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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 ROUTING AND TRANSM 7~ 1? (N mn, ofllee symbol, room number, bu Initials Date 2. d - L ti S 6 0 h~O S. ion File Note and Return roval For Clearance Per Conversation Requested For Correction Prepare Reply irculate For Your Information-44 See Me Meat Investigate Signature lC oordination Justify ruvalso clearances, and similar actions ncu nces, isposals, 6041-102 /V'5=~'P/va Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 South African Journal of Scie* Vol. 79 October 1983 I Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A Commentary P. J. D. Lloyd The Japanese findings on the effects of nuclear weapons exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki have recently been published and are reviewed here. First, the physical events occurring immediately after the ex- plosions are outlined; then, the short- and long-term effects upon the environment are described, as are the short-, intermediate- and long-term effects upon the populace. The findings are discussed in the light of the common wisdom that the major hazard which arises from nuclear weapons is that of radioactivity. It is pointed out that by far the greatest proportion of deaths and injuries arose from thermal effects; that about 10% of the short- and intermediate-term mortali- ty was caused by the effects of massive doses of radiation; that the long-term effects are detectable above background, but have con- tributed little additional to the toll of human suffering; and that while the effects of fallout and induced radiation were initially apparent on close examination, no long- term effect has been identified, nor has there or 2U'Pu, ar resse into a critical mass; _ an uncontrolled chain reaction ensues, with the splitting of each nuclide into at least two fragments; neutrons are released to sustain the reaction; some of the mass of the original nuclide is converted into energy. Each gram of uranium which splits releases about 8.2 x 1010 J, so that to create the energy equivalent to about 20 000 tons of TNT (9 x 1013 J) requires the destruction of about 1 kg of 2;U. A point source of 9 x 1013 J will reach temperatures of the order of 106?C, destroy its confinement, and begin to dissipate energy. A fireball is formed, and the thermal expansion which results gives rise to a shock wave. Initially, the surface of the fireball and shock wave are coincident, but after about 0.1 ms the shock wave separates from the fireball surface; the fireball then has a radius of about 15 in and a temperature of some 300 000?C. been any contribution mortalit diseasefrom thissource. t is concluded that en7c avours to resist nuclear weapons may befailing because of irrational attacks upon the long-term radiation effects of these weapons, rather than upon the chemical and biological effects which have already been other types of weapons. On 6 August 1946, the city of Hiroshima disappeared at precisely 08h15. A uranium bomb of some 13 000 tons of TNT equivalent had exploded at a height of 580 in over the city centre. Three days later, at 1lh20, a plutonium bomb of some 22 000 tons of TNT equivalent exploded at a height of 503 in over Nagasaki. Time heals, and distance brings perspective. After thirty- four years the Japanese were able to look with relative dispassion on the months following that August, and have now published their findings.' It is the purpose of this article to review the chronicle of their ex- periences, because it suggests that we may be debating the case for and against nuclear weapons from the wrong position. Nature of the weapons used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki The basic physics of the atomic bomb is well-known. Fissile nuclides, typically 21JU near ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays thereafter. A few seconds after the explo- sion, buoyancy forces come into play and the fireball starts to rise, drawing air in below it, and forming the typical 'mush- room' cloud within a few minutes. The unstable, radioactive elements formed in the fission process tend to be carried up in the fireball, and are precipitated as 'fallout' from a height of 1 km or more as moisture carried into cooler regions condenses. An energy balance for such an event shows that the kinetic energy of fission fragments and neutrons is about 7.45 x 1013 J; that released by prompt photons and the absorption of excess neutrons is about 0.62 x 1013 J; that from the long-term decay of fission products about 0.44 x 1013 J; and about 0.49 x 1013 J is released harmlessly as neutrinos. Thus, about 8.5 x 1013 J is available as dissipatible energy. About half of this energy is dissipated in the shock wave, which initially travels above the speed of sound, and slows after about 2 km to the speed of sound. Air is accelerated by the passage of the shock wave to velocities of the order of 500 m/s (1 800 km/h) close to the event and falls to about 20 m/s at a distance of 3 km. The blast wave so created has a duration of about one second and gives rise to large forces. Pressures as high as 350 kPa are achieved 500 in from the event, and fall to about 100 kPa at a distance of I km, to 50 kPa at 1.6 km and to 10 kPa at 3.6 km. Approximatr hreaka,av I J -, r 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4; 2 lo-1 to 2 to ' Time after explilsiom (srowmds) The shock wave spreads and heats the air in its path. The air becomes luminous, and effectively shields the fireball. However, after about 15 ms, the shock wave has travelled so far and dissipated so much energy that it can no longer heat the air to luminous temperatures. The fireball then becomes visible from outside. This is refer- red to as the'breakaway' point. The fireball continues to expand and reaches it max- imum size of about 220 in one second after the explosion. The growth of the fireball is shown in Fig. 1, and the observed surface temperature of the ball in Fig. 2. The minimum in the observed temperature at the breakaway point is caused by the pre- dominance of high-energy ultraviolet rays during the first 15 ms, and the increase in the Fig. I. The growth of the fireball for a 20 kt weapon. Shock effects are magnified by the Mach effect. If the bomb explodes in the air, the primary shock wave is reflected from the ground and the reflected wave interferes constructively with the primary wave. Ther- mal energy in the infrared region comprises about 35% of the total energy released, which, fora fireball of the order of 100 in in diameter, at an average temperature of about 5 000 K and with an emissivity of about 0.6, would imply a peak emission at about I nm and a total dissipation in the ultraviolet to far infrared portion of the The author is director of the Metallurgical Laboratory, Chamber of Mines Research Org zation, P.O. Box 91230, Auckland Park 2000th Africa. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 394 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 ? 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 7 In 1)) ' 10 2 lt) t 1 10 Time after explosion (seconds) Fig. 2. Change in apparent fireball surface temperature with time, for a 20 kt weapon. spectrum of about 45% of the total energy. Some energy is released as prompt gamma rays and neutrons. It appears that this is about 3% of the total energy, but varies significantly with the construction of the weapon. The remaining energy is dissipated largely by delayed beta and gamma X rays from the fission products. To summarize, therefore, a nuclear bomb of 20 000 tons of TNT equivalent dissipates its energy approximately as follows: Blast propagated by the shock wave 4.2 x 1012) Thermal, visible and near UV electromagnetic energy 3.6 x 1012 J Prompt gammas and neutrons 0.3 x 10" J Fission product decay 0.4 x 1013 J Neutrinos 0.5 x 1013.1 Total 9.0 x 10" J Short-term effects of energy released upon the environment Close to the hypocentre, blast effects are largely vertical; further away, the total ef- fect is reduced but the effects are increasing- ly in the horizontal direction. The results may be summarized as follows: Distance from hypocentre (km) Damage 0.5 Most buildings almost totally destroyed. 0.8 Reinforced-concrete, earth- quake-proof buildings begin to remain structurally repairable. 1.6 Multistorey brick buildings destroyed almost completely. 2.6 All buildings require repair before use; wooden buildings structurally unsound. 3.2 Wooden buildings begin to be structurally repairable. 3.6 All windows broken; moderate plaster damage. South African Journal *ience Vol. 79 hypocentre is evident from Fig. 3, which shows the ruins of the Hiroshima Gas Com- pany's building, which had a reinforced- concrete frame and brick curtain-walling some 250 m from the hypocentre. The thermal energy is attenuated with distance for two reasons, the familiar inverse-square relationship, and the absorp- tion and scattering of electromagnetic radia- tion in the atmosphere. On the day the bot was dropped, the sky was clear ov Hiroshima, and visibility was greater the 20 km, so the second effect was limited. Assuming that the visibility was exactly 20 km, the following are the thermal energy fluxes which would have been experienced. Distance from hypocentre (km) Thermal flux (Mi/m2) 0 4.2 0.5 2.2 1.0 0.9 1.5 0.4 2.0 0.2 3.0 0.1 Such thermal fluxes were sufficient to raise temperatures at the hypocentre to between 3 000? and 4 000?C. One kilometre from the hypocentre, roof tiles were vaporized (Fig. 4), indicating temperatures of over 1800?C. Three kilometres from the hypocentre, trees and wooden poles were charred on the surface facing in the direction of the burst. Widespread conflagration was another result, and a firestorm grew. From I1h00 to 15h00 there were local winds of 18 m/s as cold air was drawn in a whirlwind to the focus of the storm. By I7h00 all fuel within a 2 km radius of the hypocentre had been consumed, and the wind died. The ashes from this fire were drawn up by buoyancy forces, mixed with the residue of the explosion, and were precipitated as `black rain' as the moisture condensed. The high energy photons (gamma rays) from the bomb had little immediate effect upon the environment except to excite secondary fluorescent X rays. The neutrons, which were largely fast (with a velocity of over 106 m/s), interacted with other matter and gave rise to induced radioactivity. The approximate dose rates were: Distance from Gamma-ray Neutron dose hypocentre (km) dose (rad) (rad) 0 1x106 2x10' 0.5 2x103 4x103 1.0 3 x 102 2 x 102 1.5 2x10' 1x10, Certain nuclides in particular were ac- tivated, namelysMn, 14,Na, MSc and J99Co, as shown in Fig. 5. As late as 1962, PCo could still be detected in samples of iron col- lected in the vicinity. Also important in the short-term dose calculations was JsAI, with a half-life of only about 2.3 minutes. Im- mediately after the explosion, the activity Fig. 3. The three-storey Hiroshima Gas Corr party's building 250 in from the hypocentre. one metre above the soil due to 13A1 about 200 times that due to PsMn. This radiation had, in general, no detec- table effect upon fauna observed in the im- mediate vicinity. Bombardier beetles, ear- wigs, beach fleas, earthworms, tiger beetles, moths, mosquito larvae, rats, rabbits and mice showed no effects. Some Drosophila mutations were observed, but it could not be concluded these were the direct effect of the radiation. Many fish died, but this seemed to be the effect of blast rather than of radia- tion. Birds suffered from blast and burns. A number of horses clearly showed both ther- mal and radiation injuries. The major ef- fects upon plants were those of blast and heat. However, the stumps of trees within 700 in of the hypocentre tended not to bud at first. There was retardation of growth, fasciation, malformation and variegation of herbaceous species. These effects disap- peared within three years after the blast. Some short-lived chromosomal abnor- malities were observed. Fig. 4. A roof tile with clear evidence that its sur- face temperature exceeded 1800?C during the 0.3-s thermal pulse caused by the explosion. Long-term effects upon the environment The longer-term effects of the two nuclear weapons upon the environment were small, though detectable. The physical damage was made good with remarkable speed. By 1948, houses and buildings were rapidly in- creasing in number so that it became dif- ficult to study long-term effects upon vegetation. The primary long-term effect was that of the longer-lived radionuclides. Some of these consequences were noted above (Fig. 5). Ashes and nuclides from the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 Thermal injury was the primary cause of this disaster. Recall that thermal fluxes of over 0.9 MJ/m2 occurred within 1 km of the hypocentre. Such fluxes, acting on bare skin for 300, ms, will result in charring and car- bonization. Even fluxes of 0.1 MJ/m2, 3 km from the hypocentre, will cause erythema of the skin within 300 ms. Such fluxes are unusual in thermal injury, and the injuries are known as 'flash' burns. Shielding is ob- viously possible, and in fact reduced the mortality rate at a distance of 2 km by a fac- tor of about five. The usual thermal radia- tion phenomena were observed, with light- coloured materials reflecting the heat and offering better shielding than dark-coloured materials. Another important cause of death was blast injury. There were primary injuries due to the blast, but the effects were masked South African Journal ofScie* Vol. 79 October 1983 explosion were carried over an elliptical area, 19 km long and up to 11 km wide, to the north-west of the hypocentre at Hiroshima. At Nagasaki, rainfall 3 km to the east of the hypocentre played a major part in removing activity from the at- mosphere. The area around the Nishiyama reservoir was particularly severely con- taminated. Two months after the explosions, the fallout contributed up to 0.05 mrad/h at Hiroshima and up to 1 mrad/h at Nagasaki. The integrated dose over 35 years, from one hour after the explosion to 1980, in the air one metre above the ground, amounted to a maximum of between 4 and 40 rad at Hiroshima and between 50 and 150 rad at Nagasaki. It should be recalled that the max- imum permissible dose for members of the general public should not exceed 5 rad/yr. or 175 rad over 35 years, for those of 18 years of age and older. The ALARA ('as low as reasonably achievable') principle should ob- viously apply, but it is interesting that the in- tegrated dose from fallout after such devastating events should only approach the 'tolerable' level. Short-term effects upon the populace It was difficult to assess the short-term ef- fects of the explosions on people. The total destruction of the cities made accuracy im- possible. Figure 6 illustrates the acute casualty and mortality levels at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Fig. 7 indicates that in both cities the death rate was halved every six days after the explosions. Within forty days most of the acute effects had passed. After a year, the casualties at Hiroshima were as shown in Table 1. a 00 '0 tell a U t)) w ? by the thermal injuries. Primary visceral in- juries typical of conventional blasts were relatively rare, and the incidence of blast in- jury was higher in those who had been in- doors rather than outdoors. This suggests that secondary injuries from materials ac- celerated by the blast were the main cause of fatalities. The survivors hospitalized after the blast on 13 August showed the following injuries: thermal burns, 50.2%; trauma, 33.3%; both thermal burns and trauma, 16.5%. The traumas were mainly contu- sions (54%) and wounds due to glass fragments (35%). The latter were particular- ly distressing, as they were often the result of a myriad of glass splinters embedded in the body. Finally, there were the immediate deaths caused by high-energy radiation. It will be recalled that about 0.3 x 1013 J was dissipated as prompt gamma rays and neutrons, which resulted in in-air doses of greater than 300 rad of gamma radiation and 200 rad of neutrons within I km of the hypocentre. At the hypocentre, the doses were 10 000 rad of gamma rays and 20 000 rad of neutrons. A whole-body dose of 10 rad has a barely detectable effect; one of 100 rad causes mild acute symptoms, with some diminution of the white cell counts; one of 1 000 rad depresses blood cell and platelet formation, damages the intestine, and usually leads to death within 30 days; a whole-body dose of 10 000 rad leads to im- mediate signs of damage to the central ner- vous system, with death within a few hours. Table 1. Total casualties at Hiroshima, 6 August 1945 to 10 August 1946 (military personnel excluded). Distance from hypocentre Severely Slightly Not (km) Killed injured injured Missing injured Total Under 0.5 19 329 478 338 593 924 21 662 0.5-1.0 42 271 3046 1 919 1 366 4 434 53 036 1.0-1.5 37 689 7 732 9 522 1 188 9 140 65 271 1.5-2.0 13 422 7 627 11 516 227 11 698 44 490 2.0-2.5 4 513 7 830 14 149 98 26096 52686 2.5-3.0 1 139 2 923 6 795 32 19907 30 796 3.0-3.5 117 474 1 934 2 10 250 12 777 3.5-4.0 100 295 1 768 3 13 513 15 679 4.0-4.5 8 64 373 4 260 4 705 4.5-5.0 31 36 156 1 6 593 6 817 Over 5.0 42 19 136 167 11 798 12 162 Total 118661 30 524 48 606 3 677 118 613 320 081 O\ ?t 60 \0%%? 40 N ?\ ? a 20 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 06 1.0 Distance from hypocentre (km) Fig. 5. Change in dose rate with time, one metre above the ground at the hypocentre, Hiroshima. Fig. 6. Variation of acute mortality (9-*) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 50 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 ? p (II ,rvrd value tII roshimal ? Obl erved value (Nagasaki) - Calculated value 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 3? 40 Days after detonation In the vicinity of the hypocentre, there were clear signs of people having suffered massive radiation doses. Over 3007o of the eventual survivors and 16076 of those who soon died were highly nauseous within a few hours, and many suffered diarrhoea often accompanied by internal haemorrhage within a few days. Deaths among otherwise only mildly injured victims occurred seven to 10 days after the explosion, usually with signs of cerebral damage. Autopsies were carefully performed on 25 who died during this acute phase; of these, 19 died primarily from thermal injuries. There was, however, evidence of radiation damage in most cases. At this acute stage, it showed itself primarily in the haematopoietic organs, particularly the spleen, where lymphocytes were almost entirely absent. About two weeks after the blast, the acute phase of injury drew to a close. About 9007o of the eventually fatal cases had died by this stage, and about 90016 of the survivors who received medical treat- ment during this phase complained of ther- mal injury. Intermediate-term effects upon the populace From the beginning of the third week after the explosions to the end of the eighth week, the effects of radiation took their toll, and a further 10016 of the ultimate total of fatal cases died during this period. The first sign of the effects of radiation was usually the loss of hair, or epilation, the degree of which varied with distance from the hypo- centre and with shielding. At Hiroshima, 7601o of those exposed within 1 km of the blast, who were either outside or in wooden buildings, suffered epilation. The onset was 17 days after the explosion, on average, and continued for one to two weeks. Hair regeneration then started after 8 to 10 weeks. The second sign was subsurface haemor- rhage, which showed itself as purplish spots or patches. The incidence among those ex- posed within I km was about 50074. There were related oropharyngeal lesions, the in- South African Journal of ctence Vol. 79 October 1983 cidence of which was highly correlated with epilation to about 1.5 km from the hypocen- tre; at greater distances, the lesions were more common, and were as high as 10% at 4.5 km. Other haemorrhages were common, particularly nasal and uterine. Ocular haemorrhage was also prevalent. All these signs were often aggravated by fever, which rose as each new symptom appeared and continued until death intervened. Haematological examination showed that damage to the bone marrow had reduc- ed the regeneration of blood cells, par- ticularly white cells. Red cell counts were typically 8017o of normal, haemoglobin 50% of normal, and white cells about 5% of nor- mal, in those exposed to 450 to 600 rad and who died within 14 days. In less severe cases, about half the population died within 40 days; their white cell count was never less than about 10% of normal. A third group had a minimum in their white cell count after about four weeks, at about 2501o of the normal count; about 10076 of this group died, usually more than 40 days after the ex- plosion and of complications rather than from direct injury due to radiation. There were those who were potentially af- fected by secondary radiation, i.e. by the radiation from neutron-induced radioiso- topes in the air and soil, and by fallout. Those entering Hiroshima an hour after the explosion and staying near the hypocentre for five hours would have received about 20 rad; the next day they would have received less than 10 rad in eight hours. In such populations, about one-third had less than 8001o of the normal white cell count. Those exposed to fallout experienced marked malaise, headache and abnormal menstrua- tion soon after the event. In the longer term there was a marked increase in the white blood cells, particularly leukocytes, with counts over five times the normal in extreme cases, 50 to 80 days after the explosion. This effect occurred and disappeared most rapid- ly in children. Eight years after the explosion the white cell count was almost normal in the population living in the areas most affected by fallout. Long-term effects A primary effect was the formation of scar tissue at the site of thermal injury, which led to deformity or functional distur- bance. Particularly distressing was the for- mation of `keloids', or the overgrowth of scar tissue during regeneration, forming ir- regular protrusions like the shell of a crab. This occurred in about two-thirds of all ther- mal burns, usually within 150 days of injury and gradually disappeared over the next decade or so. The blood disorders so characteristic of radiation injury persisted for several years. A year after the explosion, there was a high incidence of general malaise and dizziness associated with some reduction in the red and white cell counts. After two and three years these symptoms persisted, but to an ever smaller degree. After eight years anaemia was a statistically significant ex- perience, and this persisted, while declining, for up to 15 years. The formation of cataracts in the eye was common. Those exposed while infants and examined 14 years later had a greater than 50% incidence if exposed within 1 km of the hypocentre, and a greater than 1007o in- cidence if exposed within 1.4 to 1.6 km, although in only 13% of all cases was the size of the cataract moderate (no marked or severe cases were found). Amenorrhea was common (greater than 50% incidence) after the explosion and typically continued for five to six months. The majority of women over 45 went into menopause. Exposure to radiation did not appear to affect the age of menarche in teenage girls. There was no evidence for an increase in sterility due to exposure, but there was a statistically lower conception potential in exposed women from Hiroshima than in those from Nagasaki. The evidence for an increase in the number of stillbirths with an increase in exposure to radiation, or changes in sex ratio or birth- weight, was inconclusive. There was some evidence for an increase in the incidence of malformations among those born of expos- ed women, particularly in the bone, heart and large vessels, but no malformation was characteristic, and the increase in incidence lessened with time. Exposure in utero led to increased foetal mortality from about 3016 in the unexposed to over 20016 in those exposed within 2 km of the explosions. Neonatal and infant death rates were about 4016 in the unexposed and over 25% in those significantly exposed within 2 km. In a 24-year study of nearly 1 300 children from both Nagasaki and Hiroshima who had been exposed to some radiation in utero, there was a significant in- crease in mortality, particularly up to the age of seven. At the age of 17, there were signifi- cant differences in mass, height, and head and chest circumferences for those exposed in utero within 1.5 km. A particular problem has been the development of microcephaly (a head cir- cumference more than two standard devia- tions below the age- and sex-specific mean size). The normal incidence was about 307e; among those exposed within 1.5 km, the in- cidence was about 25% (30 cases, of which 12 were severe). Severe mental retardation often accompanied this. Microcephaly was severest in those exposed during the first trimester. I turn now to what might be termed the very long-term effects, as studied in a population of about 109 000 since 1950. The population is distributed into various radia- tion dose categories as shown in Table 2. The control group matches the exposed Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 South African Journal ofScii Vol. 79 October 1983 ? Hiroshima 82 085 20 176 Nagasaki 26 682 6 347 Total 108 767 26 523 Diseases of digestive organs group as nearly as possible in the distribu- tion of age and sex. About 2570 of this population died between October 1950 and September 1974. A comparison of the causes of mortality between the unexposed and the 200+ rad group is made in Fig. 8. There was a very significant increase in the incidence of leukemia and a significant in- crease in non-leukemia cancers and disease in the exposed sample. However, it is noteworthy that the greater mortality due to the increase in cancers was not unduly severe. Figure 9 gives the excess deaths from cancers per annum per million of popula- tion, for those exposed to more than 100 rad. There were about 145 cases of leukemia amongst survivors who received 100 + rad, over the period 1946 to 1975. It may also be noted that early entrants to the radioactive cities showed no long-term effect due to the induced radioactivity. Other cancers which may well exceed the background level include cancer of the thyroid, lung, breast (in women) and salivary glands. Again, however, the numbers involved must be noted. For in- stance, in a study of over 10 000 women dur- ing the period 1958 to 1966, there were 22 definite cases of breast cancer observed where 22 had been expected. However, in the control group of nearly 2 500, only two All causes Trauma All diseases Tuberculosis All cancers Leukemia All cancers except leukemia Cancer if esophagus Cancer of stomach Cancer of lung Cancer of female breast Cancer of urinary organs Benign and unspecified neoplasm, lascular lesions of central nervous system Circulatory system disease Oateaes of blood and blood-forming organs 29 943 13 787 10 707 2 665 1 677 1 460 1 670 4 699 6 705 3 700 1 231 1 229 1 310 1 461 34 642 20 492 14 407 3 896 2 906 2 770 3 131 Other diseases Diseases except neoplasms 4 5 10 20 Fig. 8. Causes of death of survivors of explosions who were exposed to 200 + rad, compared to those exposed to normal environmental radiation, in the period 1950 to 1974. Bars represent 809e confidence interval. but is closely related only to radiation dose' (p. 319). There remains the fear that such chromo- somal aberrations may be transmissible to children born of irradiated parents. The possibility of this occurring has been the subject of the most searching enquiry, but `genetic surveys undertaken to date have yielded no positive evidence for a genetic hazard due to atomic bomb radiation' (p. 326). There may, however, be reasons for supposing that any effect would show itself less readily in the human population than it would amongst laboratory populations of mammals (where it is readily seen). Leukemia All cancer --- All cancer except leukemia 0 10 20 3)t 4i0 Est, Age at time of bum,nng Fig. 9. Absolute risk of cancer-caused death ac- cording to age at time of exposure to IM i tad. Discussion At this point in the book, the tenor of the text changes. The full description of the quantitative findings, summarized above, comes to an end, and consideration is given to the sociological consequences of the bom- bing. Similarly, this review must now change from a bald presentation of the facts to a personal interpretation of their significance. Of course, even the summary has been somewhat subjective - some pieces of evidence have been more strongly accented than others. Equally, this happened in the original - it would not be possible to con- dense some 800 primary references without a degree of subjective selection. However, the reader should be warned that in what follows, the interpretation is personal and based upon the selection of evidence presented in the previous sections. I suggest that the common wisdom assesses the hazard of nuclear weapons as being that of 'radiation' - specifically, high-energy electromagnetic radiation. There is a widespread belief in reproductive sterility being one consequence of their use, and where that does not occur, in the pro- duction of malformed offspring. There is also a common belief in a consequential massive increase in cancers and a host of other ill-defined illnesses. Many people con- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 were observed whereas 5.4 had been ex- pected; and in the group of nearly 1 000 who had been exposed to 200+ rad, five were observed whereas two had been expected in the absence of any radiation effect. The possibility that there is also an `observer' ef- fect due to the intensity of study cannot be ruled out. However, in another study of over 1 000 women exposed to 100 + rad bet- ween the ages of 10 and 19, there were 10 cases of breast cancer up to 1969, whereas the expected number in another control group of the same age distribution and over the same period was only 1.4. It thus seems likely that there is a correlation between the degree of exposure and the incidence of breast cancer. While the evidence linking a particular cancer and exposure to massive doses of radiation may be equivocal, there is no doubt that chromosomal changes occur. Moreover, the number of aberrations is directly related to radiation dose, although at Hiroshima the relationship was linear and at Nagasaki it was quadratic. Furthermore, symmetric aberrations and dicentric/acen- tric aberrations have persisted from the time of exposure to the present. However, there is no evidence for a link between chromosome aberration and disease: `Chromosome aber- ration exists as if it were unrelated to health Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 ? South African Journal ooience Vol. 79 October 1983 cider that the whole face of the world will be changed by invisible radiation, and much of the attack upon the use of nuclear weapons is based upon this. (The production of elec- trical energy by controlled nuclear fission is perceived by some as subject to a similar hazard, and is vigorously opposed for this reason.) This is not the place to summarize the evidence for these points of view. It suffices to say that they exist and are a major element in opposition to the use of nuclear weapons on the one hand, and obstacle to the growth of the nuclear energy industry on the other. I submit that the attack upon the use of nuclear weapons would be far more suc- cessful. d far more soundly based if the parallels between these weapons andthose whic soce v ready finds intolerable were raven. Specifically, there is a consensus that chemical warfare is intolerable. Chemicals are known which could cause devastation on a scale similar to that which occurred at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seven years after a slight industrial accident at Seveso, in nor- thern Italy, the surrounding countryside is uninhabitable, and attempts to dump con- taminated soil became a major political issue in the European Economic Community earlier this year. But what could cause greater distress than the chemical changes which occur when the human body is expos- ed to thermal fluxes of over 0.1 MJ/m2? At both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these chemical changes were responsible for the deaths of about one hundred thousand peo- ple within a few days. And these were civilians in a well-nigh defeated country, not combatants locked in a Somme salient. Fortunately, mankind has perceived the problem of heat damage to civilians. The events of the Vietnam war, and the disastrous effects of the indiscriminate use of napalm there, are fairly clear. The defini- tion of chemical weaponry is slowly being extended to cover this awful weapon, too. However, the thermal flux from nuclear weapons has been overlooked, even though it is far more terrible in its effect than a few hundred megajoules of naplam. Similarly, mankind has generally reacted against the use of bullets which expand on contact. Even the preparation of a 'dum- dum' bullet can be treated as a criminal act. Yet there appears to be no realization that nuclear weapons can accelerate many strange shapes to bullet-like velocities, with results equivalent to those of the worst shape of bullet. Then there are the short-term effects of massive doses of radiation, which, at much over 1 000 rad, act upon the central nervous system as terminally as the most potent of the banned nerve gases, and which, at much over a few hundred rad, lead to effects upon the body as pernicious as the worst of the forbidden biological weapons. It is a most challenging question, why one weapon can be rejected and yet another, with an equivalent or greater effect, can continue to be considered for possible use. One thing is certain. It is that e firs ew days after the atomic bombs were used against them, 60 000 Japanese died, primarily of thermal burns; a further 60 000 died over the next few weeks, largely from burns and partially from massive radiation doses. Thereafter, all the delayed effects, all the old wounds aggravating old age, all the cancers, all the tragedies of the exposed unborn, may have accounted for only a further 2 000 deaths. There are no longer any signs of these events in the bodies of those in the path of the fallout, nor any evidence that those who entered the inferno shortly after the explosion were significantly injured. However, though we have moved more than half a lifetime from the most ig- noble of experiments, the harrowing memory of its devastation has permanently scarred our minds. Irrational or not, the ter- ror of the invisible, of radiation, remains. To light a star on earth is to incinerate, to im- molate, and to irradiate. Of these, the last is to be the least feared. 1. Hiroshima and Nagasaki; The phvstcal, enedical and social cif fecc.c o f the atomic bombings. Conan it i cc for compilation of materials on damage caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hutchin- son, London; 1981. Towards the Production and Maintenance of Disease-free Laboratory Animals Animal studies are variability in the response o perimental treatments. This er relation terferes greatly with the int p predictability of results. It can arise from a wide variety of factors such as genetic background, nutrition, animal care, en- vironmental effects and disease. An increas- ing awareness of the importance of these sources of variability in animal studies over the last decade, has led to the establishment of several modern laboratory animal facilities in South Africa. One of their main functions is to produce genetically defined, specified pathogen free (SPF) animals and maintain them under standardised condi- tions. A major challenge in this endeavour is the production by hysterectomy of SPF rodents and rabbits under barrier condi- tions. Conventional laboratory animals main- tained in non-barrier buildings harbour a wide range of pathogens, including ecto and endo-parasites, fungi, protozoa, bacteria and viruses, which can either singly or in concert interfere with experimental results by causing clinical or sub-clinical disease in animal colonies. Laboratory animals can be freed of these pathogens by the removal of full-term foetuses from an infected animal The course reviewed the historical by hysterectomy and transfer to the pro- developments of isolator technology from tected environment of flexible, clear plastic its beginnings in 1895, when von Nuttal and film isolators for rearing either by hand Theirfelder were successful in challenging feeding or foster mothers. Louis Pasteur's belief that animal life could merest in isolator technology for the not be sustained without bacteria by pro- estab ' ment of pathogen-free animals has ducing and maintaining a germ-free rat in an grown ra ' ly in South Africa over the last unwieldy and complicated isolator system. two years amd isolator units have been It examined the wide range of isolator ap- established by the universities of Stellen- plications for protecting animals and pa bosch, Pretoria, CaTown, and the Wit- tients from harmful infective gents. Prac- watersrand, and the State Vaccine Institute tical exercises were carried out with positive at Pinelands in the Cape. ~., and negative-pressure isolators, which in- With the commissioning owe new volved the preparation of isolator com- Medical School Animal Unit at the l7'r- ponents, setting up and leakage testing, sity of the Witwatersrand and installation o s,,,; sterilization of equipment and supplies, isolator equipment, a workshop on isolator hsfer procedures for supplying food and technology with practical exercises was held watelI" and removing animal wastes, and under the auspices of the South African microbioteyical screening. Techniques for Association for Laboratory Animal Science obtaining getq-free animals by hysterec- on 23 - 24 February this year. The work- tomy and caesairt section in surgical shop was run by Mr J. von Stenglin of the isolators linked to ani'tnal isolators were also Metal-Plastic company. It was attended by demonstrated and discuss . delegates from university animal units, the The course, the first of it find in this South African Institute for Medical country, has provided a sound dation Research, South African Medical Research for the establishment and developm t of Council, the National Institute for animals reared in isolators in South Afri Virology, the Animal and Dairy Science which is the key to providing disease-free Research Institute and the Technikon RSA. animals for teaching and research. J. Austin Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP87T00126R001201660018-5 mplicated by imals to ex- 'N5' ity fin- d