s~.~,e d~,xect~.on, the staF,e~sw~.tches br'ca,k a.nd make conts,rt ~.n ?Lhe ;i,^evex^se sequsr~cc~ 'his mechanism and the mpt~?,ad of ra~;u~.atior~ w7.th it assure .. .... - ......A a ,;rs.dua~. growth 'or d.ec].ine in 'the ?tx?s,ct~.ve ~'arca and, ~.acamative speed, wa.th na fax's or shacks whatevr'r, Thy; 't~^s?c'tx.an ma~tara m~,,y ba cu?t' au?L x~s,pidly when necrsss.x'y) by 'the c~x~c~~.it~brcaker relays in the circuitU off' the corresponding mator~~,rau.~s, ~'he re~.ays are actuated by r~ress9.n~; a special cut Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 c~u~ '~au~~al~ on ~~,hq corl~xa~~,a~ ~~.?n r?o~c~x'q are ~a~at~ctacl ~ra~~~ avo~9l.a~c~ b+ti~, ni~aci?m~~m- ~'he t~ac ~~ ., q cc~nr~~ct~~ w:~th ~~~~ ~e1;,c.x:l.ra~ tz~ans~axrn?x1q a~ ~ha ou~'r. onto ~c~,~;y ,~~ ,, ra a~' ~r~sat;~on r~;otor's ~ ~'h~n a xga~ay ~q s,ctu~~c~~~ rq q'~~ G l,~vG xau~a , . , M ?~ c .x~c;ua.t~bx~o~~l~cx relay ~s oxc~,tGCa sn~ tY~a f~x1ou~ tl~e c;or rc;,~oncl~.~~~; off' n~otax~~, ~.nv~~lvod .~i,s sx~~lt o~.~e sa.on rc~;ulatox~ a.s ~,ti~otec~l,ac~ ~,~;a.ns't ovc;.r~.oac~s by' '~'Y~e ~x~c~. ?he c,~.rcu.it off' ~thc vo~.t~~~eMc~~vidcx~ ,~r~~~a~,~ msx~,n~l~~niwcu~~x~~,r~~; re~.~~y a.n ~ . , ~ ~., exc~.~GrS the w?i.r~,,c3,a.ri~s of a, z~cil~ote a~.rcua.'~-brcak~r, ta.on ofi tY~c ti clay anc~ tY~e ma,~n c .rc;~r.tMb;r~cakcr a,s o~aenec~ a,n eonsequencr~ iz,c~~~.1;~breakEx is s11~~o o~aene~ wl~~era s~~zor~-~c~,t~r~u3.~s .lie ~naa.n c :Ct~ tha,s c~tise a mcxu~iwn~cu~~rer~t relay conr~~;r,'Lcd~ tca esr~~h t~,~~.e ~al.ace~ ., ?ex~in~ curx~crrtwt~`ans~Corrne~~ is actu~~tcr~~ to the seconc~axy. o~ ~l~e x~iet F~ ~~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.s on the c~.re~7.l~.t a:C tree low-tension car~th ~eai.nda.n Ih.~.s trans or~;~,r off' ?t~ae ma~.n t~arl~a:~ormer~ , , ~ .'llTflD.t7.C bxakcs, ~l,he localt~~'Livr~ also ha~~ a mechs.nism ~csa.de5 ~.nc . ~~;~ ir,..al b~~akx.n~;, quex~GY,~~.rl`; the bx~s.kia~~; enex~,~ a.r1 ~ e e f'car elec ,. ' ~w~ ~~ ,~ r, ?e m~,cle ':ram can,atantan Cr~~.c;kel~ca~~~~c~~r allays E,~?~~ rheas'tats, 'the lat ter ~x ~,. ~,, ~. ,E~d.. ,ted ~.n s ta~r~k an the rood off' ?the locomo~ta.vo bony. ~ ~~~,. ~~ales loci ;;l~~~ ,,;;r ~~, ' ~~~ e~'~'ort ~.s ca~.cula~ted on the bas~.,y only j`~ ~'he electra.c bx aka. ~~ ~: ~~~ ~~~, , ~~~0 key ~ancl s.ccarcl:~nEalY '`~~~ ' of the locamota.ve weight ~ wh~.ch a.rtlount,~ to ?~ ~ ~ ~~H ~~ ~;ra ,,~, ,~ t~~is e~:~'o~~~~ is 1a.mited to L~,~OU kg at the c~ri.ver r7~m, '~~ n~. ,:. ~ ~ s atcrrl is cm~~~.oyed to rer~uce ~tl~e weight ~~~~ ,~ s~~e c ial b~ aka.n~ ;l ~ `~~~~ 4,"~ ~~ ~ _ ~ ? ' srr>,s ~,d equ~i~~ment.~ xt consists casen~ta.al~.y. ~F~ off' the br aka.ng mcclia.n~ sms,~.l 2~ ~'? ~2 s,rnpe~'e~haurs storage battexy"~ ,~~hour a.n th ~ u ~ e o.~ ~. ~' ~ tl~e First ~;rau~ a:~ motoru (ml anc~ m~) on trsnW , da.schs,rge, to e~c~.te , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 on off' ?~~h~ ~,acama~~.va ~a ~tha ~a~^~k~,ra~ ~a~~ana ~ ~r~ ~~u~~ ~h~ ~n~~o~~ ~~ ~~ m a sx~a?L~.r~~ ~, ~r~r~exm~axs, and d~v~lop~r~~ ~h~ ca~~c~k~ac~nd~n~~; ml and ~~ p ox~ bx~ak~,ra~r a~~'ax~, ~,~L ~h? Sarre ~~ana a~sa ~~,~pp~y rho roc~u.~.red va~.ue ~ ~ pawex ~u s~?c~.~~ ohs ~^emaa,n;~n~' ~hrao ~rau~a~ p~' mo~ox~~~ o s~,x~~n rah off' ~~e cti~ca: ent thus ~:;pnsxa~~d by ~hr rao~ors~ end, Th % r ?~he x~e~ula~,~.on a~' the bralc~,n~~ e~'~;'~ax?~, ~ ~.n a?~u~a~~~ T~ ac cox d.~n~,ly~ ~' ~ ef~'cc?~ed b v~.ry~.n~ (rc;c7uca,n~; or ~.ncxeasin~~~ ?Lhe x^c;~,a.s~ance ~:~~' a.~ y ?t e rhLOS?~at~~~ ~r~ the axca,~t:~?tion ca.rc~u~`~ o!' ?~l~~e :~irs~ p~a.~ix off' z~io~a7,~r~ h and a,l- a a.n ?~hat off` ?~hc; a~hc~x ?~hree ~'~'a1:~p~ a;~ mo?tors~ The ?~rs,ns~,~~i.an ~o e7,ec~~ra.c br~~l~a.ra~r is e~'~'er~~~ed very s~.rn~~a.y, T~'ie o era~ax~ lca~ves ?l,he; i~evcrscr 9.n ?~he poai'~a.orl "I'ax^w~~l"ra~~~ and p ldc~~ ?~he hs.~ld con?~ra:ller wheel irr ?~he zEro posa.?~~ar,t, then r~Gave~a p ?~he lever a~' the brak~.n~; shan't ~.n?~o ?~hc posa.~~~.an "~~'~,rs~~ ~S~I,a?~u ~,~ a resul~t ?Lhe groper s~~~.t~ch~.rl~ off' the ,1~r~.~-cha.n~ c~.rcl~a.t is ~u~ta- ma?ta.cal~.~r e:j'~'ec~ed b~' 'thr he1.p of pnewtia'tic va:lvcs, rGl.sys and. sw~.~Lchoe. On ?tl~~e ~'~.rs~t sta~;~; o~ bra.k~.nU about ?twa-~h~.rd ~ a~' ~tk~e re~ ? r . s~;~.ll remains a.n the stora~e~ba~~er~r circu~.?t a,nd a canes sx.,.~~,aricc s~.derable pc~,rt off' ?Lb.e 1~a~;~ter~, val~a~e ~s la~~?t In ~?the xheo~~ta't e Consr uerl?t~.y ?thc strength o~ the c~ca.~ta't~.an current ~.a~ the w~.nd~.n~s ~. .tY~e :~~.rs?t a:i,r a:~ ?trac~~.an ~mnt?~rys..,w~,~.l be rela~t~.ve~.y small. xt a~' p ' be r~eadi.l ? unrlerstaad. th~.t under these cazrcl~.ta.an,s the ..ex~.tat~.on w~.ll ~ off' the rema~.n~.n~; ma~tors will .also he re~;~a,t~.vely weak, and cansr~? tine total braking current, or ~.n other' wards the braka.n~ quen?t~.~' e~'~'ort, wa:.l,~. be in,~i.~;ni~'~.can.t, ~~hen the brak~.ng lever is ?then tti~rned to the secdnd and th~.rd sta es and sa an, ?the ~~e,si~?~an,ce in the exci?te.ta.an circuit o~E the ~ ~ r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ar~d ~h~ ~x~~,~~~~ar~ ?~ ~~.~. o~nx~ w~,l~ ~~x~du~~~~' ~a~~a ~~,~a~ A~ a xaau;~~ ~1~~ b ma~~~"~ ~',xadu~~.~~' . c~F ~ vx'~ 7 ~~~~ ~~~;~'~ ~~~ ~hE br~l~~n~ cuxrer~~ ~~ ~r~M ~,~,~.o maximum ~~x~n~?~h a~ Thy ~~,~.aw ' .a ~~1 bQ~h ~hc ~~~~3 X'Q~tCYI~.I~, ~hc~ a~.n~ax~ ~a~ ~l~c~ ~nrlle~ex a.nc~ica~~c~ 1~y ~ o ~,0 2a ~.~~ 3a u.a ~a ba 7U ~a ~a ~~~ccl km~haux cf`,~art ~p~,~,~rer~ off' bral~~.n~ ? .. the "xcc~ 1 ,ne,~ ~h nau~;a~+~G end ?~eG~i~~?ca1 e,rcc;~a~.ve brakan~ wlle? ba ~ Ta ~,reven~ ~ ~ ~ ~gov~,dad, ncr~ ~~wa caa cu~.~ bxca~~'x"' aro ~~ a~c;ms a:re ol?cr~.Lin~ a~ a ~ Y one f'nr eacY~ bralc~r~P: cy~, .ncJE,;r lindcr exceeds 2 a~~m~, ?~1~e cad'; ....~ ress~'e in the c~ __.-~-~.,~. When ~~l~e ~ ~ r ~,he ct~rren?~ . ~ ~ .. r-,~,ker 1S ac?~u~.~er~y ~.n~er~'u~'r~.n~, res'poncl.an~; c~.rcu~~ l~r ~ui~4 'the syw~em ~~ ?~hen a.u?~a~ ., c s'~ora~eM~a~~~ery exci.~e,~~an c,~.rc ~.n ~h ?y~ '~~ '~h~+ ?IJ.L V,L~~an J. ~~jJ.1~4 a~ ? ~ ~ra.'~cherl over. From ?~hc: brake. ma~~.ce.~.1.,~ ~.s on~~' ~c sa. ,. , ~h~s occ~''e, renewed b~c~.l~.ng molar a~~rs,~.nr~. A:~~e~ w. ~,~,;~r~ ~ , ~ ;~ , ,`~ ? ~, ,` , . + ~ ' a ~, ~ , ~ ,,~u~ ' t , .,, `:~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012 1 ~?~'~';, ,.~~ G ., ,~' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 s~~~~ whan ~l~e~ l~x~ak~x~~ 1QVer has 'boars plmcec~ ~Y~ ~h~ '" ~ar~o pas~,~~an" ~.~ur~a ~,~~ ~ivcs ~l~a ~,uxves A~ bra]4a.x~~ e~'~'ar~G fox a~aa~r~a bx~alc~,n~ on a~:l s~~,x s~ta~,as as a func~~~ara u~ ~,ooome~t~vc~ speacl~ ~~~ w,i.].1. b~ : e?n ~'x,c~r~~ ~l~e d~,a~x1arn 'I~ha~ 'trio brska,n~ e~',~ax~~G is a~~a~r~vx~- rria~te~~r un~.:~or~~~ 'th;~a~,~~h~au~~~ 'thy; en~t~.ra s~aa~1 range 'the orat~z?e aysaanbly of au~~.~.a.a:ry e~ti~3.x?nc~rrt ~,nd a~~~ax~~a,~Lus or; '~ih~.S e~.~C'tr~.C ZOCaplt)~~iVC COSLS~.S~~ 0~'J 'Cwa een~tri~'u~a~. ~'sns ;Fax coo:L~.n~; ~tl~~ ~trs,c~ti t'~ri ar~o~tars; i~he~ have a CapaC'I.'ty a~' ,~a? c,ul~.c rn/second oi' air' u11dtx' ,~ pressura off' 16~ rl'trn a~' wa.~ez~. 'i'ach ~'an is dr~.v~n b;~ ~ s:~n}1:a'~Z~~ase sex~.i,es tna'k~ar with a confi~inuaus power ra.ta.n~ ai' 20 Kw, 7.1,a.~ V, ,~0 cycl.cs~ 2~pQ0 r p~~a. One o:~ thc~se ri~a~ax^s ~s a~.sa used 'to drive a ~'an (w~.'t~h a ~, cs.~aca.~~' a~ 2 cuba.c n~sGCOnd o:L' a~.x^ a.~, a. ~~rc~ssur'c off' ~,~ inm off' ws.~e: :~'or~ coolin~,~ the main 'transformer. ~~~,ra fc,ns with ca~7ac~.~ty oi' ~ cub~.c m/wccand oi' ~~a.z' a~ s. px~ss- sure of l~.Q mm of wader; bash a~' which sre dra.ven by a s'~.nrrla 1.3 KW, app ~', ?Q00 r.p.rlr. D, C. ma'tar, ~hc opara~ian, af. the ~"arrs~ ~tl~e~ir c~.rcui.~ scher~ie, as we].1. as 'Lhei.r ~~wi~c;~~in~; order i.,~ dr~~err~i.ned by' w~re'tx~er the ].ocomo'tive a.s an ~rac't~.an az^ brs.k~.n~, ar~d b;y w1~,C~~hF~r ~.'~ xs sumrriez' ar win'tur. .fin o~.lwpumpin~; un~.~t 'to c9.rcul,c,te 'tht; oa.:l. a.n 'f;)'~e ~rar~s~'orrner. ~:~ caz~LS~a.s'tr~ 09' a cen~tr~.fu~;a~. pt~~ap s,nd a si.n~~.cwphasc carldensC.r moor wi~l~r con'ta.nuaus pawex' r~t,tin~ off' 2.~.~ I~r~ a~ ~2b ~ra~.~s, ~Q c~c:J.e,s~ X000 ~' r p~m, Pump ca,paci~~' is ~OC1 ~.~,~te~+'w, per m~-nine ~ ~:~s ma~ar ~.~ au~ow f rna~ta.ca~.~.~' ~?'ncc~ an as sawn as ~.oad '~s app~.ied ~a ~thc rna~.n ~tr~.nsw :farmer, the ~~rans:~orme~^ a~~.l is caa~,ed b;~ an air cao~.in~ s~s~em ,, ~~a~t~d. 1~n c~,x'r~r o~'~' 1~7~OQQ kcal.. off' h~a~t pcr+ hour Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 A ~w~ws~~.~~ cAm~a~c~~a~~ ~~~iv~x~,~~ ;~QQ o~i~b~,~ m,/k~QU~ a~' ~~r-,p~~~- .Y ix ~~ ~ ~'~~~~ ~ax~~~~~~~ x~ur~~~~,~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~'~~~~~~, w~,~~l~ ?~~ mm ~~~~~~ ~~~, ~ p`~ ,~~rna~a~~,~ur? a~' the ?u?~~~.c~~ ~ix~ '~1~~ ~uxr~~a ~,~ c~s,~,v~x~ ~~rAl~~~ ,~'l~,'r~ ~Cld, ~ , ~, . ~ a ~~~~nsm~,Ns~.~n b~' ~~ ~.~ K~I ra;~ti~.~~.c~r~ rrta~A~ ~pr~~~t~,z~~~ ~~ ~~0 a ~,aa~ ~d ~Q,~'~~ ~~ ~: C~G~a ~S~d ~,~jQ~ ~'~~a~~rllr,~ w~'.l~,~h ~,~ t~~'ri~t~ ~~ ~~~ ~~'~ ~Ia~+c~M ~ ~ ~ ) aGCaxcYl,n~x to ~~he pr,~~~asua^~ ~~~ ~7~~ ~~ain a~,~ ~^c~~~rva~a^~ raa ~ i c, ~,~.~.~' A cu~~x~~aus~o,~~,c~e a^~,ct:~:G'~.c~^ to x~r{ct:l,~',Y sa.n~a,~-~h?~sr~ ~ux~rerlt to 2l~wo].t ]J~ ~, f'ar ~'~~c~din~; ~h~~ ~.i~xY'~ti~~~> system, C;r,r1'L'~'~~. r;~~~~~^~~I~u and ~l?~e stoxa e~ba?~~~e:r;~ chart~er~ ~'^,ch c;ab has t~ra ~o~ K~~~7 e~,ec,tz~ir, s'Gov~.s~ ~'he e1.ec~,~^~a.a hoa,~t~a.n~; ~~'s'~err~ off' ~~Y~e '~~a~,r~ a.s auZa~~l~,~c~ by ~Ghc~ ~~O~vol'~ and 1800-vo:~t taps a:G' the trana~ormer~ tYlrou~rY~ ~a.ntcr~.oclcecY ~. c1.ec~~ran~~a~ neta.c r~e~.a~~'s, The c~.ec;tric hea't~.n~; system a.s Y~ro~r,FSc'~`.~~ .f',rc;at~n shop^~t-~eircua.~s b~ ;~;~cc~.al rna~~a.rnum-rurr~en~t ;rP:l,7.,rs which when ,~~ ~~L'~c~ exc~.'~e a xeaTtote cascui't~b1^eaker, off' the ma,:i.n ,w~.tch and, c1,~.s~ ac,tiuc ca~~,ncc~~ it, ~'i~uxe 1~0 shows ~rl~~; arrar~~Emc~r~t an tY:e ~.ac.orl~ca~l~a.ve o:(' thr er~ta.re as5cnrb~.;y af' ~~ower ~~qua.prnent, a~'i~arat'us a.nd ~Irtc~rahar~.srris- ~l.s :f'ar r,~s c~~n ~~Er ~u~l~sed ~'x~ora the info"mat~,an ~aubl~..shr,d ~i.~h~ ~1~he t~.~te ~.n the C~c~~raan techr~~.cal ~~?ess, al:l. '~Yle C~.aa.~~~s of ~~hr aes~.~r~er~ ~,ia~~h with respec'~ '~o o~aerata.n~; a.nd~.ces ar~d t~ rel~.ab~.l.ity :i.xi the ' ment and. a axatus, were on the wh.o;l.e ~usti;~~.ed work a~' al]. equa.p ~~ b the one-~~~ax tri.a.J. opc;x~~,ian- a~' the ~.ocomata~Ve~ ~Y1us can:~irm:~n~ _~ ...._ " ? .. .. ...,I rM ' ~ s .~.a.tab~.~.it far the a~erata.n~ conda.tions :i?nva~.vcd~ a.t ~ ~ t ~ Nev~rtheldss the raanatement at" the ~err~an ~ta.tc Y7,a~.~.ways av'o~.ded ' ~, derisa.an ox~ the sex^'i~s, ~roduc~~.an o:~ ~h~.s ~ac~raotive~ ;r~~ka.n~ a ~ a.na ^ ~ ~,, ,uch a, deg;a.si.on to be pasa~.bl.e on~,~' a~'t~;:r~ ~iratracted ~onsa.dc;r~.n~, s Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 nd ~.~,sa ~~'~ar da~a~~~Lad. d~~~~a~~A~ic~~~~~r?a~r ~~~~~~t~~r a~~ 'Gl?x~ a~axa~ ?~cra~~?an ~ '~~~~C~~ (Q1' ~h~s and. off' a~bhax~ a~~~ar~;,m~alira~, a~~c~xa,c ~~n~ c~l~a~aa~ arl ? , ~ iorrrtal~ ~r~r~uarrcy) ~ri~~ ~~ha dyri~~nom~~~t~r cap aspoa~.a1~ 1aGOr~o~~. ras a~ r ~y Y~u~,~~ ~;'or ~h~.s p?uxlaaas ~,r1 ~1.9~~, ' e ~rn~~re~,?~s a~' ~Yis.Y unum ~~.mp1.,lc~~y wc; l~avc~ aml,~~c~c~ ~~,'~hrau~h a.n ~h . ~? ~';i.na oin`~~ From 'tile above do sca'~~~a~~,arr, ~~ ~a ~~.;~ off, ohs ciGtia~,~.s and p ' ~ ~ ' 1.?~ i;~a na~l,s the v~.,ry G~ansz.daxab~.e Gorn~~.s~~,.'~y ~.n 'i;hc ;~~~i17. noi; d:t.~'~':~.cu ' ~ wl~ Bch a.s a s~~1a~~~~~'u~'L? .a~ cl~.~sa~.lv~,n?Laz~c ~'ar ~:~cs~,~~n afi: ~i~~~s 1.ucorr~o~;a,vo~ ? ~ ha,ri~: ~~s a ~.acarnota,vE, ~:~' we approach ?~hc, ?~~sk off` ap. such a rt~ac ' 1 ~? i' s ~.ocoma~~.ve ~'~^orn ?~hi.~ paa.r.?~ o!: va,ctir, ?~k~la rc~r~c~~usioa~~ rrlay praa.sa.n~ ~k a. C See l!'i~;ur~: 11.~U on nc~.c'~ paF,e ~ i;h~~~ ?~he ro~a:l.err~ off' crea~irl~; a sa.ra~leApkr~,se, normal~~'~^o-' be c1x~.~m p uen,c elec~~r~.c ~,UOOma~ .ve ghat sa~~a.s:f'~.es a:l.l coni;ernporary opera... ~, y re ua.x~cm~:n'ts ~,s sta.~.~ ~'~r ~'rora comple~c aoli~?~a.oxr+ ~:~n,, ~. ,,,~ ,,w., ? ~~ r..'l~,:l~i~~~~~ ~0-C'~~G'l~l~ ~~~~~~C'~'1~1:C L~C~O~aCI~,C:C~ ~' (~rl~~i~M~LNY) ~.~~1 ~x7.~~ ~I71~,aL ~, he ora.aa,ns.]. dasi~;n and, ?t~h.e pecu~.isra.~y af.' ~~hc ?~~~s,c:~Ea.ve-a~~eraM '~~.es of ?Llr~~..s sir1~~;lewp~'~~~e~'i~riphase c1.ec~~r~.c ~,ocorao`~~.ve are ~?Lnkr q1~a~.~. ? dun _ a-Schon ?~r~,c~t~.an rao~ors ~.nsta~.J.er~ an .i.~ pr~.n~~~x a.~.y due ?~a Lhe S . . , ~ re ncccss~~x"y ?ta arc~ua~.n~, or~ese~.~' ~'9.rs'~ va~,~h the pra.r~~ :L~ a.s ~here.~ o ? ^ ~ a anstruc~a.an anc~. opea~a?r~a,an off' ?~hese lr~a?~ars ro ?~h~r'ti the c~.p~.e o~ ?Lhc c ............. ~- - ~ ~? ~ ' ~h rr~ust necesssr~.~.y ~'0:1.1.aw9.nE~ descra.p~~on a~' ?~~~~s l~~,c~r~a~av~~, w x~~__..~_4_.. ~~ ma ~e~ mox'e e~.5~.1y unders~tiaod. The ~?tiu~~awSchon rno?~ar be very bric.~ ~ Y '.ndu~.;?~ian non-colr~?~ut~.?~or sin~~.c~phase compensa'~Ed a.s s, normal. ~ y ?' much cxpi?ndcd space be~~~reen ~hc iron. l;n ~,h'is mach~.r~c,, w.~`~h vary r ~ e ?~he ord~.ns.ry razor, these ~s ~1.,5a a suppl.emeni;7.ry, sa Wpac~ ~ be s~.c1 ' termed~.s.te ratox. 'his ;is n~ountcd ~'reel.y on the con~non ca;l,l,ed :~n Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ,. xaun ..,~% .. ~._~.k o~li ~.e. uiYn... ..~:::. .. ,., 1.tY ~...L. ,. v+,~'?. .. Eti.. Y.~ ..M +J ~d'.~.i~~ ? v~:~w F~4 ~.a ar,~,b ,.U X14 V 4'Y1. ~,.,.m.t. .. J., ..,ate .bnn. n': ~+'~.GUR~~ x.110 nd rncch~i~tisra on a~,rc'~x?c locomo~~.~'o l~xx~n~em~n.?l~ o~ oc~u~.~atncn~ ~ r ~~ ~ c ~ ~~.~;h-vo].~o,~;c ~va~.~~o.rre wm%?~oxin~ ~~ tr~c'~~.on motax~; ti~ ~an~aE,r~~ ~ ccha., . ?',?~ch~ ~. ~~r~.ns:Cormox~; f , c;am aw;~?~ch~.n~; m ,~~^~,n~~'oxmex; do m.~,~.n ~~ ~ .~ ~^ ~ h ~ con?~~?n~,~.er; j ? compx'r;~~~ax; m ~ com~ n~.sm; ~~ pxoc ,s~.on xc~u~.~. o , r ' n Y~x~.k~.n~; v~,~.trc; o - r/n~i.noman' m~~?~~?tin~ rr;~is~~aY1cc; n~ xe~~.~1?~~. ~ { di,?s~r~.hu?~~.on l~aorr~; q. carcasa off' ~~;~al~~.n caC~~; A, c~xcas;~ o~ bacl ^ b~awcx ?~o cook. ~~r~o~ax; s. b~.owox ~o ~; midd~.e d~.~?~:~~.b1~?~~.on ~oai d~ x ~ ~ r, off' N f sw~~ch' ~', ca~c~? { ~ ?~~~an~;f'oa~mex; ~~. o~.~. coa~.ex; u. bra. a.n~, ~ ~ cook. ,. ,~ w ~ ;>rx xcs~xvc~~.^~ x~ ~.n~?~xurn~n~ ~ro,~ko~; F f xon~~ d~.~?~~^ b~?G~.on bard, ti~ ~ ~ ~'~ S~Ox~~~'. ~~~~~G~"~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~n~~~~~E~ A~ ~~~ ~(t~~~~ x~~or~ ~~~ ~h~~~ a,r~d 1,~ r~~~,p ~o ~o~~~~ ~~1~~p o~.~afia~an ~Y~xou~h oo~~~~~ ~oo~ a^~~~~ ~.~~ wir~c~~.ns xoeo~.~rr; '~he~;l~ o~ 1 ~ ~~~,~ox ?~~ ~hA (ao~o~' h~~ ~ ~~r~~1? from ~,he ~,~~ C ~~ ~?~~'ro ~ Tk~ ~.~~ ~.s~~au~ o~ ~~.n~1~.~ha~e our~~on~; l~aue w~ndir~,~~ wha.oh ~ece~.ve~ 11~'~, ~~a,~~~ o~ ~;~~i~ ~GCOi1c,~~~' f W~,~1C1~,~1~~ A a~ ~~~ va~.'~~ ~'xoz~ the ova ~. tZe ma~~~,n xo~c~x~, , ~ ~1.so has ~, wi~~~~'~~n~r wa,n~irr~~, ~ ~ ~l?~~; ~x^,~ns~ ormc~r, ~,nd ~. ~.r~~? wl~~oh ? on the ehs,~,'~,~ hay ~ ~x~~,~~haee w~,r~d. ~~ wha.ch is x~;,,~ra.c3ly moun~od . ~ ~. .5 w~1.~Lh a s~G~1r~~ni; ~~7~eo~'I~a~~ '~11e i~ conr~ec~~e,d ~hrou~rh con~ac~ r. n~~ ,, .,,era~a.on o~ 'h~l'~e rrlo~or ,t;a ~~ ~o~.~ow~~ ~)r~.S1C.L~.I.e a.L G~ .e c;oa'~cluc~~,acl ~o 'Ghe ~crtil.~.na~.4a o~ ~~he ? The sa.n~;Ze~phasc ~vo7~~a~ ~ ~! .r.~^n~,~,a,n~ ~~,e~,~l w1~aa,c1~ ~,s in(moba.;l.c ~.n ,~,sa'~ir,~~; ~~a.~,, a a~L~~~ox crG~.~es a ~ o ' . . ~ ~kae res~~~:~7n~ a~ ~ ~r~a~~11e~~~r, ~a.e~ s ~~ spsce, ~d may be xe~;~,rc~ec~ a ., the "!a bu~~ in oA~~o,a I;tc ~ Ti~th the ;~szne speed, ~~~~. ~,n ~, 01. ~hc rev i.f' a'L a cer~a: pos:~. ~a.o intermediate ro'Lor ~ux~nN, { e:l. ~~ tl'ie rota-~ , ~, ,,.. ~ e ~.~iven r~irec'~~~.on o,.' locor~lo'tive ~~~~ av ~ ~'~ ~'~ha'~ ~,5, ~~ t~l ~ ~~ ~,~IG-. rOt at J.OrI a:~ i'~~ ,. ~ ' ~~ C~lroilOU,S w Ltl'l ;a. Lion. o:C the in'~err(aeda.~te r otar ~~ syn ' ~ ~'~~, o:l.u'~ions p%x' nla.nu' a ~' ~~ ' ' e~,de tk~e n~;~nb~;;r off' ~.~;~ rev ;., ,rp,e~~.t, ~~. ) thf'n~ '~~~ ~h~he se ~>.~~, ~,~, ' :E.'~eJ.d ths.t is xrot~t;~r~~ ~~` ~ ~~o '~h~: mara,~,t7.c `' ~j w~.~.l be d,oub~.e yri'~h :re;~pec t~~e in~r~~rse ~,ar:,n~;ta.c ,: ~, . 'tc~ di.x^ec'~s.ol'~, or, as it is cs].~.cd, :~. the op~o sn. ~' U of 'the 7.ntc~rmcd~.~.~~e rotor ~,s ~ie~.r1, ~~' at t1~9.s t~.nle the w~,nc~.I.nW ~~Ylc ;frequency (in cocnpar~.son with shortened., thcl?i curren'Ls twice ?~ . c~, ' n~ucrr3 in ~.~ ,~yr '~h~~ invt;ree ~'.~el. that oi' the net~raxk) ~ri~.:L be ~. ~'.te . , ~ ~ wi].~. crea,~e a n~a.~netic ~'9.e~.d o:~1 oppose ,.. . Tl~eae currents a.n tuxn r be compl.e'I'~c~.y ? 'verse ~'ieJ.c~, snd wild. conaequeni~~.~ , c~~.rcc't~.on to the :gin ~ the sin~;lF~?phase . ra.r,1'~ire o ~,s a xr su~Lt, in. spate of snn:~ha.lated in pr act on 'the rnair~ e sta~~or, tY~e ms,~,i~c,tic Meld wild. input ~.nt a th ? ~~~onal Field, and ~ril7. cansegtixe1tly wark~.n~) rotax^ as a purely ra ~a ~ 'ust as tr~ou~h ' ~ ~ .~ h~,se wind.in~;, J ' uce a tri~phase voltage n,~~ ~.ts ~r i p :end eceivir~~ a tri..ph~.s~ ~.n~ut. the stato~w: were r ti x Wi a. 4 Y U i b ~4U ~ v~h~' r ' art r: ~4 ~~ 1 U'~-,y` ~d7 4 ~ k' ~paiv, i ~.+~; fm, ~~f r0~+, .. z~i k,~k~ndjr ! t k"~"~~la lrb Ilr.e~t~l..r ttw,.,, n Rau~~ ~~. ~h.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 : CIA-RDP82 00039R000200150012- iv}s ~~11 6 n{ F4 a ~~ 'l~~ ~ i, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 Tr1uN '~l~e ~u~l~~ ~ ~chc~~ ~Aa~4~' ~,a ~~, ~~~~ 5~(l~ ~~n~o ~~~~ ~ pccu~.~~~ ~~~.n~~ af' phs,saMcanvor~~~r~ ~,~ld:~~a.~an ~a ~h;1.s, a.~ ~~hc wa,nc~~.n~ off' ~h~ :~ra~a~^r~e:~~~~a ~A~a~~ ~n ' s nc]Zronaus~.,y ~caa.~l~ 'the worYt~.n~; ,~'1.a:i,d~ ~.s e;xc~.'~cc1 U~, ~ ~ ~, ~ x 0'~a~~~t~ y ~~~ rotor w~.:l.:l Uc~.~~n ~~o per~'axm ~l~a ~:unc~.:l,an p;~' ~k~~ ~.ntiuc'~ca~ then ~l ~nr,hronaus rna~or, a'~ 'Lhe praper a~~^en~~,h a~' ~Ghe o~c~.'~~~,'L'~an off' a ~.y ',?~ will sus~~sa in a 1,~.near currc~n~ ~.ri phs~sc~ wi~hrh ~l~o voJ,t~~;~ ~ r~urren~~~ ~ a ~ s ws.1.l Ue e~,ual to wtil~y; a.n case al' unc~cr-earc~.~r~~-ian, ~.~G~, GO ' ^rc;~x~ wi1.~, 1.a~~ 17eha.nd the vo1.~a~e, bud ~.~ aver-c~ci~ccl, ;l~ ~l~Yi~s cup wil]. ],cs,d ~rhe vral'k~ar;a mh~.s ro er~;y off" ?Lhe r~~otar ~.s oi' eY~cecd~.n~;~.y great pa~acta.ca~. p ~ ~rapox1tance 7n the ~~irat p~.c,re, the ~'ttnc~sa~aental f'c~.ult rt' t1?~c, romrt~utator .. r is ~,hus e1~.minated ~ the ].ow power ~'s,ctor s,t s?l~s.~y.~~.n~,, and mo ~o the reaul.?~~.n~, vol.ta~'e droYa at a.ts'~~erm~.na~.s~ T,n ~I;,hc ser~ond place, the ~x^o~aer :r~r;~~u~.a~ian o:E the s'~1^en~~?~h . ' ^ ' -~nt can not only beep ~rYlc pourer ~'r~c~~ar (caa ~ ) of ?~he excita?L~.on cul x c even achieve conrla.ti.on~~ under tahic~ th~.s value at uz~zt~r, bud may e ame ne ata.ve, or ~.n a~~her words the valt~,r,e at 'the ?Lc~x~r~~.na7.s may U c ~ :the motaz^ w~.~.l actually ~.ncx~casr w~,th ~a.ncredsa.r~~ laad, Asa ... i o~ ,~- r ~ ~ ~ s?~ ?~ra electr~.c ~.ocomot .vee apex~a~~ed Uhl DC~ ar ~;r~.M re~ult, ~.n cantx a ase cuxrErlt an elc:ctr~zc locomot~.ve Vr~.tl1 ~~hc ~un~;s.~~chon mayor ph ~ 1 ~,s no~L sensitive ~~o fluctuata.or~s off' vol~La~;e a.n thc~ con,duc"or. In the th~.~d place the re~ulst~.ans af' the stxen~;~h off' ~~he urrez7.ts off' ?~he ~.n~;ermed~.a~e ra?~ar m~.~e~s ~.~ pass~.~a~.e ~a e~xc7:~a~ ion c ? e the ~,nduct~.ve va~.ta~e drop in the moor, s,ncl ~htis to campen~sa~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 t a~ ~~;~ 1a~~ canc~~`~~,v~~~, w1~~.~v ~h~,~ ;Y pb~-a~n the m~.x~.r~um '~v~~u~ ~ v ~~:'~ raal ~~~,~ph~~~ mvtv~~ c~c;h t;~r~ra ~ ~~. tA~'c~uv a,s 1~~%cdy ~ n tl~o r.ox~ ,~`:. ~} ? , valt~,~e daps e.t ~,~~~ ~~exrn'~n~ls, ~~le ~r ~,~ unr~c~ verb' ~~x'aat-aver ~.v~d~ i~he ~~~, ~,5 a~' CQ1~'a~ tree th a ' ,, ~o ~.~~~r~.tpd~ ~~ .~hc ~~~~ult v~ ua o~? a ~ur~~aw~~al~on lno~o~~ J,c~ ~~ tox~ a nd the xc,.~u~.tant ws~k~n~.n~ ~r~~ the ir~~~~~ the ahra~.c dro~a :~n vo~.te,~.,c~ ~ ~ re ~~h~ . ? ~' s is a:~ no pxact:I.c~~7~ :~n~~ox?~I~ncc si.n ne~L~.c ;~a.eld, ~u'~ tll~. ' ~' onl;~ ,, ~ .a ~~ul~'GCted ~l,o so ~~r~e~~t an averla~d, ~ lno'tox earl ncvcx I"~G ~ ~ ~ ~ en thc~ loco.. ~~c~;e~~ the 1 ~ra~t y o~ a~~heaign bt~~, ~wc bG~;~,use :~.t wou:ld e ~~.n to s~.~~p~ r ~ the :~^a~~.].s~ and the t~1h~:c~l~ wo~~1,d bot; rnota.Ve ~w~ec~.,~ grad ? he irl~c;har~l,csa;1. . .,, ~,t ~ti17. r~,~.nE~r~a~ ~'xonl ov~.~~,^~la~,d tp ~ tl'le z?ator is tl~e~'cby ela.ma.nated ~ ~ and e;l.cct~'a.ca~ ~,e.xt off' .~ r 1 CP ?;yCrpn lllgtq~' G1~'/ clTl a.nctucta.on mal~or~ The sa.nE~,lc??~)haac, ~'41n~,c. ~^ ~.r~:Y to ?l~he numbr;r' off' ~.t ~:~ shunt clle,ractez~.i.c~t~.c, ~r1d, acc,o,t, d ~, h~~J ' e~ s oed~ 1k7o~^covr~~ s~~ ~~:~ .`~ OI'1,G 51.nt~'~?C ]11pS'~ ~Cpnf)Ill:1.C~1 runna.n~, ~,. 7)OIG~s, Ala ? ? ?n s ~nrhxor~ous, 'L'he ms,rhin~: ~'urlc~tinrl.s ~.s xotata.ve speeds alowcx ~~lla y s hi.~~~1ex~ tl,~,a,ra synrr~~anous a,~t wUrks s.s ~~ a motox, wh~,1e at spE,ed ~ ~ ., : ,~ to the: ~.rl the :l.at'~ex c~,s~ ~~hc cux~~en~~ d~;7_a.v~:~ E.r ~r~ne~'s,tox, wha.].e ' u~.~>;t ~oY'~ o~ t~~e strength o~ the ~r ~~] ~,~"le r~l1,~Qm~,t~.C xGrr ~~ netWOxk~ awi.rx,,. , ' Cq s ~ a. ~ e (~Ll~l .. ~ ,~ , ~ .ynt w~~.l bc; puxel~~ act;~v~: ~ :r. ~ e ~ ~ ex.ra.La,ta.an c,~tr'x~~ , !, ~:` ~~ ~ tale rnac.h'Ln4 exam the r~otox ~~,o thy. ~~'~~~ to una.t~'~ ~~'he txarl~ Lta.ran o r~ ~.utprtl~~t~.C w~.thnut ~ r~' ~,nd vase v ~~a a.s thus cn'L~i ~ y ~ c~,x~~' ~~~, ~eneratnx ~e~,a.lne ,~; _ ... ,, . ~ e p ers,~ox~ ~Yld w~thou'~ the use o~ ar~~' su ?'~ ~. ~`~ and ~pax~a.c?>"pata.on o~ ~h P ,.~ ,, , ~'', .tus. When ~'or .~.;?~sts,l~c~~, ~t~he txaa.~ oe~a.ns ~; plemrnt~x'~ dcv~.ces ox' ~,ppars ~,; ~~~ .~rle o ~;~^ator changes ovcx ~'x~on,, c, k~~ cx ~~ ~?~'adG; cox ~ t? ~q ~x~veL pT1 ~ gWni~, ~ ~'' ' ns~~e,nce nn ar, xiv~.~. at a s~~~,~~io~s, the., . ~.eed ~'or a. ~~~ speed to alowex sp ~ cxi'oxm be ~9.n to o~~,z"~.~e r~.s F,eneratoxs and p? ~~' ~ ~~~c~.ll ~ ,"~~; en~~,nes automa ~' .,, ~ tr~,~.n k~e~;~.ns ~o rrlovc on a, ~.cvc~. n.erat~.ve b~^s,k~.n~~ ~,nd when tl~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 .< ua~~ ~ ~~~~ Qr w~,'~~1 ~~.~~~~~~~~.~~~ ~h~ m~,~~~~~a ?irr.~~lc ~,~P~;~n~ ~,~ ~~u.4~,~~~~, ~ ~ a~~a~n p ~'1.~~.1.1,Y, ~Y~~ mc.~~cx ~~1~ ~a~h~~~ ~u~1~ X~t,~~q~~ ~~~ rt~T~,~l~ ~~~~1?l.Y~~~r~~~ ~~x~~ ~~~ra:h~,~~h or ~,r~~ c~,~c~ri~ ~r~ ,r: ~ 1L ~.o~~a~~at,trvU ~.~~ f.~v~~?~~,o~a, ~~ch a~' , ~,~~ ~'cM~ 7~?L" ~Yi~a~~ ,~~~a~ax ~ ~ ~.~ ~Y .'r n~' ~~~a~ax~~ c~~n~.~~sl~~~.~1~ a~ ~r~~ raan,~~ 29Yr~;~ ~,~a a.~ dx~.v~n 1~~` Qn~ ~~~ orle ~~;r~.-,~Y~.asc (~ ~,~~uxe; ;1.~ i:l.~ ,~r~d ,a ~ , ~ ~' c~]. rac~~i~:~i.l~v c,~;f' ~ti~~G1?+ ~ rr;oil;Yaa.z~a~L,t,~,,r~ r.,~' r~lo'~c~r~ ~,a I'Y~G Y,~~,~,t~a. ;i.:l.~.~~u ~h~: ~~rra~aul?~~r~ c~~~~~~~>.~~,rt~, 1tl~Z~a.~~tii r~' i~ tc~.kt,w a.~ ~,,a~,s~.Y~7.~ ~,a u~ ~' ~J'Y'1'~.~C ~~~ ~,~'1~ a;~~(Ii~r ~1111E; ~S"C'-r~1''U~~.~1~ 'i',~1~ S~.r1~~;. C. '~,~1~ '~;k'7,wph~~~; 11~tQ'~~ ~a?ec~r~~~'' .~:.~4~~~~~~a,r~s ~~ ~~~ ~c~~L~~~11c~~9 w~t~1~ ~~1ra.~ ~~~ "~1~~,~~ ~~~,ac~ a.rr the ~F~ow~~~ I71,sn~ p~.an~ o~ ~t,hr~ c~. ~ma.riatES ~i;i'le ~~~ost vuln~~x~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~? ~ sc e1r~c~~,ra.c ~rc;n7ito~G~:t,~cre, nr~r-~cly ~~~lc~ cornmu~~.~ox~ ~.~r~,;,~e ~~)Za .~ a ~ r~ w'~'hcn ~r~~-~k,u~' ~.~)~cw~.s~ so~,vr~,~9 ;r,~~~}~cx a~.zn~~~~.;,~ ~')'!~ U,~k q~ '~~i1r ~,1111~~r~ -~ ~~ ? ~.~~rui~~> ~~n~ px~cvr~n~rir.,n off' wh.ch end xe:l. .ab7,;~, ~l?,Y~E] pr'cb~.eCl1 a~' ,,~l~o~~ ~~ ~ ~~ , , , ~, ' - c~ co~ad~.~~~,r~n ~ ~ F3~' ,~ ~,cc~].1. :LTi1~a4yS~.l~~.r, urlr~Wx arcla.r~r~xy apcx~~,~~a.rrr~, ~' ,t~~ cho .cc o~ ~l~l~~r. v~~.:luos ~'ox~ t,nc rn~.~;nc,~ic~ zryeM means off, tl~,c Ih ve~~t~,c~~~.y ~xs.n~s~ car~s~ Tha 1~~~hMt~zxs~.ar~ w~,n~~rn~ hss ~wc~ taps, ~ ~~aur~c~ tap ~r~d a ~f~~I~V tsp ~ ~'ha sacar~dary w~n~a.rr~~ has th~ae taps, ~~~ U' f'o~ ~ssd~~~ fi-hs su;x~,~~.sx~ r~a?~ors, ~~a V' ~'ar ?~hs ~~xsc?~~.on nra?~axs end txs,:~n hcat~ ~n~; systara, anc~ ~qqQ V ~'ax the sccorrd Ista.ae a~' thl~a l~cata.na~ '~ha txar,s~'or~m~;r a.s a:LlMaaa~.ed, the o.~.~ a.s c~.rcul.nt{d by rr~ pu~r~ dx;iven ~?,y a xe~uls~.arr ~~latax afi' ~2Q V. The cc~nta.nuaus pawcr ~~at~,n~ ofi the tx~a,ns~'ormex, w~.tl~a the ~,aad a~' the traGt~~an rna~~a~~s, a:,s ~~C~U ICVA, whtalra correspar>,ds to a rurr~ar~t strcn~;th an the ha.~fh tens~.an side o:t' 97. ~ A, ~n wi.ntc~r, ~0~? r;~r a.s a.Ff'?~ aver fax hearta,n~r ptr.rposc~ 5 The ~iguic~ rhoastat is ona a~' the ~.mpor~ka,nt el.ernenta o:~ the ~.ocamota.ve equipment, Ta s~,mp~.:i~'y the scheme af' the circ~x~ ts, I F,vrc}~r oi" the E~ tracta.ar~ rtlo~tars~ is prov~.ded w~.tri its individual rhe- as~k~~t~ qne a:~ ~~~nc~ra .s shown a.n T~'a.,~ure a.~~,~, xt d~.:C~ers 'ram the l.q~aid rheasta:ts used on ~~he~ ~tali~an tra.-pharse electric ].ocornotivc a,nd, alsa ~ror~ thaw a~' tl~c Amen. can anc~ IItiu74~rian sp~.i,IWcar~ver?h,er phase; electric lacomatives, b;~~ t;hc Fact th~~~L, besides th:e ~~hr~,e stat7.anar~ elpctrad.s, i.t ha,s s.lso three rata,?~in~r elects?ad~se ~~11e xheosta.ts arc subd.~ivi.ded a.nto two ~roupu, each pJ.,~:ced in a se:p~~.ra,te ch,bcr. arre ~;raup serves the ~'aur. sin~le~phase snata~^s w~aile the ath~:r se~~vcs the l~` tri~phase motars, Thus each ~;ra~l:p has e ~.~ rta~~ians.r~t c~nd l2 mavc~ablc e].ectrac~,1 The elcctrods arc, o:f' helm ~..a cad. Farm, and the s?~at~:or~~:ry anal are bathet~. by a: l`~ ~~r~,tcx~_.solut~on o:C pata,sium bichroma,t~ The design af' ?rhe xheastat and. ~~he shape a~', the e~.ectrad~ as-~ ~ur~c~s a rapid and. a?~ ~~he same .time smoa~h pxac~ss a~' variatian. in the circuit resistance, a uni~'arm denuit;~ af' the curxent an alb. ~l~ctrade sur~'~,c~s as weJ.~: as ~.Is cnn?~inuit~r~ and, f~.na~.ly requas~s .4.. at w^-, s. rc,,, Frl :'rt?,, x-Y".pr1tr Ir. S's::t'" x I1 !. I'tRr rd:., r ! ~/': ,,.,1 ~I r, ra +rl rxa! I '.;t (at:..: 'Rr, 7C~' ( ta'Fa.Y r,? f#1. I,y,~l,~'~1 Ifl?r, .t, , ,}.~1 2:Y. A ,.o 1:dy r / r,.:},~I - 4..:,i V.i r Ti I~t .!`C ~:. y~,~1~~.r! ~?t~;;, ^'q~ r~ I1 J4nl.;ilw ; r~kk, ,. j I {11 (f,V.cf., ! ty),-e '~ r. d,v. 31 ~1 1!'.131`; ,~. ~~~ ~, . 1. ~ 4,,. l,J,~7' I} ~tg , .,,~ ` ~,N,?r? gSaraPq I , ~;.::1 g I r~:r,{Iv.}~Frr~ 1;,,6Ka rp ~f ,,,nyl.~? ~~ r :t, v. tC. w.. ~ i'h[t,;~, II.'(:.t.,,. ~ tY,Y..w,l? ,. )6'i..., d .. h.ls r ~I~-; ''' rr, y'~dad~r :ray 64,..1~r,n,,~YJ{,.,~.11, Y ,{'"~ re fir: It.Na uxn~[:r k v~,y,J91.,, t,. ,~1:~ l,olY,Rr.z,l rP ,.I+~ a4,!:,~ 19. ,;t!1> ~,I ,my~+. P,.;,C~.r, -Ir it.t~,a. ,~l7.fE ., r 4 .:.~??t ... P` '~ !!pa ~~ la',IdnN: all ,+,,,..lr.. r ~;U ,r c.]~o..4: ~? ~ I!.p: al, ~ C..;~1~r ~i ?1;1:{1 ;.fi;.. 1h rl'....;l..Y ,1.ISI~`.:~i,tn a .I..,... ,~1>~flS.~l~:,~~ S`tird~,.~rrAfrt,,,,u,1rr'~!, ! r:Y~?.,1Y.{.1 r.r?rr..,t,?FfS..,tl,lq~,, Sg.~~'., ~::1:,.,rt t..,~ J? , .. ,r,, ?. ~L ; :,I'~r.,, u[ ~ r~4r1 , ~o ~ I, YIFI ,i,lr;.~,a ~, r}I.~I,f, ir, I i~~t, ~ ~ ,J ~ )~ J f{:S;:6a 114 ~.1? I . , r: f , t. ~;~:"k a ~I)+i!rPd4r FGL ' a ,T { ~ "~J ~)~;r. 1,,,df ,~}a, ,lq ~I ~~~4;It , . ~1 h{ +, y~~!'r t Fd 1 J~C. ~~ll.. 1~~ I ~~t ~t~'at,{~ji?I.:~lu~ }r~:, Y`~~^s I .,rtil~P ,li,'r.5 11~{t,ri., 7a 4~dr lrr~ ; ~r~l" M~;'. ~', :. r..nhi F .~a'.V; ,,F1.AA. 14: ! S'r.?. h~f~'~,E!t ~,i .E?,fal~orl , ~1~r.;t!I ni;V,'h?nr~ (,.. ~.MIr:, ?yP'r I{ prr "if:~eh V ~i~l'.'.kr~:f, i~" 91 .y,tlrr ' !!.. 1 ~l'~r1[,. t;~M~ 1412rr 1l!~.,.1~,.., p,,Vit~ ,~r~ ~}l`{Fr~ It.' :e.l 'S ,~., Ir '.;l h_,7.,a. r, + :~{ r::!IA.. `1'.~ ~}IY:rA~k:: 1 I,nt. aL,9r>,V,di .;}: Y. ~G~', '~ 6tl~ Ytt^!? ,lo, ... rl I rll:..l~ / r I~:; ICY P nF.:., ,, it ,rl ,e. 1~ .;a,l: .e~ J ,,'.~.. :,,,:. Y r`n...: .1'l,..,.t:.., .:1,. 17. u}'~,~~^ ~' ,,.r.,,. rr-.: r..d,.V,,.. a L.a7,.hf,kP 11. .. :5...1 ~...~ ~~'~~~,} P d tt~t ir?x 1 ~sr J f . r~k. d, kJ ,,i a r . ~j4 lib r ~ a t r~li',,~. {:!, ~S F tU ' ~ T " ' V ~ ~ ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~` ~ } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... .. . . . ,,: ,. .,.? > J: .. ., :, ? , , , , . ,: ., , . .. , n : : M '. i l .r.l. . i;lr . ,.~. ,.. t r.. L,. i 1,,, ,..,. :,., a, .A.. r r.:t. 4.. r r ,ut ,j i I9N ~. .. ,r.. 4. i8.+ ... ,1. ;.. ,f.. 1. 1., .,., r 'C ~ t L.; a. r ,..t, 1 1~, ? t ,. a :. r ,r1~,:,1 tt(,: "t : tt s ~,. ,1 ..ur t r. ,ti ,a t u , , ... .:? ,J..r ~ :~? ' a d , o r.. V ..f 1 1> , ,.I r I fi y.. ~, y4 .?y ~r _. C.1 ~ ~:.,,,: .r.,.),7? , II ,p. ~.. Y, 1}? 1,., F:L rY ,..1 Y , :i M. r I , hr I ~~.:.RI r. ( q'.: o .,q .I rl ? l r'. 'P, ~.., r,-?.,1. ~. r. ..,. .~j,. ~i~ .' ~ l , , rt:N ~. ,, 1 ... :r !lb~!.f.,, 9 n , P v..:.-, .~ ~ 1, P . 1~ 1 N. , . I 1 ? ..:. YI' ~ V:+If:' ,V ,~~.:..~' , ,,.. .. ~~ ,i . ,(, .. ~,: ttt 1~,a. , I1 9 , ~ rtr' la .+~ 3G. r , ,,r 4,. .,_ I ~4:, ,, 1.F, ~ ... n1p {~ .n, Ji? ~!yy :,1 ,t aJ, I r r r.r:. r ~ ?,.. .n3, .~t1 f. l:Pl .Sh 1V+4l ~:. j',. i ~r 4 :~li ~ ~ i. aY h. r 7.~.flS ;Il ,r4. ,~ ~1} h: LrN ,I.Y ~~'~, {' N ~~4 ~V~ , r. t! a i' ~ ~ '~,, i!. ~r:S , ~? ~ r iu s r ~:, s. 81 , s 4 P, ~i},4 ,:1 , t ~kr, r 1 ','l.ln n!4. t,tl l 1 4 s ".~: J t ! "~ ?c . al- v',a: : a ' ~ r. t ,~,. , r : ? ~ ,fia? @ J . +~ c Ia; a a,' : a , t r: J ;, , _,I,:, 1, ~ r~ ~ '~ . r , f~ ~ {~~4~ J , v, . ; , r~~ ~ , ,1,1,. ~ ~ '~. ~1, 4 r..s!.. j ;.P ~. r f. .!~,~ ,.l.r . r, I. 1, ,~ ~' x .~d a a '~ c r:::., .,. a r, .,k q?s. ~. 1',r .: :J. .~11 .,5.~ ~Y yy ,ry ,a j? ,(.. ..I Ir ,t{p,1,,, .. ya S 1: / ::}~ 5p j~ ~+ 1~... J j 1 I 't 1e~ it S.'.r Y.. (5.. /I f 77~~.,{ l4^ h 1J N'?; ~~~ 'Ji' Smll~l I 1..11 t. 61.. ,I Y?V ?L~4Yih pI .~(i .,~1:.. 1 h '(fi ~Y b ~Y ~.. rfu .(, r L.n`, 7J: rh. (.r1r! Il tp V. .3.( r,.r ~. I ..8$.. ~, rfi~!446.(F,d S~iur9. ~, ;k!kB{1 e~?! rt~l(~Y;f R".,, NI~R..~~~[.. ~.~, ?: i.. a~v'I~va. F d. 1JF. ,~u ~~C+~t~+M Nei?~r.1-u ~LI?Y r1r~.~J?rr.:d a..,h.f St.~i 1l, ~ .. I, n.,.. ,-t .~e!' ?.,b.Vth,CA.,t ... x.,,. v....W +.rh~,,rc~jl nn ~,l.~', '::N, it '?i :~ ?, :a.rn ~ I ,, m . , w .:: IpnM1"'M. .:.,.,, S"., (.}I" y P, .,.qua 1?.. ,1-.? I.:."~' ^ !u r r14' 1"r l; e.. 1 ~r, }.... .1 ,r:x ::.. 9,t,x ,d q.. ~.(. .Y uY 1 .}7 r.7 14. )...4 GSN"~Sr ,N ,.~ g. ,. ,;r, Y' ,!~_ T ,i?-. ,f nw R?n,...' . nF.t :..1 .4. ID ....1 I ~ Ill 17v! .7. . j. I ~~`` d 1 5f 1: 4 d !' ' ! dt ~ YC : 1@ M1~ t 5,. ~{ e ,9V4 f rT; n 1! N . 3 V 1l , d';r .'1 1 1 : F, 1.4. eP~ .. 1.1 r, r~ , .1 J ~k~ 1 ~'~"j~rl fi~ ,,4,.'71. 9f ~i: ~ r, Yra.tl,,+4.1~r.: ,u: ~:? r,~i,i fi, a.:.! ,1 r. ,.~, ,a,4r ?i }.. ~7.'', :~., , .(~ ~' 1' ! l~~y {,. ~', I ril',.,a, hr. I. .f 2''1'4L"~,r.. (ri!~~, r, 4',i,. ~~,? , ..,p I,r. Y, ~$, 4~. :; {~ 1.~, / ~. ( ,. 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I ~ ;'Y ! ?rt,.. r ~n ,Y. ~ } I , n ~4. 9:n$r., t ,, ~ 1, 1 r. ?~ r 1P.,:1 a .~f,1: ~~ ~:~ .~, x .t, ,. 41. ~. ~ ~ r,,,. Y1d:,r~ , fi ~t ~?F':::~, {. ~,~Yx,. ( ,k~ 3.fi,~}a; ~:,1?1'... kkrs' a~ '4 , ~. 4~r : 7r h d~ k5~ , ~r. C 1~p : ~... ~ . 1, } . ? ,, P. r,,. {~f:.: "#4? tl :, r ,1 .L ,c : f'#11n ~,.. 1 r~i?fn..,.. : ,~~ ;,t ?i.. >.!'. t I i ~ 1 ,, ';,,,:,s.+1L '?~.l N.. b. t. ~ vr. i6,t.. a4 rp, .l l's, ., a~. l r:l ~~yi. k N ~ @ .f ,.:4, .. } ,. T..~1,, sy }i ~. l: P,~ 9i t. ,. ,~.. a, `y rl. ~ t,.,tq, ,,~, n, ~s?~ ~~ ~r r ;r, 1 r I y dt~j ?:n. .4t1 ~ ?^ ,C, u . ' 1, n, a., r.,ll n~.r:~,a~a ~~( a~, r ~ I~ Ps', i~ dt` ;?;. r r.!( 1. s ~,. p., ~ c~, c1P ' I, ~ rr ,~1'"r~ .n a'~,ri- ..,~ ,k,{ ~"` I,ftlr, i.i I a, i, ,{ I. ~ '> k.. ~P ,F ,0 9 t ,; ,~, Z N' .:'7f'~ ~ l . ~ ,~rl ~ t ~ . i rh r,~ ?~t,. , : +f . r,Y'~ r ? :E' : T 1 l.. I 1f p~, e~'.~rc t ~r .1 ?t% i1 ~Y p. G. b, a ~ V? ~. rr ~b";F)... P(l.r ,,r.I.IJft ~n} i.' `.i.,: + ,t9 Ve.". 7 di 'frr., }: . ! 1~? iV~! ,1 1: ,, 1.1 :I ~, I ",61',. : 1' .: ~& ..~ t 9~f, ,1.,.. 1, ,...,1~ ..lY.:. ,Q:,,f , f rc?, .r ~1 ,F.., ea P ..1~.:. .. INh4r,:... .rq ..t L,1.1_r 1. a ~~ P f~d"?1 .. `~~,:~ t~l} 7~: t ~ ,~,a,.~: ald~ tl: ~.., I.~ ,.. ,.. f ~: N`f.J{.. - ~' V~, r t~:. ~4. " {,,y~~ o q ~ :! b , IdrY>) t,f r.. II B 71. !}I,:: al I, t1 :. ~ ~.',: , , ala if r ,.~'..r?. J1 ?Irh 1,. .r ~:,., S'I"', d'~,~,., ~'.!~~~N r-3iYf.d:~~...F~.enr,~ra..,:.,,fk~~t~.Sr7e~,~.,.:Jan~~~~~,~.SB~;tylkln ~~t,'fif?rr.ec'~ed r~iator ~axo'u~as when chanb~.n~ `i~~ ;i.'r~. ~,he power c; .x c;u9.?~s a!' thr: c ,,F,~ ,, ~ rr~ has tk~x~ep con~ac'~ l~',~~.;~ e ?Lo ~r~o~,hF;r, ~.nd ac~,ox ,~:~nr, ?Y ,~,~~~ over' ;f~ om axle s~a~; ti dx~.VC-' :t.'~ e The ~x~n"~.~' ';~~~" ~,,,,~ ~:,, o$~,'~~.ons~ 1~ ~.10~~ sh~ln~ ma~~or ~s u5ec~ ' a ~ F,~~~I ~ Gne:Cal ~" ~~ ~'= lure ll.~l~ rives a. ~~ use ?~s.kes U~~ seca~~dr~ ~-~ ~ 1e~1 by ?~ht~ ",;' ' ani~ral a~' ?~~iF, krv.ur The mayor '~h~.~t r~~.?v~;s i~ ;i.s c . s~~~~ View c; n, ,~.n can~raller, a,nd b;r the lc~w~u~ can'~ral~ ~~r~ nr?t~roller o;~ the ma ~~"~~ i,11~,5'~~;r C ~ ~~p~ . ,~" ~ur,ren?~ ~.n ~~~,e ?~xi~phawe ca.rcu.a.~ts of ?~he k~v?uA newhati~ c, ~,er ~ Thy a e d, ~.?~ ~ Wea.~h?~ ~ coun'~ i.n~ an the bus bsr~; a.s only' 3C~U A, ti~ha.ch ~~i.Wl.aw ~~ enc~ . , c~.~~cu.~ ~o be seduced ?to 60~ k~? , '?~~re c~r~.'ve ~nc~..cannec?~~.n~ ~; ' ?~ex er~arms ~n a.mpar~an?~ :Cunctian a.n the 'i'he converter-exc. ~ ds the ~.r~l?~ermeda.~?~~ radar s,nr~ ~h.e lacnma~;~.ve a.r.>,s?~~,lls.~~.anr 1~ ~'ee U, l?~s c1x:~v~.n mo?~ar, also acrvc~s s.s s.n c ar>,~r of c ~.r cu.a.?~ ~ w~.?~h ~ ~.?~~ hs,sc convc~~^~er) ~'ar ~eedin~ the ~' ~rnawra~s.xy~conver?~er (s~~ . ^~.~ tease c~u^ren~9 s,nd also ~'ar s?~ar~~.n~ s,~.x~.l~.sx~' equi~men~, with ~~ ~ ~ , n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 mc~~ax ~~d ~~e~~~.~~ ~,~ xur~n~.x~~, w~a~ cQr~~x?~'l,~x ~~ ~~ ~Y~~ u~x~4 ~~~~~,~~.pn~ ~Yaa 1~~x~c~tlw~i~~~ ?~ ~LhQ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Tha G~~~t~t:l,oz~ a~' the ~.ntc?rniew~~ats roto~^ xoc~u;~r~as, ~c~x onpW faux pc~w~=~'~ a'I~ou~~ ~, ~~~ o~ the ~Ga~~a~ pawsx ~ovc~.opoc~~ ox 3~ I~W~ ~'ha aan?~x^ca~, ~fanc~x~;~?~rax dc~v~~.ops a msxamum a~' ~ I~1~ Tha ~o~~a~ ~^aw ~u~rer~ powax off' the rr~otax~ a~ tY1e xotatry co~~vextEr thus ~rmounta 'Lo alaaut ~~ Y~r~~ T.n ~,ts cs.ps.a~ty as a s;a~.~.t phasc~convo~^~~r, ~h~ -rrcators 'tY~at, dx:~ve the b~.awcrs, }aurrips (z~.r arrd wa~t,ex) arrd tl~e con vcr?t~r?xe;~ulatar of the ?~rs,rt?ive: fiarce; at start~.n~; the ~.nte;x~rue- `~a.~~?ter xatar, th.c sp~,~,t~phasewconvcrter when the auxa.].~.axy a~o?l~ora care turned of ~') dela.vGrs the third phase to the ~'au~~ sa rr ~7.e-phase tract~an mo~l~ars~ To ~rnprove the qualita.es of the motor as a splatMphase convc;rter, the tr:~~phas~; wa.nd:i.n~~ a~' a.t,~, st~~.tor, and a~.so the w~.nd~ a.na off' the star, are made Frith vcx1y x.ns].~ni.:~icsn?t ohma.c res~.st- anr;e and ].e~,ka~;e, T}~e mo~i;ar accard~.n~l.y possesses ~. ~vcr;~ ~.ncon~ sidcx~able starting tar~ueo ~~ar tl?r.~.s res,son a.?t mu,st :drat be brought up to the prGdeter~mined. ro+~ative sp~~~~d befare the ~.a~ad can be can nc~ cted up w~.th it o I~'or 'this purpo sc, the can?~ro~. generator :i.s used. as a starting motor, and ~. a provided wa~tlr a special. stax?~t~.n~,.; w:i.nd ].T1 a; ;~u.z~~ng the star~tin~~ period, ~th.i.s ~encr~ator ~.;~ operated as arr A , C, scr~.es rnator ~~rarn the 23~ V tap off' the tz^ans~"ormor second ar connect~.n~ up the s~tartin~ r~,sistsazce ~ TYIe entire starting Y~ pi^a ce; s?s srrd . the ~- ~w?~,o~r~,n~~s._.~.r,,r~~ ~ ~.~U i?~ aro e~'~'r c;tod, sutama?t ca1M . ~.,,. ~y bar 'the corresponda.n~ rel,a~s, . ~'he contro~.lex~ are- in mare ways similar to those ercrp~.o~ed. an l6 ~~6~cyc~.e sin~;le~ph7.se electx~.c ~.acamotives, ~.n additional eJ.e~ men?~ ~.s the starting lever b~ wh~.ch. ~~he converter-exc~.ter and the ~.ntrrme~ia?~e ra~o~~ a,ra started. 'the sta,rt~.n~ sever arrd the hand~? wl~,ee~. off" thc~ cc~n?~ra:~~.er ara sn in~tar~.ackerY as ~a m~ka erraneaus ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-0003980002001500 ~tir~,~oh~n~ ~mpas ~~,la~,e ~? ~and~,e p:f;' fi,}~a ~ryev'~a^ ae~' ~s ~aermane~l~^ at~aahed~ w~,~,al.e the Thy 1 :a ? tacYr~ble ~au~ anly when ~ha revo~uer ~s ~.n ~Lhe s~ax~in~S ~,ev~,x ~,s c~c n t~ s~.t~an wl~~.ch a~,a~.r~ :~s pcassa.ble ar~.y a.~' ter; s~a~EMs~a:i.tch m~.~~le pQ ~ r ~~ ~I ro" ~ A~te~ x~maval u~ the s'LF:~xt~.n~ levex, no man~.pulat~.a~~ is ~~ 7e , a~: thr~ reverser ar ~~l~~E hand wheel ere poss~,ble Tha ~.oconlat~ve ~s prcpr~red :Cor c1a~~y in the. ~ol~,owl,n~; ~~anxio~^~ ~1ftc;~^ the exT~sris .on sw7.tcr~, a.s ~~u~^ned one ?~~1c opex~a?tor p~.scc; -~~~,~~.rta.r~r~~ .ever ~i.n pos:it~.o~~~ ~. (to start the conv~artcr~e}~.ca.tc;r the 1~', ~ 'I.,l'1G rev~~rsax~ ~,nto pos,t~.on ~ (~'ox~warr~ t.r. s.vel } ~nr~ b~ 1 n~,, ~ en the x^ats,~a.ve speed a~' ~:,hc convar~r-;x~~exc:i.~,c;r ha~~ xes.ched ~~ ? ' he contra/ ~,enc:z~s,tar ~.~vc~s ~~hc rec~ua.rcd val~~a~;c, (wh~.ch ~ti~ rrla~a.mum, ~ ' ~ b ~~he voltmeter.) ~ a,nd sa.multw.r~eously the pampa ~tind the a.s ski own ~' converter x~e~~l~~to'x1 o~C the tz~arta.ve force axe a,etuated. e a cra~tor tlaen moves the staxtin~ levcx~ into pos~.t .on ~ Th P sts,rta.n~~ tlae interme~iat~ rotor}, '1'h:i.s ac-Lua'ces the relay carx~esw ( ~ ' to the car~tr?~.-panel '~s.nd cab ~,n ques~~ian s.nd cannects the po7~cl~.n~ ,, ~.~,tors a~' each of.' the ~~ol>x s~.n~;le~?p~~asE matars in wa.nd~.n~~ o~ t~~e s1~, r tr W~ to wa,nda.n~ 0~' tkic Statar a~' the canvExta:r"-eXClter. The ~~~ ~~~ ? , ^ r h~.rrtre;:lf a~' th,e e;~istence a~ the proper staxt~.n~ opera~~,a conv~.nce~. stitlt~.n r the ~'aur ammeters on the cantral pane. ~ Auer curx ant by can ?, ~v~; e,ssed the .spend a~' t~~,e tintermediate rotor reeches l ~ 5econ~s ha. p ~ ? ~ ~ " ue. The a era~Lar ms.kas sure a~ th~.s b~' the ammeter a.t ~ normal v a.l p ' ~ wl'a~.ch startC ?r~o recQde and tiro~as a.lmast to zEra~ po~.ntex , en maven tY~e sts.rt~.n~ lever ~.nta pasyt~.on ~ the opcra~1or tl~ d the~eb turns an the e~cits.tian relay.. Ater Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~~~ r0~a~~e thq ~~~~^~~;i,r~~; ;l.c~v~x ~,~ ~rQtu~9na~ b~~ ~~L~ ~~~~~r~~ ~o ?~1~~ r~Qxm~ ~~ ~~~.~~~An ~ ~~~. t~z? ~,c~aomotive ~,~ t~u~ ~l~oe~ ~~ a ~~~~?~~ A~ woxk~r~~,, lea ~ res.~l.rwoN~ ;Cor ~e~aa~~tur~ T1~~ apes, sto~^ tllciz t~^ns the r~~ndw~nc~~e;l, off' the c~axrtro~~.c~~, thx~au~~h ;1.800. ~h:~s sw~.tah~~s the ~'at~ ~ n~;],e~ph~se motors ov~~x ~"xom b~~,n~a ;Eed Uy the stator cad' tl~r~ ,Motor o~ tht+ oonvext~x~~-~~c~~,tox to ~~o~.n~ ;1,'oc~ ;~ro~~ the 8?~ Vwt~p o~ the trans:~ox~ricr scconc~~~.ry, Simu~.~~~n~ausl,y the ~'u~~~ try-~ahsse r~;~.o.ys sw tcl~ ora thc~ tx:~c,t~.an molars in ~aer~,es, ~,r~ ~~repa,r~;a by the k.v.u.; bcsa.des t1.~~.s, thc~ ~t~rta.n~; rplsy is also e:,rc,a.t~;cl,; at~cl ~s a result 'L1~e tr~otar that c~rivcs the ~r~~~a.wph~se li.aua,d xheost;~ts ~.s sw3.tchec~ over to the yoke off' tYsr ~~enc~rr~tar-rG~uti~tox '~~ a~' tractive f oxce ~ Tlxe :l~unctian off' the apc:rator a~'tcr a.s a.s raxir~aM rz.ly J.imited to han~~li.nt; the la.quid rheostats, ~'o;>.^ ~].~. atYrer a~,c.i1s,. ta.az~s are pex~'ormed ~Lttamet .c;a.l~.y. The aper~t~.n~ qual.~.tics o:~ ~~~ha.s l~,como~tr~.vc ~'a^am the ~?oa,nt a~ va.o~r o:E ecor~on~' off: o~a~;rat~,on axe ~raph,'~.r~1..~y shown by T~,b~.e l3 The clots, presented were obts,inec~ ~'rar~ 11~.ula.n~; test tra~..ns an '~'-rent sE~cta.aris off' the l~ollent~l Rs.a.lr~rsy, wha.ch. is ch~,,racter~.~ed r~i~~c b a ve da.~i"icl~~~.t track pro~'ile (,,~~~.des up to !~.~,~). They Shaw y ~ tl,as,'l, losscas in re~ule.t~.on (rheostat losses exceed (end a~L tl~a't; onl ver sli~h~tly} the powex ~;~ins 'ram :oeE;enerst.i.ve braka.n~ on1.y y ~' i:'ar the trs,ins wei~h~..n~ 1000 tans, while ~'or the other two cases the ~ .. sanaunt o:~" re~en~:rated. pat~rer exceeds the xheoste.~ losses. It is off' course abv~.ou~s that thy, redo .between these power to asr-..s ~.nc~ f]e..~.ns would be cl~.f,~erent ~a1^ c~~.~'i'erent train we~.~hts ~,nd apers.ta.n;; re~;~.mes.. The canclusa.an rn~y be r~z^awn Pramthe tab~.es i,b.et th~.s lacomota.ve ~.s not ~.r~'~r~.ar, in ecanan~r off' apes^ct~.or~, to one re~u`ls.tecl without s, ~heastats Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ;~~; ]? 3 T L;-ten t-ra? n in , ,t. k~;~~ s ~i t7 ~.. -. - - ot~- ~~~~?~ t? cn ~'.,c.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 brae-n~ ~ cr Tractiv .~ ~ ~. tie Mme of ~,~ e g S ;' P. in ~:ns ~Ce cs ,as~~1, ti_on ~c_ Gpera s ~i~~'arerce ' orb; bet- ~~ ~~ ~ ~~r- ~r.ee z Qj? ^~.~. C~:^ a~_ r2~~.QTI Ce ~-~- eratiar~ xccel 4 eration ~cel ion 1 e~. at ~1cce- er~.t~ on ~ecel er~.t~.on ccel n ~ ?x'2 t~ on ~~ce -, ,_ .can tra-n CuG t pPY'a.t1~: e r ,. lov_ ~,ege- -~~~eos ~,~.t .~+ 4 ~ ~ n 1t'~'yv ,r_ brat_ins 1` ceS ~ ?"'i ~~ ~t~j L 1i.2 1a.8 i6,1 I rieraz~=~e ~~e~e r~ .'~ ~in~:~~~ b~ a~.a~, :~~cn 2~~ s ~n ,~~ ~.csse ~re,~ Fi.2 ?.3 6.3 2~.I 9.D Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~'he ~'un~;aM~achan system e:l.e:ctric J.ocomative also has its Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~n Garap~x~~.~an. to the sir~~,~-phas?w~r~-phaa~ ~~~~~~~mn loaaM mo~~~,vo wh~.ch has ~aQ~ rncr~t~.on~d by us ~.ra ita p~~apaa~ ~1aoo, ~upra,~ ~~he l~l~~~aw-`~al~Arfl e~.ea~~~~a ~~ocorno~~,v~ ~a ~. more. s~p~a m~cl~ir~e, Jr'or ~it ~.~ol~s the spcc~i,Al end ~~i~~a,;~, oornp].~.ca~ed p~la,~~e-canvers~,an ~.n- sta~.~ra~t,l.an, and ~~~~ tra,ct:~.on matcars are no~~-oammutat~,n~~ NJareove;r, :I.~ a~,so J1a 7 thca advam~a~~7e aver ~~k~e s~.n~~~-~ah~tso ~.ocornat~,ve wa.tl~ r;ommu~~ator motors aJ?' narmm~. or ~^t~duced i'rer~,uency, in that; canrnrut~~.~:,ion di.J"~'icu:l.t~res are absent; there is a rad~.ca:l. ~a+?~7.uti.an of tl?~r problGrn o;~ a.mprov~.np~ tho power ~;'a.ctor; tJ~e r~a~l~a~^s ~~re a,utama~tica~,iy sw~.tc:hed over to opw:r~a?~e gas ~;cner~~tors, or v~.ce versa., a,a1d this .i.n turn reduces the wear orl the t~.res, rec~uccs rL?J~te: net conswnr~tian a~' e~ner~y (sa.nca pawc~r is re~;~;nea~atcd by bra~t~ in~;~, reduces tr a, r~~inixmtr~ the d;ynaa~nic a.ctior~ on the raadb~;d); the rian~er oz~ shorn ca.rcui:.ts is e~.a.n~ia.natod and thc,reby the re:~~.a.bil~:ty of ~.ocomotivc: o~!eration x.s a.nr.;rea.,5ed; ~~he ,5hurlt cl~arac~l.c~ris~~~ic a:E' thr rt~otors rna~:es it poss~.b1.c to a~srsnd ;~;r~ades a~~ hi~he,r speeds; :~'~rui,ts, l~,tawovar, the most su:bstan~Lia:l off:' ~~ht:~se a.re s the camp:lica.tcd das~.~r~ o!' the motor, main~.y on account ?~' the presence af' the intcrmodic~te rotor; i~L takes a re~.ata.vel.y ~.on~ time ~~o revorse the sir~~~.e~phasE motors, 'his i.s c~,usEd by the :Ca:ct .~ha.~ the; da:~^ect~,.or~ off' rotation o:C tae; worl~.i.n~ rotor depends an thai; oi' the a.nterm~d~.s.tc rotor^, sand thr/re~'ox~e this must First b~ brought 'ram a.~ts r-~ax7.m~un off' ~OUO r,,''p,?m~ do~~n-~~u~ taro anri then brr~u~~ht up a~Ta,in to the max~.mlun Cin the apposite sense, which ta.ke;s about >~J soc;an.ds, and sa w1.~en the operator cha:n~es over to tl~e con- tra. position in the athc~r cab it ta.k~s ~.*,~ to 2 minutes, 'the Limo ~. ,... ,._i. ,: a, i. :. ~,.. .1 ....E I. ~, ~ /_, ,. ~ ., ~.. ..: ,,. ~ ,:r. y~,!. i . .t "r ,. i 1.,: t :,.. Y ~ ,, ,:. ;:,, .. ~. ~ ,: . ,: , G: Gr. u ,, .. ~i~ ..,, ., ~ ,,,. ....: r=...... ti. i .i.na... ,r k 4 : ~:~ :~:. ,.....x,. .,.. .Ly.~ r.:, .,r dG~d~ ,1 1 .,i. 1. ..... ~,. .a i... .,, ~, ~ .,. .~...i ., f r~l;. 1 .1 t. f (. R.. k 4 .~I.. vra. .,,. ,., ,ii..,, 4- ..,., , .. :. .1. .. ! .. ~. ~,, r., f... .. :, .. ~, .:., i~. 1. .:.,.:. .. f i::;.:~ ... E l t.. ...~ 1. l lY ~.u l'( ~.a~a.t~t" i:,,,,~:_....i,_. ._ ,~:,,r,~,s,..r.,...wve xeines Deutsche e,~ur~ (Journs.l of the German ~n~~.neers' Association), no? l0, 1930? ~~~ irect-drive Diesel locomotive?" Monatsschrift 2? Schrader. the d at? Eisenbahn Kon r~e~Verein~~ (Tnterna ~.onw ,;`" der intern ~.....~... ~- ~~;.,. :~~~. ;~~ ' onthly) No? ~, 1938? ~, k~a~awaY Congress Assaciat~.an M ~~ ~~~=fir - ~~f ~ ~w~ ~.~ n eta,. "The direct?drive Diesel locomot~.ve." YkN, 3 ? Arnold La. ~ '~~;f, arch number),3d3? Annex to Farschun en Farschungsheft (Bess --~_--= a,;7~, ~..~..~.~..~.- ~tesearches in the die ~ti auk dem Gebiete der In~ena.eurwesPn (~ ~~ '+ rin Ausgabe (Edition) D, val. ~~ no? 6! ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ o~ Dng~.nee g) ~ ~~d ~~ NovemberwDecernber, 1933? ~, z ~~ ro ress and prospects o~ Diesel locomotive ,_,.~ ial re~'erence to the Diesel~compre5~? constructa.on with spec omotive." ~,eitschrift des Vere~?nes der sed air loc ,,~.......~ eutschen ~n enieu~re, No? ?9, 1932' ~ ~ ~~ n n Diesel lacomativ~s, with sped-al reference ~o ~. k~. Hardman. 0 ,. . ental r~su~,ts an the DieselMcompr~ssed~air the experim . serNAnrialen, vol~r 109, No? a.~., 193~.~ locomot~.ve a Gas Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 ~~`~ ~,~~~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/30 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200150012-1 '~~ie~~~. Locomo~~ve We~~h~t ~eductian~" ~~~ T~a~.~.w~ Trao~~.o, nt, Noy 1~1~, ~.9~~~ Fvx Part Seven 1. "Prapo~ed GaeMTurb~.n? Road Locvmvtivs~" Railwa ~,, ? Apx~~. x91~5~ ?, ~ P~u~. R. Sidlar~ 'Gas-~Turb:tna Locvmo~ive with elec~x~.ca~, ~rans- m~.sgion~" Mechanical en~nee?~ rte, Noy 1~, 19130 3, Advlf Meyor. n~~'~le first gas-turbine locomotive?" '~h,e,,,, ~'~ 2~ Decembor 191~2~ 1~,. "Th? cvn~inuous combustion Gas~tuxbine~" Da.esel Railwa, r '' `~',' fraction, nog ;1,31, 1913? d'p4! '" acomotives f yr today and tomorxow." Railwa Ate, l3 April ~r 5 ~ L 1916 ~~' ~ ti?~~~ 6. "Gas-turbine locomotivese't railway Mechanical En ineer, No. l2, ~~;~ ~;~ ~., '~~~'~ ~? y ';,'r. 913 ~ ~~