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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 ctassi~I~gM IIitPORFe1ATI~Pi FROM' ~erZ~a~s~ sacacur~~.?ars ~~ #Ansc ~~totcr~cAsTS cQ rye. 'ha tag *hs 3g2~s, x3ien a . egionnl raaaamio plan project vas being rorYed out in oaoaeotiom with the lama-Etalii plan for aleotrifioatia~n of the U8~2, en idoa for the iate~rated eaonam.+.o developAeat of individual large eoaaamio regions Yas proposed by f~ ~7oe;rlan. this plan, a regiao wee aaa-sidsrsd a epeainlized ccabian of All-17nion sigaificeace, en industrial entity is itself, 1lnked rith other regicme by trade. The individual eaaaamic nembirs i~t rhis indaot::ial aozbine stould be brought into iatern+latioa, Sot Daly oa the bavis of gsogra~hio u-ity but aleo~,by mutual interdependenas oa the latsrt scieitiria end :~eohaiaua industrial prooeeees. tlevgraphio unity eaters :;ato the interrelationship es in Che onus of oattaa ~rariag :md silkrara brssdiag. llnlbsrry trees eurrouad irrigated xields, therefoa~s the silltrorm breeding industry Wass the labor of peasants during, the ela~Dt ootton season. Ar, taloe the ezas4ple of forestry, taraiag, sad o~nttL rafsnog?ia ou: northern xegia~ne. There the forestry industry nsso fans labax during thn v's1;sr; sad to Derry on fnrmiag an poor podsolio soil, 'Itie.altls os_iats~cated devslopmeat of econasdo regions, ae ezpreueed :n all the Five-Zees P1saa, zre to derelop the ecamdic regions an ri to strengthen the' internal `oohsreace~ of its aaaQploz, aeeuring rex msteriele, fuel, .and parer is ever greater measure for its industrial facilities; to strengthen its epeoialized poeitiaa is All-tinioa eip~ifiueace; Wad to establish sex industry brsaohse of an A1'_-Union importance. Yubliastim of thw Irx of Lhe wive-Year Plan, sad other mntariala re- gsrdiap +.hs regional ooaaamic deve:.cpment of the U88R in the Fourth Five- Year Ff+. v peraits one to ~isuellze ?; he growth of industrial aomplezee of diverse eoanavia regions oY the Union--the emergesce of new end dletinat brenahes of these oaaplezee and new interrelationship between the various Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 COUNTRY .'S118:1ECT Econcmric -Regional planning NOW Pl1$LiSFiEp lrregu7:ar VMHERE PUSCISHEL) lbecov PLJgLISiiE0 1946 LANGUAGE 'Rnseian ~. s.~ a. d~ us ~t, xs BlideNl. p'N 1AIWUp~M aP fl7a aReBta7ga os en-ewrwre sr e_ar_ Wawa w we s~xY1~0b61s ~uieer ~a rw GATE DlST. /:~~~ 1949 NO, OF PAGES 12 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEYAI.UATE~ IMFORMATION SOURCE . Vgl~tiso~arafii. ?euoad Bympoai~, :1946. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 e 50X1-HUM An aaely9is of the structure and formation of the'U9aSR industrial com- plexee reveals eeeeral distinct tepee. Ta the first type may be inclwded those regions where the economy is fotmded. on ixxigate8, cultitatsca, cheap alectrio pcn+er, and o~ the production of neanferroua a~tnls, petroleum and ether minerals. The Traneanncaeue, Cen- tral Asia, and Fnzakhatan:are such regioaa. The basis o8 the industrial coffiplex is e~lculture. In Central Asia, for example,, the eapaaeiaia"of cotton. groxieig 3e interrelated with new 2rri~tion conatructian, while the latter ie closely a111sd with the cunt industry end hydroeleatrio'porer-plant conetruotiaaa. Piiver generated oy the hydroelectric station will be ueod ahiafly for the production of nitrogen f?rtilaer for %arm land. ^icultee?al 7aechlne building ie tied in with cotton growing; fuel camas to"tho SiAlds Srom local. reFineries and the teztile industry con- muwae ~loultural fibc~ra. During the Fouri:h Five-Yeas Pisrt the agrioulturnY acmplox:of Ceutrel Aeia will' be inteaia9,fied by the development of the uuper- phosphete iadrletry, tshtil? msghine building, chemical machine building, and other'bronchee. Aovever,;ths time will ia~ ~cae, in tba~ deeelo~ent of such a aamplox, ahea the, produotioa ]s~el x111 bring about the eetabliehment of anew eoonemic bronoha? prhioh will foes, new llnka in tho regional industrial complez. Ia Cea- trel Asia,-for ezsmple, ?,dydroeloatric'etatlans are interrelated mai,aly with. irrigation, o~etsuoticxs, ghiah ie being vadertakaa for the` ezpeaelon of the cattaa-grorimg area. Bect the" hydx~neleotric atatioaae a7Ce a?csmtulating euf81- tient rseerve^ of paver to divert sacs of ii into the ezploitatian of non- ferrous metal deposits. Thus s new industrial braa:h of All-IIaiaan importarae comes into ezistsusas. The coal industry, which vas primarily supplying fuel for sntsrpsiNS of the cottcm oasplez, during the Fourth Five-Year Plan ie bsginainE to supply ferrona metallurgy. Ea the beginning, the metall?~rgioel plans viii supply steal for oottcn-processing enterprieee, but later they rill beoaem the basis foT tLa growth of other brnnohoe. This growth will go hand is hand with the utiliutim of minerral deposits and the development of traaeportatioa. In the Trensoauoasns the eeoaaey hee long bees based, aside from iaten- eive farming, on the production of petroleum and manganese. There Cleo, hydroeleotrio aaastrnatim had Pram its very beginning an independent e?gnif- iconce. Awing the Fo~ath Five-Y~a~ P1aa aer branches of the eoanomy will ? combine the separate parts of the industrial aomplez into one ob~eotive. This is particularly t'uc of ferrous metallurgy rhieh sill supply metal for the manufaoturs of petroleum machinery, Pipe-rolling prc,.lucts, hydrotur~ blase for mull aleotrio purer et.v*.ioae, equipment for the tea and viaioulture Sndastriee, sad agri.onlt~rxl nscri.nery. It will supply metal to the industry and to breaches of tba a~iculturel eegr~ent of the regional. oomple=. The pattern ~f dstelopseat in the Treneaeuoaeue, Central Asia, and partionlarly Lsathstsn, reveals the growth of "upper level" industrial oom- plezee, that ie, tDs development of mnohiae building, the erection of its urn netall~sgioal,base, the acmatrw~ticn of p~ner-geaeraL!ng +.aterprieee of All-ikiiaa iaportsaos, and the eet~bllehmenL of a ohemi.oel Sncaetry. Part of these ne-:i~ppsr level ladnaLrlee nugsant thoso All-IDniau braaahee which were eat up is tbses regions before the beginning of the Fourth Five-?ear elan. Ia ~Lasa3r3stan, nitrogen-fertiliaar grodaotica and automobile conetruotion belong to such branches, nla~ng with ferrous metallurgy, petroleum machinery conetruotion, agrQaultural and?tood-mnohinery construction end smell hydro- turbine annufsature. Part Of these acv brunches, which rare Dneed cn eziet- Sag ones, iaediatsly aerumed en All-Union sity~ificnnce. These broaches me eetablieheZ in a given Wren bec..uee it ie thought that this Wren can, better Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 than the others or together with ot2:ers, perform a specific task of serving the needs of the whole ooiantry. In the Transcaucasus, for eaaaiple, an alumiaemi'ianr dustry 3e being developed during the Fourth Five-Year T'7.en. This industz?~ reote an the'ezieting ?ysteez of l~ydroelectrlc power statioae; howe?ger, its produistion does not 'g? t~ etaengthen the regional industrial complex, but it will setae the needs oY All-Union ettterprieee. The appended ohnrte of the industrial complex in the Tranerau4aeus sad Central.Aeia.indicate arhich 'branahes of the eoonna~p and industrial inteaxela- tionehipe enlisted up to the be~innlag of the Fourth FAve-5lear Plea, and"which oY them viii appear during it. Qhly'the basic branches of the eoonom$ and the most iRport+ent intexa^elaticroshSpe ere ehovrs in these charts.,. which asm not intended to reYleot Ehe complete industrial, complex oY the region. Their pur- po~e 1e to ehoi- the development of the oa~mplez end also to Sndicete the eppear- azsce of nnw eegeeate and the gTOxth of the upper levels of the eoonomy. of the industrial lnterrelntooe oY-electrc,poxer stations, onZ,y thane ere shown in the aherte which are oanneatei with large.power-conatmiing breaches of the eaonopmq?. Their ooaneatic~ne with all other branches are implied. The eamo eppl3ee a1?o to the oharte of other re~ione. Iadustrial,dsselopsent Se less eixcoeasful in P'szakhetan than in Central Asia, while the lattr.:r has been somewhat .lase sucoesr+ful tban the Tranecau- ossus. ~r aosipariag the developmont; oiC the industrial campleaes of these thtgee 're~iane 'oaae aan 'visueliie to see extent the futo~~e of Central Asia -and Ba~tia1[bataa: Tw the eeoand type of industrial complexes belong regions in whioh development !e bored on a aambiaation of heavy industries. These inolude the coal, Serroue metallurgy, eheaaionl, heavy maohine building, and nonferrnus matnllurgical industries. The Ukrnine, Heat Siberia sad the Urals belong to euah regions. .'he industrial aoe;plezee were set up before and during the xnr. In the Fourth Five-Yenr Plan they are being ezpnnded by new bx'enchee of the maahit? - building industry. In Heat Biberia and Ukra'ne, such branohea include rict~amobile canstruotioa, railrand-oar counstruction, building of titer ships, irodnoticn of equipaent for a?sl-dressing pleats, et^. Poxer Pram the electric parer stations !e used largoly far the electrification of rnilxoads, due to +.;he huge aoovat of tw-rfYia in these regions. During the Fourth Fite-leer Plan the industrial aaaples of those regions ie to be enlarged by branohee ox light indtatry, iaoluding textile, knitted fabric, and shoe industries. Buoh r~giane ooetala all the bm?a braaohes o~ the saonogo and ar, able to supply Choir cwn needs not one in regard to oast iron, steel, several aonferroue metnle, ~md floel; but they ntb oleo capable of producing .cny kind of machinery. They satisfy tL.e population's need for cloth, kniated fob:?ioe, shoes, and oth&r articles of light industry ae wll as egriovltual pro3uctu. llsnr ssg?saate of these regicnal industrial, aamplezee hnve, cr are aogviring~ All-tki:on iaportanos daiag the Fourth Five-Year Plen. Therefore, tyre develap- sent oP a regienal oaerplsz dose not sabe the region aself-camtniaed wait; on the-aantrsry, its dstelopsient streagthsns the role of t>:~ region is the natiaoal eac~oe~. This fe refloated in the growth of iroight traffic in these regime. Esoh oY too three regions of this type hoe its ova peoulinritiea. Ti:e Urals, much =ore than the othssn,are replete with the a7et.diperee interrelated aega . meats of oa indaetriil oosplez. Following the Urnle is this rdepeot ie Lhe U3a~alae. Chart 3 eh;~e the aoeibin~tion of branaLe9 and their po?ulation ties for Hest Biberia, which hm a lees Sategrated eoanaaia complex than eithE -the wine or the Urals. ~H'IITOAC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Ta the t2i1rQ type of industrial complez belong regions having established eombixiatione of interrelated branches of the processing industry, suet ne machino-tool oammetruction; repreeeuted mainly by pronleicm amd combination machine-foal aonstxuction, chemicals, teztles and others. G?R$ral Europeeu USSEt end the morthWeat ers among such regions. During the H'ourth Five Year Play the development of the industrial aom- plelces of thesb 1egltme is cgntinuing morn oa the "lovor11 then an the upper levels n% the eoaaway. Tlaeso consist of a secure electric power base for 1n- dustry any tranaportatlon; local metallurgy, fuel base, productian of liquid Fuel and +, eto. Ta other xordei these regions are completing the atru6t9ire of their roomy with those brenohe? with which regions of the second type started: th~dr fievelop~nt fluxing ties FSret and Second Fire-Year Plane. Braaehes which are ~ beginniicg to be eetabllehed in regions of the second typo era alreeay Su ezietenee in tlaeee regioaa. It might be eeeu~d than, that the structures which started from the bottcel up and 41ce vex'aa, i. e,, fresi the top down, will in tho end be lden- tioeJ.. Sowevsx, this aestmaption done sot apply to tho of regioxae oS','tha eeoond and $hird Lypo. Zn the Tlkrain Ftra].w. sad feet BiberiaJ the'lbeer le7ols of lsdustry,, xerroue metallurgy; aoal mining, sad ;other bt^aeehee or the eoasaoay,.emerged because the~e'reglonm are endaa~ed v~Ch 'first-rate natural reeouroee of world-trifle as erell- ae .411?-[Trion impcrrtaaoe, .tee rm?ouroee inaludo aoe:, iron ore, ncnferxoua metals, `salts, petrglet~, eta. There. the eoona~ hee its roots in the mineral resources 4f the oaa~th. .Tar ostablleh lower lovals in rsgione such na the nortDsveet sad Centra'_ 8uropeaa UB~t it fe neaeeeary to use those limited resources which ate available and to utilize the power resources of the flat, slow-flowing rivers, meeeive peat bog, brownish ash, sulfurous noel and combustible shale. Only the highly teohaioal produoticm of the upper levels of these regions, that ie, o:,eaical msohine building and other branches of the industry, ellexe the utiliaatian of these far-oft but First-rate local reeam see. During the aev Five-Year Plan the output of noel in the Moscow lignite bactn will be ia- creseed several, ee will peat output end ohale mining am vhiah the eetabliehmeat saf a gea ladnetry belv.- Leningrad ie dependent. The iron ores of the ETU'sk liagr-etite Anamnly, xHioh era difficult to roach, will also be ut111seA. The deve:.~pc?ent of inel iaduetry, ferrous metallurgy, gee manufactrre, and other iatraregianel branahee of the industrial ccmplez, in regiame of the third type, rill oaeisolidste oa a permsaent foundation the earlier eetab- liehsd All-Onirn braaohes of the proosssiag industry. Chart 4, ehowiag the Asvelopment of the production c~plez of the north- weet QTSing Lhs fourth !'ive-Year Place, gives an Sadioation es to hw rev branches of *,he eomt~y x3,11 be ca~nnsoted with the old. Tc the fourtA type belotng,thou~ regiame it- vhiah 'he industrial catplsz vas at first aa?neoted oa1,7 rith a tiabsr or agrictltural ecanos4y, but-later vas supplemented by a thole aaa~lez of meohine-building enterprises (with the ezaeptiaa of aetallutg~ of a ms,~or fuel base). This aoaplez arose ahdetly as a result of the fasorable looatiaa of the region in regard to traneporta- tion. The swchim -Dnilding induetrf greatly strengthens the ezietiag branaLss of the soanosp eu-d oea~ees the grorth of aer brenahee. However, hers the problem of machias building oansiste, a~.t so anoh is maintaining the eoaacs~v of the rsgiaa, aA 1n pa'oduaing neohiaer for the IInior. ae n whole aa~ for a large group of re8laaes= 'P6s Folga region, the Baltic regim, Belorneeia, sad the Borth Cauoaens belong Lo this type of region. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 total econa?y and light industry. The power industry of the Baltic region is based on peat end pnrtioralarly ehEiLe output. During. the new sire-Year Plea a eimi].ar industrial complex will also be created in Beloruaeia. Chart S shows this structure. The fifth'aad lent type of industrial camplez in the Soviet Dnion com- prisea those ragiaze in which the ec;~caq is based upon . timber, lumber, fish sad extraotiaa indmetriee; th.:latter conaleting matuly oi' ?xstrole~an and nary nonYerroa.s m?tal oxtraotiou 1n Eortli Slxropeaa L*Bt3R, Seat. Siberia, Far East. The industrial ownplex of iehsse raglans, wb11a etl].l sot fully developed, is r?praeanted by isolated and, ae yet, pcorly ooanoote,d 1l~nks, Ta these regiame the main emphaeie, during the Fourth Five-Year Plan, will be on trane- portntion conetruation, prospecting of mineral resouroes, eetabliehment of a local ferrous metalla^gv, traanport machine-building (uarticultrly shipbuilding), electric power statiene and othex "pioneer" brenofles of the economy, which will maximize the industrial strength of the regien. Of the three enumerated regions, the lar East has progressed further Sa this reeF,tct than the others; East Biberia made the least progroea. In the regions of the fifth type, the coal l~duatr;~ vas 3nsaloped before and during t`+ var. This industry will grow s;xangly during the Fourth Five- Year Pion. Ye~~:roleua output in the ]tar Eaet and in t;,a north is 3ucreasing rapidly. Produot.:ca of liquid fuel will he established iL ]5ast Siberia. A very large ferrous metallurgical bees to serve the ueede of the shipbuilding industry will be developed is tkie Tar Eaet. iJater power potential still is not fully utilized. The timber industry of all thred regiane Se important for export. During the new Five-Year Plna these regions x111 etsengthen their role in the chemical utilization of wood ;cellulose, alcabol and other produote). The developveat of la4uetriel ocaiplexee in such regionr~ is similar to that is re~eiaae pf the second type. '!'hay d1~'fer in that is the Fier East, East 81~eria, and partly Sa the north, there arose machine-building, ohemical and other irdustriee, in ccn~uactica with the timber, ltmiber, fishing, cad o=traotiem of gold, tin, petrnleum, cad other nonferrous metals. The vro- duction of these All?Lhion brrnchee raised thn agricultural level of,ths ~donamy sad trannpcn teticn, sad gave rise i:o a food industry sad a 11ght try. 1Rl 7'he production comples of the 'lolga region vac established, in its basic outlines, before the, war; madi%iod, during the waa?, ii%th the ccunpietioa of flee IIral Autaomobile Plant. and other enterprises, t}te xiinaber of machine-building plants x11.1 be increased during the 'Fou'rth F1ve-Year P1aR. The electric paver ecoaaaa, will depend oa the increasing output of petroleum and natural fuel gee. There ie still no industrial complex iu the Baltic region, since its ectln~ $e only beginning to be developed during tho &talin Fiae-Yanr Plea. Thera is a oo~binsti.oa of entez`prleee but not a complete camples, The latter will be formed' 1a the L6aion repub3.ios of the Baltic regic% at the beginning of the near Flve-Year Ply. Amachine-building industry will be eatabllehed there which will here an All-Y7nion Eigal:Ficance and which will raise the industrial level of ottaer braao2ees of the r?puTolics' aconoasy -- partioularly tho sgricul- HLen lad~setriea camnected with the chief natural resources, such as ooal, ira~a ore, nonferrous metal, tmd va~ter-power, potential, ate eetab21s1ed is these regia~ne during the new Five-Year Plan, they will rest oa the already efieting upper level production. This fact +rill facilitate their ecoacmic growth. This ie in oantraet to regioae of the eooond type where the growth of the economy started from the bottom. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 '" ~ Keut Siberia,, f'or example,. the q.etahllah~$t of am induetr}e1 camplnz starteQ vitlt coal and a~etellurp; lai Beet ~1'*.:es in, go4a, aicYel, os2d tin e~tractia~ paved the vey tar ;coe.1 m9aing, ferrcue metallurgy ea-d the con- gtructlmi cY;kiydmelectric pxr+eer'etatias?e.'" Ghart 6, ~aet 8iberin, ehov? ha the elements oi' :the Sadiaetria]' caaplem vill take ?hape ;ia auch:'regica2e. Y'he iio~tegre'Lad develogusat ?i the regions; c~ tlae i,'the iategra$iisn of iaterreLationship?,- and the eetaDlieh~nt of co~ectiz~q ,13nks of;fihe 1aQas- trial complex ~~ still itu~ther grax~th in the.' econom, and a etxengt}~es-' ing of ' f:-terxegic~el trado . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 ~_._~ _J ~ 1 - 1 , ~~ ~~ L it ,r 8ubfisopl6 d~ltlntY?a ~ ~- ~,~t BrRaohe~ of Sadustr~ and Snterralatioradhipo asietivg-prior to the lbilltII 117! T60P 818n Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 '/~--~ tool ~ ~tmrblasn S , i --- o , ,...,,w,..., ---a,ellots?io r-a. 3t: isrdneitr~` ~-~ , 1 - e 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 lritxogs rmsu:ez Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 CLart 3. Develo~eent nt Indnetria]. Ocf;plea of NssS Sibsria Doping tbs.Fotrr$h Fiee=Year P3an> 'haetor oometruo- tioa llanLire- 'ool s bni]diag 'Antaetobile ~ ~ Bailroad 1 i Ier tex- ~ ---7~oametrno- ~ a~ oa: ?oA-? ~E--'.: 'I the ~i13e~ ~tioa I ~ ~ etruotione ~ ~ I e 1 1II I - ~ fnslid I i I induefTy ~ ~ ~ ind~~tt7 ---- Large sleo I ~E9ulpmeat: trio pwor Ferroalloys ~ for'coal ~ I stations, ~r;drsesng s I coal fired ~ ' ~ P~~ a ~ ~ L-- -=- - -t ? A?riault~ eoanaq -.J 1 { r' . ~ ~ ~___. _ ~---'~ _1 I ~ ~ - _r~_____?_-~ 1 ~ i ? ~ ~ ~ lerrous Ircui ~ e setallurgy ---?~ mini:a6 I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 ~narE ~. De~elopsNnt of 3Ldnstta,1 IIo~plez of the laa~thvestea~ DSO ]Aaria-~ ~Ghe l~tn~th lin-Yenr ginsral rertili:sr i~ klnaiam ~ Hoag iffinstr~ , j indnstx7 ~~ ~~ ' ~---, L--`l ~ D,ranehEa .o light ladnstxS --- apatite aad oephalin '1'e7ttila lx~nrta 3 Coppsr i and niake_2~ nin3ag i 8ysthbtio fib?r? ln~t~fixy ~ Colluloee saeQ pipes i~tiaaatxy Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 1 i __-1 1 ~ - - --`~. II ! r1_J.9C~ i ~ ~ ~ ~- _ _ _ _-~ lemons ~ liokal I"~-'-T I~tetsllnrp 1 emel~fing Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 r---'r----, r--~x ~-., ~1'Kt-~1n3r.~I iAntovobSle ~ ~---~ sgni~a~t ~ ~ s~yuipmeat i ~iami4aotulre~ s i ~ o Titaber scoac~p ~ 'l. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3 ISquid th~l 1 1 1 I 7 T1II i~ 1 SLT~ aO1.Q ~ ~ CrOal alaing airing ~ -'~ alniag Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230517-3