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Document Release Date:
August 30, 2010
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Publication Date:
April 25, 1983
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/30 :CIA-RDP90-00
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many lakes is the46,000-acre Hammaa ; Family members said Mr. Perry had
State Park au Bear Mountain. The park booked a IIight to Zurich, Switzerland,
~~~issing dormer G.M. official
found Slain in Bear 1V~t. Lake
The body o1 a man recovered earlier
this month from s New York State lake
has bees identi5ed as that of a former
General Motors executive who had es-
teasive b?.LSiness contacts is Europe and
South America. He was found with
three bullets is the head and weights si-
tacbed wthe legs.
The state police have opened a broad
iavestigatioa into the drrumstanoes of
his ?disappearance from a midtown
Manhattan hotel last ?January and his
suit murder
The businessman, George M:. Perry.
84 years old, disappeared from the
Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City in
January, leaving behind iZ,000 in
American ,and Brazilian money in a
hotel safe~epasit boa. At his disappear-
ance, be was working as as interna-
tional trade consultant for a Bzazilian
~w YO~Y TI*'~S
25 ~?~~ 1~3
- .The body was fooad AprU 8 by usher- f Mr. Perry had been living in an apart-
men on the shore of Lake Tiorati, one o! -; ment since August.
is in
aunty, 45 miles from Man-
An autopsy showed that Mr. Perry
had bees shot in the head at close range
with three .2?.caliber bullets and that
that was to leave New York Jan. 9. He
was tv meet a business associate there,
perhaps go am to East Germany and
then head for Brazil, where he had hem
so far the s~
suspect nor a
they had not raked orrt the possibility
that Mr. Perry miglz? have been the via
lien of a robbery goee air,
But their investigation hen focused ao
his corporate lice and his possible tnoel-
't'he police have been sorting through
Mr. Ferry's telephone records sad j
other documeau to try to piece together
the last week of his life in New York
Mr. Ferry's three sons -Bill, 33;
Jack, 28, and J awes, 22 -last saw Lhedr
father aver Christmas, when he re-
turned from Siio Paulo to go on a sluing
vacation with them in Colorado. The
sons said he was in good spirits. They
said he was an avid skier and tennis
player and was fluent is six languages
-Czech, German, English, French,
Spanish and Pornrguese and also spoite
some Russian. His parcels. American
dtizees, were living in Prague,
Czechoslovakia, in 1918 whey Mr. Perry
was born.
Last Jea. 2 he left Colorado for Ohio.
He and his wife had lived in a luxury
condominium in the Walden Country
Club -Development is Aurora, Ohio,
near the former Trrex Division plant of
General Motors. From 197 until his r^e`
tirement in 1881, Mr. Perrywas the gen- j
eral manager of Terea, which msautaa
tared heave equipment.,
Mr. Ferry's wife committed suidde
last summer; she had bees mentally W ;
for several years, her family said. The j
police said there was m connection be-!
tweea her death and Mr. Perrp'c. ~
his booty had been dmmped into the lake ~ b~ don't know where this one will ~ All Appeared `Fine,'
sometime in January, when the park leas us," said Joseph Brown, the !Then Victim Vanished
was d~T~? Orange County District Attorney. In an ~
The body was sully clothed, dressed is imerview, Mr. Brown dean Ibed Mr. ~ The former General Motors caeca.
a suit, as overcoat, shoes and sodo3. It ; perry as a ' `worldwide traveler" whose s five arrived in Manhattan on Jaa. ~, sad ~
. was ideatffied three days later tltr~tgh ~ asst as he had done on previous business i
gnmeats in 30
ears with G
eneral i trips, checked into the Grand Hyatt'
a label sewn i*-to the suit by a tailor in ~ Motors took him from Scotland to the ;Hotel in 42d Strcet at Grand Ceetral
Ohio. The victim's wallet was missing. ,European Continent to South America. ~ Terminal. His family believes; that on
Now, t~~wo?weeks tait~er the body was Both the state police and the prosecu- ~ the Jaa. 9 flight booked to Zurich he was
ass~gnea a mvesngators to toe case, to a number of basic questions. For ex- of Still Bras inc., his Sdo Paulo concern,
have gathered details about Mr. Per- t ample, where was Mr. Perry killed? In ,and to travel with him *o a trade show,
ry's record in World War II sad his ! New York City in Orange County or possibly in East Germany. From there,
business dealin
s both i
ey were to go to Brazil.
Instead Mr. Perry vanished.
~uu i;. way not ..r...Q.,s, Lo nave 8 ao?en ~"`"" "` ' The youngest of his sons, James, a
was dumped in the lake, but they have .student at the Case Western Reserve
invesatigatora working on such a case. been usable to determine wheat he was
No other police agency is inve~tigatieg I thrown into the water. ~ University School of Law, said his last
the allying InvesCtgators telephone conversation with his father
Because Ms. Perry had spent most ai said ~' also wanted to determine why took place on Friday, Jan. 7, at the i
his adult life Lake 7`iorati was chosen. hotel.
police said t ~ i ~ ~ ~ I Mrs Brown, the District Attorney, 'I was still vacatiorsing in Colorado,'>
~ said that whoever disposed o1 the body James Perry said in an interview. "My ,
possfbiL?ry that he had done intelligence ( must have known the state park well. father sounded just fine. He was talking
work for the United States. They are ~ The body was thrown into the lake at a about ordinary family business. He told
aL~o sheckiag his business involvement' spot, eight miles iron the New York en- me he was going to go to Switzerland
in New York City and South America. ice, where the lake meets the road and would be leaving on Sunday, the
The state police said they had not yex and there is easy access to the water- 9th."
traveled to S8o Paulo, Brazil, where i
someplace in between? The police said
Cfatoe anri oi~-~n~A Cfefn Ml3wa nM.w:a 1a? _
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/30 :CIA-RDP90-005528000505020004-7