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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 SOME USSR RESULTS AND THEORIES PERTAINING TO ACUTE RADIATION SICKNESS [CCoromrmeespnt:onding The MemberfollowingAcademyreportofwasMpublishedal tav, edic by P. D. Gorizon- Sciences USSR, under the title The Problem of the Pathogenesis of Acute Radiation Sick- ness" in Arkhiv Patolo ii, Vol 17, No 4, Oct-Dec 1955, pp 3-14. It reviews in some detail recent USSR work on the pathogenesis of rad- iation sickness and compares USSR results in this field with results obtained abroad. Author's bibliography, figures, and tables mentioned in text are appended.] One of the most urgent problems of contemporary medicine is that pertain- ing to radiation sickness. Under radiation sickness one understands the path- rlogical condition brought about by the action of ionizing radiation. it has been established that for the formation of a single pair of ions in the air all energy of no less than 32-35 electron volts is needed. The en- ergy of visible light, infra-red rays, and ultraviolet rays has a magnitude of 2-10 electron volts. It follows that these types of radiant energy cannot as a rule bring about ionization. The ionizing types of radiant energy that are of the greatest significance for human pathology comprise gamma rays, X rays, alpha rays, beta rays, neutrons, and protons. The energy of these types of radiation may approach millions of electron volts. We cannot in the present article discuss the characteristic properties of different types of ionizing radiation. We will only point out that the bi- ological action produced by these types of radiation depends on the energy and consequently on the intersity of the processes of ionization. For that reason, notwithstanding the differences in the clinical syndromes of the pathological conditions Produced by various types of radiant energy, one may speak of prob- lem:: of the pathogenesis of radiation sickness which are common to all types of radiant energy. In the cc:miunications which have been published on the subject there is no unanimity concerning the essential nature of the radiation illness. Different theories in regard to the pathogenesis of radiation sick- ness have been advanced. particularly abroad. For instance, an article by Jen;;inson and Brown (11,:44) discusses nine theories which are used to explain the pathogenesis of radiation sickness, while an article by Shorvon mentions 10 such theories and a manual edited by Berens in 1952, seven theories. From our point of view one of the basic shortcomings of the concepts which are adhered to at the present time is that in order to explain radiation sick- ness a major significance is ascribed to a single process and that on this ba- sis attempts are being made to explain the complete pathogenesis of the condi- tion involved. For instance, enkinson and Brown regard as the principal path- ogenetic mechanism [which brings about the sickness;] disturbances of the permea- bility of blood vessels. Warren and Whipple regard changes in the mucous mem- brane of the intestine and intestinal intoxication as the principal factor, while Ellinger advances the assumption that the role of histamine is of princi- pal importance, with the result that some investigators who adhere to his view regard the pathogenesis of radiation sickness as similar to that occurring shock. in A second error is that many investigators do not differentiate between the problem of pathogenesis and the problem of the biological effect produced by ionizing radiation. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 One cannot, of course, discuss the theories of pathogenesis without a knowledge of the action of ionizing radiation on biological substrates. How- ever, one should not forget that the process of the development of a patho- logical condition is a more complex phenomenon, which is determined by the characteristics of the reactions of the organism depending on the development of its nervous system. In this context, we are of the opinion that in the com- plex problem of radiation sickness two special problems can be differentiated: (a) the mechanisms of the primary action of ionizing radiation on biological substrates in general, and (b) the mechanisms of the pathogenetic action of ion- izing radiation, i. e., the problem of the harmful effect which is exerted on higher organisms. These problems are interdependent and one may speak about their essential unity. However, this unity extends only to a certain point. As an example of failure to pay due attention to the qualitative peculiarities of the radiation affliction depending on the philogenetic and ontogenetic stage of development of the organisms affected, one may cite a review by Patt (1953), in which the mechanisms of defense against ionizing radiation are discussed without regard to the significance of the characteristic., of differently constituted organisms. The fir.;t problem, that of the action of ionizing radiation on biological substrates, is usually solved within the :;cope of general biological problems under the application of physicochemical and biochemical methods of investiga- u or. At present the assumption in regard to the significant role played by pro?-e:aes of the ionization of the water is most generally recognized. To it-. lustrate, an energy quantum of gamma radiation knocks an electron out of the molecule of water, so that a positively charged molecule of water is formed, while the electron combines with another molecule of water, forming a negatively charged molecule. In this manner an ion pair is formed: H2O - e --' H O H 2 + HO H2O 4 e -- -i20 - -; Ht HO- In the presence the formation of new of oxygen, different reactions arise which lead either to ation of the initial components substance,; or as a result of recombination to the restor- OH OH H2 02 I' H -- I', c H 4 02 -P H 02 OH A OH -* i+'0 A 0, etc . In the process of the ionizacion of water, the neatest significance is ascribed to the following oxidizing; radios]s: atomic hydrogen (11) [sic), hy_ drox:1. (OH), hydroperoxide (HO,), and hydre(en peroxide (11202). These radicals represent products of the deccmposition of water arising under the effect of ionization. They exert an action on the protein molecules, particularly the most reactive structures of these molecules that contain sulf- hydryl groups (-SH), and transform these groups into inactive sulfide groups (S-S). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 in The oxidation of sulfhydryl groups of protein molecules can be represented the following manner: 2SH+20H -S S +2H20 2 SH a 2 02H ? -S S+ 2 H20 In this manner the functioning of the important cell enzyme systems which participate in the processes of synthesis is interfered with. This concept is based on assumptions made by Weiss and Barron. radiations increases aasethenwatenccontentlofwbiological' structures decreases facts. 1? The resistance to (for instance, as a result of drying). 2. de- creases in connection with the reduction of thThe sus e partialipressureoofnoxygen because a reduction in the number of oxydizing injury de- brought about in this ma l radicals tht are injurious action n of ionizing 3. As is well known, ng radiation is independent of the concentration of nt biological structures in the solution (this constitutes the so-called dilution effect). Since the aspects of the biological action of ionizing radiation are dis- cussed cussed more fully in a monograph by B. N. Tarusov, we will not However, one must point out that much remains unexplained as far as this lem is concerned. For go into in what manner the short-lived eradicalss mentionedhabovesbring aboutethesmoreb remote effects involved in processes that take a long time. B. N. Tarusov's attempts to fill in this gap by advancing an assumption in regard to the role played by self-accelerating chemical reactions. As far as the second problem is concerned, i.e., that of the mechanism of the development of the pathogenic condition, one may say that injury to cells or tissues under the action of ionizing radiation is regarded as the factor in the development of this condition. All theories of pathogenesis that are ?.no'-,-' to us are based on this assumption (i.e., principal tin, Ellinger, Jeni:inson and Brown, Cronkhite and Chapman, etc). of A. S. Niki- According to Nikitin, the scheme of the development of radiation sickness can be represented in the following manner: Primary injury to protoplasm Local disturbance of time regulation Disturbance of morphogenesis Suppression of growth and development Destruction of irradiated tissue (late reactions) Damage to irradiated cells and their destruction (pri- rIary destruction of cells) Humoral reactions Nervous reactions General X- ray reaction According to the concepts which have been outlined, the general reaction of the organism is brought about exclusively by action along the humoral route in the sense that various toxic and sensitizing substances enter the blood from the afflicted tissues. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 r?~~bas~rmisorofthethesensitiury i vityprodofuceddifferent, tissues and j cells garded to radiation on the as sensitivity to radiation the dose of radiation which on n Holthousen (1920) re- de- generation of cells or necrobiosis. Using this criterion, some investigators arrived at the conclusion that as far as sensitivity to radiation isyconccerned, the blood cells are on top of the scale, while the tissue of the nervous is the most resistant to radiation (Ellinger, Blum, de Course system y, et al). As factors which determine the sensitivity of tissues to radiation, the following are pointed out with a certain measure of justification: (a) the mi- totic activity of the cells, (b) the degree of differentiation, and tensity of metabolism. It has been established that the more intensely the processes of division r (c) the in- degree of differentiiationtof{thepcells,i andtfinally yuth h me trig less esses of metabcli;m which take e pronounced the irtt proc- of ese fita of plone in the tissue , the higher thehe se i se the nsitivit - ty Ionizing radon is found to be. y Gimpel'man, Lisko, and Gofman in their monograph point out that there are two possibilities of injury to the cells: injury to dividing cells and injury to dormant cells. in an experiment with a culture of chicken fibroblasts it has seen shown that in order to bring about degeneration of dormant cells, the application of 2,500 roentgen ;s necessary, whoa dividing cells perish when a dose of 100 roentgen has been applied. The dormant cells do not undergo any after application of the dose of radiation which has seen mentioned until they begin modifications ito divide. Then the cell either perishes or produces two daughter cells incapable of surviving. On the basis of the concepts outlined above, Cronrhite and Chapman that the pathogenic condition develops as follows. Having a greater to radiation, the mature cells "uggest whi you. perish, le the of the organism that has been irradiatedsdotnote '43 Propagating cells are affected. As a result, in vie; of the fact that the natural death of mature cells is not compensated by the generation of new cells, devastation of a system (e.g., blood system) of the organism which is affected takes place and this ins finally put out of commission. In regard to the ideas which have been out- iined, one ma system y say that there is no reason for denying that a direct injurious effect is exerted on the cells and tissues as a consequence of exposure to ion- izing radiation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of different tissues of the or- ganism being irradiate,! is actually different. However, we regard it as entirely wrong to ascribe the sensitivity of cells to the structures.' damage inflicted on them because we do not have at our disposal as yet morphological methods which oa',e it possible to evaluate with certainty the functional condition of cells, for instance, of cells of the nerv- ous system. It is precisely this: circumstance which led to the faulty conclu- sion in regard to the insensitivity of nerve cells to the action of ionizing radiation' The work done by USSR scientists Tarihanov, Zhukovskiy, Nenenov, tupal.ov, Raisin, Livanov, and others has demonstrated that the functions of the central nervous system are disturbed as a result of the action of ionize diation. ng ra- USSR we describedrthenresultstof investigation of the higher nervous activity vitnofs rats, of the spinal reflexes of dogs, and of electroencepholographic measurements carried out on rabbits. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 The investigations of the cortical activity of irradiated rats have shown that in the process of the development of acute radiation sic ness, acute dis- turbances of the conditioned reflex activities take place (A. Grafov). After an initial strong reinforcement of conditioned reflexes, a sharp weakening of conditioned reflex activity develops. Finally, a third period can be differ- entiated, that of recovery and relative normalization. This period is charac- terized by the persistent instability of the processes of stimulation and in- hibition. The length of the individual periods or stages and the time at which they begin depend on the magnitude of the dose of radiation which has been ap- plied and the typological characteristics of the organism affected. The same periodicity of changes in the cortical activity was established prior to that by M. N. Livanov on rabbits with the use of electroencephalo- graphic methods of investigation. These changes are apparently expressed, first of all, in a disturbance of internal Inhibition, because we established on rats that a breakdown of condi- tioned inhibition takes place several minutes after irradiation and is associ- ated with a stoppage of differential inhibition accompanied by disturbances of extinction. All these changes are subject to the same regularities which are charac- teristic for acute pathological processes of diverse etiology. For instance Jisturtances of internal inhibition were observed after application of anes- thetics, intoxications, and infections (A. A. Lindberg, V. K. Federov, A. G. Ivanov-Smolenckiy, and others). We discussed this subject in another article. Clinical observations have shown that changes in the nervous system ensue very promptly, i.e., several minutes after the beginning of the application of therapeutic doses of radiation (Grigor'yev). In other words, these changes oc- cur at a time when there i.s no reason to assume that injury to cells has taken place. In this context, we cannot exclude the possibility that tissues are in- jured by reason of disturbances of the normal reflex regulation. The cos= bility that there i an indirect injurious effect on tissues pro- duced by ionizing radiation through the medium of the system midbrain-hypophysis- euprarenals was shown in experimental investigations by Langendorf and Lorenz (19'i2i Sc their work on the causes of llsohopenia which develops after irradia- Ltun- :n the experiments by the investListors mentioned, approximately the Luse degrees of lymphopenia were outaineu upon local irradiation of the hip, tae testicle, and the hytophyc?is. Furthermore, the same lymphopenia crigi- .ated without any exposure to radiation under unfavorable conditions, for in- stan:'e, when the rat was held motionless on the operating table for several minutes. In all these experiments the lymphupenia could be eliminated by prior adreralt?ctemy. These facts testify to the circumstance that one cannot regard the ly'mphopenla of the irradiated animals only from the standpoint of a specific sensitivity of lymphocytes to ionizing radiation and of a direct action of ra- diant energy on lymphocytes. similarly, one cannot regard the devastation of blood-formic, elements which follcwa irradiation solely as a result of direct injury inflicted on the ycung reproductive cells of the organs of hemopoiesis. Booz, Betz, and Firket (l',;4) have shown that upon general irradiation of guinea pigs with doses rang- ing from 7CC to 8,000 roentgen, i.e., doses which exceed by several times the quantities of radiation producing a lethal effect, the tissue of the spleen of the experimental animals will not lose its capacity to regenerate if it is transplanted within a day into the healthy, nonirradiated body of another guinea pig. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 STAT If a leg of a rabbit is exposers to doses amounting to 3,000-5,000 roent- gen and the body of the rabbit and its other legs are protected from the di- rect action of the ionizing radiation, one finds that at the expiration of approximately 3 weeks an ulcer develops on the leg which has been exposed to radiation. Approximately the same kind of ulcer develops within about the same time in a symmetrical section of a leg that has not been irradiated (N,. M Livanov). The possibility that there may be a reflected action of ionizing radiation has usually seen explained by humoral effects. For instance, P. V. Sipovskiy, in studying the histology of the bone marrow, found subsequently to irradiation changes in spots which had not been irradiated. In reference to this, he states that in order to explain the reflected action of X rays, one must assume that this action is the result of a secondary effect exerted by products of protein decomposition (for instance, the products resulting from the death of cell elements). These products of the decay of cells penetrate into the blood and subsequently bring about a number of changes in other or- gans. It is difficult to explain from this point of view why the ulcer on the leg which has not been irradiated develops simultaneously and originates in a symmetrically disposed location. The ways in which the pathological process is brought about after irradi- ation is more complex; they cannot be ascribed solely to a direct injury and to the action of substances that originate in the injured tissues. The changes in the nervous system, the occurrence of which has been established principally by USSR scientists, and the facts cited above testify to the possibility that reactions may develop which are transmitted through the nervous system and the system of neuro-endocrinic glands (the hypophysis and the suprarenals). In this context, the problem in regard to the initial ways of the process and of the location where the principal injury of the nervous system takes place remains unsolved. One cannot, of course, assume that the nervous system is affected everywhere in the same measure by some sort of a diffuse process or that all pathological conditions aru the result of a primary disturbance of cortical activity. In an investigation dealing with the problem of the appli- cation of I. P. Pavlov';; teaching to the problems of pathophysiology, we pointed out that it is necessary to determine in every disease the principal links which are affected when a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous; system takes pLa ^e. The results of experimental investi aticns in which simians were irradi- ated lead to the conclusion that affliction to a predominant extent of the higher vegetative centers must be assumed (Clement and Holst). Experiments which we have carried out on dogs testify to disturbances of the temperature regulation in irradiated animal:;. This phenomenon may be an expression of the fact that the activity of the corresponding part of the vegetative system has been affected. However, the problem in regard to the initial stages and to the location of the maximum injury to the nervous system cannot be regarded as solved as far as the role of these effects in the pathology of radiation injury is concerned. In trying to clarify the role of the nervous system in the mechanisms of the pathogenetic action of ionizing radiation, we do not exclude the possibil- ity that the humoral factor may participate in the pathogenesis. Notwithstanding the fact that much attention has been paid in the radio- biological literature to the problem of toxemia, this problem has not been solved in a unanimous fashion. The most convincing data were obtained in ex- periments carried out on parabiotic animals in which the blood circulation sys- tems were merged by establishing a mutual connection between the skin and the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 muscles. This connection was brought about by sewing together two animals and allowing the tissues to heal. Rats or guinea pigs of the same litter and the same size were commonly used in these experiments. Under these conditions the irradiation of one of the animals brings about leukopenia in the other animal, which has not been irradiated. By using this method, Edwards and Summers did not obtain any necroblotic changes in the organs of the animal that had not been irradiated. On the basis of this result, they deny the possibility of the formation of a toxemic component in the pathogenesis of radiation sickness. These authors are inclined to explain the leukopenia by a simple mingling of the blood. However, Holpakov and Khodos, who carried out experiments on parabiotic rats, deny this possibility, because in one of the variants of the experiment they separated the parabionts within several minutes after irradiation, i.e., at the time when the irradiated animals were in the stage of leukocytosis which, as is known, precedes the development of leukopenia. Under these conditions one cannot explain by mingling of the blood the leukopenia which develops sub- sequently in the animal that has not been irradiated. Experiments of this type were also carried out in the USSR on dogs. By using the method of merging the blood streams, the effects on a healthy dog of the blood from an irradiated animal and a non'-rradiated animal were investi- gated. Usually about 50r of the circulating blood was replaced when the method of merging the blood streams was used. Of course, we did not expect that radi- ation sickness will develop under the effect of the blood of an irradiated ani- mal and regard this formulation of the problem as faulty. By using the method of merged blood streams, one can only detect the accompanying role of the hu- moral factor in the development of come aspects of radiation sickness. Experiments with the use of the method of merged blood streams have actu- ally shown that the blood of irradiated animals brings about leukopenia (V. D. F.ogozhin). One must note that under the experimental conditions in question the non- irradiated recipient of the blood develcps not only changes in the composition of the peripheral blood but also mouifications of hemopoiesis in the bone marrow. When punctates of the bone marrow of the nonirradiated recipients were taken in cases when the donor was all irradiated animal, it could be established that changes in the cell composition of the i,one narrow had taken place. Although these changes were lea:; sharply pronounced, they were analogous to those ob- served in animals which suffer from radiation sickness (N. K. Yevseyeva). Normally, the number of myeloid elements of the bone marrow is higher than tee quantity of erythroblastic elements. For that reason the ratio of erythro- blastic cells to myeloid cells is always less than unity. This ratio in dogs is most often within the range 0.3-0.6. According to the experimental results, this ratio in healthy dogs remains within normal limits after merging of the blood streams. When a mutual blood exchange between a healthy dog and an irradiated dog has been carried out, this ratio changes in a healthy animal in the same direction as in an irradiated ani- mal. It has been established that upon irradiation with a dose of 500 roentgen, unless complete devastation of the bone marrow takes place, the content of ery- throblastic and myeloid elements changes in such a manner that the relative quantity of erythroblastic cells increases. As a result of this the ratio in- creases up to unity and may become higher than unity. The same increase of the ratio, although less pronounced, takes place in dogs which have received blood from an irradiated animal in the course of an exchange transfusion. The dynamics of the modifications of the ratio in three dogs are shown in Table 1. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Still more convincing were the data obtained by including in the system of merged circulation individual parts of the body of irradiated animals (G. P. Gruzdev). By joining the circulation of various tissues of the head, extremi- ties, intestine, and spleen of irradiated animals to the general circulation of nonirradiated animals, the physiological indexes (blood pressure and respi- ration) and the composition of the blood of the nonirradiated animal serving as recipients were modified. The changes produced in this manner were then studied. As a result of the experiments which have been carried out, it was estab- lished that blood which has pronounced hypotensive properties flows from the head of an irradiated animal while blood flowing from a leg has the property of producing sharply expressed and persistent leukopenia, or more correctly neutropenia. A lymphopenic effect was produced by the blood flowing from the spleen. Effects of this type have never been found to result from the blood of the same organs of nonirradiated animals. Figure 1 [not reproduced in this report; see page 9 of the source) represents a kymogram of changes in the blood pressure produced by blood flowing from the head of an irradiated dog. In Fig- ure 2, curves are given which describe the changes in the number of leukocytes produced by blood derived from the leg of an irradiated animal (the dose of to- tal irradiation of the dog amounted to 800 roentgen). At present we have the task of determining the nature of the active sub- stances found in the blood and of studying the dynamics of their development, because our experiments were carried out as late as the 3d day after irradia- tion. The literature contains a great number of communications dealing with the role of histamine in the development of radiation sickness. However, data on the manner in which the histamine content changes in the blood of large labora- tory animals were not available. For that reason, T. M. Mel?gunova investigated the problem by carrying out experiments on irradiated dogs. This investigator, by using basically the determination of histamine-like substances on the atrophinized cat as an ex- perimental method, showed that as the development of the radiation sickness ad- vances, the number of dogs which contain histamine-like substances in the blood increases; the maximum is observed on the fifth day of the disease (see Table 2). The data cited cannot be regarded as proof of the decisive role of hista- mine, particularly during the initial periods of the development of the sick- ness. However, they demonstrate that histamine-like substances are actually formed in the irradiated body when the effect produced by the radiation is in- tense (i.e., when a dose of 600 roentgen has been applied). On the basis of the results discussed above, we may draw up a scheme of the routes along which the pathogenetic action of ionizing radiation is ex- erted. This scheme, in addition to comprising the direct injurious effect on tissues, includes routes which are activated through the medium of the nervous system and also humoral routes along which the pathogenetic action is exerted (see Figure 3). In the scheme represented in Figure 3, the routes along which normalization and restoration of the disturbed equilibrium take place are also shown. These rcutes proceed along the nervous system. Pavlov's teaching extends the possibilities of understanding the patho- genetic effect of etiological factors. Specifically, in the pathology of ra- diation, concepts based on Pavlov's teaching make it possible to interpret with facility the otherwise inexplicable circumstance that there is no correspondence between the amount of energy absorbed and the 'biological effect produced. Cal- culations show that upon general irradiation of the organism acute pathological Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 changes are produced by doses which are many times smal necessary for inflicting injury on the cells. ler than those In order that visible be observed, one must s h b c a u ject t rage il o radiochemical action 1/10 number of molecules of the cell prosn cels may has been irradiated with 1,000 rtoenasm (Dessauer) 1/100 of the total standing the fact that When a duvedg organism laces o produced, changes take injury to intoonly - one out of 100,000,000 molecules of cell protoplasm. if approximately f the calculation is This figure f tion on the cells is obtained carried out on the basis of direct ation of ionizing a- (Gampei'man, Lisko, Gofman, and Zirkle). This significant discrepancy in the biological effect is explained by fact that in the total organism the action of ionizing radiation may be exerted not only as a noclceptive irritation the about only as of the tissues , i.e., an irritation which directl Lion of j rye elements of , but also, I,. an irritation which x y in brings the body. produces ecita- This postulate is of fundamental significance, inasmuch as the energy lev- els at which the irritations indicated above exert their effect are entirely different: the level is much lower in cases when the environment exerts its effect through the nervous system of the organism. This is the reason why cal- culations based on data pertaining to models represents isms or to isolated tissues are not always plex and h1 hl c applicable whenttheseffects ongc m- ? Y developed organisms are considered. If one envisages the Possibility that pathological processes take place as a result of disturbances of the regulatory function exerted by system, the dependence of general symptoms not only on the dose of absorbed energy, but also on the magnitude of the area which has been irradiated be- comes understandable. For instance, although local irradiation of rather ex- tensive surfaces (i.e., the whole head or the surface of the abdomen) can be carried out [without a lethal effect] by means of doses of the order of 1,000 or more roentgen, the death of a dog may ensue subsequently to ation with a dose of Only 300 roentgen or even less. difference depends on the n y general irradi- dntee aceide of umber of afferent Iicseemv to e us i tnvo this ionizing radiation. From thisJnoiat wof'vie, becomes clear why irradiation of the abdomen (a section which is particularly brings about most readily general change;ntthelorganism that saory y typical of radiation sic re kness. Tams, in discussing the pathogenetic action of ionizi but also the n? radiation, one must consider not only its role as a factor which directly injure. tissues, nervous system. part played by it as an irritant which exerts an effect on the Irritation of the Peripheral afferent systems takes place, as D1. N. Livanov:., :nves tigat ions have demonstrated. After irradiation there is a disturbance of normal impule formation r[Thnpu.on tion"] and development of spontaneous biological currents in eous nerves. 'ilnpulsa- peripheral cutan- However, the understandi sic}He ng of the problem of the pthoenesio ss is no, complete if only the of At the hei ht U radiation mechanisms mentioned above are considered. active g of the pathological condition, other etiological factors and ma involve autoinfoction of the organism as one of the contributing effects (P. N. Kiselev). Disturbances of Permeability which arise under the effect of ionizing ra- diation may turn out to be the decisive factor responsible for the penetration of bacteria into the tissues of the organism from inhabit (for instance, the intestine These al lledds exith acteria,"tontly penetrating into the tissues, may produce phenomena ofautosensitizationyon follows from work by Sanarelli, Shvartsman, and particularly P. F. Zdrodovskiy It Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 that hyperergic inflammation processes may arise which are characteristic for the development of so-called anaphylactoid reactions. The sensitization of tissues which is necessary for the occurrence of these reactions develops within several hours. Under these conditions the introduction into the blood stream of products derived from bacterial bodies leads to acute hemorrhages. The in- creased permeability of the intestinal walls of irradiated animals was demon- strated in experiments carried out by P. N. Kiselev in which foreign serum, thorotrast, or bacteriophage had been introduced. Modification of the permea- bility of blood vessels was noted by D. N. Mogil'nitskiy and his collaborators. The dynamics of changes in the permeability and strength of the walls of blood vessels during the development of acute radiation sickness were studied in the USSR by V. A. Razorenova on different species of animals. M. V. Gradova, using A. D. Ado's method, demonstrated in our laboratory the possibility of increased accumulation of antigens in the tissues of the irradiated body. Without considering the special problem in regard to increased permeabil- ity, we will only point out that this process is of great significance for sen- sitization and for the development of a modified reactivity of the irradiated organism. The ways along which sensitization may take place are shown in Figure 4, which depicts the second stage, or according to our terminology the polyetio- logical stage, of the development of radiation sickness. The fact that sen- sitization of an irradiated organism by bacterial cells and the products of their decay takes place has been pointed out long ago by A. Yugenburg, L. G. Perets, and R. S. tdostova. They also pointed out the role which the effects that have been mentioned play in the development of the decisive reaction. Subsequently, the increased permeability of the vascular endothelium leads othef to nunderstand, these if s the rsharp lowering of the nhagocytic activity of the elements of connective tissue is tai:^n into consideration and it is realized that this phenomenon is accompanied by a thorough-going leukopenia and a sharply lowered capacity to form anti- bodies; as well as changes in the activity of these antibodies. The possibility that the irradiated organism may become infected has been established by many investigators and cannot be doubted. Much remains to be done before the pathogenesis of radiation sickness can be completely understood. Future in.,estibations will show which processes play a decisive role in differ- ent sta;;es of' the sickness. Conclusions Within the scope of the complex problem involved in the pathogenetic ac- tion of ionizing radiation, one must distinguish between (a) the mechanisms of o6ical more imaryomplactiexoMeen conditions affecting hid;hernorganisms that develop on the basis of tine primacy effect. As far as the action of ionizimd radiation on biological substrates is concerned, the most generally accepted theory is one which regards the observed changes from the standpoint of the assunnpticn that water is ionized and oxidiz- ing radicals develop as a result of the action of radiation. To understand the pathogenetic action of ionizing radiation, we cannot limit ourselves to a consideration of the direct action of ionizing radiation on the tissues of the organism. It iz possible that other effects are exerted through the medium of the nervous system. This assumption is supported by nu- merous facts which testify to the occurrence of changes in the functioning of various divisions of the nervous system. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 The problem in regard to the initial stages of the development of the path- ogenic process and to the localization of the predominant affliction of the nerv- ous system in the course of radiation sickness remains unsolved. The toxemic factor undoubtedly plays a role in the development of the ra- diation affliction. At present one may regard as established that substances which exert a hypotensive effect appear in the blood of the irradiated organ- ism and bring about changes in the cell composition of the blood. Different tissues play different roles in contributing to changes of bio- logical functions produced in the organism under the effect of radiation, By merging the blood streams of two animals it could be shown that the head of an irradiated animal (dog) evolves substances which have a hypotensive activity while the organs of hemopoiesis evolve substances the principal activity of which leads to changes in the composition of the blood. Histamine-like substances appear in the blood of irradiated animals. The maximum of the development of these substances takes place on the 5th day after irradiation. The processes of autoinfection and autosensitization play a considerable role in the development of acute radiation sickness. The routes along which the pathogenetic activity of ionizing radiation is exerted have been schematically outlined on the basis of published data and ex- perimental results. (Figures are appended.] Ye. I, Bakin, Vestnil: Rent(,;enologii i Rndiologii, No 4, 1945, pp 63-60, 72-74 Ch. Berens, Radioaktivnyy Raspad i Medi_tsina (Radioactive Decay and Medi- cine), Moscow, 1951 enpcl'mar dromeLofvRadiat on Sickness), i1oscow ai,',SGstryy Luchevoy Sindrom (The Acute Syn- P. D. Gorizontov, Voprosy Patologicheskoy Fiziologii v Trudakh I. P. Pav- lova (Problems of Pathological Physiology in I. P. Pavlov's Works), Moscow, 1952; article in book Biologichesi;oye Deystviye Izlucheniy i Klinika Luchevoy Bolezni (The Biological Effects of Radiation and the Clinical Aspects of Radi- ation Sickness), Moscow, 1954; Processes of Inhibition in Experimental Radia- tion Pathology, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy De atel'nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol 5, No 3, 1955, PP 318-328 Y Yu. G. Grigor'yev, Vestnik Radiologii i Rentgenologii, No 5, 1954, pp 3-10 M. Zhukovskiy, Ubzor Psikhiatrii, Nevrolcgii, i Eksperimental'noy Psikhol- ogii, No 11, 1903, pp 801-814 P. F. Zdrodovslciy, Problema Reaktivnosti v Uchenii ob Infektsii i Immunitete (The Problem of Reactivity in the Theory of Infection and Immunity), Moscow 1950 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 skikh Rabot Akademii MeditsinskikhcNauknSSSRk(AbstractsNofcScientificoResearch Work Done at the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR), Moscow, 1949, PP 103-105 P. N. Kisselev, article in book Biologicheskoye Deystviye Ioniziruyushchego Islucheniya (Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation), Moscow, 1554 I. V. Kolpakov, V. I. Khodos, Arkhiv Patologii, No 1, 1949) PP 25-31 A. A. Lindberg, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 1, No 4, 1935, pp 249-256 B. N. Mogil'nitskiy, article in book Trudy Nauchnoy Sessii Institute Rent- genologii i Radiologii imeni V. M. Molotova (Works of the Scientific Session of the Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology imeni V. M. Molotov), Moscow, 1949, p 131 M. I. Nemenov, Rentgenoterapiya Cherez Vozdeystviye Na Nervnuyu Sistemu (X-Ray Therapy By Exerting Action on the Nervous System), Moscow, 1950 289 S. A. Nikitin, Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, Vol 22, No 2, 1946, pp 277- L. G. Perets, R. S. Mostova, Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, Vol 12, No 3, 1933, Pp 115-126 P. V. Sipovskiy, Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, Vol 13, No 4, 1934, PP 263-269 (Fundamentalsrof theOBiologicaloActionkof Radioactive R diaation), Moscow, yosIcooww, , 1 19554 4 I. R. Tarkhanov, Gazeta Botkiiui, 1896, Pp 753-758 I. Ye. nl'piner, Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, Vol 34, No 2, 1952, p 219 A. Yugenburg, L. G. Peretts, Vestnik Radiologii i Rentgenologii, Vol 12, No 3, 1933, pp 1.27-143 Non-USSR Guzman, E. 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Journ. of Roentg. and Radium Therap., 1944, Vol 51, No 4, pp 496-503 Langendorff, H. and Lorenz W., Strahlentherapy (Radiation Therapy), Vol 88, No 2, PP 177-189 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Lyman R., Kupalow B. and Sholz, N., Archives of Neurology and Psychology, 1933, Vol 29, No 1, PP 56-87 Patt ff., article in book: Eeystvie Izlucheniy and Primenenie Izotopov in Biologic, (The Effects of Radiation and the Application of Isotopes in Biology), No 4, 1954, Moscow 55 Shorvon, L. M. British Journal of Radiology, 1949, Vol 22, No 253, pp 49- Zirkle R., Radiology, Vol 52, No 6, p 846 p 187 Warren and Whipple, Journal Experimedical Medicine, 1922, Vol 35, No 2, De Coursey E., Journal American Medical Association, PP 904-905 1953, Vol 151, No 11, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 4. A ~ 4 ~ o v m rn v m 4~ P4 0 -H q N j!) 0 ro O to 4. y N M u 4- -H .14 0 0 O .q ?.i N M O Gl 11 W W ? COI E N 1 O 0 0 ? H 0 y 0 4.1 v ti c; O .-i to G O N ? ~~mpp I O La ~I O -7 O 0 b N Lr% W w ? ? O 0 a ?\ C a 0 O ? a 0 4 l a +~' A ai ? ? o N Oj q cn td O ro Q j Rl .C 0 +~ ~'~ a ro m Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Table 2. The Development of Histamine-Like Substances in the Blood of Irradiated Dogs Number of Dogs Exhibiting Total Number of Dogs Subjected Activity of the iinstheiBlood Type Time Since In absolute Ex os to ~n figures In p ure to Radiation 44 3 6 27 12 44 Within the first few hours 15 5 30 1 day 43 31 72 5 days 30 6 20 7 days 31 6 20 10 days 41 8 20 Periods in ex- FIGURES [Figure 1 of source not reproduced here.] cess of 10 days J J J 7 I2 17 22 days Fig 2. Changes in the Number of Leukocytes (in Percent of the Initial Quantity) in Recipient Dogs Which Received Blood From the Leg of a Healthy Dog (Controls a', b', and c') or From the Leg of Irradiated Dog (Experi- ments a, b, and c) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9 Routes along which injury takes place Routes along which adaptation develops Fig 3. Scheme Showing Routes Along Which the Pathogenetic Action of Radiant Energy Is Exerted Radiant energy Lncreaselof i, permeability The taking up of bacterial proteins by the blood circulation system The taking up of "exit bacterial' d their eir penetration into Increase in the permeability of s sues blood vessels Sensitization of tissues Bacteriemia and septic phenomena Hyperergic inflammation (hemorrhagic phenomena pro- duced by the anaphylectoid reaction of tissues) Fig b. Scheme That Describes the Second (Polyetiological) Stage of the Development of Radiation Sickness Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700250085-9