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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030015-0 CLASSIFICATION SECURITY- INrORMAT?OXONFI!FEN 03o CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOIi1 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic - Agriculture, forestry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Sian DATE PUBLISHED 13 M&y 1951 LANGUAGE Chinese CTNFl gCYNlNT cONNINI OroNYAnoN u/NCnN nl NMNNILL plnNll '01 TNl YNOp lilnl NlnlN iwi ~4NINl pr OY...... ACT :p /. 1. c.. l I ANp n. u ?Nawplp. m TuuualoN ow rxl u:lunoN O.. llilp r[llpN Il rro 01 ITf C .1 LA. IN ANf N]NNO 01 ro IN MS / VNNN U Nnlnp NT ll~. NINppYrnpN rlONnlnp. SOURCE Chun-chung Ji'n-pao. DALE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. $ Nov 1951 NO. OF PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS IINEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT OF NORTHWEST CHINA AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY DEPARTMENT ON PRODUCTTOIV_ACHII VEMEPTTS, FFIRSTT QUARTER 1951 /C,tton growing has expanded noticeably in the Northwest during 1951. In four Special Admtnietrative. Districts the increase in acre- age was 297,000 mow above thar of 1950 and 125,000 mow above the original plans (one mou eqn? s lib e:rei, Some 8 million trees have Qyeady been se+ in 195_i, In one local area in Shensi 180,000 trees were eat out ,1: 4 days. From 60 to 70 percent of this year e planting s aurvty;t:F. Forest-fire control is being actively pr,ttoteo Government loans tr.taiing 22,Y .000,000 year nave been advanced to farmers this year tr get the agr cu]tire! program well under way. Considerable quantities of =e.iief grain have been issued on a loan basis to sufferers from the spring drought and floods. Aggressive leadership has been diup!ayed it,, the Northwest thus far in 1951 in preparing and carrying o:.t agricultural production plans. Many conferences ;u all levels have been held to arouse en- thusiasm and extend guidance in toe spring planting program. Over 1,000 reassigned lend-reform arid eapeclally recruited cadres have been busy leading the program. Some of the usual defcrta have shown up, such as lack of thorough indoctrination, deviation in r,ctiv_Ties, formalism, and enthusiasm without sufficient knov]edee I',-rinuous promotion of training pro- grams is still essantial. There are serious shortages of farm tools, implements, and work animals, since the increased purchasing power of the farmers has greatly stepped up the demand for them. Peasant patrol:. ate being organized to prevent forest and field fires by saboteurs .7 - 2 - CLASSIFICATION _CNFIDENfTAt STATE JJ NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR FBI ~~~--T- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030015-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030015-0 tORTIOEHIIAL CONFIDENTIAL r Great progress has been made this spring in the agricultural production of Northwest China. This progress is largely due to: (1) the people's enthusiastic desire to produce, (2) sound leadership, and (3) early commencement of work. Spring crops have been planted on time, Even in deficient areas (such as Wei- yuan and Yu-shu hsiens in Ching-hvi Province, Ho?.lan and Ping-lo helens in Nirgsia Province, Lin-hsia, F:ac-ttai, Yung-teng, and Wu-wei hsiens in Kansu Province), the problem of seed shortage has been solved with the assistance of the Cer.tral People's Government and loans freely and actively made among the people. The cultivated areas have maintained the level of 1950. Generally, the winter at fields of this regicn have been carefully hoed at least once. Those in central and southern Shensi Frovince have been hoed twice sr.' the weeds there have boFn p.i:-ed once With the exreptlon of a small area in sc,thern 0hensi wht.i. is . -? insect~ and wheat diseases, most of he wheat fle]ds in ot.h=- rpr- .,ntr aci a-e expected to yield 70-80 percent of the previnc:s 1?ec-t,, . As for cotton growing, prise equalization and advance purchasing, the tats. sn>F.i 3e much larger than that of the previous year. AccorJi:,y, . is e lcd by t.._ Speztel Sdministrative Districts of Hang-Yang, We: r., Ia: c nd r:g, -he total cultivated -ottcn area is 297,00'] m"'u 't,:t an increase of 125,000 mou or 73.2 percent tt- ?.`-a1 aree crig:nai.y planned to be cul- tivated. Besides this, m,r,t of :.eid?3 are we:: watered. Many people are row planting cotta t:ail, ;t,1ct e f.rmer,y used for planting melons, vegetables, and th,. c .+h::0 - froze,i luit +.pring,such as barley, oats, vegetable see ! .. and peas luny people are clearing other land that ha, t r 'wc; ~ , p i t , yw.-- r r:p:eparat3,'.: r. 'r planting cotton. With regard to new m-ttc.,'.., ,. g-ew:ng, tc?- ?O,000 p,ouls of fine cottonseed loaned this sprang by ... ?teec .Ynv:ncia1 g:vernment have been used in experimentation e.l r"i'ati?n rac:- het bean f?+,r,3 tc be well above 78 percent. A; e. r :eul, rt?.?'s._ ^xn-riments, many cotton growers in cen- tral and southern Shers: ens seed se1-:?tion. For ex- ample, under the personal Z,u:........ .. , : to of Yang Soler,, over 9,000 rn*tnn-grrn.i' 1r T t: fh'i-li, and 13 other listens partic:paced in m., They selected more than i-6,O0o cattle, of eI e.. .,- .-., :can 15,000 meu or approximately one fif*_n ... ;tr However, due to cold weather and ep .r..;e. - 1-?.r. retn-r in sprout- ing. According to repnrrr, fr..^ *, ,i Admin:strat:ve District and a few other districts, abc??:t I?rr : C oaseed scan have slrouted. In Wei-nan Special,:v-- 1i,rr,ct s1 ,?: ,.r :rig w:,ss complete in about 20 percent of the cotton fields. 1n-.e Other li..ricts are now in the process of sprouting. Due to the foci tt,?,n.t.-fnO farmer; dad not completely master the methods of cotton glowing, !n:?c:ts rr..:r? med. appearance in a few areas. Yet most of the farmers havr_ been rr.r :...f:, 11-., proving cotton this spring than they had been in the pre,;!-- e;,d ''t-. manure r,iC been used in fer- :.ilizing tie fields. in addition to uei::g ^.. demolished old earthen bed%, old mod walls, and th earth to scatter on the fields. Others dug mod f.. f,: tke same p.crpoee. Generally speaking, the wheat field; :n i3 1r. ,..-e have been fertilized with two more cart loads of marureper mau th'in an_;, ie,' year, The cotton fields :r. r Frr.vir.: have he-n ipread with bean refuse, besides being p_?-el t-'. ar:d fern,liz-_d with three to five part scars of manure ( making n.. of one t,-ilf ?::, two cart loads). At K'o- sheng-chang in Chang-an lama, ..: -rtual ;stan;:e ,r-i.p has reduced the former Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030015-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030015-0 CONFIDENTIAL di.wentions of the village wall (1.97.4 inches high and 12.6 inches wide) to - 98.7 and 70.5 inches, using the esrth thus obtained to p_?epare more than 800 cart leads of manure. The farmer- in Ban-yuan Hsinn have bought 2,400 new iron hoes to plant cotton more deeply, The farmers of Ningsia and Tsinghai provinces are rapidly switching to row planting, -tr, e they have discovered tl;t this helps save seed, makes it easier hoe tna grass, results in fewer tnse,:ta and diseases, saves labor, produces greater ..saves'., and improves the ;ua' ity of the cotton, in Kansu 'rovince, f.r me ,-,,yrpoae c.' eiimlrating indents and diseases, -cote and copper carbcrare !'save beer, used ;r: ,:cn,; n:,ion with the planting cottoc,aeed over an are. of 160:000 m:... ,-.;, >_n increase of 60 percent Clove Inc area spenified in the c i~_nal olar.. The Bureau of Agrioultone .-eo;i r, ??,.::- has established 14 model eta- :rre,.owerlog an area If u asp-r_--?:.r' vrh new methods of growing crtt.;n. The work Is to be dL-ne oy t u Lrpr,r a:=rt of AR-icultural Experimenta- tion with the cooperation of worker her:.en To prevent floods and drought, var.-.avs are being cleared and dams re- paired throughout the entire regiCr., ..,- '?am at ..r in Shensi Province was opened or. 16 April to irrigate t s.:rr-a%dir.a f;elds. As a result, the total irrigated area has been increased fr:m 1_C, Gv m u to 100,000 or 250,000 mou. In Ningsia Province, the Irrv!r.cta' f,._?;?;Zorn car re:r,ri?ei more than 40,000 -iv_lian workers t:. opals t',e dam .? -._, y::d c n t.k:n: o provinces, the work _m dams !~ being dc.-.- by ! .r-,, r; _ .... In n-n.e areas, irrigation .,rr_n1t'.ees have bee:, orrur.toed ?r, ..., :- c:?..,. . r1_Cte of, have not been fully made: known to the cadre staffs and the pecpie end It, certain cases there is dissatis- faction and deviation in the method of carrying out those policies. For example, in many areas where the practice of 1=ndin.- ,nd borro:-inv has been adopted, the malpractice of the so-called "demand borr_'a r,.-" has :_!>r. :curred. in the pro- gram of mutual assistance and :e rrr.:: g work tr..; much stress has been placed on forms and fors:alic_s:. Brea of itrumchi. .ndts- criminate felling -?f trees nas .,sit:n.ra ? The cost obvious defect, ,> - : r-.z- ; ff' w : i?er, are full of rr;tlusiasm but lack sound idea' aci tLey fir'd it easier to rally me pecpie than to give t!:???rc o 9 . :.ea" steff workers have not coordinated 111 asps,', .: w?;ri: pr. : ion, relief, laid reform, and the desist America, A:: F: