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June 8, 1984
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i Approved For Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP05TO2051 R000200370009-0 June 8, 1.'e- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sac. 8. (a) ESTAat.rsSIMErrr.-The Secretary shall establish a Manufacturing Science and Technology Enhancement Advisory Com- mittee to advise the Secretary concerning the activities to be eorducta.d under this Act. The Advuury Committer Fh^ll have representation from technotagN-snr*iiive in- dustrial sectors. from labor, from the manu- facturing research community. and from such other sectors as the Secretary consid- ers appropriate. Such mernbers shall be ap- pointed by the Secretary for at term of 2 years. and shall receive no compensation. Any such member shalt, in accordance with section 5703 of title 5. united States Code. be entitled to rcimburscment for travel or transportation expenses incurred In the per- formance of responsibilities as a toember of the Advisory Committee. (b) Fbl.crioNs,-The Advisory. Committee shall- (1) review the policies and selection crite. ria for grants made and cooperative agree- ments entered into under this Act; --- ----- (2) review the progress of the Secretary of Commerce in meeting all the requirements of this Act; (3) assess the effectiveness of the activi- ties funded pursuant to this Act; and (4) submit to the Secretary, at least annu- ally, evaluations and recommendations re- garding activities carried out under this Act. (c) Rarowr -The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Congress an annual report on its activities under this Act. (d) A1'Pt.ICAalLITy.-The Advisory Commit- tee shall be subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 1 et seq.). The amendment was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. - Mr. BAKER. Mr. President. I move to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed. Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. LITE COMMERCIALIZATIO ACT OF 1984 the bill (H.R. 5155) to establish a system to promote the use of land remote-sensing satellite data, and for other purposes, which had been re- ported from the Committee on Com- merce, Science, and Transportation with an amendment to strike all after the enacting clause and insert: That this Act may be cited as the "Land Remote Sensing Satellite Connnere-taliza- lion Act of 1964" TITLE I- DECLA RATION OF FINDINGS AND PURPOSES FINDINGS SEC. 101. The Congress finds and declares that- (1) the Federal Government's espi rimental i,andsat system has a,tablished the United States as the world leader in land remote sensing satellite technology; (2) the continuous collection of land remote sensing data from satellites is of major benefit in managing the Earth's natu- rat resources: (3) private sector involvement in space can provide sound bases for the future growth of space-based technologies; (4) it is necessary to determine the extent to which it is appropriate and in the nation- al interest for the private sector to assume responsibility for civil land remote sensing satellite system operation and data manage- ment,' ISI the existing cirf/ land remote sensing system of the United Stales involves impor- tant international commitments; (6) civil land remote sensing involves rele- vant national security concerns; 171 it is in the national interest to promote the establishment of private land remote sensing ventures; (8) private industry is best suited to devel- op ma rkets for remote sensing data,' (9) it is doubtful that the private sector alone currently can develop a total land remote sensing system because of the high risk and large capital expenditure involved,' (101 cooperation between the Federal Gov- ernment and private industry is necessary S 6,S53 civil land remote sensing satellites Inrolr- ing rectification of distortions, registration rilh respect to features of the Earth, and calibration of spectral response; the term does not inclade conclusions, manipulu lions. or calculctions derived from such sig- nals or con,t:ination of the signals u ith other data or information; and (5) "United States private entity" means any eftizen of the United States or any non- governmental entity or consortium of enti- ties, the majority of chose assets is owned by citizens of the United States, the majority of whose personnel is comprised of citizens of the United States, and whose principal place of business is in the United States. TITLE 11-OPERATION AND DATA MARE. STING OF LANDSAT S }STEM to manage- effcctioely-LAe existing Landsat.-- Ss 20LJa1 The Department of Commerce system so as to ensure data continuity, to shall be responsible for- honor international and national security responsibilities, and to broaden the data market enough to support self-rufJlcient pri- vate ventures; and (11) such cooperation should be structured to minimise the amount of support and reg- ulation by the Federal Government, while assuring continuous availability to the Fed- eral Government of tared remote sensing data. PURPOSES Src 202. The purposes of this Act are to- (l) guide the Federal Government in achieving proper involvement of the private sector by providing a framework for gradual commercialization of land remote sensing. allowing an increasing private role as the market for data expands, and assuring con- tinuous data availability to the Federal Government; (2) preserve the leading position of the United States in civil land remote sensing, preserve the national security, and honor the international obligations of the United States; (31 reaffirm the right of all nations to sense the Earth's surface and acquire land remote sensing data, so long as such data are made available to all potential users on a nondiscriminatory basis; and (4l minimize the duration and amount of further Federal investment necessary to assure data continuity while achieving com- mem-ialization of civil land remote sensing. DZRNI7TONS Sec 103. For purposes of this Act, the term- fl) "Landsat system" means Landsat 4 and Landsat 5, and related ground equip- ment, systems and facilities; (2) "nondiscriminatory basis" means without preference, bias, or any arrange- ment that favors any purchaser or class of purchasers over another, such that- (A) data products are made available to all potential buyers at standard, published prices; (B) all purchasers are given the same op- portunities for access to data, such as time- lines, of availability and terms of delivery; and (CI special arrangements, other than any arrangement for exclusive access to data by any purchaser, such as volume discounts, gathering of data with certain characteris- tics requested by a purchaser, and mainte- nance of secrecy regarding any such ar- ranoements, are permissible if the availabil- ity sad prices of such services are published and uniformly available to all data purchas- ers; (3) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce; l4) "unenhanced data" means digital or maximally processed signals collected from (11 the orbit and data collection of Land- sat 4, and disposition of Landsat 4 upon the termination of its useful operation, as deter- mined and published by the Secretary; (2) the orbit and data collection of Land- sat 5, and disposition of Landsat S upon the termination of its useful operation, as deter- mined and published by the Secretary; (Jl ground equipment and facilities which are used to operate the Landsat system; and (4) provision of data to foreign ground stations under the terms of existing Memo- randa of Understanding between the United States Government and nations that operate ground stations. (b) The Department of Commerce may extend any such Memoranda of Understand- ing if such extension provides for their expi- ration upon the termination of the useful operation of the Landsat system. (c) The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the Department of Commerce from continuing to contract for the operation of the Landsat system, so long as the United States Government retains- (1) ownership of the system; 12) ownership of the unenhanced and (3) authority to make decisions concern- ing operation of the system. NAF.KFT1N0 OF UNENHANCED DATA SEC. 202. (a/ In accordance with the re- quirements of this title, the Secretary shall, to the extent provided in advance by appro- priation Acts, by means of a competitive process contract with a United States pri- vate entity for the marketing of unenhanced data collected by the Landsat system. Any such contract shall provide that- (l) the contractor may set the prices of un- enhanced data products, if the products are always available to all potential users on a nondiscriminatory basis; (2) the contractor shall compensate the United States Government for the right to sell the data by payment of an initial fee, a percentage of data sales receipts, or some combination of such fee and receipts; 13) the contractor shall pay to the United States Government the full purchase price of any vncnhanced data that the contractor elects to utaiY for purposes other than sale. In accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection: 14) the contractor shall not engage in any sale of processed data except in a manner consistent with applicable antitrust laws; and (5) the Secretary has determined that such contract is likely to result in cost savings for the United States Government (bi Prior to entering into such a contract, the Secretary shall publish the requirements of subsection (a)(1) through (5) of this sec- Approved For Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP05TO2051 R000200370009-0 Approved For Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP05TO2051 R000200370009-0 C0:\(' Ji1:SS10NAL R CORD - SI ;:A7 E truce and the contract shall be suttlect to June 8, 19b'~ such rey and theenti DATA Mj%-r1Nterr tell!/ Any decision or SEC 302. 77ee Secretary shall evaluate pro. 16/n (th +?d in sarbseetion to) fl) through bL' the Se nrta Proposed drelsion poscla !Corn United States p cL this s B Sretton rY to enter into any such con- Private entities 121 For purposes tract shall be traits to the Co.- i;tee fora Centred for the dit?elupstent avd 0V-r. t/l/ rr nlir,tr!!p of ae ion is broken only by 'hl ?':cnulr uud der C