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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICT-"D RFS t R1CTU CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS r..n- NO PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE COUNTRY SUBJECT China - Sinkiang Economic - Irrigation Ti-hua THIY DOC.. A.T CONTA.IRI INTO[SATION AIIICTINI ITS NATIONAL D[I1I91 OF TXR URIT[0 STATIC WITHIN TN[ ^[ANIRI OF _IIIOIA.I ACT IS V. A. C.. I: AND I[. AN AN[RDID. ITI CDANI[IISSION OR THE -N-A-1 0I ITS C.NTANTS IS ANY VA-1. TO AN UIUOTNOICSIE TRITON II LAO NiDITlp YT LAW. I[INCOACTIOR OF THAI YORI II IROHIIhil6. DATE OF INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS IINEVALUATED INFORMATION Sinkiang Water Conservation Engineering Corps of the Ministry of Water Conservation and the Sinkiang Provincial Water Conservation Bureau. PFESSHT DErBIAOPMEHT AND FUTURE PLAIDS FOR THE RED WILD GOOSE :ASS RESERVOIR AND - G _An PROJECTS ['Tables are appended.-] Ti-hua is confronted with en increasing food shortage because of an ex- panding population and difficulties in obtaining staples f on elsewhere. To overcome '_,his d11e?a, it is essential to increase the arable acreage of th'.fl d?atriot by developing its irrigation projects. If (properly regulated, there is a sufficient supply of water In the Urumohi River to net the demand of the surrounding farmlands. The solution, therefore, is to build a reservoir in the marshland area on the right side of the river, and to utilize the natural terrain of Red Salt lake (Chiang-yen-oh'ih; Ueda 5985. 14620. 5986). In October 1946 the first step was taken to accomplish this huge task. General Chang-Chih-shun dispatched into Ti-hua area experts from the Sinkiang Provincial Water Conservation Bureau and from the Sinkiang Water Con- servation Engineering Corps of the Water bonservation Department. Subsequently, construction work on the Ho-p'ing (1263, 2899) Canal began in Melrch 1947, with the plan to complete the project by late May of the same year. This canal joins the reservoir with the new egrioaltural district in the vicinity of Ch'ing-k'o-ta-hu (13095, 4924, 12052, 6362). Construction work an the Red Wild Goose Lake; (Chiang-yen.?ch'ih; 5985, 12957, 59861 Reservoir /the name "Red Salt lake" we later changed to "Red Wild Cocoa lake was started in July 1947 and by 9 May 1948 most of the work on the loved sluice gate was completed. This made possible the storage of 18 million cubic maters of water in the reservoir. Thus for he first time, in 1948, water released from the reservoir to supply water co the aew irrigation district near Ch'ing-k'o-to-hu, increasing the rice acreage to 5,000 mou (one mou is STATE ARMY vr_1- CLASSIFICATION RwTRICTISD RESTRICTED NAVY N,RB DISTRIBUTION ~I __-~ AIR FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 one-sixth of an acre) and wheat and other cereal acreage to more than 10,000 mou. At the completion of the entire irrigation projects, this total acreage will be Ivoreased to 20,000 man in rice, 40,000 mou in wheat, and 40,000 mou in other cereal fields. The estimated yield per year of grain from this district will then reach 250,000 shih shih (one shth ehih ie one hectoliter). This will solve most of the food-shortage problems in nortl' ru Sinkiang. Recently, however, construction work on this important irrigation project had to be discontinued because of inflationary prices and sudden stoppage of government grants. As it stands at present, there is no hope for fulfilling the 11,449 -gram for inorear7!ng the agricultural acreage. Because of its econowic importance, it is hoped that the government will renew the construction grants so that the irrigation projects can be continued and completed at the earliest date. Until recently, most of the staples needed in Ti-hua were obtained from I-ning district, which had been known as the "Storehouse of northern Sinkiang.' However, the out!?reak of the 1-li Incident in 1944, and the contr_ual disturbances since, dwindled food product'-on in he 1-zing district. Co;aeequently, Ti-hua had to look elsewhere for !to food euptly. At present, the grain shortage has been alleviated by bringing in grain from various osiens located west of Lun-t'ai in southern Sinkiang, or from Ian-chcu in Kaneu Province over the eastern high- way. This method of procuring foodstuff is proving very unoatiefectory and ex- pensive. Rxhorbitant prices must be paid for transporting the foodstuff over long and poor transport routes. Besides, only a limited amount could be obtained in this manner. It is also likely that the goyorn:asnt will be force. to abandon grants allocated for such a transaction, if the inflationary trend continues. To prepare for such an eventuality, it is essential to complete the irrigation projects at the sarl_i,st date. Tha first attempt to regulate the water supply in the Ti-hue area was made in 1943. A reoar oir was constructed utilizing Red Salt lake. Because of the extero"vo natura of this project, it bee ended in part fail::re. If additional construction and repair work is ce:rled out, this reservoir could be made work- able. Since the natural terrain surrounding the lake favors ouch a project, the n w"^1rt.5 w raMw vi_11 hnnn."e nn nP the lnrjeet n_A its 'in_ii in the W, ih- west. The reservoir will be capable of storing surplus water from the Urvmchi River during autumn and winter and flood water during summer and winter. The etai' Mischa - ou fivm ouch a rana'reoir would supply water to an area twice that of the existing agricultural district. The agricultural district user Ti-hua is not too fertile. Along Chien-te Helen, 30 kilometers northwest of Ti-hue in Ch'ing-kc-ta-hu district, is a rich tract of land. The flatness of its terrain makes this district Flitable both for grazing and for raising of crops. Attempts were made in 1915 to develop this rich arse. Spring water was used to make several thousand mou of barren area productive. lecauae of lack of spring water, however, the district was not developed completely. When the reservoir worl: is completed, the entire district could be developed In full. The additional food-producing area will help make Ti-hua e3lf-sufficient. It no longer will be necessary to obtain food el"- where at exhorbitant priced. Savings on the transport coat alone will more than pal For the entire ccuatrnction cost of the irrigation projects. Each mou in- creeee egrin..lturatl land in Ti-h,_.n .i1strict in worth ch 15 - 20 ... Incroc;c elaewhore. The completed irrigation projects will give many other tangible and intangible benefits. RESTRICTED 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 In June 1946, the Water Conservation Bureau was established by the Sinkiang Provincial Government to facilitate the Ti-hue, irrigation projects. Also in' November of the same year, the Wa'cer Conservation Department of the Central Government organized the Sinkiang Water Conservation Engineering Corps to work jointly with the Bureau. III. PHYSICAL FEAT' RS OF THE TI-HUA DISTRICT Ti-hua is about 915 meters above sea level. The tempera-are in this vicinity remains below zero for 4 - 5 months of the year., In February the temperature average annual rainfall in this area is approximately 345 millimeters. The ma- turity period for agricultural crops averages about 180 days, The water sources of the Urumchi River are located iavu-k'o-ta-pan (6835, 568, 12052) of the Tien-abmu Moun}sins. The two valor water sources are located is the following places. 1. For low-water discharge -- spring waters of eo'utheast Wu-la-psi (5835, 37.38, 4139), Shut-hei-kou (5952, 10820, 6404), Yin-kou (12862, 6404), send Pan- oh'ane.kou (12052. 29QO. 540x1_ 2. For flood-water discharge -- flood waters and melting snow of Fan-ho- tzu (2897, 6045, 2n62) and southwestern Nan-ehan (1010, 2528). Water from these eourcee seldom flows into the Urumchi River because it percolates Into the ground before reaching the river, and also because of obstruction from alluvial soil. At normal times, the northern tributary of the Ursaohi River flows ofros! the confluence point of the two major water euuarcee into Chiang-Shan-teui (5985, 2528, 1489) and p?rcolatae underground when it reaches Ch'iem.La Nolen. This stream reappecre a$ve ground in the Z~m of ep:?i,~s in lao-lung-ho (9250, 14P76, 6045), and helps irrigate tent, of thousand of 1 u of rice paddles in Chien-te. Diming flood periods, however, the uortheru anG sou*ern tributaries join the waters of the Po-k'o-to-span (1016, 568, 12052, 2528) and the Shui-ao-kou (5)52. 80.57. 6404) in the ii.starn ^sn4.. of the n1A grazing ground. At such times, the total length of the river expands to more than 100 kilometers; tae river basin, to about 401) square kilometers. Also, the channel of the rive. broadens and dioa-'racs widely. The flow of the Urumchi River is not conete;it. In the hilly, spur section of the Chiang-ehan-teui, in the west of Ti-hua, the flow is apgalat-4 by''mouotain passes and contours of the land. The Ti-hua--I-ning Highway'Tiridge is located in this hilly sector. The soil in this sector is very alluvial. The river rune down a steep slope which has a gradient of 1 to 2 percent. C. Volume of Water in Urumohi River The hydrological conditions of the mountains and valleys in Sinkiang are very similar. The snow of the mountains freezes from October to April every year. .The first warm days in May melt the snow on the mountains elopes, and, as summer heat increases, the melting increases rapidly. Thus the streams begin to rise in early marina and continue to rime as the heat ineh?ewawa_ !!e vt was__ reach their highest point. in July or August. This condition results in flood, but it lasts only for a short time. From September on, the water starts to - J - RESTRICTED rrVTninvv _ r,Lcj (iltU Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 docrease. Occasionally, duraag this time of the year, rains cause floods in River has been made since 1941, but the record is still incomplete. The low_ water discharge of this river is 5 cubic raters per'becond, while the flood- water discharge reaches 200 cubic meters per second. The average low-water discharge is 7 cubic meter per second, D. Soil in the New and Old Irrigation Districts Like many rivers peculiar to Sinkiang, the Urumchi River's rivulets have a beginning but no and. That is, many of these rivulets disappear underground from percolation. The narrow gorge of the Urumchi River is surrounded on three sides by mountains. After running near the foothills of the Chiang-Shan-taus, the river gradually enters an alluvial plain. Ti-hue is located in the uppor reaches of the river. The soil in this vicinity is yellowish and composed mainly of sand and gravel. This type of soil is very permeable. Wheat and been crops grow fairly well in this type of soil. There is much barren land along, the foot- hills of the mountain. Because of their steep inclines, it is difficult to irrigate the mountains properly. If the irrigation projects are completed, the rich flatland of Ch'ing-k'o-ta-ho will be suitable for rice, wheat, and I A. Now Irrigation District The pru,jeoi,e new irrigation aistrict will include the area west of Chang- shan-tzu (12698, 2528, 2262), east of T'ou-t'un-ho (13346, 2518, 6045o), north, of the An-ping (2309, 2392) Canal, and south of X'ao-chia-hu (13940, 2349, 6362). The total acreage of this district is approximately 200,000 mou. Because of its favorable terrain feature and many springs, the eastern sector of the irrigation district is suitable for rice fields. The low, western soetor of Huang-obul (14692, 5952) and Ta'ao-tzu (5274, 2262) are suitable for rotation planting of wheat end other cereal crops. The total arable acreage in the new irrigation district is approximately 100,000 mou, which will be planted in 20.000 molt of rice, 40,000 mou of wheat, and 40,000 mou of other cereal crops, (See) Tables 1 and 2,) B. Water-Storage Plan Tho ::.1? c, meter eu em,uaiiy to supply farms in the irrigation district in estimated. as 40,660,000 cubic meters. Actually, 73,188,000 cubic meters of water are needed, since estimated lose of water during trareit is about 60 percent or the total water supplied, It is recessary to draw 63,088,000 cubic meters of water directly from the reservoir, not including the 20-day period during the year when She flood water of the Urumchi River is drawn directly by the Fo-p'ing Canal. Amin assuming that 20 percent of the reservoir water is lost through evaporation and seepage, the reservoir must be stored with 75,688,000 cubic meters of water. Irma October to the end of March, when irrigation work In halted, 60,900,000 cubic meters of low-water discharge could be stored. (See Table 3.) The oonetruoticn work at the irrigation district is divided into two projects, the Red Wild Gocee lake Reservoir and the He)-p'ing Canal., The con- struction work an the ed Wild Ooeee Take Reservoir is simpler because the resat. Tvii 15 not eltuaYea uJr.q,c j on .he in stream of the UramC,hi River. There is no fear of its being hikrrwasod by floods. However, because of the reservoir's remoteness frae:'the supply area, there will be a shortage of constructions Sanitized Copy Approved for Release T~IDTED 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 A. Red Wi)d Goose lake Reservoir The terrain surrounding Red Salt lake is ideal for buiiAing a reservoir. The northern, southern, and eastern sides of the lake are mountainous, while the western side is open and flat. The western side, therefore, could be utilized to construct a dam, thereby converting the lake into a storage reservoir. In. orderto ;make the brackish water of tbis.lake sweet; huge volumes of fresh water from the Urumchi River wore drawn into the lake this year (1948). The reservoir pro3ect includes construction work on the feed canal, lover sluice gate, lover discharge canal, earthen dam, upper sluice gate, and the upper discharge canal. Details bf the construction work on these installations are as follows: REST R UIt'u notallowed. This work, however, must be substantial and such problems as the silting-up of the sluice gate must we dealt with properly. Only a limited supply of cement needed for the construction v-k can be secured from the Yao-chieh Cement Plant in Ian-chou. This cement shortage can be alleviated by a cement substitute made locally. Schemes for control of seepage and erosion should be worked out on the Ro-p'ing Canal, which flows through an arid and hilly sector of the Gobi. Desert, It would be ideal if the canal bed were lined with cement mortar, but this is impossible at the present time. Some method of tightening the canal bed to prevent seepage should be worked out until sufficient cement could be obtained later. 1. freed Canal Red wild Goose Lake Reservoir must depend on the feed canal to draf+ water frOM the II_eohi River. The intake-gate opening, will --be constructed at the entrance point of Yen-erh-wo-baia (6991, 7043, 8326, 2601) on the right side of the river. The 5,000-mater long feed canal reaches Red Wild Goose lake by means of an open channel or flume whiob traverses along the mountain. The die- oharge of the original construction was only 1.0 cubic meters per second. When the expenoion work is completed, it is hoped that the discharge will be increased to 10 cubic meters per second. About 30 meters o; the midsection of this canal run along a precarious sector half way up the mountain. This sector of the feed canes mast be strengthened with construction of high embankments from the dredged soil of the canal. Bridges and flumes mast also be built in this .mi.dO.e aaatlnn_ Aftwr aroanina the mountain ridge, the canal takes a sudden downward dip toward the 'reservoir. in order to neutralize this sharp descent, conotrua- tion,of drape is necessary. It has been discovered that if this- section is moved evu+.uwksaocr v along long the lake at a goedient of .001 percent far- about 1,240 meters, it can reach awidej thick, stone weir fray w)iicb water may fall into the lake, thus avoiding erosion. With the exception of the first section, if the gradient of the canal,bottan is made at about .001 percent, erosion as well as freezing may be avoided. Inter, the volume of water will be increased and the current velocity will become greater. If erosion is discovered, slates should be used in pavir3 as a means of protection. no first section of the feed canal, about 1,100 meters long, is cm- structed in the river bed and is made entirely of pebbles, which results in a large amount of seepage. To prevent this, it is necessary to line the bottom of the canal with mortar. To eliminate an aceiatulation of sand and gravel during flood periods, a sand gate is necessary. For protective purposes, drainage embankments should be erected along the river. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release RES ! R!C E11 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 situated on the elope of the mountain. A wall is necessary to prevent snow from covering the canal. later, when more money is available, it may be poseible to abandon this section and change the line to reach the reservoir via underground methoc s . The original lower sluice gate is situated on a natural earthen dam on the west side of the lake. It is of the folding fan type and is operated by winding steel wires. It is easy for dirt and sand to silt up and obstruct the opening. The original head is only 4 meters, and is already incapable of control. Should the head increase, the dangers can hardly be imagined. It is imperative that a thorough reconstruction be instituted. After studying local materials, it was decided to use a more reliable cylindrical. valve which can be manufactured locally. This valve will make possi- ble the drawing of large quantities of water under a 20-meter head. Hnormous water pressure will be used to open and close the valve. The existing cutlet culvert is divided into two sections. The first section passes through bade sf hard sandstone. It is a concrete conduit sur- faced with 1,5 cubic meters of cement and is 1.1 meters high, 1.0 meter wide, and 70 metero long. The oecond section of the culvert is a ladderlike wooden conduit. It passes through beds of pebbly soil which has an alkaline content., it is therefore treated to prevent decay from chemical action. This second section is 1.3 meters high, 1.25 meters wide at the top, 1.5 meters wide at the bottom, and. 90 meters long. Eventually, the whole culvert will be made larger and will be rebuilt with more permanent materials. i a RES T R!CTtu Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 3. Doerr Dienharge canal The lover discharge canal is located near the II.rum-,hi River, approxi- mately 3 kilometers from the reservoir. It to 3,200 kilometers long. It traverses a steep slope. Originally it had a discharge of 0.5 rabic meter per second. Its inclined drop and piers were destroyed. After the elate-lining work in 1946, the discharge was increased to 4 cubic meters ptr second. This discharge rate will be further increased to 10 cubic me'cera I.& second after additional improvements are made. 4. ltarthen Storage Dea There is a relatively low (about 996 motors high) natural earthen dim the et de ..f Be wil r nu . rake Reaarvnlr _ Aaeardina to Plans, the present ~head Vofthe reservoir will l's 1,005 meters highf, To prevent water from going over the crest of the dam, 2 meters vi3.1 be added to the dam, marking the standard height of the ace; 1,007 meters. The case of the P.a- is 6 n.-tar wide1 The water slope will be set for 1 to 3 and the surface will be paved with stone blocks to prevent erosion from wave action. The outer slope will be set from 1 to 2 to 1 to 4. The base of the dam will be built with impervious materials. The upstream half of the dam should be rendered impervious by using fine soil, while the downstream half may be built with coaser earth. To prevent seepage, the care wall should be built right up to the rocks. A drainage ditch of atone blocks will be built in the downstream half of the dam. Crushed stones and stone blocks will be used to p' test the base of the dam. 5. Upper Sluice Gate About 500 meters east of the old sluice gate, directly north of the lake- is s stove ridge, the top of which is 1,024 meters high. Along or follov ng . .. .tre - culvert -y be eestr '- - n+.eA bj boring timrmah t!Fi precipice. The sivice gate will ba relatively secure inside the earthen Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 embankment. 'Therefore, if an upper sluice gate is constructed here on a level with the water head, the burden on the lover sluice gate will be reduced and the security of the reservoir increased. The length of the culvert will be about' 150 meters. The maximum sluice discharge is more than 10 cubic meters per second. The cylndrical culvert will be lined with concrete. The gradient of the culvert will be 1/2F0 percent. At the entrance, a cut-off collar will be built to regulate the flow of water. The rock content of the culvert exit makes possible the use of a cylindrical gate. 6. Upper Discharge Canal An open channel should be built below the culvert of the upper sluice gate. The channel would be 1,800 Peters long and would connect with the old discharge canal. This canal runs on a rather steep elope. To prevent erosion, the canal will be lined throughout with slate. It Is estimated that the dis- charge will be 10 cubic meters per second. The 550-meter-long first section will be excavated to the irregular depth of 3 to 7 meters and will be relatively . narrow. Besides this, the cress section of the canal will be paved with impervious material. The gradient of the aection of the canal which rune midway along the mountain will generally follow the natural contour of the ground. A wooden flume will be built at 1 plus 760 Lie where the upper discharge canal must pass through farm ditches. This and the construction of drop6 will be executed jointly.. B Ho-p'i-n~ Canal 1. large Flume Over the Urumehi River I A large flume, 200 metore long, will be built across the Urumohi River connect..,; the outlet 3cint of thw GT an AA- nwn.l -i 6 +.!'e rein .. ...1 ..-. aU_ west bank of tho river. Temporarily, thisler,4e flume will be built of wood, but iu?the f'unre it will be built over with cement. The foundations of the flume on both sides of the river will he e,rsstructed with atone slabs.. The foundaticm on the vest bank will also inclule a :onetru.ction of a drop. Piers to support the flume will be set at 5-meter Intervals and will be huritJ 4 metara into the cued, A stop will be take. to prevent erosica at this point. The river, in- luding Its shores, is 700 meters wide here. The current of the river is very swift during the flood periods; therefore, tidal and drainage embankments must be built to regulate the cater flow and at the same time prevent widening of the river channel. This embankment work is escential because the length of the flume crossing at this point will be shorter than the width of the river and its shores. The stain canal will connect the lower end of the large flume. The 4-k1'ometer-long head-oaml_ section bill m elcngci",.; t;.; river in the praa 1- tous sector half way up the mountain. From this point, the canal will extend downward and enter the area behind the new distrl-t of T1-hua. Then the canal will run in a northwesterly direction for 14 kilometers along the Ti-hIa--I-1~ Highway and will. reach Hei-ehan-t'ou. From llei-shan-t'ou the canal will take a northerly direction from the highway and will pass through more than 10 kilo- meters of Gobi Desert and 4 kilometers of pror?uctive sector of the An-ning Canal. From there, the canal will finally empty into the irrigation district. The total length of the main canal will be more than 31 kilometers. The entire canal will be newly dredged except the 11-kilometer middle section, which will be dredged later. This auction, which extends from the new district of Ti-hue to Hei-ehan-t'ou, will make it poaaible .o utilize temporarily the old Ching-yang Canal to facilitate the early flow of water through the main cen?,1 into the irrigation district. RESTRICTED tized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 and will be gradually reduced to 8 cubic motors in other sections until the end section, where the discharge will become 1.5 to 3 cubic meters per second. The gradient of the canal will be determined by the terrain features and will range from 6/1,000 to 17/1,000 percent. The slopes of the canal will be built 1 to 1.5 and the canal will be dredged so as to prevent seepage. The dredged earth will be used to build up banks on both sides of the canal. One of the banks will bE made wide e.icugb so that an automobile can be driven on top for inspection of the canal. There will be 2 meters of space on both sides of the canal between the canal's edge and the base of each bank. This space will be used in case the canal needs to be expanded or when there is ai increase in flood discharge. Trees will be planted along this apace. The canal will be slate-lined to prevent erosion and to make the water flow smoother and faster. Seepage will be farther controlled when gilt is carried through the canal after the discharge of water. The silt will fill up crevices and will make the canal tighter. Wben the cement supply is short, this method will do a satisfactory mortaring job in holding the lined slates together. Seepage is not so extensive in the last section of the main canal. Therefore, the gradient at this section could be made at about 1/1,000 percent and drops could be constructed to prevent erosion. To increase the effectiveness of the irrigation work and to make maxi- mum use of the water in the Urumchi River, the main canal should be capable of drwwino flrhd water directly from tne river into the irrigation district. This must be done at the setts time the feed canal draws water from the river (at the rate of 10 cubic meters per second) into the reservoir for storage purpose. To accomplish this work, the main canal must have a flood gate, sand gate, and check gate between the tail end of the large flume and the main canal at the western bank of the river. The flood gate will hLve a discharge or 10 cubic, meters per second. The sand gate and check gate will be constructed at the lower end of the flood gate. The sand gate will empty sand ar' silt from the canal bottom into the Ur'amchi River. The check gate will control the amount of the clear water coming into the canal. A large diversion gate will be constructed at tho tail section of the main canal. 1't will be located at the hikhest Doinc of the irrigation district. This gate will dive::. water from the main canal into three distributing canals: the eastern, the central, and t:e western. The gate will have three orifices am-d the august of v_?.4as 4_.n hn r , int,3 Aiatributi- nn,, y11 be reanlrtoA Ay the Raising and .awaring of the diversion guts. Eventually the gate will be reconstructed so that it can be operated automatically. The irrigation district elatts from south to north. The eastern distrib- uting canal will traverse through Ch'ing-k'o-tahu district; the westAc distrib- uting canal will extend into Huang-ehui and Ts'ac-tau districts; and the central distributing canal will run into, the sterile district of Pa-tuan (594, 5792). The 5-kilometer-long eastern distributing canal will, he dredged in comparatively high ground along the southeastern sector of Ch'ing-k'o-tahu and will irrigate rice paddies of this diat.rict. The head suction, of this -anal will be on a steep slope with a gradient of 1/1,000 percent. Five drops will be constructed, here. The other sectors of the ear era canal will have a aradi u- t of 3/'WOO rep-cent a d.'will discharge 3 cubic meters per second. The 12-kilometer central distrib - uting canal '.rill extend directly to Sao-Chia-hu and will be dredged on the RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 AESIRit'cEQ eastern ridge of Pa-tuan. This canal will irrigate barren land east of Pa-tuan, west of Lo-t'o-fang-tzu (13755, 13732, 3646. 2262), and west of Kao-Chia-hu. The canal will pass through an extremely hilly sector at a gradient of 1/1p00 percent. Construction of several tens of drops will be necessary. Its dis- charge rate will be 3 cubic meters per second. The 5-kilometer-long western distributing banal will be dredged through fertile area of Pa-tuen and will irri- gate farms in Huang-ehui and Ts'ao-tzu. The gradient of the canal will be 1/1,000 percent. The discharge rate will be 4 cubic meters per second. When the main and distributing ranals pass through an irrigation district, flumes are needed to cross over farm ditches. When ono canal intersects another canal on the same level and it is not practicable to carry the first canal over the second, one canal my be carried below grade In a siphon conduit or over the other canal by means of a flume. Flumes will be, constructed of wood, while siphon conduits wt'l be made of stones. Sixteen drone will be constructed in the tail section of the wain canal. Fach drop will l-c 2 toter, high. 8. Bridges It is necessary to construct bridges over various canals in the irriga- tion district. fli&iway bridges will be constructed of rock piers and wooden girders. They will be surfaced with crushed stone and will have a loading capacity of 7 metric tuns. Cart-road bridges will be of wooden piers and girders. They will be surfaoei with crushed atone and will have a loading capacity of 3 mei;io 9. Diversion Cates for lateral Canals Ea,h tail section of the distributing canal. will have diversion gate to let out water into varic?s lateral carols: Wooden diversion gates similar in otmetruction to the larg9 diversion State will be used temporarily. lateral canals will branch out from distributing canals in the main seotion of the irrigation district. Some lateral canals will be 10 lietere while others will be 20 meters long. The discharge rate of each lateral canal will be 1.5 cuLlc meters per second. T,- --A to fsc_litete chs.' ized farming, ,he irrigation diet--i .t will be divided into sense of rectangular blocks. Each block will be about 300 meters long and about 250 meters wide. Roads and canals will run alongside each of these blocks. Farms will be developed within each of -these rectangular blocks. 12. Drainage System The water table beneath Ch'ing-k'o-ta-hu is high. Except for the brackish sand banks, most of the barren area in the irrigation district could be side arable. Floil could be made fertile if a proper drainage system is put in. Since the irrigation district elopes downward, the drainage system will leach the braokSsY.aeee from the soil. RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 If irrigation is carried out too long in one spot, a rise in the water. table is co be expected. It is therefore necessary to improve the land by running drainage ditches throughout the district. The drainage system will include small, lateral, and main ditches. The drainage water could be used either to irrigate areas lacking spring water or to irrigate additional farming diutricts. Workers needed for these irrigation projects include coolies, plasterers, stone masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. Military personnel, local Uighurs, and Chinese may be employed as coolie labor.. It is difficult to obtain large- scale military labor at present; consequently, the bulk of labor on these projects will continue to come from civilians. Skilled labor is lacking; much of it iq concentrated in Ti-hue, where there are many Chinese from the Northeast and Shantung who have lived in the USSR for many years. Their technical skill is ex- cellent, they have great endurance, and can do such work as masonry, plastering. carpentry, concrete mixing, paving, and pitching. >iaployment is easy during the winter months when all types of construction work ceases and laborers are ille. At other time, when there are other large construction projects also in progress in the vicinity, employment is difficult. For this reason, root of labor goes up. If the work area is far from the city, transportation expenses must be seemed. There are in Ti-hue an estimated 300 plasterers, 50 stone masons, 400 carpenters, 200 blacksmiths, and 600 other skilled workers. If more coolie workers are needed, they could be hired from There are no large factories in Ti-hue which manufacture construction materi4le. In these inflationary times, it is most feasible to pay the workers by piece work. Thr, tools and facilities needed for the projects (except for simple toolu and the workers' own tools) will be furnished by the government. Steam ohovele could be hired for digging earth during winter and early spring freeze. Pile- driving machines needed for constructing flumes could be made in Ti-hue. The hammer will weigh 800 kilograms and will be operated by means of steel ropes. The top of each pile will be covered with steel cape. The riverbed first should be enlidified with pebbles before the piles are driven in. u:ci:15 wautvi s?U Visa, : " caaaat pavsu i V - s-- ' w;,ya 5az=a uo:.oeoa~.T, colt.rse!-etant facilities mustbe provided. Tools and tool sheds must be heated. Stoves must be provided for warming sand; pebb]es, and gravel. Water must Is heated with specially constructed water heaters. it in necessary t7 have suf- ficient working space. The temperature should all-4a be maintained at a:ourd 15 degrees centigrade. According to an experiment tried in 1944, ?r vhirh cold- resistant equipment was used, winter conditions were, at tiSee, better than other seasons. The materials needed for the projects ere: yellow sand and slate, which can be obtained nearby; gravel from the Urumchi River; pebbles from crashed rocks nearby; and stone slabs from an open quarry in T'ou-t'un-hr-eban 4C kilometers away. camber, eepecial]y white pine, can be obtained from Nan-shan, 80 kilometers from Ti-hue. Cement, besides that obtained from the USSR 4 years ago. can be obtained fro the Yao-chieh Cement Factory in Kaneu Province. Only a limited amount of cement can be transported from yansu Province, however. To replonfeh the ehar'.-ags, ti cement aubetitute must be made 'ooal'y. Slate suer uk7 Mann yur you uy ur uu an arum an arc-go uao uoucc of cv as a.voao moo:-o. Dane.' ueS powder will ba supplied in part by the Sinkiang government. (See Tables 4 to 9.) RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 A. Construction Work in 1947 1. Ho-ping Canal Construction work on,the Ho-p'ing Canal was carried out by coolie labor and by military engineers of the Sinkiang Defense Headquarters. This canal extends frog Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir into the old irrigation district of TI-hum, crosses the Urumchi River, and runs through 20 kilometers of desert land before reaching the new Irrigation district. lox 10 April to 10 May 1947, approximately 60,000 cubic meters of earth were dug from a 3.7-kilometer-long sector of the main canal. This sector extends from the, large flume to the head section of the main canal. 'row 23 )larch to 15 April 1947, the sector extending from the top of Hei-shag to the An-ning yanal district wave dredgad. Minety-eight thousand cubic asters of earth were removed during this perioi. Temporarily, only 50 cubic meters of tho canal walls will be slate- lined. Iater, when olatos can be obtained more readily, the entire lining work will be completed. A total of 30 kilometers were dredged in the eastern, western, and central distributing canals between 22 April and aid-May 191'7. Fifteen thousand cubic meters of earth *are regoved. The foundation work on the 200-meter-long, large flume crossing the Drmechi River was started in early March and completed 25 April 1947. Trestle oonetruotion eeC cement pavement of the flume base was ocmpleted 10 May. live- neter.-hlgh, 300-meter.-long earth embuib' me were built, using 10,000 cubic meters of dredged earth. This work was cotoleted 20 Way. 6. TA t TAI C.tun a In order to serve military reclamation areas, 11,000 cubic motors of a earth .'.--'--d f: ? .a5 ft. Tar aiia.sotoso of Utr- va Iv kwo - to 10 }tember 19 7. One lateral canal in the eastern and two in the western section were dredged. 2. Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir Construction work on the Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir vie started in August 1947. The reseersoir project will take little lens than 3 years to con- plate. The earthwork on the upper disobarge canal was started on 20 July. The rock-blasting work on the beeeri of he upper and lover sluice gates was started in early Anguat. This project win require 10,000 cubic meters of elates, 20,000 cubic meters of etono slabs, more than 2,000 tone of locally made substi- tute cement, several hundreds of tone of regular cement, and several tens of tole of stool materials. Its importance end amount of engineering wok far excel- that of the Ro-p'ing Cwal. RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 RESTRICTED Cocetruc'tion work on the reservoir eontinu3d according to schedule until last August. The original plane hale to be altered because a sudden inflationary trend at that time abruptedly raised the construction cost and materials. Besides, as winter set in, oex.ent-pouring work was made very difficult. Construction work on the lower sluice gate and the core wall continued for a while, but other work was suspanded to await further granting of government funds. Some work continued throughout the winter under subzero Weather. To attain this difficult task, construction materials were covered. Tool shads were hosted at 15 degrees centigrade. Sand, slabs, elates, and water were warmed oefore they could be used satisfactoell-. B. Construction Work Previous to Water Discharge (January to 9 May 1948) In order to meet this year's expansion of the agricultural area, it was planned to complete underwater work on the lower sluice ate and store 14 million cubic meters of tirtmohi River water into the reservoir so that water could be discharged onto farm lands by 10 May. Work on the lower discharge continued throughout the winter. Work also continued on the feed canal and the construction of a 55-meter-long wooden flumes By the end of May, one large orifice was repaired and widened, three large culverts were repaired, and snow-removal work inside the canal was completed. Most of the repair work on the feed canal was completed in Maroh. Conse- quently, the discharge rate was increased from one cubic meter to 5 cubic meters per second. Eighteen million, cubic meters of water were stored in the reservoir before the water discharge date of 9 May. This amount surpassed the projected storage plan up to 9 May by 4 million cubic meters. Y`= 20 March tc ?,0 .'.pail, onA eool.iu or .he 17,696L Canal was dug Ly 4L)0 mew dispatched by the Sinkiang Defense Headquarters. The dept:) of the canal varied from 2 to 5 meters. More than 22,000 cubic meters of earth were dug and the exorvatea earth was used to strengthen the bane of the left bank of the canal. The completion of this mountainous sector of the feed canal made possible t'e release of water on 9 May. The Ho-p'ing Canal project proceeded simulzaneously. Construction of the flood, sand, and check gates went on as scheduled. The flood gate was completed in July 1947. The work on sand and check gates began on 1 April and was con- plated by 15 June. last year, the head section of the main canal was damaged because of mroeton. From 8 March to 6 May, the aaoumulated earth inside the canal had to be removed nnA rer4' of the w.._+... tie- tz be I_-l - &lat.. tv ju'eveni. further erosion. Slate-lining work continued even after the we-tar-release date. The 1i-kilometer middle section ,f the main caul, located 3.75 kilometers from the large flume, and running from Ho-tien-chieh in Ti-hue to Hei-ahr--t'ou, was to have been dredged. However, the work was discontinued because of lank of funds. In Its place the existing old canal had to be dredged and lined,. This work began in mid-March and was completed in early May. The volume of water in the new canal section below Hei-shah-t'ou had to be increased by adOitienal paving work. A 2-kilometer section below this new canal section was damaged by erosion last year. This section was subsequently relined with elates. Fifty drops were constructed in this sector. The construction of large drops in the 5-kilometer lower section of the main canal was completed by 4 May. The volume of water discharged this year was .ore than twice that of last year. Erosion and silting have not yet occurr9d. There is also very little seepage at present. (See Table 10.) RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 A. i`iret Construction Period During this period, the arable acreage will be increased ',e 40,000 mou by 1049, including 10,000 mou each in rice and wheat and 20,000 in other cereal fields. Twently-five million cubic motors of water will be needed to supply this total acreage. The water head must ?re raised to 998 meters in the reservoir. To accomplish this, the following work must be completed- 1. Head Feed Canal, Red Wild. Goose Lake Reservoir (sluice walls, intake gate, and sand gate) The head canal section requires construction or sluice walls, an intake gate, and a sand gate to facilitate drawing of water into the reservoir. The intake gate will control the volume of water flowing into the canal. The sand gate eliminates sand and stone during periods of flood. The sand gate will be oonetruotei one kilometer below the head canal and will also be used for letting out water. 2. Feed Canal, Rai Wild Goose Lake Reservoir (c?itlet gate) The middle section of the reed canal is situated on the elope of the mountain. Too much snow or too such water in this section could destroy the entire feed cana_. It is therefore necessary to construct a check gate on a rock foundation and also an nutlet gate for further protection. 3. Expansion of the lower Discharge Canal, Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir The discharge (even after repair work) of the old lover discharge canal will - 3 cubic meters per seconi. The banks must be widened and .further lining mw oo carrion w ,t w iuL-o-v ..uL 4. Construction Work on the Upper Sluice Gate, Red Wild Goose lake Reservoir the lover sluice gate must be conetruc+.ed inside an earthen dam and must ran underneath '.he old wooden culvert. the wooden culvert must b, built over with stones before the lover sluice gate can be depended upon to discharge vet r. The upper sluice gate will be sturdy, since it must be bored through a ridge. of granite rock. When the water gauge in the reservoir becomes too high, both the upper and the lower sluice gates will be depended upon to discharge water. To prevent damage t,, the sluice walls and the outlet gate, additional lining asst be carried out. 9. Conetruotiun Wo_?k on the Earthen Storage Dam, Red. Wild Goose Lake noo.r'? vii The earthen storage dam must be 1,000 asters high to store a 998-meter head or water inside the reservoir. This uou t ruutiw vvrh aunt be ccsapietaa before the water-storage period starts again. The slope must be paved up to the water head to prevent erosion. 6. Eleven-kilometer Section of the Alain Canal, Eo-p'irg Canal The reminiag work on the 11-kilometer section of the main canal must be completed. If the repaired, old canal proves unsatisfactory, a new canal must be dredged it this section. Construction of bridges and fumes will also be necessary. I r -i3- RESTRICTED RES i IUCTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600260127-2 including 15,000 in rice, 20,000 in wheat, and 40,000 in other fields. The reservoir capacity must be raised to 40 million cubic meters. The gauge helg,it must be raised to 1,003 meters. Construction work allotted for completion during this period is as follows: Second Construction Period There still remains a o00-meter section in the head canal which qua+, be- completed. Earthwork, mortaring work, and lining work must be carried out previ- ous to the water-storage period. FCnur drainage embankments are to be strengthened to prevent flood water from damaging the canal. The canal must to expanded to raise the intake discharge to 10 cubic meters per second. The wooden flume In the hilly section must be rebuilt with stones. Bridges must be rebuilt also. 2. Lower Discharge Canal Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir (expansion work) The heightening and widening of the lower discharge canal must be com- pleted in order to increase the discharge to 10 cubic meters per ecoond. 3. lower Sluice Gate Red Wild Goose Lake Res6rvoir (culvert construction) The old wooden culvert below the aluf.ce gate !suet be :racunstruoted with more permanent materials. Cement-mortared stone blocks will be used. It. Completion of the Upper Sluice Gate, Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir Some construction work remains to be done on the sluice gate. Other work to be completed during the second period includes the stonework or the head section of the upper discharge canal, lining of the canal, and construction of the inclined drop. 5. Completion of Earthen Ilan, Red Wild Goose Lake Roaervotr . Since the water head in the reservoir will be raised to 1,005 meters, the height of the dam must be elevated to 1,007 meters. Lining work on both slopes, and stonework on the spillway orifice, must be completed during this period. One nalr or the lining work remains on the main canai. It should be completed before the date of water discharge. The work on the diversion gate should be completed during the second construction period. 7. Completion of the Canals, Ho-p'ing Canal Sectors in the central and eastern distributing canals, stil'. are incom- plete. These will he completed during the second peri.,d. C. Third Construction Period All the remaining construction work will be completed during this period. Incomplete sectors of the distributing Lnd lateral canals will be completed during this period- Outlet gates and farm ditches will also be constructed along- side the rectangular blocks, series of which form a large Irrigation district. Drainage ditches will be dug to complete the entire irrigation projects. SFS1R!CTEtj Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Follow~ng are some of the benefits which could be derived from the completed irrigation projectq: The irrigation district will be capable of yielding approximately 250,000 ehib shih of grain per year. This yield could be further increased after work in carried out to prevent seepage. The food shortage in the Ti-hua district will end. There will be no need obtain foodetuff'from elsewhere at exhorhitant costs. Crain yields "d savings made by not having to import food will pay the entire cost of tie irrigation projects. Based on 4,500,000, which is the transport cost ppr phih s#ih between A-.?o-su to Ti-hua as of July 1948, the Sinkiang govozn abnt could save, ip the first year alone, approximately 1,125,000,000.00b Yuan in Sinkiang currency. Assuming that 100,000 mou could be planted with cereal crops, and estimating the yield per mou of rice as 3 shih, that of wheat as 1.5 ahih, and other cereals as 3.5 shih, the earnings from the total yield in the first year would amount to 740 trillion Yuan, or equivalent to 150 percent of the total engineering cost of the irrigation projeobe. Thb following table shows the estimated first-year earnings from different cereal nrope! Cereal Acregge Yield per Total Annual Yield Value per Siih Total Value crop (in 1,000 zpou) Mou (in shin) in 1,000 ahih) (in 1 million Sinkiang donors) Rice 20 3.0 60 6.0 360000 Wh et 40 1.5 60 3.3 198,000 Otters 40 3.5 14o 1.3 182 000 T7t t1 i s 7 0T , 000 RESTEICTEQ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 N 9) L~ U G! 'U O 4' V 9p7 C7 q 4 9/ '7 of .n 0Id Pai4 Fc ~ ~' u N?rai a M 4 N P~ p ~" U 1 ,??~ yI MQO '0 ~",A OO 9i 0? W W Cd 97 W U" n i N m b m F~ t~FVu n ,{F~ r1 ri 4) 4) O c7 i t~ 0 L cc ro 4) f 0 +d P., 4' Oo~i n. e.v: A tl1 ..da ~N ~y p 43 q~1 '~ N p 4 ~A G Ei r~ 0 I 9q) U h ?~ !`3 ?1~ 7a y 4- F A tD 0 .~+ a G to ,d f' H 9) R O 9) wi 21 0 9! ,0 'd 1 1-d 7D Id 0 4) 1. 4 W 41 a 9t to 944 .,4 mM ? 9) 9) Id 0 'd 10 Id d M 4 id m ,'1 4)O 9 k q w 9) 4! 'd C i Or-0 H 0 H 4 + N H++ af,a0 A L4 W .-i P, ri P, r? aN ~0 PI> 1 5z 18 i 0 c' N O N F ml 4~ 41 O U "~ 19 O u Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 COO NO tn.0 V! IT ri Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 c o117 r N cli c !~ N M tT 0 N S-` N ON 'i p w ~O to v G O +i 0 H 0 H Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-22 m rn t.- t co Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 4 z ~ y 43 q V ? Ui Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 o f 0% UN ~q Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 RESTRICTED Table 4. Estimated Number of Workers Required for the Red Wild,Cooa lake Reservoir Project Earthwork Stonework Dry masonry .lock-blasting large puddling and plastering Small. Timbering Ironwork Twig-e ttiug Miscellaneous 371,950 2, 820 12,787 31,500 9,933 19,817 8,884 1,200 360 1,420 460,671 Table 5. Estimted Nimtber of Workers Required for the No-p'ing Canal Project Type of Kork No of Workers Earthwork 496,166 Stonework 7.,640 Dry maeorry 30,990 Pile-driving 2,756 large-puddling and plastering 4,486 Small 8,972 Timbering 25,874 Ironvork (meshwork) 1,750 Twig Matting Miscellaneous 280 Table 6. Estimated Number of Workers Required for Construction Work on the Red Wild Goose lake Reservoir Project Ingine No of Workers Y calls Expansion work: earth excavation Earthwork 39,000 Expansion work: rook pitching Dry masonry 5,500 Reconstruction of tail canal Reconstruction of 'bridges and Earthwork Carpentry work 7j3460 fluxes Earthwork 120 Ironwork t E 60 2 hwork ar 11;97 Dry masonry 1,950 Bepwir if drainage cm'uanhmea?e .iartbwork Twig.-netting 120 AESTPIDTED 69,015 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Engineering Work Upper and Lower Sluice Gates Expansion of lower discharge canal: earth excavation )sxpaneion of lover discharge canal: rock-pitching work Upper discharge canal: earth excavation Upper discharge canal: rook removal Upper discharge canal: rock- pitching work Lower aluioe gate: oalvert reconstruction Stonework 700 Rook-blasting 4,810 Lower shies gate construction Upper sluice gate oonstruction Upper 4ischarge canal: inclined drop construction Earthwork 35,710 Dry masonry 1,667 Earthwork 52,531 Rook--blasting 26,090 Dry masonry 3,670 Timbering 7,000 large puddling and plastering 1,142 `3mall puddling and plastering 2,284 Earthwork 1,600 Small puddling and plastering 1,872 Timbering 324 Miscellaneous 300 Rook-blasting 600 Stonework 600 Large paddling and plastering 11595 Small paddling and plastering 2,966 Timbering 420 Ironwork 5I`0 Miscellaneous 400 Stonework 800 large gadaling and plastering 3,110 Small paddling and plastering 6,395 Timbering 46o Ironwork 600 Miscellaneous 400 Earthwork 320 Timbering 220 Stonework 720 large puddling and plastering mall puddling and Barth excavation Rock-pitching work for corm wall plastering 48 161,604 Earthwork 17,444 Earthwork 4,800 large puAaling and plastering 1,600 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 fable 6. (Gcntd) Engineeri Work Rock-pitching work for care wall (Contd) Small puddling and plastering Miscellaneous Large puddling and plastering mall puddling and plastering Miscellaneous No of Workers 3,200 160 1,276 2,552 16o 231,192 462,67i Table 7. Eetinated Acaber o? Workers Required for Construction on the Ho-p'ing Canal Project MAID Canal No of Workers Earth excavation Earthwork 309,679 Rook-pitching work Dry masonry 30,630 Concrete paving of canan bottom Earthwork 43,040 Mortar-pouring work Earthwork 47,250 dui*b i14fto tiilalhIt oiw uver Ur amohi R Earthwork 240 Stonework 200 Pile-driving 1,200 Timbering 4x200 Large puddling and plastering Small puddling and plaete. ing 1,620 Ironwork x40 Micr?.1laneoue 120 Flood-control work for Earthwork 2,30G Uri ohi R Pilo-driving 800 Timbering 50 .alts-iwattliDry masonry 360 Miscellaneous 80 Earthwork 2,300 Stonework 360 large puddling and plastering Small puddling and plastering 530 Timbering 24 Miscellaneous 240 Earthwork 600 Stonework 360 Timbering 40 large puddling ec,G plastering 9ma11 puddling and play i.ering 460 Timbering 40 Trig-mattlrg 80 Miscellaneous 120 RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Engineering Work We of Work No of Workers Bridge construction Timbering .840 Pile-driving 440 I4rge puddling and plastering 40 Small puddling and plastering F rthworb so 4,400 Flume construction Ironwork Farthwc'rk 3r+n 220 Timbering 270 Large puddling and plastering 207 Small puddling and plastering 414 Drop construction Timbering 1,560 Large puddling and plastering 54 Small puddling and plastering 108 largo diversion gate construction Sarthwo.?k earthwork 1, boo 600 Stonewack 7'20 Timbering 60 Large puddliha and plastering 752 Small puddling and plastering 1,504 . Dotal 474,397 Distributing Cenale Earth oxcavation earthwork 37,897 Diversion gate construction Timbering 160 3ar tiwork 320 Large puddling and plastering 120 Small puddling and plastering 240 ironwork 60 Timbering 1,200 Earthwor:: 400 Large puddling and plastering 66 Small puddling and plastering 132 Timbering 650 earthwork 1,300 Large puddling and plastering 66 Small puddling and plastering 132 Ironwork 350 Pile-driving 156 Timbering 1,380 large puddling and plastering 76 Sma11 puddling and plastering 152 1; RESTRIjTEQ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 RESTRICTED Table 7. (Contd) Engineering Work Drop construction (Cantd) Total lateral Canals Earti excavation Bridge construction Earthwork Earthwork Timbering Iarge puddling and plastering Small puddling and plastering Iron ,ek Pile-driving Timbering Earthwork Timbering large puddling and plastering Small puddling aiod plastering "nartuwark No of Workers 22,000 45, 007 27,00 4,000 920 200 400 160 120 300 14,400 1,200 2,400 1,200 63, cf0 582;474 8. Estimated P=unt of Constractiom hat,,rta1e Pequired for the Red Wild Goose lake Reservoir Project !aterial Measnremsnt per IIni.t (in oa Store slabs 20z30x7.00 13,82? ,lAbs 20x30x60 z3,;+in s Slates 1;,523 OA -.??? c?? ?-?- jv(diajz(vi, 2,Li0 girdera 25(dja)x7o0 60 20 dia)x700 220 iioo en oroaebeame " " 15 dla)x700 60 beams 4 x8 lumber 6 " 1=0480 70 Oscan 3 x suan1limge " 7x15x3d0 4,850 0 2 scantlings " 5x15x380 1,950 w 1 strips 2s15x380 850 " Cement (frost Tung-tang Nolan , >kusu Prov) 350 tons 3vbetitute cement (made locally) 2,500 w Sand -- 2,800 ou m Cast-iron mate -- 60 tons Wrought iron -- 18 Steel nails -- 500 kg Tunes -- 100 carloads Gravel 2,5w ou m 24 - RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Table 9. Estimated Amount of Coutctruotion Mteriale Required for the Ho-p'ing Canal Project I 3 3 erfDg Work Fee?. Canal txpengion work: earth excavation Lwwa-_wFe...w4~.r ZZr! - w. ~ aavvwN aM. w s Y.IOa Y00{ai exoavatiom Reoonetruotion work an oapal tail: excavation 22,000 cu m 9,333 cu m 6,371 cu m Concrete paving of well 759 on m Gate oon4ruction 200 au s Teaporary'earthen storage do& cometrnotion 2,000 on m RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Measurement per Unit (in cm) Stone slabs 30250x100 1,400 slabs " 20230x100 6,+00 " " 20x3ox60 6,400 " Slates 50,260 cum Wooden girders 30(dja)r700 400 girders 20(dia)x700 " 2,123 25(dia)r700 160 Wooden o??oeebeaae 15(dia)x700 3,876 beau " 10(did)X700 1,554 " 4"x8" l ber 10sP0x380 66 pieces 3"z6" scantlings 7xl5x380 2,260 " 2" scantlings 5x15x380 cement 50 tone S?ubatitute Cement 600 Wrought Iron 2,600 kg Steel nails 2,200 'kg Sand 2,100 ou 5a Mw ,P card 500 ke Tvigc 240 carloads X1ead wire 200 kg Twbla 10. C 1fK+iCuaeLrti::cion work on tha Red Wild Goose Lake Reservoir aad the Ro-p'ing Canal (Ae of 1 June 19)5) R" Will Goose Iske Reservoir Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Table 10. (Cohtd.) MWinewing Work Upper Disoharge Canal Earth excavation Robk reaovul Slate lining of the canal bottom bridge construction AW=t Cam 314,,..31 12,042 ou a: 170 on a 2 bridges Ha-p'1aCanal Earth excavation FaTiag CanoYete pnr_ag large fl=o oot'nstruotion over Uruautzi R hoot-control York on Uru chi R Flood Gate construction Surd gate and oheok Bets oonetrnction i!`i!- ^- --?ti. 71vmaa ocnet+hwtion Drop oonetraotiou Rook-pitoked drop contraction Xvursion qRte construction Distributing Canals Earth excavation 7l . construction $idgs construction Dror aanatraction Earth oX svution Drop aceutraotion 209,679 cu a 12,000 on a 1 flume 560 a 1 Oto l gate V -4 JYbvo !r.1u es 16 drops 50 drop. 1 gate 71,693 on a 17 f1ueo 8 bridges 5 drops 10,706 on I. 15 drops - 26 - RPSTRICTED RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Table 11. Estimated Cost of the Red Wild Goose lake and the Ho-p'ing Canal Projects incomplete work on the Red Wild Goose lake Reservoir Cost Remarks 272,979,680,000 Equivalent to 1,364,898,400,000 CRC Tian, 454,966.13 gold yuan notes, or 113,741.53 US dollars 253,598,400,000 Equivalent to 1,267,992,000,000 cNC yvan, 422,664 bold Yuan notes, or 105,666 U5 dollars 526,576,080,000 Equivalent to 2,632,690,400,003 CNC yuan, 877 630.13 gold Yuan note, or 219,407.53 US dollar. Table 12. Estimated Cost of Work to be Completed on the Red Wild Goose lake Reservoir Compiled 15 August 1948 (Cost per unit and total cost in ono million Sinkiang yuen) Amt and Unit Cost per Unit Total Cost 23,080 Canal head: conduit walls, 1 canal head 6, coo 6,ooo intake gate, and sand gate c oustructi o:: Canal expansion: earth 17,000 cu m 0.32 4,800 excavation Canal expansion: paving 2,340 cu m 2 4,680 Reinforcement of drainage 4 embankments 400 1,600 embankments Check gate and outlet 2 getee 2,400 14,800 We construction nx ldge repair and 3 bridges X00 1,200 rebuilding Expansion of lower discharge 20,000 cu m 0.32 6,4x0 canal: earth excavation Expansion of lower discharge 2,000 cu m 2 4,000 canal: paving lower sluice gata: culvert 600 cu m 40 24,000 construction Well construction 1,313 cu m 40 52,520 Gate construction 1 gate 12,000 12,000 Tunnel intake orifice paving 800 cu m 40 32,000 , Upper discharge canal: earth 14,600 cu m 0.32 4 672 excavation Upper discharge canal: rock 1,X00 cu m b.4 6,400 removal Upper discharge canal: paving 4,400 Cu m 2 8,8X0 Upper discharge canal: 1 inclined dr^p 2,460 2,400 inclined drop construction 27- RESTRIC'1'ED RESTU"'HO Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Cost per Unit Total Cost 96,707.68 0.56 48,707.68 Slate lining up to dam's water head 2,000 cu m 20 40,000 Paving work, up to dam's water head 3,000 cu m 2 6,ooo Filter gallery: rook removal 500 cu m 2,000 272,979.68 NCTS: The cost per unit in this table is based on commodity prices as of mid- August 1948 in Ti-hua. The grand total cost of 272,9r9,680,000 Sinkiang yuan is egeivalent *.o 1,364,898,400,00o CNC Yuan, 454,966.13 gold Yuan notes, or 113,741.53 US dollars. Table l3. Entinated Cost of Work to be Completed or hi. Ho-p'ing Canal Compiled 15 August 1948 (Cost per unit and total cost in one million Sinkiang yuan) ftglne2r Work Amt and Unit Coat per Unit Total Cost Main Canal 154,995.2 large flume: painting 1 flume !a,`l00 4,800 New section of the main 100,000 cu in 0,_32 X2 000 canal at Ho-t'ien Street, Ti-hua: earth excavation PAditir.+al paving murk 30,5:1 cti 3.2 , 97,79`:.2 Flood-control vork on 500 a 7.2 :, 000 Urumchi R Bridge construction over 14 bridges 600 , 3 400 n- encti~:,n of the canal at Ho-t'ien St Ti-hua Flume construction over new 5 flumes 400 , 2,000 iaevLlW of the stain canal at He-Wien St Ti-hua Coaatruotian of large 1 gat- 4,000 4 000 diversion gate Dietr!buting Canals , 16,080 Diversion gate construction 2 gates 1,200 2,400 Flume construction 23 flumes 320 7,360 Bridge construction 5 bridges 400 2,000 Ih of constrution 18 drops 240 4,320 _88- RL'3TRICT6 RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260127-2 Earth excavation Bridge construction Flume construction 11