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September 26, 1985
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Approved For Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP87MO1007R000200600005-5 S 1:!25 1 (.U\GRESSIONAL RECORD - S. U;,? Uu?, r,' I., (ii,. d u, .,.,?, ;'rr, a t,: 1!- n 1w "o, In: Ili, u,? at the L:nuuni't?- on Ru:? ? ;,,,A Anrn,nr-cratwn All- DOLE. I move to revou'-uigI tau volt by uhictl the measure w'a. af?re?e?d to. Mr. BYRD. I move to lad that motion on the table. The motion to lay on th( tab!, teas agreed to. PURCHASE OF CALENDARS The resolution (S. Res. 232) resat:np' to the purchase of calendars. was con- sidered. and agreed to. as follows. S Res 232 R'sufrrd That tht Commits,' on Rai,: and Administration 1s aulhonr d to rapt lid from the contlnFe?n! fund of the Sinai( upon tout hers approtc?d be the cli;,lrn,an of that c'ornrnnce?e. not to exceed 567.980 for the purcha c of one hundred and thn, thou>snd calendars Thu cal( ndarr sl.all bt detributed as prescribed by the co:n.viiii- Mr. DOLE. I mote to reconside-r the tote by which the measure was agreed to. Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. AUTHORIZING THE PRINTING OF A REPORT The resolution (S. Res. 181) author- izing the printing of the report enti- tled "'highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. Sixth Annual Report to Congress." as a Senate document. yeas considered. and agreed to. as follows: S. Rss. 181 Rrsolrted. That .the annual report of th( Secretar of Transportation to the Congress of the United States in compliance with sec- tion 144ti, of title 23. United States Codc- eci,itled. "H1gbw'ay Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. Sixth Annual Report to Corigres_ be printed as a SenatF doe,,invent. Sec. 2. Them shall be printed three'hun- ared addrtional copies for the ust of the Committee on Environment and Public Works. Mr. DOLE. I move to reconsider the rote by which the measure was agreed to. Mr. BYRD. I more to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. TRANSFER OF CERTALN AU- THORITY TO THE STATES OF MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE The bill (S. 1701) to authorize a par- tial transfer of the authority of the Maine-New Hampshire Interstate Bridge Authority to the States of Maine and New Hampshire.. was considered, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and Passed: a.s follows: 8.1701 Br if enacted by the Scnalr dad Houar of A.prv,rPtLchiei q; the Unilcd Slam u,Anlrr- IgO n, (Y,r ^~?.. C..v',,,hl,?d Thnl 111, ( A- , ii 5t, pn,tgd J,> 2F 1? ,5b $ NS' amrnd?ci bt stnf,,it 0111 u, it,, firo p;,r graph th, r, to Rn0 apprc) ehe. Ihgr,?to' arid b?? In',,-r,Inr a,, the end 1here,l ?Th' Slat,-, 0! Maur and New flamp,hir, at' an 11101izgd U' all eon,,trurt or, m;uri:, n;, tII" al,d o1M rat, octal all! hurtle U'., r t.iu approa, I..roau- and Grad, sc par:,t lot, ,!ru, turf's in I h, it rr,p(,rt i7 ( arga, A, 1), o'. id. d in Main? Pros'' and Sir?c Ial 1.av ('h;,p!g1 38 1985. and N'v Hamp,hir, Statng, Chant, r 415. Iltg5 the rehpecUtf S-,,t, shsl: r,c.ucrf In, Authorlt> lo pre iO, At;- Ihorui tur.d- fo? cap, imprutem: n;- Mr. DOLE. I mote to reconsider the- vott by which the m('asurt- was agreed t o. Mr. BYRD. 1 move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table- was agreed to. STAR PRINT OF REPORT NO. 99-105 Mr. DOLE. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that Senat( Report No. 99-105 be star printed to reflect the following changes which I send to the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out obiecuon. it is so ordered. STAR PRINT OF REPORT NO. 99-135 Mr. DOLE. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that Senate Report No. 99-135 be star printed to reflect the following changes which I send to the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection. it is so ordered. TITLE AMENDMENT TO H.R. 2005 Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the title of H.R. 2005 be amended so as to read: A hill to (Mend and amend the Comprc- hensice Em ironmental Response. Comp'-r:- sation and L.1ab;iit} Act o1 1980. and fur other purposes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Without objection, it is so ordered. ORDER OF PROCEDURE Mr. DOLE. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate go into executive session to consider thf following nominations on the Execu- tive Calendar. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President. I am not prepared to do that yet. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, as I un- derstand it. the managers handiine the intelligence authorization bill will not require a rolicall vote. Is that cor- rect? Mr. L?AHY_ My understanding or. this side. M_r. President. is that there will not be a request for a rollcall. There will be a short colloquy that the chairman of the committee and I shall have regarding Contra aid. That will obviate the necessity of an amend- ment and a rollcall. i know of no roll- ATL Sep11e ether ,I' te, Ir r, qu,?;I ,.d o. call- I his sidAiof tlh, aisl, t Mr Dt'hF:NBERG EP,. Mr. lire,; de tit. a:, tar a,, the Chair a e'nr?.?rr ,.r their is no reason tot a rollcali There will bt two minor am, nari,?r,: one on b, half of Senator lit;x-,1.~ tF other on behalf of Sen2tor ne?il her of which re?qu n'je?, a r()1;,_ tote. No rollc:all v.';II b? ,...,..,~a., parsaF e. ur. Mr. DOLE Mr Pr,: id? r;?. Ci1; ,. ,,. basis. and I think th1 d:?:it,;;;t?i. r minority leader mrcht ace, , . v. l! l: t i?;.; assurance on both hid,; tilat 110 rot. call tote will be requ?.;''d. I tf,lr:i, v, can indicate to Metnb? rs I ha'. t!,, ,, w'ili be no roliCal: tote- te'r-,,t-h' %V. will not be in session tomnrro , . A-. will come in at approximil'e It l l a rr on Monday. and there a il: bt no on Monday until 4 p.m. Mr. BYRD. Mr. Presidf7rt. I th:r.,, that would be deslrabi: Mr. DOLE. I. thank the mrnr,c: r- th( bill. I yield the floor Mr. President. there ui;i be no m, r? rollc'all votes this a\en:ng and v.e s:;l not be in"session tomorrow.. IX'rELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION 1986 Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Pre-,ii dent. I ask unanimot:, consent that the Senate now turn to Calendar No. 287. S. 1271. the Intelligence Authori- zation Act. The PRESIDING OFFICER tM,r. WARNER). Without objection. it is sc, ordered. The -clerk will scat( the bLil by title. The assistant legislative clerk ,read as follows: A bill (S 1271 ' to autforize appro~,?:- tions for intt?)liwt rice acti%Hit- F -of tn? Ut. '??C States Go?.ernmc?nt. the >rtc- :c :nr, Cc,r mun,cv Staff. the Crnlra` Agenc Rc?urem, nt and D:-at;;:'?. S- and lo; other purpos, There being no objection. the S.-na'c proceeded to consider the bill. wh:' li had been reported from the Coc:rrit- tee on Armed Services and or. behalf of the Committee on Affairs. with amendments. R. follow (The parts of the bill intended to be stricken are shown in boldface bra^i.- ets and the parts of the bill inten:7'-d to be inserted are shown in iia'i:'s.. B' ,' rriac,,d br to' Sr1.ct( vein' li t.-' F.!'F.rrbr7:la.'i-e, c' (ht f'r.i!nr S!c": r. A,,:?*1ce tr: Cc;,''- ,' c rr.,b,?r.. T!u:'. ?i - Act may be cued a- Ihr ' Irrt:,'c-n"' A; I corization Art for fisca! . f?ar 148(: . TITLE 1-INTELLIGE\CE, ACT1VITIF.: AU-,HOF.IZ',TIUrc Gr APFF. ,,PEI ;Ttnti- SEC. 101 Fund, are h.'ceb anti,o II?^ , b: app:opr,at??d ic'r Its, a'. -'tar :986 :o: conduct .of tl:' i!:!?-l:.ct?nc.? as': vc,t: c.' 'n. folloain eft: of the Unw?-c Goternme nu (l) The Cen:ra; Intf ll,set,t A. :i; ?. (2) The Department of Dclrns? c3, The Defense Inteliir , n Ar,?n' t4' Tht N;: ;nt;r.: Sccurit' Acf nc-, Approved For Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP87MO1007R000200600005-5 Approved For Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP87MO1007R000200600005-5 S 12256 -ONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SEN classified and are excluded from this cost es- I believe this legislation takes very timate. affirmative action to address the Section 105 authorizes $21.4 million for threat posed by terrorism. the construction of a research and engineer- Mr. President. I yield to the distin- ing facility- at Fort Meade. Maryland for the guished chairman of the committee. National Security Agency. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Section 201 authorizes $22.3 million for the intelligence Community staff. This question is now on agreeing to the amount provides for 233 full-time personnel amendment. ac of September 30. 1986. The amendment (No. 711) was Section 301 provides $10L4 million for the agreed to. Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- Disability Fund. dent. I move to reconsider the vote by Section 601 authorizes the Secretary of which the amendments was agreed to. Defense to use the proceeds of counterintel- ligence operations conducted by components of the Military Departments to offset neces. motion on the table. sary and reasonable expenses incurred in The motion to lay on the table was such operations. Surplus funds are to be de- agreed to. posited in the Treasury as miscellaneous re- ceipts. The amounts Involved in this provi- sion are classified and are excluded from this cost estimate. Section 602 authorizes the Director of Central Intelligence to establish a list of posts deemed unhealthful. Personnel would receive one and one half years credit toward retirement for each year served in such a post. Because the number of posts deter- mined to be unhealthful and the number of personnel affected by such a determination are not known, it is not possible to estimate the budgetry impact of this provision. The bill includes other provisions that do not have significant budgetary impacts. 6. Estimated cost to state and local gov- ernments.-None. 7. Estimate comparison.-None. 8. Previous cost estimate.-None. 9. Estimate prepared by.-Jonathan Tyson (226-2840). 10. Estimate approved by-James L. Blum, Assistant Director for Budget Analy- sis. Mr LEAHY. Mr. President. I compli- ment the distinguished chairman of the committee for his remarks. We have done something different this year than I have seen in the slightly over 5 years that I have served on the Intelligence Committee: that is to handle the budget at the full commit- tee rather than the subcommittee level. Having served at both levels, I think there had been distinct advan- tages to allowing all members of the Intelligence Committee involved in the budget process. With the complement of new members on both sides of the aisle, hallowed members to have a better idea of what is in often a very complex and, of course, very secret budget. I think the only way one fully understands what goes in the intelli- gence community is by analysis of the budget. As the Intelligence Committee has found, no matter how well-inten- tioned all of us are, often the only real oversight control we have is through the budget process. So it was a good experiment to try this year. I think it is one that should be continued for the next fiscal year. I am most pleased with the committees the Senator from Minnesota and also activism in the area of terrorism. It is urge adoption of this amendment. one that I have encouraged for years. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The As recent events have shown us, ter- question is on agreeing to the amend- rorist activity throughout the world ment. contitutes one of the major, if not the The amendment (No. 713) was major, nonnuclear threats to the secu- agreed to. rity of the United States and to our in- Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- terests worldwide as well as to our do- dent, I move to reconsider the vote by mestic security. which the amendment was agreed to. FE September 26, 1985 Mr. LEAHY. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. AMENDMENT NO. 7 3 tt (Purpose: To provide additional funding and authority for the Federal Bureau of inves. tigation in order to Improve the counter- terrorist capabilities of the Bureau ) Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk on behalf of the Senator from Texas (Mr. Brxr- sEN), for himself. Mr. DuRENBERCER, myself, and other Senators listed on the amendment and ask for its imme- diate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The legislative clerk read as follows: The Senator from Vermont (Mr. LEMnv]. for Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. DURENBERC t. Mr. LEANT. Mr. Comm, Mr. BoREN. Mr. RoTM. Mr. Mollrrs*N. Mr. MURxowsict. Mr. ZoRiN- sxy. Mr. Sr writ. Mr. BaAnt.rr. Mr. LONG. and Mr. GaAsst.zv. proposes an amendment numbered 714. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that further read- ing of the amendment be dispensed with. - The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, It is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: At the appropriate place In the bill, insert the following: Sec. . (a) There are authorized to be ap- propriated for fiscal year 1986. $59,539.000 for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to carry out the counterterrorism activities. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Federal Bureau of Investigation may purchase for fiscal year 1986. an addi- tional 40 vehicles to be used in counterter- rorist activities. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Attorney General may make payments in advance for expenses arising out of contractual and reimbursable agree- ments with State and local law enforcement agencies while engaged in cooperative acthi- ies related to terrorism. Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. President, it has been 3 months now since the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 and the execution of Navy diver Robert Stethem by Middle Eastern terrorists. As the cir- cumstances surrounding this tragic event lose their sharp edge in our col- lective memory, it would be all too easy for us to lapse into complacency and to ignore the growing potential for terrorist activities here in the United States. Ignoring the reality of terrorism. however, would be exceedingly short- sighted. We are fortunate that terror- ist activity in this country has not risen to the heights that it reaches routinely elsewhere in the world. but we cannot assume that it will remain at a reduced level. Indeed, on a world- wide basis the number of terrorist inci- dents is increasing steadily. And for the past few years over 40 percent of these incidents have been directed against the U.S. Government or U.S. citizens or their property. Nor are internationl terrorists the only threat we face. This past week in Approved For Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP87MO1007R000200600005-5 AMENDMENT NO. 713 (Purpose: To require notification of the Ju- diciary Committees that certain natural- ization requirements do not apply to cer- tain aliens because of their extraordinary contribution to United States national se- curity, and for other purposes) Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- dent. I send an amendment to the desk on behalf of the Senator from Wyo- ming [Mr. SIMPSONI and ask for its im- mediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The assistant legislative clerk read as follows: The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. DUREN- BERGER). for Mr. Simpson, proposes an amendment numbered 713. Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- dent. I ask unanimous consent that further reading of the amendment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it Is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: On page 8, beginning on line 12. strike out "fifteen" and all that follows through "In- telligence" on line 15 and insert in lieu thereof the following. "Ten. The Director of Central Intelligence shall notify the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Commit- tee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- gence and the Committee on the Judiciary". Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- dent, the purpose of this amendment very simply is to require notification of the Judiciary Committees that cer- tain naturalization requirements do not apply to certain aliens because of the extraordinary contributions to U.S. national security. It is a very ap- propriate amendment on behalf of our colleague from Wyoming, who is also chairman of the Immigration and Nat- uralization Subcommittee of Judici- ary. He spotted an oversight on the part of the committee, and I highly recommend its adoption. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President. I thor- oughly concur with the statement of Approved For Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP87MO1007R000200600005-5 Stitt m fTicr ?6, 19F,i Sc t )e. I I rnembe?rs of a CONGRESSIONAL RECORD RECORD -SENATE Ord, teal for committtnR 67 went on would be a?eolispent signed to finance the ot crimes de. protect the People to ~,lp U.S. Government and rthroa? of the States against the Mr. DUR S 12257 white establish to this countr~?tile threat Of rori.s d dent, I ask fo BEd reading Mr. strpremac soctet a NOW. terrorism pretii 3 weeks } And what Will Mr? r Wihh rcadY . ago the FBI awes batch' ing this additional Senator with Mr. President. will hers of the Puerto Rican td 13 them- bilitP otitde in counter-tr fund- Mr hold Just for the ganization terrorist rorist capa? DUREN a momentj group that a? s Machetros ?? the First. it will a11oW the Mr BERGE ? LEAH'. A R yes the PParentlr yes more agen FBI to this ear question l u,ll. attack- ikilling of two loPOnsible is and 4 hire 75 Hint . Mr. aro for se earlirr States rb in m joter 5 Suppostaff for Preumber to' 90 forward uitas `u on a hnited an terrorism task force, war. Puerto Rico? NIVY bus in cities. It in seven a In number number h this b,), Over for The actua) agents for the Will allow 11 of Senhale atob co dents in number of terrorist additional hostage r more erne us bout ftInd .d a., the Un. Stai. inci ad in eSCUe team, 40 Police in Nicaragua. e'en with our ~r positions su were o Specifi(a)1} Ited number oflft f t tear has de. Te" rt s. but Center, and Research andP Ana/ft cal humanitar,ana~abou IX ttindstl~u~ the c aced Prevented has incidents the FBI has Port more anah'sts this bill ta. he incrcli LoIg ears thy. "el alsounte oript Operationssul to the irrsur Prov,dcd b Flurl rmOre, accordin Provide vide su o and gua. I do not im ho in gents there Were no terrorist BI static. nt for a secure P debate to revisit the w a_ the United Slats in 29 a I Pability teleconferencing equip' Senate. or ha1e mean on n the whole to Middle attribu i coordination, hosts ca- LKe have bad floor of tl,c one such ? Eastern groups aut will pro deter-terrorist ton it? But the a series of v e incident in 1984. I a aut addi Se- ins if Iassur otcs and Only omobiles, equipment tional . ance I hate ail confident r. that n not at Pons for tr'ainin dent, is that might sat Mr- giicn finite. this trend Will counter?te g and W We have presi aill con- allow the rro ris hick allow Passed le ,station As a case in point lain enfo FBI to reimburs and Contras ZosbeeManitar?ia n sic t by .o the Weir. the preSb1.t - the the Reverend Ben or%t enforcement agencies a local only dmin the tslered area. Ptiti a was held e me assists for off ice of N, umani La rian aqua rmn mi extre Who ing arctic details to the FBI their Under in for of`Moshe ails of to this in Lebanon the D by released. We Mont mists Classified, some ?f this fund- under cert eparim of ent were hs. a-as recent. Lion of this amendmenttt is the in[en- been voted on ~ntihe1On' that haltF have the Reverend , all delighted to ate tang that a bodies safe and R err bark fi ttaBe be includ PPropri and signed Wit past by both With him h Unharmed. o But he brought 'his au hort the committee report classi- P resident in an amount into of th t" the kidita threats o i UOn. ex port on tors that assur,t million. Amerand and more a ecutio more to rot these funds ailllbe g hone cer. O hat the S28 milliond these Sena- Gtt en What about of this resident, the otal taen red through tent fund r havea - Lib}, 5 we know amendment reflected ' State aid Lo Ara Colonel more i hoof spent when co be Money the CIA's n