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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMAT13N GONE IDENTII CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENT3 OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR DATE OF SUBJECT Political; Economic - Ministerial organization, INFORMATION 1931+ - 1951 HOW food industry PUBLISHED Books, official decrees monthly DATE DIST. /9 Mar 1952 Bail ' Y Periodicals, WHERE Y newspapers PUBLISHED USSR NO. OF PAGES 10 DATE PUBLISHED 1938 - Jun 1951 LANGUAGE Russian SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. TVI[ DOCUnI T COIITAIVf IYPOOATO[ AgYCTItt TV[ YATIOYAL 017[111 oP TM[ VYIT[O [TAIIL YITVIY TV[ ^[AYIYP OP ufOIUn ACT [o Y. L. C.. ! I AYO A.4 ?111710. In TYtt[Y1[[IOY O[ TY[ [b6ATIOO ITl COYT[YT[ 111 AVT YAYYVY 1O All YYAVTMtt13[O 771101 If PYO iIIT[O LT LAY, ttPYOOUCTIGY OP Twit Pitt U PY0YIY0O. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ORGAK_ZATION OF MINISTRY OF FOOD INDUSTRY USSR ts,rr: i :, parentheses refer to appended sources] ''-'h? People's ommireariat cf Focd Industry was established on 29 July 1934 :/ i:ree. of the Central Executive Committee and the of People's Com- -I '-:?.~ar= JSSR, which divided the People' a Commissariat of Foreign and Internal T.-ads intc the People's Commissariat of Internal Trade and the People's Com- mi,sariat of Food Industry. According to the Stalin Constitution of 1936 e Feo.Ple'_ Commissariat of Fond Industry is a union-republic commissariat. (1) January 1939, the People's Commissariat of Food Industry was subdivided by .. ukase of the Presidium, Supreme Soviet USSR, into the People's Commissariat Fist Industry, the People's Commissariat of Meat and Dairy Industry, and the Pec-p;e's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR.(2) The People's Commissariat of Fic-d Industry was charged with superviT:ion of the baking and confectionary in- du=try, the sugar, alcohol, and liqueur industries, the fats and perfume and r.oimer.ic industries, and all other enterprises not transferred to the People's (i^_mmiasariat of Meat and Dairy Industry or to the People's Commissariat of Fish Industry.(l) On 15 March 1946, the People's Commissariat of Food Indus. 5.ry USSR became the Ministry of Food Industry USSR. The Minis try of Gustatory Industry USSR was organized by a ukase of 15 July 1946. Enterprises, sovkhozes, and organizations of the following industries were transferred to its jurisdiction from the Ministry of Food Industry USCR: alcoholic spirits, viniculture, liqueur-vodka, brewing, mineral water and nuu- -alcoholic beverages, perfume and cosmetics, volatile oils, tea, tobacco and makhorka. and tae sulfite-alcohol and hydrolysis industry.(3) On 20 January 1949, the Min'stry of Gustatory Industry USSR and the Ministry of Food Industry USSR were consolidated into the Ministry of Food Industry USSR.(4) The most complete information on the organizational structure and functional competence of the Ministry of Food Industry USSR is embodied in a decrees of the Courncil of People's Commissars of 22 May 1938, which is quoted in full below.(5) It should be borne it mind that at that date what was then the People's Commis- sariat of Food Industry still encompassed both the meat and dairy industry end tre fish industry. -1- CONFIDENTIPI CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION AIR FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CONFIDEN~ Statute on the Structure of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR, 1938 In accordance with Articles 76 and 78 of the Stalin Constitution, the Peo- ple'sCommissariat of Food Industry USSR is a union-republic commissariat. wnicu has Jurisdiction over the USSR food industry. 2. In accordance with Articles 72 and 73 of the Stalin Constitution, the head of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR is the People's Commis- sar of Food Industry, who directs all the activities of the commissariat and branches of economy subordinate to it. The People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR exercises its jurisdic- tion over the food industry through corresponding republic commissariats and also supervises enterprises directly subordinate to it. *. The People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR: a. Draws up, and submits for confirmation by the USSR Government, col- lective plans for the food industry (perspectives yearly, and quarterly), al- 1018tinr them by industries of union, republic, and local subordination; directly supervises fulfillment of government plans for the food industry of union subordi- and through republic commissariats, fulfillment of plans for republic and local food industries b. Provides technical :id and supervision to enterprises and trusts of unz')n-republ:c, and local food industries; introduces new techniues, Improve- ments. and inventions, issues inventor's certificates and patents c. Directs the organization of labor, establishes work norms and wage rates crgani.zes recruitment of wor.R ng cadre,.=., supervises the '.,_hanovite move- ment in the union-level food industry; issues directives to republic commis- and supervises their work in this sphere Supervises construction work of enterprises and organizations of union subordination directly and that of republic-level enterprises indirectly through republic commissariats; confirms projects and estimates for above-plan construction, and standard construction projects for the food industry e. Establishes a finance system for enterprises and organizations of t-he food industry; finances enterprises and organizations of union subordination directly and those of republic subordination Indirectly through republic commis- sariats f. Organizes technical and material supply for enterprises and con- struction work of union subordination; issues directives to republic commis- sariats for organizing supply of republic enterprises and republic and local construction work g. Supervises sales for union enterprises and sales of planned products for enterprises of republic and local subordination; issues directives to repub- lic commissariats concerning the sale of the remaining products locally produced; supervises the who)esale and retail trade apparatus for the food industry n. Receives obligatory supplies of livestock, milk, and butter deliv- ered to the state: contracts for and organizes the procurement of sugar beets, tobacco, fruits and vegetables, hops, and other agricultural produce, the pro- curement of which has been assigned the People's Commissariat at Food Industry USSR by decrees of the USSR government CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENT 1. Directly supervises educational and scientific-research institu- tions subordinate to the union commissariat, supervises and aids republic com- missariats in training cadres. rectl J- Feviews accounts and balances of enterprises and institutions di- Y subordinate to the union commissariat; checks collective accounts of e prises nte of rprises of local republic subordinationsubordination, and, in certain cases, those of enter- . 5. The people's commissar appoints economic and technical chiefs of main Administrations, divisions, and sectors of the union commissariat, and of trusts and enterprises directly subordinate to it; confirms chiefs and deputy chiefs of main administration of the food industry of zapablic subordi- nation, and economic and technical heads of the most important republic enter- prises and trusts. 6. The people's commissar will intercept and alter any orders or instruc- tions issued by republic commissariats which conflict with laws and decrees of the USSR government or with directives of the union commissariat. 7 The People's Oommissariat of Food Industry USSR has the following main administratioLSfor directing enterprises of union subordination directly and for supervision of enterprises of republic and local subordination through republic commissariats: Main Administration of Fish Industry b. Main Administration of Meat Industry c. Main Administration of Swine Sovkhozes d. Main Administration of Sugar Industry e. Main Administration of Baking Industry f. Main Administration of Confection industry g. Main Administration of Canning Industry h. Main Administration of Butter and Cheese Industry i. Main Administration of Milk Industry J. Main Administration of Fats and Oils Industry k. Main Administration of Margarine Industry 1. Main Administration of Refrigeration Industry m. Main Administration of Spirits Industry n. Mein Administration of Liqueur and Nonalcoholic Beverages Industry o. Main Industry of Wine Industry p. Main Administration of Beer and Yeast Industry q. Main Administration of Tobacco Industry r. Mair. Administration of Tea Industry s. Main Administration of Perfume and Cosmetic Industry t. Main Administration of Salt Industry u. Main Administration of Package Material Industry v. Main alministration of Machine and Shipbuilding 8. Each main administration is headed by a chief who provides economic and technical leadership to enterprises and trusts subordinated to it. Oirer+ives from chiefs of main administrations to chiefs of the various administrations of republic commissariats art valid unless they conflict with or are cwmtermanuea by orders and instructions issued by the people's commissar of the republic commissariat concerned. OONFIDENT[4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 COFL'IDENPIALCONFIDE *. 9. The fc,llowing divisions and sectors are contained in each main administration: a. Industrial-management divisions (the number of these is determined by the number and territorial distribution of enterprises subordinated to the main administration concerned) b. Technical division c. Republic and local industry division (in main administrations which control enterprises of republic and local subordination) d. Capital construction division e. Supply division f. Sales division g. Planning sector h. Finance sector I. Workers cadres and wage payment sector J. Ecckkeeping division 3.. Other division and sectors necessary for the functioning of main administrations. 10. The industrial-management divisions of main administrations have control of, and render operational aid top enterprises and organizations sub.. ordinyted to them, The duties of dispatchers are Dutlined by the industrial-management divisions. Dispatches are attached to main administration enterprises and maintain liaison with them, they also supervise and control operational work in the enterprises. 11. The technical division of a main administration solves problems of a ttchni a- nature for the given branch of industry; supervises methods of production to assure plan fulfillment; discovers causes of breakdovns and finds ways to remedy them; works out methods for introducing new equipment, improving the old, an.' controlling output, and renders technical consulta. tions for enterprises of both republic anu local industries. 12. The republic and local industry division gives advice on quarterly, yearly, and perspective plans presented by the republic commissariats; inspects plan fulfillment by republic and. local industries; renders organizational and technical aid to corresponding administration of republic commissariats and transmits economic and technical experience gained from advanced union enter- prises to republic and local industries. 13. The capital construction division of a main administration draws up plans for capital construction and establishes control over fulfillment of decreed construction; supplies enterprises under construction with projects and estimates; and renders operational aid in construction. C?NF1DENJW Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 COil', ENI'IAi,CONF!DENTDB 14. The sales division of a main administration determines sales of prod- ucts, concludes sales agreements, and supervises trading bases, offices, and he retail chain of the main administration. i 5. The People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR includes the follow- ng subdivisions; a. Political Administration, which has charge of political work in the enterprises and sovkhozes of the commissariat tion b. Main Administration for Constructions which carries out construc- work through its trusts c. Main Administration of Supply, which has charge of technical and material supplies, and encompasses cost-accounting offices for supply. and enterprises for the manufacture of by-products d. Main Administration of Fish Conservation and Fishing, which con- trols all-union reservoirs, regulates fishing, and supervise the reproduction and conservation of fishupplies e. Main Administration of Educations.: Institutions, which supervises the institutions directly subordinated to the union commissariat, and super- vieee prepacarion of cadre= for the educational institutes subordinated to republic commissariats f. All-Union Livestock Procurement Combine (Soyuzzagotskot), which procures livestock that is delivered to or purchased by the government g. All-Union Uncured Tobacco Combine (Soyvztabaksyr'ye), which pro- cures tocke of uncured tobacco. 16. There is a control and inspection group under the People's Commis- sarlet of Food Industry USSR which, in accordance with instructions from the people's commissar. verifies plan fulfillment by republic commissariats, main admini_t--.9tions, dlvlsiens, ;vectors, trusts, and all economic organizations and enterprises of the union commissariat, and proper execution of decrees, orders, and regulations of the party and government. 17. 7'1,F following ?livieions, sectors, etc., are included in the People's Commissariat of Food Ind.LStry USSR: a, Planning Sector, which draws up current and perspective plans and presents them to the people's commissar is. Finance Sector, which draws up collective financial plans and presents them to the people's commissar, supervises fulfillment of plans, and guides the financial work of main administrations, enterprises, and organiza- tions of the union commissariat c. Central Bookkeeping, which performs bookkeeping for the food industry and instructs and supervises accounts of the organs of the union com- missariat d. Economic-Accounting Sector, which performs statistical account. e. Foreign Sector, which has charge of food industry experts and required imports, supervises fulfillment of these plans, and organizes use of foreign economic aid for the food industry Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CO!S IDENTIALCONFIDENT1 f. Workers Cadres and Wage Payment Sector, which organizes recruitment of workers, establishes work and pay norms, directs proper organization o- work, tapes means to eliminate turnover of workers cadres, and supervises the security of the enterpriser. g. Sector for Registration and Selection of Cadres, which handles Placement of workers and assigns the graduates of educational institutions, economists, engineers, and technicians h. Capital Construction Sector, which draws up collective plans for capital, construction presents these plans to the people's commissar for approval and supervisej fulfillment of these pla:.s i. Trading Sector, which draws up plans for selling products and Plane for the exchange of commodities by the retail chain of the commissariat, and controls their fulfillment; inspects the work of sales offices and bases, and of the retail trade chain of the food industry; organizes advertisinE, and inspects products for outward appearance J. Mobilization Division k. Transport Administration, which draws up plans for rail and water shipment of goods, inspects fulfillment of plans, and inspects the work of main administrations, enterprises, and trusts in the field of transport ' Sanitary Service Administration, whose duty it ie to exercise con- trol ov-' sanitation in food enterprises, both directly and through sanitation inspectorates of main administrations and republic commissariats m. Inspectorate for the Quality of Food Products n. Veterinary Inspectorate, which functions in sovkhozes and food in- dustry enterprises o, Inspectorate for Boiler Inspection, which inspects ?nd controls the condition of toilers and boiler equipment of food industry enterprises p. Living Quarters Division, which has charge of living quarters under the Jurisdiction ui ,sue Peopie'_ ,,,,..uja6_a,lsc ox Food Industry USSR, draws up plans for construction of living quarters and capital reconstruction of such buildings q. Bureau of Standards, which sets up standards for food industry prod- ucts and supervises their observation r. Bureau of inventions, which studies the most important inventions, (resents them for approval to the people's commissariat, controls the introduction of inventions and technical improvements, and issues patents on invention a. Arbitration t. Administrative-Economic Division u. Complaints Bureau v. Secretariat of the people's commissar and his deputies w. Archives - 6 - CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDEN 18, The People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR has its own publishing house and the daily paper, Pishchevava Tzdustriya 19. Within the People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR there is a Collegium, the chain_an of which is the people's commissar. The Collegium meets regularly and reviews problems of practical management, checks on accomplishment, selection of personnel, reports from workers in local organs, and current orders and instructions. The decisions of the Collegium are implemented by orders is- sued by the People's Comm sear. In case of disagreements between the people's commissar and the Collegium, the people's commissar carries out his decisior and brings the Collegium's disagreement to the attention of the Council of People's Commissars USSR. The membership of the Collegium is nominatbd by the people's commissar and confirmed by the Council of People's Commissars USSR. 20. Under the people's commissar there is a Technical Council, which: a. Advises the people's commissar on the most important technical problems presented for his decision b. Revie~, general problems concerning technical production and design of equipment c, Gives consultation on technical projects presented for the approval of the people's commissar d. Establishes general supervision and control over the work of scientific research institutes subordinated to the main administrations of the food industry. The membership of the Technical Council is confirmed by the People's :ommi9sar of Food Industry USSR. 21. The council of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR is established under the people's commissar for local liaison and exchange nerience. The council convenes once every 2 months and reviews thtoimpor tart problems of the food industry. The council is appointed by the people's 22. To take advantage of the achievment of economic and technical workers and Stakhanovites and also for purposes of criticism and self-criticism, the people's commissar each month convenes the aktivs of the commissariat. Accord- ingly, in the main administrations the heads of trusts and enterprises convene the aktivs, where reports on the most important decisions of the party and the government are heard and discussed. (5) Organizational Structure in 1948 In 1948, the following main administrations were listed as being under the Ministry of Food Industry USSR, the Ministry of Gustatory Industry USSR, and the corresponding RSFSR ministries. Ministry of Food Industry USSR Main Administration of Baking Industry Main Admini-tration of Canning Industry Main Administration of Confection Industry Main Administration of Educational Institutions Main Administration of Food Concentrates Main Administration of Food Machinery Building Main Administration of Margarine Industry 50X1-HUMI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 CO,,DEr,CONFlDENTI Main Administration of Package Material Industry Main Administration of Salt Industry Main Administration of Sugar Industry Main Administration of Supply Main Administration of vegetable Fate and Oils Main Administration of Workers' Supply In'pectorate for quality of Food Products Ministry of Gustatory Industry TiSSR Main Administration of Beer Industry Main Administration of Liqueur and Vodka Industry Main Administration of Nonalcoholic Beverages Industry Main Administration of Perfume anu Cosmetic Industry Main Administration of Spirits Industry Main Administration of Supply Main Administration of Tea Industry Main Administration of Tobacco Industry Main Administration for Tobacco Procurement and Processing Main Administration of Wine Industry Main Administration c? Workers' Supply Ministry of Food Industry RSFSR Main Administration of Bread-Baking Industry Main Administration of Flour-Milling Industry Main Administration of Confection Industry Main Administration of Macaroni Industry Main Administration of Salt Industry Main Administration of Syrup Industry Main Administration of Supply Main Administration of Fruit and Vegetable Industry Main Administration of Vegetable Fats and Oils Ministry of Gustatory Industry RSFSR Main Administration of Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages Industry Main Adminie-ration of Supply Main Administration of Wine Industry.(6) Current Key Personnel The following ministers and other key personnel of the food industry have been identified in 1950 and 1951 sources. Alekseyev, V., chief, Main Administration of Sugar Industry, Ministry of Food Industry USSR (7) Andreychs, N. I., Inspector for Wine Quality. Ministry of Food Industry USSR Andriatis, K. K., Minister of Food industry Idthuanian SSR (9) Azarashvili, P. B., chief, Main Administration of Wine Industry, Ministry of Food Industry USSR (8) Baydakov, G. I., Minister of Food Industry Belorussian SSR ;10) Butin, M. Ye., Minister of Food Industry Kazakh SSR (11) Gritsyuk, I. G., Minister of Food Industry Ukrainian SSR, (12) Ivanov, I. Ya., editor in chief, Food Industry Publishing House (Pishcheprom- izdat)(13) Karkaryan, fnu, Minister of Food Industry Azerbaydzhan SSR (14) Khodzhayev, A., Minister of Food Industry Uzbek SSR (15) Kongurbayev, A., Minister of Food Industry Kirgiz SSR (16) Krasnfuk, P. I., chief, Main Administration of Wine Industry, Ministry of Food Industry Ukrainian SSR (17) Lykbmus, A. I., Minister of Food Industry Estonian SSR (18) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 coNFIDERTL CONE IDENTI Pavlov, Minister of Food Industry USSR (12) Piruzyan, A. S., Minister of Food Industry Armenian SSR (19) ShakiinA. N., editor, Snkharnaya Promyshlennost',organ of Main Administration of sugar Industry, Ministry of Food industry u3SR (20) S ivoP, I. K., lie..It Minister of Food Industry USSR (21) Smi USS,(A)P., editor, Tabak, bimonthly organ of Ministry of Food Industry Sokolov, V. Ny Minister of Food Industry RSFSR (23) Taurkan, K. I., Minister of Food Industry Moldavian SSR (24) 1, Pol'ahaya Sovetskaya EntelklopediyaVo1 XLI, Moscow, 1939, p 212 2, Moscow, Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, No 2, 1939 3, Ibid., No 26, 1946 4, Moscow, Pravda, 17 Mar 49 5, "On the Confirmation of the Statute Concerning the people's Commissariat of Food Industry USSR, 5 May 1938," Sobraniye Postanovleniy i Rasporya- zheniy Pravitel'stva SSSR, no 22, Item 141, 1938 6, Moskva -- Kretkayt Adresno-Spravochnaya Kniga (Moscow -- Short Address and Information Book., Moskovskiy Rabochiy Publishing House, 1948, pp 26, 15-16, 52-53, 47 7, Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 12 May 51 8, Moscow, Vinodeliye i Vinogradaretvo, No 6, 1951 9, Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 29 Apr 51 10. Minsk, Sovetskaya Beloruasiya, 8 Jul' 51 11. Alma-Ate, Kazakhstanakaya Pravda, 1 Jun 51 22. Kiev, Pravda Ukrairy, 30 Mar 51 13, Moscow, Rybnoye Khozyaystvc No 1, 1951 14. Baku, Bakinakiy Rabochiy, 1 Jan 51 15. Pravda Vostoka, 20 May 51 16. Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 22 May 51 17, Vinodeliye i Vinogradarstvo, No 2, 1951 18, Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 1 Apr 51 19. Yerevan, Kommunist, 4 Apr 51 -9- CONFIDENTIAL CONFlD Q. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9 r CONFlDENT1AL 20. Moscow, Sakharnaya Promyshlennost', No 12, 1950 21, Moscow, "pod'yem"Pishchevoy Promyshlennosti SSSR v Poslevoyennoy Stalin- ekoy Pyatilitke, Pravda Publishing House, 1950 22. Moscow, Tabak, No 6, 1950 23. Moscow, Vechernyaja Moskva, 18 Apr 51 24. Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 6 Apr 51 tONFlDENTIAI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050168-9