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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 ~:IA.~SlFICI17ION cot~,?m>;?~ips SJCURP:~~ ;cE0 ~TIOi~ Cr~iTR?L iPtTFIJ IcFtsrr? .ars:~rir`v ~,~-~?~- 113Fn?."hAR'I~T1 Fi'20F.i FORElGIJ DOCU[tiiUNY;S OR RAI)10 BRQADCA~.,''TE> CD F:O. f:n:i~JTRY ASR SUBJECT Seieatific _ E~Sedicirse, n_u devoloFa~nts, NOV! enrgery ~li~l iCUw~ ~.-^ya~_ periodical 6?,'kda='Zc CATE PU6LiSHEL~ Jan 1851 LAh;GUAGE a. "~ r.. n iao n. ~a Kuvn. m,u ,u"nios oe~,oirv"i e"nunu~ e~ 1? u_ysc~s" 1~ "n a~yau ru ui ouorwnm, ~ nsson a rso. DATE UIST. ~ 5.,.1:, ~-. 1952 SOURCE Tr~l Aksdemii E!e33t61nskikh Aau? c'wSCc, Vol XII, "Problems Kiinichcalsop i ~~~I.~:r? ~-ntnl~nm,~ f~ditainy,l A. A. ylehneas?;i ~+ ~~ yr cce institutes of Surgery imeni Pmfeaeor A. V.(Viahaevokig,2Acadewy of R'~dicai 6ciencee U3SR, 1951,.270 pp. DJSSf '1':t.?,?,DS IP USSR i?~DICI'FIBs Il9F01$LATI019 FRO?i 2~' B007C "PROSLEH,g OF C.?IISICAL A9D SEER AL &[TRGF~Y`{~~ ikhe following are sema~aries of papers preae~ed at a 3~lay saientlflc rnsetivg held is Yovember 19by at the I~eytitistc; of Rur6e:y 1:^ri A? V? Viahn_vsitAy, Acadergy of Ydedical 3ciencce USSR, to honor the nesory of A. V. Vishuevakiy. The cosgslete papers pnbliohesd in tho book cited shore, as cell sa soma aD- etracte written by the Saviet authors sad appended to aoa3o of the papers, were need in preps: iag th?; aummries. "The ROIo of Professor A. Y. Vishnevakiy in Rational Sargery," Prof~saor V S. I.evit, Boa 3ci iTorker, PP 5-13 A. '~. ViahaerEkly, zsho died in Lgorsabe~ 1~9, deeeloped s method of anaetreaia by creeping infiltrntloa, i~olving contact of s~rnsa v,lts~~ their whole length 91th an anesthetic which has been introduced under pmaatera. His wurL m tf~ novaa9n block convinced him that thfa method brings about chaages in the iaanaobiologicnl resctiaas of tisanes; $e also devised acthoda mf local aaeathesa which greatly simplify surgery of the chest and developed a nvaber of other iurgi2al affi therapeutic methods. pgzma3lantstion of ;he F?,art," Prof B. y. O+lmav, Carr. )~, Aead bfed .=c1 DSSIR, " 7 Hearin of trn?a vem nnec?sefnily trananlsated ai: Professor $initala'9 laboratory is Gor'k~ye f-cos ?rith t>-..naplwted hsar@:s aurviv+td in a stets of anabinsis for several aautha ar longer. aurries,L of srarm_blouted animesla after hour ~ hsRa _ DISTRIBUTION AIR ~ Fal Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Chia opeAatlon hoe not been reported, hoaev.:r. Frain tre technlccl vi::;rraint, anY ~'Su c+~n be transplanted, but the pw-cbiam o? compatibility of proteins, epithelium, and endothelium of argaus of the donor and the recipient hsa not jdt be=i. ao isPn:;tOriiy coiv~3. Since 19ae, ecter'ive traum;,,tic3u,juries of cart?-emitiesLhave been nuccessfully treated to the :ISuR, uith the aim of pre- "`-mina d;~+}'anc and saving tihe mzmber in question, by carrying out a local. ized blcwd transfusion into the arterial syatea vi the cxtremitS-. Grafting o.f legs to young rata uas succesofully de=onetrrt~d at the Surgical Sacieby b=iw,o Yiarld 1I;3;~ II, but on healing, the rats .acre unable to bend the to^.a v? tiro athrr^uiae ?tseable tranapiante3 legs. Arplication o? Gvdo:'s suturing apparatus .u;d other perfected techniqueo proaise n greater dek~c` of su_~;or~n in tranaplantettiona of the heart and other orgnnn. "I;xueris~nta7. iranspl.antatien of th:^ Heart and LunGe," V. P, Bc"iJ.l:itr.~~, p,~ 1b-32 Attempts at h?~moplastic transplantation of,organa havt best: anauccessf\tl until nov, otiing to impCrfect surgical techniques and failure to restore blood c?aculation in the transplant. Incompatibility has no bearing at all on the Yailures, The follcuing operations :are successfully perforced,amoag others: grafL-ing of chlcken cornea to human aub,Ject (pilatov); transplantation of kidneys (Shl;vas); transplantation aY ovarire to rate am guiron oigc, ;tith re- stored function ;nry,~sk;,ya and Loparin, Kab~1;1; ~?afting cf ~ ;,;, lc ~ :.a ?a ='r,t (Lspchinekiyj; implantation of a rudlnen i U an adult d tart topth Pram a dead P1PPY into ug (Lsnchinskiy); transfusion of bloo3 of :another soup to dogs (F'edo- rov, Ks arkina); and connection of the bodies of tuo animals with each other, so that parabioais is established (Kolpakov and Perel'msn; crior tc th,nt- aperatione of this type care unauccesafully attempted by &3uerl,rv_h)'~ The author of this paper and l,ia group hove vorked since 19u0 on the transplantation of hearts, lunge, and kidneys of warm-blooded animals, The serves of experiments described at gresent deals with transplantation of a second heart and iie parallel connection into the system of blood circulation; trnsapl.entatl.c-; of a second heart, together with one lung; tranaplantstion of 3 second 'mart with ventriculostxriculor anastemosis; and complete raplacet~eut of the heart and lunar. All experiments were carried out an dogs, flrd the orgons v~re implanted into the chest. One of the dogs uith tvo hearts livtl for 10 veeka; another for 6 veeks; the ma3erity of dogs uith t3o hearts lived far. 5-10 days, After complete replac^+nent of the h,:art an3 lunge, tda daga lived Por 16 hr. Zn the last tuo experiments, Gudov'e suturing apparatus uga used, vith promising results. "Problem of the Transplantation of Kidneys," Prof i,. p, Rikhter, pp 3'-37 'With the mid of Gudov'e suturing apparatus, the auth~ of this paper ita- gather Stith tY. P. PP+,rova; successfully transplanted kidneys iota doge' necks, connecting them t..'th the exterior ,~ugulnr vein. The trennp].anted kidney functioned noxallly '.n each case, despite the,preoence of the second kidney, At the timz when the report vas presented, one of tae doge operated on in this manner had lived for 5 months and the other far 31/2 months. rxploretcry operations on dead hutasnr bodies are being cat2led cut the viev of t.ana- plnnting kidneys into live human patients. Mactssion, pp 37-qg A. P. Lapchinakiy: After transplantation of legs; the rata operated on in this manner lived until completion of their natural span oY lifE (i.e.; longer thou P years,) In experiments carried cut vith Lr Lereberg, rabbits vere immunized vith human tissues. On iamunization with same definite ittmmn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 ti_aue, u rabbi'.: yielded "+: agglutin?tion rAartior .?.ich c;as ;ual.iietively the ague ir, ai] CROe~ but differed guantit?tively ,+n regard to th^ strength o: titer) wtth different hunsn aub7ecta. This inaicatsa +.hat humsn bei.ugs ere not alike with regard to tissue properties and immunologic?1 properties but Exhibit tissue spociiiciry. in orner words, there are tiosuc groups jui:i; a'a there ere bleed groups: this circumstance gust be taken into conaiderai;ion in carrying out hcmopla:ttic tranaFlantatior, of args.ns. P~^ofessor B. V. Ognev: V. P. Demikhcv shou]d pay ;cu-re a.t.cention to pathologa-anatomical investigation of heart tissue at various after transplantation of ?he heart. Ee assuc:ea that there is regeneration oY nerves and restoration of n=rye connection of the heart, but ev'_deno~ cbtaincd in autcraiea ai hIs dcgc gives no reason for believing this. Oparutio:sl i:ech- nique is not a17. that matters: oenaibilication or decensibili.r3ito^ of pre- te,na is aP iwportarce, too. V. P. Demikhov: The existence oY tissue specificity ie undeniable, bus there i~ no indication that St hen any effect on organ trarsnLntation. Rnri (1841f-9'j) united embryos of frogs with those of toads and animals which were half frog, half toad, despite tissue specificity. In our labora- td y, bot]n kidneys cf a dog were replaced with ;;idneye taken from another dog. The new kidneys fu xtioned normally, The animal died withir. 3 weeks, 1?rt death was oat due to Rn}' bialogicsl cause. Aa a result of displu::epcut rf t,a k1c?neya, folding ov.,:r of ~w :sin, tea:; place, and there was venous stagnation in the kidneys. This conditioli led to 3eath. P. F. 7,drodov w-sy, F~ct.i:a idember, Academy of tar~Y.'.: ai 3:lence U53R: fta for as incompatibility of proteins is concerned, es?tucc. sot ;'civet tha*: b'_orxl, after being withdrawn from the body with a cyrin3e, ar n leidney,.after 3t sea been exposed to the sir and cooled, become %N'Sgeuicali~ heterogenous with respect to the organism from w>ach the, orj;~?date. ;'his is due to de- naturation of proteins and other changes. P. N. Mazayev: Demikhov shoul3 be reminded of the pracesaas o: sesarp- tion which take plebe after transplantations. I pointed out repeatedly t'^at the.uae of collodion tubes for connecting blood vessels in se~dkhev's cx- perimeata iuterferFa with nutrition vase vasorum at the site of the autet;e. Use of Gudov'e suturing Device will improve matters i.n this respect. Professor A. A. Viahnevskiy: In reviewing the preceding dia::usbior,, one may mention that B. V. Ognev vas t::e first in the ULSR to transplant tine heart of awarm-blooded animal. He did this by connecting the heart to the femoral artery and the Femoral, vein. V. P. Demikhov was the firni investigatoY in the? world to transplant L$e heart of n rarm_blooded enimai into the chest cavity. biazayev and Chepov achieved results that worthy of attention by transplant- ing the Iegs of dogs. These results are excellxnt: the doge are perfectly normal and he;:.lthy after the operation. DRUG-INDUCED PROTECTIVE INHIAITION ACCORDING ^!U I. P. PAVi.OV "Sleep Therapy in the Surgical Clinic," A. S. IOrernsa, pp 44-51 In developing the mett,,u of sleep therapy at the su:?gical clinic, we abandoned 61oap ga applied in psychiatric treatments, because the toxic effect is too great; we else re~~cted Professor Asratyan's complex sleep-err lacing liquid because of the complicated manner of its application. We use barbamyl, sodium amital, and nembutll in minimal but sufficiently effective doses to produce 20 hr of sleep during 24 hr far continuous periods Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 o~ 1~-S hr. For the treat;^f nL oz" acute in~'smmatory processes, burns, end con- ^"a''"nom af-@ hr~:teier, af' t`e. brain, 2-G dayo of sleep are usod; for c'nroaic in- Plar.;~ntary procesues (troa?+ic ,J Hers of, le-1> says; and.:or ui- cere, of t,1e ano f..h* duodenua, 15-?_C days, R",u~i'rpsulr.a rare g,va to -~i .. ~ cuudi?iona mentlone?: ~d resexbled these arp~,cved by aPPlYing -^?? Y'. Vishnevnkiy'a novocain block. 2t?,? ?;;~oritj. oi' c~tinrts trested for ulcerti; of the legs hr-d hcd these niters for 2-20 years. J:rti1 nox, *reatment of acute inflnm?,.atory conditions ?aith therap~~.. tic e:lee:p was regarded as contrairlics`w. ;:2yrapcutic sleep aa3 also fouricl bensficia_ -;,a promoting ueaiin;; :s=.~ ureventing shock after >^.n,~or cia?gicnl operiztiona of the stnmach, ].ungo, or esophagus. ETuile the hrain cortex in in- uibited during therapeuti?: a.teep, tbu rctivity oY the subcortical region, n?3rti"'.tl.zsly its b;fpothalauic prui, which contain3 higher vegetative centers, ~. ; reisascti. There higher vegetative rcni_.n,?e ??hich ' are rreeunsbly atitaulate3 b the small ' '~"`~ 'a'~~'ic :unctiena, y 3uantitiea of hypnotics eiLminiat_re3 by ua. "Eff,~et of Protective Inhibition cn the Proceasee of Infectlnn anr7 S~unity ^ I. Fa. uchitel', pp 51-v0 During tmintorrupted sleep coat:.nuin~i for 3 dsrs, the dcvolop:~ent of en~`it^,-1r 1--ulli':.y ^~.inct tete~u:, 1:; slowed dc;uu is esperimentrl animals, After termination of the nleep, the intensity of the production oY antitoxin is fully reetcred. Prolonged, uninterrupted sleep inhibi.ta the coursc of allergic processes. Ih?ag-produced sleep inhibits, but does not eliminate, the vascular reaction bro,ight abc:", by the latauluction o? ocarlet fewer toxin. ?r?lorged, drug produced sleep, in the ustaa,jority of caseL, prevents the de- v:~lopment of necrotic t.asue afflictions which are induced by specific ir- ritants (diphthErl.a or staphylococcus tcxio; culttua of staphylococci), as well as noaspact4t.c irr5~snts (turpentine). ^S?'('ec.+,r, pf Rc surain Dlui:I: end Untg_Induced Sleep on the Permeability of ~a;;l3rries in InfiemTM.;,,? K. F. Dggayevc, S. I. Itkin, Pp ~'~ Experiments carried out by measuring diffusion di Trypan blue nut of the capille+aies of a rabbit's ear shoe that the reduced permeability of capil- laries in inflaamsatory processes is restored in an egos]; meastae by a novo- cnin block ar nembutal-produced therapeutic Bleep. A novocain block acts on the sympathetic nervous systea: when the upper cervical sympathetic gang- liga has bee_ removed, application of novocaiu has no effect whatev!+r in re- storing thr: permeability of capillaries. The eituetion is different witia respect to therapeutic sleep: removal of the upper cervical sympathetic genglioa does not necesearilg prevent its effect in restoring sbility of capillaries, because additional factors _:Yecting the oentrpl no,-v;;,:s ?ys_ tam are involved in its attics. The significance of the central ne:vens syrote~m in the formation of edemas tray shove by A. A, ffiahnevekiy and Aatapov, whose eaperimenta demonstrated the+, levisite does not produce edemas in de- certbrgted animals. Discussion, pp 6E-69 Professor R, N. Ryzhich: Apost-transfusion or colloidoclastic shock never occtu-s when the snb~ect is in g state of sleep or narcosis. Tho cdl~- loidoclastic theory of Trofessor Bogomolete is not con act, because protein inconspatibi~ty end formation of toxic products are not the only factors vhich mattes.-. Pathogenesis of the poet-transfusion shock is connected with en ex- cessive irritatica of the nervous system: in a state oP sleep, such an Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 COiIFIUEIr ~ 7AL irritation of the cortex and aubcortical centers doe` not take place. One ?L+O++~~1 ^--'?':"y Cut tr :TGiueivi~o Oi LlOUi Of S'Y~1a n+1_Cr - ~vc~ido CZ anL;?.11 to cx- narira_k.~'f .~._?_~ _ ~~ ;tn:.pF1.rC T,n21r r?aCtiOAE 111 a 6:ate Of oleap and d Matt oz wakefulness. H. I. ?'olgina: Since P.uguat 1949, 'Ixeatment of burLS with therapeutic sleep; according to n proposal n;ade by A. A. Vichnevakoy, has been ceWr.?ied out. 'Lhe effect o: the central nervous a;stec~ an clinical c~nifestations of bums is p'.?m-en by the possibility of production a reaction to burns c:ith the aid of hype.^sio. 'L>?rebin an' RScystzskh de?nonatratcd that cn inflication of a burn under narccais, a leuic..~yi,ciry rar~tion deco n ? tak,:: plane. while lccnl re- c:cti.ns sas weakly e:.pre~~ced. Gallon, on inFlicting burns to cat:: which F~ere u:3er ether-c7_larofoz~ nfC4..Otsin, also did nob obtain any leukocytnry reaction. Them tact:; prG~~ ti:L nrain car~ex exerts an effect o~ the deceiopman+ and c7??s> of r~~~cticn^ Sue to this cause. Prefesaor Aeratyan published .its on the effect of antishock liquid in borne: he uas able to prclorg Che life of Edpsimantal aaim37s by this ciethod. He also used curtishoc$ liquid successfully in clinical cases, Professor IIykhno repcrrte3 successful treatment of shock due to burns with a modified Aaratyan antishock liquid Profesear TOpchibashev proposed ether-oil narcosis as a means of bringing out of the shock condition patients suffering SYOm bursa. In the ?tre9trae:nt of aftereffects of burns, sore clinical :orkers use nru'cotics Mans c!? in cc:s'siraticu ::ith a 1a3g1leaiuu7-e't]fute solution, tc l;ring patients out of the atatr: of shxk. At the Institute oY Surgery imeni A. V, Vishnev- akiy, x~e had used aucceasfully for this purpose intermittent therapeutic a1Pep produced by barba:gvl sad having n duration of 3-5 days. Application oP therapeutic sleep in combination with V. Viahnevskiy's closed method of treating burns will imgrove results obtained after evactuiflon of burne3 patients ands war conditions. Professor A. A. Viahnevakiy: in regard to I. Ya. Vchitel's repart, one may point out that sleep and narcosis are not the same thing. fiarcosia al- ways interferes r:ith the activity of cells and reduces the reaiatance oY the organism, while sleep strengthens the organism and improves the functioning of .nerve cells. The difference between sleep and narcosis ie clearly seen in immunological reactions: narroais suppresses immunobiological reactions, while sleep reiaforcea them, As far. ss allergic reactions are concerned, the offer.+,a of sleep and narcosis are similar: both sup~ess allergic reactions. Therapeutic sleep will prove to be of importance to military medicine. In the treatment of wounded, it will prevent secondary ahocK and 8.1~y infection, more effectively so if supplemented by treatment with penicillin. Ia other words, a-tificial stabilization of the cond3:aon of wounded for dsfini_tn periods of time will be achievoi, "Penicillin and Its ~fi'ect on the Course of Inflamm:tlou Processes,," Prof V. Ya. Shlapoberaki.y, pp 70_75 In addition to its effects on bacteria, penicillin eaerta s dw4~nite ae- tion on the macroargsaism. Application of this antibiotic in inflamaatioa processes, particularly those which are caused by spenicillin-sensitive micro- ilora, brings about u change in the course of the pathological prciceae which is characterized by its localization, atrengthenin g of the healing pr~cesa, reduction of the collateral edema, diminution of the toxic reaction, etc. Oae crust bear in mind that when penicillin ie used, a change in the cbaraetsr of the pathological process many be brought about which will tend to disguise thn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 i existPncr_ of a condition reouiring ie:aediate surgical interference, tlhen the disiposia ie doubtful, ,?uarticu7hu?ly in cease .~hn..., ___.~ ~uPi~uL'azive condition of inres? or ~' _ - '`'`?` ~=''~4?'`icitia or s. ci7lin th:xa gnus is a;aagecL~,d,cone should withhold g~ai- F+5 u:.til ea exact diagnosis has boor. made. Penici711n moat be e,dministered under careful observation of the cour;~e oP "the dieeasc by the phya icien . "I:~raocain-Fcnicil.lin Block is the Thera_ry of Acute; lnfl,~m.stioa ]~?ocea.^,es," Ye. C. Enrr~enko, PP 75-8?_ ;tovcczn not ~>nly da_s not lr,?,;e;r the bacterloatatic effect of pe;~icillin but, on the contrary, strengthens it area both arc applied. A 0.2j~ solution of novocain prolongs the period. dtu?ing ?frhich penicillin ro5;~,tns ir, thN b7.ocd. Pisapp~~rance of penicillin from peripheral blood occ~:x?a 1 .1/2 -2 hr earlier i;hen ~'Yem blood nt the site where n~~vocain-penicillin have been in~:cte6. Gti:en novoceir. is administered together with penicillin, a sr:~a71~r dose of penicillin is r~yuired, Treatment of carbuncles with penicillin-novocain is superior to all other methods of therapy, Oombinutl.on of penicillin with novocain rep;eaents a unification eP pathogenetic and e'.iologicsl therapy. As such, it ie an effective u.uthod for the treatment of acute suppurative infl.0.amatory processes, which should find vide practical application. '".i=carmen';; o,' Suppurative 1'endodaginites A. V. Vishnevekiy's lfethod," Prof A. W. R;r~hikh, ?t. :ie. Zukerman, PP 82-86 Good r,esulte vets oStainea by avoiding surgical interference in teado?? vaginitte, tut instesd injecting penicillin into the sheath of the tendon or, in cases accompanie3 by strong suppuration, a aeptically tonic conditions, and Prcgz?eseive lympheagitis, by establishing a novocain-penicillin block. "Treatment of Tuberenlvus Geni.i:r f,ro ;1,. :~, 'Viahnevakiy''s e~thcd," ffi, Y. Arahi- nova, A. 2, lCrakoreki~ pp $~..:1 i?-u'cgical excision of the. i-fected pare oP bona, fii:ling r._;' thy: cavity formal in this manner with an ant'septicnlly arti:.g c'_l, And :yprlic, of s 6'YP$~+ bands:;-, c~erc forr_d to be of ad.vsatx~ge in Lrzating t~.berculous ~: siL?.a of the twee. Sa this method of treatment, the aril pramoea drainsg=. "BtmVnLa and, Their Treatment by A. V. Vtl;h,~evskiy'e DlEthsd," G, D. Vilyavin, A. Ya. t~?=9hCl22yTiy ~? lr? Ull4ulV YO, v? ~? Y1lf'~PT}r/,~~b PP 11-77 According to A, V. Vishnevskiy, treatment of burns is carried out in the fo7loving meaner; first, chock is ^ombated by novocain blocks, keeping the patient srv~m, adminiatrati.oa of cardiac stimulants sad morphice, and traaef+:- sion of blood or plasma, The stein surrounding the burn 's washed with alcohdl ear ether, large blisters are cut, sad the surface of the btn:?n is rinsed with a pt{ysiological ;inlt solo+.ion. Then, onP layer of gauze moistened is a paai- cillin solution aa; two layers of gauze coated with Vishneva'xiy's oil-baleen aalv~ are. applied to the burn, ]:f there is no eheck,'the patient is given a bath in a dilute potassium permanganate solution. He is place.] is a teat, the inside of which ie kept warm by meas? oY electric lights. To ca~mbat tonic conditions, one applies subcutaneous sad rectal ndmiaistration of a physio_ logical salt solution and o. glucose, blood tx?anefusions,-and cardiac etimu- lnnte. Aa apgrotu?iato diet and vitsmine are prescribed. Tn third-detg?ee ' btiu?as, traasplantatioa of akin 47.apo is carried out. This method of treatment Brae found to be successful; it promotes healing, prevents shock, and elimi- ar+tes pain. The novocain block, by acting on the nervous system =ad the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 vaacyler toLU..? F^_?ev~nto cr reduces the devclopmant of ede;za and pla,_~orrhea. In consequence of this, thickening of the blood is reduced, anti otBer 'bio- ch2micn? chr..n;~ea ?rc prevented.. In fhlyd-de moms, of necroti_?Fd ++ ;n?,wy '- gi?ee 'borne, detachment _a r_ ~o capcdite~, '4Sorphologica.i Changes of Graaiil.atione in the treatment of Bin?ns by A. V. Vish- nevskly'a Method," b1. I. Razu-W~v, M. G. Knanin, PP 99-1;J. Tl.e trsatrisnt of burnt according to Viahnevokiy, with oil-balaum baude~;a, comp3etely cocering the in,]ury and being chsngea every 'T-y 3eya, prescrvee in a natual state of protein substrate nn the surface of the wmu~d, thus creat- ing suitubl.P conditions for ~?os,?th of crannlation tissue from the bland ves- sels being l?C.gtOPed in the tiround and, subaequontly, for restoration oP the aL?ir.. In the,~ed tissues, after the nee_obized sections have been e1L~i- natcd, dr~,35ed bloat weasels, lumps of connective tissue, and fatty cellular tissue in a state of nerrobio:,ia ors found to remain. iZecrobiotic tissues are incapable of normal regeneration. Epitheliza- tion of +,he sarrace of the buz?n depends on the developmc~t during granula- tion of mlements o? the fibroblastic t;;i.r, aa~ LL.C~.r ripening, vni?~n results in the psrsplastic proliferati.on.oP collagen. Prolonged delay in epitheliza- tion is @ue to a aeviation i:~ the regeneration of a mesenchys~al elem~ntr {:e- ?'~*.d fcr,~~iion o? plncmalc elcment3 an~ ~*veleid tiaevc. S-~opp~~ e= {.'1~ d. v:;lo;i;~enc of mesenchymal elements at the stage of formation oP arb;rophilic fibers does not create conditions favorable to fixation of cutsneous epithe- lium on granulations. Cutaneous epithelium as such hoe an exceptional rapa- city _^or proli.phsx?etion and for movement from the edges oP the vo?,:nd onto ? the aurface,_sa cell ae for formation, by seeding of sections removed from the sages of the wound, provided that in the course of granu- Istion, regeneration of the connective atro~na, i.e., collagen Yibera, has taken place. Histological investigation of the state of granulation 3uriag the periu] oY treatment, according to A. V. Viahnevakiy, demenst?.?ates that there Ss a goaaibility of influencing the processes of differentiation oP. m~senchymal elements in such s manner that initiation of the necessary fibra- blastlc proliferation is stimulated. "Fumctional Changes of 16o-rveo in the Zane r: the Focus of Inflss~nstion," L. 17. Vlasova, Cand Med Sci;, 11r S. P. Protopopov, pp L1-119 The inflammation process develops against s background of sharp changes is ::~~ rua~:ioaiag of peripheral elements of the vegetative and sanatic nervosa system, These .,hangea eta characterized by the presence of s zone of suppres- sion of nrrve elen-nta at the focus of inflammation and a zone of irritation tstaand this focus Functional disturbances of the nervous system often pass beyond the region of the inflnm?ation infiltrate sad byperemie. They are often aceampanled by repercueeion phenomena in the symmetric region. Rhea the in- fYxum~iation has passed, s trace reaction often remains as a result of the functional shif'ta in the nervous system. Thin trace reaction has a stable aharact~ 1n chronic iuflanrmation processes. The changes indicated may be the basis far the pathogenesis of slowly healing wounds an3 the rccur.ence of iil.- csrs. 0?r data give4 resaona for the belief that functional transitions in the nervous system, is case of infls~eation, are oP a parabiotic type, eith characteristic alteration of phases. A navocain black, being n weak irritant of the nervous system, tunes up and normalizes the nervous systm'a functional condition at the focus of in- flammation. It weakens the degree of irritation and in this manner contr`.butes to bringing sharply depoeaeed ner're elements out of the paratiotic state, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Rational therapy oY trophic dlaturbsncaa of the n~rvoua system in inflamru- tion should a~^ bagea on equalization o: functlonD of na.--. a_ o_i~_m~.,+e ....,. ,.,,_._ _,., .. nat9nn pe t~c e.".'6d~,~ or inxlassaiion of s? r er - ... yy 6 Y (neurotomy cr s~m,pcthectomy). >3iecusaiap, Pen 1i9---'~}? Docent V. AI. paipovskiy: Infra-arterlal in,jectioas of DulfaniLimidea were fairly erteneively applied in the treatment of kounded rlurin~ 41or1d filar II (T?`~'tyrov, Sha hbuzynn, Ocipovskiy, Lavrov's Clinicj, ao well as iu peacetira (Konstsntincva, Ivanen'so, and others). In pcstwar yaarc, ve ac,~,;,ulated at 'the ifezan' C).i~~ic of Fist Aid Szngcry a conaiderali'_e amount oP data on the treatment oP supp,u?ative-inflatna?iory cowolicaticns of brain in3uriea and of trauaaa of eatrenitiea with antra-arterial infections of penicillin. A eexic- y dz?eat,ack of iciuWrznous sc~niniatration is the fact that the drug in ca*_+aiae,._ ably dal+~ted bofcre it ~cac:hes the site of the injury through tl.e emery and caps?.Iariea, Thin dilution is avoided by infra-arterial infection. The safety oP carrying out arterial punctetiena has been demonstrated experimentally and hiotologicelly by Ivancv and Kavanov, Vlsaov and Deyanov, Borahteyn-Boyerakiy, etc. In three cases of acute peritonitis, as a last resort, ve infect peni- cillin into the left ventricle of the heart, according to Kovanov. The terh- niave o? t'~ie _pplication io staple, but the method cannot be generally used. In leritonitis, befOTP, surgery, it hsa been proves, effective to infect peni- cillin in~o the ?bdomiaal aorta, above the site of in~u~,. Y'e. P. Stepanyane At the laborntory of the Institute of Surgery imeni A. V. yishnevskly, ve found that penicillin exerts an antitoxic effect. P,y very clear experiments carried out in vitro and !.n vivo on mice and rabbits, ve proved by the striction method that s chemical reactieu between the toxic and penicillin takes place in the presence of a cAt~ystfound by us. As a result of the chemical reaction, a neutral aubatanca is formed which, on administra- tion to mice or rabbits, preserves their liven. :Ct is that Pro- fessar I. G. Rufanov and Professor V. ya. Shlapoberskiy ~onfirmad the anti- toxic action of penicillin. We established that even a lethal dose of sta- phylococcus toxin requires only a minimal quantity of penicillin for 3etozi- ficatlon in the presence of cur catalyst. S. P. Proiopopov. In regard to the paper presented by L. R. Vl~ova~ I should like to remark in connection with our investigationc twat in cases of inflarsrmytiona, di.sturbaaces oP the function of nerve elemEnts occur in the whole organism rather than at the focus of lnflarmnation only, 4'his confirms A. V. Vishnevskiy's viewpoint, who regarded :-flemmation e7 a dystrophy. Pro- tection of the nervous system, substitution oP s strong with a xeak irritatian, an3 restoration of normal functions of the nervous system are in accordance with '?.hia vi~vpoint. Viahncvakiy'a met'uais o_* tree':a.tct hr,~ one purpose of protecting the arsrous system and restaring its normal functions. 'rude sur- gical interferences era incompatible with this attitude. G. D. Viiy~vin; 48 has bean already emphasized by Professes Yu. yx. Dz3anelidze, treatment of borne also presents a complicated problem ircm the organizational viewpoint. '14?eatmant of victims of borne, on cccasiona vhea a great number of 'people are affected, should be carried out at specially organized dPpnr~,ents of medical insti'~.utiens or spacial hospitals. Ia this reap^at, a special department organized at the Institute of First Aid Surgery st LEningrad moat be regarded m ea ideal eolution of the problem, We Tn- etitnte of Surgery imeni A. V. VishaevskiyT7 are also moving in this direction, having organized a yard tea? the treatment of borne, eoneieting of 20 beds, bnt many Moscow medical institutions treat burn victims without segregating then in spacial wards, More attention should be paid to the nrgnnizatioa of special- ized, extensi*,~e departments for this gurpose. _ g _ C021PIipi, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 ...... ... ~ L r..'.n,. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 gor ?et~auring the extent of burn, Postnihov'o cotho3 is tho beet. IIoa- e;vrx, hio ?athod daos not avalunto the deaee ai in~u~y; ~h1n problems hao b. ,n aoived by our color echc~ae tar the pracico dnnl3nation of b`,sae. A. V. Grigor'gaa: For datern;l,y,lug the degree of toaicoein in vcriono our~31co1 dioesons~ wo era aping the atsiction csthod proposed by ProPeeao: l'eirunev et al. in lq~:l. This crthoG uerraito det.rminatioa of eiaisr2l quaa- titlea oP toaia (o: the order of 10-8 - 10-12) is apinti].:,.lruid, blood, nn3 othrr bi~lur~2ca1 se~sie,,, Iy .iu o~ca on tho Pact th?;t bactE;r?el tozina deotray the pratoplc~s a! aurvlving auacla tianuo of verinv- mr+~-+_ _ __ 4,1oa of brings about a ch:Lngo of thr, total volv~~ cY-tL?oMtiooua, eu_d th1c~ chango can be ea~aured by a v~y precioa phgolcoche?~ical d4late-ctrlc ~?L?hod. Tho offset of ganicillin rand v:u^loua etY_~ therapeutic r~on~to on togezi.a cca bu daterrained with the siii of tho atrictien ecthed. The find?n~ tint penicillin cacstc en .~,,,itouie 6:t:4,iw io ae-a. A. P, Urrrova: Our clinic (vhich ics directed by Profooacr T. G. Rsfenov) began to uno genlcillin in 19+3 2nd has alc~nyn uoed onlq U~3R penicillin. ~haing Weld War II, Acadeaician d. A, fia^denko proposed iutrn-aa?te.iol in- ~eCLiOn OY Oil clinic has developed thio Wotrod. '1~'.'J CiiniC in carrying nut eyatemStie srm_.h ca :athede; for prolonging the ectiaa of paai- cillin. Theao aethads include Sn~octioa cf eaici111~a tasother with blood and iu,ection of ganicillin dissolved in a 1~ pyrez3ldon solution. Prof~saor ~'. Ta. Shlapoberekiy; I helve eor3e doubts an the treatment oP poritonitie by 1n~acrinE nmalcillia :into the: abdoainal aoGta, ae suggeatod Dy Prc~essor +'JCipunbkly. Under the eizct~etancea, tho effect of the aat1- biotic vrill be predominz'ntly osert~d !.n the legs. Puncture et the aa,rta, particularlq dhen it eko~a~ atheraaatoue rh~.,gee, in not ante. Introduction Pf penicillin Sato the es~aP'Ga xW,.].1 not bring about doteaification of the pan: it- oa~, chile ordiaery.asthodo of applying penicillin do. achieve this aim, IImta obtained .at Hutmtnov'a clinic indicates that penicll:Lin has no ettert on the coegulabioa of blond: our data iadicatos the coatreuy, ee fer as pationta having n high degree at to:cicity airs concerned. I am of the opluioa that chile penicillin doaa not influence s noa~i aecroorgcuiem, it has a distinct offoct oa it v.~an ?_?ais orgeniem in pnthologlce,lly cheanged. Oic hleLCSlogieal data bear this e~nt. me fact that novoccsin reinforces the a:ctioa of penicillin oac~ to bo coll. pub?tantlated. A? far as methods for establishing penicillin dopot? e',re coacornod, they all puffer from the dratlhezc}i that uaifuria resx~ptioa, i.e., a unifos~at concentration of 'the eatibiotic in the blood during the :imp that the depot is active, caaaot bo ayc'hievsd, ' "Clinicopbyelological Iaveetigotiono,? Aced K. ~6. Hykov, pp 1~2-137 The concept of norviam otronglp appealed to A. V. Viabnevskiy. In da- voloping pad applyS~:g the method of the aovocain block, Viehaoesk~y not only mttanpto8 to bring about aneethoeia, ho regetrdesd the novocain block em c maano of iaYlueaciag the course of th? pathciogieal process. A aexr wshr9ol of modi- eiae originated with Viehar;nkiys physicians bocee"a clinical phgai~lr~gisto, os rYtbor, clinlcel pathophysinlogiste. At pa~aeoat, medicine mast tinall, ' tkba itealt of localism and emphuiso the unity of the orgemita functionlag as a whole uadms the control of the nervous system. Abroad, they also talk about uaitT, hat actually mopan by it psychosomatic parallelies. !'or coa- etrnotia? daralopmeat of the idea o! amity, s bzckgramd of xsateri.s3.istlc pkyeiology ie needed. We hav0 t'6ie background ia?our biology sad ptgyaiologF, but,ther 7.ack it abc~oeae. Michuria'e teaching started vith general ooaoap2o bat 1M to Lho poseibt7.ity of directing biological piwceseor into pmedoterainod chsnaole. It ie true-that beeausee of differences fa speed, this cps ha COEFID~9T7RL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 etcccszpllahe3 more easily in the case oY plants or urimitivc nniz7.~cl.a. Tn hu- rra beluga, the'procesaes in n,~aatiC_ prcccc-3 at ?i; ~musua:iiy rant race and acre ntreugthened by impulses originssting in the brain. SuYgery has reached a blgh aegree of perfection; but it should not be understood as s atetha] only. There moat be the right idea behind it. This is where pl~{siolc~ enters: "Stet an organ lino been modified or transplanted by the Mont pzs?fect mothods, it moat function. "On the nrd Dlocking Traasminaion of :tercc IIInulSes under the 2n- ziueace of itovocr4n," :1. V, nirzon, 0. F. fiol'o, A. I~Y.. Taukermnn, pp 13'(-147 liovocaia esel?ta an irritating effect on interoreceptora. This is demon- strated by vhe reflex etoppsge of the hart ~d rasp{?atcry ro ~mentu of u 1~?oL after n novocain solution has been applied ;:o various internal argans. ilia irritation generated in this maaeer passes along afferent oaths of one sympathetic and parasymatattic nervous system and spparentl.y reaches the aa~,c~ region of nervous cantata. After appl!,cation of novocain to the frog's meaen- t:ry, vo=ieyb of afferent impulses along the ventral nerve are registered. Fhe flow of impulses continues much longer than the reflex ?top;..;go of tuc he-,x't. Sn the limits of the central nervous system, rapid 'adaptation to these impulses taken place. However, this does not mean that `,he afferent impulses re*~ain ineffective na P~s? nn c.,nges in the corresponding centers are con- cgne3. Ii tae central nex?voua system of the animal (frog) is preserved, ap- plication c? tovocain to a motor nerve o's oar side, in many cases, l:xiags about changes is the excitability of the motor apparatus op the othe^ aide. On the basis of the conditions of the experiment, cne may assume that this phenomenon results from chan~rea taking place in the central nervous sys- tem. According to on the developmenti of the blocking action oY novocain, the wave of excitation, on passing through the para- biotir_ and nearest trananarabiotic regions, is transformed from a two-phase to a single-plisse wavy, With increasing fraqueucy of impulses Ananias through the region of the action of novocain, the process oY this transforms-, tion is accelerated and may be trace9 within the range of 'the same series of impulses. Tnc appearance and development of the single-phase character- ietic must be geneticall;; related to the development of a stable ptu:?ebiotic excitation, according to Vvedenskiy. '$ffect of Ltnabar blocking With Wovocain en PeflP.xes E`?om Interoreceptors in ,lseptic In-?la>xmaticn, in Disturbances of Dlood Circulation 3n the Intestine, ac:i as Reroval of Individual Links of the Sympathetic ftervous ftyatem;" i.. a, Ilara2 R. f;, Vtnia ~i..._ ~ _,rv, :. I. ropov'. Ye. C. Shur, gp i%w-ijw novocain exerts not only a neurotomic but else an irritating effect, bringing about st-engthening of reflexes from interoreceptors. The action of novocain is different is normal, sad pathological conditions, 3epsnding on the functioael condition of the aei-vous apparatus of the arganism, The novocain block exerts the strongest effect oa reflexes from interoreceptore in the iaf?amen region. When there are extensive in~urlea of the s~pathetic nervous systems, the novocain block does got produce any Affect. d?hc exp~~?imental ma- terial obtainel in this instance confirms A. V. Viehnevsl?iy's viev to the effect that toe novocain black acts as a wean irritant on the nervous system, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/0 "The Effect of a 0.25p Solution of 14ovcccin on the Activity uY Choline Esterase sad thn r^nta~t ~y ~-~;yi.i;!viine in tun u T. V, f'ravdfch-NCmin9ha.,. x 1 PPS' Cervical 3ymnathetic Gaugllon," Y", 1P 55-162 6'hen blocking kith an 0.25 solution of novocain has been applied, the activity of ciic7iice esterase in the upper cer-~ica1 sympathetic ganglion in- cresaoa. A'a the driwo time, the con'aent oY acet,;~.choline In this ganglion do._ creases. A novae?ir. block of "the upper cervical ayepathetic ~nglion, by activ~.tting cheline esterase, aroduces weakening of the contraction of n cat's i;hird 2ye11fl when this contraction has been brought about by irritrting the pregzinglion sympathetic atom with an Induction current. kaperlmerta on per- lowexa or renovea cam letel- a-_Y= ~at-y ?~g!ion d.-::.:Caotx;.tcd tt:.-t n~ ,.,,c,-? P y the effect of acetylcholine. Idovocriu lawers`- the -ate of'flnw of the perfusate through the ,__r.lly'?ea cf the 'she results oti~rilnrd in this instance may be. used in partially exple.ining, frog th= chemical standpoint, the mechanism of the action of acetylcholine sa a wank iirita,it, in addition to that as a neurotumi.c agent. fovocain counteracts; acetylcholine by activating Choline esterase. `T'ne Effect of a 0.25;4 Solution of flovocNn on Vascular Reflexes in Hemo- hetesotranofualon Shock," A. L. Komendanto?,a, pp 162-16J U=3':g C~';c ~.nd uuge3 as experimental animals, the reactions to m3asive doaec+ oP rabbit blood were studied by observing (1) reflex changes of the levels of blond pressure and respiration an registered en a kymograph when the barometric preaa!ae is the region of the carotid sinus yen rained or lowered; (2) r~Ylexea from chemorereptora (sensitivity of acetylcholine) of a ~ectioa of the ~;i intestine, yhic~i axes isolated as far as vascular coaaectioas ~ e Concerned; and (3} the rata of blood cc~aigulaticn. Results obtained by studying vascular reflexes to the intrcciuction of heterogenaua blvd aarnred that small doses of this blxd, ;wich do not rnc- duce clear changes in the blood pressvre, atimale.te carotid sinus reflesea in response to aressure exerted on the carotid artery; that intr?ylucticn of massive daeeF of heteroaenone bin*ri xeakena these reflcaes ~ ~wL-o3 them disappear altog,thex; that restoration of these reflexes proceeds simultane- ously with an increase in the level of blood pressure, alt??ough there is no complete parallelism; ttat introduction of h?terogenoac blcwd into t`ae ves- sels of ea isolated section of the aTS11 intestine brings about lowering of 'the aeaaitivity oP chemox?eceptoxs of this aectian to acetylcholine fca? j-10 min; and that introduction of heterogenoue blood into the genersl Circulation prcducea low~,ing of the aenaitivity of chemorecentora of ea ieclatC3 section of the fs~ to acetylcholine for 25-40~min. These results lead to the conclusion that lowering of the sensitivity of vascular reflexes due to the introduction of heterogenoua blood is due bath to a direct'effect on peripheral receptors and (to a still greater ertent) changes in the functional cou9itim of central nervous mech8aiama. On introducing heterogenoua blood into the hip and applying a vsgoeympathetic block with 0.25;6 aovocaia at the level of the lover cervical aympathr.+ic ganglion, there was an insignificant increase of blond pressure whCn the block was applied after the blood pressure had dropped below 40 mm Hg. gctir_ ever, the animal stilt prrishrd. Nith a blood prenaure sot lover than 60-?0 mm big, the novocain block produces a distinct inG ease in the blood.,prea~e, fia~.vell fib Twgt~r,n+lnn n..a ..~a:i`--'-- eV.+=~+.u~yvf cmroLia ai..^.ue rerlexea. Severing of the vagas~~pathetic nerve trunks et the semi level an3 under the same con- ditions produces the sc ;: af;;e~to ae ii_e novocain block. ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 These effECts can also be :;roiL3ht about by cooling the vngoaympathetic ironies kith water having ri tFmnaratnrn nP F_Ao (` and entabliah'.n? the. hln,-tr_ in obis ,na.,ter, In the vsgosympathetic block, the novocain exerts a neuro- tomi.c effect: A lumbar novocain block applied to a healthy animal brings; about as insignificant accolrs?ation in the rate of blood coagulation and stimulation of carotid sinus reflevee dicing lj-2$'ciia. A lobar novocsin clock applied sitar heterogenous blood is introduced daea no+, pz?orent dtath of the sniria'1 if the bloo3 pressure'haa droppe3 below 40 LL^.i?g. Zf the blond pressure hsc not droppe3 below 60-70 mm IIp, a lt-b~ block r;.i,acs t?+e blond p,-esavre end nl:imu.',stes ce2otid aiuus reflexes resulting irom cc~pres- sion of t'nQ c..rotid art:sy. At the sane tire, refle:,ea produced by increa.s- ing Teess?.u?e in tizo ragioa of the carotid -sinus are veakered. Thio lrzaken- in,?y centinves Yer 10?lj min, after which the reflexes arc ~cuauslly re- storad ?to t,~~ initial ierel. Refloxes in response tc scety:i.choline PY?r.~ c).te-m ~ecepta.:n of ar, isolated section of the aszll intestin also drou in lair-..salty (diming 15-c0 min). The data on the lumbar blccl: is sovelinat dif- ficult to e-raluate, because it is impos3lble to eliminate the aeurotocsic effect cf novocain after this substance has been in,jectc~d into the cellulsir tissue in the vicinity of the kidney, For that reason, in a subsequent series oP exptrinvents, novocain vas in,~ected into the anl.een rr _ iooz~.eor3 s--tiara of t1e emsll intestine connected with the body of the experimental animal (c cat) so'.~ly by means of serves. IIndtr the circumatancea, novocain could erezt n n~;..'t*c reflcv action only, Tlhen this drug Nan introduce) into the bloc) v::^.::.^,i~ cf the ur?gi3:o6 i.uolate3. iu this mann~?, accel.eraLicn Of the rate of blood coagulation line produced for a period of 25-30 sin, cith a mastmup 5-7 min after udmini:~tr~,tion. Stimulatic:n of carotid sinus reflexes as a resizl.t of compression of the caz?otid arterisa s??as also ubs?~:.?v;>d, 'Pa'thogenec+ia and Treatment oY Spontaneous Gangrene," V. A, Raueeatsnova, 3, 8, Zimovakays, N, T7. Rukin, Prof V. I. Pshenichnikov, pp 168-If34 6pantaneous gangrene is not a local affliction: it i.a accomp:mied b; gene.~al dintiubsaces filuictional changes in blood vessels, which nc longer re- spond to vasgiilatory irritstiana; des+auctive changes in th= bones of the Seet; atrophy of the skin; falling of hair; infi.Fmmatory and d~generativa changes in the ptz?ipheral, central, and vegetative nervous syatr n), and rtpre- senta ageneral disease connected an abnormal condi.t~on of tor. ne:?voLs and vascular s-,yateL.a, Spastic, atonic, and apzsticeatonic condition3 of blood vessels of tht eye f-.ndue are typical foz? spontaneous gangrene, Thin disease can be treatr:d to advantage by A. V. Viahnevskiy's meth~Kt, which involves a bilateral ll~bar novocaln block and application of bapdagas covtrcd with Viahnevekiy~s oil-balsas emulsion fY?om the tipu;,of the tcaa to the upper third cf the thigh. These bandages are held in place bu one layer of a plaet~r-of- Paris bandage and changed every 10-15 days. "Alterations of Vascular Reactions, Basal Pnetaboliam, and Shin, Temperattre in Patients Suffering From Obliteral:ing Eadarteritin on Treatment With A Sovocain Block and Oil-Balsam Bandage," K. A. Sergtyevn, F. V. Spiridonova, pp 184-1q0 Patients sufferin;, from obliterating endarteritis exhibit reveu?atd vas- cular reactions to hat sad cold stimuli, a low akin tc~perature, and pathologi- cal thaz~satm~meetry,. Alterations of vascular reactions and basal metabolism in these patients correspond to the clinically established forms bf tht Ai-ua~??~ i - .. ~?, vtmo~ic, atonic, and mizeQ. Pdtient~e oho have the spastic type of the disease and suffer from a prolonged form a4 it eabibit egastic vas- cular reactions to ?temperature irritations, as well as a eharp,lorrering of basal metabolism. Patients having the atonic form of the disease respond to temperature irritations with vasodil.ation or show nn reactiaa whatsoever. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 ~"' pY pp retienta with the mixed Yorm of the dioaase exhibit reactions which are tyi,ical for t'he individual pntient, but tnAse reactions occacionE+ll.y change. The ]nst two groups mentioned show a normal 'rvel of bassi metabolism, '17eat- ment with a novocain block and ail-balsam bandages levels cut vascular re- actions, reatoreis thR basal mztabolism to normal, and increnaee the skin Temperature. Reatpration of normal vaeculrsr reactions anti ilrcrease of the skiu temperat-u'e after treataent take place faster in epnrttic than atonic cr mixed cases, which fully A. v, Vishnevskiy'a views on the auh,ject. "Va_^.culs~- Reaction in Patients Suffering Pram Ulcers of the Stccach or Duo- denu? rafter Treatment Flit'c a ivovocain Ploc," J. L. Neatscva pn 190-19Fi On treatment with a lumbar bilateral novocain b1ocL, established by iu- ,)ccting novocain into bi,L'a isidney areas and applying nn oil-bala:sa baadase to the abdomen, the cmplitude oP pulsating'oscillatlono in vascular reactions increases and vascular spasms decrease; normal vascular reactions to t;mpera- ture irritations ai.: restored; wave-shaped oscille;ions of va,~cular rescti.ons. as recordPQ by a plethysmograph, ore eliminated. In this investigation, s method of plethysmography perfec+,ed in K. M. Bykov's laboratory c~ris used. "Problem of the Antihistamine EYfr_ct of Paraamitobenzoic Acid, a Product oY ilovucain Nydrol,:eie," ye, P. Str_?nany~n, A. V. grid-gin, pp 190-~04 Using Tarueev'e stx lotion method for the determination of toxicity, it was established that novocain exerto an antihistaminic (detoxifying) effect only in the presence of blood serum. The seas applies to paragminobeuzoic acid, Lhirh is formed as a result of hydrolysis o_? novocain. Blood aerm:. stimulates the hydrolysis of novocain. Either novocain or paraAminobenzoic acid reaoces in nitro the toxicity of the bloo3 of patients suffering Prom burns. Fncubation cif paraaminobenzoic acid with histamice Parma a cumplc-,c whi^h ie aM:e toxic to guinea pigs tnan histamine ita~lf. When a histamine solution v.s incubated with blood serum alone, the resulting solution killed guinea,piga, but incubation cf histod~ine, blood aer~, and parsaminobenzoic acid resulted in n mixture which 31d not have a lethal effect. High loses of pareaminoLenzoic acid increase the permeability cf capillaries and thus hasten the death of gsinaa pigs tom histamine. The antihist~ric and anti- toxic effect oY parear5luRbenzoic acid formed from novocain rs~lain.~ the ad- vantages oP A. Y. Yiahnevskiy's local novocain anesthesia as compared with general narcosis. "Comparative Ch::racterization of Antlhistraaine Activity of Novocain an3 I'er'aaminobenzoic Actd," D. A. Almoyeva, pp 204-208 The introdcction by A. V. Viahnevakiy during World War II of the novo- cain black es a method of ccmbatiag traumatic shock aLd other foroa of aho-k st?sulated investigations on the physiological action of novoain; bath in the U56R and abroad. We have previously established that novocain prevents ee- perimentsl shock produced by the in,7ection of histamine into doge. In the series of experiments varrie,i out at nreaent?, we foun3 that paraaTinobenzoi.c acid ease-ts a similar antihistaminic effect. paranminobenzoic ncid derived from novocain ie somewhat more effective than on administration by itself in the form of a pure substance. Our elate eliminates the possibility that par9,- aminobeazoic acid may enter into a chemicni reaction with histamine: its action is undoubtedly that of a neurogenic e$eut exerting its effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080187-5 Profesgo: pi, 8. Da'm achev; Crig;aally, A. V. Viohaevekiy end Academician A? D. $paranakiy regard~C the novocain black ac a acre in+,erruptian of the tr'snssission oY pain reflexes a'_onr~ nerve paths. Trey soon found, however, that application of a sheath (fut].yar) novocaln block to one extremity exetts as identical therapeutic efYec+, on the other extremity. In veterinary prac- tice, harass suffering flan intestinal. obatraction frequently ba3 to be 61.lled? 1'rafeAec2 A? Titdrenin, xho workstl at a vexterinary polyclinic, derided 'to ap- piy a covorain blocs LO aBP. of theca ha?ses. The horse xas saved by'thia txeetaaent, ss x;;re many others in the fc+,:u~e. Pti.netY-six Pe=cast of h;,raas auffeving Pram this condition have intestinal obatra