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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1962
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? 25X1A Approved For Release 2r1/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823ROQ#80 1 August 1962 OFFICE OF' SECURITY DIRECTIVE No. 62-6 FOR OS Deputy Directors, Staff, Division, and Branch Chiefs SUBJECT . Transmittal of Information on CIA Covert or Clandestine Activities 1. The following definition of Agency policy concerning the Subject matter of this Directive was recently issued by the DDCI: "1. It is the policy of the Agency to restrict to the greatest possible degree, on a strict 'need-to-know basis, ' knowledge of covert or clandestine activities conducted by the Agency, to place as little of this information as possible in memoranda pre- pared for issuance outside the Agency, and to insure that any information released (regardless of degree of classification) is strictly for the use of the heads of other departments and agen- cies with a distinct need to know. "2. To insure that this policy is rigidly adhered to, the following channels will be used for transmittal of information on covert and clandestine activities: a. Such information requested by the White House staff will be coordinated with the DD/P and channeled through the DCI or DDCI. b. Such information for the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board will be chan- neled through the Office of the Executive Director. c. Such information for the Congress will be coordinated with the DD/P and channeled through the DCI or DDCI. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130005-1 ~Approved For Release X1/04/05: CIA-RDP83BOO823ROW800130005-1 SECRET d. Such information for any other agencies of the Government will be channeled through the Deputy Director. (Plans). 113. In the event requests for information on covert or clandestine activities reach the Agency through other than normal communications channels, clearances will be obtained from the DD/P prior to taking, action, and. the channels estab- lished in paragraph 2 above will be used for subsequent trans- mittals. " 2. You are .requested. to insure that this statement is brought to the attention of all employees directly or indirectly concerned with the Subject matter. Questions of interpretation should be immediately referred to the Director or Deputy Director of Security. 25X1A Director of Security Sheffield Edwards Group 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130005-1 25X1A Ap a5NEell IL CHEC FI A 4 TOP A140 BOTTOM 0 %J 1119 _ OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS DD/IOS 2 01 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1. Outside of paragraph 2c. , which is in error, should any other changes be made? or 2. In view of the unlikelihood of OS channeling any clandestine or covert activities data outside CIA, should we just rescind the Directive. FOLD HEAE TO RETURN TO SENDER PHONE NO. D DATE - EPD X3633 DC/ 14Aug72 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 00800130005-1 (40) 00800130005-1 OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIA 1 CIS S ., f 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1. Outside of paragraph 2c. , which is in error, should any other changes be made? or 2. In view of the unlikelihood of OS channeling any clandestine or covert activities data outside CIA, should we just rescind the Directive. 25X1A FOLD HERE TO ETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAM PHONE NO. DATE e~ -.-ENDER W Approv 25X1A Appro SS CRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS D TE INITIALS DD/PS 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE _ INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1. Outside of paragraph 2c. , which is in error, should any other changes be made? or 2. In view of the unlikelihood of OS channeling any clandestine or covert activities data outside CIA, should we just rescind the Directive. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADD E D PHONE IVO. D /E DATE 0 FORM No. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 130005-1 130005-1 Approv 25X14 S D R WIL 1F1 --- fiflffRt5nnnc CO OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS DD/PTOS % li~~- 2 , 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1. Outside of paragraph 2c. , which is in error, should any other changes be made? or 2. In view of the unlikelihood of OS channeling any clandestine or covert activities data outside CIA, should we just rescind the Directive. FOLD HERE TO RET TO S R FROM: NAME ADD HONE 1. DC/EPD X3633 DATE 14 0130005-1 00130005-1 Appro 25X1 A App ILL IC _ TTOM ~U O L OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DD/IOS 2 3 DD /PS 4 DD/PTOS 5 ,,..s 6 C /SRS ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1. Outside of paragraph 2c. , which is in error, should any other changes be made? or 2. In view of the unlikelihood of OS channeling any clandestine or covert activities rfjr- data outside CIA, should we just xeacc~ the Directive. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER i FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DC/E:PD X363 'qF6_ DATE 14Aug72 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 00130005-1 00130005-1