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March 13, 1972
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Approved For Release 2Q00/09/03: CIA-RDP83B00QSL3ff0.0(8g9J?0017-9 13 March 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Director's Testimony Before the Nedzi Subcommittee Based on the general line of questioning of DOD and Justice witnesses by the Nedzi Subcommittee, the fol- lowing questions may be asked of the Director: New Executive Order on Classification 1. Were there any provisions that the Agency desired in the new Executive Order which the White House rejected? 2. Are you satisfied that the new Executive Order will provide intelligence sources and methods adequate protection? / 3. What problems will the Agency have in implementing the automatic declassification provision of the new Executive Order? 4. Are there any other provisions of the Executive Order that the Agency will have problems in implementing? Need for Additional Le islation 1. Do you consider existing criminal laws adequate to protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure? 2. Do you feel that any additional legislation is necessary? 3. Do you have any problems in carrying out your respon- sibilities under the National Security Act of 1947 to protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure? 4. What is your position as to the proposed Commission to be established under H. R. 9853? Wouldn't a Commission comprised of representatives from the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches be the best way to resolve the difficult problems faced? Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800120017-9 Approved For Release 200/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823RW0800120017-9 5. Do you feel that the Congress can be of any assistance and what would you propose? Agency Classification Program The Chairman has asked for facts and figures on classification programs, such as: a. How many persons can classify TS? Secret? Confidential? b. What are the procedures if material is declassified? c. What are the procedures for destroying and retiring classified material? (This may lead to questions on compliance with GSA regulations on destruction of material and the relationship of the Agency with the Archives. ) Agency Personnel Security Program There may be a line. of questioning to determine the adequacy of the Agency personnel security program? Chairman Nedzi requested that Mr. Buzhardt provide to the Subcommittee the DOD appeals procedures if a security decision is adverse. (Mr. Buzhardt acknowledged the right of an employee to appeal to the courts.) The Chairman may very well ask if the Director considers his removal authority under Section 102(c) of the National Security Act effective and adequate. The apparent impunity with which former Agency employees, such as Vic Marchetti, can talk about Agency activities may well be inquired into. 25X1A Distribution: Orig - Subcommittee 1 - OGC -'= D/Security 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:PLC/jal:14Marl 972 Approved For Release 2000;109/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800120017-9 9/03 : CIA-RDP8;W0 X018&Q120017-R] SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET $l~JECT; ,(Optional)__,_. D~ tQr's T~st~znor>y Before the Nedzi Subcom t _ Legislative _Counse1 T . (Officer d building i3/Security OFFICER'S INITIALS OLC 72-0326 13 March 1972 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) SECRET 0 CONFIDENTIAL 6136 25X1A DP83 RO0823 R000800120017-9 INTERNAL . _T-INLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED