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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 1Ieteoroios i and }Iydro1O y, ISSUC NO Li. (SI~;Cember 1950) 1'4otcoroiog;iya i Gidro:Logiya, No Li,, pages i-y6a Leningrad: December x.950. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 'METEOROLOGY AND GIDROMETLOIZDAT 190 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 MAIN ADMINISTRATION OF THIHDROMETEOROLOGICAL SERVICE ATTAC}IED TO THE COUNCIL OIL MINISTERS USSR METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY Monthly Scientific - `technical Journal No L December 1950 HYDRONCETEOR0LOGICAL PUBLISHING HOUSE LENINGRAD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 K. EDITORIAL BOARD Kashin (Chairman) S. Yu. Pelinkov, N. A. Pelinskiy, I. Gayvoronskiy, V. I. Yefremychev, G. 1). lubyan, yu. V. Istoshin, G. P. Kaiint-n, M. S. Kulik, G. I. Morskoy, Kh. P. Pogosyan, V. M. Sklyarov Editorial Offices; Moscow, POl4 u1. Gor'kogo, d. 18a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABLII OF CONT NTS; (page no. here) 1. ll\f ? ]'i. Karazin, 1lrnirient Ru&~siat~ Met~orologisttl iII I. 13udyka? 2. tt~.~n the Subject and Airrts oi' Af;ricuitural Metooroiofylt M. S. Kulik. :L6-23? 34 ttOceanofraphic Operations in the USSR Durgin ; to Last 30 Year slr V. A. Lednev and L. F. i~udovits. 2i.33. lI , ttT11e ;3ett i ng-up of Experimental Research in Flow C ~a :i.oz~srt Ye. G. Popov- 31~4~6. ttcha igo in the fix^ection of Air i4ass Trrins:fer in the Troposphere With the Change oi' 1~atural S rnoptic Periodstt A. L. Kats. 1.I?~-65? 6. t1The Relation J3etween Relative 1lurnidity and the Difference ]3et~Teen Temperature anc3. Dew Point" Yc. I. God.;;oieva and Ye. N. Pobryst?&in. 66-72 7, n~rtificial Climate Laboratoriestt S. L. B stamov, 1;;, M. Topolmni.tsiciy end i'a. P. Fomin? 73-81. 8. ttA Technique for Calculation of Advectional Changes of Temperature Using Pilot-Balloon Observation Datatt S. S. Klyucharev. 82-Ba. ). "The iuestion of the Pole of I Shields t in the Determination of Precipitation" I. T. ]3artishvili. 89.95. 10. t+ ;o aholog:ical Characteristics of_R_iverst+ Z. A. Gri.nberg. 96-IOZ~. 11. tiVertici 1+orbce Effects of an Ice i i.elcl on Hydraulic Engineering Str !.cturestt Yu. N. iTeronov. 105-111..x. 12. ttFirst Conference on ;Marine Geologru A cony nous, ll~ l2O. 13. ttfiseussion of A. A. :Borisov' s 13001 'Climatology in the Main Geophysical Observatory irneni A. I. Voyekovt a T. Pokrovskaya, 120-122. 1L. ttT'he Discussion of the Training Manual + The Forecasting of Marine Hydrological Characteristics (A Manuscript by K. I. Kudryava) t at the Council of The Central Forecasting Instututett I.V. Ivanov. 123-12S. 1 ~, ttCritic s]rt and Bibliography: N. A. Belinskiy+ s i nual t i11arine Hycirometeorological Information and Forecasts1 a Ye. G. Popov. i26-?131. 16. ttInformati.on for. Authors" l32-131. 17. Ilr[able of Conten.tstt 135-137. -END Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 V? N , 'MTN;ENT* RUSSIAN METEOROLOGIST M. I. Rudyko he incompleteness of research in 'the history of our native meteorology sometimes leads one to the incorrect conclusion V. Lomonosov up to the establishment of that from the death of M th.e work of the Main physical Observatory there were no great m?teorologists in Russia. The complete inaccuracy of such a notion becomes apparent . upon acquaintance with the notable meteorological works of Vasiliy Karaz 1773 - 18L2), who, one must believe, is not ~.n ( the only forgotten or inadequately appreciated Russian eeoz?ologist of the end of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century. In contemporary works on our native meteorology only one azin's meteorological works is mentioned. (the :first) of. V. N. Kar To .a.t a few lines are usually allotted, which do not reveal its enormous significance for the history of Russian meteorology and are not free from factual inaccuracies. No indication of Karazin~s other extremely important meteorological investigations is found in these works, nor is any mention made of Karazinrs years-long struggle with the stagnancy of the government circles of that time . network of meteorological stations and central for the creation of a meteorological institutes in Russia. V? N. Karazin was rather well known as a social worker in the beginning of the nineteenth century. T f ,~ i utp7,~ ., n itV although his political Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 opinions were in~onsiStent anc~ dial not in generai go beyond the bounds of moderate aristocratic liberalism, Karazin came forth more than once with what were for his time extremely courageous criticisms of the many reactionary aspects of the serfdom system and thus provoked a whole series of repressions on the part of the government. During the whole latter half of his life he systematic- ally exposed himself to arrest and exile. He spent several years in banishment on his own estate and in 1820, being suspected of inciting an insurrection of the Semenovskiy regiment, he spent nearly six months imprisoned in Shlissel'burg fortress. For the last twenty years and more of his life Karazin was forbidden entry to Petersburg. Karazin'S contributions toward enligh.ennent are deserving of mention; on his initiative, in particular, the first university in the -south of Russia was founded (in Kharkov, 1805)KaraZin's services in the creation of the university were subsequently recog- nized by the erection of a monument to him near the university building. It is also fitting to mention Karazin's organization of instructive societies in the Ukraine, in particular a philotechnical society established for the improvement of scientific methods of agriculture and industry in the Ukraine. The activity of this society had to some degree a democratic character; its meetings were sometimes attended by peasants, which was very unusual for that time. Karazin's scientific activities developed for the most part after 180L~, when he retired and moved to his estate in the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Ukraine, where he established a meteorological station, laboratory and experimental field, Karazi.n's scientific interests were extra- ordinarily versatile. Not touching upon his works in the field of the humanities, one may indicate Karazin's research into such diverse subjects as meteorology, chem:lstry, geography, agronomy, processing of agricultural products, forestry, and various fields of technics. All these works of Karazin were characterized by a distinctly marked applied direction and an immediate relation to the working out of one or another practical probm -~ "pure" science little interested Karazin. The great significance Karazin attached to the close connection of theoretical research with the solution of practical proJ1erns is evident in his "Not so much theories, but rather their successful application in practice, makes an epoch in the history of people and of science," The first result of Karazin's scientific work in the field of meteorology was a small but extraordinarily comprehensive paper, delivered on l March. 1810, to a Moscow society of naturalists, (First printed .n French in Khar' kov, 1812. First translated in "Syn 0techestva", 1817, mo XLIX. For citations below of this and subsequent works, see V. N. Karazin; Works, Letters and Papers. Kharkov, 1910.) In this paper a whole series of considerations which are of enormous interest for the history of our native meteorology were presentede Let us note, first of. all, that in his speech Karazin indicated the possibility of human knowledge of the causes of atmospheric processes, declaring that "it cannot be that the causes of the changes Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 in our atmosphere are hidden". This attitude is, at f'irs't glance, at variance with the d'~'on set forth by Ka~~azin in another part ~.v~.~a, of the paper of the causes of atmospheric processes into "first causes", of divine origin, and "secondary causes", knowable by man. seeming contradiction. Such a division, which This is, however, only a the works of the 18th century French materialists, was in common usage in was often used as a guard aga.~ 'nst the charge, very dangerous at that time, aatheism. That Karazin, although he resorted in this case to of "first causes", in fact completely denied the the stipulation influence of unknowable "divine" factors in the possibility of the changes of the weather, is disti.n.ctly proven in the discussion of his second meteorolog work, which will be mentioned below. Karazin further expressed the conviction that, foreseeing the development of atmospheric processes, man might "came to know methods of directing them to his own use and. of averting the damage they might doe" This attitude is directly related to the thoughts erring g the enormous future practical significance Karazin expressed cane of meteorology +'r'here is no need for me...," wrote Karazin, "to prove the t usefulness meteorology would have were it brought into regulation. off The science which, guiding the farmer in his labors, would ward guiding the failure of his crops, the Science which. so e\~ dently would his of commerce, navigation and the art of war; the mote the development science which, finally, would have the power to indicate the time when one -mustexpect meagre harvests of the earth's vegetation and takemeasux e, a.fnotfor the prevention of their insufficiency, then r ..,~ at least for the. aversion. of famine -?- such a science demands no wordy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 praise''. These considerations of Karazint $ had become essentially forgotten by the time of M. V. Lomonosov's brilliant thoughts on this question. However, Karazirl clearly understood that the level of the rfreteorology of his time was corpletcly inadequate for the solution of the existing important practical problems. The general evaluation of the state of meteorology in the beginning of the 19th century which he gives in the introductory part of the paper reads; "In spite of the rapid progress of the natural sciences in our century, one of the divisions of physics r emairis to this day in almost the same form as it hiad in the days of the aristotelians. This is meteorology. True, many studies have been concerned with it... But up to now there is not one work on this subject frora which one might derive positive and direct benefit," In conn.ectIon with this, Karazin formulated the chief aim of his paper as follows. In order that meteorology might rase to the position of a science of practical value and "might attain... to the degree of an exact science, certain procedures are necessary, tr:ie designation of these constitutes the chief subject of my present notes". After that Karazin indicated the only path possible in that time toward the transformation of meteorology into a genuine science __ the creation of a network of meteorological stations making systematic observations over extensive territories, and the study of the materials of these observations. Karazin expressed these considerations in the following. manner; is essential, unite our forces. All partial observations, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 even if they are made by the most sc.enta.and ta.reless pegpia, will only, perhaps, ~.ncrea~e will lead to no x~esul.ts wha~t~ever; they a ew enlightened ideas, awaken our the mass of our knawledge by wit ~ na in.ations to construct. va,r~.o~ts w y cuz1a.osa.ty and cause our ' ~.~g h otheses but they w us data f oz^ the derivation of will not give Yp exact rU I. es. head beTlef:~'bting from constant In astronomy we are a1 y Ma one not wish that dust such and timely observations ? Y observations might be the lot of meteorol.agy as well.? And what resources for that as our fatherland? cau.n.try? ? ?presents so many yea "Tie exparse of Russia, ; occupying nearly with district colleges located at inhabited surface of the globe, .a to ~'flis and ...from Libava, to - its various paints, from Kola aLlthor~.ty e subordination of these coll.ege4 to on Ni.zhneka~nrhatsk, the d have physics]. in.strLUnents at the yes onsibility that they should and th p tY1e~. sults for constantly and 'r disposal -- all this promises happy re udiciausly produced. observations" . that this last thought. of xar'aLin, s .... It is interesting to ..note r of Russia for rne~~~eoL^M cancerrling the particular advantage o rl.ral research -- was repeated many years later by A.:[. Voyeykav of g assa e of. "Climates of the Glcb e" ? in a, well known p g a series of deliberati0r1s concerning Ylen Karaza.rl gave ~ l o ;/.cal. work of a network. of meteoro rinca.pJ:es of organization of the p stations, pointing out that these observations _must eliminate "the and ~.naccuracys' of the then. existing disconnectedness, scantiness : considered it servatior? For thie purpose Karazin cons:i materials of ob Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ndaxda,~atioY~ of observational tables essential to e~~'ec~ the sta r bars una.foxm~.y' compiled") and to carry ~.onal tables eve y~ to (I~obse7^vat the networlcp Kara~a.n proposed ~ au.t a systematic i,Y~spect:i.or1 0 ial.s of ic processa,nand study of the mater centralise the sc~.entif ~ of ob~;e~^vata.arl, creating for this purpose an appoa.nted t'Societ~ " w~~~ich took more ds{'ina to faa~~t after SCiCTl'tistatt ? This, Zn' s time, was a,pparerl'tl,y 'the first thaught of the creation of Kara entific~resear'ch institute in Russia. a meteox^olo~; scx. ' also made several remarks concerning In his paper Karazs.n risible ways to develop scientific metearoloythrough the use of p a;l network observations. Some of these the materials of rneteorolag.~c the worthy of mention are the considerations of' remarks which are the weights for comparing the directions of the wino and necessity fo of the air (i.eA, pressures) at various Mimes of the year and various pa:~il comparing the periodic with ' nts of the globe, of the necessity for cop Cher of the possibility of the non-pe~riod~.c changes of wea , the ossibility of using; nlacal the action of the sung s rays, of p f.a1.k sign, in add.~.t~.ari to confarrnities indi,cata.ans" based on . in the forcGasting of weather. to physical laws, Karazin believed that on the basis of such research we shall ' not subject to doubt, which will offer arrive at a theory which ~.s not us the possibility of predicting the weather at a given time of year and for the whole year in advance in. a given place". Certain of the deliberations expressed by KaraLin in his 1~1Q paper subsequently received further development in his later utterances. is the of Karazin' s of very great interest, in, human directing atmospheric processes for idea of tithe -possibility of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA RDP82-00039R000200040023 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 benefit" in his letter of 9 April 181 to Count Arakcheyev, where Kar a~ rote "will man someday attain to the possa.bil?ty of ~.n w , arranging, at least to some extent, the state of the atmosphere, of bringing forth rain and fine weather at wall? You are so enlightened, bringing ~ oz dear sir, that you will not begin to laugh at a suggestion so impudent as this... The limits of the sciences, and especially of natural. science, may y by no means be defined. Human reason moves continuously forward in, spite of all obstacles". (V, N. Karazin. Works, Letters s and Papers. Kharkov, 1910.) Karazin's naive assumption of Count Arakcheyev'S "enlightenment'- was not justified w- Arakcheyev dial subsequently deride Karazin's id.eas about the possibility of artificial alteration o{' the weather. (Biographies of Karazin mention Arakcbeyevt s mocking reply to the petition of the peasants of his Ukrainian estate for help in connection with a. drought and crop failure. "It is strange that you are starving when at your side lives a sorcerer who calls down rain, and thunder from the heavens when he washes -- address yourselves to him".) This letter of Karazin's remains, however, an extraordinarily valuable document in the history of our native meteorology, as the first statement of the possibility of active human influence upon atrnospheri.c processes Another important thought in Karazin' s paper -- concerning creation of a central scientific meteorological institute in the N.uaCss -- took on a more distinct form in his notes of 1818 "On the i Pasibility of Applying the Electric Power of the Upper Layers of s the Atmosphere to Human Needs". In these notes (which will be dis- cussed in more detail below) Karazin wrote of the necessity "to provide scientific and educational 1n5titu.tions,,.~d ~h uniform . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ument$. ,ancl,in them teachers or supeXVisors. meteoscapa.c a.ns tr kixir observata.ons according to liven the respansaba.~.i.ty of ma ~, handed dawn to then/ and acting in subordination in this capaca.tY to ~~ might be caa.~.~ad, The Mate Met, such a sciscientific group as Committee". ' In the same nats the a.dea of the desirability of arganazir~g c hi g atmospheric el.ectrici.ty with network observat~.ons of ha.g of . y ns was expressed.. This was one of the f' ~rst the aid of captive balloa proposals that network aerological. observations should be made. uatian of the real significance of Karazin' s For a correct eval a scientii'i.c meteorology it should ideas concerning ways of creating O, s in not a single country did a network be mentioned that in the 181 ' sexist and in the past there had been only of mateorolo~;ical station , arativel.y transitory attempts at organization of ..separate and camp network metearol?~; observations, which, as it seemed to many official science of the times gave na results representatives of the the academician Fuss on. Ka^aza.n's ].8i8 whatever (sae the opinion of an not a single country were there any meteor- notes). Similarly, se ears and the very idea of creating su.c1~,. olagical institutes in th.o y ~ an institute for the development of methods of weather forecasting would have seemed extremely audacious. Also consa.derabl.y ahead of his time were many of Karazin's ' al deli.ber atians on the possible directions of meteorolag;ic research and an the practical significance of "rrleteoralogy, brought into xegulat10n". and up to the end of his life, that is Beginning in 1810 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 t i_? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 through the couxse a,f more than th~.~ , ,^ ty years, Kara2a,n Persistently Strove ;far the re~tla.~a't~.on of has me~ teQrolaga.cs.l prQjeGts, rEpeatedl turning fox this purpose to y Alexander T and various in.f].ue ntiaj. persons of that. time, but all his efforts in this connectaan graved to be futile, In this case the ,. ~.. ~ ~ s of the ~overnmenta,l circles eVidently united with the ~avs'rrnnent ~ s unfriendly attic toward ifaraza.n, who systematically exposed himlf to repressions for political reasons All this c ertainly, made Karaz3.n rs extraordinarily difficu].?t, The uingle instance lcnown to us of s cientifa.c discussion of harazjnts meteorol.o~ical projects dates from 118 when the academician Fuss was commissioner,/, by Alexander x to examine their content,. In relation to the scheme for the creation l of' a network of meteorolo' stations and a 'r State Meteorological Contrnatt Fuss declared that metsoroLogY, .very l~.keL~ t Y, never would attain to the status science, in cansec~uE,nce of of a which Karazj.n-s ,theme appeared to useless, ~ be ~h~s canclusion, characteris.k,ic af the scornful and hostile attitude of the "German pa.rtyt- in the Academy toward Russian scientists was ap.p?.~aved b a , Y conference of the Academy of Sciences um on 27 July LoI~U Karazin wrote bitterly to Count .Senkendori' that the idea he had expressed 30 years before concerning the organization of meteorol.o~,ical stations in Russia ''...was considered suspect, cancealing some evil ~f..n. paln_~caL intent, They rejected it know, and have me not even a word , You in answero In return for that urgent papEr,,,they made the acid ' emj.cjans write a, sort of mockery unwarthY of me". In this same year ar ' K' az~.n learned from gupfer of the preparations which were Underway for the arganization of a w 10 ti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 toral.aga.' cal. service and was able 'to write to Benkendorf (23 mee , alluding to Kupfer t s communication; ttMy scheme October 1.8I~.O), was no follya for now it is being carried out...". razin did not manage to live until the opening However, Ka of the Main Geophysical Observatory and the network of stations in Russia -w he died in 182, seven years before the realization of his ideas. The second of Karazin's works, which is devoted to a considerable degree to meteorological. questions w."On the Importance of Forestry, Especially for Russia", printed in 1817 'ch. KCV, 1817. resents very great interest. (Vestnik Evropy", p his article was printed simultaneously in "Dukli zhurnalov", in 1' Syn Otechestva" and in "Kazanskiye izvestiya".) t~ This work is one of the first attempts in world. literature at scienta.fa.c. analysis of the influence of forests on climate, under- taken in order to establish the possibility of melioration of the climate through forestry measures. ;Side by side with certain thoughts which are erroneous from a modern point of view, Karazi&s deliberations on the possible forms o I', influence of forests on climate include a v o1e series of postulates which have been completely confirmed by the subsequent evolution of science To this s group of postulates belongs, first of all, the idea . direct effect of forests on the transformation of air masses of the ( forests are directly blown away by shifts in the air, and in turn produce them"). Karazin's beliefs that the forests "by their ations moderate the temperature of the air", feed the sources exhal of rivers and store up moisture in the soil, lessening t he effect 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 of the a ttarth-parching wands" are altogether correct? Similarly e correct are the ideas that the influence of forests retards the melting of snow and allays flooding, and that the planting of forests on riverbanks reduces erosion. This article of Karazif'S concludes with a sharp protest against Buffont hypothesis attributing climatic variation to the a cooling-off of the globe, followed by an appeal for conservation ' the remaining forests in the south of Russia and for the oi. cultivation of forest piantings~ In Karazin's later appearances in print he continued to propagandize the idea of forest cultivation in the southern rayons of Russia on his own estate he created a system of field-protective it is altogether understandable that under his forest belts. However, in the Russia of the beginning of the 19th the conditions rr eva:t.ling century, initiative could have no great practical conse- quences. Soon after the publication of Karazints article, an anonymous author printed a critique (it was called "A Letter from Saint the Author of the Discourse on the Importance of Petersburg to Forestry, Especially for Russia"), in which he sharply polemized against I4arazin and argued that, in the first place, it was impossible to struggle against the annihilation of the forests, since their destruction was an. inevitable consequence of the growth of population and, second place, that the changes in climate which were in the being observed in that time were not connected with the effect of the fell esi.s, but were of supernatural origin and presaged felling of fox l2 l2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 tnee to the correct1eSs end. the wo~'1dW In W to a. acCgrd~n the approach o the r .ta:c the tatter ;idea, 'thA c cited rof the GoSP q N athew o as undpubtsdlY character- ' , s ob je c?ta,on itiC mous cx The anany se m~~n't s ?~ the rula..n~ .n. of a cans~.derable ~ schau ~ , onism of po~.itical ' t:l:c othe Weltan u a ca,rCles of thak, time, in which extreme reaCta. vIe .rp1Y hasti~.e attitude stiCis~l and a sl~a ws was cgml7ined mY It may be ment~.oned Ce q meat o C the natural SCieT1 5. ~tgward the level p that in appro gverY~mental policy in the sphere of educat:~~?~ma,tely these same yeaz.s , ? a.n the acti~~ ?o n mani~'estin~~ itsel:~ ~ which was '~ Ma~nitsk~.Y~ led s obscu~'antists ~~un~-ch and ities of the famou versifies. The a ;series of hessian u:ni , which Karaz~.n the actual crushing of to ~ e with herefog"e, IS the c ourag more no~~eworthy, .t ob?ens. answered this critic, re,Cuting his Cra-tic, - , nswer to his r note ~~? Karaztin s A In his rep~.,icata y ~ inion con.,. azin disagreed with the op vestnik, 1~1~) Kar ion of the ~'or6sts, and ~kr a~ i~n~ Y of tie annihila~' ern7r.1~ the inevitability Sider anar~a].ous weather c ct to people who con phenOma then declared with respe entous entous ?~ the apprgsupernatural and port as supernatural a of the world, as ollows; ...A panic Lear, which they themselves some not e dace, a dry in anot~rs . , , a wet sununer in ?n place e or too early spread:, some to? ~?' tie> phenomena on ate, altogether usual fro Dear srsb" the most suf f~icient omens. sts seem to ~~,hem C elVe~ a little way ? f1ther exCiauned, please remove Yo~urs ok rota history. Karaz~.n m the present time and that of our fathers. and o fro fro Was it so?" l3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 arazin enumerated. a series of unusual f'ioods, droughts, The frosts and earthquakes which had been mentioned in. chronicie$ and and concluded "Read, dear sirs, read other' historical ,sources, history and compose yourse1veSt to, apart from the interest which it presents as ~'ha.s debate, are illumination ' 'ti.ons in which Karazin had to propagandize of the ' ronda. his eoro1aga.ca1 ideas, also has some significance as an additional met proof that, iarazin disclaimed the possibility af' explaining not only r , the usual changes of weather, but also anomalous and extremely rare u,~u elemental phenomena, in terms of supernatural. causes In the year following the publication of the work On the Importance of 1orestrYT' 1cara in composed he notes "On the poss:i.bility of Applying 'the Electric Power of the Upper Layers of the Atmaspheret' ` ( first printed in t,Russkaf a Starina"s 1873), already cited above. In relation to this work it may be mentioned that, in spite fact that some of its statements prove to be erroneous from of the the modern point of view, many of the ideas contained in it present erable interest for th.e history of science. The idea, extraM con.sid ordinarily daring for the beginning of the 19th century, of the .., parsibility of practical utilizati.on o.' atmospheric electrical energy, s draw especial attention. Although, as we know, the invention of the dynamo made it possible later on to find other convenielt ways of obtaining quantities of electrical energy, it is nonetheless large necessa at Karazin's idea proved to be correct and that ~~~y to ; note that at thepresent time there are installations which utilize discharges of atmospheric electricity for applied purposes. 11 y i,:~.2i ~i~ to )rq~S ,'~i'k lyy,,, ~ ii ~2 i rJ i)} ~ rtd-'i; ~P `C;~i lhS,~( ~,x~~.; . i~~V;ds ~1YtiF,~,':5~i~~iag.cif{~~ru:'>,if,f4'f:i~'S1(a[')J"y~1'q~i'~""ti~9 ~~4~) ~i ix yl~~Si it ;;i.. i.'~,i ~ ~saihis'~~,,~~!?Ili~j41w.~Li~plr,i;,~F.~~h.,~~Ut~q},.hJ,,..!?~4i ~11v~.~. ~11~51~i~,0~9rti~,!lN4t+{(:~7~1.',~d~lliY4r?'~iP~:+r'li'.1.Y'.~l~iisita".~~,,(11 L}?.n.: uP': Y: ~~,vZ.,i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cor v Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Consi,ler*ab1y less interest, in comparison with the three artic],es of Karazi.nt s which have been enumerated, is presented by three small article; on meteorology which he wrote in later years r "3omething Pertaining to Meteorology" (Sn Otech~estva", cho CXVIII, 1829), "On the Probable Cause of the General Change of Temperature" (Zhurnal mina sterstva,narroclnovorvpnrosveshchena ach. xVi, 1837), and t'Information Concerning Weather Presages" (KhYar t vedomost ", No 12 1839). kovskiye vubiernsk ye , rfhe establishment of the network of meteorological stations and the central scientific meteorological institute in Russia in the middle of the 19th century, which served. as an example for other countries of the world, was considerably facilitated by Karazints many-,yearst propaganda of his meteorological ideas. The rapid development of scientific meteorology in, the second half of the 19th century, which is connected in the closest way with the accumulation of the material of systematic network observations, is therefore much indebted to the service of the eminent Russian meteor- ologist, V. N. Karazin. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 oN THE SUBJECT AND AIN13 OF AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY rr- _ .?w.++.ww' n...w...r.., M. S. Kulik The dense network ometeorological and apronmeteoroiogical stations and observatories organized in the Soviet Union were strengthened yearly with properly qualified cadres and were equipped with instruments and means of communication. This made it possible to start as early as 1942 the first systematic operative agro- meteorologica:L service to agriculture in history, Agrometeor- ologists were presented with the opportunity of conducting series of profound research projects, on which basis works which have received high appreciation were createdm The results of this research became a scientific basis for the practical action of operative workers, and the results of the regular mass agrometeorological observations became the rich source of materials for scientific generalization which we have available todaye However, the achievements of agricultural meteorology represent only a small part of than which a planned socialist agriculture demands of itm One of the causes of the failure of agricultural meteorology to keep abreast of the growing demands of agriculture is the under- estimation on the part of agrarneteorologists of the importance of certain theoretical problems without whose solution the normal course of development of agricultural meteorology is hampered. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 LI! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 i- ? , thecax y becomes aimless if it is out of touch with ? as xaC t~,ce 1aecornes blind if ~.'b revo:~u~.onary practice, p~^ p does not illuminate a.'?ta path with z,evo1utionary theory", I. V. Stalin teaches, (x?V? Stalin. Wog^k,s a vo;l. ? 6, pages 88 "' 89w) ' ? ~ however, as a result of the fact ~arig us, the agrometeoz olog~.s ta, theoretical prob:leras is not always properly that the wo:rk:~ng out of ?~ therto exists no generally accepted opinion appreciated, there hi e xee of independence of a~;ra.cultuz^a]. meteax- concerriing either the d ~ of its research, or methods of researcrl. This ology, or the oblec~; of a. in turn hampers the Solution of its. practical problems. All this, r bstacle to the practical activity of naturally, serve) as an a grometeorologists, especially in :the planning of scien~t,ific"research a uaranteeing the improveraent of the agrometeor~ works and me asure s g of educational pragraals, 'tex?tbooks, ing o ological service, in the design ? has been published either in the join^nal.s e?tc. No~thinG~ regarding this or in the scient~. ,~,.!.ic transactions of the institutions of the vice if one does not count F. F. Bavitaya's hydrometE0rolog~.ca1 scr , article, ~'The Direction and Methods of soviet Agrometeorology? d no response in the published pages of he But even it elicited . logical service, although it is generally accepted that hydrometeo7 0 d succeed without a struggle of opinions, no science can develop an . ? (I. V. Stalin, u/ Marxism in without free , S s oli tizdat, 1950, page 28.) La.ngu~. a t~.c s. Ca p, uestianc of the degree of independence of Regar. dinf the q the objective of its research and. its agricultural meteorology: of th ~ general practical aims, it seems to me approprlate to mention a . series of well-known postulates. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 science is knowledge of the canfarm1t1es The a:a.m of every ~3eS related to the. sub j eCt being to law of phenomena and prace~ ections and ha.stora,csl dependency. studied, knowledge of their intercann -, ,: the lsws which define the interconnection Only the revel~a.G.~on of ~.. 0 osaa,ba.~.a.ty of guiding their prace5se a of phenomena o;f;~ers pract:~ca]. p of change in the desired direction. strated that the aim of science cafststs It has been demon ;~ facts and tY~eir description as in the ing o not sa much in the fix ~mi~ries to law, and we agrameteorologists are revelation of COfl far from always taking this Into account. of the Forms of motion of matter Engels. On the :basis of study 'fication of the sciences, according worked out prinC~.ple5 of c1asr~~. tierces analyze a_ separate farm of. motion to which each of the sc. ~. are interrelated among themselves or a series of mot:~ona which s e transformed into one another". F. Thect~,cM., and ar 200. In nature transformations of the forms of Nature~ 191~89 page ) .~ r take place, and there exist rela~tionsl~ips at motion into one anoLhe them. Fromthis proceed the and distinctions among ifCtions among the separate sciencesa and dist It follows that the criterion for the independence of a science is the presence of its own research objective, qualitatively distinct from the research objeCtives of other sciences4 the ual.itative peculiarity of its Each science, accorda-ng to q subject, works out distinct procedures and practices of resear.Ch9 'ch are accepted in the other sciences. All different from those wha_ Investi anon of natural phenomena must these procedures fo.r the g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 always originate in th~] fundamental postulates of Marxist dialectical method. In spite of these well-known postulates, the following definition is given in textbooks of agricultural meteorology Agricultural meteoro:togY is the science which studies the influence of hyBrameteorological conditions on the growth, development and production of agricultural plants and animals'. (A. V. Fedorov, Agricultur. aiM HydrometeorologY, 1936.) __,,.M.....~ l-_,-...,._ ~~--.....~......~....~.-_- F. F. Davitaya, for all the comprehensiveness of his theoretical treatment, as a matter of fact repeats this same definition. He writes; "The foundation of agricultural biology should be the study of the needs of cultivated plants in a determined climate". a (In the journal Agrobl g~Yd, No 3, 19L8.) The difference from the foregoing definition Consists in the exclusion of animals. All these definitions, which formulate one of the five chief alms which P. I. Brounov advanced for agricultural meteorology, are one-sided and therefore false. They are oriented to the study of only one aspect of a phenomenon, disregarding its interconnection with ocher phenomena and their influence upon it; they do not include questions of evolution in research, etc. The soil, as we knows is basic medium of agricultural production. Nowhere, however, is the there given the definition that soil science is the science which studies the influence of the soil on the growth, development and composition of agricultural crops,. etc. Comrade Stalin, answering D. Delkin and S. Furer, emphasized what Confusion comes into being if a man does not make clear to him- self what subject is, in question, if he is substituting one subject ... ified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDPE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 for another. The jndicated definition S leave unclear just what the ~.. ata.on in a~;ricu~.t~ur al meteorology is: proper obJ~ct of a.nvest. ~; ons lants, or both. Without a clear meteoralagical cond~t~ ~ ~ search it is impossible clearly definition of ~.ts subject of r? 9 to define its aims. ' raised: Just, what is the sub Ject of Thus the quest~.on is of agricultural meteorolo~Y? , the study calogY, which studies the between or.g represents only one of the dive-lions axxisms and their environment, of biology, and agricul tural meteorology, within the def1nita.0n represents only one... of the divisions which has been ascribed to it, r.epres unda- of ecology. T. D? Lysenko points out that agrobialagy is the fa h has to do with. living things. tian of agronomy -- a science which and with microarganisrns ? This is why with plants, with animals biological law enters the theoretical knowledge of to The basic aim of agrabiology is the foundation of agronomy. to law in the interz~e~,ationsh~-ps of revelata.on of conform1t~es organisms with the conditions of their external envaronmente In f aobiolagical science, knowle dg~ general, for all the divis~.ons o gr of the requ.?rements of plant organisms and of their reactions to ditions of the external enVironment is the influences of the essential. . of the chief aims of agrobi.ology Hence it is clear. that one. stud of the influence of the external must be considered to be the y environment upon plant organisms. The definition of agricultural Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 is given in the textbooks inciuCeS problems meteoro1ogY w> but ~.~ dads not male reference to which are solved by agroba.ol.ogy, the prablen'ts which oi all the sciences only agra.aul.tura1, mateor~ ~' Ge which has research objectiVS which are olagy solves, as a sca.en ct from the research objectives of the other qualitatively da.sta.n sciences 's ~Wh studies7 in other words, something which other (which t is just these specific problems which sciences do notstudy)? T ~ belong to it that have compelled .recognition of the necessity for its independent existence, which has been approved in practice. l.ral meteorology answers questions of important ~,gra.cultti e in human activity which other sciences do not answer. ~.canc of favorability of the eorological conditions To knave the degree geographical re ions for agricultural cultivation, to in discrete . geograpl ~ 'bons under the influence of communal study the changes in these cond:t. toil -- this is the duty of agrometeoralogy. Therefore, a'? c_.: ltu... - ~?,ca, and climatic factors as conata.ans meteorola,~~......~..-------~-~--`~.'....~....~.-,'....~. meteoralo~.~Y-. must study a ricultural objectives. Weather and climate o f the existence e o,,..~..,,._._.,...~ ---..~....~.-- -,_ and are characterized by complex interrelationsh~-P, represent a unity pments. However, in weather and climate there develop motions of com onents which are t'conditlons of existence'' exists a combination p for one or ano objects of agricultural prod.uction, and another group of also others which prove to be inessential in this connection. Agricultural meteorology therefore studies only the first of these. The principal difference between the s'medium of habitation" and the ncondzt which we call., in speaking of istence" ~.ons of ex s climatic factors, agrometeorological conditions,was first established by Academician Lysenko, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 L senko's theory of the phasic dave1Qpment of plants made r, ich the content of the concept o it ossible to concrettZe and en p "conditions of existence". that the a condi.ta.ons of ademician Lysenko dernonstrated Ac existence" of a deve1apment process must be dis~inguished bath 1ln and, from the external "in:Cluence from the -' of ~ab~.~at~.a ~ factor a in the "medium of habitation~t is factors" . Not everything ~, actively influenc1ng the organism's course of development. Not n a"'condition Of existence" of the every "1n~'~-uence factor is organism's development. --The condo-bons of existence of a plant's development cycle are ,withaut which the stages of develop . those essential conc~:>_ta.ans toward. indications of the plant's progress r ) ment' their organs and A iology page 7 ~. n do not exist". (D, T. LySCnka, g w pbob1oi0gY rep:roductn.o , to be a necessary condition For example, light does not prove rat stage of development, As for first a plant's passage through the : _ ~'~-c .for. s ecl tale second (light) stage, an appropriate il:Luminata-an (p is a condi.ti.on essential for its variety and of plant). each eaC~ existence. ' of weather phenomena which The determination of comba.nat~.ans . c~ ences demands knowledge of the will carry known ba.alogical cons q~~ ements of plants and animals in the determined meteorological requ:>rr pact:i.ans to changes in these conditions1 condit~-ons and of their r~ is knowledge a grameteorolagists draw upon the As a basis for this grobialog 'ts subject, agricultural ciences. However, in studying iJ a~.c al s obiolagy and meteorology, but meteorol.ogY not only depends upon agr .. 22 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 enriches these sciences in its turn. This confirms the we11~known postulate that neighboring sciences always supplement one another. Thus, the basic aims of agricultural meteorology prove to be; 1. Knowledge .of the degrees of favorability of the agro~ meteorological conditions in discrete geographical regions for agricultural crops. 2, Determination of the changes in agrometeorological conditions which arise as an efi'ect of agrotechnical measures, 3, Calculation on an agrometeorological basis of differentiated applications of agrotechnical measures directed toward more rational utilization of the agroclimatic peculiarities o1' discrete geo- graphical regions and toward effective struggle against weather phenomena harmful to agriculture 11. Division of the territories of the USSR into districts according to indications 'of agroclimabic peculiarities suitable for specific agricultural crops. Improvement of the methods of agrometeorological research, In conformance with these aims it is necessary to work out organizational measures which will guarantee their realization, but this belongs to a separate consideration. 2 3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 OCEANOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS IN TH1~a USSR DURING THE LAST THIW1Y YEARS A. Lednev and L. F. Rudovit s Oceanographic research by Russian seamen was initiated at the beginning of the 19th century, at the time of the first voyages, and after that oceanographic and meteor- ological observations were made on all more or leas considerable ocean voyages. Outstanding results in the study of the hydrology of the oceans of the world were achieved by Admiral S. 0. Makarov at the time of his round-the-world voyage in the corvette 'tVityaz'" in the years 1806-1889. Almost simultaneously with Makarov's works, detailed studies of our native seas were begun, Thus, in 1890-1891 the Russian Geographical Society, in conjunction with the Navy Department, under the direction. of I. B. Spindler, conducted deep- sea studies of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries the Murmansk science- commerce expedition under the direction of N. M. Knipovich initiated studies of the northern seas. In addition, recognition for ocean- ographic studies was given to work conducted by the Main Hydrographic Administration of the VMf in European, northern and far-eastern seas, s However, the data obtained up to the time of the Great October Socialist Revolution on the character of the seas and oceans could not satisfy all the growing demands of the national economy. Therefore, in the study of the seas which wash the shores of the Soviet Union, an exceptional place is occupied by the period beginning after the October revolution. Precisely in this period, j y*~(~~~~'~~~T^~JVR"~{1 ~~'y j56}~4Ve,~a64 ~S4 evUYNkG fr "'IltpSln7S ~F7a 1i~ !'vim` y as ~je 'S ~, l~ ,y ?, l~~ !''.F 11 Pk~ 10.~~1 q~ y~ft. V11 { ~t~'~ h4{t fi'r' 14 IL V~4r f~ ~+ k ~~~'" D f~lil ~ !1' t~'I I 1 i' I Y ~ i~S ~I fisl IFSr~;'p~S~lt1 y{ N~ 1~~~~~ ~i~~~~ q ~~ /~ R1, Ep ~~ gip!}?yia~l(I~hfi~~f{~~ ~b ~{ 1 f {~74y I4R tv V'1+~'.1 ~t, br Fv411'Sdt ,~~,~, ~Yw01, '4 S I V V 1 V t r i ldi x y4 1 i, /~~7 ~qyt ~ Pt~ y' 11'~rs \I? GI 1 ~. N I b1:+1 1 ~!' ~j i f, 4 ,a ' ~!; 5 ~~~ (a14 ,JS i ` I S` ' f ~ ' 4 4 N' y I ~~u ~i i~~'~m`~,~~,57~ ?, ~;1+~V~(a~~~Z~~~ijri ~. r~~~lS~r ~r,J y;~iy ~~ i wS44 i, S.r' S~r ! ~~~ 41 I ~ S1 ~pl~tl~~~mti ?a .~~~4~N., M~~ ~~tahYV ~~,o#~ v I:ukE d ~,W{~ uS'~a%Gn., ~ilGfm.d } Mi SS ~~d ~~I'~f, > ; illr.~?'l I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 . l reysearr,ch establishments were organized. on the seas (coasts] : marine observatories of the VHF, marine institutes and observatories of the hyd.rometearalog r?a.ca1 service (gidrametsluzhba), institutes and stations of the fish industry, the hydro Physical station in K:atsivel', inland] during the last decade new oceanographic etc? In the center ~ a chic studies occurred. immediately A radic~il change in ocearaor.,r . ? v~,~, war. On ].6 arch 1g21. a decree was upon the canclusa.on a,~ the ci issued under the signature of V. I. LQna.n or the establishment of ien.ce Institute whose task it was to enter upon a Mara.nt, Sc = stud of the northe:r'n seas, their. islands a thorough and systeirrata.c y ' Lute was changed to the State Oceanographic and shares. This a.nsta. to the All.?Un.ion Sca.r~nce??I~esee.rch ' n 1933) Institute anti then (a- Ins. UtUte of the Fish Industry and Oceanography. avroornina the Floating Marine Science parallel Fl Insti.tutej there developed new marine research establl.shm.cnts with ? tasks ( the Insta.t,ul,c for Study of.' the various app:l.~.ed?-sc1enta-'~.c North, Later the Arctic Institute, and the Marine Division of the ? ? nsti tute) a During thin S11 period local sca.ence?- cal I H drolosa .~ hiah for the first ta?rnc3 gave a general, ;far the most part, the works w ra h off' t lie seas . of a l~1^ Native sand ch~,ra,ctari~at~.on of the aceanaeb p Y first to study of the physiGa~l, and chem:~caa? f and a],~.awsd a appro p ~ , '. thesE~ wate~^a were s,ccomp~,a.shed* . ~^QC~S"a'a Wh1,ch take place an i have arisen: the State Oceanograph1c Institute of e,tabla.shmen.ts the GNS, the Marine NydrophY: sisal Institute and the Oceanology Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR. shments named have carried on oceanographic All the establ.a. of the USSR, the greatest attention being studies of the seas s t i ~} ~; ~ ~, :~ ~ Declassified in Part,- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/20 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200040023-1 r ~ i, ~ :,~, , ;, ~ , ,? ~ i ; , , ;~, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 directed toward the northern saas and the ()aspiari Sea. Large" scale research works have been accomplished on the Barents Sea, on which nearly 500 voyages were made, more than 100 of which fell to the steamer tt ersiat'a the first ship constructed by the soviet ~' authority for such work ? On the whole during these voyages over 2 OOO hydrological stations were created, which gives one an idea of to scale of the expeditionary work of this period. Within thirty years studies exceptional for their scientific understanding; and innovation of thought were organized and carried out in the central Arctic Ocean, on drifting ice floes and on the iceboat "Sedovt'. As is known, the ice floe where the hydrometear~ to rical station "North pole" was organized. drifted in the course o~, of 27h days from the pole into the Greenland Sea to a latitude of ?0 degrees L.'7 minutes north, and the vessel "Sedav" drifted in the course oil 812 days from the Novosibirsk Islands almost to the outlet of the Greenland Seas, Both these expeditions conducted uninterrupted meteorological, oceanographic and other geophysical observations. In particular, reliable data were obtained on the great depths of the Polar Basin (up to 5000 meters) and on the distri- bution of hydrological elements within it. The accumulated material allowed light to be thrown with great accuracy upon the hydrometeor- olagical peculiarities of the ocean, including the life-span of the ice masses. Extremely valuable data were collected by the high-n [submarine? "Sadko" latitude oceanographic expedition on the 1/p and. on the vessels which were accomplishing through navigation of the Northern waterway route9 and similarly, in. their time, by flights over the arctic waters,. 26- Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 It is interesting to note that in 1932 the GQIN's little expeditionary motor'sailboat 'VN. Knipovich~' accomplished the first rounding of Franz Josef Land, conducting a succession of oceano' graphic works all the way. Beginning in 1923, oceanographic works of considerable detail were carried on on the white Sea and, somewhat later, on the Greenland Sea, All the ample material collected gave valuable information for navigation and the fish industry and for the solution of many problems of marine meteorology and oceanography. In. connection with the development of the fishing industry in, the northern and central parts of the Caspian Sea, thorough oceanographic research and detailed studies of the water balance and fluctuation of the water level were carried on. The latter studies made it possible to ascertain the causes which give rise to the abrupt and considerable changes in this level0 Relatively less attention was paid to study of the oceano- graphic conditions of the open Baltic Sea, the work, on this sea being adapted on the whole to the Gulf of Finlando on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, beginning in 1923, research was conducted by four organizations; the Hydrographic Administration, the Sevastopol' Biological Station, the Azov-Black Sea Institute of the Fishing Industry and the Hyd.rometeorol.ogical Service (Gidromets].uzhba) These data completed and substantially amplified the representations of the characteristics of these seas which had been constructed on the basis of the wares of the 1890-1891 expeditions 27 ified in Part - Sanitized Co N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 be on the seas of the Far East O~e~anag~'aph~.c res eaxGh ~' of thQ ~a~~p~.usuz^p~xs from the immediately after the e,cpu~, u ? the research in the first years were Russian soil. '~al{~,ng part in th rome~;eora~.ogiaa~. 5erva.ce, represente H dragraphic 5exv7.cea the ~yd the y . o1?a ica~. in,t~.~~ute, and the p~,cif'ic the Marine 'Biviaa,on of the ~Iy~' by ax? of the fishing industry. The aeacnographiC WQk o f,nstitute o he materials an eel the Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas. The ~ecially valuable, since up to encompass the Okhotsk and Ber' Seas were es~ 1 the t,jme of the Groat October SaGia].i5 rReva1ut1on jn~ormation them had been unusually scarce. con oceanogr~Lpha.c researchr which has been As a result ofi the r? er r gra1J~hex'S have at their disposal mat condu,cted,, ocea.rlo which allow them to answer a series of questions concerning the e open regions _o:C the home seas. characters.sta.cs of. th For amore profound knowledge of the charactera.sta.cs of the.. home seas and of the. processes Which coo on wjthin and upon them, ristics of the adjoining oceans. study was begun. of the charade was also dictated by the' demands of the necessity for this study wa. of navio7,t~-on and Of the weather fishing and. whaling industries, al recent times oceanographic and. meteoro_~o ic service. In the most northern s have been undertaken for this purpose in i the J :I. al maritime passages from Europe to Atlantic ocean, on the pr~.rlc p Atlantic sector of the antarctic waters. the Far Ease seas and in the Antarctic begun 12S years ago by the famous ~'hus th.e work in the Ani, been continued. the sloops 'Mirnyy'~ and tVostok'c has beer Russian seamen on th onar ~ oceanographic research, Apart from episodic exped~.t? ~. y - 28 a /u ified in Part - Sanitized Cor v Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ?~~rr?,r .'r,: ,`Ta d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 regular observations of speciI'ic sections have been carried on from year to year on almost all. the seas. These observations have had the purpose of determining the changes in oceanograpbic character- tstics in the course of a year and through a succession of years. However, the maintenance of the projected program of standard sections did not everywhere succeed. The most continuous and regular observations were made along the Kola L?a meridian, starting at the very beginning of the 20th century, in accordance with the resolution of the International Council for Study of the Northern Seas. Together W:Lth the development of expeditionary, principally compp lexs oceanographic research, a network of marine hydrological stations was vigorously developed. At the beginning of the first imperialistic World] war (l9iLa-1918) there existed a few more than 100 stations on our seacoasts. In the years of the civil war and the foreign intervention their number shrank to a few tens. After the organization of the Hyd.roneteorological Service the network of marine stations quickly began to be reestablished, the number of stations at the present time having reached I0 on shore and over 300 on ships. The robust development of the network of stations and posts in the Soviet sector of the Arctic should be especially stressed. Stations are today located at such high latitudes as could not have been dreamed of 30 years ago. Simultaneously with the increase of the number of stations, the volume of work was also expanded as a result of the conducting of radio-sounding end pilot-balloon observations, detailed observa- tions of ice and visibility conditions, etc., and also extension of 29 ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 abservat.on (night observations) 4 the pea, iads of ' In the be,ginnin aceanagx research had as its object ~ ~~pha.c the col.l.ectior~ of for kraowl.edge o? the system and coiv stitution of the general chara.cterista.c of USSR seas ? later an it was ' on of practical hydromete0rabpical, directed toward the creata. trend in marine research was d.emander~ manuals on these seas ? This om and by national defense, which were in acute by the national. scan y the seas and handbooks of inforrnatian on need of descrip~~ ions of ~'hG ~ feature of all the research which had been them. A d~.stin~rua.~h~ to promote the successful conducted proved to be its tendency various branches of the national economy. development a which. was small in the The volume of oceanographa.c research, first period (1921-1929), increased extraordinarily after 1930 and by ortione ? Parallels with this, 193L-3~ had. reached extremely large prop.. voluminous work was carried on in the beginning in 19 ,-, ~1, extremely adastral Survey. Thanks to the broad of the Marine C ariographic research and cadastral works, a general. development of oce ~ obtained idea of the fundamental characteristics of the USSR's seas was d thus creating a scientific basis for. by the end of the prewar pera.o , v' atiorl and for variau.s other branches satisfaction of the needs of na ~.g of the national economy. is research of the seas, braid parallel with oceanagraph ~, theoretical. works. on general and development was also given o h and similarly on phenomena particular problems of oceanagrap y, and processes within the sea. A special direction in theoretical marine research was taken 3o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 t~.ontn Katsivgl, whjah by the work o~ the .lydrophys1caa. Sta Ma atmaap~e~'e interactions between the ec1. our kn.owledge o~ the ~s,r advanc ~ Ween ocean and continents, the interacttanu bet d and the hydrosphere? ablems of the technical, an a.anc6 of the sea, and pr the t~ercnaa. ba ola/cal phys1cs of the seas bi~, ucted in ..the eld M'tefSl.Ve wa~9k was Cand ~;xcep~tionally ex of This research methods of marine hydro and was later con?La.nued was begun in the State eteor,4a.o;a.ca1 faref cas't~ .n;. 11 ydrological :Lne t~.tute a arid expan~ lnstitutP and the Arctic Y the Central ForeCase p~,edic~,ian ,, b ed thods of long..zany As a re~,ua.t of this work, me and bases for xnstitute? ~~ as were created, 'Lions on a grau.p of UaS~~ Se ay ice ~?rld.1. the flucttion n ti n a f the thermal canditl.o of a sea, predzc o ?t5 waves were worked out. of its level and of i on the vertical hibernaa. h was broadlY developed Re5ed;C C er5, on the intex?mediate cold lay c1.rculation and formation a this . 'des and wave factors of 5peci:~ic USSR seas. In this currents, t~. theoretical calculat~-any were checked against experim work rese8.r'Ch in nature. the soils of the sea door A of materials an addition, methods CCe55fully developed 1n . and. their analysis was 5u . Lion of the oft he for hydroChemic aa, were worked out so115a ' al approach to the solution of a series A comple ~eJ.y ors~n Tactical signi_f ~cance for o icai problems which have p of marine biol g the field of marine- naviga.tion was found. In ntial shipbuilding and search, whose results are esse h drometeorolag:~-cal re engineering y _ -.?31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 for the design of technical measures, essential work was also carried on the calculation of the water balance of the Caspian and Azov Seas may serve as an example. Successes were achieved in the fieid of construction of new marine instruments, the thermobathygraph, current self-recorder, wavegraph, marigraph, wave gauge, etc. During the past thirty years there has been an increase in the publication of oceanographic works discussing separate problems in terms of the materials of native observation, as well as monographs devoted either to whole complexes of oceanographic problems or to separate divisions. Among t he monographs the following works should be noted: Academician V. V. Shuleykin's Physic the Sea, a work which has been honored with the Stalin prize; professor N. N. Zubov's Marine Waters and Ice and Dynamic Oceanology; Honorary Yu. M. Shokal'skiy's Physical Oceanography; Professor V. A. Berezkin's Dynamics of the Sea; Honorary N. M. Knipovich's Hydrology of Seas and Brackish Maters; Professor M. V. iclenova's Geolo,ry o.c the Sea; Professor V. P. Zenkovich' S Dynamics and Molo f Seacoasts; and professor O. V. Bruyevich.'s Hyd.rochhemiStry of the Central and Southern Caspian. Notwithstanding the achievements in research on the USSR's home seas during the past thirty years, very, very much work is nonetheless necessary in order that we may have a thorough knowledge of the oceanographic conditions and phenomena in our seas and may apply it for the welfare of the national economy. For this the following steps are necessary (l) to guarantee the continuous study at sea of the annual cycle of oceanographic characteristics and their changes in the succession of years, (2) to study the processes and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 disclose the causes of these charageu, thus providing a reliable basis for short' and long range forecasts of weather and changes of hydrological characteristics, and (3) to expand research to the oceans and to the seas which have been studied only slightly, 33 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ,(( , ET TIN G ~UP OF XPERIMENTAL R SEAI IL N FLOW STATIONS Ye, G` Popov We shall confine ourselves here to the selection of one problem whi c h is mast important :for hydrological. forecasting: the problem of setting up field experiments directed toward the development of a theory of formation of the spring flow, The problem of experimental research consists in its aiding in the more rapid disclosure of the fundamental regularities which direct the flow processes so that these maybe utilized in practical hydrological calculations and forecasts. The most rapid and succeSSful solution of this problem . is possible only with h observation of the following basic conditians, ( a) that experimental research should guarantee observation the fundamentai, processes canditioning the studied phenomenon; of all b that the experiment itself should be purposeful; c that the experimental results should give a clear picture of the poss:>r'b.~ flity of utilization for practical calculations of given regular network hydrometeor010gica;1 observatians, indicating path's toward their mprovement and rationalizatian and, finally, (d) that the setting-up of experimentation in natural con- ditions should guarantee its own activity. . The last two conditions are important in that only their observation, can guarantee the most rapid possible solution of the ~ v ~' ~QI ;~~ Y Ca 6y v~ tp7 Fl F 1+fd'6f i ified in Part - Sanitized Co IPJ~1jf4q~~4Z(~~, i~o}l~~n'1d11~~!yY~~g1Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 set problem and the ossibility of generalizat1on and application p , of the experimental reaG, "u,.Lts in practical hydrological calculations and forecasts, has not yet had suf'f'icient experience contemporary hydrology in the setting up of active experimentata.on in natural conditionsa . Its research is for the present based principally upon analyses of the data of observations of several years h drometearalogical y 'ren'tal studies of discrete, particu:Lar 1'1ow processes star~dirlgo Expe.~^^L. and its yielding of water, the absorption and (the thawing of snow of thaw waters by a basin in the channel network, the the channels, its storage and expenditure) movement of water along lead at present to cases for the most part isolated from one another aril offer no possibility of ' suf f'icieatly profound analysis of the whole process of flow formation. ental studies of hydrological processes must be Experim r a wa that there may exist full possibility of organized in such y tracing their antescannections within the overall process of spring r determining all the basic characteristics of flow formation and o this process which are essential for its prer.eckoning, It is also the possible accuracy of this prereckoning necessary to ascertain p , by setting up vas. ~iouslY detailed observations and by utilizing the renulaz network hydz^ornetear^olagieal observations. ^ The most important tasks along this path are; the heat exchange, the physical properties 1. Study of of snow, its capacity, the rate of vertical filtration ,. nr water reta~.n~. ~, thickness of snow, and a series of other phenomena, of water through a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 knowiedge of which is ossentiai for calculation of snow~rrte1ting and of the snow's water output0 2, Investigation of ,the character and rate of surface runoff of thaw water under various conditions, and also Bete:rrnination of the mean integral, characteristics of water discharge into a ravine by way of determination of the total inflow and the time it takes the thaw water to run from different parts of the water accumulation to the closing a1ignrnenta 3'. Investigation of the process of water motion in ravines, especially in the initial period of the flow, when most is told of the regulating effect the ravines exert through temporary retardation of the water due to the presence of considerable masses of snow in them [the ravines]m L. Study of the laws of motion of water along permanently active channels, and specifically; the velocities, the part played by the holding capacity of river' beds and valleys flooded by rivers, the regularities in water absorption and discharge by flood valleys and the interactions of fluvia:L and subterranean waters. We have enumerated in brief outline the fundamental problems without whose solution research on the formation of the spring flow { cannot be complete, We consider it essential to emphasize the particular importance of such key questions as those of calculation of snow melting, of absorption and surface retention (losses) of thaw water in a basin and, finally, of the process of the water 1 s reaching the primary channel network. From a practical point of view it is unusually important in this connection that the experimental 36 a 4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 -.., T N ..,h ts should ' n the greatcs't possibie degree take into account results ~. and reflect the mean charaetex^i.s ti cs of each of these procGsse a in this case can they be representative for a basin, s:t.rice only and acquire general significance ? to this idea with a very simple example. ',et us a. l.l.ust~ a 'Even the most careful and accurately conducted observations of snow are conducted on only one section of the melting cannot, if they bas picture of its distributiotl throughout the basin. roves/ a p.L onsequently we wi11 not obtain a true picture of the spring flow in this basin for analysis of t ~ he overall formational process of this f can lead to erroneous inferences for phenomenot1, This Ga.rcuiastanc,e the analysis of other processeS related to snow melting. Of immense th.e correctness of basic inferences are the significance for of measurements of such physical quantities reliability and accuracy as the reserves of water in snows their diminution at the time of snow melting, the discharge of water, etc. Low accuracy of measure- ments may lead to incorrect and inconsistent inferences, decreasing the value of the whole experiment The great labor required by experimental works investigating even under the conditions in altogether small natural the flow, basins, ,.ns, demands that in their setting-up special care must be devoted to the development of methods for all observations, thus guaranteeing . r more or less uniform reliability for all the the,. components of the studied process. With the aim of observance of the principle of complexity, which mount significance for the development of a theory which has pada Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 01 hyclrol.og' cal. pro nosisy it is essential that experirnenta1 ~ flow station; on one or several small re,aee,rcll be conducted at natural basins s (rivulets or ^ ravines) a where it will,. be guaranteed that rel? iable and cont'ai.nuous measurements be made at a series of alignments. All a.nvesta.gat10r15 of basic processes of formation of the spring flood bold be strictly related to the general direction so that the comparability and possibility of exper:i.mentatbon of analyzing all the observed phenomena in. conjunction may be , the effect of various specifications of the assured. Research on cond:l.tion of the underlying surface upon the flow should be conducted paral ar areas where these specifications may be `.elly on elementy artificially assigned (different degrees of wetting and freezing, different types of cu1tivati01l, etc.). ~. f MethadS of observation of snow cover, snow melting and water discharge should result in the following to production of sufficiently accurate measurements of the initial ?tial water reserves in the snow in the basin by way of detailed snout Surveys o 2. Careful accounting for the liquid precipitations falling in the period of snow melting and. shedding of thaw waters, 3, Setting up of observations of the evaporation from surface of the snow during the thaw period the of careful observation of all the elements L. Setting up of the heat balance of snow melting on one or several sections, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 depending upon the dimension. Of the studied basin. Paral,lel with these observations, it is es4 entiai to assure as far as possible broad. observations of the water discharge at various point he reservoir, which may be easily accomplished by ~ of t uremcan t of the flow from small water_i.mpenetrable by wdy of med5 platform. 4.~ l square meter in dimensions. These platforms should Gated on all the characteristic slopes of the studied reservoir, be to in both field and forest, The course of flow from these platforms will characterize the water discharge from the thawing snow and with parallel measurements of the snows moisture content may also be used for calculations of the intensity of thawing. It is easy data for the whole basin and consequently to check to average these to what extent the calculation of thawing by the method of thermal measurements of its elements on the experimental balance, according to platforms, proves to be representa'ti've. S. Setting up of observations of the rate of vertical movement of thaw water in the snow mass. 6. Strict follow-up of the changes in degree of snow cover in the studied reservoir in the process of thawing, by way of ordinary land surveys or aerophotographic surveyso All these observations will make it possible to take into account both the total quantity of water which has entered the basin and the course of this entry in time Observations of the processes of absorption, surface retention and discharge of water by the reservoir should include: Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA RDP82-00039R000200040023 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 it of 'th~,w water under snow bsexvatians on the v~.lac Y 0 .s 1.. n , a rraphic Farms and tions of vax'~.aus ma.c~ a top ~ under con , teaching the ravines tames of water constin surface ulatian of the amaunt of 2. talc nitude of the ta,inment of the change in mag reten~tan and ricer of the reservoir. inactive (in the water dischaI'ge sense) areas 3~a of thaw water into the Observations of the Seed ge . ground by W& Y of determanata.on of the changes in the moisture . remc;nts at sections of the reservoir . en't of the soil through, measu coat the fla~from plant cover; observata.ons of differing in soil and ~ and. of the le and water_balance platfarns r the wate1~?im:Perraeab system of subsurface waters. the fatal -diurnal flaw L4 , Calculation of the magnitude of t of water rota the ravine, which ch should characterize the .. of the total diurnal discharge of water by the basin magnitude ined by the volume of water The latter quantity should be detet the, for wh~.c)1 purpose ~ gents ~ entering the ld be carried. on at the final and at int er. med~.ate a g shou the ravineso of the volume of water in also of the variation and. be canst~'ucted in such a - these observations should ical way ~ si. s o f the phYs All on the one hand, the anal) as to guarantee, natur rocess itself (.for example, the process of infil~tratian ~ e of the. p and} ' itf s of generalization of the the other .. hand, the po,s~,b~.l an th of a real basin with of this process for conditions regula:r~.ts the complete iverse forms Obviously calculatx.on of all its d unction solution of this p~"oblem is po asible only through the canj y,Q'!ri' ,y~ udlWneldkJ m;aPF' nr',iS?NftiSjis C IU7~1i ~se i iui9Ai~fn~ .9m lii i~~al,.X}1fPle f,:YS~jlrrC 1. . I y. i ,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cor v Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 of laboratory and field experimentati01* Research on the :l'ozmata.on of the surface flow is unthinkable the effect of the farm and cond~,tioz'i of withaut the most careful study o. u on the flaw. This is one of the most af' ~ he reservoir t s surface p complex and labor-cansuming tasks rfhe basic requi'.z,ement for experimental research an the part played by the underlying surface in the formation of the spring flow should make possible generalization of the is that this research es for the whole basin and their extension discovered regulariti ed the characteristic peculiarities of the to other basins, provided proceeding from. this basic requirement, latter are calculated.. directed o: C setting up these observations should be a practical method. first of all; ( a) toward a topographical survey allowing the character of ~. the micrarelief and all the details of the basins farm to be ascertained with the maximum passible accuracy, (b) toward a, study of the soil cover and determination of of all the soils existing in the basins, . the filtration properties with their various degrees of moistening and freezing; (c) toward a bydrogeological survey of the basin giving de th of occurrence of the tap wa,ter~ an accurate picture of the p impervious layers and of the extent of the subsurface watersr Only ' there materials can make it possible the presence of haracteristics of surface retention to,.obtain the bash's average c of infiltration, and also the average and of `water absorption by way ? egee ~W7IFlj~~~ I tt 1~1),~iAUt db ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 rake and time of runof i' off' thaw water in the basin. We emphas1 the part ?,lar importance of constructing ~e .~ ~ ~ ~,ve (in 'the wa~~xwd~~-sense) e ~ a distr?lbution curve a~. th , ct ?n in re~.ation to the depths of the areas of ..'the ba,~ ~a, 'ority of ? tribution curve proves to be (for the rrta~ seats. J.ha.~ da.s that there will be sufficient sail basins, where it is certain that and that this moisture will freeze in moisture from autumn on teristic of the surface water retention winter) a fundamental charac the same time a cha~~acteristic of the losses in the basin and at th will not t since the loses through infiltratian in the spring flag, be great in these conditions, ater in the channel network pbserwations of the motion of w , have great significance in research on the prQCeaSes of flow formata.ono in addition to providing a careful These observations, it of water through, should calculation o f the quant y character1.ze the rate of flow and the time the water takes to run should make possible the de?ter~nination through the channels and also - water has flowed into the channels of the total. quantity of and that which has been absorbed in them. Not dwelling at length on the details of organization of these observations, let us only this work not only at flow stations indicate the necessity of conducting n rather large rivers, with the aim of on small basins, but also o nations ordinatiozla The basic idea of these obser their cooperative co the relationsl~ip between. the rate should be above all to ascez fain to the primary channel throw h time of the water both up and .run g network and throwgh the channels themselves. ified in Part - Sanitized Cor v Approved for Release 2012/04/20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 All he eriwnerated ash cts of the experimanta work must be acc ,omPp anied by the most careful meteorolcagical observations, both through the standard program at auxiliary meteorological stations broad utilization of automatic recorders or, repeated and by way o.~ observaLns at special posts established in characteristic parts ~.o of the basin. Not having the opportunity to dwell upon the details and technique of conducting the observations themselves, we believe that the State Hydrological i.nstiLute and the Central Forecasting Institute should initiate in the very near Future the development of, a program and methodology of observation, proceeding from the concrete technical possibilities of the existing flow stations. In conclusion, a concise summary of the basic tasks of experimental research on the spring flow is given below a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 iii) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 }.: ~ p GI. FORMATIC IN r~ A RESEARCH ~~GGF~:II r,, BASIC -~ ~- TASKS ~ IN SUMMfRI OF THE B TO BE FULFILLED O.. SHE BASIS OF E ~ OF T H? -H? Sr "RIiJ FLOW I'TAL ET ORK AT FLC STATIONS r, - Purpose and End Result .. Basic tasks Igo 3i 2 l ?__[i. - : ? ? iGnS ~l of Conducting Gbseri~.t ., lie ,,hods f Research ~- o, and theoretical to _ the Deve ~m!en h Research on v .. accuracy in Perf ormng ; accuracy of calculation basis For I : : - . ; accu_ ~ . Snow measurements of watr reserves in e basin _ snoW ln a Resear -ch on the Pro- G of obser - t of method.. 1~evelopmen - 1 ' and calculation of evaPora ~~a~ f - evaporation cesses o - cical factors the t''77on b met. T Un J1 .. from the surface of - T ~ oro_ 1oJ snoW cover theory, of a and on the process Development of sn - Research t,, nand of - methods of calcula-tlon,of snoi~ t .;l o o~a-m.~ and iN g.~ater scharge for ~ of water by melting har e of melting snow conditions of riea- i river ba S1nS, et,~ologl to eor ~ `cal data ^ m ac., ?~ 1 ~ro- ;n relation to she physica 1 _ -i menta! research on the L~er j of varlou ,cS methods of r oI accuracy sno _rement survey and mea- a sui '.tion surement me of solid p~~ecpi surement On the pr?_ erimen1-i research mss of snow evaporation c Ond1 t1.Ln8 ~- laborator.~ and field e er? mental research on the 1. FxP energy of Snow-relting in o oy rg~ balanc.. .~he physical properties t relation of to the ,. the nc~ itself in field and s forest Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Ferties of the snow and the charac- 2e Observations of the intensity of the of water ter o_ th topography of snow-melting and discharge ' under various conditions of snow deposit in the river basin by T means of measurements of the flow from water-impermeable mic_ ~ roFla'f_ orms 0.5-1 square meter in size9 and of the water- retaining capacity of the snow by ._ 1 V by calorimetric or other methods Research on the distribu- Development of reliable methods Terrestrial and aeroph?tographic 1 1 `. _ of r tlon o_ snow in the basin for calculating the changes in surveys of the la o..f the snoutw e Loves in r " the ~ and the characteristics degree of snow cover of the basin the period of melting for formations of its disappearance territory differing disappearance at in the process of melting, in r., within the te_r_Zn Y dif_~"e_rz g an na+ ?ure and the time of snow-melting l~.tlcn to its initial distribution and extent and to the intensity of melting .. Development of reliable methods 1. Laboratory studies of the fltra Research on the pro 1 ~ cesses of seepage calculating d the intensity o properties of " 'r different of for r ?aln ~ul of ti on _ ronerti sells i n their F thaw ~ water into the infiltration on in relation i on to the states of mo~stur.,e and freezing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 round. [31 l4J properties and condition of the soil 2. Observations of snow-melting and to the intensity T of snow-melting. ~. and flow on water-permeable slci _ Ascertainment of the relative role ole and water-balance platforms. of infiltration in the overall pro- T of snow- soils and the intensity melting, and ascertainment of of water absorption and re ten- ces., _ [2] tion in the basin 3. Observations of the changes in moisture content in the soils pro- cess the onset anl.;. in the ~, ss of snow melting in various of the characteristic sections basin 1~. Observations of the system of subsurface waters Research or ' cal- 1. Detailed topographic soil the pro- Development of methods f _ rch _ on - ~h 1 1 retention and hydrological surreys of tr ?esses of surface reten- calat ln g surface water the tlon ~- the and regulation of in a basin using data on basin of flour in ' n the basin character o~. its surface structures ,. 2. Construction of a distribution the filtration capacities of the o curve of the active areas in relation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 to the depths of the seats of surface Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 1 retention the relative role of surface re Cen- of flow she o~ er~ll process of of the ~zGn in calculation 3 . Experimental " ' f formation amount of water re air.e d in __ the sur- f f the basin. face of the basin. '~ CQmna_r1son of the total amount 4? 1 i'rie snOw T deter- , of water discharged by B r d~s.,hared u accordance iith da1 ~,a on the mine o. i n ?cro_la= ~1 forms, with the ~ flow from ;r~? volume flow into the channels of ?~ 1 of methods for cal- Research on the pro- Developmen the runoff speed any the cux.a ting and CeSSe s of runoff an._ ?h the water ge reed with which of water in average _ the channels in a ins u p ~ channels runs to Uh , ' r t ;,o the basin in relation tOp0graph- ical character, plant cover and degree of canalization of the basin and ,a the intensity of ?noTw-m~eltir_g ~ rvat2on o~ the runoff speed 1. G~ Of ..sQ.~ the rivulet - over the ~.opes and in le different topographical L..or~ _' under th ne~~ conditions .,1Qri.. s in the basin 2. Deterrriinatiofl of the total flow of water in t0 the e channel by means of care- ful of the ul measurements of the volume ' a gel and discharges of water at channel Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 lame number of align- sufficiently ~, .. a suz distributed along the entire r~ ts mt basic channel network; among them a control closing alignments Comparison at times of the progress of discharge v of f dater from the snow tri to the total flow and the flow at a given align- ment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 CHANGE IN THE DIRECTION OF AIR MASS TRANSFER IN 'T'HE TROPOSPHaRj *_._..?_,___.._.??. ~.._.,_._______f__. WITH THE CHANGE OF NATURAL SYNOPTIC PERIODS A. L. Kats In 196, Sd T. Pagavt s work, Principles of the Synoptic Method of Long-Ran Sh -TVotice Weather Forecasting Li] was published., enriching B. P. Mui-tanovskiy's ideas on the natural synoptic periods In this work maps of baric topography are employed for purposes of long-range weather forecasting, and the natural synoptic period is defined as the time interval during which a given high- altitude deformational field of the troposphere lasts, It is also demonstrated in this work that the isallohypses of ATS00 [the O0 millibar absolute topographic surface] of the tendency of a natural synoptic pe:ri.od. in general maintain their signs during the whole period, since the coefficient of correlation among the isallohypses of the tendency and of the whole period proves to be equal to 0.676. The results obtained make it possible for S. T. Pagav to employ analysis of mean. charts of ATS00 of the tendency of natural synoptic periods in conjunction. with the isallohypses of the tendency for prognosis of the synoptic processes of the following period [1]. In relation to the conjunction of the isallohypsic loci of the tendency of a period with the fields of convergence and divergence of the isohypses of ATS00 of this same tendency, prognostic rules are obtained concerning the development of the synoptic processes in the following period, Utilization of ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 e o f the tangency of a period is based upon the demon isa:l.l.ohypse aintenanc6 throughout the entire period and strafed Fact of their m the change of AT~Oa from one tendency to upon the assumption that another depends on the whale upon changes in temperature i.n the :layer surface and the X00 miLLibar surfaces between the earth' The task of the present work is to ascertain: (1) whether the loci of the isallohypses of AT~00 of the tendency of a period like the corresponding loci of increase and may be interpreted m7erature(2) how the isallohypSCS of separate days decreas of to~ e course of one natural synoptic period and with the change in the onset of a new period; (3) what are the characteristics of the variation of a deformational field within a period and with a change in periods. For this purpose the synoptic materials of the Central Forecasting Institute from 28 December 19J48 to 1 December 19L9 and a working breakdown of the continuOUs succession of synoptic processes into natural synoptic periods have been usedo In the course of eleven months of the year 19l~9 thesynoptic processes in the European region were differentiated. into 60 natural. synoptic periods, most of which lasted five or six days. For' all 60 natural synoptic the isallohypses of the tendency of ATSOO were periods charts of constructed by means of subtraction of the average values of the A~I:'y00 tendencies of the current and preceding periods. These isaliohyps chants the changes in the 500 millibar surface which take reflect th place in the tendency of the current period i-n comparison with the tendencies of the preceding perioh On these charts he loci of -altitude boric negative sallohypses,'regardless of what high Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 a,c~,a~,e a ~.awexin~ at' the isobaric they are related to, Indicate surface ~,ished in the new period, and the surface is bGa,ng a,c~,omp rase of ' lah se> caa^re~~aanda.n~ly indicate a 1.oca. of posa.ta~ve ~ r ~al the isobaric surfaced of the a,sa:Llahypaes of exactly the same method charts By +~Qt) millibar topography of the p1000 ~ the relative COQ/1. ,s OT ~0/ ted4 As a result of analyse. of the periods were consi,ruc 0 negative ~ the :Loci of positive and ne(;a of 'these charts it became eva.den i >00 olmost repeated the chart of changes in Al' changes in OT 00/100U ~ of AT oa ibutionh rr 1e loci of the isallahypses in da.str ~}osolute value always differed from one and OT ~Q0/1000 according to ~, a .~ the mar. e considerable was pother, this difference being she greater ps of the pressure advectianl and dynamic. Chang the _to~ta~. e f'~'ect of ~, Bch isallohyps t c urface t Ho`aever, in all cases to e at the ear th ~ s o an isal~.ahyp~~ locus of like sign d 1 cus of AT X00 there carresponcle ~ ... of the same pE~riodm For expo~ure of of OT X00/1000 of the tendency ~ OQ and ~ ~c;n the,.ohyPses of AT the qualitative relatiansh~.p betwe r..~ al a period we performed a st~tt,.>+stic OT boo/lOaQ of the tend.encJ of ,e used. the same formulas as wer. raccssir,g of these two charts using p ~~aav which has been mentianed. in the wor. k : o C S. '~ b g sin are cited in Table to r1'he a:~esults of this procer,~ See next page for Table 1~ [ ^ient of correlation between the The rather h of the isallohypses of AT O O and off, Sao/loan (0,776) distr~.butian c 11y evident correlation between the orrobartes the geed and ~an,g and OT ~U0/1000 from one tendency r es of the isohypses of AT X00 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 OF R~~ tP~TTl~ll\iShTC ~7L~sr.~+ DISTRIBUTION _ pe of Supposition _ - _~~ ~ `D-.iG{ F NATURAL L SYNGPTIC PERIODS 1 Ll~t!1J V J 1~ AT 500 AND Gt ~~ - ~ OGG OF m~,r _ "LG~r pill 3 H s ~~.~5 OF ,a? IS-- r4 ?ri L 4-4 U 0?H -t~ iL U U ~ H O - {e~) cLt H Maintenance o of negative ~b 33 3771 3769 of ZsalloY~~~pses 5111 t~.,, 1TlteflanCe of positive _~lOhYPses ~ ~78b ~ sin of isal g 3788 33 63 88.7 88.8 L-?.9 O ?T4 U H L 0 L {4 ?i O o.7?b -I-- U) C.Cllit 68.2 0.776 c.o1]-13. 68.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 period to another. The good correlation of a natural synoptic also reflects the we wry fact that variation othe COQ ma.:~lib~.well well , known surface depends aha,i'li upon changes in the average temperature c~ of the under^ This correlation also reveals that the loci layer. y ,r. of the jsall..ahypses of A r'0Q of a tendency of a period may in a ~ the l.aca. of decreases and izlcrc,ases in tahE~ certain sense be t~,ker~~ for ~ average temperature of the f0_kjiometer_h1gh layer. If the zel nshi, between the mean isallohypses of AT X00 t,t~.o ~ Of a tendency and. of an entire natural synoptic period have, according to S. T. Pag rav 1 the coefficient of correlation 0.676, then the between the isallohypses of the tendency of contiguous relationship periods turns out to be equal to 0.336? This confirms that the OO of the tendencies of contiguous periods iaa1.labypSeM of Al. ~ di f fer sharply from one another d E3ctiori with this we have set ourselves the task of In canrt the isaf.oh TE}es of separate days within the period explaining how and at the lantis of the period behave. For this purpose, in addition ~. to the ses of a tendency of a period, the isallohypses of ~.s ~a 11ohYp al.l_ the days of the period have been separately constructed. The COnS'LrU.C t1.On of these isallohypses was accomplished in the following manner For construction of the isallohypses of AT 500 of the tendency . of s, period, the average values of AT SOQ of the tendency of the preceding period subtracted from th.e average values of AT period were 03 two days of the current period (for each of 126 points evenly the field of a natural region). The algebraic distributed over difference 3 represent the corresponding isallohypses of the tendency o theperiad. AnalogauslY, for the construction of the isallohypses Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 of the third, fourth , etc , , days th sne average values of the :L3ohypS6 os: A1r Oo of the tendencY preCedtfl period er subtracted from th; VaiU Q AT OO of a deftflite day. These charts were COfl5tXUCed for all the day5 o a period. In dd1tiO1 the isa).lObYP6es of each. ?jiai day o: a new period were ale;o con.struct?d on the aswflpti0fl that this day is still the last day of the preCedfl period. For this, the same average values o AT oo of the tendency of the periOd as were used for the preced.fl days were subtracted from the value of AT OO of the fjrst day of a new periode Since the loci of the isallohYPses of the OO millibar surface ay be conside1ed as the 0respondirig changes in the average temperatWe of the nder1yiflg layer, the construction of.' the isallo- hypses of separate days in this manner also shows the changes in the average ternperatTC of the layer from day to day, both within a nod and with the tr an s It ion t o a nei' p en iod , I n or de r t o clar I fy the character of these changeS, we have performed a statistical processing of a.n the isa]1ohYPS charts with the purpose of 5ab1i5hirLg the qua1itabi relation between the d.istribUba.0r15 of the isailohyPS loci of separate days of a period. In the whole statisticalL processing, 278 isaJ1ohYi5 charts of separate days of periodS were treated. A COntinUOUS series Of 60 natural soptiC periods during 11 months of 19L9, taken without any preliminarY selectiOfl, fully sufficeS for statistical' inereflCeS The rsultS of this proceSSifl are brought forth ifl Tables 2 and 3. I is essential to note that n addLtlOfl to the five-and sx-da naUral sopt1C periods predom1flat during U months o 19L9, there were also seven seven-daY and one ?0 4W ; w. . . r t. . . ; :: I : , ;! : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ?ghtdaY periQd$. Since seven cases cannot serve as a hasis for Q~.^stat yes, ,tatiatical processing; of these periods is a.nferelac, not presented in our tablp5 m [See next page for Table . It is apparent from Table 2 that he qualitative coefficient of isallohypsea of a trend and of the remaining correlation between the days of a period (Q-66L) almost exactly coincides with the coefficient ~. of correlation (Q-h7b) obtained by S,T- i'agav for the relation between and the isal.lollypses of an entire period ~lJ - the i.sallohypses of a tendency However, from the last rows of Table 2 it is apparent that this average coefficient of correlation, o,66U, turns out to be different for the third, fourth etCm, days. of a period. The isallow hvpses of the third day, for which the coefficient of correlation is equal to om738, have the greatest resemblance to the geographical distri-bution of the isali.ohfp ses of a tendency of a peri_odm During the follow- , ar decrease of the correlation ing days -there occurs a regal by ~ - 6 percent, the coefficient being equals even on the last day, to in the coefficient of correlation confirms the fact, Q.~7~m Such a change which is observed on the hyps charts of separate days of a period, ~.sallo that a certain territorial displacement of the loci survives through- eriode The meaning of such a change in the isallohypses out the entire p natural synoptic period is characters-red is not difficult to explain A high altitude deformational. field, which, at by the stability of a given r.> the same time, does not remain set nor invariable The high-altitude deformational field of a period is in continuous development and change. However, this change is evolution- any and does not disrupt the general distributions of the basic loci of heat and cold nor, consequently, of the high-altitude deformation field which is established in the tendency of the periods Each locus ~ of positive isallohYAses corresponds to a definite high' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABU i 2 _ h OF H ~ ~~ m 00 OF S~~r r ~..-! :~ DAIS OF A TSl OF 'S~S C_ _ -- - ~T., ~ ~ ~i~TInr ~~1 0.? ISL.LLOHYI rr~~ h. , ~~ ~=T 't +T' ?~ I G~~ 1T -' .r' b~ f~. i?.'=s~I~ i jt?~ SIGN D~~l~~ ~L r,:C j 0 ~ TEL S PERIOD ~v ?, ~,~ ~ ~_J L~ --~~T~~-r iPSLS T[S 't I ~ v !~{~-{I1L10/ i~I?ID 1VAJJ 7 ` ~u . vI - OO OF k TL T sY~o~~~~_c FL .T . ~ ~TUR!-: p Type of o n Supposition ` i1s U) G ?H 'tj -P ?r3 U) cU 0 ?rl ~z .4 0 , a C} CIS ?r-1 r" 4.1 U) 0 O O z Q; H 40, Q) iij 0 i O ;i S} U) r +D U z 113] 4, l! 2 n positive sign oI of Maintenance G_ emaining ses on all r isallohyp days of period. Maintenance of negative s gan of ~ ses on all remaining b isallo:~~ t~ days of period 13,267 13,u7-6 11,107 O ci () .r{ 0 CH U Y. r, ' 1 Q c.)r.., n U c 4.) 4:() U) cal (Th.-4 L - - -a G J ?? ?r3 ~ 1 U ~ 4- 4)i'U O cg Cv` OO U ~ -1 ~ ~ ? O va ;~ i~ L5j bj [7) (gi 191 83.7 50.2 o.b& 0.0053 12~ 13,L:42 133293 11,133 82.8 49.8 o. bbu. 0.0053 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 t91 [2~ [31 [4] Si [[h~ L7i L8~ ? Maintenance ofposy ~ t1~Te Sl?n of _ ~ c~.U~l.~ b~ 87.1 0.1 0.738 ,~ day . 3, 7Th ~ 3379. 3,289 ses on third lsallohyp Maintenance o negative sign of l?`sallohypses on third day 66 Main positive sl tenance of poste gn. of _ ~ b2 ,~ 3 7 81 3 200 ? 8 o , 682 O . OI~.>a. ~ on f ourth day 3 , ~ Zsalloh~pses Malntenan=.,e of negative sign of ~ ~..b ~9e9 79 3,20 8 _ _ s 3,~8=~~b 3,, 1ohypses on fourth day - lsal_ 0.682 c.c11)4 62 Maintenance t~enance of n p o ~ _ ositive sign of n2.0 0, ~ ~ 0?~2l OP~Jl2-: li9b 2,787 c . 3,39L e s an fifth day ? salloh~ps sign of of negative si~ . Maintenance 49 ~ 7,a9 tX33 2,826 j -353 3 v . ~ sallo-h -~Tpses on flft n da~ 0.521 0.012C? Maintenance of positive sign of lsa-l , ~ G. 8 4~q6 79? v i ~o~~ses on sixth dad . 1,883 1,912 1,9 ~~aintenance of f negative sign of Maintenance lsal_ 1 ohypse s on sixth day y 3,786 3,766 3,281 86.6 49.8 0.73 O?aU~ 1}895 1}8e5 1,479 78?0 tt9?%~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 0,575 o.0lbl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 altitude basic formation. This correspondence, however, does not e,.t~. it complete coincidence. when positive isaliohyp$ always mea rn the ~' loci coincide with high?altitude anticyclones and negative loci coincide with hx 'ghwaltitude cyclones, as is noted in work Gl], the h deformational field of the period turns out to be ,. .~~;halt~.tude most stable. Together with these coinciding isallohypseS, cases are also encountered when the locus of negative isallohypses is superposed, not upon a highwa1titude cyclone, but upon. its trough, and correspondingly, the locus of positive isallohypses is super- posed upon its ridge, and not upon an anticyclone, since the a.sa1.1oh,gysps loci are generally displaced with relation to the high- al.UtudE bara.c formation. In such cases advection of warm and cold air masses in the troposphere, with.. which powerful seats of positive and negative a.sallohypses are basically connected, proplotes a certain of the high-altitude baric field. Such a deformation deformation turns out to be greater or less depending on other factors of change of the isobaric surface which may be applied to the advection factor with the same sign. or with opposite sign. In the course of a natural synoptic period, as is evident from Table 2, a shift of the basic loci of heat and cold in the troposphere is localized in definite regions ,, and does not lead to essential reorga.nizati.on of the high- altitude deformational field established in the tendency of the period. Analtogether different kind of development both of the h~altitude deformational field and cf the isailohyps loci hig corresponding to it proceeds at the beginning of the next natural synoptic periodro Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 For establishment of the relation between the isailohypaes of a tendency off' one period and t1:i isaliohypses of the first day of the following period, assuming that this day still belongs to the old period, there appears an abrupt break in the regular change of this relationo [,See following paws for Tables 3 and L~ From Tables 2 and 3 it is evident that instead of a regular decrease in the coefficient of correlation by S - 6 percent, as occurs within a natural synoptic period, with the transition to a new period the relation drops by 20 - 2~ percent and the coefficient of correlation.. turns out to be equal to only 0.339. As we have already noted, a change of natural synoptic period is determined by a reorganization of the high-altitude thertnobaric field. This reorganization also corresponds to a sudden change in distribution of isallohypses, even if they are computed in relation to the same preceding tendency. This sudden change proves to be still more apparent if the isallohypses of the 500 millibar surface of the new tendency (or of the one first day) are constructed in to the tencl.ency of the period just comple tecio In this case relation the coefficient of correlation turns out to be 0.336 r'i]. In order satisfy ourselves that just such a change is also proceeding in to , field of the lower half of the troposphere, we calculated the thermal the coefficient of correlation between the isallohypses of OT 500/'1000 of tendencies of contiguous natural synoptic periods. The results of these calculations for the same 60 natural synoptic periods are presented in Table L. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABLE 3 AND ISi~LLG-~~~PSES OF THE R OF TIr ~ ,N, ; ,,, ~-- OF A CURRANT PERIOD ~ .-CN ~r~-:-, THE T~~~~~l~ ~. r-,T~ TOn T;YPSES ~? 0~u _ELt~.`T1v~1ym~ t T _SA~~ L ~ ~r ASSUMPTION THAT THIS 7hY I5 STILL T~~~ ~ ~~~ FIRST DAY OF n* : PERIOD, Ilh F ` T ~ ~>f^7F' L~' S~ ~ ~Ptl ~q4y{?F~~~ ~d ~ ,~ ` ;x-031{1~y~~ ,~'t!~ 1 fuJ~J ~ tl~~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 genesis of a new baric formation in the high.alta.tudp deformatiofal field of the period in the sang geographic region where a bark formation of the sarr~ sign was located in the preceding period. In . this cage it j ffjcuit to detect the reorganizatian by taking is da. only the signs of the daily isallahypses one by one, but it becomes . new isaliohypses are constructed in relation clearly apparent if the to the tendency of the completed natural synoptic period. As has already been noted above in the establishment of the relation between such isallahfpses, the coefficient of corr. elation is 0.338 for the absolute topographic surface and O.3U1 for the relative BOO millibar millibar topography. The latter indicates, for example, SGU/lUUG that a hirh_altitude cyclone wtLich had deepened in the old period ~ and lasted into the new period begins to be filled in, and vice into verso.. naJ.agausly, an anticyclone which had been growing stronser in the old period lasts, as a rule, into the following period. In the present work the qualitatlve characteristics of in the isallohyps fields of AT X00 and OT BOO/1000 have changes been examined. It should be noted that the loci of isallohypses not only displacement, but also quantitative change. The undergo, ature of these changes in particular m. ay be estimated by using n charts of isallohyps variation. Investigation of the possibilities of application of isallohypu variation charts for long range, short-notice weather . forecasting has especial significance. We hope to turn to this question in another article. The research results cited above allow us to make the following inferences; Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ~ll?el a i7L fn+?~a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 0 1. A natural synoptic period is characterized by the stability of the thermobaric .field of the lower half of the tropo- sphere and of the loci of the positive and negative isallohypses which correspond to it. 2. Within a period there proceeds a continuous evolutionary development of the thermobaric field. During this, the deformational field of the period and the isallohyps loci corresponding to it are practically maintained in. the same geographica]. region as in the tendency of the period, as a result of the maintenance of the direction of transfer of the tropospheric air masses. 3. With a change in natural synoptic periods there occurs an abrupt change in the direction. of transfer of air masses in the troposphere which finds its reflection in a reorganization of the deformational field and a redistribution of the isaliohyps loci of separate days of the period. 14. Charts of the isallohypses of separate days of a period may serve as one of the auxiliary means for objective determination of the limits of the periodm REFERENCES Pagav, S. T., Principles of the Synoptic Method of Long-Range, Short-Notice Weather Forecasting. 'Trudy NIU GTJGMS, series II, number 20, Moscow-Leningrad, i9L.60 2. Pagav, S. T., r1'he High-Altitude Deformational Field of a Natural Synoptic Period, Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, number , i9b.6. 6 ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 p, S . ~', , D~~,cazirna.r~ata.Qn p ~av, ~ a1a ga.ya, number 6, :i,98. F ~~ ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND THE DIFFERENCE BE' BEN TEMPERATURE AND DEW POINT Ye. I. Gogoleva and 'Ye. M. Dobryshrnan Beginning with 1 January 1950 the dew point ('7) has been transmitted in the daily telegrams of USSR synoptic and aerologic stations instead of the relative humidity (r), and has been plotted on the synoptic charts and various graphs ('ernagrams, etc.). In the operational work of synopticians the relative humidity remains as before a very important characteristic, essential for the solution of many practical problems. The Central Forecasting Institute has therefore issued special nornographs for the determination of the relative humidity for various values of the dew point and for temperatures (t) from +Lo to -2 degrees [?] Ye. I. Gogoleva called attention to the simple, well-defined. relation between r and the difference t W "t' , which caused us to occupy ourselves with this question. I.t was established that this difference (t -) is an extremely stable criterion for the moisture- saturation characteristics of the air and is little dependent upon its temperature, For states approaching saturation this dependency is especially slight. Therefore, the quantity t - may be con- sidered as an auxiliary characteristic of air moisture. Thanks to this synoptician it has become possible to utilize the comparable quantities r an.d t -it, Our purpose consists in demonstrating that it is appropriate to utilize given values of the actual temperature (t) and the dew point (') as characteristics of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 the moisture~saturatjon of the arir. As will become evident from what follows, this may be easily accomplished by means of simple multipiic:ation of t by a certain coefficient,, or with the help of the t abler presented below Let us consider two air moisture characteristics: the relative humidity (r) and the difference t ~ . It is cloar that tlle,re exists a close relation,3bip between them and. that the nature of this rei.tionsh:ip is as follows: the smaller t - ? , the greater the relative hurnidi'by. But it iS obvious that with the difference t - '1; remaining constant, the magnitude of the relative humidity will depend upon the temperature (t). The degree of influence of the temperature on thr relation between r and t - T may be ascertained by computing the values of r, in accordance with psychrometric tables, for various values of t ., 'r , taken for various temperatures (Table 1). With a quick glance at this table we shall be sat:isf:ied that in states approaching saturation (i.e., for small values of the difference t -'C ) the temperature has almost no effect on the relation between r and t - This means that the difference t _V is a fairly stable (only slightly dependent upon temperature) criterion for characterization of the moisture saturation of the airo The empirical data obtained allow us to hope that a simple analytical relationship between r and t w may be established, 67 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABLE VA HU1If1TY (IN PERCENT) FOB, V EI(UB t FOB VALUES OF .~.,TaA.I~.U~'a INTERVAL FROM + 30 DEGREES TO -20 DEGREES ('OR THE TTMI ERAT1JRI: TM1)ERARES BELOW 0 DEGREES THE VAPOR TENSION IS TAKEN '~U TE ABOVE ICE) Temperature (degrees) t ( r (degrees) +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -0 7L.6 7209 71?0 68.9 63.7 61.0 2 89i 8.3 87.3 86.2 83.6 8L9 r 1 9L. L 9L.0 93.5 92.9 91.6 90.5 For establishrnent of the form of this relationship we `shall use the well-known Magrtus formula, which links the water-vapor saturation tension Qmax with the temperature. This formula has the form; Fat Qmax :: Qoexp ..~... b~ (expLx) = ex)~ where Q is the saturation ten.sian at O degrees; a and b are con- 0 scants which have various values depending upon what surface the moist air is located above. As V. Ay Belinskiy [l~ shows, the values of these constants are as follows; Over water, a = 75 in 10 = 17.2; b = 237.2 degrees. Over ice, a = 9.5 In 10 = 21.8; b = 265.5 degrees. Let us write the Magnus formula for the dew point (''t ) and 68 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 for the actual ternperature (t) We obtain, respectively; grrtax '~ exp a T Qmax " Qo exp r at b+~ By def.tnition, the relative humidity (r) will be Qmax r ... a , 100% = exp Qmax t t w b ., ~ C+b 100% ~ Let us investigate this expression. We temporarily designate MH t w /' = zj2 Then we may write; t The last two approximate equalities are f'ulf'illed with the greatest accuracy, since for conditions approaching saturation - S degrees; t + b > 235 degrees, so that _ 0,02? substituting ~... for 1 in (1), we obtain +b ~~b r ;. 100% exp M a.w . (t t.~ b Let us estimate the value of the power of the exponential. We put t = 10 degrees, t M ' = degrees. Then a t+b therefore for calculation of -69 (1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 1 3; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 a exp " b t - 4 e ourseive to the first two or three terms of the we may confine Taylor develoPrnent. Then a .........,... t t+b t) average value of .- a 100% for. the interval from +30 degrees The t ~ b to 0 degrees will be 6.7, and for the interval from 0 to -20 degrees, 8 . ~3 , Therefore, the last formula will take the form; r=100%6.7~(t.~ 0,228 (t -~ )~ i~ aver water; (2) w ~~ ~ r = :LOOS - 5.53 (t - )% 0,32~. (t w )2 % over iced (2a) J + For rough calculat?on,^ ~ we may ...use s,i.rn~aler. formulas in which. . ~. only the linear term r containing (t ~ ) are retained. The ca. ~ 8, should be somewhat decreased in order (607S and . z~3 ) to take into account the quadratic term of the development. It to calcu:Late in accordance with the following formulas is best of all r = 100% - ~.5 (t -'t ) % over water; r=100% 8.0(t-r[)%over iceo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 T ABLE 2 , V THE T VE HTTMIDITY (IN P1,RC NT) CALCULATLD ACCORDING VALU)S rro FORMULAS (2), (2a) AND (3), (3a) a t ,- for t ,~T for t,r0 (degrees) (degrees) Formula 2 1 2 88.L 91.2 (3a) 60.0 814.0 92.0 r].o (2a) 65.L 8L.2 91.5 I2.0 8~?6 93 Comparison o.f the data in Tables 1 and 2 yields a fully satisfactory correspondence. written above allows us to affirm that All that has been the difference t -T characterizes with a great degree of accuracy `~ c . ndition of an air mass which is close to saturati_ono the ca In operational work we may use Table 3, calculated according to formulas (2) and (2a), in which average values of the relative hl~ni_dity are given in relation to the difference t for the temperature interval from ~-3O to O degrees and from O to -20 degrees. In coneiUSian, let us call attention to the following circumstances. The structure of formulae (2) and (3) is so simple that they may be applied in the computational basis for construction of an instrument consisting of a combination thermometer-hygrometer r for purposes of obtaining more reliable data for measurement of the ~' ab relative humidity, 71- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Formula Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABLE 3 ., A '~ E~]T) FOR VARIOUS t ~~AGE V,~1,:Gtfl,S OF RELATIVE 1~CIM:~T~I~(;~N pE~~c;; '-e (degrees) Over Water Ove^ Ice t .. `L (degrees) Over Water over Ice 8.0 60 2 3.0 82 77 7.~ 62 SL. 2.8 83 78 7.0 6L, 56 2.6 8L 80 81 6. 66 58 2.L, 85 6,0 68 60 2,2 86 83 7o 63 2.0 87 8L. 5.o 72 66 1,8 88 86 L.8 '73 67 1.6 90 87 L.6 7L 68 1.L 91 89 69 1.2 92 90 L,b 7 1 0 9L.7 93.L L.2 76 70 . lw.o 77 71 o.6 96,1 95.0 3.8 78 72 o.L 97.3 96.7 3,6 79 73 0.2 98.6 98.3 3, I4 80 r~ r7 0 1oo% 100% 3,2 81 76 p,EFERENCES Belinskiy, V.A. ~ubentsav V.R. D~amic Meteorolo ~T, MOSCOW, 19 8? Calculation of Geopotentia~- Elevations and Thermo-yrometric Characteristics. azani a TsIP, number 8, 1950? Metodiche6kiye 30 psychrometric Tables, 6th edit~.on, `Leningrad-Mosco~a, 19ll.0e ~,- 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 ARTIFICIAL CLIMATE LABORATORIES S. L. 'F3astaTtOV N. M. Topoi' nitskiy k N. P. Fominti the ha.lasophi.cai conception of I. V. Michurin The Victory of p of our native agrobiologiCal science, and T. 1). Lysenko, founders iali..stic theory of the role of the influence the victory of the mater world has recanstructed the scientificM of external factors on the plant , research themes of all agricultural jnstitutes and experimental stations in a new waym For practical .realization of the, aims set before Michurinian agronarnic science -- controlled raising of plants, study and altcaratiatl of their nature, development of new frost-resistant varieties -- a goverfl]nent resolution entrusted the Ministry of Agricua.tur. e USSR with construction of two artificial climate stations. One of' these stations was designed. for work on the develop- merit of frost- and drought_resistant varieties of the fruit trees cultures of the USSR's central zone and for the further and berry better varieties in the nor. there rayons of our country advancement of where fruit culture is little developed. The second artificial was basically designed for the solution of government climate station problems ?- the advancement of subtropical crops (citrus, etc,) in new rayons (by means of development of more frost resistant varieties) -- solution of other problems standing in the way of subtropical and ..for the agriculture. The projected assignments of these two stations represent -73w" ii+ , st ,l_iJUvJ'.rd,. 'x5..14''?.ls,?Z i. it 1,Vihil ado'"4?n,rnk., walk?:,1 :r+r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 I ? ~ em of equipmen't, and :i.nstallmez~ts which a complicated teahn:~ca~. ~~'~? ~~ ~ of re roductian of changes an tempQ~rature must assure the poss. ~.b~l~.ty o p eratures of soil, wand, solar x^, and atmospheric humidity, temp an the natural conda'taans of the various etc., wh?ch are abserved eographacal regaans. ? em, accumulated experience and a For sa..u'ta.on of this problem, trained workerst organization are essential. The treat Rusfi '.an scientists vo I. Mendeleyev and N. Ye. ~~ s of laboratory eXper~-menu an ineteorolagye Zhukovskay were the founders MendeleyeV, in 'particular, described several years before Sprung the presence of a on the circulation of fluids in the p. famous experiment '.ch is undeservedly called the Sprung temperature dlff,erence why experiment". In the winter of 1915..19, in accordance with the. ideas of 'nsk Geophysical Institutes aeradmic Zhukovskay, in the Kuehi first set up for the study of 1ycapadium tunnel experiments were ' is on railroad snowguards. 'his is set as spectra and snow depas1 laboratory works of soviet geophysicistsm the beginning of the Some of the works accampiished an, this sane institute con.- while others had the purpose of studying tanued Zhukovskiy's subject, f r h site/. apparatus. Of works of the ~irst the influence of wand on ~e0p y theoretical and experimental research on type we should mention the set in a positiofl slightly raised above the i-over-?slope guardstt, forming with them a nozzle-shaped. structure slope s of the dugout an the, snow from the rails the more strongly into which he wind :blows.. t rho the second type of work belong the greater is its ve'J.oca.y ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 the studies of meteorological booths, rain-gauge shelters, etc. It is impossible to show the subsequent rapid development ~ eteorolo ical labaratory work, the interest displayed of themes of m ists in the mastering of this method, new for them, by metearolog and their consciousness of its scientific value This thematic development was called forth by agriculture's need for the expansion of the growing areas of various crops and. for auto- and railroad transport, by the solution of actual problems construction on frozen and perpetually frozen grounds and by the of struggle with chasms `opening in frozen groundi. It is obvious that the setting up of laboratory experimenta- ~ tion in the indicated directions demanded the reproduction of at least rwo of' the most important characteristics of weather and climate: temperature and atmospheric humidityo These demands were realized in Tran(apor. t and Highway Institutes ,r. 1$L L x in the form of arrangements which came to be called tartifical s ~x climate laboratories" (LIB), the essential part of which is a closed v a,erod amid tunnel where the air is conditioned with respect to yn temperature, humidity and speed of flow according to the demands of the experiment. Within thirty years the propagation of citrus crops -- oranges and lemons --?- in the damp, subtropical territories of the Soviet Union caused the All-Union Institute of Tea and Subtropical Crops to be faced with the problem of the freezing of citrus crops and of uarding them from frost. These problems were directly related to g h 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 1JlK, since the experi1flenta1 work could only be successfully end quickly conducted in laboratories where the plants could be subjected at the necessary time to appropriate chilling tests, The lnsta.. r laboratory, which was built in 193.1936, ' ~ ~u1~e s has two working chambers; the first iL.2 square meters in area and ~Q Cubic meters in volume and the second 16.5 square meters in area and ~8 ciabic meters in volume, where the plants undergoing tests are placed, and also a ckiaanber 14 square meters in area and 33 cubic meters for storage of the plants after the tests (in the in volume fo period). The last chamber is essential for creation of the thawing necessary warming conditions, analogous to natural conditions, and at the same time ' m ? for augmentation of the capacity of the chambers. For creation of uniform experimental conditions the -glass working circuit of the air-cooler is mounted 'in the chambers, arranged on the diagonal. The laboratory' s machine room, in which the central controls of the ammonia system are located, has two VAIN-10 vertical compressors with corresponding condensers and motors. The air-cooler room is located between the machine room and the working chambers. Variation of the air_moi.sture conditions is guaranteed by an a ~'dification apparatus which works through a vapor-jet feed. ~.r hurr~ Automatic signaling of disruption of the assigned parameters ( at present only for temperature and air moisture) is provided in the laboratory by an installation of self-recording instruments equipped with stopping deviceso 76N ified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Tha further development or artificial cl,i,nate 1 boratory works round itreflection in the peat industry, The technol,ogicai process of d,ryi,rrg lump peat on the enterw prises' fields wholly depends on the natural conditions in the seasonal period. The successr'u], conjunction of the dimensions and shape of the blocks and the application of the optimal form of drying makes for intensification of peat drying and at the saarle time for an increase in final production yield. In 19146, at the assignment of the pest industry, the scientific-Research Department of the Moscow Technological Institute imeni L. M., under the direction of Professor 5L. Dastamov and Professor M. N. Mayzel', designed an artificial cJ.i.mate laboratory for these purposes which was immediately made ready Whereas for construction of a model of frost zones of the humid subtropics a complex of three meteorological elements _-~ temperature, humidity and wind velocity -- sufficed, for the peat industry's artificial climate laboratory a more complete complex of meteorological conditions had to be designed. In this project direct and diffused solar radiation, precipitations and variations of the subsurface water level in the soil monolith were also provided. The peat industry's artificial climate laboratory consists of a closed hermetic aerodynamic tunnel with a sealed work area of cubic form. The air circulating in the tunnel passes on its way a cooling system, a heating installation and. a humidifying unit. The velocity of the air in the tunnel reaches 5 meters per second, the temperature a from 0 to plus 60 degrees and the humidity, from 20 to 100 percent. .. 7 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Installed in the upper part of the operational chamber is a light cxposure chamber with an ar'r1sngemcmt of daylight lamps f'or imitation of direct solar radiation. Diffused radiation is repro- duced with the help of frosted glass and milk glass. The drying of pump peat by various operations and. in various shapes must be conducted on a natural. underlying surface. For reali- zation of this condition the operational chamber is supported at the bottom by a monolith with a peat bed in which the subsurface water' level is regulated by a special device. Thus the upper surface of the peat monolith forms the bottom of the operations chamber. In this chamber precipitations of various intensities are provided. For this purpose water-spray jets working off of a water-conducting network are arranged. around the periphery in the upper part of the chamber. A few remarks should be made on. special features of the processing of materials in the various works conducted in artificial climate laboratories. The majority of these works require the estab- lishment of comparison criteri..a which will assure the transition from the dimensions of a studied "model" to nature. One must, however,, have the difficulty of this transition constantly in mindo Let us give several examples. The results obtained from experiments on snow precipitation on model railroad shelters were completely satisfactory, qualitatively and quantitatively, but their. quantitative interpretation did not fall within the Reynolds comparison criterion Indeed, with a model L - 5 times smaller than nature, the windstream velocity would have to be 78,: , :Jr 'ii. ~~169sr m1't~ P IPIP ~iJlr[11 '?IV~ti~l. ~7PJ~dh~'~fr~hllA 4rt'1~}419a~41 ~'Pr5{l lf~,fa}i IU1tP l ~';(w+l1h{ i r `; f 4 r i I V ( t { 7P~r '`jP ~ ? L {il'J~ k4Y 4r i iiY j ~ {~ I i 1~ ~a ~ { ~ r ~ ~ ~~ 991 ' ~1y ~~1 q 6P I { 1 !I F ', t I Ati { i it f 1.~YJU t~ ~d ~a4 llp~,+v y, T'~, { U ~i: if i 1 (F,'Uri'J t {4 1a 1,y~j,ICr ~y~.1~ 1 1 f i1~ ~y J ! '~ '7 i~ i! ~r i~, t~~ltt~.~r~l~u~.~flh'l i~Ef~r~r&~aa,~1Vi~'r~!l~I.~Yrih.:; ified in Part - Sanitized Cor v Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 O - 0 meters per second, which was unrealizable increased up to for the g iation. imilariy, he coefficient of kinematigiven a,nstal, viscosity was not dPt ',ed.. Thus, in spite of the. good coilform~.ty ~,rma,~. betwc,en the measurements "~ of snow precipitation in the models and in natural conch.l,a~ ..ans, the processing of the laboratory experiments could not be fully conclusive. thermal oofdi.tlons of soils an experimental For work an the prison criterion was established of the Fourier type Fo carnpt '-.t = const where CX is the thermal conductivity, t is the xl.~ time, and x is the determining dimension. of the model. The cited ~ssion fully proved its worth in the most carefu]. works on expr~, models of conditions in perpetually frozen grounds construction of and of conditions in ~, lar 'e monoliths of freezing damp grounds. Let , us note that in the Faura.excra. ' ter~.on the :coefficient is considered . to be constant, whereas, as a result of the migration of moisture during through tx e ~e2ing, the density of the ground, its thermal capacity and. thermal conductivity change; moreover, the thermal capacity of the soil air is not the same in different levels of the soil. All these considerations, obviously, lead to the conclusion that operation with models the sought-for temperatures will be in observed at different depths (xL6) than one would expect according to the Fourier theory (x2). noted that the comparison criterion obtained It should be za.tian of experimental materials on the laboratory for generaln. stud, of car lubricants proved to be completely satisfactory in the temperature range from plus LO to minus ~2 degrees. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 The comparison son criterion was obtained from the 1'u.rncmental r r~ rathe~' than from the hYdrod~namic equation of lubricant operatioa Sonullerf eid U friction number" . s of incompressibilitY of the lubri- In fact, under c0nc1?tjon cating fluid, Wf3 have; x where p ?5 5 the pressure on the axle expressed in absolute weight units, u is the rate of motion, t is the coefficient of viscosi.tY9 and 2u ~2u .~ u= 2+ x Y Applying the equation to the one direction perpend.icular to the friction surface, we shall have ax After this the comparison criterion will be written in the following px _ idem, /LA u determining linear dimension, as has been confirmed. where. x is the .the results of work on the dependence of evaporation upon the dimensions and form of the evaporating vessel are well represented by the criteria of Reynolds and peklE. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA RDP82 000398000200040023 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 There is no doubt that dth the Construction of two new artifa.cial c~.jmate etatiofS the application of ineteoro1o ;ical exparentataon will lead to 'the successful solution of a whole series of problems Jrentec~ to various branches of the national economy. ified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 201Z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 SNORT REPORTS AND ARTICLE LCULATION OF ADVECTIONAL CHANGES OF TEMPERATURE A T~+aCk~~1I~,U; ~ FOR CA USING FlLOT-RALIOON 0BSER,VATION DATA S K1 mcharev In an earlier published work of the author Lla matbods for determination of the advectional temperature variation by means of charts of baric to,pograptay and using data of pilot-balloon observa- tions at a fixed point were described. Insufficient accuracy in the drawing of the isohypses on the basic topography charts often proves an obstacle to the calculation of the advectional temperature change by the first method. In marry cases more reliable results may be obtained using the data of pilot-balloon observations, i.e., by the second method? N of dwelling upon questions of the foundation of this method in principle, we shall indicate here.practiral procedures which allow advectional temperature changes (or, to put it more briefly, advection) to be quantitatively calculated in a very simple way from data of pilot-balloan observations at a fixed point. According to the author's work [1], the operational formula for calculation of advect?ion in a layer of thickness hn - hl i.s the expression -1 vivi+l sin ___ where (t)a T is the advectional temperature change in degrees after three hours, 036 is the coefficient for latitude 6 degrees, hn 82 ified in Part - Sanitized Co 0.36 h (1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 a.n hundreds of meters, vis the ~.s fiche thickness of the layer dc~ hin maters per seconds v~.+1 a.s th~ wind velaca.ty at all,' ~,tu a. ~s the angle between the Vectors oca.t at altitude ha.+1, ' ~. vol. y vi and vi+i are the more accurate the greatex' The results of calculation is n, that is, the greater the number of measuremen~as there are er h .. h r The minal. thickness of a layer witYrj.rL the given lay n 1 to advec;tion is lUUO M 1~UU meters. At U K for which one may calcula , an~k,s must be distributed at each 2S the same time, ~m.nd measurernc, 300 meters of altitude. For elucidation of the calculation technique we present Table l as an example See next page for 'f'able la ,s that in the lU`~0 ~- 2590 meter The given calculation ir~.dicate de of 1830 meters, in i6 hours on June layer, with a middle altitu ed a considerable ad,vection of heat with an 19L8, there occurred ~ees a r 3 hours. .fit the same time in the intensity of 2.9 degx ~ rater la er ( middle altitude 289U) there.. overlying 2~9U ? ~lfi0 m Y n of the same sign with an in,tensity was an ex.tremel.y weak advec tio hours. Thus the advection was extremely o:f: U.3 degrees per 3 with rESpect to al.titudeb The synoptic a,x?regu.larly distributed r characterized by the appz'oach of a trough si,tuatian on this day was utheast. The given case is interesting in toward Moscow from the so on of warm air was proceeding in the lower that here a strong invasi stropg development of instability. atmospheric layers, accompanied by a me da there began in Moscow a strong thunder- within l.8 hours of the sa Y 83'. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 TABLE Z CALCIJLATION OF AD EvTIONAL TI'iF] R TTJ ';' r q v [l] [2] [3] C4 10.7 55 7 +30 ~TiVi +1 E Q,h h li: T MOSCOW 1i tJ1ThE 19L8 ~1 s (8T A [6j [7] [8] [9] [10] [11~ +11 +0.19 56 +10.7'? 13.7 66 8 16.& 96 8 19.8 120 9 22.9 127 LO 25.9 156 8 29.0 1S7 10 33.5 1)4 9 10 CHANGE B PILOT-BALLOON DATA DURING 16 R0 IRS sin LSi L5J +32.0 +0411 72 +29.5 ` +121 1.2 +0.12 90 +lo.B +29 +0,L8 80 +38.L) +0.02 80 + 1.6 -o.])t ioo 1U.3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 +2.9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 [l] (2] [3] [U1 9.6 158 +9 [5] [6] i7J [8I -0.09 108 45.7.. 153 1? 1,8 +714 ;-0.2L 120 +28.8 [91 []-oJ [1]l 25.9 38.9 107 10 d the n direction of ~~n .. the earth's surface ; _n hundreds of me+ ,,ers, is the .. a ? de above tir~h ltitude the a n E _ sin, . ' ~ is the ,, 1+1 is. degrees,v is v ~h~ckne^~~ of ? the velocity in meters ~ per second, _ zn; 1h? ~a dle of the lauverQ e laYer h is one altitude of the n11 ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 storm with downpours yielding 20 mi11imeter$ precipitation. m?times it is more convenient to determine the aclvection ,ao of temperature by another method, that is by a holograph, which may be easily constructed on a Molchanov circle or on a special blank ('Figure 1) , plotting the wind vectors from a single point and joining their' extremities with a continuous line, as is shown in the figure. It follows from formula (1) that the advectional ~. change of temperature in the layer of atmosphere between altitudes h and h is proportional to the area included between the vectors l n of the wind at the lower and upper boundaries of the layer and the curve of the h.odograph. (An area formed by the rotation of the wind vector with altitude to the right is considered positive, and with, a contrarily directed rotation, negative.) layer 'cc 1-2 kilometers - l. d reel per 2-3 kilometers I' t~,+xm~nimt~N~wnr! a~~+roru^~MU~n"u~'J Figure le Wind Hodograph. Moscow, 2 June 19L7, 00 hours 00 minutes. 6 3 spurs 1.8 degrees per' Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 e ma detarm~.nQ tha~~ area by at ,on of tl?~te advec?la~.c~n on y ~ ~' or c ~,~. cul better to use a nomogram (Figure 2). Thile,na.meter, but it is ce the a, so- stems; the salad iines tr~~ namo~;r~ has two curve. Y dotted lines are . temperature change, and the sines of advectional ? rences centered at paint Oo arcs ocarcurnfe ?,ion. Latitude 56 cram'or calculation of advec ~'iP;uTe 2. Namar, A h ~ l kilo.. in degrees per 3 how's with degrees, advect~.on meter. 1 _ area tion in Ups degrees per 3 hours .~ corres~.C~oncJto advec advect'~.on we place the noino~;rara 'For measurement of the... uch a position arPnt paper. or celluloid, in s is traced on tr. ansp ;int U on the draft. the nomogram coincides wjth po that point U of halo raphs and line UL of the nomogram caincj.des, with the the lower boundary of the layer. of the g Vector of the w~.nd at d_1?ine arc which form S a sector' Then we select the do~Lte boundaries ? of the wind at the lower and upper boun between the directa.on~~ ~ of hadogreph4 ' ate/ equal to the area of the of the layer, appra~Y,.im J ntersection of the s elected axe ~' After this we note the paint of ' The at the upper baundax'y of the laYE 'r. with the vector of the w~.nd a 'Tes fives the system of ad,vection isol~. g ositian of this point in .....h the thickness p ~ the magnitude of advection in degrees ~ ~ per ' hour's, If t of the layer in question . is one kilometer. kilometers, the obtained numbed 111uat be divided by rn. ion with data of pilot - radical calculation of advect observations at a fined point indicates that this method balloon 87 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 S satx.'sfactary results, if the original data (that is, the wand measurements) are sufficiently accurate. On the basis of pa,latpball.oan observations, the probable error, in determining riot exceed O, degrees per 3 hours for advection advectian does magnitude 2 degrees per three hours. It ',ial to note that one may determine advection is easen , by this method only in the free atmosphere. It is impossible to use wind data at an altitude less than one kilometer, and also in mountain regions where the local conditions of the terrestrial surface influence the distribution of the windo Formula (1) and the nomogram are calculated for latitude aid one may compute the advection in accordance ~6 degrees e With their with observations at another latitude ( 9)) also, but then it is necessary to multiply the obtained. result by the ratio sin ''sin ~6 degrees REF EREN CES l.. K1Yu charev: S. Se, Toward a MetbocWiagy for Ana:l.ysiS of Temperature Changes in the Atmosphere. Meteorala~i awn ~droloa~ number 9, 1910 88 44 ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 QUFE3TION OF Tl[E ROLE O]' II5HHI LDSI' IN D.ET RMINATION THE JIIr LL._ OF PRECIPITATION T. E arti $hvili Installations and instrument's designed far measurement of - preca.pitata.on make it possible to measure actually falling preci.pi.ta nl Y in completely still, windless weathero ta.ans OfllY in completely still, windless weather In windy weather, in order to decrease 'the blowing-off of the snow which has accumulated in the precipitation gauge, a so- "shield" is attached. to the gauge. Means to prevent this ca].lecl are applied chiefly in the USSR and, but in those countries low falls in :mall quantities, as, for example, in : where sr 1s ecipitatlon measurements are conducted Hrith rain tern Europe, p.r gauges without any shields. rfl e' famous Nifer shield, which was widely employed in stations in Russia from 1890 'measurement rain an, gradually went out of use, its place being taken by the A1'ter and Kodd baffle shield. But in a case where one apparatus is re- placed by another this other apparatus must give better results than the first, or else the si.ibstitution is meaningless. It is ed. what is the function of the indicated, "shieldst", and do they ask make possible even an approximate determination of the actually falling precipitation. In order to answer this question, let us consider certain materials from the fourteen-years' observations at the Kazbeg high- mountain meteorological station. In the first two years precipita- tion measurements were produced by a rain gauge with a Nifer' shield, - 89 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 their wit~ the rain gauge) a Tree yakQv in the tn.i.rd year (toga M lied and since 1 Janua~'y i99 preca.P~.tat~,on began to bapp , a a- ~' nation gauge, wha..ah I raconstructed,, scallod t~cdmpos~.t~e prec~.p t akov and composa~ta prac~.pi'cation has baen installed. The tzaty ? h baffle sha.e':.ds and were installed in a gauges were prov'~.ded with completely open place in identical conditionso . aasuremants in he course of The results of praca.p:>.tata.ons m ted recipita~tion gauges are presented 19L~9 with the three ~.rtda.c,a ~ in Table 1? TABLE 1 Quar,t~.. ty of Precipitate on in 19L9 in Millimeters During; the Cold During the Year precipitation Gauge Rain gauge (Nifer shield) 13,1 Fret'yakov precipitation gauge 1~' 'a bja 1210.9 ~' (baffle shield) Composite precipitation gauge (baffle shield) 822.E 1L9? 162)4.8 From the observational results it is clear that the rain gauge with a Nifer shield.. does not catch precipitations at the time Deice recipitation gauge coll.cct5 6 times of a snowstorm. The romp p 90- period (January furing to April and Oct1o- February ber to December) and March Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 :0 1A-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 a much p e'~ lY~ akav gauge dura~x~strc~Y~~ wands , ~.or>, as the Tr re,~.patat }s as much a~M the 1at'ter during weak winds, and 2 t a.rae In .~ebruary 190 the shield was removed from the compnsata p March abservatians were cand'ucted rec ipa.tat~an gauge and until 19 ~ ~ Ma . a sha.elr~,. The resuJ:ts of observation with. this instrument w~.k,haut during this time interval are as :f.'ollows. 17.1 mil.~ime'ters ~~ , Y . . . Rain gauge (Ni.~e.r. s .~eld) . ~,3~?~ mil;l.ime~ters T~auge (baffle shield) F ? . ? ? 9 ~al~av precip'--~tation gauge ,~ety 212 .0 millimeters i'tation ;age (Wi'thout s}iield) . A e . Compos~.te preclp It should be noted that on L February and l~S March more recip the Tr,e~t1yakav p~?ecipitation }gauge than ~. by t~,t, the was measured by _ ,e tee ~ ci ita~ p ~ m:>.11.~.m s ~ e~ composite gauge. On L February 1. . e. ~ hour. s ,~ alcov roCip7.tat:-on gauge at 1, Lion were measured by the 'frety p i,ta_ the rain gauge and the composite preGii? and l.O rnil~l'l:meters each by stered March the three precipitation gauges regi ~tion gauge ? On l~ ~ ,~ and ci~pa.tation at the times of the ~ the ~'oll.awing quant~.t_e s of pre 19.~hour observations, 19 hours hours ~?1 millimeters 7.0 millimeters Rain gauge (Nif'er shield) T,Tet, yakov precipitation gauge )1 millimeters f3.8 millimeters (baf:~le shield) ' Composite precipitation gauge 3,9 millimeters.. ~?5 millimeters (~.thou'~ shield) 91 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 uar Y and id March) during the snow all on th se days s (L Febr~' e a observed at times to be ul:l.y slight ~r.nd was, ob-a qn 2'l February and 1~ March all o:C tY1s precipitation gauges mea,u'red the same quantity oT,'l,a~, ion. On 19 March 19~o the 1a.d was also ~emovcd from the compaea.te that what was left of it was actually a,ta~k,~.on gauge, so ci itatian gauge Without any shjelda Fram 19 March to 'hret~yalcov pre p 1 ay the fal.l.owa observational results were obtained 7 ~ :1 millimeters Rain gauge ((fifer shield) * . a I ? . Treky'akav precipitation gauge (baf,f'le shield). 120.6 millimeter. s , ' thou~r, shield) 9Li?2 mil;l.imeters rj~~,e.~ ~ yalco~r preca.pitatian gauge (wa. xecipi.ta.taon according to the As we see, the glLanta.ty o.L p ' ~.tatian gauge Without shield is greater.. data. of the 'Y'ret'yakav precip than the quantity of p 'pital~i on according to the rain gauge; ~~ec~. data approach those of the rain gauge more in addition, the fanner Cet' ak.av preca.pitati.on gauge with shield. closely than thane of the lr. y 4 e rc;sence of weak winds, the data of the In separate cages, in th p ~ akov rec:'>_pitation gauge without shield rain gauge and the Tret y p rain gauge data are... just a the approach one another. very closely ( trifle greater), and the data of the T'retlyakav precipitation gauge than the data of bath ~ the other] with shjeld are. considerably greater precipitation gauges. of measurement with the precipitation gauge The results the average higher than those with the rain with.aut shield remain an which are observed rather often at gauge, because daring snowstorms, ..92- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 the Kazbeg station, the rain gauge is completely incapable of accumulating :preci itat.ons In the course of ..9)49 (when the Tret' yakov and co,lnpasite precipitation gauges were located in identical conditions) the cornposi,te precipitation gauge measured 6 times more precipitation than the Tret' yakov gauge in the presence of winds with velocities of 25 - LO meters per second. In 1950, when the shield was removed from the composite gauge, it accumulated almost 3 times more precipita- tion than the Tret'yakov gauge in the presence of winds of the same velocity. 'rhe introduced materials show convincingly that precipitation gauges of different constructions give different readings,, the difference being so great that it may introduce changes in principle into contemporary representations of the quantity of actually falling precipitation. Certain peculiarities of the indicated instr. uments are easily explained. Thus, for example, a slight increase of the quantity of precipitation given by the precipitation gauge with baffle shield as compared to that given by the instrument without sf.el.d in quiet weather is essentially explained by the blowing off of snow from the plates of the shield by light gusts of wind. As we know, the baffle shield consis of lh metallic plates which are curved outward at their upper ends, the area of the curved upper end of each plate being slightly different from the area of the collecting part of the Trettyakov precipitation gauge. During a quiet snowfall the surface of the curved part of each of these plates collects approximately the sane quantity of snow as fails into the pre- ,93 *. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200040023-1 cipitatian gauge, and a rather insi.gni:fi,cant whiff of a breeze eas of snow aecumu1ated' on the plates will throw part of the h p into the gauges ' rabiem is which piecipitata.on ~a;auga However, the basic p '.tote the best appraisal of the actu~~l~.y gives readi.ns which cansta ' ema~.nLn~; expaed, sand the im~~~artance precipitation whale r ., ~ at we approach its soJ.utian ~rithout delay. of the demands th The eacistiflg, data an the role of '+shi.elds?1 :Lead. Lis to the ' s enerally destructive The study oi' the aero- that, ~tha~ tale a ~ au ~;s which Basmal,ov and, and dynamic hi of rain ? ~, ?; ' dicated that from the whirling motion ]..alder yalcob, conc:~ucted, an -t six cap is formed at ~th? edges o f the o:f the wind a so?-called 1 blowing the snow sway from the surface auae and the wand, rain a ~ ~ _ of the rain gauge which is turned toward it, blocks it up inside the instrument, If the comparatively small dimensions of a precipitation gauge change the natural course of the air flow, then any kind of ar er d uaensions, must change it more ? We assume shield, having l g lawn away From. the surface of the precipita-that; the quantity o f snow b. t:ian gauge whack faces the wind and blocking up inside it must be so not exceed the error which is generally ins~.gnificant that it will not surement whereas the quantity of snow tolerated- in preca.p~.t.ataon mea s which is collected by the action of the shield from its edges and inside the precipitation gauge is cansider- surfaces and isblacked up ~ . e' . in our opinion, abser nations of pT.eC1.Pitation ably Larger. Therefore, reciP~.taton gauges without" any shields. are better conducted wa; P I 9 i rn?.Vl +f x (p:,V a(i J t i. ' a hr t (I ~. ! } n.vtil Yti xllf+,',cr~ 1411 r 11.;,,~ ~~ ,..a.J;;ygpdJS r,!.."..r~,j'.iN?h d'}(jx+'. r'.,~iV4llmp~l f'^, f)y ~P t.-!tf}~f'rf iJ f rrlr?a 1! i?9J f hl (~: (,i;11P I f!r I ~ ~ J'r !l t~r.j~11 ~ }~{ ii1~(,.i1! ,?n ?rIG ~,.X~f .! nKi:i V!{,'~~ li,l~ lf~i~~'Y7~!'N~Gp~~ ~f'S,p'r`4~~i7"~q~~ ~~~~~~qA`N ~ i fl ~~~`t i9 ~~7" Ir 1, '~~F} ~~i y}:,( t 1;'iV }fir rt l.''.' ' V r Ito Nr', i}'.~'"f"~5?p~~~A?4. v1,~{y~, kt` ' ~y,~~~FC )~yi 7~.fG i, Cr~~~rit,, kf i'I tPMi''d{,. '~1~?p