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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020003-5 /REFERENCE CM RETURN TO. OS REGISTRY 3 0 JUN 1975 cern Sena at; Inspector General Deputy Director fo to the Sena Transfer of Pre recce is made to the recent discussions con- tra z sfer of Presidential Coo mission files to t ct Committee vis a vis the Third Agency Bale. As you we considerable discu Lions with the Pre cal.arly critical with Third Agency Rule became a ion and iaterprettation early on rrival of 1essrs. Robert Olson and James Roethe of the Coa ission at !iesdauarters 3uildin for the purpose of reviewing Office of Security files. Attachment A clearly points out that Cdr. Olson and Mr. Roethe briefed on the existance of titre Third Agency t. .ut ber of files: half to files r They asked for, ocur_aeats from the reviewed fil not documents of. Third Agencies. . grin our cent donestic activities, the but these docuents were projects involving other government aenctas. -- . n projects involving other ovcrnre;t agencies were Attac~ ent ) and actio?t was takea to advise a eacy that information had been passed or might the Presidential omission concerning their involv Attachment Q. Unfortunately, we were not able to vi agency on every subject of interest prior to the rbl of the Co,nfssi not review income illegal to of if led ther sod to (see every at ion ax checks E2 IMPDET CL BY 011018 Co Approved For Release our interpretation of. ule. ``Messrs. Olson and .oethe reviewed a ut .28 in umber, probably no more than wed contained documents of other aancie given, sterilized copies of certain 1901 TMA-RDP83B00823 09080P 200 Approved Foftflo 1 MEDIA-RDP83B00823R000800020003-5 4. Parallel to the above, staff studies were initiated by this Office in conjunction with other concerned Agency offices about the Third Agency Rule. The Office of Security's position concerning the rule and its Interpretation was formulated into a memorandum, dated 10 April 1975, addressed to the ? eneeral Counsel. Attached herewith as Attachment D is a copy of that memorandum. We do not have any information In our possession or know of any reason which would alter that position. 5. Unfortunately, the Office of Securit a y u..w,. &I A W its own records identify documents of other agencies forwarded to the Commission. We sent all our reports and summaries, some o? which d i conta ne copies of aaeardiid bh eana orgnatey Tird Agencies, to the Inspector General, the focal point for the gathering and release of information pertaining to alleged illegal domestic activities. We can identify a number of reported projects or operations containin Third A f g gency In e r- saat ion but we have no idea whether such documents were forwarded. 6. The Office of Security strongly recommends that this Agency adhere to the Third Agency Rule in the release of Agency produced reports and documents in the possession of the Commission to the Committee. We recognize this recommendation may entail considerable time and effort to locate and review each document passed; however, we feel we must be consistent with the regulation in question and past practices. -Charles W. Kane Director of Security AVt Distribution: Orig 4 1 - Addressee 1 - DD/A 1 - Assistant to the Director I - D/S 1 - Registry w/o att 1 - C/OPS 2 - DC/SAG OS/CD/ADC/CD/fms (30 June 1975) Approved For R lease 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020003-5 TIALI