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Document Release Date: 
January 24, 2012
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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1983
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S1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201090062-5 SAN JOSE MERCURY (CA) 7 April 1983 Uncliploma , ticresponse to `hysterical' Grenada By Alfonso Chardy Washington Bureau WASHINGTON - Grenada's foreign min- ister made his usual speech Wednesday, accusing the United States of preparing to invade his small island nation, but this time he drew an unusual American response. Asked by reporters about the accusation, which was voiced before the Organization of American States, U.S. Ambassador J. Wil- liam Middendorf II replied: "Can I use a diplomatic term? Horseshit." When a network correspondent protested that he could not use that term on the air, Middendorf changed it to "bulifeathers." Unison Whiteman, the Grenadan official, had formally charged - as he has publicly several times - that the U.S. Central Intelli- gence Agency was plotting the invasion and that "in recent weeks we have seen clear signs that this plot is nearing its climax." He gave no specifics, other than that mer- cenaries were getting CIA training in Miami for the invasion, wh!Cli -Fe said would be launched from a country near Grenada. "I am not in a position to give you the specific location, but- we have intelligence sources on this question, and we know that training is taking place in Miami," White. man said at a news conference after his speech. "I can say that those involved are largely Nicaraguan and Cuban exiles and some Grenadans, and also some mercenar- ies, a motley collection of counterrevolution- aries sponsored, organized and trained by the CIA." Whiteman said he had come to the OAS to appeal for "diplomatic influence" to thwart the alleged CIA plot. He said the invasion( could come "at any minute. It's impending." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201090062-5