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1ne Director of Central Intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 T5ECRET ECURITY INFORMATION COPY NO. 9 Rated by Del NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS as of July 20, 1953 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800030008-4 WARNING THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U. S. C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION VAT IOF?AL SECURITY COUNCIL I%w STATUS F P tO JE CTS ~ ?_,_, Table Contents I Pa. P-, e C l . omp eted Projects .................................... II. Projects Under Consideration by the NSC............... 2 A. Items Scheduled on Agenda for the 156th Meeting... 2 1. A National Petroleum Program,,..0 2 2e Significant World Developments Affecting U.S. Security ........................ 00. 2 3. The Situation in Korea?,,.?,,.?,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, 2 4. additional United Nations Forces for Korea,.,. 2 5. Strengthening the Korean Economy ....... e.,?... 3 6, Transfer to the Chinese National Government of Light U.S. Naval Ships ..............NO0., 3 7. Project Solariumeeee?e.? 3 B. Items Awaiting Subsequent NSC Consideration....... 5 1. U.S. Psychological Strategy with Respect to the Thai Peoples of Southeast Asia, ...... 5 2? United States Policy on Soviet and Satellite Defectors .?e?e......,,?eeeceeeeeeoeeeee?0 00 5 3e The Position of the United States with Respect to the Philippines....e,,,,,,,?,ve.. ~ 5 +. United States Policies in the Far East........ 6 5. United States Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to Formosa and the Natio?~a.l Government of China ..........O..... 6 III. Current NSC Planning Board Projects................... 7 1. United States Position with Respect to Germany .?.. 7 2. Report to the President by the President's 3 Committee on International Information Activities dated July 309 1953 .................. R 7 ~e L eview of Economic Defense Policy&......... *..o... 7 +. U.S. Continental Defense System ................... 8 5. Review of United States Objectives Vis-a-Vis the USSR in the Event of War .................... 8 6. United States Policy Toward the Soviet Satellite States in Eastern Europe(Including East Germany) 9 7. Possibilities of Reducing U.S. Civilian Population in Sensitive Areas Abroad..e,e...0............O. 9 8. The Position of the United States with Respect to the Communist Threat to Italy.,ee?? ..o....?. 9 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Table of Contents (Continued) Page 9. NSC 26 Series ................................. .. . 10 10 10. Armaments and American . .. 10 11. United States Objectives and Policies with Respect to North Africa........p ................. 10 12. The Position of the United States with Respect to Yugoslavia ............................0.09.4.. 11 13. United States Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to Latin America .................... 11 14. United States Policy Toward Communist China........ 11 15. Communist Influence Among Students in Various C t i oun r es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 16. U.S. Position with Respect to the Regulation, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Ariaaraents ............................. 12 17. Security of Strategically Important Industrial Operations in Foreign Countries .................. 12 18. The Position of the United States with Respect t S th o ou A s is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 19. Electro-Magnetic Communications .................... 13 IV. Other Current Council Projects ......................... 14- 1. Coast Guard Operations Affecting National Q Y 1 r -L Ly . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2. Analysis of Possible Courses of Action in Korea.... 14 3. Effect on National Security Interests in Latin America of Possible Anti-Trust Proceedings....... 14 4. Status of United States Programs for National Security as of June 30, 1953,0.. ................. 15 5. Japanese Treaty Islands ........................... 15 6. Certain European Issues Affecting the United States .................................... 16 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS ?? ii TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION QMPLATED P (July 13, 1953 - July 20, 1953) 1. JHE SITUATION IN KOREA Ref: Count - NSC Action No. 850 2. 2 and NSC 1 3/1; NSC Action No. 851 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 1 - TGP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (Revised Agenda dated July 21, 1953) A. ITFU . ' .. BN II. PROJECTS UNDER CGNSIDERATION,,,BY, ESIC 1. A.NATIONAL 'ETROLEUM EAOQRALA Ref: Qoimcil - NSC 97/3 and NSC 97/4; NSC Action No. 798; Memos, June 2 and June 29, 1953 0igl--: The Council at its meeting on May 28: Adopted the statement of policy contained in NSC 97/3, with the exception of paragraph 8 which was adopted in principle on the understanding that the Director of Defense Mobi- lization will: (1) Coordinate the implementation of subparagraphs 8-jk and b in the light of a review of the military requirements by the Secretary of Defense; (2) Coordinate the implementation of subparagraph 8-.q in the light of discussions by the Secretary of Commerce with representatives of the tanker and shipbuilding industries; (3) Submit to the National Security Council a progress report with particular reference to (1); and (2) above, not later than July 1, 1953. The Council also suggested that NSC 97/3 be referred for comment to Civilian Consultants to be selected by the President (NSC Action No. 798-b and d). rent ? S atus: The recommendations by the NSC Planning Board contained in pages 1-5 of NSC 97/+ (with the ex- ception of paragraph 3-b) are scheduled for considera- tion. 2. SIGN; CANT WORLD DEVE JOPMgVJS FFEC 1I 1 _s,_ SECURITY The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Director of Central Intelligence. 3. I-HE SITU61ION IN K0R A The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. 4? UPITION UN O ECRCES O Q,R Ref: Cou - NSC 147 (aras. 168- 1 O); NSC Action Nos. 7 9-b and 835; Memos, June 1,15, and July 17, 1953 Origin: At the direction of the President a letter from Ambassador Lodge on the subject was circulated by the reference memo of June 1 for the consideration of the Council. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TCP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION ADDITIONAL UNITED NATIONS F F FS OR.KOREQ (Cgg 'd) Q re j The recommendations contained in para- graphs 3?. of the report on the subject,. prepared by the Special Committee constituted pursuant to NSC Action No. 835-.q and transmitted by the reference memo of July 17, together with the dissent and alternative proposals by the Department of Defense contained in the Annex to the report are scheduled for consideration. STRENGTHENING HE AN E ONQU Ref: Council - NSC 156 and NSC 156/1; NSC Action No. 828 Origin: A report on the subject by the mission headed by Mr. Tasca, Special Representative of the President for Korean Economic Affairs (NSC 156) was referred to the Council by the President. current Stal,s: A report by the NSC Planning Board on the subject has been transmitted as NSC 156/1 for consideration by the NSC of the recommendations contained in paragraphs 5-7 thereof. These recommendations were prepared in response to NSC Action-No. 828-1~ based upon study by a Special Committee of the report to the President on the subject by the mission headed by Mr, Henry J. Tasca. Ref: Q tj - NSC Action No. 841 Q ,g is The Council on July 9 discussed the impending danger to Chinese Nationalist forces on the off-shore islands along the central China coast and noted the President's desire that the Department of Defense report to the Council on July 23 as to the feasibility of transferring to the Chinese National Government such number of light U.S naval ships as Admiral Radford might deem appropriate (NSC Action No. 841). Curre t S t : A report by the Department of Defense on the subject pursuant to NSC Action No. 841-.4 is scheduled for consideration. 7. P QJECT SO ARILIM Ref: Council - NSC Action No. 853-r. (n: The Council on July 16 noted and discussed oral presentations on three alternative basic national security policies by the task forces constituted under Project Solarium and referred the presentation and the reports NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 3 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION ?ROJECT_SOLARIUM sCOnt1d upon which they were based to the NSC staff for preparation of summaries of the principal points thereof in consultation with members of the task force and report back to the Council for further consideration and instructions. Cgrrea. Sit Summaries prepared by the NSC staff pursuant to NSC Action No. 853-,, which are to be used as the basis of discussion at the Council meeting on July 30, are scheduled to be noted. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 4 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 2. 3? B. ITEMS 1'XAIT ING S _ NSC C OF S OUT Ur= ER1T IO Ref: C -M Memo, y64 1953; NSC Action as. 780-A and 788 The Council on May 13 (NSC Action No. 788) noted a brief oral report on the subject by Mr. C. D. Jackson and directed the PSB to submit for Council con- sideration a plan for coordinated psychological opera. tions based on Thailand. CL Sta : A Plan on the subject, prepared by PSB pursuant to the above Council action, was circulated by the reference memorandum of July 6 for consideration by the Council of the summary contained in the first five pages thereof. Awaiting Council consideration at an early meeting. Ref: Council, Progress Repor July 2 ~ 19 ; by the Director of Central Intelligence on NBC 86/1 Orieing The reference Progress Report has been circus. ated for the information of the Council. r gent-' taf?s: Tentatively scheduled for Council action on July 304 1953. Ref: Cn c Progress Report dated July 16 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 84/ 'fritt: The reference progress report has been circu. laced for the information of the Council. Current Status: To be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. P rEti - NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Refs CQ1WcJ1 - NSC'148 and 48/5,; NSC Action Nos. 758 and 777- (2); Memo subject "Cost Estimates of United States Policies in the Far East", April 21, 1953? Memo for All Holders of April 21 memo dated April 23, 1953; Memo, April 30, 1953; NIE-f7 Ori ; I, : Draft statement of policy on the subject, pre- pared by the Planning Board, was submitted for Council consideration as NSC 148, together with a Far East Financial Stum.nary and an annex constituting an NSC Staff study on Communist China. C ~Jatuu: Awaiting further study by the Council of NSC 148. NSC Action Nos. 760 624; Memos, April 6 and 7, 1953; NIE-27/1; SE-h Qr [?tn: The Council on April 2, 1952 directed the NSC Staff after preliminary discussion by State, Defense and CIA to prepare a report for Council consideration in the light of a review of NSC 48/5, insofar as it portains to U. S. policy toward Formosa the Chinese Nationalist Government, and other antiCommunist Chi- nese forces and in the light of views of the JCS, con- tained in NSC 128 (NBC Action No. 6240. C;e 4 Awaiting further study by the Council of NSC 146 as amended by the reference memo of April 6. of te, .. NSC 146 1 and / ; Annex to NSC 1 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 6 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION t NNING BOARD PECC Re o Council- NSC Action No. 777.-a PTan. Bd. - Memos, May 29 June 24 and July 6, 1953; Record of Meetings, June ~ and 29 and July 8, 1953 O : At its meeting on April 28 the Council directed the Planning Board to prepare for early Council consideration a report on the above subject (NSC Action No. 777-1). CurreptStatus-: Scheduled for further consideration on July 20. ES IDENT' S I TEEN 2. Fes' RT T T T Dy, -TNB Ref Q _ C2ungil - NSC Action No. 63 Bd. - Memo, July 3, 1953; Record of Meeting, July 3, 1953 Origin: The Council on July 2 discussed Chapter 7 of the subject report, noted the President's interest in the recommendations contained in Chapter 7 and in receiving the views of the Council in regard to Chapter 7, and referred Chapter 7 to the Director, Bureau of the Budget for preparation of a draft Executive Order suitable for implementing the recommendations contained therein. The Council also referred the balance of the report to the Planning Board for consideration and subsequent report to the Council by July 17 (NSC Action No. 836). Memos July 6 and 17; Record of Meetings, June 5, -and July 8, 1953 Ref-. C ci - NSC 22, 104/29 91/1, 122/1; NSC Action Nos. 738 and 806; Progress Report dated January 19, 19539 by the Secretary of State and the Director for Mutual Security on NSC 104/2 for discussion on July 20. 3. REV REVIEW F ECQNOMIC DEFENSE PO C Current Status-. The report (loss Chapter 7) is scheduled Oro The Council on March 18, 1953 directed the NSC Planning Board, with the participation of the Department of Commerce, to review the existing policy on this subject (NSC 104/2) and submit appropriate recommendations for Council consideration (NSC Action No. 738). Currant Status: Awaiting consideration by the Planning Board on July 22 of a draft report on the subject revised by the Economic Defense Advisory Committee in the light of the discussion by the Planning Board on July 8 (reference memo of July 17). NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 7 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Ref: Caunci - NSC 1+0, 140/19 131, 131/1; Memos, May 28 and June 1, 19530 Memo, subject "Organized Evacuation of Civilian Populations in Civii. Defense", June 9 1952; Memo, subject "Port Security," June 23, 1933; NSC Action Nos. 651, 804 and 830-1 Plant Bd. -? Memos May 8 and June 1 1953 ? Record of Meet ngs, May 6, 2 and 27, 1953; "Ientatlve schedule for National Security Council Action On Continental Defense", dated June 17, 1953 0. 1 : The Planning Board on May 6 discussed the subject and agreed that preliminary work should be initiated within the departments and agencies concerned on existing and pro- posed programs, with costs in each case, in anticipation of preparation of a draft report after receipt of the report of the Special Evaluation Subcommittee (see NSC 140/1) and the Department of Defense Ad Hoe Study Group on Continental Defense. 5. p the Continental Defense Committee of the Planning Board in ri e t Stat,s : ;waiting preparation of a draft re ort b accordance with the terms of reference transmitted by the reference memo of June 1, which will also cover the problem of organized evacuation of civilian populations in civil defense (see NSC 131/1, NSC Action No. 651, and memo of June 9, 1952) and the problem of port security (see NSC Action No. 830-a). Due not later than July 22. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration July 27 together with a review of NSC 139. .PUTPLY 0 'ED STATES Z.._ 0 CT V Ss. -V IS T M ?R 2'HT~ EVENT OF WAS Ref: Cc4,- NSC 153/1 and NSC 20/4; NSC Action No. 811 "J.11-1 ..4J, OUa V1'da. it "u. 0. uojectives In the Event of General War," dated June 26, 1953 Or : The Planning Board on May 29 agreed that the verbatim inclusion in NSC 153 for Council consideration of the paragraphs of NSC 20/4 relating to United States ob- jectives vis-a-vis the USSR in the event of war (paras. 22 and 23 - see Annex in NSC 1 53/1), should be regarded as a temporary response to NSC 79 pending Planning Board review of these paragraphs. Currentt to : Awaiting consolidation by the Board Assis- tants o'the arious drafts before the Planning Board on the basis of Mr. Cutler's draft of July 7. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration on August 3. NSC STATUS OF Pi OJECTS 8 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 6. 7. Ref : Gnu _ c- NSC2; NIE- 7 Plan. Bd. - Memo for Senior NSC Staff March 3 1953; Mem oa May 18 1953- Record of Senior Ataff Meeling, January 29, 1953; ?ecord of Meetings of Planning Board April 24 and May 20, 1953 D;in; The Senior Staff agreed on January 29 to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. Current, Status: Awaiting a coordinated revision by the Board Assistants of the staff study on the subject (refer- once memo of May 18) including material from NIE-87. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration on August 3 8. Refs u icy - Progress Report, June 29, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State and the Secretary of llefense on NSC 106/2; NBC Action No. 845 or : The reference Progress Report (see Section I above) stated that certain ambiguities and omissions in NSC 106/2 have made implementation unnecessarily difficult, and for this reason State and Defense are preparing a suggested revision for Council consideration. SE NS IT T3T- !',RF A' R nan Current tatus: Awaiting preparation of a revision of NSC 106/2 by the Board Assistants on the basis of a State- Defense draft of July 15. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration on August 3. WITH SECT TO. C ()MMC1N I$'1' THRE !'iT T TT A 7 Y Ref: Cp ~7 - Progress Report dated May 209 1953, by the Acting Secretary of State on NSC 67/3 Orin: The reference Progress Report on the subject advised that the Department of State considers that NSC 67/3 has, in some respects, been overtaken by events and that a new draft is under preparation for submission for the considera- tion of the Council, which will reflect conclusions drawn from the outcome of the Italian national elections held on June 7, 1953 Curren ?t Sty? us: Awaiting preparation of a draft report by State. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS ., 9 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 9. C2 26 S RQ Re: 1 - NBC Action No. 753? Progress Report dated March 1953, by the Under hecretary of State on NBC 26 Beries QZi in: The Council on March 25 noted the reference ogress Reoport on the subject and that the Department of State is preparing a proposed revision of this policy for Council consideration (NSC Action No. 753). CQ.u. r }tSt?atus : Awaiting report by State. 10. IC SAM AM IC Ref: Plan. . NSC l'orSSenior oNSCoStaff, February 4, 1953 O in: The NSC, on February 25 1953 after discussing recoriunendations of the Department of State Panel of Con- sultants on Disarmament contained in their report on the subject (reference memo of February 4), referred the report to the Senior NSC Staff, directing it with the assistance of Dr. Vannevar Bush, to report back to the Council on possible means of carrying out the recommendations (NSC Action No. 725). Current Status: Awaiting: (a) preparation of a report by the Ad Hoc Committee on Armaments and American Policy of the NSC Planning Board on Recommendations 2-5 of the Panel of Consultants and (b) an outline plan to be prepared by PSB pursuant to NSC Action No. 799-a, of the specific steps, including speeches by government officials, which should be taken to carry out the recommendations contained in NBC 151. (See also related project above). 11. UNITED S;i WITH RESPECT TO NQRTI W MICA Ref. an Bd. - Memos for Senior Staff, March 4 and 16, 19,39 Record of Meeting of Planning Board, May 11, 1953 9 ND .69 and supplement Qr' : Draft statement of policy and staff study prepared by State were transmitted by reference memo of March 4 for consideration by the Senior Staff. Current status: Awaiting further consideration by the Planning Board of the draft report transmitted by the reference memos of March 4 and 16. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS 10 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 12 . 13. 14. 15. it UN Refs CoL -NSC 15/2 and 18/b Plan. Bd. .. Record of Meeting of Senior Staff, January 29, 1953 PrIala: The Senior Staff on January 29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. Current Status: Awaiting preparation of a draft report by State. Refs u NSC 144/1; Annex to NSC 144 Orir:~ino NSC 144/1, approved by the President on March 18, stated (para. 3) that its limited purpose was to define our objectives and courses of action concerning important problems common to the area; policies toward specific country situations, such as those in Argentina and Guate- mala, were left for subsequent papers. Cu tatu : Awaitinreports on specific country situations in Latin America from State (including especially Panama, Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Venezuela and Brazil). Ref: C9 ci -^NSC 1 +/1,paragraph 19; NSC Action No. 833 o Paragraph 19 of NSC 154/1, approved by the President on July 3, directs that in the light of the post-armistice situation a fundarientai review and reassessment of our basic policy toward Communist China as well as our position with respect to Korea, should be undertaken. Current Statusa Awaiting review by the Planning Board of basic U. S. policy toward Communist China in the light of the post-armistice situation. Ref o n ,. 13d-.- .. Record of 6eeting on June 29 0,Y The Planning Board on June 29 agreed to recommend that the Psychological Strategy Board with such outside assistance (e.g., from the Ford Foundation) as might be appropriate, prepare a study and recommendations on the sul:bject. Cur- t. Status o Awaiting preparation of a study and re- cor.raendations by the Psychological Strategy Board. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 11 -- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 16. Ref: Cou,~ncill - Progress Report dated January 199 953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 112; Memos, "Formulation of a United States Position with Respect to Regulation, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments", February 17 and June 3, 1953; NSC Action No. 717-1. 71,U: At its meeting on February 18 1953, the Council agreed to explore prior to the next UN General Assembly meeting in September, the possibility of a new U. S. pro- posal on the subject (NSC Action No. 717-1). CCur t Sta, tu : Awaiting completion of a review of NSC 112 by the Planning Board not later than September 1. 17. MDRITY OF C I 0 IN F G CMMWS Ref: C L - Progress Report dated June 8 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 29; NSC Action No. 837 Q, iin: The reference progress report was circulated for the information of the Council. CurTent,Status: Awaiting preparation of a draft report based on a review of NSC 29 by State, Defense, CDM and CIA representatives. 18. THE C 0 MIMP. A ECT TO U S RRef Coulzci l = NSC 98/1 gLa . Bd. Memo, June 9? Record of Senior Staff meeting, January 29 1953; Record of Planning Board meeting, June 22, 153 Origin: The Senior Staff at its meeting on January 29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question,. Current Status: Awaiting revision by the Board Assistants of the draft statement of policy on the subject transmitted by the reference memo of June 9. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 12 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 19. E C - G IC COMMUNICATIONS Ref: ouanci - NSC 137 and 137/1; Memos, June 2 and 30, July 3 and July 14, 1953; NSC Action Nos. 812 and 840; 1 . Bd. - Record of Meeting, July 1, 1953 Orr : At the request of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, his memorandums and its attached report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on "The Effect of Radio as a Medium for the Voice of America on Military Operations and Upon Military and Civil Telecommunications" were transmitted as NSC 137 for consideration by the Council of the recommendations contained in the second and third paragraphs of the memorandum. CurrA ,tStat3as,: Awaiting: (1) further consideration by the Planning Board of recommendations 3, 5 and 6 in its memorandum of June 2 pursuant to NSC Action No. 812-d after appointment of a Telecommunications Adviser to 0DM and (2) a Progress Report from the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, on the implementation of paragraphs 2 4 and 5 of the Council action being transmitted by the reference memorandum of July (due October 1, 1953) and on paragraph 3 (due January 1, 1954.) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS ".13- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800030008-4 1vr vu-Jar-1 SECURITY INFORMATION IV. QTHQCCRNT COUNCIL PROJECTS 1. 2. Origin: The Council on July 2, 1953, noted the Secretary of the Treasury is undertaking a review of Coast Guard operations, in connection with which he will submit to the National Security Council recommendations regarding matters involving interdepartmental operations (NSC Action No. 830-0 Current Status: Awaiting report by the Secretary of the Treasury. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration August 13. Ref : guncia n- 1.T C:_-~_ 9 ?N C Action Nos. 759, 777-..e, 782, AI' YS S F POSE IB COURSES OF ION IN KOREA Connection with the Situation in Korea", March 30, 1953; 1IE-80; SE-41 Orz in: Report on the subject prepared by the AC Planning Board in the light of the estimate of the JCS transmitted by the reference memo of March 30 was submitted as NSC 147 for the consideration of the Couc.l. current Status: A political annex setting forth the foreign policy implications of the course of action selected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been prepared by State pursuant to r1SC Action No. 794-k. Awaiting further con? sideration of the subject by the Council after completion of related studies now under way. EFFECT O ICI T ONE` L SECURITY INT RESTS IN LATIN Ai:ERIC OF POSSIBLE AN I-RUST PROCEEDINGS Ref : Co uc - I?Ie;no, June 1, 19573-2 NSC Action No. 805 Origin: A report by the NSC Planning Board on the subject reference memo of June 1) was considered by the Council on June 4 1953 and it was agreed that in view of the adverse effects on national security interests in Latin America of the proposed anti--trust proceedings; (a) The proposed anti-trust proceedings should be post oned p without prejudice to the Government for one year, and 9 (b) The Attorney General should be directed to negotiate with the company, as a matter of urgency, for the elimina--- tion of practices deemed to be inconsistent with U.S. anti- trust laws, reporting back to the NSC on the results of the negotiations (NSC Action No. 805). TUC STATUS OF PROJECTS .-14- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 SECURITY E'~TlOfiHATIOV EFFECT OF IATIONAL SECUI 0 F POSSIBLE 4VITI-TRUST- PR Current Status : Awaiting report from the Attorney General on the results of the above mentioned negotiations by June 1954. 4. A iJ$ OF Ui3 D STATES PR G 'i IvAT OLAL SEC U~~I AS OF, JiT;; 3Q 1 , itef : Cow it - NSC 153/1, 149/3, 142 0 igin: The President has directed that, in accordance westablished practice the departments and agencies responsible for the several national security programs prep&te reports on the status of those programs semi-annu- ally for the information of the President and the National Security Council. Current Status: Awaiting reports due August 1 on the status of United Stwtes programs for national security as of June 30, 1953, to be prepared by the departments and agencies concerned with the assistance of the NSC Special Staff. 5. JAPARESE R TREATY IST .IDS Re: : Council - i;'SC 12 /6, para. 4; Memo, June 15, 1953; iiSC Action No, 824 Or~? On June 25, 1953, the Council: (a) adopted the recommendation of the Department of State contained in paragraph 13-a-(2) of the enclosure to reference memorandum, to relinquish civil admiinistration over the Amami group to Japan as a matter of policy; subject to the understanding that, in view of the current situation in the Far East, implementation of this policy and any public anouncement as proposed in paragraph 13-b.will be deferred pending review of the situation by the i;SC on the recommendation of the Secretaries of State and Defense within 90 days; and (b) agreed that the Bureau of the Budget, and otikr interested agencies, should recommend fm Council con- sideration a policy on the civil administration of those Ryukyu Islands remaining under U.S. jurisdiction which would reduce U. S. responsibility for such civil administ- ration as rapidly as compatible with U. S. military re- quirements (NSC Action No. 824). Ciirrent Status: Awaiting (a) review of the situation by e Council before September 25 upon the recominedation LSC ST.hTU3 OF PROJECTS -15- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION JAPANESE TRE ATY IS NDS (C ont ? d) of the Secretaries of State and Defense pursuant to NSC Action No. $24-a, and (b) a proposed policy by the Secre- tary of Defense on the civil administration of those Ryukyu Islands remaining under U.S. jurisdiction. 6. PERTAIN UROPE IS S ECTING H UNITED STA Ref : ourlcil - NSC 115; Memo, June 23, 1953 ri - i ? At the request -_of the President:a ldtter to the President from Ambassador Draper transmitting a study on the subject was circulated to the Council for consideration and study by the reference memorandum of June 23. Curren Status: Awaiting the views of the incoming Joint Ch ii s of Staff on the letter and report from Ambassador Draper. (Due September 1.) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS -16- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800030008-4 SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE NSC CIA CONTROL NO. 77415 - DOC. NO. DATE DOC. RECD. Doc. Date 2QJulq3 99 Copy NO. LOGGED BY NO. of Pages 10; HS NO. OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED, DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TU TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OF- FICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. 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